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PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Toy Machine - Real Life Sucks
« Last post by backside_frontside on Today at 07:17:17 AM »
Wow, just finished watching, I have lots of thoughts

Video of the year. Everyone had great parts.

I forget about Jeremy Leabres/thought he was done, but goddamn he came through with a great part. Front blunt pop out on the bump to rail was insane.

Most women-represented brand in skating other than like Meow/There or the big shoe companies. Hadn't heard of the other two girls until this but they both killed it. Georgia came through with a full part with great clips. I was really impressed with all three of them and it gets me stoked to see more women ripping that hard, skating rails and big shit. Truly progressing women's skating.

Myle's part was dope and Braden Hoban's part was psycho. I'll definitely be rewatching.

USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Georgia Martin pro af
« Last post by BurritoMiles on Today at 07:06:26 AM »
Sick part, Placebo song brought me right back to 2000.
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Honestly, not that bad of an outcome.

1. Family owned company (even ridiculously wealthy) have more leeway for higher operating standards because they aren't beholden to "money line go up" anyone-owns-it public co's and it's their "family legacy" so they don't want shitty behavior attached to their name.

2. Not Private Equity that just squeezes the juice to eke out a 30% return in 2 years.

3. They run YES snowboards which is actually a decently respected snowboard brand. Think Burton / Gravis except hoping they don't go the way of Gravis lol

4. The brothers can actually do a kickflip

Seeing as they are from snowsports, their legacy is actually not the best. Nidecker as a snowboard brand vanished 20 years ago. They have one of the bigger factories iirc but their brand work was a failure. YES is going the same route, although the founders are legends and the current team is stacked. But the whole identity, the style, it's just not good. They should be the Girl of snowboarding but they're more like Flip.

Confused by your Nidecker comment. They absolutely still make boards. This group also owns Jones snowboards which are very popular in the snowboard community. Yes has merged with Lobster so no clue what that is going to look like.
Like others I have no idea what this means for skate shoes but Nidecker is a pretty successful ownership group.
Shoes & Gear / Re: new Vans models
« Last post by Pintofguinness on Today at 06:55:56 AM »

These are hotties, haven’t worn vans in years I have a weird itch too tho and these aren’t helping the unwanted thoughts and urges

Fellas is it gay to want vans on ur feet?

Vans on my feet - but they look like sneakers!

I also think vans are hot during sex - missionary with her choked out old schools on my chest hell yeah bruddah
WHATEVER / Re: Things You Are Not Stoked On
« Last post by JANUS on Today at 06:55:54 AM »
Is Unclea Flea alright, does anyone know? I'm bummed he's gone.

I think I read he’s having some issues and wanted to go cold turkey on socials for a bit, so he focused for a while. I hope he finds the peace he needs and comes back soon, happier and healthier. That said, not stoked on this ingrown-ish toenail thing I’ve got going on. I got the fancy nail clippers and my foot in a salt water soak, but damn this unpleasant in the interim.
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Ben Degros vlog
« Last post by Idk on Today at 06:44:24 AM »
In his latest video doing his mini shoe rack reviews the two shoes he says that skate the best are Etnies. Which I think is pretty interesting.

He says they aren't his favourites for other reasons but for skating they are the best.

Id be tempted to try the first pair but I honestly cannot imagine a shoe better than the nb1010
Weird seeing a man over 40 have his tastes dictated by what is cool in skating. Can’t skate the Etnies even though they skate the best because they don’t “look” cool.
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: sk8 lingo of yesteryear
« Last post by JANUS on Today at 06:44:15 AM »
This was the best possible outcome for a sale. Hopefully 32 doesn’t integrate Nidecker boot tech and they keep Chris Bradshaw on the team with his on C/W.
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Sole Tech Sells To The Nidecker Group
« Last post by Idk on Today at 06:42:40 AM »
So what the helm was Don Brown doing over there?
Liking transphobic posts on social media?
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: sk8 lingo of yesteryear
« Last post by JM on Today at 06:39:46 AM »
not really skate lingo but i heard someone say "yezzir" the other day and it almost kiled me
Sorry, my bad.

But it was more a “yesSIRRRRR!!!”

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