SLAP Pals will not tolerate a truck that makes you nose/ tail slide on your wheels.
SLAP Pals will not tolerate squeaking bushings, cracking and popping sounds beyond a three session break in
SLAP Pals will not tolerate axle/ kingpin nuts that come loose
SLAP Pals will not tolerate any truck that uses anything remotely resembling a symbol of hate
SLAP Pals will not allow Jason Jessee to ride their SLAPez trucks
SLAPez Team riders must include Fred Gall and Frank Gerwer.
SLAP Pals would strongly prefer their trucks are manufactured at the ERMICO foundry
SLAP Pals would strongly prefer odd sized axles including 8 1/8", 8 3/8", 8 5/8" and 8 7/8" options.