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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #90 on: January 18, 2013, 06:12:21 PM »
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Odd how on the AWS site they have the graphic without "Infowars" printed on it. �I question, along with OP, the legitimacy of this collab.

Also, Planned Parenthood does not use federal funding for abortions, those go towards other services for women's health.

Lastly, if you, TMKF, were a true libertarian you would recognize the rights of women to have an abortion despite your personal moral objections.

I guess if I were a "true" libertarian I'd be down for child pornography too right? If government funds go to Planned Parenthood its helps them as a foundation, they are the largest abortion provider in the country, so that bs argument doesn't work.
Bad counter, child porn infringes on someone else (the child) so that would not fit in with the ideology.

And your argument is bs, the federal funding is used for pap smears, mammograms, and other services. �I recall a stat from election season that while PP is the largest abortion provider, only 3% of their activities are abortions.


I'm just wondering who protects the rights of the unborn? You think an unborn baby wants to be killed? If you see it as just a fetus thats your interpretation but I don't, I see it as an unborn living person. As I said if you guys wanna back murder and eugenics that's cool but I can't. I'd love to see the source that only 3% of Planned Parenthood is abortion. They perform close to half a million abortions a year...that's a large 3%. Even if that was true which I'm sure it isn't the federal funding helps them as an organization. I just don't think the government should be involved in giving organizations tax dollars, they should just let us keep that money and we can decide what organizations we want to donate to.

You are embarrassing yourself. How old are you? What do you believe in?

Actually, I take that back: have you ever gotten another human being pregnant? Have you yourself ever been pregnant?

Shut the fuck up about abortion. It's not your fight and it's not your debate.

It's none of ours.

How can you believe in freedom and believe you have the right to tell another human being what to do with their body? I can't believe you can talk about an unborn baby not wanting to be killed and be anti free healthcare. Not that's it any sort of argument, but it puts holes in yours:

How many "free" abortions do you think people have because they can't afford to give birth to a child, or pay for the medicine and health care that child will require for the rest of it's life?


I'll be 29 on Monday. I don't have a kid, my wife and I are trying, no luck yet. We plan to adopt as well but want to try to have our own first.

I don't understand the argument that I don't understand freedom if I'm not for what I consider a form murder as well as a tool of eugenics. Which I pointed out earlier in the thread and posted all the sources. I understand the fetus debate I just don't agree with it. I'm not against contraception to prevent from getting pregnant but I feel like once you are that it is living person and if you intentionally kill it or "terminate" it then I'm not down for it. As I said to the others if you are that's your opinion and you're entitled to that opinion, I simply disagree.

As far as "free" Heathcare, there is no sub thing unless a doctor performs a procedure as a form of charity which I think is fine obvioisly. What I don't like and don't trust is state run healthcare which is for some reason labeled as free. Why? Because its not free. I think itll end up being like anything else the state takes over...the price will go up and the quality will go down. First of all it further creates dependency on the state, which I don't think is sustainable,� like Medicare and social security. It leaves the door open for corruption, back door deals and insider trading between Heathcare and insurance companies and their lobbyists and the politicians, ultimately creating more problems than solutions in the name of giving the people something better and free. Am I really crazy to think this? Are you going to claim this kind of stuff doesn't go on within government? I do think there needs to be some kind of reform that takes the government out of healthcare all together because they've proven incapable and not trustworthy. I don't think ripple understand that America is broke, they can't even pay our current bills, how would it be possible to add more? The US borrows .50cents of every dollar we print...this can't last forever. We're gonna be facing another financial crisis and the Gipper along with the government is gonna say its because we're not borrowing enough! Print print print......but I'm the crazy one.

I don't disagree that it won't be perfect. Far from it. But do you honestly think the current system is better than what you're worse-case-scenarioing? Have that kid you're planning, pay all that money, go for it. I just hope you never get sick, and nor does your child, and that you never have to come out of your little guns and freedom bubble to realize what the real important things in life are.

Being healthy, and being able to afford to live at least a reasonable life.

Fuck it though: FREEDOM!

Buy guns. Buy your baby-to-be a gun!

Not agreeing with abortion is just not something I can understand. You don't have to agree with it, it's not your issue to agree with. So it's okay NOT to have a baby (think about the poor sperm, and how you're destroying their entire existence, out their in the cold. You should cry every time you jerk off. That's a baby you're wasting), but if you get pregnant by mistake, and are in no shape, have no money, no support to raise the child you're supposed to just go for it?

Get the fuck out here.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #91 on: January 18, 2013, 06:16:24 PM »
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you are out of your mind if you think entrusting our healthcare to corporations, who are out to make a profit, is a smart or reasonable thing to do.�

Out of my mind? Healthcare is provided by doctors who are individuals who have practices, or work for hospitals or treatment centers etc. Insurance companies are promdominently corporations. Do you think the government currently runs everything or should run everything? Have that proven to have our best interest at heart? Have you ever heard of a free market? What's wrong with making a profit for your work? Man this country is worse off than I thought...

You (as in giant corporations) shouldn't make huge piles of money out of peoples suffering, illness and death. Or their well-being for that matter. And having the government involved doesn't suddenly mean that doctors won't make money. You think being a doctor in other developed countries with "free" healthcare isn't a well-paid job?

Having a chronic life-long disease where the only medication available to treat it costs $700 A MONTH is not a free market. It's a fucking cruel joke.

Tha J-train

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #92 on: January 18, 2013, 06:18:17 PM »
However, not every solution plays out well.  Ending slavery didn't play out well economically, but it was the only way to move forward respecting the rights of all.  Whether or not abortion should be allowed shouldn't be based on convenience.  Either a fetus is a person or it isn't, and you shouldn't arrive at that conclusion based on how well things would play out.  That's pragmatism divorced from principle, and nations should be founded on principles.

(edited to say this  ^ was in response to a suggestion that banning abortion would lead to backalley abortions)

For the record, I'm for a healthcare system similar to that of Italy.  We currently pay far more for much less.  Yeah, government is inefficient blah blah blah but not other countries governments? I think it should be declared a human right.  I wouldn't say we're demanding services of our doctors any more than I'd say we're demanding services of our firemen.  Should firemen let the homes burn of those who didn't pay their taxes?
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 06:20:04 PM by Tha J-train »

get some

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #93 on: January 18, 2013, 06:46:58 PM »
. George Norrie pro model would be sick.
say they ain't no gravity up there....mean we could get high and never come down....


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #94 on: January 18, 2013, 08:11:38 PM »
I think TMKF has some valid points. �He's overstating things, but let's get to the core of some of these arguments.

It's a stretch to say that the pro-choice movement today is largely supported by eugenicists (it's supported by liberals who do not believe a fetus is human life). �Eugenics definitely played a role in the abortion movement early on, but these days there are very few eugenicists, and yes, its very disturbing that one of Obama's senior advisors suggests that reproductive freedom can take a backseat to achieving ideal population levels.

But, I think it makes very logical sense that tax dollars wouldn't go toward an organization doing something vehemently opposed by those financially supporting it. �There are two arguments people make here:

1: The funds are specifically meant for good things, like STD testing

To which I would reply STD testing is great, but it's still supporting an organization that roughly 100 million people in the US wouldn't willingly support.

And 2. �Only 3% of what they do is abortion. �Over 300,000 abortions is 3% of their services yes, but it accounts for $165 million (or 15%) of their revenue. �Saying 3% sounds a lot better than saying they make $165 on abortions. �

Whether its foreign wars or planned parenthood, our tax dollars shouldn't be spent on things that a significant amount of taxpayers are opposed to. �We're funding drones that have killed civilians in Pakistan, Yemen, and other countries. � I think we can all agree we're not okay with that.

There's one thing I can agree with Alex Jones on - you can't really trust this government. �

-The US govt interned Japanese Americans in the WWII era (I wouldn't have blamed any of them for using semi-automatics to defend against "government tyranny")

-The US govt knowingly withheld the cure to syphillis while experimenting on African Americans in the south up until the mid 70's during the Tuskegee experimens.

-The draft. �Yeah, some other countries do it. �But they don't send their troops to Vietnam. �

-The US joint chiefs of staff signed off on Operation Northwoods which would have been the US govt bombing Miami and other cities and blaming it on the Cubans so we could have had public support to go to war. �JFK didn't want to do it, JFK got killed and no one knows who was behind it besides this Lee Harvey Oswald guy.

It's funny that the ethnic groups with the least history of US government oppression (caucasians) are often the most insistent to protect themselves against it. �Yeah, they come off as crazy and overly paranoid. �But let's not get on the "we're not like them" train just because we don't want to be associated with truthers and gun lovers. �

The board graphic is good - think of how divided the country gets when you focus in on issues like legally purchased semi-automatic firearms, which statistically represent the tiniest of blips on the radar of deaths in the US. �

Great post.

Just to would be foolish to think that the pro choice movement is mostly made up of and supported by eugenicsts, and I wasn't claiming that. I agree with your assessment.  I just know the foundation of the modern pro choice movement is largely based on eugenics. I do feel that these eugenicsts plan was to indoctrinate abortion as a sociatal normalcy, desensatise the issue and make it about women's rights, in order to hide their true intentions. I think that's pretty obvious when you look at the quotes of the people involved. People have become so accustomed to abortion now that there is two taking place every minute, and many simply use it as birth control. Id say Margaret Sanger & JP Morgans plan is alive and well today and that is what I think about when I think about abortion. Most are taught as I was taught that its a women's right. They're told than this issue is taboo and never to question it and if you do you're a women hater who thinks women have no place but in the kitchen and shouldn't have the right to vote. I did some research on it, what I found disturbed me and changed my mind on the issue, simple as that.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #95 on: January 18, 2013, 08:26:42 PM »
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you are out of your mind if you think entrusting our healthcare to corporations, who are out to make a profit, is a smart or reasonable thing to do.�

Out of my mind? Healthcare is provided by doctors who are individuals who have practices, or work for hospitals or treatment centers etc. Insurance companies are promdominently corporations. Do you think the government currently runs everything or should run everything? Have that proven to have our best interest at heart? Have you ever heard of a free market? What's wrong with making a profit for your work? Man this country is worse off than I thought...

You (as in giant corporations) shouldn't make huge piles of money out of peoples suffering, illness and death. Or their well-being for that matter. And having the government involved doesn't suddenly mean that doctors won't make money. You think being a doctor in other developed countries with "free" healthcare isn't a well-paid job?

Having a chronic life-long disease where the only medication available to treat it costs $700 A MONTH is not a free market. It's a fucking cruel joke.
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you are out of your mind if you think entrusting our healthcare to corporations, who are out to make a profit, is a smart or reasonable thing to do.�

Out of my mind? Healthcare is provided by doctors who are individuals who have practices, or work for hospitals or treatment centers etc. Insurance companies are promdominently corporations. Do you think the government currently runs everything or should run everything? Have that proven to have our best interest at heart? Have you ever heard of a free market? What's wrong with making a profit for your work? Man this country is worse off than I thought...

my insurance dropped me as soon as i got sick.  my medication was something like $5000/month after that, as well as a 35,000 bill for the first time i had to be hospitalized. it gets to the point where you finally realize that it costs too much to be alive, and you begin to pray for death.  i made it through all of that shit somehow, but i can tell you there are so many that just give up.  i know, because i spent months in the hospital with them. 

 it was a free government hospital that saved my life, and although i am very grateful, the care i received was complete shit and i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.  and i had a disease that isn't always necessarily life threatening; i had to get chemo with little kids who were most certainly going to die.  and not comfortably at least, because they happened to be born to parents with not a lot of money or because some asshole in a cubicle decided to weasel out of their insurance contract.

 its easy to sit on your high horse if you've never been ill, but it will happen to all of us at some point, and when it does just see how fast some number cruncher is going to scour your medical history to look for a way out.  we're spending billions upon billions of dollars to make rich people richer, while we let our own citizens die like dogs.  its fucking disgusting, and you are a fucking idiot for falling for it. 
Fuck brandon biebel... The lemon thrower


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #96 on: January 18, 2013, 08:35:39 PM »
This one time at band camp I stuck a flute in my pussy.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #97 on: January 18, 2013, 08:57:05 PM »
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you are out of your mind if you think entrusting our healthcare to corporations, who are out to make a profit, is a smart or reasonable thing to do.�

Out of my mind? Healthcare is provided by doctors who are individuals who have practices, or work for hospitals or treatment centers etc. Insurance companies are promdominently corporations. Do you think the government currently runs everything or should run everything? Have that proven to have our best interest at heart? Have you ever heard of a free market? What's wrong with making a profit for your work? Man this country is worse off than I thought...

You (as in giant corporations) shouldn't make huge piles of money out of peoples suffering, illness and death. Or their well-being for that matter. And having the government involved doesn't suddenly mean that doctors won't make money. You think being a doctor in other developed countries with "free" healthcare isn't a well-paid job?

Having a chronic life-long disease where the only medication available to treat it costs $700 A MONTH is not a free market. It's a fucking cruel joke.
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you are out of your mind if you think entrusting our healthcare to corporations, who are out to make a profit, is a smart or reasonable thing to do.�

Out of my mind? Healthcare is provided by doctors who are individuals who have practices, or work for hospitals or treatment centers etc. Insurance companies are promdominently corporations. Do you think the government currently runs everything or should run everything? Have that proven to have our best interest at heart? Have you ever heard of a free market? What's wrong with making a profit for your work? Man this country is worse off than I thought...

my insurance dropped me as soon as i got sick.  my medication was something like $5000/month after that, as well as a 35,000 bill for the first time i had to be hospitalized. it gets to the point where you finally realize that it costs too much to be alive, and you begin to pray for death.  i made it through all of that shit somehow, but i can tell you there are so many that just give up.  i know, because i spent months in the hospital with them. 

 it was a free government hospital that saved my life, and although i am very grateful, the care i received was complete shit and i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.  and i had a disease that isn't always necessarily life threatening; i had to get chemo with little kids who were most certainly going to die.  and not comfortably at least, because they happened to be born to parents with not a lot of money or because some asshole in a cubicle decided to weasel out of their insurance contract.

 its easy to sit on your high horse if you've never been ill, but it will happen to all of us at some point, and when it does just see how fast some number cruncher is going to scour your medical history to look for a way out.  we're spending billions upon billions of dollars to make rich people richer, while we let our own citizens die like dogs.  its fucking disgusting, and you are a fucking idiot for falling for it. 

Thank. Fucking. You.

When you're down and out and push comes to shove, free healthcare might just save your life. Whether it's of the highest quality or not.

Imagine the walking-wounded being asked to pay for top quality health care when in a war zone, rather than gratefully receive the life-saving budget shit that they do, that gets them to the helicopter and home.

Sorry to hear about the shit you went through. My own pails in comparison, but the point is the same.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #98 on: January 18, 2013, 09:19:58 PM »
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TMKF, you don't really know what libertarianism means, do you? Libertarians don't support child pornography because IT HARMS THE CHILD! Libertarians believe in little to no regulation in personal lives WHEN IT DOES NOT HARM ANOTHER HUMAN BEING!

And please tell me where I resorted to name calling (except that post where I did it to point out the fact that it was what you were resorting to quite early on in the debate). I didn't try to argue your quotes because I know them already and I don't agree with them. No rational human being does. What I instead tried to do was illustrate your inability to engage with pro-choice beliefs in any other manner than a eugenics one. Your inability shows the fact that you don't have a modern argument against abortion since that is not how people make pro-choice arguments today. That's it.

I certainly know about libertarianism means, I'm a libertarian and have been for quite some time. I simply just see an unborn child as a person who has rights and not just a fetus. Therefore I see abortion as harming another human being.

I'm sorry I was mixed up your comments with someone elses, I apologize sir.

Just shut up, it's nothing to do with what you're talking about. �This is about Alien Workshop doing a straight up kook collab with someone with no credibility. I'd expect this shit from a lesser company. �

What's next a Timothy McVeigh graphic? Koresh? American Resistance Movement?

Obviously Alein Workshop doesn't agree with you. Can you cite some examples of how Infowars has "no credibility" or perhaps justify comparing them to Timothy McVeigh?

This collab makes perfect sense to me, I think it's pretty rad that Alien Workshop is backing alternative media.

Alternative fictional media, maybe. Alex Jones is alunatic (I liked Gippers tin foil hat analogy) who grasps at any straw he can to try to justify a non existent point that he has built from the ground up. The reason he is on more obscure radio channels and the internet is because nothing he says really relates to anything except his own fame agenda, and no "credible" media outlet (term used very loosely) would put him on, other than to exploit his train wreck for ratings. He has created a caricature of himself, and the sillier he acts, the more attention he gets... and with that, the more sponsors and money he gets. The more fanny packs and skateboards he can sell.

The problem I have with "truthers", and Alex Jones specifically, is that they take away effort and spotlight from real cultural issues. This country does have a gun violence problem. That is an inarguable fact. Where you stand on what needs to be done about it is where the road divides, and the arguments start. Ranting and raving about the New World Order and how Obama's Hitler mustache is coming in nicely is taking away time, and even money, from people who have sound minds to come together and make an effort to come to a compromise. While Alex jones himself is in no position to really have any say in the legislation process, he is duping A LOT of stupid, stupid people to take his bait, and thus creating a movement that is nothing more than giant counterproductive measure against a compromise on the real issues.

Whenever presented with rational debate policies (No, I don't mean Piers Morgan... that guy is a kook too) Jones just yells at the top of his lungs about things that usually have nothing to do with the topic at hand. He isn't helping anything except himself, and is in fact diverting attention from efforts that might otherwise hold some merit on the actual problems at hand, not the fabricated ones.

No one needs to "win" this issue. There needs to be compromise with the American people as a whole at the heart of the concern, not personal agendas. Gun nuts spout their rhetoric, and gun abolishers spout theirs. This is basically arguing religion at this point. No one even listens to the other side, so no one is going to walk away with an altered opinion.

The discussion should start in the middle with the understanding that neither side of the coin is going to get exactly what they want, and work outward to protect the American people and the constitution in the best way possible, and attempt to make both sides as happy (or equally slighted) as possible. That is what compromise is.

Exactly, and if you mention any credible news outlet, from the Guardian to NYT to Washington Post to whoever etc  they're automatically "turncoats" to use their term and in on the agenda. The funny thing is these people can never give an answer to what the ultimate goal of a so called NWO would be. It all amounts to wasted energy, that does take away from real issues.

Alex Jones is the type of raving person you'd see in Workshop videos between parts like the "that's not what we were told" in Photosynthesis.
That is why this so wack.

Are you aware Operation Mockingbird?  The Washington Post and New York Times factor very prominently.  Here's a decent overview: ...but search for your self, there's much, much more out there about and relating to it.

Here are some books that I routinely recommend.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #99 on: January 18, 2013, 09:28:56 PM »
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TMKF, you don't really know what libertarianism means, do you? Libertarians don't support child pornography because IT HARMS THE CHILD! Libertarians believe in little to no regulation in personal lives WHEN IT DOES NOT HARM ANOTHER HUMAN BEING!

And please tell me where I resorted to name calling (except that post where I did it to point out the fact that it was what you were resorting to quite early on in the debate). I didn't try to argue your quotes because I know them already and I don't agree with them. No rational human being does. What I instead tried to do was illustrate your inability to engage with pro-choice beliefs in any other manner than a eugenics one. Your inability shows the fact that you don't have a modern argument against abortion since that is not how people make pro-choice arguments today. That's it.

I certainly know about libertarianism means, I'm a libertarian and have been for quite some time. I simply just see an unborn child as a person who has rights and not just a fetus. Therefore I see abortion as harming another human being.

I'm sorry I was mixed up your comments with someone elses, I apologize sir.

Just shut up, it's nothing to do with what you're talking about. �This is about Alien Workshop doing a straight up kook collab with someone with no credibility. I'd expect this shit from a lesser company. �

What's next a Timothy McVeigh graphic? Koresh? American Resistance Movement?

Obviously Alein Workshop doesn't agree with you. Can you cite some examples of how Infowars has "no credibility" or perhaps justify comparing them to Timothy McVeigh?

This collab makes perfect sense to me, I think it's pretty rad that Alien Workshop is backing alternative media.

Alternative fictional media, maybe. Alex Jones is alunatic (I liked Gippers tin foil hat analogy) who grasps at any straw he can to try to justify a non existent point that he has built from the ground up. The reason he is on more obscure radio channels and the internet is because nothing he says really relates to anything except his own fame agenda, and no "credible" media outlet (term used very loosely) would put him on, other than to exploit his train wreck for ratings. He has created a caricature of himself, and the sillier he acts, the more attention he gets... and with that, the more sponsors and money he gets. The more fanny packs and skateboards he can sell.

The problem I have with "truthers", and Alex Jones specifically, is that they take away effort and spotlight from real cultural issues. This country does have a gun violence problem. That is an inarguable fact. Where you stand on what needs to be done about it is where the road divides, and the arguments start. Ranting and raving about the New World Order and how Obama's Hitler mustache is coming in nicely is taking away time, and even money, from people who have sound minds to come together and make an effort to come to a compromise. While Alex jones himself is in no position to really have any say in the legislation process, he is duping A LOT of stupid, stupid people to take his bait, and thus creating a movement that is nothing more than giant counterproductive measure against a compromise on the real issues.

Whenever presented with rational debate policies (No, I don't mean Piers Morgan... that guy is a kook too) Jones just yells at the top of his lungs about things that usually have nothing to do with the topic at hand. He isn't helping anything except himself, and is in fact diverting attention from efforts that might otherwise hold some merit on the actual problems at hand, not the fabricated ones.

No one needs to "win" this issue. There needs to be compromise with the American people as a whole at the heart of the concern, not personal agendas. Gun nuts spout their rhetoric, and gun abolishers spout theirs. This is basically arguing religion at this point. No one even listens to the other side, so no one is going to walk away with an altered opinion.

The discussion should start in the middle with the understanding that neither side of the coin is going to get exactly what they want, and work outward to protect the American people and the constitution in the best way possible, and attempt to make both sides as happy (or equally slighted) as possible. That is what compromise is.

Exactly, and if you mention any credible news outlet, from the Guardian to NYT to Washington Post to whoever etc  they're automatically "turncoats" to use their term and in on the agenda. The funny thing is these people can never give an answer to what the ultimate goal of a so called NWO would be. It all amounts to wasted energy, that does take away from real issues.

Alex Jones is the type of raving person you'd see in Workshop videos between parts like the "that's not what we were told" in Photosynthesis.
That is why this so wack.

Are you aware Operation Mockingbird?  The Washington Post and New York Times factor very prominently.  Here's a decent overview: ...but search for your self, there's much, much more out there about and relating to it.

Here are some books that I routinely recommend.

Just stop.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #100 on: January 18, 2013, 11:20:31 PM »
The notion of divide and conquer has been beautifully illustrated by this thread - you've all drawn lines in the sand against each other on push-button topics, when almost every one of you universally agrees that corporations, corrupt leaders and the endless pursuit of money by those who already have most of it are responsible.

The guys at the top want you to keep fighting against each other - that way they can keep doing whatever they want. I don't think that's even a conspiracy.

&& lives to fuck the tits off new mums


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #101 on: January 19, 2013, 12:21:30 AM »
Hey at lease we are not Chinese or god forbid, Mexicans.  Then we would really be screwed.  Our government might be corrupt but at least the government has the ability to shoot nukes out of the sky and nobody else really has that technology.  All that evil allows for the safety of all of us and protects us.  At least for the time being until the corrupt leaders sell us out and then we will end up like the Romans.  I am just going to bask in the fact that I am very lucky.  I hope I die before I have to see the US fall.  I mean I love the fact that I can worry about skateboarding and even the poor pieces of shit who are worthless, instead of having to worry about dying from lack of a toilet or water.  I mean there are people out there dying from diarrhea.  And getting back to Mexico and the China, can you imagine having to live in even those conditions.  Hell I would even go as far to be gracious I am not British.  They might have it pretty good but they are always angry because they got their asses kicked and just refuse to let it go.  As an American I am damn lucky and I fucking love it.

D. Bag

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #102 on: January 19, 2013, 12:38:39 AM »
dude, that's why you kids need to start going to class and stop taking oxy and crack, seriously 'merica is fucked.

You dont even understand there is no such thing as democracy, slavery is still going so badly, I would even say it is the most fascist regime since the nazis. This graphic is about the government controlling the media, the media controlling the general public opinion on politics, and therefore the government controlling people destiny.


But whatever, the president is black so everything is good.

+ motherfucking 1
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 01:04:21 AM by D. Bag »

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #103 on: January 19, 2013, 01:04:40 AM »
OP has fallen into the left/right false paradigm.

AWS has always been some conspiracy shit.

Alex Jones might be a blowhard but most of what he says (including [and especially] 9/11 being an inside job) has merit.

The problem with America is that much of the [otherwise] politically aware populace can't divorce themselves from their belief systems and look at reality objectively--i.e. without emotion--to acknowledge that the last 11.5 years of foreign & domestic policy have been driven by the greatest act of hoodwinking in any of our lifetimes. It's equally exasperating and pathetic to see Pals wax political against the "right wing" whilst swallowing the Kean Commission BS hook, line & sinker.
Skate videos have been downhill ever since 411VM #20

D. Bag

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #104 on: January 19, 2013, 01:09:26 AM »
... when almost every one of you universally agrees that corporations, corrupt leaders and the endless pursuit of money by those who already have most of it are responsible.

Add in the jerkoffs who feel that the world owes them a living just for merely taking up space, and I would gladly agree.  There's no shortage of that idiocy these days.

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #105 on: January 19, 2013, 05:04:13 AM »
Haha you crazy americans


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #106 on: January 19, 2013, 07:45:11 AM »
Regardless of how you feel about INFOWARS, this has to be one of the weakest collaborations imaginable.
In my world a graphic is supposed to either look good or make you laugh, not politicise kids.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 07:50:30 AM by Bertie »


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #107 on: January 19, 2013, 08:51:40 AM »
That graphic is nothing but a cheap attempt at profiteering from the hype surrounding jones farcical interview.

Fuck workshop. Shits pathetic.
'No Mouth, you have a negative rep because you are a fan of growing your wealth off of the backs of low paid workers and brag about having bodyguards. You literally kook people for doing charity in South East Asia. Don't deny it.'


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #108 on: January 19, 2013, 10:32:06 AM »
That graphic is nothing but a cheap attempt at profiteering from the hype surrounding jones farcical interview.

Fuck workshop. Shits pathetic.

Everyone makes mistakes.

The Ghost of Lenny Kirk

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #109 on: January 19, 2013, 11:13:24 AM »
That graphic is nothing but a cheap attempt at profiteering from the hype surrounding jones farcical interview.

Fuck workshop. Shits pathetic.

This graphic was made for the 2012 elections. The collabo was done after the fact. Dont conflate the two. Workshops always been into this kind of stuff or did you miss out on the last 20 years of art direction? If it bums you out because it wasnt another "fun" ripoff graphic or a logo board then whatever, just dont buy it.

The moral of the story is that you shouldnt take everything mainstream media says at face value but you shouldn't take everything alternative media like infowars says at face value either. You dont have to agree with everyting they say but the idea of it is cool. Like punk rock or slayer.

In the united states there are about 320,000,000 people living here, upto 80,000,000 of those people own firearms and there are almost 15,000,000 background checks related to gun purchases in 2012 but only 15,000 homicides are committed with guns. Clearly every dude who owns a gun isn't batshit crazy even if you want to believe they are. So you can see why someone would want to defend guns if the majority of owners, 99% of them, are responsible and don't shoot people with them. i think the extra bump in rate we have here is a result of gun access and opportunity.

Theres gang violence and murder that will still happen with or without a gun ban but Im sure there are people in france who wish they could shoot up their entire schools but can't because access is so difficult. Its a mental health issue for sure because that french kid still wants to shoot up his school but reducing access certainly goes a long way to curb bad mistakes and behavior like that.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #110 on: January 19, 2013, 11:26:05 AM »
I didn't even read this thread and it bored me to tears.
''Your talk,'' I said, "is surely the handiwork of wisdom because not one word of it do I understand.''
― Flann O'Brien,


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #111 on: January 19, 2013, 11:31:59 AM »
OP has fallen into the left/right false paradigm.

AWS has always been some conspiracy shit.

Alex Jones might be a blowhard but most of what he says (including [and especially] 9/11 being an inside job) has merit.

The problem with America is that much of the [otherwise] politically aware populace can't divorce themselves from their belief systems and look at reality objectively--i.e. without emotion--to acknowledge that the last 11.5 years of foreign & domestic policy have been driven by the greatest act of hoodwinking in any of our lifetimes. It's equally exasperating and pathetic to see Pals wax political against the "right wing" whilst swallowing the Kean Commission BS hook, line & sinker.

Stupid.  I can't believe how stupid some people are.  You sound like Sarah Palin..."Oh the mainstream media."


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #112 on: January 19, 2013, 11:33:42 AM »
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That graphic is nothing but a cheap attempt at profiteering from the hype surrounding jones farcical interview.

Fuck workshop. Shits pathetic.

This graphic was made for the 2012 elections. The collabo was done after the fact. Dont conflate the two. Workshops always been into this kind of stuff or did you miss out on the last 20 years of art direction? If it bums you out because it wasnt another "fun" ripoff graphic or a logo board then whatever, just dont buy it.

The moral of the story is that you shouldnt take everything mainstream media says at face value but you shouldn't take everything alternative media like infowars says at face value either. You dont have to agree with everyting they say but the idea of it is cool. Like punk rock or slayer.

In the united states there are about 320,000,000 people living here, upto 80,000,000 of those people own firearms and there are almost 15,000,000 background checks related to gun purchases in 2012 but only 15,000 homicides are committed with guns. Clearly every dude who owns a gun isn't batshit crazy even if you want to believe they are. So you can see why someone would want to defend guns if the majority of owners, 99% of them, are responsible and don't shoot people with them. i think the extra bump in rate we have here is a result of gun access and opportunity.

Theres gang violence and murder that will still happen with or without a gun ban but Im sure there are people in france who wish they could shoot up their entire schools but can't because access is so difficult. Its a mental health issue for sure because that french kid still wants to shoot up his school but reducing access certainly goes a long way to curb bad mistakes and behavior like that.

I hope you're under the age of 20.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #113 on: January 19, 2013, 11:36:46 AM »
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I hope I die before I have to see the US fall.? ? I mean I love the fact that I can worry about skateboarding and even the poor pieces of shit who are worthless, instead of having to worry about dying from lack of a toilet or water.

Shit will hit the fan soon. It's not a matter of if but when. A lot of people are predicting within the next few years, at least by 2017. Good luck when it does, America will become a third world country (if it isn't already), people will become desperate, because when they've lost everything they've got nothing left to lose.

You have to get out more. That is just soooooo wrong and insulting to people that live in the third world, you cannot be more clueless.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #114 on: January 19, 2013, 11:42:32 AM »
How many of you numbnuts think:

1.)9/11 was an inside job?

2.)Sandy Hook was fake/an inside job?

3.)That being able to own a gun should be easier than getting health care?

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #115 on: January 19, 2013, 01:08:50 PM »
"As far as "free" Heathcare, there is no sub thing unless a doctor performs a procedure as a form of charity which I think is fine obvioisly. What I don't like and don't trust is state run healthcare which is for some reason labeled as free. Why? Because its not free. I think itll end up being like anything else the state takes over...the price will go up and the quality will go down."

Your ignorance is just painful to read. This argument is not some hypothetical for you to feel out. There is hard evidence in every developed country on the planet that a state run option lowers cost overall. It's not open to debate. The only reason you have been hoodwinked into believing that it is open to debate is in order for the insurance companies to keep a vice grip on your family's health and finances. You have nowhere else to go so you are at their mercy. I have lived in many countries with state run healthcare. In Spain, I paid 50 EUR extra a month for 100% covered premium private care because I could. No copay, no fucking deductible, nothing.. ever for less than a fraction of what it costs here to get nothing in return (I currently pay $570 a month for my family to have a 5K deductible each and essentially get nothing covered). You will always have the option of buying private health insurance. Just because there are public buses doesn't mean you can't still buy a fucking car if you want stupid. It's not mutually exclusive. The only difference is that Americans would have the choice the rest of the world has: To not have to choose between going broke or staying healthy.
i have nothing to fear but jesse himself.

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #116 on: January 19, 2013, 01:48:51 PM »
Skate videos have been downhill ever since 411VM #20

The Ghost of Lenny Kirk

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #117 on: January 19, 2013, 02:17:52 PM »


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #118 on: January 19, 2013, 02:25:31 PM »


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #119 on: January 19, 2013, 02:29:06 PM »