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Madam, I'm Adam

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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8310 on: April 30, 2019, 08:48:54 PM »
Keep going Buck! Keep us updated.
Choose life  :)

I also wonder how poorlatino is doing.

Yeah, he was sober and posting here, but he hasn't recently. Hope you're well man, if you read this. Hope you're doing well as well, Buck.


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8311 on: May 01, 2019, 02:54:07 AM »
Rooting for you Buck. I keep checking that thread for updates, wishing you all the best.

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My real confession is that today I wore not just one but two shoelace belts simultaneously, throughout the whole day without even noticing till time came to hit the shower. I was wearing baggy shit so I don't think anybody else noticed either, one is embarrassing enough.

i accidentally wore two different shoes ones and didn't notice until i got to class, 30 miles away from home. lots of people noticed and it was very embarrassing.

they weren't even similar shoes. one was a green bruin and the other was like a burgundy supra tom penny hightop.

One time I accidentally wore two different shoes my Junior Year. They were actually the same color but looked totally different and I think that actually made it worse. There was a freshman in my Spanish class who obviously thought it was cool because he wore two different shoes the very next day! I didn't make fun of him for it but I thought it was hilarious. Years later I saw him at the skatepark and said what's up. I didn't mention it but it's all I could think about.

Since it's what this thread is all about I'll be honest, I probably did the two different shoes thing on purpose at some point when I was 15, 16 and super into punk. With a few friends I skated and was in a band with, we'd occasionally try and make 'edgy fashion statements' by wearing ridiculous shit in public such as this, or wearing jackets or jeans inside out, or D.I.Y. clothing with hand-drawn 'art'. The point was to make people ponder the idea of normality, occasionally we'd have randoms ask us why we'd dress like that and when we could tell they were genuinely intrigued then we could engage in crazy discussions. Now most people probably just assumed we were clowns but at least they got to see something different, and deliberately jettisoning my credibility in a social environment for a short stint was an interesting experience that taught me a lot on how people functioned, and how much of a shit I should give. That had to be around the time the piss drunx thing popped up and anybody remotely into punk in the first place thought that was some poser ass shit; looking like this around an average of six Boulala clones at any given spot probably looked funny. Thankfully it was a short-lived phase, but I still have one of those tee-shirts with hand-drawn stuff and will wear it from time to time.


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8312 on: May 01, 2019, 03:16:52 AM »
Bro, every single 15 year old is a person. If they are not, something is wrong and they will probably have a back yard full of corpses at 30.

You're good.

Madam, I'm Adam

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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8313 on: May 04, 2019, 11:09:59 AM »
I become socially inept when I skate and people watch me.

If someone starts watching I'll initially hate it/them, and start muttering to myself that I hate being watched. I regress to an infantile state. I've tried to stop acting like this but it's impossible.

But if I land something and someone cheers, I smile at them and thank them. It's really immature and entitled of me to get upset in the first place at someone who's just interested in what I'm doing. I've never actually gone up to someone and told them to stop watching, that's over the line. 


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8314 on: May 04, 2019, 12:06:41 PM »
I become socially inept when I skate and people watch me.

If someone starts watching I'll initially hate it/them, and start muttering to myself that I hate being watched. I regress to an infantile state. I've tried to stop acting like this but it's impossible.

But if I land something and someone cheers, I smile at them and thank them. It's really immature and entitled of me to get upset in the first place at someone who's just interested in what I'm doing. I've never actually gone up to someone and told them to stop watching, that's over the line.

I'm also developing that growing older. I used not to give a shit or at least, not realize that I was actually giving a shit. I think as we grow older, we start understanding why some sessions feel off and some don't better, and picking up on little details that make or break the vibe such as people watching.

Sometimes I get distracted by vehicles zooming by or motor noises. Jumping on my board I'll try to be subtle not to scare off pedestrians with a sudden loud noise but as soon as I'm on my board and it's a constant rumble then I stop caring. I'll go skate certain spots when I know they are empty, but that's because I like my peace of mind whilst skating, if the people there are compatible I'll roll. I avoid the park nowadays because it's always too crowded with kids with shitty music in their ears and scooters and parents and I seem to almost lose my shit most every time I go now, which isn't why I skate. Occasionally I'll take smaller side streets that are emptier than the main streets, but that's also because I like exploring and waves of people staring at shop windows fucking get me.

I'm happy to interact with positive pedestrians because it's a chance to convey a good image of skateboarders, unless it gets to the point where the person becomes annoying but that's rare and they usually understand you're busy.

There's this one dude in my town that has been skating for the same 21 years as I have, who always was the typical overweight nerd type (see the stereotype of some of the background props in shitty skate movies like Grind) and never really learned anything besides the basic shove-its, despite skating a lot. I remember just the ollie took him six years to figure out. This dude is a full-on man-child who never understood that real life is different from video games and that actual, physical skateboarding demands all kinds of focus; he'll fucking shove his phone in your face to show you the scans of his latest drawings of Spiderman in between turns when you're trying something. Or do his little stationary shove-its in your run-up, then try to crack a dumb joke you don't even want to fucking hear as you're trying to go. At this point I think being aware of your surroundings really is a strength if anything.

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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8315 on: May 04, 2019, 12:33:29 PM »
I'm in the same boat as you sil, I hate noises of any kind when I skate. Spiderman guy sounds like a nightmare as well. I agree that awareness of your surroundings is beneficial, but I think I get overly aware and sensitive to the point where it's embarrassing.

The weird thing is that I'm so hypocritical because I actually get a little bummed when people watch then leave. Their presence makes me want to skate a bit harder, honestly. But I initially hate it when they're there because it's this sudden added "pressure." It's this dichotomy that annoys me.

I grew up skating alone 95% of the time so I guess I just got used to that. Like I can't really learn tricks around skate friends because it's such a personal, long process because I suck, and I need to socialize and be part of the session.

It's the whole "public performance" aspect of skating I still have a hard time dealing with. Like it or not, people will treat it like it's a show. I don't want it to be a show, but it is.   


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8316 on: May 04, 2019, 12:59:59 PM »
I think for me it also really depends on who stops to watch. Sometimes families will stop because the kids want to watch, that's when it gets really motivating for me to do at least something basic for show because I may be the first grown-up on a skateboard that this or that kid is ever seeing and it's just so easy to blow their minds with simple shit. I think that's the type of first impression that might encourage the kid to take up skateboarding later even when they've completely forgotten about the interaction, subconsciously the inspiration is still there.

Old people can also be interesting if you've got some time to talk to them. They grew up in a world where communication was a lot more organic and will always be stoked to find someone younger that they can actually have a respectful face-to-face conversation with; probably gives them some hope in this world.

I like how kids and old people are the demographic of casuals skateboarding seems to appeal to the most. Life hasn't begun tricking the kids into believing that happiness can be bought just yet, and is done trying to fool the elderly who've outlived the lie. As a result, most of the hate skateboarders get is from the middle range of people who are really just trying to cling to the idea that their existence is only worth it because they consume shit.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2019, 01:02:11 PM by silhouette »


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8317 on: May 04, 2019, 07:55:42 PM »
i like your outlook on life siloet
What kind of mikey taylor logic is this?


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8318 on: May 04, 2019, 08:26:40 PM »
I'm in the same boat as you sil, I hate noises of any kind when I skate. Spiderman guy sounds like a nightmare as well. I agree that awareness of your surroundings is beneficial, but I think I get overly aware and sensitive to the point where it's embarrassing.

The weird thing is that I'm so hypocritical because I actually get a little bummed when people watch then leave. Their presence makes me want to skate a bit harder, honestly. But I initially hate it when they're there because it's this sudden added "pressure." It's this dichotomy that annoys me.

I grew up skating alone 95% of the time so I guess I just got used to that. Like I can't really learn tricks around skate friends because it's such a personal, long process because I suck, and I need to socialize and be part of the session.

It's the whole "public performance" aspect of skating I still have a hard time dealing with. Like it or not, people will treat it like it's a show. I don't want it to be a show, but it is.

The local DIY spot has been a god send for me. Its so far away from the public that I never have to feel anxious about people stopping and watching.


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8319 on: May 04, 2019, 10:54:48 PM »
weird. the older I get the less I care who’s watching. when I was young I was ridiculously self-conscious when strangers were around whether they were other skaters or random observers. other skaters intimidated me the most. now I can zone other people out almost completely and focus on what I’m doing. I’m aware they are there and sometimes it’s distracting but I mostly keep doing whatever I’m doing. sometimes I do get this feeling the observers who are not skating are judging me negatively, like they are underestimating me, which is mostly me projecting, and I feel the need to do a little something to prove I can skate, but that voice in my head is rarer than when I was young and I can either ignore it or not let it bother me. when it’s other skaters around I almost don’t care at all anymore when they used to scare me the most. I know how good or bad I am and I skate to my level. that youthful angst and insecurity is still there to a degree but I’ve wrestled with it for so long that it knows to chill out. I think a lot of it comes from being more callous than when I was young and genuinely not caring anymore what others think of me. I don’t know if that’s good though or if I’m becoming severely reclusive and kinda mean aka anti-social. I almost always skate by myself unless other skaters happen to be there too. a few times a year I skate with one of my few old skate friends who still skates but he’s more a night owl/pot smoker and I’ve become a morning/mostly sober person.


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8320 on: May 04, 2019, 11:39:02 PM »
weird. the older I get the less I care who’s watching. when I was young I was ridiculously self-conscious when strangers were around whether they were other skaters or random observers. other skaters intimidated me the most. now I can zone other people out almost completely and focus on what I’m doing. I’m aware they are there and sometimes it’s distracting but I mostly keep doing whatever I’m doing. sometimes I do get this feeling the observers who are not skating are judging me negatively, like they are underestimating me, which is mostly me projecting, and I feel the need to do a little something to prove I can skate, but that voice in my head is rarer than when I was young and I can either ignore it or not let it bother me. when it’s other skaters around I almost don’t care at all anymore when they used to scare me the most. I know how good or bad I am and I skate to my level. that youthful angst and insecurity is still there to a degree but I’ve wrestled with it for so long that it knows to chill out. I think a lot of it comes from being more callous than when I was young and genuinely not caring anymore what others think of me. I don’t know if that’s good though or if I’m becoming severely reclusive and kinda mean aka anti-social. I almost always skate by myself unless other skaters happen to be there too. a few times a year I skate with one of my few old skate friends who still skates but he’s more a night owl/pot smoker and I’ve become a morning/mostly sober person.

I’m 25 and work the night shift pretty much by myself so that definitely adds to the social anxiety especially when skating in front of people. I dont really get it if other people are skating the park though since they’re there for the same reason as I am. I’ve actually met a few other people and had good exchanges with them at the park which has helped alot. I’m also trying to go to more local skate events like video premieres, concerts at marginal, etc to get more comfortable being at a park or spot with a bunch of people around. Baby steps?


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8321 on: May 05, 2019, 06:48:19 AM »
you’re doing better than I was at 25. at that age I mostly wanted to skate where/when no one else was around. a natural part of getting old for me has been giving less fucks what others think. maybe it’s partly from regret that I wasted a lot of my youth caring too much about that.


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8322 on: May 05, 2019, 07:37:59 PM »
One day at a time Buck. God bless your heart n I'll keep you in my prayers.


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8323 on: May 05, 2019, 07:44:52 PM »
i had anal sex one time. hurt like a sonofagun!


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8324 on: May 07, 2019, 05:14:48 AM »
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I become socially inept when I skate and people watch me.

If someone starts watching I'll initially hate it/them, and start muttering to myself that I hate being watched. I regress to an infantile state. I've tried to stop acting like this but it's impossible.

But if I land something and someone cheers, I smile at them and thank them. It's really immature and entitled of me to get upset in the first place at someone who's just interested in what I'm doing. I've never actually gone up to someone and told them to stop watching, that's over the line.

I'm also developing that growing older. I used not to give a shit or at least, not realize that I was actually giving a shit. I think as we grow older, we start understanding why some sessions feel off and some don't better, and picking up on little details that make or break the vibe such as people watching.

Sometimes I get distracted by vehicles zooming by or motor noises. Jumping on my board I'll try to be subtle not to scare off pedestrians with a sudden loud noise but as soon as I'm on my board and it's a constant rumble then I stop caring. I'll go skate certain spots when I know they are empty, but that's because I like my peace of mind whilst skating, if the people there are compatible I'll roll. I avoid the park nowadays because it's always too crowded with kids with shitty music in their ears and scooters and parents and I seem to almost lose my shit most every time I go now, which isn't why I skate. Occasionally I'll take smaller side streets that are emptier than the main streets, but that's also because I like exploring and waves of people staring at shop windows fucking get me.

I'm happy to interact with positive pedestrians because it's a chance to convey a good image of skateboarders, unless it gets to the point where the person becomes annoying but that's rare and they usually understand you're busy.

Word can't explain how much I relate to this.
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forgive me if i somehow missed it, but could someone help me with just how flat the flat as fuck decks really are?

As Fuck.

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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8325 on: May 16, 2019, 02:03:06 AM »
After avoiding it for nearly 3 weeks, I broke up with my girlfriend of like 4 years.

It went better than I thought but she did say some things to make me think maybe she was waiting for it


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8326 on: May 16, 2019, 07:55:48 AM »
After avoiding it for nearly 3 weeks, I broke up with my girlfriend of like 4 years.

It went better than I thought but she did say some things to make me think maybe she was waiting for it

Sorry to hear this, but glad it went some sort of well
Nothing I do deserves more than an iphone camera.

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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8327 on: May 16, 2019, 11:03:15 PM »
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After avoiding it for nearly 3 weeks, I broke up with my girlfriend of like 4 years.

It went better than I thought but she did say some things to make me think maybe she was waiting for it
what he said!
4 years is around the mark no? Like you're either going to marry and be with each other from this point on or just stop wasting one another's time no? I have a friend who was dating a guy for 10 years and then he broke it off with her ... only to beg her to take him back a few months down the track. If you're going to do that you might as well pop the question no?

I need some career advice, might head to the jobs thread...

Sorry to hear this, but glad it went some sort of well

Impish sausage is definitely gonna blow up as a euphemism this year


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8328 on: May 17, 2019, 09:24:55 AM »
This gay man from an old music forum used to have like a web crush on me and we would chat sometimes about similar music tastes ( he was a nice dude overall) but he would leave like “cute” or similar stuff on my social media photos.
One time he says, I just have to ask at least once, How big is it???”
I lied and said it was average.
I’m a fat Siamese cat.


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8329 on: May 17, 2019, 08:21:00 PM »
Buck, where are you?


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8330 on: May 17, 2019, 10:24:12 PM »
I cry a lot. Like a lot, a lot. To the point of it being an impairment sometimes. I can't control them emos. Meditating helps though.
Before you say the music sucked, have you considered shutting the fuck up?


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8331 on: May 18, 2019, 08:14:06 AM »
I like big butts and I cannot lie


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8332 on: May 19, 2019, 09:01:56 AM »
I cry a lot. Like a lot, a lot. To the point of it being an impairment sometimes. I can't control them emos. Meditating helps though.
Opposite problem for me, haven’t had a cry in 15+ years. Would like to as I think it would be a release but I’m not in touch with my emotions.


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8333 on: May 20, 2019, 07:17:05 PM »
I’ve never seen a single episode of game of thrones.


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8334 on: May 20, 2019, 08:18:05 PM »
I’ve never seen a single episode of game of thrones.

It's about a happy go lucky group of aliens who run a book club. You should give it a look
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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8335 on: May 20, 2019, 10:39:05 PM »
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I cry a lot. Like a lot, a lot. To the point of it being an impairment sometimes. I can't control them emos. Meditating helps though.
Opposite problem for me, haven’t had a cry in 15+ years. Would like to as I think it would be a release but I’m not in touch with my emotions.
How did you do at the wedding? 

Gray Imp Sausage Metal

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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8336 on: May 21, 2019, 12:53:58 AM »
I’ve never seen a single episode of game of thrones.
me neither

Impish sausage is definitely gonna blow up as a euphemism this year


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8337 on: May 21, 2019, 01:19:55 AM »
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I’ve never seen a single episode of game of thrones.
me neither
same. nothing wrong with that i suppose.


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8338 on: May 21, 2019, 05:15:06 AM »
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I cry a lot. Like a lot, a lot. To the point of it being an impairment sometimes. I can't control them emos. Meditating helps though.
Opposite problem for me, haven’t had a cry in 15+ years. Would like to as I think it would be a release but I’m not in touch with my emotions.
How did you do at the wedding? 
All smiles. My father in law cried pretty hard, wouldn’t let his little girls hand go, I had to pry her hand from his.


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Re: real confessions
« Reply #8339 on: May 21, 2019, 08:31:01 AM »
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I cry a lot. Like a lot, a lot. To the point of it being an impairment sometimes. I can't control them emos. Meditating helps though.
Opposite problem for me, haven’t had a cry in 15+ years. Would like to as I think it would be a release but I’m not in touch with my emotions.
How did you do at the wedding? 
All smiles. My father in law cried pretty hard, wouldn’t let his little girls hand go, I had to pry her hand from his.

Hmmm, fair enough...