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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #120 on: September 07, 2019, 08:15:14 AM »


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #121 on: September 07, 2019, 08:17:50 AM »


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #122 on: September 07, 2019, 08:24:04 AM »
Skateparks are becoming much like baseball diamonds and basketball courts. It’s a public space that can be commandeered for city or private events on a whim. It’s less of a lawless space now.
If I choose to go there I expect it to be overrun and full of skaters and randoms. Around here we have multiple non profits who frequently run camps so I am used to showing up and not being able to use the facility at my leisure.
And as a member of a non marginalized group (Caucasian male) getting into skating was easy, minimal judgement from my peers and casually integrated into a social dynamic. I would imagine as a younger female it would be pretty tough to feel at ease with experienced skaters much bigger and older than me flying around. I respect the limited use at times, it’s not frequent enough to really impact my skating and with a car I can always find another spot to skate. I’m privileged to have an abundance of skateparks near me and always remember it’s a space that doesn’t belong to me and often has way too much going on so it’s not always my first choice.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #123 on: September 07, 2019, 08:28:30 AM »
Congrats! You complained about it on Slap! They’ll totally let you in now. You absolutely qualify.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #124 on: September 07, 2019, 10:21:24 AM »
Seems to me like the ideology of feminism is we want equality but only the positive equality and none of the shitty parts of being a man. equality also includes parts we don't like to admit such as..... you are too feminine or sack up or man up or you are a guy get over it. Pretty sure if someone slammed and said are you okay? and they continued to complain about how it sucks then the GET OVER IT wouldn't go over too well.

 Sure skate night with the ladies would be sick however to exclude others (men) from being supportive is downright stupid.  We've moved along ways from segregating water fountains/bathrooms seems like this is on the same level trying to mix politics gender with equal free space.

Get over it ladies we do all the hard work just so you can complain.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #125 on: September 07, 2019, 10:30:27 AM »
whats funny about these is that they are all beginners teaching beginners

my thing is dont leave your driveway until you are dece at the skatepark

whats so backwards/ weird thing about this "group think" / "groupskate" is that they are not going to get any better relying on "being not intimdated at the skate park"

Billy Bitchcakes

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #126 on: September 07, 2019, 11:46:04 AM »
did someone just compare girls only skate sessions to the apartheid?
During sex to prevent myself from ejaculating I think about Osama Bin Laden running my dick through a sewing machine.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #127 on: September 07, 2019, 12:03:19 PM »
did someone just compare girls only skate sessions to the apartheid?
That someone being myself yes I find it a subversive way of discrimination with noble intentions. I am not offended that women want their own space, I would assume if you want equality you'd also take the bad with the good. Can't have both that's just delusional, we hear you on respecting each other's space but that doesn't mean I have to.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #128 on: September 07, 2019, 08:16:44 PM »
Seems to me like the ideology of feminism is we want equality but only the positive equality and none of the shitty parts of being a man. equality also includes parts we don't like to admit such as..... you are too feminine or sack up or man up or you are a guy get over it. Pretty sure if someone slammed and said are you okay? and they continued to complain about how it sucks then the GET OVER IT wouldn't go over too well.

 Sure skate night with the ladies would be sick however to exclude others (men) from being supportive is downright stupid.  We've moved along ways from segregating water fountains/bathrooms seems like this is on the same level trying to mix politics gender with equal free space.

Get over it ladies we do all the hard work just so you can complain.

You are halfway there with your reasoning.

You are making the presumption that women want to basically be men.
Like there is a ‘level’ of privilege, and men sit on a higher tier, and women want to raise to that.

In which case another way we could achieve equality is ‘lower’ men to the ‘women’s’ tier. I’m sure there aren’t many guys who are keen on that kind of equality.

One of the more profound feminist thinkers, Bell Hooks, doesn’t agree with equality being so  simplistic. She also looked deeply into how patriarchy negativity impacts men as well, from emotionally stunting us to sacrificing us in the idea of what it means ‘to be s man’.

If you’d like a more nuanced idea of feminist theory, try ‘The Will to Change’ written for a male audience.

As for female-only spaces, judging by some of the reactions in this thread, I can totally understand why ladies might not want to deal with guys every time they skate.

It’s not like guys have to deal with anything comparable (unless on an individual basis you were prejudiced against).
I’m trying to be every mom’s favorite skater’-&&

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #129 on: September 07, 2019, 08:19:32 PM »
Let’s be honest are they even actually skating?


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #130 on: September 07, 2019, 09:55:51 PM »
Let’s be honest are they even actually skating?

Hasn't your Slap trial subscription ran out yet?
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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #131 on: September 07, 2019, 10:48:56 PM »
You're right to be mad, not so right to argue with people though. This stuff is useless, doesn't matter if you're right or wrong, if you try to disagree you're viewed as just an sexist asshole, so just let the real assholes segregate themselves and go find some street spots.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #132 on: September 08, 2019, 05:29:48 AM »
all female agency exists in a safe space created by men.  calm down, let the girls skate.  the contents of this thread alone are proof that events like these are necessary.

and while the girls are being girls and potentially getting better than you at tricks, you can grow some and hit the streets instead of your perfectly manicured little park for a testosterone boosting change.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #133 on: September 08, 2019, 05:51:19 AM »
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This male hating shit makes me glad girls for the most part cant even stand on a skateboard without eating shit.

Assuming your edgelord shtick is grounded in some real woman-hating, it’s hilarious that you take offense to this.

Because it’s dudes with attitudes like yours that makes girls-only nights a necessity

With all the male shaming that goes on in the leftist media and hollywood, i believe every female should be forced to recognize they cant keep up with the boys in their chosen sport because they are females.

If there wasnt a war against white guys going on everywhere these days i wouldnt care as much about discriminating agains guys at a skatepark.

If guys are supposed to be told their natural horseplaying behavior is degenerate and inferior to the natural behavior of girls, then its only fair to tell girls that their natural skateboarding ability is degenerate and inferior to boys.
Are all you betas pussywhipped by your beloved feminist girlfriends?
Grow a fucking spine you fucking shitclowns

I like you.
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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #134 on: September 08, 2019, 08:42:16 AM »
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Let’s be honest are they even actually skating?

Hasn't your Slap trial subscription ran out yet?

True true

Billy Bitchcakes

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #135 on: September 08, 2019, 12:38:06 PM »
the contents of this thread alone are proof that events like these are necessary.
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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #136 on: September 08, 2019, 12:42:00 PM »
OP - sorry some ladies kooked you out of your park.

Shouldn't we all be the same though? NO matter who is skating at a spot/ park we are all in it together. If you did something tough for you, you get clapped up. If you're having fun skating, you get clapped up. If you're chilling and cheering on your homies..... well you get the point. I find these solo gender sessions to be counter productive to equality. If ya'll want to do your own thing. By all means. If we are all equal and I don't see how excluding someone from doing what they love in order to express themselves so you can be alone with your chosen group personifies your main goal. Yeah I'd love to only skate with dudes who get down on tranny but we don't ban ppl who skate street from our parks.

Yeah well guess what?  I’m clapping you up right now for that nuanced and thoughtful post.

There’s a couple of dudes at my local park that fucking rip but will still get genuinely hyped for a kid landing their first sketchy pop shoveit.  Gotta tell ya, it’s kind of heartwarming.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2019, 12:45:37 PM by SneakySecrets »
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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #137 on: September 08, 2019, 12:44:13 PM »
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I’m not a fan of the “no boys allowed” girls’ sessions. Maybe it’s sour grapes on my part because these didn’t exist when I started skating 20 years ago. I had to learn alone in parking lots, then at 7am at the park before anyone else showed up and finally I had to endure skating with boys at the park as the only girl and I was shitty at skating on top of it.

But I also suspect my experience was pretty similar to most of my peers. Sure it was lonely at first and I did get some bullying/heckling but overall there were more people who were cool to me than not.

It feels like these women want to mitigate the awkward initiation phase of skating by creating a male-excluding safe space. Even without intimidating boys around I don’t think it’s possible. Skating is hard. You will look stupid on board for awhile before you get it. You will get hurt. You won’t go pro. No one outside of skating will give a shit about your skating so you won’t get that all important validation that all the kids are talking about these days. No athletic scholarships for skateboarding either. And the older you get the more ridiculous your peers find you for continuing to skate. Having a trial by fire phase at the outset is fair warning about what’s to come. If looking stupid in front of boys is enough to scare you away from skating it’s probably not the hobby for you. Because skateboarding absolutely requires that you cultivate some level of not giving a fuck.

I am totally for female meet ups that don’t involve kicking out males. I’ve participated in plenty. All-women — or even majority women sessions feel amazing! It’s more relaxed and friendly. But they should happen organically. You don’t need to vibe out all guys on account of their gender. And if a dude is being shitty—snaking the girls is a common one— telling the dude to knock it off is great practice for asserting yourself.

I am for creating women’s skate culture. I’m part of it, most all my skate friends are other women. I am NOT for bubble wrapped safe spaces that inhibit one’s ability to develop resilience and not-giving-a-fuck attitude that’s necessary for skateboarding.

Realize this isn’t sympathetic to the original post. Sorry you couldn’t skate when you wanted. I’m sorry that what should have been a good positive event has ended up sowing resentment by banning males.  but it also seems like you were resilient enough to have fun elsewhere. I’d like to see the next generation of female skaters have that some resilience. And I just came across an opportunity to spout off here. Okay rant done.

^This is one of the best, no BS takes on the whole thing. Thanks.


Women and men are socialized differently. Women (through socialization) tend to form groups and do things together.

Men are generally taught to ‘be tough, be independent’.

So yeah, women probably won’t feel comfortable going the lone wolf route that most of us took when we were young. They are making a space that works for them.

Faulting them for taking a creating a different  approach that shows that we as dudes are not taught to understand a female POV, and we expect them to act exactly like we do.

By the way, that socialization difference creates big differences in outcomes as we get older, and men tend to suffer more from loneliness in their old age.

Yes, I agree about different socialization. I do endorse ladies’ nights for that reason and I’ve participated in plenty. I just don’t support shutting off a public park to males in order to do it.

I understand this is a grey area because the park in question is not technically public but generally operates like a public park?? OK, if it’s private it can be booked for a party, a scooter contest, a music video shoot or whatever just as easily as a girl’s only session and that’s just a material fact about private venues. Yet the discussion seems to revolve around public parks and whether having a female-only session is acceptable. I’m arguing for female meet-ups at public parks that do not require kicking out males. Won’t be a girl’s only session, but will be a “more girls than usual” session and in my experience that’s optimal.

About 10 years ago I was confronted by some male friends about a “girl’s only” session that happened at the skatepark in which a female skate advocacy organization reserved a public park for a Sunday afternoon and told all the men they had to leave for two hours. Though I wasn’t involved with this group the guys wanted an explanation from me and to make the case that they weren’t sexist and would’ve welcomed the girl’s to skate WITH them. So then there was resentment towards that organization and girls’ sessions in general that could’ve been avoided.

There are a number of these organizations now. Some have employees and non-profit tax status. They do a lot of good work. But they also have to have some income to keep their lights on. They do this by offering skate lessons and camps— all well and good. They also do this by soliciting donations. To get donations they need to make a case that girl’s skateboarding is a feminist cause and that there are active forces of patriarchy that are working against skater girl’s making their organization NECESSARY. Not saying they are completely wrong, but there does seem to be a financial incentive to exaggerate how bad sexism and shared sessions with boys is for girls.

Think about it like this: if your gifting money to a non profit, what cause seems more worthy: getting more girls into a male dominated hobby or fighting back against a stifling, aggressively sexist culture that simply won’t let girl’s skate unless the males can be exorcised from the park?

These orgs aren’t bad. They are trying to stay afloat and it’s good that they’re supporting female skating. But much like the sad animal Sarah Mcglauflan ASPCA ads are a bit manipulative, the conversation gets skewed due to the financial interests of these orgs. And their interests don’t exactly line up with the individual skater girl. It’s in her interest to meet other girls and make friends skating, but also to confront challenging and uncomfortable situations while learning to skate.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #138 on: September 08, 2019, 01:13:38 PM »
I wasn’t allowed in the skatepark by locals til I could
-Ollie a board
-fs 180
-bs 180
-pop shuv
-land 1 kickflip in 20 tries
-slappy noseslide
And I had to drop in on the 6ft quarter first thing, roll away before I could skate anything else
This was in New Jersey in 1995
It was a private park and had lots of good skaters, I was pissed but I never liked skateparks.
Locals also frowned upon, any type of mongo pushing and they had an order in which you could learn tricks. Like you had to be able to 180 every direction every stance before you could try a 360 flip. Flailing the board around on a Hail Mary trick would get your board thrown and you’d have to leave to spot or park.

This for real? Lol whack as fuck.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #139 on: September 08, 2019, 05:17:48 PM »
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I wasn’t allowed in the skatepark by locals til I could
-Ollie a board
-fs 180
-bs 180
-pop shuv
-land 1 kickflip in 20 tries
-slappy noseslide
And I had to drop in on the 6ft quarter first thing, roll away before I could skate anything else
This was in New Jersey in 1995
It was a private park and had lots of good skaters, I was pissed but I never liked skateparks.
Locals also frowned upon, any type of mongo pushing and they had an order in which you could learn tricks. Like you had to be able to 180 every direction every stance before you could try a 360 flip. Flailing the board around on a Hail Mary trick would get your board thrown and you’d have to leave to spot or park.

This for real? Lol whack as fuck.



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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #140 on: September 09, 2019, 07:43:04 AM »
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Seems to me like the ideology of feminism is we want equality but only the positive equality and none of the shitty parts of being a man. equality also includes parts we don't like to admit such as..... you are too feminine or sack up or man up or you are a guy get over it. Pretty sure if someone slammed and said are you okay? and they continued to complain about how it sucks then the GET OVER IT wouldn't go over too well.

 Sure skate night with the ladies would be sick however to exclude others (men) from being supportive is downright stupid.  We've moved along ways from segregating water fountains/bathrooms seems like this is on the same level trying to mix politics gender with equal free space.

Get over it ladies we do all the hard work just so you can complain.

You are halfway there with your reasoning.

You are making the presumption that women want to basically be men.
Like there is a ‘level’ of privilege, and men sit on a higher tier, and women want to raise to that.

In which case another way we could achieve equality is ‘lower’ men to the ‘women’s’ tier. I’m sure there aren’t many guys who are keen on that kind of equality.

One of the more profound feminist thinkers, Bell Hooks, doesn’t agree with equality being so  simplistic. She also looked deeply into how patriarchy negativity impacts men as well, from emotionally stunting us to sacrificing us in the idea of what it means ‘to be s man’.

If you’d like a more nuanced idea of feminist theory, try ‘The Will to Change’ written for a male audience.

As for female-only spaces, judging by some of the reactions in this thread, I can totally understand why ladies might not want to deal with guys every time they skate.

It’s not like guys have to deal with anything comparable (unless on an individual basis you were prejudiced against).
I get that and lowering myself worth to be equal is definitely not an option. I agree with having safe spaces and equal contribution from both genders, however I don't believe it's fair they can choose the best parts of being masculine or being a man.

 I wish I could be equally effeminate and masculine but I don't as I have my own preconceived notions to uphold with business partners and staff. 

These issues seem like 1st world problems and to be fair those that have endured worse should be acknowledged more then some petty ass girls skate night, 

War, racism, deportation, sex trafficking, police shootings, discrimination for being black or brown and have either ICE or a cop merc you. 

Considering all these things OP you should think outside of your own selfish ass, there's alot worse things that could be happening to you and your family, instead you waste your time pissing and moaning on SLAP of all places.......


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #141 on: September 09, 2019, 08:13:10 AM »
I'm all for having a girl's skate night at the skatepark. If it truly makes women feel more comfortable and at ease.

One of my best friends is non-binary and shreds, they associate as neither gender, but they were biologically born as a man. If you let them skate then cool, but if you said no you can't skate because you have a male body or you were biologically born as a man—then I'm going to say Fuck Off

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #142 on: September 10, 2019, 11:40:08 AM »
I’m not a fan of the “no boys allowed” girls’ sessions. Maybe it’s sour grapes on my part because these didn’t exist when I started skating 20 years ago. I had to learn alone in parking lots, then at 7am at the park before anyone else showed up and finally I had to endure skating with boys at the park as the only girl and I was shitty at skating on top of it.

But I also suspect my experience was pretty similar to most of my peers. Sure it was lonely at first and I did get some bullying/heckling but overall there were more people who were cool to me than not.

It feels like these women want to mitigate the awkward initiation phase of skating by creating a male-excluding safe space. Even without intimidating boys around I don’t think it’s possible. Skating is hard. You will look stupid on board for awhile before you get it. You will get hurt. You won’t go pro. No one outside of skating will give a shit about your skating so you won’t get that all important validation that all the kids are talking about these days. No athletic scholarships for skateboarding either. And the older you get the more ridiculous your peers find you for continuing to skate. Having a trial by fire phase at the outset is fair warning about what’s to come. If looking stupid in front of boys is enough to scare you away from skating it’s probably not the hobby for you. Because skateboarding absolutely requires that you cultivate some level of not giving a fuck.

I am totally for female meet ups that don’t involve kicking out males. I’ve participated in plenty. All-women — or even majority women sessions feel amazing! It’s more relaxed and friendly. But they should happen organically. You don’t need to vibe out all guys on account of their gender. And if a dude is being shitty—snaking the girls is a common one— telling the dude to knock it off is great practice for asserting yourself.

I am for creating women’s skate culture. I’m part of it, most all my skate friends are other women. I am NOT for bubble wrapped safe spaces that inhibit one’s ability to develop resilience and not-giving-a-fuck attitude that’s necessary for skateboarding.

Realize this isn’t sympathetic to the original post. Sorry you couldn’t skate when you wanted. I’m sorry that what should have been a good positive event has ended up sowing resentment by banning males.  but it also seems like you were resilient enough to have fun elsewhere. I’d like to see the next generation of female skaters have that some resilience. And I just came across an opportunity to spout off here. Okay rant done.
Agree 100%, as a female. I skated mostly late 90s to mid 2000s.. I've had some situations with guys at my locals but the guys I skated with took care of it. Usually the ones that cause the issues are just shitty douchebags that aren't even that good so it was always fun to do the trick they're trying so hard at right next to them. There are so many females in skating now that hopefully the discrimination floods out but being new to skating can be intimidating, especially as a female, so I don't mind the girls day/night at parks every now and then.

One of the situations I recall was when I was 18 and this guy in the bowl kept insisting that frontside indys were a thing and I politely told him no. He had to be in his 30s and he shoved me hard in the railing when I told him again he was wrong haha. ..but that could've happened to a guy too.  The dude was kicked out of the park.
The other situations were sexual jokes like "hey girl, wanna do a lipslide". Other than that.. nothing too bad.. the guys I skated with were always looking out.

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #143 on: September 10, 2019, 01:39:03 PM »
if its a private space then you cant bitch about any private sessions going down ever. However if its a public space did they get a permit to have an exclusive event? The taxes you and everyone else pay to maintain your public space means everyone should have access to use the space unless a special permit was issued. Have your girls only event, children only camp, shredders only contest, but get a permit or Im skating what I paid taxes for. when I walk up and you're telling me to leave because of a private event you better show me some paperwork granting exclusivity for that time period or you can suck a fart directly out of my ass.

Also how big of creeps are dudes being to where the ladies feel the need to isolate themselves from other skaters?


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #144 on: September 10, 2019, 06:15:00 PM »
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I wasn’t allowed in the skatepark by locals til I could
-Ollie a board
-fs 180
-bs 180
-pop shuv
-land 1 kickflip in 20 tries
-slappy noseslide
And I had to drop in on the 6ft quarter first thing, roll away before I could skate anything else
This was in New Jersey in 1995
It was a private park and had lots of good skaters, I was pissed but I never liked skateparks.
Locals also frowned upon, any type of mongo pushing and they had an order in which you could learn tricks. Like you had to be able to 180 every direction every stance before you could try a 360 flip. Flailing the board around on a Hail Mary trick would get your board thrown and you’d have to leave to spot or park.

This for real? Lol whack as fuck.
Actually...Localism and a warlord mentality has contributed to producing many a skate legend hailing from the almighty NJ.  Like it or not, there are unwriiten rules to not being a kook.  And the older heads in the Tri-State area were not afraid to school the next generation during the 80's and 90's.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #145 on: September 11, 2019, 07:11:02 PM »
If there's other parks or decent spots nearby but you're whining 'cause you want to skate THAT one right NOW, then I think you're in the wrong.

But if it's the only spot in skating distance and the girls have claimed it for a day just so the don't end up feeling any difficult emotions, then I reckon that's pretty selfish of them.

There's a growing girl skater scene in my hometown. On the whole, they're fairly well-integrated with the dudes. A few of the girls have talked to me about feeling nervous or stared at when they skate. They're all kind of beginners, and don't seem to realise that most dudes go through the same thing.

They have girl's nights at one of the indoor parks here like once a fortnight. I think it's just easier to explain by saying that we intimidate them, not that they just have more fun without us around. The male ego prefers dominance over rejection. Kind of nice of them, really.

That said, the way some of these girls talk about each other is gnarley. Can't imagine the kind of vibing that goes down on girl's night.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #146 on: September 11, 2019, 08:18:33 PM »
I would say I identify as a girl, I’m making some good progress and I’m not taking a day off no matter what

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #147 on: September 11, 2019, 09:25:04 PM »
I flew back to my hometown on Monday and was itching to go to the local park I grew up skating. Rolled up there yesterday, got told that from now onward every second Thursday of the month is a girls skate only day & that I had to leave.

Unfortunately got into an argument with a load of people there and ended up just skating the car park with the other dudes that were turned away. The people organizing it said that female skaters often get intimidated by guys skating the park, which I suppose I can't relate to being male myself. I've never witnessed any hostility towards female skaters at that (or any) park, but then again this is just my perspective.

Trying to work out whether or not my annoyance was justified? or am I overreacting

Its a privately funded park (however its unsupervised, free to enter and open 24/7) so its entirely legit for them to establish rules like this, but this a park I spent virtually every day of my youth in and I'm now finding myself being turfed out due to my gender. I suppose it pissed me off because I'm used to being able to roll up to the park whenever I please.

Being mildly annoyed would seem normal in this situation, but letting it get to the point of arguing with a group of people over it seems a bit much.  Cant say whether you overreacted or not, since arguments are 2 sided, but I think the gentlemanly thing to do would have been to say "okay, very well then, Ill be on my way", the moment they informed you the park was closed for a private event.  All legalities aside, It shouldn't really matter to you WHY the park was closed.  You ultimately did the right thing by respecting their wishes and leaving, but arguing with them lowered you stature as a gentleman, and you NEVER let anyone put you in a position to do that.  While I understand WHY these girls think they need an exclusive night for themselves, I disagree and think they went a bit far kicking dudes out.  Ladies, if you want to have an all-girl, estrogen fueled skate extravaganza, every single night of the week, GREAT!  Please do.
Trust me, the dudes will back this fully, but once you start tossing dudes out of the sesh, it becomes counterproductive to your cause.  You lower your stature as ladies and give off the appearance that you can't handle real life situations.   You want a certain level of comfort before entering the wild world of skateboarding?  I get it.  It makes sense, I guess.  It's just so fucking WEAK.  Sheltering yourself from the harsh realities of skatepark life early on can only set you up for rude awakenings down the line.  Its unnatural.  And just know this, one of the coolest things to see at a skatepark these days is a lady in the lineup, ripping right along side the fellas.

  Times are changing guys, and skateboarding, like many things in life are becoming wussified to accommodate all these fragile little butterflies out there.  Whatever, in this case, I say give it to them.  I may not agree with their approach, but at the end of the day, more females in skateboarding is a great thing.  How they get here is less important than them making it, IMO.  With that said, let's give these ladies a break, cause it all boils down to a little respect and compassion for your fellow human being, on and off the board.
"Now go home and get your fucking Shinebox"

Raccoon Manne

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #148 on: September 11, 2019, 09:37:41 PM »
I would say I identify as a girl, I’m making some good progress and I’m not taking a day off no matter what

Yep... Im transgender, you can't tell me to leave ho.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #149 on: September 12, 2019, 12:35:28 AM »
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I flew back to my hometown on Monday and was itching to go to the local park I grew up skating. Rolled up there yesterday, got told that from now onward every second Thursday of the month is a girls skate only day & that I had to leave.

Unfortunately got into an argument with a load of people there and ended up just skating the car park with the other dudes that were turned away. The people organizing it said that female skaters often get intimidated by guys skating the park, which I suppose I can't relate to being male myself. I've never witnessed any hostility towards female skaters at that (or any) park, but then again this is just my perspective.

Trying to work out whether or not my annoyance was justified? or am I overreacting

Its a privately funded park (however its unsupervised, free to enter and open 24/7) so its entirely legit for them to establish rules like this, but this a park I spent virtually every day of my youth in and I'm now finding myself being turfed out due to my gender. I suppose it pissed me off because I'm used to being able to roll up to the park whenever I please.

Being mildly annoyed would seem normal in this situation, but letting it get to the point of arguing with a group of people over it seems a bit much.  Cant say whether you overreacted or not, since arguments are 2 sided, but I think the gentlemanly thing to do would have been to say "okay, very well then, Ill be on my way", the moment they informed you the park was closed for a private event.  All legalities aside, It shouldn't really matter to you WHY the park was closed.  You ultimately did the right thing by respecting their wishes and leaving, but arguing with them lowered you stature as a gentleman, and you NEVER let anyone put you in a position to do that.  While I understand WHY these girls think they need an exclusive night for themselves, I disagree and think they went a bit far kicking dudes out.  Ladies, if you want to have an all-girl, estrogen fueled skate extravaganza, every single night of the week, GREAT!  Please do.
Trust me, the dudes will back this fully, but once you start tossing dudes out of the sesh, it becomes counterproductive to your cause.  You lower your stature as ladies and give off the appearance that you can't handle real life situations.   You want a certain level of comfort before entering the wild world of skateboarding?  I get it.  It makes sense, I guess.  It's just so fucking WEAK.  Sheltering yourself from the harsh realities of skatepark life early on can only set you up for rude awakenings down the line.  Its unnatural.  And just know this, one of the coolest things to see at a skatepark these days is a lady in the lineup, ripping right along side the fellas.

  Times are changing guys, and skateboarding, like many things in life are becoming wussified to accommodate all these fragile little butterflies out there.  Whatever, in this case, I say give it to them.  I may not agree with their approach, but at the end of the day, more females in skateboarding is a great thing.  How they get here is less important than them making it, IMO.  With that said, let's give these ladies a break, cause it all boils down to a little respect and compassion for your fellow human being, on and off the board.

Words of a man who will be divorced a few years after claiming “happy wife, happy life”