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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: IUTSM on March 04, 2020, 08:47:58 PM

Title: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 04, 2020, 08:47:58 PM
So i'm up in CA, close to Oregon and we've had two diagnosed cases in the county. People aren't talking about it much face to face, but the shelves of big bulk stores like Costco are barren of a lot of stuff, so it's evident folks are thinking about it. No masks, latex gloves, clorox wipes, at all, and bulk food like 20lb bags of beans, rice, non-dairy milk, etc.

I pretty much lived in the woods for the past 5 years and rarely got sick. It was great. Now, I recently started grad school and a position in a k-8 grade school, and I've been straight sick with ear infections and flu since December. Although it's a really rural place with a low population, the schools are the gnarliest germ repositories. My partner is a social worker with elderly folks, so I don't know what the fuck she's exposed to either.

When Japan closes it's schools for an indefinite period of time, shit is real, and with everything so heavily invested in the profits of private market economy, mandated quarantines, closures, vaccines, or testing aren't happening in the States, period.

So, what's the word where you live? Y'all still eating your boogers and licking door knobs, or what?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chavo on March 04, 2020, 11:39:02 PM
I work for a state agency in L.A. and so far we have only received an email warning to wash our hands, etc. There's been little reaction countywide as well. Keep in mind that we also have had recent typhus, MRSA, and tuberculosis outbreaks amongst the very large homeless population. A respiratory illness pandemic is the least of our concerns.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: sexualhelon on March 05, 2020, 01:57:27 AM
I'm in Berlin. Went to the grocery store yesterday and they were out of toilet paper, beans, and frozen pizza.

It seems as though people plan on locking themselves in their basements and pooping a lot.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Paco Supreme on March 05, 2020, 02:31:24 AM
I’m in Melbourne, I also happen to work in a place that sells face masks. I don’t know how many cases are confirmed down here yet but there’s more in the northern states. That said people are going nuts buying bottled water and toilet papers.

There’s a real ghost town feel to some of the more densely Asian populated areas near me, it’s kinda eerie
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 05, 2020, 03:02:09 AM
i'm in hamburg, germany. 2 million inhabitants and officially 3 infected who have been quarantined, so rn i'm not really worried. it's kind of crazy though, yesterday it was around 200 in the whole of germany, now it's risen up to 349.

tons of people have minor colds right now, me included, and i wonder how many people just sweat it out without knowing. i'm not really concerned with myself, i'm more afraid for my elderly parents, both who have not the best lungs anyway and are already struggling with the flu every year.

people here act largely normal and laugh shit off, as i said, lots are sick anyway due to the cold weather and typically in germany people go to work even when they are super ill because people think you are poosey if you call in sick. i haven't seen any hoarding or super empty shelves, but also people aren't actually taking care, still coughing all over the place and stuff. so i guess it's a matter of time until it hits sort of pandemic levels.

i mean let's face it, this might just be a new strain of the cold we will have to live with. it sucks for old and fragile people and i feel sorry and bad for yall but i guess we can't stop nature completely and have to adapt. i won't get my hopes up that this just passes over. i'd rather hope that if i catch it i'm well enough to live through a mild case and produce some antibodies.

best wishes to all pals and their peers around the world who have to deal with this somehow

oh, at work all the disinfectant got stolen by my coworkers, lol. and some grocery stores don't accept cash anymore.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Omars_Dad on March 05, 2020, 06:08:32 AM
my mother sent me a text yesterday reminding me to wash my hands. i'm 35
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: DISTANT RUMOURS on March 05, 2020, 06:17:36 AM
Our minister of health was pissed off on national television. She said NOT To go work if you had a runny nose. Not to visit people etc.

She's basically saying to start hoarding and stay indoors if you're not sick.

We had no corona infected people last week, and now it's risen to 23 I believe.

I must say, Belgium is VERY small and we have 2 to 3 main train lines which are used by tourists from all over the globe. Pretty sure that number will rise tremendously in the coming week.

No to bodyshame anyone but this our minister of health (she is a doctor):

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: silhouette on March 05, 2020, 06:18:17 AM
Vans is starting to cancel House of Vans events and whatnot, on the basis of coronavirus scare:

"We regret to inform you that this weekend’s event in London – Zorilla’s Jazz Club to launch the Rowan Pro – is unfortunately cancelled due to travel and event restrictions in place around the coronavirus (COVID-19).

We need to put your safety and the safety of the public attending House of Vans events and Vans staff first and avoid any unnecessary risks. The wellbeing of our Vans Family will always be our primary concern.

We will keep you posted on any future plans to reschedule.

Stay safe and we’ll see you soon."

And apparently, it's not just this one event in London either but also more of the upcoming ones all over Europe.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 05, 2020, 06:42:51 AM
In the last 2 hours I've done 3 patient moves in my hospital that are "COVID 19 positive" on the notes.
Shit is literally right above me.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on March 05, 2020, 06:49:07 AM
So i'm up in CA, close to Oregon and we've had two diagnosed cases in the county. People aren't talking about it much face to face, but the shelves of big bulk stores like Costco are barren of a lot of stuff, so it's evident folks are thinking about it. No masks, latex gloves, clorox wipes, at all, and bulk food like 20lb bags of beans, rice, non-dairy milk, etc.

I pretty much lived in the woods for the past 5 years and rarely got sick. It was great. Now, I recently started grad school and a position in a k-8 grade school, and I've been straight sick with ear infections and flu since December. Although it's a really rural place with a low population, the schools are the gnarliest germ repositories. My partner is a social worker with elderly folks, so I don't know what the fuck she's exposed to either.

When Japan closes it's schools for an indefinite period of time, shit is real, and with everything so heavily invested in the profits of private market economy, mandated quarantines, closures, vaccines, or testing aren't happening in the States, period.

So, what's the word where you live? Y'all still eating your boogers and licking door knobs, or what?
My wife use to work with Pre-K kids and outreach after schoolers and it was a nightmare as she'd bring home nasty viruses with her because kids are stupid and don't understand not to cough on someone or cover their mouths!

We've made significant changes to our lives she quit that gig and is working with HUD on real estate license. I would HATE working with kids and I'm taking care of elderly people, yeah they get sick but it's deteriorating and inevitable simple colds that take out the elderly.   

I'm sure it's going to hit all over but I'm definitely avoiding everyone more than I already do.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mouth on March 05, 2020, 08:14:36 AM
I'm in Singapore. 32 confirmed cases here. We're a travel hub and we've been through SARS etc, so this isn't altogether unfamiliar.

After an initial toiler paper and noodle-hoarding frenzy a few weeks back, things have settled down a bit. A lot of people have been wearing masks for a month or so and every pharmacist has a sign informing patrons that they shouldn't even bother asking for them.

Aside from that, many nightlife and retail areas are considerably quieter. Companies are requiring staff to take pay cuts. Or unpaid leave. Especially airlines and anything related to tourism, f&b or events. Funnily enough, the hotels are apparently doing quite well. Hospital staff are booking themselves into them to avoid any chance of bringing something nasty home for the family.

I think the economic impact is going to be severe. And that's here. We're a small, rich and more importantly, tightly controlled island nation that knows how to follow the rules in situations like this.

It will be interesting to watch Pence and co. pray their way out of this. Looks to me that God crafted this particular virus specifically to lay waste to the Republican party's aged church-congregating, anti-vaxxing base. Just in time to swing the election.

Either that, or it's because they are a bunch of cunts.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 05, 2020, 09:03:08 AM
Expand Quote
So i'm up in CA, close to Oregon and we've had two diagnosed cases in the county. People aren't talking about it much face to face, but the shelves of big bulk stores like Costco are barren of a lot of stuff, so it's evident folks are thinking about it. No masks, latex gloves, clorox wipes, at all, and bulk food like 20lb bags of beans, rice, non-dairy milk, etc.

I pretty much lived in the woods for the past 5 years and rarely got sick. It was great. Now, I recently started grad school and a position in a k-8 grade school, and I've been straight sick with ear infections and flu since December. Although it's a really rural place with a low population, the schools are the gnarliest germ repositories. My partner is a social worker with elderly folks, so I don't know what the fuck she's exposed to either.

When Japan closes it's schools for an indefinite period of time, shit is real, and with everything so heavily invested in the profits of private market economy, mandated quarantines, closures, vaccines, or testing aren't happening in the States, period.

So, what's the word where you live? Y'all still eating your boogers and licking door knobs, or what?
My wife use to work with Pre-K kids and outreach after schoolers and it was a nightmare as she'd bring home nasty viruses with her because kids are stupid and don't understand not to cough on someone or cover their mouths!

We've made significant changes to our lives she quit that gig and is working with HUD on real estate license. I would HATE working with kids and I'm taking care of elderly people, yeah they get sick but it's deteriorating and inevitable simple colds that take out the elderly.   

I'm sure it's going to hit all over but I'm definitely avoiding everyone more than I already do.

yes, i generally like working with kids- it's more fun than adults. And, yeah, I am having a hard time not being able to avoid people. I might sound entitled, but while I wasn't off the grid, I was pretty darn close and it's really weird being required to interact.

It will be interesting to watch Pence and co. pray their way out of this. Looks to me that God crafted this particular virus specifically to lay waste to the Republican party's aged church-congregating, anti-vaxxing base. Just in time to swing the election.

What really blew me away was the WH banning the filming of a Corona briefing yesterday. Are they praying the virus away? Praying for reelection? Praying for the markets to recover? Or are they praying that this lays waste to non believers? It's definitely not cool.

I work for a state agency in L.A. and so far we have only received an email warning to wash our hands, etc. There's been little reaction countywide as well. Keep in mind that we also have had recent typhus, MRSA, and tuberculosis outbreaks amongst the very large homeless population. A respiratory illness pandemic is the least of our concerns.

That's gnar. Are you on the front lines?

I'm up north and it's wet and very moldy, so everyone, especially those living outside, is hit with respiratory stuff every year. While it's nothing compared to the scope of LA, we've got a significant houseless/transient population as well- I hadn't thought about those folks yet.

Our minister of health was pissed off on national television. She said NOT To go work if you had a runny nose. Not to visit people etc.

She's basically saying to start hoarding and stay indoors if you're not sick.

We had no corona infected people last week, and now it's risen to 23 I believe.

This definitely isn't the case in the States. The Federal government is pretty much ignoring what's going on to save the stock market.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fulltechnicalskizzy on March 05, 2020, 02:54:39 PM
hey man the oly corona virus I am scared of is a hangover know what I am sayin man 8)
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jc on March 05, 2020, 03:31:15 PM
my mother sent me a text yesterday reminding me to wash my hands. i'm 35
That’s the good shit. When my dad was alive he would tell me I’m driving too fast in areas where limit was 35-45, of course I’d listen. Taking him to DRs appointments were really the only times he mentioned it.  Two years after his death I miss him nagging in passenger seat.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: on March 05, 2020, 04:36:20 PM
i saw white people wearing masks....
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 05, 2020, 04:55:40 PM
I kinda feel a cold coming on. I prob have that shit. It’s basically the flu tho, so I’ll do what I normally do for cold/flu which is nothing and go about my business. Maybe not shake hands with any old people.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: WastedHippy on March 05, 2020, 05:00:59 PM
I'm in Berlin. Went to the grocery store yesterday and they were out of toilet paper, beans, and frozen pizza.

It seems as though people plan on locking themselves in their basements and pooping a lot.

The American dream haha but yeah toilet paper seems to be flying off shelves all around the world
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Not A Damn Chance on March 05, 2020, 05:14:09 PM
I recently got back from EU. Visited Bcn, Catania, Geneva, Lyon, Madrid, Bilbao, & Palma.  Feeling like shit the past few days, but don’t have a temperature. Mainly just coughing up shit and feeling spacey. I haven’t gone in to see a doc. I’m living alone for the next 2 weeks so I’m hoping it passes.
I’m on the west coast, people aren’t tripping out too hard.  I’m mainly concerned about my family, like everyone else.
I feel like everywhere I go there is Chinese tourists.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: paraquat on March 05, 2020, 05:29:43 PM
I’m safe (for now) in Ohio/Michigan. Hopefully this man made bio weapon that has similarities to HIV but is airborne goes away when spring hits and we will all be safe.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 05, 2020, 05:58:23 PM
20 confirmed cases in my county as of today, only 2 are travel related, so that shit is spreading.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Pnw on March 05, 2020, 06:15:33 PM
11 people have died near me. Most of them within 5 miles of my house and closer to work.

Mostly I’m worried about my father who isn’t in the greatest health.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: paraquat on March 05, 2020, 06:53:59 PM
11 people have died near me. Most of them within 5 miles of my house and closer to work.

Mostly I’m worried about my father who isn’t in the greatest health.
geez. Where are you?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: HUNCHBACK on March 05, 2020, 07:44:20 PM
Expand Quote
my mother sent me a text yesterday reminding me to wash my hands. i'm 35
That’s the good shit. When my dad was alive he would tell me I’m driving too fast in areas where limit was 35-45, of course I’d listen. Taking him to DRs appointments were really the only times he mentioned it.  Two years after his death I miss him nagging in passenger seat.

: ( sorry G
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 05, 2020, 08:25:40 PM
i'm in hamburg, germany. 2 million inhabitants and officially 3 infected who have been quarantined, so rn i'm not really worried. it's kind of crazy though, yesterday it was around 200 in the whole of germany, now it's risen up to 349.

nevermind, i wrote that yesterday, today cases have almost doubled, lol. 500 something something and 8 people in my city. everyone around me has the sniffles.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 05, 2020, 09:49:43 PM
I'm in Mexico City for work with 100 other people from around the world. Our HR rep said "don't travel, stay home". I live near Los Angeles, return home tomorrow and my entire family is pissed that I traveled.

All that said, I'm not too concerned.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 05, 2020, 10:36:16 PM
I was with my dr today discussing a recent concussion. My brain was  bleeding and they still advised me to stay out of the local hospital, a half hour away.

I was sent home and tomorrow fly out to tbay  and then Toronto.

Its crazy,  normally the place I go too is soooooo busy. Now it's dead. It's being advised not to visit a hospital unless absolutely necessary

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Pnw on March 05, 2020, 11:11:21 PM
Expand Quote
11 people have died near me. Most of them within 5 miles of my house and closer to work.

Mostly I’m worried about my father who isn’t in the greatest health.
geez. Where are you?
Im 2 cities over from Kirkland WA where all the us deaths have occurred so far.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 06, 2020, 12:02:56 AM
The CDC currently states, "For most of the American public, who are unlikely to be exposed to this virus at this time, the immediate health risk from COVID-19 is considered low," so I'm not really all that worried. (see

I'm currently traveling through the US but my most recent Lyft driver told me business is wayyy down and he isn't making much money. He says the area I'm currently staying in usually has tons of Asian tourists, but there aren't many around and he is making fewer trips to the airport than usual.

Also, I had dinner with someone who works in wellness (I'm not exactly sure what this means) on a university campus the other night and she explained to me that the worry is that this isn't like the flu or cold that hits for a few weeks/months and then generally stops getting passed around, but it might just keep getting passed around. If it isn't seasonal then containing the illness might be pretty difficult.

So far the scariest thing about this coronavirus is the insane shit prominent republicans are spouting and somehow making this a divisive issue "Donald Trump Jr, appearing on Fox News, said: “For them [democrats] to try to take a pandemic and seemingly hope that it comes here and kills millions of people so that they could end Donald Trump’s streak of winning is a new level of sickness.”

Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel said: “Democrats are using this for their political gain to try and stoke fear in the American people, which is shameful, wrong, and I think un-American.”

And the Fox and Friends nut case said something just as insane,  "the Democrats, watch the media -- you start to feel like they're rooting for coronavirus to spread. And I don't say that flippantly, I really don't, but they're rooting for it to grow, they're rooting for the problem to get worse, they're rooting for mysteries, unknown cases, quarantines, towns, for it to become an absolute national crisis for one reason and one reason alone. They have yet to find a reason to try to drag down the presidency of Donald Trump."

"They're cheering -- I can't believe I'm on national television saying that Democrats are cheering for a virus because they hate Donald Trump so much."

At present, watching Fox and Friends and then reading about the Spanish Civil War is far scarier than this disease could ever be.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: must be nice on March 06, 2020, 04:09:55 AM
here in western australia everyones buying out toilet paper. we are a strange bunch.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: animalflesh on March 06, 2020, 05:21:13 AM
Westchester county NY

Over 1,000 people quarantined in the area
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chatbot on March 06, 2020, 05:48:18 AM
Surprised NYC isn't reporting many cases yet. Literally millions of people pass through there every day. Also, the one outcome I don't mind is the stock market keeps dipping which gives us youngins a solid entry point. Especially since I opened up a 401k and a personal roth IRA a few months ago
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: beatifk on March 06, 2020, 05:55:22 AM
I live in Italy and everyone is panicked. It's absurd.

This is my favorite article describing the situation:

I spent the past week in Paris. Nobody seemed worried about it. Now I'm back in Italy and everyone is losing it. It's a joke.

Although, I have read a lot of zombie and post-apocalyptic comics and seen a lot of movies on the same topic and wonder if this could be that. Could be pretty interesting. I secretly dream of living during human extinction.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: CrumblingInfrastructure on March 06, 2020, 07:53:40 AM
I live/work in Seattle. I guess like pnw said 11 people have died. My husbands company is having everyone work from home for the next 3 weeks. I think my jobs going to get very interesting. I work at a veterinary hospital and my whole job is taking care of boarding animals so if people stop traveling i’ll probably end up being without work for a bit. I talked with a coworker from my last job where I used to watch about 120 dogs daily and have 20-40 boarding dogs a night. I guess there daily business has been cut in half because everyones working from home and watching their dogs.

Im just glad I buy my TP from costco, im good for atleast 2 months.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 06, 2020, 04:25:03 PM
here's a letter from a NorCal nurse who treated a CV patient, while wearing the proper protective gear (
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on March 07, 2020, 06:17:26 AM
Partners is big.
They is keeping this shit quite because of the up coming elections. The big medical companies in Massachusetts are down with the GOP.

People were shitting in their pants right next to me in chorus at 3 different facilities.
A tech comes out checks for fevers and international travel and hands out masks and 4 people got taken each one to a different rooms across the hall.

Everyone panicking split and I was next.

Don't believe them. People are sick af

I'm sick af.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 07, 2020, 06:24:14 AM
I’m excited, frankly.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on March 07, 2020, 06:39:27 AM
I’m excited, frankly.

 was excited too but excitement will dribble right down your leg on to flipping skateboard and just become increase drag as you flow through life.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 07, 2020, 06:58:56 AM
Expand Quote
I’m excited, frankly.

 was excited too but excitement will dribble right down your leg on to flipping skateboard and just become increase drag as you flow through life.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Yushin Okami on March 07, 2020, 07:22:04 AM
I'm in Los Angeles and we're starting to hear about cases popping up. My company has decided to have everyone work remotely until further notice. Frankly, I'm fine with that because my commute is a bummer.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: camel filters on March 07, 2020, 08:49:05 AM
I live in Austin. They just cancelled SXSW. Wild.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: doublesteveburger on March 07, 2020, 09:01:06 AM
I work in a medical equipment facility and we’ve had to put allocations and restrictions on product due to hospital facilities going crazy on ordering face masks and gloves in apocalyptic bulk. Not many cases here in Arizona but there’s definitely tension in the warehouse.

Be clean/safe out there, baby!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 07, 2020, 09:43:13 AM
I live in Austin. They just cancelled SXSW. Wild.

This is an indication of what we’re looking at if I’ve ever seen one. My company along with tons of other tech companies pulled out beforehand. We were told “cancel all unnecessary travel and work from home if needed”.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 07, 2020, 10:11:57 AM
I work at an airport and today we got a box sent from HR, with Lysol wipes and laurel gloves.
Boss just said, he you can just put this wherever in the back office and use if you want.
Other than that I have no idea what’s going on. I only know corona from 1 tweet that introduced it to me.
I have avoided reading anything else about it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: botefdunn on March 07, 2020, 10:58:59 AM
I’m excited, frankly.

I don't know you but I love your movies, keep it up.

Hearing about all this toilet paper hoarding makes me glad I switched to washing. Good time to try it, you'll never go back.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 07, 2020, 12:02:01 PM
You can book cheap flights right now
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 07, 2020, 02:48:44 PM
I work at an airport and today we got a box sent from HR, with Lysol wipes and laurel gloves.
Boss just said, he you can just put this wherever in the back office and use if you want.
Other than that I have no idea what’s going on. I only know corona from 1 tweet that introduced it to me.
I have avoided reading anything else about it.

What do you work at the airport... TSA? I saw some fucking idiots when traveling international this week. Parents with undustrial-size container of wipes, kids with gloves/masks that were way too big, etc.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 08, 2020, 05:44:31 AM

i don't live in jamaica, but seems like the right thread to post

also, we need dr octagons opinion on this.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: paraquat on March 08, 2020, 06:37:30 AM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Francis Xavier on March 08, 2020, 09:42:38 AM
Orange County kook here. Everyone of our customers is tripping,fighting at Costco and shit. We just keep eating chips with dirty fingers and get back to work. One guy laid it out that if you're under 40 you don't give a fuck,but if you're over 40 you're shitting yourself. We'll see,most of the deaths have been elderly right? Even at my school theres signs to wear masks and wash your hands...yet the bathrooms are still dirty as fuck.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 08, 2020, 09:45:49 AM
Expand Quote
I work at an airport and today we got a box sent from HR, with Lysol wipes and laurel gloves.
Boss just said, he you can just put this wherever in the back office and use if you want.
Other than that I have no idea what’s going on. I only know corona from 1 tweet that introduced it to me.
I have avoided reading anything else about it.

What do you work at the airport... TSA? I saw some fucking idiots when traveling international this week. Parents with undustrial-size container of wipes, kids with gloves/masks that were way too big, etc.
Just grunt work for an airline. Best job I’ve ever had lol
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 08, 2020, 09:58:33 AM
I work for a state agency in L.A. and so far we have only received an email warning to wash our hands, etc. There's been little reaction countywide as well. Keep in mind that we also have had recent typhus, MRSA, and tuberculosis outbreaks amongst the very large homeless population. A respiratory illness pandemic is the least of our concerns.
I work in something similar further south and same shit. You get an email once in a while that someone with tuberculosis came in and those they were in contact with are getting tested.

I finally saw this stupid shit going down yesterday at Walmart. Notice all the cheap water was gone. Nobody wants to splurge on the good shit. All the paper towels and toilet paper gone. Fucking people are more worried about how they are going to wipe their ass than anything else. I wasn’t looking for toilet paper though. What these dummies should be doing is what I always do. Buy the wet wipes instead. Gets you cleaner and you could wipe your hands with it if necessary. Biodegradable as well. And nobody was buying those so I’m good. I am a little pissed that I could get some fucking water. I’m not worrying. I just wanted water for normal fucking drinking.

I am a little concerned just because I have a lot of contact with people especially the poor who aren’t always sanitary. But I always wash my hands after anyways. But also in my office when one person gets sick everyone does so it’s just a matter of time. But if I die from that shit I deserve for being such a bitch. I’d be down to wear a gas mask all day. Would be fun.

I’m not usually paranoid about this shit but for the first time in my life I was planning on traveling a lot this year. Already have a vacation to Hawaii booked. Was planning on Oregon or Washington but probably will go somewhere else. Last one is a big camping trip so not too worried on that one.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: eranka on March 08, 2020, 10:21:03 AM
i work in a hospital and the quarantine unit is above my floor but i hear more people freaking about it outside the hospital than inside.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 08, 2020, 10:32:04 AM
i work in a hospital and the quarantine unit is above my floor but i hear more people freaking about it outside the hospital than inside.

Same, the general public in Adelaide are freaking out but hospital staff don't seem that bothered.

My issue here is less that actual virus but more what'll happen in this hospital in someone in Facilities Maintenance gets it and the office has to be shut due to quarantine.

If it gets into this office it'll spread like wildfire (last year the flu ravaged this office) and without the 12-14 people in this office literally nothing will move in this hospital (patients, equipment, security, meals).
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 4LOM on March 08, 2020, 02:07:13 PM
Sounds like the epidemic is turning everyone into Cornholio 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: morningcommute on March 08, 2020, 02:33:55 PM
I work in travel and the company is going to tank. It’s already losing staff to try and reduce the amount of money we are haemorrhaging.

I think Within the month they will announce they will announce the company has gone bust and everyone has lost their jobs.

I also buy supplies for the office and all alcohol based hand sanitiser has been sold out of- nationwide. Most of the hygiene products I order are out of stock.

Went to the supermarket today and everyone was buying toilet paper. All pasta and rice gone.

What the fuck do people think is gonna happen? They’re gonna shit themselves to death?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: sexualhelon on March 08, 2020, 02:38:23 PM
I work in travel and the company is going to tank. It’s already losing staff to try and reduce the amount of money we are haemorrhaging.

I think Within the month they will announce they will announce the company has gone bust and everyone has lost their jobs.

I also buy supplies for the office and all alcohol based hand sanitiser has been sold out of- nationwide. Most of the hygiene products I order are out of stock.

Went to the supermarket today and everyone was buying toilet paper. All pasta and rice gone.

What the fuck do people think is gonna happen? They’re gonna shit themselves to death?

Damn, sold out of all alcohol based hand sanitizer nationwide? What country are you in?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 08, 2020, 02:42:16 PM
All grocery stores and pharmacies in my city (suburb in socal) are sold out of hand sanitizer. I made my own (2 parts rubbing alcohol, one part aloe vera gel) and it works great. I can't wait for all this hysteria to pass.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 08, 2020, 04:48:07 PM
Trying to buy a house right now. Nobody was at open houses today.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on March 09, 2020, 03:00:25 AM
Sounds like the epidemic is turning everyone into Cornholio 

I am happy to report that there are ample supplies of TP (and everything else) in stores where I live, even though we have a dozen confirmed cases. My bunghole will remain clean ... the bidet could make a strong comeback though, shit's gonna be trending in 2020.

Hopefully, the coronavirus starts the ball rolling on the next recession, since the housing market is just crazy right now. Or at least fuck over some of the AirBnB "barons" in our city.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Peepeeboy69 on March 09, 2020, 07:35:40 AM
I went to Costco and shit was so funny. All the tp was gone, but paper towels, wet wipes, all pretty much full stock.

Organic eggs all gone but plenty of non organic eggs. Same thing with chicken. And milk. People would really rather starve to death than eat non organic produce lmfao.

I'm not freaked out cause I'm young, my parents are healthy, and don't really know or care about any old people rn, so everyone I care about should be fine. Recently there was a big biotech conference or something in Boston and the 2 of the main speakers had the virus and lots of people who went got infected apparently. Lots of schools got closed because parents brought it home to their kids etc lol. My mom's friends company is forcing a mandatory work from home. If I get mandatory work from home if be stoked. I don't do anything at work anyways so if I work from home I'll just write an afk script and skate my box in my driveway, just in time for this beautiful spring weather haha
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Yu Dum on March 09, 2020, 08:14:15 AM
First confirmed case here in Memphis/Shelby County. One school administrator has been put on leave due to coming into contact with said infected person. Hasn't quite gotten to the point that large groups are being quarantined, but it's definitely a possibility.
Stay safe out there, Pals. SHALOM.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 09, 2020, 08:30:53 AM
Just dropped my kid off at school, it was a ghost town. They usually do a little assembly on Monday mornings, not today. It's all the parents were talking about.

I was planning on going up to Mendocino to see my dad this weekend, but he's 73 and not in the best shape. There's hella cases where I'm at, none up there. If any of us aren't 100%, we aren't going. I don't want to risk getting him sick.

There's no way I could work from home either, so if it came down to it, I'd still have to go in, just not do any face to face stuff.

Ted Cruz is self isolating...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: E on March 09, 2020, 12:19:22 PM
Just dropped my kid off at school, it was a ghost town. They usually do a little assembly on Monday mornings, not today. It's all the parents were talking about.

I was planning on going up to Mendocino to see my dad this weekend, but he's 73 and not in the best shape. There's hella cases where I'm at, none up there. If any of us aren't 100%, we aren't going. I don't want to risk getting him sick.

There's no way I could work from home either, so if it came down to it, I'd still have to go in, just not do any face to face stuff.

Ted Cruz is self isolating...

You should probably not visit your dad either way. You could show no symptoms and still be contagious, better safe than sorry at least for now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Bumpovertrash on March 09, 2020, 03:37:45 PM
Theres only a couple cases in missouri right now but our costco still selling out of tp and bottled water. My sis went the other day and there was a line out the parking lot and down the street. I have a alot of older and sick folks in my family so hopefully they will be alright. But hey atleast were in the flyover states. My dad is traveling to seattle right now and flys constantly hopefully hes good
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 09, 2020, 04:33:41 PM
I either need this shit to go away or get so hectic that offices start shutting down so I can skate buildings that are usually busts.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 09, 2020, 04:53:34 PM
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Just dropped my kid off at school, it was a ghost town. They usually do a little assembly on Monday mornings, not today. It's all the parents were talking about.

I was planning on going up to Mendocino to see my dad this weekend, but he's 73 and not in the best shape. There's hella cases where I'm at, none up there. If any of us aren't 100%, we aren't going. I don't want to risk getting him sick.

There's no way I could work from home either, so if it came down to it, I'd still have to go in, just not do any face to face stuff.

Ted Cruz is self isolating...

You should probably not visit your dad either way. You could show no symptoms and still be contagious, better safe than sorry at least for now.
Yea, today I read a wsj article that said you can be infected for 5 days before symptoms appear.

My county had its first death today.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 09, 2020, 05:15:17 PM
My coworker says she has a fever. I’m sure these NYC numbers are about to start multiplying.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 09, 2020, 06:29:14 PM
I work in AV and leverage vendors all the time for business. I just got off the phone with a vendor who basically said "If you need anything, please call me, we're trying to keep the lights on". Shit is crazy out there.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 09, 2020, 06:31:45 PM
My mom is bummed because she just happens to need toilet paper lol.

A few people in my county have been confirmed to have it. If I didn't already say it here, if I get it and die from it, throw me in a dumpster like the worthless piece of shit I would be. I just don't want to get sick and miss work because I'm trying to build up my vacation hours. I've also been getting really sick the last few years when I used to never get sick so that sucks. I also work with the homeless and poverty stricken public and in a big office with a bunch of equally filthy fucks who don't wash their hands or stay home when they're sick so that kind of pisses me off. We have to have a meeting with like 40 of those animals tomorrow (my co-workers not the homeless).
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mesteezo on March 09, 2020, 08:10:54 PM
Events and gatherings of 1000+ people just got banned for 3 weeks in Santa Clara county.

My school just canceled in-person classes for the rest of this week and will be online only as of next week for the next 3 weeks, followed by a week of spring break, and then they will determine if they resume in-person classes or not.

1 month without showing up to school. Fuck yeah.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 09, 2020, 08:49:09 PM
Just dropped my kid off at school, it was a ghost town. They usually do a little assembly on Monday mornings, not today. It's all the parents were talking about.

I was planning on going up to Mendocino to see my dad this weekend, but he's 73 and not in the best shape. There's hella cases where I'm at, none up there. If any of us aren't 100%, we aren't going. I don't want to risk getting him sick.

There's no way I could work from home either, so if it came down to it, I'd still have to go in, just not do any face to face stuff.

Ted Cruz is self isolating...

at least they're testing in Mendo. Up in Humboldt they sure aren't... hope your dad is ok
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: rawr1922 on March 09, 2020, 09:32:29 PM
I live in Austin. They just cancelled SXSW. Wild.

Crazy. Interesting to see how the other festivals respond.

Anybody else think all this a big conspiracy?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on March 09, 2020, 11:18:54 PM
I just spent 2 months in Laos (se asia) and theyve got no reported cases lol.  Im in the malayasian airport and i feel good.  Kinda stoked on the virus cause im enroute to Bali and it will keep alot of surf tourists away, so that will mean less crowded surf. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on March 09, 2020, 11:33:37 PM
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I live in Austin. They just cancelled SXSW. Wild.

Crazy. Interesting to see how the other festivals respond.

Anybody else think all this a big conspiracy?

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: WastedHippy on March 10, 2020, 12:01:59 AM
I just spent 2 months in Laos (se asia) and theyve got no reported cases lol.  Im in the malayasian airport and i feel good.  Kinda stoked on the virus cause im enroute to Bali and it will keep alot of surf tourists away, so that will mean less crowded surf.

You are a moron.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on March 10, 2020, 01:58:00 AM
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I just spent 2 months in Laos (se asia) and theyve got no reported cases lol.  Im in the malayasian airport and i feel good.  Kinda stoked on the virus cause im enroute to Bali and it will keep alot of surf tourists away, so that will mean less crowded surf.

You are a moron.
  Get mad about then dude -see what that does
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sick Duck on March 10, 2020, 10:07:40 AM
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I just spent 2 months in Laos (se asia) and theyve got no reported cases lol.  Im in the malayasian airport and i feel good.  Kinda stoked on the virus cause im enroute to Bali and it will keep alot of surf tourists away, so that will mean less crowded surf.

You are a moron.
  Get mad about then dude -see what that does
over 3000 ppl dying so far is cool because now less people will burn you in the water
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Fongstarr. on March 10, 2020, 11:48:22 AM
I live in the Bay Area. A week ago it was sort of mellow but now things seemed to be heightened. I take a bus from Oakland to SF every morning with a ton of people commuting and I think I had like 10 people on as a lot have been advised to work from home. A lot of other things are cancelled as well from the SJ Sharks, ballet, high schools, companies, etc. I am going to a Warrior game tonight. Wonder if it will be a ghost town.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: doublesteveburger on March 10, 2020, 12:16:35 PM
My lady and I were looking at flight prices last night and it’s insane. $400 round trip to Barcelona. Similar prices to Canada and even cheaper in the states.

Bummed my mom will be heading back home to Mexico for a solid month. Hoping she’s safe out there and doesn’t have any problems getting back.

Also, a facility in Colorado that I ship medical equipment to confirmed a case today.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 10, 2020, 12:47:42 PM
God damnit just took me forever to remember bb code.

A data scientist coworker at the company I work at (HEAVY data analytics for all functions of the company) created this based on all public available information:

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 10, 2020, 12:52:03 PM
Everyone at work was talking about it yesterday because they had some dumb meeting and our regular boss said a state of emergency was declared in our county, which it wasn’t. And I knew it wasn’t.

Also the people that work the front desk with the people (mainly homeless or poverty stricken) requested rubber gloves and another equally regular supervisor said those won’t help because if they touch their face it can spread. Thankfully someone said what I was thinking that like, they don’t have to touch their fucking face. They can take the gloves off and wash their hands when they need to.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on March 10, 2020, 02:47:00 PM
God damnit just took me forever to remember bb code.

A date scientist coworker at the company I work at (HEAVY data analytics for all functions of the company) created this based on all public available information:

So this guy has no epidemiological knowledge, he's just playing with numbers? I've seen a few similar graphs and charts like this popping up, and it's always some big data nerd with no actual relevant expertise. It's irresponsible, imho.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 10, 2020, 05:19:37 PM
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God damnit just took me forever to remember bb code.

A date scientist coworker at the company I work at (HEAVY data analytics for all functions of the company) created this based on all public available information:


So this guy has no epidemiological knowledge, he's just playing with numbers? I've seen a few similar graphs and charts like this popping up, and it's always some big data nerd with no actual relevant expertise. It's irresponsible, imho.

Nope! He's just some jackass with a bunch of numbers, locations and dates who tried to identify trends. What kind of sadistic data scientist would do such a thing, right?

Within 20 minutes of posting that on a workplace group, our head of HR mandated we (every office in the world) work from home for the next 2 weeks (roughly 9k employees).
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: rawr1922 on March 10, 2020, 05:21:56 PM
Coachella postponed till October. Bet  all music festivals will cancel or move to a different date. Crazy , today 2 universities in my town anounced they are suspending class and moving online.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on March 10, 2020, 07:26:19 PM
State of Emergency in North Carolina. I'm going to work online for the next few weeks which sucks because I won't hoop with my lunch break crew, but is tight because I'll skate at the park every day thats not raining.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 10, 2020, 07:26:43 PM
posted here 6 days ago when in my country there were about 350 infected, now it's risen up to 1.6k and our dumbass politicians still won't close schools and universtities, even though many times the first person in a region getting sick was a teacher, daycare employee. people are acting all fatalistic here, like everyone is like "yeah it would be sick if i'd get corona, two weeks off, hue hue." at least people don't hoard buy shit around me. but i won't be surprised if the spread actually worsens a lot. what pisses me off is stuff like this one couple that i know they just flew to italy for vacation despite the virus, under the assumption that it's everywhere now anyways. people only care about their own health, think they are alright, but they don't think about how they might spread.

send the kids home from school for a month, let people apply for a month off to take care of them at home during that time and give them some sort of emergency pandemic welfare payment or whatever. it wouldn't stop it completely but might be a way to slow it down so everyone falling seriously ill can get treated properly.

also there is a confirmed case at the workplace of a coworkers wife and she was told to self-isolate for the next two weeks to see if she develops any symptoms. but her husband/my coworker is supposed to still go to work(we work in gastronomy, lol). public health office actually said it's fine if he goes to work but he should self isolate everyday after work, too. which makes absolutely zero sense, considering we are preparing food and drinks for hundreds of people every day.

i feel like our government has a poor grasp on the situation and similar to the u.s. government is slow in responding and also mainly focused on the  economic impact rather than public health. they seem to be leaving it largely to the affected commuinities how to deal with the outbreak and are slowly consolidating efforts to actually have enough medical equipment in stock when shit hits the fan after telling everybody to relax and that there'd be enough meds all around. merkel acually said herself she thinks that about 60-70% of the population will probably get sick before there will be any vaccine or antiviral meds and that that's that basically ala get over it.

it's like world: mi fraid a corona!!
germany: eh, fuck it, we're all doomed anyways. if you die to this, you are poosey

still not very afraid of getting sick myself but man, if this was like an actual killer, we'd all be so fucked because people just can't abide and shit. too many people running around with invincibility complexes.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Trashcon on March 10, 2020, 07:33:14 PM
Nothing really. There's been one or two suspected cases that turned out to be false alarms. I have heard talk of hand sanitizers flying off the shelves. Plenty of TP at stores though. Everyone at work is definitely washing their hands more often, myself included. In my field, I attend a lot of meetings at programs, schools, courts, so I come in contact with a lot of people. Even before all this started, I constantly washed my hands and kept hand sanitizer in my car.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on March 10, 2020, 08:01:56 PM
I don't feel like the risk is to my wife and kids or myself. My worries are for my mother in law who is in her 70's possibly getting it from us wandering around wherever like a very popular aquarium where people literally come from all around the world. Since it takes a few days to incubate, she could then infect her even older sister whose got health issues. I can't feel good about doing something like that because I didn't exercise more caution.

I'm going to have to call my mom at some point and tell her that when we visit there, she's got to refrain from direct contact from us because I don't want her getting it because her diabetes makes fighting this even harder. She might have to wait a week to finally hug her grandkids before I can feel at ease about it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: straight on March 10, 2020, 09:40:38 PM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ChuckRamone on March 10, 2020, 09:47:07 PM

from Jef Hartsel's insta stories
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 10, 2020, 10:19:09 PM
The local university just declared all classes will now be taught online for the next month.

Spring Break is my big worry. What happens when all the idiot children come back from vacation?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on March 10, 2020, 10:48:18 PM
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I just spent 2 months in Laos (se asia) and theyve got no reported cases lol.  Im in the malayasian airport and i feel good.  Kinda stoked on the virus cause im enroute to Bali and it will keep alot of surf tourists away, so that will mean less crowded surf.

You are a moron.
  Get mad about then dude -see what that does
over 3000 ppl dying so far is cool because now less people will burn you in the water
  Leave the social activism to things we have any real control over there bub.   Me being happy wont kill anybodies grand parents.  And fuck wasted hippy.  Fucking mosquito.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: WastedHippy on March 10, 2020, 11:21:48 PM
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I just spent 2 months in Laos (se asia) and theyve got no reported cases lol.  Im in the malayasian airport and i feel good.  Kinda stoked on the virus cause im enroute to Bali and it will keep alot of surf tourists away, so that will mean less crowded surf.

You are a moron.
  Get mad about then dude -see what that does
over 3000 ppl dying so far is cool because now less people will burn you in the water
  Leave the social activism to things we have any real control over there bub.   Me being happy wont kill anybodies grand parents.  And fuck wasted hippy.  Fucking mosquito.

Having control over it or you being happy isn't the point, it's still a lame comment to say your "stoked on the virus" you dumbass
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on March 11, 2020, 12:10:20 AM
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I just spent 2 months in Laos (se asia) and theyve got no reported cases lol.  Im in the malayasian airport and i feel good.  Kinda stoked on the virus cause im enroute to Bali and it will keep alot of surf tourists away, so that will mean less crowded surf.

You are a moron.
  Get mad about then dude -see what that does
over 3000 ppl dying so far is cool because now less people will burn you in the water
  Leave the social activism to things we have any real control over there bub.   Me being happy wont kill anybodies grand parents.  And fuck wasted hippy.  Fucking mosquito.

Pointing out your navel-gazing isn't exactly social activism, bub.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on March 11, 2020, 06:53:26 AM
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I just spent 2 months in Laos (se asia) and theyve got no reported cases lol.  Im in the malayasian airport and i feel good.  Kinda stoked on the virus cause im enroute to Bali and it will keep alot of surf tourists away, so that will mean less crowded surf.

You are a moron.
  Get mad about then dude -see what that does
over 3000 ppl dying so far is cool because now less people will burn you in the water
  Leave the social activism to things we have any real control over there bub.   Me being happy wont kill anybodies grand parents.  And fuck wasted hippy.  Fucking mosquito.

Pointing out your navel-gazing isn't exactly social activism, bub.
    This whole thread is titled, "the corona virus, whats it doing where ur at" -thats what my post was about.  I was just in the epicentre of the epidemic. Being happy about less crowded surf is a victimless crime.
  U both need to chill on the keynoard.  There is actual bad people out there doing actual bad things.   I dont want to mess with those people either so i guess i can see why you are chastising me online.  Its safe and fun for u (at least it is for wasted hippy, always getting his little jabs at me. )
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JB on March 11, 2020, 07:07:39 AM
The local university just declared all classes will now be taught online for the next month.

Spring Break is my big worry. What happens when all the idiot children come back from vacation?

There's talk of doing that at the university I work at, which I guess means I'll be working from home for a while. Only two confirmed cases in my state too, but the governor just declared a state of emergency. I haven't seen any hystaria at any shops yet, but I'm sure I will.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 11, 2020, 07:11:35 AM
My wife and her sister went to a post Malone concert last night in Austin TX...I think at least one person there had to have corona already.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on March 11, 2020, 07:14:09 AM

We ALL just got a text from my health clinic.

Its here in Lynn Ma.

I'm going to die from this infection anyway
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 11, 2020, 07:32:51 AM
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The local university just declared all classes will now be taught online for the next month.

Spring Break is my big worry. What happens when all the idiot children come back from vacation?

There's talk of doing that at the university I work at, which I guess means I'll be working from home for a while. Only two confirmed cases in my state too, but the governor just declared a state of emergency. I haven't seen any hystaria at any shops yet, but I'm sure I will.

i am an adjunct professor ("English") at two different universities in Michigan, where we just had our first two cases confirmed.

one of the universities emailed faculty a while back about beginning to consider how to teach the rest of the semester from home if classes and/or campus had to be closed. we always talk in my classes about what people are doing over spring break, and to my knowledge only one student was going anywhere, and that was to Florida.

i hope everybody is well...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Fred Gerwer Frank Gall on March 11, 2020, 07:48:44 AM
Not many cases yet in Portland but not many tests done either. I work with homeless youth (16 to 25) some of them live in mass shelters so we are bracing ourselves.... B/c of their age, I'm hoping, if we get hit no one will get it that bad, however, there are lots of other risk factors in our population that could contribute to the severity of the cases...

On a personal level, I totally forget about it unless I switch on the news. Certainly been washing my hands more and boosting Fit C, D but what else can you do....
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Francis Xavier on March 11, 2020, 07:52:56 AM
Volcom was going to premire a surf vid tonight and just cancelled it due to the virus. Definitely a liability if someone caught it there. Basically any mass gathering of people is ill advised. All the stores by me are pushing anti bacterial soap and tp,it's funny and a bummer. My wife stocked up on food thinking we are going to be stuck in the house forever.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 11, 2020, 07:55:43 AM
Not many cases yet in Portland but not many tests done either. I work with homeless youth (16 to 25) some of them live in mass shelters so we are bracing ourselves.... B/c of their age, I'm hoping, if we get hit no one will get it that bad, however, there are lots of other risk factors in our population that could contribute to the severity of the cases...

On a personal level, I totally forget about it unless I switch on the news. Certainly been washing my hands more and boosting Fit C, D but what else can you do....

i feel you on this--i'm not especially worried about catching it myself. i am worried about giving it my mom or my aunt, who are both in their seventies. my mom's pretty stubborn and full-speed-ahead about things, and she just worked the primary elections yesterday here in Michigan--she said she practiced as much caution as possible, so i'm hoping/praying she's fine...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JB on March 11, 2020, 08:09:40 AM
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The local university just declared all classes will now be taught online for the next month.

Spring Break is my big worry. What happens when all the idiot children come back from vacation?

There's talk of doing that at the university I work at, which I guess means I'll be working from home for a while. Only two confirmed cases in my state too, but the governor just declared a state of emergency. I haven't seen any hystaria at any shops yet, but I'm sure I will.

i am an adjunct professor ("English") at two different universities in Michigan, where we just had our first two cases confirmed.

one of the universities emailed faculty a while back about beginning to consider how to teach the rest of the semester from home if classes and/or campus had to be closed. we always talk in my classes about what people are doing over spring break, and to my knowledge only one student was going anywhere, and that was to Florida.

i hope everybody is well...

I'm in MI as well (WSU). I'm sure we'll hear later today whether we'll be going virtual. Both cases were fairly close in proximity to the university. Michigan State just announced that they're going all online. If we don't, the media is going to slay us.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 11, 2020, 10:21:47 AM

We ALL just got a text from my health clinic.

Its here in Lynn Ma.

I'm going to die from this infection anyway

You’ve survived this long. By the sounds of it, you’ve already beaten the odds a few times. You will continue living, and you will live well.

This, too, shall pass.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 11, 2020, 10:42:25 AM
Well it's a pandemic now apparently.
Does anyone know what that actually changes?

I feel working in a hospital I should know.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Pnw on March 11, 2020, 10:56:08 AM
Seattle is banning any public gatherings over 250 people.

People at work are starting to freak out, we don’t have the ability to work from home. I just went to Kauai last week so I’m out of vacation time.

On a side note rush hour traffic is pretty dead.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: natenola forever on March 11, 2020, 11:21:52 AM
Yeah we've had 3 cases here and they basically cancelled the whole weekend, No St Pattys parade and no Super Sunday (Mardi Gras Indians event) pretty bummed on that one
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pica on March 11, 2020, 11:29:58 AM
Well it's a pandemic now apparently.
Does anyone know what that actually changes?

I feel working in a hospital I should know.

A pandemic is considered worldwide
An epidemic local.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on March 11, 2020, 11:35:20 AM

A tweet thread expanding on the drastic measures China has taken to contain the virus.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mongey on March 11, 2020, 11:45:41 AM
I’m a property manager for a  large charity and am part of our pandemic response team. We are starting to cancel events. Which really sucks for a charity.

Eventually someone in one of our buildings will get it and we will have to send everyone home for 2 weeks.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: froufroufox on March 11, 2020, 11:52:59 AM
I work at a startup in Malibu and people are starting to freak a bit in the community. Pepperdine University cancelled in-person classes for the rest of the semester, as well as most other major LA colleges. We just had a stand up at work and the CEO is saying to prepare for the complete lockdowns of some places in the US, most likely starting with Seattle. My job can be totally done remotely from home so I'm hoping they announce we don't have to come into the office soon.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: shucknjive on March 11, 2020, 12:04:58 PM
all the suicidal kids in japan
they skipped gradez
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 11, 2020, 12:07:17 PM
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The local university just declared all classes will now be taught online for the next month.

Spring Break is my big worry. What happens when all the idiot children come back from vacation?

There's talk of doing that at the university I work at, which I guess means I'll be working from home for a while. Only two confirmed cases in my state too, but the governor just declared a state of emergency. I haven't seen any hystaria at any shops yet, but I'm sure I will.

i am an adjunct professor ("English") at two different universities in Michigan, where we just had our first two cases confirmed.

one of the universities emailed faculty a while back about beginning to consider how to teach the rest of the semester from home if classes and/or campus had to be closed. we always talk in my classes about what people are doing over spring break, and to my knowledge only one student was going anywhere, and that was to Florida.

i hope everybody is well...


I'm in MI as well (WSU). I'm sure we'll hear later today whether we'll be going virtual. Both cases were fairly close in proximity to the university. Michigan State just announced that they're going all online. If we don't, the media is going to slay us.

yeah, WSU is one of the spots where i teach--i'm sure you have probably seen the newest email, but they extended spring break to March 23--although this is going to be a pain in the ass on the teaching end, A: i'm sure my students will be stoked (despite the reason), and B: i actually think this was a solid way to approach this...we'll see.

keep working for and praying for the best, but be prepared for the worst, right? as long as people keep their heads and remember that we're all trying to stay safe and sane, this is manageable...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JB on March 11, 2020, 12:25:53 PM
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The local university just declared all classes will now be taught online for the next month.

Spring Break is my big worry. What happens when all the idiot children come back from vacation?

There's talk of doing that at the university I work at, which I guess means I'll be working from home for a while. Only two confirmed cases in my state too, but the governor just declared a state of emergency. I haven't seen any hystaria at any shops yet, but I'm sure I will.

i am an adjunct professor ("English") at two different universities in Michigan, where we just had our first two cases confirmed.

one of the universities emailed faculty a while back about beginning to consider how to teach the rest of the semester from home if classes and/or campus had to be closed. we always talk in my classes about what people are doing over spring break, and to my knowledge only one student was going anywhere, and that was to Florida.

i hope everybody is well...


I'm in MI as well (WSU). I'm sure we'll hear later today whether we'll be going virtual. Both cases were fairly close in proximity to the university. Michigan State just announced that they're going all online. If we don't, the media is going to slay us.

yeah, WSU is one of the spots where i teach--i'm sure you have probably seen the newest email, but they extended spring break to March 23--although this is going to be a pain in the ass on the teaching end, A: i'm sure my students will be stoked (despite the reason), and B: i actually think this was a solid way to approach this...we'll see.

keep working for and praying for the best, but be prepared for the worst, right? as long as people keep their heads and remember that we're all trying to stay safe and sane, this is manageable...

I'm wondering what they're going to do moving forward. It seems like this extra week will be for professors to plan how to move their courses online, but I have no idea what will happen for all the hands on classes.

I've got one class this semester which is already online and I'm not going to take next week off. Everyone still has the same amount of work to get done and losing a week is only going to make things harder in the end. I assume it probably feels the same on the teaching end as you've got a certain amount of material you need to cover.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 11, 2020, 12:44:20 PM
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The local university just declared all classes will now be taught online for the next month.

Spring Break is my big worry. What happens when all the idiot children come back from vacation?

There's talk of doing that at the university I work at, which I guess means I'll be working from home for a while. Only two confirmed cases in my state too, but the governor just declared a state of emergency. I haven't seen any hystaria at any shops yet, but I'm sure I will.

i am an adjunct professor ("English") at two different universities in Michigan, where we just had our first two cases confirmed.

one of the universities emailed faculty a while back about beginning to consider how to teach the rest of the semester from home if classes and/or campus had to be closed. we always talk in my classes about what people are doing over spring break, and to my knowledge only one student was going anywhere, and that was to Florida.

i hope everybody is well...


I'm in MI as well (WSU). I'm sure we'll hear later today whether we'll be going virtual. Both cases were fairly close in proximity to the university. Michigan State just announced that they're going all online. If we don't, the media is going to slay us.

yeah, WSU is one of the spots where i teach--i'm sure you have probably seen the newest email, but they extended spring break to March 23--although this is going to be a pain in the ass on the teaching end, A: i'm sure my students will be stoked (despite the reason), and B: i actually think this was a solid way to approach this...we'll see.

keep working for and praying for the best, but be prepared for the worst, right? as long as people keep their heads and remember that we're all trying to stay safe and sane, this is manageable...

I'm wondering what they're going to do moving forward. It seems like this extra week will be for professors to plan how to move their courses online, but I have no idea what will happen for all the hands on classes.

I've got one class this semester which is already online and I'm not going to take next week off. Everyone still has the same amount of work to get done and losing a week is only going to make things harder in the end. I assume it probably feels the same on the teaching end as you've got a certain amount of material you need to cover.

i would say that's exactly what the week is for, which again, i'm feeling, because i've never taught an online course before. actually i've turned them down, because--despite their practicality for people with kids and jobs and all--i got into this mess because of what goes on face-to-face in the classroom. (i'm assuming the week will have to be made up at the end, like last year when we had those closings due to the weather.)

that all being said, a pandemic obviously changes things a bit. the email i just received said there's obviously concern for the significant amount of students who have "limited access to technology off campus."

i hope all is well for you and yours man--stay safe...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: handsclapanin on March 11, 2020, 01:56:19 PM
San Diego.
No TP, paper towels or hand soap anywhere. Went to Walmart, Vons and Rite Aid.
Seen a lot of people buying cases of water.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 11, 2020, 02:09:26 PM
I went to a concert last night at the Dolby Theater in hollwood, 3k people. Everyone kept their space.

That said, I'm on an indefinite self-quarantine baby!

Company forced all employees to work from home for the next two weeks (which will probably be extended to who knows when). We've been scheduling virtual happy hours, coffee, etc. Its been pretty fun and funny so far. I literally have a meeting in my calendar for 4pm with 30 people titled "Virtual Beers".
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 11, 2020, 03:40:36 PM
Only had 2 or 3 confirmed cases in my state until today, when it was announced that someone in my city was confirmed to have it after traveling internationally for business last month.

Looks like my decision to set myself up to be able to stay home for a month if needed without leaving is looking like a better choice by the minute.  Shit's scary since I just got over some other nasty flu a week ago and my lungs haven't recovered, but I'm more concerned with my folks and my father in law as they're all mid-80s with my dad having early COPD symptoms from being a 50 year smoker of Pall Mall unfiltereds at 2 packs a day.

Stay safe, guys.  The next month is going to get VERY bumpy for all of us with this, there really is no containment now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jay_nev on March 11, 2020, 04:21:07 PM
Went to the market yesterday but already regret not stocking up on more.
My wife is past due 1 week with our second child, just a weird time, already felt like life was on hold.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: hmmmokay on March 11, 2020, 04:46:12 PM
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The local university just declared all classes will now be taught online for the next month.

Spring Break is my big worry. What happens when all the idiot children come back from vacation?

There's talk of doing that at the university I work at, which I guess means I'll be working from home for a while. Only two confirmed cases in my state too, but the governor just declared a state of emergency. I haven't seen any hystaria at any shops yet, but I'm sure I will.

i am an adjunct professor ("English") at two different universities in Michigan, where we just had our first two cases confirmed.

one of the universities emailed faculty a while back about beginning to consider how to teach the rest of the semester from home if classes and/or campus had to be closed. we always talk in my classes about what people are doing over spring break, and to my knowledge only one student was going anywhere, and that was to Florida.

i hope everybody is well...


I'm in MI as well (WSU). I'm sure we'll hear later today whether we'll be going virtual. Both cases were fairly close in proximity to the university. Michigan State just announced that they're going all online. If we don't, the media is going to slay us.

yeah, WSU is one of the spots where i teach--i'm sure you have probably seen the newest email, but they extended spring break to March 23--although this is going to be a pain in the ass on the teaching end, A: i'm sure my students will be stoked (despite the reason), and B: i actually think this was a solid way to approach this...we'll see.

keep working for and praying for the best, but be prepared for the worst, right? as long as people keep their heads and remember that we're all trying to stay safe and sane, this is manageable...

I'm wondering what they're going to do moving forward. It seems like this extra week will be for professors to plan how to move their courses online, but I have no idea what will happen for all the hands on classes.

I've got one class this semester which is already online and I'm not going to take next week off. Everyone still has the same amount of work to get done and losing a week is only going to make things harder in the end. I assume it probably feels the same on the teaching end as you've got a certain amount of material you need to cover.

i would say that's exactly what the week is for, which again, i'm feeling, because i've never taught an online course before. actually i've turned them down, because--despite their practicality for people with kids and jobs and all--i got into this mess because of what goes on face-to-face in the classroom. (i'm assuming the week will have to be made up at the end, like last year when we had those closings due to the weather.)

that all being said, a pandemic obviously changes things a bit. the email i just received said there's obviously concern for the significant amount of students who have "limited access to technology off campus."

i hope all is well for you and yours man--stay safe...

Re; bold items. Both colleges I adjunct at have done the same, with the exception of one that's cancelled through the 29th (their spring break doesnt start until the 23rd). One class I teach could absolutely be taught online, the only thing I worry about is students having access to tech they need (mainly photoshop). The other one is focused on creating a more serious photographic body of work and the tldr of that is; most of my students shoot film and don't have scanners/darkrooms at home so at the moment my dept head is trying to figure out a few solutions but it's pretty up in the air at this point.

It just sucks overall. On the plus side I'm going to save a ton on gas as my commute to both schools is kind of lengthy. Hope everyone fares well over the coming weeks no matter what line of work you're in.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 11, 2020, 05:42:28 PM
So many masks on the subway today
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sick Duck on March 11, 2020, 05:52:53 PM
I really haven’t seen too much panic where i live other than stores not having tp and stuff (i still have a ton from costco so not tripping) but i went to doctor for a physical the other day and most people had masks on. The ladies working the office part looked terrified. I cleared my throat while waiting and noticed some glances
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drunk guy on March 11, 2020, 06:17:40 PM
I live in nyc and work freelance and I havnt worked in three weeks because of this shit.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 11, 2020, 06:37:36 PM
Will be wild if what’s going on in Italy happens here.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 11, 2020, 06:42:58 PM
Trump just banned all travel from EU to the US for 30 days, starting Friday. Gnar.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 11, 2020, 06:45:55 PM
and Tom Hanks has corona
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Big Skatefase on March 11, 2020, 06:50:23 PM
damn rudy gobert has the coronavirus and the nba suspended it's season.

i had tickets to the clippers vs. knicks on the 23rd :(
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 11, 2020, 06:57:29 PM
and Tom Hanks has corona

Not today, Satan.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Not A Damn Chance on March 11, 2020, 07:05:35 PM
Trump just banned all travel from EU to the US for 30 days, starting Friday. Gnar.
Wow that’s wild, I got back from eu 2 weeks ago.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: WastedHippy on March 11, 2020, 07:08:11 PM
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I just spent 2 months in Laos (se asia) and theyve got no reported cases lol.  Im in the malayasian airport and i feel good.  Kinda stoked on the virus cause im enroute to Bali and it will keep alot of surf tourists away, so that will mean less crowded surf.

You are a moron.
  Get mad about then dude -see what that does
over 3000 ppl dying so far is cool because now less people will burn you in the water
  Leave the social activism to things we have any real control over there bub.   Me being happy wont kill anybodies grand parents.  And fuck wasted hippy.  Fucking mosquito.

Pointing out your navel-gazing isn't exactly social activism, bub.
    This whole thread is titled, "the corona virus, whats it doing where ur at" -thats what my post was about.  I was just in the epicentre of the epidemic. Being happy about less crowded surf is a victimless crime.
  U both need to chill on the keynoard.  There is actual bad people out there doing actual bad things.   I dont want to mess with those people either so i guess i can see why you are chastising me online.  Its safe and fun for u (at least it is for wasted hippy, always getting his little jabs at me. )

I legit haven't directed anything at you in months so I think your getting a bit stuck on the past dude, you made a stupid comment, I called you on it...move on.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 11, 2020, 07:53:11 PM
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Well it's a pandemic now apparently.
Does anyone know what that actually changes?

I feel working in a hospital I should know.

A pandemic is considered worldwide
An epidemic local.

not to be pedantic about this, but i watched a video on this topic. a pandemic isn't necessarily worldwide. there's actually no hard definition anymore what a pandemic is, but it basically means that the outbreak can't be contained. with an epidemic it's assumed containment is still possible with whatever measures. with a pandemic it's assumed that we're past the point of containment and that the spread can only be slowed at best. or for example as long as outbreaks are localized, even internationally, and can be traced back to certain patients spreading it, you would talk about a epidemic. when you can't track anymore who's got it from who and when you have to assume it's already everywhere, when it makes no sense anymore to find out where it comes from basically and there's no way to tell where it will pop up next, and cases pop up randomly without known connections to known virus vectors, you would talk about a pandemic, since you can't reasonably contain it anymore.

examples of virus pandemics we are already all living in are the flu, common cold(also a corona virus) and herpes. these are everywhere on the planet and we are way past the point of trying to contain them, we just try to treat them as good as we can, or as in the case of herpes, some people carry it but don't get sick, so some may never know about it.

EDIT: vid here

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 11, 2020, 08:04:13 PM
Im getting over a virus rn. What virus? I don’t know. Kinda awkward. Def quarantining myself (thank God I have a good job) but it sucks to know that I could have unknowingly spread it before symptoms developed. I am an excessive hand washer anyway and have been extra hygienic since the outbreak but I still managed to get something so who knows. I’m not worried about me but I am concerned about my dad and grandma. Luckily I haven’t been around either in a couple weeks. My city has not reported any cases so who knows. Might as well be extra cautious for the sake of others.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: elbarto on March 11, 2020, 08:16:20 PM
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Trump just banned all travel from EU to the US for 30 days, starting Friday. Gnar.
Wow that’s wild, I got back from eu 2 weeks ago.

My lady was supposed to come back on the 18th, not sure what’s gonna happen now. Fuck.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Lame_Nigga on March 11, 2020, 09:03:27 PM
4 people are quarantined in the hospital where I live (40 minutes north of KC). Not gonna lie, I had a sore throat and stuffy nose a couple weeks ago but I drank some whiskey and ate some oranges because I just thought it was a regular cold. Low-key worried I had it and didn't know.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 11, 2020, 11:19:51 PM
and Tom Hanks has corona
Goddamnit! Anyone but Hanks!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Kylo Send on March 11, 2020, 11:22:52 PM
Trump just banned all travel from EU to the US for 30 days, starting Friday. Gnar.

That's fucking buck
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: froufroufox on March 11, 2020, 11:54:57 PM
I took a two hour nap earlier and woke up to the NBA suspended (no!!) and Tom Hanks getting diagnosed. Then went to the local store and nearly all bottled water was gone off the shelves. Shit really popped off today and nearly every health official is saying this is only the very beginning.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on March 11, 2020, 11:57:38 PM
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I just spent 2 months in Laos (se asia) and theyve got no reported cases lol.  Im in the malayasian airport and i feel good.  Kinda stoked on the virus cause im enroute to Bali and it will keep alot of surf tourists away, so that will mean less crowded surf.

You are a moron.
  Get mad about then dude -see what that does
over 3000 ppl dying so far is cool because now less people will burn you in the water
  Leave the social activism to things we have any real control over there bub.   Me being happy wont kill anybodies grand parents.  And fuck wasted hippy.  Fucking mosquito.

Pointing out your navel-gazing isn't exactly social activism, bub.
    This whole thread is titled, "the corona virus, whats it doing where ur at" -thats what my post was about.  I was just in the epicentre of the epidemic. Being happy about less crowded surf is a victimless crime.
  U both need to chill on the keynoard.  There is actual bad people out there doing actual bad things.   I dont want to mess with those people either so i guess i can see why you are chastising me online.  Its safe and fun for u (at least it is for wasted hippy, always getting his little jabs at me. )

I legit haven't directed anything at you in months so I think your getting a bit stuck on the past dude, you made a stupid comment, I called you on it...move on.
  Fine dude.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Justis on March 12, 2020, 12:55:31 AM
Someone that goes to my old high school is confirmed infected , I live less than a mile from there
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 12, 2020, 01:30:48 AM
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I just spent 2 months in Laos (se asia) and theyve got no reported cases lol.  Im in the malayasian airport and i feel good.  Kinda stoked on the virus cause im enroute to Bali and it will keep alot of surf tourists away, so that will mean less crowded surf.

You are a moron.
  Get mad about then dude -see what that does
over 3000 ppl dying so far is cool because now less people will burn you in the water
  Leave the social activism to things we have any real control over there bub.   Me being happy wont kill anybodies grand parents.  And fuck wasted hippy.  Fucking mosquito.

Pointing out your navel-gazing isn't exactly social activism, bub.
    This whole thread is titled, "the corona virus, whats it doing where ur at" -thats what my post was about.  I was just in the epicentre of the epidemic. Being happy about less crowded surf is a victimless crime.
  U both need to chill on the keynoard.  There is actual bad people out there doing actual bad things.   I dont want to mess with those people either so i guess i can see why you are chastising me online.  Its safe and fun for u (at least it is for wasted hippy, always getting his little jabs at me. )

I legit haven't directed anything at you in months so I think your getting a bit stuck on the past dude, you made a stupid comment, I called you on it...move on.
  Fine dude.

Your comment about not killing anyone’s grandparents seems like an attempt to deal with feelings of guilt creeping over you since you were, in your words, in an epicenter of covid 19 yet gleefully traveled, potentially spreading the disease. I sure do hope you didn’t spread it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Gnarlington on March 12, 2020, 01:34:05 AM
eu based, countries shutting their borders or restricting travel to high risk countries. people are being asked to work from home if their job allows it.

anyone have any interesting or outrageously wild conspiracy theories on this? i'd love to hear them
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 12, 2020, 02:30:16 AM
This is a horrendously bad time to live in a city.

Please get important supplies, medicines etc and keep your families at home BEFORE its mandated.

The next few months this is going to get way uglier.

Also, think of your town/city systems. You may not have access to clean water or electricity,  things like this.

As a former nutritional consultant practitioner the only supplements I cant think of helping would be undenatured whey protein isolate(not concentrate), olive leave extract (high oleupeurin content) and colloidal silver.

Avoid hospitals if possible, schools etc(large crowded areas)

This virus is airborne and transmitted through the air, touching, eyes so dont bother buying skimpy masks as they will do nothing.

Gloves would be good but dispose of properly (plus it lowers the risk of you rubbing your eyes.

Jesus christ this post sounds rediculous,  but it's the first time in my life I'm genuinely scared for mankind.

Also, it *seems* not to get children sick. But they still can carry the virus. Just keep that in mind.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on March 12, 2020, 02:30:55 AM
eu based, countries shutting their borders or restricting travel to high risk countries. people are being asked to work from home if their job allows it.

anyone have any interesting or outrageously wild conspiracy theories on this? i'd love to hear them

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Gnarlington on March 12, 2020, 02:43:44 AM


you sound like my ex girlfriend
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 12, 2020, 02:54:51 AM
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you sound like my ex girlfriend

So good.

I wish I could share pics. The power is out here, there is not one vehicle in sight, nor person.

Its a very odd feeling
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on March 12, 2020, 03:03:53 AM
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you sound like my ex girlfriend

Uh-huh. If you think levity helps, go for it. Or just google that shit yourself.

In the meantime here's an account of how things are unfolding in northern Italy:
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Gnarlington on March 12, 2020, 03:42:21 AM
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you sound like my ex girlfriend

Uh-huh. If you think levity helps, go for it. Or just google that shit yourself.

In the meantime here's an account of how things are unfolding in northern Italy:

I did have to google the word levity as i'm not a native english speaker. thanks for adding to my vocabulary.

Conspiracy theories i find entertaining to read and i don't really see how that means making fun of the situation.

Then again, I do find it healthy not to take things too seriously in this world and approaching things with the right amount of levity should be ok as long as you're not hurting people with it.

i hope i used my newly learned word correctly in a sentence, feel free to correct me
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 12, 2020, 03:50:15 AM
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you sound like my ex girlfriend

Uh-huh. If you think levity helps, go for it. Or just google that shit yourself.

In the meantime here's an account of how things are unfolding in northern Italy:

I did have to google the word levity as i'm not a native english speaker. thanks for adding to my vocabulary.

Conspiracy theories i find entertaining to read and i don't really see how that means making fun of the situation.

Then again, I do find it healthy not to take things too seriously in this world and approaching things with the right amount of levity should be ok as long as you're not hurting people with it.

i hope i used my newly learned word correctly in a sentence, feel free to correct me

I agree. Being upset and worried is not going to change anything.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: beatifk on March 12, 2020, 04:42:55 AM
Italy is now fucked.

Everything is closed except grocery stores and pharmacies. Every other small business (including skateshops) will probably go out of business unless they have strong online sales. It's already very difficult for these types of mom-n-pop shops to keep operating so 2 weeks minimum of being closed will really hurt them.

I need to carry a piece of paper around with me everywhere I go saying where I'm going and who's given me the authority to do so. This is mostly related to work. If we go out to the supermarket we need the paper. If we are walking home from work we need the paper. If we are going anywhere we need it. The police were checking people walking around town today.

I hope for everyone else on earth that there is a vaccine for this before everyone gets put under the same regulations.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Idk on March 12, 2020, 04:47:23 AM
Can we keep this to information and limit the fights? This is getting serious by the day. Here in DC nothing major so far besides the confirmed cases and that one priest who touched a lot of hands. If DC gets bad idk what will happen here in NOVA.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Audrey II on March 12, 2020, 05:34:58 AM
pretty sure im gonna have to work from home pretty soon. big companies are getting nervous, even here in new england area.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: essal on March 12, 2020, 05:40:55 AM
Norway is shutting down schools and counties are severely limiting social gatherings. I think the limit is now 50 people, and a lot of sports are also cancelled. Indoor skateparks closed, climbing gyms closed etc. In most larger businesses people choose to work remotely when possible, I think there is roughly 10 out of 100 people at my work right now.

I've had light flu like symptoms for a week, so I've not been allowed to go to work and was instantly put on sick-leave by my doc even though he didn't expect corona since I haven't been traveling. Haven't been tested and probably won't unless my doc asks me to.

I think we have roughly 500 confirmed cases, and probably a whole lot more waiting to be discovered.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ClownOfTheDay on March 12, 2020, 05:43:07 AM
I'm in Iowa, at first I thought this was a giant media hoax and yada yada but when I heard bout the death toll in Italy my heart dropped. I have family over there which makes me worry. Now there's cases in Iowa, I live in a small rural town, the super markets are all out of TP and other things such as soap and certain food items. The university's are closed. I was supposed to be going back to SF this weekend but I don't think it's a good idea because of this. Airports are a dangerous place at the moment and I worry for my life and my family's life.   
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 12, 2020, 05:48:24 AM
Norway is shutting down schools and counties are severely limiting social gatherings. I think the limit is now 50 people, and a lot of sports are also cancelled. Indoor skateparks closed, climbing gyms closed etc. In most larger businesses people choose to work remotely when possible, I think there is roughly 10 out of 100 people at my work right now.

I've had light flu like symptoms for a week, so I've not been allowed to go to work and was instantly put on sick-leave by my doc even though he didn't expect corona since I haven't been traveling. Haven't been tested and probably won't unless my doc asks me to.

I think we have roughly 500 confirmed cases, and probably a whole lot more waiting to be discovered.

Fuck, feel better man and take care of yourself. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: SHAQUEEFA on March 12, 2020, 05:51:12 AM
I'm in Tampa, and Wrestlemania is in danger of cancellation.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 12, 2020, 05:53:34 AM
I’m not sure if they legally can but my company just mandated all employees cancel planned travel in 2020, both business and personal
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on March 12, 2020, 05:56:03 AM
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you sound like my ex girlfriend

Uh-huh. If you think levity helps, go for it. Or just google that shit yourself.

In the meantime here's an account of how things are unfolding in northern Italy:

I did have to google the word levity as i'm not a native english speaker. thanks for adding to my vocabulary.

Conspiracy theories i find entertaining to read and i don't really see how that means making fun of the situation.

Then again, I do find it healthy not to take things too seriously in this world and approaching things with the right amount of levity should be ok as long as you're not hurting people with it.

i hope i used my newly learned word correctly in a sentence, feel free to correct me

I have family abroad in a place where the infrastructure isn't necessarily up to par. Can't help but to take this a bit more seriously. Fairly safe to assume I'm not the only one. Am I upset? No. Worried? Yes.

Not a native English speaker, either. I'm not choosing to use certain words in an attempt to impress anyone here. Guess neither of us can control our train of thought.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 12, 2020, 05:57:14 AM
And the UK is apparently allowing citizens to get infected to create ‘herd immunity’?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 12, 2020, 06:15:52 AM
holy fuck, one coworker after another is calling in sick with bronchitis and fever.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Jollyoli on March 12, 2020, 06:31:07 AM
And the UK is apparently allowing citizens to get infected to create ‘herd immunity’?

You can volunteer to be infected for £3000.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on March 12, 2020, 07:03:46 AM
 My tractor repair man told me that this is Chinese bioterrorism so I’m wondering if Bobby has posted this theory yet seems to come from Rush Limbaugh.

Just checked his Insta like a man.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Francis Xavier on March 12, 2020, 07:17:36 AM
My tractor repair man told me that this is Chinese bioterrorism so I’m wondering if Bobby has posted this theory yet seems to come from Rush Limbaugh.

Just checked his Insta like a man.
One of my dipshit friends believes it's being spread to push marshal law into play. Before that idea went into his head,he was just doing numerology (aka math) to show how this whole virus was just something to wave around for the presidential race. 33s and shit. Very Bobby of him.

I hope all you pals stay healthy!

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 12, 2020, 07:20:47 AM
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The local university just declared all classes will now be taught online for the next month.

Spring Break is my big worry. What happens when all the idiot children come back from vacation?

There's talk of doing that at the university I work at, which I guess means I'll be working from home for a while. Only two confirmed cases in my state too, but the governor just declared a state of emergency. I haven't seen any hystaria at any shops yet, but I'm sure I will.

i am an adjunct professor ("English") at two different universities in Michigan, where we just had our first two cases confirmed.

one of the universities emailed faculty a while back about beginning to consider how to teach the rest of the semester from home if classes and/or campus had to be closed. we always talk in my classes about what people are doing over spring break, and to my knowledge only one student was going anywhere, and that was to Florida.

i hope everybody is well...


I'm in MI as well (WSU). I'm sure we'll hear later today whether we'll be going virtual. Both cases were fairly close in proximity to the university. Michigan State just announced that they're going all online. If we don't, the media is going to slay us.

yeah, WSU is one of the spots where i teach--i'm sure you have probably seen the newest email, but they extended spring break to March 23--although this is going to be a pain in the ass on the teaching end, A: i'm sure my students will be stoked (despite the reason), and B: i actually think this was a solid way to approach this...we'll see.

keep working for and praying for the best, but be prepared for the worst, right? as long as people keep their heads and remember that we're all trying to stay safe and sane, this is manageable...

I'm wondering what they're going to do moving forward. It seems like this extra week will be for professors to plan how to move their courses online, but I have no idea what will happen for all the hands on classes.

I've got one class this semester which is already online and I'm not going to take next week off. Everyone still has the same amount of work to get done and losing a week is only going to make things harder in the end. I assume it probably feels the same on the teaching end as you've got a certain amount of material you need to cover.

i would say that's exactly what the week is for, which again, i'm feeling, because i've never taught an online course before. actually i've turned them down, because--despite their practicality for people with kids and jobs and all--i got into this mess because of what goes on face-to-face in the classroom. (i'm assuming the week will have to be made up at the end, like last year when we had those closings due to the weather.)

that all being said, a pandemic obviously changes things a bit. the email i just received said there's obviously concern for the significant amount of students who have "limited access to technology off campus."

i hope all is well for you and yours man--stay safe...

Re; bold items. Both colleges I adjunct at have done the same, with the exception of one that's cancelled through the 29th (their spring break doesnt start until the 23rd). One class I teach could absolutely be taught online, the only thing I worry about is students having access to tech they need (mainly photoshop). The other one is focused on creating a more serious photographic body of work and the tldr of that is; most of my students shoot film and don't have scanners/darkrooms at home so at the moment my dept head is trying to figure out a few solutions but it's pretty up in the air at this point.

It just sucks overall. On the plus side I'm going to save a ton on gas as my commute to both schools is kind of lengthy. Hope everyone fares well over the coming weeks no matter what line of work you're in.

amen to both of these.

if you read above, i adjunct at two different universities too--this semester, one an "Intermediate College Writing" course (ENG 3010) and one a literature course, "Encountering Modernity." i just had to send the first emails to the classes since the extensions on spring break and the switch to online classes for the rest of the semester--also to encourage them to stay focused and let the routine and normality of the work keep them positive in all of this.

the composition class is a bit more of a pain to switch to online teaching, but better suited to it--the lit class is easier (discussion boards and all), but the lit classes are especially fun in person, so it sucks. we're reading Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" next, and i was going to show Apocalypse Now in class, which i was really looking forward to...not sure how to make that work in a way it won't cost them.

i guess resilience is the key in a lot of ways right now...

Can we keep this to information and limit the fights? This is getting serious by the day. Here in DC nothing major so far besides the confirmed cases and that one priest who touched a lot of hands. If DC gets bad idk what will happen here in NOVA.

best advice in here thus far--we're all in here as part of a community right? everyone is just trying to stay safe and sane, and remembering that is key...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 12, 2020, 07:25:58 AM
For lack of a better term I’m a Medical Detective
Lol this guy sounds like a conspiracy theorist
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jay_nev on March 12, 2020, 07:32:56 AM
holy fuck, one coworker after another is calling in sick with bronchitis and fever.
where are you located?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 12, 2020, 08:43:28 AM
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holy fuck, one coworker after another is calling in sick with bronchitis and fever.
where are you located?

north germ-many

think my workplace might inevitably have to shut down for a while within the next two weeks.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 12, 2020, 08:44:47 AM
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holy fuck, one coworker after another is calling in sick with bronchitis and fever.
where are you located?

north germ-many

think my workplace might inevitably have to shut down for a while within the next two weeks.

Canada here, we just got the the call not to go into work

Odd thing is I havent heard the government say too much
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: E on March 12, 2020, 08:49:37 AM
I made the decision to work from home today. They announced at 11am that office is closed starting Monday. My parents are on vacation in CA right now and I want them to come home but I don't know what is safest.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Yu Dum on March 12, 2020, 08:59:13 AM
First confirmed case has hit Memphis. Schools are closing until the end of March and universities are doing strictly online courses until the end of the semester. I'm not so much worried about myself, but I'm incredibly worried about my wife due to her issues with asthma.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 12, 2020, 09:02:23 AM
How I’m behaving:

How I want to behave:
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ChuckRamone on March 12, 2020, 09:37:26 AM
It was announced yesterday that everyone at my job is to work from home until 3/27. I walk to work 30 minutes each way so it was good for exercise. The other day I skated there and back. Other than that I don't mind working from home since I recently bought a second monitor for freelancing. 2020 has turned out to be a weird year. I was hoping it would be more normal after a somewhat chaotic 2019. Is everyone still skating per usual? I am.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Idk on March 12, 2020, 09:50:38 AM
First confirmed case has hit Memphis. Schools are closing until the end of March and universities are doing strictly online courses until the end of the semester. I'm not so much worried about myself, but I'm incredibly worried about my wife due to her issues with asthma.
I hope your wife and the rest of you PALS stay safe and healthy out there! Things are weird and getting weirder by the day.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 12, 2020, 09:54:59 AM
Currently unemployed. Living with my girlfriend and her mother after my apartment burned down. Was planning on looking at apartments this week to move but that's on hold.

Luckily my girl has a nice savings and is down to prep. She threw down hundreds yesterday and we stockpiled in a big way. Probably a month or more of food just in storage now. Also going to try to grab more guns and more weed soon. My girl is all about prepping for some fucked up quarantine or self isolation which is a relief. Also, I don't really care if I can't go outside for a month or more. Spent an unhealthy amount of my life incarcerated so some mild house arrest sounds lovely right about now. Curious to see how this all pans out.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 12, 2020, 09:56:28 AM
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My tractor repair man told me that this is Chinese bioterrorism so I’m wondering if Bobby has posted this theory yet seems to come from Rush Limbaugh.

Just checked his Insta like a man.
One of my dipshit friends believes it's being spread to push marshal law into play. Before that idea went into his head,he was just doing numerology (aka math) to show how this whole virus was just something to wave around for the presidential race. 33s and shit. Very Bobby of him.

I hope all you pals stay healthy!

Fun fact: my first name, somewhat common, is misspelled by (1) letter because my mom wanted the letters to work out, numerically.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Kylo Send on March 12, 2020, 11:15:15 AM
Norway just shut down for 2 weeks
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jay_nev on March 12, 2020, 11:16:58 AM
First confirmed case has hit Memphis. Schools are closing until the end of March and universities are doing strictly online courses until the end of the semester. I'm not so much worried about myself, but I'm incredibly worried about my wife due to her issues with asthma.
be safe, man. the asthma element definitely complicates it. i hit the store last night to be prepared for 2 weeks in house
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Peepeeboy69 on March 12, 2020, 11:21:51 AM
De knob all the spots
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Fongstarr. on March 12, 2020, 11:28:26 AM
I am in an empty office in SF. Only mother fucker oddly liking the emptiness of a city but still sort of eerie.

Stay safe out there guys.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jay_nev on March 12, 2020, 11:35:36 AM
Kind of worried about contact with people who have been in contact with others who may have the virus. i mean its exponential.

A relative of mine at a nursing home which could now be exposed, was with others who visited relative a few days ago.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jack burton on March 12, 2020, 01:08:28 PM
Only a couple cases in my state and one death. Took my car to the shop this morning and the guy was telling me one of the doctors where his cardiologist is had it. Was in there the same day that guy I guess realized he was sick? Work as a cook so no working from home and a couple servers called out sick. They aren’t allowed back till they are cleared medically. Like most people I’m more worrried about my parents/grandparents getting sick from it. Disappointed in our government with the little they’ve done.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: essal on March 12, 2020, 01:28:26 PM
Norway had it's first death today, an elderly man. Total infected as of today is 621, of a population of roughly 5.36 million.
Very medically technical, but here is some interesting stuff about the virus. Better source than most of the memes, shitty facebook posts and fucking puleo.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: friendly dave on March 12, 2020, 01:34:21 PM
The two venues I work at here in Portland just postponed all shows through April 8th. It's gonna be tough to pay rent next month.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: sexualhelon on March 12, 2020, 01:40:33 PM
Here in Berlin, on the surface, things seem pretty normal. Today I did go pick up a few groceries and out of curiosity walked down the toilet paper/lysol/hand sanitizer aisle and sure enough everything was gone.

Events with attendees over 500 or 1000 (depending on ventilation) have to be cancelled but in reality pretty much all events are being cancelled. Most of the clubs have said they'll be closed for the next 30 days.

Right now, I'm working as a developer for a travel industry company. We had an emergency meeting today about the  company having to apply for "Kurzarbeit". It's basically the company applying for government aid where they cut your hours in half, pay you half your wage, and the government pays for something like 20-30% of the other 50%. Company wide home office also starts on Monday for the forseeable future.

About two weeks ago, I put in my 2 weeks notice to accept another job teaching web development. Pretty fucked situation I've found myself in. Planning on calling the school tomorrow to see what's going on with them because I'm not meant to start until April.

Also bummed for my company because it's run by good people and I ended up quitting at such a shitty time. Someone even asked for the developers to please stick it out because they know we can find other jobs pretty easily despite this. Even for new hires / people still in probationary period they're not going to let them go.

 I'd have been stoked on the working situation - doing home office and working half the time for 70-80% pay. Was meant to be working from home tomorrow but will probably still go in to say by to everyone. Shit just feels bummy.

I keep wondering if the virus is so serious in itself? It kind of seems like it's just been poor containment that allowed it to spread compared to it's predecessors. That and negligence of governments to recognize it. Singapore and Hong Kong have been revered as handling it the best and their right at it's origin's doorstep. They apparently sent out test kits to every hospital/doctor's office and started testing/quarantining immediately. Their first cases appeared soon after the virus appeared, they're smaller than Italy, and still they never had such an explosion of cases. Singapore even said all healthcare treatment related to Corona would be free.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: S. on March 12, 2020, 01:50:25 PM
I just watched my favorite Football team Eintracht Frankfurt play a Europe League match in an empty stadium. The visiting Team was from Basel, which is close to some areas with high Rates of infections. Surreal. There are some cases in my hometown. Five I think. I work at a school part time and they are currently disscussing Starting Spring Break early. That would suck because I would loose a Bunch of money. I am a Bit worried about my brother who is chronically ill and has gotten a lung transplant a few years Ago.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sleazy on March 12, 2020, 02:22:15 PM
in austin we haven't been hit yet AFAWK but there are some cases in SA. they cancelled SWSX, UT is extending spring break and lots of places are doing forced WFH.

did anyone watch this joe rogan interview? pretty interesting and scary
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: BallDontLie on March 12, 2020, 03:33:30 PM
in austin we haven't been hit yet AFAWK but there are some cases in SA. they cancelled SWSX, UT is extending spring break and lots of places are doing forced WFH.

did anyone watch this joe rogan interview? pretty interesting and scary

Could’ve sworn someone reported to be getting checked for it in Austin? Hopefully not though...

It was up to 11 here in Houston that were under quarantine or being checked? one of the two. That number might've changed... and I did see the tidbit where that guy on JRE talked about how this is just the beginning stages... scary indeed
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: shitsandwich on March 12, 2020, 04:02:08 PM
in austin we haven't been hit yet AFAWK but there are some cases in SA. they cancelled SWSX, UT is extending spring break and lots of places are doing forced WFH.

did anyone watch this joe rogan interview? pretty interesting and scary

Definitely scared the shit out of me.

I have friends who scoff at the legitimacy of this virus but I feel like thats pretty naive. I’m not saying it’s the end of the world but I feel like there should be some concern, right?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 12, 2020, 04:16:29 PM
Definitely scared the shit out of me.

I have friends who scoff at the legitimacy of this virus but I feel like thats pretty naive. I’m not saying it’s the end of the world but I feel like there should be some concern, right?

Of course there should be concern even if it's something that will just give 99% of people a nasty flu for a week or two and then be done with it.  The flooding of hospitals and medical facilities means that the bulk of resources are going to be devoted toward COVID patients (at least, those who are deemed "in the range of saving" since it's likely that the older you are, the less likely you'll be prioritized), meaning fewer resources for medical staff and supplies to tend to other issues, not to mention, more and more physicians and nurses will inevitably contract it while handling patients which will further dwindle the remaining resources.  Not to mention, there's likely going to be a shitty situation in time of mass outbreak where, god forbid, you have a totally necessary medical emergency that requires hospitalization which will pretty much guarantee you'll be getting your own COVID once they've settled you in (being that hospitals, while sterile, tend to be breeding grounds for spreading viral infections like crazy).

Add in all the businesses that depend on high foot traffic as people begin to stay home are already feeling the pinch this early, if things continue to get exponentially worse in the next month and millions are home quarantined, there are going to be MANY stores and services that won't be able to weather the financial fallout and are going to end up closing and causing massive surges of unemployment in due time.

Then, of course, as international trade keeps being affected, there will be more shortages both on finished product we need coming into the USA, as well as many who need various parts fabricated elsewhere that may not be able to be allowed in for some time, which is going to hit manufacturing very hard as well.

There's just so much fragility due to our interconnectedness of how the world currently operates that there's no way this situation will NOT have devastating effects that we'll be dealing with for a long time to come.  It will be bad enough if this ends up being a single wave that dissipates by mid summer as could certainly happen, but it will be MUCH worse if there are mutations and the potential that has been discussed of having yearly COVID cycles that are entirely possible for time to come, as the cyclical disruption will force a LOT of change on each nation's self-sustainability, which is why I predict that the future means a lot less dependence on sourcing things from other nations and a potential return to much more being made here as was the case years ago.

Problem right now is, we simply don't have enough information to know how this will be in the coming months, it could either end up being bad, but something we will all recover from in due time, or, a literal world-changing event that forces us to re-evaluate how all of our systems operate from top to bottom.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: froufroufox on March 12, 2020, 04:22:29 PM
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Definitely scared the shit out of me.

I have friends who scoff at the legitimacy of this virus but I feel like thats pretty naive. I’m not saying it’s the end of the world but I feel like there should be some concern, right?

Of course there should be concern even if it's something that will just give 99% of people a nasty flu for a week or two and then be done with it.  The flooding of hospitals and medical facilities means that the bulk of resources are going to be devoted toward COVID patients (at least, those who are deemed "in the range of saving" since it's likely that the older you are, the less likely you'll be prioritized), meaning fewer resources for medical staff and supplies to tend to other issues, not to mention, more and more physicians and nurses will inevitably contract it while handling patients which will further dwindle the remaining resources.  Not to mention, there's likely going to be a shitty situation in time of mass outbreak where, god forbid, you have a totally necessary medical emergency that requires hospitalization which will pretty much guarantee you'll be getting your own COVID once they've settled you in (being that hospitals, while sterile, tend to be breeding grounds for spreading viral infections like crazy).

Add in all the businesses that depend on high foot traffic as people begin to stay home are already feeling the pinch this early, if things continue to get exponentially worse in the next month and millions are home quarantined, there are going to be MANY stores and services that won't be able to weather the financial fallout and are going to end up closing and causing massive surges of unemployment in due time.

Then, of course, as international trade keeps being affected, there will be more shortages both on finished product we need coming into the USA, as well as many who need various parts fabricated elsewhere that may not be able to be allowed in for some time, which is going to hit manufacturing very hard as well.

There's just so much fragility due to our interconnectedness of how the world currently operates that there's no way this situation will NOT have devastating effects that we'll be dealing with for a long time to come.  It will be bad enough if this ends up being a single wave that dissipates by mid summer as could certainly happen, but it will be MUCH worse if there are mutations and the potential that has been discussed of having yearly COVID cycles that are entirely possible for time to come, as the cyclical disruption will force a LOT of change on each nation's self-sustainability, which is why I predict that the future means a lot less dependence on sourcing things from other nations and a potential return to much more being made here as was the case years ago.

Problem right now is, we simply don't have enough information to know how this will be in the coming months, it could either end up being bad, but something we will all recover from in due time, or, a literal world-changing event that forces us to re-evaluate how all of our systems operate from top to bottom.

This was a well-written, scary read.

Got the official notice today that my company will be working from home for at least the next two weeks. Nearly every public event in CA (even smaller concerts) has been postponed, Disneyland closed. Ohio & Maryland are the first states to close all K-12 schools. I wonder when California will do that next, which will also place a huge strain on the workforce.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on March 12, 2020, 04:24:39 PM
Marblehead public schools cancelled indefinitely
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 12, 2020, 04:49:59 PM
I’m still in Austin until tomorrow. I’m at a Whole Foods right now and it’s packed. We go back home to Corpus tomorrow, this week has been my wife’s college spring break but they sent an email today that they are getting next week off also because of Corona. I’m worried for my parents, my dad is 75 and gets sick pretty often. He def has some kind of immune compromise going on.

My sister in law works for HEB, a main Texas grocery chain, she got an email that all their employees, even part time, will still get paid if they have to close down the stores due to corona. That’s pretty great that they are doing that.
My boss sent out a text to all the employees at my work and said for part timers to make sure not to go over 25 hours and full timers not to go over 40, he said business has been drastically slower (I’ve been on vacation all week in Austin). But then he sent me a text to say that doesn’t apply to me and I can keep my 46 hours. So that’s good for me I guess.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 12, 2020, 04:59:00 PM
Well, the university i'm at just closed on campus classes til april 17. 2 cases were just reported at the small local hospital as well. it's not public knowledge but my friend who works there told me.

my homie in seattle was walking down an alleyway last night and stopped by 4 dudes in hazmat suits who said "you can't be here"

i just hope y'all and your loved ones can be safe. on love. all love.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Fongstarr. on March 12, 2020, 05:49:45 PM
All San Francisco schools are closed for the next 3 weeks. Just when I thought it was dead today. It literally will be a ghost town downtown tomorrow.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jay_nev on March 12, 2020, 05:56:06 PM
Work offices closed until April 1. Work from home.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: CrumblingInfrastructure on March 12, 2020, 06:03:53 PM
Things are definitely getting weirder in Seattle. I guess they’re trying to push a whole lockdown type thing out here. I’m gunna try and grab whatevers left at the grocery store for non perishables. Kinda concerned on stupider things, like if im gunna run out of dog food. Maybe the pandemic will finally force me to quit smoking...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 12, 2020, 06:07:36 PM
i'm not too worried for the health of myself or a majority of y'all but I just hope the best for my grandma and all yall's elderly folks and those with respiratory illnesses. Shit is mad contagious and for some people it is really serious. Luckily the kids seem to be unfazed but unfortunately that means they are the best harbingers to spread the virus.

I hope the best for everybody. Stay safe and for God's sake prepare to quarantine yourself if you get sick. Make sure you are stocked up on the shit you will need to chill until you get better. Much love 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on March 12, 2020, 07:22:26 PM
My father says it political. He showed me some right wing propaganda written like 7 years ago or something by this lady saying this would happen this year.

I told him about Akira and the Tokyo 2020 Olympics
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 12, 2020, 07:35:51 PM
My father says it political.

Don't kid yourselves that this won't be politicized endlessly by ghouls who are out to use misfortune for their gain.

There are people in power, or, fighting to gain power/wealth, who never, ever let a crisis go to waste for their own benefit.  The media, who just a week ago seemed to have little care about all of this, are now yelling about it from every possible angle and suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, deciding that it's fine to use their resources to add to the mass panic over this are certainly not going to help anything.  Showcasing people going out of their minds buying everything that's not nailed down only makes more people worry and do the same, and they know this, but, it's not their concern about what hysteria they feed into as it's just another story to keep you coming back for more.  But then again, most of what passes for media is now just someone's personal mouthpiece for their own agenda (lookin' at you, Bezos, Carlos Slim and the rest of y'all).

So, while we all COULD likely be able to do our part to make this whole thing not be as bad as it can be, there are others out there who are intent on making sure this is going to be used to cause more and more panic when it may be far from warranted.  After all, there's someone out there who just made another billion dollars today on the market tanking, when you're vastly wealthy and can manipulate the system to your will, you have to expect that someone's going to take advantage of a situation like this with zero concern for anyone else's well-being, so long as it furthers their agenda.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 12, 2020, 07:37:35 PM
state of emergency but it's still business as usual traffic-wise and for all intents and purposes. grocery stores are normal minus toilet paper aisle. some kids at the local high school are infected, schools closed for a day or 2. i'm more worried about martial law than some virus.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 12, 2020, 07:40:59 PM
state of emergency but it's still business as usual traffic-wise and for all intents and purposes. grocery stores are normal minus toilet paper aisle. some kids at the local high school are infected, schools closed for a day or 2. i'm more worried about martial law than some virus.
For real. I wanted snacks for work from Walmart yesterday but it was such a cluster fuck I just looked around the aisles. Almost bought some ammo but was too tired to lookup the new law and what I would need to buy some. I got enough .22 though to stop someone from breaking in for my toilet paper.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Lame_Nigga on March 12, 2020, 08:25:33 PM
I work in a regional corporate office for one of the bigger insurance companies and they just shut it down. They didn't close for the blizzards where people couldn't make it out of their driveways or the floods last year. We're getting paid for it tho
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on March 12, 2020, 09:00:49 PM
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My father says it political.

Don't kid yourselves that this won't be politicized endlessly by ghouls who are out to use misfortune for their gain.

There are people in power, or, fighting to gain power/wealth, who never, ever let a crisis go to waste for their own benefit.  The media, who just a week ago seemed to have little care about all of this, are now yelling about it from every possible angle and suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, deciding that it's fine to use their resources to add to the mass panic over this are certainly not going to help anything.  Showcasing people going out of their minds buying everything that's not nailed down only makes more people worry and do the same, and they know this, but, it's not their concern about what hysteria they feed into as it's just another story to keep you coming back for more.  But then again, most of what passes for media is now just someone's personal mouthpiece for their own agenda (lookin' at you, Bezos, Carlos Slim and the rest of y'all).

So, while we all COULD likely be able to do our part to make this whole thing not be as bad as it can be, there are others out there who are intent on making sure this is going to be used to cause more and more panic when it may be far from warranted.  After all, there's someone out there who just made another billion dollars today on the market tanking, when you're vastly wealthy and can manipulate the system to your will, you have to expect that someone's going to take advantage of a situation like this with zero concern for anyone else's well-being, so long as it furthers their agenda.

I understand that but I definitely don't believe this is a plot against trump like my Da.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 12, 2020, 09:27:15 PM
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My father says it political.

Don't kid yourselves that this won't be politicized endlessly by ghouls who are out to use misfortune for their gain.

There are people in power, or, fighting to gain power/wealth, who never, ever let a crisis go to waste for their own benefit.  The media, who just a week ago seemed to have little care about all of this, are now yelling about it from every possible angle and suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, deciding that it's fine to use their resources to add to the mass panic over this are certainly not going to help anything.  Showcasing people going out of their minds buying everything that's not nailed down only makes more people worry and do the same, and they know this, but, it's not their concern about what hysteria they feed into as it's just another story to keep you coming back for more.  But then again, most of what passes for media is now just someone's personal mouthpiece for their own agenda (lookin' at you, Bezos, Carlos Slim and the rest of y'all).

So, while we all COULD likely be able to do our part to make this whole thing not be as bad as it can be, there are others out there who are intent on making sure this is going to be used to cause more and more panic when it may be far from warranted.  After all, there's someone out there who just made another billion dollars today on the market tanking, when you're vastly wealthy and can manipulate the system to your will, you have to expect that someone's going to take advantage of a situation like this with zero concern for anyone else's well-being, so long as it furthers their agenda.

I understand that but I definitely don't believe this is a plot against trump like my Da.

I don't buy it's a conspiracy against him, rather, I just am watching things unfold where the media, who certainly has no love for the president, will certainly going to use every angle against him for this since they're very, very predictable in how they operate.   Had he closed down borders and travel sooner, the spin would have been that it was unfair to non-Americans or those who need to travel, and that he was going full dictator and needed to be stopped.  Doing whatever he's doing now, inevitably, the media will claim he needed to do more sooner and that everything bad that happens (which was inevitable anyway, there was no way we could have stopped this from eventually reaching our shores) is all his fault.

If there's one thing I actually trust less than our elected officials who constantly fuck us over, it's the sorry excuse for modern media that sadly, most people believe to still be some form of unbiased source of information rather than the jokeshop almost all major sources have devloved into in the past few decades.

And, as said, there are plenty of rich people getting richer on everyone's misfortune, who simply don't care about what happens to the general public so long as the consolidate more wealth and power at our expense.  They'd be happy to fuel panic and paranoia for their own gains no matter what damage is done.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sidewalk Funk. on March 12, 2020, 09:37:08 PM
Live in Detroit, Michigan.

Michigan just got its first 2 confirmed cases on Tuesday, but overall things were still pretty chill and people seemed to view it as something that was still far away. Now, only 2 days later, we have received word that all universities are going online and schools are closing down for 3-4 weeks. The general consensus I'm seeing here now is people in shock. This just became real.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 12, 2020, 10:05:34 PM
Things are definitely getting weirder in Seattle. I guess they’re trying to push a whole lockdown type thing out here. I’m gunna try and grab whatevers left at the grocery store for non perishables. Kinda concerned on stupider things, like if im gunna run out of dog food. Maybe the pandemic will finally force me to quit smoking...

buy bleach and vinegar for cleaning shit, homie. clorox wipes are mostly gone, but those other things are just as good if not better. Try to find a resturant supply store and buy 20lb bags of rice and beans and lentils.

One of my homies told me he was in an alley in seattle last night and some dudes in a hazmat suit told him to skeedadale. stay safe
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on March 12, 2020, 10:50:57 PM
Called my mom and dad in Hawaii and told them about my plans to shut ourselves away until we've passed the incubation period whenever we get to visit.

They were in high spirits and lucky for me they really don't go anywhere except the beach to exercise and it's early in the morning when there isn't that many people. Their small group of friends have instituted the foot shake to greet each other.

They're both in their 70's and my mom has diabetes and asthma so I'm going to exercise extreme caution.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Huell Howser on March 12, 2020, 11:16:19 PM
I don't believe what any doctor, politician, or even honest media outlet says about this virus. I'm waiting for an official statement from Bobby Puleo 



Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 12, 2020, 11:21:58 PM
Called my mom and dad in Hawaii and told them about my plans to shut ourselves away until we've passed the incubation period whenever we get to visit.

They were in high spirits and lucky for me they really don't go anywhere except the beach to exercise and it's early in the morning when there isn't that many people. Their small group of friends have instituted the foot shake to greet each other.

They're both in their 70's and my mom has diabetes and asthma so I'm going to exercise extreme caution.

yo brother, you've been on SLAP for a hot minute, i remember you when i posted under other names 10 or more years ago... I hope they're alright. And if i remember correctly, you were in the Navy, so i hope you're not quarantined on on some gnarly base right now. all love homie.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 12, 2020, 11:34:01 PM
I'm starting to a worry a bit more than I was a few weeks ago. Not so much about the virus and me, but how the hell the American health system can manage a ton of people who need assistance.

The shit going on in Italy is a little worrisome.

Also, the advice for the public from the WHO is pretty reasonable/solid.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: beatifk on March 13, 2020, 12:57:58 AM

The shit going on in Italy is a little worrisome.

I live in Italy and work with 3 people who have family members who work in hospitals as nurses and doctors and I can assure you it's a fucking mess. It's true that the virus really only kills old people with existing conditions, and there are a lot of those here in Italy, but it also means that doctors are sending home cancer patients (another coworker has a boyfriend in intensive chemo now and he was forced to leave the hospital because he is "too healthy") who also need care.

One of the major reasons I moved here was for healthcare. I could never afford health insurance when I lived in the USA so I wanted to move to europe to see what it was like to not pay thousands of dollars for a single hospital visit. I broke my collar bone in the USA 2 years before I left and my bill was $7000+ which didn't include any surgery or physical therapy. A few xrays and face to face meetings with doctors. I broke my knee 2 years ago in Europe and paid €200 total. I spent a full night in a hospital in a major city. I rode in an ambulance. Everything. Crutches, drugs, follow-up visits, physical therapy, everything.

I hope the USA figures out a way to fight it. It might become rich vs. poor soon. If hospitals only have room for a few people, the rich people with the best healthcare plans will surely get priority.

Trust me, I see what's happening everyday here in Italy. It's fucked. Life will change after this. Italy will surely be suffering financially from this for a long time. All small retail businesses will probably go out of business. EVERYTHING IS CLOSED. We are still working because I work in a company that produces goods for export and we are not a retail space open to the public, but every day we're worried about closures. 1/3 of our staff is working from home now which is very difficult for us because our work requires heavy machinery. We've already moved some things into people's garages and luckily another employee ran her own factory from her home for years and still has all the equipment from then still.

Stay sharp everyone, especially those in the states who have an idiot as a president and who thinks $3000 for a test is affordable to everyone. There is a lot of "fake news" coming out of this, sure, but it's not a joke and everyone needs to stay smart.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on March 13, 2020, 04:31:47 AM
Here in Slovenia (bordering Italy), things are escalating, but the people are calm about it. Went shopping for non-perishable food yesterday and only a third of shoppers were doing the same and everybody was calm. I was able to get most of the product I wanted, so no worries in the coming two weeks.

I work as a software engineer, so after two cases were reported in the adjunct building we all got the order to work from home. My wife is a pharma sales rep so obviously she is "working" from home too. Hope to go skating today and hiking over the weekend, the weather report is pretty good.

Unfortunately, all four of my grandparents are 80+ and still alive, so they are very vulnerable right now. 

Question for beatfik: did Italians stop doing the kiss and hug greeting immediately or?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 13, 2020, 04:39:56 AM
Our (idiot) Australian PM just cancelled any gathering of over 500 people but not until after Monday cos' he wants to go to the Rugby and his fucktard christian mate is holding some evangelical meeting that finishes up Monday.

The lack of leadership being shown here is astounding.
I ordered an oz instead of a half this week just in case.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: beatifk on March 13, 2020, 05:13:32 AM
Here in Slovenia (bordering Italy), things are escalating, but the people are calm about it. Went shopping for non-perishable food yesterday and only a third of shoppers were doing the same and everybody was calm. I was able to get most of the product I wanted, so no worries in the coming two weeks.

I work as a software engineer, so after two cases were reported in the adjunct building we all got the order to work from home. My wife is a pharma sales rep so obviously she is "working" from home too. Hope to go skating today and hiking over the weekend, the weather report is pretty good.

Unfortunately, all four of my grandparents are 80+ and still alive, so they are very vulnerable right now. 

Question for beatfik: did Italians stop doing the kiss and hug greeting immediately or?

When I first got back to Italy (I was traveling in France) and this was just beginning me and my girlfriend said that maybe we should go to Slovenia... we didn't. Hopefully everything stays more calm there.

As for the kissing, they could be doing it, but behind closed doors. There is almost NOBODY outside when I'm out and they're all very conscious of keeping the 1meter distance between everyone. I don't know if you've seen the photos of people lined up outside of supermarkets, but they're standing in like a spaced line 1meter from each other. Those photos are 100% accurate. It's pretty wild.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: DirtyBurger on March 13, 2020, 05:18:55 AM
So I used to be a bartender for years, and I like gimmicky shit, so I was talking to friend who currently is the bar manager at this pizza place I frequent. I told him to jack up the price of Corona on St. Patricks day and sell it with a "cure" for the Coronavirus, which I thought would be well tequila with a little drop of green food coloring. I'm sitting there, laughing at my own joke, thinking how clever this idea was.

Everyone then told me this was in poor taste, and I got kind of butthurt over it.

Jokes on them though, I have a crazy amount of promo hand sanitizer bottles through work and they aren't getting any of them.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: AsianVegan on March 13, 2020, 05:21:21 AM
Our (idiot) Australian PM just cancelled any gathering of over 500 people but not until after Monday cos' he wants to go to the Rugby and his fucktard christian mate is holding some evangelical meeting that finishes up Monday.

The lack of leadership being shown here is astounding.
I ordered an oz instead of a half this week just in case.

Morrison is a disgrace, through the fire season and now this. Such a fucking dog of a PM.

But oh shit did I laugh now that Peter Dutton (another despicable far-right prick) got diagnosed today, haha.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 13, 2020, 05:33:23 AM
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Our (idiot) Australian PM just cancelled any gathering of over 500 people but not until after Monday cos' he wants to go to the Rugby and his fucktard christian mate is holding some evangelical meeting that finishes up Monday.

The lack of leadership being shown here is astounding.
I ordered an oz instead of a half this week just in case.

Morrison is a disgrace, through the fire season and now this. Such a fucking dog of a PM.

But oh shit did I laugh now that Peter Dutton (another despicable far-right prick) got diagnosed today, haha.

Has literally been in contact constantly with a someone with a confirmed case but still insists on attending a large gathering.

Stupid prick.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on March 13, 2020, 08:52:41 AM
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Called my mom and dad in Hawaii and told them about my plans to shut ourselves away until we've passed the incubation period whenever we get to visit.

They were in high spirits and lucky for me they really don't go anywhere except the beach to exercise and it's early in the morning when there isn't that many people. Their small group of friends have instituted the foot shake to greet each other.

They're both in their 70's and my mom has diabetes and asthma so I'm going to exercise extreme caution.

yo brother, you've been on SLAP for a hot minute, i remember you when i posted under other names 10 or more years ago... I hope they're alright. And if i remember correctly, you were in the Navy, so i hope you're not quarantined on on some gnarly base right now. all love homie.
Thanks man. I'm out of the military thankfully. I know some friends who are still in and were expecting to leave their current assignment aren't being allowed unless absolutely necessary depending on the branch and commanding officer/higher ups. If I was still in the navy and on a ship while my wife had to deal with this alone or with me worrying about my folks, I would pretty much lose it especially with the idiot running the show.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 13, 2020, 09:23:16 AM
China has now "apperently " threatened to shut of the supply of pharmaceutical goods to the USA.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jay_nev on March 13, 2020, 09:49:22 AM
China has now "apperently " threatened to shut of the supply of pharmaceutical goods to the USA.
source? Yikes
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JB on March 13, 2020, 09:51:37 AM
Saw this on Reddit.



Grocery stores this morning were crazy. We stuck the the smaller stores as the bigger chains were even worse. I have a friend who works at Meijer (midwest walmart basically) and sent pictures of the shelves basically gutted and said they're currently not stocking anything. Said the store did $450,000 in sales yesterday, which usually only happens the week before christmas.

We managed to get what I think we needed without too much hassle, but shit is looking like its only going to get worse. I honestly wish I could just head up to my Mother-in-laws place in the upper peninsula and wait this shit out. Nothing to do up there but relax and nobody around to bother you.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: wurfnnjs on March 13, 2020, 09:53:34 AM
Maryland. All schools closed for two weeks starting Monday. Three counties (Anne Arundel, Montgomery, and Prince George's) have confirmed cases. Glad I live in the sticks rn.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: FrostedPancake on March 13, 2020, 09:54:26 AM
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Plus fent is the hot drug right now. Its has been flooding from china, but he dea or whatever else have been seizing labs in china. But there is two many Chinese labs producing fent right now, so this isn't goin away any time soon.

Plus most of the time it a fentanyl analogue cause those are even cheaper, some are stronger, some last longer.

Game is getting the remix super hard.

nuke china

why is no one saying this
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chatbot on March 13, 2020, 10:05:59 AM
It's just the flu bro!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: FrostedPancake on March 13, 2020, 10:45:57 AM
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shouldnt those parasites have been eating a dog instead of getting in his way

Shouldn't you be shitting into your diaper and then taking off your diaper and using a big spoon to eat your shit like froyo instead of posting here?

this is a bizarrely twisted thing to suggest someone would do. you should seek a counselor.

chinese people are infesting the globe like parasites and literally eat dogs if you complacent retards don't care well you will once its too late

miss my old accounts sometimes
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: FrostedPancake on March 13, 2020, 10:47:58 AM

I am Praise; I am Majesty; I am Bat with Her Two Faces
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 13, 2020, 11:04:06 AM
we thought you were mean but you were just trying to protect us from bat's head soup.
remember that guy rezla aslan ate human brains to bro down with some weird cannibal tribe he was interviewing? sometimes we do bizarre or awful things in a bid to save face or not offend. human brains! that's how mad cow disease started.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 13, 2020, 11:11:11 AM
According to one of the nurses at work we had someone come in last night to get tested as they had noticed their toilet paper was "Made in China" and they panicked.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 13, 2020, 11:16:46 AM
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China has now "apperently " threatened to shut of the supply of pharmaceutical goods to the USA.
source? Yikes

Either fox news or CBC canada news. I'll find a link

Oh wow, I found it on fox but the article was DRASTICALLY changed from 8 or so hours ago

China hints at denying Americans life-saving coronavirus drugs
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pica on March 13, 2020, 11:35:24 AM
I live in Austria next to italy an work in a hospital.
Our hospital is on hold and preparing for what will come.
All shops besides pharmacies and supermarkets will be closed from monday on.

I‘ve just read this italian doctors facebook posts, and it scares me of what will come....
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 13, 2020, 11:49:55 AM
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China has now "apperently " threatened to shut of the supply of pharmaceutical goods to the USA.
source? Yikes

Either fox news or CBC canada news. I'll find a link

Oh wow, I found it on fox but the article was DRASTICALLY changed from 8 or so hours ago

China hints at denying Americans life-saving coronavirus drugs

i'm reluctant to add to this line of thought, but this was in the NYT today--i didn't see anything about suspending the export of drugs, but i didn't read all of it either:

shit leaders are shit leaders no matter where they are, eh?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 13, 2020, 12:28:08 PM
We just got our first confirmed case. We surely have tons of unconfirmed cases.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 13, 2020, 12:54:45 PM
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China has now "apperently " threatened to shut of the supply of pharmaceutical goods to the USA.
source? Yikes

Either fox news or CBC canada news. I'll find a link

Oh wow, I found it on fox but the article was DRASTICALLY changed from 8 or so hours ago

China hints at denying Americans life-saving coronavirus drugs

i'm reluctant to add to this line of thought, but this was in the NYT today--i didn't see anything about suspending the export of drugs, but i didn't read all of it either:

shit leaders are shit leaders no matter where they are, eh?

Yeah, I seen this talked about last night but I do believe it was accurate(different source however)

I find it odd the link I posted changed so much.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Francis Xavier on March 13, 2020, 01:00:38 PM
Schools going to be online for most students starting next week at my college,I'll still go in for labs and shit though. Went grocery shopping and all the water and tp were gone.  Everyone was walking around in a panic and there was only one lady wearing gloves and a mask.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 13, 2020, 01:21:29 PM
bought some disinfectant just in case


jokes aside, much health and strength to anyone affected by this, especially nurses like pica and some others on here. that report from italy sounded just terryfying.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 13, 2020, 01:28:36 PM
My kid's school is closed until at least April 3rd as of today. Wife and I still have to go to work as of now. 2 confirmed cases at my work as of last night. Her boss had to go home because her husband has a new "health concern" and won't be in for a couple of weeks. He works at the airport. So it's everywhere basically, and I'm off for the next 5 days; just going to sit at home and wait to get sick...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fulfillthedream on March 13, 2020, 02:12:19 PM
I live and work in CHina and happened to come home for holiday to Los Angeles in Jan 18th, was scheduled to go back Feb 14th and then all flights were cancelled. My school in CHina is closed til May and we're working from home. I also am taking a masters program online from Arizona State and saw they're doing all online classes now..

When this first made the news I asked my friends (expats and citizens) back in Guangzhou China what was going on and they reported that everything was closed except food stores. But all public transit required wearing a face mask and having your temp checked. Things are opening up now slowly but temperature checks and wearing masks is required.

THis shit really sucks and is effecting the whole world.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ihatejulio on March 13, 2020, 03:52:36 PM
Within the coming year, 40 to 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.

That scares the fuck out of me.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lamfordie on March 13, 2020, 04:11:15 PM
Looks like they're shutting down the school district I work in
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Fred Gerwer Frank Gall on March 13, 2020, 04:30:09 PM
Within the coming year, 40 to 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.

That scares the fuck out of me.

herd Immunity requires 60% of us to get through it right? presuming we can only contract it once...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: essal on March 13, 2020, 05:19:33 PM
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Within the coming year, 40 to 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.

That scares the fuck out of me.

herd Immunity requires 60% of us to get through it right? presuming we can only contract it once...
looking at the amounts of strains, I wouldn't be surprised if you can contract it at least as many times as there are variations, hopefully limited to the main groups because there are 489 strains as of now...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jack burton on March 13, 2020, 05:37:30 PM
Just got word that the restaurant I work at will be closed till the 29th after Sunday... so that’s not great money wise...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: AitchBeeGayBuh on March 13, 2020, 07:17:57 PM
Work in a grocery store at the beach in Orange County n it’s been business as usual until yesterday. There was a little bit of tp when I left that day... Had a plan to pick up some before I started at 6 in the morning n pulled up to a full parking lot, no tp on the shelfs, n lines of customers. Thankfully my wife buys in bulk when it’s on sale and also glad I don’t work up front cuz it got worse n worse until I clocked out.

On my way out I noticed the soup, cereal, cracker, pasta, chips, n frozen aisles were ransacked and the lines were huge even with every checkstand open. Customers were pissed all day spitting propaganda to one another (I heard a lot of real dumb shit). No parking in the parking lot, just people driving in circles. The self check out was just a clusterfuck of people who had no idea what they were doing there.

Went to a Trader Joe’s nearby a second ago cuz I forgot I had no rice n their entire frozen section was cleaned out. Now I’m eatin salmon and spaghetti, rad.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: able on March 13, 2020, 08:13:07 PM
Just got word that the restaurant I work at will be closed till the 29th after Sunday... so that’s not great money wise...
I do pizza delivery in Florida. I’m definitely at a high risk of catching it. I’ll probably be delivering to people that are self-quarantine-ing at home.. I was told as soon as someone gets the virus at my work we’re shutting down for a minimum of 14 days. Till that happens,  I cant stop working. I need money to live.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 13, 2020, 09:34:57 PM
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Called my mom and dad in Hawaii and told them about my plans to shut ourselves away until we've passed the incubation period whenever we get to visit.

They were in high spirits and lucky for me they really don't go anywhere except the beach to exercise and it's early in the morning when there isn't that many people. Their small group of friends have instituted the foot shake to greet each other.

They're both in their 70's and my mom has diabetes and asthma so I'm going to exercise extreme caution.

yo brother, you've been on SLAP for a hot minute, i remember you when i posted under other names 10 or more years ago... I hope they're alright. And if i remember correctly, you were in the Navy, so i hope you're not quarantined on on some gnarly base right now. all love homie.
Thanks man. I'm out of the military thankfully. I know some friends who are still in and were expecting to leave their current assignment aren't being allowed unless absolutely necessary depending on the branch and commanding officer/higher ups. If I was still in the navy and on a ship while my wife had to deal with this alone or with me worrying about my folks, I would pretty much lose it especially with the idiot running the show.

no doubt. I'm glad you're out too. Last time I was on SLAP was in 07-09 and I'd thought about joining the Navy. Actually went to great lakes and, especially in this day in age, am glad i got sent home. Glad you're well.

Are you able to use the GI bill? One of my homies, who was an Afghan combat vet, is doing really great work as a social worker with returning vets. Really, none of my bees wax, just glad you made it out alive and well.

Oh yeah, is Luke still around? Hate i think he posted as?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tom on March 13, 2020, 10:41:49 PM
Almost all of T.V./film/and commercial production in Los Angeles has shut down, or is shutting down in the coming days. I’ve heard rumors that the main movie lots have closed and aren’t coming back until at least early April. I was on a movie that took an insurance day today and decided to suspend production. My next movie lined up suspended production before principle photography even started. Actors and crew alike have been getting infected worldwide, so the studios are taking it seriously. I’ll be out of work for a few weeks/months until things pick back up

Governor Newsom issued an executive order to waive the wait time on unemployment, and our union leadership is lobbying Congress to pass relief packages for people who lose their income because of the virus. I’m personally going on unemployment most likely on Tuesday so I don’t blow through my savings

I stopped by a Vons after work at 3 a.m last night it was chaos inside. I used to work in a grocery store while in college and never saw as many regular employees working as much as this one had working overnight. They were stocking everything as high as they could and into aisles. I stopped by at noon out of curiosity to see what it looked like and they were completely wiped out. Water and tp I expected to be gone, but not every single onion, frozen pizza, or loaf of bread. It looks like everyone who didn’t take precautions weeks ago are panic buying everything insight

The LAUSD has cancelled all public school for a minimum of two weeks, but may keep schools closed even longer. The homeless encampments are being cleaned and hand washing stations are being installed. Part of the governor’s executive order allows the state to take over motels and hotels as quarantine zones

The next few weeks/months are going to be a wild ride
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jack burton on March 13, 2020, 10:46:25 PM
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Just got word that the restaurant I work at will be closed till the 29th after Sunday... so that’s not great money wise...
I do pizza delivery in Florida. I’m definitely at a high risk of catching it. I’ll probably be delivering to people that are self-quarantine-ing at home.. I was told as soon as someone gets the virus at my work we’re shutting down for a minimum of 14 days. Till that happens,  I cant stop working. I need money to live.
Damn man stay safe out there. I moved home awhile ago to go back to school but took this semester off to save money to move to Seattle in May. No idea how real of a possibility that is now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chavo on March 13, 2020, 10:48:29 PM
The turnaround time for Instacart (groceries) is now 3 days, where it used to be within a few hours. The only choice now seems to be uber eats or delivery until they run out of food. As of yesterday, Los Angeles has only tested 127 people since the outbreak began. Our population just within the city is greater than almost half of U.S. states.

Despite everything else closing, the government agency I work for is employing the wait and see approach. They blasted emails claiming to have distributed hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and hand wipes to employees and instead did nothing. The public counters weren't even cleaned last night (janitors self-quarantining?). Keep in mind we service a very large homeless population, who are often sick and submit paperwork with fresh blood stains or other unknown liquids. I suppose I should be more worried from catching skid row MRSA.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 13, 2020, 10:58:56 PM
bought some disinfectant just in case


The gym I co-founded has had a case of Tito's handles sitting idle gathering dust for future gatherings, so I went in and took a few for my personal supply.  Wasn't part of my exit clause when I parted ways with the guy who runs it, but I consider it my severance in dire times.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 13, 2020, 11:02:20 PM
The turnaround time for Instacart (groceries) is now 3 days, where it used to be within a few hours.

Which explains a great deal of why my business' food product shipping volume doubled in the past 24 hours, when the "instant service" guys can't do what they normally do, people start looking elsewhere.

I just wish my increase in volume which was sorely needed was NOT due to such circumstances.  I like being busy and doing well for my sales, but am not happy if it has to happen during times like this.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 13, 2020, 11:48:25 PM
I had Dr's appointments in the Desert Area and shit wasn't too bad. There was water and toilet paper and not too crazy. I was all over too. Target, Walmart, Walmart Neighborhood Market, the mall. Nothing crazy. Then I come back to this town I now live in that is like white people farmer prepper city and mother fuckers are losing their minds. Shopping carts stacked with stuff. Like 12 bottles of OJ, ALL the meat was gone, except some wings which is all I wanted. I was doing birthday shopping and not until I came home and saw shit here did it look crazy. I was out all day too. I was able to buy water for the first time in like a week. If people calmed the fuck down there would be plenty of shit available. I'm really not even tripping. I'm assuming we're all gonna get it.

I'm hoping my office closes because I will get paid. My girlfriends work is closed for 3 weeks and she's getting paid. We're both federally funded.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mouth on March 14, 2020, 01:20:54 AM
Going to a small dinner party tonight. One of the 3 couples supposed to be there pulled out because the just tested positive.

Not to worried because theres a pretty good chance my wife and I already had it. We travelled around the North of Italy throughout late December (where its now known to have been active) and both caught the worst flu in our lives. Symptoms were exactly as those associated with covid 19. So, who knows...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 14, 2020, 01:53:03 AM
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bought some disinfectant just in case



The gym I co-founded has had a case of Tito's handles sitting idle gathering dust for future gatherings, so I went in and took a few for my personal supply.  Wasn't part of my exit clause when I parted ways with the guy who runs it, but I consider it my severance in dire times.

that's a great steal!

i've had enough of customers coughing on me and shit. i'm staying home from work next week. pretty sure they will close most bars and restaurants somewhere next week or at least force stricter rules like fewer opening hours and less customers at a time.

still everything outside seems quite normal. people going about their ways. there was less customers at work because some of them are doing homeoffice now.

germans are total psychos though when it comes to work ethic. other companies still want their workers to at least appear at work, even if it makes no sense because work is on halt, the workers telling me it would be important for morale now, and i'm just thinking "holy shit, stay at home if you can afford it, jesus christ!"
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Classy Durag on March 14, 2020, 03:04:18 AM
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bought some disinfectant just in case



The gym I co-founded has had a case of Tito's handles sitting idle gathering dust for future gatherings, so I went in and took a few for my personal supply.  Wasn't part of my exit clause when I parted ways with the guy who runs it, but I consider it my severance in dire times.

Is this the same gym Dollin goes to?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Eds_gallerist on March 14, 2020, 05:44:41 AM
Going to a small dinner party tonight. One of the 3 couples supposed to be there pulled out because the just tested positive.

Not to worried because theres a pretty good chance my wife and I already had it. We travelled around the North of Italy throughout late December (where its now known to have been active) and both caught the worst flu in our lives. Symptoms were exactly as those associated with covid 19. So, who knows...

1) You surely didnt have it in December when you visited Italy. It wasnt there back then.
2) It's all about social distancing right now. Even if you give a shit about getting it (I guess you are below 40), it's important to slow down the spread. Thus, it would be a great move to cancel your meeting today and stay home for a few weeks.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 14, 2020, 05:59:55 AM
The hospital I work at are going through medical waste bins and testing swabs like crazy.
No one in my office has it but people are starting to call in sick.

It worries me because in this hospital even if you were to fly in a ton of relief surgeons and dr's the issue is the infrastructure itself.

If anyone in this office gets it, or any of the maintenance guys we're liable to lose control of the whole hospital. I mentioned this about a week and a half ago and no one seems to haven taken it seriously then, now it seems they're going to have a real problem in a week or two.
Seems like they;re expecting us to stay through anything but if it gets bad I'm not staying, I'll just bail home and wait it out.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 14, 2020, 08:08:10 AM
Plenty people out at bars and restaurants last night.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 14, 2020, 10:29:43 AM
I wonder if the “hustlers” who are hoarding Lysol and reselling it at exorbitant prices know they are what’s wrong with humanity. I wonder if I can take down a home invader with a crossbow.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 14, 2020, 10:54:07 AM
I wonder if the “hustlers” who are hoarding Lysol and reselling it at exorbitant prices know they are what’s wrong with humanity. I wonder if I can take down a home invader with a crossbow.

capitalism is "what's wrong with humanity." these individuals are just doing what is logical and demanded of them in this cursed economic system.

at our last face-to-face class meeting (apparently of the semester), my students and i had a jarring conversation about collective karma, and what it says about US that the state of the stock market not only continues to compete with news and headlines of the actual suffering and deaths tied to the virus itself, but that it in fact continues to take precedence over the latter.

this terminal capitalist economic system--and everything that goes into its workings and survival--will make the day-to-day experience of the masses on the ground, infinitely worse than just the anxiety, privation, suffering, and death tied to the virus on its own...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 14, 2020, 11:22:10 AM
Ok grocery shopping just now actually made me angry. Store is depleted because dummies of panic hoarding. The bananas were all gone yo. Banana hoarders.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on March 14, 2020, 11:31:32 AM
Ok grocery shopping just now actually made me angry. Store is depleted because dummies of panic hoarding. The bananas were all gone yo. Banana hoarders.

WTF—bananas have like one good day.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 14, 2020, 11:49:05 AM
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Ok grocery shopping just now actually made me angry. Store is depleted because dummies of panic hoarding. The bananas were all gone yo. Banana hoarders.

WTF—bananas have like one good day.

cornholio virus finally struck here, too. luckily i stocked up a few days ago. went grocery shopping a few hrs ago and for the first time, pretty much all the bread, noodles, rice, flower and tp was gone. usually since grocery stores are closed sundays at the end of saturday certain things can be out of stock until monday, but they had a note on the tp shelf that they will not be getting new tp until next week or so.

i got a new 4 pack of rolls and pretty sure this will please the great cornholio.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 14, 2020, 12:04:35 PM
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I wonder if the “hustlers” who are hoarding Lysol and reselling it at exorbitant prices know they are what’s wrong with humanity. I wonder if I can take down a home invader with a crossbow.

capitalism is "what's wrong with humanity." these individuals are just doing what is logical and demanded of them in this cursed economic system.

at our last face-to-face class meeting (apparently of the semester), my students and i had a jarring conversation about collective karma, and what it says about US that the state of the stock market not only continues to compete with news and headlines of the actual suffering and deaths tied to the virus itself, but that it in fact continues to take precedence over the latter.

this terminal capitalist economic system--and everything that goes into its workings and survival--will make the day-to-day experience of the masses on the ground, infinitely worse than just the anxiety, privation, suffering, and death tied to the virus on its own...

Trying to make 100K off inflated hand sanitizer isn’t a necessity. They’re just greedy assholes. Blame the system if you want, but the system was designed by humans, and humans are the problem.

I, for one, welcome our new viral overlords.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 14, 2020, 12:18:06 PM
Went to target this morning, just a normal target run. Lady in front of us bought 8 bottles of NyQuil. People were freaking out. We go to the east side target since it’s usually more mellow and don’t have to deal with bums and tech ghouls at the downtown one. Nope, full on panic.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: elbarto on March 14, 2020, 01:05:11 PM
The two venues I work at here in Portland just postponed all shows through April 8th. It's gonna be tough to pay rent next month.

Looks like we’re in this together. I had a Portland venue job as my second job/night hustle and just recently made it my primary job. Fuck me lol.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Quique on March 14, 2020, 01:09:08 PM
It seems like we are going to suspend everything in the following week here.

My brother works for a company that delivers medication to hospitals and patients with complicated diseases like cancer an AIDS, and yesterday some guy from a big healthcare company went and told them that there are waaay more infected walking around that the ones that are tested so be prepared. Also that the same medication that helps with AIDS apparently works with the virus as well, and it's gonna be used if necessary.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Fongstarr. on March 14, 2020, 03:24:41 PM
I went to two mom and pop grocery stores and they had everything in stock. This seems to be one of those idiot things where everyone is going to major chains buying shit they really don't need. I was in and out in like 10 mins with food for the next week.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 14, 2020, 03:48:00 PM
listen, i'm not letting any of this distort the realities and/or uncertainties of what we're all facing...together...but nevertheless, straight "lifestyle hammers" on at least some of Italy's part for exactly acting like heads are all on this together:

i wish i could hope for such things in my own country...instead, people fight each other over the newest video game at Walmart around Christmas time...hell, the most predominant landscape in the USA (the suburb) is designed to make this kind of collective action impossible.

either way brothers and sisters, this was great to see today...Italy on lifestyle hammers...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 14, 2020, 08:01:28 PM
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bought some disinfectant just in case



The gym I co-founded has had a case of Tito's handles sitting idle gathering dust for future gatherings, so I went in and took a few for my personal supply.  Wasn't part of my exit clause when I parted ways with the guy who runs it, but I consider it my severance in dire times.

Is this the same gym Dollin goes to?

I'm not allowed to reveal the client list, but let's just say might hold the record for number of cans of shotgunned VB between crunches.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 14, 2020, 08:13:20 PM
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I wonder if the “hustlers” who are hoarding Lysol and reselling it at exorbitant prices know they are what’s wrong with humanity. I wonder if I can take down a home invader with a crossbow.

capitalism is "what's wrong with humanity."

Disagree, unless you're willing to accept that Pol Pot's Marxism is reflective of all things communist because you're simply taking the actions of some who abuse their system as being symptomatic of the system being a failure from the start.  We have to be fair, after all, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

these individuals are just doing what is logical and demanded of them in this cursed economic system.

Nobody is forced to exploit tragedy for personal gain, but people in ALL parts of the political spectrum do it.  It's not limited to capitalism and has happened in socialism and communism throughout history.  Individual people are as flawed or more than the systems they create and work in.

at our last face-to-face class meeting (apparently of the semester), my students and i had a jarring conversation about collective karma, and what it says about US that the state of the stock market not only continues to compete with news and headlines of the actual suffering and deaths tied to the virus itself, but that it in fact continues to take precedence over the latter.

It's not that the market is taking precedence over the latter, but denial of how the market affects business and the people that are employed for them top to bottom (CEO to lowest level employee) is just silly.  Would you have preferred a market crash leading to mass closures and layoffs during a time of crisis, or, to do what can TRY (not saying succeed, buy attempt) to maintain as great of stability of current systemic processes in order to keep societal breakdown to a minimum?  I know some are dreaming of this leading to some sort of revolution, but that's just as bad (or worse) than the greedy capitalists dreaming of making a buck personally, as hoping that the misfortune and death of others just to "prove" a system is flawed is far from being karmically-aligned with the side of which is good, it's just deflecting one's own wishes for others to fail so you can get a foot in the door.

this terminal capitalist economic system--and everything that goes into its workings and survival--will make the day-to-day experience of the masses on the ground, infinitely worse than just the anxiety, privation, suffering, and death tied to the virus on its own...

This is just your own wishful thinking because you don't like the current system and are implying that you'd be okay with mass suffering and death if it lead to change even if said change would have given you the same outcome or worse.  I ain't buying it.

Do not take this as my being someone simply defending capitalism in all regards.  I personally don't buy into any single system as being ideal, they all have massive flaws once humans exploit them.  There were wealthy people with massive power consolidation under all of the systems designed to create an equality that can never truly exist, as soon as humans get involved, someone's gonna fuck it over for the rest no matter WHAT system you're operating under.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 14, 2020, 08:32:25 PM
The tl;dr of what I wrote is simply that all systems are capable of being exploited, humans can be a cancer on everything they touch, nothing is beyond the fucking-up of those who want to take advantage, and whatever "better" system you believe in is always capable of being destroyed by human greed and power plays no matter how much you'd like to believe it can only be benevolent.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TastyBurrito on March 14, 2020, 08:43:50 PM
My office is implementing a work from home policy starting Monday. And since I usually have a long commute, I’m amped to use that commute time to hit the gym and/or my local park in the morning/afternoon.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dark Knight on March 14, 2020, 11:00:12 PM
I’m a nurse so I’m fucked.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: schmitty on March 14, 2020, 11:11:30 PM
I'm in LA and the streets are empty. People are still going to restaurants but that's about it. I think the worst is yet to come and some people are still in denial right now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 15, 2020, 12:18:53 AM
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Within the coming year, 40 to 70 percent of people around the world will be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.

That scares the fuck out of me.

herd Immunity requires 60% of us to get through it right? presuming we can only contract it once...
looking at the amounts of strains, I wouldn't be surprised if you can contract it at least as many times as there are variations, hopefully limited to the main groups because there are 489 strains as of now...
Say a quick news report talking about immunity.
They think it's gonna be like immunity to the flu and only last 1-2 months. Shouldn't be like immunity to chicken pox.
So this may be a reoccurring, seasonal thing just like the flu.
They're also saying it can cause lung damage, scarring.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: geneparmesan on March 15, 2020, 12:42:23 AM
I'm in LA as well and have been hearing that a lockdown is coming on Monday. Mayor Garcetti seems to be hinting at that in an interview he gave today:
Garcetti told Eyewitness News that these next two weeks is a critical time that can make all the difference in how the health crisis unfolds across Southern California.

"Anybody second guessing the closures - it's precisely when it feels wrong, that it's the right time to close things," he said. "Look at Italy. That was the wrong time, when it felt right. You have to do these early. That's the best way to flatten this curve out and make sure fewer people get sick."

"What we're seeing in Italy and Spain will happen here if we don't practice what we've been saying for about two weeks. Practice that social distancing, stay home if you're sick," he said.

The Trader Joe's and Gelsons by me were totally ransacked a couple days ago, but have been restocking all day long and things seem to be mellow at the moment with a lot of people already staying home. If you've got any supplies to get, tomorrow's the day. Stay safe Slap. Shalom.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on March 15, 2020, 02:12:22 AM
My office is implementing a work from home policy starting Monday. And since I usually have a long commute, I’m amped to use that commute time to hit the gym and/or my local park in the morning/afternoon.

Jesus fucking christ, don't go to the gym. Exercise is good, but do it outside, why is that so hard to understand.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Idk on March 15, 2020, 04:21:17 AM
I’m a nurse so I’m fucked.
Thank you and stay safe.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TastyBurrito on March 15, 2020, 04:58:24 AM
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My office is implementing a work from home policy starting Monday. And since I usually have a long commute, I’m amped to use that commute time to hit the gym and/or my local park in the morning/afternoon.


Jesus fucking christ, don't go to the gym. Exercise is good, but do it outside, why is that so hard to understand.

I should’ve clarified. Gym in my apartment building. Doesn’t open until 730am (noise hours) and I’m usually out the door at 7am.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: oldfart on March 15, 2020, 05:03:32 AM
I live in Germany. Schools and Kindergarten are closed from Monday till 20th of April.
Museums etc are closed too. No events with more than 75 people are allowed. If possible avoid contact with other people. Keep away from others as much as you can. That's what's going on right now. Stay safe!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: able on March 15, 2020, 05:27:28 AM
My local skatepark has a strong group of homies who skate, grill out and drink beer. It’s typically 15-20 skaters deep on Saturdays and Sundays. Most of them are in denial and not taking any precautionary measures for the virus. Hell, they’ve had two huge cookouts since Thursday. Basically,  they are getting drunk, shaking hands, cooking food, licking the bbq off their fingers and shit. A couple weeks ago this would sound like a great time but definitely not now. They’ve been hitting me up to go out there all weekend but I haven’t. I can’t imagine trying to go skate and be low key. They would give me hell the moment I didn’t dap it up 👊 🖐 on arrival.
Sucks cause they are like my second family. Florida is doomed
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jay_nev on March 15, 2020, 06:43:34 AM
So china built 14 hospitals in 2 weeks? wow, only 11 new cases on Saturday.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 15, 2020, 07:25:31 AM
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I wonder if the “hustlers” who are hoarding Lysol and reselling it at exorbitant prices know they are what’s wrong with humanity. I wonder if I can take down a home invader with a crossbow.

capitalism is "what's wrong with humanity."

Disagree, unless you're willing to accept that Pol Pot's Marxism is reflective of all things communist because you're simply taking the actions of some who abuse their system as being symptomatic of the system being a failure from the start.  We have to be fair, after all, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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these individuals are just doing what is logical and demanded of them in this cursed economic system.

Nobody is forced to exploit tragedy for personal gain, but people in ALL parts of the political spectrum do it.  It's not limited to capitalism and has happened in socialism and communism throughout history.  Individual people are as flawed or more than the systems they create and work in.

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at our last face-to-face class meeting (apparently of the semester), my students and i had a jarring conversation about collective karma, and what it says about US that the state of the stock market not only continues to compete with news and headlines of the actual suffering and deaths tied to the virus itself, but that it in fact continues to take precedence over the latter.

It's not that the market is taking precedence over the latter, but denial of how the market affects business and the people that are employed for them top to bottom (CEO to lowest level employee) is just silly.  Would you have preferred a market crash leading to mass closures and layoffs during a time of crisis, or, to do what can TRY (not saying succeed, buy attempt) to maintain as great of stability of current systemic processes in order to keep societal breakdown to a minimum?  I know some are dreaming of this leading to some sort of revolution, but that's just as bad (or worse) than the greedy capitalists dreaming of making a buck personally, as hoping that the misfortune and death of others just to "prove" a system is flawed is far from being karmically-aligned with the side of which is good, it's just deflecting one's own wishes for others to fail so you can get a foot in the door.

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this terminal capitalist economic system--and everything that goes into its workings and survival--will make the day-to-day experience of the masses on the ground, infinitely worse than just the anxiety, privation, suffering, and death tied to the virus on its own...

This is just your own wishful thinking because you don't like the current system and are implying that you'd be okay with mass suffering and death if it lead to change even if said change would have given you the same outcome or worse.  I ain't buying it.

Do not take this as my being someone simply defending capitalism in all regards.  I personally don't buy into any single system as being ideal, they all have massive flaws once humans exploit them.  There were wealthy people with massive power consolidation under all of the systems designed to create an equality that can never truly exist, as soon as humans get involved, someone's gonna fuck it over for the rest no matter WHAT system you're operating under.

wow, that's a rigorous response--i appreciate the attention and effort. who has the time?

i do have enough time to simply say:

i disagree...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mark Renton on March 15, 2020, 07:42:10 AM
I live and work in the UK and the country’s approach to Covid-19 is one of the worst I’ve seen so far, if not the worst all together.
I commute 1.3h each way everyday for work on busy trains so I’m pretty scared.
Back in the motherland the situation is tragic.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 15, 2020, 08:12:41 AM
My girlfriend and I have essentially quarantined ourselves. Not showing any symptoms yet but we have over a month of food and are digging in at this point. Other than nature walks and a little skating in front of my place, I'm not going anywhere. Currently unemployed due to having to move because my apartment burned down, I pretty much have no bills or responsibilities for the time being. We have food, alcohol, weed, maybe a firearm or two, and some video games plus a ton of other shit. I mentioned it before on here but I've been incarcerated for years on end so hanging out in a house full of good food and drugs with someone I can fuck whenever I feel like it for a month or more is kind of a dream come true. So yeah, as long as there isn't some emergency, I'm staying the fuck inside.

I just hope the old people I know don't die from it, or anyone else for that matter.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Matze on March 15, 2020, 08:59:21 AM
I work for a company (which is owned by the city of hamburg) as a social worker. We provide shelters for about 30000 refugees and homeless people. There is no chance for us to work from home. The head of our company said that our work is as import as the one from firemen, the police and hospitals in this situation, so we have to attend if we‘re not sick ourselves. I‘m kinda glad I have a planned week off and bailed out to an island 4 hours away. We will have some heavy weeks in front of us. The place I work provides shelter for 300 male homeless persons, who are usually in bad health conditions. I‘m not worried to much about my health, but more of the one of my clients. This could be a sad spring.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: eranka on March 15, 2020, 09:45:59 AM
I’m a nurse so I’m fucked.
physical therapist working in a hospital here, keep safe homie, were fucked :)
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 15, 2020, 09:47:17 AM
Walked over to the neighborhood Japanese market. It wasn’t as bad as a big box store, but it was still the busiest I’ve ever seen it. Managed to grab some ramen and a 15lb bag of brown rice, but that’s it. Scraps really, not much left, and they had only been open for half an hour.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 15, 2020, 10:10:17 AM
Walked over to the neighborhood Japanese market. It wasn’t as bad as a big box store, but it was still the busiest I’ve ever seen it. Managed to grab some ramen and a 15lb bag of brown rice, but that’s it. Scraps really, not much left, and they had only been open for half an hour.

I'm really sorry to hear that. Keep trying to piece together more rice and some beans whenever you can. Also, quinoa is a great grain to buy. It's very nutritious and can really help to replace other proteins and grains when need be. Wishing you the best pal.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: YungJugg on March 15, 2020, 11:51:10 AM
my coworker is supposed to take off so I’m requested to come in everyday this week and cover him, and I happen to work in the most populated/diverse city in the country. I’m debating calling in and bailing just to be safe but that wouldn’t be a good look.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 15, 2020, 12:02:52 PM
my coworker is supposed to take off so I’m requested to come in everyday this week and cover him, and I happen to work in the most populated/diverse city in the country. I’m debating calling in and bailing just to be safe but that wouldn’t be a good look.

Maybe just fake sick? Pretty much the easiest time in the world to do it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: YungJugg on March 15, 2020, 12:09:15 PM
Think that’s being paranoid or being safe? Most of the company is working from home but thats not possible for my position.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 15, 2020, 12:19:03 PM
Think that’s being paranoid or being safe? Most of the company is working from home but thats not possible for my position.

I think it's being safe at this point. Not just safe for you, but for all the old people you can potentially kill.

I won't be leaving my house/going around any part of the population unless there is a legit emergency. I'm super lucky to be not paying rent and that my girlfriend was willing to use her savings to stockpile. It has been a complete lifesaver. I really hope that people that aren't as lucky as me receive some sort of safety net through welfare or whatever because this shit sucks for everyone and I just as well could be in other people's shoes of having to work.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 15, 2020, 12:19:17 PM
bro fuck it, call in sick. i just did the same because i work a petty job where most of all i would be the one possibly endangering others. i'd rather lose that job now and start to help pushing people to the xray at the hospital  after i can handle my panic and confusion about this situation. if you don't work a job that's vital for society, quit and chill or get in there and try to help. both are totally acceptable ways of not worsening the situation.

at work they are thinning out people working so we actually work alone now since they still want to open but are losing money now. the city hasn't yet told bars and cafes to close, just tigthened the the rules, so less customers at a time. same opening hours. instead of doing the reasonable thing and shorten opening hours, they expect to still make money the whole fucking day, even though business in the morning and afternoon is dead as fuck. it would be way more reasonable to do that, but instead they want to force us to still work as long. fuck them.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: YungJugg on March 15, 2020, 12:53:54 PM
Decided I’ma just work, money and stuff. Gonna wear gloves and avoid taking public transport though. What a time.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 15, 2020, 01:10:32 PM
ha well word just came in that my workplaces will have to close down for the time being from tomorrow on. so i guess i don't need to call in sick anyway.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr.Jenkins on March 15, 2020, 01:28:13 PM
Sweden is not doing Well. Our largest airline just let go of 10.000 people today.. Im not scared of the virus itself, and pretty sure I already have it since tuesday or so, but the economical hit does. Im lucky to work in a field that should manage this, but its international so who knows. Working from home for a while know though.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: C Dash Money on March 15, 2020, 01:40:30 PM
I live in Sweden as well, and work at one of the state-operated casinos. They are still open; it blows my mind. Addicts who can't help but come there everyday, old people, close quarters, international's just a hotbed. And it is completely unnecessary to have open, especially right now. I'm considering not going to work.

Sweden seems to be taking a different approach and allowing life to go on as usual, perhaps in hopes that the "healthy" segment of the population contracts the virus and produces a herd immunity. I'm not sure how I feel about that. The deaths of those 70+ will be viewed as collateral damage. All for the Greater Good.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 15, 2020, 02:17:18 PM
Sweden is not doing Well. Our largest airline just let go of 10.000 people today.. Im not scared of the virus itself, and pretty sure I already have it since tuesday or so, but the economical hit does. Im lucky to work in a field that should manage this, but its international so who knows. Working from home for a while know though.

Yea, this. The virus itself isn’t so scary to me personally as a 31 year old (I am thinking about older family members of course), but this shit definitely gonna cause problems. I work in sales/account management for a coffee roaster meaning I talk to cafes and restaurants all day long. I’m worried how long some of my fav coffee shops and restaurants can really survive social distancing. One of my guys already called me and said to skip his normally huge order for this week because no ones coming in. All the offices around him closed.

Also I know mad people who are just guessing if we have allergies, a cold, or corona, myself included.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: whale on March 15, 2020, 02:44:44 PM
Nobody knows whats going on really...
Finland just started getting infected on a larger scale this monday, but mainly southern Finland.

My restaurant is still getting decent amount of business, but due to uncertanties wheter we are allowed to stay open, the staff got a warning today that we all might be laid off.

Schools and kindergardens still open, but I have a feeling that’s about to change come monday.
Probably wouldn’t take my kid in anyway.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 15, 2020, 02:57:40 PM
Cuomo shutting down schools
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Made In China on March 15, 2020, 02:58:57 PM
I work in housing at a major public university, and the university just announced to everyone, including us low level staff, that all Spring classes will be held online. Now we have to deal with the impact on our offices from students and parents freaking out, along with all the personal shit that comes with this pandemic.

The city I live in isn't super affected and there's only a handful of cases so far, but people are still panicking and our major supermarkets have been hit hard. We'll see how everything plays out but my house is starting to take a bunch of precautions too.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jack burton on March 15, 2020, 03:28:46 PM
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Sweden is not doing Well. Our largest airline just let go of 10.000 people today.. Im not scared of the virus itself, and pretty sure I already have it since tuesday or so, but the economical hit does. Im lucky to work in a field that should manage this, but its international so who knows. Working from home for a while know though.

Yea, this. The virus itself isn’t so scary to me personally as a 31 year old (I am thinking about older family members of course), but this shit definitely gonna cause problems. I work in sales/account management for a coffee roaster meaning I talk to cafes and restaurants all day long. I’m worried how long some of my fav coffee shops and restaurants can really survive social distancing. One of my guys already called me and said to skip his normally huge order for this week because no ones coming in. All the offices around him closed.

Also I know mad people who are just guessing if we have allergies, a cold, or corona, myself included.
Same I've been feeling kinda out of it and been getting headaches the past two days. Would really hate to get either of my parents sick since I live with them. My mom went to the hospital today for some unrelated corona things and im kinda nervous she went in without it and will be leaving with it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: sexualhelon on March 15, 2020, 03:29:50 PM
I just keep thinking: look at the numbers for Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Thailand. Consider their proximity to China and how well they've been able to contain this. What the f* was the rest of the world thinking?

Take Taiwan for example. As soon as there was a semblance of this being at all serious, they restricted flights and closed schools. People were filling out questionnaires and checked for symptoms upon arrival from international travel - if they showed symptoms they were quarantined for 14 days. If violated, 30k USD equivalent fine.

Necessities such as face masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer were equally distributed based on national id numbers and if caught re-selling these things for marked up profit, stiff fines like mentioned above. Before entering most any establishment, there is a health check and then you must wash your hands. Distancing is enforced in places like restaurants. These are things European countries and the USA should be doing now, no matter pre or post lock-down.

Now, since they took these preventative measures, life is able to continue as normal aside from said rules being implemented. Other countries are just reacting with drastic measures once it's gone too far to ignore and thus comes mass hysteria. The Spanish flu wasn't THAT long ago. Come on, get your shit together.

Stay safe out there. Will be interesting to say the least as to how this transpires day by day.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pedro_mayn on March 15, 2020, 03:37:40 PM
South Wales is essentially following what the rest of the UK is doing; fuck all, really.

Although it seems they were umming-and-ahhing to cancel the rugby whilst all other major sporting events got cancelled, but it did actually get cancelled in the end. Logical.

Got a few gigs lined up that might be off the list...One being in London. Hmm. Cash loss is nothing compared to anyone getting wiped out with what is essentially flu 2.0.

I work in social housing, mainly working over the phone and it involves interacting with the general public in person, too (reception being one of my role's duties). We might end up closing up our offices soon, the company is prepping us to work from home.

Shit will get worse. It doesn't help idiots are panic buying stupid shit.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 15, 2020, 03:38:08 PM
Sweden is not doing Well. Our largest airline just let go of 10.000 people today.. Im not scared of the virus itself, and pretty sure I already have it since tuesday or so, but the economical hit does. Im lucky to work in a field that should manage this, but its international so who knows. Working from home for a while know though.
aren't they in trouble because of that anti Swedish commercial? that was some Get Woke Go Broke if i ever i saw it and not related to the CoronaV
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: duniwayRobber on March 15, 2020, 03:48:35 PM
Live in Seattle, the store's aren't as bad as cali (surprising, since we are the 'epicenter'), but business's are nosediving. Tons of restaurant closures (some long overdue, others not-so), Microsoft's getting ready to release 10% of its work force, stock market has ruined a large portion of resident's eggnests, plus entertainment/tourism (a major part of Seattle's economy) has completely dropped off. Fucking mess for everyone in this city, rich or poor.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 15, 2020, 07:37:24 PM
Blasio essentially banned everything in NYC. The world is coming to a screeching stop.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 15, 2020, 07:48:22 PM
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Sweden is not doing Well. Our largest airline just let go of 10.000 people today.. Im not scared of the virus itself, and pretty sure I already have it since tuesday or so, but the economical hit does. Im lucky to work in a field that should manage this, but its international so who knows. Working from home for a while know though.

Yea, this. The virus itself isn’t so scary to me personally as a 31 year old (I am thinking about older family members of course), but this shit definitely gonna cause problems. I work in sales/account management for a coffee roaster meaning I talk to cafes and restaurants all day long. I’m worried how long some of my fav coffee shops and restaurants can really survive social distancing. One of my guys already called me and said to skip his normally huge order for this week because no ones coming in. All the offices around him closed.

Also I know mad people who are just guessing if we have allergies, a cold, or corona, myself included.
Cafes can do takeout coffee if anyone shows up but all my other accounts are pretty much shut down. How are they supposed to survive this?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Francis Xavier on March 15, 2020, 08:09:04 PM
Schools closed for two weeks,no classes for me. Bars are closing up, grocery store is a mad house. Whats funny is that I drove by the beach and it was like nothing was going on at all. Typical crowds and surfers. My neighbors said they got some sort of text saying there will be a CA lockdown for two weeks,but it looked like spam.

Edit: looks like theres been 6 deaths and 335 infected in California,not much compared to others,but growing.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Ghost Lurker on March 15, 2020, 09:35:42 PM
Worked the shop all weekend, people still came in buying boards and shoes.

I am normally of work on Mondays/Tuesdays/some Wednesdays... sure hope we get to stay open.

Kids are of school now for a few weeks, so skating more,
hopefully coming in to buy more decks,
wheels etc. It was a ghost town outside Sunday for most part.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Hex on March 15, 2020, 10:26:13 PM
Panic-buying is sweeping the town. Should I stockpile decks & griptapes? ;D
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Kylo Send on March 15, 2020, 10:41:55 PM
How many people in the US have or are about to lose their job? Over a million? This shit is going to be so fucked.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Hex on March 15, 2020, 10:54:24 PM
How many people in the US have or are about to lose their job? Over a million? This shit is going to be so fucked.

Losing job is better than losing life. Find new demands and switch job. Online shopping & home delivery is all the rage. If you are writing on this forum you have access to the Internet. You stand a chance.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: iKobrakai on March 15, 2020, 11:35:36 PM
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Sweden is not doing Well. Our largest airline just let go of 10.000 people today.. Im not scared of the virus itself, and pretty sure I already have it since tuesday or so, but the economical hit does. Im lucky to work in a field that should manage this, but its international so who knows. Working from home for a while know though.
aren't they in trouble because of that anti Swedish commercial? that was some Get Woke Go Broke if i ever i saw it and not related to the CoronaV

Stockholm, Gay Europe:

The public transport is near halved. I still go to work but they split us into halv, two separate buildings. No food shortages or none of that crazy shit. My gym is still open but I don't count on it staying that way

I'm in finance and the market is not doing too well. We'll see what happens.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: RoaryMcTwang on March 16, 2020, 12:54:01 AM
It's pretty crazy to read all these posts from here (Shenzhen, China), where we seem to (fingers crossed) have things pretty much under control now. Very few new cases have been reported over the past few across China. Wuhan is still under total lockdown but even there things seem to be easing up.

Most people started going back to work pretty much as usual two weeks ago. Restaurants, cafes etc were closed since late January but gradually opened back up also starting about two weeks back. Schools and unis are still closed though, and there are still mandatory temperature checks everywhere. Also, people from outside are not allowed to come into our high-rise complex, but I've moved most of my tutoring students online anyways. I've been staying indoors mostly but the kids from the Civic Centre crew are killing it everyday in the streets from what I can see on Chinese social media.

How the rest of the world (with very few examples like Taiwan and Singapore) has not seen this coming and prepared better is beyond me, they had almost six weeks' warning. It's kind of hard not to see it as based on an idea that China is somehow exotic and far away and what goes down here won't affect the rest of the world, when precisely the opposite has been the case for decades.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: iKobrakai on March 16, 2020, 12:56:45 AM
Can I just say that the numbers the Chinese are putting out are near damn worthless? I don't trust those at all.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: rawr1922 on March 16, 2020, 01:01:22 AM
Schools closed for two weeks,no classes for me.

Same. The major universities transitioning online for rest of the semester. Community colleges off for 2 weeks, going online, and a big question mark if it continues for rest of semester.  Both my teachers acknowledged bad with technology plus never taught online class before. Scary.  How everything playing out unprecedented. I'm a wacko and 100% think this virus is a conspiracy.     
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: rawr1922 on March 16, 2020, 01:01:54 AM
Can I just say that the numbers the Chinese are putting out are near damn worthless? I don't trust those at all.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on March 16, 2020, 01:08:17 AM
Can I just say that the numbers the Chinese are putting out are near damn worthless? I don't trust those at all.

Every nation's numbers are essentially worthless, since tests are not available for all and mild cases are advised to stay at home and not get tested before the symptoms get severe.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr.Jenkins on March 16, 2020, 01:12:46 AM
Sweden just announced that if you are letting people go for a short period of time, they are going in and pay half the amount of the salary, if the company takes the other half, the worked gets to keep 90% of thesalary. They will also pay the sickleave for companys for the next two months. They also said they are ready to let companys not pay the taxes for a year. That alone will cost 300 billions.

The amount of money this is going to cost is astonishing -  but Im happy that we can do this. I cant imagine how the virus will hit US who probably wont be able to do these things down to the single worker and private companys.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: boyan on March 16, 2020, 01:27:36 AM
Belgium: Most schools are closed. Restaurants and bars are completely closed. Shops are closed on the weekends. Advised to work at home and see as few people as possible, especially avoiding the elder. All events are cancelled: concerts, sports, etc. So it sucks if you're employed in the hospitality, entertainment, sports and events business. I work in (online) marketing and half of my clients are putting their activities on hold.

You think it's all pretty straight forward in theory, but in reality it's quite chaotic. People are acting in extremes. They either don't give a shit: lockdown parties, private gatherings, going just across the border to shop and go to restaurants and bars. Or they give too much shit: just buying as much food and toiletpaper as they can. Seriously, what's up with the toilet paper?

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: OldieButFrenchie on March 16, 2020, 01:40:27 AM
I've read countries that were hit by SARS were much better prepared for this.

As for me, I'm in Brussels and bars/restaurants/schools/cinemas etc are closed. My youngest son was sick for a few days with fever + cough so we were starting to panic a bit. But he's better now and I think it was actually the flu  (his cough wasn't dry like it's supposed to be with Coronavirus).

Stay safe everyone......... :-X
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: excitableboy on March 16, 2020, 01:55:41 AM
It's pretty crazy to read all these posts from here (Shenzhen, China), where we seem to (fingers crossed) have things pretty much under control now. Very few new cases have been reported over the past few across China. Wuhan is still under total lockdown but even there things seem to be easing up.

Most people started going back to work pretty much as usual two weeks ago. Restaurants, cafes etc were closed since late January but gradually opened back up also starting about two weeks back. Schools and unis are still closed though, and there are still mandatory temperature checks everywhere. Also, people from outside are not allowed to come into our high-rise complex, but I've moved most of my tutoring students online anyways. I've been staying indoors mostly but the kids from the Civic Centre crew are killing it everyday in the streets from what I can see on Chinese social media.

How the rest of the world (with very few examples like Taiwan and Singapore) has not seen this coming and prepared better is beyond me, they had almost six weeks' warning. It's kind of hard not to see it as based on an idea that China is somehow exotic and far away and what goes down here won't affect the rest of the world, when precisely the opposite has been the case for decades.

It's just about money, right? We were watching Italy underreact after what happened in China, and the past two weeks we simply repeated their mistakes. Our PM wanted to keep schools open, now finally has issued the decree to close as specialists all insisted on it. It seemed obvious he just wanted to push it one more week for (short-term) economical reasons. Perhaps the Chinese are also more accepting of the rules? Cafes and restaurants were bustling here until yesterday, few heeding the call to stay inside. Even though something like 70% of the population were polled as favoring lockdown measures. We have to be forced to be free, I guess.

It's encouraging to read things are slowly turning around over there. Korean friends of mine reporting the same from Seoul. Hopefully the US can cope with this too. It's dreadful to think millions are facing this thing out of pocket. Maybe it will change ideas about public health care over there?

I also have yet to comprehend the toilet paper thing.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 16, 2020, 02:45:34 AM
"The CDC recommends organizers cancel or postpone events with 50 people or more for 8 weeks"
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: essal on March 16, 2020, 02:53:39 AM
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Sweden is not doing Well. Our largest airline just let go of 10.000 people today.. Im not scared of the virus itself, and pretty sure I already have it since tuesday or so, but the economical hit does. Im lucky to work in a field that should manage this, but its international so who knows. Working from home for a while know though.
aren't they in trouble because of that anti Swedish commercial? that was some Get Woke Go Broke if i ever i saw it and not related to the CoronaV
no, SAS has been up and all good since. people quickly figured out that the "i'm so angry" narrative was ran by a global anti-globalism network of racists on twitter.

this however, just like any airliner, is because of the virus. look up any airline and tell me of anyone doing better today than 1 month ago.

this is the main issue with this virus as far as the worlds concerned. 2008 is childsplay compared to this. the fact that governments all over are trying to plug holes with shittons of money is a very clear sign that we are all sinking together.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Hevonen on March 16, 2020, 03:38:30 AM
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It's pretty crazy to read all these posts from here (Shenzhen, China), where we seem to (fingers crossed) have things pretty much under control now. Very few new cases have been reported over the past few across China. Wuhan is still under total lockdown but even there things seem to be easing up.

Most people started going back to work pretty much as usual two weeks ago. Restaurants, cafes etc were closed since late January but gradually opened back up also starting about two weeks back. Schools and unis are still closed though, and there are still mandatory temperature checks everywhere. Also, people from outside are not allowed to come into our high-rise complex, but I've moved most of my tutoring students online anyways. I've been staying indoors mostly but the kids from the Civic Centre crew are killing it everyday in the streets from what I can see on Chinese social media.

How the rest of the world (with very few examples like Taiwan and Singapore) has not seen this coming and prepared better is beyond me, they had almost six weeks' warning. It's kind of hard not to see it as based on an idea that China is somehow exotic and far away and what goes down here won't affect the rest of the world, when precisely the opposite has been the case for decades.

It's just about money, right? We were watching Italy underreact after what happened in China, and the past two weeks we simply repeated their mistakes. Our PM wanted to keep schools open, now finally has issued the decree to close as specialists all insisted on it. It seemed obvious he just wanted to push it one more week for (short-term) economical reasons. Perhaps the Chinese are also more accepting of the rules? Cafes and restaurants were bustling here until yesterday, few heeding the call to stay inside. Even though something like 70% of the population were polled as favoring lockdown measures. We have to be forced to be free, I guess.

It's encouraging to read things are slowly turning around over there. Korean friends of mine reporting the same from Seoul. Hopefully the US can cope with this too. It's dreadful to think millions are facing this thing out of pocket. Maybe it will change ideas about public health care over there?

I also have yet to comprehend the toilet paper thing.

I guess you can't really force people to stay at home by threatening them with jail time in a democratic western country. Pretty tough situation to go through politically. If you react quickly enough to prevent it, then people will accuse you of destroying the economy by over reacting. A little bit easier for the other countries to follow now, by pointing at italy as an example of what might happen.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 16, 2020, 03:40:54 AM
Yeah. Odds of doing into global recession are probably scary high.

Just had this thought concerning travel/vacation industries. Cruises are shutdown for at least a month, 2 months seems more realistic. Air travel will be down for 1-2 months. Hell.. Fewer ppl driving, perhaps fewer buses/trains running.. Factories shutdown.. Reduced energy consumption..
This could be really good for the environment and air quality.

Fwiw, Spain is also having problems similar to Italy.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: excitableboy on March 16, 2020, 03:53:53 AM
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It's pretty crazy to read all these posts from here (Shenzhen, China), where we seem to (fingers crossed) have things pretty much under control now. Very few new cases have been reported over the past few across China. Wuhan is still under total lockdown but even there things seem to be easing up.

Most people started going back to work pretty much as usual two weeks ago. Restaurants, cafes etc were closed since late January but gradually opened back up also starting about two weeks back. Schools and unis are still closed though, and there are still mandatory temperature checks everywhere. Also, people from outside are not allowed to come into our high-rise complex, but I've moved most of my tutoring students online anyways. I've been staying indoors mostly but the kids from the Civic Centre crew are killing it everyday in the streets from what I can see on Chinese social media.

How the rest of the world (with very few examples like Taiwan and Singapore) has not seen this coming and prepared better is beyond me, they had almost six weeks' warning. It's kind of hard not to see it as based on an idea that China is somehow exotic and far away and what goes down here won't affect the rest of the world, when precisely the opposite has been the case for decades.

It's just about money, right? We were watching Italy underreact after what happened in China, and the past two weeks we simply repeated their mistakes. Our PM wanted to keep schools open, now finally has issued the decree to close as specialists all insisted on it. It seemed obvious he just wanted to push it one more week for (short-term) economical reasons. Perhaps the Chinese are also more accepting of the rules? Cafes and restaurants were bustling here until yesterday, few heeding the call to stay inside. Even though something like 70% of the population were polled as favoring lockdown measures. We have to be forced to be free, I guess.

It's encouraging to read things are slowly turning around over there. Korean friends of mine reporting the same from Seoul. Hopefully the US can cope with this too. It's dreadful to think millions are facing this thing out of pocket. Maybe it will change ideas about public health care over there?

I also have yet to comprehend the toilet paper thing.

I guess you can't really force people to stay at home by threatening them with jail time in a democratic western country. Pretty tough situation to go through politically. If you react quickly enough to prevent it, then people will accuse you of destroying the economy by over reacting. A little bit easier for the other countries to follow now, by pointing at italy as an example of what might happen.

Yeah it's a tightrope. They have implemented hefty fines for being on the street without valid reason (and documentation) in Milan, too.

Yeah. Odds of doing into global recession are probably scary high.

Just had this thought concerning travel/vacation industries. Cruises are shutdown for at least a month, 2 months seems more realistic. Air travel will be down for 1-2 months. Hell.. Fewer ppl driving, perhaps fewer buses/trains running.. Factories shutdown.. Reduced energy consumption..
This could be really good for the environment and air quality.

Fwiw, Spain is also having problems similar to Italy.

Milan air quality is famously bad, but has apparently improved considerably already these two weeks.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 16, 2020, 05:57:06 AM
The smoke shop that i supply with kratom, asked me for a very big order. People have already gone to their shop and stocked up and bought most of their inventory.
But I don’t want to risk not having a couple months supply for myself.
I think I’m going to have to tell the shop that I’m not going to get them their order until I get a new full shipment, which idk when that will be.
I have enough to last me 3-4 months at the moment.
This might fully end my little kratom side hustle.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JudoOrigami on March 16, 2020, 06:12:12 AM
if you think the russian facebook troll teams are exclusive to russia you are sorely mistaken.

america's military defense is so overpowered the nations looking to destabilize the west have taken to sneaky covert tactics like infiltrating our online communities and online video games (using VPN) to mentally harass americas vulnerable youth to the point that they do things like shoot up fucking schools.

What China would like to do to white westerners would make the holocaust look like a school shooting.

You have been warned
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 16, 2020, 06:22:46 AM
The smoke shop that i supply with kratom, asked me for a very big order. People have already gone to their shop and stocked up and bought most of their inventory.
But I don’t want to risk not having a couple months supply for myself.
I think I’m going to have to tell the shop that I’m not going to get them their order until I get a new full shipment, which idk when that will be.
I have enough to last me 3-4 months at the moment.
This might fully end my little kratom side hustle.

Yep, for sometime. Sad thing is, kratom has a compound in it that treats some corona viruses.

Ya can pubmed that one if ya want
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 16, 2020, 06:51:42 AM
Quarantine going down today in CA. Wife and I both work for the county, different agencies, but she was notified last night not to come in until further notice. I ON THE OTHER HAND have been deemed essential and need to report to work as normal... Nothing my department does is essential. Most counties don’t even have one. I’m so pissed.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Francis Xavier on March 16, 2020, 07:11:46 AM
Vans sent out an email stating all their US and Canads stores will be closed until April 5th,pending what comes.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 16, 2020, 07:27:13 AM
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if you think the russian facebook troll teams are exclusive to russia you are sorely mistaken.

america's military defense is so overpowered the nations looking to destabilize the west have taken to sneaky covert tactics like infiltrating our online communities and online video games (using VPN) to mentally harass americas vulnerable youth to the point that they do things like shoot up fucking schools.

What China would like to do to white westerners would make the holocaust look like a school shooting.

Expand Quote
You have been warned

Drumming up some fear, huh? You realize that China is barely able to keep their own people in line, right? You realize that more than a quarter of their fighting aged population has COPD from their shitty air? And that they significantly outnumber the heads of their unpopular government? Plus, I see their young people would rather watch basketball than kill all the honkies. So yeah, consider me warned, but not at all worried about your genocide fantasy. Take it back to /pol, homie.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 16, 2020, 07:33:32 AM
Can I just say that the numbers the Chinese are putting out are near damn worthless? I don't trust those at all.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 16, 2020, 07:45:27 AM
Also, whoever said people 40+ are most affected is full of shit. People who are 80+ are most affected.

Whoever said China will cut off pharmaceutical supply is also full of shit. The vast majority of precursors and starting materials can be obtained from petrol companies. So even if they did, it wouldn’t mean shit.

Try better lies next time.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JudoOrigami on March 16, 2020, 07:51:32 AM
Anyone defending China is obviously a troll or someone highly dependent on the Chinese current model of slavery.

People saying racist and genocide are missing the point entirely. No one is saying Fuck Korea, Fuck Vietnam, Fuck Laos etc.

This isn't a racial thing it's a cultural thing.

Abuse warrants punishment. Widespead abuse warrants widespread punishment.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JudoOrigami on March 16, 2020, 07:52:39 AM
Anyone ever sit through a full class detention because no student would fess up to crime? A limited few CAN ruin EVERYTHING for EVERYONE ELSE
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 16, 2020, 08:20:55 AM
Quarantine going down today in CA. Wife and I both work for the county, different agencies, but she was notified last night not to come in until further notice. I ON THE OTHER HAND have been deemed essential and need to report to work as normal... Nothing my department does is essential. Most counties don’t even have one. I’m so pissed.
County worker here too working with like 100 people in a small office. Fucking bullshit.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Ghost Lurker on March 16, 2020, 08:39:31 AM
Getting my oil changed cus I’m on 20% going on the recommended 15%. I normally get some looks for being a long haired rocker looking guy near the edge of rural Midwest state I live in, but folks looked at me weird for wearing my rubber gloves, so I’m standing outside in the cold.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 16, 2020, 08:52:05 AM
Anyone defending China is obviously a troll or someone highly dependent on the Chinese current model of slavery.

People saying racist and genocide are missing the point entirely. No one is saying Fuck Korea, Fuck Vietnam, Fuck Laos etc.

This isn't a racial thing it's a cultural thing.

Abuse warrants punishment. Widespead abuse warrants widespread punishment.

So do you skate, or do you just spread feces?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tension on March 16, 2020, 09:04:56 AM
Bars, restaurants and stores are all closed. Central NJ is dead.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 16, 2020, 09:18:57 AM
The smoke shop that i supply with kratom, asked me for a very big order. People have already gone to their shop and stocked up and bought most of their inventory.
But I don’t want to risk not having a couple months supply for myself.
I think I’m going to have to tell the shop that I’m not going to get them their order until I get a new full shipment, which idk when that will be.
I have enough to last me 3-4 months at the moment.
This might fully end my little kratom side hustle.

I have some more of it on the way actually. That stuff has saved my life in a big way. Straight up quashes opiate cravings for me which is insane. I know some people don't think highly of consistent kratom usage but I'd most likely be dead or doing huge time like everyone else I used to use with. Best of luck to you and pm me if you need to off some.

I'm very concerned about the economy after this. There is no way that there won't be serious economic repercussions from this and if America doesn't implement some seriously better social welfare programs than they do now, we're going to be fucked. I know so many people living pay check to pay check. If my place didn't burn down. I would be that person. I feel so incredibly lucky to be shut in and not have to go out. For anyone that does, please try to stay safe.

Also, and this is going to come off corny, but if anyone is seriously freaking out, feel free to pm me. I'm not going to pretend I have my shit together but I'm happy to talk to anyone really going through some shit and I have plenty of time to. Just wanted to put that out there.

Pretty curious, how much food did everyone stockpile if they were able to?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 16, 2020, 09:22:34 AM
Also, whoever said people 40+ are most affected is full of shit. People who are 80+ are most affected.

Whoever said China will cut off pharmaceutical supply is also full of shit. The vast majority of precursors and starting materials can be obtained from petrol companies. So even if they did, it wouldn’t mean shit.

Try better lies next time.

I was the one that said they will cut of medical supplies and it was reported,  I didnt make it up.

Not am I saying it's TRUE either
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on March 16, 2020, 10:16:05 AM
I was the one that said they will cut of medical supplies and it was reported,  I didnt make it up.

Not am I saying it's TRUE either

"It WAS reported but I don't have a source to back the claim that's probably bogus anyways. Just had to let out the brain fart whirling inside my cranium."

Good stuff.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on March 16, 2020, 10:21:38 AM
Hope Spain doesn't turn out to be the next Italy.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: AitchBeeGayBuh on March 16, 2020, 10:28:50 AM
One thing I thought was funny at my store was the vitamin aisle was plentiful whereas the rest of the store wasn’t.

Asked my boss how much our store made n he said over a million dollars in a weekend n we weren’t the only store to that. Got called in on my day off yesterday n as I walked up to the front doors at 445 in the morning (we open at 5), I had to push my way through a crowd of people like goin up to the front at a concert.
People are workin lot of overtime when usually overtime is a big no no, some are doin 12 hour days, it’s  a real weird spectacle to see all day. Good thing for me is that my job is stocking stuff n I know which loads come in at which times. I can get fish sticks, chicken nuggets, etc for my family before it gets on the shelves.

My kids Montessori hasn’t called off yet despite all other schools being closed, probably to make more money... if I have to put up weekly payments through all this I’m gonna be pissed.

Wife works at a dentist office n although gettin a bit of cancellations she’s still workin at the moment.

As for me, I have the day off, went on an early morning bike ride till I got rained on, got a nes classic in front of me, six pack of Sierra Nevadas, reefer for the week, n some shrimp I plan on making with lunch... another day in paradise.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 16, 2020, 11:14:23 AM
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Also, whoever said people 40+ are most affected is full of shit. People who are 80+ are most affected.

Whoever said China will cut off pharmaceutical supply is also full of shit. The vast majority of precursors and starting materials can be obtained from petrol companies. So even if they did, it wouldn’t mean shit.

Try better lies next time.

I was the one that said they will cut of medical supplies and it was reported,  I didnt make it up.

Not am I saying it's TRUE either

Oh my bad. I should have tried to find who said what before spouting off. You are legit. Gino’s Kush and shit.

Well, even if it is true, which I don’t think it is, it will not have a significant effect.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Abyss1 on March 16, 2020, 11:47:47 AM
San jose looks like the walking dead

people are overstocking on toilet paper and lysol wipes...groceries stores have empty shelves, open coffee shops are not accepting personal cups.

Tons of people wearing masks, even saw a homeless dude with one  ???

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: supduude on March 16, 2020, 01:28:02 PM
malaga (Spain)
can't go out , either is for buying food or going to pharmacy .
all day in home lurking around Slap and listening music in Youtube.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: assvogel on March 16, 2020, 01:32:38 PM
Live in Finland. Starting Wednesday, there's going to be a lockdown until april 14th. Everyone should either stay home or work from home if possible.

All the public places will be closed, only daycares and 1-3 grade schools will be open for those families whose parents are needed at work. Stores and pharmacies should remain open. Everyone over 70yrs should be on quarantined at their home.

No public gatherings over 10 people, which basically means everything will be closed. You also can't "hang" outside, but they said it's okay to sit on a park bench for a minute with your partner or walk the dog (but I guess skateboarding would be banned, I really don't know).

There might be more strict measures coming up in following weeks too, so things aren't looking good for now or the future.

Weird fucking times we are living. 3 weeks ago everything was normal and now we are here. It's depressing as shit.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 16, 2020, 01:41:40 PM
randoms from in and around Detroit...

people back here are still being pretty civil--at least not less civil than they usually are..

many/all "nonessential" businesses are closing tentatively...seems right for now...

i'm very fortunate--adjunct professor at two different universities, and we're pretty late in the semester, and although it's a formidable task to transition both of the classes i'm teaching to online in one week (they gave the students a week extensions on spring break), there's a lot of support from both English departments and i don't need to leave the house if i don't have to, and same with the few immediate family i have...we're pretty stocked on everything too, i'm grateful to say...

so much respect to those of you who have to be out in this out of necessity--especially those of you in all of the "front lines" fields and professions--health care, fire, etc....grateful for all you do and you're in my thoughts and prayers...

hardest thing to me so far, is just seeing how scared a lot of people look...especially older folks--look out for them good people...

...and please be safe and well yourselves...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on March 16, 2020, 02:18:29 PM
Athens, GA we have a curfew from 9pm to 5am I'm guessing because idiots were still going out to the bars in this college town.

Last time I left my house was to buy some last minute supplies on Friday (I'd already stocked up on basics). It was hectic, but not crazy. I'm just guessing because some people couldn't buy anything until they got paid that day.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: FROTHY on March 16, 2020, 02:27:05 PM
Fuckin amazon and walmart pulled the plug on food delivery/pickup options where I live. Now I'm going to have to go in the store instead of paying someone else to do it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: shitsandwich on March 16, 2020, 02:35:07 PM
Wouldn’t it be a good idea if the government and the media promote the idea of people wearing gloves when grocery shopping?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: sexualhelon on March 16, 2020, 02:58:03 PM
Wouldn’t it be a good idea if the government and the media promote the idea of people wearing gloves when grocery shopping?

Yes. They shouldn't promote it, this should be something that's enforced. If everything is closed aside from supermarkets and they're turning into scenes of mass hysteria then that's a breeding ground for a virus to spread.

People should have to wash their hands, wear face masks, and keep the necessary distance. There should also be rationed limits on what you can buy as far as necessary goods like hand sanitizer. This is what certain countries did early on and guess what? They've basically evaded the global pandemic.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tag_king on March 16, 2020, 03:38:15 PM
The advertising office I'm freelancing at announced that instead of mass layoffs they are going to decrease everyone's pay by 30%. We have a bunch of sports clients and a ton of programs got postponed or cut so I guess its better than keeping some and losing others. Being a freelancer, I think I will be the first to go if it doesn't workout but for now I will take my 70% and make it work.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 16, 2020, 04:26:22 PM
All Bay Area counties starting shelter in place orders for at least 3 weeks, starting tonight, midnight. For some reason, I still have to go to work.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 16, 2020, 04:54:37 PM
poor johnes and his kratom has me feeling for the junkies who can't panhandle for 3 wks or steal or whatevver else to make ends meet. it's gonna be a lot of dopesick but hopefully a lot of recovery stories coming out of that. Corona is helping us change our lives.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: froufroufox on March 16, 2020, 04:57:26 PM
So I've had body aches, fatigue, and just overall lethargy/feeling like shit the past few days. No cough/fever/chills/sore throat but I'm still understandably kinda freaking out rn. I haven't left my house since Friday because i'm not trying to be around other people even with the .1% chance of having it.

I just want to feel 100% soon. In the meantime I'm working from home when I can, listening to records, and playing Skyrim on the switch.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chavo on March 16, 2020, 05:34:22 PM
In L.A., there are no available grocery deliveries for Instacart, Amazon Fresh or Prime Now. I'm sure many of you have already seen the insane pre-opening Costco line in Azusa, CA. Meanwhile, the government agency I work for is business as usual. No masks or gloves for security and still no cleaning of public areas. There are also still plenty (though much fewer) of tourists on Hollywood Blvd or wandering around downtown.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 16, 2020, 06:17:25 PM
I was in SF yesterday, the grocery store was relatively normal (low on bleach/paper products).

I was in LA this morning, the meat section was pretty much completely empty. I'm pretty annoyed with everyone's panic buying at this point.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on March 16, 2020, 06:22:20 PM
Athens, GA we have a curfew from 9pm to 5am I'm guessing because idiots were still going out to the bars in this college town.

Last time I left my house was to buy some last minute supplies on Friday (I'd already stocked up on basics). It was hectic, but not crazy. I'm just guessing because some people couldn't buy anything until they got paid that day.

nah the pigs are out to jail Dirty Kids. That's always the main objective in Athens.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mouth on March 16, 2020, 07:29:52 PM
Singapore banned all travel in and out of the country from anywhere with a large or growing outbreak. Panic buying also resumed today because Malaysia is implementing border controls and much of our food comes from there.

That said, life is continuing much as normal. Many people are working from home. But, social gatherings continue as normal. Although, they now skew towards outdoor events. Covid 19 apparently likes temps below 17C. It's 28-32C most days here.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 16, 2020, 10:16:29 PM
People are such pieces of shit buying all this food they aren't going to eat. Bread, salad, a ton of milk, all that shit goes bad quick. So fucking stupid. I went to Walmart because I'm fucking hungry, not because I want to stock up. I was able to get some frozen burritos, hummus and bagel chips, and some jerky. And some snickers I like. Fuck all these greedy mother fuckers.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: RoaryMcTwang on March 16, 2020, 11:08:56 PM
poor johnes and his kratom has me feeling for the junkies who can't panhandle for 3 wks or steal or whatevver else to make ends meet. it's gonna be a lot of dopesick but hopefully a lot of recovery stories coming out of that. Corona is helping us change our lives.

This has been true for me as well, if in a different way. My wife and I got to spend over a month of paid quality time together in February during the quarantine which we hadn’t had in ages. I talked to family and friends on skype a lot more. Plus we finally started cooking ourselves every day, which we had wanted to do forever but hadn’t been motivated enough to get round to.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 16, 2020, 11:19:50 PM
Expand Quote
poor johnes and his kratom has me feeling for the junkies who can't panhandle for 3 wks or steal or whatevver else to make ends meet. it's gonna be a lot of dopesick but hopefully a lot of recovery stories coming out of that. Corona is helping us change our lives.

This has been true for me as well, if in a different way. My wife and I got to spend over a month of paid quality time together in February during the quarantine which we hadn’t had in ages. I talked to family and friends on skype a lot more. Plus we finally started cooking ourselves every day, which we had wanted to do forever but hadn’t been motivated enough to get round to.
Cannibals confirmed?
Served with a fine Chianti?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sick Duck on March 16, 2020, 11:52:30 PM
Well i was waiting for ppl to calm down and the grocery stores to get less crazy but now i’m in one of the counties with a shelter in place and i don’t have much food. Can still get food but it’s gonna be a nightmare
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: RoaryMcTwang on March 17, 2020, 12:17:21 AM
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Expand Quote
poor johnes and his kratom has me feeling for the junkies who can't panhandle for 3 wks or steal or whatevver else to make ends meet. it's gonna be a lot of dopesick but hopefully a lot of recovery stories coming out of that. Corona is helping us change our lives.

This has been true for me as well, if in a different way. My wife and I got to spend over a month of paid quality time together in February during the quarantine which we hadn’t had in ages. I talked to family and friends on skype a lot more. Plus we finally started cooking ourselves every day, which we had wanted to do forever but hadn’t been motivated enough to get round to.
Cannibals confirmed?
Served with a fine Chianti?

haha, we had to go real slow to stretch the whole process out over the entire month... I meant as opposed to takeout and restaurants, in China eating out is so cheap and good that cooking always seemed unnecessary/not worth it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 17, 2020, 12:19:52 AM
The night Tom Hanks told us he has the coronavirus AND they put the NBA on hiatus, I said "F this" and bought over $700 worth of non-perishables at Vons, most of it on club price so I paid only $360.

Work is giving me the option to work from home, which I will probably take them up on.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: OldieButFrenchie on March 17, 2020, 01:58:13 AM
meanwhile in the Netherlands........... (
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ice nine on March 17, 2020, 02:39:15 AM
right now i work for a meat distributor in canada, today was busier then any day last year, including christmas. talked to my boss for a minute and the supply chain is still in place as of now, tho he mentioned beef prices from our main supplier increasing by $3.00/kg across the board from friday to monday. not sure if it's gouging or if costs have increased due to emergency tactics. shit is gonna drop off a cliff once everyone's done stocking up, it's gonna be a brutal for the economy when that happens.

pulled kids out of daycare, just chilling at home otherwise.

today our prime minister closed the border to everyone except canadians and americans. pretty much everyone agrees it was a half measure. americas not looking so good rn
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on March 17, 2020, 02:57:03 AM
The vegan society online largely agrees that this is a "karma virus" - just one in a long series of viruses caused by meat consumption. Since this one came from exotic animals, the outrage is much higher still. I'm not 100% vegan, but I have to agree. Those wet markets in China are a disgrace to humanity and "we are now paying the price", so to speak.

I really hope humanity can learn a valuable lesson and progress the vegan movement after this crisis is over, but I doubt it. China is already spreading propaganda and wet markets will offer new diseases for decades to come. And there's the melting tundra that just might release some ancient critters.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: sexualhelon on March 17, 2020, 03:47:51 AM
The vegan society online largely agrees that this is a "karma virus" - just one in a long series of viruses caused by meat consumption. Since this one came from exotic animals, the outrage is much higher still. I'm not 100% vegan, but I have to agree. Those wet markets in China are a disgrace to humanity and "we are now paying the price", so to speak.

I really hope humanity can learn a valuable lesson and progress the vegan movement after this crisis is over, but I doubt it. China is already spreading propaganda and wet markets will offer new diseases for decades to come. And there's the melting tundra that just might release some ancient critters.

I'm vegan but I don't necessarily agree that this is a "karma virus".

People catch bird flu by close contact with birds or bird droppings. Exactly what "close contact" means differs from culture to culture.

Some people have caught H5N1 from cleaning or plucking infected birds. In China, there have been reports of infection via inhalation of aerosolized materials in live bird markets. It's also possible that some people were infected after swimming or bathing in water contaminated with the droppings of infected birds. And some infections have occurred in people who handle fighting cocks.

People don't catch the virus from eating fully cooked chicken or eggs.

So, yes, I do realize that by nature of eating meat there are farmers/hunters/ person with job X that are exposed in mass to animals with new viruses that will inevitably make the jump to humans. We would basically need to limit our contact to animals in general.

There have been plenty of instances like, during the Irish potato famine, where the famine was actually curved by giving people chickens so they could live off eating the eggs. There are plenty of countries where people still depend on things like this and they consider those animals part of their family - they'd never think of eating the animals themselves.

For purely farmed animals, they can be vaccinated. Vietnam had a massive vaccination/killing of birds during the first Avian flu outbreak and contained it very quickly. But, the thing is, birds migrate around the world and carry these things with them. With international travel and the amount of exposure in airports, when one person gets it and goes threw a few airports, you see what's happening now.

Wet markets are amping this up and allowing for viruses to  spread from bats, to pangolins, to birds, to humans - or however it transpires. So, yeah, they're not good. I haven't done much research on them but they come from a place with billions of people that all need to eat. They're somewhat of a cultural thing so trying to shut them down is like telling Americans to get rid of their guns - for lack of a better reference?

Generally speaking though, I'd agree that if the whole world went vegan it would help curve many problems and not only this one. It wouldn't necessarily completely eradicate things like the viral diseases though. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 17, 2020, 05:15:55 AM
Has anyone on slap been tested?

I got sick yesterday and called it in. They told me stay in place and I will be tested today.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sleazy on March 17, 2020, 05:21:59 AM
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The vegan society online largely agrees that this is a "karma virus" - just one in a long series of viruses caused by meat consumption. Since this one came from exotic animals, the outrage is much higher still. I'm not 100% vegan, but I have to agree. Those wet markets in China are a disgrace to humanity and "we are now paying the price", so to speak.

I really hope humanity can learn a valuable lesson and progress the vegan movement after this crisis is over, but I doubt it. China is already spreading propaganda and wet markets will offer new diseases for decades to come. And there's the melting tundra that just might release some ancient critters.

I'm vegan but I don't necessarily agree that this is a "karma virus".

People catch bird flu by close contact with birds or bird droppings. Exactly what "close contact" means differs from culture to culture.

Some people have caught H5N1 from cleaning or plucking infected birds. In China, there have been reports of infection via inhalation of aerosolized materials in live bird markets. It's also possible that some people were infected after swimming or bathing in water contaminated with the droppings of infected birds. And some infections have occurred in people who handle fighting cocks.

People don't catch the virus from eating fully cooked chicken or eggs.

So, yes, I do realize that by nature of eating meat there are farmers/hunters/ person with job X that are exposed in mass to animals with new viruses that will inevitably make the jump to humans. We would basically need to limit our contact to animals in general.

There have been plenty of instances like, during the Irish potato famine, where the famine was actually curved by giving people chickens so they could live off eating the eggs. There are plenty of countries where people still depend on things like this and they consider those animals part of their family - they'd never think of eating the animals themselves.

For purely farmed animals, they can be vaccinated. Vietnam had a massive vaccination/killing of birds during the first Avian flu outbreak and contained it very quickly. But, the thing is, birds migrate around the world and carry these things with them. With international travel and the amount of exposure in airports, when one person gets it and goes threw a few airports, you see what's happening now.

Wet markets are amping this up and allowing for viruses to  spread from bats, to pangolins, to birds, to humans - or however it transpires. So, yeah, they're not good. I haven't done much research on them but they come from a place with billions of people that all need to eat. They're somewhat of a cultural thing so trying to shut them down is like telling Americans to get rid of their guns - for lack of a better reference?

Generally speaking though, I'd agree that if the whole world went vegan it would help curve many problems and not only this one. It wouldn't necessarily completely eradicate things like the viral diseases though. 

aren't there problems with scaling up vegan diets? they talk about that in this pod cast.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 17, 2020, 05:43:28 AM
here in western australia everyones buying out toilet paper. we are a strange bunch.

That's everywhere bro.

The oddest thing I noticed here is paper plates are sold out everywhere? Wtf?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: SHAQUEEFA on March 17, 2020, 05:49:31 AM
Wrestlemania is cancelled. Will be streamed from a sound stage in Orlando, no longer live in Tampa. I went to the grocery store yesterday. Bless those people working there. They put up with a lot of bullshit from a bunch of assholes.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 17, 2020, 05:51:34 AM
Has anyone on slap been tested?

I got sick yesterday and called it in. They told me stay in place and I will be tested today.

Not myself. Someone who was at my work told us they had symptoms but she’s a hypochondriac and haven’t heard anything now. Yesterday I had chest tightness but I think it was just weather. Was tripping for a minute on whether or not I should go but took allergy medication and it eased up. I expect a lot of people to call out today. They say stay 6ft apart and our cubicles aren’t even that far apart. Today we are also not allowed to even go to another person’s cubicle so I don’t know why they don’t just fucking close. 90 people in a confined space isn’t smart.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 17, 2020, 06:17:10 AM
Welp my overtime hours got cut. That’s like $100 less on my pay checks.
My grandpa is dying but not related to Covid and last week I didn’t want to go see him because my wife was at a big concert and it’s possible she and I got something but I ended up seeing him yesterday because my mom thinks he could go at any moment so, potentially giving him something else isn’t really a concern.

He’s still lucid, it’s very hard for him to talk and move but he will say words sometimes and he was trying to talk to my mom about my dads tomato plants. He has at least been surrounded by all his kids over the last few weeks.
Funny thing is my grandpa can actually hear better than my dad can. My dad doesn’t like wearing his hearing aids.

My sister in law as a worker for HEB gets first dibs on inventory when it comes in. She got us like $100 worth of groceries last night with her employee discount too.
Heb really takes care of their employees.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 17, 2020, 06:35:08 AM
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Has anyone on slap been tested?

I got sick yesterday and called it in. They told me stay in place and I will be tested today.

Not myself. Someone who was at my work told us they had symptoms but she’s a hypochondriac and haven’t heard anything now. Yesterday I had chest tightness but I think it was just weather. Was tripping for a minute on whether or not I should go but took allergy medication and it eased up. I expect a lot of people to call out today. They say stay 6ft apart and our cubicles aren’t even that far apart. Today we are also not allowed to even go to another person’s cubicle so I don’t know why they don’t just fucking close. 90 people in a confined space isn’t smart.

Yep that's not good at all.

I just got of the phone with my dr and hes been a friend too for about 12 years. But he was telling me I had flu symptoms.

He said if you have trouble breathing,  that's the biggest sign . But we've only had one reported case, and he let it slip that the local hospital quarantine is not fun, and avoid it if possible.

Made me think, is there really only one case?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: LemThurdy on March 17, 2020, 06:55:11 AM
Anybody skating during these times? I went out front to do some flat ground but really just been chillin since Friday. I live in Treasure Island , they did a fly over of the beach nearby in Clearwater and shit was packed  , hundreds of ppl laying next to each other on towels. nothing really in the grocery stores. Did stock up at the liquor and w the weed man  ;D
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 17, 2020, 06:59:00 AM
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Has anyone on slap been tested?

I got sick yesterday and called it in. They told me stay in place and I will be tested today.
Naw how's the testing in Alberta? Are you in Alberta?

I've had pneumonia for two weeks here on Van island. I had never gotten pneumonia before in my life (I'm 25). Last week my girlfriend was waking me up in the night cause i was gurgling and wheezing, and I basically lied on my stomach on the hard bathroom floor coughing and spitting into the toilet. I dont feel so panicked like I cant catch my breath anymore that was basically two solid days, but my lungs, the last deep parts of a breath gurgle like popcorn in my chest, and feels like my lungs hurt. Like they are burned or something. I constantly taste blood 24/7 and I'm still coughing when I lie down so I sleep propped up. I haven't been going out or anything, two weeks ago it didnt really cross my mind, thought it was a chest cold, then thought maybe I got asthma from dabbing so I stopped. It just got worse. It's pretty relentless but I feel I'm over the scary parts,  though it's not going away. I dunno if I should bother calling and waiting on hold for hours and getting tested. Honestly I dont think it will help my course of action. I'm not dying.

Fuck, sorry to hear about that bro. My son just got over pneumonia a couple months back and it was terrible watching a 6 year old go through that.

I'm in Ontario and there is hotline to call the the northwestern health unit. They asked me to stay in place and they would come to my home to test me.

Again saying only go to the hospital if it feels like you cannot breathe(which I dont have)

I did use to live in Alberta but I've never been to a hospital there so I have zero clue what it's like there.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on March 17, 2020, 07:09:29 AM
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The vegan society online largely agrees that this is a "karma virus" - just one in a long series of viruses caused by meat consumption. Since this one came from exotic animals, the outrage is much higher still. I'm not 100% vegan, but I have to agree. Those wet markets in China are a disgrace to humanity and "we are now paying the price", so to speak.

I really hope humanity can learn a valuable lesson and progress the vegan movement after this crisis is over, but I doubt it. China is already spreading propaganda and wet markets will offer new diseases for decades to come. And there's the melting tundra that just might release some ancient critters.

I'm vegan but I don't necessarily agree that this is a "karma virus".

People catch bird flu by close contact with birds or bird droppings. Exactly what "close contact" means differs from culture to culture.

Some people have caught H5N1 from cleaning or plucking infected birds. In China, there have been reports of infection via inhalation of aerosolized materials in live bird markets. It's also possible that some people were infected after swimming or bathing in water contaminated with the droppings of infected birds. And some infections have occurred in people who handle fighting cocks.

People don't catch the virus from eating fully cooked chicken or eggs.

So, yes, I do realize that by nature of eating meat there are farmers/hunters/ person with job X that are exposed in mass to animals with new viruses that will inevitably make the jump to humans. We would basically need to limit our contact to animals in general.

There have been plenty of instances like, during the Irish potato famine, where the famine was actually curved by giving people chickens so they could live off eating the eggs. There are plenty of countries where people still depend on things like this and they consider those animals part of their family - they'd never think of eating the animals themselves.

For purely farmed animals, they can be vaccinated. Vietnam had a massive vaccination/killing of birds during the first Avian flu outbreak and contained it very quickly. But, the thing is, birds migrate around the world and carry these things with them. With international travel and the amount of exposure in airports, when one person gets it and goes threw a few airports, you see what's happening now.

Wet markets are amping this up and allowing for viruses to  spread from bats, to pangolins, to birds, to humans - or however it transpires. So, yeah, they're not good. I haven't done much research on them but they come from a place with billions of people that all need to eat. They're somewhat of a cultural thing so trying to shut them down is like telling Americans to get rid of their guns - for lack of a better reference?

Generally speaking though, I'd agree that if the whole world went vegan it would help curve many problems and not only this one. It wouldn't necessarily completely eradicate things like the viral diseases though. 

aren't there problems with scaling up vegan diets? they talk about that in this pod cast.

The higher the environmental footprint of a food, the higher the price, so scaling up would not be a problem, since most could not afford the problematic items (as they would also rise in price in case of scarcity). Also, a lot of the food is already being wasted on feeding livestock, so some crops would essentially have to be downscaled.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on March 17, 2020, 07:12:15 AM
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Has anyone on slap been tested?

I got sick yesterday and called it in. They told me stay in place and I will be tested today.
Naw how's the testing in Alberta? Are you in Alberta?

I've had pneumonia for two weeks here on Van island. I had never gotten pneumonia before in my life (I'm 25). Last week my girlfriend was waking me up in the night cause i was gurgling and wheezing, and I basically lied on my stomach on the hard bathroom floor coughing and spitting into the toilet. I dont feel so panicked like I cant catch my breath anymore that was basically two solid days, but my lungs, the last deep parts of a breath gurgle like popcorn in my chest, and feels like my lungs hurt. Like they are burned or something. I constantly taste blood 24/7 and I'm still coughing when I lie down so I sleep propped up. I haven't been going out or anything, two weeks ago it didnt really cross my mind, thought it was a chest cold, then thought maybe I got asthma from dabbing so I stopped. It just got worse. It's pretty relentless but I feel I'm over the scary parts,  though it's not going away. I dunno if I should bother calling and waiting on hold for hours and getting tested. Honestly I dont think it will help my course of action. I'm not dying.

Fuck, sorry to hear about that bro. My son just got over pneumonia a couple months back and it was terrible watching a 6 year old go through that.

I'm in Ontario and there is hotline to call the the northwestern health unit. They asked me to stay in place and they would come to my home to test me.

Again saying only go to the hospital if it feels like you cannot breathe(which I dont have)

I did use to live in Alberta but I've never been to a hospital there so I have zero clue what it's like there.

Yo small headed bear

Make sure your appendix doesn’t burst. That almost happened to me and w/o penicillin it would have. Any pain in your lower abdominal go to the ER or you may die.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: burtreynolds.jpeg on March 17, 2020, 07:20:10 AM
So I've gotten sick twice this year with the stomach flu and I have been super stressed out about work and figuring out life stuff in general. I got the flu a month ago and I still feel super off. I also have celiac disease so my stomach is fucking jacked.

I started getting a tight chest on Friday but I just contributed that to anxiety. I also still have a cough. I called my doctor's office and told them about it and they said a COVID19 Task Force would call me...which they haven't yet.
Not sure what my alternative is but anyone on here have any advice or those who have been tested know what to do?
Anything helps.

Big love to all of ya'll and stay safe.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 17, 2020, 07:43:33 AM
Anybody skating during these times? I went out front to do some flat ground but really just been chillin since Friday. I live in Treasure Island , they did a fly over of the beach nearby in Clearwater and shit was packed  , hundreds of ppl laying next to each other on towels. nothing really in the grocery stores. Did stock up at the liquor and w the weed man  ;D

Yeah, I’ve been out skating. It’s dope! I play the fallout 3 soundtrack and cruise around pretending I survived the apocalypse.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 17, 2020, 07:51:25 AM
So I've gotten sick twice this year with the stomach flu and I have been super stressed out about work and figuring out life stuff in general. I got the flu a month ago and I still feel super off. I also have celiac disease so my stomach is fucking jacked.

I started getting a tight chest on Friday but I just contributed that to anxiety. I also still have a cough. I called my doctor's office and told them about it and they said a COVID19 Task Force would call me...which they haven't yet.
Not sure what my alternative is but anyone on here have any advice or those who have been tested know what to do?
Anything helps.

Big love to all of ya'll and stay safe.

Tightness in chest probably anxiety like me. It went away after I took some allergy meds. It says trouble breathing but I didn’t see anything about chest tightness.

Pretty relieved I haven’t been too sick lately. Last year and the year before I had insane sicker than ever before flus and colds. Also had my first stomach flu since I was like a child in December but that was just a week and everyone I know got that.

Most worried about my girlfriend who has asthma.

If you guys know anyone with asthma they should call their Dr and ask to get a respiratory infection vaccine. If they have asthma and get infected the chances of them contracting the respiratory infection symptoms is higher and the vaccine can help prevent it. I told my girlfriend, she called yesterday and is going in for it today, plus an extra inhaler. They say 1 in 2 people will get this shit and even if a vaccine is developed it won’t be out for at least a year, chances are a lot of us will get it, but you might not show symptoms, though you could pass it to someone at higher risk for complications.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Kylo Send on March 17, 2020, 07:57:24 AM
I've been told if you feel like you need to go to the hospital then go. If you just feel sick then stay home and self quarantine.

I also heard the test kits suck. Some people test negative the first time and test positive when they retake it a second time.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Willie on March 17, 2020, 08:13:45 AM
I’m going nuts stuck at home with two kids and a wife. Wife has commandeered the TV room as her work from home office. Can’t just relax and watch tv. Gives me shit that I ought to be endlessly cleaning the house because she’s still working.

Kids are getting a full school day’s worth of assignments from their teachers and will not do any work unless I stand there and help/encourage/threaten. Different grades so completely different assignments.

Only on day 2 of this crap.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Cthulhu! on March 17, 2020, 08:19:22 AM
WELL it fucking happened you guys

I work for an airline/airport and last night we got our furlough letters. We are encouraged to go collect unemployment. Tonight we're having our last flight out but half of us are already staying home while a small team remains to see this one out. My capricious boss was in tears yesterday. Rumors of half the airport closing are floating around.

I was also with CDC and CBP agents attending some guy who started convulsing and vomiting. We almost ran out of the room when we saw him. Seizures aren't Corona symptoms right?

Now I don't have a job for the next month or so. I think. I have no idea. Even they don't know.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on March 17, 2020, 08:28:53 AM
Anyone else excited for the civil unrest that's about to smash into everything

This could be the time to restore balance to the force.

Anyone in nola want to help us get David Duke? That Fuckers ticket should have been punched in the 80s.

Fucking wamp rat
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: DanTheDoucher on March 17, 2020, 08:31:35 AM
WELL it fucking happened you guys

I work for an airline/airport and last night we got our furlough letters. We are encouraged to go collect unemployment. Tonight we're having our last flight out but half of us are already staying home while a small team remains to see this one out. My capricious boss was in tears yesterday. Rumors of half the airport closing are floating around.

I was also with CDC and CBP agents attending some guy who started convulsing and vomiting. We almost ran out of the room when we saw him. Seizures aren't Corona symptoms right?

Now I don't have a job for the next month or so. I think. I have no idea. Even they don't know.

Will you be getting your job back after this shit is over? If so, just collect unemployment and work under the table for extra cash.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on March 17, 2020, 08:34:11 AM
WELL it fucking happened you guys

I work for an airline/airport and last night we got our furlough letters. We are encouraged to go collect unemployment. Tonight we're having our last flight out but half of us are already staying home while a small team remains to see this one out. My capricious boss was in tears yesterday. Rumors of half the airport closing are floating around.

I was also with CDC and CBP agents attending some guy who started convulsing and vomiting. We almost ran out of the room when we saw him. Seizures aren't Corona symptoms right?

Now I don't have a job for the next month or so. I think. I have no idea. Even they don't know.

Oh, man. Sorry to hear that.

Things are looking grim for airline companies globally if government bailouts won't happen.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: LemThurdy on March 17, 2020, 08:50:08 AM
I’m going nuts stuck at home with two kids and a wife. Wife has commandeered the TV room as her work from home office. Can’t just relax and watch tv. Gives me shit that I ought to be endlessly cleaning the house because she’s still working.

Kids are getting a full school day’s worth of assignments from their teachers and will not do any work unless I stand there and help/encourage/threaten. Different grades so completely different assignments.

Only on day 2 of this crap.

Just know your not in this alone mate. Sounds like my house lol
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 17, 2020, 09:27:55 AM
Adelaide seems pretty normal compared to you lot.
Been to  maybe 3 supermarkets in the last 48 hours just to grab a few things and aside from TP and sanitizer it was all there in most places. Even so I'm gonna roll past most mornings super early and grab some non perishables to build up the pantry.

I work nights at the hospital and so far they're talking about working from home (something I can't do apparently as I have no computer/net. Hopefully I end up just doing fuck all.

Grabbed another half an oz today to be sure.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on March 17, 2020, 09:30:48 AM
Thank the gods for Florida:
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: OldieButFrenchie on March 17, 2020, 09:36:36 AM
Yann got the pulse of Paris and Republique as usual.....
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheBoognish on March 17, 2020, 09:42:46 AM
Quebec City here.

Bars and restaurants and starting to close. Grocery stores are crowded, but nothing too crazy yet besides last Friday, people were going nuts with crazy lineups. We’re talking 300-400$ shopping carts. Other than that, it’s pretty chill and everything’s available.
Drove by the Costco the other day and the parking lot was fucking loaded, no way am I going there.

I still have my fulltime job (CNC Machinist in a factory), but upper management is having a bunch of meetings with the union about the current situation so I don’t know about the rest.

All the gyms and sports centres (includes indoor skateparks) and pools are closed. I went from doing jiu-jitsu 3-6x a week to nothing, i’m going nuts right now. I’m doing solo drills, movement drills, stretching and some kettlebell stuff at home (hate training at home). Also took out the ol’ stationary bike as well. Better than nothing. Had some warm weather during the weekend, so I got to skate outside, which was nice.

Other than that, my marijuana consumption has skyrocketed and I’m about to start a second play through of RDR2. Could be worse.

Local Premier was talking about perhaps having a curfew, which I think is dumb.

They’re predicting snow all weekend, guess I won’t be doing much.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Ghost Lurker on March 17, 2020, 09:48:31 AM
I’m going nuts stuck at home with two kids and a wife. Wife has commandeered the TV room as her work from home office. Can’t just relax and watch tv. Gives me shit that I ought to be endlessly cleaning the house because she’s still working.

Kids are getting a full school day’s worth of assignments from their teachers and will not do any work unless I stand there and help/encourage/threaten. Different grades so completely different assignments.

Only on day 2 of this crap.
My gf & I live in a one bedroom apt, she starts working from home tmrw, and my skateshop hours are in danger of being cut.

I jokingly said “we don’t get along just fine without the help of the corona virus” as a light hearted sarcasm joke, cus we fight a lot as it is, verbal only, non abusive on either end.

But yah I’m worried about how it’s gonna pan out once I don’t have money to pay rent at end of the month.

Thinking of maybe having to give my two months notice at our music prac room at the local DIY spot, having to bail here from the apartment, and go live in my parents basement in my Poler two man tent.

I can only imagine how it must be to be a homeless person right now, I send any Slap folks who are homeless or have homeless fam/friends my loving best wishes getting through this all right now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mark Renton on March 17, 2020, 10:41:33 AM
UK finally did something yesterday. Started working from home today, at least I can do that instead of getting fired.
Going skateboarding instead of spending time commuting is rad but I doubt it will last long before lockdown. And yeah, weed.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Cthulhu! on March 17, 2020, 11:07:27 AM
Will you be getting your job back after this shit is over? If so, just collect unemployment and work under the table for extra cash.

We're not sure. The airline is telling upper management to go on unpaid leave for a mere two months. I'm only middle management, so they're still trying to figure that one out. Our employment status right now is under an approved "leave of absence" that according to them, means we can all happily go back to work when this mess sorts itself out. No timeline though. It was voluntary two days ago but now everyone is gone.

We are however getting some whispers about the airlines, using this as an excuse to clear out long time staff with higher paychecks so they can bring in younger employees with no seniority.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Idk on March 17, 2020, 11:07:46 AM
Had knee surgery in December and had sinus surgery scheduled for next month on the 10th but not sure how that will go. Told my best friend I had feelings for her back in January and she’s yet to talk to me since. Only have 2 grams left, I’m just scared for my mental health if I can’t leave the house to buy some weed. My hometown in Peru has a case and now my grandpa has to stay in Lima which isn’t really any better.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 17, 2020, 11:32:55 AM
it's like the 'Green New Deal' arrived 10 yrs ahead of time. not saying there is no virus but shutting down the economy is right out of Agenda 2030 [formerly agenda 21].
supposed to start a new job Monday, got pushed back indefinitely.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: LemThurdy on March 17, 2020, 11:35:12 AM
Thank the gods for Florida:

Dude , I saw this on news yesterday. I live 20 minutes south down the beach in Treasure Island and it’s a shit show. It’s like spring break still going on and the people from Disney came here too for vacation. I’m trying to work at home and skate a little flat ground for fresh air.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 17, 2020, 11:59:07 AM
The night Tom Hanks told us he has the coronavirus AND they put the NBA on hiatus, I said "F this" and bought over $700 worth of non-perishables at Vons, most of it on club price so I paid only $360.

Work is giving me the option to work from home, which I will probably take them up on.

Pretty much exactly what my girlfriend and I did, but even earlier than that. Pretty much when china went to shit. Luckily with her money since I'm a  broke bitch right now. Grabbed as much shit as we could. I didn't panic buy a bunch of nonsense but I sure as shit made sure we would be alright. The grocery stores were still stocked totally fine when I went. With just toilet paper and rice being mildly sparse but still around. I've also been generally prepping for years now so luckily I had a small advantage.

I really hope everyone can get what they need and will be alright. Despite some people talking shit online, I don't feel bad at all for buying as much food as I did. I have to put my girlfriend and myself above some random person and when I bought shit, there was still plenty.  The writing was on the wall weeks ago about this shit. If you had the money to get what you needed before the panic buying set in, I have a hard time feeling bad for you if you didn't.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sick Duck on March 17, 2020, 12:09:55 PM
So it’s day one of shelter in place order and i’m seeing more people out walking around then ever
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: SHAQUEEFA on March 17, 2020, 12:10:15 PM
Florida just closed all bars and nightclubs.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 17, 2020, 12:10:42 PM
Couldn't sleep last night so went on dawn patrol in my lil socal hicktown. Grocery store by me had a couple dozen ppl lined up in front. Store by the freeway had 1 lady sitting out front. Costco? Fuck! The line was over 100ft long and almost reached the back of the building. Traffic was nice, but eerie at the same time, freeway was actually moving!
Tried hitting up my skate spots and realized they're mostly medical offices or other businesses that are still open. Felt weird skating as ppl were showing up for work. But I'm feeling like it's my spot now so I clearcoated a couple parking blocks. My working off this flu joke bit me in the ass though, sweated up a storm and started wondering if this is what corona feels like? Have had a cough/cold for a month so I've been worried that I wouldn't know if I was actually getting sick.
Other than older family members getting sick my only real worry is that dispensaries could shut down. I should stock up like you guys.

While I was driving around I wondered if this could make some ppl move out of higher population areas. Fear of another pandemic could turn ppl into rural preppers.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ihatejulio on March 17, 2020, 12:24:02 PM
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The night Tom Hanks told us he has the coronavirus AND they put the NBA on hiatus, I said "F this" and bought over $700 worth of non-perishables at Vons, most of it on club price so I paid only $360.

Work is giving me the option to work from home, which I will probably take them up on.

Pretty much exactly what my girlfriend and I did, but even earlier than that. Pretty much when china went to shit. Luckily with her money since I'm a  broke bitch right now. Grabbed as much shit as we could. I didn't panic buy a bunch of nonsense but I sure as shit made sure we would be alright. The grocery stores were still stocked totally fine when I went. With just toilet paper and rice being mildly sparse but still around. I've also been generally prepping for years now so luckily I had a small advantage.

I really hope everyone can get what they need and will be alright. Despite some people talking shit online, I don't feel bad at all for buying as much food as I did. I have to put my girlfriend and myself above some random person and when I bought shit, there was still plenty.  The writing was on the wall weeks ago about this shit. If you had the money to get what you needed before the panic buying set in, I have a hard time feeling bad for you if you didn't.

The problem is that there are so many typical selfish Americans like yourself, complete with the "fuck you I got mine" attitude, that are hoarding resources.

But what else is there to expect from a country that tramples people to death over a 20% mark off on TV's during Black Friday. I'm truly disgusted by this country and our people right now and I'm sure the next couple weeks will be even more confirmation of those feelings.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 17, 2020, 12:27:55 PM
WELL it fucking happened you guys

I work for an airline/airport and last night we got our furlough letters. We are encouraged to go collect unemployment. Tonight we're having our last flight out but half of us are already staying home while a small team remains to see this one out. My capricious boss was in tears yesterday. Rumors of half the airport closing are floating around.

I was also with CDC and CBP agents attending some guy who started convulsing and vomiting. We almost ran out of the room when we saw him. Seizures aren't Corona symptoms right?

Now I don't have a job for the next month or so. I think. I have no idea. Even they don't know.

That sucks about the furlough, sorry dude.

As for the seizures/vomiting. That sounds worse than the coronavirus. I read a few people experience nausea/vomiting, but I don't think these are common symptoms. The three key symptoms = fever, coughing, and shortness of breath (

I'm in Toronto now and Ford just shut down most of the businesses. Similar to LA, supermarkets open, restaurants are take out only, and all that. I'll get back to Quebec later this week. I worry I'm fucked because of all the idiots who are panic buying (drewsmahgoos) and my (new) home doesn't have a fridge or a stove yet. I'm just hoping all the panic buyers will sit in their bunkers and the stores will restock so I can do a normal grocery run.

Also, could anyone imagine if there was a contagious virus that had a super gnarly kill rate? Like if MERS was as contagious as this? Seriously, the CDC keeps telling us most people don't really have much to worry about and everyone is acting like this is some airborne ebola shit. Like, what is the actual threat to the food chain right now?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Abyss1 on March 17, 2020, 01:26:37 PM
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The night Tom Hanks told us he has the coronavirus AND they put the NBA on hiatus, I said "F this" and bought over $700 worth of non-perishables at Vons, most of it on club price so I paid only $360.

Work is giving me the option to work from home, which I will probably take them up on.

Pretty much exactly what my girlfriend and I did, but even earlier than that. Pretty much when china went to shit. Luckily with her money since I'm a  broke bitch right now. Grabbed as much shit as we could. I didn't panic buy a bunch of nonsense but I sure as shit made sure we would be alright. The grocery stores were still stocked totally fine when I went. With just toilet paper and rice being mildly sparse but still around. I've also been generally prepping for years now so luckily I had a small advantage.

I really hope everyone can get what they need and will be alright. Despite some people talking shit online, I don't feel bad at all for buying as much food as I did. I have to put my girlfriend and myself above some random person and when I bought shit, there was still plenty.  The writing was on the wall weeks ago about this shit. If you had the money to get what you needed before the panic buying set in, I have a hard time feeling bad for you if you didn't.

The problem is that there are so many typical selfish Americans like yourself, complete with the "fuck you I got mine" attitude, that are hoarding resources.

But what else is there to expect from a country that tramples people to death over a 20% mark off on TV's during Black Friday. I'm truly disgusted by this country and our people right now and I'm sure the next couple weeks will be even more confirmation of those feelings.

Fuck man, I forgot to stock up on TP 2weeks ago when I went shopping and yesterday saw i was out....tried to get some today and every fucking store including 7-11 and liquor stores were ALL OUT of toilet paper, Fuck I just need 4 Rolls for the month....but there are still plenty of paper towels. ???
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 17, 2020, 01:33:42 PM
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WELL it fucking happened you guys

I work for an airline/airport and last night we got our furlough letters. We are encouraged to go collect unemployment. Tonight we're having our last flight out but half of us are already staying home while a small team remains to see this one out. My capricious boss was in tears yesterday. Rumors of half the airport closing are floating around.

I was also with CDC and CBP agents attending some guy who started convulsing and vomiting. We almost ran out of the room when we saw him. Seizures aren't Corona symptoms right?

Now I don't have a job for the next month or so. I think. I have no idea. Even they don't know.

That sucks about the furlough, sorry dude.

As for the seizures/vomiting. That sounds worse than the coronavirus. I read a few people experience nausea/vomiting, but I don't think these are common symptoms. The three key symptoms = fever, coughing, and shortness of breath (

I'm in Toronto now and Ford just shut down most of the businesses. Similar to LA, supermarkets open, restaurants are take out only, and all that. I'll get back to Quebec later this week. I worry I'm fucked because of all the idiots who are panic buying (drewsmahgoos) and my (new) home doesn't have a fridge or a stove yet. I'm just hoping all the panic buyers will sit in their bunkers and the stores will restock so I can do a normal grocery run.

Also, could anyone imagine if there was a contagious virus that had a super gnarly kill rate? Like if MERS was as contagious as this? Seriously, the CDC keeps telling us most people don't really have much to worry about and everyone is acting like this is some airborne ebola shit. Like, what is the actual threat to the food chain right now?
60-80% of everyone catching it and missing work?
Farmers/ranchers, slaughterhouses, factories, truckers, grocers?

Cthulhu. What airline/airport? Don't think this has hit the news yet.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: froufroufox on March 17, 2020, 01:40:44 PM
LA friends, I've been hearing that the mayor is going to be announcing a total quarantine/shutdown either tonight or tomorrow. Just a heads up. I'm from the Palm Springs area and I think I'm heading back to be with fam tonight. I don't really feel like being in a big city if things potentially get crazy.

I was trippin' on my lack of groceries, but I saw a post on Reddit saying the 365 Whole Foods in Silver Lake was chill and stocked with lots of stuff. Just went and can confirm! If any of you guys are near there, check it out.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 17, 2020, 02:10:15 PM
This shelter in place order for the Bay Area is weird. There’s still a lot of people out, people working. It’s just more mellow. I go back to work tomorrow to just process paperwork. No client interviews.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tobal on March 17, 2020, 02:43:46 PM
Whole world is shuttin down & under quarantine.
Be prepared & take care.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: snowman600 on March 17, 2020, 02:50:39 PM
I'm in Hamilton (an hour outside toronto),
my orthotics factory job seems unaffected for now but who knows what will happen in the following weeks. volume was slow after the holidays to begin with, and then picked up last week, some of our competitors have closed up, so we may also get some of their business potentially to keep things steady.
I have to take the bus to and from work so I've started wearing a face mask but no one else seems to do it other than a few makeshift scarf masks here and there. I guess the small-town mentality views it as a symbol for mainstream panic but I could give a shit right now.
Pretty lucky to have bought TP, paper towels and purell coincidentally right before this shit show happened, but as far as groceries, I've been stocking up on wraps, soups and president's choice udon noodles.
I've been somewhat of a loner/recluse for the past 5-7 years and right when this thing started I suddenly got a girlfriend, which has added an element of excitement to this otherwise dystopian nightmare. Hang in there pals!   
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 17, 2020, 03:14:42 PM
Domestic postal service is open in the states. Order your medicines from Canada if need be. I necessary learn to use TOR browser to get your medicines and all that jazz. all love
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Willie on March 17, 2020, 03:19:38 PM

While I was driving around I wondered if this could make some ppl move out of higher population areas. Fear of another pandemic could turn ppl into rural preppers.

This thought has crossed my mind. I’d be a little less stressed out about this if I were in the boonies somewhere. If anything goes south I feel like the number of people here just make everything that much worse.

I’m a little worried about unrest if this goes beyond two weeks and even then I’m worried the economic engine won’t start right.

I’m only here for the Mexican, Vietnamese, and Middle Eastern food anyway.

I had a dream a month ago where I saw missiles launching out my window and I yelled at my wife “fill the tub!” like in The Road. Upon waking I was like “why do I live in a target rich environment? It’s not something that I lose a lot of sleep over but maybe it’s a valid question now that I’m too old for cool bars.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pica on March 17, 2020, 03:26:09 PM
Also, could anyone imagine if there was a contagious virus that had a super gnarly kill rate? Like if MERS was as contagious as this? Seriously, the CDC keeps telling us most people don't really have much to worry about and everyone is acting like this is some airborne ebola shit. Like, what is the actual threat to the food chain right now?

A virus that has a gnarly kill rate can‘t spread and travel very far.
If‘youre obvously sick within a few hours and death within 2-3 days it‘s easy to spot.
The problem is covid19 some people don‘t even appear sick. So stay home and don‘t go skate. Do you really want to be stuck in a hospital waiting room with a broken ellbow in days like these, probably Not
Even having insurance? Stay home!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 17, 2020, 04:20:22 PM
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While I was driving around I wondered if this could make some ppl move out of higher population areas. Fear of another pandemic could turn ppl into rural preppers.

This thought has crossed my mind. I’d be a little less stressed out about this if I were in the boonies somewhere. If anything goes south I feel like the number of people here just make everything that much worse.

I’m a little worried about unrest if this goes beyond two weeks and even then I’m worried the economic engine won’t start right.

I’m only here for the Mexican, Vietnamese, and Middle Eastern food anyway.

I had a dream a month ago where I saw missiles launching out my window and I yelled at my wife “fill the tub!” like in The Road. Upon waking I was like “why do I live in a target rich environment? It’s not something that I lose a lot of sleep over but maybe it’s a valid question now that I’m too old for cool bars.

yo mang, I live in a county that likes like 4052 sq miles, or 2.6million acres. Our population is under 130k. All of a sudden, I'm seeing hella ouuuutlanders, coming in from all around to "gte away." all their doing is bringing the sickness with them.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 17, 2020, 05:46:08 PM
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While I was driving around I wondered if this could make some ppl move out of higher population areas. Fear of another pandemic could turn ppl into rural preppers.

This thought has crossed my mind. I’d be a little less stressed out about this if I were in the boonies somewhere. If anything goes south I feel like the number of people here just make everything that much worse.

I’m a little worried about unrest if this goes beyond two weeks and even then I’m worried the economic engine won’t start right.

I’m only here for the Mexican, Vietnamese, and Middle Eastern food anyway.

I had a dream a month ago where I saw missiles launching out my window and I yelled at my wife “fill the tub!” like in The Road. Upon waking I was like “why do I live in a target rich environment? It’s not something that I lose a lot of sleep over but maybe it’s a valid question now that I’m too old for cool bars.

yo mang, I live in a county that likes like 4052 sq miles, or 2.6million acres. Our population is under 130k. All of a sudden, I'm seeing hella ouuuutlanders, coming in from all around to "gte away." all their doing is bringing the sickness with them.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Xen on March 17, 2020, 06:19:28 PM
Pretty crazy in L.A. it feels like everyone is 'just waiting' for it to become a mass outbreak here, slow to close schools, public businesses, etc., (and I get it, there is a lot of infrastructure to think about)...don't be fooled, 100 [reported] deaths in the states, it's hit all 50 states now and we are waaaaaay behind in testing, areas of spiking over night with confirmed cases due to finally being tested...way more people have it than we think and it's only going to spike higher in the next few weeks as we peak..

Stay safe and hit that driveway!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 17, 2020, 06:27:57 PM
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The night Tom Hanks told us he has the coronavirus AND they put the NBA on hiatus, I said "F this" and bought over $700 worth of non-perishables at Vons, most of it on club price so I paid only $360.

Work is giving me the option to work from home, which I will probably take them up on.

Pretty much exactly what my girlfriend and I did, but even earlier than that. Pretty much when china went to shit. Luckily with her money since I'm a  broke bitch right now. Grabbed as much shit as we could. I didn't panic buy a bunch of nonsense but I sure as shit made sure we would be alright. The grocery stores were still stocked totally fine when I went. With just toilet paper and rice being mildly sparse but still around. I've also been generally prepping for years now so luckily I had a small advantage.

I really hope everyone can get what they need and will be alright. Despite some people talking shit online, I don't feel bad at all for buying as much food as I did. I have to put my girlfriend and myself above some random person and when I bought shit, there was still plenty.  The writing was on the wall weeks ago about this shit. If you had the money to get what you needed before the panic buying set in, I have a hard time feeling bad for you if you didn't.

The problem is that there are so many typical selfish Americans like yourself, complete with the "fuck you I got mine" attitude, that are hoarding resources.

But what else is there to expect from a country that tramples people to death over a 20% mark off on TV's during Black Friday. I'm truly disgusted by this country and our people right now and I'm sure the next couple weeks will be even more confirmation of those feelings.

Yeah, except I'm not "hoarding resources." I saw China building giant ass temporary hospitals and thought to myself, "hey, I should make sure my girlfriend and I have enough food for a month or more. And then I went and did that with her. While the toilet paper was still stocked and everything else was there as well. I don't find that to be a fuck everyone else type of attitude. Where do you draw the line if you do? Are preppers assholes for having a pallet of toilet paper, if they bought that pallet of TP ten months ago when nothing was wrong? No, they aren't. So I don't feel bad and I'm not going to feel bad and to be honest, I've been in desperate ass situations, situations where I was hungry for a half a year at a time and where I didn't know if I was going to get through it and I'll tell you right now, I'd rather have enough food and have you think I'm an asshole than go hungry. Plus, if I was working and went ahead and lost my job, I'd sure as shit be glad I "hoarded" food.

To me, there are quite a few people that have been truly fucked. People that were left hanging and haven't gotten enough shit because they were in a situation that they truly couldn't help and they couldn't get what they need. Then there are a lot more people who took this jokingly and didn't give a shit about the fact that people panic buy food and shit and there are mass shortages in literally every emergency. I don't feel bad for the latter.

I'll never feel bad for preparing and it seems silly how burned out people are getting about that facf. Not everyone is hoarding. Some people are just smart enough, with enough resources, to have properly prepared for this.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Bumpovertrash on March 17, 2020, 06:50:05 PM
Kc is closing reatraunts for the next 2 weeks drive through still open. Not trying to stress too much about it went skating today and the park was empty so thats dope
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 17, 2020, 07:02:25 PM
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The night Tom Hanks told us he has the coronavirus AND they put the NBA on hiatus, I said "F this" and bought over $700 worth of non-perishables at Vons, most of it on club price so I paid only $360.

Work is giving me the option to work from home, which I will probably take them up on.

Pretty much exactly what my girlfriend and I did, but even earlier than that. Pretty much when china went to shit. Luckily with her money since I'm a  broke bitch right now. Grabbed as much shit as we could. I didn't panic buy a bunch of nonsense but I sure as shit made sure we would be alright. The grocery stores were still stocked totally fine when I went. With just toilet paper and rice being mildly sparse but still around. I've also been generally prepping for years now so luckily I had a small advantage.

I really hope everyone can get what they need and will be alright. Despite some people talking shit online, I don't feel bad at all for buying as much food as I did. I have to put my girlfriend and myself above some random person and when I bought shit, there was still plenty.  The writing was on the wall weeks ago about this shit. If you had the money to get what you needed before the panic buying set in, I have a hard time feeling bad for you if you didn't.

The problem is that there are so many typical selfish Americans like yourself, complete with the "fuck you I got mine" attitude, that are hoarding resources.

But what else is there to expect from a country that tramples people to death over a 20% mark off on TV's during Black Friday. I'm truly disgusted by this country and our people right now and I'm sure the next couple weeks will be even more confirmation of those feelings.

Yeah, except I'm not "hoarding resources." I saw China building giant ass temporary hospitals and thought to myself, "hey, I should make sure my girlfriend and I have enough food for a month or more. And then I went and did that with her. While the toilet paper was still stocked and everything else was there as well. I don't find that to be a fuck everyone else type of attitude. Where do you draw the line if you do? Are preppers assholes for having a pallet of toilet paper, if they bought that pallet of TP ten months ago when nothing was wrong? No, they aren't. So I don't feel bad and I'm not going to feel bad and to be honest, I've been in desperate ass situations, situations where I was hungry for a half a year at a time and where I didn't know if I was going to get through it and I'll tell you right now, I'd rather have enough food and have you think I'm an asshole than go hungry. Plus, if I was working and went ahead and lost my job, I'd sure as shit be glad I "hoarded" food.

To me, there are quite a few people that have been truly fucked. People that were left hanging and haven't gotten enough shit because they were in a situation that they truly couldn't help and they couldn't get what they need. Then there are a lot more people who took this jokingly and didn't give a shit about the fact that people panic buy food and shit and there are mass shortages in literally every emergency. I don't feel bad for the latter.

I'll never feel bad for preparing and it seems silly how burned out people are getting about that facf. Not everyone is hoarding. Some people are just smart enough, with enough resources, to have properly prepared for this.

"People with a pallet of toilet paper weren't assholes 10 months ago."
Yes they were assholes. "Preppers" are total dipshits.

"Some people are smart enough to panic buy"

Panic buying doesn't do shit for anyone but make the situation worse. You might have gotten a short term safety blanket, but you made it worse for yourself and everyone else. You're attempting to rationalize being a complete dick, just like all the other panic buyers that you think are different from.

Shit, I hope that "I got mine" attitude works out for you if there is an economic crisis or some other crisis associated with this. I don't foresee the grocery stores going out of business or American/Mexican farms being unable to produce food, but I could see a ton of people losing their jobs if the health crisis drags on. I'm sure all your salaried work-remotely not-first-to-be-laid-off neighbors will remember the guy who was gloating about how smart he was for panic buying all the toilet paper. 

If everyone acted reasonably we all could easily maintain some relative normalcy. I went to the market and the pharmacy today and things seemed relatively normal. Way to go Canada.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 17, 2020, 07:12:59 PM
Recession is gonna start with restaurant industry. So many layoffs already.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 17, 2020, 07:17:58 PM
I don’t think buying enough food for a few weeks is being selfish. People hoarding Tylenol and toilet paper are assholes. Who knows what’s going to happen in the coming weeks though. They’re already taking about the schools being closed for the remainder of the year, when last Friday it was until early April.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 17, 2020, 07:34:51 PM
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The night Tom Hanks told us he has the coronavirus AND they put the NBA on hiatus, I said "F this" and bought over $700 worth of non-perishables at Vons, most of it on club price so I paid only $360.

Work is giving me the option to work from home, which I will probably take them up on.

Pretty much exactly what my girlfriend and I did, but even earlier than that. Pretty much when china went to shit. Luckily with her money since I'm a  broke bitch right now. Grabbed as much shit as we could. I didn't panic buy a bunch of nonsense but I sure as shit made sure we would be alright. The grocery stores were still stocked totally fine when I went. With just toilet paper and rice being mildly sparse but still around. I've also been generally prepping for years now so luckily I had a small advantage.

I really hope everyone can get what they need and will be alright. Despite some people talking shit online, I don't feel bad at all for buying as much food as I did. I have to put my girlfriend and myself above some random person and when I bought shit, there was still plenty.  The writing was on the wall weeks ago about this shit. If you had the money to get what you needed before the panic buying set in, I have a hard time feeling bad for you if you didn't.

The problem is that there are so many typical selfish Americans like yourself, complete with the "fuck you I got mine" attitude, that are hoarding resources.

But what else is there to expect from a country that tramples people to death over a 20% mark off on TV's during Black Friday. I'm truly disgusted by this country and our people right now and I'm sure the next couple weeks will be even more confirmation of those feelings.

Yeah, except I'm not "hoarding resources." I saw China building giant ass temporary hospitals and thought to myself, "hey, I should make sure my girlfriend and I have enough food for a month or more. And then I went and did that with her. While the toilet paper was still stocked and everything else was there as well. I don't find that to be a fuck everyone else type of attitude. Where do you draw the line if you do? Are preppers assholes for having a pallet of toilet paper, if they bought that pallet of TP ten months ago when nothing was wrong? No, they aren't. So I don't feel bad and I'm not going to feel bad and to be honest, I've been in desperate ass situations, situations where I was hungry for a half a year at a time and where I didn't know if I was going to get through it and I'll tell you right now, I'd rather have enough food and have you think I'm an asshole than go hungry. Plus, if I was working and went ahead and lost my job, I'd sure as shit be glad I "hoarded" food.

To me, there are quite a few people that have been truly fucked. People that were left hanging and haven't gotten enough shit because they were in a situation that they truly couldn't help and they couldn't get what they need. Then there are a lot more people who took this jokingly and didn't give a shit about the fact that people panic buy food and shit and there are mass shortages in literally every emergency. I don't feel bad for the latter.

I'll never feel bad for preparing and it seems silly how burned out people are getting about that facf. Not everyone is hoarding. Some people are just smart enough, with enough resources, to have properly prepared for this.

"People with a pallet of toilet paper weren't assholes 10 months ago."
Yes they were assholes. "Preppers" are total dipshits.

"Some people are smart enough to panic buy"

Panic buying doesn't do shit for anyone but make the situation worse. You might have gotten a short term safety blanket, but you made it worse for yourself and everyone else. You're attempting to rationalize being a complete dick, just like all the other panic buyers that you think are different from.

Shit, I hope that "I got mine" attitude works out for you if there is an economic crisis or some other crisis associated with this. I don't foresee the grocery stores going out of business or American/Mexican farms being unable to produce food, but I could see a ton of people losing their jobs if the health crisis drags on. I'm sure all your salaried work-remotely not-first-to-be-laid-off neighbors will remember the guy who was gloating about how smart he was for panic buying all the toilet paper. 

If everyone acted reasonably we all could easily maintain some relative normalcy. I went to the market and the pharmacy today and things seemed relatively normal. Way to go Canada.
preppers aren't assholes, they're gonna be prepared while you gotta pimp your girl for a little bit of money just to get something to eat. you ever think about that?
seriously though, preppers, nothing but respect. maybe it seemed paranoid but now it seems wise.
panic shoppers can get fucked. people who don't panic, don't prep and just 'cool guy' it? see how cool you are when you haven't eaten in days. TP isn't important, shelter, food and water are necessary.
i checked out that paradox grip page, he is posting some relevant content. some still seems out there [adrenachrome] but pizzagate seemed crazy before Epstein's pediphile island became common knowledge.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pdknox on March 17, 2020, 07:37:36 PM
fuck all cool guy-ers!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Peepeeboy69 on March 17, 2020, 08:36:00 PM
fr where the fuck can i find toilet paper still. I swear to god every store that carries it is  out. I'm not panicked about the whole situation and i got like 4 rolls left, but like i'm gonna need some at some point...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 17, 2020, 08:56:13 PM
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The night Tom Hanks told us he has the coronavirus AND they put the NBA on hiatus, I said "F this" and bought over $700 worth of non-perishables at Vons, most of it on club price so I paid only $360.

Work is giving me the option to work from home, which I will probably take them up on.

Pretty much exactly what my girlfriend and I did, but even earlier than that. Pretty much when china went to shit. Luckily with her money since I'm a  broke bitch right now. Grabbed as much shit as we could. I didn't panic buy a bunch of nonsense but I sure as shit made sure we would be alright. The grocery stores were still stocked totally fine when I went. With just toilet paper and rice being mildly sparse but still around. I've also been generally prepping for years now so luckily I had a small advantage.

I really hope everyone can get what they need and will be alright. Despite some people talking shit online, I don't feel bad at all for buying as much food as I did. I have to put my girlfriend and myself above some random person and when I bought shit, there was still plenty.  The writing was on the wall weeks ago about this shit. If you had the money to get what you needed before the panic buying set in, I have a hard time feeling bad for you if you didn't.

The problem is that there are so many typical selfish Americans like yourself, complete with the "fuck you I got mine" attitude, that are hoarding resources.

But what else is there to expect from a country that tramples people to death over a 20% mark off on TV's during Black Friday. I'm truly disgusted by this country and our people right now and I'm sure the next couple weeks will be even more confirmation of those feelings.

Yeah, except I'm not "hoarding resources." I saw China building giant ass temporary hospitals and thought to myself, "hey, I should make sure my girlfriend and I have enough food for a month or more. And then I went and did that with her. While the toilet paper was still stocked and everything else was there as well. I don't find that to be a fuck everyone else type of attitude. Where do you draw the line if you do? Are preppers assholes for having a pallet of toilet paper, if they bought that pallet of TP ten months ago when nothing was wrong? No, they aren't. So I don't feel bad and I'm not going to feel bad and to be honest, I've been in desperate ass situations, situations where I was hungry for a half a year at a time and where I didn't know if I was going to get through it and I'll tell you right now, I'd rather have enough food and have you think I'm an asshole than go hungry. Plus, if I was working and went ahead and lost my job, I'd sure as shit be glad I "hoarded" food.

To me, there are quite a few people that have been truly fucked. People that were left hanging and haven't gotten enough shit because they were in a situation that they truly couldn't help and they couldn't get what they need. Then there are a lot more people who took this jokingly and didn't give a shit about the fact that people panic buy food and shit and there are mass shortages in literally every emergency. I don't feel bad for the latter.

I'll never feel bad for preparing and it seems silly how burned out people are getting about that facf. Not everyone is hoarding. Some people are just smart enough, with enough resources, to have properly prepared for this.

"People with a pallet of toilet paper weren't assholes 10 months ago."
Yes they were assholes. "Preppers" are total dipshits.

"Some people are smart enough to panic buy"

Panic buying doesn't do shit for anyone but make the situation worse. You might have gotten a short term safety blanket, but you made it worse for yourself and everyone else. You're attempting to rationalize being a complete dick, just like all the other panic buyers that you think are different from.

Shit, I hope that "I got mine" attitude works out for you if there is an economic crisis or some other crisis associated with this. I don't foresee the grocery stores going out of business or American/Mexican farms being unable to produce food, but I could see a ton of people losing their jobs if the health crisis drags on. I'm sure all your salaried work-remotely not-first-to-be-laid-off neighbors will remember the guy who was gloating about how smart he was for panic buying all the toilet paper. 

If everyone acted reasonably we all could easily maintain some relative normalcy. I went to the market and the pharmacy today and things seemed relatively normal. Way to go Canada.

You literally went and misquoted me but nice way to support your narrative.

 At the end of the day,  I want everyone to have what they need. That being said, you're full of shit if you're pretending you won't put yourself first to survive and if you had the means to prep early and you didn't its you're own fault. The writing has been on the walls for weeks before panic buying .

I find it funny people would say preppers are stupid. Paranoid,  yeah, but any aspect of personality that helps you survive better or longer than another person doesn't seem stupid. Potentially callous yeah, but not stupid.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on March 17, 2020, 09:43:09 PM
I have a bidet, but just searched for portable bidet on amazon and there are some options for people who live in apartments and can't make alterations to the fixtures in their unit. That's one way to maximize your reserves.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 17, 2020, 09:45:43 PM
I'm an essential worker supposedly. Our director made a statement to the news about how proud she is that we are all dedicated to assisting the public when none of us actually want to be there at all.

Last night they had this emergency meeting about everyone having to stay in their cubicles and you aren't allowed to enter anyone elses, so this morning they had a scavenger hunt for 2 leprechauns and had everyone run around the office touching everything and moving shit to find them.

I work with a bunch of fucking idiots.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 17, 2020, 09:49:59 PM
I have a bidet, but just searched for portable bidet on amazon and there are some options for people who live in apartments and can't make alterations to the fixtures in their unit. That's one way to maximize your reserves.

Do you just hook it up to your water line in the toilet? A good tip for any heavy weed smokers right now is to be cbd buds online. Some places even sell trim dirt cheap. You can add it to regular weed to stretch it out.  Foodwise, I made a lot of chili. Really easy to stretch it with rice for nutrient dense meals.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on March 17, 2020, 09:52:15 PM
On second thought, I would probably figure out how many pumps to give a pump sprayer like this.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 17, 2020, 10:05:06 PM
On second thought, I would probably figure out how many pumps to give a pump sprayer like this.


With that 360° nozzle, why would you need anything else?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on March 17, 2020, 10:06:15 PM
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I have a bidet, but just searched for portable bidet on amazon and there are some options for people who live in apartments and can't make alterations to the fixtures in their unit. That's one way to maximize your reserves.

Do you just hook it up to your water line in the toilet? A good tip for any heavy weed smokers right now is to be cbd buds online. Some places even sell trim dirt cheap. You can add it to regular weed to stretch it out.  Foodwise, I made a lot of chili. Really easy to stretch it with rice for nutrient dense meals.
Of course, the one I bought for $25 last August is sold out.

It's pretty basic plumbing and yes, just a hookup to water line. I got used to the water being cold as fuck in the winter since it doesn't take long to blast the shit off your butthole.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on March 17, 2020, 10:22:56 PM
i checked out that paradox grip page, he is posting some relevant content. some still seems out there [adrenachrome] but pizzagate seemed crazy before Epstein's pediphile island became common knowledge.

Checking paradox grip's social media and giving benefit of the doubt to pizzagate now? Figured mentioning Kalergi plan was just your mask slipping but I guess you're just incredibly stupid.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 17, 2020, 10:29:23 PM
My first two tests came out negative.

I should hear about the third later today. Pretty happy it appears I just have a flu.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: rawr1922 on March 17, 2020, 10:51:46 PM
Betaphenylethylalamine of Corona
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 17, 2020, 11:27:13 PM
Betaphenylethylalamine of Corona


Be safe out there folks
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 17, 2020, 11:41:01 PM
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While I was driving around I wondered if this could make some ppl move out of higher population areas. Fear of another pandemic could turn ppl into rural preppers.

This thought has crossed my mind. I’d be a little less stressed out about this if I were in the boonies somewhere. If anything goes south I feel like the number of people here just make everything that much worse.

I’m a little worried about unrest if this goes beyond two weeks and even then I’m worried the economic engine won’t start right.

I’m only here for the Mexican, Vietnamese, and Middle Eastern food anyway.

I had a dream a month ago where I saw missiles launching out my window and I yelled at my wife “fill the tub!” like in The Road. Upon waking I was like “why do I live in a target rich environment? It’s not something that I lose a lot of sleep over but maybe it’s a valid question now that I’m too old for cool bars.

yo mang, I live in a county that likes like 4052 sq miles, or 2.6million acres. Our population is under 130k. All of a sudden, I'm seeing hella ouuuutlanders, coming in from all around to "gte away." all their doing is bringing the sickness with them.
nailed it, bruv. thank you
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jay_nev on March 18, 2020, 04:34:30 AM
My first two tests came out negative.

I should hear about the third later today. Pretty happy it appears I just have a flu.
how was the test?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 18, 2020, 04:38:00 AM
Two mouth swabs test and a blood sample
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pica on March 18, 2020, 04:38:12 AM
They stick a swab in your nose and in your throat. Feels like poking your nose
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: OldieButFrenchie on March 18, 2020, 04:40:43 AM
14 deaths so far in Belgium. The youngest victim was 59 I think, so I'm not tripping. but total lockdown starts today.
Kinda worried about my parents near Paris though.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: one-off on March 18, 2020, 05:32:24 AM
No bars or restaurants but still no sleep, no travel even outside the confines of your house, panicky thoughts about unlikely imminent death----now the whole world knows what it's like to have a baby.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 18, 2020, 05:37:47 AM
No bars or restaurants but still no sleep, no travel even outside the confines of your house, panicky thoughts about unlikely imminent death----now the whole world know what it's like to have a baby.


Banks closed too, so online or machine services only for now

My son in law went to buy beer yesterday and said there was so many people there that they just started walking out with booze. Keep in mind it's a small place with only 1 or 2 employees so theyll got casually looted over beer.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 18, 2020, 05:50:28 AM
I still do not perceive this as an existential threat. I guess I will continue trying to calm those around me.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: SHAQUEEFA on March 18, 2020, 06:14:56 AM
I do work as a property manager and I just got my first e-mail from a tenant who wanted to let me know he might be having trouble paying rent in April, due to his restaurant switching to only takeout and him no longer waiting tables. Fuck.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Gnarlington on March 18, 2020, 06:35:46 AM
spain - full lockdown - cops can fine you for leaving the house without a valid reason (shopping for food, meds, tobacco, commute to work and hair dresser appointments only - yes, having a fresh cut during quarantine is seen as an absolute necessity here)

but there is hope! pornhub made premium content free for everyone for a month in italy and spain.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: eranka on March 18, 2020, 06:43:53 AM
Israel is in lock down as well, police can give you a fine if youre outside without a proper reason like food or walking your dog (but not for more than 10 mins), but apparently the government thought its ok for religious jews to meet in groups for more 10 people for prayers. in normal times it is required by the religion that you pray in a group of no less than 10, but now i think its ridiculous that the government puts us all in greater risk because of a shitty reason like that.
they also started tapping phones of people that are in quarantine to check that theyre not breaking it. its a slippery slope for democracy here.
but what annoys me most is people stealing antiseptics, gloves and masks from hospitals leaving the staff with nothing. i was given one mask in the morning and was told that i need to use it the whole day. if we leave anything in the ward its gone in seconds by visitors. the next person i catch stealing anything from the hospital is getting his ass kicked.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: PlugSkullcandy on March 18, 2020, 06:46:23 AM
France is locked

Today was the first day with NO traffic jam in the country. 0km. There is no car noises here in Paris which is both strange and beautiful .

As a freelancer in the music industry here everything is stuck - I won’t get any payment this month but it’s OK cause I save money when I can.

I started to sort my photos (500+ films since 10 years), my artworks etc so I’m not bored for the moment.

PlayStation helps too.
Lots of books to read.
Lots of music to listen.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 18, 2020, 07:18:07 AM
If anyone can’t find Toilet Paper and is running low or out for their house, consider buying a movable shower head that has the long hose where it’s not fixed in to one spot. Then you can at least wash your junk easier.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 18, 2020, 07:23:20 AM
Israel is in lock down as well, police can give you a fine if youre outside without a proper reason like food or walking your dog (but not for more than 10 mins), but apparently the government thought its ok for religious jews to meet in groups for more 10 people for prayers. in normal times it is required by the religion that you pray in a group of no less than 10, but now i think its ridiculous that the government puts us all in greater risk because of a shitty reason like that.
they also started tapping phones of people that are in quarantine to check that theyre not breaking it. its a slippery slope for democracy here.
but what annoys me most is people stealing antiseptics, gloves and masks from hospitals leaving the staff with nothing. i was given one mask in the morning and was told that i need to use it the whole day. if we leave anything in the ward its gone in seconds by visitors. the next person i catch stealing anything from the hospital is getting his ass kicked.

I think you just helped me make sense of a social interaction I had a few years ago that I never quite understood.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 18, 2020, 07:24:59 AM
If anyone can’t find Toilet Paper and is running low or out for their house, consider buying a movable shower head that has the long hose where it’s not fixed in to one spot. Then you can at least wash your junk easier.

Shit don’t change until you get up and wash yo ass.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 18, 2020, 07:27:54 AM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 18, 2020, 07:31:00 AM
anyone got tips on how to rob from the rich i need money.

i have no weapons other than this cocaine smugglers walking stick.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 18, 2020, 07:58:50 AM
They've put massive white tents outside my work for the testing clinics in Adelaide.
When I rock up for night shift they're completely empty aside from a few chairs and tables.

It legit looks like the last stand from a zombie movie, fucking scary.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr.Jenkins on March 18, 2020, 08:16:59 AM
Sweden has not gone full locked down yet. I can see more and more empty shelves though, especailly rice, pasta and of course, toiletpaper. No cues or anything like that, most stores are still stock.

The toiletpaper kills me though, we live a few miles away from the largest toilet paper factory in sweden. We have absolutely no shortage of that, still.. That is what most people panic over. The paper interviewed the CEO of the factory yesterday, about them shipping 3 millions rolls the same day. His reply "here at the factory we call this very special day.. tuesday" Lol.

When this all started I called my mom, she used to run a restaurant and has a card where we can buy bulkitems, where private persons cant shop, so went there and stocked up. Im good for a few weeks.

Worried about the economy though, so many lay-offs. Happy to live in a socialist country now, the goverment has issued a lot of crazy support packages for the indusrty, but it will be a downfall nontheless.

As log as my job wont get cut, im good. And I work in a field that should be fine. Even if I do, ill survive a year or so on savings and un-enployment. Worst case I have to sell my apartment and car. Should be around 100 grands in protif there, and I have 3000 days saved in cue for a rental (in Sweden the one who waited the longest gets first picks, and all ar rental controlled). Ill survive this. And I work from home during this, lucky to be able to do that.

The states might get hit hard by this. Will be interesting to se how all this plays out.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 18, 2020, 08:22:34 AM
I still do not perceive this as an existential threat. I guess I will continue trying to calm those around me.

i feel you on this--just stood in a short early-morning line for some things, and it's funny how relieved/grateful people i talked to while waiting seemed, just from me being calm and positive...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dr Dew on March 18, 2020, 08:30:56 AM
Can’t get it to embed, but worth watching
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 18, 2020, 08:40:14 AM
Can’t get it to embed, but worth watching

on point

speaking of how important laughter is at this point, your boy here is from Detroit, was on the Chicago Bears for a while, and now he's just pretty consistent in point (hopefully it embeds right):
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: eranka on March 18, 2020, 09:07:11 AM
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Israel is in lock down as well, police can give you a fine if youre outside without a proper reason like food or walking your dog (but not for more than 10 mins), but apparently the government thought its ok for religious jews to meet in groups for more 10 people for prayers. in normal times it is required by the religion that you pray in a group of no less than 10, but now i think its ridiculous that the government puts us all in greater risk because of a shitty reason like that.
they also started tapping phones of people that are in quarantine to check that theyre not breaking it. its a slippery slope for democracy here.
but what annoys me most is people stealing antiseptics, gloves and masks from hospitals leaving the staff with nothing. i was given one mask in the morning and was told that i need to use it the whole day. if we leave anything in the ward its gone in seconds by visitors. the next person i catch stealing anything from the hospital is getting his ass kicked.

I think you just helped me make sense of a social interaction I had a few years ago that I never quite understood.
someone in the street asked you to come join them for "minyan" and be the 10th guy for a prayer? haha it happens.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheBoognish on March 18, 2020, 09:42:48 AM
Just got word from upper management and the union. Sales are better than anticipated for now and both the day shift and night shift are working full time, no one’s losing their jobs. People are very careful and company is taking lots of precaution. Apparently upper management and the union were 100% in a agreement with one another, which very rarely happens. Should they close for a bit, we’d get 2 weeks paid salary and the rest would be employment insurance from the government until we can get back to work.

I’m still working as much overtime as possible for now so I can accumulate paid days off, we never know.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 18, 2020, 10:45:47 AM
Was sunny in socal yesterday afternoon. I saw more ppl than normal out jogging, walking their kids/dogs, even a couple hooligan groms trying flip tricks! I cleared my throat and they didn't hang out for too long. Seemed like a small movie theatre was still open and I thought they were all closed. Weed shop was packed and no social distancing happening in line. Girls were wearing gloves tho.
Today it's raining again and looks like de facto lockdown until Friday. Pray for us!🙏

Lol. Riverside county just said they can do up to 60 tests a day!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 18, 2020, 11:03:31 AM
I do work as a property manager and I just got my first e-mail from a tenant who wanted to let me know he might be having trouble paying rent in April, due to his restaurant switching to only takeout and him no longer waiting tables. Fuck.

More comin. Restaurant industry isn’t slow, it dropped off a cliff.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 18, 2020, 11:11:47 AM
anyone got tips on how to rob from the rich i need money.

i have no weapons other than this cocaine smugglers walking stick.

Look sick, walk into their houses, cough and take what you want. Cough louder if they protest. If they pull out a gun, tell them if they shoot you it will get Corona virus everywhere. Godspeed.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 18, 2020, 12:04:07 PM
Good news for us in the US we should all be getting a $1k check. Bipartisan support. Unless you make a lot of money. Grocery shopping sucks so I ask my sisters mom and girlfriend to try to buy anything they can because we don’t have shit and I work all day. Frozen burrito for breakfast. Same for lunch.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jack burton on March 18, 2020, 01:08:31 PM
In the suburbs of jersey it’s like nothing happened except restaurants closed. Went out today to try and find toilet paper with no success. People were out all over the place.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 18, 2020, 01:14:29 PM
I’m in ventura county I got tested yesterday. I’m sick with a virus of some kind but am starting to feel better (this is day 4). I came back from Mexico City on the 6th and was at a concert at the Dolby theater in Hollywood on the 10th.

I emotionally broke yesterday. I thought I was having trouble breathing and imagined any worst case scenario I could, which caused one of the largest panic attacks I’ve had in a decade. I cracked, called my doctor, told him my symptoms and asked if I should test. He said yes.

Drove to the office and they checked my temperature in the parking lot. No fever, waited to be called to come inside for full exam and swab. Got the swab done for influenza and COVID19. Influenza came back negative, should have results for COVID19 tomorrow or the next day.

I’m feeling a million times better today, both emotionally and physically.

For anyone who’s prone to gnarly anxiety or depression and this shit is exacerbating it, download Headspace and give it a shot.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Idk on March 18, 2020, 01:52:28 PM
Good news for us in the US we should all be getting a $1k check. Bipartisan support. Unless you make a lot of money. Grocery shopping sucks so I ask my sisters mom and girlfriend to try to buy anything they can because we don’t have shit and I work all day. Frozen burrito for breakfast. Same for lunch.
So who gets 1k exactly? Every US citizen and resident above 18? Or just every household?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sick Duck on March 18, 2020, 02:08:06 PM
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Good news for us in the US we should all be getting a $1k check. Bipartisan support. Unless you make a lot of money. Grocery shopping sucks so I ask my sisters mom and girlfriend to try to buy anything they can because we don’t have shit and I work all day. Frozen burrito for breakfast. Same for lunch.
So who gets 1k exactly? Every US citizen and resident above 18? Or just every household?
i doubt it’s gonna go through but supposedly every adult citizen who filed a tax return last year. Possibly some bonus money if you have kids. I’m sure some sort of stimulus will happen but not that much
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 18, 2020, 02:59:17 PM
They laid a shitload of work on us today to assist with this bullshit. Meanwhile nobody wants to be there. I left early saying I didn't feel good, haven't missed anytime in months besides half a day for a Dr appointment. I'm not feeling good mentally. They kept changing what we are supposed to focus on all throughout the day while telling us to do drop work we were halfway through. Walk outside, to tiny sprinkles and a flat tire, pull behind my work building and it starts pouring rain as I change my tire freezing. Wet shoes the half hour drive home, need a new tire now, not in the mood to go to Walmart today, will probably call out tomorrow or go in late and get a tire first thing in the morning and try to get food at the same time. Down to 1 frozen burrito and some hummus.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: os89 on March 18, 2020, 03:23:16 PM
I went by gamestop before everything except the grocery stores and pharmacies are closed. It's in the mall. The only stores open were them and the shitty record store which I thought was odd. I'm sure they will be closed soon too though. Weird shit all around. I know I'm going to go crazy not being able to go out to the bar or whatever, but hell I'll be saving some money. Hopefully everyone is ok on here.

Not sure if it's been asked but does anyone know someone who has gotten it yet?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on March 18, 2020, 03:53:50 PM
My surgery was cancelled

My food stamps cut my $144.65

My SSI will likely be next then the shit will really hit the fan.

I will go full Rambo
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Willie on March 18, 2020, 04:34:43 PM
I went skating this morning at a nearly empty park. Saw one dude I know but kept distance. Felt guilty about going out in the first place and worried about getting hurt and having to go to the hospital.

Went on a bike ride later and the city was nearly empty until I rode back by the same park and there were like 50 people there. The bike/walking trail adjacent had more people than I’ve ever fucking seen on it. More joggers than I’ve ever seen not in an actual race.

While talking to my older neighbor (at a distance), more strollers rolled by than I normally see in my neighborhood in a week. One toddler had a hacking, bubbling cough which made my neighbor and I wince.

I think the lesson from this whole event will be governments getting more draconian, more quickly. Now that we’ve seen the economic havoc play out, I predict in subsequent outbreaks borders will shut faster and fewer exceptions will be made.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 18, 2020, 04:55:25 PM
It's in Baja now too.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Monkey_Mcpott on March 18, 2020, 05:33:36 PM
People apparently still out partying though
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: DiscountCanofTuna on March 18, 2020, 08:02:39 PM
Had to bail on my work rotation in Texas and fly home to Australia. Government strongly suggested all Australians return home ASAP, either it was for a potential lockdown or because the major airlines are about to slash services.

Now i gotta do a 14 day quarantine back at my dad's place in the suburbs. At least he lives in a big ass house and bulk buys TP when it goes on sale. Felt very weird to pack my suitcase with what TP i had back in my apartment though.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on March 18, 2020, 08:45:49 PM
I gotta go asap or im gonna get stuck here for months or years.  My gf is in Laos and shes tripping.  Im giving kudos here to wasted hippy strait up.  I shoulda been less stoked on the empty surf.  Be well.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 18, 2020, 09:25:23 PM
Restaurants in my area are carry-out only now, no gatherings of more than 50, most bar/grill places are voluntarily closed but the dives are still rolling so long as they don't jam too many people in.  Supplies still good in most stores except for the usual TP/Lysol/Clorox Wipes/hand sanitizer sitauion most places have.  Only 5 confirmed cases in my county of 400k residents, so it's not too bad here, at least, so far.

Good news of the day is that I went to my favorite Mexican place on the lake to pick up an order, brought in a fat Corksicle cooler bottle, and they whipped up 3 hand-made lemon drop margaritas for me to carry out in it even though it's not exactly playing by the rules.  Not like I'm gonna squeal, hell, I'll be back in a few days for another round to go!  Sure makes the long night at work a lot smoother here.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 18, 2020, 10:56:46 PM
My dad sent me a text telling me he was going to call. I already knew what was up. Some paranoia. He called and asked if I heard anything about the national guard coming in and he heard it from 2 people. I said because they’re fucking crazy. Calm down. And no you can’t have my extra gun because I already told mom she could use it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 18, 2020, 11:01:40 PM
anyone know whats up w USPS in the states? I know UPS is still shippig, but what about the postal service?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 18, 2020, 11:07:01 PM
anyone know whats up w USPS in the states? I know UPS is still shippig, but what about the postal service?
The mail never stops. Thank god because I got my rental deposit yesterday or the day before.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 19, 2020, 12:09:58 AM
anyone know whats up w USPS in the states? I know UPS is still shippig, but what about the postal service?

Everyone is still shipping, and as it goes, all shippers are actually moving on time through this.  I send tons of stuff daily via USPS, UPS, FedEx and occasionally DHL, and strangely, there are fewer late deliveries right now than there were during the holidays.

If anyone tells you shippers are moving slow or aren't moving things, they are definitely incorrect.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cosmicgypsies on March 19, 2020, 03:35:05 AM
bigup every dickhead going to stores at 6 in the fucking morning and clearing them out of essential items
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 19, 2020, 04:18:08 AM
Just saw this Imperial College report mentioned on the news. Haven't read it yet. this report
page 10, figure 3. UK can't open schools without vaccine?
page 19, figure A1. Same for US?
page 8, figure 2. UK is fucked no matter what?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 19, 2020, 05:12:55 AM
bigup every dickhead going to stores at 6 in the fucking morning and clearing them out of essential items

They've pushed the opening hours back here to 8am to stop this.
Which actually fucking sucks for me as I work nights, finsih at 6 and then get my shopping for 2-3 days or anything I've forgotten.
Now I have to go home and wait/try not to fall asleep for 2 hours only to go back and face the hordes, and I'm not even hoarding.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Complements4U on March 19, 2020, 06:05:45 AM
Bun coronavirus!!!!

Wastemanz ting
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: burtreynolds.jpeg on March 19, 2020, 08:45:00 AM
I’m in ventura county I got tested yesterday. I’m sick with a virus of some kind but am starting to feel better (this is day 4). I came back from Mexico City on the 6th and was at a concert at the Dolby theater in Hollywood on the 10th.

I emotionally broke yesterday. I thought I was having trouble breathing and imagined any worst case scenario I could, which caused one of the largest panic attacks I’ve had in a decade. I cracked, called my doctor, told him my symptoms and asked if I should test. He said yes.

Drove to the office and they checked my temperature in the parking lot. No fever, waited to be called to come inside for full exam and swab. Got the swab done for influenza and COVID19. Influenza came back negative, should have results for COVID19 tomorrow or the next day.

I’m feeling a million times better today, both emotionally and physically.

For anyone who’s prone to gnarly anxiety or depression and this shit is exacerbating it, download Headspace and give it a shot.

I'm going through the same thing: I got sick a month ago and saw a doctor. He told me I just had a virus, "drink plenty of liquids, rest and take over the counter medication when needed." Last week my chest started feeling gnarly, definitely super tight and a dry cough came back. No fever. I called the nurse about it and she said I got diagnosed with acute bronchitis...which was big fucking news to me. Nowhere in the end-of-visit now I am sitting in my apartment kinda freaking out. I also have an autoimmune disease but I am not a priority for testing for COVID19 unless I start showing a fever and shortness of breath...this is all fucked. I hope ya'll feel okay, physically and mentally.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Abyss1 on March 19, 2020, 08:59:08 AM
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I’m in ventura county I got tested yesterday. I’m sick with a virus of some kind but am starting to feel better (this is day 4). I came back from Mexico City on the 6th and was at a concert at the Dolby theater in Hollywood on the 10th.

I emotionally broke yesterday. I thought I was having trouble breathing and imagined any worst case scenario I could, which caused one of the largest panic attacks I’ve had in a decade. I cracked, called my doctor, told him my symptoms and asked if I should test. He said yes.

Drove to the office and they checked my temperature in the parking lot. No fever, waited to be called to come inside for full exam and swab. Got the swab done for influenza and COVID19. Influenza came back negative, should have results for COVID19 tomorrow or the next day.

I’m feeling a million times better today, both emotionally and physically.

For anyone who’s prone to gnarly anxiety or depression and this shit is exacerbating it, download Headspace and give it a shot.

I'm going through the same thing: I got sick a month ago and saw a doctor. He told me I just had a virus, "drink plenty of liquids, rest and take over the counter medication when needed." Last week my chest started feeling gnarly, definitely super tight and a dry cough came back. No fever. I called the nurse about it and she said I got diagnosed with acute bronchitis...which was big fucking news to me. Nowhere in the end-of-visit now I am sitting in my apartment kinda freaking out. I also have an autoimmune disease but I am not a priority for testing for COVID19 unless I start showing a fever and shortness of breath...this is all fucked. I hope ya'll feel okay, physically and mentally.

soo fucked how this gets in our heads, everytime I sneeze or have a small cough attack, I think I might have the shit and get a little anxious...but after smoking some weed the paranoia goes away and I feel fine.

I got back on IG and have been enjoying the skate clips from folks skating inside they house
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: waltercronkite on March 19, 2020, 10:11:15 AM
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I’m in ventura county I got tested yesterday. I’m sick with a virus of some kind but am starting to feel better (this is day 4). I came back from Mexico City on the 6th and was at a concert at the Dolby theater in Hollywood on the 10th.

I emotionally broke yesterday. I thought I was having trouble breathing and imagined any worst case scenario I could, which caused one of the largest panic attacks I’ve had in a decade. I cracked, called my doctor, told him my symptoms and asked if I should test. He said yes.

Drove to the office and they checked my temperature in the parking lot. No fever, waited to be called to come inside for full exam and swab. Got the swab done for influenza and COVID19. Influenza came back negative, should have results for COVID19 tomorrow or the next day.

I’m feeling a million times better today, both emotionally and physically.

For anyone who’s prone to gnarly anxiety or depression and this shit is exacerbating it, download Headspace and give it a shot.

I'm going through the same thing: I got sick a month ago and saw a doctor. He told me I just had a virus, "drink plenty of liquids, rest and take over the counter medication when needed." Last week my chest started feeling gnarly, definitely super tight and a dry cough came back. No fever. I called the nurse about it and she said I got diagnosed with acute bronchitis...which was big fucking news to me. Nowhere in the end-of-visit now I am sitting in my apartment kinda freaking out. I also have an autoimmune disease but I am not a priority for testing for COVID19 unless I start showing a fever and shortness of breath...this is all fucked. I hope ya'll feel okay, physically and mentally.

Wow this is pretty much the same exact thing that happened to me outside of the autoimmune disease. I have a slight fever and hit all the symptoms but they won’t test me.

I got sick in early february. Turns out it was sinus related I took over the counter medications and it never really got better. Ten days ago I thought I was feeling better so I went for a run (turns out I wasn’t better). The day after the run I experienced shortness of breath and cough but no fever until today when I woke up with a slight fever.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 19, 2020, 10:16:21 AM
Just throwing this out as a possible reason for differing containment policies for different regions.
Seems like warmer temps can slow transmission? I'm guessing hot and dry would be best. Cold and damp being worse.

And blood drives.. if you're the donating type there's shortages already or they're worried about that coming soon.
All this reminded me of this article
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 19, 2020, 10:48:26 AM
Just throwing this out as a possible reason for differing containment policies for different regions.
Seems like warmer temps can slow transmission? I'm guessing hot and dry would be best. Cold and damp being worse.

And blood drives.. if you're the donating type there's shortages already or they're worried about that coming soon.
All this reminded me of this article

Apparently that's why Australia is in a bad position, most of Europe are about to go into spring/summer so the warm weather will help.
Here in Aus we're going into the cold and flu season which is going to make our situation way worse.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Willie on March 19, 2020, 11:00:15 AM
I read India has had very few cases and they were attributing that to heat+high humidity. Wasn’t from a reputable looking source but I had expected India to blow up so maybe there’s something to that.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mesteezo on March 19, 2020, 11:07:11 AM
bigup every dickhead going to stores at 6 in the fucking morning and clearing them out of essential items

Stores here are starting to put limits on items like TP to 2 packs max per customer. A lot of grocery stores in my area are reserving the first 2 hours of store time for senior citizens only so at least that helps them.

I’m staying away from grocery stores in lower income areas because it’s such a shit show of panic and empty shelves. I’ve found that traveling to the rich white neighborhoods have better stocked grocery stores with less panic running rampant.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 19, 2020, 11:37:22 AM
I read India has had very few cases and they were attributing that to heat+high humidity. Wasn’t from a reputable looking source but I had expected India to blow up so maybe there’s something to that.
Africa has been similarly skipped. Vietnam is likely warm enough to not nurture the virus but China is just cool enough that it has thrived.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 19, 2020, 11:39:37 AM
How's the air quality in the Bay Area and PNW?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 19, 2020, 11:49:35 AM
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I read India has had very few cases and they were attributing that to heat+high humidity. Wasn’t from a reputable looking source but I had expected India to blow up so maybe there’s something to that.
Africa has been similarly skipped. Vietnam is likely warm enough to not nurture the virus but China is just cool enough that it has thrived. 85 reported cases 116 in South Africa
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mesteezo on March 19, 2020, 12:04:29 PM
How's the air quality in the Bay Area and PNW?

Considering it's been raining the past few days and to continue for the next week, the air feels clean and crisp here in the bay.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 19, 2020, 02:18:35 PM
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I read India has had very few cases and they were attributing that to heat+high humidity. Wasn’t from a reputable looking source but I had expected India to blow up so maybe there’s something to that.
Africa has been similarly skipped. Vietnam is likely warm enough to not nurture the virus but China is just cool enough that it has thrived.
[close] 85 reported cases 116 in South Africa
damn, someone tell Waka FLocka
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ungzilla on March 19, 2020, 02:39:26 PM
Africa is a big place. It's not all hot and humid. I know the mercator projection makes it look as though it can't actually fit the entirety of the US, China, India, eastern Europe, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, the UK, and Japan in it, but it can. South Africa is mediterranean in climate, much like... Italy. And COVID seems to love that place.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: YungJugg on March 19, 2020, 03:06:54 PM
Numbers are low in those places due to lack of testing.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tom on March 19, 2020, 06:53:26 PM
Los Angeles initiated a stay at home order of sorts; you can still get groceries and essentials, as well as go outside for exercise as long as you stay 6 feet or more away from the next person. The Governor is having a press release right now where he initiated a statewide stay at home order, but it sounds sort of the same as the one for the city of LA. I can’t really tell what difference if any there is
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 19, 2020, 07:11:19 PM
Yeah. That press conference freaked me out. Dispensaries closing? For a month!
And Cuomo was talking up to 9 months this morning!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Francis Xavier on March 19, 2020, 08:03:11 PM
Every county in CA has different rules,just check the cdc site or search for it. I'm in OC and waiting to hear from my boss about going in tomorrow,we do some government work but not 100%.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chavo on March 19, 2020, 08:22:07 PM
I received a text from work that today's CA and L.A. orders are exempt for government employees (i.e., get your ass to work). Even though I work with the public, including homeless, we are prohibited from wearing masks but we can wear gloves if we supply them ourselves. Our group of about 25 was given a single bottle of Purell to share two weeks ago. On the bright side, we are handing out coronaviruses.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 19, 2020, 09:17:20 PM
I received a text from work that today's CA and L.A. orders are exempt for government employees (i.e., get your ass to work). Even though I work with the public, including homeless, we are prohibited from wearing masks but we can wear gloves if we supply them ourselves. Our group of about 25 was given a single bottle of Purell to share two weeks ago. On the bright side, we are handing out coronaviruses.
Same with me. Called out today and will be again tomorrow. People in my office are obviously sick and they aren't sending them home because they don't want to pay them. I don't know what the fuck those people have. They are not enforcing keeping distance and shit like that. Doing all kinds of things that make it spread easily. Everyone is supposed to stay in their office and communicate by phone or messenger unless absolutely necessary to get up but they are just walking around like nothing. I'm not someone who would run into a fucking radiated zone to help the public, and I would be more than willing to work from home if they got their shit together to let us.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 19, 2020, 09:45:00 PM
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I received a text from work that today's CA and L.A. orders are exempt for government employees (i.e., get your ass to work). Even though I work with the public, including homeless, we are prohibited from wearing masks but we can wear gloves if we supply them ourselves. Our group of about 25 was given a single bottle of Purell to share two weeks ago. On the bright side, we are handing out coronaviruses.
Same with me. Called out today and will be again tomorrow. People in my office are obviously sick and they aren't sending them home because they don't want to pay them. I don't know what the fuck those people have. They are not enforcing keeping distance and shit like that. Doing all kinds of things that make it spread easily. Everyone is supposed to stay in their office and communicate by phone or messenger unless absolutely necessary to get up but they are just walking around like nothing. I'm not someone who would run into a fucking radiated zone to help the public, and I would be more than willing to work from home if they got their shit together to let us.
My ass is at work right now, typing this with gloves on... My wife is on paid admin leave though. There's no way they can sustain this financially for what, the next year? 18 months? Layoffs coming within 6 months I bet.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sick Duck on March 19, 2020, 11:01:35 PM
Not that this is what’s most important but i think when all the smoke clears most smaller businesses will be dead. Especially restaurants
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on March 19, 2020, 11:35:36 PM
At least the lizard people will survive this mayhem.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on March 20, 2020, 12:12:02 AM
I just love how China sent a plane full of doctors to Italy for aid. It is like they've burned down their house and killed some of the occupants and then sent some painters to help with the rebuild. And then there are my FB friends that share that news as as act of incredible solidarity.

I used the incredibly nice weather yesterday to hike to two of the most popular vantage points around Lake Bohinj with my wife and our two dogs. I was kinda surprised there weren't more people there (there were some, but both were vantage points were basically empty), but there are actual crowds in our parks and local smaller hills.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on March 20, 2020, 12:43:14 AM
I just love how China sent a plane full of doctors to Italy for aid. It is like they've burned down their house and killed some of the occupants and then sent some painters to help with the rebuild. And then there are my FB friends that share that news as as act of incredible solidarity.

I used the incredibly nice weather yesterday to hike to two of the most popular vantage points around Lake Bohinj with my wife and our two dogs. I was kinda surprised there weren't more people there (there were some, but both were vantage points were basically empty), but there are actual crowds in our parks and local smaller hills.

I guess that's one way of looking at it. Other would be China being responsible and helping Italy that is obviously struggling to contain the virus. Didn't know it was China's fault that Italy's response left hoping for more.

Could go for a hike in the woods right now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: OldieButFrenchie on March 20, 2020, 01:03:51 AM
to give some perspective, I read 2 days ago that they did around 18 000 tests in Belgium. 1500 or so came back positive. Which means 90% of people showing symptoms had some other virus/disease.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: DirtyCheddarKids on March 20, 2020, 01:59:24 AM
Not that this is what’s most important but i think when all the smoke clears most smaller businesses will be dead. Especially restaurants

Agreed, not the single most important thing right now, but support your local businesses and your freelance / gig economy friends — shit's hard enough for them right now and considering the whole situation will last for a while, a lot of them will go out of business or really struggle financially. The economic impact of this crisis will be felt for months, maybe even years to come.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on March 20, 2020, 04:32:12 AM
Another gripe I have with people doing PR on FB is all the AirBnB folks without any customers offering their pads for no cost to medical workers that would otherwise be commuting. I cannot stand them, since they have driven the rent market to extremes (basically destroyed many young families' lives killing whatever saving they could muster up), but now they are acting all philanthropic (I live in a popular tourist capital city with inadequate accommodation capacities, so the whole nation is investing in real estate here fucking over everyone else who actually work here).

Hopefully, at least some of these apartments return into the long-term rent pool after all is said and done.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 20, 2020, 05:32:57 AM
They played the first round of AFL to a completely empty stadium last night.
One of the weirdest things I've seen in a while.

On the plus side you could hear every word the players were saying and the umpires so it was interesting in that sense.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 20, 2020, 05:56:44 AM
I don't mean to come across as alarmist, like the sky is falling..
Anyone remember the Rodney King riots? I don't think LA will last 1 month.
When ppl see the cases doubling, and doubling, daily they're gonna start freaking out.
Troops are already getting put in place.. We could be on a slippery slope..
The tone of yesterday's press conference left me with a really weird feeling.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 20, 2020, 06:58:03 AM
I don't mean to come across as alarmist, like the sky is falling..
Anyone remember the Rodney King riots? I don't think LA will last 1 month.
When ppl see the cases doubling, and doubling, daily they're gonna start freaking out.
Troops are already getting put in place.. We could be on a slippery slope..
The tone of yesterday's press conference left me with a really weird feeling.
LA [amongst other cities] are also letting out their criminals and not arresting new ones except in extreme cases. haha, good luck with your kumbaya, gun control, we're all one bullshit. cities might be in a world of hurt pretty soon and the country folk might not take kindly to city slickers who destroyed their own environment trying to escape into theirs.
they'll be ok i'm sure. diversity is their strength [like it was in 92].
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: camel filters on March 20, 2020, 07:19:47 AM
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Not that this is what’s most important but i think when all the smoke clears most smaller businesses will be dead. Especially restaurants

Agreed, not the single most important thing right now, but support your local businesses and your freelance / gig economy friends — shit's hard enough for them right now and considering the whole situation will last for a while, a lot of them will go out of business or really struggle financially. The economic impact of this crisis will be felt for months, maybe even years to come.
A good way to do this is to buy gift certificates if you can for your favorite restaurants and businesses to be used in sunnier days. Good luck everyone.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 20, 2020, 07:25:58 AM
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I don't mean to come across as alarmist, like the sky is falling..
Anyone remember the Rodney King riots? I don't think LA will last 1 month.
When ppl see the cases doubling, and doubling, daily they're gonna start freaking out.
Troops are already getting put in place.. We could be on a slippery slope..
The tone of yesterday's press conference left me with a really weird feeling.
LA [amongst other cities] are also letting out their criminals and not arresting new ones except in extreme cases. haha, good luck with your kumbaya, gun control, we're all one bullshit. cities might be in a world of hurt pretty soon and the country folk might not take kindly to city slickers who destroyed their own environment trying to escape into theirs.
they'll be ok i'm sure. diversity is their strength [like it was in 92].

It's scary over here in Australia but the idea of a bunch of released crims running around with access to firearms sounds terrifying.
Like the beginning to Predator 2 terrifying.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: beatifk on March 20, 2020, 07:37:03 AM
Update from northern italy:

People are looking more and more sad and depressed by the day... people waiting to get into the pharmacy or market. It's going to be hard for everyone to make it to the end of all this.

However, groceries stores are fully stocked. Everyone in italy has bidets so nobody cares as much about tp as they do in the usa. The only thing I had to buy different last week was whole grain flour instead of white flour which made my blueberry pancakes not as good and fluffy as normal.

It's getting a little boring though, that's for sure. Luckily I have a private backyard with some pavers, so I've been having some stationary skate sessions back there. And reading in the sun. And jumping rope. And when it gets too hot I head inside to play ps4. I'm going to plant some seeds in the next few days in the yard. Trying new recipes for dinners. Baking cookies. Whatever I can do to pass the time.

I'm VERY curious to see how things play out in the usa. My father told me I should come visit them yesterday and it was shocking to me to the point I had to call him and yell at him. My mother is very sick and if she were to catch this virus, she would die 100%. And he's telling me to come visit. From italy. It seems like a lot of people are still in denial about what's happening.

Happy spring y'all!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 20, 2020, 08:07:58 AM
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I don't mean to come across as alarmist, like the sky is falling..
Anyone remember the Rodney King riots? I don't think LA will last 1 month.
When ppl see the cases doubling, and doubling, daily they're gonna start freaking out.
Troops are already getting put in place.. We could be on a slippery slope..
The tone of yesterday's press conference left me with a really weird feeling.
LA [amongst other cities] are also letting out their criminals and not arresting new ones except in extreme cases. haha, good luck with your kumbaya, gun control, we're all one bullshit. cities might be in a world of hurt pretty soon and the country folk might not take kindly to city slickers who destroyed their own environment trying to escape into theirs.
they'll be ok i'm sure. diversity is their strength [like it was in 92].
That was ppl in jail with less than 30 days left. Don't make it sound like they released actually prisoners from prisons..
It's like you couldn't get a prescription refilled this week..
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 20, 2020, 08:10:34 AM
Update from northern italy:

People are looking more and more sad and depressed by the day... people waiting to get into the pharmacy or market. It's going to be hard for everyone to make it to the end of all this.

However, groceries stores are fully stocked. Everyone in italy has bidets so nobody cares as much about tp as they do in the usa. The only thing I had to buy different last week was whole grain flour instead of white flour which made my blueberry pancakes not as good and fluffy as normal.

It's getting a little boring though, that's for sure. Luckily I have a private backyard with some pavers, so I've been having some stationary skate sessions back there. And reading in the sun. And jumping rope. And when it gets too hot I head inside to play ps4. I'm going to plant some seeds in the next few days in the yard. Trying new recipes for dinners. Baking cookies. Whatever I can do to pass the time.

I'm VERY curious to see how things play out in the usa. My father told me I should come visit them yesterday and it was shocking to me to the point I had to call him and yell at him. My mother is very sick and if she were to catch this virus, she would die 100%. And he's telling me to come visit. From italy. It seems like a lot of people are still in denial about what's happening.

Happy spring y'all!
Sounds rough. Italy is in my thought for sure. Wishing you guys the best.
Same type of frustration for me here. I live with a +70yo and been having to argue with them about not going grocery shopping!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 20, 2020, 08:12:45 AM
Get your shit today. Cali limited gatherings to 10 ppl 1-2 days ago? Now we're on "lockdown", they're calling it "stay at home". Could happen for you guys this weekend.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: artskool on March 20, 2020, 08:22:32 AM
I've had three snow/skate shops so far tell me they can't pay their bills. RIP your local. RIP any small brands that sent them inventory on terms.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 20, 2020, 08:26:17 AM
I've had three snow/skate shops so far tell me they can't pay their bills. RIP your local. RIP any small brands that sent them inventory on terms.
Yeah. I had this thought too. Definitely sucks.
But.. the bigger issue, outside of mortality, is if the global economy can survive a pause that lasts for months, even possibly a year or more.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 20, 2020, 08:27:28 AM
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I don't mean to come across as alarmist, like the sky is falling..
Anyone remember the Rodney King riots? I don't think LA will last 1 month.
When ppl see the cases doubling, and doubling, daily they're gonna start freaking out.
Troops are already getting put in place.. We could be on a slippery slope..
The tone of yesterday's press conference left me with a really weird feeling.
LA [amongst other cities] are also letting out their criminals and not arresting new ones except in extreme cases. haha, good luck with your kumbaya, gun control, we're all one bullshit. cities might be in a world of hurt pretty soon and the country folk might not take kindly to city slickers who destroyed their own environment trying to escape into theirs.
they'll be ok i'm sure. diversity is their strength [like it was in 92].
That was ppl in jail with less than 30 days left. Don't make it sound like they released actually prisoners from prisons..
It's like you couldn't get a prescription refilled this week..
the depolicing is scarier than the freshly released short timers. they have no fear of going back. liberal policies created the violent cities of the 70s and 80s and it took authoritarian Gulianis of the world to make them safe for gentrification.
my fear is this whole thing is Hegelian, if they make it that dangerous, the masses will cry for safety at the expense of freedom. you outsourced your self defense so if the cops ain't doing it, you need benevolent 'big brother'.\
i hope i'm wrong and i hope everyone stays safe but strict gun control just ensures that cops and gang members will be the only ones carrying. and cops ain't on the clock.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: artskool on March 20, 2020, 08:31:40 AM
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I've had three snow/skate shops so far tell me they can't pay their bills. RIP your local. RIP any small brands that sent them inventory on terms.
Yeah. I had this thought too. Definitely sucks.
But.. the bigger issue, outside of mortality, is if the global economy can survive a pause that lasts for months, even possibly a year or more.

Yep, obviously skate shops are a small part of the world, but they're a big part of our world as skaters. I live in a small city that has a really thriving small restaurant scene, and almost none of them can survive a week or two without operations, never mind 18 months. Everybody I know is either in healthcare, or a contractor and neither position is enviable right now. Coronavirus or poverty, your choice. I deal with manufacturing overseas, and supply lines in Asia seem to be recovering quickly. However, Europe is about to be a mess. And, I'm anticipating I won't be able to get access to capital in 4 months when stuff is ready to ship. Not feeling super coherent these days.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 20, 2020, 09:21:10 AM
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I don't mean to come across as alarmist, like the sky is falling..
Anyone remember the Rodney King riots? I don't think LA will last 1 month.
When ppl see the cases doubling, and doubling, daily they're gonna start freaking out.
Troops are already getting put in place.. We could be on a slippery slope..
The tone of yesterday's press conference left me with a really weird feeling.
LA [amongst other cities] are also letting out their criminals and not arresting new ones except in extreme cases. haha, good luck with your kumbaya, gun control, we're all one bullshit. cities might be in a world of hurt pretty soon and the country folk might not take kindly to city slickers who destroyed their own environment trying to escape into theirs.
they'll be ok i'm sure. diversity is their strength [like it was in 92].
That was ppl in jail with less than 30 days left. Don't make it sound like they released actually prisoners from prisons..
It's like you couldn't get a prescription refilled this week..
the depolicing is scarier than the freshly released short timers. they have no fear of going back. liberal policies created the violent cities of the 70s and 80s and it took authoritarian Gulianis of the world to make them safe for gentrification.
my fear is this whole thing is Hegelian, if they make it that dangerous, the masses will cry for safety at the expense of freedom. you outsourced your self defense so if the cops ain't doing it, you need benevolent 'big brother'.\
i hope i'm wrong and i hope everyone stays safe but strict gun control just ensures that cops and gang members will be the only ones carrying. and cops ain't on the clock.
I work in the main jail of one of these cities. Everyone’s getting arrested.
I do all the probable cause determinations and own recognizance releases. I let one person out last night, felony vandalism, dumb shit.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 20, 2020, 09:30:05 AM
Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that many people will lose their jobs because of this. When unemployment is high, as is the poverty rate, crime rises. It's just a simple fact. People are going to get very desperate because of this and I'm getting concerned about this. $1,200 isn't shit. Especially when the majority of the country not only doesn't know how to properly save money, but also can't even afford to save it. There will be an inevitable rise in crime.

To the individual saying that "my fear is this whole thing is Hegelian, if they make it that dangerous, the masses will cry for safety at the expense of freedom. you outsourced your self defense so if the cops ain't doing it, you need benevolent 'big brother'." I unfortunately really agree with that. I think crime will rise, and liberties will continue to wear away as a result.

I'm physically not allowed to own a gun because of having multiple felonies. I'm actually not even allowed to hold a bullet in my hands or pockets or anything. Total bullshit but luckily I'm basically engaged to a girl(total love of my life by the way) that comes from a big gun family. So I'll be alright in my house or wherever, even if I'm not allowed to buy guns or anything. In regards to guns though, I feel like the writing is on the wall. Next Dem in office is going to start chipping away at assault rifles and shit. I'd bet a lot of money that in 4-5 years, at the very least, you won't be able to buy 80% receivers anymore to build ghost guns and I'd guess that it will be restricted much more than that.

I think we're on the precipice of some serious economic collapse. The coronavirus has shown how fragile our economy is and if shit like this keeps happening, I'd be willing to bet that they stop bailing out people and just keep throwing money at big corporations Our politicians on both sides are way too far into bed with big money interests to actually help the middle and lower class. USA is fucked long term but it shouldn't have to take the coronavirus for anyone to realize that. Any system that pits Trump against Clinton and makes you choose one as the leader of America is inherently broken.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 20, 2020, 09:35:48 AM
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I don't mean to come across as alarmist, like the sky is falling..
Anyone remember the Rodney King riots? I don't think LA will last 1 month.
When ppl see the cases doubling, and doubling, daily they're gonna start freaking out.
Troops are already getting put in place.. We could be on a slippery slope..
The tone of yesterday's press conference left me with a really weird feeling.
LA [amongst other cities] are also letting out their criminals and not arresting new ones except in extreme cases. haha, good luck with your kumbaya, gun control, we're all one bullshit. cities might be in a world of hurt pretty soon and the country folk might not take kindly to city slickers who destroyed their own environment trying to escape into theirs.
they'll be ok i'm sure. diversity is their strength [like it was in 92].
That was ppl in jail with less than 30 days left. Don't make it sound like they released actually prisoners from prisons..
It's like you couldn't get a prescription refilled this week..
the depolicing is scarier than the freshly released short timers. they have no fear of going back. liberal policies created the violent cities of the 70s and 80s and it took authoritarian Gulianis of the world to make them safe for gentrification.
my fear is this whole thing is Hegelian, if they make it that dangerous, the masses will cry for safety at the expense of freedom. you outsourced your self defense so if the cops ain't doing it, you need benevolent 'big brother'.\
i hope i'm wrong and i hope everyone stays safe but strict gun control just ensures that cops and gang members will be the only ones carrying. and cops ain't on the clock.
I work in the main jail of one of these cities. Everyone’s getting arrested.
I do all the probable cause determinations and own recognizance releases. I let one person out last night, felony vandalism, dumb shit.

Must be a pretty interesting job. When I was upstate, they straight up told us that the protocol if anything serious went down(fire, riots, disease, real crazy shit), was to keep us locked down in our cells until it stops. Like if some real crazy shit went down and guards stopped coming in, that the inmates would still be locked in their cells. Kind of wild to think about but it makes sense since it's better to let some  rapist or serial murderer rot in a cell, starving to death, instead of get released when not rehabilited. I was in SCI Somerset(decently hard prison, couple good murders happened there if you google it), right near where flight 93 went down and the older dudes that were there when that happened said there was a serious lockdown afterwords. They started seeing smoke from the one yard and then they got locked down for days.

I imagine that in the more serious prisons(not jails) that they're are heavily restricted at this point.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: backinaction on March 20, 2020, 10:07:04 AM
There are only 6 confirmed cases in my county because we effectively ran out of tests at the beginning of the week.   personally know 3 people that told by their physician to assume they have it (all the symptoms, tested negative for Flu a/b) and act accordingly.   Our hospital has put out a call for home sewers to make masks for them because they have less than a weeks worth - and they are to run out of surgical gowns this weekend.   And this isn't going to peak for another month.    My estimates based on publicly released numbers are that we are going to run out of hospital beds by early next week.

This will not end well.   It really looks like we will have 300-500 deaths in my town of 90k within the next couple months.   What do we do with all the bodies?

I'm working at home.  Kids school is cancelled so I have 9 and 6 year olds running around.  Not getting exercise. I did buy a rub block and some clear paint to prep the curb next to my house a few weeks ago and didn't have time to do it.  It's going to be a priority now so I don't lose my shit.  Fought with the kids pretty hard yesterday.  That's super not good for a kid.

  My wife has a retail store that will probably get shut down by the state (along with all other non-essential businesses) this weekend. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 20, 2020, 10:41:08 AM
Corpus Christi TX is the biggest city to not have any Corona cases yet.
It absolutely is because of the blood sigils and blood spells I have been casting every few days.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: LemThurdy on March 20, 2020, 10:47:24 AM
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Not that this is what’s most important but i think when all the smoke clears most smaller businesses will be dead. Especially restaurants

Agreed, not the single most important thing right now, but support your local businesses and your freelance / gig economy friends — shit's hard enough for them right now and considering the whole situation will last for a while, a lot of them will go out of business or really struggle financially. The economic impact of this crisis will be felt for months, maybe even years to come.

For sure mane, my homies girl just got laid of the other day. I’m working at home now but I don’t know that will last so long. A lot of shit gonna be fucked up here locally on the beach
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: beatifk on March 20, 2020, 11:27:29 AM
another quick update from italy:

627 deaths in one 24-hour period. The previous high was something like 425. So it's getting worse still.

And military is now out enforcing lockdowns in Lombardia (Milan region). So things are getting more and more fucked still.

Mamma mia.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: FrenchFriedClownFingers on March 20, 2020, 02:50:56 PM
lost my job and so did my dads wife. not sure what's gonna happen. hopefully i get unemployment but im totally fucked due to this. everyone freaking out, it;s just a mess. i live in northern cali.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GAY on March 20, 2020, 03:39:33 PM
My better half lost his job on Tuesday but I don't necessarily think it was due to the coronavirus situation. What's gross is that I DO think this situation afforded his company the opportunity they've been looking for to can him. That's my take on it anyways. He was there for 23 years and they tossed him in the middle of all of this mess. It's been a rough week, for sure.
I'm sorry to hear about everyone's suffering. We're in uncharted territory and the people in charge are complete fuckwits. Not saying I'd do any better, but then I'm not running a fucking country.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: slippy on March 20, 2020, 03:44:03 PM
My better half lost his job on Tuesday but I don't necessarily think it was due to the coronavirus situation. What's gross is that I DO think this situation afforded his company the opportunity they've been looking for to can him. That's my take on it anyways. He was there for 23 years and they tossed him in the middle of all of this mess. It's been a rough week, for sure.
I'm sorry to hear about everyone's suffering. We're in uncharted territory and the people in charge are complete fuckwits. Not saying I'd do any better, but then I'm not running a fucking country.

I'm super sorry to hear that, my condolences.  After 23 years you'd expect some fucking support... Hang in there, the both of you best you can and vent it out here!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GAY on March 20, 2020, 03:51:46 PM
Thanks slippy. Yeah it's pretty upsetting and I'm just trying to be supportive. It's weird to think that we're living through something that will be studied possibly 100's of years from now. Hoping it's studied as an example of humanity overcoming rather than succumbing.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 20, 2020, 03:55:12 PM
sorry to hear Mr GAY. he will bounce back and everyone is getting laid off now too, temporarily anyways. shit happens how it needs to. my job got pulled out from under me, waiting on word to go back but no idea when. what kind of business did he give 23 years too if i might ask?
if it's personal, no biggie.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on March 20, 2020, 04:45:55 PM
Sorry to hear that GAY and sorry to hear about all the slap heads in cali.

Fucked up times indeed.

We are still in self quarantine and it's not easy mentally even with all the supplies we need.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Coastal Fever on March 20, 2020, 05:16:47 PM
My work just closed for two days while an employee got tested, it came back negative, so we’re back to work on Monday.  I feel like it’s only a matter of time before we close up indefinitely.  I also live with a flight attendant and senior care clinician who are still being told to come in, recipe for disaster imo but none of us are in positions to say no to our jobs.  Just taking it one day at a time and trying not to stress until I have a good reason to.  Went for a 20km walk yesterday which was pretty chill.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Peter Zagreus on March 20, 2020, 05:39:24 PM
My sympathies go out to all of you who are struggling financially. Like some on earlier pages of the thread, I'm more scared of the economic - and by extension - social fallout of this thing than the virus itself.

I'm a student in a well funded PhD program, so I'm set as long as I keep my work in order. We've gone online for the rest of the semester, however, and it's hard to give a shit about my projects from my remote position and with this shit unfolding (I'm in the humanities, doing research in 19th century, British literature).

The selfish silver lining is that I've got a good excuse to be a degenerate shut-in. My girlfriend and I have gone on a couple of nice walks in the post-apocalyptic cityscape, and it's been...kind of nice. Scared for the future, though. I'm increasingly feeling like we're on the precipice of some world-historical shit. That people are bringing up G.W.F. Hegel on a skateboard forum is probably a clear enough indicator that we are...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 20, 2020, 05:55:35 PM
Things are weird and normal in Quebec. Stores are closed and the streets are relatively empty. But the grocery stores and pharmacies have pretty much everything they should have.

I took the subway today. It was empty compared to usual but still relatively busy. I don't think I'll take the subway again for a bit. Waiting on the weather to be warm enough to ride my bike around.

The economic aspect of this is interesting/sad. Trader Joe's is killing it and offering their employees bonuses and other service places are getting fucked.

I have few friends that do valet. They're fucked because their employer pretends that they are independent contractors, which likely means no unemployment benefits.

I just need to get a stove, fridge, and internet in the house. I've been doing salads and getting take out, but cooking a meal would be nice.

I don't foresee the sky falling but it is going to be a rough ride for people in service jobs who probably go without healthcare and sick days (I don't think everyone is going to get sick but it would suck to worry about not being able to afford to go to the doctor and/or not having the ability to take time off).

 It is amazing how visible class lines are right now. Many of us in professional class jobs are working from home or getting paid to be at home and many other people are told "good luck." 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 20, 2020, 06:19:39 PM
This week my boss sat me down and started laying me off then started feeling sad and guilty and backpedaled because we’re cool and I bust my ass. I talked my way into reminding him that I am “essential” and he’s tryna keep me but he’s not promising being able to pay me past next week. So I’m in limbo but assuming I’m out a job.

We closed our 6 retails cafes, all those baristas and managers are furloughed, I’m continuing wholesale coffee as long as possible but who’s buying when the restaurants are closed. Got my resume lookin good and started applying but who the fuck will be hiring right now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 20, 2020, 06:33:32 PM
I also live with a flight attendant and senior care clinician who are still being told to come in

😬Go early to the supermarket after they've restocked for beaucoup purell
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 20, 2020, 06:54:57 PM
I live in SoCal. On the night that Chet Haze's father said he had COVID-19 & the NBA suspended its season, I went to Vons on a whim & bought over $700 worth of non-perishables (@ that point, the shelves were still quite plentiful). I've since secured $200 worth of gourmet cat food and litter for my cat, Nasir. I also stopped smoking cigarettes, which I used socially. My employer gave me the option of working from home since Monday. I came in Monday but have worked from home since. Now my office has closed entirely due to the mandatory stay-at-home. I've stayed inside mostly, cleaning, listening to rap music, practicing with my nunchucks, really only leaving my apt to pick up a meal or grab some essentials like clorox wipes or vitamins; I only found the vitamins.  I've walked around with a cloth ninja head mask (like you wear in the winter cold) & cloth gloves since Tuesday. Ppl looked at me strange at first; they seem unphazed now. I haven't really interacted with a real person except a cashier since Monday. I've worn the same clothes and today was also the first day I took a shower since Monday. I've watched "Contagion", "The Stand" & "Billy Madison" to pass the time. So life hasn't been too upended for me yet, same ol same ol...

But I take this seriously.  I'm gonna do my best not to get infected and to not infect anyone else. I'm good for probably about 2 or 3 months on my own, only needing a small thing here and there, if that's what it requires.

And to think 2 weeks ago I bought a pair of DC OG Williams & spent $450 on front row tix to see the Weeknd in August.  Now, I'm scheming on how to get Cambell's soups in mass quanities for around $1.25 each
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fulltechnicalskizzy on March 20, 2020, 07:14:37 PM
I stockpiled $600 of old Heath graphic wall boards so I should be good looking at those for the next few months at least. Getting kind of hungry.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ungzilla on March 20, 2020, 07:41:24 PM
that's fucked up hoarding critical heath boards they could be using at the hospital
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 20, 2020, 08:10:35 PM
Heath is not a privilege, that's a basic human right. Heath belongs to all of us. those boards need to be redistributed.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GAY on March 20, 2020, 10:12:45 PM
sorry to hear Mr GAY. he will bounce back and everyone is getting laid off now too, temporarily anyways. shit happens how it needs to. my job got pulled out from under me, waiting on word to go back but no idea when. what kind of business did he give 23 years too if i might ask?
if it's personal, no biggie.

Thanks man! And I'm sorry to hear you're on the ropes with your job. He worked for a company that develops and gives tests that require licenses. So like the realtor license, funeral director license,  therapists...that kind of thing. They've closed every testing center around the world for now. Bad time to take my hair dresser's exam.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 21, 2020, 01:40:21 AM
I've been in for a week now. My girlfriend and I are going to the grocery store when it opens today at 6. Going to do another round of shopping. While I have a month or more of food, there are a bunch of things that have slipped my mind and whatnot. I hope everyone out there can get what they need. Make a ton of chili and freeze it. Thaw it out and throw it on top of rice. It's a great cheap meal that can go so far.

I'm in PA. If anyone gives a shit I'll report back on the status of the store when I go.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: burtreynolds.jpeg on March 21, 2020, 06:37:58 AM
I've only gone out for walks, skating by myself and the grocery chest is feeling better though. And my cough isn't as bad. I'm very fortunate to be able to work from home. Not sure how long that's going to be possible though.

Also, kinda of concerned about the fact that I'm getting booted off of my parent's health insurance come May. Wondering if I should wait it out and wait for state health insurance in case I'm out of a job. Or should I just apply through the marketplace? Anyone got any advice on this?

Also, anyone on here that's still out working and making the rounds so that our society can still operate, I love all of ya'll. Thank you.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 21, 2020, 06:59:09 AM
All the other 10 people who have my job title got put on unpaid leave for an unknown amount of time.
I’m safe for now, because management knows I’m the best at what I do here. But I still feel like I could get cut any day now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: LemThurdy on March 21, 2020, 07:26:30 AM
My wife still having to work she has a salon and apparently getting your hair done is essential in these times. I’m working at home but they cut me to 5 hrs/wk so I feel the can is next.

I heard from a reliable source that tomorrow they may be shutting a lot of shit down maybe grab some food or shit on your way home today
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: psuckadelic on March 21, 2020, 07:33:04 AM
I live in SoCal. On the night that Chet Haze's father said he had COVID-19 & the NBA suspended its season, I went to Vons on a whim & bought over $700 worth of non-perishables (@ that point, the shelves were still quite plentiful). I've since secured $200 worth of gourmet cat food and litter for my cat, Nasir. I also stopped smoking cigarettes, which I used socially. My employer gave me the option of working from home since Monday. I came in Monday but have worked from home since. Now my office has closed entirely due to the mandatory stay-at-home. I've stayed inside mostly, cleaning, listening to rap music, practicing with my nunchucks, really only leaving my apt to pick up a meal or grab some essentials like clorox wipes or vitamins; I only found the vitamins.  I've walked around with a cloth ninja head mask (like you wear in the winter cold) & cloth gloves since Tuesday. Ppl looked at me strange at first; they seem unphazed now. I haven't really interacted with a real person except a cashier since Monday. I've worn the same clothes and today was also the first day I took a shower since Monday. I've watched "Contagion", "The Stand" & "Billy Madison" to pass the time. So life hasn't been too upended for me yet, same ol same ol...

But I take this seriously.  I'm gonna do my best not to get infected and to not infect anyone else. I'm good for probably about 2 or 3 months on my own, only needing a small thing here and there, if that's what it requires.

And to think 2 weeks ago I bought a pair of DC OG Williams & spent $450 on front row tix to see the Weeknd in August.  Now, I'm scheming on how to get Cambell's soups in mass quanities for around $1.25 each

That was a very detailed account.....but how the hell can you spend $450 on concert tickets?! Are you insane?! If you plan on throwing away more money I'll take some.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Yushin Okami on March 21, 2020, 08:25:19 AM
I've been remote for a little over two weeks now. As it stands, it's more or less business as normal but I can't imagine that will continue. In a simplified sense, I'm in client services and if my clients can't offer their services, well... why would they need me?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: straight fucking edge on March 21, 2020, 08:40:57 AM
I am currently at work now and it seems that I will continue to go to work through this whole thing at least until we absolutely can't.  I can't work remotely, but they have everyone here that can (~6000 people) doing so.  they did finally offer 40 hours of "pandemic leave" to those of us who can not work remotely which we can use at any time, but I don't think I am going to
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 21, 2020, 09:31:34 AM
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I live in SoCal. On the night that Chet Haze's father said he had COVID-19 & the NBA suspended its season, I went to Vons on a whim & bought over $700 worth of non-perishables (@ that point, the shelves were still quite plentiful). I've since secured $200 worth of gourmet cat food and litter for my cat, Nasir. I also stopped smoking cigarettes, which I used socially. My employer gave me the option of working from home since Monday. I came in Monday but have worked from home since. Now my office has closed entirely due to the mandatory stay-at-home. I've stayed inside mostly, cleaning, listening to rap music, practicing with my nunchucks, really only leaving my apt to pick up a meal or grab some essentials like clorox wipes or vitamins; I only found the vitamins.  I've walked around with a cloth ninja head mask (like you wear in the winter cold) & cloth gloves since Tuesday. Ppl looked at me strange at first; they seem unphazed now. I haven't really interacted with a real person except a cashier since Monday. I've worn the same clothes and today was also the first day I took a shower since Monday. I've watched "Contagion", "The Stand" & "Billy Madison" to pass the time. So life hasn't been too upended for me yet, same ol same ol...

But I take this seriously.  I'm gonna do my best not to get infected and to not infect anyone else. I'm good for probably about 2 or 3 months on my own, only needing a small thing here and there, if that's what it requires.

And to think 2 weeks ago I bought a pair of DC OG Williams & spent $450 on front row tix to see the Weeknd in August.  Now, I'm scheming on how to get Cambell's soups in mass quanities for around $1.25 each

That was a very detailed account.....but how the hell can you spend $450 on concert tickets?! Are you insane?! If you plan on throwing away more money I'll take some.

I'd never done anything like that before. I was splurging and treating myself.  At least I can get a refund....
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 21, 2020, 09:40:37 AM
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I live in SoCal. On the night that Chet Haze's father said he had COVID-19 & the NBA suspended its season, I went to Vons on a whim & bought over $700 worth of non-perishables (@ that point, the shelves were still quite plentiful). I've since secured $200 worth of gourmet cat food and litter for my cat, Nasir. I also stopped smoking cigarettes, which I used socially. My employer gave me the option of working from home since Monday. I came in Monday but have worked from home since. Now my office has closed entirely due to the mandatory stay-at-home. I've stayed inside mostly, cleaning, listening to rap music, practicing with my nunchucks, really only leaving my apt to pick up a meal or grab some essentials like clorox wipes or vitamins; I only found the vitamins.  I've walked around with a cloth ninja head mask (like you wear in the winter cold) & cloth gloves since Tuesday. Ppl looked at me strange at first; they seem unphazed now. I haven't really interacted with a real person except a cashier since Monday. I've worn the same clothes and today was also the first day I took a shower since Monday. I've watched "Contagion", "The Stand" & "Billy Madison" to pass the time. So life hasn't been too upended for me yet, same ol same ol...

But I take this seriously.  I'm gonna do my best not to get infected and to not infect anyone else. I'm good for probably about 2 or 3 months on my own, only needing a small thing here and there, if that's what it requires.

And to think 2 weeks ago I bought a pair of DC OG Williams & spent $450 on front row tix to see the Weeknd in August.  Now, I'm scheming on how to get Cambell's soups in mass quanities for around $1.25 each

That was a very detailed account.....but how the hell can you spend $450 on concert tickets?! Are you insane?! If you plan on throwing away more money I'll take some.

I'd never done anything like that before. I was splurging and treating myself.  At least I can get a refund....
Come on he’s just a human who wants to have an experience.
There are millions of other things that would be insane to spend that money on.
There’s nothing wrong with dropping cash on a potentially great experience. Concerts Where you really enjoy the artist are like the most ultimate living in the moment experience. At least to me they are.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dad_Brains on March 21, 2020, 09:54:18 AM
Currently stuck in Lisbon, Portugal and trying to get flights back home to New Zealand. We had flights back through the UK and then the states for later in the year but not looking like we’ll use those as we can’t bring them forward due to not being able to get into the states and the airlines not flying the NZ route again until June. Waiting to see if the NZ government will put on flights like they did for people out of china when this first kicked off but not looking likely. The kids are going nuts having to stay inside most of the time. Plus we’ve got tenants in our house at home who have a lease until July so unless they want to leave early we don’t have a place to go home to. We also have to self isolate for two weeks once home so can’t stay with family or friends. Good times.... Ah we’ll get through it. I will say Portugal is pretty on to it compared to the UK and USA where people are only just realising it’s a major event and some are still at the pubs.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: silvertone_spacemachine on March 21, 2020, 10:38:29 AM
My better half lost his job on Tuesday but I don't necessarily think it was due to the coronavirus situation. What's gross is that I DO think this situation afforded his company the opportunity they've been looking for to can him. That's my take on it anyways. He was there for 23 years and they tossed him in the middle of all of this mess. It's been a rough week, for sure.
I'm sorry to hear about everyone's suffering. We're in uncharted territory and the people in charge are complete fuckwits. Not saying I'd do any better, but then I'm not running a fucking country.

aw fuck, sorry to hear that. Same thing happened to me, job was just looking for any excuse. I hope you guys rebound when everything is said and done. Sending my love.

PA is total trash. I live in one of the most densely elderly populated regions of the country, the county shutting down the local casino has caused utter chaos amongst those in the sunset years of their lives. Businesses are either not taking it seriously or just not closing (local florist on TV bitching about how they "weren't warned" about having to shut down seems to be the norm.) Lots of younger people not taking this shit seriously AT ALL, actually got invited to a "covid party" yesterday. It's all very surreal, sad and tough to navigate. I hope everyone, along with their family and friends, are safe, sound and healthy. <3
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 21, 2020, 10:42:46 AM
Anyone else get a lil creeped out by Gov. Newsom's press conference? Too many shiteating grins for me. When I see that my mind automatically thinks lies and bullshit. And then a big smile when talking about the National Guard just coming in to help with food distribution. Convenient, they already be in the LA area when the rioting starts.
I don't think LA will last a month. Maybe 2-3 weeks if the potshops stay open.

And I take it back..
Remember Fear the Walking Dead?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 21, 2020, 12:34:19 PM
Lies and bullshit about what points exactly?

Anyways, I'm capable of shutting down shop and holing up for 3 months.  I even have a boxing bag in here.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 21, 2020, 12:35:22 PM
Anyone else get a lil creeped out by Gov. Newsom's press conference? Too many shiteating grins for me. When I see that my mind automatically thinks lies and bullshit. And then a big smile when talking about the National Guard just coming in to help with food distribution. Convenient, they already be in the LA area when the rioting starts.
I don't think LA will last a month. Maybe 2-3 weeks if the potshops stay open.

And I take it back..
Remember Fear the Walking Dead?
This kind of fear mongering is bullshit.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 21, 2020, 12:37:32 PM
My boxing bag is legit too, gym quality.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 21, 2020, 01:18:15 PM
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Anyone else get a lil creeped out by Gov. Newsom's press conference? Too many shiteating grins for me. When I see that my mind automatically thinks lies and bullshit. And then a big smile when talking about the National Guard just coming in to help with food distribution. Convenient, they already be in the LA area when the rioting starts.
I don't think LA will last a month. Maybe 2-3 weeks if the potshops stay open.

And I take it back..
Remember Fear the Walking Dead?
This kind of fear mongering is bullshit.
Really? Did you feel comforted by that press conference? Did you watch it?
When I see shiteating grins while ppl are talking a automatically assume they are saying lies. Dive into the psychology of it and he could just be trying to put on a reassuring face, or that's just how he lies. Maybe I'm tainted cuz I know too many ppl who do the shiteating grin thing while spouting bs.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: L33Tg33k on March 21, 2020, 01:29:27 PM
Why do you know so many shit eaters?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 21, 2020, 01:37:57 PM
Why do you know so many shit eaters?
Unfortunately, relatives. I got a huge fam.
Now that I think about it, I might just attract them like moths to a flame.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Joe Pesci on March 21, 2020, 02:55:59 PM
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Why do you know so many shit eaters?
Unfortunately, relatives. I got a huge fam.
Now that I think about it, I might just attract them like moths to a flame.
I heard it takes one to know one
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 21, 2020, 03:22:59 PM
First confirmed case of corona in my city was just announced.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: secondhandstoke on March 21, 2020, 03:42:34 PM
its all a bunch of hype and overreaction for the deathly medical companies to get rich off.  ppl in they're 20's and younger are mostly immune to it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Abyss1 on March 21, 2020, 03:47:39 PM
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Why do you know so many shit eaters?
Unfortunately, relatives. I got a huge fam.
Now that I think about it, I might just attract them like moths to a flame.

I just got an email from my apartment manager telling people to properly flush their shit and properly dispose of diapers it’s been an issue for them
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: rawr1922 on March 21, 2020, 05:18:49 PM
First confirmed  case of corona in my city was just announced.

Johnes on Corona
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 21, 2020, 05:19:58 PM
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First confirmed  case of corona in my city was just announced.

Johnes on Corona
Oops didn’t mean i was lol. But someone in my city just got confirmed to have it .
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 21, 2020, 05:34:37 PM
NYC officially the US epicenter. #1 baby! Does this mean we’ll be done with it first? Idk how science works. Help me Neil Degrasse Tyson. I’m drunk.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 21, 2020, 05:42:37 PM
First confirmed case of corona in my city was just announced.

My city been had it, B
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Quique on March 21, 2020, 05:51:00 PM
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Why do you know so many shit eaters?
Unfortunately, relatives. I got a huge fam.
Now that I think about it, I might just attract them like moths to a flame.

I just got an email from my apartment manager telling people to properly flush their shit and properly dispose of diapers it’s been an issue for them

My grandma's apartment playground was floored for a couple of months until they found out a diaper was plugging the main pipe. Someone flushed it. I wouldn't be surprised if some stupid people start doing shit like that.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 21, 2020, 06:21:05 PM
all yall numbers are way higher too though, we just have tests now and are testing lots of people so the numbers climbing fast.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Abyss1 on March 21, 2020, 08:05:19 PM
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Why do you know so many shit eaters?
Unfortunately, relatives. I got a huge fam.
Now that I think about it, I might just attract them like moths to a flame.

I just got an email from my apartment manager telling people to properly flush their shit and properly dispose of diapers it’s been an issue for them

My grandma's apartment playground was floored for a couple of months until they found out a diaper was plugging the main pipe. Someone flushed it. I wouldn't be surprised if some stupid people start doing shit like that.
Damn... probably explains why we’ve been having water shut off issues
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lazer69 on March 21, 2020, 09:03:41 PM
Because of the situation I'm getting 0 hours of work. Wish I got a CA state ID shortly after moving.. I tried filing for unemployment, I get as far as it will take me in application process online, at the end it shows that I should call a phone number for the agency. When I call the automated message tells me to go to the website/online portal. Useless. Can you see why I have a disdain for the public sector.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 21, 2020, 10:41:06 PM
Because of the situation I'm getting 0 hours of work. Wish I got a CA state ID shortly after moving.. I tried filing for unemployment, I get as far as it will take me in application process online, at the end it shows that I should call a phone number for the agency. When I call the automated message tells me to go to the website/online portal. Useless. Can you see why I have a disdain for the public sector.

1) you realize bureacracy is an aspect of all large organizations right?

2) I tried to contact my cell provider to change my monthly plan and they ran me around in circles for hours yesterday.

The best part was when I told one rep that I needed to change my plan for the month because I'm stuck in Canada and my family is in the USA and I can't afford calling the USA to cost 20 cents a minute. After an hour of taking to 3 reps and tons of bullshit, the rep told me I needed to go to the USA to switch my plan so I can get the ability to call my family in the USA.

Unreal. Any and all large organization are difficult as all hell to interact with if something is slightly out of the ordinary.

3) that sucks you have to deal with this shit to get some help. Are there any other numbers you can call? Or can you hit zero to get an operator or something to eventually to get transferred to someone who can help?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 21, 2020, 10:46:07 PM
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Why do you know so many shit eaters?
Unfortunately, relatives. I got a huge fam.
Now that I think about it, I might just attract them like moths to a flame.

I just got an email from my apartment manager telling people to properly flush their shit and properly dispose of diapers it’s been an issue for them

My grandma's apartment playground was floored for a couple of months until they found out a diaper was plugging the main pipe. Someone flushed it. I wouldn't be surprised if some stupid people start doing shit like that.

My wife's cousin used to own about 70 properties around the city back before the RE market crash of the early 2000s, he said that no fewer than 5 times over a decade during those years, he had people trying to flush diapers and wondering why their toilet was clogged and overflowing.  And, apparently, they'd get angry when he'd explain that they CANNOT do it again or they'd have to pay the costs themselves for all repairs. 

Some people just weren't given the good sense to make even entry-level decisions, and apparently, he was their landlord.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theresnothinghere on March 22, 2020, 12:16:18 AM
I'm in California, I work for a really progressive employer and they had us start working from home because of it on 3/2 and advised us to stay inside since then, before that I had a cold so I've been home for almost 30 days and i'm honestly getting really stir crazy. We have ordinances to stay in home here until beginning of April but you can still go out for essential stuff. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lazer69 on March 22, 2020, 01:43:49 AM
I'm in California, I work for a really progressive employer and they had us start working from home because of it on 3/2 and advised us to stay inside since then, before that I had a cold so I've been home for almost 30 days and i'm honestly getting really stir crazy. We have ordinances to stay in home here until beginning of April but you can still go out for essential stuff.

What does " a really progressive employer" mean?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mouth on March 22, 2020, 02:33:09 AM
Just got a notice announcing the first confirmed covid 19 case in our condo. Victim in hospital. Everyone they were in contact with is being quarantined. Public areas are being disinfected and shut down.

I'm changing strategy. About to head out and panic buy everything I need for a 1 month supply of negronis.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: sexualhelon on March 22, 2020, 02:51:13 AM
Just got a notice announcing the first confirmed covid 19 case in our condo. Victim in hospital. Everyone they were in contact with is being quarantined. Public areas are being disinfected and shut down.

I'm changing strategy. About to head out and panic buy everything I need for a 1 month supply of negronis.

I usually drink beer. Bought a crate of 20 and almost out of those.

Someone left a bottle of nice tonic water at my flat from a get together in November. Based on that, I decided to buy gin. Then I realized that, of all liquors, the supermarkets around me were sold out of gin. Everything else was still there for the most part aside from cheap wines.

Finally found a bottle yesterday. Probably should have just gotten whiskey or stuck to beer. Why Germans are recently so obsessed with gin, I don't quite understand.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 22, 2020, 07:25:26 AM
My wife still having to work she has a salon and apparently getting your hair done is essential in these times. I’m working at home but they cut me to 5 hrs/wk so I feel the can is next.

I heard from a reliable source that tomorrow they may be shutting a lot of shit down maybe grab some food or shit on your way home today

"Reliable source"

Twitter and text message screenshots  from your friends friend who works in the government are all fake dude. AP news has an article about it. My girlfriend's mom sent her a screenshot "from a reliable source" as well. It's all bullshit. Especially one saying "they may be shutting down." That's speculative nonsense. Any regular person can see that the "government may be shutting things down." Multiple states are clearly doing that.

Who's the source bud?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 22, 2020, 09:54:19 AM
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My wife still having to work she has a salon and apparently getting your hair done is essential in these times. I’m working at home but they cut me to 5 hrs/wk so I feel the can is next.

I heard from a reliable source that tomorrow they may be shutting a lot of shit down maybe grab some food or shit on your way home today

"Reliable source"

Twitter and text message screenshots  from your friends friend who works in the government are all fake dude. AP news has an article about it. My girlfriend's mom sent her a screenshot "from a reliable source" as well. It's all bullshit. Especially one saying "they may be shutting down." That's speculative nonsense. Any regular person can see that the "government may be shutting things down." Multiple states are clearly doing that.

Who's the source bud?

Euro TM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Francis Xavier on March 22, 2020, 11:56:36 AM
Heard the Pentagon is shutting down for a few weeks via my friend's sister in law's husband's government boss.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: secondhandstoke on March 22, 2020, 11:57:56 AM
Heard the Pentagon is shutting down for a few weeks via my friend's sister in law's husband's government boss.

we attacked iran last week tho
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr.Jenkins on March 22, 2020, 12:37:19 PM
Sweden is kinda on a wierd waiting period now. No full lockdown yet, higher education schools closed, no events with more then 500 persons allowed. We dont have the mentality that would cause riots or cues, but some things fly off the shelves now. Yeast, flour, rice and pasta basically. And TP of course. Other then that all shops are stocked. Its kinda empty on the streets, but at the same time, people kinda go about their day.

Went skating yesterday, and skated outside our towns technical college, which is this huge and famous school, that is closed (even though some people went in and out). A girl showed up with a board, and asked if we wanted to skate the miniramp in the basement. Which I had no fucking idea existed. Ive been fully involved in basically every aspect of the scene here the last 25 years, but somehow, this secret had escaped me. Went into the school, which was ghostly empty. Skated the halls and had a session in the ramp, which kinda sucked but fun enough. So thanks Corona for that at least.  We also went to this spot yesterday, which is usually a bust. Totally empty so got a session on. Shot this of a friend:


We are a reversed people, and the elders usually dont live with the family, so we have this kind of "natural" distancing with older demographic, which I think gonna help us.

The economy is gonna take a big hit though. Read an article yesterday about layoff in the past week, listing a few big companies, an the numbers was up in 30 000 people already. And some of the big companies has done short-time layoffs, that could be extended. Airline SAS, 10 000 people. Volvo stopped production, 45 000 people. And much more, not to say all the people in the service sector or small business. This is a disaster. Bear in mind that we have a population of 10 millions only. Im in a facebook group for jobs on my tow, and its tragic and scary to see how many people have been lay offed and are desperate.

21 death so far here. And secondhandstoke, the virus might not affect you health, but it will to the older demographic. What do you think will happen when the numbers rise? Over 600 deaths in Italy today alone. It might not affect your health, but trust me, it will affect your wallet. You should be scared.

Our prime minister is holding a speech to the nation today in about 40 minutes. Thats not common, so interesting to see what follows.

At this point, Im consider myself lucky that have a (so far) steady, upper management job that allows me to work from home. But who knows what will follow.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: WastedHippy on March 22, 2020, 01:00:40 PM
"Australia is shutting down “non-essential” services as coronavirus cases skyrocket around the country.

Pubs, clubs, gyms, cinemas and places of worship will be shut from midday on Monday, while restaurants and cafes will switch to takeaway only."
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Francis Xavier on March 22, 2020, 01:11:09 PM
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Heard the Pentagon is shutting down for a few weeks via my friend's sister in law's husband's government boss.

we attacked iran last week tho


nah,it's just the common hearsay
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 22, 2020, 01:56:23 PM
Sweden is kinda on a wierd waiting period now. No full lockdown yet, higher education schools closed, no events with more then 500 persons allowed. We dont have the mentality that would cause riots or cues, but some things fly off the shelves now. Yeast, flour, rice and pasta basically. And TP of course. Other then that all shops are stocked. Its kinda empty on the streets, but at the same time, people kinda go about their day.

Went skating yesterday, and skated outside our towns technical college, which is this huge and famous school, that is closed (even though some people went in and out). A girl showed up with a board, and asked if we wanted to skate the miniramp in the basement. Which I had no fucking idea existed. Ive been fully involved in basically every aspect of the scene here the last 25 years, but somehow, this secret had escaped me. Went into the school, which was ghostly empty. Skated the halls and had a session in the ramp, which kinda sucked but fun enough. So thanks Corona for that at least.  We also went to this spot yesterday, which is usually a bust. Totally empty so got a session on. Shot this of a friend:


We are a reversed people, and the elders usually dont live with the family, so we have this kind of "natural" distancing with older demographic, which I think gonna help us.

The economy is gonna take a big hit though. Read an article yesterday about layoff in the past week, listing a few big companies, an the numbers was up in 30 000 people already. And some of the big companies has done short-time layoffs, that could be extended. Airline SAS, 10 000 people. Volvo stopped production, 45 000 people. And much more, not to say all the people in the service sector or small business. This is a disaster. Bear in mind that we have a population of 10 millions only. Im in a facebook group for jobs on my tow, and its tragic and scary to see how many people have been lay offed and are desperate.

21 death so far here. And secondhandstoke, the virus might not affect you health, but it will to the older demographic. What do you think will happen when the numbers rise? Over 600 deaths in Italy today alone. It might not affect your health, but trust me, it will affect your wallet. You should be scared.

Our prime minister is holding a speech to the nation today in about 40 minutes. Thats not common, so interesting to see what follows.

At this point, Im consider myself lucky that have a (so far) steady, upper management job that allows me to work from home. But who knows what will follow.

Dude you better be careful or youre gonna get the coronavirus. Going down to basement miniramps, are fucking loco? Stay inside your home, guy, trust me...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr.Jenkins on March 22, 2020, 02:19:13 PM
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Sweden is kinda on a wierd waiting period now. No full lockdown yet, higher education schools closed, no events with more then 500 persons allowed. We dont have the mentality that would cause riots or cues, but some things fly off the shelves now. Yeast, flour, rice and pasta basically. And TP of course. Other then that all shops are stocked. Its kinda empty on the streets, but at the same time, people kinda go about their day.

Went skating yesterday, and skated outside our towns technical college, which is this huge and famous school, that is closed (even though some people went in and out). A girl showed up with a board, and asked if we wanted to skate the miniramp in the basement. Which I had no fucking idea existed. Ive been fully involved in basically every aspect of the scene here the last 25 years, but somehow, this secret had escaped me. Went into the school, which was ghostly empty. Skated the halls and had a session in the ramp, which kinda sucked but fun enough. So thanks Corona for that at least.  We also went to this spot yesterday, which is usually a bust. Totally empty so got a session on. Shot this of a friend:


We are a reversed people, and the elders usually dont live with the family, so we have this kind of "natural" distancing with older demographic, which I think gonna help us.

The economy is gonna take a big hit though. Read an article yesterday about layoff in the past week, listing a few big companies, an the numbers was up in 30 000 people already. And some of the big companies has done short-time layoffs, that could be extended. Airline SAS, 10 000 people. Volvo stopped production, 45 000 people. And much more, not to say all the people in the service sector or small business. This is a disaster. Bear in mind that we have a population of 10 millions only. Im in a facebook group for jobs on my tow, and its tragic and scary to see how many people have been lay offed and are desperate.

21 death so far here. And secondhandstoke, the virus might not affect you health, but it will to the older demographic. What do you think will happen when the numbers rise? Over 600 deaths in Italy today alone. It might not affect your health, but trust me, it will affect your wallet. You should be scared.

Our prime minister is holding a speech to the nation today in about 40 minutes. Thats not common, so interesting to see what follows.

At this point, Im consider myself lucky that have a (so far) steady, upper management job that allows me to work from home. But who knows what will follow.

Dude you better be careful or youre gonna get the coronavirus. Going down to basement miniramps, are fucking loco? Stay inside your home, guy, trust me...

Im working from home. I skate with 2 friends only, in remote areas and Im careful of contact. And I drive my car everywhere, to avoid public transportation. Im more careful then most people. Im not afraid of it myself, but I dont want to pass it on to someone at risk. And Im pretty sure I already had it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on March 22, 2020, 03:51:05 PM
This week my boss sat me down and started laying me off then started feeling sad and guilty and backpedaled because we’re cool and I bust my ass. I talked my way into reminding him that I am “essential” and he’s tryna keep me but he’s not promising being able to pay me past next week. So I’m in limbo but assuming I’m out a job.

We closed our 6 retails cafes, all those baristas and managers are furloughed, I’m continuing wholesale coffee as long as possible but who’s buying when the restaurants are closed. Got my resume lookin good and started applying but who the fuck will be hiring right now.

What if you agreed to take a pay cut for a couple of months? It sounds like your boss is nice and if you like your job it may be worth taking a small hit now for long term success with the company.

Just a thought...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on March 22, 2020, 04:02:08 PM
The mask shortage is worse than they are telling us.

I work in the PPE (personal protective equipment) industry and I have been told by a government contractor that there is an 8-12 week lead time on N95 masks.

China stopped allowing these masks to be shipped because they needed them for their outbreak.

My small company was asked to help supply material for 50,000,000 surgical masks that need to be made over the next couple of months, but that is two years worth of product and we only have enough to make 5,000,000.

I told the guy to call 3M and DuPont and he said he’s called everybody.

Here is an article dealing with the shortage:
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 22, 2020, 04:22:14 PM
People are fucking idiots and not taking the shelter in place seriously. So many DUIs came through last night. Nobody gives a fuck.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on March 22, 2020, 04:24:56 PM
Cops is bean bagging people point blank in the dome piece.

Miami is going to burn

I obviously don't live in Miami
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 22, 2020, 04:41:21 PM
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This week my boss sat me down and started laying me off then started feeling sad and guilty and backpedaled because we’re cool and I bust my ass. I talked my way into reminding him that I am “essential” and he’s tryna keep me but he’s not promising being able to pay me past next week. So I’m in limbo but assuming I’m out a job.

We closed our 6 retails cafes, all those baristas and managers are furloughed, I’m continuing wholesale coffee as long as possible but who’s buying when the restaurants are closed. Got my resume lookin good and started applying but who the fuck will be hiring right now.

What if you agreed to take a pay cut for a couple of months? It sounds like your boss is nice and if you like your job it may be worth taking a small hit now for long term success with the company.

Just a thought...

Thanks. I did offer to take a paycut already after that conversation. If he can keep me he will. If restaurants and cafes don’t open after next week I’m not even sure how he could justify paying me because there’s not much for me to do but I told him I can work on whatever needed until things normalize. We’ll see.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: igrindtwinkies on March 22, 2020, 05:28:55 PM
Rand Paul caught it lol.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 22, 2020, 05:45:07 PM
Weinstein got it. i imagine we'll hear that he's dead suddenly like Epstein.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jay_nev on March 22, 2020, 07:12:46 PM
NY governor doesn’t expect normalcy for 9 months?? Normalcy is subjective now that this event will be a part of our lifetimes
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givediptoboogieboarders on March 22, 2020, 07:45:05 PM
Im sorta   stocked on this
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: winecrab on March 22, 2020, 08:17:19 PM
Cops is bean bagging people point blank in the dome piece.

Miami is going to burn

I obviously don't live in Miami

What makes you say that? Not that I disagree or anything. I live in Miami but don't watch the news. My mom calls me a couple of times a week and it's all she talks about. I'm worried cuz me and my wife are currently unemployed and we don't have enough supplies for a month. Shit, we just used up our last roll of tp. Things are gonna get gnarly for sure.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: roscoemoore1 on March 22, 2020, 08:54:34 PM
New Zealand:

Today moved to our second highest alert level for 48 hours, while the nation prepares the highest alert level thereafter. Four week lock down for everyone basically, bar essential services.

kia kaha everyone
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 22, 2020, 09:34:18 PM
Shalom and prosper. Keep your distance.

Fuck I gotta go to work tomorrow.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 22, 2020, 09:51:07 PM
Shalom and prosper in thine quarantine

I'm enjoying myself honestly.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: SATIVA HYBRID on March 22, 2020, 10:50:28 PM
cases doubling in my city everyday because college kids are fucking idiots who cant be bothered to listen to anyone
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 22, 2020, 10:59:38 PM
cases doubling in my city everyday because college kids are fucking idiots who cant be bothered to listen to anyone

I don't think it's just college kids honestly. I was at a grocery store yesterday and I'm shitting you not, a lady that was well over 65 stood directly in between the sliding doors when she was leaving, parked her fucking cart there and just dug through her purse or some dumb shit while we all tried to move around her. So many middle aged people where I was were out at 7 am yesterday, bumping into each other and shit. I've always thought that the majority was dumb as fuck but it's kind of pathetic how little common sense some most people have.

I wouldn't just not mind, I would honestly welcome this disease if it just rocked all the dumb people that can't understand to stay at least six feet away from each other. The assholes at the beaches and disney and what have you that hear the direction and just ignore it. Unfortunately it's just the old and meek that die from this and I don't generally wish death on those kinds of people. Unless they drive like shit. Old people that drive like shit can get fucked.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 23, 2020, 05:16:12 AM
germany going all in against this. until april 5th at least it's going to be like this:

-no visits to anyone, not even friends. no one allowed to visit you at your crib either.

-only two people together allowed outside at a time, in bavaria you are only allowed to be in company of people you live with, in the rest of the country you can theoretically meet with a friend outside. but that friend also has to be your neighbor basically.

-if you have a partner that doesn't live with you you have to explain and hope they let you visit, otherwise you can't see each other for two weeks(officially)

-walks and bikerides, doing excercise outside is all good, but has to be done around the house perimeter, so i am lucky to have a parking lot right on the other side of the street so i could theoretically still skate. 

-all business where there is social interaction except for grocery stores and pharmacies are closed since today. food places are only allowed to offer take out or delivery.

-police on the streets will enforce rules, you can get fined up to 25k € or sentenced to up to two years if you disobey.

apparently, you are fine though and can go where you want as long as you are alone. it's not clear how far from home you are allowed to move though.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dad_Brains on March 23, 2020, 05:44:21 AM
New Zealand:

Today moved to our second highest alert level for 48 hours, while the nation prepares the highest alert level thereafter. Four week lock down for everyone basically, bar essential services.

kia kaha everyone

NZ is basically shut off from the rest of the world now. Spent $12 grand over the last two days buying tickets to try get home but each connection point got cancelled so now there’s no actual way to get there from Europe. Hoping for a refund rather than credit but we’ll see...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Idk on March 23, 2020, 05:44:36 AM
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cases doubling in my city everyday because college kids are fucking idiots who cant be bothered to listen to anyone

I don't think it's just college kids honestly. I was at a grocery store yesterday and I'm shitting you not, a lady that was well over 65 stood directly in between the sliding doors when she was leaving, parked her fucking cart there and just dug through her purse or some dumb shit while we all tried to move around her. So many middle aged people where I was were out at 7 am yesterday, bumping into each other and shit. I've always thought that the majority was dumb as fuck but it's kind of pathetic how little common sense some most people have.

I wouldn't just not mind, I would honestly welcome this disease if it just rocked all the dumb people that can't understand to stay at least six feet away from each other. The assholes at the beaches and disney and what have you that hear the direction and just ignore it. Unfortunately it's just the old and meek that die from this and I don't generally wish death on those kinds of people. Unless they drive like shit. Old people that drive like shit can get fucked.
If you smoke you’re at risk. If you have diabetes or are obese you’re at risk. If you’re immunocompromised in anyway you’re at risk. There’s a 5/6 year old kid in my neighborhood that needs a breathing tube for daily life and I sure as hell don’t want to get it and possibly give it to him. This virus doesn’t care who you are and we should work together to flatten the curve. Skate like it’s 2008. Alone at a parking lot/vacant cvs
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Idk on March 23, 2020, 05:46:16 AM
Weinstein got it. i imagine we'll hear that he's dead suddenly like Epstein.
Puleo said that on insta. Can anyone ELI5 to me this conspiracy??
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cosmicgypsies on March 23, 2020, 06:01:25 AM
brit here, schools/unis closed, bars/pubs/restaurants/gyms/any leisure activities closed, mcdonalds shutting completely today. pretty much self isolating for the fact i have an elderly grandparent with numerous health conditions i have to look after and theres zero chance she'd survive if she got that shit

keeping myself amused/not lonely/etc has never been a problem for me with the knowledge i'd have the capability for social/human interaction, take that away and it starts taking it's toll. gonna buy a modded 360, download a shit ton of games and burn through em.

hope everyone is staying safe.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 23, 2020, 06:09:34 AM
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Weinstein got it. i imagine we'll hear that he's dead suddenly like Epstein.
Puleo said that on insta. Can anyone ELI5 to me this conspiracy??

I’m not 100%, but I believe conspiracy people think a group of wealthy powerful kid fuckers had Epstein whacked by a CO who then tampered with the scene to make it look like a suicide because Epstein was one of them/knew their secrets.
Weinstein, however, was a woman raper, so I’m not sure how these would be related.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on March 23, 2020, 06:25:42 AM
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Cops is bean bagging people point blank in the dome piece.

Miami is going to burn

I obviously don't live in Miami

What makes you say that? Not that I disagree or anything. I live in Miami but don't watch the news. My mom calls me a couple of times a week and it's all she talks about. I'm worried cuz me and my wife are currently unemployed and we don't have enough supplies for a month. Shit, we just used up our last roll of tp. Things are gonna get gnarly for sure.

some of my dirty kid homie got videos of civil unrest Grenades and bean bag guns on the beach.

They shot this guy 5 or 6 x then shot him in the face

I'm sorry about your situation.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 23, 2020, 06:33:36 AM
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Weinstein got it. i imagine we'll hear that he's dead suddenly like Epstein.
Puleo said that on insta. Can anyone ELI5 to me this conspiracy??

I’m not 100%, but I believe conspiracy people think a group of wealthy powerful kid fuckers had Epstein whacked by a CO who then tampered with the scene to make it look like a suicide because Epstein was one of them/knew their secrets.
Weinstein, however, was a woman raper, so I’m not sure how these would be related.
Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell were Mossad agents. that's how they were able to get up close and personal with world leaders and apparently, world leaders have a pedo streak. they'd videotape the encounters and blackmail those politicians for life [Bill Clinton in a dress]. it's also how Epstein barely served time for his first pedo charge.
if you ever wondered why American foreign policy is basically at the behest of Israel, thank your politicians who fell into the honeypots.
the theory is that Epstein was removed under sheet and flown back to Israel to live out his days free. there is a precedent for sex criminals running to Israel under the 'law of return' but usually not so dramatically.
not sure if Weinstein is similarly involved.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 23, 2020, 06:56:23 AM
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Weinstein got it. i imagine we'll hear that he's dead suddenly like Epstein.
Puleo said that on insta. Can anyone ELI5 to me this conspiracy??

I’m not 100%, but I believe conspiracy people think a group of wealthy powerful kid fuckers had Epstein whacked by a CO who then tampered with the scene to make it look like a suicide because Epstein was one of them/knew their secrets.
Weinstein, however, was a woman raper, so I’m not sure how these would be related.
Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell were Mossad agents. that's how they were able to get up close and personal with world leaders and apparently, world leaders have a pedo streak. they'd videotape the encounters and blackmail those politicians for life [Bill Clinton in a dress]. it's also how Epstein barely served time for his first pedo charge.
if you ever wondered why American foreign policy is basically at the behest of Israel, thank your politicians who fell into the honeypots.
the theory is that Epstein was removed under sheet and flown back to Israel to live out his days free. there is a precedent for sex criminals running to Israel under the 'law of return' but usually not so dramatically.
not sure if Weinstein is similarly involved.

Did you incur a traumatic brain injury, or were you born profoundly disabled?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 23, 2020, 07:27:21 AM
Welp, there goes the job. Furloughed anyway.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 23, 2020, 08:18:40 AM
germany going all in against this. until april 5th at least it's going to be like this:

-no visits to anyone, not even friends. no one allowed to visit you at your crib either.

-only two people together allowed outside at a time, in bavaria you are only allowed to be in company of people you live with, in the rest of the country you can theoretically meet with a friend outside. but that friend also has to be your neighbor basically.

-if you have a partner that doesn't live with you you have to explain and hope they let you visit, otherwise you can't see each other for two weeks(officially)

-walks and bikerides, doing excercise outside is all good, but has to be done around the house perimeter, so i am lucky to have a parking lot right on the other side of the street so i could theoretically still skate. 

-all business where there is social interaction except for grocery stores and pharmacies are closed since today. food places are only allowed to offer take out or delivery.

-police on the streets will enforce rules, you can get fined up to 25k € or sentenced to up to two years if you disobey.

apparently, you are fine though and can go where you want as long as you are alone. it's not clear how far from home you are allowed to move though.
but you're still accepting migrants. the unmitigated [Fred] Gall of Angela Merkel!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 23, 2020, 08:48:35 AM
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cases doubling in my city everyday because college kids are fucking idiots who cant be bothered to listen to anyone

I don't think it's just college kids honestly. I was at a grocery store yesterday and I'm shitting you not, a lady that was well over 65 stood directly in between the sliding doors when she was leaving, parked her fucking cart there and just dug through her purse or some dumb shit while we all tried to move around her. So many middle aged people where I was were out at 7 am yesterday, bumping into each other and shit. I've always thought that the majority was dumb as fuck but it's kind of pathetic how little common sense some most people have.

I wouldn't just not mind, I would honestly welcome this disease if it just rocked all the dumb people that can't understand to stay at least six feet away from each other. The assholes at the beaches and disney and what have you that hear the direction and just ignore it. Unfortunately it's just the old and meek that die from this and I don't generally wish death on those kinds of people. Unless they drive like shit. Old people that drive like shit can get fucked.
If you smoke you’re at risk. If you have diabetes or are obese you’re at risk. If you’re immunocompromised in anyway you’re at risk. There’s a 5/6 year old kid in my neighborhood that needs a breathing tube for daily life and I sure as hell don’t want to get it and possibly give it to him. This virus doesn’t care who you are and we should work together to flatten the curve. Skate like it’s 2008. Alone at a parking lot/vacant cvs

Well except the virus generally does care who you are. If you're a normal healthy peraon you most likely will be okay. That's what sucks. A lot of normal, healthy, completely stupid people that aren't taking precautions will be fine while old and sick people get rocked. Amd that was my point. Not really sure what point you're trying to make in response to mine, but oh well.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 23, 2020, 09:03:09 AM
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Weinstein got it. i imagine we'll hear that he's dead suddenly like Epstein.
Puleo said that on insta. Can anyone ELI5 to me this conspiracy??

I’m not 100%, but I believe conspiracy people think a group of wealthy powerful kid fuckers had Epstein whacked by a CO who then tampered with the scene to make it look like a suicide because Epstein was one of them/knew their secrets.
Weinstein, however, was a woman raper, so I’m not sure how these would be related.
Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell were Mossad agents. that's how they were able to get up close and personal with world leaders and apparently, world leaders have a pedo streak. they'd videotape the encounters and blackmail those politicians for life [Bill Clinton in a dress]. it's also how Epstein barely served time for his first pedo charge.
if you ever wondered why American foreign policy is basically at the behest of Israel, thank your politicians who fell into the honeypots.
the theory is that Epstein was removed under sheet and flown back to Israel to live out his days free. there is a precedent for sex criminals running to Israel under the 'law of return' but usually not so dramatically.
not sure if Weinstein is similarly involved.

Lol, people will fucking believe anything. While I wouldn't doubt for a fucking second that Israel would use pedophilia to blackmail people(since they're cool with flagrant human rights abuses, killing civilians, trying to blow up commercial jets, false flag operations on the US, etc..), you know if Epstein was working for them, they would have just killed him? Like they're not going to fly the fucking guy back to Israel and hide him out there. It's not some third world country where you just go and disappear off the grid. Israel is a first world state. A surveillance state at that.

Epstein is fucking dead. It would never even make sense to keep him alive and Israel sure as shit doesn't care about people enough to hide one of the most notorious pedophiles in the world when they could just kill him.

It sucks cause shit like this is why Israel gets away with everything. You tell people that they're running an apartheid state and tried to blow up a commercial jet liner just to kill a palestinian and they lump you in the same category as the Epstein just got a "jewish hero's welcome" in Israel. If anything, that shit is the real conspiracy. Propoganda like this used to tie conjecture and illegitimacy into any discussion that revolves around states like Israel.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 23, 2020, 09:18:01 AM
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Weinstein got it. i imagine we'll hear that he's dead suddenly like Epstein.
Puleo said that on insta. Can anyone ELI5 to me this conspiracy??

I’m not 100%, but I believe conspiracy people think a group of wealthy powerful kid fuckers had Epstein whacked by a CO who then tampered with the scene to make it look like a suicide because Epstein was one of them/knew their secrets.
Weinstein, however, was a woman raper, so I’m not sure how these would be related.
Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell were Mossad agents. that's how they were able to get up close and personal with world leaders and apparently, world leaders have a pedo streak. they'd videotape the encounters and blackmail those politicians for life [Bill Clinton in a dress]. it's also how Epstein barely served time for his first pedo charge.
if you ever wondered why American foreign policy is basically at the behest of Israel, thank your politicians who fell into the honeypots.
the theory is that Epstein was removed under sheet and flown back to Israel to live out his days free. there is a precedent for sex criminals running to Israel under the 'law of return' but usually not so dramatically.
not sure if Weinstein is similarly involved.

Lol, people will fucking believe anything. While I wouldn't doubt for a fucking second that Israel would use pedophilia to blackmail people(since they're cool with flagrant human rights abuses, killing civilians, trying to blow up commercial jets, false flag operations on the US, etc..), you know if Epstein was working for them, they would have just killed him? Like they're not going to fly the fucking guy back to Israel and hide him out there. It's not some third world country where you just go and disappear off the grid. Israel is a first world state. A surveillance state at that.

Epstein is fucking dead. It would never even make sense to keep him alive and Israel sure as shit doesn't care about people enough to hide one of the most notorious pedophiles in the world when they could just kill him.

It sucks cause shit like this is why Israel gets away with everything. You tell people that they're running an apartheid state and tried to blow up a commercial jet liner just to kill a palestinian and they lump you in the same category as the Epstein just got a "jewish hero's welcome" in Israel. If anything, that shit is the real conspiracy. Propoganda like this used to tie conjecture and illegitimacy into any discussion that revolves around states like Israel.
they're good dancers too.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 23, 2020, 10:03:42 AM
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Weinstein got it. i imagine we'll hear that he's dead suddenly like Epstein.
Puleo said that on insta. Can anyone ELI5 to me this conspiracy??

I’m not 100%, but I believe conspiracy people think a group of wealthy powerful kid fuckers had Epstein whacked by a CO who then tampered with the scene to make it look like a suicide because Epstein was one of them/knew their secrets.
Weinstein, however, was a woman raper, so I’m not sure how these would be related.
Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell were Mossad agents. that's how they were able to get up close and personal with world leaders and apparently, world leaders have a pedo streak. they'd videotape the encounters and blackmail those politicians for life [Bill Clinton in a dress]. it's also how Epstein barely served time for his first pedo charge.
if you ever wondered why American foreign policy is basically at the behest of Israel, thank your politicians who fell into the honeypots.
the theory is that Epstein was removed under sheet and flown back to Israel to live out his days free. there is a precedent for sex criminals running to Israel under the 'law of return' but usually not so dramatically.
not sure if Weinstein is similarly involved.

Lol, people will fucking believe anything. While I wouldn't doubt for a fucking second that Israel would use pedophilia to blackmail people(since they're cool with flagrant human rights abuses, killing civilians, trying to blow up commercial jets, false flag operations on the US, etc..), you know if Epstein was working for them, they would have just killed him? Like they're not going to fly the fucking guy back to Israel and hide him out there. It's not some third world country where you just go and disappear off the grid. Israel is a first world state. A surveillance state at that.

Epstein is fucking dead. It would never even make sense to keep him alive and Israel sure as shit doesn't care about people enough to hide one of the most notorious pedophiles in the world when they could just kill him.

It sucks cause shit like this is why Israel gets away with everything. You tell people that they're running an apartheid state and tried to blow up a commercial jet liner just to kill a palestinian and they lump you in the same category as the Epstein just got a "jewish hero's welcome" in Israel. If anything, that shit is the real conspiracy. Propoganda like this used to tie conjecture and illegitimacy into any discussion that revolves around states like Israel.
they're good dancers too.

They're good people too for the most part. The government can get fucked though. Ethnonationalism is a bad idea regardless of who you are.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 23, 2020, 10:04:27 AM
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blablabla has nothing to do with migrants but all with topic
but you're still accepting migrants. the unmitigated [Fred] Gall of Angela Merkel!
the fuck you are talking about, all borders are closed. and of course we accepted migrants. our precious migrants from eastern europe are gone now so we don't have enough nurses right now, which sucks. 

also if you want to talk conspiracy theories look up the right thread for it or make one(plz don't though).
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: duniwayRobber on March 23, 2020, 10:07:35 AM
Does anybody personally know someone who has contracted CORIV?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 23, 2020, 10:11:36 AM
I'm in a weird position telling people to stay home and social distance themselves when I myself have to go to work... I'm sitting physically at work right now in a "non essential" position wishing I could work from home and wondering what is going to happen when Tennessee joins the 8 states that already have mandatory lock downs... 100 million Americans affected so far. I'm thankful to still have work unlike so many others but I worry about my exposure to others despite how careful I try to be.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tuesday on March 23, 2020, 10:39:43 AM
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germany going all in against this. until april 5th at least it's going to be like this:

-no visits to anyone, not even friends. no one allowed to visit you at your crib either.

-only two people together allowed outside at a time, in bavaria you are only allowed to be in company of people you live with, in the rest of the country you can theoretically meet with a friend outside. but that friend also has to be your neighbor basically.

-if you have a partner that doesn't live with you you have to explain and hope they let you visit, otherwise you can't see each other for two weeks(officially)

-walks and bikerides, doing excercise outside is all good, but has to be done around the house perimeter, so i am lucky to have a parking lot right on the other side of the street so i could theoretically still skate. 

-all business where there is social interaction except for grocery stores and pharmacies are closed since today. food places are only allowed to offer take out or delivery.

-police on the streets will enforce rules, you can get fined up to 25k € or sentenced to up to two years if you disobey.

apparently, you are fine though and can go where you want as long as you are alone. it's not clear how far from home you are allowed to move though.
but you're still accepting migrants. the unmitigated [Fred] Gall of Angela Merkel!

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Nosferatu on March 23, 2020, 10:46:30 AM
I'm in a weird position telling people to stay home and social distance themselves when I myself have to go to work... I'm sitting physically at work right now in a "non essential" position wishing I could work from home and wondering what is going to happen when Tennessee joins the 8 states that already have mandatory lock downs... 100 million Americans affected so far. I'm thankful to still have work unlike so many others but I worry about my exposure to others despite how careful I try to be.

What type of work do you do?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 23, 2020, 10:53:53 AM
Does anybody personally know someone who has contracted CORIV?

I have a few friends who have been ordered to get tested and are stuck sitting at home.

My friend's co-worker came to office coughed on everyone and then tested positive. Also, my friend who works in dental health has to get tested because a patient got it as well.

That being said, I'm remaining cautious but not freaking out.

I just wish I was in that Republican congressman's inner circle so I would have known to shift my 401K around a month ago. Nice he was able to sell his 1.5 million in stock and tell his friends to bail as well.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 23, 2020, 10:56:15 AM
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I'm in a weird position telling people to stay home and social distance themselves when I myself have to go to work... I'm sitting physically at work right now in a "non essential" position wishing I could work from home and wondering what is going to happen when Tennessee joins the 8 states that already have mandatory lock downs... 100 million Americans affected so far. I'm thankful to still have work unlike so many others but I worry about my exposure to others despite how careful I try to be.

What type of work do you do?

Our company provides digital simulations for the carpet industry. I'm on the production team matching yarn colors and simulating carpet patterns.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Idk on March 23, 2020, 11:23:47 AM
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I'm in a weird position telling people to stay home and social distance themselves when I myself have to go to work... I'm sitting physically at work right now in a "non essential" position wishing I could work from home and wondering what is going to happen when Tennessee joins the 8 states that already have mandatory lock downs... 100 million Americans affected so far. I'm thankful to still have work unlike so many others but I worry about my exposure to others despite how careful I try to be.

What type of work do you do?

Our company provides digital simulations for the carpet industry. I'm on the production team matching yarn colors and simulating carpet patterns.
No disrespect to your company but sounds like something you could do from home??
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: El Nugjar on March 23, 2020, 11:24:47 AM
Florida, around Tampa/Bradenton/Sarasota seems like every day life except the beaches being closed now. I ha e made the decision to no go into work starting today myself, but my job was okay with that. Shits going to hit the fan hard like it did in Italy and everyone is going to be wishing they would’ve just stayed home.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: beatifk on March 23, 2020, 11:34:50 AM
Does anybody personally know someone who has contracted CORIV?

I have a friend of the family who tested positive.

He is/was a janitor at the local YMCA... so I'm sure he's spread it or at least whoever he got it from gave it some some others.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 23, 2020, 11:42:12 AM
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I'm in a weird position telling people to stay home and social distance themselves when I myself have to go to work... I'm sitting physically at work right now in a "non essential" position wishing I could work from home and wondering what is going to happen when Tennessee joins the 8 states that already have mandatory lock downs... 100 million Americans affected so far. I'm thankful to still have work unlike so many others but I worry about my exposure to others despite how careful I try to be.

What type of work do you do?

Our company provides digital simulations for the carpet industry. I'm on the production team matching yarn colors and simulating carpet patterns.
No disrespect to your company but sounds like something you could do from home??

Oh no please disrespect them over this. Fully justified.

I have advocated for us (production) working from home (the developers and everyone else are) but have been shut down. Sure it limits what we can do but we could still get digital orders out. I wouldn't be able to make prints or match new yarns but there is still a lot of work I could fulfill from home.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: nutsass on March 23, 2020, 11:59:31 AM
Does anybody personally know someone who has contracted CORIV?

I know three who have tested positive. One is asymptomatic, one had a cough for two weeks, and one is in ICU with pneumonia.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cosmicgypsies on March 23, 2020, 02:14:20 PM
uk lockdown
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 23, 2020, 02:24:55 PM
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germany going all in against this. until april 5th at least it's going to be like this:

-no visits to anyone, not even friends. no one allowed to visit you at your crib either.

-only two people together allowed outside at a time, in bavaria you are only allowed to be in company of people you live with, in the rest of the country you can theoretically meet with a friend outside. but that friend also has to be your neighbor basically.

-if you have a partner that doesn't live with you you have to explain and hope they let you visit, otherwise you can't see each other for two weeks(officially)

-walks and bikerides, doing excercise outside is all good, but has to be done around the house perimeter, so i am lucky to have a parking lot right on the other side of the street so i could theoretically still skate. 

-all business where there is social interaction except for grocery stores and pharmacies are closed since today. food places are only allowed to offer take out or delivery.

-police on the streets will enforce rules, you can get fined up to 25k € or sentenced to up to two years if you disobey.

apparently, you are fine though and can go where you want as long as you are alone. it's not clear how far from home you are allowed to move though.
but you're still accepting migrants. the unmitigated [Fred] Gall of Angela Merkel!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 23, 2020, 02:36:30 PM
That’s it, I’m telling Mossad on you.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on March 23, 2020, 03:14:14 PM
Does anybody personally know someone who has contracted CORIV?

yes but I haven't heard of more than 2. Most people are not getting tested
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: coyote2425 on March 23, 2020, 03:19:14 PM
Brooklyn. Quarantine.

Stores still have stuff, bar around the corner has window service.

Staying in. We'll be OK.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Allen. on March 23, 2020, 03:32:04 PM
Quit my job at a nursing home days before industries collapsed.

Today I’m happy to say I got my job back. Place sucks but getting a paycheck > being homeless.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: FROTHY on March 23, 2020, 03:50:12 PM
Denver issued a stay-at-home order today. Of course, almost all City of Denver projects are exempt from the order and will carry on as usual, so tomorrow I'll be out and about overseeing completely non-essential construction work at a park.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Idk on March 23, 2020, 05:42:48 PM
Denver issued a stay-at-home order today. Of course, almost all City of Denver projects are exempt from the order and will carry on as usual, so tomorrow I'll be out and about overseeing completely non-essential construction work at a park.
Hang in there pal, Trump just said America wasn’t built to be shut down so you know he’s got this pandemic totally under control  :'(
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 23, 2020, 06:08:20 PM
Trump is gonna tell everyone to go back out and go back to normal soon because he needs the economy back for his re-election. He dgaf about some old people dying.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 23, 2020, 06:47:39 PM
Trump is gonna tell everyone to go back out and go back to normal soon because he needs the economy back for his re-election. He dgaf about some old people dying.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tura on March 23, 2020, 07:39:44 PM
-Colin Fiske
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: brycickle on March 23, 2020, 07:41:13 PM
Trump is gonna tell everyone to go back out and go back to normal soon because he needs the economy back for his re-election. He dgaf about some old people dying.
Or young people, for that matter. Or anyone really.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 23, 2020, 10:39:20 PM
I just wish I was in that Republican congressman's inner circle so I would have known to shift my 401K around a month ago. Nice he was able to sell his 1.5 million in stock and tell his friends to bail as well.

Uh, you seem to be leaving out Feinstein and Pelosi also doing the same, it's not a partisan issue, everyone in Washington is crooked as fuck and knows when to bail before the rest do in order to cash in at the optimal time.  There's probably quite a few more, just they either hid their trading better, or, kept the amounts low enough to fly under the radar, but trusting ANYONE in Washington at this point is for fools.  How many times can they burn all of us and have people still thinking that politicians aren't all pretty much human garbage?

It's really, really unfortunate that this is going to be just as much political as it is anything else.  I have a relative who's such a fucking short-signed jerkoff that he actually said he was happy that Pelosi shot down a short-term stimulus package because, it doesn't matter if it helped people, he just hates Trump so much that he wanted to see it fail even if people are broke and suffering and made it very clear that he was celebrating this.  Of course, he makes 6 figures himself, so it's not his problem, it's everyone else's problem!  I'm kind of hoping karma comes back to bite him in the ass for putting politics over what's best for people in trouble, I can't stand that shit anymore when people want to play their shitty team sports garbage at the expense of others.  Some people like that guy are going to get more than just social distancing from me after this, he's gonna get life distanced right the fuck out from my ever speaking to him again.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 23, 2020, 11:17:36 PM
Just found out on the news the 2 people that work in the same building as I do tested positive. Not from work, the news...

What the fuuuuuuck?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 24, 2020, 02:13:29 AM

all your sources are hot garbage though. also, i live here, i have ex refugees amongst coworkers, friends, roommates. you are just some fucking nobody somewhere in bumfuck nowheresville, omaha who is on some vengeance on imaginary people on another continent.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: sexualhelon on March 24, 2020, 04:07:00 AM
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all your sources are hot garbage though. also, i live here, i have ex refugees amongst coworkers, friends, roommates. you are just some fucking nobody somewhere in bumfuck nowheresville, omaha who is on some vengeance on imaginary people on another continent.

Goodness. There's fake news that actually appears to be legit floating around out there. This is just complete garbage. They can't even manage to maintain consistent font-sizes across their site.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on March 24, 2020, 04:12:54 AM
I will repeat my statement from another forum: Trump is looking at a Thanos scenario where he culls the population of mostly retired population that will help stabilize the economy in the coming global recession. As he is apparently running against Biden there is really nothing that he can do to loose the elections other than choking on a chicken-bone-now-is-on.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 24, 2020, 04:50:47 AM
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I just wish I was in that Republican congressman's inner circle so I would have known to shift my 401K around a month ago. Nice he was able to sell his 1.5 million in stock and tell his friends to bail as well.

Uh, you seem to be leaving out Feinstein and Pelosi also doing the same, it's not a partisan issue, everyone in Washington is crooked as fuck and knows when to bail before the rest do in order to cash in at the optimal time.  There's probably quite a few more, just they either hid their trading better, or, kept the amounts low enough to fly under the radar, but trusting ANYONE in Washington at this point is for fools.  How many times can they burn all of us and have people still thinking that politicians aren't all pretty much human garbage?

It's really, really unfortunate that this is going to be just as much political as it is anything else.  I have a relative who's such a fucking short-signed jerkoff that he actually said he was happy that Pelosi shot down a short-term stimulus package because, it doesn't matter if it helped people, he just hates Trump so much that he wanted to see it fail even if people are broke and suffering and made it very clear that he was celebrating this.  Of course, he makes 6 figures himself, so it's not his problem, it's everyone else's problem!  I'm kind of hoping karma comes back to bite him in the ass for putting politics over what's best for people in trouble, I can't stand that shit anymore when people want to play their shitty team sports garbage at the expense of others.  Some people like that guy are going to get more than just social distancing from me after this, he's gonna get life distanced right the fuck out from my ever speaking to him again.

Way to not make it political, there are 4 senators who may have sold their stock based on non-public Coronavirus information. The two sketchiest are Richard Burr (R) who dumped a ton stocks related to hotels and Kelly Loeffler (R) who sold stocks that took a hit then bought stock in teleworking company. The other two are Dianne Feinstein (D) and Jim Inhofe (R) who, if they sold on non-public info, did a much better job of making it look like routine trades.

Pelosi has nothing to do with the situation.

As for the deal being shot down, we need a deal, but we def need a deal that actually helps workers. Shit, a free 1-2K check would be awesome for me and other people who are working from home, but I'd rather see an actual safety net for people who are getting wrecked by this. I won't need that money until next year when I finally get laid off or the value of my home tanks.

Finally, when it comes enjoying other people's misery, no one liked the last recession more than Trump who bragged about all the money he could make. Not all politicians are equally shitty. The idea all politics are corrupt and wrong leads to a simple faith the market will fix it all, which obviously isn't the case here.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 24, 2020, 05:03:19 AM
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all your sources are hot garbage though. also, i live here, i have ex refugees amongst coworkers, friends, roommates. you are just some fucking nobody somewhere in bumfuck nowheresville, omaha who is on some vengeance on imaginary people on another continent.

He’s not from Omaha. He says shit like “I can’t be arsed,” so my guess is UK. He also doesn’t know shit about the US. He’s just a troll.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mouth on March 24, 2020, 06:39:29 AM
Singapore just closed all entertainment venues and banned all gatherings of 10 people or more. Singapore Airlines have grounded 96% of their fleet and short term and transit visitors are no longer welcome as of last night. Strange days...

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheBoognish on March 24, 2020, 06:45:44 AM
Quebec City checking in.

As of 11:59pm tonight, all businesses not deemed “essential” are to shut down for at least 3 weeks. I get paid this week in full, then will have to go to the unemployment office and file a claim. At least I get close to 80% of my salary back on unemployment insurance, so it’s not so bad. Stoked to be in Canada for this. Only thing is most of the province will be on unemployment insurance, so it might take a while to get my money, but at least I’ll get it. Landlord was cool about the whole thing, and told me not to worry about a damn thing, she’s got my back, I mean, i still have my job once this is over.

Funny thing is the SAQ and SQDC (government-run liquor commission and legal weed shops) are considered to be essential, so that’s nice.

Grocery store frenzy has gone down a bit, everything’s available except for eggs for some reason.

Everyone’s on lockdown, gatherings of 2 or more people (except immediate family) are banned and police have already been breaking up parties.

Our Premier, Francois Legault has done a fantastic job so far so I can’t complain.

Got a bunch of workout programs and put my puzzle mats in my living room, i’m going to be training like a motherfucker since that’s all I can do. Also fully stocked in weed and food.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 24, 2020, 07:08:04 AM
Oh shit, Quebec City loves Ween.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on March 24, 2020, 07:55:43 AM
Apparently as of today in Australia we can only have 5 people attend weddings but 10 can attend a funeral.
Everyone needs to stay the fuck indoors but still go to school.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 24, 2020, 08:55:17 AM
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all your sources are hot garbage though. also, i live here, i have ex refugees amongst coworkers, friends, roommates. you are just some fucking nobody somewhere in bumfuck nowheresville, omaha who is on some vengeance on imaginary people on another continent.
you guys can't dispute the facts so you attack the messenger. obviously you're not going to like the source, you're used to your ideological bubble. i initially reacted the same way.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 24, 2020, 09:15:26 AM
dude gtfo with your wacky islamophobia and bogus sources

i mean I can ignore you but i'll still have to see your posts when you're quoted
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: authentic_creed_bratton on March 24, 2020, 09:20:26 AM
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all your sources are hot garbage though. also, i live here, i have ex refugees amongst coworkers, friends, roommates. you are just some fucking nobody somewhere in bumfuck nowheresville, omaha who is on some vengeance on imaginary people on another continent.
you guys can't dispute the facts so you attack the messenger. obviously you're not going to like the source, you're used to your ideological bubble. i initially reacted the same way.

whats it like to be so shitty and unlikeable
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 24, 2020, 09:22:15 AM
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all your sources are hot garbage though. also, i live here, i have ex refugees amongst coworkers, friends, roommates. you are just some fucking nobody somewhere in bumfuck nowheresville, omaha who is on some vengeance on imaginary people on another continent.
you guys can't dispute the facts so you attack the messenger. obviously you're not going to like the source, you're used to your ideological bubble. i initially reacted the same way.

lol, do you actually believe those sources to be legitimate? I can't tell if this is a troll or not but maybe the site that has the phrase "it isn't islamaphobia if they really ARE trying to kill you" and the other one says "wake up to the truth" are more about stirring shit up than actually reporting news.


These are those far right sites that post fake news to rile up the xenophobic retards that think they'll have sharia law imposed onto them that people talk about. Lol, I can't believe people read and link these dumb ass opinion pieces.

If you honestly find this to be a legitimate and credible source, well then you should view my response as an honest attack on your character. You're an idiot. But it's all good. I love seeing people like you post shit like this, not realizing how far over your head the most basic of critical thinking is.

You're swayed by propaganda. Half baked, blatantly stupid, racist propaganda. Why are you so afraid of brown people? Even if some are trying to kill you, you just look like a pussy when you post this and show how afraid you really are of them.

Ha, what a twat.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Peter Zagreus on March 24, 2020, 09:29:38 AM
I really don't know how I'm going to get toilet paper. Why the are people so hellbent on hoarding paper products? This is a respiratory illness, right?
Guess I'm just going to have to go toilet to shower....Or use my left hand like they do in countries with weak plumbing.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 24, 2020, 09:34:54 AM
I really don't know how I'm going to get toilet paper. Why the are people so hellbent on hoarding paper products? This is a respiratory illness, right?
Guess I'm just going to have to go toilet to shower....Or use my left hand like they do in countries with weak plumbing.

They seriously don't have any at any store?

Every time I've gone to the grocery store the TP shelves were sparse, but there were always a few shittier brands there. Really hope you can get some.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 24, 2020, 09:52:58 AM
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all your sources are hot garbage though. also, i live here, i have ex refugees amongst coworkers, friends, roommates. you are just some fucking nobody somewhere in bumfuck nowheresville, omaha who is on some vengeance on imaginary people on another continent.
you guys can't dispute the facts so you attack the messenger. obviously you're not going to like the source, you're used to your ideological bubble. i initially reacted the same way.

lol, do you actually believe those sources to be legitimate? I can't tell if this is a troll or not but maybe the site that has the phrase "it isn't islamaphobia if they really ARE trying to kill you" and the other one says "wake up to the truth" are more about stirring shit up than actually reporting news.


These are those far right sites that post fake news to rile up the xenophobic retards that think they'll have sharia law imposed onto them that people talk about. Lol, I can't believe people read and link these dumb ass opinion pieces.

If you honestly find this to be a legitimate and credible source, well then you should view my response as an honest attack on your character. You're an idiot. But it's all good. I love seeing people like you post shit like this, not realizing how far over your head the most basic of critical thinking is.

You're swayed by propaganda. Half baked, blatantly stupid, racist propaganda. Why are you so afraid of brown people? Even if some are trying to kill you, you just look like a pussy when you post this and show how afraid you really are of them.

Ha, what a twat.
just shared the first sites that came up when i searched. i'm not afraid of anyone in a minority but you'd have to be stupid not to want to live ina majority muslim country. they still hang buttfuckers. they stone rape victims for not fighting harder. they behead christians.
if you're so into brown people, move to an Islamic country and make VLogs about how rad and free it is.
it ain't the color, it's the ideology.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 24, 2020, 10:04:09 AM
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all your sources are hot garbage though. also, i live here, i have ex refugees amongst coworkers, friends, roommates. you are just some fucking nobody somewhere in bumfuck nowheresville, omaha who is on some vengeance on imaginary people on another continent.
you guys can't dispute the facts so you attack the messenger. obviously you're not going to like the source, you're used to your ideological bubble. i initially reacted the same way.

lol, do you actually believe those sources to be legitimate? I can't tell if this is a troll or not but maybe the site that has the phrase "it isn't islamaphobia if they really ARE trying to kill you" and the other one says "wake up to the truth" are more about stirring shit up than actually reporting news.


These are those far right sites that post fake news to rile up the xenophobic retards that think they'll have sharia law imposed onto them that people talk about. Lol, I can't believe people read and link these dumb ass opinion pieces.

If you honestly find this to be a legitimate and credible source, well then you should view my response as an honest attack on your character. You're an idiot. But it's all good. I love seeing people like you post shit like this, not realizing how far over your head the most basic of critical thinking is.

You're swayed by propaganda. Half baked, blatantly stupid, racist propaganda. Why are you so afraid of brown people? Even if some are trying to kill you, you just look like a pussy when you post this and show how afraid you really are of them.

Ha, what a twat.
just shared the first sites that came up when i searched. i'm not afraid of anyone in a minority but you'd have to be stupid not to want to live ina majority muslim country. they still hang buttfuckers. they stone rape victims for not fighting harder. they behead christians.
if you're so into brown people, move to an Islamic country and make VLogs about how rad and free it is.
it ain't the color, it's the ideology.

Lol, you come across as scared. No one is going to make you live in sharia law. You look like a dumbass linking shit like that and like I said, if you're really afraid enough to believe that shit, you're a pussy. Man up and deal with someone if they mess with you or your friends and family and if they aren't then let them live their life.

Like myself and others have said, you make a joke out of yourself by believing and trying to spread this nonsensical, xenophobic trash.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: artskool on March 24, 2020, 10:05:55 AM
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Does anybody personally know someone who has contracted CORIV?

yes but I haven't heard of more than 2. Most people are not getting tested

I know two people that are confirmed. One caught it in Europe, and recovered at home. One caught it in the wild in NYC and is recovering at home as well. They're both just about recovered. My friend's dad caught, not sure where and actually died. Among the first in the USA.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 24, 2020, 10:13:35 AM
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Does anybody personally know someone who has contracted CORIV?

yes but I haven't heard of more than 2. Most people are not getting tested

I know two people that are confirmed. One caught it in Europe, and recovered at home. One caught it in the wild in NYC and is recovering at home as well. They're both just about recovered. My friend's dad caught, not sure where and actually died. Among the first in the USA.

That's awful. Condolences to your friend and their family.

Americans: We are going to be the new epicenter. Please stay at home. I'm at work and furious about it but luckily there are only 7 people here at my office and we keep a good distance and disinfect frequently. I'm putting pressure on the company to let us take our computers home.

Don't gather!!!


That's not going to flatten any time soon. Also the real number are certainly much worse than what is known.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 24, 2020, 10:37:16 AM
I was at microcenter last week because my ram died. Some 78 year old pc gamer got a call while we were in line that his 2 grand kids in NY got it. But they are younger. Thank god I got my ram taken care of because I’ll be working from home soon I do believe.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 24, 2020, 10:42:25 AM
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Does anybody personally know someone who has contracted CORIV?

yes but I haven't heard of more than 2. Most people are not getting tested

I know two people that are confirmed. One caught it in Europe, and recovered at home. One caught it in the wild in NYC and is recovering at home as well. They're both just about recovered. My friend's dad caught, not sure where and actually died. Among the first in the USA.

That's awful. Condolences to your friend and their family.

Americans: We are going to be the new epicenter. Please stay at home. I'm at work and furious about it but luckily there are only 7 people here at my office and we keep a good distance and disinfect frequently. I'm putting pressure on the company to let us take our computers home.

Don't gather!!!


That's not going to flatten any time soon. Also the real number are certainly much worse than what is known.

Damn, I really hope you can work from home soon. It frustrates me because I know businesses like yours will almost certainly end up having to close for a while so why not just do it now and mitigate some risk? So lousy. But you already know that. I hope you can stop going in soon.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Complements4U on March 24, 2020, 10:54:40 AM
I am so goddam jealous u live near a microcenter hot damn
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ungzilla on March 24, 2020, 10:56:23 AM

here's a not at all fun link. shit has gone up 9k over the past hour or so. not chill at all.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 24, 2020, 11:12:55 AM
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all your sources are hot garbage though. also, i live here, i have ex refugees amongst coworkers, friends, roommates. you are just some fucking nobody somewhere in bumfuck nowheresville, omaha who is on some vengeance on imaginary people on another continent.
you guys can't dispute the facts so you attack the messenger. obviously you're not going to like the source, you're used to your ideological bubble. i initially reacted the same way.

lol, do you actually believe those sources to be legitimate? I can't tell if this is a troll or not but maybe the site that has the phrase "it isn't islamaphobia if they really ARE trying to kill you" and the other one says "wake up to the truth" are more about stirring shit up than actually reporting news.


These are those far right sites that post fake news to rile up the xenophobic retards that think they'll have sharia law imposed onto them that people talk about. Lol, I can't believe people read and link these dumb ass opinion pieces.

If you honestly find this to be a legitimate and credible source, well then you should view my response as an honest attack on your character. You're an idiot. But it's all good. I love seeing people like you post shit like this, not realizing how far over your head the most basic of critical thinking is.

You're swayed by propaganda. Half baked, blatantly stupid, racist propaganda. Why are you so afraid of brown people? Even if some are trying to kill you, you just look like a pussy when you post this and show how afraid you really are of them.

Ha, what a twat.
up to a million young girls have been gang raped in UK in the last few years by Pakistani muslims. are they all pussies?
Lebanon was a beautiful first world country until they offered shelter to Palestinean refugees. once they'd gained a majority, they turned Lebanon into a shithole like every other majority muslim country. in the world.
it ain't the brown, it's the ideology, as stated before.
they agitate, riot and use terror. you don't want to live around it. it's popular to push a PC party line 'everyone is just the same' but it's not true. not at all.
it's easier to not care if you're a normal guy.
the Pulse nightclub shooting of 49 gay men was muslim related. i wonder if they might have a different view than you?
also, the almost a million young British girls raped by 'grooming gangs'.
but hey, you're tough so you're all good.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 24, 2020, 11:17:06 AM
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all your sources are hot garbage though. also, i live here, i have ex refugees amongst coworkers, friends, roommates. you are just some fucking nobody somewhere in bumfuck nowheresville, omaha who is on some vengeance on imaginary people on another continent.
you guys can't dispute the facts so you attack the messenger. obviously you're not going to like the source, you're used to your ideological bubble. i initially reacted the same way.

lol, do you actually believe those sources to be legitimate? I can't tell if this is a troll or not but maybe the site that has the phrase "it isn't islamaphobia if they really ARE trying to kill you" and the other one says "wake up to the truth" are more about stirring shit up than actually reporting news.


These are those far right sites that post fake news to rile up the xenophobic retards that think they'll have sharia law imposed onto them that people talk about. Lol, I can't believe people read and link these dumb ass opinion pieces.

If you honestly find this to be a legitimate and credible source, well then you should view my response as an honest attack on your character. You're an idiot. But it's all good. I love seeing people like you post shit like this, not realizing how far over your head the most basic of critical thinking is.

You're swayed by propaganda. Half baked, blatantly stupid, racist propaganda. Why are you so afraid of brown people? Even if some are trying to kill you, you just look like a pussy when you post this and show how afraid you really are of them.

Ha, what a twat.
up to a million young girls have been gang raped in UK in the last few years by Pakistani muslims. are they all pussies?
Lebanon was a beautiful first world country until they offered shelter to Palestinean refugees. once they'd gained a majority, they turned Lebanon into a shithole like every other majority muslim country. in the world.
it ain't the brown, it's the ideology, as stated before.
they agitate, riot and use terror. you don't want to live around it. it's popular to push a PC party line 'everyone is just the same' but it's not true. not at all.
it's easier to not care if you're a normal guy.
the Pulse nightclub shooting of 49 gay men was muslim related. i wonder if they might have a different view than you?
also, the almost a million young British girls raped by 'grooming gangs'.
but hey, you're tough so you're all good.

hahaha, you seriously believe a million girls in the UK have been raped by musliims? Dude, that's over a percent of the population. That's literally insane. You're deluded by the stupid ass propaganda you've linked.

I don't need to argue with you. You should just know you straight up seem regular and no one that has half a brain respects you or your opinion when you spout off nonsense like this. Have fun living in your overly paranoid, xenophobic bubble. Must suck to get all riled up and upset over blatantly fake news hahaha.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Salsa Verde on March 24, 2020, 11:33:37 AM
SD checking in here. Got out of the house yesterday to walk cuz my back was giving trouble for quarantining myself for days on end and people were posted up partying like vay cay style at the beach and parking lots. Today law enforcement was out in all the parking lots to make sure no one can park and post up. In all seriousness, it’s ridiculous how many people are not taking this shit seriously. Stay home unless you NEED food or an hour of exercise and let’s get this shit on the road to recovery. This thing is no joke! The sooner EVERYBODY starts taking this thing seriously and doing their part, the sooner we will all be on the road to recovery.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TastyBurrito on March 24, 2020, 11:41:01 AM
Long Beach checking in. The beaches aren't as bad as Huntington, Manhattan, Venice. But people are still making trips out to the beach to play volleyball, basketball, etc. I live near the bluffs and while most are walking their dogs, some people are still holding training sessions, doing yoga, etc.

I've been cooped up in my apartment but needed to hit the bank today. Took the cruiser there. Felt good to get some fresh air. But after, I scrubbed to elbows and am going to just chill with a book while I wait for work to email me back about some projects.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 24, 2020, 02:08:26 PM
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all your sources are hot garbage though. also, i live here, i have ex refugees amongst coworkers, friends, roommates. you are just some fucking nobody somewhere in bumfuck nowheresville, omaha who is on some vengeance on imaginary people on another continent.
you guys can't dispute the facts so you attack the messenger. obviously you're not going to like the source, you're used to your ideological bubble. i initially reacted the same way.

lol, do you actually believe those sources to be legitimate? I can't tell if this is a troll or not but maybe the site that has the phrase "it isn't islamaphobia if they really ARE trying to kill you" and the other one says "wake up to the truth" are more about stirring shit up than actually reporting news.


These are those far right sites that post fake news to rile up the xenophobic retards that think they'll have sharia law imposed onto them that people talk about. Lol, I can't believe people read and link these dumb ass opinion pieces.

If you honestly find this to be a legitimate and credible source, well then you should view my response as an honest attack on your character. You're an idiot. But it's all good. I love seeing people like you post shit like this, not realizing how far over your head the most basic of critical thinking is.

You're swayed by propaganda. Half baked, blatantly stupid, racist propaganda. Why are you so afraid of brown people? Even if some are trying to kill you, you just look like a pussy when you post this and show how afraid you really are of them.

Ha, what a twat.
up to a million young girls have been gang raped in UK in the last few years by Pakistani muslims. are they all pussies?
Lebanon was a beautiful first world country until they offered shelter to Palestinean refugees. once they'd gained a majority, they turned Lebanon into a shithole like every other majority muslim country. in the world.
it ain't the brown, it's the ideology, as stated before.
they agitate, riot and use terror. you don't want to live around it. it's popular to push a PC party line 'everyone is just the same' but it's not true. not at all.
it's easier to not care if you're a normal guy.
the Pulse nightclub shooting of 49 gay men was muslim related. i wonder if they might have a different view than you?
also, the almost a million young British girls raped by 'grooming gangs'.
but hey, you're tough so you're all good.

hahaha, you seriously believe a million girls in the UK have been raped by musliims? Dude, that's over a percent of the population. That's literally insane. You're deluded by the stupid ass propaganda you've linked.

I don't need to argue with you. You should just know you straight up seem regular and no one that has half a brain respects you or your opinion when you spout off nonsense like this. Have fun living in your overly paranoid, xenophobic bubble. Must suck to get all riled up and upset over blatantly fake news hahaha.
you never did provide a cogent argument. 'you're a pussy' or 'you're scared of brown people' is hardly bringing facts to teh table.
i admit that one million seems high but it's an estimate. these were awful, awful huge crimes that were allowed to go on because the police feared being 'racist' by going after teh people they knew were doing it.
kind of like not blocking travel from China immediately for similar concerns has helped spread Corona around the globe.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 24, 2020, 02:20:43 PM
So what you’re saying is: the English were, and still are, at fault. Agreed.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 24, 2020, 02:29:04 PM
So what you’re saying is: the English were, and still are, at fault. Agreed.
cool victim blame, bro
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 24, 2020, 03:17:47 PM
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all your sources are hot garbage though. also, i live here, i have ex refugees amongst coworkers, friends, roommates. you are just some fucking nobody somewhere in bumfuck nowheresville, omaha who is on some vengeance on imaginary people on another continent.
you guys can't dispute the facts so you attack the messenger. obviously you're not going to like the source, you're used to your ideological bubble. i initially reacted the same way.

lol, do you actually believe those sources to be legitimate? I can't tell if this is a troll or not but maybe the site that has the phrase "it isn't islamaphobia if they really ARE trying to kill you" and the other one says "wake up to the truth" are more about stirring shit up than actually reporting news.


These are those far right sites that post fake news to rile up the xenophobic retards that think they'll have sharia law imposed onto them that people talk about. Lol, I can't believe people read and link these dumb ass opinion pieces.

If you honestly find this to be a legitimate and credible source, well then you should view my response as an honest attack on your character. You're an idiot. But it's all good. I love seeing people like you post shit like this, not realizing how far over your head the most basic of critical thinking is.

You're swayed by propaganda. Half baked, blatantly stupid, racist propaganda. Why are you so afraid of brown people? Even if some are trying to kill you, you just look like a pussy when you post this and show how afraid you really are of them.

Ha, what a twat.
up to a million young girls have been gang raped in UK in the last few years by Pakistani muslims. are they all pussies?
Lebanon was a beautiful first world country until they offered shelter to Palestinean refugees. once they'd gained a majority, they turned Lebanon into a shithole like every other majority muslim country. in the world.
it ain't the brown, it's the ideology, as stated before.
they agitate, riot and use terror. you don't want to live around it. it's popular to push a PC party line 'everyone is just the same' but it's not true. not at all.
it's easier to not care if you're a normal guy.
the Pulse nightclub shooting of 49 gay men was muslim related. i wonder if they might have a different view than you?
also, the almost a million young British girls raped by 'grooming gangs'.
but hey, you're tough so you're all good.

hahaha, you seriously believe a million girls in the UK have been raped by musliims? Dude, that's over a percent of the population. That's literally insane. You're deluded by the stupid ass propaganda you've linked.

I don't need to argue with you. You should just know you straight up seem regular and no one that has half a brain respects you or your opinion when you spout off nonsense like this. Have fun living in your overly paranoid, xenophobic bubble. Must suck to get all riled up and upset over blatantly fake news hahaha.
you never did provide a cogent argument. 'you're a pussy' or 'you're scared of brown people' is hardly bringing facts to teh table.
i admit that one million seems high but it's an estimate. these were awful, awful huge crimes that were allowed to go on because the police feared being 'racist' by going after teh people they knew were doing it.
kind of like not blocking travel from China immediately for similar concerns has helped spread Corona around the globe.

There's no coherent rebuttal when I'm talking to someone who posts shit like the two links oyu originally posted. Right wing fake new nonsense that gets passed off as real shit to the people that are stupid and believe nonsense like you.

The shit you spout is ridiculous. The million of girls getting gang raped? Shit is nonsense and so are the sites you link. And yeah dude I see your new link. Kids get pimped out and gang raped everywhere. Plenty of white people do it. Just keep it real, you're grasping at any straw you can to justify the xenophobic, racist bullshit that you believe.

I'm done arguing though. You have to be legitimately stupid to believe the sources you initially posted so it's honestly probably not your fault and I kind of feel bad for you that you're like this. Sorry bud, I hope you start to see things differently but if you don't that's okay.

Edit:and i love the new link. "1 million could have been raped."

I could be an ostrich. I could have a third testicle. I could he arguing with someone with legitimate mental retardation. See what I did there? There possibilites are endless. But again, I'm done arguing. Anyone who believes the sources you posted isn't competent enough to argue with. Again, I hope things get better for you. It would really suck to have your mentality.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 24, 2020, 03:20:17 PM
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So what you’re saying is: the English were, and still are, at fault. Agreed.
cool victim blame, bro

Victims don’t try to colonize the planet.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 24, 2020, 03:27:31 PM
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So what you’re saying is: the English were, and still are, at fault. Agreed.
cool victim blame, bro

Victims don’t try to colonize the planet.
who's colonizing? the English who colonized the world have been dead for centuries.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 24, 2020, 03:40:46 PM
Are you Monty Burns or Sharktits?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 24, 2020, 03:42:05 PM
Are you Monty Burns or Sharktits?
Wally D
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 24, 2020, 03:42:14 PM
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So what you’re saying is: the English were, and still are, at fault. Agreed.
cool victim blame, bro

Victims don’t try to colonize the planet.

Dont even bother with him bro. Dude is on a whole other level of stupidity. He literally said the British who colonized have been dead for centuries. Centuries. Like Iran and India and South Africa and the Falklands don't exist...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 24, 2020, 03:45:02 PM
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So what you’re saying is: the English were, and still are, at fault. Agreed.
cool victim blame, bro

Victims don’t try to colonize the planet.

Dont even bother with him bro. Dude is on a whole other level of stupidity. He literally said the British who colonized have been dead for centuries. Centuries. Like Iran and India and South Africa and the Falklands don't exist...

I know, I was just trying to have a bit of fun talking shit.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: sexualhelon on March 24, 2020, 04:56:24 PM
Apparently as of today in Australia we can only have 5 people attend weddings but 10 can attend a funeral.
Everyone needs to stay the fuck indoors but still go to school.

These rules are so arbitrary and unintelligent. Let's just say if it's a birthday party 15 people can attend... the reason doesn't change the underlying factor.

Here in Germany, the grocery store across the street from me was limiting how many people could go in at once but then once you were in, it's a free for all. No one's enforcing distancing rules, forcing you to sanitize your hands or wear a mask while shopping, the employees aren't wearing gloves, etc... And people are basically ass to mouth waiting in line out in the parking lot. Kind of defeats the purpose.  They quit after 2 or 3 days. The most concerning factor is that it seems to be singular grocery store managers making decisions on how to best handle things.

But to comment on the stay indoors thing, that doesn't actually solve the problem. Stay indoors until what? They have a vaccine? That won't be any time soon. There needs to be uniform procedures and public awareness on how to handle this. Staying indoors is a temporary solution to buy time. It flattens the curve in terms of spreading infection but we can't all work from home and stay indoors forever.

Staying the fuck back and keeping your physical distance - and not coughing on everything - is more important than "social distancing". That term's a misnomer. People are latching onto to this buzzword-y hashtag. Video chat and be "digtally" social as much as you want- it's not about socially isolating yourself. I'm convinced people don't know how to estimate 2 meters - 6 ft.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 24, 2020, 05:02:23 PM
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Apparently as of today in Australia we can only have 5 people attend weddings but 10 can attend a funeral.
Everyone needs to stay the fuck indoors but still go to school.

These rules are so arbitrary and unintelligent. Let's just say if it's a birthday party 15 people can attend... the reason doesn't change the underlying factor.

Here in Germany, the grocery store across the street from me was limiting how many people could go in at once but then once you were in, it's a free for all. No one's enforcing distancing rules, forcing you to sanitize your hands or wear a mask while shopping, the employees aren't wearing gloves, etc... And people are basically ass to mouth waiting in line out in the parking lot. Kind of defeats the purpose.  They quit after 2 or 3 days. The most concerning factor is that it seems to be singular grocery store managers making decisions on how to best handle things.

But to comment on the stay indoors thing, that doesn't actually solve the problem. Stay indoors until what? They have a vaccine? That won't be any time soon. There needs to be uniform procedures and public awareness on how to handle this. Staying indoors is a temporary solution to buy time. It flattens the curve in terms of spreading infection but we can't all work from home and stay indoors forever.

Staying the fuck back and keeping your physical distance - and not coughing on everything - is more important than "social distancing". That term's a misnomer. People are latching onto to this buzzword-y hashtag. Video chat and be "digtally" social as much as you want- it's not about socially isolating yourself. I'm convinced people don't know how to estimate 2 meters - 6 ft.

It really doesn't make any sense right? Like how does limiting it to five people stop one of those five people from infecting the other four, each of them can then go to another party of five and then everyone is fucked. I get it might slow it down but you're right. Staying away from people is what needs to be done. Not limiting parties by arbitrary amounts.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ungzilla on March 24, 2020, 05:22:21 PM
germs, like everything else, are grossed out by dead people
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 24, 2020, 06:12:03 PM
Pelosi has nothing to do with the situation.

As of yesterday, there were multiple outlets saying that she had likely sold off during the same time the others did, if that has changed in the past 24 hours, so be it, but even you acknowledge that people from both parties cashed in, so there you go.

As for the deal being shot down, we need a deal, but we def need a deal that actually helps workers. Shit, a free 1-2K check would be awesome for me and other people who are working from home, but I'd rather see an actual safety net for people who are getting wrecked by this.

Of course, I'd like to see a deal that's purely focused on helping the actual people/small businesses affected with minimal rider garbage attached.  No reason Carnival Cruises, who flies the flag of another nation in order to directly avoid paying US taxes on such vessels, should ever qualify.  However, adding in Green New Deal-esque riders as the only way they wanted to vote for this, it was fucking absurd.  Let the people suffer so we can posture more, hooray, give us donations and more votes this November!

I won't need that money until next year when I finally get laid off or the value of my home tanks.

So, fuck those in need now because you have more than they do  and can weather the storm better?  Interesting perspective.

Finally, when it comes enjoying other people's misery, no one liked the last recession more than Trump who bragged about all the money he could make.

There we go, the inherent bias of "my team is better than the other team" comes out again.   I swear, it's a compulsion with so many who can't make a post without having to slam Trump at every turn, it's making me question why I even bother discussing anything politics-wise here from time to time.

Not all politicians are equally shitty.

Find me one that's not. I've been waiting a long time, and still can't seem to locate this unicorn.

The idea all politics are corrupt and wrong leads to a simple faith the market will fix it all, which obviously isn't the case here.

Never said the market fixes everything, however, those in power really don't seem to be as concerned with our well being as they are their own at all times.  Hence my loathing of all politicians.  And, as I've noted here before, can someone please tell me WHY a senator who makes about $150-200k, a nice but not "rich"-tier salary, always ends up a multi-millionaire after just one or two terms (Bernie excluded, he's a fucking anomaly)?  I'm sure it's because they just make great investment pics without all that neat insider info, right?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 24, 2020, 06:44:59 PM
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So what you’re saying is: the English were, and still are, at fault. Agreed.
cool victim blame, bro

Victims don’t try to colonize the planet.
who's colonizing? the English who colonized the world have been dead for centuries.

Your barbaric, colonial ways will no longer be tolerated, Limey tyrant.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Nosferatu on March 24, 2020, 07:44:12 PM
Can we stop arguing with trolls and just get updates from people?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 24, 2020, 07:53:13 PM
Can we stop arguing with trolls and just get updates from people?

Lol, yeah.

Everyone in my area are still acting like Its not a big deal. Walking around, not respecting rhe boundaries and whatnot. It's honestly really frustrating.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: rawr1922 on March 24, 2020, 08:26:02 PM
Southern California, as of today  cops really started enforcing beach closures. Using a helicopter to spot surfers. Crazy times amigos.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on March 24, 2020, 08:33:18 PM
I mentioned before about the lack of masks that we have all been hearing about. I have been getting 10 calls a day to quote materials to make masks in the US or MX but all I keep hearing is that my product is way too expensive. We, and others in the US PPE industry, have brought our margins down to near single digits, but our quotes are being compared to Chinese prices.

BTW—I have been told that the reason for the mask shortage is that China told 3M and other mask makers that they had to sell to China first. China stopped masks from being shipped due to their pandemic.

I keep hearing this price gouging bullshit but I can tell you that the companies I have spoken with are just trying to put together a US based supply chain w/o loosing money but we are being told that the products we are trying to put together should cost $0.80 per unit and we can only get a mask with visor down to $3.00.

I keep hearing that we are in desperate need of mask with 8-12 week lead-times but if government contractors won’t accept American prices I don’t know when doctors and nurses will have surgical masks. It’s very sad.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 24, 2020, 08:39:10 PM
Can we stop arguing with trolls and just get updates from people?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 24, 2020, 08:39:41 PM
I mentioned before about the lack of masks that we have all been hearing about. I have been getting 10 calls a day to quote materials to make masks in the US or MX but all I keep hearing is that my product is way too expensive. We, and others in the US PPE industry, have brought our margins down to near single digits, but our quotes are being compared to Chinese prices.

BTW—I have been told that the reason for the mask shortage is that China told 3M and other mask makers that they had to sell to China first. China stopped masks from being shipped due to their pandemic.

I keep hearing this price gouging bullshit but I can tell you that the companies I have spoken with are just trying to put together a US based supply chain w/o loosing money but we are being told that the products we are trying to put together should cost $0.80 per unit and we can only get a mask with visor down to $3.00.

I keep hearing that we are in desperate need of mask with 8-12 week lead-times but if government contractors won’t accept American prices I don’t know when doctors and nurses will have surgical masks. It’s very sad.

Hold ya head up, bud
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 24, 2020, 09:06:31 PM
I mentioned before about the lack of masks that we have all been hearing about. I have been getting 10 calls a day to quote materials to make masks in the US or MX but all I keep hearing is that my product is way too expensive. We, and others in the US PPE industry, have brought our margins down to near single digits, but our quotes are being compared to Chinese prices.

BTW—I have been told that the reason for the mask shortage is that China told 3M and other mask makers that they had to sell to China first. China stopped masks from being shipped due to their pandemic.

I keep hearing this price gouging bullshit but I can tell you that the companies I have spoken with are just trying to put together a US based supply chain w/o loosing money but we are being told that the products we are trying to put together should cost $0.80 per unit and we can only get a mask with visor down to $3.00.

I keep hearing that we are in desperate need of mask with 8-12 week lead-times but if government contractors won’t accept American prices I don’t know when doctors and nurses will have surgical masks. It’s very sad.

That sucks, even our own government now thinks that anything above cheap Chinese-made pricing is too much, what shitty irony after they drove most production of such things out of our own nation over the decades, it'd almost be funny if it weren't so tragic.

I had to buy a dozen masks for family and employees online from some dude who had a bunch and was charging $20 each for them.  Sucks, but it was the only option considering how hard they are to come by.  I want everyone I am responsible for to be able to have one if they need it. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 24, 2020, 10:25:46 PM
I am so goddam jealous u live near a microcenter hot damn
It's pretty fucking sweet.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: rawr1922 on March 25, 2020, 12:47:18 AM
Dems + Reps agreed on the bill tonight. What are you gonna spend your $1,200 on???
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tom on March 25, 2020, 12:49:49 AM
There’s food in the grocery stores again now that people aren’t allowed to completely wipe everything out. TP and clorox wipes are still sold out, but cleaning supplies are slowly starting to stay stocked. It’s getting quieter and quieter outside everyday and I’m seeing less and less people at the skatepark from my bedroom window. I really want to go out and skate because I’ll never have this much free time again, but at the same time I don’t want to be one the assholes that prolongs this. They say you can’t bank sleep hours in advance, but I’ve been trying to make big deposits anyways
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 25, 2020, 01:23:17 AM
Dems + Reps agreed on the bill tonight. What are you gonna spend your $1,200 on???

Most likely a fucking vacation, as I expect that much like the last 2 weeks of being in my office/warehouse for 12+ hours/day with no days off, the next few will be the same, and I feel like lounging at a nice pool for a few days when this shit eventually starts to get under control.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: excitableboy on March 25, 2020, 02:56:11 AM
Something I haven't heard much about is what an awful way it is to go. I don't mean to sound alarmist or anything, but few people seem to realize this. I didn't either, really. A distant acquaintance of mine lost a parent to this. They had the first mild symptoms (sore throat, no fever yet) on a Monday. Breathing was so impaired by Thursday, he lay on his stomach permanently. They called an ambulance at this point, who picked him up swiftly, no goodbyes. On Sunday he passed. No hospital visits, no funeral.

Also, and I wondered about this when Italy first quarantined its north (which we now suspect actually helped to expedite the spread) -- wouldn't a lockdown for the vulnerable make more sense? I figured, as no serious people suggested this, it would be too hard to enforce or just a dumb idea for other reasons. But some experts do advocate this approach still. Thoughts?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: eranka on March 25, 2020, 03:12:37 AM
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Apparently as of today in Australia we can only have 5 people attend weddings but 10 can attend a funeral.
Everyone needs to stay the fuck indoors but still go to school.

These rules are so arbitrary and unintelligent. Let's just say if it's a birthday party 15 people can attend... the reason doesn't change the underlying factor.

Here in Germany, the grocery store across the street from me was limiting how many people could go in at once but then once you were in, it's a free for all. No one's enforcing distancing rules, forcing you to sanitize your hands or wear a mask while shopping, the employees aren't wearing gloves, etc... And people are basically ass to mouth waiting in line out in the parking lot. Kind of defeats the purpose.  They quit after 2 or 3 days. The most concerning factor is that it seems to be singular grocery store managers making decisions on how to best handle things.

But to comment on the stay indoors thing, that doesn't actually solve the problem. Stay indoors until what? They have a vaccine? That won't be any time soon. There needs to be uniform procedures and public awareness on how to handle this. Staying indoors is a temporary solution to buy time. It flattens the curve in terms of spreading infection but we can't all work from home and stay indoors forever.

Staying the fuck back and keeping your physical distance - and not coughing on everything - is more important than "social distancing". That term's a misnomer. People are latching onto to this buzzword-y hashtag. Video chat and be "digtally" social as much as you want- it's not about socially isolating yourself. I'm convinced people don't know how to estimate 2 meters - 6 ft.

So true. people are pigs usually, i hope people learn basic hygiene from this outbreak.
its not like we dont have seasonal viruses going around every year, i fucking had to argue with people for years on the bus to open a window in the winter when everyone is caughing and sneezing on it without even using their hand. people should know that they have to stay home when they are sick.

this outbreak also shows how media creates reality, i frequent a news outlet that is considered left wing (the gov is right wing as fuck right now and using this whole thing for political gain spreading panic) and they give out a lot of information about the public restrictions and the virus itself, and even though i work in a hospital, me and my family are not too stressed and we keep standard precautions and distance. meanwhile i have a friend in my home town thats a bit more right wing and frequents different news outlets than me and hes freaking out and barely left his home in weeks. until today it was allowed to go outside for unorganized sport activities like skating or running in group of 2, and i told him about it and he said he read in the news that its not true. i checked that website and they were super vague about the specifics and i can understand why he understood it like that.
i hope when this whole shit is over they hang everyone that gained from this crisis. fuck people. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 25, 2020, 06:06:18 AM
I have to confront my boss every day about the pandemic and all he does is drag his feet and say we still have time and he is playing it by ear.

He's a smart Dutch dude who was concerned about COVID before ANYONE I know and had us stock up on supplies for the office back in late January. Yet now he's putting us at risk. To me that makes it even worse. I'm grateful to have income but fuck. One of our team members is at risk for sure. All I want is to be able to work from home.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on March 25, 2020, 06:12:03 AM
Been trying to find Ramen Noodles. No luck.
I feel bad for my mom and her siblings for not being able to have a traditional viewing and funeral experience after my grandpa died a few days ago.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 25, 2020, 06:52:15 AM
Been trying to find Ramen Noodles. No luck.
I feel bad for my mom and her siblings for not being able to have a traditional viewing and funeral experience after my grandpa died a few days ago.

Dude, don't get ramen. It has no nutritional value whatsoever. It's not a good food to stock up on. Rice and dried beans are so much better and when buying in bulk, absolutely cheaper. Quinoa is a good option. So are boxes of soup broth. You're way better off with chicken broth, bags of rice, any veggies you can get and some beans. Hell, you're better off just eating peanut butter out of the jar than buying ramen.

Ramen packets are the biggest cheap food rip off there is. Not a good meal to store, despite being cheap and easy to cook. They are way too high in sodium and have no nutrients whatsoever.

Source: lived off ramen in prison for a couple years. Not a good choice if there is literally any other option.

I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa and your family not being able to have a proper send off. My condolences.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Idk on March 25, 2020, 09:11:53 AM
Been trying to find Ramen Noodles. No luck.
I feel bad for my mom and her siblings for not being able to have a traditional viewing and funeral experience after my grandpa died a few days ago.
Condolences. My dads first cousin in intubated rn after getting the virus. She lives in Italy. Hang in there Italian pals.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 25, 2020, 09:20:02 AM
where i live...

...i just took a break from preparing tonight's class on Zoom, to take the dog out back on a beautiful spring-like day, here at the end of what has been a long winter, and realized--in the warmth of the sun--how relieving it is to see how little shits everything else in Creation gives about what us humans are tussling with...

...for Mother Nature it's just business as usual, and it is a relief--spring is upon us (here in the midwest), sun was warm, wind was blowing, a couple of Robins were looking like they were about to get it on, etc.

hope everybody is good wherever you're at...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 25, 2020, 09:26:50 AM
Been trying to find Ramen Noodles. No luck.
I feel bad for my mom and her siblings for not being able to have a traditional viewing and funeral experience after my grandpa died a few days ago.

Condolences to you and your family johnes. That is awful. These are hard times SLAP. I wish the best for everyone.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 25, 2020, 09:29:41 AM
Can we stop arguing with trolls and just get updates from people?

Yeah, my bad, sorry.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 25, 2020, 09:53:51 AM
Been trying to find Ramen Noodles. No luck.
I feel bad for my mom and her siblings for not being able to have a traditional viewing and funeral experience after my grandpa died a few days ago.

sorry to hear that and condolensces to you and the family.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chatbot on March 25, 2020, 12:30:14 PM
NYC is a ghost town. Might try and skate some spots this weekend. I know I should stay home buuuut it's tempting.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 25, 2020, 01:30:30 PM
Some dumb bitch was at work all sick last week with cold symptoms. Once I noticed I stayed home for a few days. Today she’s back and I ask if she got tested and she was like “Nah I just had to calm myself down” same chick doesn’t think smoking weed can harm your kid if you do it while pregnant (don’t even start with me on that shit anybody).

Anyways she comes over and tells me someone has symptoms and is getting tested we might be exposed and I tell her to get away. I Lysol everything she touched. We’re closing down everything and already had plans to work from home starting today. Any mother fucker who came to work while sick needs a punch in the mouth.  I left early Wednesday and came back yesterday hoping the people coughing and shit went home by then. They will even pay you at my work if you run out of fucking sick/vacation hours to stay home. I’ll probably get this shit eventually but I’m beyond mad because of all the stupid shit they did after telling us the importance of keeping distance and shit. Won’t even reveal all the shit they were doing that I documented. Mother fuckers better pray 50mm is healthy and wealthy.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sick Duck on March 25, 2020, 01:35:11 PM
Some dumb bitch was at work all sick last week with cold symptoms. Once I noticed I stayed home for a few days. Today she’s back and I ask if she got tested and she was like “Nah I just had to calm myself down” same chick doesn’t think smoking weed can harm your kid if you do it while pregnant (don’t even start with me on that shit anybody).

Anyways she comes over and tells me someone has symptoms and is getting tested we might be exposed and I tell her to get away. I Lysol everything she touched. We’re closing down everything and already had plans to work from home starting today. Any mother fucker who came to work while sick needs a punch in the mouth.  I left early Wednesday and came back yesterday hoping the people coughing and shit went home by then. They will even pay you at my work if you run out of fucking sick/vacation hours to stay home. I’ll probably get this shit eventually but I’m beyond mad because of all the stupid shit they did after telling us the importance of keeping distance and shit. Won’t even reveal all the shit they were doing that I documented. Mother fuckers better pray 50mm is healthy and wealthy.
dude i know now isn’t the time but you need to quit that job when u can
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 25, 2020, 01:39:45 PM
Quebec is still relatively calm, but things are a little weird. I went to the store today to buy bread and some peanut butter, the store was only letting 77 people in at a time. But, the shelves were stocked (except they were pretty low on rice). All the small markets selling veggies and fruits are fully stocked. Things are weird, but relatively normal.

My only issue is that I still don't have a stove or a fridge. Luckily, it is still cool enough outside to where I can just put my food in a box on the patio and it stays cold.

As of yesterday, there were multiple outlets saying that she had likely sold off during the same time the others did, if that has changed in the past 24 hours, so be it, but even you acknowledge that people from both parties cashed in, so there you go.

1) Pelosi had nothing to do with Richard Burr's Coronavirus sell-off. I can't find a single source that says anything says she did anything like Burr.
2) 2 Republican Congressmen sold off. Both of these Republican leaders are going to have a hard time talking their trades away, especially as they told the public the coronavirus was a "hoax" made up by the liberal media.
3) It seems Susan Davis (Dem) made some sketchy stock dumps.   
4)Two other congresspeople (1 Dem and 1 Rep) have been accused of selling off, but it is unlikely that either actually did anything wrong.

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As for the deal being shot down, we need a deal, but we def need a deal that actually helps workers. Shit, a free 1-2K check would be awesome for me and other people who are working from home, but I'd rather see an actual safety net for people who are getting wrecked by this.

Wait, you are saying a party that views creating a social safety net as a necessity, views saving the environment as an opportunity to create jobs, and (attempts) to focus on people rather than corporations would want these included in a 2 trillion dollar bill to shore up the American economy? You're right, sure sounds like a scheme to "value posture" in order to get votes not trying to enact legislation based on the core beliefs of the party. Rolling over on a two trillion dollar bill would have been a better choice to avoid "posturing." ::)

If anything, sending 1-2K checks to everyone, including those who don't need it, can easily be framed as literally buying votes. People who aren't at financial risk don't need free money right now. The money should go to those in need and saved for those who feel the effects of this 6 months to a year down the road. I don't need it, so it shouldn't go to me or people in the same position as me, it should go to those in need.

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Finally, when it comes enjoying other people's misery, no one liked the last recession more than Trump who bragged about all the money he could make.

There we go, the inherent bias of "my team is better than the other team" comes out again.   I swear, it's a compulsion with so many who can't make a post without having to slam Trump at every turn, it's making me question why I even bother discussing anything politics-wise here from time to time.
Wait, so we bring up a story about your "liberal uncle" who likes to see disaster for political gain (the same tired story I've heard so many times on FOX, "liberals want the economy to tank," "liberals don't love America," "liberals hate the flag," "liberals want to eat your babies and sacrifice your dog to their pagan atheist gods." "Look at what the host of a show called Politically Incorrect said!")

The leader of the nation/Republican party publicly proclaimed he enjoyed recessions because he makes a lot of money during a recession. So, by conspiracy theory "logic," we might assume is inability to prepare for the potential threat presented by the Coronavirus months ago is actually him playing 3D chess. This was his opportunity to tank the economy, lower wages by increasing competition among workers, and lower the cost of real estate too (cheap loans and possible real estate value drop). Now he is posed to make a ton of money through the company his children run and he never left. It all makes sense now.

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Not all politicians are equally shitty.
Find me one that's not. I've been waiting a long time, and still can't seem to locate this unicorn.

Jared Polis is an easy example of a politician who actually gives a shit and has done well for his state.

The only issue I have with him is that he, like many other congressmen, comes from an insane amount of money. Which is another things you seem to miss as you assume being a politician makes someone rich, not that being rich gives someone a far greater chance of becoming a politician.

Not to mention, in your simplification, how someone made their money becomes irrelevant. Did they get rich by writing a book? By becoming a lobbyist after retiring from congress? Did they buy and sell stocks? Did they take an overpaid corporate jobs?

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The idea all politics are corrupt and wrong leads to a simple faith the market will fix it all, which obviously isn't the case here.

Never said the market fixes everything, however, those in power really don't seem to be as concerned with our well being as they are their own at all times. 

So, what is your solution? Is cynically proclaiming the government can't do anything right ever going to make it better? Do you want the church to be in charge? Or, should is just be whoever has the most wealth? Or most power? Are the corporations looking out for us as they put everyone out of work?

Throwing the baby out with the bath water isn't the best solution. Corporations and corporate money corrupt the government, so lets get rid of the government and keep the corporations doesn't seem to be the best solution.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 25, 2020, 02:40:24 PM
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Some dumb bitch was at work all sick last week with cold symptoms. Once I noticed I stayed home for a few days. Today she’s back and I ask if she got tested and she was like “Nah I just had to calm myself down” same chick doesn’t think smoking weed can harm your kid if you do it while pregnant (don’t even start with me on that shit anybody).

Anyways she comes over and tells me someone has symptoms and is getting tested we might be exposed and I tell her to get away. I Lysol everything she touched. We’re closing down everything and already had plans to work from home starting today. Any mother fucker who came to work while sick needs a punch in the mouth.  I left early Wednesday and came back yesterday hoping the people coughing and shit went home by then. They will even pay you at my work if you run out of fucking sick/vacation hours to stay home. I’ll probably get this shit eventually but I’m beyond mad because of all the stupid shit they did after telling us the importance of keeping distance and shit. Won’t even reveal all the shit they were doing that I documented. Mother fuckers better pray 50mm is healthy and wealthy.
dude i know now isn’t the time but you need to quit that job when u can
The job sucks but it pays very very well considering I have no degree. If you have a mindset like me where I have fun with my coworkers and don’t let any of the bosses intimidate me you can make it work. I’m honestly glad to have this job right now considering everyone getting laid off and stuff. The job wouldn’t suck as much if they didn’t hire such dumb fucks to manage.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 25, 2020, 04:39:26 PM
I was turned away from target at 8am this morning. Told it was senior hour. Whatever.

Work is dragging their feet trying to find us an alternate work site while they entire office staff gets to work remote from home. I called in tonight because there doesn’t need to be 2 people in our tiny work area.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 25, 2020, 06:38:55 PM
Truncating so this fucker doesn't take 60 seconds to scroll through.

1) Pelosi had nothing to do with Richard Burr's Coronavirus sell-off. I can't find a single source that says anything says she did anything like Burr.
2) 2 Republican Congressmen sold off. Both of these Republican leaders are going to have a hard time talking their trades away, especially as they told the public the coronavirus was a "hoax" made up by the liberal media.
3) It seems Susan Davis (Dem) made some sketchy stock dumps.   
4)Two other congresspeople (1 Dem and 1 Rep) have been accused of selling off, but it is unlikely that either actually did anything wrong.

Like I said, the Pelosi thing may have been mis-reported initially, but again, people on both sides of the aisle cashed in, neither party is innocent from having scumbags.

As for the deal being shot down, we need a deal, but we def need a deal that actually helps workers. Shit, a free 1-2K check would be awesome for me and other people who are working from home, but I'd rather see an actual safety net for people who are getting wrecked by this.

[random partisan babbling that paints anyone not on your team as being against humanity, the environment, and are all basically Hitler reincarnated has been removed due to it being your personal politics of hate for those who don't agree with you and irrelevant to any real discussion] The money should go to those in need and saved for those who feel the effects of this 6 months to a year down the road. I don't need it, so it shouldn't go to me or people in the same position as me, it should go to those in need.

This, I agree on.  It's why, if I do receive anything of that sort despite being well off enough to weather a storm, I am planning on giving it to my employees in addition to the "crisis bonus" they're getting for working around the clock, and using whatever remains toward supporting local struggling businesses which I've been doing daily since this whole thing started.  See, people who aren't all the way to the left aren't all mean assholes after all.

[more incoherent ranting against those who aren't where you are on the political spectrum paired with rants based on reading media that supports such belief to claim you ultimately know what the President's game is, even though said sources have been incorrect almost every time]

No point in addressing it, your mind was made up on things of this nature a long time ago, zero reason to bother with that

Not all politicians are equally shitty.

Jared Polis is an easy example of a politician who actually gives a shit and has done well for his state.

The only issue I have with him is that he, like many other congressmen, comes from an insane amount of money. Which is another things you seem to miss as you assume being a politician makes someone rich, not that being rich gives someone a far greater chance of becoming a politician.

Not to mention, in your simplification, how someone made their money becomes irrelevant. Did they get rich by writing a book? By becoming a lobbyist after retiring from congress? Did they buy and sell stocks? Did they take an overpaid corporate jobs?

Not familiar with Polis, I will have to look him up.  Of course, many in Congress come from money, but a LOT more who did NOT come from money end up rich quickly, and I take issue with that being as it happens far too often to just be pure coincidence.

That being said, I never said how you make your money is irrelevant, but if it's done legally and ethically and without some massively unfair advantage, I personally DGAF how you make your living.  Be a bag boy, good for you.  Work in tech and set up networks all day, awesome.  Sell weed legally through your own pot shop, great.  Day trade at home, that's fantastic.  It's none of my business to be the moral arbiter of what's "okay" because that's where shit gets ugly once people decide they are the supreme authority and that those who don't agree deserve to lose their shit.  So, if it's done legally and ethically, why is it anyone's business how money is made?  Please enlighten me why you may somehow be a much more moral authority on such subjects, your obvious political leanings aside.

So, what is your solution? Is cynically proclaiming the government can't do anything right ever going to make it better? Do you want the church to be in charge? Or, should is just be whoever has the most wealth? Or most power? Are the corporations looking out for us as they put everyone out of work?

Throwing the baby out with the bath water isn't the best solution. Corporations and corporate money corrupt the government, so lets get rid of the government and keep the corporations doesn't seem to be the best solution.

Never said what you're implying, but as usual, you're positive that you know what I think, and once again, you're wrong.

I want a COMPLETE uncoupling of the government from any corporate interests.  No lobbyists greasing palms for pork barrel projects.  No allowance for massive corporate donations.  No allowing foreign interests to have sway over US policy (looking right at China for this, since we have senators who seem to be more concerned about protecting China's image than anything else), no life-term senators, no more "we're going to block a good plan unless you tack on a bunch of stupid shit that we want because we can't let you have anything without a fake ass fight" modern politicking, a massive fucking overhaul that actually puts the power back to the PEOPLE, and doesn't just allow the person who promises the most free shit to get the job because, after all, that's just vote buying through and through.  What I would like to see for governmental change would take up WAY too much time and would look like a rambling mess without my editing the shit out of it, but you get the picture, I think corporations deserve no ability to sway policy, I want the people we elect to FEAR the people who elected them if they don't deliver on promises, I want this era of shitty extreme party divide nonsense that's driving people insane to fucking die already so that maybe, just maybe, we could actually go back to a time when we didn't fucking hate each other for who we voted for.  Is that really too much to ask for?

I mean, sweet Jesus, are we going to actually just sit back and think "If I just elect that one person who has pure intentions and hasn't been corrupted, they'll change everything"?  Be my guest if you think things will be any better in a decade if we just keep the same game going on of division that keeps us from discussing WHO is fucking us over and WHY they do it, I personally don't see any of it improving without being rebuilt in part or in full from the ground up as any solution that's good for humanity in the long term.  Like I keep saying, I kept voting and hoping things would get better, they never do, so why on earth will I spend my remaining time on earth doing it again and again expecting different results?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dr Dew on March 25, 2020, 06:51:23 PM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 25, 2020, 07:20:54 PM

Nor should you, it's just two kooks arguing nonsense to pass the time, none of it really matters  ;)
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: FrenchFriedClownFingers on March 25, 2020, 08:26:25 PM
im starting to get waves of anxiety thinking about what's going to happen. it's really hard not to worry. the alone time is nothing new but this shit is really depressing and i just wanna go back to work
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 25, 2020, 08:27:25 PM
Got all my shit setup to work from home. Lucky I'm friends with my coworker outside of work who was helping people get setup on work laptops today. I realized an hour ago the supervisor sending all the info out to everyone didn't send the VPN setup to anyone using their own PC's/laptops. So he sent it to me and I got all setup, but I expect that tomorrow the thing I will be doing most is getting everyone setup.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Cool Ceith on March 25, 2020, 11:58:46 PM
It's eerie in San Diego. People were still going to the beaches in droves on Saturday; I drove by Torrey Pines and was like WTF? Now, it's a ghost town and on the few occasions when I've gone to the store people are very friendly (in a compassionate way). Neighbors I didn't know I had are asking me if I'm okay… and over the past week if I catch myself in a good mood I'll kinda feel guilty.

This has been quite a wake up call. Hopefully we don't lose too many to this virus.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Daniel-J on March 26, 2020, 02:33:43 AM
It is necessary to follow basic safety measures and not to visit crowds of people. The main thing is not to give in to panic and not to buy everything in shops.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 26, 2020, 05:16:31 AM
It's eerie in San Diego. People were still going to the beaches in droves on Saturday; I drove by Torrey Pines and was like WTF? Now, it's a ghost town and on the few occasions when I've gone to the store people are very friendly (in a compassionate way). Neighbors I didn't know I had are asking me if I'm okay… and over the past week if I catch myself in a good mood I'll kinda feel guilty.

This has been quite a wake up call. Hopefully we don't lose too many to this virus.

Nah, man! You’re allowed to be happy. Smile at people. Spread that shit around. People need it now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 26, 2020, 06:00:57 AM
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It's eerie in San Diego. People were still going to the beaches in droves on Saturday; I drove by Torrey Pines and was like WTF? Now, it's a ghost town and on the few occasions when I've gone to the store people are very friendly (in a compassionate way). Neighbors I didn't know I had are asking me if I'm okay… and over the past week if I catch myself in a good mood I'll kinda feel guilty.

This has been quite a wake up call. Hopefully we don't lose too many to this virus.

Nah, man! You’re allowed to be happy. Smile at people. Spread that shit around. People need it now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TastyBurrito on March 26, 2020, 06:51:27 AM
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It's eerie in San Diego. People were still going to the beaches in droves on Saturday; I drove by Torrey Pines and was like WTF? Now, it's a ghost town and on the few occasions when I've gone to the store people are very friendly (in a compassionate way). Neighbors I didn't know I had are asking me if I'm okay… and over the past week if I catch myself in a good mood I'll kinda feel guilty.

This has been quite a wake up call. Hopefully we don't lose too many to this virus.

Nah, man! You’re allowed to be happy. Smile at people. Spread that shit around. People need it now.

Responsible and miserable aren’t mutually exclusive. And no way should it be. Go for a walk by yourself, it’s okay. Smile and nod from a distance. Facetime friends. Safe social distancing doesn’t mean isolating yourself from the world. Stay happy. Stay safe.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: FROTHY on March 26, 2020, 07:03:37 AM
Anyone else voting Dick Pound 2020?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Hairy Ballsagna on March 26, 2020, 09:41:49 AM
I mentioned before about the lack of masks that we have all been hearing about. I have been getting 10 calls a day to quote materials to make masks in the US or MX but all I keep hearing is that my product is way too expensive. We, and others in the US PPE industry, have brought our margins down to near single digits, but our quotes are being compared to Chinese prices.

BTW—I have been told that the reason for the mask shortage is that China told 3M and other mask makers that they had to sell to China first. China stopped masks from being shipped due to their pandemic.

I keep hearing this price gouging bullshit but I can tell you that the companies I have spoken with are just trying to put together a US based supply chain w/o loosing money but we are being told that the products we are trying to put together should cost $0.80 per unit and we can only get a mask with visor down to $3.00.

I keep hearing that we are in desperate need of mask with 8-12 week lead-times but if government contractors won’t accept American prices I don’t know when doctors and nurses will have surgical masks. It’s very sad.

This is the kind of random intel I check this thread for. Thanks.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 26, 2020, 12:44:05 PM

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: rawr1922 on March 26, 2020, 12:53:37 PM
Corona is the vaccine and we are the virus.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: treflips_up_yer_nan on March 26, 2020, 01:35:07 PM
Havent seen anything from france so heres my view. My dad came to pick me up a few days before total lockdown was declared in this weird speech by the president. Shit looked like a war declaration with stuff like "were at war with this thing" an all. My 3D animation school closed a week before and my roommate had left 2 days later so i got to skate around an empty city for a few days before I left, real eerie seeing like 2 cars in a day and a few people walking with scared looks on their faces, but pretty cool too, lotsa spots that we couldn't normally skate were open now.

Back to the bigger picture, Idk what American media is telling you guys but its BAD here, like fucked up levels of bad. i got friends working in hospitals and shit and they're telling me how fucked it is, they have to sacrifice older folks, trying to save the young first, bodies piling up in morgues, people breaking down from the pressure, its bad.
Some say we could stay locked up until June, even Septembre. what the fuck. I hope you guys are ready because this shit is really dangerous and kills young people, girl a year above me in my school got it, 2 days later dead...
The army is building hospitals everywhere, I've seen APC move through my village yesterday carrying stuff to build an emergency unit back in my city.

Ive got family members who lost their jobs overnight from this  shit, the economy is sinking so bad some say we'll see a 10 year recession.

Fucking scary, stay home homies  :-\ say safe
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dr Dew on March 26, 2020, 03:38:28 PM

Skating with a mask is uncomfortable and makes it hard to breath

Skating with gloves get sweaty all trapped inside them uncomfortable and gross
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on March 26, 2020, 03:49:55 PM
Havent seen anything from france so heres my view. My dad came to pick me up a few days before total lockdown was declared in this weird speech by the president. Shit looked like a war declaration with stuff like "were at war with this thing" an all. My 3D animation school closed a week before and my roommate had left 2 days later so i got to skate around an empty city for a few days before I left, real eerie seeing like 2 cars in a day and a few people walking with scared looks on their faces, but pretty cool too, lotsa spots that we couldn't normally skate were open now.

Back to the bigger picture, Idk what American media is telling you guys but its BAD here, like fucked up levels of bad. i got friends working in hospitals and shit and they're telling me how fucked it is, they have to sacrifice older folks, trying to save the young first, bodies piling up in morgues, people breaking down from the pressure, its bad.
Some say we could stay locked up until June, even Septembre. what the fuck. I hope you guys are ready because this shit is really dangerous and kills young people, girl a year above me in my school got it, 2 days later dead...
The army is building hospitals everywhere, I've seen APC move through my village yesterday carrying stuff to build an emergency unit back in my city.

Ive got family members who lost their jobs overnight from this  shit, the economy is sinking so bad some say we'll see a 10 year recession.

Fucking scary, stay home homies  :-\ say safe

I live on the East Coast and NYC and neighboring areas are to the point where we just don’t have enough ventilators for the hospitals. Here is a chart comparing all major countries.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 26, 2020, 03:53:35 PM
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Havent seen anything from france so heres my view. My dad came to pick me up a few days before total lockdown was declared in this weird speech by the president. Shit looked like a war declaration with stuff like "were at war with this thing" an all. My 3D animation school closed a week before and my roommate had left 2 days later so i got to skate around an empty city for a few days before I left, real eerie seeing like 2 cars in a day and a few people walking with scared looks on their faces, but pretty cool too, lotsa spots that we couldn't normally skate were open now.

Back to the bigger picture, Idk what American media is telling you guys but its BAD here, like fucked up levels of bad. i got friends working in hospitals and shit and they're telling me how fucked it is, they have to sacrifice older folks, trying to save the young first, bodies piling up in morgues, people breaking down from the pressure, its bad.
Some say we could stay locked up until June, even Septembre. what the fuck. I hope you guys are ready because this shit is really dangerous and kills young people, girl a year above me in my school got it, 2 days later dead...
The army is building hospitals everywhere, I've seen APC move through my village yesterday carrying stuff to build an emergency unit back in my city.

Ive got family members who lost their jobs overnight from this  shit, the economy is sinking so bad some say we'll see a 10 year recession.

Fucking scary, stay home homies  :-\ say safe

I live on the East Coast and NYC and neighboring areas are to the point where we just don’t have enough ventilators for the hospitals. Here is a chart comparing all major countries.


That shit's crazy. I see how bad this shit is and still see tons of people out and acting like it doesn't matter and it makes me wonder how much worse things are going to get in America...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 26, 2020, 04:30:23 PM
Yeah. That graph is disturbing and there's a few more hotspots that are just starting up now. 
The report below is what finally got the UK to lockdown. Check out the graphs.

Just saw this Imperial College report mentioned on the news. Haven't read it yet. this report
page 10, figure 3. UK can't open schools without vaccine?
page 19, figure A1. Same for US?
page 8, figure 2. UK is fucked no matter what?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 26, 2020, 05:59:00 PM
First day of telecommuting. Was pretty sick. Luckily I got setup last night on my own time because I knew everyone else wouldn't know what to do. I had to help everyone else get connected and shit for like the first 4 hours today, IT was so overwhelmed you couldn't get through if you needed help.
Then my douchebag boss asked the equivalent of "Why do I Only see 1 TPS Report processed" halfway through the day. So I told him all the shit I was doing to help everyone on top a bunch of work I had done. The best part was at the end of the day he messaged us in a group to say he knows it was a rough start but we will get the hang of it. Everyone hates him and just kind of said ok, but then they all made sure to thank me for all my help getting their stuff setup.

Also yesterday someone went home with flu like symptoms and our main manager in the office freaked and had a panic attack, straight up went home while we had to hang out 5 hours for further instructions. Usually I would feel bad but this lady is such a cunt, shes the reason we've had so many problems, and has caused so many others to have panic attacks and cry and shit like that. She sits in the far corner of the office with her door closed all day and I sit like 7 feet from the person who went home with no barriers so she can suck a dick.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 26, 2020, 07:00:38 PM
Someone I know just told me her friend has a friend in NY -- a person in perfect health -- and COVID-19 killed that person in 2 weeks.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Cthulhu! on March 26, 2020, 07:27:20 PM
Got my last paycheck today, from last weeks pay period. A bit on the short side. A coworker called me and quietly mentioned she lives paycheck to paycheck so she won't be able to pay rent next month. She's alright for the time being since they've paused evictions and such. I was ok with the "temporary" job loss but I'm starting to get anxious. I'm very grateful that I have a bit saved up.

When are we getting our Donald Dollars anyway? The city is imposing a 10pm curfew starting tomorrow. My late night sessions are over. I'm getting anxious. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TastyBurrito on March 26, 2020, 07:36:52 PM
Got my last paycheck today, from last weeks pay period. A bit on the short side. A coworker called me and quietly mentioned she lives paycheck to paycheck so she won't be able to pay rent next month. She's alright for the time being since they've paused evictions and such. I was ok with the "temporary" job loss but I'm starting to get anxious. I'm very grateful that I have a bit saved up.

When are we getting our Donald Dollars anyway? The city is imposing a 10pm curfew starting tomorrow. My late night sessions are over. I'm getting anxious.

Sorry to hear you're one of the many going through some tough times. Look into the rest of the stimulus package, there's money in the bill to aid unemployment. And someone correct me if I'm wrong, those affected with less hours/pay due to all of this should be eligible for some financial help as well.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 26, 2020, 08:50:25 PM
Where you from that's getting 10pm curfew?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: buttchin on March 26, 2020, 10:32:12 PM
I live in SoCal and my cousin-in-law’s parents tested positive for Covid-19. His dad is in critical condition in the ICU right now, so this shit is getting real.
I had gotten laid off before the coronavirus hit and started making decent money doing food/grocery delivery gigs, but now I’m reconsidering this type of work
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 27, 2020, 12:02:07 AM
i live in the country and a bunch of people are starting to drive up from cities in socal as if they're gonna escape this shit. motherfuckers are only spreading it. this was the worst year to move off the mountain and go back to school.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 27, 2020, 12:12:29 AM
5 people that work 20 feet from me all sick. One in the hospital. One went home today, who happens to be fucking my coworker that was out all last week sick... She's back with a cough, worked today. Wiped the fuck out the office today. We're all on edge, PPE'd up.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: anon on March 27, 2020, 02:09:00 AM
Corona is the vaccine and we are the virus.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Hevonen on March 27, 2020, 04:32:50 AM
Got my last paycheck today, from last weeks pay period. A bit on the short side. A coworker called me and quietly mentioned she lives paycheck to paycheck so she won't be able to pay rent next month. She's alright for the time being since they've paused evictions and such. I was ok with the "temporary" job loss but I'm starting to get anxious. I'm very grateful that I have a bit saved up.

When are we getting our Donald Dollars anyway? The city is imposing a 10pm curfew starting tomorrow. My late night sessions are over. I'm getting anxious.
What even is the point of that? Makes no sense to shorten the time frame when people can go to public places, just results in more people at the same place at the same time. Really sounds like there's ulterior motives behind that decision
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 27, 2020, 07:28:44 AM
Legend has it the States just overtook China for number of covid19 cases. And they said American exceptionalism was a thing of the past.

(That said, I could easily see the US media inflating their own numbers and the Chinese state-run media lowering theirs.)
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 27, 2020, 07:34:59 AM
Legend has it the States just overtook China for number of covid19 cases. And they said American exceptionalism was a thing of the past.

(That said, I could easily see the US media inflating their own numbers and the Chinese state-run media lowering theirs.)

Even if that's the case, the US is fucked dude. When China was at this point, they were straight up cutting of cities and stopping people from leaving their house. We're doing none of that here. Every stay at home order is limp dicked to the max. We're not even at the worst of it yet. Weeks from now is when the bodies will really start to pile up. Even with journalistic hysteria in play, the amount of dead people is a true number. We're worse off than italy and china by a long shot.

I hate to say it, but I think this is still going to get pretty bad.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 27, 2020, 07:54:55 AM
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Legend has it the States just overtook China for number of covid19 cases. And they said American exceptionalism was a thing of the past.

(That said, I could easily see the US media inflating their own numbers and the Chinese state-run media lowering theirs.)


Even if that's the case, the US is fucked dude. When China was at this point, they were straight up cutting of cities and stopping people from leaving their house. We're doing none of that here. Every stay at home order is limp dicked to the max. We're not even at the worst of it yet. Weeks from now is when the bodies will really start to pile up. Even with journalistic hysteria in play, the amount of dead people is a true number. We're worse off than italy and china by a long shot.

I hate to say it, but I think this is still going to get pretty bad.

i don't buy into the hysteria--meaning the virus and the media can not make me hysterical--but i do not for a second underestimate the power and determination the hysteria has over many (most?) Americans, and what these Americans are capable of, when hysterical.

this is one reason i have a safe full of "high capacity" rifles and handguns, thousands upon thousands of rounds of ammunition and magazines stored up, and why i've been training for years.

many Americans are impelled on a daily basis by two impulses, and two impulses alone--appetites and insecurities. these Americans fight and shoot each other over a video game at Walmart at Christmas time, or because someone didn't pull away from a stop light quick enough--these debased peasants will make things in this country unbearable for everyone else trying to stay safe and sane as this runs its course.

so far, teaching my classes online this first week back, has went well--and almost all of my students in both classes have the tech resources to see this semester through...i'm happy to say. this is me working towards and praying for the best...

...the aforementioned Americans--and their appetites and insecurities--are why i will nonetheless be prepared for the worst. remember when Louis-Ferdinand Celine wrote this in Journey to the End of the Night?

"..Men are the thing to be afraid of, always, men and nothing else."
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 27, 2020, 08:03:58 AM
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Legend has it the States just overtook China for number of covid19 cases. And they said American exceptionalism was a thing of the past.

(That said, I could easily see the US media inflating their own numbers and the Chinese state-run media lowering theirs.)


Even if that's the case, the US is fucked dude. When China was at this point, they were straight up cutting of cities and stopping people from leaving their house. We're doing none of that here. Every stay at home order is limp dicked to the max. We're not even at the worst of it yet. Weeks from now is when the bodies will really start to pile up. Even with journalistic hysteria in play, the amount of dead people is a true number. We're worse off than italy and china by a long shot.

I hate to say it, but I think this is still going to get pretty bad.

i don't buy into the hysteria--meaning the virus and the media can not make me hysterical--but i do not for a second underestimate the power and determination the hysteria has over many (most?) Americans, and what these Americans are capable of, when hysterical.

this is one reason i have a safe full of "high capacity" rifles and handguns, thousands upon thousands of rounds of ammunition and magazines stored up, and why i've been training for years.

many Americans are impelled on a daily basis by two impulses, and two impulses alone--appetites and insecurities. these Americans fight and shoot each other over a video game at Walmart at Christmas time, or because someone didn't pull away from a stop light quick enough--these debased peasants will make things in this country unbearable for everyone else trying to stay safe and sane as this runs its course.

so far, teaching my classes online this first week back, has went well--and almost all of my students in both classes have the tech resources to see this semester through...i'm happy to say. this is me working towards and praying for the best...

...the aforementioned Americans--and their appetites and insecurities--are why i will nonetheless be prepared for the worst. remember when Louis-Ferdinand Celine wrote this in Journey to the End of the Night?

"..Men are the thing to be afraid of, always, men and nothing else."

With high unemployment and high poverty rates comes high crime. It's an inevitable outcome. People will become desperate and more people will become victims of theft because of this.

I think you're totally right to prepare the way you have. While property theft may not happen to everyone on slap, it will happen to many because of this.

We have castle doctrine in my state and my girl's family has the same mentality as you and prepared the same way. I doubt that I'll experience an attempted robbery where I am but it wouldn't go well for whoever tried and I'm not trying to be some internet badass by saying so, it's just the fact of the matter.

I'm just going to stay inside for as long as possible and away from people for as long as possible and hopefully that works. I just don't know what else to do.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 27, 2020, 08:14:55 AM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TastyBurrito on March 27, 2020, 08:19:44 AM
It’s going to get worse with the amount of noncompliance we have. A good chunk of the country still believing this is a Liberal hoax to get the President impeached and another (stupid) chunk believing God will stop the virus. The Governor of Mississippi is overriding any county based “stay at home.” Even the President, who doesn’t understand science and/data, wants to “open up” the country on Easter. If that doesn’t prove how screwed we are, I don’t know what will.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 27, 2020, 08:20:58 AM
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Legend has it the States just overtook China for number of covid19 cases. And they said American exceptionalism was a thing of the past.

(That said, I could easily see the US media inflating their own numbers and the Chinese state-run media lowering theirs.)


Even if that's the case, the US is fucked dude. When China was at this point, they were straight up cutting of cities and stopping people from leaving their house. We're doing none of that here. Every stay at home order is limp dicked to the max. We're not even at the worst of it yet. Weeks from now is when the bodies will really start to pile up. Even with journalistic hysteria in play, the amount of dead people is a true number. We're worse off than italy and china by a long shot.

I hate to say it, but I think this is still going to get pretty bad.

i don't buy into the hysteria--meaning the virus and the media can not make me hysterical--but i do not for a second underestimate the power and determination the hysteria has over many (most?) Americans, and what these Americans are capable of, when hysterical.

this is one reason i have a safe full of "high capacity" rifles and handguns, thousands upon thousands of rounds of ammunition and magazines stored up, and why i've been training for years.

many Americans are impelled on a daily basis by two impulses, and two impulses alone--appetites and insecurities. these Americans fight and shoot each other over a video game at Walmart at Christmas time, or because someone didn't pull away from a stop light quick enough--these debased peasants will make things in this country unbearable for everyone else trying to stay safe and sane as this runs its course.

so far, teaching my classes online this first week back, has went well--and almost all of my students in both classes have the tech resources to see this semester through...i'm happy to say. this is me working towards and praying for the best...

...the aforementioned Americans--and their appetites and insecurities--are why i will nonetheless be prepared for the worst. remember when Louis-Ferdinand Celine wrote this in Journey to the End of the Night?

"..Men are the thing to be afraid of, always, men and nothing else."

With high unemployment and high poverty rates comes high crime. It's an inevitable outcome. People will become desperate and more people will become victims of theft because of this.

I think you're totally right to prepare the way you have. While property theft may not happen to everyone on slap, it will happen to many because of this.

We have castle doctrine in my state and my girl's family has the same mentality as you and prepared the same way. I doubt that I'll experience an attempted robbery where I am but it wouldn't go well for whoever tried and I'm not trying to be some internet badass by saying so, it's just the fact of the matter.

I'm just going to stay inside for as long as possible and away from people for as long as possible and hopefully that works. I just don't know what else to do.

i swear, it really does seem this simple--if boredom is the worst i have to complain about, how dare i complain.

you know i'm not including this to carry on about gun-control and all, and i know this dude comes on strong, but i couldn't find much about this news anywhere else, and it's inevitable other police departments around the country will have follow suit--i know Detroit's PD is already in bad shape:
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 27, 2020, 08:21:24 AM

Thank you for sharing this. It honestly made my day so much better.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 27, 2020, 08:42:43 AM
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Legend has it the States just overtook China for number of covid19 cases. And they said American exceptionalism was a thing of the past.

(That said, I could easily see the US media inflating their own numbers and the Chinese state-run media lowering theirs.)


Even if that's the case, the US is fucked dude. When China was at this point, they were straight up cutting of cities and stopping people from leaving their house. We're doing none of that here. Every stay at home order is limp dicked to the max. We're not even at the worst of it yet. Weeks from now is when the bodies will really start to pile up. Even with journalistic hysteria in play, the amount of dead people is a true number. We're worse off than italy and china by a long shot.

I hate to say it, but I think this is still going to get pretty bad.

i don't buy into the hysteria--meaning the virus and the media can not make me hysterical--but i do not for a second underestimate the power and determination the hysteria has over many (most?) Americans, and what these Americans are capable of, when hysterical.

this is one reason i have a safe full of "high capacity" rifles and handguns, thousands upon thousands of rounds of ammunition and magazines stored up, and why i've been training for years.

many Americans are impelled on a daily basis by two impulses, and two impulses alone--appetites and insecurities. these Americans fight and shoot each other over a video game at Walmart at Christmas time, or because someone didn't pull away from a stop light quick enough--these debased peasants will make things in this country unbearable for everyone else trying to stay safe and sane as this runs its course.

so far, teaching my classes online this first week back, has went well--and almost all of my students in both classes have the tech resources to see this semester through...i'm happy to say. this is me working towards and praying for the best...

...the aforementioned Americans--and their appetites and insecurities--are why i will nonetheless be prepared for the worst. remember when Louis-Ferdinand Celine wrote this in Journey to the End of the Night?

"..Men are the thing to be afraid of, always, men and nothing else."

With high unemployment and high poverty rates comes high crime. It's an inevitable outcome. People will become desperate and more people will become victims of theft because of this.

I think you're totally right to prepare the way you have. While property theft may not happen to everyone on slap, it will happen to many because of this.

We have castle doctrine in my state and my girl's family has the same mentality as you and prepared the same way. I doubt that I'll experience an attempted robbery where I am but it wouldn't go well for whoever tried and I'm not trying to be some internet badass by saying so, it's just the fact of the matter.

I'm just going to stay inside for as long as possible and away from people for as long as possible and hopefully that works. I just don't know what else to do.

i swear, it really does seem this simple--if boredom is the worst i have to complain about, how dare i complain.

you know i'm not including this to carry on about gun-control and all, and i know this dude comes on strong, but i couldn't find much about this news anywhere else, and it's inevitable other police departments around the country will have follow suit--i know Detroit's PD is already in bad shape:
Those 3 crimes he mentions though, unless it’s an active, in progress event, they’re not coming no matter where you live. File a report online.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 27, 2020, 10:14:30 AM
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Legend has it the States just overtook China for number of covid19 cases. And they said American exceptionalism was a thing of the past.

(That said, I could easily see the US media inflating their own numbers and the Chinese state-run media lowering theirs.)


Even if that's the case, the US is fucked dude. When China was at this point, they were straight up cutting of cities and stopping people from leaving their house. We're doing none of that here. Every stay at home order is limp dicked to the max. We're not even at the worst of it yet. Weeks from now is when the bodies will really start to pile up. Even with journalistic hysteria in play, the amount of dead people is a true number. We're worse off than italy and china by a long shot.

I hate to say it, but I think this is still going to get pretty bad.

i don't buy into the hysteria--meaning the virus and the media can not make me hysterical--but i do not for a second underestimate the power and determination the hysteria has over many (most?) Americans, and what these Americans are capable of, when hysterical.

this is one reason i have a safe full of "high capacity" rifles and handguns, thousands upon thousands of rounds of ammunition and magazines stored up, and why i've been training for years.

many Americans are impelled on a daily basis by two impulses, and two impulses alone--appetites and insecurities. these Americans fight and shoot each other over a video game at Walmart at Christmas time, or because someone didn't pull away from a stop light quick enough--these debased peasants will make things in this country unbearable for everyone else trying to stay safe and sane as this runs its course.

so far, teaching my classes online this first week back, has went well--and almost all of my students in both classes have the tech resources to see this semester through...i'm happy to say. this is me working towards and praying for the best...

...the aforementioned Americans--and their appetites and insecurities--are why i will nonetheless be prepared for the worst. remember when Louis-Ferdinand Celine wrote this in Journey to the End of the Night?

"..Men are the thing to be afraid of, always, men and nothing else."

With high unemployment and high poverty rates comes high crime. It's an inevitable outcome. People will become desperate and more people will become victims of theft because of this.

I think you're totally right to prepare the way you have. While property theft may not happen to everyone on slap, it will happen to many because of this.

We have castle doctrine in my state and my girl's family has the same mentality as you and prepared the same way. I doubt that I'll experience an attempted robbery where I am but it wouldn't go well for whoever tried and I'm not trying to be some internet badass by saying so, it's just the fact of the matter.

I'm just going to stay inside for as long as possible and away from people for as long as possible and hopefully that works. I just don't know what else to do.

i swear, it really does seem this simple--if boredom is the worst i have to complain about, how dare i complain.

you know i'm not including this to carry on about gun-control and all, and i know this dude comes on strong, but i couldn't find much about this news anywhere else, and it's inevitable other police departments around the country will have follow suit--i know Detroit's PD is already in bad shape:

Philly announced that they're halting drug, prostitute, and simple theft. Waiting to arrest some later by giving out warrants.

All that shit aside, and like I said before, it is a statistical inevitability that crime will rise when there is a rise in unemployment and the poverty rates go up. How you choose to protect yourself, if you feel it's necessary to, is up to you.(speaking in a general sense, not you specifically deputy wendall).

I just think a lot of people aren't realizing this. I've been dirt poor and homeless and I stole food to survive. It's just a consequence of extreme poverty. Crime will absolutely rise because of this. Desperation turns people.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 27, 2020, 11:21:13 AM
All that shit aside, and like I said before, it is a statistical inevitability that crime will rise when there is a rise in unemployment and the poverty rates go up. How you choose to protect yourself, if you feel it's necessary to, is up to you.(speaking in a general sense, not you specifically deputy wendall).

I just think a lot of people aren't realizing this. I've been dirt poor and homeless and I stole food to survive. It's just a consequence of extreme poverty. Crime will absolutely rise because of this. Desperation turns people.

The raw number of crimes were lower in 2010, 2011, and 2012 than they were prior to the recession (,

Canada's unemployment is often quite higher than the US and their crime rate is far lower.

Crime rose dramatically in the post WW-II era, despite a booming economy and the majority of Americans moving up.

Crime and poverty are often correlated, but not because most people are out robbing for their daily bread. There are all sorts of criminological theories that attempt to explain this correlation, but the idea it is simply person x needs y so he rationalized and it and stole it is often bullshit.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Tracerstracer on March 27, 2020, 11:30:28 AM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 27, 2020, 11:39:50 AM
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All that shit aside, and like I said before, it is a statistical inevitability that crime will rise when there is a rise in unemployment and the poverty rates go up. How you choose to protect yourself, if you feel it's necessary to, is up to you.(speaking in a general sense, not you specifically deputy wendall).

I just think a lot of people aren't realizing this. I've been dirt poor and homeless and I stole food to survive. It's just a consequence of extreme poverty. Crime will absolutely rise because of this. Desperation turns people.

The raw number of crimes were lower in 2010, 2011, and 2012 than they were prior to the recession (,

Canada's unemployment is often quite higher than the US and their crime rate is far lower.

Crime rose dramatically in the post WW-II era, despite a booming economy and the majority of Americans moving up.

Crime and poverty are often correlated, but not because most people are out robbing for their daily bread. There are all sorts of criminological theories that attempt to explain this correlation, but the idea it is simply person x needs y so he rationalized and it and stole it is often bullshit.

Um see what happens if welfare won't cover everyone. You think people won't/don't steal to eat? You're crazy dude.

First off, Canada is a totally different ball game than America. I get that you have "ghettos" there but real poverty in Canada is simply not the same as it is in America. Point out any Canadian city that has the crime rates and poverty levels, along with unemployment levels, that North Philadelphia or Baltimore have. I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed in Canada because of my five felonies but if I ever get up there, I'd be happy if you would show me around your ghettos. Then I'll take you down to mine. Like I said, the social services in Canada protect people from the type of poverty that America has. Our number one cause for bankruptcy is medical debt. You literally don't have the issue. You don't have the same problems America has and that's a simple fact and to compare Canadian crime rates to this as an example of why crime won't rise is fucking silly. Plus, all you guys are way too polite to be real criminals. Fucking maple syrup gangs don't count bro(consider this last part to be said in jest).

Have you been to an American ghetto? I've spent a fair amount of my life in the badlands and the kensington area of Philadelphia. Save some other cities in America(Baltimore, Chicago, Newark,..) that are slightly similar in crime rates and poverty, there is no place in Canada like what I'm talking about. Your health care and social services simply cover more people and help many more. I'm sure you want to debate me until the cows come home about Toronto projects or whatever but I assure you, there is literally no place in Canada that comes close to a real American ghetto.

All that being said, when welfare gets cut, when poverty goes up, so does crime.

The last american recession is nothing like this by the way. That affected the housing market in a huge way but there were still swaths of America that were largely left untouched. I lived in Lancaster PA, a fairly well off city. Although home ownership went down, poverty was not a huge issue. Hell, my mother and her husband made over 100k in profit due to the housing bubble bursting while they had a savings because they were able to buy a home when the market was low. I've also spent time(10 months) in Reading PA, one of the most destitute, vagrant cities I've ever stepped foot in. You know the monopoly board? The Reading railroad? Guess what is a shell of itself now because of manufacturing dying in america.Yeah, the fucking city that was put on the monopoly board because it used to be so prosperous. The recession is nothing like this though. Unemployment was not this bad and like I said, certain cities and areas were largely left unscathed in America. That's not the case with covid.

Poverty and crime correlation is real. I've fucking lived it dude. I've seen real desperation and real high unemployment and I've seen the effect that has on communities.

Edit: Also, please don't take this as some ghetto pissing contest. My main point is that comparing canada to america is apples and oranges, with the orange being a rotted out shell of itself, with no real social safety nets, since industry was shipped overseas.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: treflips_up_yer_nan on March 27, 2020, 11:50:38 AM
Someone I know just told me her friend has a friend in NY -- a person in perfect health -- and COVID-19 killed that person in 2 weeks.

Random teenager in france who was 16 died in two days. She was in perfect health too. I think imma not go skating at all now she's like 3 years under me fuuuuuck
RIP  :-\
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 27, 2020, 11:56:35 AM
we've got a few criminal subcultures that you don't see in Canada or Europe. i'm not sure if it started with gangsta rap in the 90s [there's a conspiracy theory that Lyor Cohen and Rick Rubin and all the producers told the rappers to push violent misogynist lyrical content instead of goofy 80s rap in order to increase crime and offered them a chance to invest in private prisons.
sounds crazy but the timeline kind of matches up. if true, this could explain America's high crime vs the rest of the developed world.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 27, 2020, 11:58:02 AM
we've got a few criminal subcultures that you don't see in Canada or Europe. i'm not sure if it started with gangsta rap in the 90s [there's a conspiracy theory that Lyor Cohen and Rick Rubin and all the producers told the rappers to push violent misogynist lyrical content instead of goofy 80s rap in order to increase crime and offered them a chance to invest in private prisons.
sounds crazy but the timeline kind of matches up. if true, this could explain America's high crime vs the rest of the developed world.

American crime rates were way high before that though. Look at Chicago in the 70's and same with NYC.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 27, 2020, 12:18:38 PM
I've been ranting on here about how irresponsible my work has been about keeping us safe. Today someone told me that someone in our office of ~100 people tested positive. A bunch of people were in sick like fucking idiots. But my office did all this dumb shit and ignored safety rules. I was only in for 2 days over the past 9 days so I'm hoping I'm good. No symptoms as of yet. More worried about my family and my girlfriend who is freaking out. But I first saw her a week ago and so far no symptoms from her.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 27, 2020, 12:24:44 PM
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we've got a few criminal subcultures that you don't see in Canada or Europe. i'm not sure if it started with gangsta rap in the 90s [there's a conspiracy theory that Lyor Cohen and Rick Rubin and all the producers told the rappers to push violent misogynist lyrical content instead of goofy 80s rap in order to increase crime and offered them a chance to invest in private prisons.
sounds crazy but the timeline kind of matches up. if true, this could explain America's high crime vs the rest of the developed world.

American crime rates were way high before that though. Look at Chicago in the 70's and same with NYC.

The guy you’re talking to is not from the States. He is an English neo-Nazi. Figure that shit out.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 27, 2020, 12:30:08 PM
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we've got a few criminal subcultures that you don't see in Canada or Europe. i'm not sure if it started with gangsta rap in the 90s [there's a conspiracy theory that Lyor Cohen and Rick Rubin and all the producers told the rappers to push violent misogynist lyrical content instead of goofy 80s rap in order to increase crime and offered them a chance to invest in private prisons.
sounds crazy but the timeline kind of matches up. if true, this could explain America's high crime vs the rest of the developed world.

American crime rates were way high before that though. Look at Chicago in the 70's and same with NYC.

The guy you’re talking to is not from the States. He is an English neo-Nazi. Figure that shit out.

I know that. He's a shitty troll and normally I wouldn't engage, just wanted to point out the obvious hole in yet another one of his dumb conspiracy theories.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 27, 2020, 12:49:42 PM
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All that shit aside, and like I said before, it is a statistical inevitability that crime will rise when there is a rise in unemployment and the poverty rates go up. How you choose to protect yourself, if you feel it's necessary to, is up to you.(speaking in a general sense, not you specifically deputy wendall).

I just think a lot of people aren't realizing this. I've been dirt poor and homeless and I stole food to survive. It's just a consequence of extreme poverty. Crime will absolutely rise because of this. Desperation turns people.

The raw number of crimes were lower in 2010, 2011, and 2012 than they were prior to the recession (,

Canada's unemployment is often quite higher than the US and their crime rate is far lower.

Crime rose dramatically in the post WW-II era, despite a booming economy and the majority of Americans moving up.

Crime and poverty are often correlated, but not because most people are out robbing for their daily bread. There are all sorts of criminological theories that attempt to explain this correlation, but the idea it is simply person x needs y so he rationalized and it and stole it is often bullshit.

Um see what happens if welfare won't cover everyone. You think people won't/don't steal to eat? You're crazy dude.

First off, Canada is a totally different ball game than America. I get that you have "ghettos" there but real poverty in Canada is simply not the same as it is in America. Point out any Canadian city that has the crime rates and poverty levels, along with unemployment levels, that North Philadelphia or Baltimore have. I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed in Canada because of my five felonies but if I ever get up there, I'd be happy if you would show me around your ghettos. Then I'll take you down to mine. Like I said, the social services in Canada protect people from the type of poverty that America has. Our number one cause for bankruptcy is medical debt. You literally don't have the issue. You don't have the same problems America has and that's a simple fact and to compare Canadian crime rates to this as an example of why crime won't rise is fucking silly. Plus, all you guys are way too polite to be real criminals. Fucking maple syrup gangs don't count bro(consider this last part to be said in jest).

Have you been to an American ghetto? I've spent a fair amount of my life in the badlands and the kensington area of Philadelphia. Save some other cities in America(Baltimore, Chicago, Newark,..) that are slightly similar in crime rates and poverty, there is no place in Canada like what I'm talking about. Your health care and social services simply cover more people and help many more. I'm sure you want to debate me until the cows come home about Toronto projects or whatever but I assure you, there is literally no place in Canada that comes close to a real American ghetto.

All that being said, when welfare gets cut, when poverty goes up, so does crime.

The last american recession is nothing like this by the way. That affected the housing market in a huge way but there were still swaths of America that were largely left untouched. I lived in Lancaster PA, a fairly well off city. Although home ownership went down, poverty was not a huge issue. Hell, my mother and her husband made over 100k in profit due to the housing bubble bursting while they had a savings because they were able to buy a home when the market was low. I've also spent time(10 months) in Reading PA, one of the most destitute, vagrant cities I've ever stepped foot in. You know the monopoly board? The Reading railroad? Guess what is a shell of itself now because of manufacturing dying in america.Yeah, the fucking city that was put on the monopoly board because it used to be so prosperous. The recession is nothing like this though. Unemployment was not this bad and like I said, certain cities and areas were largely left unscathed in America. That's not the case with covid.

Poverty and crime correlation is real. I've fucking lived it dude. I've seen real desperation and real high unemployment and I've seen the effect that has on communities.

Edit: Also, please don't take this as some ghetto pissing contest. My main point is that comparing canada to america is apples and oranges, with the orange being a rotted out shell of itself, with no real social safety nets, since industry was shipped overseas.

Honestly, I love that you don't respond to facts, and just lean harder on your belief being a fact. It makes for an enjoyable conversation when someone has a "hypothesis" that they treat as a fact. I'm glad you spent years studying crim theory and can explain it all to the rest of us.

You asserted when unemployment goes up crime is going to shoot up, BUT:
1) Other places have higher unemployment and lower crime rates (we don't need to simply focus on Canada, plenty of other places have higher unemployment numbers and lower crime rates). This doesn't support your hypothesis.
2) During the last recession when unemployment increased the raw number of crimes dropped. This doesn't support your hypothesis either.

Not much support for the "common sense" idea that unemployment = dramatic crime rate increases. The reality may be that when unemployment rises fear of crime increases.

You asserted poor economy = higher crime rate.
1) The economy boomed post -WWII and crime went up. Once again, counter your hypothesis.
2) The economy struggled post 2008/9 and the crime rate went down. Once again, counter your hypothesis.

You asserted "when the unemployment runs out blah blah blah"
1) Clinton kicked 50% of the people who were on welfare of welfare in 1996. Crime has been going down since the mid-90s. Once again this shit doesn't line up with your "common sense."

Finally, you seem to misunderstand the term correlation. Correlation means two things are related, not that one causes the other. There is a correlation between impoverished areas and crime rates, but the WHY is not as simple as "poor people are criminals" or "if you become poor you become a criminal."

Not to mention, this indirectly supports the myth that the wealthy don't commit crimes. You have an intense hatred for the "elites," if things are going well for them (and strain and risk of poverty is what causes crime) why are they committing crimes?

The reality is, you just have a deep distrust of people. If thing are going well for them, they are crooks. If things are going poorly for them, they're crooks. No matter what, you are simply going to see disorder around you.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on March 27, 2020, 12:57:56 PM
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All that shit aside, and like I said before, it is a statistical inevitability that crime will rise when there is a rise in unemployment and the poverty rates go up. How you choose to protect yourself, if you feel it's necessary to, is up to you.(speaking in a general sense, not you specifically deputy wendall).

I just think a lot of people aren't realizing this. I've been dirt poor and homeless and I stole food to survive. It's just a consequence of extreme poverty. Crime will absolutely rise because of this. Desperation turns people.

The raw number of crimes were lower in 2010, 2011, and 2012 than they were prior to the recession (,

Canada's unemployment is often quite higher than the US and their crime rate is far lower.

Crime rose dramatically in the post WW-II era, despite a booming economy and the majority of Americans moving up.

Crime and poverty are often correlated, but not because most people are out robbing for their daily bread. There are all sorts of criminological theories that attempt to explain this correlation, but the idea it is simply person x needs y so he rationalized and it and stole it is often bullshit.

Um see what happens if welfare won't cover everyone. You think people won't/don't steal to eat? You're crazy dude.

First off, Canada is a totally different ball game than America. I get that you have "ghettos" there but real poverty in Canada is simply not the same as it is in America. Point out any Canadian city that has the crime rates and poverty levels, along with unemployment levels, that North Philadelphia or Baltimore have. I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed in Canada because of my five felonies but if I ever get up there, I'd be happy if you would show me around your ghettos. Then I'll take you down to mine. Like I said, the social services in Canada protect people from the type of poverty that America has. Our number one cause for bankruptcy is medical debt. You literally don't have the issue. You don't have the same problems America has and that's a simple fact and to compare Canadian crime rates to this as an example of why crime won't rise is fucking silly. Plus, all you guys are way too polite to be real criminals. Fucking maple syrup gangs don't count bro(consider this last part to be said in jest).

Have you been to an American ghetto? I've spent a fair amount of my life in the badlands and the kensington area of Philadelphia. Save some other cities in America(Baltimore, Chicago, Newark,..) that are slightly similar in crime rates and poverty, there is no place in Canada like what I'm talking about. Your health care and social services simply cover more people and help many more. I'm sure you want to debate me until the cows come home about Toronto projects or whatever but I assure you, there is literally no place in Canada that comes close to a real American ghetto.

All that being said, when welfare gets cut, when poverty goes up, so does crime.

The last american recession is nothing like this by the way. That affected the housing market in a huge way but there were still swaths of America that were largely left untouched. I lived in Lancaster PA, a fairly well off city. Although home ownership went down, poverty was not a huge issue. Hell, my mother and her husband made over 100k in profit due to the housing bubble bursting while they had a savings because they were able to buy a home when the market was low. I've also spent time(10 months) in Reading PA, one of the most destitute, vagrant cities I've ever stepped foot in. You know the monopoly board? The Reading railroad? Guess what is a shell of itself now because of manufacturing dying in america.Yeah, the fucking city that was put on the monopoly board because it used to be so prosperous. The recession is nothing like this though. Unemployment was not this bad and like I said, certain cities and areas were largely left unscathed in America. That's not the case with covid.

Poverty and crime correlation is real. I've fucking lived it dude. I've seen real desperation and real high unemployment and I've seen the effect that has on communities.

Edit: Also, please don't take this as some ghetto pissing contest. My main point is that comparing canada to america is apples and oranges, with the orange being a rotted out shell of itself, with no real social safety nets, since industry was shipped overseas.

i had to stop reading, but i spent time growing up in the EastCoast, it's Ghetto AF for sure, but West Coast ghetto is a different beast.

With that, in Canada, the poverty is on First Nations Reservations. Those are the real ghettos. Shit like you ain't seen. Same out here on the res in the west.

no pissing contest cus i generally agree, but when talking about povrety and ghettos, folks be forgetting out native bothers and sisters
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 27, 2020, 01:45:32 PM
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All that shit aside, and like I said before, it is a statistical inevitability that crime will rise when there is a rise in unemployment and the poverty rates go up. How you choose to protect yourself, if you feel it's necessary to, is up to you.(speaking in a general sense, not you specifically deputy wendall).

I just think a lot of people aren't realizing this. I've been dirt poor and homeless and I stole food to survive. It's just a consequence of extreme poverty. Crime will absolutely rise because of this. Desperation turns people.

The raw number of crimes were lower in 2010, 2011, and 2012 than they were prior to the recession (,

Canada's unemployment is often quite higher than the US and their crime rate is far lower.

Crime rose dramatically in the post WW-II era, despite a booming economy and the majority of Americans moving up.

Crime and poverty are often correlated, but not because most people are out robbing for their daily bread. There are all sorts of criminological theories that attempt to explain this correlation, but the idea it is simply person x needs y so he rationalized and it and stole it is often bullshit.

Um see what happens if welfare won't cover everyone. You think people won't/don't steal to eat? You're crazy dude.

First off, Canada is a totally different ball game than America. I get that you have "ghettos" there but real poverty in Canada is simply not the same as it is in America. Point out any Canadian city that has the crime rates and poverty levels, along with unemployment levels, that North Philadelphia or Baltimore have. I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed in Canada because of my five felonies but if I ever get up there, I'd be happy if you would show me around your ghettos. Then I'll take you down to mine. Like I said, the social services in Canada protect people from the type of poverty that America has. Our number one cause for bankruptcy is medical debt. You literally don't have the issue. You don't have the same problems America has and that's a simple fact and to compare Canadian crime rates to this as an example of why crime won't rise is fucking silly. Plus, all you guys are way too polite to be real criminals. Fucking maple syrup gangs don't count bro(consider this last part to be said in jest).

Have you been to an American ghetto? I've spent a fair amount of my life in the badlands and the kensington area of Philadelphia. Save some other cities in America(Baltimore, Chicago, Newark,..) that are slightly similar in crime rates and poverty, there is no place in Canada like what I'm talking about. Your health care and social services simply cover more people and help many more. I'm sure you want to debate me until the cows come home about Toronto projects or whatever but I assure you, there is literally no place in Canada that comes close to a real American ghetto.

All that being said, when welfare gets cut, when poverty goes up, so does crime.

The last american recession is nothing like this by the way. That affected the housing market in a huge way but there were still swaths of America that were largely left untouched. I lived in Lancaster PA, a fairly well off city. Although home ownership went down, poverty was not a huge issue. Hell, my mother and her husband made over 100k in profit due to the housing bubble bursting while they had a savings because they were able to buy a home when the market was low. I've also spent time(10 months) in Reading PA, one of the most destitute, vagrant cities I've ever stepped foot in. You know the monopoly board? The Reading railroad? Guess what is a shell of itself now because of manufacturing dying in america.Yeah, the fucking city that was put on the monopoly board because it used to be so prosperous. The recession is nothing like this though. Unemployment was not this bad and like I said, certain cities and areas were largely left unscathed in America. That's not the case with covid.

Poverty and crime correlation is real. I've fucking lived it dude. I've seen real desperation and real high unemployment and I've seen the effect that has on communities.

Edit: Also, please don't take this as some ghetto pissing contest. My main point is that comparing canada to america is apples and oranges, with the orange being a rotted out shell of itself, with no real social safety nets, since industry was shipped overseas.

Honestly, I love that you don't respond to facts, and just lean harder on your belief being a fact. It makes for an enjoyable conversation when someone has a "hypothesis" that they treat as a fact. I'm glad you spent years studying crim theory and can explain it all to the rest of us.

You asserted when unemployment goes up crime is going to shoot up, BUT:
1) Other places have higher unemployment and lower crime rates (we don't need to simply focus on Canada, plenty of other places have higher unemployment numbers and lower crime rates). This doesn't support your hypothesis.
2) During the last recession when unemployment increased the raw number of crimes dropped. This doesn't support your hypothesis either.

Not much support for the "common sense" idea that unemployment = dramatic crime rate increases. The reality may be that when unemployment rises fear of crime increases.

You asserted poor economy = higher crime rate.
1) The economy boomed post -WWII and crime went up. Once again, counter your hypothesis.
2) The economy struggled post 2008/9 and the crime rate went down. Once again, counter your hypothesis.

You asserted "when the unemployment runs out blah blah blah"
1) Clinton kicked 50% of the people who were on welfare of welfare in 1996. Crime has been going down since the mid-90s. Once again this shit doesn't line up with your "common sense."

Finally, you seem to misunderstand the term correlation. Correlation means two things are related, not that one causes the other. There is a correlation between impoverished areas and crime rates, but the WHY is not as simple as "poor people are criminals" or "if you become poor you become a criminal."

Not to mention, this indirectly supports the myth that the wealthy don't commit crimes. You have an intense hatred for the "elites," if things are going well for them (and strain and risk of poverty is what causes crime) why are they committing crimes?

The reality is, you just have a deep distrust of people. If thing are going well for them, they are crooks. If things are going poorly for them, they're crooks. No matter what, you are simply going to see disorder around you.


I was specifically talking about America and crime rates related to poverty.

As to the rich criminals, yes obviously people are rich and commit crimes. They aren't out stealing food to live though. That's the type of crime that I'm talking about here. The crime we'll see is coming from people that have lost all safety nets.

For the period 2008-12-
Persons in poor households at or below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) (39.8 per 1,000) had more than double the rate of violent victimization as persons in high-income households (16.9 per 1,000).
Persons in poor households had a higher rate of violence involving a firearm (3.5 per 1,000) compared to persons above the FPL (0.8-2.5 per 1,000).
The overall pattern of poor persons having the highest rates of violent victimization was consistent for both whites and blacks. However, the rate of violent victimization for Hispanics did not vary across poverty levels.
Poor Hispanics (25.3 per 1,000) had lower rates of violence compared to poor whites (46.4 per 1,000) and poor blacks (43.4 per 1,000).
Poor persons living in urban areas (43.9 per 1,000) had violent victimization rates similar to poor persons living in rural areas (38.8 per 1,000).
Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000).

This came from the bureau of Justice Statistics.

That's another source where I'm drawing these conclusions from. Finally, this is my final source

All of these do back up what I said about poverty and crime(at least in my opinion),  with the last link backing, with sources, what I am trying to get at.

I understand that I came off not directly responding to your statistics at first. I should have done that, before adding in my anecdotes. That being said, there are plenty of examples of what I'm talking about. My last example points at the correlation of unemployment and violent crime. I get that you're showing examples as well that seem to be well thought out. That being said, I have sincerely spent much of my life in these impoverished areas. I have witnessed sincere poverty and desperation due to poverty. I've seen crimes committed by unemployed individuals because they were hungry and they needed food. I've lived in areas with high unemployment, low home ownership and bad schools. You can accept my anecdotes as false but myself, and others I know, have stolen food, stolen money, stolen property, to stave off hunger. You can believe that high unemployment won't affect crime but I assure you, it absolutely will. In America at least. Canada is not America. It won't ever be America. Someone pointed out that Native American Reservations are the real ghetto in Canada. I truly believe that. That being said, you have no place like kensington or the badlands, like southside Chicago, like west Baltimore, like basically every city in New Jersey, the skid row in LA. You just don't bro. The safety nets that are in Canada simply aren't here.

 Again, I don't need to have some ghetto pissing contest. It just kind of seems like you've never been to a real ghetto, or else you probably wouldn't spout off that shit. Cause it's really obvious that poverty and lack of education drive a certain type of crime(obviously not white collar).

Also, and please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm going to stop arguing with you. I feel like we're clogging up the coronavirus thread with our back and forth bickering. PM me if you want okay? I say this all with no malice and I sincerely do understand where you're coming from. I just think we've been down some different roads in life.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Foray on March 27, 2020, 02:06:37 PM
Can we stop arguing with trolls and just get updates from people?

can you dorks please argue somewhere else?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 27, 2020, 02:13:38 PM
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Can we stop arguing with trolls and just get updates from people?

can you dorks please argue somewhere else?

Yes, in my last post I said specifically that I was stopping. Apologies for clogging up the thread.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: rawr1922 on March 27, 2020, 02:58:37 PM
Update from front lines of San Diego. Obviously not as bad as other regions. Have a relative who's a PA at one of the big hospitals. She doesn't seem that worried about it:

"Ya, it's fine. Slower than normal really, just mostly dramatic with the COVID stuff."

Surprised at her calm response then said I was shocked she didnt see an influx of patients.

Then she responded, "We do, we have a bunch of them. But everyone shut down all elective procedures/operations. And people are actually listening and not coming in unless they are really ill. The net result is services are slower than normal. It's here, it's been here for weeks. The initial kill rates are falsely inflated. They were initially only testing really sick people. Lots have it, but I suspect it's not significantly different from the flu. It will kill old people, sick people and immunocompromised people."

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dr Dew on March 27, 2020, 03:01:01 PM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 27, 2020, 03:38:19 PM
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All that shit aside, and like I said before, it is a statistical inevitability that crime will rise when there is a rise in unemployment and the poverty rates go up.
Um see what happens if welfare won't cover everyone. You think people won't/don't steal to eat? You're crazy dude.

Honestly, I love that you don't respond to facts, and just lean harder on your belief being a fact. It makes for an enjoyable conversation when someone has a "hypothesis" that they treat as a fact. I'm glad you spent years studying crim theory and can explain it all to the rest of us.

You asserted when unemployment goes up crime is going to shoot up, BUT:
1) Other places have higher unemployment and lower crime rates (we don't need to simply focus on Canada, plenty of other places have higher unemployment numbers and lower crime rates). This doesn't support your hypothesis.
2) During the last recession when unemployment increased the raw number of crimes dropped. This doesn't support your hypothesis either.

Not much support for the "common sense" idea that unemployment = dramatic crime rate increases. The reality may be that when unemployment rises fear of crime increases.

You asserted poor economy = higher crime rate.
1) The economy boomed post -WWII and crime went up. Once again, counter your hypothesis.
2) The economy struggled post 2008/9 and the crime rate went down. Once again, counter your hypothesis.

You asserted "when the unemployment runs out blah blah blah"
1) Clinton kicked 50% of the people who were on welfare of welfare in 1996. Crime has been going down since the mid-90s. Once again this shit doesn't line up with your "common sense."

Finally, you seem to misunderstand the term correlation. Correlation means two things are related, not that one causes the other. There is a correlation between impoverished areas and crime rates, but the WHY is not as simple as "poor people are criminals" or "if you become poor you become a criminal."

Not to mention, this indirectly supports the myth that the wealthy don't commit crimes. You have an intense hatred for the "elites," if things are going well for them (and strain and risk of poverty is what causes crime) why are they committing crimes?

The reality is, you just have a deep distrust of people. If thing are going well for them, they are crooks. If things are going poorly for them, they're crooks. No matter what, you are simply going to see disorder around you.


I was specifically talking about America and crime rates related to poverty.

As to the rich criminals, yes obviously people are rich and commit crimes. They aren't out stealing food to live though. That's the type of crime that I'm talking about here. The crime we'll see is coming from people that have lost all safety nets.

For the period 2008-12-
Persons in poor households at or below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) (39.8 per 1,000) had more than double the rate of violent victimization as persons in high-income households (16.9 per 1,000).
Persons in poor households had a higher rate of violence involving a firearm (3.5 per 1,000) compared to persons above the FPL (0.8-2.5 per 1,000).
The overall pattern of poor persons having the highest rates of violent victimization was consistent for both whites and blacks. However, the rate of violent victimization for Hispanics did not vary across poverty levels.
Poor Hispanics (25.3 per 1,000) had lower rates of violence compared to poor whites (46.4 per 1,000) and poor blacks (43.4 per 1,000).
Poor persons living in urban areas (43.9 per 1,000) had violent victimization rates similar to poor persons living in rural areas (38.8 per 1,000).
Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000).

This came from the bureau of Justice Statistics.

That's another source where I'm drawing these conclusions from. Finally, this is my final source

All of these do back up what I said about poverty and crime(at least in my opinion),  with the last link backing, with sources, what I am trying to get at.

I understand that I came off not directly responding to your statistics at first. I should have done that, before adding in my anecdotes. That being said, there are plenty of examples of what I'm talking about. My last example points at the correlation of unemployment and violent crime. I get that you're showing examples as well that seem to be well thought out. That being said, I have sincerely spent much of my life in these impoverished areas. I have witnessed sincere poverty and desperation due to poverty. I've seen crimes committed by unemployed individuals because they were hungry and they needed food. I've lived in areas with high unemployment, low home ownership and bad schools. You can accept my anecdotes as false but myself, and others I know, have stolen food, stolen money, stolen property, to stave off hunger. You can believe that high unemployment won't affect crime but I assure you, it absolutely will. In America at least. Canada is not America. It won't ever be America. Someone pointed out that Native American Reservations are the real ghetto in Canada. I truly believe that. That being said, you have no place like kensington or the badlands, like southside Chicago, like west Baltimore, like basically every city in New Jersey, the skid row in LA. You just don't bro. The safety nets that are in Canada simply aren't here.

 Again, I don't need to have some ghetto pissing contest. It just kind of seems like you've never been to a real ghetto, or else you probably wouldn't spout off that shit. Cause it's really obvious that poverty and lack of education drive a certain type of crime(obviously not white collar).

Also, and please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm going to stop arguing with you. I feel like we're clogging up the coronavirus thread with our back and forth bickering. PM me if you want okay? I say this all with no malice and I sincerely do understand where you're coming from. I just think we've been down some different roads in life.

Why am I not surprised that your experience of the Coronavirus continues to foresee tragedy and the destabilization of society. At first we were all going to run out of food so we need to panic buy and now we are going to be overrun by crime. We get it, fear and distrust colors absolutely everything around you. I'm sorry this is your view of the world and experience of this particular pandemic.

Your information provides evidence that there is a correlation between poverty and crime, not that poverty causes crime. These are two different things. The number of drownings and the amount of ice cream consumed goes up at the same time... so does ice cream causes drownings? Or, could it be a third factor? (Obviously, yes. More ice cream = summer and more swimming/drowning = summer.)

The American crime rate went down after 2008/9. The American crime rate continued to fall after the American President Bill Clinton (and the American Congress) kicked 50% of those on the welfare rolls of of welfare. Just because Americans experience hardships doesn't mean they are going to go out and start robbing one another. The factors around why poverty and crime often line up is far more than as soon as someone becomes poor they become a criminal (especially since this ignores age, a key factor related to crime.)

You don't want to have a ghetto pissing contest, but you're going to bring up over and over again. We get the idea that you've seen or lived in a poor neighborhood before, which makes you not only street smart but somehow an expert on crime and human behavior. And, we get it, I (an American living in Canada) has never seen a poor neighborhood. However, even having lived one of the 10 most dangerous cities in the USA (according to Forbes) for years that doesn't do anything to add to my position. Just the same as my grandfather who had three heart attacks wasn't anymore qualified to do heart surgery or diagnose someone's else's medical condition.

As for an understanding of the south side of Chicago I think I'll stick with (,204,203,200_QL40_ML2_.jpg) or for an understanding of rough neighborhoods in NYC, I'll read (,204,203,200_.jpg) .
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 27, 2020, 03:46:18 PM
stfu with the long posts
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 27, 2020, 04:13:42 PM
Lurper, your grandpa couldn't fix hearts with a scalpel but i'm sure he was an expert on how to clog one with unhealthy food.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: goeatsomefriedbread on March 27, 2020, 04:50:18 PM
Where I work everyone got fired last week when the government ordered all bars etc to close. Then the government said they would subsidise people's wages to a certain extent and our boss rehired everyone haha. I've left my house twice the past two weeks to buy groceries. I picked up a half ounce off my guy and he had me put the cash inside a sealed plastic bag, leave it on the floor, he left the grass down, we walked around each other, picked up, and left. Extremely surreal but totally justified.

Last weekend people were out in their droves in parks, beaches etc not taking everything so seriously (infuriating). I've read the virus can be in your system for two weeks before symptoms show and I think they are expecting a lot of deaths over the next few weeks; one of the airports in the capital is being repurposed into an air force base for flying people/supplies etc to and from hospitals and another airport out of the capital is being converted into a morgue.

I don't really mind the self isolation stuff, I miss my girlfriend and my friends who are in my home country. All flights to there are basically suspended at the moment. I had my interview for an MA course earlier today by Skype. Nothing really seems to matter so much anymore and life feels on hold. I have my banjo, art supplies, an income, and a half ounce, so I feel more priviledged than most, and I'm grateful. I hope everyone stays safe through what is sure to be a rollercoaster of a few months/years/forever.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 27, 2020, 05:03:01 PM
Where I work everyone got fired last week when the government ordered all bars etc to close. Then the government said they would subsidise people's wages to a certain extent and our boss rehired everyone haha. I've left my house twice the past two weeks to buy groceries. I picked up a half ounce off my guy and he had me put the cash inside a sealed plastic bag, leave it on the floor, he left the grass down, we walked around each other, picked up, and left. Extremely surreal but totally justified.

Last weekend people were out in their droves in parks, beaches etc not taking everything so seriously (infuriating). I've read the virus can be in your system for two weeks before symptoms show and I think they are expecting a lot of deaths over the next few weeks; one of the airports in the capital is being repurposed into an air force base for flying people/supplies etc to and from hospitals and another airport out of the capital is being converted into a morgue.

I don't really mind the self isolation stuff, I miss my girlfriend and my friends who are in my home country. All flights to there are basically suspended at the moment. I had my interview for an MA course earlier today by Skype. Nothing really seems to matter so much anymore and life feels on hold. I have my banjo, art supplies, an income, and a half ounce, so I feel more priviledged than most, and I'm grateful. I hope everyone stays safe through what is sure to be a rollercoaster of a few months/years/forever.

Are you in America? The gov't is subsidizing the wages of a bar's employees? Where is this?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: goeatsomefriedbread on March 27, 2020, 05:04:42 PM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on March 27, 2020, 05:13:11 PM
I see. Sweet deal
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 27, 2020, 05:15:24 PM
Fuck, someone took intro to CJ. Good luck with Wacquant, that motherfucker doesn't know what a period is.

Finally out of the jail. Kind of. Doing 80% of the work from the office, still have to go down a couple times a night to pick up paperwork. The entire basement is a corona factory.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 27, 2020, 05:38:41 PM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chavo on March 27, 2020, 06:23:56 PM
I'm one of a handful of "essential" state workers that still has to physically report to work in one of the largest government buildings in the U.S. The non-essential workers includes our elected officials (who jumped ship at the first chance). Some of our branches and neighboring government agencies are one by one discovering infected employees and shutting down. It's just a matter of time. We are trying but probably won't get "hazard pay" since our union is shit. On the other hand, most of the other non-essential employees were immediately sent home with 1.5x pay whether they had work or not. All this money California is forking out has me worried about layoffs in the near future. At least I still have a job.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: brycickle on March 27, 2020, 07:13:57 PM
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It's eerie in San Diego. People were still going to the beaches in droves on Saturday; I drove by Torrey Pines and was like WTF? Now, it's a ghost town and on the few occasions when I've gone to the store people are very friendly (in a compassionate way). Neighbors I didn't know I had are asking me if I'm okay… and over the past week if I catch myself in a good mood I'll kinda feel guilty.

This has been quite a wake up call. Hopefully we don't lose too many to this virus.

Nah, man! You’re allowed to be happy. Smile at people. Spread that shit around. People need it now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 27, 2020, 07:39:30 PM

ACLU is suing rhode island for this by the way.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 28, 2020, 12:57:26 AM

Anyone else feel like it’s too late for this shit and the whole country already has it?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: El Nugjar on March 28, 2020, 03:16:49 AM
The Florida Keys has a road block setup at the county line and making people turn around if they don’t live there. Only people in are commercial vehicles and locals. I’m a few days from packing my shit and heading back down there since all these people from the North East are flooding into Florida.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: matty_c on March 28, 2020, 05:03:25 AM

Anyone else feel like it’s too late for this shit and the whole country already has it?

Yeah mate
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jay_nev on March 28, 2020, 06:12:29 AM
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Anyone else feel like it’s too late for this shit and the whole country already has it?
Yeah mate
could be but RI has real low numbers and NY the opposite.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 28, 2020, 07:45:38 AM
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It's eerie in San Diego. People were still going to the beaches in droves on Saturday; I drove by Torrey Pines and was like WTF? Now, it's a ghost town and on the few occasions when I've gone to the store people are very friendly (in a compassionate way). Neighbors I didn't know I had are asking me if I'm okay… and over the past week if I catch myself in a good mood I'll kinda feel guilty.

This has been quite a wake up call. Hopefully we don't lose too many to this virus.

Nah, man! You’re allowed to be happy. Smile at people. Spread that shit around. People need it now.

Don’t dip your balls in my smile, fool. That’s how you spread the Covid.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Gnarfunkell on March 28, 2020, 08:55:55 AM
I'm in Brooklyn, so yeah, I've been staying in my apartment unless I really have a reason to leave. The only time I've been outside this week was to take out the trash and to go cruising a couple times since sitting around is killing my back.

My family is down in Florida, and I have a sister in law that's a nurse that's really struggling with the situation. She told us that the ICUs are packed with critical COVID-19 patients and that the virus moves incredibly quickly in some people. Apparently some folks go from having mild symptoms to needing the ICU within a couple hours. I know that's not the norm, but it's bad. I feel so worried for my parents, especially because my dad just wrapped up a bunch of cancer treatment.

My sister in law also said the working conditions are just awful. The doctors at the hospital are so freaked out by the virus that they won't go into the ICU, so they've resorted to verbally abusing the nurses to get them to do all the dirty work.

All I can really say is please stay safe out there my pals and be considerate in these trying, dangerous times. I can't imagine things going back to "normal" for quite a while.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Kylo Send on March 28, 2020, 09:21:00 AM
That's good info man, thanks for sharing, I hope you and your family stays safe. I just started seeing a PA nurse a couple weeks ago right before shit hit the fan and her stress is crazy high at times.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 50mm on March 28, 2020, 10:19:37 AM
I'm glad we got back to discussing what's going on. I still haven't heard anything else about my office supposedly having a person test positive. I'm just being cautious and trying not to go out or anything. It's starting to sound more like bullshit rumors even though the person who told me said they are for sure someone is positive with it.

I've only been in a couple days over the last 10 so here's hoping everything's ok. I'm not really worried about it either way, I just don't want to infect someone else. I'm just trying to stay home as much as possible, I felt bad last night because I wanted some snacks and went to the gas station real quick. Pretty  much held my breath and sanitized my hands before I went in real quick. It's just that I haven't left home in a couple days so I needed to get out and get something.

I think it's obvious a fuckload more people have it than those that are confirmed because not everyone is going to go to the hospital and not everyone is even being told to come in unless they have severe symptoms. But like I said, I'm more worried about giving it to someone that is high risk. My girlfriend has really mild asthma, but has asthma none the less. She is scared, and I'm really bummed about the possible exposure at my work because we only get to see each other on weekends since I moved and were really looking to seeing each other this weekend after a rough week. But I told her let's wait and be cautious. That's the only thing that fucking sucks. Obviously I don't want want to die, but I'm not really scared of death. She's like my only friend and so not being able to see her fucking sucks. It's already been almost a week.

My dad is an LVN and I called and told him just to give him a heads up about the work rumors because my sister who lives with him has been over lately. I expected him to freak because he always does but he just stayed calm and gave me a couple numbers to call if I feel any symptoms. My mom and sister's I think, think I'm depressed, honestly I just miss my girlfriend.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 28, 2020, 10:57:39 AM
I'm in Brooklyn, so yeah, I've been staying in my apartment unless I really have a reason to leave. The only time I've been outside this week was to take out the trash and to go cruising a couple times since sitting around is killing my back.

My family is down in Florida, and I have a sister in law that's a nurse that's really struggling with the situation. She told us that the ICUs are packed with critical COVID-19 patients and that the virus moves incredibly quickly in some people. Apparently some folks go from having mild symptoms to needing the ICU within a couple hours. I know that's not the norm, but it's bad. I feel so worried for my parents, especially because my dad just wrapped up a bunch of cancer treatment.

My sister in law also said the working conditions are just awful. The doctors at the hospital are so freaked out by the virus that they won't go into the ICU, so they've resorted to verbally abusing the nurses to get them to do all the dirty work.

All I can really say is please stay safe out there my pals and be considerate in these trying, dangerous times. I can't imagine things going back to "normal" for quite a while.

yeah, thanks for sharing this man...i'm not on social media, so i don't know if these kinds of things are everywhere, but came across this nurse's post from the Detroit News yesterday--fucking jarring, and if this kind of thing does not convince people to fuck listen and stay home, i don't know what will (hopefully it will embed):

i said it somewhere else, but if the worst many of us can complain about right now it boredom, how fucking dare we complain.

hope everybody is safe and well--fuck, i'm not even worried about "normal" for a while, just friends, family, and neighbors safe will be straight...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jack burton on March 28, 2020, 02:02:26 PM
I'm glad we got back to discussing what's going on. I still haven't heard anything else about my office supposedly having a person test positive. I'm just being cautious and trying not to go out or anything. It's starting to sound more like bullshit rumors even though the person who told me said they are for sure someone is positive with it.

I've only been in a couple days over the last 10 so here's hoping everything's ok. I'm not really worried about it either way, I just don't want to infect someone else. I'm just trying to stay home as much as possible, I felt bad last night because I wanted some snacks and went to the gas station real quick. Pretty  much held my breath and sanitized my hands before I went in real quick. It's just that I haven't left home in a couple days so I needed to get out and get something.

I think it's obvious a fuckload more people have it than those that are confirmed because not everyone is going to go to the hospital and not everyone is even being told to come in unless they have severe symptoms. But like I said, I'm more worried about giving it to someone that is high risk. My girlfriend has really mild asthma, but has asthma none the less. She is scared, and I'm really bummed about the possible exposure at my work because we only get to see each other on weekends since I moved and were really looking to seeing each other this weekend after a rough week. But I told her let's wait and be cautious. That's the only thing that fucking sucks. Obviously I don't want want to die, but I'm not really scared of death. She's like my only friend and so not being able to see her fucking sucks. It's already been almost a week.

My dad is an LVN and I called and told him just to give him a heads up about the work rumors because my sister who lives with him has been over lately. I expected him to freak because he always does but he just stayed calm and gave me a couple numbers to call if I feel any symptoms. My mom and sister's I think, think I'm depressed, honestly I just miss my girlfriend.

I feel you big time on this as currently my girlfriend and I are in a long distance relationship. We both live on separate coasts and only see each other every two months. She was supposed to come last week but we decided it was a bad idea with her flying. Haven't seen her since January and not sure when ill even get to see her again. Moved home to go back to school three years ago so I've been away from my friends this whole time. This quarantine in regards to seeing friends is really nothing new but missing my girlfriend bigly. I live in jersey and supposed to be moving to the west coast in may but we shall see how that plays out being right near New York.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on March 28, 2020, 03:13:09 PM
I just drove by Neptune's Net, County Line and Leo Carrillo in Malibu. Those 3 places, along with all the hiking trails surrounding them, were packed with people... like it's the middle of summer and 80/sunny. Bunch of fucking idiots.

My town has been pretty dead and I'm happy about that. All restaurants are take-out or delivery, etc.

Gavin Newsom needs to start cracking the whip!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 28, 2020, 03:46:46 PM
I heard NYPD is about to start actually policing social distancing Monday. For the dumbasses chillin in groups at the park etc.

I wanna get this shit under wraps asap and people are apparently too dumb to do it willingly so necessary I guess, but still any expanded govt and cop power makes me nervous.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Nosferatu on March 28, 2020, 06:21:47 PM
I heard NYPD is about to start actually policing social distancing Monday. For the dumbasses chillin in groups at the park etc.

I wanna get this shit under wraps asap and people are apparently too dumb to do it willingly so necessary I guess, but still any expanded govt and cop power makes me nervous.

I’ve heard ’I heard’ so many times...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 28, 2020, 08:07:56 PM
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I heard NYPD is about to start actually policing social distancing Monday. For the dumbasses chillin in groups at the park etc.

I wanna get this shit under wraps asap and people are apparently too dumb to do it willingly so necessary I guess, but still any expanded govt and cop power makes me nervous.

I’ve heard ’I heard’ so many times...

“I heard from my neighbors uncle who works high up in DC that Marshall law starts Tuesday”

But my thing isn’t bs I don’t think. I thought I read it somewhere reputable but I’m drowning in bookmarked news articles and lost it so who knows
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fulltechnicalskizzy on March 28, 2020, 08:12:54 PM
Heard from my friend's stepdad who is a retired NYPD first responder that Jews are suspiciously impervious to the virus
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dont on March 28, 2020, 09:31:08 PM
Heard from my friend's stepdad who is a retired NYPD first responder that Jews are suspiciously impervious to the virus

I’m Jewish and my family members in nyc are very sick from the virus. Your retired “friend’s stepdad” may need to be fact checked- people say crazy shit when tragedies happen
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: hotstudios_on_youtube on March 28, 2020, 10:07:33 PM
my city London Ontario Canada got its first death today a 70 year old who was in Portugal
25 total cases to date, tons of em not travel related, so that's fucked.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Jewlien Burford on March 29, 2020, 04:32:17 AM
Beaches, skateparks  and outdoor gyms closed.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 29, 2020, 05:37:11 AM
In an unexpected move after a few years of cold diplomatic relations, China is apparently donating medical masks to Canada.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 29, 2020, 06:48:51 AM
In an unexpected move after a few years of cold diplomatic relations, China is apparently donating medical masks to Canada.
trying to make us jealous.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr.Jenkins on March 29, 2020, 09:27:41 AM
Its Wierd with Sweden. We dont have a lockdown yet, and Im not sure we will have one. We have a ban on crodws more then 50 people, and have closed higher education schools. In reality, there is less people on the streets, there is a few basic shortages in the stores (yeast and TP mostly). At the same time.. People are out, shopping, even going to restaurants and shit. I see people with mask, and people dont greet normally, and are keeping some distance.

Big problem has been economical so far, lots of places has shit down, or layed off people.

Here is the thing, we have 110 dead so far. And all our neighbouring countrys are critizing us for not taking stronger pre-cautions. But.. The last days the people in the ICU are declining. Even though its too early to tell, it does looks like we are doing something right.

We have a few advantages, We are a distant people by nature, we have a spread out population on a large are, our elders usually dont live in a generation household, so they are mostly at distance at it is. We also have are one of the best countries in the world when it comes to being careful with Antibiotics, and have a population that is not prone to being resistant to it, which I think helps.

But who knows.. We can just wait and see.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on March 29, 2020, 09:29:34 AM
My wife and I were just brainstorming about what to do about hand sanitizing on the go with the shortage of hand sanitizers and wipes. This was necessitated because we're scared for my brother in law who works in heating/air conditioning and still going to people's homes and is unable to find them. Also, I have a little right now, but what to do when it's all gone.

I came up with the idea of putting soapy water into a spray bottle and regular water in another spray bottle. Just spray soapy water on hands to get a good handwash. Rinse with the other sprayer. If you can't find hand soap, then dish soap could work in a pinch.

Also, if you are a bar soap guy like me, drop your slivers in water to make soapy water solution. I hope this helps someone out there stay safe.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: authentic_creed_bratton on March 29, 2020, 09:34:52 AM
we mixed isopropol alcohol and aloe vera lotion, and added a little tea tree oil. works like a champ.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on March 29, 2020, 09:36:57 AM
No alcohol on the shelves here. That's what my brother in law was using until it was gone.

I luckily bought a big bottle in December/January because I was going to clean my bearings with it. Now, I'll just get some solvent for my bearings.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr.Jenkins on March 29, 2020, 09:46:03 AM
No alcohol on the shelves here. That's what my brother in law was using until it was gone.

I luckily bought a big bottle in December/January because I was going to clean my bearings with it. Now, I'll just get some solvent for my bearings.

You can make some with windscreen washer fluids, I would guess thats pretty easy to come by. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on March 29, 2020, 10:09:58 AM
I'll look into that. Still, there's variability in the formulations of windshield washer fluid so it might be a skin irritant for him and since he uses his hands so much, I don't want the skin on them cracking from drying out from some included chemical.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: YungJugg on March 29, 2020, 10:19:41 AM
Its Wierd with Sweden. We dont have a lockdown yet, and Im not sure we will have one. We have a ban on crodws more then 50 people, and have closed higher education schools. In reality, there is less people on the streets, there is a few basic shortages in the stores (yeast and TP mostly). At the same time.. People are out, shopping, even going to restaurants and shit. I see people with mask, and people dont greet normally, and are keeping some distance.

Big problem has been economical so far, lots of places has shit down, or layed off people.

Here is the thing, we have 110 dead so far. And all our neighbouring countrys are critizing us for not taking stronger pre-cautions. But.. The last days the people in the ICU are declining. Even though its too early to tell, it does looks like we are doing something right.

We have a few advantages, We are a distant people by nature, we have a spread out population on a large are, our elders usually dont live in a generation household, so they are mostly at distance at it is. We also have are one of the best countries in the world when it comes to being careful with Antibiotics, and have a population that is not prone to being resistant to it, which I think helps.

But who knows.. We can just wait and see.

Antibiotics don’t do anything for viral infections though.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr.Jenkins on March 29, 2020, 10:41:50 AM
No - but it helps with bacterial pnemonia and infections in your body. Since a lot of people who dies had underlaying diseases and such this help fight that. Its a theory that it being talked about in Sweden as a possible cause to the high deathrates in Italy and Spain.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: YungJugg on March 29, 2020, 11:57:41 AM
ah shit that totally makes sense, didn’t even cross my mind.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr.Jenkins on March 29, 2020, 12:27:20 PM
I'll look into that. Still, there's variability in the formulations of windshield washer fluid so it might be a skin irritant for him and since he uses his hands so much, I don't want the skin on them cracking from drying out from some included chemical.

Add 1 part washer fluid, bit less then half of that of water, then if you can find it it, a small part of glycerol. That helps with irritation and dryness. Aloe Vera can be a replacement of you cant find glycerol. Works well on the fluids we use over here ☺️
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 29, 2020, 01:11:57 PM
I'll look into that. Still, there's variability in the formulations of windshield washer fluid so it might be a skin irritant for him and since he uses his hands so much, I don't want the skin on them cracking from drying out from some included chemical.
The cheapo blue stuff should be ammonia, easy to tell by the smell, but I have now idea what the % or efficacy would be. Went thru my garage and found them just in case.. Cold weather stuff has alcohol in it, I think the additive stuff is straight isopropyl alcohol. Bacardi 151 or anything that burns should also work.
Everything was sold out here last week and I was actually wondering about diluting toilet bowl cleaner.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 29, 2020, 01:41:20 PM
Had to go out on friday and interact with people. Now I'm kind of freaking out because I've started to get a sore throat and I've been coughing up a ton of dark phlegm. I was smoking a ton of weed(through a bong) and am now switching over to vaporizers. I'm a pretty neurotic guy so this is really starting to fuck with my head.

Hopefully everyone can pull through this.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pica on March 29, 2020, 01:47:28 PM
This is kind
Of clever.... (
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 29, 2020, 03:26:30 PM
They are limiting the number of people inside the stores, forcing people to use hand sanitizer prior to entering the store, and the woman at the restaurant I went to wiped down the credit card machine in between each use (obviously take out only).

Stores are still pretty well stocked and most people are going out of their way to avoid one another on the street. The kids are posting pictures of rainbows in their windows and attaching some positive message with it.

Overall, I'm just really really bored. And, annoyed I don't have a stove or a fridge still. It is forcing me to eat healthy (tons of salads and fresh veggies), but it'd be great just to cook up some chicken and make myself a sandwich.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 29, 2020, 03:50:41 PM
They are limiting the number of people inside the stores, forcing people to use hand sanitizer prior to entering the store, and the woman at the restaurant I went to wiped down the credit card machine in between each use (obviously take out only).

Stores are still pretty well stocked and most people are going out of their way to avoid one another on the street. The kids are posting pictures of rainbows in their windows and attaching some positive message with it.

Overall, I'm just really really bored. And, annoyed I don't have a stove or a fridge still. It is forcing me to eat healthy (tons of salads and fresh veggies), but it'd be great just to cook up some chicken and make myself a sandwich.
I'm a lot sketched out on salads lately..
Could do the old school hotplate or induction "stovetop"? Even a camping stove but gas might be a pain. Got a gas line and handy with fittings?
And there's also camping style fridges that are like an electric cooler. They're popular with the vanlife and sailing yacht crowds. Domestic, Yeti, ARB are some brands I remember.
Thermal pots are also an efficient way to make soups and stews.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 29, 2020, 06:00:56 PM
My wife and I were just brainstorming about what to do about hand sanitizing on the go with the shortage of hand sanitizers and wipes. This was necessitated because we're scared for my brother in law who works in heating/air conditioning and still going to people's homes and is unable to find them. Also, I have a little right now, but what to do when it's all gone.

I came up with the idea of putting soapy water into a spray bottle and regular water in another spray bottle. Just spray soapy water on hands to get a good handwash. Rinse with the other sprayer. If you can't find hand soap, then dish soap could work in a pinch.

Also, if you are a bar soap guy like me, drop your slivers in water to make soapy water solution. I hope this helps someone out there stay safe.

Get yourself a bottle of Everclear, works in a pinch!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on March 29, 2020, 06:06:27 PM
My brother in law drinks moonshine. He'd just drink the everclear.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on March 29, 2020, 06:13:43 PM
My brother in law drinks moonshine. He'd just drink the everclear.
151 overproof rum?  Just spitballin' here, but hands might get a little sticky with that one.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on March 29, 2020, 06:28:04 PM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 29, 2020, 06:29:52 PM
I don’t know what to do. My coworker has been hacking all over the work stations we share. The dude she’s dating works across the lobby and has confirmed covid19, sent home Wednesday. She’s not doing the right thing and staying home. I don’t want to go to management and be snitch, because who she’s fucking is nobody’s business... but when it affects our health, it kind of is. The union is aware of it, not through me, someone else dimed her out, but they haven’t told management shit either.

Or management knows and they don’t care. Someone should call the news...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on March 29, 2020, 06:40:29 PM
I don’t know what to do. My coworker has been hacking all over the work stations we share. The dude she’s dating works across the lobby and has confirmed covid19, sent home Wednesday. She’s not doing the right thing and staying home. I don’t want to go to management and be snitch, because who she’s fucking is nobody’s business... but when it affects our health, it kind of is. The union is aware of it, not through me, someone else dimed her out, but they haven’t told management shit either.

Or management knows and they don’t care. Someone should call the news...

Do everything in your power to not get sick even if you loose your job. The numbers are terrible and this virus eats your lungs.

Lungs on COVID-19
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 29, 2020, 07:00:02 PM
They are limiting the number of people inside the stores, forcing people to use hand sanitizer prior to entering the store, and the woman at the restaurant I went to wiped down the credit card machine in between each use (obviously take out only).

Stores are still pretty well stocked and most people are going out of their way to avoid one another on the street. The kids are posting pictures of rainbows in their windows and attaching some positive message with it.

Overall, I'm just really really bored. And, annoyed I don't have a stove or a fridge still. It is forcing me to eat healthy (tons of salads and fresh veggies), but it'd be great just to cook up some chicken and make myself a sandwich.

Do you have any sort of way to boil water? Someone else mentioned a hot plate. I get that might not be doable/affordable at the moment. If you don't have a microwave or anything I can walk you through how to boil water with an extension cord and a plastic bucket.

Do you have any outside area that yku could light a small fire in? Or even  a place inside with decent ventilation?  You can take a can and denatured alcohol which you should be able to still find at a hardware store and make a small stove that way.

I went to two larger grocery stores today. Toilet paper was completely gone in both but most food was still around. I'm very concerned that I may have covid. I've also lived through a dumb amount of shit that should have killed me so I'm a little worried my nine lives are all used up at this point.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dr Dew on March 29, 2020, 07:39:01 PM
Expand Quote
They are limiting the number of people inside the stores, forcing people to use hand sanitizer prior to entering the store, and the woman at the restaurant I went to wiped down the credit card machine in between each use (obviously take out only).

Stores are still pretty well stocked and most people are going out of their way to avoid one another on the street. The kids are posting pictures of rainbows in their windows and attaching some positive message with it.

Overall, I'm just really really bored. And, annoyed I don't have a stove or a fridge still. It is forcing me to eat healthy (tons of salads and fresh veggies), but it'd be great just to cook up some chicken and make myself a sandwich.

Do you have any sort of way to boil water? Someone else mentioned a hot plate. I get that might not be doable/affordable at the moment. If you don't have a microwave or anything I can walk you through how to boil water with an extension cord and a plastic bucket.

Do you have any outside area that yku could light a small fire in? Or even  a place inside with decent ventilation?  You can take a can and denatured alcohol which you should be able to still find at a hardware store and make a small stove that way.

I went to two larger grocery stores today. Toilet paper was completely gone in both but most food was still around. I'm very concerned that I may have covid. I've also lived through a dumb amount of shit that should have killed me so I'm a little worried my nine lives are all used up at this point.

checks out.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 29, 2020, 07:53:52 PM
drews just don't trip out man, if you get anxiety attacks about having covid you might experience symptoms that really aren't there. just saying because i used to be really prone to that shit and stress myself and people unnecessarily. i've kind of become the opposite, which is a different problem...

maybe try and get checked or tested for it if there is a way so you know for sure. anyways, stay positive and good recovery from whatever it is you have, if it's covid i'm sure you'll be giving it the finger. it's important to remember that even among old and ill people the rate of those surviving it is higher than that of those that die, and only a small percentage of those under 50 even has to be hospitalized. that is if you don't just continue to drain your body of energy while being sick and still go to work, etc.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 29, 2020, 09:41:23 PM
drews just don't trip out man, if you get anxiety attacks about having covid you might experience symptoms that really aren't there. just saying because i used to be really prone to that shit and stress myself and people unnecessarily. i've kind of become the opposite, which is a different problem...

maybe try and get checked or tested for it if there is a way so you know for sure. anyways, stay positive and good recovery from whatever it is you have, if it's covid i'm sure you'll be giving it the finger. it's important to remember that even among old and ill people the rate of those surviving it is higher than that of those that die, and only a small percentage of those under 50 even has to be hospitalized. that is if you don't just continue to drain your body of energy while being sick and still go to work, etc.

Thanks dude. I'm trying not to flip and instead just continue trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I could for sure be working myself up although my sore throat is very glaring. Going to stop smoking weed now just in case and basically just hope for the best. Really appreciate the support though. Like sincerely, it means a lot to me. Ive struggled with awful anxiety and anxiety surrounding my health before. It's a prison I put myself in at times so your reassurance genuinely helps. I'm going to hold off getting tested until/unless my symptoms get worse and I get a fever. Until then I'm just trying to stay out of my head. Easier said than done though lol.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on March 29, 2020, 11:42:38 PM
I knew I lived in a 1st world country, but with all the toilet paper available in every store we might just have to create a new category for ourselves or just downgrade USA's status.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Yushin Okami on March 30, 2020, 08:43:47 AM
I can walk you through how to boil water with an extension cord and a plastic bucket.

I'm fortunate enough to be able to boil water but need to hear more about this...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 30, 2020, 10:20:43 AM
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I can walk you through how to boil water with an extension cord and a plastic bucket.

I'm fortunate enough to be able to boil water but need to hear more about this...

Take a plastic bucket. Fill it with water and add salt to it. Grab an extension cord and a pair of nail clippers or some other similar metal object that can be split. I split the nail clippers so you get a piece of metal from each. Then jam a piece into each slit in the socket. The trick is that you want little metal prongs sticking out of the socket, but absolutely not touching.

Take the cord and put it in the bucket of salt water and then plug it in. DO NOT PLUG IT IN WHILE IT'S OUT OF WATER.

If you don't use salt, the water won't conduct as well and it will take way too long to start boiling.  You then use this as a double boiler of sorts. Don't cook with the salt water, the cord will start to rust. Just cook in a bag or something else that you drop it the water. Should be obvious, but don't put metal shit randomly in the water, or use a metal pan or some other dumb shit.

Eventually the extension cord will corrode at the socket. When that happens, or if you don't want to use nail clippers or whatever, you can just split the cord in two and leave the wires exposed, but keep them separated.

As long as you don't plug the cord before it's in water, you shouldn't short out the socket at all. This isn't some hypothetical by the way. I cooked like this for over a year. It absolutely works.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 30, 2020, 11:21:17 AM
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I can walk you through how to boil water with an extension cord and a plastic bucket.

I'm fortunate enough to be able to boil water but need to hear more about this...

Take a plastic bucket. Fill it with water and add salt to it. Grab an extension cord and a pair of nail clippers or some other similar metal object that can be split. I split the nail clippers so you get a piece of metal from each. Then jam a piece into each slit in the socket. The trick is that you want little metal prongs sticking out of the socket, but absolutely not touching.

Take the cord and put it in the bucket of salt water and then plug it in. DO NOT PLUG IT IN WHILE IT'S OUT OF WATER.

If you don't use salt, the water won't conduct as well and it will take way too long to start boiling.  You then use this as a double boiler of sorts. Don't cook with the salt water, the cord will start to rust. Just cook in a bag or something else that you drop it the water. Should be obvious, but don't put metal shit randomly in the water, or use a metal pan or some other dumb shit.

Eventually the extension cord will corrode at the socket. When that happens, or if you don't want to use nail clippers or whatever, you can just split the cord in two and leave the wires exposed, but keep them separated.

As long as you don't plug the cord before it's in water, you shouldn't short out the socket at all. This isn't some hypothetical by the way. I cooked like this for over a year. It absolutely works.

Damn dude.

Don't try this at home kids. Don't.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on March 30, 2020, 01:56:28 PM
I had this realization when Cali was saying maybe 1-2 weeks lockdown and I'm wondering if anyone else is there yet.
This "1-month" thing is gonna be extended indefinitely. Probably until a vaccine comes along. Maybe with antibody testing more ppl can be allowed out but they'd just be carriers, right? Can't have ppl mixing.
Not trying to freak ppl out.. but what are your thoughts on this?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pdknox on March 30, 2020, 02:38:01 PM
I had this realization when Cali was saying maybe 1-2 weeks lockdown and I'm wondering if anyone else is there yet.
This "1-month" thing is gonna be extended indefinitely. Probably until a vaccine comes along. Maybe with antibody testing more ppl can be allowed out but they'd just be carriers, right? Can't have ppl mixing.
Not trying to freak ppl out.. but what are your thoughts on this?

been saying this.  dont see how this goes away without a vaccine.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: chris. on March 30, 2020, 02:58:55 PM
Stay at home order in VA today. I live near the water and the beach was swarmed on Sunday, it was gross.

I also own a restaurant and have spent the past two weeks fighting for our survival, working like crazy, and feeling so thankful that people were coming out to support us and distraught that we were the reason people were leaving the house. I finally took some time off yesterday and today and skated a little which was very nice. I’m just gonna practice switch pushing around the neighborhood until this is over.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: sexualhelon on March 30, 2020, 03:59:42 PM
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I had this realization when Cali was saying maybe 1-2 weeks lockdown and I'm wondering if anyone else is there yet.
This "1-month" thing is gonna be extended indefinitely. Probably until a vaccine comes along. Maybe with antibody testing more ppl can be allowed out but they'd just be carriers, right? Can't have ppl mixing.
Not trying to freak ppl out.. but what are your thoughts on this?

been saying this.  dont see how this goes away without a vaccine.


At the rate this virus multiplies - even without proper testing - and how long it takes to get an approved vaccine, herd immunity may very well come first. Even with the normal flu - hate to make that comparison because they aren't the same - the vaccine is only some 50% effective. So a vaccine doesn't necessarily immediately eradicate something 100%. It can help lessen the strength of a virus - i.e. complete or partial immunity - and lower the load on medical systems. The main problem with the coronavirus is that it's ultimately a respiratory disease and there's just not enough space in ICU's nor respirators once people reach the level of needing one.

So, basically, it's down to vaccine, herd immunity, and/or this becomes a seasonal thing like the normal flu (considering it's all around the world now). All will take a while.

Long explanation:

Short one - sort of:
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on March 30, 2020, 04:21:08 PM
I’m not a doctor, but I play one on YouTube.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 30, 2020, 04:26:27 PM
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I don’t know what to do. My coworker has been hacking all over the work stations we share. The dude she’s dating works across the lobby and has confirmed covid19, sent home Wednesday. She’s not doing the right thing and staying home. I don’t want to go to management and be snitch, because who she’s fucking is nobody’s business... but when it affects our health, it kind of is. The union is aware of it, not through me, someone else dimed her out, but they haven’t told management shit either.

Or management knows and they don’t care. Someone should call the news...

Do everything in your power to not get sick even if you loose your job. The numbers are terrible and this virus eats your lungs.

Lungs on COVID-19
Oh for sure. I don’t work the same shift as her, thankfully. I wear gloves the whole time, disinfect the shit out of the work station with these medical grade Virus wipe we get from the nurses. I’m thankful and very fortunate to have my job... i talked to my union steward, and basically management won’t approve admin leave without a positive test. You can’t get a test without a fever. So I’m just kind of stuck.

Non work related dealings: been eating A TON of pizza. I don’t want to go to the store (going tomorrow), and can’t get a delivery from Whole Foods at all. Ordered a hoodie from 35th ave because my local sucks and Dave is tight. Trying to occupy my kid with as many educational activities as I can. We needs to run around though and we don’t have a yard and the playgrounds we go to are closed. There’s a church parking lot across the street, might go kick the soccer ball around later.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on March 30, 2020, 04:48:15 PM
sorry if this meanders a bit...just finished a long day and i'm sipping on some Maker's...

...just taught my lit class on Zoom--went well, and i'm grateful that all of my students have the tech resources to attend and participate...we're dealing with "Postcolonial Modernism" this part of the semester, and before getting to Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea in the coming weeks, this week is Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. We were also going to watch Apocalypse Now, but instead i'm just having my students watch a few clips, that i think help to convey why Coppola based it on Conrad's novella.

also appreciate the links to the doctors providing some honest info--it's disheartening, but the truth often is, and it's whole other reason i am grateful that what little family i have, are all in a good position to stay isolated right now--i know that's not the case for everybody.

i'm grateful for this thread y'all, and i hope all is well for everybody--chris, i'm about to leave the house for the first time in a week, just to pick up some food from a restaurant whose owners and employees are all good people. i can't wait for the food, but i also want them all to be there when we've found a way to deal with this god damn virus.

ordered a windbreaker from Refuge, and i love it, and i'm so happy to support the Z family--one of the places where the Detroit skate scene radiate outward from...

speaking of Detroit, it/we need your prayers y'all--the city in this country that claims to be the "leader of the free world" where lots of people didn't even have running water a week ago, and some still don't...

...this came from Detroit, and as i share it with y'all good people, i hope it finds you safe and well:

"we don't really need a crowd to have a party"
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 30, 2020, 05:34:05 PM
i read a book that started off like this. it was muslim terrorism not a virus from China but everyone was locked down and the women were kept to be breeders. i forget where all it went but it was called The Handmaid's Tale.
my job is considered essential but it's going to be sad not hanging out with other people.
not to be paranoid but between the vague indefinite lockdowns, letting inmates out of jail and banning/making it hard to sell guns, it's kind of a bunch of dystopia novels in one. oh, cell phones tracking? texting you 'stay home' or drones yelling at you to get inside, it's too much.
maybe it's nothign, i hope.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chavo on March 30, 2020, 05:40:29 PM
For those of you still working, what is your employer's policy on masks? Mine has explicitly forbid them. They also have not provided, gloves, wipes, and only recently began to clean the public counters. They e-mailed some cartoon about how useless masks are to those that are not sick. It makes sense, however, it is also placed in the context of misuse and shortage of masks. Since I already have some and use them correctly, I can't possibly think of why it couldn't provide some advantage (especially since I could be a silent carrier and not know it).
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 30, 2020, 05:44:57 PM
For those of you still working, what is your employer's policy on masks? Mine has explicitly forbid them. They also have not provided, gloves, wipes, and only recently began to clean the public counters. They e-mailed some cartoon about how useless masks are to those that are not sick. It makes sense, however, it is also placed in the context of misuse and shortage of masks. Since I already have some and use them correctly, I can't possibly think of why it couldn't provide some advantage (especially since I could be a silent carrier and not know it).

You should document all this and make sure you keep any comments/emails from management that are discrediting the virus. Then you should talk to a lawyer if you get sick. If you're in America at least. That could end up being a real quick settlement.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: CrumblingInfrastructure on March 30, 2020, 05:56:16 PM
For those of you still working, what is your employer's policy on masks? Mine has explicitly forbid them. They also have not provided, gloves, wipes, and only recently began to clean the public counters. They e-mailed some cartoon about how useless masks are to those that are not sick. It makes sense, however, it is also placed in the context of misuse and shortage of masks. Since I already have some and use them correctly, I can't possibly think of why it couldn't provide some advantage (especially since I could be a silent carrier and not know it).

I dont get a mask but the techs and vets do. I dont interact with clients though. Either way my position in the company is really not essential right now so todays my last scheduled shift until im needed again (which I have no idea when thats gunna be haha). Until then im just gunna chill with my dog and play N64. Me and one of my roommates are playing a bunch of Mario Party 1-3 and Gauntlet Legacy.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on March 30, 2020, 05:58:22 PM
My governor issued a “safer at home” order but I still gotta go to work. I won’t bore you with what I do but it ain’t essential. Whatever (fuck)
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 30, 2020, 06:01:29 PM
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For those of you still working, what is your employer's policy on masks? Mine has explicitly forbid them. They also have not provided, gloves, wipes, and only recently began to clean the public counters. They e-mailed some cartoon about how useless masks are to those that are not sick. It makes sense, however, it is also placed in the context of misuse and shortage of masks. Since I already have some and use them correctly, I can't possibly think of why it couldn't provide some advantage (especially since I could be a silent carrier and not know it).

I dont get a mask but the techs and vets do. I dont interact with clients though. Either way my position in the company is really not essential right now so todays my last scheduled shift until im needed again (which I have no idea when thats gunna be haha). Until then im just gunna chill with my dog and play N64. Me and one of my roommates are playing a bunch of Mario Party 1-3 and Gauntlet Legacy.

Lucky. Mario Party 1 & 2 for the n64 are fucking awesome. I'm jealous.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 30, 2020, 06:04:04 PM
For those of you still working, what is your employer's policy on masks? Mine has explicitly forbid them. They also have not provided, gloves, wipes, and only recently began to clean the public counters. They e-mailed some cartoon about how useless masks are to those that are not sick. It makes sense, however, it is also placed in the context of misuse and shortage of masks. Since I already have some and use them correctly, I can't possibly think of why it couldn't provide some advantage (especially since I could be a silent carrier and not know it).
we wear respirators because we're dealing with chemicals. i guess it's a boon now but it's just business as usual.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: matty_c on March 30, 2020, 07:09:09 PM
I hope I am wrong and honestly I have no credentials or anything but herd immunity only works when there is a vaccine and 60% of population is exposed. Nobody knows the actual kill rate. I don’t believe the data China has shared.

Say for arguments sake the kill rate was 1%
1% of 60% of a countries population
But this is something we have no immunity at all to so some people will need more care. But we’re all getting it at once so hospitals max out and kill rate goes up due to lack of care

The downside to globalisation is our economies are not designed to function independently.

I’m just saying I think this is gonna get worse before it gets better

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on March 30, 2020, 07:19:30 PM
On NPR I heard an estimated time frame for the US of peak mid April, hopefully real improvement by June. Different cities are on different time frames though obviously. Here in NY peak is in a week I guess. De Blasio called this Sunday “D Day” in terms of hospitals dealing with this shit. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 30, 2020, 07:52:22 PM
I had to wash my hands before entering the grocery store today.

I felt bad for the security guard who has to stand there all day telling people to wash their hands. BUT, the shelves were pretty much fully stocked. The shelves were even overflowing with toilet paper and cleaners and such.

Shit is pretty calm up here. Things seem to be going going as well as they can be.

I hope I am wrong and honestly I have no credentials or anything but herd immunity only works when there is a vaccine and 60% of population is exposed. Nobody knows the actual kill rate. I don’t believe the data China has shared.

Say for arguments sake the kill rate was 1%
1% of 60% of a countries population
But this is something we have no immunity at all to so some people will need more care. But we’re all getting it at once so hospitals max out and kill rate goes up due to lack of care

The downside to globalisation is our economies are not designed to function independently.

I’m just saying I think this is gonna get worse before it gets better

Globalization in this regard is very old. Adam Smith wrote the Wealth of Nations in1776 and discussed how the economy/capitalism needed to be global and we needed free-trade. Also, a major part of or post WWII Cold War was ensuring that there were "open markets" for us to import cheap shit from and sell expensive refined goods to.

Herd immunity "form of indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a large percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, whether through previous infections or vaccination." There is no need for both, just as long as people can't carry/spread the disease.

As for China's data, it is a sad day when I trust their data more than the USA's. They at least appear to be testing their population.

For those of you still working, what is your employer's policy on masks?

Somewhat related... I did an internship in a third world country during some other possible pandemic, the nurse who was with us threw people out of the office if they displayed any symptoms of being sick and she told us wearing a mask was counter-productive for those who were healthy.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: matty_c on March 30, 2020, 08:12:27 PM
That’s what I mean, if borders are closed for a year or more until a vaccine is available I suspect that will have dreadful implications for all our economies. I lost something like 20k in superannuation (401k) in 2008 gfc

I don’t know about Canada but in Australia we’ve only been testing those coming home and those with overseas contacts. I worry we’re haven’t been asking the right questions and there may already be widespread community transmission. It appears the only way to lower the r0 factor (spread of disease) is complete lockdown. This isn’t happening

What are all these urns for?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: YungJugg on March 30, 2020, 08:44:23 PM
Life is becoming a whole lotta low impact skating, home cooked meals, skate videos, and video games.

The lack of responsibility, as far as a job goes, makes me feel like a kid again, including the lack of a paycheck.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 30, 2020, 08:48:42 PM
What are all these urns for?
it seems unbelievable, but people still also die from all sorts of other diseases, despite corona being all the rage rn. especially now, since their own healthcare might be compromised from the pandemic.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sick Duck on March 30, 2020, 08:57:18 PM
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What are all these urns for?
it seems unbelievable, but people still also die from all sorts of other diseases, despite corona being all the rage rn. especially now, since their own healthcare might be compromised from the pandemic.
china is definitely lying about what happened there
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: CrumblingInfrastructure on March 30, 2020, 09:13:24 PM
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For those of you still working, what is your employer's policy on masks? Mine has explicitly forbid them. They also have not provided, gloves, wipes, and only recently began to clean the public counters. They e-mailed some cartoon about how useless masks are to those that are not sick. It makes sense, however, it is also placed in the context of misuse and shortage of masks. Since I already have some and use them correctly, I can't possibly think of why it couldn't provide some advantage (especially since I could be a silent carrier and not know it).

I dont get a mask but the techs and vets do. I dont interact with clients though. Either way my position in the company is really not essential right now so todays my last scheduled shift until im needed again (which I have no idea when thats gunna be haha). Until then im just gunna chill with my dog and play N64. Me and one of my roommates are playing a bunch of Mario Party 1-3 and Gauntlet Legacy.

Lucky. Mario Party 1 & 2 for the n64 are fucking awesome. I'm jealous.

Yeah its been a pretty fun way to kill ALOT of time. I run a modded cartridge through my N64 so I have like 300 something roms on it and another 200 on the computer that I can put on the SD card. I’m considering buying 2 more controllers so that I have 4. Also the two I have are pretty well worn so I wouldn’t mind having some crispy ones so I can handicap my friends haha.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on March 30, 2020, 09:39:49 PM
For those of you still working, what is your employer's policy on masks? Mine has explicitly forbid them. They also have not provided, gloves, wipes, and only recently began to clean the public counters. They e-mailed some cartoon about how useless masks are to those that are not sick. It makes sense, however, it is also placed in the context of misuse and shortage of masks. Since I already have some and use them correctly, I can't possibly think of why it couldn't provide some advantage (especially since I could be a silent carrier and not know it).
I wore mask and gloves to Sam's club when we went shopping yesterday. Here's an opinion piece that makes a pretty good argument in favor of them.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on March 30, 2020, 11:14:40 PM
I wear a mask at work. We all are for the most part. I feel guilty out in public though. 2 years ago we had really bad wild fires and the air was so bad, I bought a box of 10 3m n95 masks. They were backordered then so by the time they showed up the air quality was way better. I barely opened them last week, and I feel like however many I have left could go to someone who needs it more.

On the other hand, the 3 of us aren't trying to get sick...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on March 30, 2020, 11:17:05 PM
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What are all these urns for?
it seems unbelievable, but people still also die from all sorts of other diseases, despite corona being all the rage rn. especially now, since their own healthcare might be compromised from the pandemic.
china is definitelyprobably lying about what happened there
yeah but still, no one knows for sure, and what does it help anyway. it's not like you could sue them for it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on March 31, 2020, 03:51:51 AM
not my first move but ok.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on March 31, 2020, 11:35:20 AM
not my first move but ok.

"The clemency requests were being considered before the coronavirus crisis..."

Interesting post even tangentially related to the Corona Virus.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: brycickle on March 31, 2020, 12:51:25 PM
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For those of you still working, what is your employer's policy on masks? Mine has explicitly forbid them. They also have not provided, gloves, wipes, and only recently began to clean the public counters. They e-mailed some cartoon about how useless masks are to those that are not sick. It makes sense, however, it is also placed in the context of misuse and shortage of masks. Since I already have some and use them correctly, I can't possibly think of why it couldn't provide some advantage (especially since I could be a silent carrier and not know it).
I wore mask and gloves to Sam's club when we went shopping yesterday. Here's an opinion piece that makes a pretty good argument in favor of them.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr.Jenkins on March 31, 2020, 01:25:08 PM
Man Im worried about my job, things have happend so fast its crazy. My work had a meeting today, and they are using the short time furlough offered by the government for Marketing/Finance. They pay 75% of your salary, and then the company pays the rest up to 90% and you go down on work hours. Our company put us on 60% of our regular schedule but went ahead and filled up the salary to 100%. So less work, same pay. Starting with one month. Sounds sweet but I really hope the situation gets a bit brighter soon.. Nerve-racking.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on March 31, 2020, 02:06:34 PM
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For those of you still working, what is your employer's policy on masks? Mine has explicitly forbid them. They also have not provided, gloves, wipes, and only recently began to clean the public counters. They e-mailed some cartoon about how useless masks are to those that are not sick. It makes sense, however, it is also placed in the context of misuse and shortage of masks. Since I already have some and use them correctly, I can't possibly think of why it couldn't provide some advantage (especially since I could be a silent carrier and not know it).
I wore mask and gloves to Sam's club when we went shopping yesterday. Here's an opinion piece that makes a pretty good argument in favor of them.

We threw them out after exiting the store. Still used hand sanitizer after getting into the car.

When we got home, I made a bleach solution and my wife wiped down everything. Shopping sucks now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fulltechnicalskizzy on March 31, 2020, 02:19:59 PM
Wore gloves to the grocery store but couldn’t use the self checkout touch screen with them on so had to use my tongue it’s small steps like these that make all the difference
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Stephens Lawyer on March 31, 2020, 06:09:09 PM
bless your covid19 riddled heart
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dr-Feelgood on April 01, 2020, 12:50:52 AM
Most things have shut down, im lucky that my work is still open, i do landscaping at a university, no classes are going so the uni is a ghost town, i wake up, drive to work, dont interact with anyone but the people in my company, drive home and stay here, good chance to save money but feel like im playing with fire each day i go to work, thankful i still got a paycheque though
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on April 01, 2020, 10:16:58 AM
Wore gloves to the grocery store but couldn’t use the self checkout touch screen with them on so had to use my tongue it’s small steps like these that make all the difference

i feel that man, i couldn't use touch activator for the traffic lights to cross the streets with my gloves, so now i have to whip my dick out in public and bump it against that sensor just so i can cross the streets. my dick and face touch rarely though, so i should be good.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on April 01, 2020, 02:03:27 PM
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Wore gloves to the grocery store but couldn’t use the self checkout touch screen with them on so had to use my tongue it’s small steps like these that make all the difference

i feel that man, i couldn't use touch activator for the traffic lights to cross the streets with my gloves, so now i have to whip my dick out in public and bump it against that sensor just so i can cross the streets. my dick and face touch rarely though, so i should be good.

Did you keep your balls inside your boxers? The virus can’t get in if your balls stay inside your boxers.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on April 01, 2020, 02:37:19 PM
Christian Smalls is a brave man. Fuck Amazon.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Stanley Spadowski on April 01, 2020, 02:59:13 PM
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Wore gloves to the grocery store but couldn’t use the self checkout touch screen with them on so had to use my tongue it’s small steps like these that make all the difference

i feel that man, i couldn't use touch activator for the traffic lights to cross the streets with my gloves, so now i have to whip my dick out in public and bump it against that sensor just so i can cross the streets. my dick and face touch rarely though, so i should be good.

Did you keep your balls inside your boxers? The virus can’t get in if your balls stay inside your boxers.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on April 01, 2020, 04:29:13 PM
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Wore gloves to the grocery store but couldn’t use the self checkout touch screen with them on so had to use my tongue it’s small steps like these that make all the difference

i feel that man, i couldn't use touch activator for the traffic lights to cross the streets with my gloves, so now i have to whip my dick out in public and bump it against that sensor just so i can cross the streets. my dick and face touch rarely though, so i should be good.

Did you keep your balls inside your boxers? The virus can’t get in if your balls stay inside your boxers.

no, but i usually have my balls wrapped in saran wrap at all times due to very sensitive skin.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on April 01, 2020, 05:30:26 PM
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Wore gloves to the grocery store but couldn’t use the self checkout touch screen with them on so had to use my tongue it’s small steps like these that make all the difference

i feel that man, i couldn't use touch activator for the traffic lights to cross the streets with my gloves, so now i have to whip my dick out in public and bump it against that sensor just so i can cross the streets. my dick and face touch rarely though, so i should be good.

Did you keep your balls inside your boxers? The virus can’t get in if your balls stay inside your boxers.

no, but i usually have my balls wrapped in saran wrap at all times due to very sensitive skin.

That should be more than enough protection.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on April 01, 2020, 08:10:56 PM
Bored out of my mind (and avoiding doing real work). I looked at the PEW website to see what stats they had on Coronavirus... 

I'm amazed (and happy) the political divide on our response to the issue isn't that broad.

But, I'm amazed how many people don't know where the virus came from (nature).

And, I lost the chart, but I think it was something like 72% of those with post-grad degrees have reported working at home and 22% of those with high school degrees have reported working at home since this took off. Those with education are certainly getting a buffer from the effects of this shit (for now).
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on April 01, 2020, 08:43:47 PM
Bored out of my mind (and avoiding doing real work). I looked at the PEW website to see what stats they had on Coronavirus... 

I'm amazed (and happy) the political divide on our response to the issue isn't that broad.

But, I'm amazed how many people don't know where the virus came from (nature).

And, I lost the chart, but I think it was something like 72% of those with post-grad degrees have reported working at home and 22% of those with high school degrees have reported working at home since this took off. Those with education are certainly getting a buffer from the effects of this shit (for now).

Gnar'd for science

Really interesting stats on the news networks
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chavo on April 02, 2020, 12:33:17 AM
But, I'm amazed how many people don't know where the virus came from (nature).

I don't really follow Fox News or conspiracy theories, so I just heard about the Chinese bioweapon theory today on a co-workers' blaring radio. Apparently, many people at my work believe this, along with the idea that coronavirus is simultaneously a lab-created super weapon and a conspiracy to discredit Trump. If you believe the former, you should be freaking the fuck out. Does anyone subscribe to this conspiracy outside of the U.S.?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garth Marenghi on April 02, 2020, 01:20:45 AM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on April 02, 2020, 01:21:35 AM
Our conspiracy theorist are doubting that corona even exists and believe it is just a rouse for more authoritarian governments. But so far I don't see them gaining much traction.

I'm 33 now and have some friends and lots of coworkers in their forties and I am really sad to say that many have a secret "tin foil hat persona". I hope I don't grow up being the same, it is fucking sad.

Edit: Holy fuck, the manager overseeing my current project just stated he doubted the validity of quarantine and that he basically does not believe corona is much of a threat now on our conference call. The nuts are everywhere.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on April 02, 2020, 02:46:01 AM
Our conspiracy theorist are doubting that corona even exists and believe it is just a rouse for more authoritarian governments. But so far I don't see them gaining much traction.

I'm 33 now and have some friends and lots of coworkers in their forties and I am really sad to say that many have a secret "tin foil hat persona". I hope I don't grow up being the same, it is fucking sad.

Edit: Holy fuck, the manager overseeing my current project just stated he doubted the validity of quarantine and that he basically does not believe corona is much of a threat now on our conference call. The nuts are everywhere.
you're '33' and discrediting conspiracies? 33? Bobby Puleo would find that very interesting.
obviously a shill of the highest order [33rd degree].
i think it's naive to believe the government wouldn't at least capitalize on this [never let a tragedy go to waste - rahm emmanuel, chicago mayor] but i'm joking about the numerology. Puleo doesn't appear to be.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on April 02, 2020, 05:10:22 AM
Does anyone subscribe to this conspiracy outside of the U.S.?

i don't think so, that theory is stupid as fuck and sounds like trying to put blame on someone for something that is more a force of nature and to find reason in the fact that nature is showing itself indifferent to our existence. like why the fuck would china let it loose on their own ground first, just to give the world a detailed heads up? if they would have want to hurt america or any economy, they would have tried to sneak it into those countries to make it look like it appeared there first. if homeland contagion would have happened they would have tried everything to keep it under wraps and i suppose they would have the resources to do so, all kinds of shit goes on there that we don't know of.

there's people living in areas with regular outbreaks of gnarly infections and they still persevere and are familiar with protocols. because the western world isn't used to this, and because in our collective consciousness we haven't deserved it, there must be a reason for it, some foreign force is trying to punish us. i think this is the general line of thinking with these conspiracy theories. failure to accept that stuff like this happens not without cause(eating bats, wet markets, mass animal caging in general), but without reason, and that nature doesn't care about our morals or nationality.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pdknox on April 02, 2020, 05:57:42 AM
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Does anyone subscribe to this conspiracy outside of the U.S.?

i don't think so, that theory is stupid as fuck and sounds like trying to put blame on someone for something that is more a force of nature and to find reason in the fact that nature is showing itself indifferent to our existence. like why the fuck would china let it loose on their own ground first, just to give the world a detailed heads up? if they would have want to hurt america or any economy, they would have tried to sneak it into those countries to make it look like it appeared there first. if homeland contagion would have happened they would have tried everything to keep it under wraps and i suppose they would have the resources to do so, all kinds of shit goes on there that we don't know of.

there's people living in areas with regular outbreaks of gnarly infections and they still persevere and are familiar with protocols. because the western world isn't used to this, and because in our collective consciousness we haven't deserved it, there must be a reason for it, some foreign force is trying to punish us. i think this is the general line of thinking with these conspiracy theories. failure to accept that stuff like this happens not without cause(eating bats, wet markets, mass animal caging in general), but without reason, and that nature doesn't care about our morals or nationality.

not subscribed but the reasoning i heard was to break up all the protests in the streets of china.  also dont think china has been too forthcoming with all the details

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on April 02, 2020, 06:12:24 AM
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Does anyone subscribe to this conspiracy outside of the U.S.?

i don't think so, that theory is stupid as fuck and sounds like trying to put blame on someone for something that is more a force of nature and to find reason in the fact that nature is showing itself indifferent to our existence. like why the fuck would china let it loose on their own ground first, just to give the world a detailed heads up? if they would have want to hurt america or any economy, they would have tried to sneak it into those countries to make it look like it appeared there first. if homeland contagion would have happened they would have tried everything to keep it under wraps and i suppose they would have the resources to do so, all kinds of shit goes on there that we don't know of.

there's people living in areas with regular outbreaks of gnarly infections and they still persevere and are familiar with protocols. because the western world isn't used to this, and because in our collective consciousness we haven't deserved it, there must be a reason for it, some foreign force is trying to punish us. i think this is the general line of thinking with these conspiracy theories. failure to accept that stuff like this happens not without cause(eating bats, wet markets, mass animal caging in general), but without reason, and that nature doesn't care about our morals or nationality.

not subscribed but the reasoning i heard was to break up all the protests in the streets of china.  also dont think china has been too forthcoming with all the details


China doesn’t need a virus to break up protests. People try to find meaning and patterns in situations where none exist. It’s easier to attribute suffering to the malevolent actions of some villain rather than the sometimes cold, indifferent hand of nature.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on April 02, 2020, 07:09:44 AM
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Does anyone subscribe to this conspiracy outside of the U.S.?

i don't think so, that theory is stupid as fuck and sounds like trying to put blame on someone for something that is more a force of nature and to find reason in the fact that nature is showing itself indifferent to our existence. like why the fuck would china let it loose on their own ground first, just to give the world a detailed heads up? if they would have want to hurt america or any economy, they would have tried to sneak it into those countries to make it look like it appeared there first. if homeland contagion would have happened they would have tried everything to keep it under wraps and i suppose they would have the resources to do so, all kinds of shit goes on there that we don't know of.

there's people living in areas with regular outbreaks of gnarly infections and they still persevere and are familiar with protocols. because the western world isn't used to this, and because in our collective consciousness we haven't deserved it, there must be a reason for it, some foreign force is trying to punish us. i think this is the general line of thinking with these conspiracy theories. failure to accept that stuff like this happens not without cause(eating bats, wet markets, mass animal caging in general), but without reason, and that nature doesn't care about our morals or nationality.

not subscribed but the reasoning i heard was to break up all the protests in the streets of china.  also dont think china has been too forthcoming with all the details


China doesn’t need a virus to break up protests. People try to find meaning and patterns in situations where none exist. It’s easier to attribute suffering to the malevolent actions of some villain rather than the sometimes cold, indifferent hand of nature.

Exactly. And while there are plenty of opportunists in government, trying to make the worst out of this virus, the majority of government is inept and incapable of functioning on an level close to efficient.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Abyss1 on April 02, 2020, 07:22:09 AM
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Does anyone subscribe to this conspiracy outside of the U.S.?

i don't think so, that theory is stupid as fuck and sounds like trying to put blame on someone for something that is more a force of nature and to find reason in the fact that nature is showing itself indifferent to our existence. like why the fuck would china let it loose on their own ground first, just to give the world a detailed heads up? if they would have want to hurt america or any economy, they would have tried to sneak it into those countries to make it look like it appeared there first. if homeland contagion would have happened they would have tried everything to keep it under wraps and i suppose they would have the resources to do so, all kinds of shit goes on there that we don't know of.

there's people living in areas with regular outbreaks of gnarly infections and they still persevere and are familiar with protocols. because the western world isn't used to this, and because in our collective consciousness we haven't deserved it, there must be a reason for it, some foreign force is trying to punish us. i think this is the general line of thinking with these conspiracy theories. failure to accept that stuff like this happens not without cause(eating bats, wet markets, mass animal caging in general), but without reason, and that nature doesn't care about our morals or nationality.

not subscribed but the reasoning i heard was to break up all the protests in the streets of china.  also dont think china has been too forthcoming with all the details


China doesn’t need a virus to break up protests. People try to find meaning and patterns in situations where none exist. It’s easier to attribute suffering to the malevolent actions of some villain rather than the sometimes cold, indifferent hand of nature.

Yea but at the same time most people are disgusting and put forth little effort to health, the cleaning supply aisle are always empty now...if we were a cleaner society we might be like Japan with low reported cases

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on April 02, 2020, 07:29:34 AM
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Does anyone subscribe to this conspiracy outside of the U.S.?

i don't think so, that theory is stupid as fuck and sounds like trying to put blame on someone for something that is more a force of nature and to find reason in the fact that nature is showing itself indifferent to our existence. like why the fuck would china let it loose on their own ground first, just to give the world a detailed heads up? if they would have want to hurt america or any economy, they would have tried to sneak it into those countries to make it look like it appeared there first. if homeland contagion would have happened they would have tried everything to keep it under wraps and i suppose they would have the resources to do so, all kinds of shit goes on there that we don't know of.

there's people living in areas with regular outbreaks of gnarly infections and they still persevere and are familiar with protocols. because the western world isn't used to this, and because in our collective consciousness we haven't deserved it, there must be a reason for it, some foreign force is trying to punish us. i think this is the general line of thinking with these conspiracy theories. failure to accept that stuff like this happens not without cause(eating bats, wet markets, mass animal caging in general), but without reason, and that nature doesn't care about our morals or nationality.

not subscribed but the reasoning i heard was to break up all the protests in the streets of china.  also dont think china has been too forthcoming with all the details


China doesn’t need a virus to break up protests. People try to find meaning and patterns in situations where none exist. It’s easier to attribute suffering to the malevolent actions of some villain rather than the sometimes cold, indifferent hand of nature.

Yea but at the same time most people are disgusting and put forth little effort to health, the cleaning supply aisle are always empty now...if we were a cleaner society we might be like Japan with low reported cases

Meh, everyone here is just so fucking dumb. Believing screenshots from "experts" about the shutdown on twitter, bulk buying TP but leaving the canned food aisle untouched, generally ignoring advice.

I wore a mask to the grocery store and there were old people, like 70+, that were looking at me like I was insane, like they won't be the first to die from it. My best friend is spouting off about how it's not a big deal  and he doesn't care if he gets sick. Meanwhile he's 28, smokes a pack a day and has hypertension. Literally a person that is very at risk. So many people in America are dumb as fuck.

I don't even think America can be compared to Japan. They have a tremendous work ethic, get shit done so efficiently too. Like the roads in PA would never look like that in Japan. Someone would kill themselves over there if they did the quality(or lack thereof) of work that penndot does.

I think the issue transcends cleanliness and instead is really affected by the stupidity and ego of the average American.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on April 02, 2020, 03:41:09 PM
ya'll are aware that China practices organ harvesting on their muslims and Falon Gong and others they don't like, right? for how people go 'Donald Trump is a dictator!' nobody says it over there but Winnie the Flu will have you tortured til you break and then they'll scrap you for parts to sell to Israelis.
so i mean, that's what we know about, the lead paint in our children's toys is plausible deniability, the buying up the masks and/or ruining them so they're ineffective could be isolated and disgruntled China persons but in aggregate, it paints a picture of a dark regime that would surely use biological weapons against whoever it considered it's enemy [us].
they were firing live rounds at Hong Kong protesters too but compared to the torture/organ theft that's par for the course. anyone see that chair they brought the guy in for getting drunk and badmouthing traffic cops? looked like soething out of American Horror Story.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lady fanny on April 02, 2020, 03:43:24 PM
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Does anyone subscribe to this conspiracy outside of the U.S.?

i don't think so, that theory is stupid as fuck and sounds like trying to put blame on someone for something that is more a force of nature and to find reason in the fact that nature is showing itself indifferent to our existence. like why the fuck would china let it loose on their own ground first, just to give the world a detailed heads up? if they would have want to hurt america or any economy, they would have tried to sneak it into those countries to make it look like it appeared there first. if homeland contagion would have happened they would have tried everything to keep it under wraps and i suppose they would have the resources to do so, all kinds of shit goes on there that we don't know of.

there's people living in areas with regular outbreaks of gnarly infections and they still persevere and are familiar with protocols. because the western world isn't used to this, and because in our collective consciousness we haven't deserved it, there must be a reason for it, some foreign force is trying to punish us. i think this is the general line of thinking with these conspiracy theories. failure to accept that stuff like this happens not without cause(eating bats, wet markets, mass animal caging in general), but without reason, and that nature doesn't care about our morals or nationality.

not subscribed but the reasoning i heard was to break up all the protests in the streets of china.  also dont think china has been too forthcoming with all the details


China doesn’t need a virus to break up protests. People try to find meaning and patterns in situations where none exist. It’s easier to attribute suffering to the malevolent actions of some villain rather than the sometimes cold, indifferent hand of nature.
you right, people would rather make up a narrative about Chinese oppression vs the truth is he did this to himself.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on April 02, 2020, 05:15:27 PM
Grocery stores are now closed on Sunday.

insane ramblings

This rant is insane. Seriously.


Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chavo on April 02, 2020, 05:54:37 PM
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Does anyone subscribe to this conspiracy outside of the U.S.?

i don't think so, that theory is stupid as fuck and sounds like trying to put blame on someone for something that is more a force of nature and to find reason in the fact that nature is showing itself indifferent to our existence. like why the fuck would china let it loose on their own ground first, just to give the world a detailed heads up? if they would have want to hurt america or any economy, they would have tried to sneak it into those countries to make it look like it appeared there first. if homeland contagion would have happened they would have tried everything to keep it under wraps and i suppose they would have the resources to do so, all kinds of shit goes on there that we don't know of.

there's people living in areas with regular outbreaks of gnarly infections and they still persevere and are familiar with protocols. because the western world isn't used to this, and because in our collective consciousness we haven't deserved it, there must be a reason for it, some foreign force is trying to punish us. i think this is the general line of thinking with these conspiracy theories. failure to accept that stuff like this happens not without cause(eating bats, wet markets, mass animal caging in general), but without reason, and that nature doesn't care about our morals or nationality.

The theory I heard was that bats infected with the synthesized virus (which is weird since it exists naturally) escaped from a Wuhan lab and spread to nearby communities. My main issue with this was that the conspiracy theorist was not consistent when he also claimed that the hysteria around coronavirus was a liberal media conspiracy to discredit Trump. He should probably be hiding in his bunker if he believes that there's an accidental biological weapon floating around. Also, a good number of my co-workers believe this because they are stupid.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fulltechnicalskizzy on April 02, 2020, 06:07:08 PM
My friend who is sponsored (can flip to hanrail) says it is a plot to get us off the street and into liberal-funded indoor skateparks for profit
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on April 02, 2020, 07:21:38 PM
ya'll are aware that China practices organ harvesting on their muslims and Falon Gong and others they don't like, right? for how people go 'Donald Trump is a dictator!' nobody says it over there but Winnie the Flu will have you tortured til you break and then they'll scrap you for parts to sell to Israelis.
so i mean, that's what we know about, the lead paint in our children's toys is plausible deniability, the buying up the masks and/or ruining them so they're ineffective could be isolated and disgruntled China persons but in aggregate, it paints a picture of a dark regime that would surely use biological weapons against whoever it considered it's enemy [us].
they were firing live rounds at Hong Kong protesters too but compared to the torture/organ theft that's par for the course. anyone see that chair they brought the guy in for getting drunk and badmouthing traffic cops? looked like soething out of American Horror Story.

You forgot about the tens of thousands of cats and dogs killed in the USA over a decade ago when Chinese manufacturers started spiking their food production done for US-based brands with melamine in order to boost protein content and save money on production costs, knowing it was toxic but not giving a fuck.  But, that was far enough back that everyone likes to pretend it didn't happen, so we don't hear about it much anymore.

I personally won't buy anything from China that I can avoid going forward.  It's not possible to avoid everything from there, but fuck it, if I have a choice, I'll pay triple for something US-made now.  It's like the media here worships that nation and won't speak out about what's wrong with it, and condemns anyone who dares to point out how fucked and opportunistic Chinese companies and people can be with zero regard to the safety of others.

I can't wrap my head around people in this nation who aren't Chinese nationals being more loyal to protect the reputation of the glorious CCP while constantly slamming their own country, but then again, few things surprise me any longer.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on April 02, 2020, 07:25:44 PM
Grocery stores are now closed on Sunday.

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insane ramblings

This rant is insane. Seriously.

It's actually not as much of a rant as he's pointing out how deceptive Chinese companies have been in doing things that are knowingly harmful to the people they're producing for in order to cut costs.  And that they are well known for human rights abuses.  And that they're pretty much the world's #1 pollution producer who skirts the same regulations the rest of us abide by.  And that they disallow free speech of anything that criticizes their government and people who say the wrong things "disappear" quickly most times.  And that they're the same country everyone bitches about having such poor labor conditions with no care for worker rights or safety as people work extreme hours in terrible unsafe conditions for poor pay.  But China's a good guy who's just being slandered, right?

But please, go buy more cheap Chinese garbage so we don't have to hire people here at a fair wage to do those same things, I'm sure that's the best option!

Ignoring what has happened more than once doesn't mean it didn't happen.   Reading opinions that say "it isn't as bad as others say" doesn't make something less bad.  Hearing about something good China may have done doesn't absolve them of their wrongdoings.  Simple stuff.  I'm keeping it short so hopefully you don't sperg out and give a mile long reply, I'm doing my part.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on April 02, 2020, 08:41:44 PM
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Grocery stores are now closed on Sunday.

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insane ramblings

This rant is insane. Seriously.

But China's a good guy who's just being slandered, right?

But please, go buy more cheap Chinese garbage so we don't have to hire people here at a fair wage to do those same things, I'm sure that's the best option!

1) It is an insane rant very far outside the scope of this thread.

2)Who in the West has ever said, "China is the good guy?" Seriously? That is one of the craziest things I've ever heard. But there is a difference between saying, "China has done some terrible shit" and "China has done some terrible shit so that justifies my insanely dumb conspiracy theories that are insane, dumb, and paranoid."

3) I don't care for your accusations of me not supporting American/Canadian companies. If you look back at my posts you can see me call out Jamie Thomas for being one of the first to move his production out of the US and I haven't bought a Dwindle board since they first switched their production to China. And, I've criticized Powell for being the first to have some boards produced in China (in the 80s). Not to mention my long ass post in the Trump/Clinton thread calls him out for his and his daughter's clothing lines being made in China.
Hell, even my tea kettle was made in the USA (Wisconsin to be exact).

4) I love that you use Asperger's as an insult. Cool.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on April 02, 2020, 09:41:47 PM
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Grocery stores are now closed on Sunday.

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insane ramblings

This rant is insane. Seriously.

But China's a good guy who's just being slandered, right?

But please, go buy more cheap Chinese garbage so we don't have to hire people here at a fair wage to do those same things, I'm sure that's the best option!


1) It is an insane rant very far outside the scope of this thread.

2)Who in the West has ever said, "China is the good guy?" Seriously? That is one of the craziest things I've ever heard. But there is a difference between saying, "China has done some terrible shit" and "China has done some terrible shit so that justifies my insanely dumb conspiracy theories that are insane, dumb, and paranoid."

3) I don't care for your accusations of me not supporting American/Canadian companies. If you look back at my posts you can see me call out Jamie Thomas for being one of the first to move his production out of the US and I haven't bought a Dwindle board since they first switched their production to China. And, I've criticized Powell for being the first to have some boards produced in China (in the 80s). Not to mention my long ass post in the Trump/Clinton thread calls him out for his and his daughter's clothing lines being made in China.
Hell, even my tea kettle was made in the USA (Wisconsin to be exact).

4) I love that you use Asperger's as an insult. Cool.

1. Implying that it's "insane" because you don't like the implication that China may have had something more to do with the virus spread isn't really viable.  It MAY have come from the wet markets, but it's not proven, as it may also have escaped a laboratory.  Hell, as some have speculated it may have actually been developed in the USA in a lab that was run in conjunction with a Chinese firm, and then eventually samples relocated to China where it may have escaped.  China has been shown to have multiple virus and bioweapon research laboratories (as do we and others), so discrediting that possibility is flawed.  Until the ACTUAL information is 100% settled, saying which source it comes from is speculative at best.  It is possible it was lab-borne, but since that would damage China's reputation worldwide for good, you'll never hear that revealed by them

2. You watched CNN or MSNBC lately?  Read the WaPo or NYT? Jesus Christ, they're practically praising everything China has done since the outbreak while condemning almost everything we've done, their own cities of broadcast and publication aside.  Literally, praising the nation that welded people's doors to force them to stay home and was herding people in handcuffs into trucks if suspected of being infected, that's what I've heard many times this past few weeks, unapologetic China love without irony.  Our media is complicit in spreading China's lies over and over again.  But they also have NO problem blaming our current administration even when things were done properly many times, because, why let a crisis go to waste when it can be politicized?

3. I was not accusing YOU specifically of buying Chinese made stuff and being cool with it.  Was more of an annoyed non-sequitur to those who would overlook ALL of the documented problems with China because, hey, they make cheap stuff they like to buy, and that's good enough for them.

4. I've discussed my own actual autism here more than once in the Brink thread and others as well.  It's not an insult in the context of what I said, being as we both know, each of us can rant endlessly and shit up a thread fast with mile-long replies.  Either you're on the spectrum like I am, or, just exhibit some really verbose tendencies that I don't usually see outside of similarly-brained people.  Take it for what it's worth.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on April 02, 2020, 11:10:58 PM

1. Implying that it's "insane" because you don't like the implication that China may have had something more to do with the virus spread isn't really viable.  It MAY have come from the wet markets, but it's not proven...

It has nothing to do with whether or not I like the implication, it has everything to do with being sane.

Here is a clear, but technical write up on why it is very likely the virus came from an animal (

Also, I feel many people have a real tough time with the soft language that scientists use in their research. Doesn't anyone remember high school science class when the teacher explained why scientists have so many theories so few laws?  "A scientific law predicts the results of certain initial conditions...In contrast, a theory tries to provide the most logical explanation about why things happen as they do."

As for MSNBC praising China, this is also false. The segment the right wing media are crying about is a guest on Rachel Maddow's show basically saying, "Don't insult China right now because we might need a vaccine or assistance from them at some point and they could gouge us if they're pissed off." In other words, even if they fucked up, lets save that battle for after we have a vaccine or this shit has passed. There are better moments to pick a fight. (

And, FOX is complaining that people disagree with Trump calling it the "Chinesevirus" rather than Covid-19 or the Coronavirus. This has nothing to do with China's response, but is an easy culture war to rile people up ("everyone is so PC, who cares if those who are ethnically Chinese are being harassed by the base").  (

As for praise for China, it makes me so angry when those commie loving liberals praise China when it is obvious they messed everything up and lied from the start.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on April 02, 2020, 11:17:08 PM
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Can we stop arguing with trolls and just get updates from people?

can you dorks please argue somewhere else?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on April 03, 2020, 05:40:39 AM
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Can we stop arguing with trolls and just get updates from people?

can you dorks please argue somewhere else?

It's easier to just put them on ignore. It's not like you'll miss out on any vital information.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: blowjobtofakie on April 03, 2020, 09:14:00 AM
Florida just enacted the stay at home order today. I’ve been laid off for two weeks and basically just been skating all the closed down spots with a filmer. I know that’ll piss people off, but we made a very conscious effort staying away from people. I saw outside exercise is still okay, does this apply to skating? Any pals in similar situation, let’s talk.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on April 03, 2020, 09:20:32 AM
I skateboarded twice yesterday. Just a manual pad outside the local Cold War Russia museum at lunch and again through my local downtown.

I was undisturbed at lunch. At the end of the day, some security guard stopped to tell me I couldn't skate the roof of a parking structure.  As he approached me, I was able to act like he was just a regular person and I held out my hand and was all, "Stop. What do you want?"

And then whe continued to speak, I cut him off and was like, "Should we be having this conversation?"

Ultimately I agreed to leave the parking structure as I don't need the bad press...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on April 03, 2020, 10:20:34 AM
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Can we stop arguing with trolls and just get updates from people?

can you dorks please argue somewhere else?
Take your bullshit here and out of this topic
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on April 03, 2020, 10:55:12 AM
I know 4 sick people 2 are in the hospital
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: camel filters on April 03, 2020, 11:02:05 AM
Florida just enacted the stay at home order today. I’ve been laid off for two weeks and basically just been skating all the closed down spots with a filmer. I know that’ll piss people off, but we made a very conscious effort staying away from people. I saw outside exercise is still okay, does this apply to skating? Any pals in similar situation, let’s talk.
It's exercise yes but you might want to take it easy. Can't imagine hospitals being very fun for you or the staff right now. That being said, I've gone out at least once every few days to skate.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on April 03, 2020, 11:30:06 AM
Who's wearing masks when they go out?

My wife luckily is handy with the sewing machine and has been pumping them out.

Also, she wears glasses and sews in a pipe cleaner around the bridge of the nose to keep her glasses from fogging.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jack burton on April 03, 2020, 01:00:28 PM
Who's wearing masks when they go out?

My wife luckily is handy with the sewing machine and has been pumping them out.

Also, she wears glasses and sews in a pipe cleaner around the bridge of the nose to keep her glasses from fogging.

Found some one online selling homemade masks on a sliding scale. Probably gonna order a few and make my mom wear one. She tried to poopoo this particular mask because it’s got a screen printed fern on it saying it looks like a young persons mask. Also had to yell at her for having a guy come out to do yard work. Social distancing is pointless if you’re going to stand on the porch two feet away talking to a stranger and give him a check. We live in jersey too which I believe has the second highest number of cases in the us. Just the lack of common sense from most people is insane...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on April 03, 2020, 02:00:57 PM
Who's wearing masks when they go out?

My wife luckily is handy with the sewing machine and has been pumping them out.

Also, she wears glasses and sews in a pipe cleaner around the bridge of the nose to keep her glasses from fogging.

that's smart with the pipe cleaner. i guess it makes them more unsafe in terms of what you breath in, but that's not their main purpose right now anyway. people are on the fence over here about the mask thing because they think you should only wear one when you have symptoms, which might be stupid.

me mom wants me to wear one, but i will save my masks up until they make them mandatory, which is already the case in some german states afaik. i had a few stocked up regardless from way back when i was at the hardware store and bought a bulk of them because i wanted to sand down a bunch of shit at the time. she also sent a few she had still at home since she is well stocked up on those from working at a hospital for decades but also because we needed them when my father had some sort of superinfection and we were only allowed to have contact with the full security kit.

my parents are wearing masks whenever they need to go outside and interact with people, and i'm quite happy about that they take the risk seriously because they are easy targets for covid. in general it's interesting to hear how people in my rural hometown are reacting, they are all wearing masks and trying to help eachother go shopping, everyone is very strict about this over there, although they have only a few cases over there, but the community is determined to keep the virus out. perhaps also because it's a very old community, and probably more than half of the whole regions inhabitants is over 50 i would guess, so if covid goes on a rampage there, more people would die and be hospitalized than in a city with a much younger demographic.

in some places in germany with a high amount of infected a high percentage of people infected die and these are all in very rural areas with very old demographics compared to the german average. i think to some extent italy has the same problems when it comes to the heavy afflicted areas and their demographics, if i'm wrong plz correct me.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on April 03, 2020, 02:32:42 PM
My daughter had to tell my dad to wear a mask. It's funny my dad doesn't listen to my mom like that but typical Asian household dynamics.

My wife was mostly blind our last shopping excursion because of the fogging. I had to lead her around because she can't see without glasses and they were fogged up like a windshield in a makeout spot.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr.Jenkins on April 03, 2020, 02:39:16 PM
Was out skating today. Sweden still hasent shut down. I was pretty strucked today how vibrant the city really is. If course its all about social distancing, notes on how to act and such, and a lot of people stay home. But still.. People is out, still going to restaurants and such. Crazy to think we are soon the only country where we can still do as we please. Wonder how long that will be..
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on April 03, 2020, 02:43:17 PM
My daughter had to tell my dad to wear a mask. It's funny my dad doesn't listen to my mom like that but typical Asian household dynamics.

My wife was mostly blind our last shopping excursion because of the fogging. I had to lead her around because she can't see without glasses and they were fogged up like a windshield in a makeout spot.

Gotta wear glasses a bit loose, with the nose piece over the mask so hot air can move up freely without blasting the lenses too much.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: MC Solaar on April 03, 2020, 04:30:44 PM
I'm currently in a forced quarantine in a hotel in the centre of Sydney. Can't leave the room for two weeks.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on April 03, 2020, 04:47:16 PM
I'm currently in a forced quarantine in a hotel in the centre of Sydney. Can't leave the room for two weeks.
How's the hotel? Why are you in forced quarantine?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Local skater on April 03, 2020, 05:10:03 PM
Iv just finished my 14 day self isolation after returning from overseas , did anyone read the josh Stewart covid story ? Pretty hectic
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on April 03, 2020, 05:21:52 PM

Took it to PMs to be respectful to ending the shitting up of the thread. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chavo on April 03, 2020, 06:07:07 PM
I have a 3M organic vapor respirator but have only been using an N95 paper mask. Got both for sanding and staining a table when there was just a few cases in Washington. My job still forbids the use of masks despite revised guidelines from the mayor and CDC.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on April 03, 2020, 06:15:28 PM
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My daughter had to tell my dad to wear a mask. It's funny my dad doesn't listen to my mom like that but typical Asian household dynamics.

My wife was mostly blind our last shopping excursion because of the fogging. I had to lead her around because she can't see without glasses and they were fogged up like a windshield in a makeout spot.

Gotta wear glasses a bit loose, with the nose piece over the mask so hot air can move up freely without blasting the lenses too much.

Try cleaning with this:

Many safety goggles Are sold with these wipes.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on April 03, 2020, 07:11:12 PM
The pipe cleaner sewn in has made it fog free. I guess those other work arounds might work for those without pipe cleaners or wires.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 03, 2020, 08:00:31 PM
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My daughter had to tell my dad to wear a mask. It's funny my dad doesn't listen to my mom like that but typical Asian household dynamics.

My wife was mostly blind our last shopping excursion because of the fogging. I had to lead her around because she can't see without glasses and they were fogged up like a windshield in a makeout spot.

Gotta wear glasses a bit loose, with the nose piece over the mask so hot air can move up freely without blasting the lenses too much.

Try cleaning with this:

Many safety goggles Are sold with these wipes.
Spit is the old snorkeling trick
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: MC Solaar on April 03, 2020, 11:35:08 PM
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I'm currently in a forced quarantine in a hotel in the centre of Sydney. Can't leave the room for two weeks.
How's the hotel? Why are you in forced quarantine?

Its a long story, but basically I'm from Brisbane and moved to the UK very recently, got a job for a few months then I got laid off because of the whole pandemic, so I thought it best that I return to Aus as soon as possible before the borders close. So I got a flight asap, and they've forced all returning residents to quarantine for 2 weeks in hotels, which is sensible to be honest. The hotel is pretty great really and probably better than anything I've ever paid to be in, but then it also has no cooking facitlities, and I'm not allowed to leave the room. We get meals delivered every 6 hours. I'm on my second day now and I'm already bored shitless, but I'm trying to think of this in a positive light, could do some art or write something, or finally make a video from all that footage I've done nothing with on my hard drive...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Peepeeboy69 on April 06, 2020, 06:41:08 AM
I've been doing work in my basement so i actually had a good amount of n95 masks before the whole thing exploded.

My mom's been freaking out and telling me to drink hot water all the time, wear masks and gloves when I go out, but i don't. My dad has asthma and he's pretty old, overweight, and unhealthy, but his attitude is "it's not as deadly as SARS so fuckit". We don't go out that much anyways though so it's probably ok.

I've been skating pretty much every day it doesn't rain. I built a ledge out of leftover 2x4/plywood from basement work and left it at this basketball court at the end of my road. Nobody ever goes there and the families that do use it like a bench while their kids ride bikes around and shoot hoops. Really getting that ledge game consistent and while the ground is pretty sticky (nice textured basketball court ground) flatground's been fun too. I've been trying to eek out as many powerslides as possible to try to smooth out the ground without the neighbors getting pissed and its getting better slowly so i can roll away from my underrotated backside tricks lol
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mouth on April 06, 2020, 07:10:55 AM
Singapore heads into full lock down tomorrow. Case tracking is failing, with new and seemingly unrelated cases popping up. 120 cases a day, up from 30 or so a few days ago. Schools closed. Shops closed. Condo facilities closed. And so on. Face masks are now mandatory in public. Pretty wild, considering how well prepared we were and how quickly the govt responded.

Keep an eye on Indonesia. They have a bigger population than the US. And they have trouble brewing....
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on April 06, 2020, 07:43:54 AM
nothing about the virus and not from where i live...just a little transmission of beautiful feel-good for y'all on this Monday morning:

hope all is good fam
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on April 06, 2020, 10:23:25 AM
I don't really know what's going on where I'm at. Work has been slow. Wife had to go in to work today, and I'm trying to get a 6 year old to do school work. It's all computer based, but he'd still rather not. Lucked out and got a grocery delivery coming as well. Need to go to the post office in the next day or two and drop stuff off. Just trying to do the right thing and not be a carrier or expose anyone, but nobody gives a shit. We sit out on the balcony watching the streets and it's business as usual downtown.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jack burton on April 06, 2020, 01:48:13 PM
Finally got unemployment and maybe im an idiot but I feel like im fucking some thing up. Have a feeling in the long run this will result in me owing money back.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on April 06, 2020, 04:35:45 PM
this seemed like the right place to share...probably the clearest and most concise explanation of what the virus does to the body:

i hope all is well for you and yours
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Madam, I'm Adam on April 06, 2020, 05:03:32 PM
My city just closed all public parks and play spaces including skateparks. They're not enforcing fines yet, and thankfully there's no dumping of sand happening anytime soon.

And I'm bummed, of course. I waited all winter to skate, four months of snow and ice, and I'm getting older and won't have as much time to skate in a few years. I really wanted to put as much time/effort into skating this year as I could.

But I get it, and I get how potentially dangerous it is. There's now a little over 200 cases in my city with 2 deaths, and with how easily transmittable it is, every precaution short of being barricaded inside should be taken. I was planning on sneaking out during the early morning, but I guess if someone complains, I'll ruin it for everyone.

I'm sure the majority of kids won't care and the parks will get blocked off or worse eventually, but I'll be the adult. If it means I can't skate transition for who knows how long, then so be it. I'll skate flat and curbs by myself here and there.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Nick.. on April 06, 2020, 09:48:14 PM
I applied for the CERB yesterday and I should be expecting 2K within the next three business days so that's something, I guess. A friend of a friend got an $880 ticket for exercising on the playground though. All parks, basketball courts, soccer fields, and playgrounds have been fenced off here.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on April 08, 2020, 01:15:17 AM
Just stress. All of the social distancing measures we were doing at work are going out the window because the wrong fucking person went to the stakeholder meeting. She’s literally the only one who wants to relax them, when the rest of us want them increased. So now we’re fucked because this old bitch doesn’t want to lose $1.10 an hour for hazard pay until this blows over. Everyone is pissed, she’s oblivious, and now we’re super exposed.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on April 08, 2020, 10:24:49 AM
We are shut down until May 5th

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ungzilla on April 08, 2020, 12:11:43 PM
curious to hear how people in severely affected areas are doing? Spain and Italy, etc. now that shit is real in the states the news cycle has no room to spare with regards to updating on how y'all are doing.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on April 08, 2020, 12:15:07 PM
EDIT: my response was actually pointless.

here's some statistics:

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Justis on April 08, 2020, 01:10:21 PM
Hey y’all I Havnt really been skating anything besides around the block , the thing about it surviving on surfaces has le not wanting to skate or film with anyone out of fear of infecting them or myself. Since we literally rub up against shit for fun I don’t trust it. Am I over reacting ?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Hairy Ballsagna on April 08, 2020, 02:23:51 PM
curious to hear how people in severely affected areas are doing? Spain and Italy, etc. now that shit is real in the states the news cycle has no room to spare with regards to updating on how y'all are doing.

Ya, I'm curious about this too. It's pretty hard to get world news at the moment. It always bugs me that redirects to and you get the American version.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on April 08, 2020, 02:50:24 PM
from what i've been reading, it's slowing down in italy and also spain, it also slowed down considerably in germany, where we have some more than 100k infected, but we also did the most tests in europe, almost one million got tested here. france is getting a lot worse right now, they are finding alot more casese now that they test if i understood right.

don't know about lockdown laws in each country but italy is pretty strict, our state of bavaria is super strict as well as they are most affected over here. germany will stay in lockdown i think through all of april so far and probably longer.

life here continues pretty normal, there's a good amount of people outside since it's gotten sunny the last few days. more masks though and some places where you will only be let in with them. shopping carts are mandatory in some grocery store so everyone keeps distance. some stores don't take cash payments. everything apart from grocery stores and pharmacies is still closed. some cafes and bakerys found a way to operate as small grocerystores, but cafes aren't allowed to serve actual coffee. they try to get by with selling beans. shops tell people to order online and make curbside pickups since they are not allowed to open.

in terms of freedom of movement i wasn't outside a lot tbh but there's no controls, i can still walk or bike wherever i want. they basically only approach when more than two people hang out together. i haven't even seen a bigger amount of cops than usual outside. my sleeping pattern is all fucked now though, i am pretty much up all night and then pass out around noon to wake up during dawn.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 08, 2020, 03:00:13 PM
Man. I hope 50mm is doing ok, he's been MIA.
FYI about testing centers. Probably obvious by now but that's where an outbreak has started. Sucks when there's one near you.
Everyone is masked up in public now except for random homeless ppl, crackheads, junkies, prostitutes.. In my suburban neighborhood most ppl still walk around unmasked, a few older folks wear them. Been noticing neighbors also getting almost daily visits from fam that live at another house, pretty sure it's babysitting but just goes to show the imperfect solutions? Idk where I'm going with that..
By me they've recently closed off parking lots at parks, before it was just playground/exercise equipment roped off. They didn't close off walk-in entrances so they might still be open. I think they're having trouble cutting down on the general stupidity. There shouldn't be 20+ cars parked by a mountain biking trail or 6 cars parked at a neighborhood park..
I'm seen private businesses in industrial parks still open and they look like they're no-essential. Some commercial construction is still happening but nothing major, looks more like wiring and simplistic/finishing work. Mostly just 1-2 guys on a jobsite.. Still seeing plenty of homeless ppl out and about, but I've also see them stocking up on groceries. Ppl living in cars have taken over my covered skatespot on rainy nights but it was already off limits to me cuz it's on the tweaker highway to am-pm. I'm expecting the lockdown to get stricter so I've been working on a double-sided curb at the school by me. Letting the rain wash away the dust, it's getting painted this weekend.
Personally.. snapped the other day and had to take the car keys away from an older person who didn't wanna mask up but insisted on grocery shopping. This is a paradigm shift, right? I feel like they think they can just ignore it and whatever happens happens.. it's been frustrating..
Anyone having to deal with self-quarantine while living with someone?
Or just doing semi-quarantine from other ppl in your home? What did you do?

News I saw on Italy was they were seeing a decline nationally but the military recently lockdown a small village/town cuz they have an outbreak there. Hope I'm remembering that correctly..
Oh yeah, Wuhan just came off lockdown and UK PM has been in hospital.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on April 08, 2020, 06:25:01 PM
I live just north of Malibu in a suburb of about 70k people. 32 confirmed cases, 1 death. I feel super fortunate to live where I do and not have such high numbers in my area.

Letting my inner narcissist out, I’ve been social distancing to a fault and definitely feel the physical/emotional toll.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on April 08, 2020, 07:05:01 PM
I’m finally working from home since last Friday. My boss’s hand was forced last Thursday. I have a nice little set up and I love working at home with my wife and pets. We take a lot of precautions. We both had a virus in early mid March and believe it could have been COVID but to be safe we are acting as if it was not. Luckily we took precautions early on so we didn’t interact with hardly anyone at all during that time. I had to use up some PTO and am a little pissed. Be safe everyone. Can’t wait to chill with my homies after this is all over. Weirdly it has brought us closer in a way by forcing us to interact more digitally.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on April 08, 2020, 08:36:15 PM
Shelter in place extended to end of April in my city. I'm so happy the university told everyone to stay away before students started flooding back in after spring break. It could have been a hell of a lot worse if they didn't.

My main gripe is that the surrounding counties weren't strict about it at the beginning nor are they currently, but they all come here to shop/do business.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: able on April 08, 2020, 09:32:07 PM
I think I had it in mid March. It started as a sore throat for almost a week. Then I woke up Tuesday morning, completely drained and had a strong “sick” feeling. This was out of the ordinary. I hadn’t been sick in 6 years. I called out from work So I could stay home and rest and get better. As the week went on my symptoms went from sore throat, weakness, fever, body aches, shortness of breath, and general confusion (never had the cough). I even experienced the chest pressure people speak of. It’s like someone taking a belt, wrapping it around your chest and tightening it. After 4 days of resting and not getting better on Saturday I said “fuck it.” I went out to my driveway, took some wood scraps and built a small ramp and skated it. All the while having a fever, feeling like total shit. That night I drank fuck ton on Vodka too. The next day my symptoms went from 80% to 15%. By Monday it was completely gone.
I’m not a huge Chris Cuomo fan or anything but hearing his testimony about having Covid-19 sounded a lot like my experience.
Additional context: I’m 42 and live in Florida
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tom on April 08, 2020, 11:31:46 PM
Finally got unemployment and maybe im an idiot but I feel like im fucking some thing up. Have a feeling in the long run this will result in me owing money back.
You’ll have to fill out a 1099-g on your tax return. You can elect to have the tax taken out beforehand. I hate that the state of CA uses Bank Of America to issue edd debit cards for unemployment
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: beatifk on April 09, 2020, 12:13:21 AM
curious to hear how people in severely affected areas are doing? Spain and Italy, etc. now that shit is real in the states the news cycle has no room to spare with regards to updating on how y'all are doing.

Reporting in from Northern Italy... Still much the same here. Our "lockdown" or whatever you want to call it was extended from it's previous end date of April 3 until April 13 now. We're not allowed to enter stores (food stores, pharmacies, y'know, the stores that are allowed to be open) without masks and gloves now. It's mandatory whereas before it was only recommended.

There are still people dying daily but numbers are decreasing finally, we're now under 600/day, still bad obviously. Honestly, it seems the worst has passed for us, I'm more worried about my family and friends in the USA, many of them in New York.

Here in Italy we never had shortages of groceries or people stocking up on guns or any other bullshit like that. There have been reports that various organized crime families will profit heavily from the average italians' misery, but that's normal for Italy.

Anyway, not a lot to report honestly. Everything is closed. We are all staying inside. People who can work from home are doing so, people who can't are fucked and on some kind of minimal unemployment since all non-essential industry is stopped. People are still dying, but not as much as before. Our lockdown is scheduled to end next week. We'll see.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: sexualhelon on April 09, 2020, 02:51:35 AM
Expand Quote
curious to hear how people in severely affected areas are doing? Spain and Italy, etc. now that shit is real in the states the news cycle has no room to spare with regards to updating on how y'all are doing.

Reporting in from Northern Italy... Still much the same here. Our "lockdown" or whatever you want to call it was extended from it's previous end date of April 3 until April 13 now. We're not allowed to enter stores (food stores, pharmacies, y'know, the stores that are allowed to be open) without masks and gloves now. It's mandatory whereas before it was only recommended.

There are still people dying daily but numbers are decreasing finally, we're now under 600/day, still bad obviously. Honestly, it seems the worst has passed for us, I'm more worried about my family and friends in the USA, many of them in New York.

Here in Italy we never had shortages of groceries or people stocking up on guns or any other bullshit like that. There have been reports that various organized crime families will profit heavily from the average italians' misery, but that's normal for Italy.

Anyway, not a lot to report honestly. Everything is closed. We are all staying inside. People who can work from home are doing so, people who can't are fucked and on some kind of minimal unemployment since all non-essential industry is stopped. People are still dying, but not as much as before. Our lockdown is scheduled to end next week. We'll see.

So does the government give everyone gloves & masks since you're not allowed to enter stores without them?

Here in Germany each district is handling things differently - you can think of them like States in the US. But in Berlin you can still go out for walks/grocery shopping but pretty much everything else is still closed.

The most perplexing thing to me is that grocery stores seem to be arbitrarily implementing whatever procedures the - I guess - managers think is best. Some make you wait in line to go in which usually turns into chaos. They don't tell people which way to line up or have distance markers outside for the lines. Then when you get in the store it's still a free for all.

But the one that pisses me off is that some stores won't let you enter without a buggy. They don't give you gloves so they're just making everyone have unnecessary indirect contact with probably 1000's of people. I don't even know where you can buy gloves here anymore - or face-masks or hand sanitizer. I never even saw them around before this tbh. Also, to get a buggy you have to put a one euro coin in most of them but then some of the major grocery stores say they only accept contactless payment for now. I think the logic must be that it will force people to keep a certain distance but it's riddled with so many contradictions. Oh, and the German grocery stores basically lock you in once you go inside through the turnstile. So if you go in and don't need anything you have to squeeze your way out through the checkout line. So dumb.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: beatifk on April 09, 2020, 04:55:43 AM
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curious to hear how people in severely affected areas are doing? Spain and Italy, etc. now that shit is real in the states the news cycle has no room to spare with regards to updating on how y'all are doing.

Reporting in from Northern Italy... Still much the same here. Our "lockdown" or whatever you want to call it was extended from it's previous end date of April 3 until April 13 now. We're not allowed to enter stores (food stores, pharmacies, y'know, the stores that are allowed to be open) without masks and gloves now. It's mandatory whereas before it was only recommended.

There are still people dying daily but numbers are decreasing finally, we're now under 600/day, still bad obviously. Honestly, it seems the worst has passed for us, I'm more worried about my family and friends in the USA, many of them in New York.

Here in Italy we never had shortages of groceries or people stocking up on guns or any other bullshit like that. There have been reports that various organized crime families will profit heavily from the average italians' misery, but that's normal for Italy.

Anyway, not a lot to report honestly. Everything is closed. We are all staying inside. People who can work from home are doing so, people who can't are fucked and on some kind of minimal unemployment since all non-essential industry is stopped. People are still dying, but not as much as before. Our lockdown is scheduled to end next week. We'll see.

So does the government give everyone gloves & masks since you're not allowed to enter stores without them?

Here in Germany each district is handling things differently - you can think of them like States in the US. But in Berlin you can still go out for walks/grocery shopping but pretty much everything else is still closed.

The most perplexing thing to me is that grocery stores seem to be arbitrarily implementing whatever procedures the - I guess - managers think is best. Some make you wait in line to go in which usually turns into chaos. They don't tell people which way to line up or have distance markers outside for the lines. Then when you get in the store it's still a free for all.

But the one that pisses me off is that some stores won't let you enter without a buggy. They don't give you gloves so they're just making everyone have unnecessary indirect contact with probably 1000's of people. I don't even know where you can buy gloves here anymore - or face-masks or hand sanitizer. I never even saw them around before this tbh. Also, to get a buggy you have to put a one euro coin in most of them but then some of the major grocery stores say they only accept contactless payment for now. I think the logic must be that it will force people to keep a certain distance but it's riddled with so many contradictions. Oh, and the German grocery stores basically lock you in once you go inside through the turnstile. So if you go in and don't need anything you have to squeeze your way out through the checkout line. So dumb.

The Veneto (northern italian state) sent each resident a paper mask that hooks around the ears. It's basically useless. We have a lot of colleagues in Hong Kong that have been able to get masks and send them to us, and prior to that a Japanese colleague left an entire box of surgical masks in our office that we've been using, but I don't think most people are so lucky.

As for gloves, I wore dishwashing gloves to the supermarket yesterday. My girlfriend wore jogging gloves to the aqua-sapone (basically like a CVS or Duane Reade in the USA but without the pharmacy in the back) today. We were unable to buy the correct latex medical style gloves at either place. So, for us, this is idiotic because our hands are much cleaner than whatever gloves we're wearing. And we cannot buy the gloves anywhere because they are sold out. My friends were able to buy gloves when they went to the supermarket on Saturday (which was the first day the gloves rule was enforced) but now we can't get them. So, yes, it's pretty fucking stupid.

The line up at our supermarkets work by taking a number when you first arrive and then waiting to enter until your number is called. And there are constant reminders in the store to keep distance from other shoppers. People are pretty good about it.

We're not supposed to travel 200meters from our house without a valid excuse (going to the supermarket or pharmacy, or some other emergency) so going for a walk or jog or bikeride is pretty much out of the question. And if you do go out, you need to go alone, unless you're with small kids. Even only one member of a family is allowed to enter a store. There has been a carabinieri (national italian police) stationed in front of my apartment almost daily pulling over cars to check their paperwork which states where they are going and where they are coming from and their reason for travel, so they are checking.

Everyone is playing by the rules as best they can, and there is a decline in cases, so maybe it's a good thing. But things will not be the same as they were, that's 100% for sure. And nobody knows what will happen, so everyone is just doing things day-to-day I guess.

It's a tough time for everyone, globally.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on April 09, 2020, 04:56:32 AM
Here is Slovenia, the curve has definitely been flattened, but reporting on that is a bit iffy. I guess the media does not want to give the population too much incentive to blow off all of the quarantine limitations too quickly.

I did trail running, running on flat and indoor cycling to stay fit and I am going to skate an empty parking lot today or tomorrow, doing basic manuals and flatground. The weather is ridiculously nice and our parks/forest trails are packed with people (you can't even run straight, because you have to dodge so many people).

Our government restricted the movement of people to the municipality of your residence, since so many of us went hiking and just plain walking in less populated areas (you could say that it is our capital city's fault this happened), like the world famous Lake Bled and the nearby Alps. I am predicting a crazy start to the hiking season with a huge increase in hikers, due to the boredom we are confined to now.

We get 3-6 deaths per day and the vast majority had other chronic illness so to be fair, these people might have died without the virus about this time. The official load on our hospitals has been way under the maximum capacity and has been holding steady for two weeks and has even been decreasing slightly.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: arrbee on April 09, 2020, 08:44:45 AM
Man. I hope 50mm is doing ok, he's been MIA.
FYI about testing centers. Probably obvious by now but that's where an outbreak has started. Sucks when there's one near you.
Everyone is masked up in public now except for random homeless ppl, crackheads, junkies, prostitutes.. In my suburban neighborhood most ppl still walk around unmasked, a few older folks wear them. Been noticing neighbors also getting almost daily visits from fam that live at another house, pretty sure it's babysitting but just goes to show the imperfect solutions? Idk where I'm going with that..
By me they've recently closed off parking lots at parks, before it was just playground/exercise equipment roped off. They didn't close off walk-in entrances so they might still be open. I think they're having trouble cutting down on the general stupidity. There shouldn't be 20+ cars parked by a mountain biking trail or 6 cars parked at a neighborhood park..
I'm seen private businesses in industrial parks still open and they look like they're no-essential. Some commercial construction is still happening but nothing major, looks more like wiring and simplistic/finishing work. Mostly just 1-2 guys on a jobsite.. Still seeing plenty of homeless ppl out and about, but I've also see them stocking up on groceries. Ppl living in cars have taken over my covered skatespot on rainy nights but it was already off limits to me cuz it's on the tweaker highway to am-pm. I'm expecting the lockdown to get stricter so I've been working on a double-sided curb at the school by me. Letting the rain wash away the dust, it's getting painted this weekend.
Personally.. snapped the other day and had to take the car keys away from an older person who didn't wanna mask up but insisted on grocery shopping. This is a paradigm shift, right? I feel like they think they can just ignore it and whatever happens happens.. it's been frustrating..
Anyone having to deal with self-quarantine while living with someone?
Or just doing semi-quarantine from other ppl in your home? What did you do?

News I saw on Italy was they were seeing a decline nationally but the military recently lockdown a small village/town cuz they have an outbreak there. Hope I'm remembering that correctly..
Oh yeah, Wuhan just came off lockdown and UK PM has been in hospital.

Just speaking to the bold portion of your comment. I work for a furniture company in their distribution center. We are still open. ALL of our retail locations are closed currently. Website is still up and taking orders.

While our outbound/shipping has slowed significantly we are still open and working in the distribution center. The reason we are still coming in and fall under "essential" is that we currently have about 1000 containers on the ocean heading towards us. The port is unloading about 60 of our containers a day. We need to take these containers from the port to prevent the port from backing up which could lead to delays in the port unloading containers having supplies that are essential for what is happening. Medical, cleaning, even food related supplies come from over seas to the US.

So while furniture is definitely not essential, doing our part to keep the ports clear certainly is. If every business that isn't exactly essential would shut down it could certainly cause issues at the ports.

Right now as shitty as it is out there I'm glad to be working. The company just furloughed like 3000 people I luckily was not one in this round. I do fear the longer this goes there will be another round of layoffs. I would make significantly less on unemployment and I would rather let those resources go to service industry folks that are out of work right now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: E on April 09, 2020, 03:40:27 PM
Man. I hope 50mm is doing ok, he's been MIA.
FYI about testing centers. Probably obvious by now but that's where an outbreak has started. Sucks when there's one near you.
Everyone is masked up in public now except for random homeless ppl, crackheads, junkies, prostitutes.. In my suburban neighborhood most ppl still walk around unmasked, a few older folks wear them. Been noticing neighbors also getting almost daily visits from fam that live at another house, pretty sure it's babysitting but just goes to show the imperfect solutions? Idk where I'm going with that..
By me they've recently closed off parking lots at parks, before it was just playground/exercise equipment roped off. They didn't close off walk-in entrances so they might still be open. I think they're having trouble cutting down on the general stupidity. There shouldn't be 20+ cars parked by a mountain biking trail or 6 cars parked at a neighborhood park..
I'm seen private businesses in industrial parks still open and they look like they're no-essential. Some commercial construction is still happening but nothing major, looks more like wiring and simplistic/finishing work. Mostly just 1-2 guys on a jobsite.. Still seeing plenty of homeless ppl out and about, but I've also see them stocking up on groceries. Ppl living in cars have taken over my covered skatespot on rainy nights but it was already off limits to me cuz it's on the tweaker highway to am-pm. I'm expecting the lockdown to get stricter so I've been working on a double-sided curb at the school by me. Letting the rain wash away the dust, it's getting painted this weekend.
Personally.. snapped the other day and had to take the car keys away from an older person who didn't wanna mask up but insisted on grocery shopping. This is a paradigm shift, right? I feel like they think they can just ignore it and whatever happens happens.. it's been frustrating..
Anyone having to deal with self-quarantine while living with someone?
Or just doing semi-quarantine from other ppl in your home? What did you do?

News I saw on Italy was they were seeing a decline nationally but the military recently lockdown a small village/town cuz they have an outbreak there. Hope I'm remembering that correctly..
Oh yeah, Wuhan just came off lockdown and UK PM has been in hospital.

Can you explain what you mean about testing centers more? I live kind of just across from a hospital where there is drive by testing and I've been a little freaked out about having windows open just in case but kinda thought I was being over dramatic.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 09, 2020, 08:21:32 PM
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Man. I hope 50mm is doing ok, he's been MIA.
FYI about testing centers. Probably obvious by now but that's where an outbreak has started. Sucks when there's one near you.
Everyone is masked up in public now except for random homeless ppl, crackheads, junkies, prostitutes.. In my suburban neighborhood most ppl still walk around unmasked, a few older folks wear them. Been noticing neighbors also getting almost daily visits from fam that live at another house, pretty sure it's babysitting but just goes to show the imperfect solutions? Idk where I'm going with that..
By me they've recently closed off parking lots at parks, before it was just playground/exercise equipment roped off. They didn't close off walk-in entrances so they might still be open. I think they're having trouble cutting down on the general stupidity. There shouldn't be 20+ cars parked by a mountain biking trail or 6 cars parked at a neighborhood park..
I'm seen private businesses in industrial parks still open and they look like they're no-essential. Some commercial construction is still happening but nothing major, looks more like wiring and simplistic/finishing work. Mostly just 1-2 guys on a jobsite.. Still seeing plenty of homeless ppl out and about, but I've also see them stocking up on groceries. Ppl living in cars have taken over my covered skatespot on rainy nights but it was already off limits to me cuz it's on the tweaker highway to am-pm. I'm expecting the lockdown to get stricter so I've been working on a double-sided curb at the school by me. Letting the rain wash away the dust, it's getting painted this weekend.
Personally.. snapped the other day and had to take the car keys away from an older person who didn't wanna mask up but insisted on grocery shopping. This is a paradigm shift, right? I feel like they think they can just ignore it and whatever happens happens.. it's been frustrating..
Anyone having to deal with self-quarantine while living with someone?
Or just doing semi-quarantine from other ppl in your home? What did you do?

News I saw on Italy was they were seeing a decline nationally but the military recently lockdown a small village/town cuz they have an outbreak there. Hope I'm remembering that correctly..
Oh yeah, Wuhan just came off lockdown and UK PM has been in hospital.

Can you explain what you mean about testing centers more? I live kind of just across from a hospital where there is drive by testing and I've been a little freaked out about having windows open just in case but kinda thought I was being over dramatic.
I didn't mean to make it sound like the testing centers were causing outbreaks. Sorry if you took it that way.. Theyd be scary.. I meant testing centers are there because there's an outbreak in that area/city/town. They're kinda randomly across the county in Cali and it's probably where they get xx amount of cases or something. I'd probably be nervous too and keep the windows shut.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 09, 2020, 09:29:16 PM
I also saw on BBC that it was 40*c in Riyadh today. That's 104*f
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on April 09, 2020, 11:18:51 PM
I also saw on BBC that it was 40*c in Riyadh today. That's 104*f

Not in their palaces it is not. Central air ventilation and AC is a perfect combination for virus spreading, just like on cruise ships.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: E on April 10, 2020, 09:02:22 AM
Yeah CDC actually advises opening windows if you can.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 10, 2020, 12:41:12 PM
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I also saw on BBC that it was 40*c in Riyadh today. That's 104*f
Not in their palaces it is not. Central air ventilation and AC is a perfect combination for virus spreading, just like on cruise ships.
About 3000 cases in Saudi, not everyone there lives in air conditioned luxury.
They also don't all do central AC, some use wall mounted units with a common compressor unit outside. I forgot what that style is called but I call it Asian style.
Their palaces/compounds are friggin huge too, it's tough to explain the scale when some are bigger than a large shopping mall.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on April 10, 2020, 04:46:39 PM
Anyone else over FaceTime and Zoom? I’ve had a few fun ones but that’s enough leave me alone lol.

Anyway, what’s going on around me? Mass unmarked graves in the Bronx. Refrigerated trucks for bodies in Manhattan. Shit like that.

If I didn’t read the news none of that’s visible from my neighborhood but yea. I hear a lot of sirens tho. Sounds like there’s a chance we’re past the peak here. People admitted to ICU dipped for the first time since the start.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on April 11, 2020, 05:56:06 AM
Hey y’all I Havnt really been skating anything besides around the block , the thing about it surviving on surfaces has le not wanting to skate or film with anyone out of fear of infecting them or myself. Since we literally rub up against shit for fun I don’t trust it. Am I over reacting ?
You’re not overreacting. You’re being safe and rational.
I’ve still been skating with mainly 1 person the last few weeks: skating 3 days a week.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on April 11, 2020, 07:08:44 AM
Both, Slovenia's and Austria's prime ministers are mentioning a ban on international leisure travel this summer and also claim that population's herd immunity could take more than a year to establish with a flat curve, pointing to some restrictions being in place for a very long time.

This seems like an overreaction and I doubt my fellow countrymen and women would be able to psychologically handle all these restrictions with no real holidays to look forward to.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Quique on April 12, 2020, 04:26:06 PM
Both, Slovenia's and Austria's prime ministers are mentioning a ban on international leisure travel this summer and also claim that population's herd immunity could take more than a year to establish with a flat curve, pointing to some restrictions being in place for a very long time.

This seems like an overreaction and I doubt my fellow countrymen and women would be able to psychologically handle all these restrictions with no real holidays to look forward to.

Don't think they are overreacting at all. To get herd inmmunity in a year there would have to be 20.000 cases everyday, combining both countries. Are you able to manage the percentage of people that would need hospitalization?

Until something like quick testing appears I don't see another way to handle this.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 12, 2020, 04:46:38 PM
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Both, Slovenia's and Austria's prime ministers are mentioning a ban on international leisure travel this summer and also claim that population's herd immunity could take more than a year to establish with a flat curve, pointing to some restrictions being in place for a very long time.

This seems like an overreaction and I doubt my fellow countrymen and women would be able to psychologically handle all these restrictions with no real holidays to look forward to.

Don't think they are overreacting at all. To get herd inmmunity in a year there would have to be 20.000 cases everyday, combining both countries. Are you able to manage the percentage of people that would need hospitalization?

Until something like quick testing appears I don't see another way to handle this.
This got me wondering..
What's the math to herd immunity? (In a year..)
Something simple like +50% of the population divided by 365 days?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: igrindtwinkies on April 12, 2020, 10:14:09 PM
This is where I live.  The count is 240+ at that factory.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on April 13, 2020, 12:10:37 AM
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Both, Slovenia's and Austria's prime ministers are mentioning a ban on international leisure travel this summer and also claim that population's herd immunity could take more than a year to establish with a flat curve, pointing to some restrictions being in place for a very long time.

This seems like an overreaction and I doubt my fellow countrymen and women would be able to psychologically handle all these restrictions with no real holidays to look forward to.

Don't think they are overreacting at all. To get herd inmmunity in a year there would have to be 20.000 cases everyday, combining both countries. Are you able to manage the percentage of people that would need hospitalization?

Until something like quick testing appears I don't see another way to handle this.

Yes, but wouldn't summertime's high temperatures make the virus very hard to contact in the first place?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pica on April 13, 2020, 12:29:24 AM
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Both, Slovenia's and Austria's prime ministers are mentioning a ban on international leisure travel this summer and also claim that population's herd immunity could take more than a year to establish with a flat curve, pointing to some restrictions being in place for a very long time.

This seems like an overreaction and I doubt my fellow countrymen and women would be able to psychologically handle all these restrictions with no real holidays to look forward to.

Don't think they are overreacting at all. To get herd inmmunity in a year there would have to be 20.000 cases everyday, combining both countries. Are you able to manage the percentage of people that would need hospitalization?

Until something like quick testing appears I don't see another way to handle this.


Yes, but wouldn't summertime's high temperatures make the virus very hard to contact in the first place?
Since it spread to hot countries already it‘s possible high temperatures won‘t harm the virus at all...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: os89 on April 13, 2020, 08:14:30 PM
Divide 100 thousand deaths into a population of 7+ billion people and get back to me. It's about .00001 percent. Unless I'm a complete moron, this shit is overhyped.

Edit: or just kook me without explaining why I'm wrong. That's cool.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 13, 2020, 08:59:14 PM
Dived 100 thousand deaths into a population of 7+ billion people and get back to me. It's about .00001 percent. Unless I'm a complete moron, this shit is overhyped.

Edit: or just kook me without explaining why I'm wrong. That's cool.
This is just getting started. Give it a year or two.
Big press conference for Cali tomorrow at noon. Gonna outline plans for easing up on stay at home restrictions. OR and WA states are in on it too. I haven't read what NYC's plans are but Cali could be similar.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on April 13, 2020, 09:05:14 PM
Dived 100 thousand deaths into a population of 7+ billion people and get back to me. It's about .00001 percent. Unless I'm a complete moron, this shit is overhyped.

Edit: or just kook me without explaining why I'm wrong. That's cool.

A lot of people think it's overhyped at this point.  That is NOT to say it's not a shitty fucking virus that can kill even seemingly healthy people, but even when Swine Flu cases were in every state, it's not like we closed the entire nation down for something that was FAR more fatal to those who got it.

Yes, if you're old or have compromised health, it's something to worry about and avoid going out for some time.  But, there's always a fair chance a HUGE portion of the population has/had it and is just asymptomatic and never even had a clue they were infected.

Notice that the goalposts for how many deaths, how long for lockdowns etc. changes like the wind.  Fauci has flipped more times than Jeffwonsong's board down a 10 stair set on a summer afternoon, the fact is that we honestly don't know enough to really gauge for sure how much of a threat it will be in the long run.  But, all I know is there are some state governors who seem to be a bit TOO happy with projecting the chance of long-term closures at the expense of the livelihoods of those who need it well beyond what most are saying is reasonable, which to me sets off alarm bells that once again, a crisis has been seized to turn into someone else's political opportunities for more power grabs at all costs.

I give it to the start of May, but after that, fuck it, people are going to start rioting if the "experts" try to claim summer has been canceled over this as if the whole world can just grind to a halt without long-term ramifications that we may never rebound from.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Skeptic on April 13, 2020, 09:11:03 PM
I'm in CO. 300 deaths per 5.7 million people. I'm gonna go ahead and say we overreacted by shutting the country down.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Quique on April 14, 2020, 01:11:41 AM
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Both, Slovenia's and Austria's prime ministers are mentioning a ban on international leisure travel this summer and also claim that population's herd immunity could take more than a year to establish with a flat curve, pointing to some restrictions being in place for a very long time.

This seems like an overreaction and I doubt my fellow countrymen and women would be able to psychologically handle all these restrictions with no real holidays to look forward to.

Don't think they are overreacting at all. To get herd inmmunity in a year there would have to be 20.000 cases everyday, combining both countries. Are you able to manage the percentage of people that would need hospitalization?

Until something like quick testing appears I don't see another way to handle this.


Yes, but wouldn't summertime's high temperatures make the virus very hard to contact in the first place?
Since it spread to hot countries already it‘s possible high temperatures won‘t harm the virus at all...

Yep, it's in Brazil and in the north (where is 30°C almost all year) it's getting complicated...iirc virus get killed at 65°C, too hot for lungs obviously.

As far as overhype, well a lot of those numbers are the reflection of quarantine. No politician wants to be the face of the new Italy. Swine flu (as common flu) was far easier to identify, you got infected, day two you already had obvious symptoms, can get isolated. This shit can take more than a week to start showing, that time is crucial. But the main reason is lack of information, this is still so new and I bet nobody trust whatever comes from China in terms of medical research.

I'm more afraid of people rioting because they cannot buy food, not holidays to be honest. Third world problems. Let's hope for the best.

Stay safe y'all!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: beatifk on April 14, 2020, 01:25:47 AM
Divide 100 thousand deaths into a population of 7+ billion people and get back to me. It's about .00001 percent. Unless I'm a complete moron, this shit is overhyped.

Edit: or just kook me without explaining why I'm wrong. That's cool.

I'm in CO. 300 deaths per 5.7 million people. I'm gonna go ahead and say we overreacted by shutting the country down.

The problem is not the numbers of people dead, the problem is the number of people simultaneously in the ICU. There aren't enough beds/doctors/nurses/equipment to treat all the people getting VERY sick, so doctors are choosing who lives and dies and the hospitals are not trained properly for this type of situation.

In the end, everyone will get the virus, but it's helpful if it's staggered a bit and not everyone gets it during the initial outbreak.

The hospital systems were never overwhelmed by the common seasonal flu. It's not the same.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JudoOrigami on April 14, 2020, 01:44:25 AM
If it's just a simple matter of deciding who lives and dies I'd be happy to help
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JudoOrigami on April 14, 2020, 01:50:07 AM
Im universally hated already so there's no pressure honestly
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: igrindtwinkies on April 14, 2020, 01:53:32 AM
I didn't care enough to read the whole article, but this is funny.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theresnothinghere on April 14, 2020, 02:14:18 AM
Stimulus money is being sent out. Just got mine a few hours ago, I'm in california.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mouth on April 14, 2020, 04:52:57 AM
Here in Singapore cases are skyrocketing amongst low paid foreign workers. 380 new cases in a day, largely due to the fact that they live 15 to a room in bunk beds. Can't imagine the lock down will be lifted as planned on the 4th of May.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on April 14, 2020, 06:11:45 AM
If it's just a simple matter of deciding who lives and dies I'd be happy to help

The fun of a virus is that fuckbois like you don’t get to make these decisions. Nature is in charge, bb.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JudoOrigami on April 14, 2020, 06:13:31 AM
how do you know for certain I'm not mother nature incarnate
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lampshade on April 14, 2020, 06:17:41 AM
Lots of masks.  More people getting out as opposed to a week or two ago.  I have two big dogs, so I have no choice to walk them, but I keep it super local.  We have three grocery stores in the neighborhood that are all open. 

Our parks are all closed down, playground equipment and tennis courts all chained off.  Buses and Metro are still running. No idea how the six foot rule works there.  This is inside the beltway DC suburbs. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on April 14, 2020, 06:21:57 AM
how do you know for certain I'm not mother nature incarnate

Well shit, I don’t lol.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ihatejulio on April 14, 2020, 10:31:54 AM
Stimulus money is being sent out. Just got mine a few hours ago, I'm in california.

I'm in California too. I just checked my bank account out of curiosity and sure enough, $1200 was deposited in my account. Very grateful to have that happen because being unemployed right now has pushed my persistent anxiety to its brink. Temporary relief from that feeling is a godsend.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tom on April 14, 2020, 04:29:51 PM
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Stimulus money is being sent out. Just got mine a few hours ago, I'm in california.

I'm in California too. I just checked my bank account out of curiosity and sure enough, $1200 was deposited in my account. Very grateful to have that happen because being unemployed right now has pushed my persistent anxiety to its brink. Temporary relief from that feeling is a godsend.
Have you filed for unemployment yet? Everyone has been complaining about the process, but they approved my claim within 4 days. I got the edd debit card within a few days of certifying for benefits. The extra $600/week hasn’t shown up in my account, but I’m not stressing yet. They’ve seemed to be on top of their shit with it so far

I drove by Griffith park in LA today and people were treating it like the first day of summer. Families all out and about, picnics in the park, games of catch, etc.. Shit like that makes me feel like this is gonna stretch out longer than it has to
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on April 14, 2020, 05:57:32 PM
I'm in CO. 300 deaths per 5.7 million people. I'm gonna go ahead and say we overreacted by shutting the country down.

What if it’s only 300 because social distancing worked and it coulda been way worse like it is here. Just sayin.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on April 14, 2020, 06:15:50 PM
The park was packed with people today, but everyone seemed to be keeping a bit of distance.

The line at Canadian Tire (kind of like a Target mixed with a Home Depot, sort of) was a million miles long.

I walked 2 miles to an amazing Portuguese place to get some take out... only to find out that they closed Sunday through Wednesday. Kind of bummed on that one.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: PlugSkullcandy on April 14, 2020, 07:21:49 PM
So I got the virus, 2 weeks with ups and downs but it feel a lot better now ! Still a little tired but it’s OK

Watched a ton of skate videos from different eras, I fell asleep watching Transworld Feedback with a fever i had strange psychedelic dreams involving Chad Muska and Geoff Rowley speaking French.

The worst thing is my uncle I never talk to sending not funny COVID memes I’ve seen 2 weeks ago every hour

Here in France it’s locked until at least may 11th

Stay safe Slap people

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: LesbianPUNCH on April 14, 2020, 09:05:13 PM
So I got the virus, 2 weeks with ups and downs but it feel a lot better now ! Still a little tired but it’s OK

Watched a ton of skate videos from different eras, I fell asleep watching Transworld Feedback with a fever i had strange psychedelic dreams involving Chad Muska and Geoff Rowley speaking French.

The worst thing is my uncle I never talk to sending not funny COVID memes I’ve seen 2 weeks ago every hour

Here in France it’s locked until at least may 11th

Stay safe Slap people

Curious, were you actually tested or did you just self-quarantine? I’m pretty sure I had the virus late February, but at the time I don’t even know if there were confirmed cases in the states yet. I don’t know anyone (and haven’t heard from anyone) who has actually gotten a test.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JudoOrigami on April 14, 2020, 09:10:12 PM
The park was packed with people today, but everyone seemed to be keeping a bit of distance.

The line at Canadian Tire (kind of like a Target mixed with a Home Depot, sort of) was a million miles long.

I walked 2 miles to an amazing Portuguese place to get some take out... only to find out that they closed Sunday through Wednesday. Kind of bummed on that one.

Yeah the random changing of store hours has been the most annoying thing of this for me every time I go to the LCBO it's just closed and I have to hit up walmart for wine when I actually want vodka.

As for whether or not the lockdown was necessary that shit was spreading like wildfire through the NBA alone. When that first game got cancelled while tipoff was about to happen that should have tipped everyone off to the fact this shit was about to get very real very quick. I wonder if Rudy Gobert will ever bounce back from this. Personally I don't care but anyone who's a true germaphobe may never forgive the guy.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JudoOrigami on April 14, 2020, 09:21:40 PM
Which reminds me I miss the NBA so fuckin much and I'm not even that into sports. bucks raptors lakers and clippers were all looking so good this year and the current Toronto Raptors roster is so damn entertaining to watch. Never realized how important those regular season games were to maintaining my sanity.

Dope that Norm Powell is still player of the week tho cuz he's player of the week for me every week <3333
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on April 14, 2020, 11:03:06 PM
I don't understand curfew at all. I'm don't want to go out in the day
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JudoOrigami on April 14, 2020, 11:10:21 PM
Agreed fuck the day
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr.Jenkins on April 14, 2020, 11:51:56 PM
Still no lockdown in Sweden. Been out skating everyday. Its all strange though, a lot of people doesn't seem to care at all looking at playgrounds, parks and restaurants. Its a strange feeling in the city though, since a lot of peopleDO care about it, so its kinda empty but packed at the same time, if that makes sense.

With that said.. A distance cousin to my mom passed yesterday in Covid-19, 58 years old. We dont know him, but heard he didnt have a healthy lifestyle to start with. Makes it a bit real for me anyhow.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: PlugSkullcandy on April 15, 2020, 02:04:19 AM
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So I got the virus, 2 weeks with ups and downs but it feel a lot better now ! Still a little tired but it’s OK

Watched a ton of skate videos from different eras, I fell asleep watching Transworld Feedback with a fever i had strange psychedelic dreams involving Chad Muska and Geoff Rowley speaking French.

The worst thing is my uncle I never talk to sending not funny COVID memes I’ve seen 2 weeks ago every hour

Here in France it’s locked until at least may 11th

Stay safe Slap people

Curious, were you actually tested or did you just self-quarantine? I’m pretty sure I had the virus late February, but at the time I don’t even know if there were confirmed cases in the states yet. I don’t know anyone (and haven’t heard from anyone) who has actually gotten a test.

I was tested - I have type 1 diabetes so they tested me. I think if I wasn’t diabetic they wouldn't have tested me - at least this is the policy they follow here in France.

They didn’t let me stay at the hospital, at first I was panicking but they were right.  They said I was not that bad. Just one night I woke up with pain in my chest - like imagine somebody sitting on your chest blocking your breath... overall I didn’t cough a lot, but I was VERY tired.

Some people I know had (or still have) the symptoms but weren’t tested. I was tested.

So I don’t know the rules they follow in the States, but here in France the way they handle it seems a bit odd sometimes.

I have to admit I have no faith in the French government for a lot of reasons (like Macron telling people it’s not important to wear a mask and showing up on TV with a mask 4 days later) but we have strong caregivers and doctors.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on April 15, 2020, 08:13:25 AM
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The park was packed with people today, but everyone seemed to be keeping a bit of distance.

The line at Canadian Tire (kind of like a Target mixed with a Home Depot, sort of) was a million miles long.

I walked 2 miles to an amazing Portuguese place to get some take out... only to find out that they closed Sunday through Wednesday. Kind of bummed on that one.

Yeah the random changing of store hours has been the most annoying thing of this for me every time I go to the LCBO it's just closed and I have to hit up walmart for wine when I actually want vodka.

As for whether or not the lockdown was necessary that shit was spreading like wildfire through the NBA alone. When that first game got cancelled while tipoff was about to happen that should have tipped everyone off to the fact this shit was about to get very real very quick. I wonder if Rudy Gobert will ever bounce back from this. Personally I don't care but anyone who's a true germaphobe may never forgive the guy.

The LC? You’re from Ontario?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JudoOrigami on April 15, 2020, 08:28:21 AM
Unfortunately yes
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Hairy Ballsagna on April 15, 2020, 09:11:12 AM
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So I got the virus, 2 weeks with ups and downs but it feel a lot better now ! Still a little tired but it’s OK

Watched a ton of skate videos from different eras, I fell asleep watching Transworld Feedback with a fever i had strange psychedelic dreams involving Chad Muska and Geoff Rowley speaking French.

The worst thing is my uncle I never talk to sending not funny COVID memes I’ve seen 2 weeks ago every hour

Here in France it’s locked until at least may 11th

Stay safe Slap people

Curious, were you actually tested or did you just self-quarantine? I’m pretty sure I had the virus late February, but at the time I don’t even know if there were confirmed cases in the states yet. I don’t know anyone (and haven’t heard from anyone) who has actually gotten a test.

I was tested - I have type 1 diabetes so they tested me. I think if I wasn’t diabetic they wouldn't have tested me - at least this is the policy they follow here in France.

They didn’t let me stay at the hospital, at first I was panicking but they were right.  They said I was not that bad. Just one night I woke up with pain in my chest - like imagine somebody sitting on your chest blocking your breath... overall I didn’t cough a lot, but I was VERY tired.

Some people I know had (or still have) the symptoms but weren’t tested. I was tested.

So I don’t know the rules they follow in the States, but here in France the way they handle it seems a bit odd sometimes.

I have to admit I have no faith in the French government for a lot of reasons (like Macron telling people it’s not important to wear a mask and showing up on TV with a mask 4 days later) but we have strong caregivers and doctors.

Thanks for sharing. I hope you keep feeling better!

At this point I think testing varies a lot across the states, but generally it seems like it's difficult to get tested unless you have some factor that puts you at higher risk. In my small West Coast city, if you have symptoms and a risk factor (over 60, pregnant, etc., I believe diabetes counts as an underlying health condition) you can go to a drive-up test center and get tested.

Otherwise I think you generally can't get tested here.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on April 15, 2020, 10:16:35 AM
There's a big protest in Michigan's capital by a bunch of MAGA dickheads right now. What a dumb fucking timeline we live in.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ihatejulio on April 15, 2020, 04:39:05 PM
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Stimulus money is being sent out. Just got mine a few hours ago, I'm in california.

I'm in California too. I just checked my bank account out of curiosity and sure enough, $1200 was deposited in my account. Very grateful to have that happen because being unemployed right now has pushed my persistent anxiety to its brink. Temporary relief from that feeling is a godsend.
Have you filed for unemployment yet? Everyone has been complaining about the process, but they approved my claim within 4 days. I got the edd debit card within a few days of certifying for benefits. The extra $600/week hasn’t shown up in my account, but I’m not stressing yet. They’ve seemed to be on top of their shit with it so far

I drove by Griffith park in LA today and people were treating it like the first day of summer. Families all out and about, picnics in the park, games of catch, etc.. Shit like that makes me feel like this is gonna stretch out longer than it has to

I have not, no. I recently moved before the virus and had to leave my old job. I'm under the impression that I would not qualify for unemployment because I left on my own accord but my interpretation of that requirement might be wrong. I have just been living off of savings atm and have cut back on a lot of expenses so the 1,200 will give me more time to apply to places and find work.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on April 15, 2020, 05:06:46 PM
There's a big protest in Michigan's capital by a bunch of MAGA dickheads right now. What a dumb fucking timeline we live in.

A lot of people protesting in Michigan are displeased with the fact that local government has gone so far to keep people from being able to live/purchase as normal as to ban allowing purchase of SEEDS for those who want to garden.  Let's just say it's blowback for the irrational overreach of what's going on in Michigan, I've been reading perspectives from people who are protesting who cover both ends of the spectrum who think it's absurd what the governor is pushing at this point.  Some states have leadership that's going WAY overboard on the power plays, and if they keep pushing, this will only be the start of what's coming. 

It's not just "MAGA dickheads", there are a LOT of people in Michigan who aren't ready to spend the next year indoors because the governor wants to cut them off from everything.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ihatejulio on April 15, 2020, 06:02:30 PM
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There's a big protest in Michigan's capital by a bunch of MAGA dickheads right now. What a dumb fucking timeline we live in.

A lot of people protesting in Michigan are displeased with the fact that local government has gone so far to keep people from being able to live/purchase as normal as to ban allowing purchase of SEEDS for those who want to garden.  Let's just say it's blowback for the irrational overreach of what's going on in Michigan, I've been reading perspectives from people who are protesting who cover both ends of the spectrum who think it's absurd what the governor is pushing at this point.  Some states have leadership that's going WAY overboard on the power plays, and if they keep pushing, this will only be the start of what's coming. 

It's not just "MAGA dickheads", there are a LOT of people in Michigan who aren't ready to spend the next year indoors because the governor wants to cut them off from everything.

So the response is to block access for ambulances to reach hospitals, open carry rifles (because pp is small), and wave confederate flags around? There are better ways to enact change than causing gridlock outside of a hospital and blast your horn disturbing the sick patients and overworked health care workers inside. That's scumbag behavior one thousand percent. I have read so many accounts from Lansing nurses on Twitter who are demoralized beyond repair by the actions of MAGA trash. Motherfuck these people and anyone who defends them.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on April 15, 2020, 06:24:00 PM
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There's a big protest in Michigan's capital by a bunch of MAGA dickheads right now. What a dumb fucking timeline we live in.

A lot of people protesting in Michigan are displeased with the fact that local government has gone so far to keep people from being able to live/purchase as normal as to ban allowing purchase of SEEDS for those who want to garden.  Let's just say it's blowback for the irrational overreach of what's going on in Michigan, I've been reading perspectives from people who are protesting who cover both ends of the spectrum who think it's absurd what the governor is pushing at this point.  Some states have leadership that's going WAY overboard on the power plays, and if they keep pushing, this will only be the start of what's coming. 

It's not just "MAGA dickheads", there are a LOT of people in Michigan who aren't ready to spend the next year indoors because the governor wants to cut them off from everything.

So the response is to block access for ambulances to reach hospitals, open carry rifles (because pp is small), and wave confederate flags around? There are better ways to enact change than causing gridlock outside of a hospital and blast your horn disturbing the sick patients and overworked health care workers inside. That's scumbag behavior one thousand percent. I have read so many accounts from Lansing nurses on Twitter who are demoralized beyond repair by the actions of MAGA trash. Motherfuck these people and anyone who defends them.

Didn't say that all of it was the best plan, but this is what you're going to see more and more of every week if certain states continue to go overboard no matter what your personal opinion is.  The more states try to go rogue and keep things shut without a viable plan to reopen, the more this will happen, I can promise you that.

If you REALLY believe nurses are being "demoralized" due to a protest outside, you're far too gullible to be reading social media.  Just the other day nurses across the nation were too busy posting TikTok videos of themselves dancing in the halls, and today, this has ruined them for good?  C'mon, man...don't be silly.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on April 15, 2020, 06:32:06 PM
My homie's brother is a doctor in Lansing. Literally every single one of his patients had to cancel their appointments today because traffic was blocked.

I watched various live feeds. It was almost entirely MAGA dickheads who think we're in "communist Michigan". Nobody's overstepping, we're in a fucking global pandemic. This sucks for everybody, but the longer these petulant children kick and scream, the longer this is gonna take. Other countries have been much more strict than the US and they're seeing results.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on April 15, 2020, 06:41:12 PM
My homie's brother is a doctor in Lansing. Literally every single one of his patients had to cancel their appointments today because traffic was blocked.

I watched various live feeds. It was almost entirely MAGA dickheads who think we're in "communist Michigan". Nobody's overstepping, we're in a fucking global pandemic. This sucks for everybody, but the longer these petulant children kick and scream, the longer this is gonna take. Other countries have been much more strict than the US and they're seeing results.

Telling Michigan residents they can't check on their aging parents now is reasonable?

Again, telling someone who wants to plant a garden they can't buy seeds is reasonable so they have to go out more this year and shop in grocery stores rather than plant their own gardens?  What a great thing, don't let people take care of themselves by being able to produce their own food and stay home where they could be safe, now you have to go out for your produce and put yourself at additional risk every week, that makes perfect sense now!

If you think that going this far deep on citizens and giving no real expectation of when the state will try to reopen is "reasonable" then I don't know what to say.  In Wisconsin, we're still allowed some degree of normal life, and outside of the communities who are still staying in close quarters and spreading things in the cities, we're not all suddenly dying from being outdoors just because we're in a pandemic.  There are reasonable limits, and there's power playing bullshit that's not helping anyone, but rather is putting people in harm's way more.

Really, if your governor said to you that you now have to stay inside through October, can't go out for anything, and you couldn't check on family or friends, are you cool with that just because we're "in a pandemic"?  It's funny how fast some people will give up their liberties for a false sense of security just because someone in power they voted for tells them that extreme measures are for their own good.

Like I keep saying, if this is how states want to handle things, then they're going to see more and more protests happening weekly, like it or not. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on April 15, 2020, 06:56:37 PM


None of this is true, but thanks for saying your insane falsehoods very loudly and frantically.

But, for the sake of this thread, my local bar was packed today. I couldn't get a good photo due to the glare, but man that place was super busy.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on April 15, 2020, 07:24:35 PM
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None of this is true, but thanks for saying your insane falsehoods very loudly and frantically.

But, for the sake of this thread, my local bar was packed today. I couldn't get a good photo due to the glare, but man that place was super busy.


So, you coming back to this one to peacock instead of answering the questions I keep asking about how any of the things being prevented are actually saving lives and preventing spread of illness?  Or, is this just another smug nothingburger reply?  Feel free to clarify again on how any of the following put people at more risk of spreading or receiving COVID-19

>visiting family to possibly drop off supplies or do a welfare check
>buying certain items while already at a store that you're occupying because someone says they're non-essential
>traveling between 2 properties you own

Like I said more than once, just prove to me how these things are harmful and putting people at additional risk, and I can concede defeat for my argument.  I just ask for proof of how going to these measures is doing any more to actually prevent the spread of COVID-19 than standard measures taken by most states.

I'll keep asking, feel free to keep dodging over and over if you can't give me a rational answer, but it isn't looking good for your reasoning when you have nothing to offer.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ihatejulio on April 15, 2020, 07:44:17 PM
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There's a big protest in Michigan's capital by a bunch of MAGA dickheads right now. What a dumb fucking timeline we live in.

A lot of people protesting in Michigan are displeased with the fact that local government has gone so far to keep people from being able to live/purchase as normal as to ban allowing purchase of SEEDS for those who want to garden.  Let's just say it's blowback for the irrational overreach of what's going on in Michigan, I've been reading perspectives from people who are protesting who cover both ends of the spectrum who think it's absurd what the governor is pushing at this point.  Some states have leadership that's going WAY overboard on the power plays, and if they keep pushing, this will only be the start of what's coming. 

It's not just "MAGA dickheads", there are a LOT of people in Michigan who aren't ready to spend the next year indoors because the governor wants to cut them off from everything.

So the response is to block access for ambulances to reach hospitals, open carry rifles (because pp is small), and wave confederate flags around? There are better ways to enact change than causing gridlock outside of a hospital and blast your horn disturbing the sick patients and overworked health care workers inside. That's scumbag behavior one thousand percent. I have read so many accounts from Lansing nurses on Twitter who are demoralized beyond repair by the actions of MAGA trash. Motherfuck these people and anyone who defends them.

Didn't say that all of it was the best plan, but this is what you're going to see more and more of every week if certain states continue to go overboard no matter what your personal opinion is.  The more states try to go rogue and keep things shut without a viable plan to reopen, the more this will happen, I can promise you that.

If you REALLY believe nurses are being "demoralized" due to a protest outside, you're far too gullible to be reading social media.  Just the other day nurses across the nation were too busy posting TikTok videos of themselves dancing in the halls, and today, this has ruined them for good?  C'mon, man...don't be silly.



Focus your account you deliberately ignorant sack of shit.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ColinYourAssOut on April 15, 2020, 07:48:03 PM
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There's a big protest in Michigan's capital by a bunch of MAGA dickheads right now. What a dumb fucking timeline we live in.

A lot of people protesting in Michigan are displeased with the fact that local government has gone so far to keep people from being able to live/purchase as normal as to ban allowing purchase of SEEDS for those who want to garden.  Let's just say it's blowback for the irrational overreach of what's going on in Michigan, I've been reading perspectives from people who are protesting who cover both ends of the spectrum who think it's absurd what the governor is pushing at this point.  Some states have leadership that's going WAY overboard on the power plays, and if they keep pushing, this will only be the start of what's coming. 

It's not just "MAGA dickheads", there are a LOT of people in Michigan who aren't ready to spend the next year indoors because the governor wants to cut them off from everything.

So the response is to block access for ambulances to reach hospitals, open carry rifles (because pp is small), and wave confederate flags around? There are better ways to enact change than causing gridlock outside of a hospital and blast your horn disturbing the sick patients and overworked health care workers inside. That's scumbag behavior one thousand percent. I have read so many accounts from Lansing nurses on Twitter who are demoralized beyond repair by the actions of MAGA trash. Motherfuck these people and anyone who defends them.

Didn't say that all of it was the best plan, but this is what you're going to see more and more of every week if certain states continue to go overboard no matter what your personal opinion is.  The more states try to go rogue and keep things shut without a viable plan to reopen, the more this will happen, I can promise you that.

If you REALLY believe nurses are being "demoralized" due to a protest outside, you're far too gullible to be reading social media.  Just the other day nurses across the nation were too busy posting TikTok videos of themselves dancing in the halls, and today, this has ruined them for good?  C'mon, man...don't be silly.



Focus your account you deliberately ignorant sack of shit.

Yeah, Twitter is always real-life, and everything posted is always exactly right, nobody has ever lied, exaggerated, or used social media for attention, personal gain, or promotion of one's politics!  And I'm sure that NONE of the people who you cite have ANYTHING posted online against Trump, right-wing politics or anything else, I'm sure it's all organic, unbiased opinion!  ;)

I love how the people who consider themselves the most compassionate are the first ones who insult, name call, and wish death on me in threads like this.  Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ihatejulio on April 15, 2020, 08:05:45 PM
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There's a big protest in Michigan's capital by a bunch of MAGA dickheads right now. What a dumb fucking timeline we live in.

A lot of people protesting in Michigan are displeased with the fact that local government has gone so far to keep people from being able to live/purchase as normal as to ban allowing purchase of SEEDS for those who want to garden.  Let's just say it's blowback for the irrational overreach of what's going on in Michigan, I've been reading perspectives from people who are protesting who cover both ends of the spectrum who think it's absurd what the governor is pushing at this point.  Some states have leadership that's going WAY overboard on the power plays, and if they keep pushing, this will only be the start of what's coming. 

It's not just "MAGA dickheads", there are a LOT of people in Michigan who aren't ready to spend the next year indoors because the governor wants to cut them off from everything.

So the response is to block access for ambulances to reach hospitals, open carry rifles (because pp is small), and wave confederate flags around? There are better ways to enact change than causing gridlock outside of a hospital and blast your horn disturbing the sick patients and overworked health care workers inside. That's scumbag behavior one thousand percent. I have read so many accounts from Lansing nurses on Twitter who are demoralized beyond repair by the actions of MAGA trash. Motherfuck these people and anyone who defends them.

Didn't say that all of it was the best plan, but this is what you're going to see more and more of every week if certain states continue to go overboard no matter what your personal opinion is.  The more states try to go rogue and keep things shut without a viable plan to reopen, the more this will happen, I can promise you that.

If you REALLY believe nurses are being "demoralized" due to a protest outside, you're far too gullible to be reading social media.  Just the other day nurses across the nation were too busy posting TikTok videos of themselves dancing in the halls, and today, this has ruined them for good?  C'mon, man...don't be silly.



Focus your account you deliberately ignorant sack of shit.

Yeah, Twitter is always real-life, and everything posted is always exactly right, nobody has ever lied, exaggerated, or used social media for attention, personal gain, or promotion of one's politics!  And I'm sure that NONE of the people who you cite have ANYTHING posted online against Trump, right-wing politics or anything else, I'm sure it's all organic, unbiased opinion!  ;)

I love how the people who consider themselves the most compassionate are the first ones who insult, name call, and wish death on me in threads like this.  Keep up the good work!

So these people are being overly dramatic and lying according to you? These people, who are literally putting their lives on the line working endless shifts with no discernable end in sight, are biased and seeking personal gain? To even insinuate that these health care workers are seeking attention for personal or political gain is beyond disgusting.

Honestly, I have come across a lot of ignorant trash on Slap but you have got to be the most self-serving scumbag I have come across yet. So congrats on that. Now focus your shit and please never come back.

edit: hey look, more LiBurL health care workers spreading propaganda!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on April 16, 2020, 12:52:38 PM
I cannot believe there are people as recklessly stupid as this Colin guy out and about in the world. I'm feeling genuinely depressed about it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Weekend96 on April 16, 2020, 02:09:18 PM
Came down with a swollen throat, body aches,  and I can’t smell anything at all unless its directly in front of me. Really hoping its not covid but if i get a fever sometime soon i guess i’ll call the dr.

I have no idea what the testing process is even like in PA or how to get started.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on April 16, 2020, 07:16:10 PM
Hope you didn't get rona'd, dude. Fingers crossed!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JudoOrigami on April 17, 2020, 12:22:30 AM
am I the only one who scrolls though these pages while staring at the screen blankly not reading anything
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tom on April 17, 2020, 12:51:05 AM
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Stimulus money is being sent out. Just got mine a few hours ago, I'm in california.

I'm in California too. I just checked my bank account out of curiosity and sure enough, $1200 was deposited in my account. Very grateful to have that happen because being unemployed right now has pushed my persistent anxiety to its brink. Temporary relief from that feeling is a godsend.
Have you filed for unemployment yet? Everyone has been complaining about the process, but they approved my claim within 4 days. I got the edd debit card within a few days of certifying for benefits. The extra $600/week hasn’t shown up in my account, but I’m not stressing yet. They’ve seemed to be on top of their shit with it so far

I drove by Griffith park in LA today and people were treating it like the first day of summer. Families all out and about, picnics in the park, games of catch, etc.. Shit like that makes me feel like this is gonna stretch out longer than it has to

I have not, no. I recently moved before the virus and had to leave my old job. I'm under the impression that I would not qualify for unemployment because I left on my own accord but my interpretation of that requirement might be wrong. I have just been living off of savings atm and have cut back on a lot of expenses so the 1,200 will give me more time to apply to places and find work.
You should file online with the state anyways. Worst case scenario they reject your claim. They’ve updated since I applied so I’m not sure exactly what the difference is, but you can say you’re now unemployed because of the virus. Technically it’s true since you can’t get a new job right now. If you don’t qualify from the state you can still qualify for the $600/week from the federal government, you’ll  just have to request the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: arrbee on April 17, 2020, 04:12:54 AM
Came down with a swollen throat, body aches,  and I can’t smell anything at all unless its directly in front of me. Really hoping its not covid but if i get a fever sometime soon i guess i’ll call the dr.

I have no idea what the testing process is even like in PA or how to get started.

Call your primary care Dr. They will go through your symptoms. Gather some other information that could be related to underlying conditions. Most likely not recommend a test anyway. Depending on what part pf PA you are in there a a few testing sites in Philly all require a referral from a Dr. Last I heard only place to get tested is at a testing center.

If you don't have a primary care Dr, call an urgent care.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Weekend96 on April 17, 2020, 05:38:09 AM
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Came down with a swollen throat, body aches,  and I can’t smell anything at all unless its directly in front of me. Really hoping its not covid but if i get a fever sometime soon i guess i’ll call the dr.

I have no idea what the testing process is even like in PA or how to get started.

Call your primary care Dr. They will go through your symptoms. Gather some other information that could be related to underlying conditions. Most likely not recommend a test anyway. Depending on what part pf PA you are in there a a few testing sites in Philly all require a referral from a Dr. Last I heard only place to get tested is at a testing center.

If you don't have a primary care Dr, call an urgent care.

Yeah thats what i was thinking too. I’m in the Montgomery County area and it looks like everything requires a Dr. referral. Guess i’ll just wait it out and see what happens. I have no idea where I could have gotten it from. I haven’t seen anyone other than my family (i live with them) since this whole thing started. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on April 17, 2020, 06:26:16 AM
Been seeing charges coming through work for people violating the stay at home order. It’s something they’re tacking on as a secondary charge for stuff like drunk in public or hooking. Haven’t seen it by itself. It’s a misdemeanor, $1000. Wouldn’t be surprised if someone gets one skating somewhere and gets kicked out.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sila on April 17, 2020, 07:04:08 AM
My buddies think i'm crazy but i'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst as they say. I'm knuckling down and trying to realize what my reference points are as far as living in the world goes, so if most of those are gone at some point I don't loose my shit when we return to a new 'normal'.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jack burton on April 17, 2020, 12:12:22 PM
Apparently people are protesting in the capital here in jersey. Last time I checked we had the second highest cases after New York but people want to open the state.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on April 17, 2020, 03:14:56 PM
The most idiotic part about that is that by protesting about being closed it's going to take longer to open. People are so stupid.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sk.A.T.A.N on April 17, 2020, 03:57:53 PM
Apparently people are protesting in the capital here in jersey. Last time I checked we had the second highest cases after New York but people want to open the state.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on April 17, 2020, 05:12:55 PM
I spoke with a friend of mine who lives in Dubai and he told me, "We are on total isolation... [and we are] using a website for a permits to go outside." He can't even leave his house without a permit from the police and these people are throwing temper-tantrums about not being able to wander around Home Depot aimlessly.

I understand economic anxiety for those who are out of work, but I wonder what % of these people are actually experiencing significant economic issues and what % are just getting riled up by the outrage radio.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ihatejulio on April 17, 2020, 06:20:20 PM
There was a MAGA protest a few miles from where I live today. That's twice now we have been covered by the national media for our rampant stupidity over our handling of this virus. I fucking hate Huntington Beach and all the right-wing trash that lives here. Can't wait to leave.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: FROTHY on April 17, 2020, 06:45:09 PM
There was a MAGA protest a few miles from where I live today. That's twice now we have been covered by the national media for our rampant stupidity over our handling of this virus. I fucking hate Huntington Beach and all the right-wing trash that lives here. Can't wait to leave.
I would have left when the original HB park got destroyed.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on April 18, 2020, 11:30:40 AM
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There was a MAGA protest a few miles from where I live today. That's twice now we have been covered by the national media for our rampant stupidity over our handling of this virus. I fucking hate Huntington Beach and all the right-wing trash that lives here. Can't wait to leave.
I would have left when the original HB park got destroyed.

That shit is ridiculous. I always forget that places like Hermosa and Huntington beach are (I think) primarily populated by conservative people who lean far more right than center.

Situation is still the same in my city in Ventura County. 70k residents and 39 total cases. I can imagine this place becoming the next area of protest regarding social distancing though.

Since I've already made my post subtly political, I cannot fucking stand Donald Trump. I can't believe he's tweeting about 2nd amendment rights and telling states to "Liberate!". I already seriously disliked him for discrediting any new organization that disagrees with him (+ hundreds of other reasons) but the way he's handled this entire pandemic is fucking disgraceful. The entire country will release stay-at-home orders too soon and this virus will wreak 100x's the amount of havoc it already has.

I already had thoughts/opportunities to move abroad but am now beginning to go down those avenues.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on April 18, 2020, 01:06:26 PM
Proud to say, we in Slovenia have received official confirmation of reversing the curve. I have started skating flat, but before that I didn't skate for a month and half at all even in perfect fucking weather.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on April 18, 2020, 01:12:46 PM
Austin is 3 hours drive away from where I live but this is going down in ATX wack
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on April 18, 2020, 01:37:22 PM
Austin is 3 hours drive away from where I live but this is going down in ATX wack

Unreal. Thanks Info Wars (

81% of Americans supported social distancing and only 10% wanted to " “stop social distancing to stimulate the economy, even if it means increasing the spread of coronavirus" 3 days ago (

I wonder if these protests (and President's dumb ass tweets) will increase support or it will just create an insane amount of animosity towards these groups.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on April 18, 2020, 03:40:40 PM
LOL everything is a “culture war” these days.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jack burton on April 18, 2020, 03:48:08 PM
My sister who is not a trump supporter, is all for opening up the states as she feels expendable being at home. She's concerned about people with mental illness killing themselves and families who cant make ends meet. Seems like a really good idea to open everything back up and if it goes poorly our president will just say he had no control over it. DONT TREAD ON MY SEEDS!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 18, 2020, 03:58:36 PM
I'll try here too
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Thoughts? Sounds like factories in TJ don't have to shutdown. Anyone know if BBS, PS Stix, and/or Clutch are still running?
And given the split here between skating and not skating.. What are your thoughts about them staying open? If they are..
Edit.. Also factor in this lasting for over a year. And Mexico's healthcare system, social infrastructure, and the basic needs vs income of a factory worker with a family.
Gear shortage vs lives lost vs keeping an economy running?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on April 19, 2020, 08:48:53 AM
Yesterday one of my co workers was wearing a mask and I kept hearing her cough. I’m always wearing a mask when I am in that office space at least.
Today she’s coughing and clearing her throat a bunch. She said something to me with her mask off and she looked fully sick. She is definitely sick with a cold of some sort.

Luckily I only have to walk by her in the office once an hour or less but I wish she would/could just go home and not be putting the rest of us at risk.
I can’t be a Narc and like text my boss, “so she is sick I’m not comfortable with us having to work together in proximity. I wish I could just do that tho.

This is the first of my 7 co workers who had started wearing a mask. I’m the only one who has been wearing masks everyday for work.
All the other people work together close to each other in 2 offices. Most of my work is outside that office luckily but everyone in there has just been reckless and not taking any of the precautions I have been.

I have no option but to just try to be around her as little as possible.

Side note: I have been keeping a bottle of green mouthwash (with alcohol) with me to gargle a few times a day. In then hope that it kills any potentially bad germs that might be coming into my throat. So. Many. Cocks.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on April 19, 2020, 12:45:44 PM
Yesterday one of my co workers was wearing a mask and I kept hearing her cough. I’m always wearing a mask when I am in that office space at least.
Today she’s coughing and clearing her throat a bunch. She said something to me with her mask off and she looked fully sick. She is definitely sick with a cold of some sort.

Luckily I only have to walk by her in the office once an hour or less but I wish she would/could just go home and not be putting the rest of us at risk.
I can’t be a Narc and like text my boss, “so she is sick I’m not comfortable with us having to work together in proximity. I wish I could just do that tho.

This is the first of my 7 co workers who had started wearing a mask. I’m the only one who has been wearing masks everyday for work.
All the other people work together close to each other in 2 offices. Most of my work is outside that office luckily but everyone in there has just been reckless and not taking any of the precautions I have been.

I have no option but to just try to be around her as little as possible.

Side note: I have been keeping a bottle of green mouthwash (with alcohol) with me to gargle a few times a day. In then hope that it kills any potentially bad germs that might be coming into my throat. So. Many. Cocks.
That sucks.

Are there any people at your work are always spreading gossip or kissing the boss's ass? Sometimes telling them will get the news to the boss without you having to be a snitch.

I mean it is pretty lame of her to be at work while showing visible of symptoms of being sick with a respiratory illness when people are on edge about all this.

What are the consequences of you calling her out or telling the boss?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Ms. Tamzarian on April 19, 2020, 12:53:53 PM
Yo Johnes that fucking sucks. We are wishing u the best and wishing u safety around that kinda shit. U got this homie!

Things are okay around my town in VA. The skatepark is closed off with a fence, which I think is brilliant. If i were the age of the kids now, I probably wudda kept going to the park unless it was made obvious.

Pretty bummed on the young bucks tho. One of them called me to say hey the other day, which was great! But frustrating cause he also called to ask if i wanted to go out with him and another homie?! I of course said no way - he's like 'dam ur really about this quarantining' ..... idk i don't like to tell people they're wrong or butt my opinions in - but that was pretty wild. I tried to assure him to be safe and follow all those precautions.

So anyway - I'm glad we're all doin what we can on here! Keep it up everyone, things gonna be okay in due time.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Madam, I'm Adam on April 19, 2020, 01:29:26 PM
Yesterday one of my co workers was wearing a mask and I kept hearing her cough. I’m always wearing a mask when I am in that office space at least.
Today she’s coughing and clearing her throat a bunch. She said something to me with her mask off and she looked fully sick. She is definitely sick with a cold of some sort.

Luckily I only have to walk by her in the office once an hour or less but I wish she would/could just go home and not be putting the rest of us at risk.
I can’t be a Narc and like text my boss, “so she is sick I’m not comfortable with us having to work together in proximity. I wish I could just do that tho.

Why CAN'T you? Dude, fucking say something for sure. She's putting everyone in the office at risk, period. Even if she doesn't have the virus, it's mentally unhealthy for you and your co-workers to be subjected to her presence. Fuck being a "snitch" or even any potential consequences for you (and there shouldn't even be any), you're acting in everyone's best interests by saying something.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JudoOrigami on April 19, 2020, 01:38:33 PM
Why not ask your dumbass coworker directly why they are willing putting others at risk in a time where hundreds of thousands of people are getting sick and dying
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Abyss1 on April 19, 2020, 01:52:35 PM
Yea fuck that snitch on the bitch , even before this pandemic one of my biggest pet peeves is people who come to work sick, claiming they can still work...trying to bank it with vacation days, like no mother fucker it’s called sick leave for a reason
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on April 19, 2020, 04:29:25 PM
I really think that if I told my managers that this conworker was sick and she shouldn’t be at work, they wouldn’t even do anything about it.
And just be like, oh John, he’s the only one who cares about that in this office poor guy.
and people who call HR about any type of negative office thing, always end up getting transferred or fired.
I love my job tbh.  I Probably/hopefully won’t be working another shift with this woman until Friday or Saturday.
Things could always be worse.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 19, 2020, 04:53:32 PM
I really think that if I told my managers that this conworker was sick and she shouldn’t be at work, they wouldn’t even do anything about it.
And just be like, oh John, he’s the only one who cares about that in this office poor guy.
and people who call HR about any type of negative office thing, always end up getting transferred or fired.
I love my job tbh.  I Probably/hopefully won’t be working another shift with this woman until Friday or Saturday.
Things could always be worse.
Can you do it thru an email so you have records for a potential lawsuit?
Ask HR if you should be keeping records for this potential lawsuit..
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sk.A.T.A.N on April 19, 2020, 05:34:49 PM
Thought this video was really good to show to all the google made experts I’ve been seeing on social media.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on April 20, 2020, 05:51:10 AM
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I really think that if I told my managers that this conworker was sick and she shouldn’t be at work, they wouldn’t even do anything about it.
And just be like, oh John, he’s the only one who cares about that in this office poor guy.
and people who call HR about any type of negative office thing, always end up getting transferred or fired.
I love my job tbh.  I Probably/hopefully won’t be working another shift with this woman until Friday or Saturday.
Things could always be worse.
Can you do it thru an email so you have records for a potential lawsuit?
Ask HR if you should be keeping records for this potential lawsuit..
Honestly I have no interest in a potential lawsuit.

But yes I could email HR, but every employee that has contacted HR, after they have been transferred, the management always talk about it openly like, HR always tells management who it was that contacted them and then it just runs through the whole office, “did you hear so and so called HR and said this and now they got transferred”.
I think I’m just tripping a little bit over the sick person. I’m not trying to make a big deal about it irl.

Just kinda venting here. Also I checked the schedule and that woman comes in at 10am today but all 3 managers will be here also, Saturday and Sunday that I worked with her while she looked really sick, no management was here. So maybe there is a tiny chance that she will get sent home once mgmt sees it for themselves this morning.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: gaunting on April 20, 2020, 05:59:13 AM
it’s so weird how nothing is different near me. I watch the news and people everywhere are stuck at home. but where I’m at, people are just still going about their lives as normal. I work overnight though, so I’m not usually out during the day anyway. the only thing different is everything is pick up instead of dine in. my mom was telling me where she lives you got to wait in line to go in wal mart....crazy.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: essal on April 20, 2020, 02:56:51 PM
right now, everything including human poop is worth more than a barrel of american oil. that's pretty crazy.

man we are going to have some serious issues in the world after this.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JumpManShorty on April 20, 2020, 06:02:44 PM
We have been in lock down for the last month. And was just extended one week. Can only go to the grocery or pharmacy.

USA should be on crazy watch right now. They looking confused as hell. Algood you guys don’t like Trump, but why not listen to the doctors instead. Economy’s fucked regardless and we all going down together
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 20, 2020, 06:50:52 PM
We have been in lock down for the last month. And was just extended one week. Can only go to the grocery or pharmacy.

USA should be on crazy watch right now. They looking confused as hell. Algood you guys don’t like Trump, but why not listen to the doctors instead. Economy’s fucked regardless and we all going down together

The doctors change their story on this shit every day, why would we consider them the authority on something even they don't understand?

Go out, do shit, just don't be stupid and unsafe and life goes on for everyone.  We can't stay inside for a whole year, if a month hasn't fixed it, then it's going to do what it is going to do either way.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JumpManShorty on April 20, 2020, 07:54:31 PM
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We have been in lock down for the last month. And was just extended one week. Can only go to the grocery or pharmacy.

USA should be on crazy watch right now. They looking confused as hell. Algood you guys don’t like Trump, but why not listen to the doctors instead. Economy’s fucked regardless and we all going down together

The doctors change their story on this shit every day, why would we consider them the authority on something even they don't understand?

Go out, do shit, just don't be stupid and unsafe and life goes on for everyone.  We can't stay inside for a whole year, if a month hasn't fixed it, then it's going to do what it is going to do either way.

A month is very close to eliminating it for us.

Granted our boarders will be closed for a very long time
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 20, 2020, 08:00:27 PM
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We have been in lock down for the last month. And was just extended one week. Can only go to the grocery or pharmacy.

USA should be on crazy watch right now. They looking confused as hell. Algood you guys don’t like Trump, but why not listen to the doctors instead. Economy’s fucked regardless and we all going down together

The doctors change their story on this shit every day, why would we consider them the authority on something even they don't understand?

Go out, do shit, just don't be stupid and unsafe and life goes on for everyone.  We can't stay inside for a whole year, if a month hasn't fixed it, then it's going to do what it is going to do either way.

A month is very close to eliminating it for us.

Granted our boarders will be closed for a very long time

We've been closed up a month, either it's going to be fine if we reopen and be safe, or, people better just plan to never leave the house again and going broke while hoping someone will just drop free food off and pay their rent.  The same doctors who said millions would die now cut those numbers way down because none of the models were remotely accurate.  That's why many don't trust em.

Shit is bad for people who are vulnerable and likely isn't bad for those who aren't. No point in collapsing the fuckin nation or the world just so we can delay a few people getting what we'll almost all inevitably get.  If people would just be safe, we can go on with life.  Safe doesn't mean staying home forever, it just means not being fuckin stupid for the next few months. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JumpManShorty on April 20, 2020, 08:04:30 PM
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We have been in lock down for the last month. And was just extended one week. Can only go to the grocery or pharmacy.

USA should be on crazy watch right now. They looking confused as hell. Algood you guys don’t like Trump, but why not listen to the doctors instead. Economy’s fucked regardless and we all going down together

The doctors change their story on this shit every day, why would we consider them the authority on something even they don't understand?

Go out, do shit, just don't be stupid and unsafe and life goes on for everyone.  We can't stay inside for a whole year, if a month hasn't fixed it, then it's going to do what it is going to do either way.

A month is very close to eliminating it for us.

Granted our boarders will be closed for a very long time

We've been closed up a month, either it's going to be fine if we reopen and be safe, or, people better just plan to never leave the house again and going broke while hoping someone will just drop free food off and pay their rent.  The same doctors who said millions would die now cut those numbers way down because none of the models were remotely accurate.  That's why many don't trust em.

Shit is bad for people who are vulnerable and likely isn't bad for those who aren't. No point in collapsing the fuckin nation or the world just so we can delay a few people getting what we'll almost all inevitably get.  If people would just be safe, we can go on with life.  Safe doesn't mean staying home forever, it just means not being fuckin stupid for the next few months.

Good points. you guys do you.

I’m just glad I don’t have to work from the office so I don’t have to put my faith in society to stay away if they are sick like the other unlucky dude on this page.

People are dumb af
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 20, 2020, 08:12:10 PM
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We have been in lock down for the last month. And was just extended one week. Can only go to the grocery or pharmacy.

USA should be on crazy watch right now. They looking confused as hell. Algood you guys don’t like Trump, but why not listen to the doctors instead. Economy’s fucked regardless and we all going down together

The doctors change their story on this shit every day, why would we consider them the authority on something even they don't understand?

Go out, do shit, just don't be stupid and unsafe and life goes on for everyone.  We can't stay inside for a whole year, if a month hasn't fixed it, then it's going to do what it is going to do either way.

A month is very close to eliminating it for us.

Granted our boarders will be closed for a very long time

We've been closed up a month, either it's going to be fine if we reopen and be safe, or, people better just plan to never leave the house again and going broke while hoping someone will just drop free food off and pay their rent.  The same doctors who said millions would die now cut those numbers way down because none of the models were remotely accurate.  That's why many don't trust em.

Shit is bad for people who are vulnerable and likely isn't bad for those who aren't. No point in collapsing the fuckin nation or the world just so we can delay a few people getting what we'll almost all inevitably get.  If people would just be safe, we can go on with life.  Safe doesn't mean staying home forever, it just means not being fuckin stupid for the next few months.

Good points. you guys do you.

I’m just glad I don’t have to work from the office so I don’t have to put my faith in society to stay away if they are sick like the other unlucky dude on this page.

People are dumb af

People do what they do.  It's not like grocery stores are guaranteed free from the virus, but everybody has to shop sooner or later and puts themselves at risk.  So, it's not any riskier to open up some businesses now and just keep good policies of being sanitary and not getting too close to each other for a few months.  We can actually keep shit going to not kill businesses and lose jobs and not fuck the whole world up forever if we aren't stupid about what we do.  The alternative of telling everyone to stay indoors for another few months won't work, so we just have to not be dumb about reopening shit up and we can make things end well.  If people wanna stay in, they stay in, but it's not necessary for every single human to be confined now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Fat Tire on April 20, 2020, 08:51:56 PM
Something I saw Mark Waters post today, unreal...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Decreed Bratton on April 21, 2020, 12:01:47 AM
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We have been in lock down for the last month. And was just extended one week. Can only go to the grocery or pharmacy.

USA should be on crazy watch right now. They looking confused as hell. Algood you guys don’t like Trump, but why not listen to the doctors instead. Economy’s fucked regardless and we all going down together

The doctors change their story on this shit every day, why would we consider them the authority on something even they don't understand?

Go out, do shit, just don't be stupid and unsafe and life goes on for everyone.  We can't stay inside for a whole year, if a month hasn't fixed it, then it's going to do what it is going to do either way.

A month is very close to eliminating it for us.

Granted our boarders will be closed for a very long time

We've been closed up a month, either it's going to be fine if we reopen and be safe, or, people better just plan to never leave the house again and going broke while hoping someone will just drop free food off and pay their rent.  The same doctors who said millions would die now cut those numbers way down because none of the models were remotely accurate.  That's why many don't trust em.

Shit is bad for people who are vulnerable and likely isn't bad for those who aren't. No point in collapsing the fuckin nation or the world just so we can delay a few people getting what we'll almost all inevitably get.  If people would just be safe, we can go on with life.  Safe doesn't mean staying home forever, it just means not being fuckin stupid for the next few months.

Good points. you guys do you.

I’m just glad I don’t have to work from the office so I don’t have to put my faith in society to stay away if they are sick like the other unlucky dude on this page.

People are dumb af

People do what they do.  It's not like grocery stores are guaranteed free from the virus, but everybody has to shop sooner or later and puts themselves at risk.  So, it's not any riskier to open up some businesses now and just keep good policies of being sanitary and not getting too close to each other for a few months.  We can actually keep shit going to not kill businesses and lose jobs and not fuck the whole world up forever if we aren't stupid about what we do.  The alternative of telling everyone to stay indoors for another few months won't work, so we just have to not be dumb about reopening shit up and we can make things end well.  If people wanna stay in, they stay in, but it's not necessary for every single human to be confined now.

This is the problem.  You're assuming people won't be stupid and selfish.  Like others have mentioned about people going to work sick where I live we had few infections, but someone who worked at a fast food joint knowingly went to work, infected all their co-workers and they infected their families.  Not to mention if they gave any customers it as well.
I agree with you on some points of opening, but there should be certain mandates in place just because people are dumb and selfish.  Some states are requiring the use of masks (not n95). This isn't a bad idea.  There are lots of videos showing people how to make a cloth mask. 
I know that people say that cloth masks aren't effective in keeping you from getting infected, but it's not about you.  If everyone wore a mask it wouldn't spread as much just because there would be less spores in the air as a whole.  What gets me is the same people who talk about their civil rights and not want to wear a mask are the same ones who want to open quickly.  Well if you wear a mask and help keep the spread down we can open quicker.  It's a small sacrifice.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 21, 2020, 12:07:55 AM
People are ALWAYS stupid and selfish, man.  But trying to force everyone to stay the fuck in for months on end won't fix things unless you can force every fuckin person to do the same.  People see politicians still going out to the gym and gettin haircuts and shit like that asshole from NY with the do as I say not as I do bullshit and it's pissing them off big time.  I see pics people take daily of teens and adults playing basketball, having street parties and all sorts of shit, so unless you're going to get the cops to stop every last living being in every neighborhood, shit's gonna be what shit's gonna be.  Seems like the states and countries who have the hardest rules in place aren't slowing any more than those that aren't these days too.

Masks are a good idea, I don't think anyone's going to argue that.  But how do you force everyone to wear one shy of having armed security at every door?  You either have to have full martial law police state, or we have to figure this fucker out with a lot of kinks in the road. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on April 21, 2020, 01:58:16 AM
You can impose huge fines. But you could also nurture a more sympathetic culture, where you feel like a part of a community. It is OK to have a strong individual identity, but we should all feel at least some collective responsibility.

What the nay-sayers are doing is just looking for excuses to get out of these new responsibilities they now have towards everyone around them, acting like spoiled children basically.

You wouldn't want to contact COVID from someone else, but when you get confronted with the fact that you might have been spreading it to others, you play it down invoking the best possible outcome (while deep down you are dreading the worst case scenario).
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: MOE SYZLAK on April 21, 2020, 02:14:29 AM
Got my results back. Tested Negative.. Pretty stoked about that.

Also these protesters are all fucking clowns. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on April 21, 2020, 07:44:11 AM
Got my results back. Tested Negative.. Pretty stoked about that.

Also these protesters are all fucking clowns.
Good. I'm stoked for you.

The governor that cheated his way into office in Georgia is a fucking clown.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on April 21, 2020, 07:44:17 AM
Got my results back. Tested Negative.. Pretty stoked about that.

Also these protesters are all fucking clowns.

Super happy for you. I don't have corona symptoms but I've had an on/off headache since friday. Debating whether or not I should make the trip to the doctors tomorrow. I don't want to be around other sick people, but I would really like to figure out why my head hurts. Really getting tired of all this but whatever, I get that a lot of people have it worse than me so I'm trying to keep that in mind.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 21, 2020, 03:01:31 PM
People are ALWAYS stupid and selfish, man.  But trying to force everyone to stay the fuck in for months on end won't fix things unless you can force every fuckin person to do the same.  People see politicians still going out to the gym and gettin haircuts and shit like that asshole from NY with the do as I say not as I do bullshit and it's pissing them off big time.  I see pics people take daily of teens and adults playing basketball, having street parties and all sorts of shit, so unless you're going to get the cops to stop every last living being in every neighborhood, shit's gonna be what shit's gonna be.  Seems like the states and countries who have the hardest rules in place aren't slowing any more than those that aren't these days too.

Masks are a good idea, I don't think anyone's going to argue that.  But how do you force everyone to wear one shy of having armed security at every door?  You either have to have full martial law police state, or we have to figure this fucker out with a lot of kinks in the road.
You should really watch the international news and pay attention to what's happening in Italy, Germany, and the UK.
Their rules in Italy and Germany worked. Brits are being dumbasses like us..

No shirt, no shoes, no service.
How is a mask any different?
Rules are kinda simple. Way more simple than you make it seem.
Yep. There's also fines for not wearing masks, and sheriff's dept's that said they wouldn't ticket..
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 21, 2020, 05:23:57 PM
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Got my results back. Tested Negative.. Pretty stoked about that.

Also these protesters are all fucking clowns.
Good. I'm stoked for you.

The governor that cheated his way into office in Georgia is a fucking clown.

you armchair politicians are fuckin sad.  EVERYONE WHO DIDN'T WIN THAT I LIKED CHEATED THEIR WAY IN
Clown ass shit from sore losers who accuse everyone else of being conspiracy minded while tinfoil hatting their way down the road.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Lord Viper Scorpion on April 21, 2020, 05:53:40 PM
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I really think that if I told my managers that this conworker was sick and she shouldn’t be at work, they wouldn’t even do anything about it.
And just be like, oh John, he’s the only one who cares about that in this office poor guy.
and people who call HR about any type of negative office thing, always end up getting transferred or fired.
I love my job tbh.  I Probably/hopefully won’t be working another shift with this woman until Friday or Saturday.
Things could always be worse.
Can you do it thru an email so you have records for a potential lawsuit?
Ask HR if you should be keeping records for this potential lawsuit..
Honestly I have no interest in a potential lawsuit.

But yes I could email HR, but every employee that has contacted HR, after they have been transferred, the management always talk about it openly like, HR always tells management who it was that contacted them and then it just runs through the whole office, “did you hear so and so called HR and said this and now they got transferred”.
I think I’m just tripping a little bit over the sick person. I’m not trying to make a big deal about it irl.

Just kinda venting here. Also I checked the schedule and that woman comes in at 10am today but all 3 managers will be here also, Saturday and Sunday that I worked with her while she looked really sick, no management was here. So maybe there is a tiny chance that she will get sent home once mgmt sees it for themselves this morning.

glad you like your job so much even though it threatens your physical health and conflicts with your morals - welcome to the labour aristocracy

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 21, 2020, 06:05:20 PM
Some restrictions lifted
They didn't have many cases. Maybe the thought is to get more ppl sick sooner?
Mini dirtbikes vs sandy skatepark

An antibody study showed/suggested that LA is at ~4% infected. Idk if that's the correct term.. but about 4% of the population has contracted the virus, and this includes ppl that showed no symptoms. I'll look for a link.
Wapo cuz it was at the top LA county study
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on April 21, 2020, 06:25:36 PM
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Got my results back. Tested Negative.. Pretty stoked about that.

Also these protesters are all fucking clowns.
Good. I'm stoked for you.

The governor that cheated his way into office in Georgia is a fucking clown.

you armchair politicians are fuckin sad.  EVERYONE WHO DIDN'T WIN THAT I LIKED CHEATED THEIR WAY IN
Clown ass shit from sore losers who accuse everyone else of being conspiracy minded while tinfoil hatting their way down the road.

Ok boomer
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 21, 2020, 07:11:45 PM
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Got my results back. Tested Negative.. Pretty stoked about that.

Also these protesters are all fucking clowns.
Good. I'm stoked for you.

The governor that cheated his way into office in Georgia is a fucking clown.

you armchair politicians are fuckin sad.  EVERYONE WHO DIDN'T WIN THAT I LIKED CHEATED THEIR WAY IN
Clown ass shit from sore losers who accuse everyone else of being conspiracy minded while tinfoil hatting their way down the road.

Ok boomer

Memes r kewl and how the yung people communicate now!  Weee, this validates all my conspiracies!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 21, 2020, 08:21:29 PM
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We have been in lock down for the last month. And was just extended one week. Can only go to the grocery or pharmacy.

USA should be on crazy watch right now. They looking confused as hell. Algood you guys don’t like Trump, but why not listen to the doctors instead. Economy’s fucked regardless and we all going down together

The doctors change their story on this shit every day, why would we consider them the authority on something even they don't understand?

Go out, do shit, just don't be stupid and unsafe and life goes on for everyone.  We can't stay inside for a whole year, if a month hasn't fixed it, then it's going to do what it is going to do either way.

A month is very close to eliminating it for us.

Granted our boarders will be closed for a very long time

We've been closed up a month, either it's going to be fine if we reopen and be safe, or, people better just plan to never leave the house again and going broke while hoping someone will just drop free food off and pay their rent.  The same doctors who said millions would die now cut those numbers way down because none of the models were remotely accurate.  That's why many don't trust em.

Shit is bad for people who are vulnerable and likely isn't bad for those who aren't. No point in collapsing the fuckin nation or the world just so we can delay a few people getting what we'll almost all inevitably get.  If people would just be safe, we can go on with life.  Safe doesn't mean staying home forever, it just means not being fuckin stupid for the next few months.
It's pretty clear you don't understand how the modeling works and why the projections change from day to day.
Lil hints..
They update the data daily and this affects future predictions. Seen the recent westworlds?
Stay at home stuff changed the future predictions cuz it changed behavior.. hence the big change in future predictions before and after lockdowns happened.

Been enjoying the mental implosion btw
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 21, 2020, 09:19:10 PM
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We have been in lock down for the last month. And was just extended one week. Can only go to the grocery or pharmacy.

USA should be on crazy watch right now. They looking confused as hell. Algood you guys don’t like Trump, but why not listen to the doctors instead. Economy’s fucked regardless and we all going down together

The doctors change their story on this shit every day, why would we consider them the authority on something even they don't understand?

Go out, do shit, just don't be stupid and unsafe and life goes on for everyone.  We can't stay inside for a whole year, if a month hasn't fixed it, then it's going to do what it is going to do either way.

A month is very close to eliminating it for us.

Granted our boarders will be closed for a very long time

We've been closed up a month, either it's going to be fine if we reopen and be safe, or, people better just plan to never leave the house again and going broke while hoping someone will just drop free food off and pay their rent.  The same doctors who said millions would die now cut those numbers way down because none of the models were remotely accurate.  That's why many don't trust em.

Shit is bad for people who are vulnerable and likely isn't bad for those who aren't. No point in collapsing the fuckin nation or the world just so we can delay a few people getting what we'll almost all inevitably get.  If people would just be safe, we can go on with life.  Safe doesn't mean staying home forever, it just means not being fuckin stupid for the next few months.
It's pretty clear you don't understand how the modeling works and why the projections change from day to day.
Lil hints..
They update the data daily and this affects future predictions. Seen the recent westworlds?
Stay at home stuff changed the future predictions cuz it changed behavior.. hence the big change in future predictions before and after lockdowns happened.

Been enjoying the mental implosion btw

Yah, so because the models change daily and keep being downgraded for bad outcome we need to become destitue serfs needing handouts until some asshole says we're fine, who needs to be able to make rent or pay bills when THE AIR IS GONNA KILL YA IF YOU LEAVE YER HOME.  Gotcha that I guess we're all too dumb to decide where our bounds are becuase the expert who said its he end of the world a month ago now says differently.  Call me when someone actually has some fuckin data that plays out in real life, I'll be livin as normally as I can safely while the lemmings and moles hide from the dreaded air and sunshine that will kill everyone if your barber were to open to give you a haircut.  Which I really fuckin need right now.

the only mental implosions are from all teh fucking bootlickers who cant keep their mouths shut if someone dares to say something they don't like.  And SLAP has a fuckton of them
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 21, 2020, 09:36:41 PM
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We have been in lock down for the last month. And was just extended one week. Can only go to the grocery or pharmacy.

USA should be on crazy watch right now. They looking confused as hell. Algood you guys don’t like Trump, but why not listen to the doctors instead. Economy’s fucked regardless and we all going down together

The doctors change their story on this shit every day, why would we consider them the authority on something even they don't understand?

Go out, do shit, just don't be stupid and unsafe and life goes on for everyone.  We can't stay inside for a whole year, if a month hasn't fixed it, then it's going to do what it is going to do either way.

A month is very close to eliminating it for us.

Granted our boarders will be closed for a very long time

We've been closed up a month, either it's going to be fine if we reopen and be safe, or, people better just plan to never leave the house again and going broke while hoping someone will just drop free food off and pay their rent.  The same doctors who said millions would die now cut those numbers way down because none of the models were remotely accurate.  That's why many don't trust em.

Shit is bad for people who are vulnerable and likely isn't bad for those who aren't. No point in collapsing the fuckin nation or the world just so we can delay a few people getting what we'll almost all inevitably get.  If people would just be safe, we can go on with life.  Safe doesn't mean staying home forever, it just means not being fuckin stupid for the next few months.
It's pretty clear you don't understand how the modeling works and why the projections change from day to day.
Lil hints..
They update the data daily and this affects future predictions. Seen the recent westworlds?
Stay at home stuff changed the future predictions cuz it changed behavior.. hence the big change in future predictions before and after lockdowns happened.

Been enjoying the mental implosion btw

Yah, so because the models change daily and keep being downgraded for bad outcome we need to become destitue serfs needing handouts until some asshole says we're fine, who needs to be able to make rent or pay bills when THE AIR IS GONNA KILL YA IF YOU LEAVE YER HOME.  Gotcha that I guess we're all too dumb to decide where our bounds are becuase the expert who said its he end of the world a month ago now says differently.  Call me when someone actually has some fuckin data that plays out in real life, I'll be livin as normally as I can safely while the lemmings and moles hide from the dreaded air and sunshine that will kill everyone if your barber were to open to give you a haircut.  Which I really fuckin need right now.

the only mental implosions are from all teh fucking bootlickers who cant keep their mouths shut if someone dares to say something they don't like.  And SLAP has a fuckton of them
Who's this expert you keep referencing and what is he saying differently now?
Gonna need links..
I get it you're stressed out. Maybe step away from the keyboard and do something productive. No solutions for you on slap.
I suggest gathering up all your guns, going to the state capitol, and start shouting at the capitol building. That'll show em.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on April 21, 2020, 09:44:05 PM
My buddy, put this way "my grandfather survived Nazi bombing of France;" he said people need to make sacrifices and changes to survive.

Support your local take out, order ahead. Wear a bandana even and gloves-even if it looks like wack sauce. this is gonna pick up again. Sacrifrice
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 21, 2020, 10:15:09 PM
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We have been in lock down for the last month. And was just extended one week. Can only go to the grocery or pharmacy.

USA should be on crazy watch right now. They looking confused as hell. Algood you guys don’t like Trump, but why not listen to the doctors instead. Economy’s fucked regardless and we all going down together

The doctors change their story on this shit every day, why would we consider them the authority on something even they don't understand?

Go out, do shit, just don't be stupid and unsafe and life goes on for everyone.  We can't stay inside for a whole year, if a month hasn't fixed it, then it's going to do what it is going to do either way.

A month is very close to eliminating it for us.

Granted our boarders will be closed for a very long time

We've been closed up a month, either it's going to be fine if we reopen and be safe, or, people better just plan to never leave the house again and going broke while hoping someone will just drop free food off and pay their rent.  The same doctors who said millions would die now cut those numbers way down because none of the models were remotely accurate.  That's why many don't trust em.

Shit is bad for people who are vulnerable and likely isn't bad for those who aren't. No point in collapsing the fuckin nation or the world just so we can delay a few people getting what we'll almost all inevitably get.  If people would just be safe, we can go on with life.  Safe doesn't mean staying home forever, it just means not being fuckin stupid for the next few months.
It's pretty clear you don't understand how the modeling works and why the projections change from day to day.
Lil hints..
They update the data daily and this affects future predictions. Seen the recent westworlds?
Stay at home stuff changed the future predictions cuz it changed behavior.. hence the big change in future predictions before and after lockdowns happened.

Been enjoying the mental implosion btw

Yah, so because the models change daily and keep being downgraded for bad outcome we need to become destitue serfs needing handouts until some asshole says we're fine, who needs to be able to make rent or pay bills when THE AIR IS GONNA KILL YA IF YOU LEAVE YER HOME.  Gotcha that I guess we're all too dumb to decide where our bounds are becuase the expert who said its he end of the world a month ago now says differently.  Call me when someone actually has some fuckin data that plays out in real life, I'll be livin as normally as I can safely while the lemmings and moles hide from the dreaded air and sunshine that will kill everyone if your barber were to open to give you a haircut.  Which I really fuckin need right now.

the only mental implosions are from all teh fucking bootlickers who cant keep their mouths shut if someone dares to say something they don't like.  And SLAP has a fuckton of them
Who's this expert you keep referencing and what is he saying differently now?
Gonna need links..
I get it you're stressed out. Maybe step away from the keyboard and do something productive. No solutions for you on slap.
I suggest gathering up all your guns, going to the state capitol, and start shouting at the capitol building. That'll show em.

That Fauci dude who everyone trusts but changes his fuckin line daily.  In early March he said it was stills safe enough for people to meet for casual sex hookups on one radio show and then the next week its too dangerous to keep a business open.  These are the experts youre trusting.  That rat bastard changes his story about severity daily, if you think he hasnt then I cant help you.  All the shit you read daily changes from end of the world to other shit, so excuse me if I think I'll just wear a fuckin mask and go about my biz.  But keep on being a follower who bases his life on whatever bullshit you read thats meant to make you afraid to live, Im guessin that things will be fine if you keep yourself locked away until the bad air disappears forever.

Not stressed at all just annoyed by mental midgets who imply that anyone who doesnt stop their lives is satan incarnate.  Fuckin goons everywhere, I bet you even have the local cops on speed dial so you can report your neighbor when he goes out to get the morning paper you fuckin Paul Blart Mall Cop.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 21, 2020, 10:15:50 PM
My buddy, put this way "my grandfather survived Nazi bombing of France;" he said people need to make sacrifices and changes to survive.

Support your local take out, order ahead. Wear a bandana even and gloves-even if it looks like wack sauce. this is gonna pick up again. Sacrifrice

Totally fair.  At least a few peeps here havent gone off the deep end
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on April 21, 2020, 11:02:55 PM
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My buddy, put this way "my grandfather survived Nazi bombing of France;" he said people need to make sacrifices and changes to survive.

Support your local take out, order ahead. Wear a bandana even and gloves-even if it looks like wack sauce. this is gonna pick up again. Sacrifrice

Totally fair.  At least a few peeps here havent gone off the deep end
Says the guy who most obviously has gone off the deep end.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 21, 2020, 11:56:24 PM
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My buddy, put this way "my grandfather survived Nazi bombing of France;" he said people need to make sacrifices and changes to survive.

Support your local take out, order ahead. Wear a bandana even and gloves-even if it looks like wack sauce. this is gonna pick up again. Sacrifrice

Totally fair.  At least a few peeps here havent gone off the deep end
Says the guy who most obviously has gone off the deep end.

May as well have just said I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?  Dont be salty that some people in this fuckin world dont all think the way you do, youre gonna blow a fuse trying to spend your life convincing people youre the only smart one in the room.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on April 21, 2020, 11:59:15 PM
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My buddy, put this way "my grandfather survived Nazi bombing of France;" he said people need to make sacrifices and changes to survive.

Support your local take out, order ahead. Wear a bandana even and gloves-even if it looks like wack sauce. this is gonna pick up again. Sacrifrice

Totally fair.  At least a few peeps here havent gone off the deep end
Says the guy who most obviously has gone off the deep end.

May as well have just said I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?  Dont be salty that some people in this fuckin world dont all think the way you do, youre gonna blow a fuse trying to spend your life convincing people youre the only smart one in the room.
I change my previous statement from shout to shoot.. that'll learn em!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on April 22, 2020, 12:06:35 AM
Says the guy who is having a meltdown and in denial. Dude, you're outing yourself as the biggest loser.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 22, 2020, 12:09:47 AM
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My buddy, put this way "my grandfather survived Nazi bombing of France;" he said people need to make sacrifices and changes to survive.

Support your local take out, order ahead. Wear a bandana even and gloves-even if it looks like wack sauce. this is gonna pick up again. Sacrifrice

Totally fair.  At least a few peeps here havent gone off the deep end
Says the guy who most obviously has gone off the deep end.

May as well have just said I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?  Dont be salty that some people in this fuckin world dont all think the way you do, youre gonna blow a fuse trying to spend your life convincing people youre the only smart one in the room.
I change my previous statement from shout to shoot.. that'll learn em!

Ah, yeah, the tried and true line of the defenseless, make a lame dig if you don't have a point, been a hot ticket on this board tonight with the usual gang doin their usual shit.
I don't expect to change your mind.  Not even trying in the slightest.  Im telling you people that if you think youre gonna fearmonger and shame everyone into doing things the way you think is the only way, you better get ready to be disappointed.  And that trying to move forward by opening some shit up safely isnt guaranteed to kill your grandma.
And you asked which expert was flip flopping, I gave you the top dog, is that why you're doing the dodge like everyone else who gives your type of reply?  Typical SLAP, can dish it out but sure as fuck cant take it even when you get just what you asked for.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 22, 2020, 12:11:28 AM
Says the guy who is having a meltdown and in denial. Dude, you're outing yourself as the biggest loser.

Oh shit, I got TWO nobodies who don't like me because I wont agree with them.  I better start looking for a good therapist this shit will surely haunt me forever.
And you never had a point to begin with, so keep up the get the last word line in until youre blue in the face, I'll be back tomorrow for more playground insults if you got em.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on April 22, 2020, 12:22:17 AM
You're the biggest nobody here. So far, all you've done is talk political bullshit on a skateboarding messageboard. Go do that somewhere else. At least talk about skateboarding in a way that doesn't show that you don't belong here at all (if you even skate, which I sincerely doubt at this point).

Also for a guy with your username, you sure posture yourself as someone who cares too much how people perceive you.

Funny thing is you're seen as an old guy that expects to be respected for being old, but in reality all we wonder is how you managed to stay alive being as dumb as you are since all you've contributed is the internet equivalent of shaking your fist.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on April 22, 2020, 05:09:08 AM
Don't feed the troll.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: exlurker on April 22, 2020, 07:29:08 AM
You're never too old to focus
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Idk on April 22, 2020, 07:45:46 AM
Those of you in the US I wish you well. Those of you not in the US I also wish you well and if possible, take me with you.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: PincherBug on April 22, 2020, 10:12:45 AM (
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Enrico Pallazzo on April 22, 2020, 10:18:56 AM
Too Old To Care really seems like he cares a whole lot. Makes me miss that guy who was crying about wanting to buy his precious seeds in Michigan 4 pages ago.

People seem to be doing a decent job of following the rules here in Orange County so far, grocery stores are starting to require masks just to enter and not letting you bring in reusable bags.

I think our big test is going to be this weekend - supposed to be around 80 degrees, first hot weekend of the year. Won’t be surprised to see packed beaches on Saturday and beach closures etc by Sunday.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: shucknjive on April 22, 2020, 10:20:29 AM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Decreed Bratton on April 22, 2020, 11:02:29 AM
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My buddy, put this way "my grandfather survived Nazi bombing of France;" he said people need to make sacrifices and changes to survive.

Support your local take out, order ahead. Wear a bandana even and gloves-even if it looks like wack sauce. this is gonna pick up again. Sacrifrice

Totally fair.  At least a few peeps here havent gone off the deep end
Says the guy who most obviously has gone off the deep end.

May as well have just said I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?  Dont be salty that some people in this fuckin world dont all think the way you do, youre gonna blow a fuse trying to spend your life convincing people youre the only smart one in the room.
I change my previous statement from shout to shoot.. that'll learn em!

Ah, yeah, the tried and true line of the defenseless, make a lame dig if you don't have a point, been a hot ticket on this board tonight with the usual gang doin their usual shit.
I don't expect to change your mind.  Not even trying in the slightest.  Im telling you people that if you think youre gonna fearmonger and shame everyone into doing things the way you think is the only way, you better get ready to be disappointed.  And that trying to move forward by opening some shit up safely isnt guaranteed to kill your grandma.
And you asked which expert was flip flopping, I gave you the top dog, is that why you're doing the dodge like everyone else who gives your type of reply?  Typical SLAP, can dish it out but sure as fuck cant take it even when you get just what you asked for.

Nothing will guarantee people from getting the virus, but opening up everything with no mandates will make certain portions of the population shell up even more.  They see how the protesters are with no masks and no social distancing and most likely not go out based on thinking those are the people who will be out.
60% of people think it's too early to open.  One thing that we can agree on is there will be people like you who will go out and and say fuck it and those who will be the moles like you say.  Then there are people who are 50-50. 

If you want to stimulate the economy the most there should be rules and mandates so those who are 50-50 think it's safe to go out and spend.  For a hair salon for example, masks required for both customer and employee.  Appointment only with only 1 person in the salon at a time.  Required disinfecting all equipment and chairs after each person.  I saw a insta post in Japan where a salon employee is wearing a face shield and gloves.  I would more willing to get my hair cut from an establishment like this than a place with no masks and 5 dudes waiting to get their hair cut.

If you don't do these things and just free ball it, yes you'll have a certain portion of the population go out, but those are the only ones who will spend.  So instead of having 20 or 30 percent going out to stimulate the economy you could have more.  If you try to make it so people think it's a safer environment, the more likely they will go out to spend.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on April 22, 2020, 11:12:47 AM

thank you mr turner :)
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: E on April 22, 2020, 02:03:54 PM

23 Years of Saves the Day, fuck yeah!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 22, 2020, 10:13:18 PM
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My buddy, put this way "my grandfather survived Nazi bombing of France;" he said people need to make sacrifices and changes to survive.

Support your local take out, order ahead. Wear a bandana even and gloves-even if it looks like wack sauce. this is gonna pick up again. Sacrifrice

Totally fair.  At least a few peeps here havent gone off the deep end
Says the guy who most obviously has gone off the deep end.

May as well have just said I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I?  Dont be salty that some people in this fuckin world dont all think the way you do, youre gonna blow a fuse trying to spend your life convincing people youre the only smart one in the room.
I change my previous statement from shout to shoot.. that'll learn em!

Ah, yeah, the tried and true line of the defenseless, make a lame dig if you don't have a point, been a hot ticket on this board tonight with the usual gang doin their usual shit.
I don't expect to change your mind.  Not even trying in the slightest.  Im telling you people that if you think youre gonna fearmonger and shame everyone into doing things the way you think is the only way, you better get ready to be disappointed.  And that trying to move forward by opening some shit up safely isnt guaranteed to kill your grandma.
And you asked which expert was flip flopping, I gave you the top dog, is that why you're doing the dodge like everyone else who gives your type of reply?  Typical SLAP, can dish it out but sure as fuck cant take it even when you get just what you asked for.

Nothing will guarantee people from getting the virus, but opening up everything with no mandates will make certain portions of the population shell up even more.  They see how the protesters are with no masks and no social distancing and most likely not go out based on thinking those are the people who will be out.
60% of people think it's too early to open.  One thing that we can agree on is there will be people like you who will go out and and say fuck it and those who will be the moles like you say.  Then there are people who are 50-50. 

If you want to stimulate the economy the most there should be rules and mandates so those who are 50-50 think it's safe to go out and spend.  For a hair salon for example, masks required for both customer and employee.  Appointment only with only 1 person in the salon at a time.  Required disinfecting all equipment and chairs after each person.  I saw a insta post in Japan where a salon employee is wearing a face shield and gloves.  I would more willing to get my hair cut from an establishment like this than a place with no masks and 5 dudes waiting to get their hair cut.

If you don't do these things and just free ball it, yes you'll have a certain portion of the population go out, but those are the only ones who will spend.  So instead of having 20 or 30 percent going out to stimulate the economy you could have more.  If you try to make it so people think it's a safer environment, the more likely they will go out to spend.

Never said no mandates, I repeatedly say safely with masks and proper precautions but somehow nobody picks up on it.
All I'm sayin is, if we just stop fearmongering with no concern of crashing the already fucked system and hope that big daddy government will swoop in to save the day, shits going to be worse than we ever imagined if we keep locked down another month + with nothing opening.  Most of the indie shop owners arent gonna get shit to save them, so if you wanna stay closed until theres almost NO cases left, youre gonna have about 30% fewer small biz operations running to go back to for employment. 
There's a reaction to everything.  Close too long and you cost millions their livelihood.  Open too soon and dont have some regulation on safety and there could certainly be more waves.  Finding middle ground is the best place but god fuck all, half the people here lose their fuckin minds if you dont just sit back and say that the experts with changing stories are the only ones who can make the call.
That ho governor from Michigan has been using this shit to grease palms for her buddies and got called out on it, so anyone thinkin this is all benevolent is taking their eyes off the game.  That b*tch was about to give millions to special interests and used her power to try and make it slide thru, good thing the Detroit press caught wind and took her to task on it.
That's why I keep saying its about power for the extended lockdowns.  We've already seen it happen this week with her story, trust me itll keep happening if nobody stands up to it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 22, 2020, 10:17:53 PM
Too Old To Care really seems like he cares a whole lot. Makes me miss that guy who was crying about wanting to buy his precious seeds in Michigan 4 pages ago.

People seem to be doing a decent job of following the rules here in Orange County so far, grocery stores are starting to require masks just to enter and not letting you bring in reusable bags.

I think our big test is going to be this weekend - supposed to be around 80 degrees, first hot weekend of the year. Won’t be surprised to see packed beaches on Saturday and beach closures etc by Sunday.

Hey, buddy, Im too old to give a fuck about some clique's opinions, but young enough to care about my future as well as that of people I know.  Sue me for not being someone who just marches where theyre told to without asking questions.  I know it goes against your clique's rules to dare to speak out, but fuck having a hugbox of sycophants, if the truth hurts too much, maybe the internet isn't for all of you.  You can stay safe at home without having to hear any bad ideas from bad people who dont just fall in line, just turn your PC off and life can be as cozy as you want without any opinions that hurt your feelings.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on April 22, 2020, 10:32:04 PM
They tested all the people at the shelter down methadone mile. Over 100 cases a symptomatic.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on April 22, 2020, 10:38:50 PM
They tested all the people at the shelter down methadone mile. Over 100 cases a symptomatic.
Thats what's fucking the numbers up a lot.  We probably have millions who are already carriers and will be asymptomatic the whole time and who are just as dangerous to the vulnerable ones they live with and come in contact with as anyone else.  Its why doing more testing doesnt make the problem change or go away, its just an excuse to keep everyone stuck waiting for the next update.
This shit isnt going to have an easy fix, and locking ourselves up for months on end isnt the solution.  Finding a way to get shit restarted safely without making it worse is way better than curling up in a ball while the world falls apart waiting for the so called experts to finally say its all okay.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dad_Brains on April 22, 2020, 11:33:47 PM
New Zealand is semi opening up next week, or dropping down a level as per the official channels. I work from home anyway so not a huge change. Schools are opening for those in need but we’ll be keeping the kids home. I do have a half built mini ramp I started when I got back from Europe so I’m hoping the lumber yard opens for more than just tradies
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: FrenchFriedClownFingers on April 23, 2020, 05:27:20 PM
North cali here, shit is still locked down, no stimulus on my end. shit is getting rough and i think im gonna have to start moving hard stuff to get by since i won't be getting unemployment. this is just lame all around. heart goes out to all of yall who have families to support, i may think i have it hard but at least i just have to take care of myself and dog
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Hmmmm Nice Bike on April 23, 2020, 05:38:27 PM
Here in Illinois they expanded the lockdown to all of next month as well now.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on April 23, 2020, 06:45:46 PM
Quebec wants to have the kids go back to school before the end of the semester.

Herd immunity was mentioned and so was avoiding a burst in cases come September when the kids go back to school.
I am just south of the Woburn border in Maine, I have a feeling thats going to happen at our local school too.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on April 24, 2020, 09:48:51 AM
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23 Years of Saves the Day, fuck yeah!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on April 24, 2020, 04:25:43 PM
They tested all the people at the shelter down methadone mile. Over 100 cases a symptomatic.

in the bean? jesus
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Peepeeboy69 on April 26, 2020, 08:00:41 AM
My mom went grocery shopping and some dude in line behind her rambled racist shit at her. Now she wants me to get a gun license, whereas before she was very much against guns.

realistically won't be able to actually acquire a firearm within like 6 months of whatever but im stoked lol
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cricketclub on April 27, 2020, 06:58:24 AM
Our county mayor has given the green light for restaurants to open their dining rooms. There are guidelines they "must" follow but there will be no enforcement.

It's hard for me not to get cynical. I basically see a very long and drawn out march to herd immunity before everyone starts getting sick again on a new strain and an endless cycle. Americans need to feel free and important and can't be told what to do so we truly are pretty fucked.

It is also weird that it is not being reported how deserted hospitals outside of COVID hotspots are. I feel like the media is ignoring the issue because they don't wan't to give the wrong impression that COVID isn't serious but this strategy will backfire as reactionaries point to this fact and say that COVID is a hoax. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on April 27, 2020, 10:38:33 AM

It is also weird that it is not being reported how deserted hospitals outside of COVID hotspots are. I feel like the media is ignoring the issue because they don't wan't to give the wrong impression that COVID isn't serious but this strategy will backfire as reactionaries point to this fact and say that COVID is a hoax.

I'm not certain that the unequal strain on the health system isn't being reported.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on April 27, 2020, 11:02:58 AM
Our county mayor has given the green light for restaurants to open their dining rooms. There are guidelines they "must" follow but there will be no enforcement.

It's hard for me not to get cynical. I basically see a very long and drawn out march to herd immunity before everyone starts getting sick again on a new strain and an endless cycle. Americans need to feel free and important and can't be told what to do so we truly are pretty fucked.

It is also weird that it is not being reported how deserted hospitals outside of COVID hotspots are. I feel like the media is ignoring the issue because they don't wan't to give the wrong impression that COVID isn't serious but this strategy will backfire as reactionaries point to this fact and say that COVID is a hoax.

I'm in a suburb near Los Angeles. We thought my mom (in her 70's) had a heart attack a couple weeks ago and brought her to the hospital.. thankfully, no heart attack, stroke or anything serious.

Due to this being the first time anyone in my family had visited a hospital since all this popped off, we took the recommended precautions: Don't enter the hospital, drop the patient off out front and call ahead to make sure they can be received. Left her out front until someone came to bring her in and left.

We called her shortly after dropping off to see what the status was. We expected a few things:
1) It would be packed and there were no beds available.
2) The waiting room would be packed with COVID-19 patients and we would greatly risk our own health by going in.
3)This was essentially a death sentence for her, due to the hospital being packed with contagious patients.

To our surprise, she was the only patient there. No one in the waiting room, no one in the beds. She had the full staff's attention and was quickly able to leave.

Outside of my immediate fear of her having a heart attack or stroke being relieved, I was very happy people are (apparently) being more cautious in their personal life and only going to the hospital if absolutely necessary.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: brycickle on April 27, 2020, 12:22:04 PM
The call volume is down about 30-40% at the department I work for. I guess people are less likely to call 911 for toe pain, when there is a possibility of getting hospital acquired covid...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on April 28, 2020, 04:55:32 AM
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Our county mayor has given the green light for restaurants to open their dining rooms. There are guidelines they "must" follow but there will be no enforcement.

It's hard for me not to get cynical. I basically see a very long and drawn out march to herd immunity before everyone starts getting sick again on a new strain and an endless cycle. Americans need to feel free and important and can't be told what to do so we truly are pretty fucked.

It is also weird that it is not being reported how deserted hospitals outside of COVID hotspots are. I feel like the media is ignoring the issue because they don't wan't to give the wrong impression that COVID isn't serious but this strategy will backfire as reactionaries point to this fact and say that COVID is a hoax.

I'm in a suburb near Los Angeles. We thought my mom (in her 70's) had a heart attack a couple weeks ago and brought her to the hospital.. thankfully, no heart attack, stroke or anything serious.

Due to this being the first time anyone in my family had visited a hospital since all this popped off, we took the recommended precautions: Don't enter the hospital, drop the patient off out front and call ahead to make sure they can be received. Left her out front until someone came to bring her in and left.

We called her shortly after dropping off to see what the status was. We expected a few things:
1) It would be packed and there were no beds available.
2) The waiting room would be packed with COVID-19 patients and we would greatly risk our own health by going in.
3)This was essentially a death sentence for her, due to the hospital being packed with contagious patients.

To our surprise, she was the only patient there. No one in the waiting room, no one in the beds. She had the full staff's attention and was quickly able to leave.

Outside of my immediate fear of her having a heart attack or stroke being relieved, I was very happy people are (apparently) being more cautious in their personal life and only going to the hospital if absolutely necessary.

I don't find that surprising. There is no prediction models that can anticipate the rise in cases for any given area (a hotspot can appear quickly) and you'd want to have enough capacity to deal with it. People with urgent cases will come regardless and be taken care of like your mother. Empty waiting rooms ensure that they don't become the new hotspot. A few hypochondriacs could then spread that shit far and wide.

In Slovenia, skateparks have reopened with social distancing rules. Scooter kids have been advised against suckling on their handlebars for the time being.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on May 01, 2020, 05:43:18 AM
My mom called last night and said my dad had a fever of 100.9 and he hadn’t said anything about feeling sick all day until right when they left work at 9pm and she called me at 9:30. He didn’t want to go to the emergency room he just wanted to go home and go to sleep.
100.9 isn’t that high but I’m still concerned about it. He’s age 75 and gets sick fairly easily.
I was around them earlier in the day. I kinda wish I could just tell work that I’m going to quarantine for a week but I don’t want to risk my job or facing repercussions for that.

I’m def telling them today that it my dad has to go to the ER I’m going to leave work to go be with him.

Things are starting to open back up in Texas and my city.
Seems too soon to me.

My city has been at 99 confirmed cases for the last 4 or 5 days so that’s at least a plus that we haven’t had new cases.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drunk guy on May 01, 2020, 07:05:27 AM
My mom called last night and said my dad had a fever of 100.9 and he hadn’t said anything about feeling sick all day until right when they left work at 9pm and she called me at 9:30. He didn’t want to go to the emergency room he just wanted to go home and go to sleep.
100.9 isn’t that high but I’m still concerned about it. He’s age 75 and gets sick fairly easily.
I was around them earlier in the day. I kinda wish I could just tell work that I’m going to quarantine for a week but I don’t want to risk my job or facing repercussions for that.

I’m def telling them today that it my dad has to go to the ER I’m going to leave work to go be with him.

Things are starting to open back up in Texas and my city.
Seems too soon to me.

My city has been at 99 confirmed cases for the last 4 or 5 days so that’s at least a plus that we haven’t had new cases.
I would consider getting tested asap and telling your company fuck off if they have any problem. By law they cannot penalize you for anything of the sort and if you are quarantining Im pretty sure youre entitled to payment while doing so. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on May 01, 2020, 06:18:21 PM
rooting for your dad to just have been a little under the weather hopefully, johnes. my parents are old as well and every flu season i freak out.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on May 01, 2020, 06:41:00 PM
The 70 year old handyman I hire on occasion has it, called my folks to tell them he couldnt redo their garage because he had to self quarantine for 2 weeks and his schedule for May was all fucked.  Tho he did say that despite testing positive he just had a slight cough and sore throat, said he didnt even think it was possible that he was infected for how little the effects were.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on May 02, 2020, 07:03:00 AM
Sick people who want Mass immunity will try and shake your hand pass the blunt fucking not rock a mask.

They want to see their pot clinic re open because. I have pre existing conditions big time.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on May 02, 2020, 08:32:30 AM
Sick people who want Mass immunity will try and shake your hand pass the blunt fucking not rock a mask.

They want to see their pot clinic re open because. I have pre existing conditions big time.

yeah some people i know are like that. a friend who lives in another city told me they have still regular barbecues. the same dude is also insisting that covid is actually just a flu. i tried to tell him that it's not the flu, because it's a different virus. but he would still be "nah man, it's actually just the flu, shit is made up bigtime." it bums me out, but it is what it is.

i hope you stay well.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Lame_Nigga on May 02, 2020, 08:56:46 AM
295 people at our pork slaughterhouse just tested positive for it and the city is going ahead with a limited reopen on Monday. I'm v worried for everyone here because to be honest, this city is dumb as shit.

Edit: it's jumped lol
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on May 02, 2020, 10:02:04 AM
I just found out my skate bud Mike Kolbialka passed away at Lahey clinic.

He had a dispute with his ”Running Mate” and she called the cops.

He was sent to Middletown Jail (ECCF) he contracted the virus and he fucking died.

 He was put in Jail on a false charge was held with out bail because of prior convictions and now I hear he's fucking dead.

Thats another homie ground up by the system.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Yu Dum on May 02, 2020, 11:37:11 AM
Memphis is planning on opening up at half capacity Monday. I'm deathly afraid.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on May 02, 2020, 05:26:20 PM
They re-closed all the beaches around me. I'm bummed because the weather is nice but all for keeping this shit at bay. However...

There's Red Tide in Malibu and it's somewhat rare to see. I would have loved to walk on the sand tonight and take some pictures.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on May 02, 2020, 05:38:37 PM
I think I'm just now getting to the levels of boredom people were experiencing 2-3 weeks ago. I got this comic I'm gonna try to write, hopefully that'll occupy my free time for the next month.

Whenever I make a grocery run you do less people giving a shit about proper precautions, which is disturbing af.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: MeanestCleanestPenis on May 03, 2020, 03:56:05 AM
Have any of the American pals had stimulus cheques yet?

I live in the UK and have been furloughed on 80% of my salary which is fine as there is not much to spend cash on anyway. Long-term though it is a bit of a concern for our business but I work in Finance/Accountancy so probably got a better shot at being kept than most, unless it gets really really bad I'm fairly confident our business will continue to function in some capacity. Thankfully my parents are being sensible but I feel like people are getting sick of the lockdown and it definitely seems busier on the streets than it did 3 weeks ago. Hope everyone is doing the best they can!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mog on May 03, 2020, 03:59:30 AM
Here in Moogle Village it seems pretty tense still, I went out to get some Kupo Nuts the other day and the other moogles were saying kupo a lot. Today is supposed to be nice weather though so maybe they will lighten up a bit.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: whitefeathers on May 03, 2020, 05:25:19 AM
Have any of the American pals had stimulus cheques yet?

Yes, a couple weeks ago.
my work is still open, we have been so busy because of people panic buying.
Tomorrow Minnesota is going to let some businesses open back up only for curbside pickups and deliveries. Some industrial places and offices were opened back up last week. Minneapolis closed skateparks and took down basketball hoops and stuff where St. paul all that stuff is still open. I was just at the skatepark at 6am this morning. Nobody there. During the day its pretty busy.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on May 03, 2020, 10:21:03 AM
I just found out my skate bud Mike Kolbialka passed away at Lahey clinic.

He had a dispute with his ”Running Mate” and she called the cops.

He was sent to Middletown Jail (ECCF) he contracted the virus and he fucking died.

 He was put in Jail on a false charge was held with out bail because of prior convictions and now I hear he's fucking dead.

Thats another homie ground up by the system.

that's so fucked... i'm sorry for the loss of your homie. rip
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Fred Gerwer Frank Gall on May 03, 2020, 02:42:06 PM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Enrico Pallazzo on May 03, 2020, 06:04:14 PM
Got yelled at by some protestors by the beach yesterday while cruising around. Cowboy boots, jeans, mullets - these people look like they’ve never been to the beach in their life. Although I’m pro- beach closure if people aren’t social distancing properly, I think it was a super bad move by Newsom to just close Orange County - gets everyone up in arms about government overreach and now we’re a hotspot for these dumb protests.

The whole situation is a real bummer because I do feel for the pain of so many of these people - business owners get told they have to close their fishing shop or flower shop because it’s unsafe, meanwhile Walmart is still open and people can just cruise around in there all day buying fishing poles and flowers and touching shit and coughing on everything. But these protests, and by extension any discussion of government’s role in regulating public health vs economy, has been hijacked by the far right and are now unofficial Trump rallies. Just another thing where a line in the sand has been drawn with no hope of coming close to a middle ground.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on May 03, 2020, 06:14:04 PM
Got yelled at by some protestors by the beach yesterday while cruising around. Cowboy boots, jeans, mullets - these people look like they’ve never been to the beach in their life. Although I’m pro- beach closure if people aren’t social distancing properly, I think it was a super bad move by Newsom to just close Orange County - gets everyone up in arms about government overreach and now we’re a hotspot for these dumb protests.

The whole situation is a real bummer because I do feel for the pain of so many of these people - business owners get told they have to close their fishing shop or flower shop because it’s unsafe, meanwhile Walmart is still open and people can just cruise around in there all day buying fishing poles and flowers and touching shit and coughing on everything. But these protests, and by extension any discussion of government’s role in regulating public health vs economy, has been hijacked by the far right and are now unofficial Trump rallies. Just another thing where a line in the sand has been drawn with no hope of coming close to a middle ground.

Yep.  Shits been fully politicized by both aisles now.  Liberal governors are shutting shit down in kooky nonsensical ways in weird power flexing moves (I heard Oregon just extended to July, what kind of dumb fucking shit is that?!?!  If your state is in the bottom 10 of those most affected why the fuck close for 2 more fuckin months?!?) and Trump supporters are using this as their protest measure to politicize it back the other diretion.  Sucks when you dont want to be part of either side and just want shit to get back on with life in a responsible manner until all is well again, doesnt it?  Protests are gonna get uglier as time goes on as we saw in Michigan this week.  Itd be nice if things were actually being done for our safety instead of some assholes political agenda but we wont be that lucky.  More division more anger more people going broke and more jobs lost all so a bunch of assholes can put us under their thumb even more.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: slop on May 03, 2020, 06:28:15 PM
i'm australian, and thank fuck.
We're still on lockdown but there are now nationally under 1000 cases..
looks set to relax a little in places

america is scary.
I cant believe how much stuff is opening back up over there. They're still in the thick of it, its shocking..
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Enrico Pallazzo on May 03, 2020, 06:34:56 PM
Expand Quote
Got yelled at by some protestors by the beach yesterday while cruising around. Cowboy boots, jeans, mullets - these people look like they’ve never been to the beach in their life. Although I’m pro- beach closure if people aren’t social distancing properly, I think it was a super bad move by Newsom to just close Orange County - gets everyone up in arms about government overreach and now we’re a hotspot for these dumb protests.

The whole situation is a real bummer because I do feel for the pain of so many of these people - business owners get told they have to close their fishing shop or flower shop because it’s unsafe, meanwhile Walmart is still open and people can just cruise around in there all day buying fishing poles and flowers and touching shit and coughing on everything. But these protests, and by extension any discussion of government’s role in regulating public health vs economy, has been hijacked by the far right and are now unofficial Trump rallies. Just another thing where a line in the sand has been drawn with no hope of coming close to a middle ground.

Yep.  Shits been fully politicized by both aisles now.  Liberal governors are shutting shit down in kooky nonsensical ways in weird power flexing moves (I heard Oregon just extended to July, what kind of dumb fucking shit is that?!?!  If your state is in the bottom 10 of those most affected why the fuck close for 2 more fuckin months?!?) and Trump supporters are using this as their protest measure to politicize it back the other diretion.  Sucks when you dont want to be part of either side and just want shit to get back on with life in a responsible manner until all is well again, doesnt it?  Protests are gonna get uglier as time goes on as we saw in Michigan this week.  Itd be nice if things were actually being done for our safety instead of some assholes political agenda but we wont be that lucky.  More division more anger more people going broke and more jobs lost all so a bunch of assholes can put us under their thumb even more.

Oregon extended their state of emergency to July, not their stay at home order. This allows them to continue to reallocate funds appropriately and take other measures that would normally occur over a longer time span. Check your sources dude. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Enrico Pallazzo on May 03, 2020, 06:38:39 PM
Also want to follow up to my first post to clarify that I was posting to blow off some steam/anxiety and that I’m not trying to play “both sides” or the righteous centrist.

There’s a side of this that’s clearly fucking wrong.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on May 03, 2020, 08:10:18 PM
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Got yelled at by some protestors by the beach yesterday while cruising around. Cowboy boots, jeans, mullets - these people look like they’ve never been to the beach in their life. Although I’m pro- beach closure if people aren’t social distancing properly, I think it was a super bad move by Newsom to just close Orange County - gets everyone up in arms about government overreach and now we’re a hotspot for these dumb protests.

The whole situation is a real bummer because I do feel for the pain of so many of these people - business owners get told they have to close their fishing shop or flower shop because it’s unsafe, meanwhile Walmart is still open and people can just cruise around in there all day buying fishing poles and flowers and touching shit and coughing on everything. But these protests, and by extension any discussion of government’s role in regulating public health vs economy, has been hijacked by the far right and are now unofficial Trump rallies. Just another thing where a line in the sand has been drawn with no hope of coming close to a middle ground.

Yep.  Shits been fully politicized by both aisles now.  Liberal governors are shutting shit down in kooky nonsensical ways in weird power flexing moves (I heard Oregon just extended to July, what kind of dumb fucking shit is that?!?!  If your state is in the bottom 10 of those most affected why the fuck close for 2 more fuckin months?!?) and Trump supporters are using this as their protest measure to politicize it back the other diretion.  Sucks when you dont want to be part of either side and just want shit to get back on with life in a responsible manner until all is well again, doesnt it?  Protests are gonna get uglier as time goes on as we saw in Michigan this week.  Itd be nice if things were actually being done for our safety instead of some assholes political agenda but we wont be that lucky.  More division more anger more people going broke and more jobs lost all so a bunch of assholes can put us under their thumb even more.

Oregon extended their state of emergency to July, not their stay at home order. This allows them to continue to reallocate funds appropriately and take other measures that would normally occur over a longer time span. Check your sources dude.

Appreciate the added info.  Cant usually trust half of the shit out there to always be accurate these days no matter what the source, better to hear from someone who is actually in the zone.  But what Im reading now says the governor CAN now extend the stay at home order if they please, so you might actually get stuck in a lot longer if the powers that be deem it necessary.  So its possible just hopefully not likely.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on May 03, 2020, 08:17:36 PM
There’s a side of this that’s clearly fucking wrong.

Nah man.  Nobody in this is either right or wrong.  Its all what each persons beliefs and trust in the system are and how their lives are affected and how long they can hold out.  Some people can still work at home and as Ive seed are often less empathetic to those who are jobless and down to their last dollars while some just want to rush to open shit without any concern just because theyre fuckin stir crazy and dont give a shit about anything anymore.  Technically in this whole fuckin thing everyone is simultaneously right and wrong because none of us fuckin know how bad it really is and were just flying by emotion and personal circumstance as our guide on which side we wanna be outraged at.

Like I keep saying over and over, wear masks, open shit slowly and safely with proper distancing and if new cases arent popping off like fuckin mad in a month, then its time to just fuckin roll with it.  We cant shut down the world because there might be another round in the Fall because that shit aint fucking logical unless full economical and societal collapse to come soon.  Where I live its being said almost 30% of small businesses are already underwater and likely not gonna come back well if at all.  We extend this shit for 2-3 more months and that number will be WAY higher so say goodbye to most skateshops bars restaurants and other shit you like and get ready to have Amazon be your only place to get shit you need if you dont wanna go outside.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Madam, I'm Adam on May 03, 2020, 08:47:34 PM
Just 38 active cases in my city now. Certain essential services are set to reopen tomorrow - including skateparks, thank fuck. Only 0-4 new cases every day, with 4 being the exception to the rule.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dad_Brains on May 04, 2020, 01:34:02 AM
i'm australian, and thank fuck.
We're still on lockdown but there are now nationally under 1000 cases..
looks set to relax a little in places

america is scary.
I cant believe how much stuff is opening back up over there. They're still in the thick of it, its shocking..

Questionable if oz is really on lockdown given the amount of people still going to the beach etc (from what I can tell from extended families Instagram etc). Isn’t mr Bondi or whatever he’s called still swimming? Looks like it’ll be the only place we can fly internationally from if the Nz/oz bubble gets created. I’m hoping the include the islands as I’d rather use my airline credit to go there than oz
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 04, 2020, 06:20:19 AM
  With so many in the world marginalized if theres a massive economic downturn will that end up in more deaths then what Corona could have affected without any lock down? 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mog on May 04, 2020, 07:16:33 AM
  With so many in the world marginalized if theres a massive economic downturn will that end up in more deaths then what Corona could have affected without any lock down?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mog on May 04, 2020, 07:20:41 AM
trunks is link

thats why he has a sword
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: burtreynolds.jpeg on May 04, 2020, 08:36:58 AM
I just got a Covid19 test...I'm pretty spooked.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on May 04, 2020, 10:34:23 AM

The American town I used to live in is a university town. The the local landlords are pressuring the city to pressure the universities to re-open as soon as possible. The landlords have been ripping everyone off for years by overcharging and offering subpar housing and now they are putting everyone's health at risk so there is no risk to their hyper inflated bottom line.

Rent is too damn high and fuck the Mikey Taylors of the world.

  With so many in the world marginalized if theres a massive economic downturn will that end up in more deaths then what Corona could have affected without any lock down?

This is based on the assumption that a "free market/libertarian" pandemic with sick people overwhelming the medical system and people afraid of getting sick = business as usual.

An analogy might be "Ugh, I can't believe the government shut down all the businesses during the hurricane. If it wasn't for the government everyone would be out shopping, its just a little rain."

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 04, 2020, 11:51:18 AM

The American town I used to live in is a university town. The the local landlords are pressuring the city to pressure the universities to re-open as soon as possible. The landlords have been ripping everyone off for years by overcharging and offering subpar housing and now they are putting everyone's health at risk so there is no risk to their hyper inflated bottom line.

Rent is too damn high and fuck the Mikey Taylors of the world.

Expand Quote
  With so many in the world marginalized if theres a massive economic downturn will that end up in more deaths then what Corona could have affected without any lock down?

This is based on the assumption that a "free market/libertarian" pandemic with sick people overwhelming the medical system and people afraid of getting sick = business as usual.

An analogy might be "Ugh, I can't believe the government shut down all the businesses during the hurricane. If it wasn't for the government everyone would be out shopping, its just a little rain."
    Okay you thought (understandedly) that i said "marginalized" because of covid.   I meant that just in modern times already before covid the world has large percentages of marginalized people would suffer in a major economic downturn resulting in deaths. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on May 04, 2020, 01:34:12 PM
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I just found out my skate bud Mike Kolbialka passed away at Lahey clinic.

He had a dispute with his ”Running Mate” and she called the cops.

He was sent to Middletown Jail (ECCF) he contracted the virus and he fucking died.

 He was put in Jail on a false charge was held with out bail because of prior convictions and now I hear he's fucking dead.

Thats another homie ground up by the system.

that's so fucked... i'm sorry for the loss of your homie. rip

Thank you.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: matty_c on May 04, 2020, 07:24:01 PM
Fuck all. I’m in Queensland and I think we only had about 1000 cases reported. I have had my mate from uk staying with me. He doesn’t wanna go back right now. It’s a good spot, backs on to a bunch of koala habitat so we been smoking weed and going for walks by the river. We got a ledge in there too.

We got it good here for sure and because my business has gone to shit and I employ myself I got hooked up. Government is paying me to pay myself
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TooOldToCare on May 04, 2020, 08:04:15 PM

This is based on the assumption that a "free market/libertarian" pandemic with sick people overwhelming the medical system and people afraid of getting sick = business as usual.

An analogy might be "Ugh, I can't believe the government shut down all the businesses during the hurricane. If it wasn't for the government everyone would be out shopping, its just a little rain."

And yet every hospital that claimed it would be overrun with cases during the worst so far have all been so underwhelmed during this past 2 months that even NYC has been shipping their unused ventilators to other locations.  Alarmism worked for a bit but you can only tell society that THE BIG ONE IS COMING for so long before they are no longer going to believe it.  I can take my dog in for a fucking grooming but I cant get my fucking mop ass hair cut even if my barber and myself wear masks and nobody else is in the shop.  Seems that this shit is ass backward but hey good for you if you have the money to not need to worry, fuck everyone who is going to be destitute when this is over cuz who cares if its not you.  After all I guess they didnt prepare so they should just suck it up and get in the breadlines for a few more months cuz I guess everyone who didnt have savings deserves to suffer until you think its safe to go out. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: nico_suave on May 04, 2020, 10:44:40 PM
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This is based on the assumption that a "free market/libertarian" pandemic with sick people overwhelming the medical system and people afraid of getting sick = business as usual.

An analogy might be "Ugh, I can't believe the government shut down all the businesses during the hurricane. If it wasn't for the government everyone would be out shopping, its just a little rain."

And yet every hospital that claimed it would be overrun with cases during the worst so far have all been so underwhelmed during this past 2 months that even NYC has been shipping their unused ventilators to other locations.  Alarmism worked for a bit but you can only tell society that THE BIG ONE IS COMING for so long before they are no longer going to believe it.  I can take my dog in for a fucking grooming but I cant get my fucking mop ass hair cut even if my barber and myself wear masks and nobody else is in the shop.  Seems that this shit is ass backward but hey good for you if you have the money to not need to worry, fuck everyone who is going to be destitute when this is over cuz who cares if its not you.  After all I guess they didnt prepare so they should just suck it up and get in the breadlines for a few more months cuz I guess everyone who didnt have savings deserves to suffer until you think its safe to go out.

You need to seriously shut the fuck up and focus.

Hospitals have already dealt with this situation of turning ambulances away because they are at max capacity.  Think about that, you small-minded potato. Of course not everywhere but apparently you know what's going to happen because of course...

By all means, go forth and do what the fuck you want, but I'd like to hear about peoples different experiences with this totally unknown disease, which as we watch it unfold in real time from different parts of the world, especially from the view of skateboarders, off and on, my people. Being in the US, its really insightful to see what's going on outside of here.

 Not you showing your ass to the world with your fuckin' stupidity. Your dog can get groomed yes, and nails done which as a dog owner is fairly important. There are still procedures to make sure the groomers don't get infected, no?  Yes, you can't get a haircut (the fuck dude...), and yes, your dog is more important than you. Shit ain't about just you.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JumpManShorty on May 04, 2020, 11:10:08 PM
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This is based on the assumption that a "free market/libertarian" pandemic with sick people overwhelming the medical system and people afraid of getting sick = business as usual.

An analogy might be "Ugh, I can't believe the government shut down all the businesses during the hurricane. If it wasn't for the government everyone would be out shopping, its just a little rain."

And yet every hospital that claimed it would be overrun with cases during the worst so far have all been so underwhelmed during this past 2 months that even NYC has been shipping their unused ventilators to other locations.  Alarmism worked for a bit but you can only tell society that THE BIG ONE IS COMING for so long before they are no longer going to believe it.  I can take my dog in for a fucking grooming but I cant get my fucking mop ass hair cut even if my barber and myself wear masks and nobody else is in the shop.  Seems that this shit is ass backward but hey good for you if you have the money to not need to worry, fuck everyone who is going to be destitute when this is over cuz who cares if its not you.  After all I guess they didnt prepare so they should just suck it up and get in the breadlines for a few more months cuz I guess everyone who didnt have savings deserves to suffer until you think its safe to go out.

You need to seriously shut the fuck up and focus.

Hospitals have already dealt with this situation of turning ambulances away because they are at max capacity.  Think about that, you small-minded potato. Of course not everywhere but apparently you know what's going to happen because of course...

By all means, go forth and do what the fuck you want, but I'd like to hear about peoples different experiences with this totally unknown disease, which as we watch it unfold in real time from different parts of the world, especially from the view of skateboarders, off and on, my people. Being in the US, its really insightful to see what's going on outside of here.

 Not you showing your ass to the world with your fuckin' stupidity. Your dog can get groomed yes, and nails done which as a dog owner is fairly important. There are still procedures to make sure the groomers don't get infected, no?  Yes, you can't get a haircut (the fuck dude...), and yes, your dog is more important than you. Shit ain't about just you.

Well.. to fill you in on my spot of the world

In New Zealand we have been on lock down for the last 5 weeks, which means not going out unless it’s to exercise or go do groceries. Police could pull you up and check what your doing.

Last week our alert lifted a little bit, but it didn’t change much for the regular person, just more businesses could start operating.

We have had 0 cases for the past 2 days, which is great, and may mean our alert level will go down even more next week. That will mean we can kinda live regular life again, except maybe restaurants and bars will still be closed, and gatherings will be limited .
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on May 04, 2020, 11:59:53 PM
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This is based on the assumption that a "free market/libertarian" pandemic with sick people overwhelming the medical system and people afraid of getting sick = business as usual.

An analogy might be "Ugh, I can't believe the government shut down all the businesses during the hurricane. If it wasn't for the government everyone would be out shopping, its just a little rain."

And yet every hospital that claimed it would be overrun with cases during the worst so far have all been so underwhelmed during this past 2 months that even NYC has been shipping their unused ventilators to other locations.  Alarmism worked for a bit but you can only tell society that THE BIG ONE IS COMING for so long before they are no longer going to believe it.  I can take my dog in for a fucking grooming but I cant get my fucking mop ass hair cut even if my barber and myself wear masks and nobody else is in the shop.  Seems that this shit is ass backward but hey good for you if you have the money to not need to worry, fuck everyone who is going to be destitute when this is over cuz who cares if its not you.  After all I guess they didnt prepare so they should just suck it up and get in the breadlines for a few more months cuz I guess everyone who didnt have savings deserves to suffer until you think its safe to go out.
You’re such a fucking kook. Focus your dumb ass misguided angst toward the government putting profit over people, not taking care of its citizen in the face of a FUCKING PANDEMIC. No, instead blame the science, blame the doctors. Ok fuckwad.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: S. on May 05, 2020, 03:07:38 AM
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This is based on the assumption that a "free market/libertarian" pandemic with sick people overwhelming the medical system and people afraid of getting sick = business as usual.

An analogy might be "Ugh, I can't believe the government shut down all the businesses during the hurricane. If it wasn't for the government everyone would be out shopping, its just a little rain."

And yet every hospital that claimed it would be overrun with cases during the worst so far have all been so underwhelmed during this past 2 months that even NYC has been shipping their unused ventilators to other locations.  Alarmism worked for a bit but you can only tell society that THE BIG ONE IS COMING for so long before they are no longer going to believe it.  I can take my dog in for a fucking grooming but I cant get my fucking mop ass hair cut even if my barber and myself wear masks and nobody else is in the shop.  Seems that this shit is ass backward but hey good for you if you have the money to not need to worry, fuck everyone who is going to be destitute when this is over cuz who cares if its not you.  After all I guess they didnt prepare so they should just suck it up and get in the breadlines for a few more months cuz I guess everyone who didnt have savings deserves to suffer until you think its safe to go out.

Uhm, you do know that almost 70.000 people have died of Covid in the US so far?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on May 05, 2020, 07:34:17 AM
Just ignore him. He's said nothing meaningful in all the posts he has put up. I don't expect you or I am missing any flashes of brilliance. If you want to see a product of misinformation, you can continue to read his posts.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on May 05, 2020, 07:55:41 AM
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This is based on the assumption that a "free market/libertarian" pandemic with sick people overwhelming the medical system and people afraid of getting sick = business as usual.

An analogy might be "Ugh, I can't believe the government shut down all the businesses during the hurricane. If it wasn't for the government everyone would be out shopping, its just a little rain."

And yet every hospital that claimed it would be overrun with cases during the worst so far have all been so underwhelmed during this past 2 months that even NYC has been shipping their unused ventilators to other locations.  Alarmism worked for a bit but you can only tell society that THE BIG ONE IS COMING for so long before they are no longer going to believe it.  I can take my dog in for a fucking grooming but I cant get my fucking mop ass hair cut even if my barber and myself wear masks and nobody else is in the shop.  Seems that this shit is ass backward but hey good for you if you have the money to not need to worry, fuck everyone who is going to be destitute when this is over cuz who cares if its not you.  After all I guess they didnt prepare so they should just suck it up and get in the breadlines for a few more months cuz I guess everyone who didnt have savings deserves to suffer until you think its safe to go out.

You were looking for this thread (
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sick Duck on May 05, 2020, 08:56:28 AM
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The American town I used to live in is a university town. The the local landlords are pressuring the city to pressure the universities to re-open as soon as possible. The landlords have been ripping everyone off for years by overcharging and offering subpar housing and now they are putting everyone's health at risk so there is no risk to their hyper inflated bottom line.

Rent is too damn high and fuck the Mikey Taylors of the world.

Expand Quote
  With so many in the world marginalized if theres a massive economic downturn will that end up in more deaths then what Corona could have affected without any lock down?

This is based on the assumption that a "free market/libertarian" pandemic with sick people overwhelming the medical system and people afraid of getting sick = business as usual.

An analogy might be "Ugh, I can't believe the government shut down all the businesses during the hurricane. If it wasn't for the government everyone would be out shopping, its just a little rain."
    Okay you thought (understandedly) that i said "marginalized" because of covid.   I meant that just in modern times already before covid the world has large percentages of marginalized people would suffer in a major economic downturn resulting in deaths.
holy shit dude
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: legion on May 06, 2020, 03:49:50 PM
Just ignore him. He's said nothing meaningful in all the posts he has put up. I don't expect you or I am missing any flashes of brilliance. If you want to see a product of misinformation, you can continue to read his posts.
Well.. not entirely true..
Dude did say he owned a skateshop!
Anyone get a shop name and location out of him yet?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on May 06, 2020, 11:19:36 PM
Slovenia is now well into "remission" and we conducted the worlds first randomized study to see what percent of the population got and recovered from COVID-19. Turns out it is only 2-4%, which means a new wave is probably going to happen before a vaccine is available. Right now, we are slowly reopening everything with obligatory masks and sanitizing of hands.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: FrenchFriedClownFingers on May 07, 2020, 02:50:56 AM
still no word from my job and my town reopened partially.

instead of worrying about every thing like i would normally i've just been skating since this is way too much for one person to worry about. im pretty much fucked on the money end of things. my landlord is chill with taking half rent but it's going to suck owing him and pge when i just got caught up on bills. i really think it's fucked up how since i didn't work last year i won't get benefits. if i had kept the job i had just three more days i would have been good.

employers who are a part of large organizations should be heavily fined for putting workers on unpaid furlough.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 07, 2020, 08:11:01 PM
Quebec's premiere wants many of the Francophone and Anglophone schools open in the very near future (high schools are excluded).

However, the English School Board has basically said, "Fuck you. We aren't opening. We have the constitutional right to protect our staff/students." And the premiere has responded, "The fuck you do. I have the constitutional right to tell you to shut the fuck up and go to work." It'll be interesting how it plays out. I mean I imagine the teachers are getting support from parents who now understand how hard it is to manage children all day long and the premiere is insanely popular (his approval was over 90% last time I checked, which is insane for a democracy).

I think we've opened up our skateparks. I'm not certain. My local park was pretty busy the other day, but I'm not sure if people were just a bit restless.

Finally, I watched two guys get into a fist fight the other day. I don't know what started the fight but they weren't messing around. Some lady was screaming shit about calling the police from the third story window. And, this all occurred in front of what is obviously a brothel, which made it all the more exciting (my neighborhood is classy). A negative form of excitement but excitement none the less.
  Seems not worth it for 2 weeks of school.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on May 13, 2020, 03:40:26 PM
The skateparks should be open in 7 days. The province is allowing non-contact sports.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dracula on May 13, 2020, 07:11:40 PM
I live in the south where everything has basically opened back up. Today in the college bar part of town there were dozens of students lined up waiting to get into bars at 6 pm. I kinda wish I couldn’t give a shit like they do, but I’d feel irresponsible. At least the only bar that I go to hasn’t opened back up yet so there’s nothing convincing me to go down there. The carelessness of southerners is really rubbing of on me
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: SFblah on May 13, 2020, 07:49:12 PM
My company has said we’ll work from home with end of September as soonest offices will reopen. They say they will have to reconfigure the layout in various ways.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Abyss1 on May 15, 2020, 09:06:41 AM
San Jose is on lockdown still all stores require face mask.  Most tech companies are still closed, no bars and restaurants are all take out still.  I heard Tesla plant got to open for business soon, so that’s good

Got my stimulus yesterday...bought a lot of weed edibles with some of it so far
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on May 15, 2020, 03:37:25 PM
Good ol' Governor Gavin Newsom in CA is talking about huge cuts to the state budget, effecting mostly school and social services. My partner just found out the state sponsored agency she works for might have all of it's funding cut by July 1. I know we're not special or unique in this regard, but Goddamnit.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: gsosa on May 15, 2020, 07:54:06 PM
Sorry gods, I wont read 39 pages so maybe some of the shit Ill say has been said.
I live in Guatemala and the numbers here are really low but due to a spike in cases the last day they shut down everything until monday. Meaning no one can go out except by foot from 8-11am to buy shit from local store.  Before that everyone could go out from 4am to 6pm using facemasks and shit.

What is pretty infuriating for me is that the shut down happened with no previous notice, Im stranded at my girls house (which is chill), but many people who had no food only had the chance to get food from 8 to 11 which meant long ass lines and people fighting to be able to get food. Or the other choice is buying food from restaurants like McDonalds and other shit like that. Which some people might not have the money or the supplies for the next 4 days. Im fortunate enough to be able to be at home fucking watching Netflix and Skate videos all day and doing nothing (working remotely and using savings), but first this is something that I dont consider living and second there are people who literally need to go out everyday in order to get the money or food that they are going to eat that day. So ¨taking care of themselves¨ by staying at home is not an option.

I know the disease is out there but as statistics show the virus is not nearly as deadly as they make it seem, and I find it infuriating that a bunch of these rules that they are implementing are actually meant for a few people to keep getting richer (which is something that has been happening for centuries) but now people arent even getting the opportunity to atleast get some fucking money to be able to get food.

Also, dont even get me started on the possibility of making vaccines obligatory for this shit. Fuck your NWO

Im sure most of these points might have been pointed out before, Im just 60 days late to the party in this thread haha

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on May 16, 2020, 12:00:39 AM
gsosa, are you an antivaxxer?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: gsosa on May 16, 2020, 06:37:36 AM
gsosa, are you an antivaxxer?
No, I am just against the possibility that they are going to make it obligatory to get the vaccine, or atleast it would affect you greatly if you dont get it. Not even talking about health, but not being able to access shit or not be eligible for jobs and shit like that.

I know I might be getting way ahead of myself, but I could definitely see this shit happening
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on May 16, 2020, 09:56:44 AM
yes, but what is the hold up then if you are not anti-vaxx?

lets recap:
- the virus is highly contagious
- there is a significant mortality rate and we are discovering long term damage to lungs of some survivors
- a democratic world cannot sacrifice at-risk groups or individuals "for the good of everyone else"
- long term social distancing will basically drive most people insane
- doctors from around the world agree on the medical facts of the virus and that only a vaccine will curb it

so, again, what is the hold-up? don't you trust your doctor? I know that big pharma does shady things, but it also does a lot of good, when properly regulated
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on May 16, 2020, 10:33:08 AM
Would you be down with this mandatory vaccine if it came from China? For the record, my vaccines are up to date. I even get flu shots. But at this point I think I would prefer to go to the leper colony. Or covid colony. Whatever.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on May 16, 2020, 11:44:26 AM
jesus christ on a stick. every vaccine has to get approved by the health organization responsible for your country. throw away your tinfoil hat and all of your Chinese-made material stuff
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on May 16, 2020, 11:46:47 AM
Is science like the bible all of a sudden where you can just pick and choose what parts agree with you?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on May 16, 2020, 12:32:55 PM
Personally, I'm just talking crazy shit for the sake of talking crazy shit.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sick Duck on May 16, 2020, 02:34:09 PM
Is science like the bible all of a sudden where you can just pick and choose what parts agree with you?
i only agree with the cool stuff like dinosaurs
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on May 16, 2020, 03:26:39 PM
My wife and I went to a beach in Malibu this morning to take a walk around. Lots of people but people seemed to respect space. That’s the first time I’ve been to the beach since this popped off. I forgot how good something as simple as the smell of the ocean in the air can be so good.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Bata on May 16, 2020, 03:29:25 PM
I slept most of the day today but my parents went out and they said it was "really busy" and "like a normal day"

this is in a town roughly an hour north of Toronto

to me that says, "people are bored out of their fucking minds" which I get but I'm so used to not socializing this whole thing has been shockingly normal for me.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on May 16, 2020, 03:59:41 PM
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Is science like the bible all of a sudden where you can just pick and choose what parts agree with you?
i only agree with the cool stuff like dinosaurs
You'd make a good bible thumper. They like to think fossils are a prank. Like the old testament sacrifice stuff. God is just joking.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on May 16, 2020, 04:04:04 PM
Everyone is pissed off and bored. Had to take care of some business today a couple of towns over and it was like a normal Saturday. People everywhere. The news is shifting its coverage and it seems like people don't care anymore, or think it's that bad. I'm just worried about losing my job eventually, since the county I work for just announced it's expecting a HUGE budget deficit for the next few years. I do essential public safety work, and I'm like half way up the seniority list, so I'm not that worried, but still a little. I was looking for a different job, but now it's like I shouldn't risk getting on at a different agency (if they're still hiring) and lose all of my seniority or stick it out at a job I don't really like. I'm lucky to be working though.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chavo on May 16, 2020, 10:28:44 PM
Good ol' Governor Gavin Newsom in CA is talking about huge cuts to the state budget, effecting mostly school and social services. My partner just found out the state sponsored agency she works for might have all of it's funding cut by July 1. I know we're not special or unique in this regard, but Goddamnit.

Newsom just slashed our agency 10% starting July. We're already operating at a 20% deficit from the last recession. Comparing to the great recession where we started with a 5% cut and ended up cutting 1/3rd of the workforce (with most of the remaining demoted one step), I can already see that we are severely fucked. I can see why he's opening up again while the death rate is still increasing.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on May 16, 2020, 10:52:05 PM
yes, but what is the hold up then if you are not anti-vaxx?

lets recap:
- the virus is highly contagious
- there is a significant mortality rate and we are discovering long term damage to lungs of some survivors
- a democratic world cannot sacrifice at-risk groups or individuals "for the good of everyone else"
- long term social distancing will basically drive most people insane
- doctors from around the world agree on the medical facts of the virus and that only a vaccine will curb it

so, again, what is the hold-up? don't you trust your doctor? I know that big pharma does shady things, but it also does a lot of good, when properly regulated

I'm with you, KoRnholio8
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on May 17, 2020, 06:56:59 AM
so, again, what is the hold-up? don't you trust your doctor? I know that big pharma does shady things, but it also does a lot of good, when properly regulated

we can or want to assume this maybe in europe or the united states, but since stuff was pretty chaotic in guatemala as gsosa told, i could see how he doesn't trust the government. and dividing the populace into vaxxed people with access anywhere and unvaxxed people that will be forced to self isolate or similar could be a possibility in any state that doesn't have enough money to give vaccines to everyone. lobbygroups of rich people could make moves to restrict movement of the poor that don't get a vaccine shot.

not every country will be as caring that they will simply hand out the vaccine to everyone, even if they can afford it. furthermore not every country will be able to control that everyone got a shot. even if the who will order it, some countries might ignore it, or again, simply not be able to finance this.

that said i will get a covid shot as soon as it's available. but i can see how the whole fact can give someone a weird outlook on the future and pessimistic people like myself will assume abuse of power anyway at some point. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Lame_Nigga on May 17, 2020, 07:30:23 AM
I keep posting in this but my town is doing so abysmally bad. On that list the White House has of increasing cases we're #3 by county. We're the only city in the county. The city still decided to reopen the bars and restaurants.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on May 17, 2020, 08:11:59 AM
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so, again, what is the hold-up? don't you trust your doctor? I know that big pharma does shady things, but it also does a lot of good, when properly regulated

we can or want to assume this maybe in europe or the united states, but since stuff was pretty chaotic in guatemala as gsosa told, i could see how he doesn't trust the government. and dividing the populace into vaxxed people with access anywhere and unvaxxed people that will be forced to self isolate or similar could be a possibility in any state that doesn't have enough money to give vaccines to everyone. lobbygroups of rich people could make moves to restrict movement of the poor that don't get a vaccine shot.

not every country will be as caring that they will simply hand out the vaccine to everyone, even if they can afford it. furthermore not every country will be able to control that everyone got a shot. even if the who will order it, some countries might ignore it, or again, simply not be able to finance this.

that said i will get a covid shot as soon as it's available. but i can see how the whole fact can give someone a weird outlook on the future and pessimistic people like myself will assume abuse of power anyway at some point. 

the economic impact of not getting everyone vaccinated is far greater than everyone getting their shot (ha!). I am positive that even the most corrupt countries will happily endorse this, since the elites can pocket a lot of the margins

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on May 17, 2020, 01:19:35 PM
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so, again, what is the hold-up? don't you trust your doctor? I know that big pharma does shady things, but it also does a lot of good, when properly regulated

we can or want to assume this maybe in europe or the united states, but since stuff was pretty chaotic in guatemala as gsosa told, i could see how he doesn't trust the government. and dividing the populace into vaxxed people with access anywhere and unvaxxed people that will be forced to self isolate or similar could be a possibility in any state that doesn't have enough money to give vaccines to everyone. lobbygroups of rich people could make moves to restrict movement of the poor that don't get a vaccine shot.

not every country will be as caring that they will simply hand out the vaccine to everyone, even if they can afford it. furthermore not every country will be able to control that everyone got a shot. even if the who will order it, some countries might ignore it, or again, simply not be able to finance this.

that said i will get a covid shot as soon as it's available. but i can see how the whole fact can give someone a weird outlook on the future and pessimistic people like myself will assume abuse of power anyway at some point. 

the economic impact of not getting everyone vaccinated is far greater than everyone getting their shot (ha!). I am positive that even the most corrupt countries will happily endorse this, since the elites can pocket a lot of the margins


Now we’re talking! (
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 17, 2020, 04:04:18 PM
I keep posting in this but my town is doing so abysmally bad. On that list the White House has of increasing cases we're #3 by county. We're the only city in the county. The city still decided to reopen the bars and restaurants.

wisconsin is showing increases because they're filing backlogged tests as current (see: "lying"). they won't be able to keep it up and infection rates will fall in line with the decline seen everywhere else.

your town is fine
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on May 17, 2020, 06:59:22 PM
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Good ol' Governor Gavin Newsom in CA is talking about huge cuts to the state budget, effecting mostly school and social services. My partner just found out the state sponsored agency she works for might have all of it's funding cut by July 1. I know we're not special or unique in this regard, but Goddamnit.

Newsom just slashed our agency 10% starting July. We're already operating at a 20% deficit from the last recession. Comparing to the great recession where we started with a 5% cut and ended up cutting 1/3rd of the workforce (with most of the remaining demoted one step), I can already see that we are severely fucked. I can see why he's opening up again while the death rate is still increasing.

It's rough. Truthfully, we're thinking about pulling up and moving out when and if the time comes. My hope was to get a county job for a few years after grad school to get licensed, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon, especially considering we live in one of the 5 poorest counties in the state. I think it's top 3 in ACEs scores as well. Damn. good god damn
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 17, 2020, 07:04:36 PM
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Good ol' Governor Gavin Newsom in CA is talking about huge cuts to the state budget, effecting mostly school and social services. My partner just found out the state sponsored agency she works for might have all of it's funding cut by July 1. I know we're not special or unique in this regard, but Goddamnit.

Newsom just slashed our agency 10% starting July. We're already operating at a 20% deficit from the last recession. Comparing to the great recession where we started with a 5% cut and ended up cutting 1/3rd of the workforce (with most of the remaining demoted one step), I can already see that we are severely fucked. I can see why he's opening up again while the death rate is still increasing.

It's rough. Truthfully, we're thinking about pulling up and moving out when and if the time comes. My hope was to get a county job for a few years after grad school to get licensed, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon, especially considering we live in one of the 5 poorest counties in the state. I think it's top 3 in ACEs scores as well. Damn. good god damn
yeah california might be a wrap. newsome really should end up doing serious prison time after all this. human rights violations bordering on war crimes
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on May 17, 2020, 11:49:18 PM
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Good ol' Governor Gavin Newsom in CA is talking about huge cuts to the state budget, effecting mostly school and social services. My partner just found out the state sponsored agency she works for might have all of it's funding cut by July 1. I know we're not special or unique in this regard, but Goddamnit.

Newsom just slashed our agency 10% starting July. We're already operating at a 20% deficit from the last recession. Comparing to the great recession where we started with a 5% cut and ended up cutting 1/3rd of the workforce (with most of the remaining demoted one step), I can already see that we are severely fucked. I can see why he's opening up again while the death rate is still increasing.

It's rough. Truthfully, we're thinking about pulling up and moving out when and if the time comes. My hope was to get a county job for a few years after grad school to get licensed, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon, especially considering we live in one of the 5 poorest counties in the state. I think it's top 3 in ACEs scores as well. Damn. good god damn
yeah california might be a wrap. newsome really should end up doing serious prison time after all this. human rights violations bordering on war crimes

Is this hyperbole?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 18, 2020, 12:02:52 AM
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Good ol' Governor Gavin Newsom in CA is talking about huge cuts to the state budget, effecting mostly school and social services. My partner just found out the state sponsored agency she works for might have all of it's funding cut by July 1. I know we're not special or unique in this regard, but Goddamnit.

Newsom just slashed our agency 10% starting July. We're already operating at a 20% deficit from the last recession. Comparing to the great recession where we started with a 5% cut and ended up cutting 1/3rd of the workforce (with most of the remaining demoted one step), I can already see that we are severely fucked. I can see why he's opening up again while the death rate is still increasing.

It's rough. Truthfully, we're thinking about pulling up and moving out when and if the time comes. My hope was to get a county job for a few years after grad school to get licensed, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon, especially considering we live in one of the 5 poorest counties in the state. I think it's top 3 in ACEs scores as well. Damn. good god damn
yeah california might be a wrap. newsome really should end up doing serious prison time after all this. human rights violations bordering on war crimes

Is this hyperbole?

a bit.

california will be fine eventually but newsom is pretty evidently guilty of human rights crimes. cuomo should for sure end up in prison but we'll see if anyone actually sacks up and goes after them the way they should.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on May 18, 2020, 01:10:35 AM
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Good ol' Governor Gavin Newsom in CA is talking about huge cuts to the state budget, effecting mostly school and social services. My partner just found out the state sponsored agency she works for might have all of it's funding cut by July 1. I know we're not special or unique in this regard, but Goddamnit.

Newsom just slashed our agency 10% starting July. We're already operating at a 20% deficit from the last recession. Comparing to the great recession where we started with a 5% cut and ended up cutting 1/3rd of the workforce (with most of the remaining demoted one step), I can already see that we are severely fucked. I can see why he's opening up again while the death rate is still increasing.

It's rough. Truthfully, we're thinking about pulling up and moving out when and if the time comes. My hope was to get a county job for a few years after grad school to get licensed, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon, especially considering we live in one of the 5 poorest counties in the state. I think it's top 3 in ACEs scores as well. Damn. good god damn
yeah california might be a wrap. newsome really should end up doing serious prison time after all this. human rights violations bordering on war crimes

Is this hyperbole?

a bit.

california will be fine eventually but newsom is pretty evidently guilty of human rights crimes. cuomo should for sure end up in prison but we'll see if anyone actually sacks up and goes after them the way they should.

No disrespect but you sound like a fucking dolt.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 43 on May 18, 2020, 02:03:36 AM
Skatepark is open again so I now go there along with the grocery and liquor stores along with endless neighborhood hikes. Stores are starting to open up for curbside sales (San Francisco)  but I don’t want to buy anything but essentials.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on May 19, 2020, 03:45:50 AM
Accidentally put an N95 through the laundry but it looked super clean now. What yall think? Good for another week of work?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Krile on May 19, 2020, 03:57:26 AM
A ton of stuff opens in Ontario today so I'm half expecting a huge spike in cases and half expecting nothing to happen guess time will tell.

I personally won't be going anywhere yet, maybe to check out the skatepark but it's generally dead as fuck regardless of pandemics.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Cuban_Lynx on May 19, 2020, 06:21:17 AM
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I keep posting in this but my town is doing so abysmally bad. On that list the White House has of increasing cases we're #3 by county. We're the only city in the county. The city still decided to reopen the bars and restaurants.

wisconsin is showing increases because they're filing backlogged tests as current (see: "lying"). they won't be able to keep it up and infection rates will fall in line with the decline seen everywhere else.

your town is fine
I'm heading to Madison this weekend to take care of my deceased uncle's house. I've heard cases are pretty low there, but bars have been packed elsewhere in the state. When people are drunk, they'll definitely let their guard down. I would not trust a pint glass these days.

In Chicago things are still really quiet by me, but when there's nice weather, the parks are packed and 50% of people aren't wearing masks. It really irks me how many people are jogging down busy streets without masks on. I personally know 6 people who have died from this already. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on May 19, 2020, 06:35:44 AM
we have had massive drops in new infections. like where my parents live is basically corona free. in my city it went down from a couple thousand to a few hundred as of now. lots of measures still in place, mandatory masks at stores, distance rules, all that still applies. cafes and restaurants and bars have opened up again, but can't serve as many guests as before. there's still no work for me to do at my job. i might have to look for another come next month since i can't live like this much longer. i also don't want to liquidate the little savings i have rn just because of corona.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 19, 2020, 04:09:37 PM
NJ also just admitted that they've been puffing up their numbers. "official" count from long term care facilities just dropped from 5,400 to 4,300:

this is consistent with the ~20% revision from colorado last week

this has been happening everywhere the whole time but you all bought the fear so long that nobody cares anymore

also this is still dying out on a seasonal curve just like it always was
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 23, 2020, 03:30:20 PM
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Good ol' Governor Gavin Newsom in CA is talking about huge cuts to the state budget, effecting mostly school and social services. My partner just found out the state sponsored agency she works for might have all of it's funding cut by July 1. I know we're not special or unique in this regard, but Goddamnit.

Newsom just slashed our agency 10% starting July. We're already operating at a 20% deficit from the last recession. Comparing to the great recession where we started with a 5% cut and ended up cutting 1/3rd of the workforce (with most of the remaining demoted one step), I can already see that we are severely fucked. I can see why he's opening up again while the death rate is still increasing.

It's rough. Truthfully, we're thinking about pulling up and moving out when and if the time comes. My hope was to get a county job for a few years after grad school to get licensed, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon, especially considering we live in one of the 5 poorest counties in the state. I think it's top 3 in ACEs scores as well. Damn. good god damn
yeah california might be a wrap. newsome really should end up doing serious prison time after all this. human rights violations bordering on war crimes

Is this hyperbole?

a bit.

california will be fine eventually but newsom is pretty evidently guilty of human rights crimes. cuomo should for sure end up in prison but we'll see if anyone actually sacks up and goes after them the way they should.

No disrespect but you sound like a fucking dolt.

in illinois as well as LA county in California (and likely many other places), officials are now blocking access to information guaranteed to the public under the FOIA:

again, there is a criminal manipulation of facts in play all over


furthermore more states are now admitting to and corerctly revising that they were reporting positive antibody tests with positive active case tests which was a way to artificially inflate and prop up the numbers:

pos antibody is good means recovery and immunity and is essentially the opposite of active case numbers. lumping them together is criminally negligent
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: skateboardstickerz on May 23, 2020, 08:05:22 PM
Im in Winnipeg, MB Canada, were rolling into phase 2 of reopening our city
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on May 24, 2020, 09:54:59 PM
Beaches were packed to the brim today near me. Ventura county, Malibu, completely packed with cars. One of my favorite hiking spots opened up though so I’m stoked on that.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 25, 2020, 12:31:17 AM
Beaches were packed to the brim today near me. Ventura county, Malibu, completely packed with cars. One of my favorite hiking spots opened up though so I’m stoked on that.
all great news i'm happy to hear about your hiking spots. keep going outside it's over.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: able on May 25, 2020, 08:07:12 PM
Local Florida blood donation center is giving free antibody tests to everyone who donates. Guess who’s got an appointment to donate blood this Saturday? 😎

Will report back later. I’m pretty sure I had that Covid in March.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: iKobrakai on May 26, 2020, 04:56:30 AM
Gay Sweden here:

The rest of Gay Europe does not like us.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Shiek on May 26, 2020, 06:06:26 AM
Ontario really showing it's lack of leadership lately our Premiere is a bumbling moron and the provincial government and federal government seem to be looking to each to take action/be held accountable for blame.

I can't even watch the Prime Ministers daily addresses because of the annoying fucking french with translator speaking over it. Fuck a bilingual country it's high time we gas the Quebecers imo

I'm far enough from Toronto that their news doesn't really affect me but it seems like they are having problems with people overcrowding parks and generally ignoring the physical distancing guidelines.

Kinda surprised they aren't giving people spending money to keep them inside. I never applied for CERB because I'm already on welfare but some extra money would be super helpful around now. We Canadians didn't get any sort of stimulus check.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Tracerstracer on May 26, 2020, 06:49:05 AM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on May 26, 2020, 09:55:06 AM
Gay Sweden here:

The rest of Gay Europe does not like us.

You're in Sweden? I just got off a call with a swedish coworker who said the same thing, verbatim. Hilarious
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: WeirdBeach on May 26, 2020, 05:31:14 PM
(los angeles)finally got the results from the test i took two weeks ago. i did in fact test positive for COVID-19. i've been relatively asymptomatic save for the minor breathing issues i've had ( the reason i sought out a test in the first place). this basically puts me at about 3-4 weeks in. doc said im pretty much in the clear (monitor your breathing, drink fluids, rest etc.) good thing i was a sane member of society and stayed inside except for a few market and bank trips where i was always masked up and very cautious about social distance.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 26, 2020, 07:22:45 PM
(los angeles)finally got the results from the test i took two weeks ago. i did in fact test positive for COVID-19. i've been relatively asymptomatic save for the minor breathing issues i've had ( the reason i sought out a test in the first place). this basically puts me at about 3-4 weeks in. doc said im pretty much in the clear (monitor your breathing, drink fluids, rest etc.) good thing i was a sane member of society and stayed inside except for a few market and bank trips where i was always masked up and very cautious about social distance.

here more evidence that backlogged tests are being reported now. if the person getting the test doesn't even know for two weeks, how current can the numbers they're publishing be?

still positive testing rates are the lowest theyve been since they strted.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ice nine on May 26, 2020, 08:13:04 PM
100,000 dead in  usa today
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: WeirdBeach on May 26, 2020, 08:28:21 PM
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(los angeles)finally got the results from the test i took two weeks ago. i did in fact test positive for COVID-19. i've been relatively asymptomatic save for the minor breathing issues i've had ( the reason i sought out a test in the first place). this basically puts me at about 3-4 weeks in. doc said im pretty much in the clear (monitor your breathing, drink fluids, rest etc.) good thing i was a sane member of society and stayed inside except for a few market and bank trips where i was always masked up and very cautious about social distance.

here more evidence that backlogged tests are being reported now. if the person getting the test doesn't even know for two weeks, how current can the numbers they're publishing be?

still positive testing rates are the lowest theyve been since they strted.
to be fair i SHOULD have had my results 7 days after testing. Altamed claimed they've been trying to call. the number might have been filtered by a spam/telemarketer filter however.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: WeirdBeach on May 26, 2020, 08:30:05 PM
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Good ol' Governor Gavin Newsom in CA is talking about huge cuts to the state budget, effecting mostly school and social services. My partner just found out the state sponsored agency she works for might have all of it's funding cut by July 1. I know we're not special or unique in this regard, but Goddamnit.

Newsom just slashed our agency 10% starting July. We're already operating at a 20% deficit from the last recession. Comparing to the great recession where we started with a 5% cut and ended up cutting 1/3rd of the workforce (with most of the remaining demoted one step), I can already see that we are severely fucked. I can see why he's opening up again while the death rate is still increasing.

It's rough. Truthfully, we're thinking about pulling up and moving out when and if the time comes. My hope was to get a county job for a few years after grad school to get licensed, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon, especially considering we live in one of the 5 poorest counties in the state. I think it's top 3 in ACEs scores as well. Damn. good god damn
yeah you should probably move out of california
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 26, 2020, 09:05:29 PM
100,000 dead in  usa today
this means absolutely nothing.

7500 people die every day in usa

100 people a die a day from flu/pneumonia symptoms even in the middle of summer
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: WeirdBeach on May 26, 2020, 09:58:01 PM
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100,000 dead in  usa today
this means absolutely nothing.

7500 people die every day in usa

100 people a die a day from flu/pneumonia symptoms even in the middle of summer
lol shut up dude.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: alexicc on May 27, 2020, 06:08:15 AM
Here in Montenegro government claims that the country is free of coronavirus but the restrictions still on. Some borders will be opened next month and things will back to normal they say but I still can't trust it, better to stay at home for a little longer. I have a feeling like they just don't want the quarantine regulations to become an obstacle for the Montenegrin citizenship program ( which draws the rich people in the country and creates a huge income channel.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Tracerstracer on May 27, 2020, 08:24:37 AM
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100,000 dead in  usa today
this means absolutely nothing.

7500 people die every day in usa

100 people a die a day from flu/pneumonia symptoms even in the middle of summer
lol shut up dude.
ikr. seriously the dumbest opinion historically on slap have come from you. but yeah keep hoaxing it up dumbshit cuz now we gon listen to you
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 27, 2020, 09:16:42 AM
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100,000 dead in  usa today
this means absolutely nothing.

7500 people die every day in usa

100 people a die a day from flu/pneumonia symptoms even in the middle of summer
lol shut up dude.
ikr. seriously the dumbest opinion historically on slap have come from you. but yeah keep hoaxing it up dumbshit cuz now we gon listen to you

zero opinion, just real facts without the hype and scare spin tactics
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Tracerstracer on May 27, 2020, 09:40:13 AM
gotta laugh at dorks that are like "dude I'm woke" but in reality are just dreaming. dream on dreamer
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 27, 2020, 12:56:28 PM
gotta laugh at dorks that are like "dude I'm woke" but in reality are just dreaming. dream on dreamer
if you're referring to people who are clinging to false naratives about this being some kind of plague that they're saving themselves and everyone else from by wearing a mask and STAY INSIDE THE HOUSE

then i fully agrree.. it's hilarious.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on May 27, 2020, 02:19:29 PM
Here in Montenegro government claims that the country is free of coronavirus but the restrictions still on. Some borders will be opened next month and things will back to normal they say but I still can't trust it, better to stay at home for a little longer. I have a feeling like they just don't want the quarantine regulations to become an obstacle for the Montenegrin citizenship program ( which draws the rich people in the country and creates a huge income channel.

Pozdrav brate iz Slovenije.

Slovenia has seen 4 days with no cases and 2 new cases today. Reopening is very gradual, but people are letting their guards down very fast at every opportunity. 3/4 of our fatalities occurred in retirement homes and just a few of them at that. I hate working from home, my productivity is at 5%. And I don't have an excuse to commute via bicycle, which is the best part of my working life.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on May 27, 2020, 03:09:25 PM
81 new cases in the northeast health district that includes my county just today. I guess opening up was a great idea./sarcasm
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr. Stinky on May 27, 2020, 03:31:53 PM
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100,000 dead in  usa today
this means absolutely nothing.

7500 people die every day in usa

100 people a die a day from flu/pneumonia symptoms even in the middle of summer

I mean, we're talking about 100,000 actual people, with families, probably jobs, hobbies, stuff they like to read or watch on tv, with mostly mundane but sometimes remarkable lives, like you or me or anyone else.  All of them died from the same thing, and that thing didn't even exist in the world a year ago. 

I guess what I'm saying is: you're probably an actual psychopath, Buck.  To reiterate, you apparently don't experience empathy and you seem to be excited by cruelty, which is the sign of someone who should probably be excluded from society. 

Hope this helps. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mog on May 27, 2020, 03:51:05 PM
I don't think Buck is that bad.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mog on May 27, 2020, 03:52:50 PM
the vast majority of people who die from the Bat Flu were already old and frail they were likely going to die from another flu or falling down or a heart attack or something
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr. Stinky on May 27, 2020, 04:51:20 PM
the vast majority of people who die from the Bat Flu were already old and frail they were likely going to die from another flu or falling down or a heart attack or something

Cool, why didn't you go shoot them if that's the case?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 27, 2020, 05:35:08 PM
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the vast majority of people who die from the Bat Flu were already old and frail they were likely going to die from another flu or falling down or a heart attack or something

Cool, why didn't you go shoot them if that's the case?

and i'm the psychopath?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dont on May 27, 2020, 06:40:12 PM
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the vast majority of people who die from the Bat Flu were already old and frail they were likely going to die from another flu or falling down or a heart attack or something

Cool, why didn't you go shoot them if that's the case?

and i'm the psychopath?

That’s a massive assumption. “the vast majority was going to die from something” doesn’t justify 100k deaths. Have some empathy. If you want to be on the wrong side of history and ignore all health guidances, go for it. Don’t open your fucking mouth about it though. There are families suffering right now and the last thing that anyone needs to hear is your absurd take on this tragedy.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 27, 2020, 07:09:30 PM
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the vast majority of people who die from the Bat Flu were already old and frail they were likely going to die from another flu or falling down or a heart attack or something

Cool, why didn't you go shoot them if that's the case?

and i'm the psychopath?

That’s a massive assumption. “the vast majority was going to die from something” doesn’t justify 100k deaths. Have some empathy. If you want to be on the wrong side of history and ignore all health guidances, go for it. Don’t open your fucking mouth about it though. There are families suffering right now and the last thing that anyone needs to hear is your absurd take on this tragedy.

it's not a massive assumption. there's plenty of data showing something like 75% + had serious comorbidities and it's already been documented and admitted that deaths' previously reported as FROM covid were just pple who died of something else but tested posisitve .

families of dead people are always sad and people are always dying. none of this makes a difference you've just been manipulated to think this is some how vastly different than every other year
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on May 27, 2020, 07:23:30 PM
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Good ol' Governor Gavin Newsom in CA is talking about huge cuts to the state budget, effecting mostly school and social services. My partner just found out the state sponsored agency she works for might have all of it's funding cut by July 1. I know we're not special or unique in this regard, but Goddamnit.

Newsom just slashed our agency 10% starting July. We're already operating at a 20% deficit from the last recession. Comparing to the great recession where we started with a 5% cut and ended up cutting 1/3rd of the workforce (with most of the remaining demoted one step), I can already see that we are severely fucked. I can see why he's opening up again while the death rate is still increasing.

It's rough. Truthfully, we're thinking about pulling up and moving out when and if the time comes. My hope was to get a county job for a few years after grad school to get licensed, but I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon, especially considering we live in one of the 5 poorest counties in the state. I think it's top 3 in ACEs scores as well. Damn. good god damn
yeah you should probably move out of california

yeah, and still, there's not many places I'd rather be... time will tell. i live just outside the tsunami hazard zone. fires ::knock on wood:: haven't scoured us yet. the air is clean.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr. Stinky on May 27, 2020, 11:47:46 PM
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the vast majority of people who die from the Bat Flu were already old and frail they were likely going to die from another flu or falling down or a heart attack or something

Cool, why didn't you go shoot them if that's the case?

and i'm the psychopath?

That’s a massive assumption. “the vast majority was going to die from something” doesn’t justify 100k deaths. Have some empathy. If you want to be on the wrong side of history and ignore all health guidances, go for it. Don’t open your fucking mouth about it though. There are families suffering right now and the last thing that anyone needs to hear is your absurd take on this tragedy.

it's not a massive assumption. there's plenty of data showing something like 75% + had serious comorbidities and it's already been documented and admitted that deaths' previously reported as FROM covid were just pple who died of something else but tested posisitve .

families of dead people are always sad and people are always dying. none of this makes a difference you've just been manipulated to think this is some how vastly different than every other year

In not a psychopath or anything, but fuck grieving families.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 28, 2020, 12:36:50 AM
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the vast majority of people who die from the Bat Flu were already old and frail they were likely going to die from another flu or falling down or a heart attack or something

Cool, why didn't you go shoot them if that's the case?

and i'm the psychopath?

That’s a massive assumption. “the vast majority was going to die from something” doesn’t justify 100k deaths. Have some empathy. If you want to be on the wrong side of history and ignore all health guidances, go for it. Don’t open your fucking mouth about it though. There are families suffering right now and the last thing that anyone needs to hear is your absurd take on this tragedy.

it's not a massive assumption. there's plenty of data showing something like 75% + had serious comorbidities and it's already been documented and admitted that deaths' previously reported as FROM covid were just pple who died of something else but tested posisitve .

families of dead people are always sad and people are always dying. none of this makes a difference you've just been manipulated to think this is some how vastly different than every other year

In not a psychopath or anything, but fuck grieving families.

i'm guessing this is your first real encounter reckoning with death and you're likely in the anger stage of grief process. the good news is that you're near the end of the line and after a (hopefully short) stint of depression, you'll reach acceptance/hope and begin to rebuild.

blessings to you.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mog on May 28, 2020, 06:30:06 AM
Respect to Buck for staying cool while millions of other people lose their shit emotionally over something that statistically has a low chance of affecting them.

I'm still over here crying about the overdose and suicide statistics. Also victims of drunk driving "accidents".
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dont on May 28, 2020, 07:52:37 AM
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the vast majority of people who die from the Bat Flu were already old and frail they were likely going to die from another flu or falling down or a heart attack or something

Cool, why didn't you go shoot them if that's the case?

and i'm the psychopath?

That’s a massive assumption. “the vast majority was going to die from something” doesn’t justify 100k deaths. Have some empathy. If you want to be on the wrong side of history and ignore all health guidances, go for it. Don’t open your fucking mouth about it though. There are families suffering right now and the last thing that anyone needs to hear is your absurd take on this tragedy.

it's not a massive assumption. there's plenty of data showing something like 75% + had serious comorbidities and it's already been documented and admitted that deaths' previously reported as FROM covid were just pple who died of something else but tested posisitve .

families of dead people are always sad and people are always dying. none of this makes a difference you've just been manipulated to think this is some how vastly different than every other year

In not a psychopath or anything, but fuck grieving families.

i'm guessing this is your first real encounter reckoning with death and you're likely in the anger stage of grief process. the good news is that you're near the end of the line and after a (hopefully short) stint of depression, you'll reach acceptance/hope and begin to rebuild.

blessings to you.

I noticed you said “guessing” like you said “probably” in the previous statement... Your assumptions are coming out of left field. Also, Mog don’t congratulate this dude because he’s justified a global pandemic in a few sentences.

It really doesn’t concern me what you believe in. Just wear a mask in public. Worst case scenario it does nothing. Best case scenario you protect your community. Blessings to you.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 28, 2020, 09:59:26 AM
I noticed you said “guessing” like you said “probably” in the previous statement... Your assumptions are coming out of left field. Also, Mog don’t congratulate this dude because he’s justified a global pandemic in a few sentences.

It really doesn’t concern me what you believe in. Just wear a mask in public. Worst case scenario it does nothing. Best case scenario you protect your community. Blessings to you.

i didn't say "probably" one time in this thread. that would be a nit-picky gripe for me to make if it wasn't such a perfect example of the kind of propaganda that builds up and is used to perpetuate a fake narrative.

you're a liar and a coward.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mog on May 28, 2020, 10:05:07 AM
Also, Mog don’t congratulate this dude because he’s justified a global pandemic in a few sentences.

ok 5 post account
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dont on May 28, 2020, 10:34:55 AM
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I noticed you said “guessing” like you said “probably” in the previous statement... Your assumptions are coming out of left field. Also, Mog don’t congratulate this dude because he’s justified a global pandemic in a few sentences.

It really doesn’t concern me what you believe in. Just wear a mask in public. Worst case scenario it does nothing. Best case scenario you protect your community. Blessings to you.

i didn't say "probably" one time in this thread. that would be a nit-picky gripe for me to make if it wasn't such a perfect example of the kind of propaganda that builds up and is used to perpetuate a fake narrative.

you're a liar and a coward.

A liar and a coward? Last I checked your were being applauded for heroically staying cool because you are unaffected. I didn’t mean to get under your skin.

You said likely, not probably. I simply urged you to wear a mask. Propaganda / fake narrative aside, is it so difficult to practice better hygiene to be mindful of high risk citizens? Don’t answer that question I just thought I’d put it out there...

Anyways, mog if you’re basing your opinions off of post count, id love to hear your reasoning.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr. Stinky on May 28, 2020, 10:39:50 AM
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the vast majority of people who die from the Bat Flu were already old and frail they were likely going to die from another flu or falling down or a heart attack or something

Cool, why didn't you go shoot them if that's the case?

and i'm the psychopath?

That’s a massive assumption. “the vast majority was going to die from something” doesn’t justify 100k deaths. Have some empathy. If you want to be on the wrong side of history and ignore all health guidances, go for it. Don’t open your fucking mouth about it though. There are families suffering right now and the last thing that anyone needs to hear is your absurd take on this tragedy.

it's not a massive assumption. there's plenty of data showing something like 75% + had serious comorbidities and it's already been documented and admitted that deaths' previously reported as FROM covid were just pple who died of something else but tested posisitve .

families of dead people are always sad and people are always dying. none of this makes a difference you've just been manipulated to think this is some how vastly different than every other year

In not a psychopath or anything, but fuck grieving families.

i'm guessing this is your first real encounter reckoning with death and you're likely in the anger stage of grief process. the good news is that you're near the end of the line and after a (hopefully short) stint of depression, you'll reach acceptance/hope and begin to rebuild.

blessings to you.

Show us that cock, Buck. I wanna see your rock hard unit.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on May 28, 2020, 04:32:43 PM
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I noticed you said “guessing” like you said “probably” in the previous statement... Your assumptions are coming out of left field. Also, Mog don’t congratulate this dude because he’s justified a global pandemic in a few sentences.

It really doesn’t concern me what you believe in. Just wear a mask in public. Worst case scenario it does nothing. Best case scenario you protect your community. Blessings to you.

i didn't say "probably" one time in this thread. that would be a nit-picky gripe for me to make if it wasn't such a perfect example of the kind of propaganda that builds up and is used to perpetuate a fake narrative.

you're a liar and a coward.

A liar and a coward? Last I checked your were being applauded for heroically staying cool because you are unaffected. I didn’t mean to get under your skin.

You said likely, not probably. I simply urged you to wear a mask. Propaganda / fake narrative aside, is it so difficult to practice better hygiene to be mindful of high risk citizens? Don’t answer that question I just thought I’d put it out there...

Anyways, mog if you’re basing your opinions off of post count, id love to hear your reasoning.

ok so both were from the same post. agian twisting and making up facts in attempts to discredit my references of statistics that go against your false propped up narrative.

cowardly lies. not surprised
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dont on May 28, 2020, 05:43:01 PM
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I noticed you said “guessing” like you said “probably” in the previous statement... Your assumptions are coming out of left field. Also, Mog don’t congratulate this dude because he’s justified a global pandemic in a few sentences.

It really doesn’t concern me what you believe in. Just wear a mask in public. Worst case scenario it does nothing. Best case scenario you protect your community. Blessings to you.

i didn't say "probably" one time in this thread. that would be a nit-picky gripe for me to make if it wasn't such a perfect example of the kind of propaganda that builds up and is used to perpetuate a fake narrative.

you're a liar and a coward.

A liar and a coward? Last I checked your were being applauded for heroically staying cool because you are unaffected. I didn’t mean to get under your skin.

You said likely, not probably. I simply urged you to wear a mask. Propaganda / fake narrative aside, is it so difficult to practice better hygiene to be mindful of high risk citizens? Don’t answer that question I just thought I’d put it out there...

Anyways, mog if you’re basing your opinions off of post count, id love to hear your reasoning.

ok so both were from the same post. agian twisting and making up facts in attempts to discredit my references of statistics that go against your false propped up narrative.

cowardly lies. not surprised
They weren’t from the same post- let’s move on though.

I have no intention of “discrediting your references of statistics.” I don’t have an issue with you having your own beliefs. You are an adult.

I am telling you very clearly that if you don’t care about your hygiene, this is a bad time to be in public. .

Is it so hard to keep up your fake narrative beliefs but also not intentionally disregard basic health measures? Even without a pandemic, you just need to wash your hands.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mog on May 28, 2020, 05:44:29 PM
I'm gonna wander around stores aimlessly tomorrow with no mask and not wash my hands just to despite a 7 post avatar less skateboard fan
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mog on May 28, 2020, 05:47:19 PM
realistically I hope every human on earth dies including me so don't come at me with any fucking logic ok?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mog on May 28, 2020, 05:48:21 PM
oh right im a moogle not a human fuck well my point still stands
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on May 29, 2020, 08:13:15 AM
So masks or face coverings may become mandatory for public transit. But we can’t buy masks anywhere because the hospitals need them/people hoarded them. So the only masks that may be available are ineffective at inhibiting transmission of airborne pathogens. So I’m expected to wear a dust mask, or worse yet make my own mask out of old T-shirts and hair bands, for what purpose exactly? Granted, I will acquiesce and wear a mask because I might be wrong and I would prefer to err on the side of caution for the sake of those around me, but I really feel like it’s some silly shit.

Frankly, I think this is all so the Draculas can hide their fangs in public.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 08:18:32 AM
I don't mind maskin up cuz im ugly but i don't do it anyway so people are forced to look at my ugliness

I got a couple masks from my mental health worker though so I might use them I dunno

come to think of it I have some extra panties that would make pretty sexy masks
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 03, 2020, 07:28:35 PM
just a slight bump to see if anyone wants to apologize to me now or wait another two weeks i can be patient
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on June 03, 2020, 09:11:56 PM
just a slight bump to see if anyone wants to apologize to me now or wait another two weeks i can be patient
You can suck my whole dick from the back.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 03, 2020, 09:35:17 PM
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just a slight bump to see if anyone wants to apologize to me now or wait another two weeks i can be patient
You can suck my whole dick from the back.
ok check back in a copule weeks then.. got it
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: iKobrakai on June 03, 2020, 09:53:17 PM
just a slight bump to see if anyone wants to apologize to me now or wait another two weeks i can be patient

Carefull, don't wanna become a patient.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on June 04, 2020, 08:53:32 AM
Everything has been fine in my household since the last time I posted in this thread.

I’m far less stressed about covid shit the last 4 weeks.

I found out 2 days ago that my half sister, her husband and 1 of her 2 young daughters all had covid. The husband had it the worst with 104 fever and the rest of them had fever that didn’t go over 101. Their youngest daughter did not get it tho. And the have had her tested multiple times, even this she is always laying and playin with her mom, dad and sister, for some reason she never tested positive.
They have all recovered already.
Luckily none of them developed pneumonia from it and just had the normal fever cold flu kinda symptoms.

My dad was saying he was really glad they didn’t tell him about it until after they all got better because he would have been very scared and worried for them.
This half sister lives in San Antonio tx.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Cthulhu! on June 04, 2020, 10:33:18 AM
My furlough is over. I just got laid off. I am conflicted.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mog on June 04, 2020, 11:23:43 AM
Moogle Village is still pretty much the same as when I started this account I hate Ontario why the Moogles would choose to live here is beyond me.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: lampshade on June 04, 2020, 11:58:11 AM
It's crazy here in DC.  So many protests and people do not seem to care about congregating in large groups.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 04, 2020, 01:49:27 PM
It's crazy here in DC.  So many protests and people do not seem to care about congregating in large groups.
at least now you'll have proof that there is no threat
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chavo on June 04, 2020, 02:15:12 PM
Our government agency is fully opening to the public in on June 15. Still no masks, disinfectant or gloves will be provided. Worse off, we're facing massive layoffs in a month. I'm just afraid that I'll miss out on that supplemental $600 a week when my time comes to file for unemployment.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on June 06, 2020, 05:37:27 PM
A family down the street had 2 kids get the kawasaki like syndrome. They were quarantined in the hospital for a month. Hopefully they're going to be alright.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 06, 2020, 11:04:01 PM
A family down the street had 2 kids get the kawasaki like syndrome. They were quarantined in the hospital for a month. Hopefully they're going to be alright.
smells like bullshit to me
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 07, 2020, 07:22:55 AM
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A family down the street had 2 kids get the kawasaki like syndrome. They were quarantined in the hospital for a month. Hopefully they're going to be alright.
smells like bullshit to me

And the dead people? They’re faking, too?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dont on June 07, 2020, 09:56:49 AM
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A family down the street had 2 kids get the kawasaki like syndrome. They were quarantined in the hospital for a month. Hopefully they're going to be alright.
smells like bullshit to me

Give it a rest dude
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 07, 2020, 10:06:35 AM
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A family down the street had 2 kids get the kawasaki like syndrome. They were quarantined in the hospital for a month. Hopefully they're going to be alright.
smells like bullshit to me

Give it a rest dude
"2 kids down the street" from some anonymous messageboard poster allegedly got sick from a "syndrome" that's allegedly (though with no solid evidence) tied to a virus that has been wildly overreacted to.

i'll give it a rest when you guys give it a rest with this fucking bullshit, untill then your bitch ass scare tactic brainwashed nonsense will be met with pushback so it is not accepted as fact by peopel who aren't as stupid as you
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dont on June 07, 2020, 10:28:47 AM
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A family down the street had 2 kids get the kawasaki like syndrome. They were quarantined in the hospital for a month. Hopefully they're going to be alright.
smells like bullshit to me

Give it a rest dude
"2 kids down the street" from some anonymous messageboard poster allegedly got sick from a "syndrome" that's allegedly (though with no solid evidence) tied to a virus that has been wildly overreacted to.

i'll give it a rest when you guys give it a rest with this fucking bullshit, untill then your bitch ass scare tactic brainwashed nonsense will be met with pushback so it is not accepted as fact by peopel who aren't as stupid as you

😂 ok, this debate has gone too far. If you have an issue with the “brainwash nonsense” please take it up with the frontline workers that have seen the irl repercussions. I’m sure they will appreciate your well wishes.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on June 07, 2020, 10:41:06 AM
I like to read his responses for a laugh.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Charlie Hustle on June 07, 2020, 10:52:00 AM
I got tested at work Friday night. Had results Saturday. They said we should test at least once a month even if we aren’t feeling sick. I was scared as fuck about the test since everyone said it hurt, but it didn’t hurt at all, just weird pressure.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 07, 2020, 10:56:32 AM
push a false narrative then when its' challenged you pivot to belittling the source of the informed opposition

you are employing scientology tactics
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dont on June 07, 2020, 11:31:34 AM
push a false narrative then when its' challenged you pivot to belittling the source of the informed opposition

you are employing scientology tactics

The irony of thinking that I am belittling you when you are persistently belittling everyone who has died or is at high risk shows that you are never going to understand. Time to use your energy elsewhere.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on June 07, 2020, 11:34:18 AM
We are slowly reopening but people aren't being too dumb so our cases keep going down which is great. But, the schools and day cares are still closed and my job is online until at least Jan.

I am worried about the protests in the States though. It is strange, I'd like to see change come from the protests but masks or not I worry about the safety of everyone at the protests. And, I really wonder what happens when everyone goes back to school in the fall. Students spread disease like crazy.


Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 07, 2020, 11:58:18 AM
I am worried about the protests in the States though. It is strange, I'd like to see change come from the protests but masks or not I worry about the safety of everyone at the protests.
no need to worry when the numbers are readily available:

the protests and ensuing riots started 13 days ago and % pos cases are still trending aggressively downward despite more testing than ever.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 07, 2020, 12:12:13 PM
Actually, the number of daily positive tests is remaining relatively constant. The percentage of positive results is decreasing due to the increase in total daily tests. And with a 1-14 day incubation period, it’s too early to draw any conclusions.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 07, 2020, 12:18:47 PM
Actually, the number of daily positive tests is remaining relatively constant. The percentage of positive results is decreasing due to the increase in total daily tests. And with a 1-14 day incubation period, it’s too early to draw any conclusions.
the protests and ensuing riots started 13 days ago and % pos cases are still trending aggressively downward despite more testing than ever.
this is the brain damage i've been referring to at work

no reading comprehension and refusal to accept non-fatalist news that directly contradicts your fear monger rhetoric

keep in mind that this is from the oldest and most respected research university in america. it's just not "science" enough i guess  ::)
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 07, 2020, 12:30:01 PM
Yes, but you are misunderstanding me. I looked at the site you posted. The number of new positive daily tests is holding steady. The number of total tests per day is increasing. Therefore, the percentage of positive daily tests is decreasing. Thus, the downward trend in the 7 day moving average percentage of positive cases is because the number of daily tests is increasing, not because the number of positive daily tests are decreasing (because they appear relatively constant). Do you even stats, bro?

And yes, the protests started 13 days ago. Therefore, with a 1-14 day incubation time, the upper limit estimate states individuals infected on the first day of the protests may currently remain asymptomatic.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 07, 2020, 12:43:44 PM
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Actually, the number of daily positive tests is remaining relatively constant. The percentage of positive results is decreasing due to the increase in total daily tests. And with a 1-14 day incubation period, it’s too early to draw any conclusions.
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the protests and ensuing riots started 13 days ago and % pos cases are still trending aggressively downward despite more testing than ever.
this is the brain damage i've been referring to at work

no reading comprehension and refusal to accept non-fatalist news that directly contradicts your fear monger rhetoric

keep in mind that this is from the oldest and most respected research university in america. it's just not "science" enough i guess  ::)

Are you a Walmart greeter or the guy who collects the carts?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garnet on June 07, 2020, 12:48:22 PM
Yes, but you are misunderstanding me. I looked at the site you posted. The number of new positive daily tests is holding steady. The number of total tests per day is increasing. Therefore, the percentage of positive daily tests is decreasing. Thus, the downward trend in the 7 day moving average percentage of positive cases is because the number of daily tests is increasing, not because the number of positive daily tests are decreasing (because they appear relatively constant). Do you even stats, bro?

And yes, the protests started 13 days ago. Therefore, with a 1-14 day incubation time, the upper limit estimate states individuals infected on the first day of the protests may currently remain asymptomatic.

Didnt read Corona is FAKE
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 07, 2020, 12:49:38 PM
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Yes, but you are misunderstanding me. I looked at the site you posted. The number of new positive daily tests is holding steady. The number of total tests per day is increasing. Therefore, the percentage of positive daily tests is decreasing. Thus, the downward trend in the 7 day moving average percentage of positive cases is because the number of daily tests is increasing, not because the number of positive daily tests are decreasing (because they appear relatively constant). Do you even stats, bro?

And yes, the protests started 13 days ago. Therefore, with a 1-14 day incubation time, the upper limit estimate states individuals infected on the first day of the protests may currently remain asymptomatic.

Didnt read Corona is FAKE

Lol waddup homie.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garnet on June 07, 2020, 12:51:13 PM
not much just relishing the fact that i don't have to make up excuses for why im sitting inside all day
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 07, 2020, 02:35:34 PM
I looked at the site you posted. The number of new positive daily tests is holding steady. The number of total tests per day is increasing. Therefore, the percentage of positive daily tests is decreasing. Thus, the downward trend in the 7 day moving average percentage of positive cases is because the number of daily tests is increasing, not because the number of positive daily tests are decreasing (because they appear relatively constant). Do you even stats, bro?

yes, more tests overall to find the same amount of positive cases means it is becoming harder to find aka its going away.

thank you. gald you finally got there!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 07, 2020, 02:57:57 PM
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I looked at the site you posted. The number of new positive daily tests is holding steady. The number of total tests per day is increasing. Therefore, the percentage of positive daily tests is decreasing. Thus, the downward trend in the 7 day moving average percentage of positive cases is because the number of daily tests is increasing, not because the number of positive daily tests are decreasing (because they appear relatively constant). Do you even stats, bro?

yes, more tests overall to find the same amount of positive cases means it is becoming harder to find aka its going away.

thank you. gald you finally got there!

No, it means the number of new cases is remaining nearly constant.

I invite you to contact them with both of our interpretations of the graph.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Enrico Pallazzo on June 07, 2020, 03:19:15 PM
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I looked at the site you posted. The number of new positive daily tests is holding steady. The number of total tests per day is increasing. Therefore, the percentage of positive daily tests is decreasing. Thus, the downward trend in the 7 day moving average percentage of positive cases is because the number of daily tests is increasing, not because the number of positive daily tests are decreasing (because they appear relatively constant). Do you even stats, bro?

yes, more tests overall to find the same amount of positive cases means it is becoming harder to find aka its going away.

thank you. gald you finally got there!

“Becoming harder to find”
You are just the most doo doo ass poster on here.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 07, 2020, 05:24:33 PM
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I looked at the site you posted. The number of new positive daily tests is holding steady. The number of total tests per day is increasing. Therefore, the percentage of positive daily tests is decreasing. Thus, the downward trend in the 7 day moving average percentage of positive cases is because the number of daily tests is increasing, not because the number of positive daily tests are decreasing (because they appear relatively constant). Do you even stats, bro?

yes, more tests overall to find the same amount of positive cases means it is becoming harder to find aka its going away.

thank you. gald you finally got there!

No, it means the number of new cases is remaining nearly constant.

I invite you to contact them with both of our interpretations of the graph.
it actually means the number of positive tests remains nearly constant (also means number of negative tests is growing) but i'm not going to even try to present the concept of multiple positive tests comign from the same person

you're clearly struggling as it is

i'm glad you're on record being this ignorant though. maybe it's good that some of you are this easy to fool
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 07, 2020, 06:02:17 PM
But you do not consider multiple negative tests coming from the same person? You are trying to invalidate the data you presented me. Weird move.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on June 08, 2020, 12:26:49 AM
Slovenia has been without new cases for a week or more, and now there are some isolated cases popping up again. These cases are then quarantined, but everything else has been reopened basically.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 08, 2020, 08:24:28 AM
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I looked at the site you posted. The number of new positive daily tests is holding steady. The number of total tests per day is increasing. Therefore, the percentage of positive daily tests is decreasing. Thus, the downward trend in the 7 day moving average percentage of positive cases is because the number of daily tests is increasing, not because the number of positive daily tests are decreasing (because they appear relatively constant). Do you even stats, bro?

yes, more tests overall to find the same amount of positive cases means it is becoming harder to find aka its going away.

thank you. gald you finally got there!

No, it means the number of new cases is remaining nearly constant.

I invite you to contact them with both of our interpretations of the graph.
it actually means the number of positive tests remains nearly constant (also means number of negative tests is growing) but i'm not going to even try to present the concept of multiple positive tests comign from the same person

you're clearly struggling as it is

i'm glad you're on record being this ignorant though. maybe it's good that some of you are this easy to fool (

Some fun facts from the CDC.

The percentage of specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, continue to decline or remain stable at low levels.
Mortality attributed to COVID-19 also decreased compared to last week but remains elevated above baseline and may increase as additional death certificates are processed.
o Nationally, visits to outpatient providers and emergency departments (EDs) for illnesses with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 continued to decline or remain stable at low levels. Outpatient ILI visits are below baseline nationally and in all regions of the country.  The decrease in the percentage of people presenting for care with ILI and CLI may be due to a decline in COVID-19 illness, which could be in part a result of widespread adoption of social distancing, in addition to decreases in healthcare seeking behavior.

Nationally, the percentages of laboratory specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 with a molecular assay decreased compared to last week; however, there are two developments in particular worth noting: 
1 – The percent positivity increased in four HHS surveillance regions: Region 4 (the southeast), Region 6 (the south central), Region 9 (the west coast) and Region 10 (the Pacific northwest).
2 - While the number of specimens from children <18 years of age tested is low (<5% of all specimens tested in public health and commercial laboratories), the percentage testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 in this age group continued to either trend upward or remain relatively stable while other age groups have seen consistent declines in percent positivity in recent weeks.

And some race related findings:
Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native persons have a (hospitalization) rate approximately 5 times that of non-Hispanic White persons, non-Hispanic Black persons have a rate approximately 4.5 times that of non-Hispanic White persons, while Hispanic or Latino persons have a rate approximately 3.5 times that of non-Hispanic White persons.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 08, 2020, 12:06:11 PM
it's officially a wrap so you guys are gonna need to cle4an your shit up and get out of here:

Asymptomatic spread of coronavirus is ‘very rare,’ WHO says

to translate: nobody is getting sick from teh protests so we better start telling the truth before they come for us
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 08, 2020, 12:19:55 PM
Lol u r a bot. (
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 09, 2020, 06:45:24 AM
Thanks for showing me this site! (

It's super interesting. Check the recent increases in Arizona, Arkansas, DC, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Washington.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: brycickle on June 09, 2020, 08:14:35 AM
push a false narrative then when its' challenged you pivot to belittling the source of the informed opposition

you are employing scientology tactics
The problem is, that you aren't informed. You're just opposition.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on June 09, 2020, 02:27:28 PM
Ding ding ding
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pugmaster on June 09, 2020, 04:36:31 PM
Restaurants are open in orange county.  This includes the Olive Garden.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: 43 on June 09, 2020, 05:14:09 PM
Sirens all the time and some looting here in SF but want to keep working from home forever so I can keep waking up at 10 and go skating after eating an edible.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on June 09, 2020, 05:30:32 PM
Sirens all the time and some looting here in SF but want to keep working from home forever so I can keep waking up at 10 and go skating after eating an edible.
The way life is supposed to be.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on June 10, 2020, 08:47:21 PM
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A family down the street had 2 kids get the kawasaki like syndrome. They were quarantined in the hospital for a month. Hopefully they're going to be alright.
smells like bullshit to me

Give it a rest dude
"2 kids down the street" from some anonymous messageboard poster allegedly got sick from a "syndrome" that's allegedly (though with no solid evidence) tied to a virus that has been wildly overreacted to.

i'll give it a rest when you guys give it a rest with this fucking bullshit, untill then your bitch ass scare tactic brainwashed nonsense will be met with pushback so it is not accepted as fact by peopel who aren't as stupid as you

Do you need your prostate tickled or something?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: bad joke on June 10, 2020, 10:02:56 PM
Restaurants are open in orange county.  This includes the Olive Garden.

oh FUCK yeah

Breadsticks are happening 2NITE
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: PENILE_JUDGEMENT on June 11, 2020, 04:58:56 PM
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Restaurants are open in orange county.  This includes the Olive Garden.

oh FUCK yeah

Breadsticks are happening 2NITE

I wish breakfast restaurants would serve free little waffles like that
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 11, 2020, 05:21:22 PM
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Restaurants are open in orange county.  This includes the Olive Garden.

oh FUCK yeah

Breadsticks are happening 2NITE

I wish breakfast restaurants would serve free little waffles like that

Bottomless basket of waffles? Yes, please.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 11, 2020, 06:49:04 PM
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Restaurants are open in orange county.  This includes the Olive Garden.

oh FUCK yeah

Breadsticks are happening 2NITE

I wish breakfast restaurants would serve free little waffles like that

Bottomless basket of waffles? Yes, please.
finally something we all can agree on
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: brycickle on June 11, 2020, 07:57:57 PM
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A family down the street had 2 kids get the kawasaki like syndrome. They were quarantined in the hospital for a month. Hopefully they're going to be alright.
smells like bullshit to me

Give it a rest dude
"2 kids down the street" from some anonymous messageboard poster allegedly got sick from a "syndrome" that's allegedly (though with no solid evidence) tied to a virus that has been wildly overreacted to.

i'll give it a rest when you guys give it a rest with this fucking bullshit, untill then your bitch ass scare tactic brainwashed nonsense will be met with pushback so it is not accepted as fact by peopel who aren't as stupid as you

Do you need your prostate tickled or something?
Gipper's not here man.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Trashcon on June 11, 2020, 10:07:13 PM
Getting gnarly. Major spikes after Mother's Day and Memorial Day. Small community for such big numbers.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 12, 2020, 06:05:51 AM
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Restaurants are open in orange county.  This includes the Olive Garden.

oh FUCK yeah

Breadsticks are happening 2NITE

I wish breakfast restaurants would serve free little waffles like that

Bottomless basket of waffles? Yes, please.
finally something we all can agree on

But you said such hurtful things to me. You can’t use the good syrup.

Ok, that’s mean. You can use the good syrup.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Garnet on June 12, 2020, 06:41:13 AM
Ontario increased it's gathering limit from 5 to 10 people today. Makes no difference to me not one person has tried to contact me through all this would be kinda sad if I thought into it.

My region is still at Stage 1 of reopening but most of the province is at Stage 2 today which means pools, hair salons, and a few other non essential things are opened back up.

I almost feel bad for the people who like going out and socializing in large crowds, they must be feeling relatively insignificant in all of this. Oh well, fuck em.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Nick.. on June 12, 2020, 01:51:03 PM
Ontario increased it's gathering limit from 5 to 10 people today. Makes no difference to me not one person has tried to contact me through all this would be kinda sad if I thought into it.

My region is still at Stage 1 of reopening but most of the province is at Stage 2 today which means pools, hair salons, and a few other non essential things are opened back up.

I almost feel bad for the people who like going out and socializing in large crowds, they must be feeling relatively insignificant in all of this. Oh well, fuck em.

My region still in Stage 1 too, I can deal with waiting another week for Stage 2.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 13, 2020, 02:00:12 PM
Thanks for showing me this site! (

It's super interesting. Check the recent increases in Arizona, Arkansas, DC, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Washington.
let's check in 4 days later:

nearly all have leveld off despite focused testing, reopening of hospitals to elective procedures and patients coming in across borders:

also worth noting that in many the case counts are so insanely small that it's ridiculous to use the data (Oregon: ~3% pos, ~100 cases)

we're now over a month since openings and more than 2 weeks since massive and wideseread protests/riots began

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on June 13, 2020, 06:53:01 PM
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A family down the street had 2 kids get the kawasaki like syndrome. They were quarantined in the hospital for a month. Hopefully they're going to be alright.
smells like bullshit to me

Give it a rest dude
"2 kids down the street" from some anonymous messageboard poster allegedly got sick from a "syndrome" that's allegedly (though with no solid evidence) tied to a virus that has been wildly overreacted to.

i'll give it a rest when you guys give it a rest with this fucking bullshit, untill then your bitch ass scare tactic brainwashed nonsense will be met with pushback so it is not accepted as fact by peopel who aren't as stupid as you

Do you need your prostate tickled or something?
Gipper's not here man.

if it smells like shit, its shit.

i wonder what happened to that dude. i was off the boards for a minute. did he leave in a flaming ball of shit or just trickle away?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 13, 2020, 07:28:59 PM
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Thanks for showing me this site! (

It's super interesting. Check the recent increases in Arizona, Arkansas, DC, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Washington.
let's check in 4 days later:

nearly all have leveld off despite focused testing, reopening of hospitals to elective procedures and patients coming in across borders:

also worth noting that in many the case counts are so insanely small that it's ridiculous to use the data (Oregon: ~3% pos, ~100 cases)

we're now over a month since openings and more than 2 weeks since massive and wideseread protests/riots began

Yeah, things are looking pretty good so far. I’m glad to see it. The CDC is reporting a small increase nationally, mostly from the north east, south east, south central, and Pacific Northwest, and people under 18 are still above average, but yeah, otherwise stable at low levels or decreasing in many places. (
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 13, 2020, 08:14:32 PM
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Thanks for showing me this site! (

It's super interesting. Check the recent increases in Arizona, Arkansas, DC, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Washington.
let's check in 4 days later:

nearly all have leveld off despite focused testing, reopening of hospitals to elective procedures and patients coming in across borders:

also worth noting that in many the case counts are so insanely small that it's ridiculous to use the data (Oregon: ~3% pos, ~100 cases)

we're now over a month since openings and more than 2 weeks since massive and wideseread protests/riots began

Yeah, things are looking pretty good so far. I’m glad to see it. The CDC is reporting a small increase nationally, mostly from the north east, south east, south central, and Pacific Northwest, and people under 18 are still above average, but yeah, otherwise stable at low levels or decreasing in many places. (
what's crazy is that the "spikes" in the news right now seem to be delayed reaction to the slight increases you were posting about earlier in the week.

it's understandable people see a number get bigger they get scared but viruses like these are typically seasonal and do burn out

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on June 15, 2020, 06:42:36 AM
In Southern California and daily cases are double what they were a month ago, pre Memorial Weekend and protests.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 15, 2020, 11:22:07 AM
In Southern California and daily cases are double what they were a month ago, pre Memorial Weekend and protests.
increased testing and cases coming over from mexico

even the la times admits as much:
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: drunk guy on June 15, 2020, 07:50:12 PM
My roommate just tested positive for both the virus and the antibodies. I immediately got tested after hearing and talked to the doctor about it and she said that dead virus cells can trigger a positive nasal swab. Needless to say im laying low until I get test results back
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Idk on June 16, 2020, 07:44:51 AM
Won’t we only know if the cases are spiking by next week?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 16, 2020, 08:12:05 AM
Won’t we only know if the cases are spiking by next week?

Sort of, yeah. It’s my understanding that test results cannot be processed/added to the datasets immediately, so the set becomes more complete over time as all of the results are added. The incomplete set can give some insight on what is happening and provide a reasonable estimate, but yeah, it takes some time to get all of the values added. And even then, it’s not really “complete,” but the law of big numbers and central limit theorem suggest that an accurate estimation of the mean can be found using a sufficiently large sample size.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 16, 2020, 11:32:20 AM
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Won’t we only know if the cases are spiking by next week?

Sort of, yeah. It’s my understanding that test results cannot be processed/added to the datasets immediately, so the set becomes more complete over time as all of the results are added. The incomplete set can give some insight on what is happening and provide a reasonable estimate, but yeah, it takes some time to get all of the values added. And even then, it’s not really “complete,” but the law of big numbers and central limit theorem suggest that an accurate estimation of the mean can be found using a sufficiently large sample size.
the problem is this "wait one (or two) more weeks" has been used to perpetuate a state of panic for over three months now and it's never amounted to anything other than a new set of things to wait a couple weeks for

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sick Duck on June 16, 2020, 11:54:13 AM
I’m lucky to live in an area that was barely hit by it at all. I still don’t know a single person who got it. At this point it basically feels back to normal except u have to wear a mask in stores and i still wash my hands a ton
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on June 16, 2020, 12:20:15 PM
Won’t we only know if the cases are spiking by next week?

I'm not seeing any epidemiologists or public health folks posting up here, so I wouldn't take what people are espousing as facts that downplay the virus as anything of value. It's all opinion. All I know is that I don't know, so when folks I know who work with dead bodies and in hospitals say this shit is a serious concern, I'll listen.
I’m lucky to live in an area that was barely hit by it at all. I still don’t know a single person who got it. At this point it basically feels back to normal except u have to wear a mask in stores and i still wash my hands a ton

Thanks for washing your hands and wearing a mask. It's not hard, especially considering  that there's a significant chance that taking those actions can save lives.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 16, 2020, 12:40:12 PM

I'm not seeing any epidemiologists or public health folks posting up here, so I wouldn't take what people are espousing as facts that downplay the virus as anything of value. It's all opinion. All I know is that I don't know, so when folks I know who work with dead bodies and in hospitals say this shit is a serious concern, I'll listen.

good for you. but by your own metircs you're just contributing more noise

the "folks (you) know who work with dead bodies" probably don't work with a lot of healthy people in general so it's a bit of a skewed data source and purely anecdotal
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on June 16, 2020, 02:04:31 PM
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I'm not seeing any epidemiologists or public health folks posting up here, so I wouldn't take what people are espousing as facts that downplay the virus as anything of value. It's all opinion. All I know is that I don't know, so when folks I know who work with dead bodies and in hospitals say this shit is a serious concern, I'll listen.

good for you. but by your own metircs you're just contributing more noise

the "folks (you) know who work with dead bodies" probably don't work with a lot of healthy people in general so it's a bit of a skewed data source and purely anecdotal

you've always got a lot to say about this topic, how do you derive the opinions you present as fact? What do you do for a living? What's your education? What makes you more of an expert than medical professionals?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 16, 2020, 04:44:49 PM
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I'm not seeing any epidemiologists or public health folks posting up here, so I wouldn't take what people are espousing as facts that downplay the virus as anything of value. It's all opinion. All I know is that I don't know, so when folks I know who work with dead bodies and in hospitals say this shit is a serious concern, I'll listen.

good for you. but by your own metircs you're just contributing more noise

the "folks (you) know who work with dead bodies" probably don't work with a lot of healthy people in general so it's a bit of a skewed data source and purely anecdotal

you've always got a lot to say about this topic, how do you derive the opinions you present as fact? What do you do for a living? What's your education? What makes you more of an expert than medical professionals?

i read. and i have posted links consistently to back up the facts that i discuss:

New York Times article about cases coming into the Southwest from Mexico causing the "spikes" in AZ and CA:

article directly from Airzona dept of health about how they started reclassifying available beds on June 6th which compounds with opening to elective procedures and other non-covid caused stays:

LA Times article about how testing increase is responsible for "surge"

Nate Silver dos a good job of reporting daily covid stats taht show that despite drastically increased testing and steady case counts, death continues to drop week over week proving the virus to be far-far less deadly than anyone ever thought:

Johns Hopkins chart for Texas showing a steady positive test result rate despite increase in testing:

and as i originally said months ago the overall virus is seaspnal and dying out in june as it always was going to look at the us chart:
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on June 17, 2020, 02:58:20 PM
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I'm not seeing any epidemiologists or public health folks posting up here, so I wouldn't take what people are espousing as facts that downplay the virus as anything of value. It's all opinion. All I know is that I don't know, so when folks I know who work with dead bodies and in hospitals say this shit is a serious concern, I'll listen.

good for you. but by your own metircs you're just contributing more noise

the "folks (you) know who work with dead bodies" probably don't work with a lot of healthy people in general so it's a bit of a skewed data source and purely anecdotal

you've always got a lot to say about this topic, how do you derive the opinions you present as fact? What do you do for a living? What's your education? What makes you more of an expert than medical professionals?

i read. and i have posted links consistently to back up the facts that i discuss:

New York Times article about cases coming into the Southwest from Mexico causing the "spikes" in AZ and CA:

article directly from Airzona dept of health about how they started reclassifying available beds on June 6th which compounds with opening to elective procedures and other non-covid caused stays:

LA Times article about how testing increase is responsible for "surge"

Nate Silver dos a good job of reporting daily covid stats taht show that despite drastically increased testing and steady case counts, death continues to drop week over week proving the virus to be far-far less deadly than anyone ever thought:

Johns Hopkins chart for Texas showing a steady positive test result rate despite increase in testing:

and as i originally said months ago the overall virus is seaspnal and dying out in june as it always was going to look at the us chart:

What i'm asking is from where you have earned the credibility to make a statement that "the overall virus is seaspnal and dying out in june as it always was going to"? Dr. Larry Brilliant, a very important and far sighted epidemiologist certainly doesn't think so (

there's a reason that the trump administration is making dumb fuck rally goers sign waivers to attend. there are reasons why GOP stronghold, North Carolina, sent him packing.

as of june 8th, the known cases of covid in the world were at least 7,003,851, with 402,867 known deaths. that's a 5.75% mortality rate. I'll preface by saying that in my opinion, that shit is nothing to scoff at.

As a follow up, I'm curious what you think are the motives for this being blown out of proportion across the world? Is there a world wide conspiracy to keep people masked and indoors? Is it to ruin the economy?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 17, 2020, 03:40:55 PM
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I'm not seeing any epidemiologists or public health folks posting up here, so I wouldn't take what people are espousing as facts that downplay the virus as anything of value. It's all opinion. All I know is that I don't know, so when folks I know who work with dead bodies and in hospitals say this shit is a serious concern, I'll listen.

good for you. but by your own metircs you're just contributing more noise

the "folks (you) know who work with dead bodies" probably don't work with a lot of healthy people in general so it's a bit of a skewed data source and purely anecdotal

you've always got a lot to say about this topic, how do you derive the opinions you present as fact? What do you do for a living? What's your education? What makes you more of an expert than medical professionals?

i read. and i have posted links consistently to back up the facts that i discuss:

New York Times article about cases coming into the Southwest from Mexico causing the "spikes" in AZ and CA:

article directly from Airzona dept of health about how they started reclassifying available beds on June 6th which compounds with opening to elective procedures and other non-covid caused stays:

LA Times article about how testing increase is responsible for "surge"

Nate Silver dos a good job of reporting daily covid stats taht show that despite drastically increased testing and steady case counts, death continues to drop week over week proving the virus to be far-far less deadly than anyone ever thought:

Johns Hopkins chart for Texas showing a steady positive test result rate despite increase in testing:

and as i originally said months ago the overall virus is seaspnal and dying out in june as it always was going to look at the us chart:

What i'm asking is from where you have earned the credibility to make a statement that "the overall virus is seaspnal and dying out in june as it always was going to"? Dr. Larry Brilliant, a very important and far sighted epidemiologist certainly doesn't think so (

there's a reason that the trump administration is making dumb fuck rally goers sign waivers to attend. there are reasons why GOP stronghold, North Carolina, sent him packing.

as of june 8th, the known cases of covid in the world were at least 7,003,851, with 402,867 known deaths. that's a 5.75% mortality rate. I'll preface by saying that in my opinion, that shit is nothing to scoff at.

As a follow up, I'm curious what you think are the motives for this being blown out of proportion across the world? Is there a world wide conspiracy to keep people masked and indoors? Is it to ruin the economy?

there's tons of evidence that coronaviruses are seasonal heres one:

but you can google and find dozens more. that combined with any chart anywhere of current rate of infection (ie the hopkins overal us chart) shows the same

everything else you bring up is conjecture
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on June 17, 2020, 04:04:46 PM
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I'm not seeing any epidemiologists or public health folks posting up here, so I wouldn't take what people are espousing as facts that downplay the virus as anything of value. It's all opinion. All I know is that I don't know, so when folks I know who work with dead bodies and in hospitals say this shit is a serious concern, I'll listen.

good for you. but by your own metircs you're just contributing more noise

the "folks (you) know who work with dead bodies" probably don't work with a lot of healthy people in general so it's a bit of a skewed data source and purely anecdotal

you've always got a lot to say about this topic, how do you derive the opinions you present as fact? What do you do for a living? What's your education? What makes you more of an expert than medical professionals?

i read. and i have posted links consistently to back up the facts that i discuss:

New York Times article about cases coming into the Southwest from Mexico causing the "spikes" in AZ and CA:

article directly from Airzona dept of health about how they started reclassifying available beds on June 6th which compounds with opening to elective procedures and other non-covid caused stays:

LA Times article about how testing increase is responsible for "surge"

Nate Silver dos a good job of reporting daily covid stats taht show that despite drastically increased testing and steady case counts, death continues to drop week over week proving the virus to be far-far less deadly than anyone ever thought:

Johns Hopkins chart for Texas showing a steady positive test result rate despite increase in testing:

and as i originally said months ago the overall virus is seaspnal and dying out in june as it always was going to look at the us chart:

What i'm asking is from where you have earned the credibility to make a statement that "the overall virus is seaspnal and dying out in june as it always was going to"? Dr. Larry Brilliant, a very important and far sighted epidemiologist certainly doesn't think so (

there's a reason that the trump administration is making dumb fuck rally goers sign waivers to attend. there are reasons why GOP stronghold, North Carolina, sent him packing.

as of june 8th, the known cases of covid in the world were at least 7,003,851, with 402,867 known deaths. that's a 5.75% mortality rate. I'll preface by saying that in my opinion, that shit is nothing to scoff at.

As a follow up, I'm curious what you think are the motives for this being blown out of proportion across the world? Is there a world wide conspiracy to keep people masked and indoors? Is it to ruin the economy?

there's tons of evidence that coronaviruses are seasonal heres one:

but you can google and find dozens more. that combined with any chart anywhere of current rate of infection (ie the hopkins overal us chart) shows the same

everything else you bring up is conjecture

did you even read the last link you posted? it ends with “Although these viruses are related virologically to the COVID-19 virus, they mainly cause mild diseases. It is impossible to say whether their sharp seasonality in any way will also be seen with the pandemic virus,” Monto concluded. “This adds to the many questions now being considered about how the current pandemic will evolve.”

 even the johns hopkins site says "This initiative relies upon publicly available data from multiple sources. States are not consistent in how and when they release and update their data, and some may even retroactively change the numbers they report. This can affect the percentages you see presented in these data visualizations. We are taking steps to account for these irregularities in how we present the information, but it is important to understand the full context behind these data."

Keep picking and choosing, because you have no idea what you're talking about. Like everyone else that's not an infectious disease specialist. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 17, 2020, 05:21:25 PM
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I'm not seeing any epidemiologists or public health folks posting up here, so I wouldn't take what people are espousing as facts that downplay the virus as anything of value. It's all opinion. All I know is that I don't know, so when folks I know who work with dead bodies and in hospitals say this shit is a serious concern, I'll listen.

good for you. but by your own metircs you're just contributing more noise

the "folks (you) know who work with dead bodies" probably don't work with a lot of healthy people in general so it's a bit of a skewed data source and purely anecdotal

you've always got a lot to say about this topic, how do you derive the opinions you present as fact? What do you do for a living? What's your education? What makes you more of an expert than medical professionals?

i read. and i have posted links consistently to back up the facts that i discuss:

New York Times article about cases coming into the Southwest from Mexico causing the "spikes" in AZ and CA:

article directly from Airzona dept of health about how they started reclassifying available beds on June 6th which compounds with opening to elective procedures and other non-covid caused stays:

LA Times article about how testing increase is responsible for "surge"

Nate Silver dos a good job of reporting daily covid stats taht show that despite drastically increased testing and steady case counts, death continues to drop week over week proving the virus to be far-far less deadly than anyone ever thought:

Johns Hopkins chart for Texas showing a steady positive test result rate despite increase in testing:

and as i originally said months ago the overall virus is seaspnal and dying out in june as it always was going to look at the us chart:

What i'm asking is from where you have earned the credibility to make a statement that "the overall virus is seaspnal and dying out in june as it always was going to"? Dr. Larry Brilliant, a very important and far sighted epidemiologist certainly doesn't think so (

there's a reason that the trump administration is making dumb fuck rally goers sign waivers to attend. there are reasons why GOP stronghold, North Carolina, sent him packing.

as of june 8th, the known cases of covid in the world were at least 7,003,851, with 402,867 known deaths. that's a 5.75% mortality rate. I'll preface by saying that in my opinion, that shit is nothing to scoff at.

As a follow up, I'm curious what you think are the motives for this being blown out of proportion across the world? Is there a world wide conspiracy to keep people masked and indoors? Is it to ruin the economy?

there's tons of evidence that coronaviruses are seasonal heres one:

but you can google and find dozens more. that combined with any chart anywhere of current rate of infection (ie the hopkins overal us chart) shows the same

everything else you bring up is conjecture

did you even read the last link you posted? it ends with “Although these viruses are related virologically to the COVID-19 virus, they mainly cause mild diseases. It is impossible to say whether their sharp seasonality in any way will also be seen with the pandemic virus,” Monto concluded. “This adds to the many questions now being considered about how the current pandemic will evolve.”

 even the johns hopkins site says "This initiative relies upon publicly available data from multiple sources. States are not consistent in how and when they release and update their data, and some may even retroactively change the numbers they report. This can affect the percentages you see presented in these data visualizations. We are taking steps to account for these irregularities in how we present the information, but it is important to understand the full context behind these data."

Keep picking and choosing, because you have no idea what you're talking about. Like everyone else that's not an infectious disease specialist.

ok so unless your'e an infctious disease specialist yourself, again, by your own metric, you're simply picking and choosing as well.

problem for you is that the burden of proof is on the side trying force change and instill fear

shit is as it was unless solidly proven otherwise

you can staye shook all you want but don't try to pretend you've got some high ground of authority here
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on June 17, 2020, 07:30:51 PM
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I'm not seeing any epidemiologists or public health folks posting up here, so I wouldn't take what people are espousing as facts that downplay the virus as anything of value. It's all opinion. All I know is that I don't know, so when folks I know who work with dead bodies and in hospitals say this shit is a serious concern, I'll listen.

good for you. but by your own metircs you're just contributing more noise

the "folks (you) know who work with dead bodies" probably don't work with a lot of healthy people in general so it's a bit of a skewed data source and purely anecdotal

you've always got a lot to say about this topic, how do you derive the opinions you present as fact? What do you do for a living? What's your education? What makes you more of an expert than medical professionals?

i read. and i have posted links consistently to back up the facts that i discuss:

New York Times article about cases coming into the Southwest from Mexico causing the "spikes" in AZ and CA:

article directly from Airzona dept of health about how they started reclassifying available beds on June 6th which compounds with opening to elective procedures and other non-covid caused stays:

LA Times article about how testing increase is responsible for "surge"

Nate Silver dos a good job of reporting daily covid stats taht show that despite drastically increased testing and steady case counts, death continues to drop week over week proving the virus to be far-far less deadly than anyone ever thought:

Johns Hopkins chart for Texas showing a steady positive test result rate despite increase in testing:

and as i originally said months ago the overall virus is seaspnal and dying out in june as it always was going to look at the us chart:

What i'm asking is from where you have earned the credibility to make a statement that "the overall virus is seaspnal and dying out in june as it always was going to"? Dr. Larry Brilliant, a very important and far sighted epidemiologist certainly doesn't think so (

there's a reason that the trump administration is making dumb fuck rally goers sign waivers to attend. there are reasons why GOP stronghold, North Carolina, sent him packing.

as of june 8th, the known cases of covid in the world were at least 7,003,851, with 402,867 known deaths. that's a 5.75% mortality rate. I'll preface by saying that in my opinion, that shit is nothing to scoff at.

As a follow up, I'm curious what you think are the motives for this being blown out of proportion across the world? Is there a world wide conspiracy to keep people masked and indoors? Is it to ruin the economy?

there's tons of evidence that coronaviruses are seasonal heres one:

but you can google and find dozens more. that combined with any chart anywhere of current rate of infection (ie the hopkins overal us chart) shows the same

everything else you bring up is conjecture

did you even read the last link you posted? it ends with “Although these viruses are related virologically to the COVID-19 virus, they mainly cause mild diseases. It is impossible to say whether their sharp seasonality in any way will also be seen with the pandemic virus,” Monto concluded. “This adds to the many questions now being considered about how the current pandemic will evolve.”

 even the johns hopkins site says "This initiative relies upon publicly available data from multiple sources. States are not consistent in how and when they release and update their data, and some may even retroactively change the numbers they report. This can affect the percentages you see presented in these data visualizations. We are taking steps to account for these irregularities in how we present the information, but it is important to understand the full context behind these data."

Keep picking and choosing, because you have no idea what you're talking about. Like everyone else that's not an infectious disease specialist.

ok so unless your'e an infctious disease specialist yourself, again, by your own metric, you're simply picking and choosing as well.

problem for you is that the burden of proof is on the side trying force change and instill fear

shit is as it was unless solidly proven otherwise

you can staye shook all you want but don't try to pretend you've got some high ground of authority here

shit is as it was unless solidly proven otherwise? what does that even mean? the only people i draw insight from on this topic are folks who study this shit. you can't answer any questions i've asked about the source of your personal beliefs other than by saying that i'm wrong. I've said the whole time that I have no idea what's going on and that i'm taking cues from experts. That is something you aren't doing. There's a social piece to all of this, and that is that if people remain socially distant and wear masks, it might save some lives. How hard is that?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: NoComply180 on June 18, 2020, 09:43:13 AM
Didn’t read the thread, but am I the only one who thinks now the reasonable approach would be to tell old people and vulnerable populations to isolate and let the rest of the population resume life as normal? It’s pretty clear who this kills 98% of the time
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 18, 2020, 10:00:47 AM
Didn’t read the thread, but am I the only one who thinks now the reasonable approach would be to tell old people and vulnerable populations to isolate and let the rest of the population resume life as normal? It’s pretty clear who this kills 98% of the time


holding the healthy majority of the society to the limitations of its weakest members is the most ludicrous concept imaginable
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: NoComply180 on June 18, 2020, 10:08:35 AM
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Didn’t read the thread, but am I the only one who thinks now the reasonable approach would be to tell old people and vulnerable populations to isolate and let the rest of the population resume life as normal? It’s pretty clear who this kills 98% of the time


holding the healthy majority of the society to the limitations of its weakest members is the most ludicrous concept imaginable
i understood why when it first struck, but by now we have so much data (or at least it seems that we do) indicating who is really at risk from this.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 18, 2020, 02:08:55 PM
Frankly, I think we all should have been given hazmat suits and told to go about our business as usual, with the exception of performing a thorough decontamination before exiting the suit. Or bubbles. Like some big hamster balls. Whatever. It would be great!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on June 18, 2020, 02:43:22 PM
Frankly, I think we all should have been given hazmat suits and told to go about our business as usual, with the exception of performing a thorough decontamination before exiting the suit. Or bubbles. Like some big hamster balls. Whatever. It would be great!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on June 18, 2020, 02:46:45 PM
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Didn’t read the thread, but am I the only one who thinks now the reasonable approach would be to tell old people and vulnerable populations to isolate and let the rest of the population resume life as normal? It’s pretty clear who this kills 98% of the time


holding the healthy majority of the society to the limitations of its weakest members is the most ludicrous concept imaginable

I think it's good that we care for the old and vulnerable. I don't understand the mindset that writes off huge chunks of the population just because it inconveniences some people. Also, the virus can fuck you up even if you're young and healthy, and I don't want people to have permanently decreased lung capacity or weakened immune system.

The problem is that we are forcing some groups, usually the poor, to risk their lives by working jobs that expose them to the virus.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on June 18, 2020, 04:22:32 PM
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Didn’t read the thread, but am I the only one who thinks now the reasonable approach would be to tell old people and vulnerable populations to isolate and let the rest of the population resume life as normal? It’s pretty clear who this kills 98% of the time


holding the healthy majority of the society to the limitations of its weakest members is the most ludicrous concept imaginable

I think it's good that we care for the old and vulnerable. I don't understand the mindset that writes off huge chunks of the population just because it inconveniences some people. Also, the virus can fuck you up even if you're young and healthy, and I don't want people to have permanently decreased lung capacity or weakened immune system.

The problem is that we are forcing some groups, usually the poor, to risk their lives by working jobs that expose them to the virus.

Well said. I'd gnar you if i could
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 18, 2020, 07:09:00 PM
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Didn’t read the thread, but am I the only one who thinks now the reasonable approach would be to tell old people and vulnerable populations to isolate and let the rest of the population resume life as normal? It’s pretty clear who this kills 98% of the time


holding the healthy majority of the society to the limitations of its weakest members is the most ludicrous concept imaginable

I think it's good that we care for the old and vulnerable. I don't understand the mindset that writes off huge chunks of the population just because it inconveniences some people. Also, the virus can fuck you up even if you're young and healthy, and I don't want people to have permanently decreased lung capacity or weakened immune system.

The problem is that we are forcing some groups, usually the poor, to risk their lives by working jobs that expose them to the virus.

totally agree. protect the old and vulnerable and let everyone heathly go out and thrive.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Joe Pesci on June 18, 2020, 10:43:16 PM
I live in Dallas, which has already been opened for the most part and I don't research it a lot but I've read that we are one of the places with the most new cases, or at least Texas is. My roommate started working again at a restaurant that he tells me is busy as fuck all the time and no one wears masks or gives a shit including him. They've already said there have been 3 employees who got the disease and have to stay home. He also goes to bars and shit after he gets off work. On top of that I also have another friend who came back from California to visit and he basically acts the same way, has a who cares attitude and keeps going out and shit and keeps trying to pressure me to go.

At this point I've pretty much accepted that I don't have a way to not get it because no matter how much I stay home and avoid doing shit, I live with someone who doesn't care about getting himself or anyone else sick. Even though on paper, although it's unpredictable how the disease will affect each person, he's overweight, eats like shit and smokes cigarettes, vapes and drinks pretty much every day so he would definitely get hit hard as fuck.

We also worked with a girl who got it, and another girl whose friend died at 27 from corona... So it's not like it's distant... Basically just a complaining post
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on June 19, 2020, 06:26:28 AM
Slovenia has been "corona free" for almost a month now, but we are seeing an increase due to cases coming in from the Balkans (migrant workers) and a mandatory quarantine has been reinstated for these few countries. A second wave is only one mistake away.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on June 19, 2020, 07:01:02 AM

totally agree. protect the old and vulnerable and let everyone heathly go out and thrive.

Yeah, you protect the old and vulnerable by extending the lockdown/isolation until there's a vaccine. And providing adequate protection and pay for workers who are most likely to get the virus. Glad we're on the same page.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 19, 2020, 08:05:10 AM
And to think, all it took was a bottomless bucket of miniature waffles to get us all on the same page.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Peter Zagreus on June 19, 2020, 10:11:48 AM
I live in Dallas, which has already been opened for the most part and I don't research it a lot but I've read that we are one of the places with the most new cases, or at least Texas is. My roommate started working again at a restaurant that he tells me is busy as fuck all the time and no one wears masks or gives a shit including him. They've already said there have been 3 employees who got the disease and have to stay home. He also goes to bars and shit after he gets off work. On top of that I also have another friend who came back from California to visit and he basically acts the same way, has a who cares attitude and keeps going out and shit and keeps trying to pressure me to go.

At this point I've pretty much accepted that I don't have a way to not get it because no matter how much I stay home and avoid doing shit, I live with someone who doesn't care about getting himself or anyone else sick. Even though on paper, although it's unpredictable how the disease will affect each person, he's overweight, eats like shit and smokes cigarettes, vapes and drinks pretty much every day so he would definitely get hit hard as fuck.

We also worked with a girl who got it, and another girl whose friend died at 27 from corona... So it's not like it's distant... Basically just a complaining post

Thanks for the perspective, Pesci. I live in Dallas, too, and don't know anybody who has suffered/died from Corona at this point, though, who knows, I might be an asymptomatic carrier as I type this out. What you say about the lack of local concern is really true in my experience. People have been itching to ditch the masks and get back in the restaurants and shit from the beginning, and now everywhere I look people have just thrown caution to the wind. It's just gonna get worse here unless they tighten the restrictions again, which won't happen til it has to (maybe if kids start dying or something).

Texas is planning to send kids back to school in the fall with no restrictions on their conduct. I can't think of a more intense vector of transmission than an elementary school. I'm thinking this could get pretty ugly.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 19, 2020, 03:26:44 PM
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I live in Dallas, which has already been opened for the most part and I don't research it a lot but I've read that we are one of the places with the most new cases, or at least Texas is. My roommate started working again at a restaurant that he tells me is busy as fuck all the time and no one wears masks or gives a shit including him. They've already said there have been 3 employees who got the disease and have to stay home. He also goes to bars and shit after he gets off work. On top of that I also have another friend who came back from California to visit and he basically acts the same way, has a who cares attitude and keeps going out and shit and keeps trying to pressure me to go.

At this point I've pretty much accepted that I don't have a way to not get it because no matter how much I stay home and avoid doing shit, I live with someone who doesn't care about getting himself or anyone else sick. Even though on paper, although it's unpredictable how the disease will affect each person, he's overweight, eats like shit and smokes cigarettes, vapes and drinks pretty much every day so he would definitely get hit hard as fuck.

We also worked with a girl who got it, and another girl whose friend died at 27 from corona... So it's not like it's distant... Basically just a complaining post

Thanks for the perspective, Pesci. I live in Dallas, too, and don't know anybody who has suffered/died from Corona at this point, though, who knows, I might be an asymptomatic carrier as I type this out. What you say about the lack of local concern is really true in my experience. People have been itching to ditch the masks and get back in the restaurants and shit from the beginning, and now everywhere I look people have just thrown caution to the wind. It's just gonna get worse here unless they tighten the restrictions again, which won't happen til it has to (maybe if kids start dying or something).

Texas is planning to send kids back to school in the fall with no restrictions on their conduct. I can't think of a more intense vector of transmission than an elementary school. I'm thinking this could get pretty ugly.

well, for starters: a nursing home

cv in and from kids is essentially a nonexistent problem
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Peter Zagreus on June 19, 2020, 04:13:45 PM
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I live in Dallas, which has already been opened for the most part and I don't research it a lot but I've read that we are one of the places with the most new cases, or at least Texas is. My roommate started working again at a restaurant that he tells me is busy as fuck all the time and no one wears masks or gives a shit including him. They've already said there have been 3 employees who got the disease and have to stay home. He also goes to bars and shit after he gets off work. On top of that I also have another friend who came back from California to visit and he basically acts the same way, has a who cares attitude and keeps going out and shit and keeps trying to pressure me to go.

At this point I've pretty much accepted that I don't have a way to not get it because no matter how much I stay home and avoid doing shit, I live with someone who doesn't care about getting himself or anyone else sick. Even though on paper, although it's unpredictable how the disease will affect each person, he's overweight, eats like shit and smokes cigarettes, vapes and drinks pretty much every day so he would definitely get hit hard as fuck.

We also worked with a girl who got it, and another girl whose friend died at 27 from corona... So it's not like it's distant... Basically just a complaining post

Thanks for the perspective, Pesci. I live in Dallas, too, and don't know anybody who has suffered/died from Corona at this point, though, who knows, I might be an asymptomatic carrier as I type this out. What you say about the lack of local concern is really true in my experience. People have been itching to ditch the masks and get back in the restaurants and shit from the beginning, and now everywhere I look people have just thrown caution to the wind. It's just gonna get worse here unless they tighten the restrictions again, which won't happen til it has to (maybe if kids start dying or something).

Texas is planning to send kids back to school in the fall with no restrictions on their conduct. I can't think of a more intense vector of transmission than an elementary school. I'm thinking this could get pretty ugly.

well, for starters: a nursing home

cv in and from kids is essentially a nonexistent problem

Maybe I'm taking the bait here, but (here goes) what the fuck does that mean? The virus doesn't spread through kids?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 19, 2020, 05:04:33 PM
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I live in Dallas, which has already been opened for the most part and I don't research it a lot but I've read that we are one of the places with the most new cases, or at least Texas is. My roommate started working again at a restaurant that he tells me is busy as fuck all the time and no one wears masks or gives a shit including him. They've already said there have been 3 employees who got the disease and have to stay home. He also goes to bars and shit after he gets off work. On top of that I also have another friend who came back from California to visit and he basically acts the same way, has a who cares attitude and keeps going out and shit and keeps trying to pressure me to go.

At this point I've pretty much accepted that I don't have a way to not get it because no matter how much I stay home and avoid doing shit, I live with someone who doesn't care about getting himself or anyone else sick. Even though on paper, although it's unpredictable how the disease will affect each person, he's overweight, eats like shit and smokes cigarettes, vapes and drinks pretty much every day so he would definitely get hit hard as fuck.

We also worked with a girl who got it, and another girl whose friend died at 27 from corona... So it's not like it's distant... Basically just a complaining post

Thanks for the perspective, Pesci. I live in Dallas, too, and don't know anybody who has suffered/died from Corona at this point, though, who knows, I might be an asymptomatic carrier as I type this out. What you say about the lack of local concern is really true in my experience. People have been itching to ditch the masks and get back in the restaurants and shit from the beginning, and now everywhere I look people have just thrown caution to the wind. It's just gonna get worse here unless they tighten the restrictions again, which won't happen til it has to (maybe if kids start dying or something).

Texas is planning to send kids back to school in the fall with no restrictions on their conduct. I can't think of a more intense vector of transmission than an elementary school. I'm thinking this could get pretty ugly.

well, for starters: a nursing home

cv in and from kids is essentially a nonexistent problem

Maybe I'm taking the bait here, but (here goes) what the fuck does that mean? The virus doesn't spread through kids?

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Peter Zagreus on June 19, 2020, 08:41:47 PM
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I live in Dallas, which has already been opened for the most part and I don't research it a lot but I've read that we are one of the places with the most new cases, or at least Texas is. My roommate started working again at a restaurant that he tells me is busy as fuck all the time and no one wears masks or gives a shit including him. They've already said there have been 3 employees who got the disease and have to stay home. He also goes to bars and shit after he gets off work. On top of that I also have another friend who came back from California to visit and he basically acts the same way, has a who cares attitude and keeps going out and shit and keeps trying to pressure me to go.

At this point I've pretty much accepted that I don't have a way to not get it because no matter how much I stay home and avoid doing shit, I live with someone who doesn't care about getting himself or anyone else sick. Even though on paper, although it's unpredictable how the disease will affect each person, he's overweight, eats like shit and smokes cigarettes, vapes and drinks pretty much every day so he would definitely get hit hard as fuck.

We also worked with a girl who got it, and another girl whose friend died at 27 from corona... So it's not like it's distant... Basically just a complaining post

Thanks for the perspective, Pesci. I live in Dallas, too, and don't know anybody who has suffered/died from Corona at this point, though, who knows, I might be an asymptomatic carrier as I type this out. What you say about the lack of local concern is really true in my experience. People have been itching to ditch the masks and get back in the restaurants and shit from the beginning, and now everywhere I look people have just thrown caution to the wind. It's just gonna get worse here unless they tighten the restrictions again, which won't happen til it has to (maybe if kids start dying or something).

Texas is planning to send kids back to school in the fall with no restrictions on their conduct. I can't think of a more intense vector of transmission than an elementary school. I'm thinking this could get pretty ugly.

well, for starters: a nursing home

cv in and from kids is essentially a nonexistent problem

Maybe I'm taking the bait here, but (here goes) what the fuck does that mean? The virus doesn't spread through kids?


Post a link, bitch.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 19, 2020, 09:52:41 PM
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I live in Dallas, which has already been opened for the most part and I don't research it a lot but I've read that we are one of the places with the most new cases, or at least Texas is. My roommate started working again at a restaurant that he tells me is busy as fuck all the time and no one wears masks or gives a shit including him. They've already said there have been 3 employees who got the disease and have to stay home. He also goes to bars and shit after he gets off work. On top of that I also have another friend who came back from California to visit and he basically acts the same way, has a who cares attitude and keeps going out and shit and keeps trying to pressure me to go.

At this point I've pretty much accepted that I don't have a way to not get it because no matter how much I stay home and avoid doing shit, I live with someone who doesn't care about getting himself or anyone else sick. Even though on paper, although it's unpredictable how the disease will affect each person, he's overweight, eats like shit and smokes cigarettes, vapes and drinks pretty much every day so he would definitely get hit hard as fuck.

We also worked with a girl who got it, and another girl whose friend died at 27 from corona... So it's not like it's distant... Basically just a complaining post

Thanks for the perspective, Pesci. I live in Dallas, too, and don't know anybody who has suffered/died from Corona at this point, though, who knows, I might be an asymptomatic carrier as I type this out. What you say about the lack of local concern is really true in my experience. People have been itching to ditch the masks and get back in the restaurants and shit from the beginning, and now everywhere I look people have just thrown caution to the wind. It's just gonna get worse here unless they tighten the restrictions again, which won't happen til it has to (maybe if kids start dying or something).

Texas is planning to send kids back to school in the fall with no restrictions on their conduct. I can't think of a more intense vector of transmission than an elementary school. I'm thinking this could get pretty ugly.

well, for starters: a nursing home

cv in and from kids is essentially a nonexistent problem

Maybe I'm taking the bait here, but (here goes) what the fuck does that mean? The virus doesn't spread through kids?


Post a link, bitch.

yeah that article says it right there. they say it's a puzzle because they have the answer but it's not the one that they want (ie: it's not scary)

thanks for the help!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on June 20, 2020, 07:57:27 AM
My dad got tested yesterday, waiting for results. He has the symptoms. I think if I heard my mom correctly, 2 people at my dads work got it too; so there’s def a chance he has it for real this time and my mom could get it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 20, 2020, 12:02:44 PM
just stumbled on a fun piece of data that helps explains continued cases in ca and likely Arizona as well:


you can verify here if you like:

cases look to be coming in from Mexico which.. fine good we have better resources to help in America but its impossible to decrease cases when you're importing positives/ this is not an increase of transmission this is stocking the pond

and despite all of that California has kept their positivity under 5% steadily for over a month

which means its dropping still in the general population

and there's always false positives so the results will never come in at zero

always know there's more to the numbers every time
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Enrico Pallazzo on June 20, 2020, 12:27:19 PM
just stumbled on a fun piece of data that helps explains continued cases in ca and likely Arizona as well:


you can verify here if you like:

cases are confirmed coming in from Mexico which.. fine good we have better resources to help in America but its impossible to decrease cases when you're importing positives/ this is not an increase of transmission this is stocking the pond

always know there's more to the numbers every time

Or does that graphic highlight the fact that Imperial County and portions of Arizona are largely latinx and that Latinx workers have been unduly subjected to the virus as a result of being frontline or essential workers, and maybe not some conspiracy to actively transport in the virus from over the border or whatever you think is going on.

You’re a blight on the good name of SLAP posters with novelty movie character usernames everywhere.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 20, 2020, 12:30:29 PM

Or does that graphic highlight the fact that Imperial County and portions of Arizona are largely latinx and that Latinx workers have been unduly subjected to the virus as a result of being frontline or essential workers

fair counterpoint.

deductions for using "latinx" though clear indicator of intent

and also unfortunate a quick google will return a lot of results like this:

what else ya got?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on June 20, 2020, 08:09:10 PM
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Or does that graphic highlight the fact that Imperial County and portions of Arizona are largely latinx and that Latinx workers have been unduly subjected to the virus as a result of being frontline or essential workers

fair counterpoint.

deductions for using "latinx" though clear indicator of intent

and also unfortunate a quick google will return a lot of results like this:

what else ya got?

you really are a flaming piece of shit, huh?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Peter Zagreus on June 20, 2020, 10:43:05 PM
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Or does that graphic highlight the fact that Imperial County and portions of Arizona are largely latinx and that Latinx workers have been unduly subjected to the virus as a result of being frontline or essential workers

fair counterpoint.

deductions for using "latinx" though clear indicator of intent

and also unfortunate a quick google will return a lot of results like this:

what else ya got?

you really are a flaming piece of shit, huh?

It's not a moral failure until you know better. Give him time.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 20, 2020, 11:37:58 PM
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Or does that graphic highlight the fact that Imperial County and portions of Arizona are largely latinx and that Latinx workers have been unduly subjected to the virus as a result of being frontline or essential workers

fair counterpoint.

deductions for using "latinx" though clear indicator of intent

and also unfortunate a quick google will return a lot of results like this:

what else ya got?

you really are a flaming piece of shit, huh?

calling me names doesn't make his little fairy tale scenario any less false

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ice nine on June 21, 2020, 12:12:51 AM
just a slight bump to see if anyone wants to apologize to me now or wait another two weeks i can be patient
usa on june 19th  (almost two weeks to the day of this post) had over 33k confirmed cases in one day, the most for a single day since early may.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on June 21, 2020, 12:45:53 AM
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just a slight bump to see if anyone wants to apologize to me now or wait another two weeks i can be patient
usa on june 19th  (almost two weeks to the day of this post) had over 33k confirmed cases in one day, the most for a single day since early may.

that number alone means nothing. it was also the record high for most tests ever (nearly 600k) making it the all time record for most negative test results

when they were previously this high the positivity rate was 14% (~3x higher)

positive case rate stays at 5% (only slightly up from all time low)

deaths have fallen for at least the last eleven days (lowest since march?)

I also suspect the previously proven border creeping cases are at work and Florida is clearly doing some track and trace with the average age of pos test coming down from 65 to 37 meaning fatality rate falls even further meaning... the virus is less of a deal than even the small deal it already was

keep the scare up though if you're lucky maybe a bunch of people will die or maybe theyre are desperately chasing out the last cases we will see
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on June 21, 2020, 05:37:30 AM
Debating the severity of covid on slap accomplishes nothing, y’all.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on June 22, 2020, 11:44:33 AM
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Or does that graphic highlight the fact that Imperial County and portions of Arizona are largely latinx and that Latinx workers have been unduly subjected to the virus as a result of being frontline or essential workers

fair counterpoint.

deductions for using "latinx" though clear indicator of intent

and also unfortunate a quick google will return a lot of results like this:

what else ya got?

you really are a flaming piece of shit, huh?

It's not a moral failure until you know better. Give him time.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: straight on June 22, 2020, 10:57:40 PM
google any three digit number and then type new cases
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on June 23, 2020, 11:48:25 AM
more than 1000 new infected in a single medium sized german city and all in one single butchery. the whole region was put on lockdown today, in bavaria it's illegal to shelter people from the area unless they've been tested positive negative, duh. 6 or so people from that cluster are in intensive care atm.

this is a huge spike in germany and the second time something like this happened at this butchery. i hope they disown that motherfucker and shut his cheapo meat operation down.

EDIT: corrected brainfart
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Matze on June 23, 2020, 11:54:23 AM
It‘s fucked up. But that‘s when you live by the ‚Ich lasse mir mein Schnitzel nicht wegnehmen!‘ mentality.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: brycickle on June 23, 2020, 08:25:31 PM
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I live in Dallas, which has already been opened for the most part and I don't research it a lot but I've read that we are one of the places with the most new cases, or at least Texas is. My roommate started working again at a restaurant that he tells me is busy as fuck all the time and no one wears masks or gives a shit including him. They've already said there have been 3 employees who got the disease and have to stay home. He also goes to bars and shit after he gets off work. On top of that I also have another friend who came back from California to visit and he basically acts the same way, has a who cares attitude and keeps going out and shit and keeps trying to pressure me to go.

At this point I've pretty much accepted that I don't have a way to not get it because no matter how much I stay home and avoid doing shit, I live with someone who doesn't care about getting himself or anyone else sick. Even though on paper, although it's unpredictable how the disease will affect each person, he's overweight, eats like shit and smokes cigarettes, vapes and drinks pretty much every day so he would definitely get hit hard as fuck.

We also worked with a girl who got it, and another girl whose friend died at 27 from corona... So it's not like it's distant... Basically just a complaining post

Thanks for the perspective, Pesci. I live in Dallas, too, and don't know anybody who has suffered/died from Corona at this point, though, who knows, I might be an asymptomatic carrier as I type this out. What you say about the lack of local concern is really true in my experience. People have been itching to ditch the masks and get back in the restaurants and shit from the beginning, and now everywhere I look people have just thrown caution to the wind. It's just gonna get worse here unless they tighten the restrictions again, which won't happen til it has to (maybe if kids start dying or something).

Texas is planning to send kids back to school in the fall with no restrictions on their conduct. I can't think of a more intense vector of transmission than an elementary school. I'm thinking this could get pretty ugly.

well, for starters: a nursing home

cv in and from kids is essentially a nonexistent problem

Maybe I'm taking the bait here, but (here goes) what the fuck does that mean? The virus doesn't spread through kids?

I work at a children's hospital and have had multiple patients that have been admitted for covid. 2 of them needing to go on ECMO.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr. Stinky on June 23, 2020, 08:37:22 PM
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I live in Dallas, which has already been opened for the most part and I don't research it a lot but I've read that we are one of the places with the most new cases, or at least Texas is. My roommate started working again at a restaurant that he tells me is busy as fuck all the time and no one wears masks or gives a shit including him. They've already said there have been 3 employees who got the disease and have to stay home. He also goes to bars and shit after he gets off work. On top of that I also have another friend who came back from California to visit and he basically acts the same way, has a who cares attitude and keeps going out and shit and keeps trying to pressure me to go.

At this point I've pretty much accepted that I don't have a way to not get it because no matter how much I stay home and avoid doing shit, I live with someone who doesn't care about getting himself or anyone else sick. Even though on paper, although it's unpredictable how the disease will affect each person, he's overweight, eats like shit and smokes cigarettes, vapes and drinks pretty much every day so he would definitely get hit hard as fuck.

We also worked with a girl who got it, and another girl whose friend died at 27 from corona... So it's not like it's distant... Basically just a complaining post

Thanks for the perspective, Pesci. I live in Dallas, too, and don't know anybody who has suffered/died from Corona at this point, though, who knows, I might be an asymptomatic carrier as I type this out. What you say about the lack of local concern is really true in my experience. People have been itching to ditch the masks and get back in the restaurants and shit from the beginning, and now everywhere I look people have just thrown caution to the wind. It's just gonna get worse here unless they tighten the restrictions again, which won't happen til it has to (maybe if kids start dying or something).

Texas is planning to send kids back to school in the fall with no restrictions on their conduct. I can't think of a more intense vector of transmission than an elementary school. I'm thinking this could get pretty ugly.

well, for starters: a nursing home

cv in and from kids is essentially a nonexistent problem

Maybe I'm taking the bait here, but (here goes) what the fuck does that mean? The virus doesn't spread through kids?

I work at a children's hospital and have had multiple patients that have been admitted for covid. 2 of them needing to go on ECMO.

Haven't you been listening to Buck? Your experiences, and other people's similar experiences, are, in reality, a fabricated media narrative. Sorry you had to find out like this.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: brycickle on June 23, 2020, 08:41:43 PM
Sorry. I'll just continue on my way as a licensed and practicing healthcare provider...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Ms. Tamzarian on June 24, 2020, 08:19:27 AM
Stay safe out there Frank!

Hope everyone's comin along okay and wearin your masks in public!

I live in northern VA in the states with my folks... fingers crossed, cases are falling in this area. That being said, my pops is in his 60s and has a bad heart - and his doctor just gave him a pneumonia prognosis. He's not been feeling well, but had a negative COVID-test... hopefully it wasn't a false negative! Wish us luck homies. We're keepin each other strong and he's feeling positive 😎

If anyone in the states wants a really nifty map to track cases in your local area, I recommend the following! It's super helpful.

Stay safe homies!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on June 24, 2020, 08:50:05 AM
Stay safe out there Frank!

thx armin, you too. we're good where i live though. corona is almost extinct in my city and surroundings. the place where this happened is a few hours away by car. which is quite far within my country.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on June 24, 2020, 09:29:53 AM
Both my parents are sick and they just got their test results: Positive for covid. My wife says she’s starting to feel sick too.

My dad has mostly stayed in their room the last few days, yesterday was the first time he came out and he went outside to check something and had to lay down then couldn’t get back up so I had to grab his hands and pull him up. Then last night for my birthday cake, both parents came to the kitchen with me and my wife, they were wearing masks but took them off for a minute or two.
My house is definitely infected. my dads had the symptoms for 4 or 5 days now and my mom started feeling symptoms yesterday.
Statistically they could both come out fine from this. Hopefully they do.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on June 24, 2020, 10:08:35 AM
much health to your family and you johnes! hoping for a quick and complete recovery.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Ms. Tamzarian on June 24, 2020, 10:26:31 AM
much health to your family and you johnes! hoping for a quick and complete recovery.

God dam, diddo. Best of luck Johnes - we are rooting for your whole family!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on June 24, 2020, 04:37:28 PM
I'm firing all my juice bullets in your direction johnes. Get well soon to you your loved ones.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Jagr on June 24, 2020, 05:24:25 PM
Thinking about you and your family Johnes! <3
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Peter Zagreus on June 24, 2020, 07:54:40 PM
Thinking about you and your family Johnes! <3
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on June 24, 2020, 08:06:58 PM
Both my parents are sick and they just got their test results: Positive for covid. My wife says she’s starting to feel sick too.

My dad has mostly stayed in their room the last few days, yesterday was the first time he came out and he went outside to check something and had to lay down then couldn’t get back up so I had to grab his hands and pull him up. Then last night for my birthday cake, both parents came to the kitchen with me and my wife, they were wearing masks but took them off for a minute or two.
My house is definitely infected. my dads had the symptoms for 4 or 5 days now and my mom started feeling symptoms yesterday.
Statistically they could both come out fine from this. Hopefully they do.

goddamn. i hope things turn around. i'm really sorry to hear that, dude.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: FrenchFriedClownFingers on June 24, 2020, 08:42:47 PM
my idiot employer just laid me the fuck off
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: BobbyPshew on June 25, 2020, 01:44:38 AM
my idiot employer just laid me the fuck off

Fuck him, that's his loss, man.
Hope you can find a great job, soon.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: E on June 25, 2020, 06:25:27 AM
Are people around you wearing masks at the skate park? No one at my local is, and I'm hoping we're fine keeping a 6 ft distance and being outside but I'm also paranoid about it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on June 25, 2020, 08:22:35 AM
I’m busy with personal shit. I miss shooting the shit about stats with you guys, even Buck. I hope to see you all at the breakfast table.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on June 25, 2020, 08:42:54 AM
my idiot employer just laid me the fuck off
Sorry to hear that. I'm going to scare up some more juice bullets and send them your way. Hang in there, pal.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on June 25, 2020, 09:32:30 AM
Thanks everyone. I’m still symptom free. I requested this Monday - Friday off for vacation from work, before knowing my dad was sick. now I can’t return to work for 2 weeks. But my work HR contacted me and said I can get paid during my quarantine as long as I submitted proof that my parents tested positive, which I did.
Although both my parents are sick; they are still in decent spirits.
Turns out that the funeral home where my dad works, 2 employees were sick, knew they were sick and went to work anyways and worked in the building with my dad, that’s where he got covid from. The owners didn’t even tell my dad that those people were feeling sick. I think it was 1 owner and their son who ended up coming to work sick, then testing positive. That’s some wack shit for them to do.

My wife’s mom is a nurse at a place where they get mostly old and dying people. She got tested and came out negative but yesterday the work sent out a notice that they all have to get tested again on June 30th because other nurses and workers there have tested positive, after their first initial work covid testing.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Level 60 Dwarf Rogue on June 26, 2020, 06:02:46 AM
We're all gonna fucking die because the our government refuses to take care of its people. CuZ sOcIaLizM iZ BaD...

Buy new chinos and go on a cruise. Your masters demand it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: RENTSTRIKE on June 26, 2020, 07:43:59 AM
Are people around you wearing masks at the skate park? No one at my local is, and I'm hoping we're fine keeping a 6 ft distance and being outside but I'm also paranoid about it.

The park down the street from me re-opened about two weeks ago and most of the younger kids (under 20 or so) don't seem to give a fuck about social distancing -- even before the town unlocked the gate kids were hopping the fence and sitting shoulder to shoulder on the ledge. I've only seen one person with a mask on at the park so far.

Been trying to keep my distance and laugh it off/make jokes about not wanting to get sick, but I'm getting pretty paranoid too. It hurts to have to turn down the joints that people are starting to pass around again, but idk where these kids have been.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on June 26, 2020, 08:27:06 AM
We're all gonna fucking die because the our government refuses to take care of its people. CuZ sOcIaLizM iZ BaD...

Buy new chinos and go on a cruise. Your masters demand it.
If only we could have had the ideal situation of the government giving everyone financial incentive to stay home (and very harsh fines for noncompliance) until the cases went down to zero. We would have already been done with it like some parts of Europe.

Instead, people here are stubbornly refusing to wear masks and having parties to intentionally get sick while blaming spikes solely on protestors to deflect blame.

Everything is going to be shut down again at this rate.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: iKobrakai on June 26, 2020, 08:34:13 AM
Vacation for three weeks now. Don't really know what to do but still happy.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Joe Pesci on July 02, 2020, 01:36:59 PM
Update from before when I was saying my roommate doesn't really give a fuck about the virus... Texas has reclosed all bars and shit and reduced restaurant capacity because no one is taking anything seriously and the virus is spreading like crazy. Basically going backwards because our leaders are idiots and didn't give a shit either. Room mate just left to go to a wedding in Austin, and I'm genuinely stressing about when he comes back we're both probably gonna get sick.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on July 03, 2020, 12:59:14 AM
reopening the borders in Europe and people just aching to get their summer vacation on is definitely going to spark the second wave before fall. Most countries are seeing a small increase and border crossing rules are chaining daily ... we will be on back on lockdown soon
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on July 03, 2020, 06:37:12 AM
We have pretty much reopened everything as of Monday; face masks are going to be required on public transportation; and the city is getting pretty busy.

We will see what happens in the coming weeks.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on July 03, 2020, 08:18:47 AM

My parents are feeling better.
I still haven’t got any symptoms since my parents tested positive. My wife tested negative and work told me as long as I don’t have any symptoms, I can go back to work after 2 weeks quarantine. So if I stay feeling fine, I can go back to work on July 12 and luckily I’ll be getting paid for these two weeks quarantine without having to use any of my vacation days. They said I don’t even have to get tested before I go back to work. I probably should tho.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on July 03, 2020, 11:59:27 AM
I'm really happy your parents are doing better. Also, it's good you and your wife are good.

Don't Johan with the covid. Just get tested.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on July 03, 2020, 03:25:51 PM
NYC was fucked now we’re declining or stable at least. Cuomo says 14 day quarantine for visitors from all those states that were thinking of banning New Yorkers a month ago. Tables turned, but nothing to celebrate. There’s no walls between states so east coast is nervous. We’re dining and drinking outdoors but put the brakes on indoor dining thank god. Trump administration has fully failed. US response to this is a joke.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 03, 2020, 04:04:08 PM
johne glad your parents are like virtually everyone else who got the virus and got better. that is great news.

do not forget for one second that a big source of this "surge" is cases coming in from Mexico:

this combined with massive and targeted testing as well as a spread from the protests and sure, a little bit from reopening and you have a farce being perpetuated in a way that is simply criminal

have a great 4th everybody!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on July 03, 2020, 04:21:58 PM
johne glad your parents are like virtually everyone else who got the virus and got better. that is great news.

do not forget for one second that a big source of this "surge" is cases coming in from Mexico:

this combined with massive and targeted testing as well as a spread from the protests and sure, a little bit from reopening and you have a farce being perpetuated in a way that is simply criminal

have a great 4th everybody!

Most sources say it’s the opposite. Mostly due to premature reopening, maskless drinking in bars, letting your guard down. Not a big jump front the protests which where 90% masked.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on July 04, 2020, 01:14:03 PM
johne glad your parents are like virtually everyone else who got the virus and got better. that is great news.

do not forget for one second that a big source of this "surge" is cases coming in from Mexico:

this combined with massive and targeted testing as well as a spread from the protests and sure, a little bit from reopening and you have a farce being perpetuated in a way that is simply criminal

have a great 4th everybody!

you dick ride this thread like nobody else but then wait to post til the guy says his parents are fine to spread more FUD. Fuck you.

NYC was fucked now we’re declining or stable at least. Cuomo says 14 day quarantine for visitors from all those states that were thinking of banning New Yorkers a month ago. Tables turned, but nothing to celebrate. There’s no walls between states so east coast is nervous. We’re dining and drinking outdoors but put the brakes on indoor dining thank god. Trump administration has fully failed. US response to this is a joke.

Dawg, you should see it up here on the north coast of california. I live in an isolated place and over the last few weeks, there i'm seeing FL plates, TX plates, UT, OK, and AZ. I'm like yo, we've got 3 hospitals in 400mile radius and it takes 6 hours to drive 200 miles in most directions. No bueno. I will say though, that i'm glad to be here and not back east in the city, for real. Stay safe out there.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on July 04, 2020, 03:16:19 PM
The hospitals in my city are near capacity. The college students haven't even come back yet. We're fucked.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 04, 2020, 04:16:44 PM

you dick ride this thread like nobody else but then wait to post til the guy says his parents are fine

of course I waited. I'm not a monster.

also, they were fine though right?

The hospitals in my city are near capacity.
hospitals regularly operate near capacity. that's how the capacity gets set.. businesses are not in the practice of building out costly resources that they don't regularly use.

as usual this means nothing.

deaths continue to go down week over week. it's over. give it up
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on July 04, 2020, 05:20:43 PM
Expand Quote
johne glad your parents are like virtually everyone else who got the virus and got better. that is great news.

do not forget for one second that a big source of this "surge" is cases coming in from Mexico:

this combined with massive and targeted testing as well as a spread from the protests and sure, a little bit from reopening and you have a farce being perpetuated in a way that is simply criminal

have a great 4th everybody!

you dick ride this thread like nobody else but then wait to post til the guy says his parents are fine to spread more FUD. Fuck you.

Expand Quote
NYC was fucked now we’re declining or stable at least. Cuomo says 14 day quarantine for visitors from all those states that were thinking of banning New Yorkers a month ago. Tables turned, but nothing to celebrate. There’s no walls between states so east coast is nervous. We’re dining and drinking outdoors but put the brakes on indoor dining thank god. Trump administration has fully failed. US response to this is a joke.

Dawg, you should see it up here on the north coast of california. I live in an isolated place and over the last few weeks, there i'm seeing FL plates, TX plates, UT, OK, and AZ. I'm like yo, we've got 3 hospitals in 400mile radius and it takes 6 hours to drive 200 miles in most directions. No bueno. I will say though, that i'm glad to be here and not back east in the city, for real. Stay safe out there.

My homegirl here got laid off, works in theater which will be the last thing to come back, so left NY a few weeks ago and went out to see her friends in AZ, visited Utah and now is in CA smh.  In her defense west coast and southeast spikes hadn’t really happened yet when she headed that way but not great.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on July 04, 2020, 07:05:40 PM
Bars and beaches closed again out here in LA. So I drove East to the mountains for the holiday.

Seems like CA is on the upwards with cases
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 04, 2020, 07:26:27 PM
Bars and beaches closed again out here in LA. So I drove East to the mountains for the holiday.

Seems like CA is on the upwards with cases
it seems like it is but it's not.

its manipulated test results and cases from Mexico.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on July 04, 2020, 08:14:08 PM
Expand Quote
Bars and beaches closed again out here in LA. So I drove East to the mountains for the holiday.

Seems like CA is on the upwards with cases
it seems like it is but it's not.

its manipulated test results and cases from Mexico.

Is it? Okay, I'll believe you, random guy on the internet...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on July 04, 2020, 09:31:05 PM
Expand Quote
Expand Quote
johne glad your parents are like virtually everyone else who got the virus and got better. that is great news.

do not forget for one second that a big source of this "surge" is cases coming in from Mexico:

this combined with massive and targeted testing as well as a spread from the protests and sure, a little bit from reopening and you have a farce being perpetuated in a way that is simply criminal

have a great 4th everybody!

you dick ride this thread like nobody else but then wait to post til the guy says his parents are fine to spread more FUD. Fuck you.

Expand Quote
NYC was fucked now we’re declining or stable at least. Cuomo says 14 day quarantine for visitors from all those states that were thinking of banning New Yorkers a month ago. Tables turned, but nothing to celebrate. There’s no walls between states so east coast is nervous. We’re dining and drinking outdoors but put the brakes on indoor dining thank god. Trump administration has fully failed. US response to this is a joke.

Dawg, you should see it up here on the north coast of california. I live in an isolated place and over the last few weeks, there i'm seeing FL plates, TX plates, UT, OK, and AZ. I'm like yo, we've got 3 hospitals in 400mile radius and it takes 6 hours to drive 200 miles in most directions. No bueno. I will say though, that i'm glad to be here and not back east in the city, for real. Stay safe out there.

My homegirl here got laid off, works in theater which will be the last thing to come back, so left NY a few weeks ago and went out to see her friends in AZ, visited Utah and now is in CA smh.  In her defense west coast and southeast spikes hadn’t really happened yet when she headed that way but not great.

not that it matters, but i'm curious; is she driving or flying? it's possible to be a decent visitor, like, by wearing a mask and shit... There's a lot of tourists every summer, and shit, and you can always tell, but there's this sense of entitlement that people have when they're spending money to be somewhere. Today, right, I'm in line at the CoOp and there's 12 people spaced 6 feet apart, all wearing masks, except for one European gal, talking loudly on the phone with no mask on. It's like come on, one of these things is not like the others...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on July 04, 2020, 09:46:23 PM
Expand Quote
Expand Quote
Expand Quote
johne glad your parents are like virtually everyone else who got the virus and got better. that is great news.

do not forget for one second that a big source of this "surge" is cases coming in from Mexico:

this combined with massive and targeted testing as well as a spread from the protests and sure, a little bit from reopening and you have a farce being perpetuated in a way that is simply criminal

have a great 4th everybody!

you dick ride this thread like nobody else but then wait to post til the guy says his parents are fine to spread more FUD. Fuck you.

Expand Quote
NYC was fucked now we’re declining or stable at least. Cuomo says 14 day quarantine for visitors from all those states that were thinking of banning New Yorkers a month ago. Tables turned, but nothing to celebrate. There’s no walls between states so east coast is nervous. We’re dining and drinking outdoors but put the brakes on indoor dining thank god. Trump administration has fully failed. US response to this is a joke.

Dawg, you should see it up here on the north coast of california. I live in an isolated place and over the last few weeks, there i'm seeing FL plates, TX plates, UT, OK, and AZ. I'm like yo, we've got 3 hospitals in 400mile radius and it takes 6 hours to drive 200 miles in most directions. No bueno. I will say though, that i'm glad to be here and not back east in the city, for real. Stay safe out there.

My homegirl here got laid off, works in theater which will be the last thing to come back, so left NY a few weeks ago and went out to see her friends in AZ, visited Utah and now is in CA smh.  In her defense west coast and southeast spikes hadn’t really happened yet when she headed that way but not great.

not that it matters, but i'm curious; is she driving or flying? it's possible to be a decent visitor, like, by wearing a mask and shit... There's a lot of tourists every summer, and shit, and you can always tell, but there's this sense of entitlement that people have when they're spending money to be somewhere. Today, right, I'm in line at the CoOp and there's 12 people spaced 6 feet apart, all wearing masks, except for one European gal, talking loudly on the phone with no mask on. It's like come on, one of these things is not like the others...

I think she flew from NY initially then rented a car. She’s not a dumbass really I’m sure she’s being respectful and is masked up.

Over here 90% of people are doing it right but there’s always one jackass wearing his mask on his chin on the subway or something.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Tracerstracer on July 04, 2020, 09:48:59 PM
deaths continue to go down week over week. it's over. give it up
look at me I am just some random self appointed expert at something I continually pretend to know anything about even though I just aggregate info that reinforces only my feeble understanding. shut up fuckbag
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 04, 2020, 09:54:31 PM
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deaths continue to go down week over week. it's over. give it up
look at me I am just some random self appointed expert at something I continually pretend to know anything about even though I just aggregate info that reinforces only my feeble understanding. shut up fuckbag
today was lowest death tally since March 30.

sorry you bought into lousy sensationalist fear marketing
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Tracerstracer on July 04, 2020, 10:49:53 PM
you must be an a+ super loser to be jocking this thread so hard. I would ask if you still skated but you are prob one of these trolls that just stay here because this is all you got. don't skate and no friends but watch me insist I'm an expert. I seen you backtrack weeks ago about saying this shit was over then. what happened. six months from now this shit going be raging but you going of course say its over again. my internet experts say you're worthless
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GBLange on July 05, 2020, 12:23:16 AM
Hope u guys over there in the States and around the world are safe and well.. For us here in Malaysia, we're in the economy recovery mode after going thru strict movement control order since 18th March up till middle of May.. Business and schools are now reopen but with all the social distancing and health enforcement rules in placed. Recovery rate is at 97.72% and yesterday only 10 new positive cases. Number of death remains at 121.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on July 05, 2020, 10:24:38 AM (

o Indicators used to monitor COVID-19 activity remain lower than peaks seen in March and April;
however, there are increases in the percentage of specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 and
percentage of visits for ILI or CLI in multiple parts of the country, which have been sustained in some
cases for multiple consecutive weeks.
- Nationally, using combined data from the three laboratory types, the percentage of respiratory
specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 with a molecular assay increased from week 25 (8.1%) to
week 26 (8.7%).
- Increases were reported in seven of ten HHS surveillance regions.
- Four regions reported between 4% and 6% of specimens positive for SARS-CoV-2:
Regions 2 [NY/NJ/Puerto Rico], 5 [Midwest], 7 [Central] and 10 [Pacific Northwest].
- Two regions reported between 10% and 15% of specimens positive for SARS-CoV-2:
Regions 4 [South East] and 9 [South West/Coast].
- Region 6 [South Central] reported >15% of specimens positive for SARS-CoV-2.
- Three regions (Regions 1 [New England], 3 [Mid-Atlantic] and 8 [Mountain]) reported a stable
or decreasing percentage of specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2.

- Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or
COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9.0% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26, representing the tenth
consecutive week during which a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC has been recorded. The
percentage is currently at the epidemic threshold but will likely change as additional death certificates
for deaths during recent weeks are processed.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 05, 2020, 01:19:34 PM (

o Indicators used to monitor COVID-19 activity remain lower than peaks seen in March and April;
however, there are increases in the percentage of specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 and
percentage of visits for ILI or CLI in multiple parts of the country, which have been sustained in some
cases for multiple consecutive weeks.
- Nationally, using combined data from the three laboratory types, the percentage of respiratory
specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 with a molecular assay increased from week 25 (8.1%) to
week 26 (8.7%).
- Increases were reported in seven of ten HHS surveillance regions.
- Four regions reported between 4% and 6% of specimens positive for SARS-CoV-2:
Regions 2 [NY/NJ/Puerto Rico], 5 [Midwest], 7 [Central] and 10 [Pacific Northwest].
- Two regions reported between 10% and 15% of specimens positive for SARS-CoV-2:
Regions 4 [South East] and 9 [South West/Coast].
- Region 6 [South Central] reported >15% of specimens positive for SARS-CoV-2.
- Three regions (Regions 1 [New England], 3 [Mid-Atlantic] and 8 [Mountain]) reported a stable
or decreasing percentage of specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2.

- Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or
COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9.0% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26, representing the tenth
consecutive week during which a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC has been recorded. The
percentage is currently at the epidemic threshold but will likely change as additional death certificates
for deaths during recent weeks are processed.

not gonna shout down or overtalk Janus because he's become a great sport and reasonable counter to most things I've posted which I appreciate

but this is the CDC essentialy confirming that covid is not officially an epidemic anymore
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Manny Fapuiao on July 05, 2020, 05:34:30 PM
Friend of mine's girlfriend tested positive for Covid earlier this week and I was with them last Thursday. Been quarantining extra hard until I get the test results back, my girlfriend is negative so I'm hopeful. What pisses me off is that my friend was hanging out with a few people for the 4th like everything was all good smh. Told him my thoughts on it last night and he blew up, screaming, swearing, calling me names etc. Safe to say we aren't friends anymore.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 05, 2020, 06:23:14 PM
Friend of mine's girlfriend tested positive for Covid earlier this week and I was with them last Thursday. Been quarantining extra hard until I get the test results back, my girlfriend is negative so I'm hopeful. What pisses me off is that my friend was hanging out with a few people for the 4th like everything was all good smh. Told him my thoughts on it last night and he blew up, screaming, swearing, calling me names etc. Safe to say we aren't friends anymore.
good news for him. you sound like a terrible person to have as a friend
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Manny Fapuiao on July 05, 2020, 07:01:25 PM
Expand Quote
Friend of mine's girlfriend tested positive for Covid earlier this week and I was with them last Thursday. Been quarantining extra hard until I get the test results back, my girlfriend is negative so I'm hopeful. What pisses me off is that my friend was hanging out with a few people for the 4th like everything was all good smh. Told him my thoughts on it last night and he blew up, screaming, swearing, calling me names etc. Safe to say we aren't friends anymore.
good news for him. you sound like a terrible person to have as a friend
Because I think it's utterly irresponsible to be partying with people while you're Covid positive? Seems reasonable to me.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ihatejulio on July 05, 2020, 07:08:11 PM
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Friend of mine's girlfriend tested positive for Covid earlier this week and I was with them last Thursday. Been quarantining extra hard until I get the test results back, my girlfriend is negative so I'm hopeful. What pisses me off is that my friend was hanging out with a few people for the 4th like everything was all good smh. Told him my thoughts on it last night and he blew up, screaming, swearing, calling me names etc. Safe to say we aren't friends anymore.
good news for him. you sound like a terrible person to have as a friend
Because I think it's utterly irresponsible to be partying with people while you're Covid positive? Seems reasonable to me.

UGHHH how dare you have compassion for other human beings!!!!!!! I wouldn't want to be friends with you either you thoughtful, empathetic son of a bitch.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 05, 2020, 07:47:49 PM
these people may have to start being more honest and this may be the beginning of many such statements:
"Our data includes both confirmed and probable cases." - Toronto Public Health

Also from a tweet in mid-june:
"Individuals who have died with COVID-19, but not as a result of COVID-19 are included in the case counts for COVID-19 deaths in Toronto."

this has been going on the whole time everywhere. perhaps they thought things really would get bad enough at some point that they'd never have to explain themselves.

it is now clear that they never were and are never going to be that bad.  you've been had and it's a war crime.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 05, 2020, 07:49:10 PM
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Friend of mine's girlfriend tested positive for Covid earlier this week and I was with them last Thursday. Been quarantining extra hard until I get the test results back, my girlfriend is negative so I'm hopeful. What pisses me off is that my friend was hanging out with a few people for the 4th like everything was all good smh. Told him my thoughts on it last night and he blew up, screaming, swearing, calling me names etc. Safe to say we aren't friends anymore.
good news for him. you sound like a terrible person to have as a friend
Because I think it's utterly irresponsible to be partying with people while you're Covid positive? Seems reasonable to me.
because you're a self-satisfied idiot bragging to strangers on the internet about your control issues

he's lucky to get you out of his life
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on July 05, 2020, 08:59:00 PM
Like that other poster pointed out, some people are just worthless. Ignore the obvious idiot in the room. He hasn't contributed anything here and quite possibly anywhere else.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: iKobrakai on July 06, 2020, 12:14:15 AM
This fucking thread is unreal...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on July 06, 2020, 09:41:23 AM
Absolutely hilarious
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on July 06, 2020, 09:52:51 AM
Expand Quote (

o Indicators used to monitor COVID-19 activity remain lower than peaks seen in March and April;
however, there are increases in the percentage of specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 and
percentage of visits for ILI or CLI in multiple parts of the country, which have been sustained in some
cases for multiple consecutive weeks.
- Nationally, using combined data from the three laboratory types, the percentage of respiratory
specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 with a molecular assay increased from week 25 (8.1%) to
week 26 (8.7%).
- Increases were reported in seven of ten HHS surveillance regions.
- Four regions reported between 4% and 6% of specimens positive for SARS-CoV-2:
Regions 2 [NY/NJ/Puerto Rico], 5 [Midwest], 7 [Central] and 10 [Pacific Northwest].
- Two regions reported between 10% and 15% of specimens positive for SARS-CoV-2:
Regions 4 [South East] and 9 [South West/Coast].
- Region 6 [South Central] reported >15% of specimens positive for SARS-CoV-2.
- Three regions (Regions 1 [New England], 3 [Mid-Atlantic] and 8 [Mountain]) reported a stable
or decreasing percentage of specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2.

- Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or
COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9.0% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26, representing the tenth
consecutive week during which a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC has been recorded. The
percentage is currently at the epidemic threshold but will likely change as additional death certificates
for deaths during recent weeks are processed.

not gonna shout down or overtalk Janus because he's become a great sport and reasonable counter to most things I've posted which I appreciate

but this is the CDC essentialy confirming that covid is not officially an epidemic anymore

I believe being at the threshold implies that it’s still an epidemic, but it can go either way at this point. But me interpreting everything as ‘wait and see’ is nothing new.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: DA BIG BODY BENZ on July 06, 2020, 10:39:44 AM
Just a bunch of antifa bullshit orchestrated and funded by George Soros and the lizard shape shifting liberal elitists
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Telly on July 06, 2020, 10:49:48 AM
So I’m a masker.  Does it stop the spread?  I don’t know.  Is it worth a very very very minor inconvenience if it even helps a little?  I say it is. 
Anybody else who wears a mask been approached by someone maskless who questions why you wear the mask?  I’ve had it several times, and most people have been incredulous, but some are downright aggressive. 
Fact is, wearing a mask will not harm you.  If you are worried about mold then do the same thing you do when you shit your pants.  Put it in the washing machine.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 06, 2020, 11:45:44 AM
and here's another one, from an official of Ireland:

"In Ireland we counted all deaths, in all settings, suspected cases even when no lab test was done, and included people with underlying terminal illnesses who died with Covid but not of it."

the dominoes are falling. this will continue to come to light from more sources
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sidewalk Funk. on July 06, 2020, 12:27:36 PM
Harvard just announced all classes will be held online for the rest of 2020.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on July 06, 2020, 01:00:34 PM
and here's another one, from an official of Ireland:

"In Ireland we counted all deaths, in all settings, suspected cases even when no lab test was done, and included people with underlying terminal illnesses who died with Covid but not of it."

the dominoes are falling. this will continue to come to light from more sources

The article cited in that tweet (

I believe this was the reasoning for including those deaths:

“He said the official figure of 1,700 deaths as a result of the virus is correct and while it may be a slight overestimate it is nonetheless an accurate estimate.

He said some of those who died were frail and close to the end of life or others had pre-existing conditions made more severe, and in some of these cases their deaths may have been accelerated as a result of contracting Covid-19.

However, he said, the reality is that those people did die as a result of contracting the virus.”

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: DirtyBurger on July 06, 2020, 01:28:57 PM
I just moved out of the state of Florida to Missouri and holy hell, Florida is not taking this seriously in any way possible. I've seen the news reports and I thought they were exaggerating about it, but no, everyone down there seems to think that if everyone gets it then that'll just be their new life.

Missouri seems to be more concerned with the 6' rule instead of the mask thing though.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: RichardBarkley on July 06, 2020, 01:35:12 PM
Expand Quote
and here's another one, from an official of Ireland:

"In Ireland we counted all deaths, in all settings, suspected cases even when no lab test was done, and included people with underlying terminal illnesses who died with Covid but not of it."

the dominoes are falling. this will continue to come to light from more sources

The article cited in that tweet (

I believe this was the reasoning for including those deaths:

“He said the official figure of 1,700 deaths as a result of the virus is correct and while it may be a slight overestimate it is nonetheless an accurate estimate.

He said some of those who died were frail and close to the end of life or others had pre-existing conditions made more severe, and in some of these cases their deaths may have been accelerated as a result of contracting Covid-19.

However, he said, the reality is that those people did die as a result of contracting the virus.”

This is responsible reporting from the Taoiseach of Ireland who presided over the covid crisis.

"This was right approach but skewed the numbers. Priority is to save lives not look good in league tables."
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Telly on July 06, 2020, 01:36:14 PM
I just moved out of the state of Florida to Missouri and holy hell, Florida is not taking this seriously in any way possible. I've seen the news reports and I thought they were exaggerating about it, but no, everyone down there seems to think that if everyone gets it then that'll just be their new life.

Missouri seems to be more concerned with the 6' rule instead of the mask thing though.

What concerns me is the morons who think the 6 foot rule is magic.  Had a coworker show up to work with a pretty bad dry cough, a sore throat and probably a fever.  When asked what his temp was he said “normal.”  So unless he was using some moron proof thermometer I’m guessing he didn’t actually take his temp.  Shows up to the garage with a mask on and then pulls a chair about 10 feet away from the other 3 of us and takes his mask off.  When I asked him why he didn’t have the mask on he said because he was more than 6 feet away.
I told him he could go home until he was well or call the doctor and see if they recommended a test.

He called and when he hung up he said “guess I shouldn’t have called.  I have to leave work and go get a test and then quarantine until I get the results.”

Yep, shouldn’t have called is the logical conclusion. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: iKobrakai on July 07, 2020, 10:10:07 PM
Harvard just announced all classes will be held online for the rest of 2020.

Yeah, but aren't they still charging the same? Not that I'll go there..
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on July 08, 2020, 12:39:02 PM
"Babylon ah try ah ting but me no scare"

hope y'all are happy, healthy, and productive...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: AsianVegan on July 08, 2020, 06:29:59 PM
Melbourne is back in mandatory lock-down for the next 6 weeks as cases have spiked to the worst they've been and they haven't been able to contact trace 80% or so of them. All state borders, flights etc to Victoria have been closed off.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on July 09, 2020, 06:02:38 AM
Expand Quote
Harvard just announced all classes will be held online for the rest of 2020.

Yeah, but aren't they still charging the same? Not that I'll go there..

Yup. I guess if you're going to Harvard you're going mainly to say you went to Harvard, they know people will still pay for it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on July 09, 2020, 11:35:21 AM
Are there any services that have become cheaper because they've gone online? I don't think there are, but maybe I'm wrong. But maybe in the long run this shitshow will force a change in higher education, making it free to all who want it. Jk, it will only make it worse.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Joe Pesci on July 09, 2020, 02:30:54 PM
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Harvard just announced all classes will be held online for the rest of 2020.

Yeah, but aren't they still charging the same? Not that I'll go there..

Yup. I guess if you're going to Harvard you're going mainly to say you went to Harvard, they know people will still pay for it.
You would think any Ivy League school with high tuition would be worth it, all these average colleges that still charge 75% of those prices... not so much
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Telly on July 09, 2020, 04:29:47 PM
Are there any services that have become cheaper because they've gone online? I don't think there are, but maybe I'm wrong. But maybe in the long run this shitshow will force a change in higher education, making it free to all who want it. Jk, it will only make it worse.

My tax guy gave me a 25$ off credit due to not being able to do it in person.  I imagine the coupon might have been available online but I didn’t know about it or ask about it.  I don’t want to get in the middle of anything too covid related but he specifically told me that was the reason my tax prep was $84 instead of whatever number is 25 higher than 84.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on July 10, 2020, 06:47:38 AM
  All this lock down shit and suspension of basic rights was a huge mistep -im sure time will inform us of this.    No I don't think it was a conspiracy.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on July 10, 2020, 11:18:55 AM
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Harvard just announced all classes will be held online for the rest of 2020.

Yeah, but aren't they still charging the same? Not that I'll go there..

Arizona State's online program has been the same cost as the inperson program for years now.

I'm not sure about Harvard, but this is financially hurting most schools who need the housing and meal plan money to actually pay their bills. Not to mention the fact the international students are getting booted out of the country. They pour so much money into these schools (and local economies).

The professors have to do a ton of extra work to adjust their classes from in person to online and som are looking at pay cuts via furloughs or layoffs. The professors and staff (the people who actually work at universities) aren't getting an amazing deal.

And, it is different for Harvard where in the person experience is all about networking with other kids from powerful families, but shit the standard "college experience" many kids are complaining about losing is terrible anyway. For me, being surrounded by the whole frat party "college experience" bullshit was the worst thing about university, I was glad I could escape after class and just be in the skateboard world instead.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 10, 2020, 11:29:01 AM
  All this lock down shit and suspension of basic rights was a huge mistep -im sure time will inform us of this.    No I don't think it was a conspiracy.

this is the main and most important point.

the response to the coronavirus will go down as top 3 disasters of our lifetime. the virus it self may not make the top ten.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on July 10, 2020, 11:52:32 AM
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Harvard just announced all classes will be held online for the rest of 2020.

Yeah, but aren't they still charging the same? Not that I'll go there..

Arizona State's online program has been the same cost as the inperson program for years now.

I'm not sure about Harvard, but this is financially hurting most schools who need the housing and meal plan money to actually pay their bills. Not to mention the fact the international students are getting booted out of the country. They pour so much money into these schools (and local economies).

Yeah, smaller colleges will suffer and many will bite the dust. That's why there are still school admins who want f2f classes to continue, regardless of the human cost. It's pretty insane.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on July 10, 2020, 12:28:48 PM
My friend's first hand acct of her and her husband contracting COVID-19:

On the afternoon of June 13th, [husband] woke  up feeling like he was hit by a bus. He felt awful but proceeded to get ready for his night shift anyway. [Child] was hugging him goodbye and remarked that he felt warm. Took his temp and he had a fever. He called out sick that night and soon tested positive for COVID.

It was absolutely miserable. He had trouble breathing. His chest was heavy and he had shortness of breath. On top of that, his whole body ached, had fever and chills, dry coughs, and was bedridden. He works with COVID patients, so he has seen the worst cases. It was scary.

In several days, I started to get symptoms, too, although seemingly more mild. My body hurt and I was also bedridden, but I was spared the difficulty breathing. Just when I thought I was getting better, I spiked a 103.5 fever, had chills, and uncontrollable fit of dry coughs.

It was especially hard because we also had two little kids to care for. We could not send them anywhere because they could be asymptomatic carriers. We all had to stay in place together. Thankfully, our kiddos managed to stay healthy. &#128591;

I share our story so that you know how awful COVID is. It is no joke. Please wear a mask and avoid large groups. Although we don’t know for sure, [husband] probably caught it at work because he didn’t go anywhere nonessential. When you go to parties, even if you’re not sick, you could be an asymptomatic carrier. You can get your elderly parents or grandparents sick and hospitalized, and then possibly pass it on to the frontline healthcare workers taking care of them. And then it gets passed to their family members. I got sick even though I have been a hermit since March. It is absolutely infuriating to see irresponsible folks acting as if this pandemic is over, and here I was, a responsible person sheltering at home for months who still got sick.

WEAR A FUCKING MASK. It’s not hard.

We feel healthy enough to function normally again, but definitely not 100%. [Husband] still feels broken. And who knows what repercussions there may be from COVID further down the road.

I’m grateful to feel better and to salvage what I have left of my summer break with my kids. I am grateful that they have each other to play with. They have been absolute troopers. Although this is undeniably the worst summer, I have to count my blessings. This happened during my break so I didn’t have to exhaust my sick time. If either of us had to go to the hospital, we have excellent health insurance coverage. During these difficult economic times, we are fortunate to have our jobs."

Stay safe, guys and girls.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 10, 2020, 12:33:43 PM
My friend's first hand acct of her and her husband contracting COVID-19:
if it's from your friend through you it's not first hand. anecdotal and useless.

and very typical. a vast majority of scare is perpetuated by this narrative of "my friend's husband..." it's the euro tm version of "Science" and it's trash and your'e trash for participating in it
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Telly on July 10, 2020, 12:37:05 PM
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My friend's first hand acct of her and her husband contracting COVID-19:
if it's from your friend through you it's not first hand. anecdotal and useless.

and very typical. a vast majority of scare is perpetuated by this narrative of "my friend's husband..." it's the euro tm version of "Science" and it's trash and your'e trash for participating in it

Not familiar with how quotes work?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on July 10, 2020, 01:25:53 PM
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My friend's first hand acct of her and her husband contracting COVID-19:
if it's from your friend through you it's not first hand. anecdotal and useless.

and very typical. a vast majority of scare is perpetuated by this narrative of "my friend's husband..." it's the euro tm version of "Science" and it's trash and your'e trash for participating in it

He didn't say it was his fh account.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on July 10, 2020, 02:46:47 PM
Buck Russell on COVID-19 confirmed
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Telly on July 10, 2020, 03:18:39 PM
Buck Russell on COVID-19 confirmed

I preferred the name “lawndale skates” but “covid 19” is certainly catchier.
Got any flow spots still open?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: shucknjive on July 10, 2020, 03:26:58 PM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on July 10, 2020, 04:26:29 PM
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Buck Russell on COVID-19 confirmed

I preferred the name “lawndale skates” but “covid 19” is certainly catchier.
Got any flow spots still open?

You know, Telly, my Pro Skater thread got locked up, which is unfortunate.

I have taken screen shots to preserve the company's Mission Statement in the event the thread gets deleted. I guess some ppl may have found the prospect of a skate brand wherein riders are actually held to certain strict moral standards (really just expected to demonstrate basic human decency) to be...well...intimidating.

But I appreciate your interest and I won't be stopped or discouraged. I will PM you after I have trademarked the brand name and things get set fully in motion.

Stay safe in the midst of all this COVID-19. It's not a game.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Telly on July 10, 2020, 05:54:46 PM
I’ll be honest, “social distancing” was just a new word for “life in general” for me, so I’m going the “if it’s not a big deal in the end then wearing a mask and isolating is the easiest way to protect myself and others if it had been a bigger deal and I really didn’t suffer all that much and my house is very clean all the time and I got better at skating switch” route.
As a flow rider is it ok to hold to the values of the company but really concentrate on the lifestyle side of flow skating post 40?  Stuff like not going out because it’s just too humid and I’ve been working outside all day or taking 3-4 weekends a month off because I’m old.  I would run all those ideas through marketing obviously because I’m not going to bother you with little things.
I can’t promise to use a lot of product but I can promise not to sell any of it. 
Also, if you could have the boards pregripped with jessup I would appreciate that.  I can’t find my knife.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on July 10, 2020, 06:12:52 PM
I’ll be honest, “social distancing” was just a new word for “life in general” for me, so I’m going the “if it’s not a big deal in the end then wearing a mask and isolating is the easiest way to protect myself and others if it had been a bigger deal and I really didn’t suffer all that much and my house is very clean all the time and I got better at skating switch” route.
As a flow rider is it ok to hold to the values of the company but really concentrate on the lifestyle side of flow skating post 40?  Stuff like not going out because it’s just too humid and I’ve been working outside all day or taking 3-4 weekends a month off because I’m old.  I would run all those ideas through marketing obviously because I’m not going to bother you with little things.
I can’t promise to use a lot of product but I can promise not to sell any of it. 
Also, if you could have the boards pregripped with jessup I would appreciate that.  I can’t find my knife.

lol I don't wanna hijack the Coronavirus thread with my pro skating career so we should take this to a PM until they unlock the other thread (hope hope hope). But I have answers for you.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Goldeneggs on July 10, 2020, 09:32:48 PM
No one has gotten sick. I think it's all fake. Just making a big deal out of the same flus we get every year.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Telly on July 10, 2020, 09:44:59 PM
No one has gotten sick. I think it's all fake. Just making a big deal out of the same flus we get every year.

You shouldn’t be so selfish with this information.  As someone who is an expert in medicine as well as someone who can type, you should take this news to twitter so people can stop freaking out. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 10, 2020, 10:52:35 PM
here is a great chart that illustrates what is really going on. reports of deaths have gone up in number recently but it is more data manipulation. the chart below shows when the deaths were actually from and gives insights into how they are 'harvesting deaths'


viruses follow very predictable patterns every time. the way the data is being presented defies reasonable logic. it's insane that more people do not see this.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Telly on July 10, 2020, 11:25:13 PM
Hey buck, serious question:

So what?  So less people dies than could have, so far.  Does that make protecting each other the wrong thing to do?  Or did the federal government(USA) handle it poorly?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 10, 2020, 11:40:28 PM
Hey buck, serious question:

So what?  So less people dies than could have, so far.  Does that make protecting each other the wrong thing to do?  Or did the federal government(USA) handle it poorly?
serious answer? this is the point:

the virus is fading naturally as it always was going to no matter what. interventions have very little effect once it's in society. by the time we knew about it the virus was likely already winding down. nobody is protecting anybody this is how nature works.

the reporting is wildly irresponsible keeping the fear monkey fed when the truth is deaths continue to steadily decline.

the lockdowns were archaic and unconstitutional and this thing is little more than a bad respiratory virus with a brand name
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tuesday on July 10, 2020, 11:52:18 PM
here is a great chart that illustrates what is really going on. reports of deaths have gone up in number recently but it is more data manipulation. the chart below shows when the deaths were actually from and gives insights into how they are 'harvesting deaths'


viruses follow very predictable patterns every time. the way the data is being presented defies reasonable logic. it's insane that more people do not see this.

without providing proper reference
Quote from: Buck Russell
it's the euro tm version of "Science" and it's trash and your'e trash for participating in it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 10, 2020, 11:56:20 PM
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here is a great chart that illustrates what is really going on. reports of deaths have gone up in number recently but it is more data manipulation. the chart below shows when the deaths were actually from and gives insights into how they are 'harvesting deaths'


viruses follow very predictable patterns every time. the way the data is being presented defies reasonable logic. it's insane that more people do not see this.

without providing proper reference
Quote from: Buck Russell
Expand Quote
it's the euro tm version of "Science" and it's trash and your'e trash for participating in it.

fair play. data is from the cdc right here:
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Fat Tire on July 11, 2020, 11:45:31 AM
My roommate has it and it sounds like he's dying; non stop coughing and when I heard him walk past my door this morning I could hear him wheezing and struggling to breathe.

Also I should note this guy is only in his 20s.

This disease is no joke.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tuesday on July 11, 2020, 12:30:58 PM
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here is a great chart that illustrates what is really going on. reports of deaths have gone up in number recently but it is more data manipulation. the chart below shows when the deaths were actually from and gives insights into how they are 'harvesting deaths'


viruses follow very predictable patterns every time. the way the data is being presented defies reasonable logic. it's insane that more people do not see this.

without providing proper reference
Quote from: Buck Russell
Expand Quote
it's the euro tm version of "Science" and it's trash and your'e trash for participating in it.

fair play. data is from the cdc right here:

The link you provided does not lead to the table. To quote you once again:
Quote from: Buck Russell
if it's from your friend through you it's not first hand.

and thus
Quote from: Buck Russell
anecdotal and useless.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: shucknjive on July 11, 2020, 12:58:58 PM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on July 11, 2020, 01:03:55 PM
My roommate has it and it sounds like he's dying; non stop coughing and when I heard him walk past my door this morning I could hear him wheezing and struggling to breathe.

Also I should note this guy is only in his 20s.

This disease is no joke.
Please don't get sick too.

That condition sounds terrible but at least you're still hearing him. I'd worry more if he went quiet.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: FrenchFriedClownFingers on July 11, 2020, 06:59:49 PM
got hella paid from edd. idk why. realizing i need to get out of this town but have no friends anywhere and i wouldnt be able to afford rent over 600 which is what i currently pay. job is closing down the donation centers so im not gonna get to return to that place but i guess i can say i managed it, since i closed often by myself and wasn't a thief..

i hpe every one is doing okay this shit is so unreal it crazy
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: DA BIG BODY BENZ on July 11, 2020, 07:22:28 PM
If you aint from my hood you can get from round here
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Chavo on July 12, 2020, 02:32:58 PM
Our department in a government agency has been open to the general public for a month and it's a shit show. We can't really enforce masks, can't stop sick people from coming in, and have no means for basic hygiene (in one of the largest government buildings in the world we have one filthy restroom per floor). Instead of keeping most of the staff working remotely, almost everyone was forced back to work and we've had outbreaks in 10 different buildings, several sporadic outbreaks in rooms near me.

To those "essential" workers who deal directly with the public, like me, this is very real. At this point, I know people who have caught COVID-19 and one who has died (not a friend, he caught it in prison). Some of my co-workers also work second jobs at fulfillment warehouses and grocery stores. One walked off her Amazon job when they couldn't contain outbreaks, while another cites at least a hundred cases and a few deaths in one food distribution center.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on July 12, 2020, 05:03:59 PM
Our department in a government agency has been open to the general public for a month and it's a shit show. We can't really enforce masks, can't stop sick people from coming in, and have no means for basic hygiene (in one of the largest government buildings in the world we have one filthy restroom per floor). Instead of keeping most of the staff working remotely, almost everyone was forced back to work and we've had outbreaks in 10 different buildings, several sporadic outbreaks in rooms near me.

To those "essential" workers who deal directly with the public, like me, this is very real. At this point, I know people who have caught COVID-19 and one who has died (not a friend, he caught it in prison). Some of my co-workers also work second jobs at fulfillment warehouses and grocery stores. One walked off her Amazon job when they couldn't contain outbreaks, while another cites at least a hundred cases and a few deaths in one food distribution center.

Damn, bro. I'm sorry to hear you've gotta do that. You're down in SoCal right? While a lot of people are being choads up here, people are so far spread out for the most part that it's not smacked hard yet. Granted, there aren't a lot of jobs up here prior to the pandemic, but damn, I don't know what to say other than I hope you are able to stay safe. My partner is a SWer and is able to stay home so far. It's really, really weird. Goddamn. I'm sorry, dude.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JumpManShorty on July 12, 2020, 05:04:33 PM
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Hey buck, serious question:

So what?  So less people dies than could have, so far.  Does that make protecting each other the wrong thing to do?  Or did the federal government(USA) handle it poorly?
serious answer? this is the point:

the virus is fading naturally as it always was going to no matter what. interventions have very little effect once it's in society. by the time we knew about it the virus was likely already winding down. nobody is protecting anybody this is how nature works.

the reporting is wildly irresponsible keeping the fear monkey fed when the truth is deaths continue to steadily decline.

the lockdowns were archaic and unconstitutional and this thing is little more than a bad respiratory virus with a brand name

Whats your views on countries like New Zealand whose lock down actually stopped the spread of the disease, and are going back to life as normal?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 12, 2020, 05:14:05 PM
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Hey buck, serious question:

So what?  So less people dies than could have, so far.  Does that make protecting each other the wrong thing to do?  Or did the federal government(USA) handle it poorly?
serious answer? this is the point:

the virus is fading naturally as it always was going to no matter what. interventions have very little effect once it's in society. by the time we knew about it the virus was likely already winding down. nobody is protecting anybody this is how nature works.

the reporting is wildly irresponsible keeping the fear monkey fed when the truth is deaths continue to steadily decline.

the lockdowns were archaic and unconstitutional and this thing is little more than a bad respiratory virus with a brand name

Whats your views on countries like New Zealand whose lock down actually stopped the spread of the disease, and are going back to life as normal?

New Zealand is very unique in that its a tiny island nation.

it's possible to lockdown and eliminate there. not remotely comparable to most of Europe or the americas. they have a geography protection that no policy can provide
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Madam, I'm Adam on July 12, 2020, 05:25:34 PM
There haven't been any new cases for 12 days now, where I live. And there's only four active cases, which has probably dwindled to two these last few days. The population is 705,000 so it's low-risk right now. But of course, that doesn't account for the cases that have shown no symptoms. And everyone is still actively avoiding situations where you're with large groups of people indoors.

I know it sounds selfish, but I'm glad to have chosen to live here. People talk shit about Winnipeg all the time, and they're right - the streets and roads here suck, and the winters are long and cold and the summers are hot. But the health care industry is one of the strongest in the country, and since it's not a travel destination per se, that lowers risk factors even more. Not just for corona but for a lot of other ailments.

Much much respect to you @Chavo for continuing to do your job. I remember reading your posts from a few months ago and it sounded like you were in dire straits, and it seems like you still are.  Hope everyone else is staying safe as well.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on July 13, 2020, 05:30:40 AM
  All this lock down shit and suspension of basic rights was a huge mistep -im sure time will inform us of this.    No I don't think it was a conspiracy.

What basic human rights have you been denied during this time?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on July 13, 2020, 06:35:26 AM
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  All this lock down shit and suspension of basic rights was a huge mistep -im sure time will inform us of this.    No I don't think it was a conspiracy.

What basic human rights have you been denied during this time?
   Operative term is 'lock down' bro.  Right for sanity right to make a living.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on July 13, 2020, 06:53:52 AM
Limiting the time you can spend outside during a crisis isn't an infringement on human rights. But yeah to be fair I forgot that the US got fuck all help financially when your workplaces were closed. In the UK we got a pretty good hand surprisingly. We'll just be paying for it for the next 100 years
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on July 13, 2020, 08:16:54 AM
Limiting the time you can spend outside during a crisis isn't an infringement on human rights. But yeah to be fair I forgot that the US got fuck all help financially when your workplaces were closed. In the UK we got a pretty good hand surprisingly. We'll just be paying for it for the next 100 years
   simple as that    any limitation for whatever constitutes a crisis, noice!!  this limitation is on you're physical freedom, no  big d    edit also some would rather work and put money into their economy so it dosnt tank.  Is that a right?  At some point it should be as we are directly connected to outcomes.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on July 13, 2020, 08:51:59 AM

A San Antonio doctor said one of her hospital's patients, a 30-year-old man, died after attending a so-called "COVID party" -- a bizarre trend where young people intentionally get together with someone who's infected.

Dr. Jane Appleby, chief medical officer for Methodist Hospital and Methodist Children's Hospital, said the patient thought the coronavirus pandemic was a hoax.

"He thought he was young and he was invincible and wouldn't get affected ... One of the things that was heart-wrenching that he said to his nurse was, 'I think I made a mistake,'" she said.

Why on Earth would you think it's a hoax? 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on July 13, 2020, 09:12:21 AM

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A San Antonio doctor said one of her hospital's patients, a 30-year-old man, died after attending a so-called "COVID party" -- a bizarre trend where young people intentionally get together with someone who's infected.

Dr. Jane Appleby, chief medical officer for Methodist Hospital and Methodist Children's Hospital, said the patient thought the coronavirus pandemic was a hoax.

"He thought he was young and he was invincible and wouldn't get affected ... One of the things that was heart-wrenching that he said to his nurse was, 'I think I made a mistake,'" she said.

Why on Earth would you think it's a hoax?
  People legitimately have no trust of authority or the government.  So yah I know its not a hoax but why act surprised when diferent people have some misteps figuring out what to believe which would depend on their upbringing income ect things they have no control of.  Some crazy dumb ideas but the basic mistrust is validated.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on July 13, 2020, 09:38:58 AM
You'd have to be pretty fucking dumb not to believe the medical authorities on this particular subject. These people think that skepticism means believing the exact opposite of what they're told, regardless of the topic.* But maybe these people have also seen enough footage of politicians pushing for the reopening of bars and restaurants, which reinforces their belief that everything's fine. So in that sense they do in fact trust authority.

*Feel like this is adjacent to "doing your own research," which involves reading/watching a lot of reddit threads and YT videos made by people absolutely unqualified for whatever they're talking about.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tuesday on July 13, 2020, 09:49:16 AM
I agree that basic mistrust is validated. But it should be applied universally, including first and foremost ones own judgements.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: iKobrakai on July 13, 2020, 10:39:35 AM
Holy shit, U.S., get your act together...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on July 13, 2020, 02:39:37 PM
I agree that basic mistrust is validated. But it should be applied universally, including first and foremost ones own judgements.
  'Should' dosen't mean much and "you'd have to be pretty dumb not to believe the health authorities" is just thick.  Things like peoples income bracket and how they were raised, general mental health issues combined are all understandable predicaments that can affect smart people.  And that being said, I wouldn't trust any authorities outright period.  Bad plan to blanket trust people in power, bad concept to promote. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on July 13, 2020, 02:47:12 PM
Governor Newsom just reinstated a LOT of restrictions here in CA due to surging cases...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on July 13, 2020, 03:20:55 PM
Again, people who believe a global pandemic is a hoax are dumb. People who believe in conspiracy theories are dumb. And you can find them across social and economic strata and cultures, so the argument about these people's background doesn't hold water. Maybe they do have mental health issues, but that only means that their beliefs aren't grounded in facts.

Blanket distrust of medical authority (in the sense of expertise, not power) leads to incidents like these. It leads to people drinking bleach. That's the result of being a "free thinker." Only they didn't come up with these ideas themselves. They saw them on the internet and chose to believe them. They thought some YT rando was more trustworthy than the whole scientific community. That's plain dumb.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Allen. on July 13, 2020, 03:26:27 PM
The more and more this goes on, the more guilty I feel for thinking that this was “just a flu” in the very beginning. It was very short lived, and for the most part, I kept my mouth shut, but my god.

Also, we’re completely and totally fucked.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Joe Pesci on July 13, 2020, 03:57:24 PM
Blanket distrust of medical authority (in the sense of expertise, not power) leads to incidents like these. It leads to people drinking bleach. That's the result of being a "free thinker." Only they didn't come up with these ideas themselves. They saw them on the internet and chose to believe them. They thought some YT rando was more trustworthy than the whole scientific community. That's plain dumb.

Vaccines are being used to inject microchips to make you a slave to Bill Gates when 5G is fully released man, I read it online its facts
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Hyliannightmare on July 13, 2020, 06:15:56 PM
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Blanket distrust of medical authority (in the sense of expertise, not power) leads to incidents like these. It leads to people drinking bleach. That's the result of being a "free thinker." Only they didn't come up with these ideas themselves. They saw them on the internet and chose to believe them. They thought some YT rando was more trustworthy than the whole scientific community. That's plain dumb.

Vaccines are being used to inject microchips to make you a slave to Bill Gates when 5G is fully released man, I read it online its facts

Fuck they got me
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Willie on July 13, 2020, 07:08:33 PM
Local school district is soon to announce fall plans. It’s assumed to be some kind of hybrid model.

Wife announced today out of the blue “well I’m not sending the kids in no matter what.  You can homeschool them!”

Fuck me. This is going to get ugly.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Nick.. on July 13, 2020, 07:50:40 PM
Cases have been plummeting in Ontario since the end of May, most of the province is entering Stage 3 by Friday while the GTA has to wait another week at least.

Wild how successful a country can be in treating a virus when it’s treated as a public health & safety matter and not like a game of political football.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Abyss1 on July 13, 2020, 08:48:37 PM

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A San Antonio doctor said one of her hospital's patients, a 30-year-old man, died after attending a so-called "COVID party" -- a bizarre trend where young people intentionally get together with someone who's infected.

Dr. Jane Appleby, chief medical officer for Methodist Hospital and Methodist Children's Hospital, said the patient thought the coronavirus pandemic was a hoax.

"He thought he was young and he was invincible and wouldn't get affected ... One of the things that was heart-wrenching that he said to his nurse was, 'I think I made a mistake,'" she said.

Why on Earth would you think it's a hoax?

Group think ...probably was convinced by a conspiracy theorist
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: blurst_of_times on July 13, 2020, 10:16:04 PM
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  All this lock down shit and suspension of basic rights was a huge mistep -im sure time will inform us of this.    No I don't think it was a conspiracy.

What basic human rights have you been denied during this time?
   Operative term is 'lock down' bro.  Right for sanity right to make a living.
What about the basic right of being healthy? Frontline/essential workers don't have that option
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: gnarlycharlie on July 14, 2020, 09:11:57 AM
west palm beach florida just wear a mask in stores and shit wash your hands been solid and skating the whole time pretty sure alot of it is just propaganda people need to turn the tv off
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ok boomer on July 14, 2020, 09:26:18 AM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Ms. Tamzarian on July 14, 2020, 09:57:45 AM
What about the basic right of being healthy? Frontline/essential workers don't have that option

You have only to look at the numbers in other countries to begin to perceive how much we fucked ourselves, and it gets worse every goddamn day

Trump, Fox News, the Christian Right, "free thinkers" on the internet, and all the other climate-denying, COVID denying, common-sense denying idiots have massive amounts of blood on their hands. Your "political" opinions are literally murderous.

Real shit all around, thank you both for these.

I hope everyone is healthy this week and please be safe.

Johnes, we are wishing the best for your family - hopefully things have been stable for you and your folks!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Gnarfunkell on July 14, 2020, 12:25:49 PM
What's so tough about all the anti-science or really anti-common knowledge people in the world is that factual information does nothing for them. I feel like the thing they like most is this sense of having "true knowledge" or knowing the "real reality".

There are so many imbeciles all over the world, and rejecting the norms of "intelligent society" makes them think they're smarter than everyone else.

Freaky times y'all. Stay safe and stay informed.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: whale on July 14, 2020, 01:23:47 PM
Cases on the rise again after gradually opening up during the summer, nothing drastic yet but confirmed cases at a kindergarten.
This happened about 5 days ago.
The cases weren’t at our kindergarten, but got the kid tested today anyways because he had a runny nose.
Takes a few days, we’ll see.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Joe Pesci on July 14, 2020, 05:17:24 PM
What's so tough about all the anti-science or really anti-common knowledge people in the world is that factual information does nothing for them. I feel like the thing they like most is this sense of having "true knowledge" or knowing the "real reality".

There are so many imbeciles all over the world, and rejecting the norms of "intelligent society" makes them think they're smarter than everyone else.

Freaky times y'all. Stay safe and stay informed.
Dunning Kruger effect combined with people who believe everything they read and hear on the internet... I had a couple friends tell me that humans can't get viruses and that this isn't real, and another who acknowledged the virus exists but reposted a video of some lady talking about how you should hold your breath for 10 seconds or gargle vinegar to prevent corona. I'm just thinking to myself dude how do you guys believe this shit.

The guy who said people can't get viruses, I didn't expect him to ever be a person that would say some shit like that. I made it pretty clear how ridiculous what he just said was without being condescending or insulting and he was still just like "Idk man, I'm just trying to keep an open mind. Check out these doctors on youtube" and it was basically 2 different guys both preaching some conspiracy shit about how this is all about controlling the masses.

A lot of people should just stay the fuck off the internet. Think about the fact that a lot of these people vote... then again I don't believe our presidential votes matter but that's a whole different discussion
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on July 14, 2020, 05:58:50 PM
Zero covid deaths in NYC the other day, first time since the March.

I’d feel better if the whole country was moving in the right direction (ya know, like if we had any kind of science guided national response and citizens smart enough to listen to it), but it’s not.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Telly on July 14, 2020, 08:24:44 PM

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A San Antonio doctor said one of her hospital's patients, a 30-year-old man, died after attending a so-called "COVID party" -- a bizarre trend where young people intentionally get together with someone who's infected.

Dr. Jane Appleby, chief medical officer for Methodist Hospital and Methodist Children's Hospital, said the patient thought the coronavirus pandemic was a hoax.

"He thought he was young and he was invincible and wouldn't get affected ... One of the things that was heart-wrenching that he said to his nurse was, 'I think I made a mistake,'" she said.

Why on Earth would you think it's a hoax?

Unfortunately this story is the hoax.  This a third hand story that is most likely not true.  The problem with this bullshit is once it gets exposed as a lie then the “hoaxers” have more ammo to not social distance/wear masks/etc.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on July 14, 2020, 08:47:27 PM
Yeah, there is only one source, and the patient died, so it's hard to corroborate, and I'm sure the news cycle is already over this particular story. But there are many corroborated reports of people partying and getting infected as a result. They obviously didn't believe they were in any danger, which is worrying.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on July 14, 2020, 09:11:09 PM
I find it even more worrisome about the people talking about being sick for months with this without any viable treatment. Just feeling like hell and exhaustion. No thanks.

I'd rather err on the side of caution and be called names by anonymous internet conspiracy nuts than have to go through any version of that.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Telly on July 14, 2020, 09:17:54 PM
Yeah, there is only one source, and the patient died, so it's hard to corroborate, and I'm sure the news cycle is already over this particular story. But there are many corroborated reports of people partying and getting infected as a result. They obviously didn't believe they were in any danger, which is worrying.

Absolutely.  I agree people are being reckless and partying and transmitting a deadly disease. But false reports of “covid parties” ala the chicken pox gatherings of the old days just give the fanatical “they are Stripping my rights” crowd more ammunition, as this is fake news.  So if this news is fake, they will tell you, then what else is bullshit?  And it goes both ways.
I believe this is a particularly nasty and easily transmitted disease which I am planning to do my best to avoid, while not spending all my savings on Uber eats and other delivery services.  I’ll wear a mask and if the grocery store is super busy I’ll go back later and drive around looking for a curb.  I just keep my board in the car all the time now and get mini-sessions in sometimes when the gas station is full of people or sams club is particularly stroller-y.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Telly on July 14, 2020, 09:19:24 PM
I find it even more worrisome about the people talking about being sick for months with this without any viable treatment. Just feeling like hell and exhaustion. No thanks.

I'd rather err on the side of caution and be called names by anonymous internet conspiracy nuts than have to go through any version of that.

Same.  Or even by my friends for skipping gatherings
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on July 15, 2020, 03:26:02 AM
What's so tough about all the anti-science or really anti-common knowledge people in the world is that factual information does nothing for them. I feel like the thing they like most is this sense of having "true knowledge" or knowing the "real reality".

There are so many imbeciles all over the world, and rejecting the norms of "intelligent society" makes them think they're smarter than everyone else.

Freaky times y'all. Stay safe and stay informed.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Gnarfunkell on July 15, 2020, 06:49:31 AM
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What's so tough about all the anti-science or really anti-common knowledge people in the world is that factual information does nothing for them. I feel like the thing they like most is this sense of having "true knowledge" or knowing the "real reality".

There are so many imbeciles all over the world, and rejecting the norms of "intelligent society" makes them think they're smarter than everyone else.

Freaky times y'all. Stay safe and stay informed.


I remember writing a report in my middle school history class about how I'd rather live in the pre-agricultural age... I want that more with each passing day lol.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: johnes on July 15, 2020, 07:05:18 AM
My parents are feeling better, now that they have some strength back they have been spending a lot of time working on their garden. Me and my wife are good but now that I’m back at work, there still ways chance that I could pick up Covid and bring it back home to my wife. Me and her both tested negative, hopefully it stays that way.

I don’t remember if I said it on here but my half sister, her husband and one of their daughters all got Covid and recovered. The crazy thing is that their youngest daughter never got it even tho they were all in the house together. She was even tested multiple times.

One of my friends who lives in San Antonio TX is working on some case study involving Covid patients. She normally works with blood all day but out of the 100 cases they have in their study, 20 have died already. I’m not sure what the age ranges are of the study tho.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on July 15, 2020, 03:50:40 PM
  Making someone cover their face is pretty symbolic.  A great reason not to wear one is to advocate freedoms that are completely serious.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 15, 2020, 05:53:54 PM
  Making someone cover their face is pretty symbolic.  A great reason not to wear one is to advocate freedoms that are completely serious.
this is an interesting point.

a lot of people see muslim women being forced to cover their face as highly oppressive and problematic . and they're right.

there are however many muslim women who say they like wearing the covering and would do so even if they weren't forced to and they're also right.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Enrico Pallazzo on July 15, 2020, 05:57:00 PM
  Making someone cover their face is pretty symbolic.  A great reason not to wear one is to advocate freedoms that are completely serious.

It’s as symbolic as you want it to be. You can look at it as some weird marker of freedom or you can look at it as just part of daily life due to an unforeseen epidemic and doing your best to prevent the spread and protect others. There’s no freedom judge that’s going to give you demerits for not being selfish.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 15, 2020, 06:00:50 PM
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  Making someone cover their face is pretty symbolic.  A great reason not to wear one is to advocate freedoms that are completely serious.

It’s as symbolic as you want it to be. You can look at it as some weird marker of freedom or you can look at it as just part of daily life due to an unforeseen epidemic and doing your best to prevent the spread and protect others. There’s no freedom judge that’s going to give you demerits for not being selfish.
the problem is the people who said it was a slippery slope from day one were right. it is reasonable to put one on inside especially like a grocery store or something and it's not that big of a deal

but then here comes mandates to wear them outside which no sane person can argue is reasonable so..

everyone who resisted from the start was proven right with the eventual overstep that has no end in sight.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Enrico Pallazzo on July 15, 2020, 07:46:34 PM
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  Making someone cover their face is pretty symbolic.  A great reason not to wear one is to advocate freedoms that are completely serious.

It’s as symbolic as you want it to be. You can look at it as some weird marker of freedom or you can look at it as just part of daily life due to an unforeseen epidemic and doing your best to prevent the spread and protect others. There’s no freedom judge that’s going to give you demerits for not being selfish.
the problem is the people who said it was a slippery slope from day one were right. it is reasonable to put one on inside especially like a grocery store or something and it's not that big of a deal

but then here comes mandates to wear them outside which no sane person can argue is reasonable so..

everyone who resisted from the start was proven right with the eventual overstep that has no end in sight.

So... people refused to wear masks at all early in the outbreak because “slippery slope”,which then caused numbers to rise, which then lead to more stringent requirements since they wouldn’t follow guidelines, and you’re saying they’ve been proven right for not following recommendations in the first place?

I will say I think the CDC and WHO share a portion of the blame for allowing anti-mask rhetoric to take hold by being unclear and changing their message on transmission so many times in early spring.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Eric Dolphy on July 15, 2020, 09:06:19 PM
For me, it's crazy like..

I'm in New Zealand. We have a handful of cases in quarantine, but they've all arrived by plane. There hasn't been a single case of community transmission in months. We shut down all non-essential services for eight weeks, we had daily briefings on the latest cases, latest tips for staying safe and clean etc and for the most part people listened, and did what was asked, and we completely eradicated the virus from the community.
People are still a little cautious, less hugs and handshakes, more fistbumps or just a little wave. Hand sanitizer is still available at the door or cash register in most shops etc.
I have a lot of friends in LA and NY, and I follow what's going on in the US, seeing friends losing family members, then i walk past busy bars and cafes and feel super grateful that our government put human life above short term economics. It looks like we're going to be better off economically too as a result, because we're all back to work and buying and spending again.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on July 15, 2020, 11:11:51 PM
Get ready to repopulate the world.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on July 16, 2020, 05:34:43 AM
My parents are feeling better, now that they have some strength back they have been spending a lot of time working on their garden. Me and my wife are good but now that I’m back at work, there still ways chance that I could pick up Covid and bring it back home to my wife. Me and her both tested negative, hopefully it stays that way.

good to hear, man. hope the same as well for you.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on July 16, 2020, 06:12:43 AM
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  Making someone cover their face is pretty symbolic.  A great reason not to wear one is to advocate freedoms that are completely serious.

You can exercise your freedom to inject bleach into your veins and jump off a bridge all day every day, but when you are disregarding the lives of everyone around you, everywhere you go, you're just being an asshole. Quit being such a special snowflake and don't fuck things up for the rest of us.

Actually they can't. You're definitely going to the 7th floor if you are trying to kill yourself. Come out like 2 weeks to 90days later doing the frickin thorazine shuffle.

Keep a mask in your pocket or around your neck. put it up when you wanna say hi to someone.

Wash your fucking hands.

I'm a filthy ass crust Lord who like living on the ground. Think I wanna comply with this shit? Nah every fiber in my soul screams RESIST!!!

I wash my frickin hands like every time I find water. I give a shit about the lives of others whether I know them or not. I don't wanna be the fool whos out fucking up people who can't survive the Rona.

Do you rock a Jimmy? It's like the same idea.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 16, 2020, 03:55:44 PM
this cdc data from here:

is really putting things in perspective as the tolls supposedly are out of control in fl tx az ca

percentage of deaths compared to expected overall for the duration of the season so far:

New York: 205%
New Jersey: 147%
Mass: 126%
DC: 121%
Arizona: 114%
California: 104%
Florida: 104%
Texas: 102%

USA overall: 107%

New York area really fucking shit the bed on this one
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Abyss1 on July 16, 2020, 04:45:41 PM
Get ready to repopulate the world.

Good to know...tbh I’m more concerned with it killing me than my reproductive system
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: matty_c on July 17, 2020, 03:06:26 AM
I got this crazy cheap lease in this really nice apartment building/hotel in the middle of Brisbane.

Now Melbourne’s fucked I am regretting moving. I lived in a much less populated area before. If it comes back to Brisbane this building’s gonna be riddled with it. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Banned from the room on July 17, 2020, 07:13:35 AM
I'm so tired of people being fucking assholes to each other. Some of my family got smart and teamed up but....

Mom's side of the family is kicking people out.
Sister's over grown children who work at McDonald's in far away places.

Good luck with the virus maybe John can help you?

I'm a fucking 42 year old homeless peace punk staying at my brother's house to help the best I can.

Hey uncle John say something Gandhish and save our minds.

Umm "Put others before you're selfish hang ups? Yesterday is not as important as tomorrow?
Stop fighting you're acting like 10yros?

Ok I'm going back to Ohio
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on July 17, 2020, 08:04:44 AM
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  Making someone cover their face is pretty symbolic.  A great reason not to wear one is to advocate freedoms that are completely serious.

It’s as symbolic as you want it to be. You can look at it as some weird marker of freedom or you can look at it as just part of daily life due to an unforeseen epidemic and doing your best to prevent the spread and protect others. There’s no freedom judge that’s going to give you demerits for not being selfish.
the problem is the people who said it was a slippery slope from day one were right. it is reasonable to put one on inside especially like a grocery store or something and it's not that big of a deal

but then here comes mandates to wear them outside which no sane person can argue is reasonable so..

everyone who resisted from the start was proven right with the eventual overstep that has no end in sight.

So... people refused to wear masks at all early in the outbreak because “slippery slope”,which then caused numbers to rise, which then lead to more stringent requirements since they wouldn’t follow guidelines, and you’re saying they’ve been proven right for not following recommendations in the first place?

I will say I think the CDC and WHO share a portion of the blame for allowing anti-mask rhetoric to take hold by being unclear and changing their message on transmission so many times in early spring.
    Ive said it before.  A bio metric bracelet law put into effect like the proposed mask law would halt a pandemic like corona in its tracks.  That is a realistic outcome for us (mandatory bracelets) and its one form the 'slippery slope' could take.  Mandatory bio mentric bracelets.  The human right violations possible with this tech are mind boggling. edit when are people gonna realize this shit is not a laughing matter? 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: slippy on July 17, 2020, 09:34:32 AM
At it's core masking up is common courtesy in  my eyes.  Same as covering my face to sneeze for my whole life.  It makes me sad to think people would blow up something like that and feel to sneeze into your arm or sleeve is oppressive. 

I get the fear of a slippery slope but read the signs.  Masks are courtesy, snatching up our Portland residents, waiting to Mirandize them, intimidating them before letting them go all for standing in a protest?  That one is slippery and I wish more people knew the difference.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on July 17, 2020, 09:50:31 PM
My wife is sewing more masks every day. Even though the governor in my state isn't making masks mandatory, the mayor in my city said whatevs and is making it mandatory.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 18, 2020, 12:59:18 AM
cdc misreporting is getting blown wide open

I'm wondering if there is a point you ppl will all admit you got conned or if you're going down w/ the ship

it's impossible to still really believe any of this shit no matter how hard they try to prop it up
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on July 18, 2020, 05:15:05 AM
cdc misreporting is getting blown wide open

I'm wondering if there is a point you ppl will all admit you got conned or if you're going down w/ the ship

it's impossible to still really believe any of this shit no matter how hard they try to prop it up
  All I can find that isn't from an 'amurican' website is that the heart attack rates are down by half in the states. -that's fucked.  The articles say people are too scared too call in that they're having a heart attack cause theyre scared of covid at hospitals.  I don't believe this phenomena accounts for that much of the reduction in heart attack death rates.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 18, 2020, 08:02:22 AM
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cdc misreporting is getting blown wide open

I'm wondering if there is a point you ppl will all admit you got conned or if you're going down w/ the ship

it's impossible to still really believe any of this shit no matter how hard they try to prop it up
  All I can find that isn't from an 'amurican' website is that the heart attack rates are down by half in the states. -that's fucked.  The articles say people are too scared too call in that they're having a heart attack cause theyre scared of covid at hospitals.  I don't believe this phenomena accounts for that much of the reduction in heart attack death rates.

It’s very tough to find a good source on this stuff, yes. I’m not even getting into the “of” vs “with” or lockdown death element tho. That’s gonna take years to sort out but yeah it’s disgusting.

The problem right now is that a state will report 50 deaths in a day when only a few were in the past 24 hours and the rest date back days or weeks weeks if not months is just a flat out fact.

Deaths are still on a steady linear decline but you’d never know it by the way the data is reported.

As I’ve been saying the whole time, this is a human rights violation and possibly a war crime.

I don’t know if it’s ineptitude, malice or what but I also don’t care as there is no good excuse.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: shucknjive on July 18, 2020, 09:36:56 AM
our parents want us to do drugs
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on July 18, 2020, 11:06:15 AM
The only ones getting conned are the ones not taking this shit serious. You do you. When you get got, I got a mask for you.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on July 18, 2020, 11:52:21 AM
As I’ve been saying the whole time, this is a human rights violation and possibly a war crime.

Agree that it's a human rights violation to wilfully kill your own people through inaction. 140,000 people have died in the US because of government negligence, and they're pretending like its no big deal. Businesses before lives is a despicable ideology, and a short-sighted and ineffective one at that.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on July 18, 2020, 12:12:11 PM
My wife is sewing more masks every day. Even though the governor in my state isn't making masks mandatory, the mayor in my city said whatevs and is making it mandatory.

Has she thought of selling them?

I feel like Anti-Hero should be selling masks. As much as I rarely wear skate branded things, I'd be hyped on an Anti-Hero mask and I think their artists could come up with something amazing. And, Frank would be the best spokesperson/face mask model (I foresee a short ad of him dancing around with his mask on).

Gerwer needs his own pro-model face mask.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on July 18, 2020, 12:27:27 PM
where i live, bars are open again, but no live music or djs are allowed as far as i know. and you're not supposed to stay open that long, but there seems to be no hard rule anymore or at least it's not enforced. i have some work to do again and it's nice but it's weird at the same time. most the time i'm supposed to wear a mask at work but there are exceptions and to not fuck up i'm just wearing a bandana over my face the whole time. customers don't need masks as long as they keep distance groupwise. masks are still mandatory at any store and within public transportation though.

we had 9 infections over the last week in a city of 2 million people and it's pretty much dying off here and just goes down despite people meeting up a ton since the weather was super nice, so i guess they have it tracked and quarantined here pretty well in terms of contact persons and stuff.

there are still minor outbreaks in in some places though and berlin and munich are much worse off than my city in terms of new infections per week. so it's not over yet.

as of now germany has had the 16th most infections overall with 202.442 total infections and 9162 deaths attributed to covid-19. 6.884.614 people have been tested so far and there are currently 5780 active cases with 249 people of those in serious or critical condition.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on July 18, 2020, 05:54:25 PM
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My wife is sewing more masks every day. Even though the governor in my state isn't making masks mandatory, the mayor in my city said whatevs and is making it mandatory.

Has she thought of selling them?

I feel like Anti-Hero should be selling masks. As much as I rarely wear skate branded things, I'd be hyped on an Anti-Hero mask and I think their artists could come up with something amazing. And, Frank would be the best spokesperson/face mask model (I foresee a short ad of him dancing around with his mask on).

Gerwer needs his own pro-model face mask.
She has only been making additional masks primarily for friends, family and some coworkers and asking a fair price for them. It's not a side hustle. More than anything, she is doing it in her best self interest. They have adjustable straps, nose pieces to mold to the bridge to prevent fogging and three layers of fabric. Quality stuff with super cute fabric.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on July 19, 2020, 11:01:47 AM
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cdc misreporting is getting blown wide open

I'm wondering if there is a point you ppl will all admit you got conned or if you're going down w/ the ship

it's impossible to still really believe any of this shit no matter how hard they try to prop it up

"blown wide open" by rightwing types with obvious axes to grind?

On one had you have the CDC, which despite being helmed by a Trump yes-man mostly consists of career scientists who are number-crunching left-brained analyst types, who have... what to gain, exactly, by skewing the data?

and on the other you have a cult revolving around a gleefully anti-science man-child whose narcissism is so total that he think this disease is a plot by literally the entire globe to make him look bad.

Only one of the two is actually concerned with preventing widespread death and suffering. i'll let you guess which one
  So hows the data skewed?  People who have contracted covid, recover then die months later of other causes are recorded as covid deaths.   THis is very verifiable.  Listen to interview with Professor Carl Heneghan on youtube.  Hes employed at Oxford university.  Or dont, fuck.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on July 19, 2020, 11:40:24 AM
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My wife is sewing more masks every day. Even though the governor in my state isn't making masks mandatory, the mayor in my city said whatevs and is making it mandatory.

Has she thought of selling them?

I feel like Anti-Hero should be selling masks. As much as I rarely wear skate branded things, I'd be hyped on an Anti-Hero mask and I think their artists could come up with something amazing. And, Frank would be the best spokesperson/face mask model (I foresee a short ad of him dancing around with his mask on).

Gerwer needs his own pro-model face mask.

Get hyped on this:

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 19, 2020, 12:58:16 PM
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As I’ve been saying the whole time, this is a human rights violation and possibly a war crime.

Agree that it's a human rights violation to wilfully kill your own people through inaction. 140,000 people have died in the US because of government negligence, and they're pretending like its no big deal. Businesses before lives is a despicable ideology, and a short-sighted and ineffective one at that.
this is an incredible tactic of stacking four layers of nonsense on top of each other to create a cumulative smokescreen. none of what you said is accurate on any level.

how the hell did these guys get made moderators? it's legitimately scary
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Level 60 Dwarf Rogue on July 19, 2020, 11:52:08 PM
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My wife is sewing more masks every day. Even though the governor in my state isn't making masks mandatory, the mayor in my city said whatevs and is making it mandatory.

Has she thought of selling them?

I feel like Anti-Hero should be selling masks. As much as I rarely wear skate branded things, I'd be hyped on an Anti-Hero mask and I think their artists could come up with something amazing. And, Frank would be the best spokesperson/face mask model (I foresee a short ad of him dancing around with his mask on).

Gerwer needs his own pro-model face mask.

Get hyped on this:

I have one, it’s a terrible mask and it’s itchy now that I washed it.

I’ve been isolating because I got tested yesterday. I have mild symptoms (lil cough, sore throat, muscle pain, exhaustion) and if it’s positive I for sure got it from work. Had to miss my cousin’s funeral yesterday since I’m not trying to kill my family if I am sick.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on July 20, 2020, 06:23:19 AM
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As I’ve been saying the whole time, this is a human rights violation and possibly a war crime.

Agree that it's a human rights violation to wilfully kill your own people through inaction. 140,000 people have died in the US because of government negligence, and they're pretending like its no big deal. Businesses before lives is a despicable ideology, and a short-sighted and ineffective one at that.
this is an incredible tactic of stacking four layers of nonsense on top of each other to create a cumulative smokescreen. none of what you said is accurate on any level.

It absolutely is accurate on all levels. The government's gross incompetence/negligence in dealing with an extremely dangerous pandemic is a crime. Forcing people to expose themselves to covid is insane, unless you're only looking out for the interests of the rich/your donors/cronies. And that's just their biggest crime.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on July 20, 2020, 08:25:27 AM (

Hey Buck, why did you say you think it might be a war crime? Honest question, I’m not trying to be a dick.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 20, 2020, 11:37:17 PM (

Hey Buck, why did you say you think it might be a war crime? Honest question, I’m not trying to be a dick.
Nah you’re good at this point I respect any input from you even if I disagree

First of all Cuomo and others straight up chemical warfare sending all those Covid patients to ltc facilities. It’s very likely without that we never would’ve been near the situation w are in as that accounts for a majority of the problem and without which this situation looks a lot less bad

Further the continued manipulation of data and misinformation is being used to control a population under duress by unnecessarily exacerbating the fear like shouting fire in a crowded theater

I have said many times I don’t know if it’s malice or incompetence but it doesn’t matter because no excuse is good enough
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on July 21, 2020, 08:30:36 AM
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the continued manipulation of data and misinformation is being used to control a population under duress by unnecessarily exacerbating the fear like shouting fire in a crowded theater

I have said many times I don’t know if it’s malice or incompetence but it doesn’t matter because no excuse is good enough

We should be shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, because the theater is in fact on fucking fire

We're almost to 150,000k americans dead. Even if we accept your argument that the numbers are inflated (which I don't, if anything they are under-reported), that brings us, to what? 120k dead? 100? 80? Does that not matter to you? Why does the idea of exaggerating the virus' threat make you more upset than the gigantic pile of bodies, getting bigger every day?
   So its okay that the numbers are being inflated?  Demark gets low counts cause if someone in their country contracts covid, recovers then dies months later due to natural causes -they don't label it a covid death like everywhere else.  This shit now is totally prove able.  It's blatently skewed data in a highly politisized situation.  Don't be okay with it cause you drew your line in the sand a coulple of months ago. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 21, 2020, 10:33:44 AM
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the continued manipulation of data and misinformation is being used to control a population under duress by unnecessarily exacerbating the fear like shouting fire in a crowded theater

I have said many times I don’t know if it’s malice or incompetence but it doesn’t matter because no excuse is good enough

We should be shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, because the theater is in fact on fucking fire

We're almost to 150,000k americans dead. Even if we accept your argument that the numbers are inflated (which I don't, if anything they are under-reported), that brings us, to what? 120k dead? 100? 80? Does that not matter to you? Why does the idea of exaggerating the virus' threat make you more upset than the gigantic pile of bodies, getting bigger every day?

the real number is likely 80 or lower and I am actually totally ok with that number. that's how many people die from viral outbreaks on a semi-regular basis. that is part of life.

without the brand name and hyped up reporting, you'd never even know anything happened. just like every other year

the exaggeration is worse obviously because it's being used to keep a population terrified and on house arrest which is highly unethical, unconstitutional and frankly an act of war.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: CrumblingInfrastructure on July 21, 2020, 12:57:06 PM
Its definitely been weird living in this whole mess. Between being unemployed, getting a divorce, and moving halfway across the country theres definitely alot of shit going on personally. As far as where I live at, I know bars and stuff are going to have to reclose on Friday due to a huge spike in cases but hopefully people get the message and mask back up. Its very strange to me that people dont want to wear a mask in public, with all the cameras and surveillance and shit out now im very happy to be able to conceal my identity more and find it kind of funny that people are now thanking me for wearing a bandana or mask in public.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sick Duck on July 21, 2020, 01:38:05 PM
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the continued manipulation of data and misinformation is being used to control a population under duress by unnecessarily exacerbating the fear like shouting fire in a crowded theater

I have said many times I don’t know if it’s malice or incompetence but it doesn’t matter because no excuse is good enough

We should be shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, because the theater is in fact on fucking fire

We're almost to 150,000k americans dead. Even if we accept your argument that the numbers are inflated (which I don't, if anything they are under-reported), that brings us, to what? 120k dead? 100? 80? Does that not matter to you? Why does the idea of exaggerating the virus' threat make you more upset than the gigantic pile of bodies, getting bigger every day?
   So its okay that the numbers are being inflated?  Demark gets low counts cause if someone in their country contracts covid, recovers then dies months later due to natural causes -they don't label it a covid death like everywhere else.  This shit now is totally prove able.  It's blatently skewed data in a highly politisized situation.  Don't be okay with it cause you drew your line in the sand a coulple of months ago.
dude u staright up said u were happy about the virus and who cares if some old people die. Your opinion means nothing
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on July 21, 2020, 04:29:51 PM
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the continued manipulation of data and misinformation is being used to control a population under duress by unnecessarily exacerbating the fear like shouting fire in a crowded theater

I have said many times I don’t know if it’s malice or incompetence but it doesn’t matter because no excuse is good enough

We should be shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, because the theater is in fact on fucking fire

We're almost to 150,000k americans dead. Even if we accept your argument that the numbers are inflated (which I don't, if anything they are under-reported), that brings us, to what? 120k dead? 100? 80? Does that not matter to you? Why does the idea of exaggerating the virus' threat make you more upset than the gigantic pile of bodies, getting bigger every day?

the real number is likely 80 or lower and I am actually totally ok with that number. that's how many people die from viral outbreaks on a semi-regular basis. that is part of life.

without the brand name and hyped up reporting, you'd never even know anything happened. just like every other year

the exaggeration is worse obviously because it's being used to keep a population terrified and on house arrest which is highly unethical, unconstitutional and frankly an act of war.

Telling people to stay indoors/avoid large groups as much as possible and wear masks to protect themselves and others around them - A WAR CRIME!!!

140,000 (or even 80,000) people dying - Meh.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 21, 2020, 04:48:06 PM
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the continued manipulation of data and misinformation is being used to control a population under duress by unnecessarily exacerbating the fear like shouting fire in a crowded theater

I have said many times I don’t know if it’s malice or incompetence but it doesn’t matter because no excuse is good enough

We should be shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, because the theater is in fact on fucking fire

We're almost to 150,000k americans dead. Even if we accept your argument that the numbers are inflated (which I don't, if anything they are under-reported), that brings us, to what? 120k dead? 100? 80? Does that not matter to you? Why does the idea of exaggerating the virus' threat make you more upset than the gigantic pile of bodies, getting bigger every day?

the real number is likely 80 or lower and I am actually totally ok with that number. that's how many people die from viral outbreaks on a semi-regular basis. that is part of life.

without the brand name and hyped up reporting, you'd never even know anything happened. just like every other year

the exaggeration is worse obviously because it's being used to keep a population terrified and on house arrest which is highly unethical, unconstitutional and frankly an act of war.

Telling people to stay indoors/avoid large groups as much as possible and wear masks to protect themselves and others around them - A WAR CRIME!!!

140,000 (or even 80,000) people dying - Meh.

more completely disingenuous nonsense from a completely foolish person. it's truly ridiculous someone like you has mod powers. you are now on ignore
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on July 21, 2020, 05:11:48 PM
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the continued manipulation of data and misinformation is being used to control a population under duress by unnecessarily exacerbating the fear like shouting fire in a crowded theater

I have said many times I don’t know if it’s malice or incompetence but it doesn’t matter because no excuse is good enough

We should be shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, because the theater is in fact on fucking fire

We're almost to 150,000k americans dead. Even if we accept your argument that the numbers are inflated (which I don't, if anything they are under-reported), that brings us, to what? 120k dead? 100? 80? Does that not matter to you? Why does the idea of exaggerating the virus' threat make you more upset than the gigantic pile of bodies, getting bigger every day?
   So its okay that the numbers are being inflated?  Demark gets low counts cause if someone in their country contracts covid, recovers then dies months later due to natural causes -they don't label it a covid death like everywhere else.  This shit now is totally prove able.  It's blatently skewed data in a highly politisized situation.  Don't be okay with it cause you drew your line in the sand a coulple of months ago.
dude u staright up said u were happy about the virus and who cares if some old people die. Your opinion means nothing
  Was stoked at  the very beganing cause of uncrowded surf but i changed.   I never said anything about old people tho.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 21, 2020, 08:50:37 PM
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Hey buck, serious question:

So what?  So less people dies than could have, so far.  Does that make protecting each other the wrong thing to do?  Or did the federal government(USA) handle it poorly?
serious answer? this is the point:

the virus is fading naturally as it always was going to no matter what. interventions have very little effect once it's in society. by the time we knew about it the virus was likely already winding down. nobody is protecting anybody this is how nature works.

the reporting is wildly irresponsible keeping the fear monkey fed when the truth is deaths continue to steadily decline.

the lockdowns were archaic and unconstitutional and this thing is little more than a bad respiratory virus with a brand name

Whats your views on countries like New Zealand whose lock down actually stopped the spread of the disease, and are going back to life as normal?

New Zealand is very unique in that its a tiny island nation.

it's possible to lockdown and eliminate there. not remotely comparable to most of Europe or the americas. they have a geography protection that no policy can provide

ok perhaps I gave NZ too much credit and they will have to deal w/ the virus just like everyone else. its now back in aus worse than ever because they tried to hide int he sand:

New Zealand is gonna be toast now probably. the lesson is as I have always been saying this thing will do what it's gonna do, the illusion of control over it is more damaging than the virus itself.

these countries that ran around gloating are now going to be Locked back down while the us hits herd immunity right behind Sweden and the uk
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on July 23, 2020, 06:51:27 PM
it keeps coming. if you look at this chart and the footnote Mass has now been forced to revise their numbers. neg 181 hospitalized today and if your read the footnote it says because they have to be more accurate when reporting "suspected" cases. this is happening everywhere and has been the whole time
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on July 23, 2020, 08:28:53 PM
I got my new masks today (some hippie ass tie dye masks that I'm pretty stoked about).

Cases in Canada are creeping up. We had 500 new cases today (we have 5K cases now).

I don't know what happens when the weather turns. Quebec allows dining on the patio right now and I've seen a few people eat inside, but what do we do when our ten month winter comes back? How the fuck do we keep people safe when we are all stuck inside again? How do we put shit on pause again?

And, for anyone interested here are a few interesting articles on how covid cases are tallied. What is the difference between a probable death and confirmed? What is the difference between dying with covid and dying from covid? Why are some countries purposefully ignoring probable deaths in order to artificially reduce their numbers? Why are there so more deaths than usual in the USA?

Is the Coronavirus Death Tally Inflated? Here’s Why Experts Say No
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on July 24, 2020, 06:30:24 AM
I got my new masks today (some hippie ass tie dye masks that I'm pretty stoked about).

Cases in Canada are creeping up. We had 500 new cases today (we have 5K cases now).

I don't know what happens when the weather turns. Quebec allows dining on the patio right now and I've seen a few people eat inside, but what do we do when our ten month winter comes back? How the fuck do we keep people safe when we are all stuck inside again? How do we put shit on pause again?

Sounds like it's time to take space away from cars. I'd prefer it to become public space, but covered and heated patios, where patrons won't be crammed together, would also be nice.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: VHS ERA on July 24, 2020, 09:19:48 PM
Got a text and email saying the $600 is OVER. I only had it for like 3 weeks I mostly went in to work through this all but the economy and job market are about to get hectic.

The idea that outdoor dining will sustain the restaurant industry is a joke btw. Restaurant and theater jobs are fucked for a year. Govt needs to send a trillion to save it, everyone I know is in a tight spot.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: able on July 25, 2020, 05:51:26 AM
Local Florida blood donation center is giving free antibody tests to everyone who donates. Guess who’s got an appointment to donate blood this Saturday? &#128526;

Will report back later. I’m pretty sure I had that Covid in March.
I’m quoting myself because I forgot to report back on my antibody test^

I tested negative for coronavirus antibodies but I still remain certain I had it.
I’ve now been reading studies where the antibodies are detectable only 30 days after infection.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on July 26, 2020, 08:33:17 AM (
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mad Max on July 27, 2020, 06:12:36 AM

I’ve been isolating because I got tested yesterday. I have mild symptoms (lil cough, sore throat, muscle pain, exhaustion) and if it’s positive I for sure got it from work. Had to miss my cousin’s funeral yesterday since I’m not trying to kill my family if I am sick.

Yeah, you probably got it.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on July 27, 2020, 05:22:57 PM
Got a text and email saying the $600 is OVER. I only had it for like 3 weeks I mostly went in to work through this all but the economy and job market are about to get hectic.

The idea that outdoor dining will sustain the restaurant industry is a joke btw. Restaurant and theater jobs are fucked for a year. Govt needs to send a trillion to save it, everyone I know is in a tight spot.

DEMS are proposing that the 600 is extended. GOP offering 200 instead.

Eviction ban likely to continue.

Another 1200 check likely to be sent out (I'm still waiting on my first check).

Moderna on phase three of vaccine test.

Sinclair media (right wing owner of many local affiliate news stations (FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS) to air conspiracy theory segment to create more confusion because America is handling the pandemic so we'll and fuel needs to be added to the fire.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fakie nollie on July 27, 2020, 06:14:55 PM
Got a text and email saying the $600 is OVER. I only had it for like 3 weeks I mostly went in to work through this all but the economy and job market are about to get hectic.

The idea that outdoor dining will sustain the restaurant industry is a joke btw. Restaurant and theater jobs are fucked for a year. Govt needs to send a trillion to save it, everyone I know is in a tight spot.

Maybe my constant scrolling through the Apple news app is showing skewed information but no one is really highlighting just how bad the economy is going to get until businesses open back up. The stimulus checks, mortgage/rent forgiveness extended unemployment have kept our economy slowly chugging along throughout this. As soon as all those programs either lose their full benefit or completely stop, multiple facets of the economy are likely to fail and many of them are dependent upon each other.

To be completely clear, I 100% support any regulations put in place to stop the spread of COVID-19. I'm just saying that there's an elephant in the room and it's going to storm through the fucking walls soon.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on July 27, 2020, 07:00:20 PM
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Got a text and email saying the $600 is OVER. I only had it for like 3 weeks I mostly went in to work through this all but the economy and job market are about to get hectic.

The idea that outdoor dining will sustain the restaurant industry is a joke btw. Restaurant and theater jobs are fucked for a year. Govt needs to send a trillion to save it, everyone I know is in a tight spot.

Maybe my constant scrolling through the Apple news app is showing skewed information but no one is really highlighting just how bad the economy is going to get until businesses open back up. The stimulus checks, mortgage/rent forgiveness extended unemployment have kept our economy slowly chugging along throughout this. As soon as all those programs either lose their full benefit or completely stop, multiple facets of the economy are likely to fail and many of them are dependent upon each other.

To be completely clear, I 100% support any regulations put in place to stop the spread of COVID-19. I'm just saying that there's an elephant in the room and it's going to storm through the fucking walls soon.

Arguments like this, while making a valid point, roil me to no end. It's not COVID that's causing the economy to fail, it's the government picking and choosing which industries get to survive rather than paving the way for further inequities due to huge tax breaks for the rich, funneling endless capital into military industries, etc. That's the real issue, War/Wealth over human welfare. 
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on July 27, 2020, 09:25:46 PM
Krugman wrote  something that touches on some of these economic themes. The first paragraph of his op-ed contains a few interesting links about how the economy is doing in relation to covid measures. He points out that the states that jumped into opening up at full speed are seeing their economies shrink again.

The Cult of Selfishness Is Killing America

My issue is that it seems regardless of government intervention, a pandemic is going to cause any rational person to pause and change their behavior. Consumers are going to go out less and spend less and workers are going to be reluctant to work or be too sick to work. The government isnt causing economic pain, it is doing it's job by attempting to manage and mitigate that pain as well as protect the physical safety of its citizens.

I'm thankful my job is remote at least until next January. Long term this pandemic is going to fuck me and my industry, but I'm glad I'm not an essential worker and I can only do my job remotely.   
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on July 29, 2020, 09:01:13 AM
  So the defund police stuff is brilliant but we can do better by partially disarming the police.  Mask laws, seatbelt laws loitering laws  - all types of laws that police twist and enforce selectively to systematically harrass black people and minorities. Mask laws and the the like enable and promote police/public interaction full stop.  This results in wasted time stupid fines or death.   Just a thought.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: offkilter on July 29, 2020, 12:36:10 PM
I was thinking today about the effect that cutting off the $600 weekly is going to have on local businesses, I'm not an economist just speaking from my personal example.

I live with my girlfriend, I'm able to work from home which is going well, and she worked in a restaurant and has been unemployed since March. The $600 a week is definitely more than she was making (by a couple hundred $$) and I know a lot of people are in the same boat. With the $600 we've been able to order takeout often, shop at the skate shop, record store, and support every business that we want to be able to survive through this.

Without the $600, and without her being able to go back to work (she's type 1 diabetic so she needs to be extra careful, and it's not looking like she'll get called in soon either way) we'll be back on a tight budget and won't really be able to support those businesses with any regularity. I talk to the shop owner / employees who say it's been going well the past couple months, but I'm guessing cutting off good unemployment benefits with so many people still unable to get a regular paycheck is going to be tough on small businesses.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: blowjobtofakie on July 29, 2020, 01:07:50 PM
Corona or not, I wish mother fuckers would quit standing so close to me in checkout lines. Back up, you’re fucking gross.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EXTRA SPICY on July 29, 2020, 01:56:36 PM
Corona or not, I wish mother fuckers would quit standing so close to me in checkout lines. Back up, you’re fucking gross.

For reals though.
I kinda like that the grocery stores in Northern California have senior hours now. After the fact of leaving, I'm stoked I no longer have to get stuck behind someone:

-Writing checks in 2020
-Arguing about the .07¢ price difference of hotdogs ringing up vs the advertised price on the shelf
-Flipping through 80 different expired coupons
-Holding meaningless and occasionally politically incorrect conversations with the cashier
-So on and such forth.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Lord Viper Scorpion on July 29, 2020, 04:16:05 PM
wahts the deal with grocery store lines, am i right, you privileged assfucks
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: coyote2425 on July 30, 2020, 05:51:46 AM
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Corona or not, I wish mother fuckers would quit standing so close to me in checkout lines. Back up, you’re fucking gross.

For reals though.
I kinda like that the grocery stores in Northern California have senior hours now. After the fact of leaving, I'm stoked I no longer have to get stuck behind someone:

-Writing checks in 2020
-Arguing about the .07¢ price difference of hotdogs ringing up vs the advertised price on the shelf
-Flipping through 80 different expired coupons
-Holding meaningless and occasionally politically incorrect conversations with the cashier
-So on and such forth.

When I worked as a cashier in high school, the bane of my existence was coupons, people writing checks (meaning I had to write their drivers license # on the check after they took five minutes to fill it out) and filling out literal rain checks for discounts on cans of peanuts.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tension on July 30, 2020, 06:16:29 AM
went on a skate trip last week in vermont and felt super guilty being around so many people so when i got back i got a COVID test and im pretty sure they touched my brain with the swab stick,
other than that NJ bar scene looks exactly how its always had
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Joe Pesci on July 30, 2020, 03:09:58 PM
went on a skate trip last week in vermont and felt super guilty being around so many people so when i got back i got a COVID test and im pretty sure they touched my brain with the swab stick,
other than that NJ bar scene looks exactly how its always had
Don't they have a test that's just a basic swab now that isn't intrusive
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on August 01, 2020, 09:00:59 AM
( (
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on August 01, 2020, 09:15:32 AM
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tuesday on August 01, 2020, 09:22:12 AM
hey layzieyez, thanks for posting this!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on August 01, 2020, 12:46:24 PM
( (
the funny thing is this column really just outlines actual risks that we all encounter every single day and just go on with our lives regardless

all are about as risky or less as being maskless so, yeah I think they were trying to be ironic but failed good content!s
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on August 01, 2020, 12:52:12 PM
What it does is remind people that hygiene prevents the transmission of disease. The fewer the number of people who practice hygiene, the higher the chance of disease. It's a perfect analogy.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on August 02, 2020, 03:34:28 PM
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( (
the funny thing is this column really just outlines actual risks that we all encounter every single day and just go on with our lives regardless

all are about as risky or less as being maskless so, yeah I think they were trying to be ironic but failed good content!s

keep eating those dingle berry cheese steaks and hepatitis cokes.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on August 02, 2020, 05:06:21 PM
  Your mouth is disgusting like an un cooked chicken, fuck you and fuck your children -they need to cover their disgusting disease spreading faces too.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on August 02, 2020, 08:11:23 PM
as of now germany has had the 16th most infections overall with 202.442 total infections and 9162 deaths attributed to covid-19. 6.884.614 people have been tested so far and there are currently 5780 active cases with 249 people of those in serious or critical condition.

since i wrote this, cases have doubled up again. people are gathering in masses outside, so this was to be expected. mask rules within trains aren't enforced and people show up to work and to places sick again and no one seems to give a fuck. they will probably close bars up again soon but until then all the bars and cafes are in a contest to get people as fed or drunk as possible.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on August 02, 2020, 09:18:22 PM
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as of now germany has had the 16th most infections overall with 202.442 total infections and 9162 deaths attributed to covid-19. 6.884.614 people have been tested so far and there are currently 5780 active cases with 249 people of those in serious or critical condition.

since i wrote this, cases have doubled up again. people are gathering in masses outside, so this was to be expected. mask rules within trains aren't enforced and people show up to work and to places sick again and no one seems to give a fuck. they will probably close bars up again soon but until then all the bars and cafes are in a contest to get people as fed or drunk as possible.

where are you in Germany, homie? I've got a dear friend who moved to Dusseldorf from the states about 8 years ago and I haven't heard from her in a while. I mean, she's got a ton of other stuff going on, but I'm curious what's going on.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on August 02, 2020, 10:27:03 PM
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as of now germany has had the 16th most infections overall with 202.442 total infections and 9162 deaths attributed to covid-19. 6.884.614 people have been tested so far and there are currently 5780 active cases with 249 people of those in serious or critical condition.

since i wrote this, cases have doubled up again. people are gathering in masses outside, so this was to be expected. mask rules within trains aren't enforced and people show up to work and to places sick again and no one seems to give a fuck. they will probably close bars up again soon but until then all the bars and cafes are in a contest to get people as fed or drunk as possible.

where are you in Germany, homie? I've got a dear friend who moved to Dusseldorf from the states about 8 years ago and I haven't heard from her in a while. I mean, she's got a ton of other stuff going on, but I'm curious what's going on.

hamburg. d-dorf has been hit a bit worse by covid i think. but overall it's nothing to freak out about yet i guess.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on August 03, 2020, 12:54:37 AM
Slovenia: we have a steady flow of new cases, but the numbers are 1/5th of what we had in the first wave, so it's basically manageable. Masks still required, but people accepted it.

One upside to this whole mess: the government issued tourist vouchers at 200€ per adult and 50€ per child and family members can transfer them to their offspring - the goal being to keep the tourist economy afloat (only valid in out home country).

My wife got vouchers from her parents and we had an extra 800€ for our vacation and we spent most of it on a pretty "elite" spot at the serene part of Bohinj lake. Needless to say, we wouldn't have gotten the chance (probably booked solid well in advance every year) if it weren't for corona.

We also vacationed at a Croatian island and the occupancy rate was not much below any other season - the only locations getting the worst of it are the ones that depend on air traffic, like Dubrovnik and the Dalmatian coast. There is loads of German tourists in both countries just like any other year.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on August 03, 2020, 02:53:35 PM
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as of now germany has had the 16th most infections overall with 202.442 total infections and 9162 deaths attributed to covid-19. 6.884.614 people have been tested so far and there are currently 5780 active cases with 249 people of those in serious or critical condition.

since i wrote this, cases have doubled up again. people are gathering in masses outside, so this was to be expected. mask rules within trains aren't enforced and people show up to work and to places sick again and no one seems to give a fuck. they will probably close bars up again soon but until then all the bars and cafes are in a contest to get people as fed or drunk as possible.

where are you in Germany, homie? I've got a dear friend who moved to Dusseldorf from the states about 8 years ago and I haven't heard from her in a while. I mean, she's got a ton of other stuff going on, but I'm curious what's going on.

hamburg. d-dorf has been hit a bit worse by covid i think. but overall it's nothing to freak out about yet i guess.

no doubt. thanks for the info. glad y'all have some sort of intelligence in community and public policy
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Level 60 Dwarf Rogue on August 03, 2020, 02:59:57 PM
Schools are fucked. I just moved and enrolled my kid in his new school, but they just called and told me there's no room for him. It's a public elementary school 200m from my front door, my property taxes fund it, the fuck you mean there's no room? It's going to be online anyway.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: wrTcHDfKN4nTZ on August 03, 2020, 04:18:22 PM
In Melbourne, Australia, we just got hit with stage 4 lockdown, halfway through stage 3, so this extends it to mid September. Only a few essential services and businesses are allowed to operate, 1 person per household can go shopping per day, 1 hour exercise, can't go more than 5km from home for anything.

I don't think it's unnecessary, but it's gonna have a pretty severe economical impact. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on August 04, 2020, 07:56:20 AM
In Melbourne, Australia, we just got hit with stage 4 lockdown, halfway through stage 3, so this extends it to mid September. Only a few essential services and businesses are allowed to operate, 1 person per household can go shopping per day, 1 hour exercise, can't go more than 5km from home for anything.

I don't think it's unnecessary, but it's gonna have a pretty severe economical impact. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on August 04, 2020, 08:02:32 AM
    We'll have to wear data mining bio metric bracelests that also track covid to end the lock downs.  The jusification will be herd  blah blah and to get the economy back.   Thats gonna be the trade off mark my words.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr. Kamikazi on August 04, 2020, 08:47:41 AM
I am a  Social Skills teacher and hoping for virtual. As of now, we are going back in roughly two weeks but the schools that we have contracts with (I work at a private alternative school) are going virtual. It will undoubtedly be a mess as enforcing the population I work with to keep a mask on the majority of the day, unless they are at their seats, will be a new kind of task. I have been out of the classroom since 3/16 and did telehealth for my contract position as a therapist up until last month. Working directly with clients right now just seems like I am voluntarily going into a cage filled with snakes but they haven't bit me yet.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on August 04, 2020, 01:29:14 PM
    We'll have to wear data mining bio metric bracelests that also track covid to end the lock downs.  The jusification will be herd  blah blah and to get the economy back.   Thats gonna be the trade off mark my words.

If you own a smartphone, you’ve been doing this voluntarily for years.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on August 04, 2020, 01:50:47 PM
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    We'll have to wear data mining bio metric bracelests that also track covid to end the lock downs.  The jusification will be herd  blah blah and to get the economy back.   Thats gonna be the trade off mark my words.

If you own a smartphone, you’ve been doing this voluntarily for years.
    Now you are starting to put it together my friend your almost there!  Bio metric data would give EXPONTIAL new depth to the pre existing data that you speak of.  Not to mention advertisers knowing what gives you anxiety or a hard on.  Your governent would know if you got angry every time you hear a leaders speech.  Data mining rules everything we know this already.  -Im spouse to be the dumb guy-  we re doomed.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on August 04, 2020, 02:28:04 PM
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    We'll have to wear data mining bio metric bracelests that also track covid to end the lock downs.  The jusification will be herd  blah blah and to get the economy back.   Thats gonna be the trade off mark my words.

If you own a smartphone, you’ve been doing this voluntarily for years.
    Now you are starting to put it together my friend your almost there!  Bio metric data would give EXPONTIAL new depth to the pre existing data that you speak of.  Not to mention advertisers knowing what gives you anxiety or a hard on.  Your governent would know if you got angry every time you hear a leaders speech.  Data mining rules everything we know this already.  -Im spouse to be the dumb guy-  we re doomed.
smartphone data has been largely useless on a granular level,. this tracking would enable them to likely do effective cross referencing and basically be able to run an algorithm to suss out anything they want on a whim

it's also 100% pointless as nearly every civilized city is at or near herd immunity and everyone should just go the hell outside
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on August 04, 2020, 03:32:51 PM
I am a  Social Skills teacher and hoping for virtual. As of now, we are going back in roughly two weeks but the schools that we have contracts with (I work at a private alternative school) are going virtual. It will undoubtedly be a mess as enforcing the population I work with to keep a mask on the majority of the day, unless they are at their seats, will be a new kind of task. I have been out of the classroom since 3/16 and did telehealth for my contract position as a therapist up until last month. Working directly with clients right now just seems like I am voluntarily going into a cage filled with snakes but they haven't bit me yet.

Can you explain more about social skills? I was a special ed teacher in a sub separate classroom where we taught "life skills" for severe special needs high school students. Can't imagine trying to keep those kiddos with a mask on.
I also did telehealth counseling with k-8 kiddos to complete my MSW internship since march. It was definitely interesting. Best of luck
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on August 04, 2020, 04:09:33 PM
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    We'll have to wear data mining bio metric bracelests that also track covid to end the lock downs.  The jusification will be herd  blah blah and to get the economy back.   Thats gonna be the trade off mark my words.

If you own a smartphone, you’ve been doing this voluntarily for years.
    Now you are starting to put it together my friend your almost there!  Bio metric data would give EXPONTIAL new depth to the pre existing data that you speak of.  Not to mention advertisers knowing what gives you anxiety or a hard on.  Your governent would know if you got angry every time you hear a leaders speech.  Data mining rules everything we know this already.  -Im spouse to be the dumb guy-  we re doomed.
smartphone data has been largely useless on a granular level,. this tracking would enable them to likely do effective cross referencing and basically be able to run an algorithm to suss out anything they want on a whim

it's also 100% pointless as nearly every civilized city is at or near herd immunity and everyone should just go the hell outside
  good articulation damn!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on August 05, 2020, 05:07:48 AM
Im spouse to be the dumb guy
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: whale on August 05, 2020, 08:38:46 AM
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    We'll have to wear data mining bio metric bracelests that also track covid to end the lock downs.  The jusification will be herd  blah blah and to get the economy back.   Thats gonna be the trade off mark my words.

If you own a smartphone, you’ve been doing this voluntarily for years.
    Now you are starting to put it together my friend your almost there!  Bio metric data would give EXPONTIAL new depth to the pre existing data that you speak of.  Not to mention advertisers knowing what gives you anxiety or a hard on.  Your governent would know if you got angry every time you hear a leaders speech.  Data mining rules everything we know this already.  -Im spouse to be the dumb guy-  we re doomed.
smartphone data has been largely useless on a granular level,. this tracking would enable them to likely do effective cross referencing and basically be able to run an algorithm to suss out anything they want on a whim

it's also 100% pointless as nearly every civilized city is at or near herd immunity and everyone should just go the hell outside
C’mon Buck, enough is enough.
First it was just a seasonal flu, then it would blow over by summer and now we’re nearing herd immunity?
Based on what?
Gut feeling?
It’s okay to accept that nobody really knows how this is going to pan out, and it’s okay to be afraid.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on August 05, 2020, 08:50:42 AM
^I’m pretty sure Buck is just bored, not afraid. (

Deaths seem to be increasing, but that might also be due to the delays in processing death certificates that they keep mentioning.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on August 05, 2020, 08:52:07 AM
Just be glad you don't know him in real life. I have friends of his that are my friends on social media and dude is insufferable. I admire my friends even more for their patience in dealing with him.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on August 05, 2020, 10:54:55 AM
Just be glad you don't know him in real life. I have friends of his that are my friends on social media and dude is insufferable. I admire my friends even more for their patience in dealing with him.
  Are you guys Canadians?  How many people prolly know each other on here?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Buck Russell on August 05, 2020, 02:58:50 PM
^I’m pretty sure Buck is just bored, not afraid.

yes. and I have appreciated some like you and ciggroms and one or two others who have participated in discourse rather than just spewing out nonsense they read without understanding or just straight up insults because who knows why... helped get through some of the real slog of monotony and I think we all learned a little

one time specifically I remember you said something I very much disagreed with then I thought about it different so thank you
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Sick Duck on August 05, 2020, 03:15:07 PM
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Im spouse to be the dumb guy
you doun’t say
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: fulltechnicalskizzy on August 05, 2020, 03:34:48 PM
-Im spouse to be the dumb guy-
congratulations to you and buck!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on August 05, 2020, 08:59:18 PM
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-Im spouse to be the dumb guy-
congratulations to you and buck!
  Why tho?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: igrindtwinkies on August 05, 2020, 09:33:05 PM
My state is having a motorcycle rally, 250000 expected.  Being such an isolated state has kind've saved us thus far from the virus,  I completely expect that to change in the next month.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Mr. Kamikazi on August 06, 2020, 07:59:26 AM
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I am a  Social Skills teacher and hoping for virtual. As of now, we are going back in roughly two weeks but the schools that we have contracts with (I work at a private alternative school) are going virtual. It will undoubtedly be a mess as enforcing the population I work with to keep a mask on the majority of the day, unless they are at their seats, will be a new kind of task. I have been out of the classroom since 3/16 and did telehealth for my contract position as a therapist up until last month. Working directly with clients right now just seems like I am voluntarily going into a cage filled with snakes but they haven't bit me yet.

Can you explain more about social skills? I was a special ed teacher in a sub separate classroom where we taught "life skills" for severe special needs high school students. Can't imagine trying to keep those kiddos with a mask on.
I also did telehealth counseling with k-8 kiddos to complete my MSW internship since march. It was definitely interesting. Best of luck

Why yes I can. My kiddos/clients are those that are either AEDY (Alternative Ed for Disruptive Youth) and Special Ed. So I am dealing with behaviors that range from defiance, verbal/physical aggression, low levels of motivation and a wide range of socioemotional disorders. My curriculum ranges from teaching students about empathy, being in tune with their emotions, leadership, compromising, body language, conflict resolution, etc. As of now we have a very small of students so classroom management will ideally be solid.

As far as tele-health, I was doing that when COVID-19 ran wild here in PA and our Governor shut everything down. I used to be a full time therapist at an agency and when I moved on, they asked if I would like to continue to work with the one home that I have had success with over the last four years. I too have an MSW and am an LSW in PA.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Enrico Pallazzo on August 06, 2020, 12:44:06 PM
My fiancé has her master’s in Epidemiology/Biostatistics and fortunately is working in private industry right now otherwise I probably wouldn’t have seen her for the past 4 months. All of her friends from school who work for city/county health programs have been so insanely overworked and all seem to be losing hope for an effective reaction from the government or public.

Even with mandated mental health counseling, it’s so heavy listening to how beaten down they sound. Trained experts in their field and they can’t even complete what should be a simple contact trace because so many people a) think they know more with 0 justification because they saw a YouTube video b) are scared that doing their part in data collection for a global pandemic will lead to bio bracelets or c) see helping others as an infringement on their freedom. The gnarly part is that other disease outbreaks/public health issues don’t go on pause, and this arrogance has extended beyond Covid, i.e. hepatitis outbreaks.

Her mom is also a dialysis nurse and has had 5 Covid patients under 30 die in the past couple weeks, so please stay safe everyone. And be nice to public employees and healthcare workers. Just because someone works in government doesn’t mean they are the government.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on August 06, 2020, 12:58:38 PM
I have my regular VA mental health assessment for my meds tomorrow, and I just remembered the exasperated tone that my doc had when I spoke with her last time after reading your comment. I was afraid to ask her about other veteran patients so I just made sure to let her know that the dosage was working, and that I was doing relatively ok so she had at least one patient she didn't need to worry about.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on August 06, 2020, 04:21:10 PM
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I am a  Social Skills teacher and hoping for virtual. As of now, we are going back in roughly two weeks but the schools that we have contracts with (I work at a private alternative school) are going virtual. It will undoubtedly be a mess as enforcing the population I work with to keep a mask on the majority of the day, unless they are at their seats, will be a new kind of task. I have been out of the classroom since 3/16 and did telehealth for my contract position as a therapist up until last month. Working directly with clients right now just seems like I am voluntarily going into a cage filled with snakes but they haven't bit me yet.
Can you explain more about social skills? I was a special ed teacher in a sub separate classroom where we taught "life skills" for severe special needs high school students. Can't imagine trying to keep those kiddos with a mask on.
I also did telehealth counseling with k-8 kiddos to complete my MSW internship since march. It was definitely interesting. Best of luck

Why yes I can. My kiddos/clients are those that are either AEDY (Alternative Ed for Disruptive Youth) and Special Ed. So I am dealing with behaviors that range from defiance, verbal/physical aggression, low levels of motivation and a wide range of socioemotional disorders. My curriculum ranges from teaching students about empathy, being in tune with their emotions, leadership, compromising, body language, conflict resolution, etc. As of now we have a very small of students so classroom management will ideally be solid.

As far as tele-health, I was doing that when COVID-19 ran wild here in PA and our Governor shut everything down. I used to be a full time therapist at an agency and when I moved on, they asked if I would like to continue to work with the one home that I have had success with over the last four years. I too have an MSW and am an LSW in PA.

right on! I worked with kids in behavior treatment group homes and community based accute treatment for a good long while. All of them were in some sort of alternative program for behavioral and/or cognitive reasons- you know that behaviors and cognition are super related. After that, I went to school and started subbing, where I got thrown into a sub separate high school classroom that was horribly organized but I was really able to jam with the kids for a couple years. I left that to do ABA and ended up again in a sub sep life skills program.

I'm really stoked on the school social work/counseling that I've been getting into. Everything I did in the crazy jobs trained me more than this MSW program!!! Thanks for doing your job, homie!

Hows the MSW/LSW pay in PA? Thinking about moving east again within the next couple of years and are not sure exactly where we'll land
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on September 02, 2020, 09:40:52 AM
At this point, 1 in 20 of the college students in my city that voluntarily submitted to covid19 testing is asymptomatic, positive, and just walking all around without masks mostly.

The numbers are probably much higher and the kids are not really doing anything about those numbers to keep them from rising nor does the school care enough to close it all down.

The county numbers are counted separately and the high student cases has caused a jump in county cases.

How is everyone else doing? I hope y'all are ok. I got my labs done at the VA the other day and explained how that was fifth place that I have actually physically entered since the first lockdown.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on September 03, 2020, 09:13:34 AM
The college town I used to live in is getting wrecked.

Apparently, the students begged to come back so they could party and now they're surprised that they're getting sick.

The admin buckled under the political pressure from the city/landlords and the financial pressure to re-open and they've already had to shut down for a few weeks.

I'm so glad I don't live in that shit-hole any longer.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on September 03, 2020, 09:30:10 AM
i'm teaching two composition classes at a big public university in Detroit, and one literature class at a smaller private university, and i am exceedingly stoked to say that both universities are being fairly responsible and conscientious in dealing with this mess, and all of my teaching is online synchronous via Zoom...

...which i know is not ideal--i miss the classrooms and campuses dearly--but is definitely a best-case alternative. i have a shit ton of enthusiasm and energy, so i've been pretty good at keeping my classes engaged thus far.

i feel bad for my students though--it's like taking all of the fun and social stuff out of the experience, and it's just the scholarly grind. i think it would be fair if the universities at least temporarily made tuition less for this "remote" learning--no matter how much integrity, preparation, and enthusiasm instructors have, something is by all means lost without the classroom. of course, i am an adjunct professor, so i couldn't make much less than i do for each 3-credit class...

i always said i would never teach online, period, but alas, necessity...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: iKobrakai on September 03, 2020, 09:39:50 AM
Gay Sweden here: we don't really do anything in particular.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on September 03, 2020, 10:00:56 AM
i'm teaching two composition classes at a big public university in Detroit, and one literature class at a smaller private university, and i am exceedingly stoked to say that both universities are being fairly responsible and conscientious in dealing with this mess, and all of my teaching is online synchronous via Zoom...

...which i know is not ideal--i miss the classrooms and campuses dearly--but is definitely a best-case alternative. i have a shit ton of enthusiasm and energy, so i've been pretty good at keeping my classes engaged thus far.

i feel bad for my students though--it's like taking all of the fun and social stuff out of the experience, and it's just the scholarly grind. i think it would be fair if the universities at least temporarily made tuition less for this "remote" learning--no matter how much integrity, preparation, and enthusiasm instructors have, something is by all means lost without the classroom. of course, i am an adjunct professor, so i couldn't make much less than i do for each 3-credit class...

i always said i would never teach online, period, but alas, necessity...

I think the kids should be able to wave a lot of the fees associated with being in person, but, I disagree with the idea of tuition reduction.

Arizona State charges the same for online as they do in-person classes and they've done this for a long time. Online isn't the same, but I feel there is some romanticization of the in person experience.

Prior to getting my act together as an undergrad, it didn't matter whether my class was in person or online, I just wasted the professor's time and didn't gain anything.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Alan on September 03, 2020, 10:17:52 AM
I guess you could decrease the tuition amount by taking away from the admin. Jk, that will never happen. Also, you're already getting paid around minimum wage if you're an adjunct, so why demand even less pay for more work?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on September 03, 2020, 10:23:30 AM
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i'm teaching two composition classes at a big public university in Detroit, and one literature class at a smaller private university, and i am exceedingly stoked to say that both universities are being fairly responsible and conscientious in dealing with this mess, and all of my teaching is online synchronous via Zoom...

...which i know is not ideal--i miss the classrooms and campuses dearly--but is definitely a best-case alternative. i have a shit ton of enthusiasm and energy, so i've been pretty good at keeping my classes engaged thus far.

i feel bad for my students though--it's like taking all of the fun and social stuff out of the experience, and it's just the scholarly grind. i think it would be fair if the universities at least temporarily made tuition less for this "remote" learning--no matter how much integrity, preparation, and enthusiasm instructors have, something is by all means lost without the classroom. of course, i am an adjunct professor, so i couldn't make much less than i do for each 3-credit class...

i always said i would never teach online, period, but alas, necessity...

I think the kids should be able to wave a lot of the fees associated with being in person, but, I disagree with the idea of tuition reduction.

Arizona State charges the same for online as they do in-person classes and they've done this for a long time. Online isn't the same, but I feel there is some romanticization of the in person experience.

Prior to getting my act together as an undergrad, it didn't matter whether my class was in person or online, I just wasted the professor's time and didn't gain anything.

i get this perspective too--trust me. i just know the experience has been fundamentally transformed, and a lot of what young people enjoy about going to college--which really does help to balance out the hard work--is lost right now.

i teach at Wayne State University in Detroit, and apparently enrollment is up this fall, but tellingly, there's paradoxically all kinds of budget issues ("crises") across the university in the different schools and departments. to me, this says everything about the racket of university educations, and how much is lost when something as seemingly insignificant as parking--for instance--is drastically reduced. so like Alan at least partly jokes above, cutting the bloated pay at the top amongst admins (or amongst the bloated tenured fogies), to allow for reductions in tuition might be a nice option in a better world, but of course won't happen.

what happens in the classroom is by all means romanticized at times, and plenty of students are "present" physically, but probably would be better off online. but what does happen in the classroom even when only a handful of students care and are engaged, is why i got into all of this in the first place...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on September 04, 2020, 09:04:56 AM
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i'm teaching two composition classes at a big public university in Detroit, and one literature class at a smaller private university, and i am exceedingly stoked to say that both universities are being fairly responsible and conscientious in dealing with this mess, and all of my teaching is online synchronous via Zoom...

...which i know is not ideal--i miss the classrooms and campuses dearly--but is definitely a best-case alternative. i have a shit ton of enthusiasm and energy, so i've been pretty good at keeping my classes engaged thus far.

i feel bad for my students though--it's like taking all of the fun and social stuff out of the experience, and it's just the scholarly grind. i think it would be fair if the universities at least temporarily made tuition less for this "remote" learning--no matter how much integrity, preparation, and enthusiasm instructors have, something is by all means lost without the classroom. of course, i am an adjunct professor, so i couldn't make much less than i do for each 3-credit class...

i always said i would never teach online, period, but alas, necessity...

I think the kids should be able to wave a lot of the fees associated with being in person, but, I disagree with the idea of tuition reduction.

Arizona State charges the same for online as they do in-person classes and they've done this for a long time. Online isn't the same, but I feel there is some romanticization of the in person experience.

Prior to getting my act together as an undergrad, it didn't matter whether my class was in person or online, I just wasted the professor's time and didn't gain anything.

i get this perspective too--trust me. i just know the experience has been fundamentally transformed, and a lot of what young people enjoy about going to college--which really does help to balance out the hard work--is lost right now.

i teach at Wayne State University in Detroit, and apparently enrollment is up this fall, but tellingly, there's paradoxically all kinds of budget issues ("crises") across the university in the different schools and departments. to me, this says everything about the racket of university educations, and how much is lost when something as seemingly insignificant as parking--for instance--is drastically reduced. so like Alan at least partly jokes above, cutting the bloated pay at the top amongst admins (or amongst the bloated tenured fogies), to allow for reductions in tuition might be a nice option in a better world, but of course won't happen.

what happens in the classroom is by all means romanticized at times, and plenty of students are "present" physically, but probably would be better off online. but what does happen in the classroom even when only a handful of students care and are engaged, is why i got into all of this in the first place...

I see your point of view and I think there is quite a bit of merit in your argument, but I still disagree for a few reasons:

1) I'm doubtful that most college students take the education part seriously. I worry most don't care about the education and it is really just a middle/upper-class party that offers them the opportunity to gain a credential that allows them to feel better than their peers couldn't afford to fuck around for 4 years and actually had to work. So, I have less sympathy for the notion of the social aspect of college.

My anecdotal example, comes from a prof I TAed for during my last year of university. He would do a pop-quiz once a semester that ask his students, "What article we read for class?" Each year the majority of kids couldn't identify the article by name, author, or topic. He would cancelled class because no one was prepared and took his TAs out for lunch. Dude was awesome and insanely frustrated with the lack of effort on the part of his students.

2) I didn't participate in the college lifestyle and I don't feel I missed out on anything. I went to class as soon as it was over I went skating or to work at a local shop. The skate world provided an amazing social life... although, my "social capital" in professional world remains weak since most of my skater friends didn't go down that road.

3) I blame the "tax payer"/libertarian retreat from supporting education, which encourages this reliance on dorms, parking fees, meal plans, etc. Using Arizona as an example again, the state constitution says that higher ed should be as close to free as possible. The Gov. cut 100 million out of ASU, UofA, and NAU's budgets a few years ago, because we need to lower taxes. The schools have to have bottom line business goons like President Crow who charge fees for everything and sell college as a luxury resort in order to make ends meet because the state refuses to pitch in, what else are they going to do?

Despite the lofty goals and the few students who really want to learn, universities strike me as overpriced holiday retreats for spoiled children because selling "hard work" isn't something most consumer's want nor do they want to pay a lot of money for it. Universities sell credentials and "fun" to middle-class suburban kids so their parents can justify passing down their professional class positions in society.

And, unfortunately, despite the faculty's dreams for their students, the universities probably just saddles working-class kids without connections with debt. Even if those working class kids gain knowledge, skills, etc., the job market is all about connections, so they're still fucked.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on September 04, 2020, 11:37:11 AM
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i'm teaching two composition classes at a big public university in Detroit, and one literature class at a smaller private university, and i am exceedingly stoked to say that both universities are being fairly responsible and conscientious in dealing with this mess, and all of my teaching is online synchronous via Zoom...

...which i know is not ideal--i miss the classrooms and campuses dearly--but is definitely a best-case alternative. i have a shit ton of enthusiasm and energy, so i've been pretty good at keeping my classes engaged thus far.

i feel bad for my students though--it's like taking all of the fun and social stuff out of the experience, and it's just the scholarly grind. i think it would be fair if the universities at least temporarily made tuition less for this "remote" learning--no matter how much integrity, preparation, and enthusiasm instructors have, something is by all means lost without the classroom. of course, i am an adjunct professor, so i couldn't make much less than i do for each 3-credit class...

i always said i would never teach online, period, but alas, necessity...

I think the kids should be able to wave a lot of the fees associated with being in person, but, I disagree with the idea of tuition reduction.

Arizona State charges the same for online as they do in-person classes and they've done this for a long time. Online isn't the same, but I feel there is some romanticization of the in person experience.

Prior to getting my act together as an undergrad, it didn't matter whether my class was in person or online, I just wasted the professor's time and didn't gain anything.

i get this perspective too--trust me. i just know the experience has been fundamentally transformed, and a lot of what young people enjoy about going to college--which really does help to balance out the hard work--is lost right now.

i teach at Wayne State University in Detroit, and apparently enrollment is up this fall, but tellingly, there's paradoxically all kinds of budget issues ("crises") across the university in the different schools and departments. to me, this says everything about the racket of university educations, and how much is lost when something as seemingly insignificant as parking--for instance--is drastically reduced. so like Alan at least partly jokes above, cutting the bloated pay at the top amongst admins (or amongst the bloated tenured fogies), to allow for reductions in tuition might be a nice option in a better world, but of course won't happen.

what happens in the classroom is by all means romanticized at times, and plenty of students are "present" physically, but probably would be better off online. but what does happen in the classroom even when only a handful of students care and are engaged, is why i got into all of this in the first place...

I see your point of view and I think there is quite a bit of merit in your argument, but I still disagree for a few reasons:

1) I'm doubtful that most college students take the education part seriously. I worry most don't care about the education and it is really just a middle/upper-class party that offers them the opportunity to gain a credential that allows them to feel better than their peers couldn't afford to fuck around for 4 years and actually had to work. So, I have less sympathy for the notion of the social aspect of college.

My anecdotal example, comes from a prof I TAed for during my last year of university. He would do a pop-quiz once a semester that ask his students, "What article we read for class?" Each year the majority of kids couldn't identify the article by name, author, or topic. He would cancelled class because no one was prepared and took his TAs out for lunch. Dude was awesome and insanely frustrated with the lack of effort on the part of his students.

2) I didn't participate in the college lifestyle and I don't feel I missed out on anything. I went to class as soon as it was over I went skating or to work at a local shop. The skate world provided an amazing social life... although, my "social capital" in professional world remains weak since most of my skater friends didn't go down that road.

3) I blame the "tax payer"/libertarian retreat from supporting education, which encourages this reliance on dorms, parking fees, meal plans, etc. Using Arizona as an example again, the state constitution says that higher ed should be as close to free as possible. The Gov. cut 100 million out of ASU, UofA, and NAU's budgets a few years ago, because we need to lower taxes. The schools have to have bottom line business goons like President Crow who charge fees for everything and sell college as a luxury resort in order to make ends meet because the state refuses to pitch in, what else are they going to do?

Despite the lofty goals and the few students who really want to learn, universities strike me as overpriced holiday retreats for spoiled children because selling "hard work" isn't something most consumer's want nor do they want to pay a lot of money for it. Universities sell credentials and "fun" to middle-class suburban kids so their parents can justify passing down their professional class positions in society.

And, unfortunately, despite the faculty's dreams for their students, the universities probably just saddles working-class kids without connections with debt. Even if those working class kids gain knowledge, skills, etc., the job market is all about connections, so they're still fucked.

i appreciate the thoughtful response, and i wish i had the time to respond in kind, but i don't right now.

what i will say now is, i could not disagree with the bolded statement above more. it may have to do with the institutions that i've been fortunate enough to teach at--especially Wayne State, which has a significant amount of foreign students who don't fuck around. which is not to say that American students do--at least not in general. the vast majority of my students over the course of the past 8 years, have worked their asses off, and shown tons of integrity. again, might be Wayne State, which has a lot of students who are the first generation in their families to go to college.

also man, every classroom is its own learning community, and every instructor is different--i come from generations of union-belonging autoworkers on one side of my family and outright criminality on the other, and one of the most consistent pieces of feedback i get involves how "genuine" and "down to earth" i am due at least partly to this, which then i believed engenders sincerity and integrity from my students.

again, the schools i teach at may be part of this. i earned my MA from the University of Chicago, which was a completely different trip--the only reason my poor ass was able to attend there, was because i had a fellowship...

...hope to say more later, but i do appreciate the discussion...
Title: Do you think I'll test positive?
Post by: bgod17666 on September 04, 2020, 03:51:22 PM
Yesterday I was moving some boxes out of my friend's place and his neighbor who I am friendly with said what's up to me and asked me to help her move a dresser of hers from one room into another room. I obliged. I was in her apartment (unfortunately with no mask) for I think less than 5 minutes across the dresser from her as we moved it and then I left immediately. Her front door was open the whole time as well.

Today she texted me and said she just got a test result back and that it was positive. I went and got tested within 20 minutes of her texting me, and I find out tomorrow. She has been completely asymptomatic.

Do you think I will test positive? I do not think I will. The CDC considers a close contact as someone who was within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes. Although I don't think I will test positive, I am slightly concerned that I would potentially test positive in a few days because I know it can take a few days to show up on a test. Given the information I have given, how likely do you think this is? I will of course be cautious for the next few weeks or so regardless, but was wondering what people think.
Title: Re: Do you think I'll test positive?
Post by: Deputy Wendell on September 05, 2020, 07:40:24 AM
Yesterday I was moving some boxes out of my friend's place and his neighbor who I am friendly with said what's up to me and asked me to help her move a dresser of hers from one room into another room. I obliged. I was in her apartment (unfortunately with no mask) for I think less than 5 minutes across the dresser from her as we moved it and then I left immediately. Her front door was open the whole time as well.

Today she texted me and said she just got a test result back and that it was positive. I went and got tested within 20 minutes of her texting me, and I find out tomorrow. She has been completely asymptomatic.

Do you think I will test positive? I do not think I will. The CDC considers a close contact as someone who was within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes. Although I don't think I will test positive, I am slightly concerned that I would potentially test positive in a few days because I know it can take a few days to show up on a test. Given the information I have given, how likely do you think this is? I will of course be cautious for the next few weeks or so regardless, but was wondering what people think.

i hope all is well for you man...
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: ice nine on September 05, 2020, 08:45:11 AM
i’m just glad the virus died off with the warm weather like that guy said
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: sketchyrider on September 05, 2020, 11:19:46 AM
a friend of mine tested positive, only like 4 or 5 days after i saw him personally. i just tested negative. he's doin fine, just the classic no taste or smell.

honestly i thought we were pretty safe, avoiding indoor stuff, kind of just seeing the same small group of people. he did get on a plane recently, even though he was pretty much just with his dad the whole trip, i guess airports are risky even with a mask.

i don't wanna *completely* isolate, but it does make me re-think stuff.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: nutslide on September 05, 2020, 07:42:28 PM
People don't seem to care and San Antonio sucks. Lots of people chillin without mask and San Antonio is one of those hot spot cities that has like almost 1000 deaths from Covid. Now that school has started the skateparks aren't as packed. Oh and the shop I used to go to sucks, gonna have to start going to Zumiez or Fast Forward again when i visit. Just found out that the owner of Alta Vista bought a lot of his trucks and grip from Zumiez and Fast Forward. He bought it at retail price and sells it out of his own store. What kinda stupid idiot does that? This shop really went to shit since Paul left. He at least tried to make the shop look good and kept it clean till that guy Damien took it from him. The guys at AV are pot head druggies and the owner Damien doesn't care if you smoke weed in his shop and gives beer to underage kids when he's not doing coke in the back of the shop. A while back they had a employee who was accused of raping a girl at a party and it took him 3 months to fire him and thats only cuz they called him out. They also got accused of looting a store across the street from them during the BLM protest a few months ago. Now they are opening a 2nd shop with Justin and Jrod of Southtown Skateboards on the south east side of town and what they don't know is that creepy guy Damien is gonna buy all the trucks from Zumiez and Fast Forward to put in the new shop. I don't know how this shop is still around. Skip San Antonio if your road tripping to Texas. Mask are the new rubbers so don't leave home without one.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on September 05, 2020, 09:38:47 PM
a friend of mine tested positive, only like 4 or 5 days after i saw him personally. i just tested negative. he's doin fine, just the classic no taste or smell.

honestly i thought we were pretty safe, avoiding indoor stuff, kind of just seeing the same small group of people. he did get on a plane recently, even though he was pretty much just with his dad the whole trip, i guess airports are risky even with a mask.

i don't wanna *completely* isolate, but it does make me re-think stuff.

yeah, fuck going to the airport right now. I've gotta go see my family 3500miles away and while I could do the flight for $300/round trip, I'm driving for 6 days each way. I've got a great little MSR whisperlite stove, 10 gallons of water, plenty of food, and something to piss in. Crapping in plastic bags isn't so bad either. Thankfully i've got the Subaru Outback that doubles as a bed.

stay safe, homes
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: imposter on September 06, 2020, 04:53:49 AM
Only about 4 cases its good
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on September 06, 2020, 06:38:30 AM
met a woman, we were supposed to go out this weekend or something, but she had to take a corona test. results should be in today. saw her about 5 days ago and i guess if she has it i should probably get tested, too.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on September 06, 2020, 06:50:39 AM
It seemed to plateau completely here in the UK after having such a high death rate initially. Seems the hot weather and all indoor social / leisure businesses being closed really helped curb the spread. But the government have fast tracked the reopening of pretty much everything, pubs are open with pretty much no guidelines in place, all the kids are back at school and it seems we're all kind of being encouraged to basically act like nothing's wrong. The weather's turning and cases are already going back up. And our furlough scheme runs out at the end of October, forcing all businesses to reopen right at the start of Winter. I'm pretty worried it's all going to come back worse than the first time before the end of the year.

I haven't been at work for 5 1/2 months now. We're making plans to reopen but really the only reason we're doing it is because we feel obliged to / are getting hassled by customers. Probably gonna have to just close again 6 weeks later
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cosmicgypsies on September 07, 2020, 04:41:00 AM
It seemed to plateau completely here in the UK after having such a high death rate initially. Seems the hot weather and all indoor social / leisure businesses being closed really helped curb the spread. But the government have fast tracked the reopening of pretty much everything, pubs are open with pretty much no guidelines in place, all the kids are back at school and it seems we're all kind of being encouraged to basically act like nothing's wrong. The weather's turning and cases are already going back up. And our furlough scheme runs out at the end of October, forcing all businesses to reopen right at the start of Winter. I'm pretty worried it's all going to come back worse than the first time before the end of the year.

I haven't been at work for 5 1/2 months now. We're making plans to reopen but really the only reason we're doing it is because we feel obliged to / are getting hassled by customers. Probably gonna have to just close again 6 weeks later

where abouts you at? up north theres been a spike here particularly from clubs/pubs opening and a "charity football match" (oddly scheduled on bank holiday) with 300 attending a venue that can host 150..
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on September 08, 2020, 08:11:43 AM
I'm right down south, not as grim weather wise I'd imagine and clubs, venues etc aren't open at all. Cases definitely seem to be going up though, I don't know how much of that is related to improved testing measures.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: pedro_mayn on September 08, 2020, 08:56:03 AM
Caerphilly on lockdown.

Not too far from where my girlfriend lives, like 10 mins down the road.

Bit worried that a second lockdown is imminent, especially since these things crop up about further localized lockdowns and such occurring.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Trashcon on September 08, 2020, 10:01:17 AM
Skatepark reopened so that's a plus.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cosmicgypsies on September 09, 2020, 03:17:21 AM
I'm right down south, not as grim weather wise I'd imagine and clubs, venues etc aren't open at all. Cases definitely seem to be going up though, I don't know how much of that is related to improved testing measures.

on todays episode of uk government fumbling its way through covid

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on September 09, 2020, 04:33:17 AM
I know, it's fucking ridiculous. Shame we got stuck with these cunts by a plague of single issue voters. Not that it would probably go any different if they had an election tomorrow. The number of people I've seen venting their frustrations about it all while desperately trying to avoid being critical of the government is laughable
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cosmicgypsies on September 09, 2020, 06:04:51 AM
that extra £350m a week for the NHS sure would be handy right now
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cosmicgypsies on September 17, 2020, 02:40:16 AM
back to solo sessions
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: igrindtwinkies on November 23, 2020, 03:03:08 AM
More good news.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: theSketchLord on November 23, 2020, 06:03:03 AM
Dunno if anyone has seen the shit storm that has been going down in South Australia and the Woodville Pizza bar, that place is about 5 mins from my house.

Shame cos' they make really good pizzas, although we came to a head once as their delivery driver loaded the pizza boxes into the delivery bag sideways and I refused to pay for them.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on November 23, 2020, 06:08:17 AM
Fuck that happened to me a couple of days ago, we ordered 3 pizzas and they all turned up with the toppings in a huge pile on about a third of the base. Got our full money refunded and ate them anyway so it worked out well
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Nick.. on November 24, 2020, 06:43:33 AM
Toronto and Peel Region are in lockdown for the next 28 days, rest of the GTA and other areas are in the "red zone" for now.

Locking down again while leaving schools open is a colossal waste of time and money.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: iKobrakai on November 24, 2020, 06:44:42 AM
Sweden... Nooot doing too well..
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Level 60 Dwarf Rogue on November 24, 2020, 08:34:46 AM
Shout out to California’s new curfew that does absolutely nothing.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on November 24, 2020, 09:16:11 AM
Shout out to California’s new curfew that does absolutely nothing.

Sheriffs up this way have said all along that any coronavirus restrictions impede citizens constitutional rights. Picking and choosing is what they do. They're still raiding ganja farms. They're still raiding homeless camps. They're still arresting people for drug offenses. I guess that's all in the name of constitutional freedom

Fuck that. I don't feel that a curfew will do much of anything, especially since it's not going to be enforced. I do however feel that things are going to grow in intensity, Covid wise, following Thanksgiving. It feels like my partner and I are some of the only people NOT traveling. Moved into Purple tier today.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Level 60 Dwarf Rogue on November 24, 2020, 09:24:09 AM
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Shout out to California’s new curfew that does absolutely nothing.

Sheriffs up this way have said all along that any coronavirus restrictions impede citizens constitutional rights. Picking and choosing is what they do. They're still raiding ganja farms. They're still raiding homeless camps. They're still arresting people for drug offenses. I guess that's all in the name of constitutional freedom

Fuck that. I don't feel that a curfew will do much of anything, especially since it's not going to be enforced. I do however feel that things are going to grow in intensity, Covid wise, following Thanksgiving. It feels like my partner and I are some of the only people NOT traveling. Moved into Purple tier today.
We’re not doing anything either. We had family pressuring us too. The curfew is such a limp duck half measure; what does it actually stop between the hours of 10 and 5?! Shut it all down, shelter in place, pay people to stay home. How fucking hard is it?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: igrindtwinkies on November 24, 2020, 09:36:34 AM
My gym cut it's hours.  I used to go at like two am when there was five people tops in there.  They cut the safe time for"sanitizing".
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on November 24, 2020, 10:36:34 AM
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Shout out to California’s new curfew that does absolutely nothing.

Sheriffs up this way have said all along that any coronavirus restrictions impede citizens constitutional rights. Picking and choosing is what they do. They're still raiding ganja farms. They're still raiding homeless camps. They're still arresting people for drug offenses. I guess that's all in the name of constitutional freedom

Fuck that. I don't feel that a curfew will do much of anything, especially since it's not going to be enforced. I do however feel that things are going to grow in intensity, Covid wise, following Thanksgiving. It feels like my partner and I are some of the only people NOT traveling. Moved into Purple tier today.
We’re not doing anything either. We had family pressuring us too. The curfew is such a limp duck half measure; what does it actually stop between the hours of 10 and 5?! Shut it all down, shelter in place, pay people to stay home. How fucking hard is it?

I mean, regarding the curfew, as someone who, between working 2nd/3rd shift and adventures in substance abuse, spent a good decade out and about between 10pm and 5am, my first thoughts were that there isn't much going on during those hours other than mischief and when folks are up to mischief, they're not being safe. I don't, however, feel that the vast majority of transmission is going on between those hours! I live in a moderately small, rural town of 15k people. 5 restaurants just had to close down due infections coming from "outdoor" dining.

I think you're right, "pay people to stay home."
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: codymacfan on November 24, 2020, 10:50:25 AM
More specifically in LA County, outdoor dining is shutting back down after Wednesday for 3 weeks. We never went above the lowest tier in California, outdoor dining was about the furthest we got besides indoor retail. Skateboarding-wise, I think parks are safe but I haven't even been to one in months.

Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on November 24, 2020, 11:12:10 AM

I don't know what the hell happens in the USA in the next two weeks. Travel, close quarters gatherings, etc.

Canada is doing way better.


Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jack burton on November 24, 2020, 11:39:46 AM
Was at work Saturday when my co worker found out his friend he had been hanging out with the night before tested positive. Spoke to my second job and they recommended that I stay home till I got a negative test result. Got that this morning but I’m still out of the money for those two days.

Was also going to go home to see my grandparents because they aren’t doing well but my sister ended up testing positive. Now it feels like traveling home would be very irresponsible. This anxiety of waiting for what comes next while the government does nothing is insane.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on November 24, 2020, 11:55:39 AM
Was at work Saturday when my co worker found out his friend he had been hanging out with the night before tested positive. Spoke to my second job and they recommended that I stay home till I got a negative test result. Got that this morning but I’m still out of the money for those two days.

Was also going to go home to see my grandparents because they aren’t doing well but my sister ended up testing positive. Now it feels like traveling home would be very irresponsible. This anxiety of waiting for what comes next while the government does nothing is insane.

damn dude, that sounds like a nightmare. I'm really sorry to hear it come down like that
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jack burton on November 24, 2020, 02:37:21 PM
They’re both actually out of the hospital (not Covid related) and my grandfather seems to be doing much better. My grandmother on the other hand probably won’t be around this time next year. The thought of sitting on a plane for six hours to go home seems super irresponsible though.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: LUGR on November 24, 2020, 04:33:05 PM
Was at work Saturday when my co worker found out his friend he had been hanging out with the night before tested positive. Spoke to my second job and they recommended that I stay home till I got a negative test result. Got that this morning but I’m still out of the money for those two days.

Was also going to go home to see my grandparents because they aren’t doing well but my sister ended up testing positive. Now it feels like traveling home would be very irresponsible. This anxiety of waiting for what comes next while the government does nothing is insane.
You should be compensated for your days quarantining as mandatory sick leave or able to file for unemployment for the time off required to verify a negative test.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on November 24, 2020, 04:59:00 PM
They’re both actually out of the hospital (not Covid related) and my grandfather seems to be doing much better. My grandmother on the other hand probably won’t be around this time next year. The thought of sitting on a plane for six hours to go home seems super irresponsible though.

if I could give ya a hug, virus free and all, I'd do it. take care as best can be expected, man.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: jack burton on November 24, 2020, 05:32:39 PM
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Was at work Saturday when my co worker found out his friend he had been hanging out with the night before tested positive. Spoke to my second job and they recommended that I stay home till I got a negative test result. Got that this morning but I’m still out of the money for those two days.

Was also going to go home to see my grandparents because they aren’t doing well but my sister ended up testing positive. Now it feels like traveling home would be very irresponsible. This anxiety of waiting for what comes next while the government does nothing is insane.
You should be compensated for your days quarantining as mandatory sick leave or able to file for unemployment for the time off required to verify a negative test.

Oh hell yeah.
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They’re both actually out of the hospital (not Covid related) and my grandfather seems to be doing much better. My grandmother on the other hand probably won’t be around this time next year. The thought of sitting on a plane for six hours to go home seems super irresponsible though.

if I could give ya a hug, virus free and all, I'd do it. take care as best can be expected, man.

You know what, I would take you up on that hug. Thanks man.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on November 27, 2020, 09:30:40 AM
Virus-free socially distanced 3D printed hugs for all my pals doing the right thing.

I was happy my wife passed out last night and we didn't end up visiting my mother in law. One of the brother in laws has been a dumdum about this pandemic since the getgo and I want to be socially distanced from him more than anything.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on November 27, 2020, 10:36:57 AM
Virus-free socially distanced 3D printed hugs for all my pals doing the right thing.

I was happy my wife passed out last night and we didn't end up visiting my mother in law. One of the brother in laws has been a dumdum about this pandemic since the getgo and I want to be socially distanced from him more than anything.

Hi Five!

It's so hard when people don't take it seriously and we can't be as socially distant as we'd like. I sell a lot of stuff on craigslist and it's always hit or miss meeting up with people. At least i've got my N95s for those events.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Justis on November 27, 2020, 10:21:59 PM
Very thankful to have not caught this shit  just been working my diy and skating street when I can. Numbers are soaring here in Chicago and I’m happy I have a place to live.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on December 04, 2020, 10:38:07 PM
Got to the Bay area just as everything is shutting down. Not exactly ideal, but stoked just to sit in the backyard and relax.

Worried about what the holidays will bring. Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Years, man I don't foresee things going well.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cucktard on December 05, 2020, 03:37:22 AM

I don't know what the hell happens in the USA in the next two weeks. Travel, close quarters gatherings, etc.

Canada is doing way better.



Alberta is #1 in Canada, right behind New York

Not surprising tho, that place is the Texas of Canada.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: iKobrakai on December 05, 2020, 06:09:46 AM
Got sore throat on 23:rd and have been working from home. Tested positive, so I have to chill for a week.

Pretty mind effects, but don't want to infect anybody.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on December 05, 2020, 11:31:12 AM
Got sore throat on 23:rd and have been working from home. Tested positive, so I have to chill for a week.

Pretty mind effects, but don't want to infect anybody.

even though it sounds chill so far, get well soon nonetheless bro
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: iKobrakai on December 05, 2020, 01:20:20 PM
Thanks, Frank. I'm pretty much fine now. Just waiting for manditory 7 days to pass.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: EdLawndale on July 30, 2022, 06:29:08 AM
I'm currently quarantined at home after testing positive for Covid for the second time.

The first time I contracted the virus last year, it was during the holidays so I was chill to just ride it out without it really affecting my life (though the virus itself was much more intense on my body than this go round). This time, I was in the middle of a work project that required me to be present in the office so everything has to be put on hold, I have a 20 year high school reunion coming up that I probably won't be able to attend, and the plans to hang out with the woman I'm seeing rn had to be cancelled. So, it has been very disruptive, even though my symptoms are so minimal that I don't even have a fever. If one wants to ensure that he or she does not spread Covid, it almost doesn't matter what your own symptoms are.

I was going out these past few months, but also thought I was being responsible by wearing my mask often in places not many else are. But even I would take my mask of from time to time to eat, drink, etc. I for sure had vulnerabilities. From what I've read, these new variants dgaf if you had Covid before and reinfection is probable.

But at least in the metropolis where I live, a large-scale shut down seems out of the realm of possibility as society is just over it. Most folks are not even wearing masks so why would they advocate for curfews or outdoor-only spaces. The county I reside in considered reinstating the indoors-mask-mandate this past week, but ultimately decided against it, sayin the hospitalizations had subsided. Even then, the city I work in -- a normally pretty progressive city, I mean they basically outlawed cigarettes -- had declared that, if the mask mandate had passed, they would not devote any resources to enforcing it. Their flimsy reasoning was, "It's not 2020 anymore, the science doesn't support mask-mandates, we've moved past masks." Which is just insane to me.

So, I think I have to make some serious lifestyle changes on my own volition to ensure that I don't get Covid every three months, because it seems the older women that are my bosses are eventually going to go from, "Oh, feel better, Ed!" to "Why does this keep happening to you?"

Kind of disheartening but it seems like Covid is far, far from over.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on July 30, 2022, 10:09:57 AM
I spent almost two months in Honolulu and it was night and day compared to Georgia. All the locals were wearing their masks and being good about it. It made me feel much safer and prompted me to mask up more. Higher vax rate, too.

In Georgia, people look at you crazy for still wearing a mask during a pandemic when it benefits them more than it benefits you.

Now, it's more imperative to wear one and be safe lest someone try to stigmatize you when you catch that monkey pox that's all the rage.

Get well Ed.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: cky enthusiast on July 30, 2022, 10:24:15 AM
non-essential worker cucked by low immune system function due to breathing candles in the home office all day. many such cases!
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Frank on July 30, 2022, 10:24:50 AM
no one gives a shit about covid anymore. i caught the flu and my hr dude was afraid i had covid and told me to not get tested so i could still show up to work. what a crook. i don't have covid, but i'm still sick with fever and stuff. not cool.

ed i hope you're back up fine in no time.

i would like to know if ever caught covid in the last few months without noticing since i don't seem to get it and i caught a coldlike infection 3 times in the last two months but was always negative. but that type of test is too expensive for me.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on July 30, 2022, 10:50:16 AM

Hey buddy thanks for posting this and sorry you're sick and plans are a mess. Last night I wanted to start a new thread  "what covid precautions are you taking?"

I felt similarly when I was working in the school post mask mandate. I got sick a few times, got covid again, along with half the school, and people were surprised I kept getting sick despite wearing a mask indoors around everyone else not wearing one.

I wonder if some folks immune systems are more prone to this illness than others. A year out and my gal still has multiple inhalers and low energy. Its awful.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheLurper on July 30, 2022, 11:12:21 AM
sorry to hear that you caught the 'rona.

I feel like the last man standing at this point. I haven't caught covid and I don't want it.

I took the ferry from Vancouver to Victoria a few weeks ago. It was easy to keep a bit of distance from others on the boat, but after arriving on the island, the bus was standing room only. It was filled with a bunch of unmasked tourists.

I opted for the taxi as it was worth 70 bucks not to spend x amount of days feeling like shit.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on July 30, 2022, 01:57:14 PM
My girlfriend and her homegirl drove to the coast, I was supposed to fly out to meet up tomorrow, at which point her homegirl was going to fly home. Now they both have Covid, homegirl can’t fly home until the next week, and I’m sitting here thinking about bailing on the whole thing. Too bad that fancy new omicron vaccine isn’t out yet.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: layzieyez on July 30, 2022, 02:04:25 PM
I wear fake glasses on top of wearing a mask so people don’t spit it into my eyes.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: JANUS on July 30, 2022, 02:34:17 PM
You need one of these fits
Title: Lingering effects of COVID
Post by: Skeleton Pudding on September 12, 2022, 12:44:26 PM
I've been over COVID for about a month. Thankfully, I didn't get hit too bad. It mainly felt like the worst day of a cold for 11 days. I also felt super tired and fatigued - particularly in my legs.

I've been skating again and noticing how weak my legs are. My pop sucks, and over the weekend I was skating a Grindline bowl and got a cramp in my upper leg, that cut my session short. I don't know if I've ever experienced a charlie horse like cramp there before.

So for all of you that have danced with covid, are you still feeling any negative effects?

Title: Re: Lingering effects of COVID
Post by: IUTSM on September 12, 2022, 08:11:03 PM
I've been over COVID for about a month. Thankfully, I didn't get hit too bad. It mainly felt like the worst day of a cold for 11 days. I also felt super tired and fatigued - particularly in my legs.

I've been skating again and noticing how weak my legs are. My pop sucks, and over the weekend I was skating a Grindline bowl and got a cramp in my upper leg, that cut my session short. I don't know if I've ever experienced a charlie horse like cramp there before.

So for all of you that have danced with covid, are you still feeling any negative effects?

I'm using an inhaler a year later. My stamina period is down. My old lady def got ducked, heart problems, lung, energy etc. Brain fog is lifting in waves.
Title: Re: Lingering effects of COVID
Post by: Paco Supreme on September 12, 2022, 11:11:17 PM
So for all of you that have danced with covid, are you still feeling any negative effects?

I’m about a month out from the Vid, I’ve had chest weakness and a lingering cough, it sucks but there’s a lot more I could be stuck with.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Síota on September 12, 2022, 11:38:11 PM
I had an appointment with my lung doc last week (i've got brutal asthma) some how getting covid twice between the last time I saw her my lungs are actually better than they were in 2021..go figure. The only time you need to wear a mask here in France is for medical appointments. I bet now that kids are back in school and summer holidays are over cases will rise.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Coastal Fever on September 13, 2022, 05:56:41 AM
Started wearing a mask in public again, having Covid fucking sucked, and I’ve read some pretty alarming shit about how you can easily catch the new variants multiple times, and how much the risk of serious long terms effects increases each time you get it. 

Kinda blows my mind that everyone I know has gotten it but no one seems concerned enough to wear a mask anymore.  I think they all have the false idea that they’re invincible to it now or something, instead of more at risk of getting messed up.

I’ll make the odd social exception, but having it made me realize I want to be as healthy and protected as reasonably possible.  Plus wearing one keeps the heart rate a little higher, added cardio without the exercise.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: L33Tg33k on September 13, 2022, 04:28:55 PM
My union steward is on his bullshit about how coronavirus was just a cold and that Fauci has stock in the companies that made the vaccines and is somehow responsible for the deaths of thousands. Still don’t know how he figures that one.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: tuesday on September 13, 2022, 06:13:52 PM
My union steward is on his bullshit about how coronavirus was just a cold and that Fauci has stock in the companies that made the vaccines and is somehow responsible for the deaths of thousands. Still don’t know how he figures that one.
He did is own research. For sure.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on September 13, 2022, 08:34:08 PM
My union steward is on his bullshit about how coronavirus was just a cold and that Fauci has stock in the companies that made the vaccines and is somehow responsible for the deaths of thousands. Still don’t know how he figures that one.

Does he also think unions are no good?

@Freelancevagrant whaddya do about goons in the Union?
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: Dwyck on September 14, 2022, 09:21:19 AM
theyve undone all the mask laws in my city. I can't wear a mask at work, but I've been wearing a KN95 on the train basically since they became more accessible last year. You can wear one for 40 hours total. I had covid in April and it sucked dog dick and my city neglected to make boosters available for people under 65 who aren't immunocompromised until last week. My buddy got it last week.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheBoognish on October 05, 2022, 07:06:59 AM
Day two of my first time having Covid, whatever the current variant is.

 So far it’s not as bad as yesterday, feels like it’s turning into a head cold. I can still smell and taste, headache isn’t as bad (so far) and haven’t had much chest pains, lungs feel ok so far. Spit up some gunk during the night, but that’s probably from smoking weed and all the mucus going down my throat. Worst part is the lack of energy. My sinuses hurt so my entire face hurts.

Yesterday was pretty rough. Fever (although nothing crazy like i’ve had before), sore throat, stuffed nose, sore legs and a lack of sleep. Couldn’t believe how physical it felt, legs were fucked. Seems to be gone today.

Fever had my mind racing and I ended up sleeping 3 hours in two days. I’d get cold, then hot, then cold etc… I’m knocking my ass out with Nyquil tonight, I’m fucking exhausted.

For everyone who have had it, did you notice your symptoms coming in waves ? I’d be fine for an hour or so, than boom, two hours of hell, then back to normal for a bit etc…

Surprised it took this long to catch it seeing as I wasn’t the most careful, still haven’t gone in big crowds though. I’ve got 3 vax doses, didn’t get the 4th one because the 3rd one had me fucked up.

What a strange illness.
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: IUTSM on October 05, 2022, 10:20:38 AM
Day two of my first time having Covid, whatever the current variant is.

 So far it’s not as bad as yesterday, feels like it’s turning into a head cold. I can still smell and taste, headache isn’t as bad (so far) and haven’t had much chest pains, lungs feel ok so far. Spit up some gunk during the night, but that’s probably from smoking weed and all the mucus going down my throat. Worst part is the lack of energy. My sinuses hurt so my entire face hurts.

Yesterday was pretty rough. Fever (although nothing crazy like i’ve had before), sore throat, stuffed nose, sore legs and a lack of sleep. Couldn’t believe how physical it felt, legs were fucked. Seems to be gone today.

Fever had my mind racing and I ended up sleeping 3 hours in two days. I’d get cold, then hot, then cold etc… I’m knocking my ass out with Nyquil tonight, I’m fucking exhausted.

For everyone who have had it, did you notice your symptoms coming in waves ? I’d be fine for an hour or so, than boom, two hours of hell, then back to normal for a bit etc…

Surprised it took this long to catch it seeing as I wasn’t the most careful, still haven’t gone in big crowds though. I’ve got 3 vax doses, didn’t get the 4th one because the 3rd one had me fucked up.

What a strange illness.

Pretty sure I just had it again. Thought I had food poisoning or something from eating undercooked beef but I ended up being varying degrees of sick for about 11 days, feeling 80% yesterday.

Low grade fever, no appetite but also very much constipated and the belly was rumbling, followed by head aches, then chest aches/lung issues, followed by sinus issues. Didn't lose smell or taste this time, in fact, now that I'm feeling better my sense of smell is exceptionally strong- this was the case prior to Delta last August, I was very sensitive to smells and it had been muted the past 13 months.

Regarding the waves, I said to my lady last night that this bout, with the waves and peaks, felt like a poison mushroom trip in some ways. Waves of anxiety, waves of nausea, waves of feeling decent.

What finally helped was taking 100mg trazadone 3 nights in a row, forcing me to sleep long and hard.

Whatever this variant is its not hit me like Delta, but feels similar.

As you said, its a strange illness. Having been through synthetic drug withdrawals, that is the closesproblemsI can compare a bad case of covid to. Not the "I've been doing percs for a week and have the flu" shit, but a hard benzo withdrawal with both body and mind problems.

Def feels like something designed to fuck people up.

Take care of yourself, @Boognish. Weed kinda makes it worse for me, water helps  :)
Title: Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
Post by: TheBoognish on October 05, 2022, 10:57:33 AM
Expand Quote
Day two of my first time having Covid, whatever the current variant is.

 So far it’s not as bad as yesterday, feels like it’s turning into a head cold. I can still smell and taste, headache isn’t as bad (so far) and haven’t had much chest pains, lungs feel ok so far. Spit up some gunk during the night, but that’s probably from smoking weed and all the mucus going down my throat. Worst part is the lack of energy. My sinuses hurt so my entire face hurts.

Yesterday was pretty rough. Fever (although nothing crazy like i’ve had before), sore throat, stuffed nose, sore legs and a lack of sleep. Couldn’t believe how physical it felt, legs were fucked. Seems to be gone today.

Fever had my mind racing and I ended up sleeping 3 hours in two days. I’d get cold, then hot, then cold etc… I’m knocking my ass out with Nyquil tonight, I’m fucking exhausted.

For everyone who have had it, did you notice your symptoms coming in waves ? I’d be fine for an hour or so, than boom, two hours of hell, then back to normal for a bit etc…

Surprised it took this long to catch it seeing as I wasn’t the most careful, still haven’t gone in big crowds though. I’ve got 3 vax doses, didn’t get the 4th one because the 3rd one had me fucked up.

What a strange illness.

Pretty sure I just had it again. Thought I had food poisoning or something from eating undercooked beef but I ended up being varying degrees of sick for about 11 days, feeling 80% yesterday.

Low grade fever, no appetite but also very much constipated and the belly was rumbling, followed by head aches, then chest aches/lung issues, followed by sinus issues. Didn't lose smell or taste this time, in fact, now that I'm feeling better my sense of smell is exceptionally strong- this was the case prior to Delta last August, I was very sensitive to smells and it had been muted the past 13 months.

Regarding the waves, I said to my lady last night that this bout, with the waves and peaks, felt like a poison mushroom trip in some ways. Waves of anxiety, waves of nausea, waves of feeling decent.

What finally helped was taking 100mg trazadone 3 nights in a row, forcing me to sleep long and hard.

Whatever this variant is its not hit me like Delta, but feels similar.

As you said, its a strange illness. Having been through synthetic drug withdrawals, that is the closesproblemsI can compare a bad case of covid to. Not the "I've been doing percs for a week and have the flu" shit, but a hard benzo withdrawal with both body and mind problems.

Def feels like something designed to fuck people up.

Take care of yourself, @Boognish. Weed kinda makes it worse for me, water helps  :)

Haven't smoked since I tested positive, wanted to give the ol' lungs a break. Probably built-up gunk from years of smoking.

Halfway through my day and the difference vs. yesterday is night and day. I feel so much better already, it's just the whole sinus thing that's bothering me. No brain fog, fever seems way down and my legs/muscles don't hurt anymore, just feels like a headcold now.

Fever felt intense last night but strangely never made it above 100. I'm never sick so maybe it felt worse for me than it actually was

Weird thing is yesterday I had the shits all day, literally pissing out of my asshole 6 or 7 times, don't know if diarrhea is a common symptom but that's what happened yesterday.

Took some extra strength Tylenol Sinus and that helped. Staying super hydrated as well. Hopefully it goes by fast.