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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #150 on: July 27, 2021, 12:13:30 PM »
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it's interesting watching all of the legal shit unfold in CA for you all...i get why people are calling Judge Benitez the patron saint of the 2A out there. most people assume his latest ruling on the "assault weapon" ban was exactly to get that in front of the Supreme Court...

Yeah I'm curious to see how it will all unfold, but i also am loathe to cheer on these right wing judges, even if i do want a lot of the CA laws to be overturned

copy that Dale, absolutely. but, all of the privileged white hypocrites pushing this "gun control" mess are correspondingly pushing those of us on the left in the working class, into ally positions with some on the right--i swear, this is one reason why the shooting ranges i frequent are more diverse places than the university campuses where i teach.

did y'all hear about all of those public defenders in NY pushing for the supreme court to "to eviscerate gun regulations," specifically NY's absurdly racist and classist restrictions on concealed carrry?

eh, y'all remember when Frantz Fanon said this?

"The unpreparedness of the educated classes, the lack of practical links between them and the mass of the people, their laziness, and, let it be said, their cowardice at the decisive moment of the struggle will give rise to tragic mishaps."

Oh i wholeheartedly agree. They are more than willing to grumble about the police because it looks bad, not because they have an actual critique of policing in this country and it's racist roots. They are happy to hide behind the cops who protect their comfortable life and want to force us to co opt their polite values.

I'm just obviously very wary of a crowd that likes to wear "Pinochet did nothing wrong" shirts at rallies even on a tactical alliance for one issue. They fantasize about turning their guns on us


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #151 on: July 27, 2021, 06:07:16 PM »
Actually just shot for the first time over the weekend. Enjoyed it quite a bit more than I expected, probably has something to do with 14 years of playing CoD...

Deputy Wendell

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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #152 on: July 28, 2021, 07:59:33 AM »
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it's interesting watching all of the legal shit unfold in CA for you all...i get why people are calling Judge Benitez the patron saint of the 2A out there. most people assume his latest ruling on the "assault weapon" ban was exactly to get that in front of the Supreme Court...

Yeah I'm curious to see how it will all unfold, but i also am loathe to cheer on these right wing judges, even if i do want a lot of the CA laws to be overturned

copy that Dale, absolutely. but, all of the privileged white hypocrites pushing this "gun control" mess are correspondingly pushing those of us on the left in the working class, into ally positions with some on the right--i swear, this is one reason why the shooting ranges i frequent are more diverse places than the university campuses where i teach.

did y'all hear about all of those public defenders in NY pushing for the supreme court to "to eviscerate gun regulations," specifically NY's absurdly racist and classist restrictions on concealed carrry?

eh, y'all remember when Frantz Fanon said this?

"The unpreparedness of the educated classes, the lack of practical links between them and the mass of the people, their laziness, and, let it be said, their cowardice at the decisive moment of the struggle will give rise to tragic mishaps."

Oh i wholeheartedly agree. They are more than willing to grumble about the police because it looks bad, not because they have an actual critique of policing in this country and it's racist roots. They are happy to hide behind the cops who protect their comfortable life and want to force us to co opt their polite values.

I'm just obviously very wary of a crowd that likes to wear "Pinochet did nothing wrong" shirts at rallies even on a tactical alliance for one issue. They fantasize about turning their guns on us

funny that you mention the police, in this conversation about most of the privileged, gentrifying hypocrites i brought up above.

back here in--and around--Detroit, the city still wears the racism of the past on its is seemingly indelibly inscribed in the landscape. so, even after the past decade or so of forced and coerced dispersal of many of the city’s lifelong black residents (arguably to make way for all of the young white tech people a single billionaire wants to populate the city with), the city’s population is still nearly 80% black, and the vast majority of these poor and working people live in the approximately 132-square miles of neighborhoods of single-family homes, outside of “New Detroit” primarily in the center. this center downtown area is what you mostly here about in the news when you hear about Detroit being “reborn”--this center of the city is heavily policed and heavily monitored and more of an urban theme park than part of the sprawling neighborhoods.

i bring this up because, during all of the protests that were supposed to be about George Floyd, the crowds of protestors were mostly white in many cases, which lets one know that most of those people were not from the city, and even if they recently moved here, they lived downtown in “New Detroit.”

so the Detroit Free Press just published the results of a poll they contributed to, which clearly illustrates that many/most of these gentrifying white hypocrites taking selfies of themselves with their fists in the air and calling for "defunding" the police (who are also the kinds of privileged fucks calling for “gun control") are completely disconnected from the realities of actually having to live in the 132-square miles of the city outside of the urban theme park that is "New Detroit.” in other words, they are completely disconnected from the realities of having to live on the daily around the kinds of poor and desperate people who have been especially violent in the past year or so.

"By an overwhelming 9-1, they [actual lifelong city residents in the neighborhoods] would feel safer with more cops on the street, not fewer."

i know i recently said the same in the Leftists thread (i’m repeating myself, so it may be time to focus this account anyway), but these privileged white liberals are worse than useless, they are absolutely in the way of progress, and the above example is just one example that shows how--commanding conversations that they know little to nothing about, simply because of their privilege.

the way i see it, crime and poverty are the main things that separate us pro-2A people on the left, from the vast majority of NRA kinds of 2A people--those of us on the left, understand that any conversation about crime and violent crime is wrong and futile if poverty is not kept front and center in the conversation (remember when Gandhi said that “poverty is the worst form of violence”?). we want to keep these conversations about and efforts at countering the systemic poverty and necessity that keeps generating new criminals and criminalized youth going, but in the meantime--in the daily realities of defending oneself and one’s loved ones--we understand (often from firsthand experience unfortunately) the necessity of being armed. many/most of the NRA fucks simply dismiss criminals as “bad people” who get what they deserve, and that’s the main reason leftists like me will never join the NRA.

you know, Killer Mike really did say it the best here, regarding, right-leaning white gun-owners in the working class, versus privileged ass white liberals--"allies" versus “pretend friends" respectively

apologies for the length of the above, but bringing people's stances towards the police into this, made me think of the above poll, which was just published this week, and since i just finished teaching the lit class I was teaching this summer, i’m here with a strong cup of coffee lurking on SLAP this morning, so i had the time to say my peace...


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #153 on: July 28, 2021, 08:08:52 AM »
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it's interesting watching all of the legal shit unfold in CA for you all...i get why people are calling Judge Benitez the patron saint of the 2A out there. most people assume his latest ruling on the "assault weapon" ban was exactly to get that in front of the Supreme Court...

Yeah I'm curious to see how it will all unfold, but i also am loathe to cheer on these right wing judges, even if i do want a lot of the CA laws to be overturned

copy that Dale, absolutely. but, all of the privileged white hypocrites pushing this "gun control" mess are correspondingly pushing those of us on the left in the working class, into ally positions with some on the right--i swear, this is one reason why the shooting ranges i frequent are more diverse places than the university campuses where i teach.

did y'all hear about all of those public defenders in NY pushing for the supreme court to "to eviscerate gun regulations," specifically NY's absurdly racist and classist restrictions on concealed carrry?

eh, y'all remember when Frantz Fanon said this?

"The unpreparedness of the educated classes, the lack of practical links between them and the mass of the people, their laziness, and, let it be said, their cowardice at the decisive moment of the struggle will give rise to tragic mishaps."

Oh i wholeheartedly agree. They are more than willing to grumble about the police because it looks bad, not because they have an actual critique of policing in this country and it's racist roots. They are happy to hide behind the cops who protect their comfortable life and want to force us to co opt their polite values.

I'm just obviously very wary of a crowd that likes to wear "Pinochet did nothing wrong" shirts at rallies even on a tactical alliance for one issue. They fantasize about turning their guns on us

funny that you mention the police, in this conversation about most of the privileged, gentrifying hypocrites i brought up above.

back here in--and around--Detroit, the city still wears the racism of the past on its is seemingly indelibly inscribed in the landscape. so, even after the past decade or so of forced and coerced dispersal of many of the city’s lifelong black residents (arguably to make way for all of the young white tech people a single billionaire wants to populate the city with), the city’s population is still nearly 80% black, and the vast majority of these poor and working people live in the approximately 132-square miles of neighborhoods of single-family homes, outside of “New Detroit” primarily in the center. this center downtown area is what you mostly here about in the news when you hear about Detroit being “reborn”--this center of the city is heavily policed and heavily monitored and more of an urban theme park than part of the sprawling neighborhoods.

i bring this up because, during all of the protests that were supposed to be about George Floyd, the crowds of protestors were mostly white in many cases, which lets one know that most of those people were not from the city, and even if they recently moved here, they lived downtown in “New Detroit.”

so the Detroit Free Press just published the results of a poll they contributed to, which clearly illustrates that many/most of these gentrifying white hypocrites taking selfies of themselves with their fists in the air and calling for "defunding" the police (who are also the kinds of privileged fucks calling for “gun control") are completely disconnected from the realities of actually having to live in the 132-square miles of the city outside of the urban theme park that is "New Detroit.” in other words, they are completely disconnected from the realities of having to live on the daily around the kinds of poor and desperate people who have been especially violent in the past year or so.

"By an overwhelming 9-1, they [actual lifelong city residents in the neighborhoods] would feel safer with more cops on the street, not fewer."

i know i recently said the same in the Leftists thread (i’m repeating myself, so it may be time to focus this account anyway), but these privileged white liberals are worse than useless, they are absolutely in the way of progress, and the above example is just one example that shows how--commanding conversations that they know little to nothing about, simply because of their privilege.

the way i see it, crime and poverty are the main things that separate us pro-2A people on the left, from the vast majority of NRA kinds of 2A people--those of us on the left, understand that any conversation about crime and violent crime is wrong and futile if poverty is not kept front and center in the conversation (remember when Gandhi said that “poverty is the worst form of violence”?). we want to keep these conversations about and efforts at countering the systemic poverty and necessity that keeps generating new criminals and criminalized youth going, but in the meantime--in the daily realities of defending oneself and one’s loved ones--we understand (often from firsthand experience unfortunately) the necessity of being armed. many/most of the NRA fucks simply dismiss criminals as “bad people” who get what they deserve, and that’s the main reason leftists like me will never join the NRA.

you know, Killer Mike really did say it the best here, regarding, right-leaning white gun-owners in the working class, versus privileged ass white liberals--"allies" versus “pretend friends" respectively

apologies for the length of the above, but bringing people's stances towards the police into this, made me think of the above poll, which was just published this week, and since i just finished teaching the lit class I was teaching this summer, i’m here with a strong cup of coffee lurking on SLAP this morning, so i had the time to say my peace...

Hell yes dude, whole heartedly agree. Don't focus though. I love hearing your point of view in the Leftist thread


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #154 on: July 28, 2021, 08:18:56 PM »
What's up comrades. Whitey here.

I was taking a quick break from my privileged life of hypocrisy, when I stumbled across this thread. I too am determined to shoot those who benefit from our racist and oppressive system.

While I'm keen to start killing without delay, I notice that many of your anti racist posts refer to the enemy as being 'white'. Do you think my race be held against me in the fight against racism?

'No Mouth, you have a negative rep because you are a fan of growing your wealth off of the backs of low paid workers and brag about having bodyguards. You literally kook people for doing charity in South East Asia. Don't deny it.'

Deputy Wendell

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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #155 on: July 29, 2021, 06:24:54 AM »
What's up comrades. Whitey here.

I was taking a quick break from my privileged life of hypocrisy, when I stumbled across this thread. I too am determined to shoot those who benefit from our racist and oppressive system.

While I'm keen to start killing without delay, I notice that many of your anti racist posts refer to the enemy as being 'white'. Do you think my race be held against me in the fight against racism?

i regret to have to inform you sir, but your Form 4473 has been denied due to signs of emotional instability and you will not be able to purchase a firearm at this time.

but since it does indeed look like you are feeling quite put upon and are--perhaps even--having a hard day, have a gnar.

kisses to you Love
« Last Edit: July 30, 2021, 05:39:23 AM by Deputy Wendell »


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #156 on: July 29, 2021, 06:36:46 AM »
What's up comrades. Whitey here.

I was taking a quick break from my privileged life of hypocrisy, when I stumbled across this thread. I too am determined to shoot those who benefit from our racist and oppressive system.

While I'm keen to start killing without delay, I notice that many of your anti racist posts refer to the enemy as being 'white'. Do you think my race be held against me in the fight against racism?

"what? No I'm totally normal, please ignore my fbi hat and windbreaker. I'm a skater who wants to shoot guns just like the rest of you guys!"

Deputy Wendell

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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #157 on: July 30, 2021, 05:40:39 AM »
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What's up comrades. Whitey here.

I was taking a quick break from my privileged life of hypocrisy, when I stumbled across this thread. I too am determined to shoot those who benefit from our racist and oppressive system.

While I'm keen to start killing without delay, I notice that many of your anti racist posts refer to the enemy as being 'white'. Do you think my race will be held against me in the fight against racism?

i regret to have to inform you sir, but your Form 4473 has been denied due to signs of emotional instability and you will still not be able to purchase a firearm at this time.

but since it does indeed look like you are still feeling quite put upon and are--perhaps even--having yet another hard day, have another gnar.

even more kisses to you Love

Deputy Wendell

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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #158 on: November 08, 2021, 11:09:43 AM »
anyone been putting shit down range lately? I have NOT. nor have I been to a gun store in months. Curious if everything is still outta stock and expensive?

I've got a week off soon and plan to do some camping and go pew pew pew

i'm still getting to the range about once a week, but in-door only...for now. i do have some resources now, and i am wholeheartedly looking for land here in Michigan, so hopefully i will be shooting at steel on my own property soon.

that being said SkateMore, brother, ammo is definitely moving towards stabilizing with regards to availability, but prices still have some catching up to do. i've been purchasing brass-cased 7.62 x 39 from PPU (Serbia) for a long time now, for all of the guns in my safe from the AK platform, and it's clean and dependable, and i recently found 9mm fmj PPU, 124 grain, for pre-pandemic prices, and it shoots as cleanly and dependably as the aforementioned rifle ammo....right here:

i could do without the Ted Nugent merch on the home page, but this is a conscientious seller, although i'm not sure how they are with shipping to CA unfortunately

glad to hear you're going to be getting out and away from things for a week....sounds like a good time...


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #159 on: November 08, 2021, 11:39:10 AM »
im not sure the laws of shipping guns...

but if any slap pals want a gun cerakoted hit me up.


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #160 on: November 08, 2021, 01:12:42 PM »
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im not sure the laws of shipping guns...

but if any slap pals want a gun cerakoted hit me up.

no kidding. you do this for work or a hobby?



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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #161 on: November 08, 2021, 03:48:34 PM »
anyone been putting shit down range lately? I have NOT. nor have I been to a gun store in months. Curious if everything is still outta stock and expensive?

I've got a week off soon and plan to do some camping and go pew pew pew
I got out with my kids last weekend. Great time! Ammo hasn't dropped much in price in my neck of the woods. 9mm and 223 are still pretty scarce as well. I'm not so worried about that though, I fortunately read the writing on the wall in time. Have fun when you go man!


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #162 on: November 08, 2021, 04:16:14 PM »
That price for 9mm seems pretty good.

I have a friend who bought a 9mm from a sports chain out of state, where it was registered and he had his background check and all that jazz. He moved to CA and was telling me that he is fine since it was purchased at a major retailer.  Does my friend need to fill out some paperwork for CA?
"...We got the nuclear worm over here..."

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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #163 on: November 08, 2021, 04:40:48 PM »
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anyone been putting shit down range lately? I have NOT. nor have I been to a gun store in months. Curious if everything is still outta stock and expensive?

I've got a week off soon and plan to do some camping and go pew pew pew
I got out with my kids last weekend. Great time! Ammo hasn't dropped much in price in my neck of the woods. 9mm and 223 are still pretty scarce as well. I'm not so worried about that though, I fortunately read the writing on the wall in time. Have fun when you go man!

I wanted to get some footage of me shooting shit in the hills for this little video I was working on, but the rain came and landslides and blah blah blah. next time
Now you have an excuse to get out again soon!

Deputy Wendell

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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #164 on: November 08, 2021, 05:27:48 PM »

i'll just go ahead and tag y'all here (is that the right verb?)...i really appreciate this thread, if for no other reason than it's such a rare thing to get to talk about guns with other "lefties." for what little it is worth, i already gave out all of the gnars i can.

boosie, duly noted, and thanks for the notice--the last cerakoted goodie i got was the "shell stop" on the Mossberg 590 A1 i shared earlier in the thread.

Seventy, that sounds iike one hell of a weekend and i really appreciate and respect you sharing with your kids and educating your kids in this regard--a gun is not a toy, and you always respect it, but just because it's not a toy, does not mean it can't be fun.

Skatemore, you out camping, shooting outdoors at that "iron skillet" sounds like nothing but good times...i'm jealous and happy for you man

since i mentioned purchasing it earlier in the thread, i figure i'd share a photo of the newest iteration of the Galil Ace "pistol" i purchased a while back....i've put about 700 rounds through it thus far, and it is indeed an unwavering and splendid little brute:

Galil Ace Pistol (chambered in 7.62 x 39)
Midwest Industries Galil Ace Pistol-Length Handguard +
Surefire Offset Weapon Light Mount +
Surefire M300 Mini Scout Tactical Flashlight +
Aimpoint Micro T-2 Red Dot Reflex Sight =


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #165 on: November 08, 2021, 06:14:55 PM »
@Deputy Wendell I was taught at a young age, so I felt it was best to carry on the tradition. My two little guys (7 and 9) have a single shot .22 rifle that my Dad gave them before he passed. Of everything I own that foolish thing is so much fun. I though about leaving the rest of the guns in the pickup, and saved ammo! I think the three of us must have set a Maine state record for the greatest amount of rounds put through a single shot in one day.  ;D That is an absolute beauty to add to your rack. Super jealous. I would like to do a pistol build this Winter, but I lack the skills and probably should be saving money anyways.. But We will see. Great thread.


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #166 on: November 08, 2021, 06:39:53 PM »
That galil is sick. I'm very in favor of guns and i really need to finally get on getting one but i also live in the state that makes it as hard and expensive as possible (other than new York)


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #167 on: November 08, 2021, 07:43:06 PM »

I had a local guy build me a "cheapie" last year. My buddy gave that low end red dot I tried to zero it in with a bore sight, we will see how that goes.

Deputy Wendell

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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #168 on: November 09, 2021, 04:40:11 AM »

I had a local guy build me a "cheapie" last year. My buddy gave that low end red dot I tried to zero it in with a bore sight, we will see how that goes.

that looks like a fun/formidable rig Seventy

i'm still learning about red dots and optics in general--there's so much to know. i have put Aimpoints on a couple of guns, and they do indeed seem to be worth the money, but i also put a Bushnell TRS-25 on one too, which was only about $150 on sale, and that fucker seems indestructible too.

edit: i meant to also say that i love the idea of you and your boys setting Maine's record for most rounds through a one-shot rifle in a day--especially since the rifle was a gift to them from your father...that's an incredible thing to be able to share with them and i'm sure your boys are going to grow up really appreciating the memories you all are creating...all feel good there.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2021, 04:47:03 AM by Deputy Wendell »


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #169 on: November 09, 2021, 04:27:26 PM »
i dont have pics of guns at the moment. ill have to grab some from my friends. but this is a set of trucks i cerakoted.


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #170 on: November 09, 2021, 04:56:56 PM »
funny thing is, i've been a full-time vegetarian/part-time vegan for about 30 years

the luxury of being a vegetarian

i love when vegetarians/vegans in total urban/suburban settings criticize hunting and hunters--the former being about the most unnatural and unsustainable model of living there is...
Dear mother of god, this in incredible.

A self-aware vegetarian/vegan person.

This is fucking WILD.


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #171 on: November 09, 2021, 07:15:42 PM »
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funny thing is, i've been a full-time vegetarian/part-time vegan for about 30 years

the luxury of being a vegetarian

i love when vegetarians/vegans in total urban/suburban settings criticize hunting and hunters--the former being about the most unnatural and unsustainable model of living there is...
Dear mother of god, this in incredible.

A self-aware vegetarian/vegan person.

This is fucking WILD.

So we don't allow hunting. Deer over populates an area. There is not enough food for them to eat. They wither away and starve to death. 


A sustainable amount of deer are allowed to procreate. Instantly, they die by a hunter shooting them (bow or via gunfire).  What is more ethical? What is more sustainable?

Surely a person can elect not to eat meat, but the "moral superiority" that is perceived to accompany veganism/vegetarianism is not supported. Lots of animals die farming fruits and vegetables. Which is what I think dude is saying.
"...We got the nuclear worm over here..."

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Bunk Moreland

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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #172 on: November 09, 2021, 10:16:43 PM »
Do any of you conceal carry? If so, why? I’m allowed to outside of work, I just don’t want that responsibility or liability so I choose not to.


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #173 on: November 10, 2021, 06:01:49 AM »
Do any of you conceal carry? If so, why? I’m allowed to outside of work, I just don’t want that responsibility or liability so I choose not to.
I can but I don't feel the need to. I might reevaluate that if there was crime where I live. I do however keep a pistol around (in my pickup) after seeing people hit deer and they are suffering, and also other situations.

Deputy Wendell

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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #174 on: November 10, 2021, 06:30:13 AM »
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funny thing is, i've been a full-time vegetarian/part-time vegan for about 30 years

the luxury of being a vegetarian

i love when vegetarians/vegans in total urban/suburban settings criticize hunting and hunters--the former being about the most unnatural and unsustainable model of living there is...
Dear mother of god, this in incredible.

A self-aware vegetarian/vegan person.

This is fucking WILD.


Deputy Wendell

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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #175 on: November 10, 2021, 06:33:17 AM »
Do any of you conceal carry? If so, why? I’m allowed to outside of work, I just don’t want that responsibility or liability so I choose not to.

yes, have for years--just renewed for another 5

why? beyond where, when, and what i've lived through in my 50 years, because i can.

based on what little i know about you through SLAP, you don't seem like the kind of person afraid of a little responsibility


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #176 on: November 10, 2021, 06:51:45 AM »
Do any of you conceal carry? If so, why? I’m allowed to outside of work, I just don’t want that responsibility or liability so I choose not to.
I used to, but rarely do anymore. In fact I can't remember the last time I had it on me.  I actually got my carry permit FOR work.  At the time I worked at a rather large pawnshop and we were free to open carry as a deterrent.  I'm in Indiana and our carry permit doesn't distinguish between open or concealed carry, plus constitutional carry was just passed (which I'm not stoked on) so I think on January first my permit won't be worth the paper it's printed on.  Basically that job sort  of got me in to guns and I started carrying outside of work under the mantra of "better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it", but my interest in doing so just sort of fizzled out.  I do still like to go shoot at the range though.

Get hungry on it!


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #177 on: November 10, 2021, 06:32:10 PM »
I actually have to renew my permit tomorrow but I’ve only carried once in the 10 years I’ve had one. It felt weird.

It’s more of a better to have and not need/stay legal on range trips for me.

Bunk Moreland

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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #178 on: November 11, 2021, 01:18:43 PM »
A lot more of you carry than I thought. I kind of feel like if you have a gun, I have a gun. I might start carrying though, shit is getting pretty bad here.


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Re: anyone shoot guns?
« Reply #179 on: November 11, 2021, 02:42:21 PM »
^ I can not imagine that shit, and in broad daylight? I wouldn't leave the fucking house without carrying. Please stay safe man.