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Skateboarding => Shoes & Gear => Topic started by: Richard Skidder on August 22, 2021, 09:13:55 AM

Title: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on August 22, 2021, 09:13:55 AM
I figured since there were so many specific truck threads and various Thunder topics sprinkled throughout a few different threads we should have a spot for just Thunders. So post truck setups, turning advice, to riser or not to riser, love, hate, and that baseplate “problem” lol, here.

Here’s the link with the most accurate measurements Thunder has on their website. Height varies along sizes as well as baseplate styles. Luckily the chart accounts for all variations thus far and is fairly easy to read.

Hope everyone finds this helpful.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on August 22, 2021, 09:16:05 AM
contemplating on getting the Thunder 161 hollows for 9.25 eggball shape decks. Currently hv 151 team hollows & 149ti.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 22, 2021, 09:50:30 AM
contemplating on getting the Thunder 161 hollows for 9.25 eggball shape decks. Currently hv 151 team hollows & 149ti.

Check the taper after the trucks if you can, on my 9" egg I had to drop down from thunder 161s to 159 (149s would work too). With it being 9.25" you might get away with no significant poking out of the axles.

Thunders are very nimble with lots of stability, lots of weight options (all good) and have great pop feel, pinch, shitty fucking wheelbite; Grind fine but Indys grind better due to hanger shape. Of all the variants, Team Hollows provide the best of everything from a cost/performance ratio (imo). They fall right in the middle of Venture and Indy (with a slight lean towards Ventures characteristics of low height, stability and lack of carve feel compared to indy or ACE.

<--Venture--Thunder--Tensor ATG--Indy--ACE-->

Unless you ride tight, wheel size and width, plate height (duh) are the most contributing factors for wheel bite (I get more wheel bite on classics and wider wheels than skinny). That said, I've come to realize that the stock bushings are shit and my main issue with the truck. After swapping to some 'better' aftermarket bushings with more rebound I experience significantly less wheelbite (it still happens to a degree, even with the cast plate) and they feel smoother overall.

Stock thunders, shaved top (most wheel bite due to squishy rebound and low/sanded tops); note: stock top makes them tight as fuck for me just getting the nut flush.

Conical Indy bottoms are just a hair shorter than Thunders. Also shaved down 88a top bushings (in order to get the nut flush and still turn). Honestly if anyone with thunder turn/loose issues switched to these they'd be amazed. Truely.

Riptide 87a conicals (not shaved yet), a hair shorter than Indy bottoms, top is a hair taller but somehow they feel great so far.

Barrel bottoms make them feel like shit, super stable but the turn is just bad.

Some are going to disagree (it is slap) but the stock thunder bushings are shit when it comes to rebound (that's also why I use the flat sleeved washers, more bushing deformity and added rebound), which makes them feel like shit when loose. Softer bushings with better urethane/rebound really help. But ultimately a lot of us here try to make thunders something they are not (Indy or ACE) and that's part of the problem.

As for the slide issue, well, maybe it's just how *I* slide, but it isn't an issue (both kicks from a twin kick board show the same thing) I can't tell you why but I'm not the the lock-in type but the balance on the flat of the tail after the flat type:



Additionally, I hate them for bowl skating; wheelbite city.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: switchfrontshuv on August 22, 2021, 12:13:47 PM
Currently skating 149 Teams:

- prob gonna get 148s next time and get smaller boards (8.125) from now on
- 1/8 risers work well but are kinda useless if ur wheels are smaller than 52mm cuz they just make pop feel hella ghost
- the turn is twitchy but maxes out when it wheelbites. With risers I just get them as loose as I want even taking the bottom washer off but without risers I keep them medium tightness so I can still like turn with one foot on the board but also not get wheelbite literally just from turning

Probably the biggest thing for me in terms of turning between thunders and indys/ace is the fucking wheelbite. Once you turn a bit on thunders you wheelbtie a lot whereas ace indy just kinda curve in and mitigate that a lot more. I still think thunder is a good truck cuz of my experience with quality (dont bend like ace or feel fucking heavy lugging them around like indy 149), but I think unless I have the perfect deck for it I can do a lot better.

Then again we could all do a lot better but who gives a fuck. I skated 54mm wheels on risers with a steep deck and still learned bs 180 nosegrinds so maybe im nerding out for nothing (or maybe thunder pinch is uncompromisable ;))

I feel like with thunders, the trucks kind of decide what you should skate instead of indy's which can skate anything. With thunders its like fuck yeah I could totally do a rly good bs smith rn and then another day its 5 degrees colder and ur bushings feel sus like fuck I cant even pop up the ledge (IN THIS CASE, CUZ OF BUSHING TRASHNESS I WOULD RECOMMEND RISERS A LOT - and is why I usually skate risers w mushy-feeling bushings)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: opesorry on August 22, 2021, 12:18:32 PM
I’ve been skating Thunders since last fall and thought I liked them pretty well, until I stepped on my cruiser for the first time in months that has Indy’s on it and realized I really do not like the way they turn compared to Indys. Realized the bushings were getting fucked and replaced them with bones mediums but didn’t help as much as I wanted, so now I’m about to try Indy 88 Soft bushings and see if that does it.

Trucks are totally fine though so I’m going to keep trying to fine tune them until I like them, but tempted to bail on them early.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: switchfrontshuv on August 22, 2021, 12:22:16 PM
I’ve been skating Thunders since last fall and thought I liked them pretty well, until I stepped on my cruiser for the first time in months that has Indy’s on it and realized I really do not like the way they turn compared to Indys. Realized the bushings were getting fucked and replaced them with bones mediums but didn’t help as much as I wanted, so now I’m about to try Indy 88 Soft bushings and see if that does it.

Trucks are totally fine though so I’m going to keep trying to fine tune them until I like them, but tempted to bail on them early.

thunders turn better than Indys when u put 1/8 risers on them (and they become the same height too)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on August 22, 2021, 12:35:18 PM
I ride the team 148s with the 95a aftermarket bushings (Thunder as well). The stock bushings are pretty shit and blow out somehwat quickly. I also got the Real wooden risers and love the fact that I have a hi truck now. I ride my shit medium loose and they work great for me. Love Thunders
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: opesorry on August 22, 2021, 01:15:28 PM
Expand Quote
I’ve been skating Thunders since last fall and thought I liked them pretty well, until I stepped on my cruiser for the first time in months that has Indy’s on it and realized I really do not like the way they turn compared to Indys. Realized the bushings were getting fucked and replaced them with bones mediums but didn’t help as much as I wanted, so now I’m about to try Indy 88 Soft bushings and see if that does it.

Trucks are totally fine though so I’m going to keep trying to fine tune them until I like them, but tempted to bail on them early.

thunders turn better than Indys when u put 1/8 risers on them (and they become the same height too)

Thanks, I’ll have to try that next, I was tempted to get some risers the other day but thought I’d try one thing at a time I guess haha
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: maggot cunt on August 22, 2021, 01:30:01 PM
tried 149’s multiple times and 147’s a couple times too over the last few years, both once each within the last year. just cant jam with them for different reasons. gonna give 148s to see if theyre the sweet spot
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Skatebeard on August 22, 2021, 01:40:55 PM
Been on thunder light II 148s for about a year now and really liking them... not too heavy, not too light.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on August 22, 2021, 02:05:54 PM
I have some Thunder 147 hollow lights and Real 3 ply risers. I'm currently running the standard issue bushings but I'm definitely going to go the @Xen route and find the best Riptide bushing option to make the turn a bit more surfy.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: jsettle on August 22, 2021, 02:34:54 PM
I've actually been contemplating switching to thunders from indy's just for a change. I've never skated Thunders but love how they look and think they would be the best bet if i was going to switch truck brands. Been on Indy's for the past 15 yrs or so, so it's hard to just switch it up but im guessing the creation of this thread will make my decision a little easier. I mainly skate skateparks, curbs, and smallish transition. Anyone want to sell me on switching to thunder lol? I ride 55mm-56mm wheels so that's why i have always been on the fence about it and dont really want to ride risers. I will admit i do get ghost pop alot on my indys though. Never really realized it until recently. I saw Tactics has some standard High Thunders on sale for 36 bucks so i'm really thinking about going for it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fhk on August 22, 2021, 03:03:43 PM
I was a couple decades late to this party,but now I have Thunder lites on my two current setups. I love them after I put 94 dur bushings in them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 22, 2021, 03:05:33 PM
With 55/56mm wheels I wouldn’t touch thunders, with or without risers the pinch would be too fast for me.

Cast or forged I can’t go past 50mm on thunders for as loose as I like my trucks. Forged Indys I can skirt buy with 52s.

Also, if I wanted a tall Thunder I’d just ride Tensor ATGs on 14.3x or bigger WB and not worry about wheelbite or baseplate issues (if you have them) as they are a surfy thunder.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 22, 2021, 04:51:30 PM
I have liked all my Thunders and get less wheelbite with them than Indy. Stock bushings feel great and ride them medium loose. I had 53 OG classics on them with no risers recently and they were solid. I ride the Team Hollows most recently 148.

Overall I prefer the grind, pop, and manuals on Indys but it’s splitting hairs. I’ve never found fucking with various bushings and pivot cups and bullshit to be useful.

Flat washers make Thunders wheelbite more. The cup pushes against the top bushing near the end of the turn and will gouge the truck just like Venture.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: zozu on August 22, 2021, 06:48:38 PM
My 149s baseplate scrapes on tailslides as you can see from the photo, thats with 55mm conical fulls.

I also dont really get wheelbite they just rub and eventually burn their own wheel wells into my deck so it all works out, I find that if I skate a skinny wheel I experience a proper bite a lot more frequently though.

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Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 22, 2021, 07:14:05 PM
I have some Thunder 147 hollow lights and Real 3 ply risers. I'm currently running the standard issue bushings but I'm definitely going to go the @Xen route and find the best Riptide bushing option to make the turn a bit more surfy.


You could just go indy aftermarket and save a few bucks as riptides are 2x as much and no idea if you'd notice a difference.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 22, 2021, 07:23:54 PM
151 Teams, 1/8” risers with stock bushings (the white ones) have never failed me and I’m a 200lb clumsy bastard.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: switchfrontshuv on August 22, 2021, 10:05:09 PM
With 55/56mm wheels I wouldn’t touch thunders, with or without risers the pinch would be too fast for me.

Cast or forged I can’t go past 50mm on thunders for as loose as I like my trucks. Forged Indys I can skirt buy with 52s.

Also, if I wanted a tall Thunder I’d just ride Tensor ATGs on 14.3x or bigger WB and not worry about wheelbite or baseplate issues (if you have them) as they are a surfy thunder.

something about riding tensor trucks feels wrong to me

That being said I dont experience any problems with 55mm on thunders w 1/8 risers and im 185 pounds. They feel the same as an indy standard w the same size wheel (maybe slightly more wheelbite but idk)

I guess everyone's different im 185 pounds and skate my shit loose but not rattly loose (think broken in aces w no adjustments)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: switchfrontshuv on August 22, 2021, 10:05:41 PM
I figured since there were so many specific truck threads and various Thunder topics sprinkled throughout a few different threads we should have a spot for just Thunders. So post truck setups, turning advice, to riser or not to riser, love, hate, and that baseplate “problem” lol, here.

I’ll go first. I’m currently riding Thunder Shane O’Neil Commodore Lights in 149 on a Real 8.25 with 14.38 wheelbase and 54 mm Classic shape F4. Kingpins at stock setting with original bushings and wax in the pivot cups. ( ( (

how the FUCK are you riding 54mm wheels on thunder lights
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: switchfrontshuv on August 22, 2021, 10:07:54 PM
I ride the team 148s with the 95a aftermarket bushings (Thunder as well). The stock bushings are pretty shit and blow out somehwat quickly. I also got the Real wooden risers and love the fact that I have a hi truck now. I ride my shit medium loose and they work great for me. Love Thunders

what wheel size do u skate?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on August 22, 2021, 10:22:27 PM
After a short 5 month, albeit enjoyable fling with aces, I am back on my team 151s. At then end of the day the pop on thunders is just preferable for me, I missed that hefty sticking to your feet feeling.

Always 1/8 risers and riptide pivots, loose, the turn is deep and really great (180lbs, size 14). I would ride them without risers but my penchant for larger 54-56mm wheels won't allow it - maybe they are actually better on risers anyway. Thinking about lights next set - with risers it might be the perfect height for me.

Low key think they look the best too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on August 22, 2021, 10:35:05 PM
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I ride the team 148s with the 95a aftermarket bushings (Thunder as well). The stock bushings are pretty shit and blow out somehwat quickly. I also got the Real wooden risers and love the fact that I have a hi truck now. I ride my shit medium loose and they work great for me. Love Thunders

what wheel size do u skate?
Usually 54s without the risers but I went up to 55s on this recent set up, but added the risers.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ImmanuelCunt on August 22, 2021, 11:54:29 PM
I agree with xen.  88a Indy conicals are great in thunders with a top shaved. If you ride them with inverted kingpin shave them a bit more (at least krux dlk).
Also 54mm on thunders 147/148 forged/cast are no problem for me either. I guess i would say i ride medium loose. 56mm on 147 was a real pain, but I was young, didn't know any better and wanted big wheels (to maximize cost/benefit ratio). Landing a few mm off center meant getting pitched :D Still rode them till they were like 40 mm.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: palach303 on August 23, 2021, 04:04:54 AM
Been lurking for a while, first post here. Got back into skating this year after a 10 year hiatus.

7.5 Birdhouse deck that has been lying dormant under my bed for 10 years :D It is really skinny, will probably go for 7.75-8.0 next.
Thunder 145 standard with stock bushings, kingpin stock tightness, not sure if I can loosen them more. The bushings feel nice, but I hope they get a little softer, Id like to be able to make sharper turns. Im trying to not succumb to madness and buy all kinds of bushings to test out but I am tempted to put something softer on top to get a surfier turn.
Ricta clouds 86a 57mm - youre probably wondering how the fuck am I riding 57mm wheels on Thunders? Well I have no idea, Im not the biggest dude, only about 160lbs and I dont get any wheelbite. I only use 1mm shock pads, not sure if they do anything, the idea was to dampen vibrations and make a smoother ride, might have to try without them. I dont do any crazy stuff, just cruising. I have some Spitfire F4 54mm 99a classics on ice when Im ready to start learning tricks. If I ever get wheelbite issues I will probably just get the Real wooden risers.

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Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on August 23, 2021, 06:16:39 AM
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I figured since there were so many specific truck threads and various Thunder topics sprinkled throughout a few different threads we should have a spot for just Thunders. So post truck setups, turning advice, to riser or not to riser, love, hate, and that baseplate “problem” lol, here.

I’ll go first. I’m currently riding Thunder Shane O’Neil Commodore Lights in 149 on a Real 8.25 with 14.38 wheelbase and 54 mm Classic shape F4. Kingpins at stock setting with original bushings and wax in the pivot cups. ( ( (

how the FUCK are you riding 54mm wheels on thunder lights

I weigh under 160 and skate fairly low impact these days.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: yourbreakfsat on August 23, 2021, 10:06:43 AM

161 Hollow Lights
Aftermarket 90a Thunder bushings
Real 1/8" wooden riser pads to make up for the shorter height of hollows (I feel zero difference between these pads and normal plastic ones)

I like Thunder because they work. Zero gimmicks and it's perfect for everything.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Velcro Wallet on August 23, 2021, 01:28:10 PM
( (

I had these 149’ers for AGES. 99% of the time on cruisers. With Bones mediums they fuxking rule. Every time I skate them I’m reminded of how much I love Thunders. Very low truck too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 23, 2021, 04:32:25 PM
Dude the old 149s were soooooo good. Prefer them over the new ones, even if the wheelbite was worse lol. They just felt better at 49mm.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on August 24, 2021, 12:42:55 AM
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contemplating on getting the Thunder 161 hollows for 9.25 eggball shape decks. Currently hv 151 team hollows & 149ti.

Check the taper after the trucks if you can, on my 9" egg I had to drop down from thunder 161s to 159 (149s would work too). With it being 9.25" you might get away with no significant poking out of the axles.

its the Chocolate 9.25 Couch shape..151 TeamHollows fits flush on the back truck. front truck a lil' bit magic carpet.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: mtndewsk8r19 on August 24, 2021, 01:21:09 AM
Thunder team 148s with bones hard, very loose. no complaints turn and grind like a dream
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rob on August 24, 2021, 03:45:06 AM
Dude the old 149s were soooooo good. Prefer them over the new ones, even if the wheelbite was worse lol. They just felt better at 49mm.

Right! If only they would make those again and in 148 and 147 and call them the 149er/whatever size  lo

I remember first trying them and man they were solid

Use to be able to find a few on eBay not sure anymore but man, everytime I go back and watch that toy machine grip it and rip it with Johnny Layton I get so hyped on my thunders and he was riding those old 149ers in the video
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on August 24, 2021, 04:02:15 PM
This thread makes me want to put Thunders back on.

I'm still carrying my lockdown extra weight so they wheelbite too easily with the stock bushings but I like their height so I didn't want to put risers... I might try them again with Thunder 94a or 95a bushings... or I may have some Bones hard somewhere...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 24, 2021, 10:16:43 PM
This thread makes me want to put Thunders back on.

I'm still carrying my lockdown extra weight so they wheelbite too easily with the stock bushings but I like their height so I didn't want to put risers... I might try them again with Thunder 94a or 95a bushings... or I may have some Bones hard somewhere...

Heh opposite here, I just put my 144s back on after getting pitched every time rolling away fakie on shit I was working on…

I guess I’m just too heavy (even if it’s athletic weight), like my trucks too loose AND most importantly, a sketchy style (imagine an Evan Smith style but without the talent)…combined with thunders is wheebite city; with Ace or Indy I get a little more play as the hanger moves in instead of insta pinch and pitch.

I had a decent run with a polar and thunders due to wheel wells and ~50mm wheels :)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on August 25, 2021, 09:38:20 AM
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This thread makes me want to put Thunders back on.

I'm still carrying my lockdown extra weight so they wheelbite too easily with the stock bushings but I like their height so I didn't want to put risers... I might try them again with Thunder 94a or 95a bushings... or I may have some Bones hard somewhere...

Heh opposite here, I just put my 144s back on after getting pitched every time rolling away fakie on shit I was working on…

I guess I’m just too heavy (even if it’s athletic weight), like my trucks too loose AND most importantly, a sketchy style (imagine an Evan Smith style but without the talent)…combined with thunders is wheebite city; with Ace or Indy I get a little more play as the hanger moves in instead of insta pinch and pitch.

I had a decent run with a polar and thunders due to wheel wells and ~50mm wheels :)
I hear you, that's exactly why I switched to 144 in the first place, I always found it easier and smoother to roll away with looser trucks, speed and momentum just bring you around if you don't land perfectly. I think I'll stick to them for now.

I could get away with Thunders and even Venture lows in the 90's... but I was skin and bones and skating narrower boards, probably smaller wheels too so I never had problems.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 25, 2021, 12:51:13 PM
….but then you’ve got big boy Foy running stock medium loose standard thunders and 54mm conicals :)

Talent > gear (but the right gear helps); dudes the pinch master so thunders are his jam.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: HugeBodBoyle on August 25, 2021, 06:27:48 PM
My 149s baseplate scrapes on tailslides as you can see from the photo, thats with 55mm conical fulls.

I also dont really get wheelbite they just rub and eventually burn their own wheel wells into my deck so it all works out, I find that if I skate a skinny wheel I experience a proper bite a lot more frequently though.

( (

I actually have a notch in my baseplate from noseslides on my Thunders. I was worried about them sliding, but by god they work fine.

Also got some RipTides (barrel bottom, conical top) and so far I like how they feel.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 25, 2021, 07:50:19 PM
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Dude the old 149s were soooooo good. Prefer them over the new ones, even if the wheelbite was worse lol. They just felt better at 49mm.

Right! If only they would make those again and in 148 and 147 and call them the 149er/whatever size  lo

I remember first trying them and man they were solid

Use to be able to find a few on eBay not sure anymore but man, everytime I go back and watch that toy machine grip it and rip it with Johnny Layton I get so hyped on my thunders and he was riding those old 149ers in the video

I had those OG 149ers when they came out. I loved them but the new ones turn so much better. I was also riding tighter trucks back then...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: OldCandy on August 25, 2021, 08:04:32 PM
how do you fine folk deal with the shit thunder stock bushings, does it get better somehow as the top bushing crumbles and gives up?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mariatorresflores on August 26, 2021, 06:02:55 AM
how do you fine folk deal with the shit thunder stock bushings, does it get better somehow as the top bushing crumbles and gives up?

Seems their pandemic era stock bushings have been lower quality. My most recent set blew out in a month and were already too soft for me brand new.

Based on this thread, a lot of thunder riders prefer to upgrade to better bushings (including me); either Indy, thunder, bones or riptide aftermarket bushings in the 88a-95a range.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LewFarrell on August 26, 2021, 06:19:02 AM
I ride the 100a black Thunder aftermarkets in my Silvas Omni Team Hollows, just biting the nylock on the front truck and flush on the back truck. They were way too hard at first but broke in beautifully. Now they carve great, are stable and I hardly if ever wheelbite on 54mm wheels.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: switchfrontshuv on August 26, 2021, 06:46:39 PM
how do you fine folk deal with the shit thunder stock bushings, does it get better somehow as the top bushing crumbles and gives up?

the more they disintegrate the better my turn gets
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ol Nick on August 29, 2021, 09:40:21 PM
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My 149s baseplate scrapes on tailslides as you can see from the photo, thats with 55mm conical fulls.

I also dont really get wheelbite they just rub and eventually burn their own wheel wells into my deck so it all works out, I find that if I skate a skinny wheel I experience a proper bite a lot more frequently though.

( (

I actually have a notch in my baseplate from noseslides on my Thunders. I was worried about them sliding, but by god they work fine.

Also got some RipTides (barrel bottom, conical top) and so far I like how they feel.
Which RipTides did you use? I checked them out when I ordered some pivot cups but got overwhelmed by the options and just ordered the cups.

I’m on 149 standards, rode the stock greens till they completely blew out and decided to try a flat washer to see if the top bushings didn’t get as chewed up. After messing around a little, I landed on a hard black bottom / red top (both from the Thunder rebuild kits) combo with riptide cups, flat riptide top washers, and Thunder bottom washers. It’s loose but stable. More stable than I prefer but I’m trying to get heelflips and this is helping. It responds but if I want a harder turn, I just have to put a little more into it and it turns easy.

Still, the next pair is probably staying stock, maybe smooth the stock washers so they aren’t so sharp. Took way too long to get to this setup.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: opesorry on August 30, 2021, 09:28:44 AM
After a few quick sessions with Indy 88a Soft bushings on my Thunders, I really like how they feel. I’m pretty light and they seem to turn way better, probably not as much as my cruiser with Indy trucks and Indy medium bushings, but much closer to that which is what I was going for.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: palach303 on August 30, 2021, 11:34:55 AM
how do you fine folk deal with the shit thunder stock bushings, does it get better somehow as the top bushing crumbles and gives up?
I dont think the stock bushing are that bad, I havent had any cracking and they perform ok, but I wanted to finetune my setup a little bit so today I replaced the top bushing with a Venom 85a street cone and it feels so much better! Its still stable but way more responsive and surfy. I like it a lot so far.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on September 18, 2021, 05:22:49 AM
It's happening

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Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on September 18, 2021, 05:45:03 AM
161 tits? that would be great..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on September 18, 2021, 05:51:48 AM
It's happening

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Team Ti would have me giddy :)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on September 28, 2021, 09:25:23 PM
Just snapped up 2 sets of 149 titaniums. Socal Skateshop has them in 147, 148, and 149 from what I saw if anyone wants.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Bigwheelbite on September 28, 2021, 11:44:40 PM
149 team standards (all day) on Ishod TT 8.25 / Bones Medium bushings (or stock but cba with the breaking in period) - goldilocks combo for me. 

Didn't work so well on the same TT in 8.3 due to the wider WB.

Agreed, Thunders don't turn as well as Indy or Ace but the wider WB makes them waaaay more stable and allows me to roll away on sketchy landings a lot more which is a small trade off for a less carvey turn. I've managed to get my Thunders to turn loose / carvey enough so its a decent enough compromise. Also just prefer the look of Thunders over any other trucks.

RIP Dylan
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mariatorresflores on September 29, 2021, 07:40:43 AM
Didn't see that the Ti's on socal's site but skate wearhouse has them in stock. Havven't seen any since 2018/19 so snap em up if you're still looking.

Two cents on comparing trucks; I find Thunders are the best trucks for flip tricks and truck grinds, espically grinds requiring pinch (Smith, crooks etc). the spread out wheel base shortens the motion required for flip tricks, so if you're coming from another truck you may find yourself whiffling on your flicks at first but if you can adjust you should find that you're flip tricks flip faster and feel snappier.

Thunder's, sitting as low as they do, make grinds (especially pinched grinds), easier then most other brands as the angle necessary to pinch is smaller. The lower, wider ride also makes it easier to keep your weight behind grinds.

Thunders are designed with strictly street skating in mind and since that's what I usually skate they're my go to. If I'm skating park/trans/mini I usually skate Aces as they feel like they were designed for that type of skating.
 - edited to remove strictly upon request.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on September 29, 2021, 09:00:39 AM
Thunders have no problem in transition at all. In fact 151a feel great with risers in a big bowl.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on September 29, 2021, 09:42:26 AM
I went back to my thunders after a long hiatus and they're feeling great. I mainly skate ledges and flat but the bit of transition that I do skate has felt more comfortable too. They're just a solid truck that gets the job done for me. Currently I'm running ace bushings in them but I have a set of medium indy conicals on the way too. Riding 54mm F4 classics.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on September 29, 2021, 09:42:56 AM
Didn't see that the Ti's on socal's site but skate wearhouse has them in stock. Havven't seen any since 2018/19 so snap em up if you're still looking.

Sitting right there on the Thunder section....

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: HyperBeam on September 29, 2021, 10:23:26 AM
Thunders have no problem in transition at all. In fact 151a feel great with risers in a big bowl.

You're correct. But i think indy allows for more maneuverability in tranny situations in general
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mariatorresflores on September 29, 2021, 12:22:18 PM
I never said Thunders weren't good for transition, just that I feel Indy/Aces are designed with more of an emphasis on tranny skating. It's just geometry really, a higher truck with a shorter wheelbase will carve deeper and be easier to pump for speed. Also having lighter trucks makes sense for street, heavier makes sense for transition. You're free to your preference, I'm just pointing out reasoning behind their strengths/differences.

I guess I didn't see them on socals site because I assumed they'd to be in the section they'd labeled "New" thunder trucks. I glanced at the rest but didn't notice them near the bottom of the page all mixed up with the standard stuff. My bad I guess, I'd rather of bought from them then SW.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on September 29, 2021, 02:46:24 PM
I never said Thunders weren't good for transition,

You said “designed a strictly for street skating.” The dudes that designed Thunder geometry did not have strictly street in mind, rather a quick initial turn.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on September 29, 2021, 03:14:25 PM
Should have waited a day. They're $10 more on socal skateshop. Oh well, I've always had great experience and customer service from them so I don't mind really
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on September 29, 2021, 03:30:03 PM
Should have waited a day. They're $10 more on socal skateshop. Oh well, I've always had great experience and customer service from them so I don't mind really

Both are great shops, SoCal can be pricier of late and slower shipping so my goto so SW (hard to beat the overnight shipping).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Urtripping on September 30, 2021, 03:26:23 AM
Someone recently told me that Thunders have negative camber (see image). Anyone else have more info?


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on September 30, 2021, 04:10:38 AM
Someone recently told me that Thunders have negative camber (see image). Anyone else have more info?


I guess whoever said that bent their truck, my axles are straight
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Skatebeard on September 30, 2021, 05:42:12 AM
Back truck on my thunder light IIs bushings are disintegrating after about a year of use, i bought some replacement bushings but have held out fitting them as the turn has actually gotten a lot better as the bushings are breaking up.

Failing upwards?!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mariatorresflores on September 30, 2021, 06:15:52 AM
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I never said Thunders weren't good for transition,

You said “designed a strictly for street skating.” The dudes that designed Thunder geometry did not have strictly street in mind, rather a quick initial turn.

Ok homie. take "strictly" (and your a, I'm guessing that's a typo) out of the sentence if it makes you feel better. Don't really see how it's worth your post or my response. Why try to create a disagreement out of nothing? I'm not here to argue.

 They are designed to excel at street skating and I already explained their advantages in that regard well in this thread. Their geometry reflects that.

I've never bent an axle of a set of Thunders and I usually grind down to the axle. Not sure how someone would bend their axle downward like that anyway unless their board got ran over upside down.

Again  thunders are fine for transition skating, just said I prefer Aces when skating vert. I don't see an advantage to "quick turns" on vert but I do enjoy deep, surfy carves on vert.

 I'd say if you're a strictly thunder or strictly Indy skater (and strictly etc) you'd do yourself a favor by trying other trucks in different situations. I enjoy feeling their distinct differences; make me skate differently, try different stuff. The only person forcing you into truck monogamy is yourself.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: baustin on September 30, 2021, 09:26:35 AM
The only person forcing you into truck monogamy is yourself.

I’m still in love with Thunders but currently having a little fun on the side with Films right now. Nothing wrong with playing the field a little right? After all how many people skate the same exact deck, wheels, bearings, and shoes every time? You gotta spice it up a little from time to time.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on October 09, 2021, 12:27:25 AM
Titaniums are finally on Tactics and are a lot cheaper than socal skateshop and skate warehouse
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on October 09, 2021, 08:29:12 AM
I don't see an advantage to "quick turns" on vert but I do enjoy deep, surfy carves on vert.

Thunders are a vey good Vert truck because they are super stable on center.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Peepeeboy69 on October 09, 2021, 09:41:47 AM
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The only person forcing you into truck monogamy is yourself.

I’m still in love with Thunders but currently having a little fun on the side with Films right now. Nothing wrong with playing the field a little right? After all how many people skate the same exact deck, wheels, bearings, and shoes every time? You gotta spice it up a little from time to time.

me. Whenever I try new things it feels weird and I always end up going back to my original setup :(. Going on over a year of everything the same, even shoes.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Velcro Wallet on October 09, 2021, 12:17:13 PM
After looking on IG for 5 minutes it seems like all the best skaters ride Thunders. It’s trippy. Maybe it’s just who I follow.

They have been my go to truck for over 15 years. I have a Thunder tattoo worked into my sleeves of shit. They just work.

Early this year my friend had some Indy mids that he HATED. Was going to toss them. I set them up and had one of the best skates of my life.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Velcro Wallet on October 09, 2021, 12:19:27 PM
Also, I have 151 hollows with Thunder 95 aftermarket bushings and risers. SO predictable you can see why people like them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on October 09, 2021, 05:37:53 PM
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I have some Thunder 147 hollow lights and Real 3 ply risers. I'm currently running the standard issue bushings but I'm definitely going to go the @Xen route and find the best Riptide bushing option to make the turn a bit more surfy.


You could just go indy aftermarket and save a few bucks as riptides are 2x as much and no idea if you'd notice a difference.

Hey @Xen I think I'll ask your advice on the Riptide conicals that fit your Thunders please. I'd like to get them surfy.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on October 09, 2021, 10:53:50 PM
After looking on IG for 5 minutes it seems like all the best skaters ride Thunders. It’s trippy. Maybe it’s just who I follow.

They have been my go to truck for over 15 years. I have a Thunder tattoo worked into my sleeves of shit. They just work.

Early this year my friend had some Indy mids that he HATED. Was going to toss them. I set them up and had one of the best skates of my life.

Maybe don't get an iron cross tattoo next to the lightning bolt.....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Velcro Wallet on October 10, 2021, 01:38:00 AM
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After looking on IG for 5 minutes it seems like all the best skaters ride Thunders. It’s trippy. Maybe it’s just who I follow.

They have been my go to truck for over 15 years. I have a Thunder tattoo worked into my sleeves of shit. They just work.

Early this year my friend had some Indy mids that he HATED. Was going to toss them. I set them up and had one of the best skates of my life.

Maybe don't get an iron cross tattoo next to the lightning bolt.....

Well, I have some room but nah I’m straight haha.
Also, I think I had such a good skate because the Indy’s were just a new feeling. Turn felt way different.
( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 11, 2021, 08:40:18 AM
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I have some Thunder 147 hollow lights and Real 3 ply risers. I'm currently running the standard issue bushings but I'm definitely going to go the @Xen route and find the best Riptide bushing option to make the turn a bit more surfy.


You could just go indy aftermarket and save a few bucks as riptides are 2x as much and no idea if you'd notice a difference.

Hey @Xen I think I'll ask your advice on the Riptide conicals that fit your Thunders please. I'd like to get them surfy.

[comparing 87a Riptides to 88a Indy conicals]

I like the riptides over the indy conicals for a couple of reasons:

1) break-in time is halved (if non-existent),
2) the rebound feels better/more responsive and I don't need to shave the top bushing like I do with the indys
+ you can also get more mix/match options with all the duros they offer.

That said, Indy conicals are [way] cheaper and the taller indy conical bottom bushing fits the thunders better than the riptides (I'm using a sleeved bottom washer that is a 1mm thicker than standard which is really next to nothing but does push it closer to stock for either option).

Was running Indy 88a bottoms (w/bones flat washer) + bone medium top with good results.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on October 11, 2021, 06:49:00 PM
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I have some Thunder 147 hollow lights and Real 3 ply risers. I'm currently running the standard issue bushings but I'm definitely going to go the @Xen route and find the best Riptide bushing option to make the turn a bit more surfy.


You could just go indy aftermarket and save a few bucks as riptides are 2x as much and no idea if you'd notice a difference.

Hey @Xen I think I'll ask your advice on the Riptide conicals that fit your Thunders please. I'd like to get them surfy.

[comparing 87a Riptides to 88a Indy conicals]

I like the riptides over the indy conicals for a couple of reasons:

1) break-in time is halved (if non-existent),
2) the rebound feels better/more responsive and I don't need to shave the top bushing like I do with the indys
+ you can also get more mix/match options with all the duros they offer.

That said, Indy conicals are [way] cheaper and the taller indy conical bottom bushing fits the thunders better than the riptides (I'm using a sleeved bottom washer that is a 1mm thicker than standard which is really next to nothing but does push it closer to stock for either option).

Was running Indy 88a bottoms (w/bones flat washer) + bone medium top with good results.

Cool thanks @Xen -so to fit my Thunders 87a Krank conical Riptides? I'm gonna order those and some pivot cups too. Much obliged.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 11, 2021, 10:39:42 PM
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I have some Thunder 147 hollow lights and Real 3 ply risers. I'm currently running the standard issue bushings but I'm definitely going to go the @Xen route and find the best Riptide bushing option to make the turn a bit more surfy.


You could just go indy aftermarket and save a few bucks as riptides are 2x as much and no idea if you'd notice a difference.

Hey @Xen I think I'll ask your advice on the Riptide conicals that fit your Thunders please. I'd like to get them surfy.

[comparing 87a Riptides to 88a Indy conicals]

I like the riptides over the indy conicals for a couple of reasons:

1) break-in time is halved (if non-existent),
2) the rebound feels better/more responsive and I don't need to shave the top bushing like I do with the indys
+ you can also get more mix/match options with all the duros they offer.

That said, Indy conicals are [way] cheaper and the taller indy conical bottom bushing fits the thunders better than the riptides (I'm using a sleeved bottom washer that is a 1mm thicker than standard which is really next to nothing but does push it closer to stock for either option).

Was running Indy 88a bottoms (w/bones flat washer) + bone medium top with good results.

Cool thanks @Xen -so to fit my Thunders 87a Krank conical Riptides? I'm gonna order those and some pivot cups too. Much obliged.

Yep, got mine from muitskate:
1   Array Machined Cone Sleeved Washers (Choose: 2 Pair (4 Cone Sleeved Washers))
1   RipTide KranK Short Street Cone + Washers Longboard Skateboard Bushings Pack (Color: White, Durometer: 87a)
1   RipTide KranK Street Cone + Washer Longboard Skateboard Bushings Pack (Color: White, Durometer: 87a)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: sk8_cat on October 12, 2021, 02:34:38 AM
The question that's kind of bugging me is which is the best replacement bushings. I ride on the hard side so I tried the 94 thunder aftermarkets which after they broke in they felt too loose again. Next I tried the bones hards, the problem there is that for the first 3 sessions they were really firm but then they started going loose at a crazy rate, even when loose though they have this great rebound but it's too easy to initiate a turn on the board especially for the first few degrees making kind of hard to stabilize before popping a trick. I also tried some 97a aftermarkets which where too hard to break in and turning on these took forever. Maybe I just need to get used to some of these but I am currently thinking of trying the 95 rebuild kit. Also the main issue that I have is that all Thunder bushings seem to blow out at some point which is why I'm looking at alternatives.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 12, 2021, 09:32:03 AM
The question that's kind of bugging me is which is the best replacement bushings. I ride on the hard side so I tried the 94 thunder aftermarkets which after they broke in they felt too loose again. Next I tried the bones hards, the problem there is that for the first 3 sessions they were really firm but then they started going loose at a crazy rate, even when loose though they have this great rebound but it's too easy to initiate a turn on the board especially for the first few degrees making kind of hard to stabilize before popping a trick. I also tried some 97a aftermarkets which where too hard to break in and turning on these took forever. Maybe I just need to get used to some of these but I am currently thinking of trying the 95 rebuild kit. Also the main issue that I have is that all Thunder bushings seem to blow out at some point which is why I'm looking at alternatives.

Thunders are the odd-man-out as most aftermarkets work well in Indy or Venture, Thunders have a taller bottom bushing so if you are worried about that shit, stock/aftermarket thunders are the way to go. Quality-wise Thunder/Venture stocks are bottom barrel compared to the rest of the trucks out there (those worth riding mind), even Mini logo has better stock bushings...

Breaking in bushings are as bad as breaking on shoes, maybe even worse. You just have to stick with it. Plenty of alternatives listed above, but sounds like the 94 indy conicals might suit you?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: RichardBarkley on October 15, 2021, 03:06:53 AM
Is thunder hollow a different wb to the regular thunder
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: notinternetfamous on October 15, 2021, 07:44:43 AM
Is thunder hollow a different wb to the regular thunder

Trucks with forged plates in general will push out the wb compared to their cast counterparts.

I believe 147 and below are shorter by 2 mm so I'm not sure if you can compare wb with the wider thunders, correct me if I'm wrong

see thread:
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Schinken on October 15, 2021, 02:07:51 PM
I'm thinking about buying some thunder 151.
Is there any difference between regular and e.g. lights II(besides weight and height)?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Velcro Wallet on October 15, 2021, 02:16:32 PM
The question that's kind of bugging me is which is the best replacement bushings. I ride on the hard side so I tried the 94 thunder aftermarkets which after they broke in they felt too loose again. Next I tried the bones hards, the problem there is that for the first 3 sessions they were really firm but then they started going loose at a crazy rate, even when loose though they have this great rebound but it's too easy to initiate a turn on the board especially for the first few degrees making kind of hard to stabilize before popping a trick. I also tried some 97a aftermarkets which where too hard to break in and turning on these took forever. Maybe I just need to get used to some of these but I am currently thinking of trying the 95 rebuild kit. Also the main issue that I have is that all Thunder bushings seem to blow out at some point which is why I'm looking at alternatives.

Thunders with the blue rebuild kit is the move. I ride my truck medium to a bit tight and this set up hasn’t let me down. The bushings are still golden.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Velcro Wallet on October 15, 2021, 02:22:05 PM
Oh, and I’m a heavy fuck too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on October 15, 2021, 02:33:26 PM
I get Thunder aftermarket bushings too, but I don't bother paying more for extra washers and bolts in the rebuild kits, I just get the bushings alone in those little tubes. When you can find them, they cost next to nothing.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Velcro Wallet on October 15, 2021, 04:23:16 PM
I kinda like how it looks but much smarter to just get the bushings

I put all the blue bits that come with it and instantly changed it back to just the washer. Too much blue.
( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on October 16, 2021, 11:01:42 AM
I'm thinking about buying some thunder 151.
Is there any difference between regular and e.g. lights II(besides weight and height)?

I think the forged models extend the wb slightly more than standard cast thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Schinken on October 16, 2021, 11:51:57 AM
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I'm thinking about buying some thunder 151.
Is there any difference between regular and e.g. lights II(besides weight and height)?

I think the forged models extend the wb slightly more than standard cast thunders.

Sounds good. I'm asking because I have read something about "quick response geometry" and I only found that description with lights/hollow II.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 16, 2021, 10:07:52 PM
Picked up some cheap defect 86a VENOM bottom bushings (bubbles in the pour) for $5. They are a hair taller than stock thunder bottoms - that said, comparing NEW clear blue / white stock thunders, they were different sizes (blue being shorter than the stock white). Weird.

Sanded the Venoms down a bit, but they're so close you don't need to (just my OCD) and threw them in along with the riptide 87a tops, bones washers top and bottom, nut flush.

148s, cast plates on a polar with wheel wells. I and trying to negate as much wheelbite as I can :P
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Bigwheelbite on October 17, 2021, 01:29:30 PM
Picked up some cheap defect 86a VENOM bottom bushings (bubbles in the pour) for $5. They are a hair taller than stock thunder bottoms - that said, comparing NEW clear blue / white stock thunders, they were different sizes (blue being shorter than the stock white). Weird.

Sanded the Venoms down a bit, but they're so close you don't need to (just my OCD) and threw them in along with the riptide 87a tops, bones washers top and bottom, nut flush.

148s, cast plates on a polar with wheel wells. I and trying to negate as much wheelbite as I can :P

This sounds interesting, how does it skate? Remember you saying u always get mad wheel bit so how does this set up differ for u?

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 17, 2021, 03:23:50 PM
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Picked up some cheap defect 86a VENOM bottom bushings (bubbles in the pour) for $5. They are a hair taller than stock thunder bottoms - that said, comparing NEW clear blue / white stock thunders, they were different sizes (blue being shorter than the stock white). Weird.

Sanded the Venoms down a bit, but they're so close you don't need to (just my OCD) and threw them in along with the riptide 87a tops, bones washers top and bottom, nut flush.

148s, cast plates on a polar with wheel wells. I and trying to negate as much wheelbite as I can :P

This sounds interesting, how does it skate? Remember you saying u always get mad wheel bit so how does this set up differ for u?

Going skating later today.

The logic is, for me to get thunders loose enough I need shorter bottoms and shaved or low tops with 50mm wheels to avoid wheel bite (I usually ride forged plates and 50s are just slow, man); also been riding square wheels which bite more for me….so softer stock height bushings, flat washers, in cast plates for that +1mm (because I draw the line at risers) on a deck with wheel wells + rounded edge wheels should mitigate most of the minor bites where wax fails. Probably all bullshit. But, some tricks will be telling: front big spins (or shuvs) out of 50/50s ledge or slappies, I bail to bites only on these; another are simple tail to fakie, I bit all the fucking time coming of out of them.

Using 52mm tho, will see how it goes.

EDIT: Shout out to the bushing geeks in the main truck thread that recommended Venoms in Thunders. The caveat here is these are softer than probably most would skate on slap. I skate loose and like a swervy/twitchy feel (thunder) but also like carvey (ACE indy) this bushing combo is the best for me out of the gate after years of fucking around (stock cups btw). + I've always felt the stock Thunder (and Venture) bushings are reboundless mush, but that's just me...

Coupled with the riptide tops and Fuck yeah sums it up.


$5 Venom blems

Riptide short street cones (since all the venoms are tall as fuck)

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: minilogoflow on October 17, 2021, 06:19:36 PM
To all the people out there running  Bones bushings, what are some ways to get the squeaking noise to go away? I know the topic has been answered before but I don't want to dig through threads to find it. These are fairly new so I'm sure that's partly to blame. Anyways, we need some more 161 love in here these things are perfect. The extra 1mm height increase, the width and the Thunder geometry make these my goldilocks truck.

161 Team Standard, Bones Hard Bushings, no washers, 1/8 riser. ( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 17, 2021, 06:23:05 PM
To all the people out there running  Bones bushings, what are some ways to get the squeaking noise to go away? I know the topic has been answered before but I don't want to dig through threads to find it. These are fairly new so I'm sure that's partly to blame. Anyways, we need some more 161 love in here these things are perfect. The extra 1mm height increase, the width and the Thunder geometry make these my goldilocks truck.

161 Team Standard, Bones Hard Bushings, no washers, 1/8 riser. ( (

Lightly lube the part of the hanger that touches the bushings (top and bottom) is the only way I've ever gotten them quiet. I thought for years it was they way they affect geo causing pivot squeaks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: minilogoflow on October 17, 2021, 09:02:58 PM
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To all the people out there running  Bones bushings, what are some ways to get the squeaking noise to go away? I know the topic has been answered before but I don't want to dig through threads to find it. These are fairly new so I'm sure that's partly to blame. Anyways, we need some more 161 love in here these things are perfect. The extra 1mm height increase, the width and the Thunder geometry make these my goldilocks truck.

161 Team Standard, Bones Hard Bushings, no washers, 1/8 riser. ( (

Lightly lube the part of the hanger that touches the bushings (top and bottom) is the only way I've ever gotten them quiet. I thought for years it was they way they affect geo causing pivot squeaks.

Thanks, really appreciate it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: velvethammer on October 18, 2021, 11:58:33 AM
To all the people out there running  Bones bushings, what are some ways to get the squeaking noise to go away? I know the topic has been answered before but I don't want to dig through threads to find it. These are fairly new so I'm sure that's partly to blame. Anyways, we need some more 161 love in here these things are perfect. The extra 1mm height increase, the width and the Thunder geometry make these my goldilocks truck.

161 Team Standard, Bones Hard Bushings, no washers, 1/8 riser. ( (

Agreed. The 161 is a great truck.
Coming from Indy 169s, I really like the stable feeling when centered. This is all my opinion and probably discussed before, the hanger metal feels harder than Indy, the grind feels faster on waxed curbs. I have the riptide krank 96a bushing, for a bigger guy these are nice if you like hard bushings. I’m running 52 mm sml wheels, real 3 ply 1/8 riser.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ginz2 on October 18, 2021, 03:32:55 PM
thunder lifer here. purchased some titanium hollows today. have always skated the standard team editions because i always assumed hollows/titaniums were a gimmick as they came out. fingers crossed i have been wrong.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Candied cigarettes on October 18, 2021, 03:39:10 PM
thunder lifer here. purchased some titanium hollows today. have always skated the standard team editions because i always assumed hollows/titaniums were a gimmick as they came out. fingers crossed i have been wrong.

Hmm, let us know how they feel if you remember. I’m on some regular hollows and they feel really nice. Not sure I want to go lighter than that
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Candied cigarettes on October 18, 2021, 03:40:42 PM
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how do you fine folk deal with the shit thunder stock bushings, does it get better somehow as the top bushing crumbles and gives up?

the more they disintegrate the better my turn gets
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 18, 2021, 03:55:59 PM
thunder lifer here. purchased some titanium hollows today. have always skated the standard team editions because i always assumed hollows/titaniums were a gimmick as they came out. fingers crossed i have been wrong.

With Thunders, I've found I can get by on forged/team hollows, especially if I'm running forged, they are soooo light as it is that I can't justify the cost of ti, plus the team hollows are the perfect weight to me...Indys on the other hand, Ti only.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: baustin on October 23, 2021, 02:45:01 PM
Does anyone else wish that Deluxe would redesign the 147 to sit a couple mm higher and have better kingpin clearance? I don’t understand why 148+ gets that nice mid height and acceptable kingpin clearance while the 147 is basically a low with none. I want to magic carpet again but 147s are just too low for me
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 23, 2021, 04:52:52 PM
Does anyone else wish that Deluxe would redesign the 147 to sit a couple mm higher and have better kingpin clearance? I don’t understand why 148+ gets that nice mid height and acceptable kingpin clearance while the 147 is basically a low with none. I want to magic carpet again but 147s are just too low for me

Heck no. 147s are the best. Use a riser and quit trying to fuck my shit up.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: baustin on October 23, 2021, 05:37:18 PM
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Does anyone else wish that Deluxe would redesign the 147 to sit a couple mm higher and have better kingpin clearance? I don’t understand why 148+ gets that nice mid height and acceptable kingpin clearance while the 147 is basically a low with none. I want to magic carpet again but 147s are just too low for me

Heck no. 147s are the best. Use a riser and quit trying to fuck my shit up.

Lol I’m glad you like them. It doesn’t fix the kp clearance though :( I have tried the Krux kingpins also and I do not like em
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: beandemon on October 23, 2021, 08:26:08 PM
I bought some 161’s a year ago from my then local shop. A couple weeks ago, I finally decided to set them up and was contemplating a krux kingpin swap when I noticed one of the top bushings had a cleft/defect. A couple emails and pics later and a Thunder rebuild kit showed up at the door. Deluxe’s customer service is pretty deece.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: user18081971 on October 24, 2021, 12:52:48 AM
Thunder 147 is an S-tier truck. Have they been on the same stage since they called them the 147 II’s?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 24, 2021, 07:22:25 AM
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Does anyone else wish that Deluxe would redesign the 147 to sit a couple mm higher and have better kingpin clearance? I don’t understand why 148+ gets that nice mid height and acceptable kingpin clearance while the 147 is basically a low with none. I want to magic carpet again but 147s are just too low for me

Heck no. 147s are the best. Use a riser and quit trying to fuck my shit up.

Lol I’m glad you like them. It doesn’t fix the kp clearance though :( I have tried the Krux kingpins also and I do not like em

Ha. Yes you are correct, the kingpin clearance is bad. And 52s are as tall of a wheel as I can go, but yeah, imma fan. Quick pop. I like 148’s, in my limited time skating them, and have enjoyed 149s and and 151s, but 147s just work, for me. They are very limited, but the limitations seem to be in a window that works for a lot of skating. If that makes any sense
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 24, 2021, 10:14:56 PM
Thunder 147 is an S-tier truck. Have they been on the same stage since they called them the 147 II’s?

Yeah, they haven't touched them since that 147II release; same goes for the 149II as well. One can hope the 148/151/161 fell into the II category by default.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ginz2 on October 25, 2021, 08:13:51 AM
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thunder lifer here. purchased some titanium hollows today. have always skated the standard team editions because i always assumed hollows/titaniums were a gimmick as they came out. fingers crossed i have been wrong.

Hmm, let us know how they feel if you remember. I’m on some regular hollows and they feel really nice. Not sure I want to go lighter than that

They are obviously lighter than when holding my board or comparing one truck in each hand but when riding, I didn't notice too much. Grind nice and I swapped to my already worn bones meds, so not a major adjustment.

I've ridden 8.5/149s forever and lost my shoddy 360 flips as I got older but the first session on these, I was able to get a couple down. Could be weight loss on the board or just mental ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mariatorresflores on October 25, 2021, 11:11:19 AM
I've been skating ti's now for a couple weeks after skating hollow lights II's for a couple years and can't really tell a difference at all, which is fine. I swapped bushings and pivot cups too since the ones Im riding are still pretty fresh and everything felt the same; albeit unsurprisingly the geometry is the same.

I really want to know the exact weight difference between the hollow lights vs. the ti's. anyone? I stood on a scale that weighs to the first decimal and got the exact same weight reading while holding each truck. It'll give me a slightly different weight if I change insoles so it's pretty accurate. I have a smaller, more accurate 'kitchen' scale but a truck is too heavy for it unfortunately.

Anyway if there's a weight difference between the two it's extremely minuscule from what I can tell and as the ti's are a little pricier I'd recommend the hollow lights instead.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on October 25, 2021, 11:27:21 AM
I've been skating ti's now for a couple weeks after skating hollow lights II's for a couple years and can't really tell a difference at all, which is fine. I swapped bushings and pivot cups too since the ones Im riding are still pretty fresh and everything felt the same; albeit unsurprisingly the geometry is the same.

I really want to know the exact weight difference between the hollow lights vs. the ti's. anyone? I stood on a scale that weighs to the first decimal and got the exact same weight reading while holding each truck. It'll give me a slightly different weight if I change insoles so it's pretty accurate. I have a smaller, more accurate 'kitchen' scale but a truck is too heavy for it unfortunately.

Anyway if there's a weight difference between the two it's extremely minuscule from what I can tell and as the ti's are a little pricier I'd recommend the hollow lights instead.
I checked the weight of 148 Titanium Lights vs 148 Hollow Lights and the difference was marginal, the Titaniums were only about 10/15 grams lighter per truck. I can't remember the exact numbers but I recall the Hollow Lights were in the 320/325 grams range, the Titaniums around 305/310 grams.

The difference obviously will be bigger the wider you go, but it will still be very small, I doubt anyone could feel it, especially when skating.

I agree they're too close to justify paying more for the Titaniums, unless someone bends axles often and needs the added stength (in theory) of Ti axles. I got Titaniums mostly because they were on sale and I paid the same price as Hollow Lights, but otherwise I would stick with Hollow Lights.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on October 25, 2021, 12:29:05 PM
The hollow is a better value but beggars can't be recommend the team baseplates....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 25, 2021, 12:34:14 PM
The hollow is a better value but beggars can't be recommend the team baseplates....

Team Hollows are the shit.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mariatorresflores on October 25, 2021, 02:26:48 PM
Thanks Dan for the info, that sounds about right. Yeah I've heard titanium axle trucks are kind of a gimmick but I wanted to find out for myself. All in all I don't have any complaints so I'd say it still was worth experimenting.

Team plates are just a smidge heavier and ride a smidge higher right? I ride risers now so I'm not sure how the much different the feel would be; is the 'board feel' noticably different?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 25, 2021, 02:33:38 PM
Thanks Dan for the info, that sounds about right. Yeah I've heard titanium axle trucks are kind of a gimmick but I wanted to find out for myself. All in all I don't have any complaints so I'd say it still was worth experimenting.

Team plates are just a smidge heavier and ride a smidge higher right? I ride risers now so I'm not sure how the much different the feel would be; is the 'board feel' noticably different?

I'd go ti for 149 Teams but not anything below that. forge hollow thunders are so light.

Yeah, Team plates are 1mm taller and a tad heavier. There is a 'feel' that is unique to each plate, to me forged are tinny or thinner more 'rattly' feeling and cast have a more solid feel which I chalk up to vibration (I feel it more on forged plates, especially with 101s). Forged = 101s Cast = 99s in terms of wheel feel to me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Crabby_Bastard on October 25, 2021, 04:21:31 PM
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I've been skating ti's now for a couple weeks after skating hollow lights II's for a couple years and can't really tell a difference at all, which is fine. I swapped bushings and pivot cups too since the ones Im riding are still pretty fresh and everything felt the same; albeit unsurprisingly the geometry is the same.

I really want to know the exact weight difference between the hollow lights vs. the ti's. anyone? I stood on a scale that weighs to the first decimal and got the exact same weight reading while holding each truck. It'll give me a slightly different weight if I change insoles so it's pretty accurate. I have a smaller, more accurate 'kitchen' scale but a truck is too heavy for it unfortunately.

Anyway if there's a weight difference between the two it's extremely minuscule from what I can tell and as the ti's are a little pricier I'd recommend the hollow lights instead.
I checked the weight of 148 Titanium Lights vs 148 Hollow Lights and the difference was marginal, the Titaniums were only about 10/15 grams lighter per truck. I can't remember the exact numbers but I recall the Hollow Lights were in the 320/325 grams range, the Titaniums around 305/310 grams.

The difference obviously will be bigger the wider you go, but it will still be very small, I doubt anyone could feel it, especially when skating.

I agree they're too close to justify paying more for the Titaniums, unless someone bends axles often and needs the added stength (in theory) of Ti axles. I got Titaniums mostly because they were on sale and I paid the same price as Hollow Lights, but otherwise I would stick with Hollow Lights.

Although it is a small weight difference, having even a little less weight makes a big difference at the end of a lever, which is essentially what the skateboard deck is in this scenario.

Another reason I buy the titaniums is because I skate my trucks until they break. I grind more than 60% through the titanium axle before the hanger cracks. I still get another couple weeks before they finally break. Also, the titanium axles don't bend like the hollow and steel axles do.

Bottom line: The weight difference is noticeable and they last me up to 80% longer than hollow lights.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: nekro on October 26, 2021, 03:05:38 PM
Anyone else find the stock bushings way too soft?  I bought a pair of Team Hollow Lights and even after tightening up as far as I could go I still almost got wheel bite, board was way too unstable.
I've just bought a set of hard bushings (black) and these feel much better, they don't feel that hard!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Beeker on October 26, 2021, 05:13:52 PM
Anyone else find the stock bushings way too soft?  I bought a pair of Team Hollow Lights and even after tightening up as far as I could go I still almost got wheel bite, board was way too unstable.
I've just bought a set of hard bushings (black) and these feel much better, they don't feel that hard!

People often talk highly about the 100a thunder black bushings on here... Anyone know if they're the same as the yellow 100a? I ask because I got the 100a yellow ones and they're so hard they're pretty much unusable. I wonder if the blacks are an anomaly.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on October 26, 2021, 08:48:10 PM
was lucky enough to get a pair of the sean malto pennant 149s titanium hi for half the retail price, coz the shop closed down.. haven't set it up yet. its the blue hanger,black base plate and white bushings..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Crabby_Bastard on October 26, 2021, 11:52:40 PM
Anyone else find the stock bushings way too soft?  I bought a pair of Team Hollow Lights and even after tightening up as far as I could go I still almost got wheel bite, board was way too unstable.
I've just bought a set of hard bushings (black) and these feel much better, they don't feel that hard!

The bushings are compression set. Meaning they have to be slowly tightened over a few sessions otherwise they will collapse, crack, and break.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 27, 2021, 05:45:22 AM
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Anyone else find the stock bushings way too soft?  I bought a pair of Team Hollow Lights and even after tightening up as far as I could go I still almost got wheel bite, board was way too unstable.
I've just bought a set of hard bushings (black) and these feel much better, they don't feel that hard!

The bushings are compression set. Meaning they have to be slowly tightened over a few sessions otherwise they will collapse, crack, and break.

I dunno what compression set means, but ….don’t all bushings need to be adjusted now  this way (gradually)? I always thought the people on slap were old and didn’t skate, like me, but the amount of impulsive bushing tightening I read about leads me to believe everyone here is a sugared up 11 year old.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on October 27, 2021, 05:49:19 AM
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Anyone else find the stock bushings way too soft?  I bought a pair of Team Hollow Lights and even after tightening up as far as I could go I still almost got wheel bite, board was way too unstable.
I've just bought a set of hard bushings (black) and these feel much better, they don't feel that hard!

People often talk highly about the 100a thunder black bushings on here... Anyone know if they're the same as the yellow 100a? I ask because I got the 100a yellow ones and they're so hard they're pretty much unusable. I wonder if the blacks are an anomaly.
Colors are just dye, they are the same... but 100a is hella hard for bushings no matter what, they're made for heavy people and/or very tight truck fans.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on October 27, 2021, 06:23:04 AM
When someone at the indoor skatepark bought and tried out the Black 100s in the rebuild kit from our shop, they didn't seem half as hard as the person wanted them to be, still with some squash and significant turn, but as per other comments, if the guy had eased into them, and slowly skated them a bit more, they would have hardened up and worked.

As it was, he tightened them down about four threads in ten minutes skating and then got mad because they didn't bounce back, but still weren't tight enough for him.

Thankfully he kept them and was much happier the next week when I saw him - they were still tightened down way too much, but they had firmed up a bit more for him, or he just got more used to them, but either way they were still really hard to me and another guy who had a go on his board.

I could still almost wheelbite if I pushed as hard as I could onto one side of the board while rolling, but it was a struggle to get it down that far without falling off the board.

Thunder trucks are lower than most to start with so there is always going to be that higher wheelbite factor, when compared to some taller truck brands.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on October 27, 2021, 06:28:00 AM
I almost forgot, with regard to the yellow ones, I haven't tried them, but all the other duro / options in whatever colour felt the same, eg the four different 90 duro were the same soft feeling, the two sets of 94 / 95 were about the same and the info on the black 100s as above.

Re stock bushings in trucks, each new release often has different colours, but they are all around the same 90 duro, which might take a bit to firm up, but usually work fairly well for people who want trucks on the more loose and turny side.

The blue 95 duro rebuild kit I think has been the most common with people wanting a bit more of a firm feeling to their trucks, but the rebuild kits were a lot more easily available than the simple bushing tubes, as per the pic below:


Funny what you find when you go searching, as this came up from an external link, but has everything needed for here:

I've spent way too much money on bushings this year experimenting. I weigh 180lbs and can tell you the black Thunder bushings are the best! I can skate them with the kingpin nut level with the threads. I've turned everyone else on to them around here of all different weights. Good luck finding some right now.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Beeker on October 27, 2021, 06:44:59 AM
I understand how duro's work, I'm just not convinced they're the same based on every description I've heard of the blacks. People say they aren't all that hard and they receive regular high praise. No one in their right minds would ever call the yellow ones not that hard and I've never heard a single person sing their praise. I think we all know other products that work against how they should in theory i.e. red Indy bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on October 27, 2021, 07:31:09 AM
I understand how duro's work, I'm just not convinced they're the same based on every description I've heard of the blacks. People say they aren't all that hard and they receive regular high praise. No one in their right minds would ever call the yellow ones not that hard and I've never heard a single person sing their praise. I think we all know other products that work against how they should in theory i.e. red Indy bushings.

Ha yeah it is a weird one.

Here I was thinking anything that is 99 or 100 duro is going to be "almost fixed" or no turn whatsoever, but those things still turned a lot more than I was thinking they would.

The Thunder trucks I have set up all have stock bushings, but most are older and nicely weathered, which makes them a bit more stable too.

I am more a 90 to 92 duro (with low heads) type of person with any trucks that will wheelbite if I push with my hands, but I can appreciate people of all weights and trucks of anything from nonexistent bushings to semi solid rocks, though I think having at least some decent amount of turn is what makes skateboarding fun.

Chances are the hard yellow are a different beast, but I wouldn't want to say "Go buy the black ones" if they might not be any better for you.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on October 27, 2021, 09:26:08 AM
Bushings are so personal, I'm relatively heavy but couldn't really ever consider 100a to be usable. I tried the 97a and with the nut flush, they felt pretty good out of the box, stable and not too much wheelbite but still turnable... but they feel a bit tight once they break in, so 94/95a is better in my eyes (52mm wheels, 148 with forged plates).

Speaking of Thunders, here's Mark Suciu's boards with what looks like inverted Kingpins... Ishod has been riding these on and off too over the last year, I wonder if they'll eventually be stock. Unlike the Indy Mids, it looks like it actually gives more clearance...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: beandemon on October 27, 2021, 06:06:39 PM
I think not even Thunder/Deluxe can get the bushing tubes. I had a defective bushing and they sent me the rebuild kit.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ol Nick on October 27, 2021, 07:24:48 PM
I’ve definitely noticed the stock/rebuild kit bushings hardening up as they break in. I liked the black 100 and the blue 95 but I’m realizing now that there was a point on both where I suddenly realized I didn’t like them anymore. Ultimately I like the stock hardness (incl the red rebuild kit) once they’re pretty broken in and I think I just liked the harder ones until they got too far past that same feel. The black 100du bushings definitely felt way softer at the beginning. Like pretty close to fully broken-in 90du. Could explain some of the comments on these. Kinda want to try the yellow 100du if I come across them just to see how different from the black ones they could be.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Damoforce on October 27, 2021, 07:35:54 PM
I've been on Thunder a while, just snapped a kingpin. Just wondering, what other low trucks are out there? Mine are 51mm When I switch over to Indys forged hollows i struggle lol ( 53.5mm )
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: 90sDamiano on October 27, 2021, 08:05:24 PM
I've been on Thunder a while, just snapped a kingpin. Just wondering, what other low trucks are out there? Mine are 51mm When I switch over to Indys forged hollows i struggle lol ( 53.5mm )

Thunder 147 standards are 49.78
Venture 5.2 low is at 48mm
Ace Af1 33 is at 52 mm
Found all these specs on tactics
I ride Thunder 147s and they’re pretty amazing
And tensor mag light 8.0 is at 45.5
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: al_cvbrera on October 27, 2021, 09:00:12 PM
going for thunders next. should i go for the hollows or raws? and why
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pointandclick on October 27, 2021, 10:12:45 PM
going for thunders next. should i go for the hollows or raws? and why
team hollow is best for me. i run 53-54 and medium trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on October 27, 2021, 10:43:30 PM
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going for thunders next. should i go for the hollows or raws? and why
team hollow is best for me. i run 53-54 and medium trucks.

+1 on the team hollows..u run 52-56mm wheels with the stock bushing,almost 2 thread showing on the kingpin.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: al_cvbrera on October 28, 2021, 01:36:54 AM
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going for thunders next. should i go for the hollows or raws? and why
team hollow is best for me. i run 53-54 and medium trucks.

+1 on the team hollows..u run 52-56mm wheels with the stock bushing,almost 2 thread showing on the kingpin.
would you guys recommend the hollow lights over the team hollow lights? i know the team hollow lights are 1mm taller at 50mm, which is already pretty low. would the 1mm shorter height of the hollow lights be negligible or would it make wheelbite alot worse?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on October 28, 2021, 03:57:33 AM
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going for thunders next. should i go for the hollows or raws? and why
team hollow is best for me. i run 53-54 and medium trucks.

+1 on the team hollows..u run 52-56mm wheels with the stock bushing,almost 2 thread showing on the kingpin.
would you guys recommend the hollow lights over the team hollow lights? i know the team hollow lights are 1mm taller at 50mm, which is already pretty low. would the 1mm shorter height of the hollow lights be negligible or would it make wheelbite alot worse?

Minimal difference in terms of wheelbite for me, that being said I always run my forged and cast thunders on risers, and wouldn’t even think to try riser-less on forged. I feel like it’s more the geometry that causes the bite, so 1mm is really negligible. One thing to take into account is that they feel different - the forged are tinnier for sure, whether you like that or not is personal preference. Also I think the forged plates extend the wheelbase a bit more.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on October 28, 2021, 05:55:19 AM
The height depends on the width with Thunders. Up to 147/8", they're 49mm with forged baseplates, 50mm with standard/team plates. From 148/8.25" to 151/8.75", they're 51mm/52mm and the 161/9.125" are 52/53mm high.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: nekro on October 28, 2021, 12:31:09 PM
I don't ever remember bushings needing to be worn in back in the day.
So, how long does it take for them to firm up?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ish_wav on October 31, 2021, 11:16:03 AM
While we’re on the topic of bushings, has anyone tried riptide bushings in their thunders? If so, what combo of their bushings will keep the geometry of the truck as close to what Thunder intended?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 31, 2021, 11:18:38 AM
While we’re on the topic of bushings, has anyone tried riptide bushings in their thunders? If so, what combo of their bushings will keep the geometry of the truck as close to what Thunder intended?

Bruh, this thread is a measly three pages deep...

Page one:

Page two;
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ish_wav on October 31, 2021, 11:28:14 AM
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While we’re on the topic of bushings, has anyone tried riptide bushings in their thunders? If so, what combo of their bushings will keep the geometry of the truck as close to what Thunder intended?

Bruh, this thread is a measly three pages deep...

Page one:

Page two;

I appreciate the links.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: left knee cap on October 31, 2021, 11:55:54 PM
thinking about trying out thunders...

a lot of boards i've been riding on have steep concaves on it and was wondering how these would fair out with that combo? trying to limit my ghost flips.

looking at the regular polished and the hollow lights, size 149 for both.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 01, 2021, 06:34:25 AM
I don't ever remember bushings needing to be worn in back in the day.
So, how long does it take for them to firm up?

Depends on what you mean by “back in the day “. In the mid 90’s it took at least a month to fully break in Indy bushings and that’s with skating every day. Less “turny” lower trucks didn’t really feel like they had much break in time because like I said, they don’t turn. Stock bushings were stiffer up to like 2006 because industry wide kingpins became two threads shorter. Prior to that the stock bushings in most trucks were 92a but after shortening the kingpin ( for clearance) the durometer was reduced to 90a in order to keep the same general turn feel.

My Thunders stiffened up in about two sessions. Venture was like 20 minutes for me. Everyone has a different experience though based on weight, and how we skate, and weather plays a big factor too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on November 01, 2021, 11:06:28 AM
thinking about trying out thunders...

a lot of boards i've been riding on have steep concaves on it and was wondering how these would fair out with that combo? trying to limit my ghost flips.

looking at the regular polished and the hollow lights, size 149 for both.

What are you currently riding on steep concave (just concave or concave and kicks)? Trucks and board brands?

Keep in mind the regular polished are teams so a 1mm taller baseplate than the hollow lights forged plate.

Personally, I prefer thunders on medium to mellow kicks and Indy/ace on steeper kicks. They all work tho.

Maybe it's not your trucks but just the steep kicks? Maybe just drop to a medium concave?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: left knee cap on November 01, 2021, 12:37:50 PM
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thinking about trying out thunders...

a lot of boards i've been riding on have steep concaves on it and was wondering how these would fair out with that combo? trying to limit my ghost flips.

looking at the regular polished and the hollow lights, size 149 for both.

What are you currently riding on steep concave (just concave or concave and kicks)? Trucks and board brands?

Keep in mind the regular polished are teams so a 1mm taller baseplate than the hollow lights forged plate.

Personally, I prefer thunders on medium to mellow kicks and Indy/ace on steeper kicks. They all work tho.

Maybe it's not your trucks but just the steep kicks? Maybe just drop to a medium concave?

currently rocking ace af1 55 on the new FA/Hockey 8.44 shape. a lil steep than i’m used to, and now i have a frog board i just got the other day and it’s steep as well.

my truck knowledge is still pretty basic but trying to understand it a little better.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on November 01, 2021, 05:48:02 PM
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thinking about trying out thunders...

a lot of boards i've been riding on have steep concaves on it and was wondering how these would fair out with that combo? trying to limit my ghost flips.

looking at the regular polished and the hollow lights, size 149 for both.

What are you currently riding on steep concave (just concave or concave and kicks)? Trucks and board brands?

Keep in mind the regular polished are teams so a 1mm taller baseplate than the hollow lights forged plate.

Personally, I prefer thunders on medium to mellow kicks and Indy/ace on steeper kicks. They all work tho.

Maybe it's not your trucks but just the steep kicks? Maybe just drop to a medium concave?

currently rocking ace af1 55 on the new FA/Hockey 8.44 shape. a lil steep than i’m used to, and now i have a frog board i just got the other day and it’s steep as well.

my truck knowledge is still pretty basic but trying to understand it a little better.

This is how the madness starts..

Here are the rabbit holes:

Since you've ACE, that takes care of that category, if dollas permit, snag some thunders and a medium/mellow board and mix/match until if feels right.

Also, the wheelbase:
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: al_cvbrera on November 01, 2021, 10:42:46 PM
just ordered thunder hollow light 148’s. gonna be interesting seeing how this truck performs in contrast to riding indy’s and aces primarily my whole life.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on November 14, 2021, 02:46:27 PM
I put some RipTide Krank 87a bushings into my 147 Thunders and tried them out today. The turn and rebound feels improved. The top conical bushings are a bit taller than Thunder stock ones, so I thought that would be more of an issue, but because they so soft I could crank down the kingpin nut without making them bulge out or anything.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: al_cvbrera on November 14, 2021, 05:05:40 PM
just ordered thunder hollow light 148’s. gonna be interesting seeing how this truck performs in contrast to riding indy’s and aces primarily my whole life.
had a couple of sessions on them so far and i think i can say i can give a fair assessment of them now.

they are definitely alot more stable feeling than aces. what i mean by that is there is alot less “play” in the turn, i guess you can say. its more of a gradual turn, more of a straighter turn than a curvy turn. landing tricks on them feels so much more crisp to me because the board is more stuck in place and feels like it is less likely to turn immediately as soon as you put your feet back on the board and land the trick. the direction you were going as you were attempting the trick is the same direction you will go as you roll away, generally, as opposed to Aces which will have more of a tendency to veer off to any which direction because they are that more more turn sensitive.

I love them in street. No complaints from me there because that is what Thunder trucks are specialized for. As for transition, they are doable. Due to their stability, it is not as easy to really get a deep curve and adjust to the transition. When you pump with Aces, you can really feel the whole truck bend and move along with your legs. With thunders, you can still feel it, but it is sort of a more muted feeling. I’ll skate them in transition for sure because switching out to different trucks just to skate the bowl is alot of work, but just bear in mind that they do not carve as well as Indy’s or Aces.

Grinds are immaculate. Very smooth. Once you lock into the grind, you’re really locked in and you can tell you’ve locked in correctly.

I actually think I do manual’s better on Thunders than Aces. Aces have more room for adjusting your balance in manuals than Thunders though, however. Maybe its because the thunders i got were alot lighter than my previous Aces? idk, i can’t explain why in that regard. forgive me.

This is definitely a street designed truck. Doable in transition, but be advised that the turn is not as deep.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: backinaction on November 14, 2021, 07:06:31 PM

This is definitely a street designed truck. Doable in transition, but be advised that the turn is not as deep.

I agree.  I have Thunder Ti, Ace (AF1 and classic) And 3 stages of Indy.   

Thunder best in the street, Indy most "all around", Ace best in transition.

I skate more transition than street and am better at it.  Even though Thunder is the least transition of the three, I can do 100% of my tricks with them and as long as I pair them with a shorter wheelbase than I would Indy or Ace, I am not held back at all.

But, if I skate Ace on the street there are tricks I can't land that I can land on Thunder.  I can land just about everything on Indy that I can on Thunder, but I am more consistent on the Thunder.

So, even though I skate mostly transition - If I had to choose one setup only it would be Thunder.

Instead I have 4 boards sitting in my car (and 4 more at home) and I skate different setups at different locations.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: al_cvbrera on November 14, 2021, 08:54:18 PM
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This is definitely a street designed truck. Doable in transition, but be advised that the turn is not as deep.
Even though Thunder is the least transition of the three, I can do 100% of my tricks with them and as long as I pair them with a shorter wheelbase than I would Indy or Ace, I am not held back at all.
noted. i’ll definitely try this out. i got my thunders on a habitat board with a 14.25 wb. i’m gonna switch them out and put them onto my real board with a 14.12 wb and see if that helps.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Bigwheelbite on November 15, 2021, 01:39:49 AM
Thunder team standards 149 all day & forever ;)

With Bones medium bushings (without top or bottom washers - put the top washer on when they've fully broken in)

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: STAH on November 17, 2021, 12:11:02 AM
Thunder's seem to be the only trucks that don't work well for me in cold weather. I live in Vancouver, which is pretty mild compared to the rest of Canada. The bushings just harden right up. Never had this issue with Indy's.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on November 17, 2021, 07:28:06 AM
Thunder team standards 149 all day & forever ;)

With Bones medium bushings (without top or bottom washers - put the top washer on when they've fully broken in)

Username checks out :)

I think that's the exact same truck setup Aaron Herrington has too
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on November 17, 2021, 09:26:04 AM
Thunder's seem to be the only trucks that don't work well for me in cold weather. I live in Vancouver, which is pretty mild compared to the rest of Canada. The bushings just harden right up. Never had this issue with Indy's.

Complete opposite for me, I usually ride indy bushings(88/90) in my thunders after the stock ones crumble, but they always freeze. Got some new thunder 90a bushings and while they do get harder outside, they never feel like rocks.
I might try ace bushings in thunders next, bottom seems to be the same size. (Indy bottoms are 1mm smaller)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on November 17, 2021, 09:29:14 AM
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Thunder's seem to be the only trucks that don't work well for me in cold weather. I live in Vancouver, which is pretty mild compared to the rest of Canada. The bushings just harden right up. Never had this issue with Indy's.

Complete opposite for me, I usually ride indy bushings(88/90) in my thunders after the stock ones crumble, but they always freeze. Got some new thunder 90a bushings and while they do get harder outside, they never feel like rocks.
I might try ace bushings in thunders next, bottom seems to be the same size. (Indy bottoms are 1mm smaller)
You should try Lurpiv bushings for cold temps, coming from Sweden... ;D
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: STAH on November 17, 2021, 01:04:28 PM
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Thunder's seem to be the only trucks that don't work well for me in cold weather. I live in Vancouver, which is pretty mild compared to the rest of Canada. The bushings just harden right up. Never had this issue with Indy's.

Complete opposite for me, I usually ride indy bushings(88/90) in my thunders after the stock ones crumble, but they always freeze. Got some new thunder 90a bushings and while they do get harder outside, they never feel like rocks.
I might try ace bushings in thunders next, bottom seems to be the same size. (Indy bottoms are 1mm smaller)
You should try Lurpiv bushings for cold temps, coming from Sweden... ;D

Tell us more. the Lurpiv thread is thirsty
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on November 17, 2021, 06:28:32 PM
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Thunder's seem to be the only trucks that don't work well for me in cold weather. I live in Vancouver, which is pretty mild compared to the rest of Canada. The bushings just harden right up. Never had this issue with Indy's.

Complete opposite for me, I usually ride indy bushings(88/90) in my thunders after the stock ones crumble, but they always freeze. Got some new thunder 90a bushings and while they do get harder outside, they never feel like rocks.
I might try ace bushings in thunders next, bottom seems to be the same size. (Indy bottoms are 1mm smaller)
You should try Lurpiv bushings for cold temps, coming from Sweden... ;D

Tell us more. the Lurpiv thread is thirsty
I wish I could, I find Lurpivs interesting, they're oddly ugly yet beautiful at the same time, but they are waaaaay too tall for me to consider. I was just jokingly assuming a company from Sweden would make sure their trucks are cold ready but I have no clue.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on November 18, 2021, 03:39:22 AM
Are standard Thunders made in the USA?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on November 18, 2021, 08:35:38 AM
Yes. Poured at the Ermico foundry in SF, CA. 

Kingpins, bushings, nuts, washers etc. are likely China.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 21, 2021, 07:02:44 AM
Looks like Thunder is setting the kingpin deeper into the baseplate now. Should allow to get them a little bit looser.
( (

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Movies on November 21, 2021, 07:11:58 AM
Looks like Thunder is setting the kingpin deeper into the baseplate now. Should allow to get them a little bit looser.
( (

I saw a newer set of Ventures that are like that too. I think it's just a shorter kingpin because the hanger clearance up top looks about the same as the old ones. Maybe that recessed bit on the baseplate is designed to fit a sleeve (like on the Mindys) if they ever release that inverted kingpin version.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: al_cvbrera on November 21, 2021, 08:28:55 PM
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This is definitely a street designed truck. Doable in transition, but be advised that the turn is not as deep.
Even though Thunder is the least transition of the three, I can do 100% of my tricks with them and as long as I pair them with a shorter wheelbase than I would Indy or Ace, I am not held back at all.
noted. i’ll definitely try this out. i got my thunders on a habitat board with a 14.25 wb. i’m gonna switch them out and put them onto my real board with a 14.12 wb and see if that helps.
update: i finally got around to putting them on the 8.28 deck with 14.12wb. its really nice, i get the best of both worlds now.

due to the shorter wheelbase of 14.12, i can turn how i want to like how i did on aces. on street, they still perform just as well as it did with the habitat board.

the 14.25in to 14.12in drop in wheelbase really made a difference. i got a good feeling this will end all of my setup madness.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: downtodevin on November 22, 2021, 08:18:02 AM
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This is definitely a street designed truck. Doable in transition, but be advised that the turn is not as deep.
Even though Thunder is the least transition of the three, I can do 100% of my tricks with them and as long as I pair them with a shorter wheelbase than I would Indy or Ace, I am not held back at all.
noted. i’ll definitely try this out. i got my thunders on a habitat board with a 14.25 wb. i’m gonna switch them out and put them onto my real board with a 14.12 wb and see if that helps.
update: i finally got around to putting them on the 8.28 deck with 14.12wb. its really nice, i get the best of both worlds now.

due to the shorter wheelbase of 14.12, i can turn how i want to like how i did on aces. on street, they still perform just as well as it did with the habitat board.

the 14.25in to 14.12in drop in wheelbase really made a difference. i got a good feeling this will end all of my setup madness.

I am about to get a 8.28 Krooked deck with the 14.12 WB. What wheel size are you rocking with yours and are you having any issues with wheelbite?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 22, 2021, 04:22:23 PM
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Looks like Thunder is setting the kingpin deeper into the baseplate now. Should allow to get them a little bit looser.
( (

I saw a newer set of Ventures that are like that too. I think it's just a shorter kingpin because the hanger clearance up top looks about the same as the old ones. Maybe that recessed bit on the baseplate is designed to fit a sleeve (like on the Mindys) if they ever release that inverted kingpin version.

I think someone had said it is so people who want to remove the kingpin and use a simple inverted one can, with the nut sitting correctly in the truck baseplate now.

Hadn't seen it done, but that was what they were aiming for - having it more versatile and ready for people who did want to go that way.

Seems like a good idea - easier than JB weld or other things.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on November 22, 2021, 11:24:33 PM
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This is definitely a street designed truck. Doable in transition, but be advised that the turn is not as deep.
Even though Thunder is the least transition of the three, I can do 100% of my tricks with them and as long as I pair them with a shorter wheelbase than I would Indy or Ace, I am not held back at all.
noted. i’ll definitely try this out. i got my thunders on a habitat board with a 14.25 wb. i’m gonna switch them out and put them onto my real board with a 14.12 wb and see if that helps.
update: i finally got around to putting them on the 8.28 deck with 14.12wb. its really nice, i get the best of both worlds now.

due to the shorter wheelbase of 14.12, i can turn how i want to like how i did on aces. on street, they still perform just as well as it did with the habitat board.

the 14.25in to 14.12in drop in wheelbase really made a difference. i got a good feeling this will end all of my setup madness.

I am about to get a 8.28 Krooked deck with the 14.12 WB. What wheel size are you rocking with yours and are you having any issues with wheelbite?

Chiming in here since I have a similar setup atm. I setup 149 titaniums with 1/8 risers and 56mm conical fulls. Trucks about medium ish (tightened so kingpin is flush with the nut). I would ideally like them looser but anymore than that, they wheelbite pretty easily and I need the fat wheels for rough ground.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: al_cvbrera on November 23, 2021, 08:28:44 AM
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This is definitely a street designed truck. Doable in transition, but be advised that the turn is not as deep.
Even though Thunder is the least transition of the three, I can do 100% of my tricks with them and as long as I pair them with a shorter wheelbase than I would Indy or Ace, I am not held back at all.
noted. i’ll definitely try this out. i got my thunders on a habitat board with a 14.25 wb. i’m gonna switch them out and put them onto my real board with a 14.12 wb and see if that helps.
update: i finally got around to putting them on the 8.28 deck with 14.12wb. its really nice, i get the best of both worlds now.

due to the shorter wheelbase of 14.12, i can turn how i want to like how i did on aces. on street, they still perform just as well as it did with the habitat board.

the 14.25in to 14.12in drop in wheelbase really made a difference. i got a good feeling this will end all of my setup madness.

I am about to get a 8.28 Krooked deck with the 14.12 WB. What wheel size are you rocking with yours and are you having any issues with wheelbite?
148, the size for 8.25. The height on 148 hollow light’s with the forged baseplate are 51mm. No risers. No issue with wheelbite that isn’t present with any other truck brand, or none that I haven’t noticed atleast (i rode Aces and Indy’s before).

Edit: My wheels were 52mm spitfire formula 4 classics. They’re probably around 50mm or 49mm now. Maybe thats why I don’t really notice any issues with wheelbite. Don’t know how they would be with bigger size wheels though. But even then, the difference is likely negligible. I don’t like risers because I’d rather deal with the higher chance of wheelbite than deal with the extra added weight, but thats just me.

Another edit: Oh and stock bushings. The bright transparent blue ones. Barely loosened them at first and just let them do their own thing while dealing with the rigid turn at first and now they’re pretty surfy, but not squirrelly by any means.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on November 23, 2021, 09:55:55 AM
With 148 forged, I wouldn't go above 52. 50 being the sweet spot for me (buy 52/51s and wear them down)…but I ride loose. I’d image you could get away with 53s and tight trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 23, 2021, 10:16:17 AM
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Looks like Thunder is setting the kingpin deeper into the baseplate now. Should allow to get them a little bit looser.
( (

I saw a newer set of Ventures that are like that too. I think it's just a shorter kingpin because the hanger clearance up top looks about the same as the old ones. Maybe that recessed bit on the baseplate is designed to fit a sleeve (like on the Mindys) if they ever release that inverted kingpin version.

I dm’d and got this response pretty quickly. DLX is awesome.( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Movies on November 23, 2021, 02:09:43 PM
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Looks like Thunder is setting the kingpin deeper into the baseplate now. Should allow to get them a little bit looser.
( (

I saw a newer set of Ventures that are like that too. I think it's just a shorter kingpin because the hanger clearance up top looks about the same as the old ones. Maybe that recessed bit on the baseplate is designed to fit a sleeve (like on the Mindys) if they ever release that inverted kingpin version.

I dm’d and got this response pretty quickly. DLX is awesome.( (

Ahhhh, interesting. Covid supply issue strikes again. Way to handle it like a man.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 23, 2021, 05:43:13 PM
Yeah, that's the way to do it.

Good job!

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: slappyjoes on November 24, 2021, 11:50:20 PM
Has anyone ever figured out a solution to the base plate problem besides smaller wheels or tons of wax. Doesn't bother me to much just curious
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lo-fi Explosion on November 25, 2021, 12:10:35 AM
Has anyone ever figured out a solution to the base plate problem besides smaller wheels or tons of wax. Doesn't bother me to much just curious
1/8 riser pads, let em stick out 2-3mm
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on November 25, 2021, 04:26:33 AM
Has anyone ever figured out a solution to the base plate problem besides smaller wheels or tons of wax. Doesn't bother me to much just curious

I switched from thunder to ace, learned to get into nose/tailslides properly to slide longer, switched back to thunder and now it works just as well on thunders. Maybe you need to lean back a bit more. I actually prefer the thunder "wheel-slide" now.

I still don't get what kept me from learning it properly on thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on November 25, 2021, 07:26:49 AM
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Has anyone ever figured out a solution to the base plate problem besides smaller wheels or tons of wax. Doesn't bother me to much just curious
1/8 riser pads, let em stick out 2-3mm

That's a good idea, I don't really have any issues with my Thunders, but DLX should make a metal riser with a little lip on it like this:


Seems like it would make 'em money.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Easy Slider on November 25, 2021, 07:31:11 AM
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Has anyone ever figured out a solution to the base plate problem besides smaller wheels or tons of wax. Doesn't bother me to much just curious
1/8 riser pads, let em stick out 2-3mm

That's a good idea, I don't really have any issues with my Thunders, but DLX should make a metal riser with a little lip on it like this:


Seems like it would make 'em money.

Have you ever contemplated a career as truck designer (serious question, you’re knowledgeable about the materials, good at drawing and skate youself)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 25, 2021, 07:41:46 AM
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Has anyone ever figured out a solution to the base plate problem besides smaller wheels or tons of wax. Doesn't bother me to much just curious
1/8 riser pads, let em stick out 2-3mm

That's a good idea, I don't really have any issues with my Thunders, but DLX should make a metal riser with a little lip on it like this:


Seems like it would make 'em money.

This, but Teflon infused high density plastic for all trucks. Much like the old Tensors with the slider!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on November 25, 2021, 08:08:18 AM
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Has anyone ever figured out a solution to the base plate problem besides smaller wheels or tons of wax. Doesn't bother me to much just curious
1/8 riser pads, let em stick out 2-3mm

That's a good idea, I don't really have any issues with my Thunders, but DLX should make a metal riser with a little lip on it like this:


Seems like it would make 'em money.

This, but Teflon infused high density plastic for all trucks. Much like the old Tensors with the slider!
Might as well put little wheels up there while we're at it! ;D

( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on November 25, 2021, 08:18:24 AM
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Has anyone ever figured out a solution to the base plate problem besides smaller wheels or tons of wax. Doesn't bother me to much just curious
1/8 riser pads, let em stick out 2-3mm

That's a good idea, I don't really have any issues with my Thunders, but DLX should make a metal riser with a little lip on it like this:


Seems like it would make 'em money.

This, but Teflon infused high density plastic for all trucks. Much like the old Tensors with the slider!
Might as well put little wheels up there while we're at it! ;D

( (

Damn. Now we're really on to something!  8)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 25, 2021, 12:00:46 PM
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Has anyone ever figured out a solution to the base plate problem besides smaller wheels or tons of wax. Doesn't bother me to much just curious
1/8 riser pads, let em stick out 2-3mm

That's a good idea, I don't really have any issues with my Thunders, but DLX should make a metal riser with a little lip on it like this:


Seems like it would make 'em money.

This, but Teflon infused high density plastic for all trucks. Much like the old Tensors with the slider!
Might as well put little wheels up there while we're at it! ;D

( (

Damn. Now we're really on to something!  8)

Nose wheelies to fakie!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 25, 2021, 05:45:35 PM
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Has anyone ever figured out a solution to the base plate problem besides smaller wheels or tons of wax. Doesn't bother me to much just curious
1/8 riser pads, let em stick out 2-3mm

That's a good idea, I don't really have any issues with my Thunders, but DLX should make a metal riser with a little lip on it like this:


Seems like it would make 'em money.

Ha!  Yeah that is awesome!

They could also be marketed as "truck protectors too" as it is a lot easier to swap out that part than a whole baseplate.

Does anyone remember when Destructo brought out "Rail killers" which were just a normal truck with a longer part at the front, which was supposed to help with slides...



Well, there's your answer on the significantly longer front part, easily enough.

People have tried it, but for the most part it didn't actually do what they had designed it to do and more often than not it got in the way too much.  I have a set from a team rider from back in the day and they are interesting to look at but not really functional for normal skateboarding.

The Tensor plastic slider was a lot less "out there" so it worked a lot better for those who were into that sort of thing, but for everyone else, normal trucks just worked fine.



I can understand and appreciate how people want a little more on the front of the Thunder truck, but for the most part, pro skaters and others can still skate them fine with no issues (and grind the baseplate) but from the measurements I think it was 2mm tops was all it needed to be of the same line as other brands, which is not much at all.

I definitely didn't post this to start trouble or cause an issue, so I am sorry if someone thinks I am just trying to be argumentative.  That is not the case.

What I do find interesting is how much of a difference it makes to some people.  I have boards with Indy, Thunder, Venture, Ace and a few other brand trucks on them, so sure they all have different things to note with performance, but the baseplate on all my boards, including the ones with Thunder trucks still touches the side of the ledges at places I skate, as it has grind and slide marks across it, as do most Thunder baseplates I see on people's boards when I am in the shop or out skating.

At least there are a good number of options with different trucks, which I would hope makes it fun to try and find a truck that works for you.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on November 27, 2021, 06:13:10 AM
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Has anyone ever figured out a solution to the base plate problem besides smaller wheels or tons of wax. Doesn't bother me to much just curious
1/8 riser pads, let em stick out 2-3mm

That's a good idea, I don't really have any issues with my Thunders, but DLX should make a metal riser with a little lip on it like this:


Seems like it would make 'em money.

Ha!  Yeah that is awesome!

They could also be marketed as "truck protectors too" as it is a lot easier to swap out that part than a whole baseplate.

Does anyone remember when Destructo brought out "Rail killers" which were just a normal truck with a longer part at the front, which was supposed to help with slides...



Well, there's your answer on the significantly longer front part, easily enough.

People have tried it, but for the most part it didn't actually do what they had designed it to do and more often than not it got in the way too much.  I have a set from a team rider from back in the day and they are interesting to look at but not really functional for normal skateboarding.

The Tensor plastic slider was a lot less "out there" so it worked a lot better for those who were into that sort of thing, but for everyone else, normal trucks just worked fine.



I can understand and appreciate how people want a little more on the front of the Thunder truck, but for the most part, pro skaters and others can still skate them fine with no issues (and grind the baseplate) but from the measurements I think it was 2mm tops was all it needed to be of the same line as other brands, which is not much at all.

I definitely didn't post this to start trouble or cause an issue, so I am sorry if someone thinks I am just trying to be argumentative.  That is not the case.

What I do find interesting is how much of a difference it makes to some people.  I have boards with Indy, Thunder, Venture, Ace and a few other brand trucks on them, so sure they all have different things to note with performance, but the baseplate on all my boards, including the ones with Thunder trucks still touches the side of the ledges at places I skate, as it has grind and slide marks across it, as do most Thunder baseplates I see on people's boards when I am in the shop or out skating.

At least there are a good number of options with different trucks, which I would hope makes it fun to try and find a truck that works for you.

While it's true that there's only a few mm difference in baseplate length, you also have to consider the distance between the end of the baseplate and the axle, which is much closer on thunder than indy trucks for example.
I rarely get grind marks on my thunder baseplate and I do lots of tailslides, but I'm also currently on 55mm wheels. It probably happens with smaller wheels.
But it still works fine if you slide on your wheels instead of the baseplate.

Just looked at my board and the slide marks end about 3mm away from the baseplate.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: camel filters on November 27, 2021, 06:26:04 AM
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Has anyone ever figured out a solution to the base plate problem besides smaller wheels or tons of wax. Doesn't bother me to much just curious
1/8 riser pads, let em stick out 2-3mm

That's a good idea, I don't really have any issues with my Thunders, but DLX should make a metal riser with a little lip on it like this:


Seems like it would make 'em money.

Ha!  Yeah that is awesome!

They could also be marketed as "truck protectors too" as it is a lot easier to swap out that part than a whole baseplate.

Does anyone remember when Destructo brought out "Rail killers" which were just a normal truck with a longer part at the front, which was supposed to help with slides...



Well, there's your answer on the significantly longer front part, easily enough.

People have tried it, but for the most part it didn't actually do what they had designed it to do and more often than not it got in the way too much.  I have a set from a team rider from back in the day and they are interesting to look at but not really functional for normal skateboarding.

The Tensor plastic slider was a lot less "out there" so it worked a lot better for those who were into that sort of thing, but for everyone else, normal trucks just worked fine.



I can understand and appreciate how people want a little more on the front of the Thunder truck, but for the most part, pro skaters and others can still skate them fine with no issues (and grind the baseplate) but from the measurements I think it was 2mm tops was all it needed to be of the same line as other brands, which is not much at all.

I definitely didn't post this to start trouble or cause an issue, so I am sorry if someone thinks I am just trying to be argumentative.  That is not the case.

What I do find interesting is how much of a difference it makes to some people.  I have boards with Indy, Thunder, Venture, Ace and a few other brand trucks on them, so sure they all have different things to note with performance, but the baseplate on all my boards, including the ones with Thunder trucks still touches the side of the ledges at places I skate, as it has grind and slide marks across it, as do most Thunder baseplates I see on people's boards when I am in the shop or out skating.

At least there are a good number of options with different trucks, which I would hope makes it fun to try and find a truck that works for you.

While it's true that there's only a few mm difference in baseplate length, you also have to consider the distance between the end of the baseplate and the axle, which is much closer on thunder than indy trucks for example.
I rarely get grind marks on my thunder baseplate and I do lots of tailslides, but I'm also currently on 55mm wheels. It probably happens with smaller wheels.
But it still works fine if you slide on your wheels instead of the baseplate.

Just looked at my board and the slide marks end about 3mm away from the baseplate.
Are you doing slides on mainly rounded ledges or maybe transition? I'm on thunders and 54mm and my baseplates are mangled from tail and moseslides. Granted I'm on 54mm conical fulls but I don't think that should make too much of a difference.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 27, 2021, 07:02:12 AM
It might get down to the crazy nitty gritty measurements, or go way past what anyone really should know, but this is what we worked out.

From measuring the axle mid point to the end of the baseplate, Thunder is only 2 mm less than the next top brand, which is Venture, then a bit more again (3.5mm if I can recall) for others like Indy and then a bit more again for Ace (4.5mm or so) but it was quite a while ago, so I could be wrong with the figures, but I think it did go in that order.

It was interesting to measure those, as we had to check and take into consideration other things like the mounting holes, but it turns out the things like wheelbase, length of kicks or mounting holes are not relevant to the particular topic of "Whether or not the baseplate sticks out enough" as it is the axle to the end of the baseplate, as mentioned above.

The other really interesting thing in determining nose / tail slide contact with the baseplates is the concave and kick angle of the board, so if a board has more concave, with steeper kicks, there is much more chance of the Thunder baseplate touching on nose / tail slides.  Also if people do slides while sitting lower, rather than higher on the nose / tail, there is much less likely to be any baseplate touch on the edge as well.

I am sure people have looked at a board on a ledge, with the kick flat on top (nose or tail), in the same way that you would put your board up to drop in on a ramp, which is way more relevant than some other examples of the different truck brands not actually in skateboarding positions.

When I have a minute, I can take some pics too, but if anyone is actually doing measurements or tests, it really needs to be on the same wheels and the same deck, to minimise variables.

Even between two of what should be the same setups (with different trucks, but same deck, wheels, etc) things still worked a little differently, but I think that is pushing it almost too far, isn't it?

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 27, 2021, 08:08:48 AM
 I have rounded baseplates on my Thunders from slides and rode 52-53mm wheels. With the same wheels as on Indys I don’t notice as much as one might think, but I also really lean onto the tips when sliding.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on November 27, 2021, 12:17:26 PM

Does anyone remember when Destructo brought out "Rail killers" which were just a normal truck with a longer part at the front, which was supposed to help with slides...




I had a set of rail killers and liked them very much. The pointed/rounded front of the baseplate resultet in more or less a single point of contact for noseslides instead of the holde plane of the baseplate having contact.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 28, 2021, 02:38:12 AM
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Does anyone remember when Destructo brought out "Rail killers" which were just a normal truck with a longer part at the front, which was supposed to help with slides...


I had a set of rail killers and liked them very much. The pointed/rounded front of the baseplate resulted in more or less a single point of contact for nose slides instead of the whole plane of the baseplate having contact.

They definitely sat out and as you said, had minimal contact, which worked really well for people who got used to them, but I think for the most part, the people who had them and didn't quite know how to use them well ended up more often than not slipping out, as they were much more prone to going on an angle, rather than sliding straight on, if that makes sense.

One guy in particular said they were best when worn down a lot, but most of the others who had them, be it team riders or customers didn't really understand / get them.

They would often swap over their old normal baseplates with new hangers, more so than skate the rail killers baseplates, or only put them on the front, not both.

Funny old world we live in.

That is cool that at least someone found they worked well.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sk.A.T.A.N on November 28, 2021, 03:32:49 AM
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Does anyone remember when Destructo brought out "Rail killers" which were just a normal truck with a longer part at the front, which was supposed to help with slides...


I had a set of rail killers and liked them very much. The pointed/rounded front of the baseplate resulted in more or less a single point of contact for nose slides instead of the whole plane of the baseplate having contact.

They definitely sat out and as you said, had minimal contact, which worked really well for people who got used to them, but I think for the most part, the people who had them and didn't quite know how to use them well ended up more often than not slipping out, as they were much more prone to going on an angle, rather than sliding straight on, if that makes sense.

One guy in particular said they were best when worn down a lot, but most of the others who had them, be it team riders or customers didn't really understand / get them.

They would often swap over their old normal baseplates with new hangers, more so than skate the rail killers baseplates, or only put them on the front, not both.

Funny old world we live in.

That is cool that at least someone found they worked well.

Yeah the rounded baseplate is a dumb design decision imo. It’s harder to keep the slide going straight/parallel to the ledge and the chances to hit the wheels and suddenly stop are pretty high. A straight baseplate is much better to keep a consistent slide. It hits flush and wouldn’t wobble as much.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CaderSk8r on December 01, 2021, 03:15:13 PM
Any tips to keeping a krux dlk from getting loose, just picked up some new 149s with the new basplates and the nut fits in perfectly but there is still some wiggle in the kingpin.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on December 01, 2021, 03:19:13 PM
I have kingpin wiggle in all my trucks (Indy, Thunder and Ace) with or without the Krux DL KP. At this point I have stopped worrying about it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Argyle on December 02, 2021, 03:09:41 PM
Finally settled on something i think.

Put some bones mediums in after seeing it on here (always thought they didn't work with thunders) and the first couple of sessions have been brilliant, so thanks to whoever that was.

Thunder 149s
Bones mediums
54 or 55mm wheels

Honestly I think I've gone mad. Cannot post a photo lately to save my life. Link below though: (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on December 02, 2021, 04:58:05 PM
Finally settled on something i think.

Put some bones mediums in after seeing it on here (always thought they didn't work with thunders) and the first couple of sessions have been brilliant, so thanks to whoever that was.

Thunder 149s
Bones mediums
54 or 55mm wheels

Link below though: (


Fixed it for you.

That sticker is pretty cool as well.  Did you get that from somewhere or make it yourself?

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Argyle on December 02, 2021, 11:41:28 PM
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Finally settled on something i think.

Put some bones mediums in after seeing it on here (always thought they didn't work with thunders) and the first couple of sessions have been brilliant, so thanks to whoever that was.

Thunder 149s
Bones mediums
54 or 55mm wheels

Link below though: (



Fixed it for you.

That sticker is pretty cool as well.  Did you get that from somewhere or make it yourself?

Cheers, it's from a brand called alcohol blanket. It's Ollie Lock from skate cafés stuff (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on December 07, 2021, 05:51:52 AM
Does anyone have a list of risers that work with thunders? I don't need them but am curious. I know they would probably fit well but I'm not too interested in the wooden ones from deluxe. something quite thin is what i'm looking for.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on December 07, 2021, 06:44:20 AM
Does anyone have a list of risers that work with thunders? I don't need them but am curious. I know they would probably fit well but I'm not too interested in the wooden ones from deluxe. something quite thin is what i'm looking for.

1/8” dlx risers are as thing as you’ll get.

1/16 would be perfect but no one makes them. Almost had some made but didn’t want to deal with the madness.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on December 07, 2021, 06:48:41 AM
Ace makes 1/16" risers... they're shock pads though, not 100% rigid, but you can easily cut them so they wont stick out from a Thunder basplate.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on December 07, 2021, 07:05:54 AM
You can make risers out of basically anything (soda bottles, plastic sheets, etc... Measure the dimensions of your baseplates, trace it onto your material, cut it out and drill it. The best part is they're free and you can dictate the height.

I did it with a 1.5mm carbon fiber sheet:

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on December 07, 2021, 07:07:51 AM
Ace makes 1/16" risers... they're shock pads though, not 100% rigid, but you can easily cut them so they wont stick out from a Thunder basplate.

Not a fan of shock pads, deadening the feel of board isn’t for me. I have used them on a cruiser tho, works great.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on December 07, 2021, 07:16:14 AM
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Ace makes 1/16" risers... they're shock pads though, not 100% rigid, but you can easily cut them so they wont stick out from a Thunder basplate.

Not a fan of shock pads, deadening the feel of board isn’t for me. I have used them on a cruiser tho, works great.

Yeah I wouldn't use them either... PuffinMuffin's DIY solution is good if you really want thinner risers though, pretty easy to do.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on December 07, 2021, 08:05:46 AM
Thanks everyone for the replies. I hadn't thought of puffin's idea before but that might be perfect if I find the right material. If not maybe the shock pads from ace, We'll see.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: NowhereInLife on December 08, 2021, 02:16:39 AM
Does anyone have a list of risers that work with thunders? I don't need them but am curious. I know they would probably fit well but I'm not too interested in the wooden ones from deluxe. something quite thin is what i'm looking for.
i hand sanded about a millimeter off of some bones ones to bring some 147s up just a smidge.  it was a nightmare...but the resulting hard thin riser is pretty great.  took me the better part of an hour of awkward sanding but if you have a belt sander or something you could prob do it in minutes.  they are like 3/32".
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lo-fi Explosion on December 08, 2021, 03:18:35 AM
Shortys makes hard 1/16 riser pads, got them on my aces. they're called dooks 1/16, just make sure it's not the silencers nor the shock pads...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on December 10, 2021, 11:04:12 AM (

The clearance on those inverse kingpin thunders looks incredible. Do you guys think they just didn't work well enough and they stopped trying?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on December 10, 2021, 03:04:24 PM

The clearance on those inverse kingpin thunders looks incredible. Do you guys think they just didn't work well enough and they stopped trying?

That was interesting to see, especially as he said they were testing it, not just his own fix or modification.

Given it was from mid 2020, I think they would have had something out by now, but who knows.

Apart from the exceptional clearance, I can see the top head sinking into the top washer / bushing area all too easily, so that might be why it was not really thought to be viable.

I always take some screen shots of things like that, which are way easier to see when blown up like these:

( (

( (

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tzhangdox on December 10, 2021, 03:14:42 PM
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The clearance on those inverse kingpin thunders looks incredible. Do you guys think they just didn't work well enough and they stopped trying?

That was interesting to see, especially as he said they were testing it, not just his own fix or modification.

Given it was from mid 2020, I think they would have had something out by now, but who knows.

Apart from the exceptional clearance, I can see the top head sinking into the top washer / bushing area all too easily, so that might be why it was not really thought to be viable.

I always take some screen shots of things like that, which are way easier to see when blown up like these:

( (

( (

They tried a few thunder iterations for a while. My friend who used to work at dlx was skating some inverted kingpin thunders (which looked different to these, more like the indy mids) in early 2019. A few months ago he told me that they had one prototype with an inverted kingpin, more extended and rounded out baseplate that turned a little less twitchy. Apparently everyone who tried it liked it but for whatever reason seems like none of these things have made it to production.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on December 10, 2021, 04:25:59 PM

They tried a few thunder iterations for a while. My friend who used to work at dlx was skating some inverted kingpin thunders (which looked different to these, more like the indy mids) in early 2019. A few months ago he told me that they had one prototype with an inverted kingpin, more extended and rounded out baseplate that turned a little less twitchy. Apparently everyone who tried it liked it but for whatever reason seems like none of these things have made it to production.

That sounds ideal.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: yourbreakfsat on December 10, 2021, 06:51:00 PM
Does anyone have a list of risers that work with thunders? I don't need them but am curious. I know they would probably fit well but I'm not too interested in the wooden ones from deluxe. something quite thin is what i'm looking for.

Bones/Mini Logo are my go-tos.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Beeker on December 10, 2021, 10:11:26 PM
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They tried a few thunder iterations for a while. My friend who used to work at dlx was skating some inverted kingpin thunders (which looked different to these, more like the indy mids) in early 2019. A few months ago he told me that they had one prototype with an inverted kingpin, more extended and rounded out baseplate that turned a little less twitchy. Apparently everyone who tried it liked it but for whatever reason seems like none of these things have made it to production.

That sounds ideal.

You just described the new Royals.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on December 11, 2021, 04:20:23 PM
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They tried a few thunder iterations for a while. My friend who used to work at dlx was skating some inverted kingpin thunders (which looked different to these, more like the indy mids) in early 2019. A few months ago he told me that they had one prototype with an inverted kingpin, more extended and rounded out baseplate that turned a little less twitchy. Apparently everyone who tried it liked it but for whatever reason seems like none of these things have made it to production.

That sounds ideal.

You just described the new Royals.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on December 12, 2021, 07:56:57 AM
I think skate one/Powell has the rubber ones which I used.  I could see how changing the truck would be crazy they didn't do it. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 12, 2021, 10:19:43 AM
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They tried a few thunder iterations for a while. My friend who used to work at dlx was skating some inverted kingpin thunders (which looked different to these, more like the indy mids) in early 2019. A few months ago he told me that they had one prototype with an inverted kingpin, more extended and rounded out baseplate that turned a little less twitchy. Apparently everyone who tried it liked it but for whatever reason seems like none of these things have made it to production.

Apparently these are how the new Royals are described

That sounds ideal.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on December 12, 2021, 09:59:08 PM

After a year and a half detour skating ACE’s I’m back on the right path. Thunders just work the best for me and how I skate. The hanger is wider and they’re lighter when you compare similar sized trucks from each brand. I prefer the sharp turn, too. I put the 90a rebuild kit bushings in and took off the bottom washer. Perfect. Side note: the kingpin sits lower than I remember
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on December 13, 2021, 03:06:12 AM

After a year and a half detour skating ACE’s I’m back on the right path. Thunders just work the best for me and how I skate. The hanger is wider and they’re lighter when you compare similar sized trucks from each brand. I prefer the sharp turn, too. I put the 90a rebuild kit bushings in and took off the bottom washer. Perfect. Side note: the kingpin sits lower than I remember

I like pop, on 147s, quite a bit
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on December 13, 2021, 06:38:53 AM
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After a year and a half detour skating ACE’s I’m back on the right path. Thunders just work the best for me and how I skate. The hanger is wider and they’re lighter when you compare similar sized trucks from each brand. I prefer the sharp turn, too. I put the 90a rebuild kit bushings in and took off the bottom washer. Perfect. Side note: the kingpin sits lower than I remember

I like pop, on 147s, quite a bit
These are 148’s.I’ve skated a few dozen sets of 147’s in my life if I were to guess. I got a Dane 1 JR that’s a lot smaller than expected that I’m going to put a set of 147’s on
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: logjammin on December 17, 2021, 12:49:11 PM
Does anyone know why the 147's sit lower than the 148+ sizes? I'm just curious if the baseplate is a diff geometry, if I wanted to use the spare plates from a set of those and pair it with hangers of the wider sizes.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on December 17, 2021, 12:58:40 PM
Does anyone know why the 147's sit lower than the 148+ sizes? I'm just curious if the baseplate is a diff geometry, if I wanted to use the spare plates from a set of those and pair it with hangers of the wider sizes.

The baseplates are the same on all sizes, the height difference between various widths is all in the hangers so you can use the baseplates from another size without problems, the only resulting height change would be if you swap a forged baseplate with a cast baseplate or vice versa, cast ones are 1mm taller than forged.

The reason height changes across various widths is to keep more consistant proportions.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: logjammin on December 17, 2021, 01:00:27 PM
Got it, thanks for the quick reply!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: onkalo on December 21, 2021, 03:58:53 PM
Been thinking of getting 55mm wheels, i’m riding 148 lights so forged baseplate makes them pretty low. I run my trucks medium loose. Have you guys done 55mm wheels with forged plates and no risers, and what was the wheelbite factor like? Thank you :)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pointandclick on December 21, 2021, 04:44:24 PM
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Been thinking of getting 55mm wheels, i’m riding 148 lights so forged baseplate makes them pretty low. I run my trucks medium loose. Have you guys done 55mm wheels with forged plates and no risers, and what was the wheelbite factor like? Thank you :)

Yes, I tried 54mm classics on Thunder Ti's and it was wheel bite city. Kept getting pitched. I ride my trucks medium loose as well. They were fine with the addition of tiny little risers.
grab the real wooden risers for thunders and it should help.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on December 21, 2021, 07:59:24 PM
Been thinking of getting 55mm wheels, i’m riding 148 lights so forged baseplate makes them pretty low. I run my trucks medium loose. Have you guys done 55mm wheels with forged plates and no risers, and what was the wheelbite factor like? Thank you :)

I'm on 149ti and need 1/8 risers to run 56 conical fulls. I have mine medium loose, enough to turn well and do my slappies. I haven't noticed any horrible wheelbite yet
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on December 21, 2021, 08:54:42 PM
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Been thinking of getting 55mm wheels, i’m riding 148 lights so forged baseplate makes them pretty low. I run my trucks medium loose. Have you guys done 55mm wheels with forged plates and no risers, and what was the wheelbite factor like? Thank you :)

I'm on 149ti and need 1/8 risers to run 56 conical fulls. I have mine medium loose, enough to turn well and do my slappies. I haven't noticed any horrible wheelbite yet

It's not just the wheel size, the wheel shape also has an impact on how big you can go before wheelbiting. Rounder wheels with smaller contact patches like the Spitfire Classics allow trucks to lean further before contact compared to a wider and squarer wheels of the same size as the wheel edge that touches the board is rounded away on Classics, so you can often get away with 2mm bigger wheels than most other Spitfire shapes with Classics, maybe even more than that compared with Conical Fulls.

But even with Classics, 55mm might be quite wheelbitey on my definition of medium loose Thunders with forged baseplates... I've done 54mm Classics but had the trucks a bit tighter than medium.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: onkalo on December 22, 2021, 05:24:11 PM
Thank you all for help. I’m not gonna get or make risers (at least yet) i just don’t like the feel of them. Going to get 54mm classics or similar wheels then, had thunders with forged plates with new 53mm wheels and i wasn’t getting too much wheelbite so figured that the extra 0,5mm isn’t gonna be too bad. If it is too wheelbitey i can make some from 1,25mm thick sheet metal  :D
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on December 23, 2021, 06:57:57 AM
From ishods insta story. Seems like he's still on the inverse kingpin and possibly a longer baseplate?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on December 23, 2021, 08:00:55 AM
From ishods insta story. Seems like he's still on the inverse kingpin and possibly a longer baseplate?

He's been on and off on the IKP for a while now... but these are just current regular cast baseplates, they're not looking any longer than those I have at least.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Reed Richards on December 23, 2021, 06:03:29 PM
I kind of experimented with my bushings the way he mentions on the Nine Club, albeit while I was adjusting my kingpin.  I want to get more top bushings so I could do it for real.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on December 23, 2021, 07:19:03 PM
I kind of experimented with my bushings the way he mentions on the Nine Club, albeit while I was adjusting my kingpin.  I want to get more top bushings so I could do it for real.

Thanks for posting this. I really liked Ishod's gear talk
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Reed Richards on December 24, 2021, 07:44:02 AM
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I kind of experimented with my bushings the way he mentions on the Nine Club, albeit while I was adjusting my kingpin.  I want to get more top bushings so I could do it for real.

Thanks for posting this. I really liked Ishod's gear talk
No doubt.  I want someone on here to like try this and report back.  It's one thing when Ishod talks about it, but I need to hear about it from like a mortal haha.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ImmanuelCunt on December 24, 2021, 08:12:31 AM
Thank you all for help. I’m not gonna get or make risers (at least yet) i just don’t like the feel of them. Going to get 54mm classics or similar wheels then, had thunders with forged plates with new 53mm wheels and i wasn’t getting too much wheelbite so figured that the extra 0,5mm isn’t gonna be too bad. If it is too wheelbitey i can make some from 1,25mm thick sheet metal  :D

I can ride 54mm (SML OG wide AG Formula I think) on thunder forged without problems. The nut is 1/2-1 turn looser than flush and stock bushings. I tried it last year when I had a new set and 54mm wheels are even manageable for me on 147s. My decks being mostly slicks now might help.
But I rode 55 or 56 mm Bones V5 (or a similar looking wheel from ~7-8 years ago) on 147 thunders a few years back on 7.8 and 8 inch boards. That was hell. I lost nollie frontside flips because of that because I got pitched every time I did not land that trick picture perfect. Basically every trick with a landing after a frontside rotation was problematic. Was broke and could not afford new wheels/trucks and risers were no option for me so I had to stick it out. Can't tell you if I got used to it or the wheels simply wore down enough but I remember cranking the trucks all the way down.

Don't get me wrong I get some wheelbite but it does not hinder me and is usually well deserved.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 27, 2021, 09:02:10 AM
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I kind of experimented with my bushings the way he mentions on the Nine Club, albeit while I was adjusting my kingpin.  I want to get more top bushings so I could do it for real.

Thanks for posting this. I really liked Ishod's gear talk
No doubt.  I want someone on here to like try this and report back.  It's one thing when Ishod talks about it, but I need to hear about it from like a mortal haha.

I tried it. I had the risers like he did too. It definitely shortens up the wheelbase and for me it made wheelbite worse. It makes the turn a bit tighter since the wheels are pulled in.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: opesorry on January 03, 2022, 07:56:57 PM
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I’ve been skating Thunders since last fall and thought I liked them pretty well, until I stepped on my cruiser for the first time in months that has Indy’s on it and realized I really do not like the way they turn compared to Indys. Realized the bushings were getting fucked and replaced them with bones mediums but didn’t help as much as I wanted, so now I’m about to try Indy 88 Soft bushings and see if that does it.

Trucks are totally fine though so I’m going to keep trying to fine tune them until I like them, but tempted to bail on them early.

thunders turn better than Indys when u put 1/8 risers on them (and they become the same height too)

I liked the 88 Indy’s, but I did up getting some of the Real 3 ply risers and thought it helped. Also put a Bones flat top washer to get them a little looser, i liked it quite a bit because I felt like I could turn just enough but it also felt really stable.

Then it got cold. Bushings froze up pretty quickly and couldn’t turn whatsoever, so it was back to the drawing board to figure out a cold weather set up.

I think I figured it out - kept the risers but ended up with a Bones soft top and Bones medium bottom, a little tighter than flush. I’m a small dude and pretty light, so the softer turnier bushings seemed like a good idea. I skated this set up for a couple hours when the temp was in the 40’s or high 30’s and it worked great the whole time.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on January 22, 2022, 06:05:59 AM
Looks like Gerwer is running the IKP in TNT’s Instagram story:

( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BL0B on January 22, 2022, 02:39:07 PM
Looks like Gerwer is running the IKP in TNT’s Instagram story:

( (

looks like their hollow kingpins with a big old flat head slot, almost look DIY'd, maybe with a grinder? idk
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on January 30, 2022, 08:09:17 PM
Maybe it’s been talked about before, but what the fuck is up with Thunder stock bushings? Ever since they switched to the blue ones from the older yellow ones a few years ago I can’t get my trucks loose enough with stock bushings. The catalog says they’re 90a, but they feel significantly harder than the 90a rebuild kit bushings
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on January 31, 2022, 06:24:10 AM
Maybe it’s been talked about before, but what the fuck is up with Thunder stock bushings? Ever since they switched to the blue ones from the older yellow ones a few years ago I can’t get my trucks loose enough with stock bushings. The catalog says they’re 90a, but they feel significantly harder than the 90a rebuild kit bushings

I’ve noticed that too. Now Thunder did just release a raw with white bushings and silver hardware in 148 and 149. I have ridden the white Thunder stocks and they feel much looser than the blue.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on January 31, 2022, 06:29:13 AM
I've been riding Thunders for like 10 years and it was only about a year or two ago I noticed problems with the bushings. I just do Bones Mediums now.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on January 31, 2022, 07:42:44 AM
I have a collection of broken in old white Thunder bushings but honestly I don't mind the new blue ones too much especially in 151s with risers. Incidentally, I have not ridden my Thunders in months and put them back on a new set up this weekend and the curb grind is so much better than Ace classics.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on January 31, 2022, 07:57:22 AM
I have a collection of broken in old white Thunder bushings but honestly I don't mind the new blue ones too much especially in 151s with risers. Incidentally, I have not ridden my Thunders in months and put them back on a new set up this weekend and the curb grind is so much better than Ace classics.

I tried some Ace Classics this past fall just for a change of pace and I fucking hated them. They grinded noticeably worse and were kind of just a chore to skate. To each their own on trucks, but I don't get 'em.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on January 31, 2022, 08:10:56 AM
I love Ace but I am always pleasantly surprised when I put some Thunders on the occasional set up, especially one with a small wheelbase. Just a solid, light, dependable truck. Sure the turn isn't as deep but it is very predictable quick turn. Hard to beat a no frills standard team Thunder.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on January 31, 2022, 11:06:31 AM
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I have a collection of broken in old white Thunder bushings but honestly I don't mind the new blue ones too much especially in 151s with risers. Incidentally, I have not ridden my Thunders in months and put them back on a new set up this weekend and the curb grind is so much better than Ace classics.

I tried some Ace Classics this past fall just for a change of pace and I fucking hated them. They grinded noticeably worse and were kind of just a chore to skate. To each their own on trucks, but I don't get 'em.

We can finally agree on something.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Space Cowboy on January 31, 2022, 11:34:55 AM
The new team hollows seem awesome, same as a hollow light but has a Cast base plate so they are slightly taller, picking some up soon cause the only issue I had with hollow lights were that they were lower than other trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on January 31, 2022, 11:43:27 AM
The new team hollows seem awesome, same as a hollow light but has a forged base plate so they are slightly taller, picking some up soon cause the only issue I had with hollow lights were that they were lower than other trucks.

Pretty sure the team plates are still cast (newer models with the hex bottom) just with a nice powder coat on non-raw colorways..

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on January 31, 2022, 12:09:13 PM
Ya Team Hollows are 100% always cast and always 1mm taller than standard cast. Forged plates are always 1mm lower than standard cast plates, so 2mm lower than Team plates.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Space Cowboy on January 31, 2022, 12:27:49 PM
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The new team hollows seem awesome, same as a hollow light but has a forged base plate so they are slightly taller, picking some up soon cause the only issue I had with hollow lights were that they were lower than other trucks.
Pretty sure the team plates are still cast (newer models with the hex bottom) just with a nice powder coat on non-raw colorways..

Shit i meant to type the team baseplates were Cast, forged are the thinner ones that are on the hollow lights, My bad
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Space Cowboy on January 31, 2022, 12:32:50 PM
Also the boltholes seem to stretch out on forged base plates over time for me, I think this is because the forged base plate is stronger and thinner so it stretches, the cast would probably just crack but i haven't had any issues with cast base plates yet, Ive always preferred cast.

The team hollows just seem to be the ideal thunder truck for my preferences.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: bbk on January 31, 2022, 04:14:49 PM
Ya Team Hollows are 100% always cast and always 1mm taller than standard cast. Forged plates are always 1mm lower than standard cast plates, so 2mm lower than Team plates.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on January 31, 2022, 06:11:31 PM
Barring 147 and below, how is that wrong? It seems accurate per the truck thread on here and most sources that measure.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on January 31, 2022, 06:38:01 PM

Team plates are standard baseplates aren't they?

There are only two types all up, the standard (which for Thunder is called "Team") and then Forged plates.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: yourbreakfsat on January 31, 2022, 06:44:50 PM

Team plates are standard baseplates aren't they?

There are only two types all up, the standard (which for Thunder is called "Team") and then Forged plates.

This is my understanding as well. I think the confusion comes from this:


Thunder is comparing this height difference to the Lights, not standards. To be fair, they don't make this clear at all and it's natural to assume they're comparing it to the standard trucks.



Team Hollows:




All images directly from Thunder's website.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on January 31, 2022, 07:09:35 PM
Yes totally.

There are a few different options with kingpins though.

Team with normal kingpin (50mm on 147s / 52 on wider)
Team with hollow kingpin  (50mm on 147s / 52 on wider)
Forged with hollow kingpin (49mm on 147s / 51 on wider)

There is no Forged with normal kingpin option.

Wider being 148, 149 and 151.
The 161 are another 1mm taller again.

Not related to height, but then there are regular, hollow and then titanium axle hangers too, so a few more options thrown in the mix, but most of the hollow and ti axles are more on the forged hollow plates, which then also causes some confusion.

I know I have taken apart trucks before to mix and match for what people want though, eg put ti hangers on team plates, when they wanted light but not lower trucks.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: europa1991 on January 31, 2022, 07:43:28 PM
Damn, 52mm? Was curious about switching from Ace to Thunder team editions but Idk seems kinda redundant now… I guess there’s always Indy’s :-/
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on January 31, 2022, 08:11:35 PM
Ya so I was partially right, Teams are 52 and forged are 2mm shorter. Weirdly I got my plates at DLX and was told they were higher than normal hollow kingpin plates so that’s what I was going off. The images on their website are wrong, it’s been covered in this very thread several times.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: realbasedgod112 on February 01, 2022, 02:20:13 AM
what's the deal with bones bushings on thunders? i've put a set in before for them to blow out after a month or two, but that's how thunders just tend to be.
any advice on increasing the longevity of them?
(i would get thunder bushings but no shops seem to stock them)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: nitro89 on February 01, 2022, 02:55:12 AM
stick to stock as much as you can, bones bushings always blow out quick whether you run tight, med or loose trucks. deserve to have there own overrated thread, that's just my opinion though. Others will swear by them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on February 01, 2022, 03:08:46 AM
what's the deal with bones bushings on thunders? i've put a set in before for them to blow out after a month or two, but that's how thunders just tend to be.
any advice on increasing the longevity of them?
(i would get thunder bushings but no shops seem to stock them)

There's a bunch of Thunder bushings in stock on paradeworld: (

Thunder bushings always crack and blow out for me (probably due to the low temperates here). Krux bottom bushings are the exact same height as the Thunders and have lasted me a long time. They're also cheaper and don't harden up in the cold.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: bbk on February 01, 2022, 04:32:51 AM
Ya so I was partially right, Teams are 52 and forged are 2mm shorter.
Jesus, NO.

145 and 147 are 50 on cast/team, this is the same, and 49 on forged. 148, 149 and 151 are 52 and 51, and 161 are 53 and 52.

What is it you're not getting?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 01, 2022, 05:13:24 AM
Just in case there was any further confusion, the baseplates were either cast (all the same height) or forged (all the same height), regardless of the width of the truck, as listed above - cast plate or hollow forged plate (also regardless of kingpin or what was printed on the baseplates).

It is the hanger itself that is taller, as per putting them all side by side to measure on the wider trucks in the shop.

It is late here and don't have the info in front of me (or the trucks to actually measure) but the baseplates were between 3 to 4 mm thick on the cast and 2 to 3 mm thick on the forged, if I recall correctly. *

* Just looking at simple calipers here in front of the computer without any trucks to measure right now.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ggbbbbbbbs on February 01, 2022, 09:19:05 AM
OKAY so first time slap poster here but this is driving me insane. Ive ridden thunder 149s for the past 3 trucks always black kingpin black washers blue bushings, and then today i received my newest pair. They have black washers blue bushings like always but then the kingpin is now silver which has never happened and also on the back lf the truck u can see the kingpin is like pushed in more so maybe this truck will feel different? Idk just wondering if anyone has the same trucks as i do right now or if i just got a weird/fake pair.
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Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: yourbreakfsat on February 01, 2022, 09:21:27 AM
OKAY so first time slap poster here but this is driving me insane. Ive ridden thunder 149s for the past 3 trucks always black kingpin black washers blue bushings, and then today i received my newest pair. They have black washers blue bushings like always but then the kingpin is now silver which has never happened and also on the back lf the truck u can see the kingpin is like pushed in more so maybe this truck will feel different? Idk just wondering if anyone has the same trucks as i do right now or if i just got a weird/fake pair.
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Looks like Thunder is setting the kingpin deeper into the baseplate now. Should allow to get them a little bit looser.
( (

I saw a newer set of Ventures that are like that too. I think it's just a shorter kingpin because the hanger clearance up top looks about the same as the old ones. Maybe that recessed bit on the baseplate is designed to fit a sleeve (like on the Mindys) if they ever release that inverted kingpin version.

I dm’d and got this response pretty quickly. DLX is awesome.( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 01, 2022, 09:29:09 AM
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Ya so I was partially right, Teams are 52 and forged are 2mm shorter.
Jesus, NO.

145 and 147 are 50 on cast/team, this is the same, and 49 on forged. 148, 149 and 151 are 52 and 51, and 161 are 53 and 52.

What is it you're not getting?

The poster was comparing forged to Teams, which are 2mm difference. I just measured my forged 148 at 50mm on the dot and my Team Hollows at 52. I was incorrect about normal plates not being 51. I don’t normally think about 147 since I’d never ride them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on February 01, 2022, 10:27:07 AM
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Ya so I was partially right, Teams are 52 and forged are 2mm shorter.
Jesus, NO.

145 and 147 are 50 on cast/team, this is the same, and 49 on forged. 148, 149 and 151 are 52 and 51, and 161 are 53 and 52.

What is it you're not getting?

The poster was comparing forged to Teams, which are 2mm difference. I just measured my forged 148 at 50mm on the dot and my Team Hollows at 52. I was incorrect about normal plates not being 51. I don’t normally think about 147 since I’d never ride them.

No, the Team baseplates and the regular baseplates are both cast and have the exact same height and geometry. They are actually made from the same mold, they just alternate fittings for the lightning bolt or three lines or team markings.

So a basic Thunder 148 is 52mm high and so are the Team Hollows and every 148 Thunders with the forged baseplates are 51mm high. The 147 and under have a hanger that's 2mm lower so they are 50mm and 49mm high.

If you get 2mm difference for the same width Thunders, you either have measured only at one end of the axle and the hanger wasn't straight or the forged 148 that measures 50mm has non-stock bushing or is tight to the point the bottom bushing is compressed and changes the truck geometry.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on February 01, 2022, 10:45:15 AM
There are only two baseplates: Forged or Cast.

Team is a configuration consisting of cast plates with solid, hollow or TI axles with either standard or hollow pins.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Space Cowboy on February 01, 2022, 10:54:40 AM
stick to stock as much as you can, bones bushings always blow out quick whether you run tight, med or loose trucks. deserve to have there own overrated thread, that's just my opinion though. Others will swear by them.

one of my coworkers at my local shop ran the indy hard bushings in his thunders, he rides super tight trucks, and he seemed to love em.

we commonly sell the bones bushings but we constantly hear about them blowing out, however Ive never heard complaints about the wide range of Indy bushings we have sold, people seem to prefer them once they try them.

personally i found that the stock bushings in any of the truck brands i have rode (thunder, indy, ace) at a medium tightness have worked like a dream.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 01, 2022, 10:59:48 AM
When I measure trucks I measure both axles to the center and average them. It's measured on a perfectly level workbench with digital calipers. Both sets of trucks are run with stock bushings and washers and stock tightness. I skated both for about the same amount of time. I guess something is strange about the trucks I buy because my last pair of forged Ti were also 50 and the Team 149's I pulled out of the closet are 52mm. What I was 100% wrong about is there is no generic in between version as I had previously thought.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Murge on February 01, 2022, 11:03:20 AM
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stick to stock as much as you can, bones bushings always blow out quick whether you run tight, med or loose trucks. deserve to have there own overrated thread, that's just my opinion though. Others will swear by them.

one of my coworkers at my local shop ran the indy hard bushings in his thunders, he rides super tight trucks, and he seemed to love em.

we commonly sell the bones bushings but we constantly hear about them blowing out, however Ive never heard complaints about the wide range of Indy bushings we have sold, people seem to prefer them once they try them.

personally i found that the stock bushings in any of the truck brands i have rode (thunder, indy, ace) at a medium tightness have worked like a dream.

I have the 92a conical Indy bushings in my thunders and I’m enjoying it. I prefer stock but they was busted and I had the 92a new just never used cause I don’t care for conical but it’s nice. Flat bottom washer from bones
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Space Cowboy on February 01, 2022, 11:08:39 AM
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stick to stock as much as you can, bones bushings always blow out quick whether you run tight, med or loose trucks. deserve to have there own overrated thread, that's just my opinion though. Others will swear by them.

one of my coworkers at my local shop ran the indy hard bushings in his thunders, he rides super tight trucks, and he seemed to love em.

we commonly sell the bones bushings but we constantly hear about them blowing out, however Ive never heard complaints about the wide range of Indy bushings we have sold, people seem to prefer them once they try them.

personally i found that the stock bushings in any of the truck brands i have rode (thunder, indy, ace) at a medium tightness have worked like a dream.

I have the 92a conical Indy bushings in my thunders and I’m enjoying it. I prefer stock but they was busted and I had the 92a new just never used cause I don’t care for conical but it’s nice. Flat bottom washer from bones

yeah the only complaint Ive heard was the shape of the Indy bushings fitting weird in some trucks, and the Indy bushings are a bit bigger than the thunder ones which I'd imagine could be weird depending on the tightness of the trucks
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: realbasedgod112 on February 01, 2022, 02:25:57 PM
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what's the deal with bones bushings on thunders? i've put a set in before for them to blow out after a month or two, but that's how thunders just tend to be.
any advice on increasing the longevity of them?
(i would get thunder bushings but no shops seem to stock them)

There's a bunch of Thunder bushings in stock on paradeworld: (

Thunder bushings always crack and blow out for me (probably due to the low temperates here). Krux bottom bushings are the exact same height as the Thunders and have lasted me a long time. They're also cheaper and don't harden up in the cold.
how would you say they turn compared to stock bushings? i prefer to ride looser trucks, so the quick responsive/twitchy turn matters more to me than having more stability.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on February 01, 2022, 03:56:50 PM
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what's the deal with bones bushings on thunders? i've put a set in before for them to blow out after a month or two, but that's how thunders just tend to be.
any advice on increasing the longevity of them?
(i would get thunder bushings but no shops seem to stock them)

There's a bunch of Thunder bushings in stock on paradeworld: (

Thunder bushings always crack and blow out for me (probably due to the low temperates here). Krux bottom bushings are the exact same height as the Thunders and have lasted me a long time. They're also cheaper and don't harden up in the cold.
how would you say they turn compared to stock bushings? i prefer to ride looser trucks, so the quick responsive/twitchy turn matters more to me than having more stability.

They're more stable feeling than the Thunder bushing. The Krux are barrel-shaped and 2 durometers harder on the A scale. Probably not what you're looking for, sorry.  :(
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 01, 2022, 04:31:35 PM
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OKAY so first time slap poster here but this is driving me insane. Ive ridden thunder 149s for the past 3 trucks always black kingpin black washers blue bushings, and then today i received my newest pair. They have black washers blue bushings like always but then the kingpin is now silver which has never happened and also on the back lf the truck u can see the kingpin is like pushed in more so maybe this truck will feel different? Idk just wondering if anyone has the same trucks as i do right now or if i just got a weird/fake pair.
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Looks like Thunder is setting the kingpin deeper into the baseplate now. Should allow to get them a little bit looser.
( (

I saw a newer set of Ventures that are like that too. I think it's just a shorter kingpin because the hanger clearance up top looks about the same as the old ones. Maybe that recessed bit on the baseplate is designed to fit a sleeve (like on the Mindys) if they ever release that inverted kingpin version.

I dm’d and got this response pretty quickly. DLX is awesome.( (

As said in the quote, they are genuine products, just issues with supply of the normal black kingpins, so the silver ones are being used for the time being.

Are they both silver kingpins in the trucks, so a matching pair?

One set that came through ended up having one silver and one black kingpin, so one newer and one older truck, which was a real pain as the usual skateboarder OCD just could not deal with that (and because of that the guy didn't want them, so sent them back) but they still work exactly the same way.

For another guy I know, he swapped out his older baseplates as he just didn't want to deal with silver kingpins either, so luckily the old baseplates were fine and was an easy fix.

* Not to stir up OCD truck madness, but looking at that silver kingpin with black nuts and washers, it does look funny, but when I swapped those parts out, to silver nuts and washers, they had a much more normal look.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on February 01, 2022, 05:05:13 PM
You could easily have fixed it with these Thrasher branded Sharpies... ;D

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: europa1991 on February 01, 2022, 07:24:32 PM
I guess you can say the KCDC sale is convincing me to pick up a set of standard team editions… so is it nuts to run 144s on a 8.25 with 54mm conical fulls. Will I be in the place they call wheelbite city? Is there a way around this without risers? Size up to a 149 axel  :-[ the madness is getting to me folks
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 01, 2022, 08:07:52 PM
148s are 8.25 wide…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on February 01, 2022, 08:11:55 PM
148s are 8.25 wide…

That's not what he's asking, at all. Jesus dude.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: europa1991 on February 01, 2022, 08:15:41 PM
Yeah I’m aware what size they are lol… but I just asked because I’ve been told that riding an 8.5 size truck on an 8.25 deck causes less wheelbite. Could be just their personal preference but I’m curious considering Thunders are a fairly low to mid level truck.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 01, 2022, 09:47:09 PM
I was correcting you because you said 144, which isn’t a size Thunder makes. Given they’re .125” wider per side you’re not changing the lever arm by a massive amount although it’s shorter on the 148s so you could wheelbite more. I’ve had 53 OG classics on 148 Teams and been fine and run them stock tightness and I’ve found for me that narrower tricks wheelbite less.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 02, 2022, 06:37:11 AM
You could easily have fixed it with these Thrasher branded Sharpies... ;D

Ha yeah, the mighty sharpie can fix anything!

For real though, marker pen always come out a little bit shiny and not the full black, so they might look even more funny.
 I have done it to deck bolts quite often, but even spray painting them they still come out a different colour, although if it is uniform, then it is way less noticeable so much less of a mental issue for some people.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: notinternetfamous on February 02, 2022, 10:58:15 AM
( (
suciu running IKPs, hope to see Thunder actually release them eventually
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on February 02, 2022, 11:01:08 AM
( (
suciu running IKPs, hope to see Thunder actually release them eventually

Serious wheelbite.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on February 02, 2022, 03:46:08 PM
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( (
suciu running IKPs, hope to see Thunder actually release them eventually

Serious wheelbite.
His wheels do look like they’re on the bigger side.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 02, 2022, 04:19:05 PM
I asked and he said he rides 53 conicals and hollow lights with forged plates then left me on read about the IKP.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on February 02, 2022, 04:54:53 PM
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stick to stock as much as you can, bones bushings always blow out quick whether you run tight, med or loose trucks. deserve to have there own overrated thread, that's just my opinion though. Others will swear by them.

one of my coworkers at my local shop ran the indy hard bushings in his thunders, he rides super tight trucks, and he seemed to love em.

we commonly sell the bones bushings but we constantly hear about them blowing out, however Ive never heard complaints about the wide range of Indy bushings we have sold, people seem to prefer them once they try them.

personally i found that the stock bushings in any of the truck brands i have rode (thunder, indy, ace) at a medium tightness have worked like a dream.

I have the 92a conical Indy bushings in my thunders and I’m enjoying it. I prefer stock but they was busted and I had the 92a new just never used cause I don’t care for conical but it’s nice. Flat bottom washer from bones

yeah the only complaint Ive heard was the shape of the Indy bushings fitting weird in some trucks, and the Indy bushings are a bit bigger than the thunder ones which I'd imagine could be weird depending on the tightness of the trucks

But they're not. Thunders bottoms are taller than indy stock or aftermarkets; the conical indy aftermarkets are 'close enough' tho...maybe a 1mm difference so nothing to worry about, tops are the same. The trade off is more duro options and better rebound.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ol Nick on February 05, 2022, 04:35:14 PM
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Thunder's seem to be the only trucks that don't work well for me in cold weather. I live in Vancouver, which is pretty mild compared to the rest of Canada. The bushings just harden right up. Never had this issue with Indy's.

Complete opposite for me, I usually ride indy bushings(88/90) in my thunders after the stock ones crumble, but they always freeze. Got some new thunder 90a bushings and while they do get harder outside, they never feel like rocks.
I might try ace bushings in thunders next, bottom seems to be the same size. (Indy bottoms are 1mm smaller)

I went back and reread the entire thread just looking for ideas to get over the creaky Thunder bushings since Houston has finally had some cold days. Put some worn-in Ace barrels (and Ace bottom washer) in the 151s and they have done way better in the cold. They are soft enough to not feel hard even if they’re still tightening some and have minimal squeak. Turn is similar to stock conical at first but as you get to the point where they usually collapse into wheelbite, it eases you in instead. For heavier people, these or a similar height soft barrel that fits in the yoke might be the answer to riding thunders without having to step up bushing hardness. I’m about to order a grip of bushings and give in to the madness a little.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: realbasedgod112 on February 06, 2022, 03:30:53 PM
any thunder riders here grinded down to the axle? mine are starting to get some (albeit shallow) grooves, i was wondering what the timeframe is for it to happen.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 06, 2022, 04:32:41 PM
any thunder riders here grinded down to the axle? mine are starting to get some (albeit shallow) grooves, i was wondering what the timeframe is for it to happen.

If you are skating normally, not crusty raw concrete curbs or pool coping, Thunders usually last a good while, but as they are a thinner metal on the hanger than some other trucks, they don't last as long on the crusty stuff and can be eaten to axle in a week on really raw grinds, but that was more just seeing how quick they could go through them.

I still have some from years ago that people skated to axle then took off and they still skate fine, although the flat grinded surface is more a pain than the newer thinner fresh truck feel.

So overall, from a week to many years, going both opposites of the scale.  Most of the guys I know go through trucks within a year, or at least swap them out when they start to feel too worn down, often about 3 to 6 months minimum really.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on February 07, 2022, 09:33:40 AM
One of the reasons why I quit riding thunders….6 mo.  I skate often but I rarely grind far.  Thats why thunders are so light though, there is less meat than an Indy or Venture…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on February 07, 2022, 09:39:37 AM
I grinded a set of Thunders down to the axle a couple sets ago. Think it took maybe a year, which I think is a reasonable timeline.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: realbasedgod112 on February 07, 2022, 02:34:18 PM
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any thunder riders here grinded down to the axle? mine are starting to get some (albeit shallow) grooves, i was wondering what the timeframe is for it to happen.

If you are skating normally, not crusty raw concrete curbs or pool coping, Thunders usually last a good while, but as they are a thinner metal on the hanger than some other trucks, they don't last as long on the crusty stuff and can be eaten to axle in a week on really raw grinds, but that was more just seeing how quick they could go through them.

I still have some from years ago that people skated to axle then took off and they still skate fine, although the flat grinded surface is more a pain than the newer thinner fresh truck feel.

So overall, from a week to many years, going both opposites of the scale.  Most of the guys I know go through trucks within a year, or at least swap them out when they start to feel too worn down, often about 3 to 6 months minimum really.
thanks for that, i've been on a set of thunders for a little over a year now. only started slappies in the past 3 months, and they've worn about double what they had before in a quarter of the time!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Crabby_Bastard on February 07, 2022, 04:52:19 PM
I ride titanium Thunders for this very reason. I usually grind down to the axle in 4-6 months but I usually have at least another 4-6 months before they break. Hollows break/bend much quicker.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on February 07, 2022, 05:17:38 PM
I ride titanium Thunders for this very reason. I usually grind down to the axle in 4-6 months but I usually have at least another 4-6 months before they break. Hollows break/bend much quicker.

this is the only spot I've seen the 147 titanium ones available in forever:
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 08, 2022, 04:39:41 AM
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any thunder riders here grinded down to the axle? mine are starting to get some (albeit shallow) grooves, i was wondering what the timeframe is for it to happen.

If you are skating normally, not crusty raw concrete curbs or pool coping, Thunders usually last a good while, but as they are a thinner metal on the hanger than some other trucks, they don't last as long on the crusty stuff and can be eaten to axle in a week on really raw grinds, but that was more just seeing how quick they could go through them.

I still have some from years ago that people skated to axle then took off and they still skate fine, although the flat grinded surface is more a pain than the newer thinner fresh truck feel.

So overall, from a week to many years, going both opposites of the scale.  Most of the guys I know go through trucks within a year, or at least swap them out when they start to feel too worn down, often about 3 to 6 months minimum really.

thanks for that, i've been on a set of thunders for a little over a year now. only started slappies in the past 3 months, and they've worn about double what they had before in a quarter of the time!

Yeah I found slappies ate trucks so easily, but on the bright side, anyone who wears trucks down to the point of grinding axle but doesn't break them can swap them out, then set them up on a second board or as a cruiser easily enough to give another option.  They are still good, usually weigh less with way less metal on them and you can still skate them as usual (minus the slappies) easily enough too.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on March 02, 2022, 12:04:43 PM
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Thunder's seem to be the only trucks that don't work well for me in cold weather. I live in Vancouver, which is pretty mild compared to the rest of Canada. The bushings just harden right up. Never had this issue with Indy's.

Complete opposite for me, I usually ride indy bushings(88/90) in my thunders after the stock ones crumble, but they always freeze. Got some new thunder 90a bushings and while they do get harder outside, they never feel like rocks.
I might try ace bushings in thunders next, bottom seems to be the same size. (Indy bottoms are 1mm smaller)

I went back and reread the entire thread just looking for ideas to get over the creaky Thunder bushings since Houston has finally had some cold days. Put some worn-in Ace barrels (and Ace bottom washer) in the 151s and they have done way better in the cold. They are soft enough to not feel hard even if they’re still tightening some and have minimal squeak. Turn is similar to stock conical at first but as you get to the point where they usually collapse into wheelbite, it eases you in instead. For heavier people, these or a similar height soft barrel that fits in the yoke might be the answer to riding thunders without having to step up bushing hardness. I’m about to order a grip of bushings and give in to the madness a little.

Has anybody tried shaving down ace bushings a bit to fit thunders and all other trucks better? These are the best bushings ever and I'd love to have them in all trucks. I'm curious what ace bottom bushing in the shape of a thunder bottom would feel like. I want to try it but ace bushings are so precious to me because I can't buy them anywhere around me.

Edit: Just tried the new royal bushings in my thunders, the bottom is the same size but the top is too big. These bushings are just as good as ace.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CaderSk8r on March 02, 2022, 12:29:53 PM
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Thunder's seem to be the only trucks that don't work well for me in cold weather. I live in Vancouver, which is pretty mild compared to the rest of Canada. The bushings just harden right up. Never had this issue with Indy's.

Complete opposite for me, I usually ride indy bushings(88/90) in my thunders after the stock ones crumble, but they always freeze. Got some new thunder 90a bushings and while they do get harder outside, they never feel like rocks.
I might try ace bushings in thunders next, bottom seems to be the same size. (Indy bottoms are 1mm smaller)

I went back and reread the entire thread just looking for ideas to get over the creaky Thunder bushings since Houston has finally had some cold days. Put some worn-in Ace barrels (and Ace bottom washer) in the 151s and they have done way better in the cold. They are soft enough to not feel hard even if they’re still tightening some and have minimal squeak. Turn is similar to stock conical at first but as you get to the point where they usually collapse into wheelbite, it eases you in instead. For heavier people, these or a similar height soft barrel that fits in the yoke might be the answer to riding thunders without having to step up bushing hardness. I’m about to order a grip of bushings and give in to the madness a little.

Has anybody tried shaving down ace bushings a bit to fit thunders and all other trucks better? These are the best bushings ever and I'd love to have them in all trucks. I'm curious what ace bottom bushing in the shape of a thunder bottom would feel like. I want to try it but ace bushings are so precious to me because I can't buy them anywhere around me.

Edit: Just tried the new royal bushings in my thunders, the bottom is the same size but the top is too big. These bushings are just as good as ace.

I use an ace top bushing as the bottom bushing in my thunders, gives me kind of a hybrid ishod setup
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: chillclinton87 on March 06, 2022, 06:47:35 AM
Just a heads up and kinda off topic:

Usually ride my thunders stock but they tend to freeze up when it's below like 7 celsius or so. Igot frustrated with it lately and switched them out for the red thunder aftermarket bushings from the rebuild kit i got myself- they are 90A duro too just like the stock ones but are way more surfy feeling!

Back on topic:

Haven't had squeaky trucks in forever but never bothered me too much personally. coud be that it is rather the pivot cup than the bushings- just try putting a little wax into the pivot cup, that might help!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on March 14, 2022, 07:47:47 PM

In the comments Axle says he’s riding 8.375 with Thunder 149 and 56mm wheels. Kingpin looks flush. No risers either. That’s a pretty good size wheel for a 52mm high truck.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 14, 2022, 08:33:34 PM

In the comments Axle says he’s riding 8.375 with Thunder 149 and 56mm wheels. Kingpin looks flush. No risers either. That’s a pretty good size wheel for a 52mm high truck.

Highly relevant to my interest. Very similar to what I’m riding (with polar opposite results, obviously).
I’ve got some bigger sets of wheels I need to start wearing down.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rattus Localis on March 16, 2022, 07:20:35 PM
Just set up some 148 team hollows and I was shocked at how well they turned. I had a set of 147 lights a couple of years ago that didn't turn anywhere near as well and gave me a lot of wheel bite due to the lower height.

I'm absolutely loving these 148s. Perfect height and weight, and they grind fucking well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 16, 2022, 07:41:02 PM
Just set up some 148 team hollows and I was shocked at how well they turned. I had a set of 147 lights a couple of years ago that didn't turn anywhere near as well and gave me a lot of wheel bite due to the lower height.

I'm absolutely loving these 148s. Perfect height and weight, and they grind fucking well.

I got some 148 lights. Haven’t really gotten into them. I managed to kook it and get the forged plate, solid axle (what they had), but the cast plate is so much nicer feeling. I’ll probably set them up once I get off this 8.5 deck kick (using thunder 149s with that).
I think I’m going to try one of those 8.25x14.38x32 dlx decks when that time comes, but I was just looking at Suciu’s shape…
Anyways, pleased with thunders rn
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Murge on March 16, 2022, 07:45:04 PM
When did axle leave Indy?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on March 24, 2022, 05:11:20 AM
I’m not sure. Maybe late last year?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on March 24, 2022, 05:14:06 AM
Just picked these up yesterday
( (

The bases look black in the photo but they’re actually a dark grey. Thunders used to come in polished or completely raw. I loved the raw for the grind. Hopefully these feel the same!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on March 24, 2022, 07:43:13 AM
I weigh 160-165 at 6 foot 3 and noticed both of my Thunder ti hangers have bent axles. I don’t skate much other than a curb and some ankle to knee height ledges and low transition so it’s pretty surprising.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 24, 2022, 07:53:23 AM
I weigh 160-165 at 6 foot 3 and noticed both of my Thunder ti hangers have bent axles. I don’t skate much other than a curb and some ankle to knee height ledges and low transition so it’s pretty surprising.

That sucks. I’ve never had titanium trucks, I’d be bummed for sure if that happened. I used to break thunder kingpins, but that was 20 plus years ago, since then their qc has been, for me, the best (least problematic).
I’m envious of that height to weight ratio: I am much shorter, and a bit heavier. I cannot break a board, and certainly not trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on March 24, 2022, 08:53:09 AM
I weigh 160-165 at 6 foot 3 and noticed both of my Thunder ti hangers have bent axles. I don’t skate much other than a curb and some ankle to knee height ledges and low transition so it’s pretty surprising.

I noticed curbs will always bend my axles (thunders or otherwise) but I've never tried TI hangers. I would think those would avoid the bending more.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on March 24, 2022, 09:19:05 AM
Has anyone put their Ti Thunders on a diet? Brand new my 149's weighed ~335 grams. Got them down to ~305 which is less than Tensor ATGs (which claims they're 30% lighter than every other truck on the market). Hoping to get sub 300 when 3/8 Ti washers arrive. Not that it matters, just a weird project.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 24, 2022, 11:41:56 AM
Has anyone put their Ti Thunders on a diet? Brand new my 149's weighed ~335 grams. Got them down to ~305 which is less than Tensor ATGs (which claims they're 30% lighter than every other truck on the market). Hoping to get sub 300 when 3/8 Ti washers arrive. Not that it matters, just a weird project.

Does it help?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on March 24, 2022, 12:07:12 PM
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Has anyone put their Ti Thunders on a diet? Brand new my 149's weighed ~335 grams. Got them down to ~305 which is less than Tensor ATGs (which claims they're 30% lighter than every other truck on the market). Hoping to get sub 300 when 3/8 Ti washers arrive. Not that it matters, just a weird project.

Does it help?

Knocked out the old kingpins and popped on some titanium nuts and titanium kingpins. Planning on drilling out the baseplates for too, because fuck it, why not, I'm bored and it's raining outside.

It's only a 60-gram difference, but it's noticeable. Feels like you can pop over anything, and the board doesn't hurt too bad when it smacks your shins. The total weight is 5 pounds 1 oz with a 32 x 8.5 deck and ~50mm radial slims.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 24, 2022, 12:41:13 PM
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Has anyone put their Ti Thunders on a diet? Brand new my 149's weighed ~335 grams. Got them down to ~305 which is less than Tensor ATGs (which claims they're 30% lighter than every other truck on the market). Hoping to get sub 300 when 3/8 Ti washers arrive. Not that it matters, just a weird project.

Does it help?

Knocked out the old kingpins and popped on some titanium nuts and titanium kingpins. Planning on drilling out the baseplates for too, because fuck it, why not, I'm bored and it's raining outside.

It's only a 60-gram difference, but it's noticeable. Feels like you can pop over anything, and the board doesn't hurt too bad when it smacks your shins. The total weight is 5 pounds 1 oz with a 32 x 8.5 deck and ~50mm radial slims.

So sick! Heavy mods.
I’m skating a few different setups with thunders, and recently switched to 52 and less wheels. Skating is so much more fun (in this fairly smooth parking lot). I’ve always been the least picky about wheels…but damn if it doesn’t have a huge effect.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on March 24, 2022, 02:55:44 PM
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Has anyone put their Ti Thunders on a diet? Brand new my 149's weighed ~335 grams. Got them down to ~305 which is less than Tensor ATGs (which claims they're 30% lighter than every other truck on the market). Hoping to get sub 300 when 3/8 Ti washers arrive. Not that it matters, just a weird project.

Does it help?

Knocked out the old kingpins and popped on some titanium nuts and titanium kingpins. Planning on drilling out the baseplates for too, because fuck it, why not, I'm bored and it's raining outside.

It's only a 60-gram difference, but it's noticeable. Feels like you can pop over anything, and the board doesn't hurt too bad when it smacks your shins. The total weight is 5 pounds 1 oz with a 32 x 8.5 deck and ~50mm radial slims.

Imagine if you started with 149 Titaniums like the set I have, 310gr each, stock and new.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on March 24, 2022, 05:50:24 PM
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Has anyone put their Ti Thunders on a diet? Brand new my 149's weighed ~335 grams. Got them down to ~305 which is less than Tensor ATGs (which claims they're 30% lighter than every other truck on the market). Hoping to get sub 300 when 3/8 Ti washers arrive. Not that it matters, just a weird project.

Does it help?

Knocked out the old kingpins and popped on some titanium nuts and titanium kingpins. Planning on drilling out the baseplates for too, because fuck it, why not, I'm bored and it's raining outside.

It's only a 60-gram difference, but it's noticeable. Feels like you can pop over anything, and the board doesn't hurt too bad when it smacks your shins. The total weight is 5 pounds 1 oz with a 32 x 8.5 deck and ~50mm radial slims.

Imagine if you started with 149 Titaniums like the set I have, 310gr each, stock and new.

Damn, luck of the draw, huh?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ol Nick on March 24, 2022, 06:22:35 PM
Has anyone put their Ti Thunders on a diet? Brand new my 149's weighed ~335 grams. Got them down to ~305 which is less than Tensor ATGs (which claims they're 30% lighter than every other truck on the market). Hoping to get sub 300 when 3/8 Ti washers arrive. Not that it matters, just a weird project.
That’s with the same race car bolts you had in another set of trucks?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on March 24, 2022, 07:23:46 PM
Yep, same bolts. They were worth the money.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on March 24, 2022, 07:55:35 PM
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I weigh 160-165 at 6 foot 3 and noticed both of my Thunder ti hangers have bent axles. I don’t skate much other than a curb and some ankle to knee height ledges and low transition so it’s pretty surprising.

I noticed curbs will always bend my axles (thunders or otherwise) but I've never tried TI hangers. I would think those would avoid the bending more.

It might just be me, but I feel like I have seen more bent Ti axles than regular or hollow, especially in proportion to how many there would be around, compared to regular or hollow.

The other troublesome thing is I can never hammer or bend Ti axles back straight, the way I can with regular or hollow.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on March 25, 2022, 11:34:11 AM
Thunder instagram story announced a 10" axle thunder.
size "181"

Not excited though, I just want some damn titaniums back in europe again. It's been over 2 years
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on March 26, 2022, 05:54:13 AM
Every time Thunder put out a wider truck, I get super intrigued. I have no need for 10" trucks but can't wait to see what the 181s look like. Still haven't tried 161s...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 26, 2022, 07:18:20 AM
Every time Thunder put out a wider truck, I get super intrigued. I have no need for 10" trucks but can't wait to see what the 181s look like. Still haven't tried 161s...

I do appreciate the larger sizes, even tho I’m not trying to skate them (at this time): it’s nice to settle in on a brand, some of it is some weird consumer shit on my part, some of it is it’s nice to have some consistency across setups. Been on a thunder bender lately, works.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on March 26, 2022, 10:25:14 AM

300 and 302 grams. So close to sub 300. I tried drilling out the baseplates but the material was much harder than Indy forged plates, not worth the effort without a drill press.

It's really weird to me that your titaniums started off so heavy. Where's all that mass? My titaniums (148) were around 305g new.

According to skatedeluxe, the 149 hollow lights are 324g. Titaniums should definitely be lighter
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on March 26, 2022, 10:31:26 AM
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300 and 302 grams. So close to sub 300. I tried drilling out the baseplates but the material was much harder than Indy forged plates, not worth the effort without a drill press.

It's really weird to me that your titaniums started off so heavy. Where's all that mass? My titaniums (148) were around 305g new.

According to skatedeluxe, the 149 hollow lights are 324g. Titaniums should definitely be lighter

I'm guessing the hanger has more meat for some reason, as the baseplates only weigh 70 grams each. But I don't understand it either.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ol Nick on March 26, 2022, 11:24:53 AM
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300 and 302 grams. So close to sub 300. I tried drilling out the baseplates but the material was much harder than Indy forged plates, not worth the effort without a drill press.

It's really weird to me that your titaniums started off so heavy. Where's all that mass? My titaniums (148) were around 305g new.

According to skatedeluxe, the 149 hollow lights are 324g. Titaniums should definitely be lighter

I'm guessing the hanger has more meat for some reason, as the baseplates only weigh 70 grams each. But I don't understand it either.
Oh, I didn’t realize this was in the Thunder baseplates, I figured those other plates you were modding maybe helped get it lighter. Can I see a pic of the baseplate/nut side or are they already set up?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on March 26, 2022, 11:31:59 AM
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300 and 302 grams. So close to sub 300. I tried drilling out the baseplates but the material was much harder than Indy forged plates, not worth the effort without a drill press.

It's really weird to me that your titaniums started off so heavy. Where's all that mass? My titaniums (148) were around 305g new.

According to skatedeluxe, the 149 hollow lights are 324g. Titaniums should definitely be lighter

I'm guessing the hanger has more meat for some reason, as the baseplates only weigh 70 grams each. But I don't understand it either.
Oh, I didn’t realize this was in the Thunder baseplates, I figured those other plates you were modding maybe helped get it lighter. Can I see a pic of the baseplate/nut side or are they already set up?

I set them up already. :(
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ol Nick on March 26, 2022, 11:53:55 AM
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300 and 302 grams. So close to sub 300. I tried drilling out the baseplates but the material was much harder than Indy forged plates, not worth the effort without a drill press.

It's really weird to me that your titaniums started off so heavy. Where's all that mass? My titaniums (148) were around 305g new.

According to skatedeluxe, the 149 hollow lights are 324g. Titaniums should definitely be lighter

I'm guessing the hanger has more meat for some reason, as the baseplates only weigh 70 grams each. But I don't understand it either.
Oh, I didn’t realize this was in the Thunder baseplates, I figured those other plates you were modding maybe helped get it lighter. Can I see a pic of the baseplate/nut side or are they already set up?

I set them up already. :(
It’s cool. I’ve been at the stage where the race car bolts just have their own permanent browser tab for a month or two now. Probably have a couple more before I take it to the next level. And I don’t even know what that level is.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on March 26, 2022, 12:04:44 PM
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300 and 302 grams. So close to sub 300. I tried drilling out the baseplates but the material was much harder than Indy forged plates, not worth the effort without a drill press.

It's really weird to me that your titaniums started off so heavy. Where's all that mass? My titaniums (148) were around 305g new.

According to skatedeluxe, the 149 hollow lights are 324g. Titaniums should definitely be lighter

I'm guessing the hanger has more meat for some reason, as the baseplates only weigh 70 grams each. But I don't understand it either.
Oh, I didn’t realize this was in the Thunder baseplates, I figured those other plates you were modding maybe helped get it lighter. Can I see a pic of the baseplate/nut side or are they already set up?

I set them up already. :(
It’s cool. I’ve been at the stage where the race car bolts just have their own permanent browser tab for a month or two now. Probably have a couple more before I take it to the next level. And I don’t even know what that level is.

Haha, I feel you. It's not too bad compared to cycling. Some dudes I knew dropped hundreds of dollars on hub bearings that'd save them 1/8th of a watt. All so they could be pack fodder in a charity Gran Fondo.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on March 26, 2022, 04:53:49 PM
I love how a few years back all the major bike brands were pushing these super integrated aero bikes that rode like ass and were a pain to work on and it turned out none of their wind tunnel testing transferred to real world conditions like they thought and now people are back on much more traditional frames. My teammate had a Venge Vias and it was the ugliest piece of shit and the internal cabling was heinous to work on. Oh and he was terrible so it was all for naught.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: yourbreakfsat on March 27, 2022, 08:37:45 PM

300 and 302 grams. So close to sub 300. I tried drilling out the baseplates but the material was much harder than Indy forged plates, not worth the effort without a drill press.

Ditch the baseplate and kingpin to shed more wieght :v
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on March 27, 2022, 10:49:08 PM
I ran krux down-los, cast baseplate and ti hangers….it was a good set up. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Skatebeard on March 28, 2022, 11:56:25 AM
After two years of skating constant flatground (around 500 hours I estimate), I've finally snapped a kingpin on my hollow light IIs.

For a hollow kingpin I feel like that's not terribly bad going, weird trick for it to happen on though, switch FS pop shuv.

Love the trucks so have already got a new kingpin on order. I'm on Venture lows on my spare setup in the meantime and whilst they don't suck for flatground at all, I'm missing the Thunder turn already.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on March 28, 2022, 12:08:47 PM
If all else fails DM DLX/Thunder, they have pretty good customer service and may be able to help.  I barely got the kingpin out of my cast plates…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: JugeL on March 28, 2022, 12:23:20 PM
I remember my father breaking his wrist trying to hammer out kingpin out of Thunder baseplate 15 years ago

Shoutout to my dad who has broken more bones than me with skateboards despite not skating
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Skatebeard on March 28, 2022, 12:26:55 PM
If all else fails DM DLX/Thunder, they have pretty good customer service and may be able to help.  I barely got the kingpin out of my cast plates…

Yeah man I'm not looking forward to hammering it out tbh, think it'll be a vice and centre punch job. That splined section looks like it's pretty well in there.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on March 28, 2022, 12:39:57 PM
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300 and 302 grams. So close to sub 300. I tried drilling out the baseplates but the material was much harder than Indy forged plates, not worth the effort without a drill press.

Ditch the baseplate and kingpin to shed more wieght :v

Thank you for sharing this! Ingenious considering he used Krux trucks so no turning radius was lost.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on March 28, 2022, 10:59:39 PM
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If all else fails DM DLX/Thunder, they have pretty good customer service and may be able to help.  I barely got the kingpin out of my cast plates…

Yeah man I'm not looking forward to hammering it out tbh, think it'll be a vice and centre punch job. That splined section looks like it's pretty well in there.

My trucks was rather new, so I got a new pair, but I tried hammering the kingpin out. I actually bent the kingpin instead. Its seriously tight... Seriously need to attach the baseplate to something solid, and then have a giant hammer, or the best would probably be a hydraulic press
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Skatebeard on March 29, 2022, 12:46:43 AM
Mine actually snapped down inside the baseplate so I'm hoping that makes it a bit easier to hammer out as there isn't a load of kingpin to try and get back through the hole.

Guess i'll find out!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: timv on March 29, 2022, 06:53:40 PM
I broke two hollow kingpins on venture forged baseplates and used a drill press to drill most of it out and then was able to hammer out the rest fairly easy.  Had to be careful not to drill out the splined edge inside baseplate.  I put down lows in with jb welded nuts though……
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on March 29, 2022, 09:08:03 PM
My impression is that the older ones were easier to get out, so I’d keep my eye out for them.  Ie. Craigslist or friends. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Damoforce on March 29, 2022, 11:18:03 PM
If all else fails DM DLX/Thunder, they have pretty good customer service and may be able to help.  I barely got the kingpin out of my cast plates…

Thunder its self customer service was really bad imo. Never resolved my issue. I ended up going to where I bought them from and they were super helpful.

And on the kingpin, I couldn't get one out of a forged plate. The only way I see is drilling.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: freidnly guy on April 05, 2022, 01:45:50 PM

thunder 181 in this Stock Report
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 05, 2022, 03:37:57 PM
Frank is fucking gold.

I'm in for those yellow spits!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: braksabbath on April 08, 2022, 11:51:04 AM
Anyone want to trade their Thunder 149 for these? Hollow preferred but standard works too.
Ace 33 classic, only used on a rain board with giant wheels, no grinds. Has Bones bushings, don’t have the stock.
Indy 159 standard, lightly skated, no grooves
Indy 169 standard, lightly skated, no grooves
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 08, 2022, 03:44:39 PM
Are baseplates interchangeable? I have 147s, 148s, 149s. 2 are hollow/forged, 1 cast. The front does change thru the size range…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 08, 2022, 04:21:38 PM
Are baseplates interchangeable? I have 147s, 148s, 149s. 2 are hollow/forged, 1 cast. The front does change thru the size range…

Baseplate should be interchangeable. I’ve never noticed a difference with the front of the baseplates between sizes but I will check it out when I’m in the shop tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: lazer69 on April 08, 2022, 04:50:07 PM
I need some replacement bushings for my thunders, but it seems their 94 duro rebuild kit is out of stock everywhere :-\
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 09, 2022, 07:45:10 AM
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Are baseplates interchangeable? I have 147s, 148s, 149s. 2 are hollow/forged, 1 cast. The front does change thru the size range…

Baseplate should be interchangeable. I’ve never noticed a difference with the front of the baseplates between sizes but I will check it out when I’m in the shop tomorrow.

At work right now. Just matched up baseplates across different sizes and everything is the exact same ( with the exception of forged vs cast). Mix and match as you like as long as both baseplates are either cast or forged.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 09, 2022, 07:59:25 AM
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Are baseplates interchangeable? I have 147s, 148s, 149s. 2 are hollow/forged, 1 cast. The front does change thru the size range…

Baseplate should be interchangeable. I’ve never noticed a difference with the front of the baseplates between sizes but I will check it out when I’m in the shop tomorrow.

At work right now. Just matched up baseplates across different sizes and everything is the exact same ( with the exception of forged vs cast). Mix and match as you like as long as both baseplates are either cast or forged.

Thanks! So I guess that means the geometry differences are all in the hangers
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on April 17, 2022, 11:16:09 PM

thunder 181 in this Stock Report

i want those 181. i wonder when will they be available?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mick on April 18, 2022, 02:37:57 AM
( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: disappointed on April 18, 2022, 02:49:02 AM

Any update on the ikp for Thunder?
I saw some time back in this thread that Suciu and Ishod (maybe others too) were skating ikp, so expected it to come out...did I miss it?

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on April 18, 2022, 04:17:53 AM

Any update on the ikp for Thunder?
I saw some time back in this thread that Suciu and Ishod (maybe others too) were skating ikp, so expected it to come out...did I miss it?

I haven't seen anything about it from any of them, but the most recent set of Thunder team editions I saw have the hex head hole in the baseplate, which should make it a whole lot easier to fit them, for those who are so inclined.

Note:  Others had posted pics of this earlier in this thread too - just a bit too tired and late now to dig up the link - but there aren't that many pages to go back through.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: disappointed on April 18, 2022, 08:20:33 AM
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Any update on the ikp for Thunder?
I saw some time back in this thread that Suciu and Ishod (maybe others too) were skating ikp, so expected it to come out...did I miss it?

I haven't seen anything about it from any of them, but the most recent set of Thunder team editions I saw have the hex head hole in the baseplate, which should make it a whole lot easier to fit them, for those who are so inclined.

Note:  Others had posted pics of this earlier in this thread too - just a bit too tired and late now to dig up the link - but there aren't that many pages to go back through.

Yeah, I remember those pics that the OG plate had slightly changed to fit a hexnut. But goddam are those Thunder kingpins hard to getout! I just figured that if two Thunder SOTYs are skating ikp that Thunder was going to release them as a ready product. Maybe it’s still in development, guess we’ll see.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on April 18, 2022, 07:04:13 PM
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Any update on the ikp for Thunder?
I saw some time back in this thread that Suciu and Ishod (maybe others too) were skating ikp, so expected it to come out...did I miss it?

I haven't seen anything about it from any of them, but the most recent set of Thunder team editions I saw have the hex head hole in the baseplate, which should make it a whole lot easier to fit them, for those who are so inclined.

Note:  Others had posted pics of this earlier in this thread too - just a bit too tired and late now to dig up the link - but there aren't that many pages to go back through.

Yeah, I remember those pics that the OG plate had slightly changed to fit a hexnut. But goddam are those Thunder kingpins hard to getout! I just figured that if two Thunder SOTYs are skating ikp that Thunder was going to release them as a ready product. Maybe it’s still in development, guess we’ll see.

I would say there are definitely things going on behind the scenes, but until they actually come up with something that works and holds well, they don't want the Indy mid issue coming back to bite them in the ass too.

Some people seem to have much better luck getting kingpins out of trucks than others, but having a jig set up to hold the baseplates seems to be the best option, without having to hammer the life out of the baseplate and possibly break or bend it in the process.  Some guys have made one completely from scratch, while others use an old board mounting holes with a cut out in the area of the deck where the kingpin can fall out, all of that securely fixed to a bench or something.

Not sure how true this is but leaving them out in the sun for most of a day also makes it easier to get the kingpins out - heat causes the metal to expand, etc.  Warmer is easier to work than colder at any rate when it comes to any metal.

If you are on Instagram, there is a whole lot of info under #fuckwithyourtrucks and this guy does a lot of stuff:


Never seen this one but it is a solid way as well, with a little more cost and planning.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Damoforce on April 18, 2022, 11:42:26 PM
If someone made a tool to remove kingpins, I'd buy one! I reckon they would make a killing. Like adding a axle re thredder to the skate tool. Just handy things to have
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lo-fi Explosion on April 19, 2022, 02:19:56 AM
I might have found a solution to the more meat on the baseplate problem, just buy some cheap element trucks
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 19, 2022, 10:07:47 AM
I might have found a solution to the more meat on the baseplate problem, just buy some cheap element trucks

55mm Conical Wide wheels on Thunder light 148 and my baseplate still drags on nose and tail slides. I don’t see the Thunder Baseplate as an issue. The lack of grind clearance on those Element trucks is disturbing.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: beandemon on April 19, 2022, 12:34:14 PM
If someone made a tool to remove kingpins, I'd buy one! I reckon they would make a killing. Like adding a axle re thredder to the skate tool. Just handy things to have
That pitman arm puller is about as good as you’re going to do.  You don’t need an impact either. A way to hold the baseplate or body of the puller and a wrench for the forcing screw.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 19, 2022, 02:07:02 PM
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If someone made a tool to remove kingpins, I'd buy one! I reckon they would make a killing. Like adding a axle re thredder to the skate tool. Just handy things to have
That pitman arm puller is about as good as you’re going to do.  You don’t need an impact either. A way to hold the baseplate or body of the puller and a wrench for the forcing screw.

That thing looks killer...but, I gotta say, a parking block with a rebar hole and a hammer are going to do you right for cast plates....forged are just a nightmare.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lo-fi Explosion on April 20, 2022, 12:42:16 AM
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I might have found a solution to the more meat on the baseplate problem, just buy some cheap element trucks

55mm Conical Wide wheels on Thunder light 148 and my baseplate still drags on nose and tail slides. I don’t see the Thunder Baseplate as an issue. The lack of grind clearance on those Element trucks is disturbing.
I may have been a bit too vague with my post, i'm talking about "frankentrucking" and using the element baseplate with a thunder hanger...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 20, 2022, 05:13:49 AM
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I might have found a solution to the more meat on the baseplate problem, just buy some cheap element trucks

55mm Conical Wide wheels on Thunder light 148 and my baseplate still drags on nose and tail slides. I don’t see the Thunder Baseplate as an issue. The lack of grind clearance on those Element trucks is disturbing.
I may have been a bit too vague with my post, i'm talking about "frankentrucking" and using the element baseplate with a thunder hanger...

We know what you meant.
I really don’t see an issue with the Thunder baseplate though. A proper technique means no sticking.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 20, 2022, 07:39:42 AM
I might be the only person on earth that slides better on Thunder
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Murge on April 20, 2022, 08:07:45 AM
I might be the only person on earth that slides better on Thunder

Front noses are my go too trick when skating a ledge and I don’t have issues with thunders. Well I don’t have any more issues than I do with other trucks as far as sticking on slides.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 20, 2022, 10:40:06 AM
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I might have found a solution to the more meat on the baseplate problem, just buy some cheap element trucks

55mm Conical Wide wheels on Thunder light 148 and my baseplate still drags on nose and tail slides. I don’t see the Thunder Baseplate as an issue. The lack of grind clearance on those Element trucks is disturbing.
I may have been a bit too vague with my post, i'm talking about "frankentrucking" and using the element baseplate with a thunder hanger...

We know what you meant.
I really don’t see an issue with the Thunder baseplate though. A proper technique means no sticking.

Proper technique for sure, but it depends on your style, I find that the longer the slide the more I tend to lock in with the baseplates when skating anything other than thunders (especially ledges but not for curbs)...but I've ridden thunders for so long off and on that my [sloppy] technique is to not lock in but just balance flat on the tail as much as I can. This results in shorter slide however.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DarkPools on April 20, 2022, 01:50:51 PM
Slightly off topic and maybe more appropriate for the Scrape Report thread, but I have a weird thing about scrapes being too far away from the nose or tail. Something just looks..... wrong when there's a lot of untouched deck between the baseplate and the scrape marks.

I'm in the camp that all nose/tail slides should be done as close to the baseplate as possible. Now, this isn't including the one-offs you get away with that you're not locked in, but in general.

Thunders don't have the best baseplate to slide ratio, but I know many people still manage to make their technique work on em. I'm considering trying a pair of Thunders again on alt setup (Chocolate Couch shape) and some STFs. That tiny WB is no good with my Indys that I usually run.

I have the 9.25" Couch, would 151s be just fine?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on April 20, 2022, 01:53:52 PM
Yep. I run the Couch with 151s. It is a heavenly combo. In fact this is the only shape I use Thunders on these days.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 20, 2022, 04:45:53 PM
Slightly off topic and maybe more appropriate for the Scrape Report thread, but I have a weird thing about scrapes being too far away from the nose or tail. Something just looks..... wrong when there's a lot of untouched deck between the baseplate and the scrape marks.

Like this!? @DarkPools  ;P
( (

I can't help it, it's just how it goes these days (again this is from skating thunders more than any other truck).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on April 20, 2022, 07:35:05 PM
Slightly off topic and maybe more appropriate for the Scrape Report thread, but I have a weird thing about scrapes being too far away from the nose or tail. Something just looks..... wrong when there's a lot of untouched deck between the baseplate and the scrape marks.

I'm in the camp that all nose/tail slides should be done as close to the baseplate as possible. Now, this isn't including the one-offs you get away with that you're not locked in, but in general.

Thunders don't have the best baseplate to slide ratio, but I know many people still manage to make their technique work on em. I'm considering trying a pair of Thunders again on alt setup (Chocolate Couch shape) and some STFs. That tiny WB is no good with my Indys that I usually run.

I have the 9.25" Couch, would 151s be just fine?

I think one of the main things to note is the concave of the deck and fingers of flat, as different woodshops and concave will have a huge impact on how a board will slide on the nose or tail.

BBS wood with the spoon kicks will get a lot closer slide mark than others like Creature as XEN posted.

Just one of those interesting things to note, but the bottom line is the thing you are sliding on.  Any really sharp angle edge will always give a much closer slide mark than something like a rounder curb edge.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on April 20, 2022, 11:08:36 PM
The baseplate on my thunders have worn down significantly from tails/noseslides, and I get scrapes right down to the baseplate. Ben Degros says it well. Sliding on thunders is like doing a powerslide. I'm on my first pair of indys, ever, at the moment. Effortless is all I can say. Its nice to have a truck that doesnt make u think about ur trucks
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: greenreese on April 21, 2022, 07:15:10 AM
Can anybody tell me if there is any rhyme or reason to the Thunder baseplates having "Team" or the lightning bolt on them?

At first I thought Teams had "Team" stamped on them and forged baseplates had the lightning bolt stamped on them.  Then I was looking at this catalog ( and noticed that in the pic, the OG Grenade trucks have "Team" on one baseplate and the lightning bolt on the other.  I have these trucks, so I just went and looked at them and they both have the lightning bolt on them.  But even weirder, they have the lightning bolt on opposite sides...One truck the bolt is on the left, one truck the bolt is on the right, so when setup on a board the bolts are on the same side.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: beandemon on April 21, 2022, 07:31:18 AM
Can anybody tell me if there is any rhyme or reason to the Thunder baseplates having "Team" or the lightning bolt on them?

At first I thought Teams had "Team" stamped on them and forged baseplates had the lightning bolt stamped on them.  Then I was looking at this catalog ( and noticed that in the pic, the OG Grenade trucks have "Team" on one baseplate and the lightning bolt on the other.  I have these trucks, so I just went and looked at them and they both have the lightning bolt on them.  But even weirder, they have the lightning bolt on opposite sides...One truck the bolt is on the left, one truck the bolt is on the right, so when setup on a board the bolts are on the same side.

Thunder’s always had more flair on the baseplates than anyone. Back in the day they had skulls and lizards and stuff. I’ve never been able to crack the code.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on April 21, 2022, 10:28:43 AM
Can anybody tell me if there is any rhyme or reason to the Thunder baseplates having "Team" or the lightning bolt on them?

At first I thought Teams had "Team" stamped on them and forged baseplates had the lightning bolt stamped on them.  Then I was looking at this catalog ( and noticed that in the pic, the OG Grenade trucks have "Team" on one baseplate and the lightning bolt on the other.  I have these trucks, so I just went and looked at them and they both have the lightning bolt on them.  But even weirder, they have the lightning bolt on opposite sides...One truck the bolt is on the left, one truck the bolt is on the right, so when setup on a board the bolts are on the same side.

There is not much to it, the cast baseplate molds are modular so they can mix and match 4 different little blocks in them to change the markings or swap them from one side to the other when manufacturing: 'Thunder', 'Team', the lightning bolt or three lines.

As far as I can tell, they're mostly random when they cast them but once at the assembly line, given availability, they try to have those with 'Team' on them for Team trucks and the basic standards trucks usually have 'Thunder' on one side and the lightning bolt on the other.

Given they make batches with the same markings, having one truck with the markings on the opposite sides from the other truck like you have probably means they weren't manufactured at the same time and come from two different batches.

Whatever markings they have doesn't mean much though, they're all the same baseplates functionally.

The forged baseplates though are all the same with 'Thunder' on one side and the lightning bolt on the other.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 21, 2022, 10:37:51 AM
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Can anybody tell me if there is any rhyme or reason to the Thunder baseplates having "Team" or the lightning bolt on them?

At first I thought Teams had "Team" stamped on them and forged baseplates had the lightning bolt stamped on them.  Then I was looking at this catalog ( and noticed that in the pic, the OG Grenade trucks have "Team" on one baseplate and the lightning bolt on the other.  I have these trucks, so I just went and looked at them and they both have the lightning bolt on them.  But even weirder, they have the lightning bolt on opposite sides...One truck the bolt is on the left, one truck the bolt is on the right, so when setup on a board the bolts are on the same side.

There is not much to it, the cast baseplate molds are modular so they can mix and match 4 different little blocks in them to change the markings or swap them from one side to the other when manufacturing: 'Thunder', 'Team', the lightning bolt or three lines.

As far as I can tell, they're mostly random when they cast them but once at the assembly line, given availability, they try to have those with 'Team' on them for Team trucks and the basic standards trucks usually have 'Thunder' on one side and the lightning bolt on the other.

Given they make batches with the same markings, having one truck with the markings on the opposite sides from the other truck like you have probably means they weren't manufactured at the same time and come from two different batches.

Whatever markings they have doesn't mean much though, they're all the same baseplates functionally.

The forged baseplates though are all the same with 'Thunder' on one side and the lightning bolt on the other.

Then you have to consider how the shops stock inventory, they could easily break up a 'set' and you are given two bolts/lines/etc.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on April 21, 2022, 01:25:47 PM
Yeah it seems to be pretty random. I rock the 148s Teams on my normal board and have the team on one and the lighting bolt on the other. While on the team 161s I have on my cruiser have lightnings on both baseplates.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 21, 2022, 02:29:19 PM
Yeah it seems to be pretty random. I rock the 148s Teams on my normal board and have the team on one and the lighting bolt on the other. While on the team 161s I have on my cruiser have lightnings on both baseplates.

My dude out here. I respect the same truck brand across the quiver
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 21, 2022, 03:19:16 PM
I definitely had issues getting the cast kingpin out of both of my baseplates….one was easy….one I just gave up and used my old ones…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on April 22, 2022, 11:14:13 AM
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Yeah it seems to be pretty random. I rock the 148s Teams on my normal board and have the team on one and the lighting bolt on the other. While on the team 161s I have on my cruiser have lightnings on both baseplates.

My dude out here. I respect the same truck brand across the quiver
Hell yeah man, I just love how Thunders skate. Ive tried other brands and Ive skated them no problem and they were really good but Thunders just feel like home to me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 22, 2022, 11:18:33 AM
Yah, it’s cool feeling the nuances and different applications of the geo…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: boneless900 on April 22, 2022, 07:10:19 PM
Finally got the kingpins out of these thunder polished baseplates. Gonna install a k5 dlk, just waiting 24h for the loctite to set on the kingnut
( (

( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on April 22, 2022, 08:01:59 PM
Finally got the kingpins out of these thunder polished baseplates. Gonna install a k5 dlk, just waiting 24h for the loctite to set on the kingnut
( (

( (
Those are the forged? If so, good job! What’s the trick?
I’m loving my 147s with kreper pins.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 22, 2022, 08:13:19 PM
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Finally got the kingpins out of these thunder polished baseplates. Gonna install a k5 dlk, just waiting 24h for the loctite to set on the kingnut
( (

( (
Those are the forged? If so, good job! What’s the trick?

The pitman arm puller in the photo? (go back a page)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: boneless900 on April 22, 2022, 08:34:03 PM
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Finally got the kingpins out of these thunder polished baseplates. Gonna install a k5 dlk, just waiting 24h for the loctite to set on the kingnut
( (

( (
Those are the forged? If so, good job! What’s the trick?
I’m loving my 147s with kreper pins.

Nah just standard polished baseplates, I haven't gotten the courage to mess with forged baseplates bc I heard they can be real tough not to fuck up
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: boneless900 on April 22, 2022, 08:36:37 PM
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Finally got the kingpins out of these thunder polished baseplates. Gonna install a k5 dlk, just waiting 24h for the loctite to set on the kingnut
( (

( (
Those are the forged? If so, good job! What’s the trick?


The pitman arm puller in the photo? (go back a page)

I tried hammering the kingpins out for an hour (unsuccessfully), got fed up and went to O'Reilly for the pitman arm puller. Worked like a charm
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 22, 2022, 08:49:15 PM
Is your arm ok? Do they have a finger puller?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on April 22, 2022, 09:01:28 PM
The kingpins came out of my forged Thunder baseplates quite easily. Sprayed some penetrating oil and let them sit for a few hours before beating a 12oz hammer on the kingpin while the baseplates were on concrete; with my foot holding it in place. The top of the kingpins were peened out from the hammering so the kingpins had to be hack sawed in half.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on April 23, 2022, 02:35:53 AM
The kingpins came out of my forged Thunder baseplates quite easily. Sprayed some penetrating oil and let them sit for a few hours before beating a 12oz hammer on the kingpin while the baseplates were on concrete; with my foot holding it in place. The top of the kingpins were peened out from the hammering so the kingpins had to be hack sawed in half.

You definitely get the star for the penetrating oil as that is probably what many others should have used before as well.  Is it just a drip on or a spray application?

I normally suggest keeping a nut on the kingpin, ever so slightly sitting just above the kingpin top, usually an old one too, so the nut takes most of the force and the kingpin once loose can just have the nut removed and will slip straight out as well as being able to be reused in any situation again, while the nut can pretty much go straight in the bin, or be used on the other baseplate or for any other similar projects if not completely smashed.

* I never want to sound like old Mr know it all, as I really value a lot of amazing things I have read and seen on here too, so just in case that comes across as a bit that way, it is never meant to be.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on April 23, 2022, 05:29:45 AM
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The kingpins came out of my forged Thunder baseplates quite easily. Sprayed some penetrating oil and let them sit for a few hours before beating a 12oz hammer on the kingpin while the baseplates were on concrete; with my foot holding it in place. The top of the kingpins were peened out from the hammering so the kingpins had to be hack sawed in half.

You definitely get the star for the penetrating oil as that is probably what many others should have used before as well.  Is it just a drip on or a spray application?

I normally suggest keeping a nut on the kingpin, ever so slightly sitting just above the kingpin top, usually an old one too, so the nut takes most of the force and the kingpin once loose can just have the nut removed and will slip straight out as well as being able to be reused in any situation again, while the nut can pretty much go straight in the bin, or be used on the other baseplate or for any other similar projects if not completely smashed.

* I never want to sound like old Mr know it all, as I really value a lot of amazing things I have read and seen on here too, so just in case that comes across as a bit that way, it is never meant to be.

That’s a great tip to use the penetrating oil. Did you make an inverted kingpin setup? I’m wondering if the inverted nut that would be sitting in the baseplate has enough room in the forged. If not, it would be possible to use a dremel on the deck and make room for it in the same way many make their wheel wells.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: beandemon on April 23, 2022, 06:36:36 AM
Penetrating is a good call. Heating the baseplate - you want the heat around the kp but not an it- with a propane or mapp torch or even a heat gun may help with stubborn ones. Careful with the oxy-acetylene torch or you’ll have a puddle with a kingpin in it.
Nut to protect threads is also good advice and gives a bigger area to whack. Another option is using a hammer or drift of made material softer than the kingpin. If you have options, I’d also use a hammer around 32oz - easier to give a nice short precise whack than a full swing with a smaller hammer.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ish_wav on April 23, 2022, 08:44:29 AM
Finally got the kingpins out of these thunder polished baseplates. Gonna install a k5 dlk, just waiting 24h for the loctite to set on the kingnut
( (

( (

I read in the Lurpiv thread that some people were putting the Ace rethreading axle nuts to keep it from coming loose. Would the Ace kingpin rethreading nuts work the same? I enjoyed my k5 DLKs in my thunders but they got loose every session (didn’t use locktite) so I’m just curious if anyone thinks those ace nuts would do the trick here too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: sebbo on April 23, 2022, 02:16:09 PM

Little guest appearance from Ben Degros. He is riding "hybrid thunders" which he can't talk about. Interesting!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: sebbo on April 23, 2022, 02:20:06 PM
( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on April 23, 2022, 04:45:26 PM
Thunder is super late to the ikp party, but lets hope they at least figured something out the others didn't
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on April 23, 2022, 05:02:18 PM
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The kingpins came out of my forged Thunder baseplates quite easily. Sprayed some penetrating oil and let them sit for a few hours before beating a 12oz hammer on the kingpin while the baseplates were on concrete; with my foot holding it in place. The top of the kingpins were peened out from the hammering so the kingpins had to be hack sawed in half.

You definitely get the star for the penetrating oil as that is probably what many others should have used before as well.  Is it just a drip on or a spray application?

I normally suggest keeping a nut on the kingpin, ever so slightly sitting just above the kingpin top, usually an old one too, so the nut takes most of the force and the kingpin once loose can just have the nut removed and will slip straight out as well as being able to be reused in any situation again, while the nut can pretty much go straight in the bin, or be used on the other baseplate or for any other similar projects if not completely smashed.

* I never want to sound like old Mr know it all, as I really value a lot of amazing things I have read and seen on here too, so just in case that comes across as a bit that way, it is never meant to be.

You're one of the most knowledgeable and helpful people on here, you never come off as a Mister-know-it-all.

I used a spray can of PB Blaster on both sides of the kingpin. I'm not convinced the spraying action helped it along any. Letting it sit with the penetrating oil for a few hours probably did the trick. That nut-on-top trick works well with cast plates, but I had a hell of a time trying to hammer a pair of Indy kingpins back into forged Indy plates. I'd rather just replace the pins with Krux K5 DLs and save the nuts. It would probably be an easy job if you have access to an arbor press or something though. 

That’s a great tip to use the penetrating oil. Did you make an inverted kingpin setup? I’m wondering if the inverted nut that would be sitting in the baseplate has enough room in the forged. If not, it would be possible to use a Dremel on the deck and make room for it in the same way many make their wheel wells.

Yes, the nut sits almost flush but peeks out less than a millimeter. There's no need to dermal the deck, as the wood is soft enough to get indented by it, possibly negating any baseplate movement if your hardware gets loose.

I read in the Lurpiv thread that some people were putting the Ace rethreading axle nuts to keep it from coming loose. Would the Ace kingpin rethreading nuts work the same? I enjoyed my k5 DLKs in my thunders but they got loose every session (didn’t use locktite) so I’m just curious if anyone thinks those ace nuts would do the trick here too.

I don't know, but if you do decide to go the threadlocker route Permatex orange holds much stronger than Loctite blue, and you don't have to use a torch to loosen the bolt. My trucks haven't loosened at all with my inverted kingpins in about two months. It's lovely, set it and forget it.  :)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 23, 2022, 05:12:32 PM
( (

A 'hybrid' thunder....

Looks kind of like a take on the krux pin, a 'cap' that countersinks into a washer...

Now it's probably the angle but could that b-plate be a tad longer?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on April 23, 2022, 08:09:32 PM
Quick question, what would be the biggest size wheels you guys would recommend on Thunders? Coming from Indys (and Ace classics before that) I usually ride anything between 54 and 56 without issue, I have a set of 55mm spit classics on ice and I'm thinking of replacing my cooked indys with Thunder 149s to switch it up for this summer. Haven't been on Thunders in about 4-5 years, I used to ride them with 53 back then, but I think it would be silly to buy new wheels when I have a brand new set already. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine with 55s, but I wanted you guys' opinion on the matter.

Thanks!  ;D
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 23, 2022, 09:49:02 PM
Quick question, what would be the biggest size wheels you guys would recommend on Thunders? Coming from Indys (and Ace classics before that) I usually ride anything between 54 and 56 without issue, I have a set of 55mm spit classics on ice and I'm thinking of replacing my cooked indys with Thunder 149s to switch it up for this summer. Haven't been on Thunders in about 4-5 years, I used to ride them with 53 back then, but I think it would be silly to buy new wheels when I have a brand new set already. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine with 55s, but I wanted you guys' opinion on the matter.

Thanks!  ;D

What terrain and how tight do you ride your trucks?

I won't go past 53 on cast plates / 52 on Forged (not counting risers); I ride very loose and even then the 52 are pushing it with as much as they wheelbite for me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on April 23, 2022, 10:03:23 PM
Quick question, what would be the biggest size wheels you guys would recommend on Thunders? Coming from Indys (and Ace classics before that) I usually ride anything between 54 and 56 without issue, I have a set of 55mm spit classics on ice and I'm thinking of replacing my cooked indys with Thunder 149s to switch it up for this summer. Haven't been on Thunders in about 4-5 years, I used to ride them with 53 back then, but I think it would be silly to buy new wheels when I have a brand new set already. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine with 55s, but I wanted you guys' opinion on the matter.

Thanks!  ;D

From my regular go to - 149 Indy standards with medium / loose trucks on 56 mm wheels and great turn with minimal issues, I find anything else in the other big brands truck department tends to give me a bit more wheelbite on even significantly smaller wheels, but a 2 mm riser (made my own from some scrap rubber sheeting) on Thunders really makes me feel like I don't have to worry at all about wheelbite on my Team 149s.  You could use any 1/8" stock risers to make them have the same clearance as Indy standard trucks, but I found that most risers stick out or don't fit the truck baseplates that well, even the older universal or plastic Thunder risers I had in the misc parts box are a fair bit bigger, but the Bones / Mini logo are about the best fit to not stick out at all or sit just ever so slightly under the baseplate, or make some of your own.

As for the actual question, on stock Thunders without risers, I think around 52 mm wheels worked well enough with minimal wheelbite on a few sets I had on set ups and skated, but the Thunder trucks are significantly lower than Indy and I kept going to turn a whole lot more than I was able until I adjusted how I skated them, more so than change the board to suit how I wanted to or was used to skating.

That is the trade off.

If you like bigger wheels, I would suggest making your own risers to test.  You can always take them off or experiment with things until you find some happy medium too.

Thunder are a really good truck, but they perform so differently to Indy, or Venture or Ace, etc.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on April 23, 2022, 10:05:24 PM
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Quick question, what would be the biggest size wheels you guys would recommend on Thunders? Coming from Indys (and Ace classics before that) I usually ride anything between 54 and 56 without issue, I have a set of 55mm spit classics on ice and I'm thinking of replacing my cooked indys with Thunder 149s to switch it up for this summer. Haven't been on Thunders in about 4-5 years, I used to ride them with 53 back then, but I think it would be silly to buy new wheels when I have a brand new set already. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine with 55s, but I wanted you guys' opinion on the matter.

Thanks!  ;D

What terrain and how tight do you ride your trucks?

I won't go past 53 on cast plates / 52 on Forged (not counting risers); I ride very loose and even then the 52 are pushing it with as much as they wheelbite for me.

Mostly street skating and park, I don't really do any big transition or anything. I'd say I ride on the looser end of medium if that makes sense. My indys were just stock tightness, and I had aces a little looser (maybe a 1/2 turn looser than flush?)

I was planning on just getting either Team Polished or Team Hollows, so cast plates. Either that, going back to indys, or give Ace AF-1 a go, but I'm hesitant as my set of classics had pretty bad axle slip and they weren't even that beat, also my flat game was pretty sloppy on aces for some reason. I think I'm gonna give it a try and if the wheelbite is too crazy I'll get some wider 53mm or something.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 23, 2022, 10:10:58 PM
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Quick question, what would be the biggest size wheels you guys would recommend on Thunders? Coming from Indys (and Ace classics before that) I usually ride anything between 54 and 56 without issue, I have a set of 55mm spit classics on ice and I'm thinking of replacing my cooked indys with Thunder 149s to switch it up for this summer. Haven't been on Thunders in about 4-5 years, I used to ride them with 53 back then, but I think it would be silly to buy new wheels when I have a brand new set already. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine with 55s, but I wanted you guys' opinion on the matter.

Thanks!  ;D

What terrain and how tight do you ride your trucks?

I won't go past 53 on cast plates / 52 on Forged (not counting risers); I ride very loose and even then the 52 are pushing it with as much as they wheelbite for me.

I’m with Xen on this: 52.
Im riding 149 cast thunders rn, and I get a lot of wheelbite, because I’m not good. I generally don’t ride wheels bigger than 54. Something that makes wheel bite manageable, or unmanageable, for me, is the width of the deck, in proportion to the width of the trucks. Right now I’m riding an 8.6 board, and then wheels sit in a little bit, that gives me more turning until inevitable wheelbite, but if I was riding a deck narrower than the trucks, I’d need to tighten it up a bit.  Wheelbite is the number one reason I stop skating thunders, just wanting to be able to skate a bigger wheel.
That being said, thunders works very well for me, for the type of skating I’m trying to do: flatground, ledges. My ollie feels consistent/good. I also do not have any qc problems/durability issues with thunder.
Could you skate 55s with em? Sure. I’d recommend risers. That’s what the real G’s were doing (locally) before most of em switched to venture. I think BDK has spent some risers, and he’s the best so do that.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on April 23, 2022, 10:13:37 PM
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Quick question, what would be the biggest size wheels you guys would recommend on Thunders? Coming from Indys (and Ace classics before that) I usually ride anything between 54 and 56 without issue, I have a set of 55mm spit classics on ice and I'm thinking of replacing my cooked indys with Thunder 149s to switch it up for this summer. Haven't been on Thunders in about 4-5 years, I used to ride them with 53 back then, but I think it would be silly to buy new wheels when I have a brand new set already. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine with 55s, but I wanted you guys' opinion on the matter.

Thanks!  ;D

From my regular go to - 149 Indy standards with medium / loose trucks on 56 mm wheels and great turn with minimal issues, I find anything else in the other big brands truck department tends to give me a bit more wheelbite on even significantly smaller wheels, but a 2 mm riser (made my own from some scrap rubber sheeting) on Thunders really makes me feel like I don't have to worry at all about wheelbite on my Team 149s.  You could use any 1/8" stock risers to make them have the same clearance as Indy standard trucks, but I found that most risers stick out or don't fit the truck baseplates that well, even the older universal or plastic Thunder risers I had in the misc parts box are a fair bit bigger, but the Bones / Mini logo are about the best fit to not stick out at all or sit just ever so slightly under the baseplate, or make some of your own.

As for the actual question, on stock Thunders without risers, I think around 52 mm wheels worked well enough with minimal wheelbite on a few sets I had on set ups and skated, but the Thunder trucks are significantly lower than Indy and I kept going to turn a whole lot more than I was able until I adjusted how I skated them, more so than change the board to suit how I wanted to or was used to skating.

That is the trade off.

If you like bigger wheels, I would suggest making your own risers to test.  You can always take them off or experiment with things until you find some happy medium too.

Thunder are a really good truck, but they perform so differently to Indy, or Venture or Ace, etc.

Yeah, I was thinking about risers too. That's a NBD for me honestly. Skated my friend's board the other day and he has Thunders on, and it made me a bit nostalgic. Somehow it kinda felt like home. I believe he has 54mm on his, but the wheels were pretty worn so probably more around 51-52.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Damoforce on April 25, 2022, 05:42:44 PM
Has another skated both 147s and 148s on the same width deck ( 8.25 ) and noticed much or a difference? The same model truck too, or at least the height the same. Just wondering how much the width really affects things
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 25, 2022, 05:46:33 PM
Has another skated both 147s and 148s on the same width deck ( 8.25 ) and noticed much or a difference? The same model truck too, or at least the height the same. Just wondering how much the width really affects things

Well I have (because I have more parts than tricks). Both are good. 147s are lower, which is both good and bad
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 25, 2022, 05:52:08 PM
(because I have more parts than tricks)

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Damoforce on April 25, 2022, 07:42:51 PM
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Has another skated both 147s and 148s on the same width deck ( 8.25 ) and noticed much or a difference? The same model truck too, or at least the height the same. Just wondering how much the width really affects things

Well I have (because I have more parts than tricks). Both are good. 147s are lower, which is both good and bad

Haha, I feel you there.

What about the width though? Do you think it changes much
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 25, 2022, 09:10:23 PM
It’s a quarter inch difference, so 1/8” per side. It’s harder to tell on Thunders since the height changes the pop too, but most people notice on other brands when height is controlled for.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on April 25, 2022, 09:37:59 PM
Quick question, what would be the biggest size wheels you guys would recommend on Thunders? Coming from Indys (and Ace classics before that) I usually ride anything between 54 and 56 without issue, I have a set of 55mm spit classics on ice and I'm thinking of replacing my cooked indys with Thunder 149s to switch it up for this summer. Haven't been on Thunders in about 4-5 years, I used to ride them with 53 back then, but I think it would be silly to buy new wheels when I have a brand new set already. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine with 55s, but I wanted you guys' opinion on the matter.

Thanks!  ;D
For what it’s worth I ride Thunders pretty loose and have been skating 56’s for a few months now without an issue. No risers and I’m also on the heavier side compared to most other street skaters. I’m probably gonna switch to a smaller wheel soon, but it has nothing to do with wheelbite or anything like that
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 25, 2022, 10:02:11 PM
I’ve got some weird gear preferences. A lot of them. This one is up there tho:…I don’t (yet) like 8.25” trucks. I am the target market, in a way, I skated on 5.0 (7.62”) trucks, comfortably (ish) moved up to 8” wide trucks, and balked at 8.5” wide trucks. 149s just felt like such a burden. I liked the stability, and the aesthetic, but lots of things felt more difficult. It kicked off a lot of gear drama for me. I’ve always liked to try different stuff, even when I was relatively decent on a skateboard, I was always scheming/trying something new. 8.5” trucks and the setups just felt harsh, I didn’t see any advantages (other than keeping up with the style of the day, which I’m unfortunately not too prideful to attempt to partake in…some wild skate inspired fashion has happened, off topic).
I tried 8.25” decks on 8” trucks, and actually skated pretty decently with that, but not a huge fan of how it looked.
Aaaaaannnnyfuckingways, dear slap person would probably think I’d be all about the 8.25” truck. I had 144 Indy’s and they were good, but didn’t love them. I have af-1 44s, thunder 148s…dunno, just never really liked a setup with them. In my case I think it’s because I’m an extreme fucking idiot, and what I mean by that is that I’m attracted to things that are not as sensible. Like putting 159s on an 8.5 and hoping to keep all of the flip tricks I don’t really have anymore.

To each their own with equipment. If I was recommending stuff to someone that was new to the game I’d say buy your trucks in the middle of a .5” range that you are most likely to buy decks in, example: 8-8.5”, 8.25” trucks fits this range best. +\- .25” works, other combos work, but I leave that to people that are more experienced in what they like.

I skate maybe my best with thunders. Full stop. Whenever I feel like switching to something else, it’s because I want to use a larger wheel for the terrible concrete where I live. 147s are a low truck, 52s are as big as I can go, and that’s difficult. 148s are a little higher, bigger wheel is possible. I skate better with 147s, and the small wheels, but…hard to envision oneself as the resilient, robust, rebel, whilst walking to the spot cuz you got worn 50mm classics on your setup cuz wheelbite.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 25, 2022, 10:07:06 PM
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Quick question, what would be the biggest size wheels you guys would recommend on Thunders? Coming from Indys (and Ace classics before that) I usually ride anything between 54 and 56 without issue, I have a set of 55mm spit classics on ice and I'm thinking of replacing my cooked indys with Thunder 149s to switch it up for this summer. Haven't been on Thunders in about 4-5 years, I used to ride them with 53 back then, but I think it would be silly to buy new wheels when I have a brand new set already. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine with 55s, but I wanted you guys' opinion on the matter.

Thanks!  ;D
For what it’s worth I ride Thunders pretty loose and have been skating 56’s for a few months now without an issue. No risers and I’m also on the heavier side compared to most other street skaters. I’m probably gonna switch to a smaller wheel soon, but it has nothing to do with wheelbite or anything like that

Out here flexin

Jk. I’m just not ‘good’, and get wheelbite with 52s. Just how it is, for me. Love most things about thunder tho
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on April 26, 2022, 05:30:22 AM
I wish DLX would put some better stock bushings in. The stock ones feel decent but mine just broke after about a month and a half of skating, with the king pin nut flush. I weigh about 190 so that could play a part but damn.

Just put in some new medium Indy Conical bushings because I've had success with those before. Bones are never a good idea (for me).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on April 26, 2022, 06:22:36 AM
I wish DLX would put some better stock bushings in. The stock ones feel decent but mine just broke after about a month and a half of skating, with the king pin nut flush. I weigh about 190 so that could play a part but damn.

Just put in some new medium Indy Conical bushings because I've had success with those before. Bones are never a good idea (for me).
email them through their warranty section on the thunder website. Just send a video or pic of your crumbled bushings and a receipt of where you got them. They may even hook it up with new trucks or at least replacement bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on April 26, 2022, 06:45:12 AM
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I wish DLX would put some better stock bushings in. The stock ones feel decent but mine just broke after about a month and a half of skating, with the king pin nut flush. I weigh about 190 so that could play a part but damn.

Just put in some new medium Indy Conical bushings because I've had success with those before. Bones are never a good idea (for me).
email them through their warranty section on the thunder website. Just send a video or pic of your crumbled bushings and a receipt of where you got them. They may even hook it up with new trucks or at least replacement bushings.

I might give it a shot, I'm not too worried about it though DLX has been very good to me for replacing defective stuff in the past. It's more of a general complaint about the quality of the bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Murge on April 26, 2022, 06:58:46 AM
Quick question, what would be the biggest size wheels you guys would recommend on Thunders? Coming from Indys (and Ace classics before that) I usually ride anything between 54 and 56 without issue, I have a set of 55mm spit classics on ice and I'm thinking of replacing my cooked indys with Thunder 149s to switch it up for this summer. Haven't been on Thunders in about 4-5 years, I used to ride them with 53 back then, but I think it would be silly to buy new wheels when I have a brand new set already. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine with 55s, but I wanted you guys' opinion on the matter.

Thanks!  ;D

I’m running 54mm conical regulars on 149 thunders with no risers. I did put in the blue 92a conical bushings in so that may have helped and I skate an 8.8 idk if that would effect it. I have wheel bite marks but I never feel it or it stop me. But if I wax a ledge I usually put a little in my wheel area just as a preventative
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on April 26, 2022, 07:02:26 AM
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Quick question, what would be the biggest size wheels you guys would recommend on Thunders? Coming from Indys (and Ace classics before that) I usually ride anything between 54 and 56 without issue, I have a set of 55mm spit classics on ice and I'm thinking of replacing my cooked indys with Thunder 149s to switch it up for this summer. Haven't been on Thunders in about 4-5 years, I used to ride them with 53 back then, but I think it would be silly to buy new wheels when I have a brand new set already. I'm pretty sure I'll be fine with 55s, but I wanted you guys' opinion on the matter.

Thanks!  ;D
For what it’s worth I ride Thunders pretty loose and have been skating 56’s for a few months now without an issue. No risers and I’m also on the heavier side compared to most other street skaters. I’m probably gonna switch to a smaller wheel soon, but it has nothing to do with wheelbite or anything like that

Yeah, I've seen guys like Nick Michel and Tyson Peterson skate pretty big wheels on thunders, although I think Tyson uses risers if I'm not mistaken. I'm probably gonna try it out and see how it goes, and if it's too crazy I'll get 53s or something. My indys still have some of life in them, but I'm excited to switch it up a little so I might jump the gun and go for it anyways. Thanks, your comment reassured me a little.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on April 26, 2022, 07:05:15 AM
I would often run 54s on Thunder 149s a lot and got by just fine. I feel like at a certain point wheelbite is just part of the process if you skate looser trucks.

I'm on Indys right now but I might switch back. Can't quite put my finger on it but I just don't feel like myself on my setup right now lol
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on April 26, 2022, 07:16:23 AM
I would often run 54s on Thunder 149s a lot and got by just fine. I feel like at a certain point wheelbite is just part of the process if you skate looser trucks.

I'm on Indys right now but I might switch back. Can't quite put my finger on it but I just don't feel like myself on my setup right now lol

Haha that's exactly how I feel too. I've been on indys for a year now and I'm still waiting to "get used to them". I love how they grind, especially compared to ace classics, but other things I feel like I did better on thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on April 26, 2022, 07:26:24 AM
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I would often run 54s on Thunder 149s a lot and got by just fine. I feel like at a certain point wheelbite is just part of the process if you skate looser trucks.

I'm on Indys right now but I might switch back. Can't quite put my finger on it but I just don't feel like myself on my setup right now lol

Haha that's exactly how I feel too. I've been on indys for a year now and I'm still waiting to "get used to them". I love how they grind, especially compared to ace classics, but other things I feel like I did better on thunders.

Glad I'm not alone, haha. I have no specific complaints about my Indys. Mine grind well, turn well, all that, but I just don't feel like I'm skating very well on them. Whereas I've mostly skated Thunders and I remember my last session on Thunders being especially good.

And I know this is crazy, but they're both the same size but my Indys just look smaller to me even though I know they're not.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 26, 2022, 07:31:41 AM
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I would often run 54s on Thunder 149s a lot and got by just fine. I feel like at a certain point wheelbite is just part of the process if you skate looser trucks.

I'm on Indys right now but I might switch back. Can't quite put my finger on it but I just don't feel like myself on my setup right now lol

Haha that's exactly how I feel too. I've been on indys for a year now and I'm still waiting to "get used to them". I love how they grind, especially compared to ace classics, but other things I feel like I did better on thunders.

Glad I'm not alone, haha. I have no specific complaints about my Indys. Mine grind well, turn well, all that, but I just don't feel like I'm skating very well on them. Whereas I've mostly skated Thunders and I remember my last session on Thunders being especially good.

And I know this is crazy, but they're both the same size but my Indys just look smaller to me even though I know they're not.

I have been thinking about getting Indys, while skating well (for me) on thunders. My main reasons would be wanting a bigger wheel/deeper turn for transitions…but like you both have mentioned, I land on more stuff with thunders. So that’s nice.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on April 26, 2022, 07:34:51 AM
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I would often run 54s on Thunder 149s a lot and got by just fine. I feel like at a certain point wheelbite is just part of the process if you skate looser trucks.

I'm on Indys right now but I might switch back. Can't quite put my finger on it but I just don't feel like myself on my setup right now lol

Haha that's exactly how I feel too. I've been on indys for a year now and I'm still waiting to "get used to them". I love how they grind, especially compared to ace classics, but other things I feel like I did better on thunders.

Glad I'm not alone, haha. I have no specific complaints about my Indys. Mine grind well, turn well, all that, but I just don't feel like I'm skating very well on them. Whereas I've mostly skated Thunders and I remember my last session on Thunders being especially good.

And I know this is crazy, but they're both the same size but my Indys just look smaller to me even though I know they're not.

For me it was last week, I was playing skate with my friend who rides thunders and I snapped my board trying a hardflip. We finished the game on his board and it just clicked, I skate better on thunders (could be psychological, but what isn't in skateboarding). After our game I just went for a fs feeble on the rail and did it so good, and I usually struggle with those. And here I am, in The Thunder Thread.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Crabby_Bastard on April 26, 2022, 01:45:35 PM
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I would often run 54s on Thunder 149s a lot and got by just fine. I feel like at a certain point wheelbite is just part of the process if you skate looser trucks.

I'm on Indys right now but I might switch back. Can't quite put my finger on it but I just don't feel like myself on my setup right now lol

Haha that's exactly how I feel too. I've been on indys for a year now and I'm still waiting to "get used to them". I love how they grind, especially compared to ace classics, but other things I feel like I did better on thunders.

Glad I'm not alone, haha. I have no specific complaints about my Indys. Mine grind well, turn well, all that, but I just don't feel like I'm skating very well on them. Whereas I've mostly skated Thunders and I remember my last session on Thunders being especially good.

And I know this is crazy, but they're both the same size but my Indys just look smaller to me even though I know they're not.

I have a set of Thunder 148 and Indy 144 trucks and thought the Indys were smaller. I measured them and sure enough, the Indy hangers are smaller by a mm or so. Nothing adding an extra washer to the inside of the axle wouldn't fix.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DarkPools on April 26, 2022, 03:03:04 PM
I caved and bought some 151s!  8) ;D

Haven't skated a set of Thunders in over 13 years, but I'm gonna try them on my Couch/Powerslide decks (I have 3 in total) to push that tiny 13.75" WB out (I'm 5' 10" and usually run 14.5")

Usually run Indy 149 Forged or Standard Hollow, so weight reduction and height are gonna take some getting used to, unless I cop some risers to solve the height issue!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on April 26, 2022, 04:37:24 PM
You're stoked. 151s are really nice on the Couch/ Love Seats.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 27, 2022, 05:18:19 PM
I keep going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth between Indy and Thunder for like 2 years now. Yesterday I stupidly put Thunders on an old deck that I wasn’t feeling and was blown away. Great session and everything felt easier than normal and I was convinced I was better on them.

Today I went out with both my setups and the margins were a lot thinner. Basically was doing the same shit on both setups and my Indy setup is a bit longer. In the end I have better pop on Indy and have mostly been on them for the better part of 8 months in some variation or another. So I made the rash decision to leave my Thunders at the spot. I kinda regret it but I also got suuuuper sick of the madness and in the end it’s so marginal that it’s probably me just second guessing myself on a bad day.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 27, 2022, 05:26:34 PM
I keep going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth between Indy and Thunder for like 2 years now. Yesterday I stupidly put Thunders on an old deck that I wasn’t feeling and was blown away. Great session and everything felt easier than normal and I was convinced I was better on them.

Today I went out with both my setups and the margins were a lot thinner. Basically was doing the same shit on both setups and my Indy setup is a bit longer. In the end I have better pop on Indy and have mostly been on them for the better part of 8 months in some variation or another. So I made the rash decision to leave my Thunders at the spot. I kinda regret it but I also got suuuuper sick of the madness and in the end it’s so marginal that it’s probably me just second guessing myself on a bad day.

Amazing response. That’s one way to handle the madness: banish it.
Alternatively I rocked up to the spot with oh, 6 setups and proceeded to first try kickflip all of them (shittily) EXCEPT FOR THE SETUP THAT I SKATE NORMALLY. I have like skateboard gout or some shit. Kings disease
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on April 27, 2022, 05:53:15 PM
I keep going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth between Indy and Thunder for like 2 years now. Yesterday I stupidly put Thunders on an old deck that I wasn’t feeling and was blown away. Great session and everything felt easier than normal and I was convinced I was better on them.

Today I went out with both my setups and the margins were a lot thinner. Basically was doing the same shit on both setups and my Indy setup is a bit longer. In the end I have better pop on Indy and have mostly been on them for the better part of 8 months in some variation or another. So I made the rash decision to leave my Thunders at the spot. I kinda regret it but I also got suuuuper sick of the madness and in the end it’s so marginal that it’s probably me just second guessing myself on a bad day.

Respect for that, way better than going crazy and having them laying around for nobody to use.(Like most of us do)
I'm guilty of banishing gear to my parents home I'm only visiting a few times a year in order to stop the madness temporarily.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: TurdyBird on April 27, 2022, 08:36:25 PM
Recent thunder gang here. Maybe it's because I finally bought trucks that actually fit my board but, they've been my favorite lately. Was on some ventures before but tried the magic carpet ride. On indys before that and I guess I liked them??

As I venture on buying different boards and such, it leaves me wanting to try other gear outside of thunders.

Anyone else feel like it's cool to have different gear for set ups? Trying to stick to one thing but it's hard!!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on April 28, 2022, 05:32:09 AM
I keep going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth between Indy and Thunder for like 2 years now. Yesterday I stupidly put Thunders on an old deck that I wasn’t feeling and was blown away. Great session and everything felt easier than normal and I was convinced I was better on them.

Today I went out with both my setups and the margins were a lot thinner. Basically was doing the same shit on both setups and my Indy setup is a bit longer. In the end I have better pop on Indy and have mostly been on them for the better part of 8 months in some variation or another. So I made the rash decision to leave my Thunders at the spot. I kinda regret it but I also got suuuuper sick of the madness and in the end it’s so marginal that it’s probably me just second guessing myself on a bad day.

You made the right move. If you hold yourself to only skating one setup at a time you'll be more consistent and save money. I'm skating my Thunders now till I hit axle then I'll switch to something else or get a new set.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on April 28, 2022, 05:45:00 AM
I was hopping around on some truck madness this year but I think I'm going back to where I started with Thunder 149s. Set mine back up as I mentioned I was considering and my flatground immediately just clicked. My best years of skating have always been on Thunders so now that the wanderlust has settled, I don't feel any reason to change.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 28, 2022, 06:29:27 AM
I keep telling myself that despite being old my best years of skating are yet to happen.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 28, 2022, 06:59:58 AM
I keep telling myself that despite being old my best years of skating are yet to happen.

There is some truth to that, and it’s a useful statement, no good comes from hanging it up early.
I was at my physical best around 32, fell off of a cliff, athletically, at 35. Everyone is different, obvi.
I remember my gf asking me how much longer I’d skate, when I was 19 ish, and the feeling then was something like 23-24 was pushing it. Ha
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on April 28, 2022, 07:00:52 AM

Finally pulled the trigger and set this up last night. I ended up exchanging the 55mm classics I had for some 54mm OG Classics. Can't wait to go try it out after work! I hope the 14.5 WB will be manageable on Thunders, I loved this shape when I had an Alltimers on indys.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 28, 2022, 07:03:46 AM

Finally pulled the trigger and set this up last night. I ended up exchanging the 55mm classics I had for some 54mm OG Classics. Can't wait to go try it out after work! I hope the 14.5 WB will be manageable on Thunders, I loved this shape when I had an Alltimers on indys.

Looks very nice!
For whatever it’s worth, I’m quite short and skate a 14.43 wb, with thunders, and prefer it.
Took awhile to adjust
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 28, 2022, 07:06:28 AM
It’s the setup Dustin rides so you should be chill.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on April 28, 2022, 07:48:52 AM
It’s the setup Dustin rides so you should be chill.

I thought Dustin was on Indys, but after reading your comment I watched his part in Nice to See You and you're right! Now I just have to learn front blunts and f/s flip switch manuals  ;D
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: beandemon on April 28, 2022, 08:33:40 AM
Where them 181’s at?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on April 28, 2022, 11:59:41 AM
Where them 181’s at?

I have no use for them whatsoever, but I'd really like to look at them.
Yeah that's weird
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 28, 2022, 12:12:49 PM
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Where them 181’s at?

I have no use for them whatsoever, but I'd really like to look at them.
Yeah that's weird

Kinda sums up my whole shit and the amount of time I spend on here
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: beandemon on April 28, 2022, 01:17:06 PM
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Where them 181’s at?

I have no use for them whatsoever, but I'd really like to look at them.
Yeah that's weird

Kinda sums up my whole shit and the amount of time I spend on here

Huh. SoCal has them. Told the guy at my local shop if they’re available when he orders to get me a set. I do usually have one setup in the quiver with 10” trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Argyle on April 28, 2022, 01:22:00 PM
I was hopping around on some truck madness this year but I think I'm going back to where I started with Thunder 149s. Set mine back up as I mentioned I was considering and my flatground immediately just clicked. My best years of skating have always been on Thunders so now that the wanderlust has settled, I don't feel any reason to change.

Still with bones bushings or completely stock?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: danmasontree on May 02, 2022, 10:56:02 AM
Been skating Thunder 148 Hollow Lights for a few years, needed new trucks and wanted to size up to 8.5 decks, my local only had Lights and not Hollow lights. Am I really going to feel that much of a difference in weight? It’s like less than a pound according to tactics. Kinda getting some madness going
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on May 02, 2022, 11:00:48 AM
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I was hopping around on some truck madness this year but I think I'm going back to where I started with Thunder 149s. Set mine back up as I mentioned I was considering and my flatground immediately just clicked. My best years of skating have always been on Thunders so now that the wanderlust has settled, I don't feel any reason to change.

Still with bones bushings or completely stock?

I'm on Bones Mediums. I remember when I bought the Thunders (they're still relatively new) I skated flat for a bit and thought the stocks felt better than my last pair but I still put in the Bones.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on May 02, 2022, 11:58:17 AM
Been skating Thunder 148 Hollow Lights for a few years, needed new trucks and wanted to size up to 8.5 decks, my local only had Lights and not Hollow lights. Am I really going to feel that much of a difference in weight? It’s like less than a pound according to tactics. Kinda getting some madness going

Less than a pound? Lol yeah you're good.
The difference is only 20 grams, which is 0.044 pounds
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 02, 2022, 12:44:47 PM
You might notice it a bit as you’re bumping up likely a bigger board and trucks, but overall I think it’s not too bad.  Thunders are light trucks as they are…..if you were jumping to an Ace or and Indy, I’d say watch out….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: danmasontree on May 02, 2022, 03:28:06 PM
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Been skating Thunder 148 Hollow Lights for a few years, needed new trucks and wanted to size up to 8.5 decks, my local only had Lights and not Hollow lights. Am I really going to feel that much of a difference in weight? It’s like less than a pound according to tactics. Kinda getting some madness going

Less than a pound? Lol yeah you're good.
The difference is only 20 grams, which is 0.044 pounds

Haha I mean, my initial thoughts as well but like I said, the madness has me
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: danmasontree on May 02, 2022, 03:30:48 PM
You might notice it a bit as you’re bumping up likely a bigger board and trucks, but overall I think it’s not too bad.  Thunders are light trucks as they are…..if you were jumping to an Ace or and Indy, I’d say watch out….

Yeah, I wanna go from 8.38 with Thunder 148’s to 8.5 with Thunder 149’s so def expecting some additional weight, just wondering if the lights will make it that much more heavy feeling
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Murge on May 02, 2022, 06:12:44 PM
Been skating Thunder 148 Hollow Lights for a few years, needed new trucks and wanted to size up to 8.5 decks, my local only had Lights and not Hollow lights. Am I really going to feel that much of a difference in weight? It’s like less than a pound according to tactics. Kinda getting some madness going

Tactics may have the weights listed and you can see how much the difference is.  I’ve done that and then google what weighs that much and it will be like 2 nickels. Or something and I’m like skating with 2 nickels won’t make much of a difference and it chills me out on the madness.

Also if it makes you feel better or helps I recently got 149 thunder team hollow lights and I was skating 149 standards before the upgrade and I don’t notice a difference really. Like kinda but not really. I feel I leveled Ollie’s out better with standards but with flip tricks the hollows keep legs feeling fresh a little longer I think. But could be in my head. Anyway I’m rambling I hope any of this may have helped
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 02, 2022, 07:26:05 PM
I even think just standard thunders are great trucks…..still way lighter than an Indy….

Being lower they lighten the pop too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: braksabbath on May 02, 2022, 10:29:45 PM
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You might notice it a bit as you’re bumping up likely a bigger board and trucks, but overall I think it’s not too bad.  Thunders are light trucks as they are…..if you were jumping to an Ace or and Indy, I’d say watch out….

Yeah, I wanna go from 8.38 with Thunder 148’s to 8.5 with Thunder 149’s so def expecting some additional weight, just wondering if the lights will make it that much more heavy feeling
I just weighed both of these and the DLX 8.38 weighs 2 ounces more than the DLX 8.5. Chalk that up to wood and glue variables because the shapes look identical, the 8.5 might have slightly more taper. That 2 oz is a lot more than one size jump in trucks
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DarkPools on May 03, 2022, 12:46:10 AM
Weirdly enough, recent DLX 8.38" shapes are measurably bigger than their 8.5" ones. In 2020, I compared an 8.5" I got new to a used 8.38," and the 8.38" felt like an 8.5" while the 8.5" felt like an 8.38" or smaller.

I measured both and they had each other's expected dimensions practically.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 03, 2022, 06:30:41 AM
Yah I found the following:

DLX 8.5 is 8.375x14.18x31.75

DLX 8.38 is 8.4x14.43x32.125

Both are great shapes. I haven’t had a DLX shape I have really strongly disliked although their 8.28 was a bit short for me and the 8.4 seemed to not jive with me but I could try both again.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Argyle on May 03, 2022, 10:16:36 AM
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I was hopping around on some truck madness this year but I think I'm going back to where I started with Thunder 149s. Set mine back up as I mentioned I was considering and my flatground immediately just clicked. My best years of skating have always been on Thunders so now that the wanderlust has settled, I don't feel any reason to change.

Still with bones bushings or completely stock?

I'm on Bones Mediums. I remember when I bought the Thunders (they're still relatively new) I skated flat for a bit and thought the stocks felt better than my last pair but I still put in the Bones.

I've ordered some mediums in the Thunder rebuild kit, but currently on some bones for the last few months. They're less stable than the stock I think, but I go back and forth. Depends where my madness is at!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on May 11, 2022, 10:11:45 AM
Madness has kept me going back to indys for a while. I've been wanting a heavier popfeel and longer WB, i hopped on the venture hype train and couldn't deal with the turn, back to indys i went. Madness started going again, just got a set of thunder 148 team hollows, first thunders in like 15 years. Driveway test drive went well, going to the park after work, really hope i dont HATE the grind. I know it wont be as good as an indy, hopefully its manageable for me, because i do like the wider stance and pop feel of these. The turn was great too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 11, 2022, 10:43:53 AM
I like the Thunder grind and find it indistinguishable from Indy except for pinchy stuff where they shine far above.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on May 11, 2022, 10:49:38 AM
I like the Thunder grind and find it indistinguishable from Indy except for pinchy stuff where they shine far above.

I hope you're right. Through all my madness I've found that indys for sure grind the best/furthest of any truck. They tend to plow through shit and need less wax than other brands to skate chunky/crusty shit. Way back in the day i switched to indy's mostly because of the grind and my pair before that was thunders. Also, I like to think im much better now than i was 15 years ago, so maybe that'll help.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: OldCandy on May 11, 2022, 10:51:26 AM
been doing a shit ton of crooks recently and top bushing is turning to dust (Even with flat washer....) i have a spare set of used/broken in set of indy bushings should i swap only to indy top or indy top and bottom
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 11, 2022, 11:00:54 AM
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I like the Thunder grind and find it indistinguishable from Indy except for pinchy stuff where they shine far above.

I hope you're right. Through all my madness I've found that indys for sure grind the best/furthest of any truck. They tend to plow through shit and need less wax than other brands to skate chunky/crusty shit. Way back in the day i switched to indy's mostly because of the grind and my pair before that was thunders. Also, I like to think im much better now than i was 15 years ago, so maybe that'll help.

Fresh trucks, I'd say Indy grind better (bigger hanger area maybe?), but once broken in I can't tell the difference between them and Thunders either; but as far as pinch grind, thunder above all for me but that's due to the pinch, not the metal. You can just sit on them and go go go.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 11, 2022, 11:17:42 AM
Just to round out the conversation……strangely Ventures grind much poorly than both…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on May 11, 2022, 11:19:28 AM
Just to round out the conversation……strangely Ventures grind much poorly than both…

I certainly noticed that when i tried them recently.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on May 11, 2022, 12:32:07 PM
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I like the Thunder grind and find it indistinguishable from Indy except for pinchy stuff where they shine far above.

I hope you're right. Through all my madness I've found that indys for sure grind the best/furthest of any truck. They tend to plow through shit and need less wax than other brands to skate chunky/crusty shit. Way back in the day i switched to indy's mostly because of the grind and my pair before that was thunders. Also, I like to think im much better now than i was 15 years ago, so maybe that'll help.

Fresh trucks, I'd say Indy grind better (bigger hanger area maybe?), but once broken in I can't tell the difference between them and Thunders either; but as far as pinch grind, thunder above all for me but that's due to the pinch, not the metal. You can just sit on them and go go go.

That's exactly it, Indy's have a bulkier hanger with a much bigger radius of the curve in the grind area, so it catches less on imperfections of whatever you grind on. If you'd go to the extreme of small radius, an edge or a blade, it would hang on the smallest imperfections. But the Indy and Thunder metal is similar (it used to be the exact same when both were manufactured in the US) so as soon as that curve is broken in and you have a groove, they grind pretty much the same.

Ventures seem to use a different type of alloy, maybe not harder but more dense maybe? They feel and sound different, they're not forged but they seem to feel like what it would feel like if the hangers were forged instead of cast.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on May 12, 2022, 05:28:42 AM
Yea, I had assumed thunders used a different alloy. There is a very clear difference in the hanger alloy between indy, venture, and ace classics. The AF1s are closer to indy feel. I only caught a couple grinds on my thunders before it started raining yesterday, and i was pleasantly surprised, they felt good. Everything felt comfortable on the thunders right away, and I'm able to have a slightly wider stance now, which is what i was looking for. Def gonna rock these for a while, zero complaints so far, and that says a lot coming from someone with my level of madness. I guess they were squeaking a little, but if i stay on these ill just get some riptide cups to fix that.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 12, 2022, 07:32:30 AM
Don't bother with Riptides just wax your hanger nub a bit. I do it on every pair of trucks now and have zero squeaks. You could do it where the bushings touch the hanger too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on May 12, 2022, 07:46:47 AM
Don't bother with Riptides just wax your hanger nub a bit. I do it on every pair of trucks now and have zero squeaks. You could do it where the bushings touch the hanger too.

I've done this and found that once the wax is in there for a bit and breaks down/gets dirty, the wax itself causes an even louder squeak. might depend on the type of wax, i just used gulf wax. I might try a cotton swab with the lightest bit of motor oil on it and do a very light coat.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 12, 2022, 07:59:21 AM
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Don't bother with Riptides just wax your hanger nub a bit. I do it on every pair of trucks now and have zero squeaks. You could do it where the bushings touch the hanger too.

I've done this and found that once the wax is in there for a bit and breaks down/gets dirty, the wax itself causes an even louder squeak. might depend on the type of wax, i just used gulf wax. I might try a cotton swab with the lightest bit of motor oil on it and do a very light coat.

Wax works but is a stop gap solution for me as the squeaks always come back. The smallest drop of speed cream or whatever [bearing] lube  does the trick (and you don't have to disassemble your trucks ruining your current truck adjustments)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on May 12, 2022, 08:07:04 AM
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Don't bother with Riptides just wax your hanger nub a bit. I do it on every pair of trucks now and have zero squeaks. You could do it where the bushings touch the hanger too.

I've done this and found that once the wax is in there for a bit and breaks down/gets dirty, the wax itself causes an even louder squeak. might depend on the type of wax, i just used gulf wax. I might try a cotton swab with the lightest bit of motor oil on it and do a very light coat.

Wax works but is a stop gap solution for me as the squeaks always come back. The smallest drop of speed cream or whatever [bearing] lube  does the trick (and you don't have to disassemble your trucks ruining your current truck adjustments)

Bike grease can work too
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on May 12, 2022, 08:11:43 AM
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Don't bother with Riptides just wax your hanger nub a bit. I do it on every pair of trucks now and have zero squeaks. You could do it where the bushings touch the hanger too.

I've done this and found that once the wax is in there for a bit and breaks down/gets dirty, the wax itself causes an even louder squeak. might depend on the type of wax, i just used gulf wax. I might try a cotton swab with the lightest bit of motor oil on it and do a very light coat.

Dust and dirt sticks to oil and grease, it will work initially but unless you wipe it clean on a regular basis, like your experience with wax getting dirty, it may end up being worst IMO.

Apparently, the ultimate solution for those who can't stand squeaky trucks is to buy graphite powder. It's a dry powder that is used to lube locks without attracting dirt and gumming up, it stays dry and clean and usually lasts longer than oil, grease, wax or soap shavings as it doesn't break down and become contaminated with crap. It's pretty cheap to buy wherever they make keys and sell locks and you only need a little amount in the pivot cup so a small bottle will last a lifetime.

Last time I had Indy's I couldn't believe how loud they squeaked, Thunders in my experience squeak a little when new but it calms down once broken in.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 12, 2022, 08:56:53 AM
I put the tiniest amount in there, and wipe it down after, and never get 'grease runs'; I know what you mean as I've had them by applying too much. Just go easy and you're be fine.

Besides, skateboards are fifthly as it is and I'd rather not disassemble my trucks ones I've got them feeling right.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 12, 2022, 09:06:02 AM
Any opportunity I get to wax my nub…..I take it. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on May 15, 2022, 05:55:31 AM
Had another great sesh on these thunders yesterday. These seem to be exactly what I was looking for. The bushings feel good, but they're already cracking which is disappointing, will probably have to replace them soon. Do Indy Conicals fit? Or will I have to sand/cut them down?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PuffinMuffin on May 15, 2022, 06:06:28 AM
Had another great sesh on these thunders yesterday. These seem to be exactly what I was looking for. The bushings feel good, but they're already cracking which is disappointing, will probably have to replace them soon. Do Indy Conicals fit? Or will I have to sand/cut them down?

Indy bushings are shorter at 13mm tall. Thunder comes in at 14.2mm. CCS is having a sale right now on riptides, Krux bushings also fit flush.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on May 15, 2022, 06:26:21 AM
Had another great sesh on these thunders yesterday. These seem to be exactly what I was looking for. The bushings feel good, but they're already cracking which is disappointing, will probably have to replace them soon. Do Indy Conicals fit? Or will I have to sand/cut them down?

My thunder bushings crack, but…it hasn’t changed anything, aside from the look. Maybe that’s just me tho.
(Weird way of me trying to say that you might not need to change them out that soon)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on May 15, 2022, 07:02:20 AM
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Had another great sesh on these thunders yesterday. These seem to be exactly what I was looking for. The bushings feel good, but they're already cracking which is disappointing, will probably have to replace them soon. Do Indy Conicals fit? Or will I have to sand/cut them down?

My thunder bushings crack, but…it hasn’t changed anything, aside from the look. Maybe that’s just me tho.
(Weird way of me trying to say that you might not need to change them out that soon)

About 2 years ago I bought a thunder 90a rebuild kit and it already came with cracked bushings. I even ripped a little chunk off one bushing on the first day and I still never had any problems skating them for over a year. Cracking means nothing in the world of thunders
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: MC3 on May 15, 2022, 10:28:49 AM
Nothing to contribute to this thread than to say I love Thunders
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on May 15, 2022, 05:26:18 PM
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Had another great sesh on these thunders yesterday. These seem to be exactly what I was looking for. The bushings feel good, but they're already cracking which is disappointing, will probably have to replace them soon. Do Indy Conicals fit? Or will I have to sand/cut them down?

My thunder bushings crack, but…it hasn’t changed anything, aside from the look. Maybe that’s just me tho.
(Weird way of me trying to say that you might not need to change them out that soon)

I'll let it ride till it feels weird then I guess.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 15, 2022, 05:28:20 PM
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Don't bother with Riptides just wax your hanger nub a bit. I do it on every pair of trucks now and have zero squeaks. You could do it where the bushings touch the hanger too.

I've done this and found that once the wax is in there for a bit and breaks down/gets dirty, the wax itself causes an even louder squeak. might depend on the type of wax, i just used gulf wax. I might try a cotton swab with the lightest bit of motor oil on it and do a very light coat.

Wax works but is a stop gap solution for me as the squeaks always come back. The smallest drop of speed cream or whatever [bearing] lube  does the trick (and you don't have to disassemble your trucks ruining your current truck adjustments)
I tried that after it jizzes out an oily death spunk the squeak comes back fast. Guess I've just had good luck with these hangers as I've only waxed them once.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 15, 2022, 05:51:20 PM
I tend to not get squeaky thunders tho (especially stock). Indy on the other hand...every single pair.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 15, 2022, 06:52:06 PM
It's a way to announce your gear supremacy without having to say anything.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: OldCandy on May 15, 2022, 07:26:17 PM
how long does it take for dlx warranty team to email me back (from your experience) about a baseplate issue (no, not the noseslide contacts)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on May 15, 2022, 07:42:55 PM
I tend to not get squeaky thunders tho (especially stock). Indy on the other hand...every single pair.

I may have watched some painful batb footage, and in one of them both riders had super creaky indy setups. My beloved ventures have often had the squeak in the beginning as well.

Does anyone have a favorite riser to use with thunders?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on May 15, 2022, 08:28:23 PM
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I tend to not get squeaky thunders tho (especially stock). Indy on the other hand...every single pair.

I may have watched some painful batb footage, and in one of them both riders had super creaky indy setups. My beloved ventures have often had the squeak in the beginning as well.

Does anyone have a favorite riser to use with thunders?
Im rocking the Real Wooden ones they are pretty good!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on May 15, 2022, 08:39:40 PM
how long does it take for dlx warranty team to email me back (from your experience) about a baseplate issue (no, not the noseslide contacts)

For me it's either on the same day or never
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on May 15, 2022, 09:03:40 PM
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I tend to not get squeaky thunders tho (especially stock). Indy on the other hand...every single pair.

I may have watched some painful batb footage, and in one of them both riders had super creaky indy setups. My beloved ventures have often had the squeak in the beginning as well.

Does anyone have a favorite riser to use with thunders?
Im rocking the Real Wooden ones they are pretty good!

Thanks! Will get
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on May 15, 2022, 09:15:33 PM
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I tend to not get squeaky thunders tho (especially stock). Indy on the other hand...every single pair.

I may have watched some painful batb footage, and in one of them both riders had super creaky indy setups. My beloved ventures have often had the squeak in the beginning as well.

Does anyone have a favorite riser to use with thunders?
Im rocking the Real Wooden ones they are pretty good!

Thanks! Will get

you won't be disappointed
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on May 15, 2022, 09:36:05 PM
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I tend to not get squeaky thunders tho (especially stock). Indy on the other hand...every single pair.

I may have watched some painful batb footage, and in one of them both riders had super creaky indy setups. My beloved ventures have often had the squeak in the beginning as well.

Does anyone have a favorite riser to use with thunders?
Im rocking the Real Wooden ones they are pretty good!

Thanks! Will get

you won't be disappointed

Ah, thanks for the co-sign.
Yes, the only problem is waiting on the good ‘local’ to also get the new venture bushings, before placing the order.

As a side note, I switch my stuff up, often, and at this point that seems to be a fairly big part of ‘skating’ for me…and yet I’ve been riding thunders a lot lately, particularly 149s
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 16, 2022, 09:13:57 AM
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I tend to not get squeaky thunders tho (especially stock). Indy on the other hand...every single pair.

I may have watched some painful batb footage, and in one of them both riders had super creaky indy setups. My beloved ventures have often had the squeak in the beginning as well.

Does anyone have a favorite riser to use with thunders?

I can't recall the BATB matches, but I know the ones you are talking about, there was a pretty recent one. that level of squeak would drive me insane.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 16, 2022, 11:38:07 AM
Pros do low key weird shit though, ie ride insanely tight trucks and incessantly crowbar their heel into the truck to straighten them out…no normal skaters do that…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on May 16, 2022, 11:51:16 AM
Tell me more please
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 16, 2022, 12:29:30 PM
Pros do low key weird shit though, ie ride insanely tight trucks and incessantly crowbar their heel into the truck to straighten them out…no normal skaters do that…..

cole does that shit
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 16, 2022, 12:34:22 PM
So does Nigel….so do kids at the park…for no good reason….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 16, 2022, 04:37:18 PM

Will report back once I get them setup/skated.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DarkPools on May 17, 2022, 02:28:17 PM
Pros do low key weird shit though, ie ride insanely tight trucks and incessantly crowbar their heel into the truck to straighten them out…no normal skaters do that…..

Actually, many skaters do their heel into a truck to straighten it out. That's not some weird pro shit..the fuck?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fulfillthedream on May 23, 2022, 07:26:57 PM
on my like 8th set of 148s. I was always quick to change to the 95a but the local doesnt have any thunder or bones so im using the stocks and they're pretty good.

i also noticed thunder and venture never did the whole inverted kingpin thing.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 23, 2022, 07:37:08 PM
Thunder keeps hinting like they might.  I hope they don’t.  The clearance does suck but the Indy one looks beat.  Venture you don’t really need it.  By the time you hit your kingpin you’re a couple mm’s away from the axel. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 23, 2022, 08:30:12 PM
Thunder keeps hinting like they might.  I hope they don’t.  The clearance does suck but the Indy one looks beat.  Venture you don’t really need it.  By the time you hit your kingpin you’re a couple mm’s away from the axel. 

They don't offer much much clearance, if at all (indy) and only add weight and or increased drag.

I'm over it until someone gets the OG Krux hollow DL kingpin setup back in action (with a properly fitting top washer); they actually helped you with Smiths/feebles.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 23, 2022, 08:30:50 PM
I think that is the style seen on the proto Thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: iw0 on May 23, 2022, 09:46:22 PM
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Thunder keeps hinting like they might.  I hope they don’t.  The clearance does suck but the Indy one looks beat.  Venture you don’t really need it.  By the time you hit your kingpin you’re a couple mm’s away from the axel. 

They don't offer much much clearance, if at all (indy) and only add weight and or increased drag.

I'm over it until someone gets the OG Krux hollow DL kingpin setup back in action (with a properly fitting top washer); they actually helped you with Smiths/feebles.

do you have a picture to compare the non OG versions to by chance? i'm not too familiar and i feel like i wouldn't figure it out on my own on google searches
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 23, 2022, 09:58:36 PM
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Thunder keeps hinting like they might.  I hope they don’t.  The clearance does suck but the Indy one looks beat.  Venture you don’t really need it.  By the time you hit your kingpin you’re a couple mm’s away from the axel. 

They don't offer much much clearance, if at all (indy) and only add weight and or increased drag.

I'm over it until someone gets the OG Krux hollow DL kingpin setup back in action (with a properly fitting top washer); they actually helped you with Smiths/feebles.

do you have a picture to compare the non OG versions to by chance? i'm not too familiar and i feel like i wouldn't figure it out on my own on google searches

( (

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 23, 2022, 11:30:03 PM
Someone posted a good equivalent with a flat washer as well…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: SlapMcKracken on May 31, 2022, 01:51:07 PM
Got thunder hollows again.

I can’t nose and tailslide on them. Any advice?
Or do I need to get other trucks again?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on May 31, 2022, 01:56:58 PM
Got thunder hollows again.

I can’t nose and tailslide on them. Any advice?
Or do I need to get other trucks again?

Put more weight on the nose/tail (or on the ledge) and try not to dip your board too much. Also, go faster! I had no idea how much the extended baseplate on Indy's (and other trucks) was a crutch until I tried BS tailslides on Thunders, you really gotta be sitting on your tail or else your wheels are gonna drag. You can power through it with enough speed and a good technique (again, really sitting on it) but yeah, that's probably the one thing a lot of people complain about with Thunders...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: SlapMcKracken on May 31, 2022, 02:04:58 PM
Will try this, thanks. But not amused about going faster for slides now.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on May 31, 2022, 03:17:22 PM
Got thunder hollows again.

I can’t nose and tailslide on them. Any advice?
Or do I need to get other trucks again?

You'll get used to it. Took me awhile to get my noseslides feeling right but now I can get them sliding almost as far as I could on Ace/Indy. Can't speak for tailslides though.. I suck at those.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: realbasedgod112 on May 31, 2022, 05:14:51 PM
Got thunder hollows again.

I can’t nose and tailslide on them. Any advice?
Or do I need to get other trucks again?
wax the shit out of the baseplate and the flat area before the kick
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 31, 2022, 05:20:16 PM
Smaller harder wheels.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 31, 2022, 05:50:35 PM
Adjust your technique. I don't have any issue but I stand on the tips more and lean back a bit more. Honestly it becomes way easier for me as there is less risk of slipping out.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on May 31, 2022, 05:53:29 PM
Agree with above, I feel like thunders are actually better for nose and tailslides because they force you into better form. I find myself wobbling around a bit with aces and ventures because of the baseplate and really prefer the locked in thunder slide.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: switchfakie on May 31, 2022, 08:43:15 PM
can anybody explain to me the difference between Thunder: titanium lights, hollow, and the lights? they don't have any concrete numbers on their website explaining weight differences, so im lost asf

i just bought some 151 light 2's but now i don't know if i should return them or not bc they might not be light enough. im a short dude so i need the lightest truck possible bc i like skating wide boards with 54s
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on May 31, 2022, 10:10:17 PM
can anybody explain to me the difference between Thunder: titanium lights, hollow, and the lights? they don't have any concrete numbers on their website explaining weight differences, so im lost asf

i just bought some 151 light 2's but now i don't know if i should return them or not bc they might not be light enough. im a short dude so i need the lightest truck possible bc i like skating wide boards with 54s
You'll be fine my dude, Thunders are light trucks as is so a light version of them should be just fine.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: sebbo on June 01, 2022, 01:02:02 AM
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can anybody explain to me the difference between Thunder: titanium lights, hollow, and the lights? they don't have any concrete numbers on their website explaining weight differences, so im lost asf


Titanium lights have a forged baseplate and a titanium axle, hollows have a forged baseplate, hollow kingpin und hollow axle, lights just have a hollow kingpin. There are also team hollows, which have a cast baseplate (1mm higher) and hollow kingpin und axle. Thunder standards have a cast baseplate and normal kingpin and axle.
Even those are still pretty light. About 360g for 149.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: SaySo on June 01, 2022, 03:55:33 AM
can anybody explain to me the difference between Thunder: titanium lights, hollow, and the lights? they don't have any concrete numbers on their website explaining weight differences, so im lost asf

i just bought some 151 light 2's but now i don't know if i should return them or not bc they might not be light enough. im a short dude so i need the lightest truck possible bc i like skating wide boards with 54s

This site doesn't have specs for the 151s, but I know the owner and he is pretty much a stickler for measuring things.

According to him, the 149 high lights are 343 grams each. The 149 titanium highs are 309 grams each.

149 high lights - (

149 titanium highs - (

Hollow lights don't have a weight listed, but it's probably somewhere in the middle (~320 grams/each).

For reference, a single US Quarter coin weighs 5.67 grams.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on June 01, 2022, 05:42:17 AM
I have found that a U.S. nickel weighs about 5 grams, so that makes it an even easier unit of measurement. Calculate the difference in grams per type ( team, hollow, hollow light, etc) multiply by two and divide the result by five. Count out that many nickels and decide if that’s enough of a weight difference for you. Helps with the madness some.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 01, 2022, 07:04:00 AM
Agree with above, I feel like thunders are actually better for nose and tailslides because they force you into better form. I find myself wobbling around a bit with aces and ventures because of the baseplate and really prefer the locked in thunder slide.

I really hope i get to this point, my FS noseslides have suffered since switching to thunders, they're getting better, but it hurts my soul to struggle on a trick that is normally a staple for me. I love doing long fs noseslides <3
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ol Nick on June 01, 2022, 07:16:58 AM
I have found that a U.S. nickel weighs about 5 grams, so that makes it an even easier unit of measurement. Calculate the difference in grams per type ( team, hollow, hollow light, etc) multiply by two and divide the result by five. Count out that many nickels and decide if that’s enough of a weight difference for you. Helps with the madness some.
By “helps the madness” I’m imagining that you mean you stop mid-way through counting a pile of nickels to decide what skateboard trucks to buy and realize that it’s gone too far.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: notinternetfamous on June 01, 2022, 07:23:26 AM
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Agree with above, I feel like thunders are actually better for nose and tailslides because they force you into better form. I find myself wobbling around a bit with aces and ventures because of the baseplate and really prefer the locked in thunder slide.

I really hope i get to this point, my FS noseslides have suffered since switching to thunders, they're getting better, but it hurts my soul to struggle on a trick that is normally a staple for me. I love doing long fs noseslides <3

you'll get there for sure! i have a homie who does the longest fs noseslides on Thunders 145s
i'm riding Ventures nowadays, but some of my longest fs tailslides have been on Thunders. A little adjustment in technique and speed go a long way
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on June 01, 2022, 07:29:08 AM
Obviously they slide just fine if your technique is on point:

( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 01, 2022, 07:40:40 AM
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Agree with above, I feel like thunders are actually better for nose and tailslides because they force you into better form. I find myself wobbling around a bit with aces and ventures because of the baseplate and really prefer the locked in thunder slide.

I really hope i get to this point, my FS noseslides have suffered since switching to thunders, they're getting better, but it hurts my soul to struggle on a trick that is normally a staple for me. I love doing long fs noseslides <3

you'll get there for sure! i have a homie who does the longest fs noseslides on Thunders 145s
i'm riding Ventures nowadays, but some of my longest fs tailslides have been on Thunders. A little adjustment in technique and speed go a long way

thanks for the encouragement

Obviously they slide just fine if your technique is on point:

( (

yea, surprisingly, my back tails are doing better than they were on indys. My technique for them must be complimentary to thunders, where as my fs noseslides were more suited for indys. I'm def gonna keep at it, really enjoying the trucks otherwise. and lets be honest, you know KB put a fat layer of wax on the side of that ledge lol.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on June 01, 2022, 08:05:01 AM
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Agree with above, I feel like thunders are actually better for nose and tailslides because they force you into better form. I find myself wobbling around a bit with aces and ventures because of the baseplate and really prefer the locked in thunder slide.

I really hope i get to this point, my FS noseslides have suffered since switching to thunders, they're getting better, but it hurts my soul to struggle on a trick that is normally a staple for me. I love doing long fs noseslides <3

you'll get there for sure! i have a homie who does the longest fs noseslides on Thunders 145s
i'm riding Ventures nowadays, but some of my longest fs tailslides have been on Thunders. A little adjustment in technique and speed go a long way

thanks for the encouragement

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Obviously they slide just fine if your technique is on point:

( (

yea, surprisingly, my back tails are doing better than they were on indys. My technique for them must be complimentary to thunders, where as my fs noseslides were more suited for indys. I'm def gonna keep at it, really enjoying the trucks otherwise. and lets be honest, you know KB put a fat layer of wax on the side of that ledge lol.

Really? It's funny, for me it's the opposite! My front noseslides aren't affected really on either my Thunder or my Indys, but my back tails freaking suck on Thunders, I tend to dip then more than any other slide so I end up sticking, while I can get away with some dip on Indys.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 01, 2022, 08:24:10 AM

Really? It's funny, for me it's the opposite! My front noseslides aren't affected really on either my Thunder or my Indys, but my back tails freaking suck on Thunders, I tend to dip then more than any other slide so I end up sticking, while I can get away with some dip on Indys.

Yup, completely opposite. My back tails have improved on thunders haha. That fact alone motivates me to just alter my technique for slides I'm having trouble with, I know it can be done. Just gotta keep messing around with them .
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on June 01, 2022, 09:03:28 AM
On my current Baker deck with the Baker team graphic I was an idiot when I set it up and didn't know what direction the logo went. I skated it for a full day and was impressed by how crispy fs flips and tails were. Imagine my fucking head exploding when I rode it the correct way and realized the difference.

Also Thunder lights are stupid light. I honestly hated skating them in 148s because they made my board feel outta control when I left the ground. You could get the basic standards and be just fine in terms of weight plus they're a tad taller.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on June 01, 2022, 09:53:46 AM
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I have found that a U.S. nickel weighs about 5 grams, so that makes it an even easier unit of measurement. Calculate the difference in grams per type ( team, hollow, hollow light, etc) multiply by two and divide the result by five. Count out that many nickels and decide if that’s enough of a weight difference for you. Helps with the madness some.
By “helps the madness” I’m imagining that you mean you stop mid-way through counting a pile of nickels to decide what skateboard trucks to buy and realize that it’s gone too far.

Ha! Sneaky Secrets said something similar about microwaving shoes.
What really makes a person realize that they are splitting hairs is the average is between 5-15 nickels difference!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: schralp pal on June 01, 2022, 11:36:11 AM
Is there a reason they are not offering 161s in any hollow version (lately?)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: hobochimp on June 01, 2022, 03:58:09 PM
Never been interested in thunders until recently. Been watching lots of old Dylan Rieder footage and it got me realizing that a lot of the skaters I like are on thunders. Old Brent atchley footage got me thinking about thunders always too.

Anyways, what is the turn like compared to venture? If thunders were stable like ventures but turned and were more carvy then I think I could get down on that.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on June 01, 2022, 05:26:00 PM
I thought Brent rode Indy's?

Turn is not the same kind of stable. I actually like it a lot but others find it twitchy. The stability comes from the lower height and generally smaller turn radius than an Indy or Ace but nothing like Venture.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 01, 2022, 05:47:14 PM
Never been interested in thunders until recently. Been watching lots of old Dylan Rieder footage and it got me realizing that a lot of the skaters I like are on thunders. Old Brent atchley footage got me thinking about thunders always too.

Anyways, what is the turn like compared to venture? If thunders were stable like ventures but turned and were more carvy then I think I could get down on that.

They are more stable than the turny trucks (Indy, ace) but turn way better than ventures. If you went to ventures from something like Indy and enjoy the stability but feel like something is missing, I would try them. They also grind much better than ventures.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 01, 2022, 06:04:53 PM
I thought Brent rode Indy's?

Turn is not the same kind of stable. I actually like it a lot but others find it twitchy. The stability comes from the lower height and generally smaller turn radius than an Indy or Ace but nothing like Venture.

As far as I can remember he rode Indy's until the most recent stuff he put out where he was on thunders. I remember him being in the ads for Indy lows when those came out. I feel like he should be on aces though, with the way he moves. Brent Atchley on some ace lows with 50mm wheels just seems right.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on June 01, 2022, 06:30:42 PM
Never been interested in thunders until recently. Been watching lots of old Dylan Rieder footage and it got me realizing that a lot of the skaters I like are on thunders. Old Brent atchley footage got me thinking about thunders always too.

Anyways, what is the turn like compared to venture? If thunders were stable like ventures but turned and were more carvy then I think I could get down on that.

I will say from primarily skating Indy, but also having boards with Ace, Thunder, Venture, etc that I found the Thunder trucks were a bit low for me, but after putting a 2mm DIY riser under the team editions, they worked great and I could turn well without going straight to wheelbite, which I had been with no risers.

Some people love them for the fact that they are so low and I can appreciate them as is on 50mm or smaller wheels, but on 54mm or so, I needed that extra bit of height to feel like I could skate normally.

The sets on boards I have are 149s, stock bushings, kingpin pretty much flush or just a touch tighter on the back truck, a little time to break in the bushings and they firmed up a lot from first skate and now feel really good.

Kingpin clearance is a lot less than on the Indy trucks, but I could easily take it down with a lower top bushing and make more clearance if I wanted to, but everything about them is good as is really.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on June 01, 2022, 07:15:50 PM
Is there a reason they are not offering 161s in any hollow version (lately?)

Overall sales of 161s?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on June 01, 2022, 08:03:56 PM
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Never been interested in thunders until recently. Been watching lots of old Dylan Rieder footage and it got me realizing that a lot of the skaters I like are on thunders. Old Brent atchley footage got me thinking about thunders always too.

Anyways, what is the turn like compared to venture? If thunders were stable like ventures but turned and were more carvy then I think I could get down on that.

They are more stable than the turny trucks (Indy, ace) but turn way better than ventures. If you went to ventures from something like Indy and enjoy the stability but feel like something is missing, I would try them. They also grind much better than ventures.

Yeah, they grind *almost* as good as Indys, but pinch way better. I'm constantly switching between Indy and Thunder. When I'm on Indys, I'm missing some of the things that make Thunders great, and vice versa.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on June 01, 2022, 11:04:39 PM
Thunders give you a bit of turn up front, then it’s just lean until you stop dead from wheelbite.  Ventures just give you lean….but more of it…..

Thunders grind better but Ventures last longer and clearance is way better….

Thunders have more light options….Ventures you have more to be proud about.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fulfillthedream on June 02, 2022, 01:09:03 AM
IMO Indys and Thunders are both really good but once I got used to Thunders i cant skate anything else. I tried Indy's and Ace but after 3-4 days had to revert back to Thunder
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dou_02 on June 02, 2022, 03:23:36 AM
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Never been interested in thunders until recently. Been watching lots of old Dylan Rieder footage and it got me realizing that a lot of the skaters I like are on thunders. Old Brent atchley footage got me thinking about thunders always too.

Anyways, what is the turn like compared to venture? If thunders were stable like ventures but turned and were more carvy then I think I could get down on that.

They are more stable than the turny trucks (Indy, ace) but turn way better than ventures. If you went to ventures from something like Indy and enjoy the stability but feel like something is missing, I would try them. They also grind much better than ventures.

Yeah, they grind *almost* as good as Indys, but pinch way better. I'm constantly switching between Indy and Thunder. When I'm on Indys, I'm missing some of the things that make Thunders great, and vice versa.

I've been also always switching between thunders and indys, but recently thunder has been sm better for control when it comes to grinds and tricks, and since im pinch reliant, it makes it even better. Only thing missing is the extra weight and height which makes indys better for popping tricks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on June 02, 2022, 05:17:36 AM
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Never been interested in thunders until recently. Been watching lots of old Dylan Rieder footage and it got me realizing that a lot of the skaters I like are on thunders. Old Brent atchley footage got me thinking about thunders always too.

Anyways, what is the turn like compared to venture? If thunders were stable like ventures but turned and were more carvy then I think I could get down on that.

They are more stable than the turny trucks (Indy, ace) but turn way better than ventures. If you went to ventures from something like Indy and enjoy the stability but feel like something is missing, I would try them. They also grind much better than ventures.

Yeah, they grind *almost* as good as Indys, but pinch way better. I'm constantly switching between Indy and Thunder. When I'm on Indys, I'm missing some of the things that make Thunders great, and vice versa.

I've been also always switching between thunders and indys, but recently thunder has been sm better for control when it comes to grinds and tricks, and since im pinch reliant, it makes it even better. Only thing missing is the extra weight and height which makes indys better for popping tricks.

Idk about weight, but have you though about Real wooden risers for height? I've heard some good things about them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 02, 2022, 05:41:26 AM
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Never been interested in thunders until recently. Been watching lots of old Dylan Rieder footage and it got me realizing that a lot of the skaters I like are on thunders. Old Brent atchley footage got me thinking about thunders always too.

Anyways, what is the turn like compared to venture? If thunders were stable like ventures but turned and were more carvy then I think I could get down on that.

They are more stable than the turny trucks (Indy, ace) but turn way better than ventures. If you went to ventures from something like Indy and enjoy the stability but feel like something is missing, I would try them. They also grind much better than ventures.

Yeah, they grind *almost* as good as Indys, but pinch way better. I'm constantly switching between Indy and Thunder. When I'm on Indys, I'm missing some of the things that make Thunders great, and vice versa.

I've been also always switching between thunders and indys, but recently thunder has been sm better for control when it comes to grinds and tricks, and since im pinch reliant, it makes it even better. Only thing missing is the extra weight and height which makes indys better for popping tricks.

The team baseplate trucks are 52mm tall. A 1/8 riser would put you at indy height, slighty above actually, like fractions of a mm. Though personally, i find my pop is much better on thunders due to the WB giving me that SNAP! Try standard thunders with a 1/8 riser, or a 1/16 to retain more pinch.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: schralp pal on June 02, 2022, 05:58:04 AM
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Is there a reason they are not offering 161s in any hollow version (lately?)

Overall sales of 161s?

Maybe nobody buys them but they did just drop the 181 (not hollow). I found some 161 hollows at the shop near my parents house, But noticed thunder has not had any in the last three drops.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on June 02, 2022, 12:30:55 PM
Some good photos of the 181 just hit Instagram
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on June 02, 2022, 12:43:46 PM
Some good photos of the 181 just hit Instagram

Yo these look nice
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on June 02, 2022, 01:14:35 PM
It looks like a 215….

I saw the inverted kp……it looks way better than the mindy….more like a krux.  Hopefully it’ll drop….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on June 02, 2022, 05:43:46 PM
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Is there a reason they are not offering 161s in any hollow version (lately?)

Overall sales of 161s?


Maybe nobody buys them but they did just drop the 181 (not hollow). I found some 161 hollows at the shop near my parents house, But noticed thunder has not had any in the last three drops.

I think there were other issues which could also explain this one, as per info provided a while back, but couldn't find anything from a quick search.

The baseplates and hangers are poured in SF, but the kingpins, axles and other parts all come from overseas - China or where ever - which was a problem with all the delays and so those parts might not have arrived, or might have had issues even being made, so maybe no hollow axles for the mean time.

Given that there would be significantly fewer 161s made compared to other smaller sizes, that could explain why there seem like there are very few around as well.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: freidnly guy on June 02, 2022, 06:29:03 PM
Some good photos of the 181 just hit Instagram
Quite wheelbitey, risers may be necessary. I was hoping they'd be a little taller but they are the same as 161s it seems.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: schralp pal on June 02, 2022, 07:05:22 PM
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Is there a reason they are not offering 161s in any hollow version (lately?)

Overall sales of 161s?


Maybe nobody buys them but they did just drop the 181 (not hollow). I found some 161 hollows at the shop near my parents house, But noticed thunder has not had any in the last three drops.

I think there were other issues which could also explain this one, as per info provided a while back, but couldn't find anything from a quick search.

The baseplates and hangers are poured in SF, but the kingpins, axles and other parts all come from overseas - China or where ever - which was a problem with all the delays and so those parts might not have arrived, or might have had issues even being made, so maybe no hollow axles for the mean time.

Given that there would be significantly fewer 161s made compared to other smaller sizes, that could explain why there seem like there are very few around as well.

Thanks, I was hoping I didn’t miss something about defective parts earlier in this thread.

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Some good photos of the 181 just hit Instagram
Quite wheelbitey, risers may be necessary. I was hoping they'd be a little taller but they are the same as 161s it seems.

Running the 161s with 56s and it doesn’t seem more wheelbity than normal, but they do look incredibly low compared to my Indy’s
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on June 02, 2022, 08:29:18 PM
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Is there a reason they are not offering 161s in any hollow version (lately?)

Overall sales of 161s?


Maybe nobody buys them but they did just drop the 181 (not hollow). I found some 161 hollows at the shop near my parents house, But noticed thunder has not had any in the last three drops.

I think there were other issues which could also explain this one, as per info provided a while back, but couldn't find anything from a quick search.

The baseplates and hangers are poured in SF, but the kingpins, axles and other parts all come from overseas - China or where ever - which was a problem with all the delays and so those parts might not have arrived, or might have had issues even being made, so maybe no hollow axles for the mean time.

Given that there would be significantly fewer 161s made compared to other smaller sizes, that could explain why there seem like there are very few around as well.

Thanks, I was hoping I didn’t miss something about defective parts earlier in this thread.

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Some good photos of the 181 just hit Instagram
Quite wheelbitey, risers may be necessary. I was hoping they'd be a little taller but they are the same as 161s it seems.

Running the 161s with 56s and it doesn’t seem more wheelbity than normal, but they do look incredibly low compared to my Indy’s

I think Axel also runs standard Thunders (149s?) with 56mm conical fulls. Idk how y'all do that without dying from wheelbite.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on June 02, 2022, 11:15:56 PM
Tight trucks…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mean salto on June 02, 2022, 11:25:00 PM
Is there really that much demand for a 10 inch thunder? Would of thought most giant shaped board people would be Indy for tradition or already into ace
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on June 03, 2022, 05:06:03 AM
Is there really that much demand for a 10 inch thunder? Would of thought most giant shaped board people would be Indy for tradition or already into ace

I thought the same, but I guess there is a market for the complete cruisers of all the Zip varieties, especially now the Zip Zogger is out and people want a truck that fits it, they can now supply it all in house, between the deck, Thunder trucks, Krooked cruiser wheels, or Spitfire 80HDs.

Guessing that the Krooked 1/4" riser would be perfect on that setup too, between the Thunder turn and the bigger and or softer wheels, that would really make it zing!!!

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on June 03, 2022, 05:07:22 AM
Is there really that much demand for a 10 inch thunder? Would of thought most giant shaped board people would be Indy for tradition or already into ace

Back when I rode “the best and fuck the rest” I would have agreed with you. As a distributor that releases 10ish boards on the regular I would say it’s a good idea to have trucks that would fit those boards. Maybe we’re about to see some rereleases a’la Powell Peralta from Real?

Edit: posted same time as Mbrimson, haha!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: beandemon on June 03, 2022, 07:17:48 AM
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Is there really that much demand for a 10 inch thunder? Would of thought most giant shaped board people would be Indy for tradition or already into ace

I thought the same, but I guess there is a market for the complete cruisers of all the Zip varieties, especially now the Zip Zogger is out and people want a truck that fits it, they can now supply it all in house, between the deck, Thunder trucks, Krooked cruiser wheels, or Spitfire 80HDs.

Guessing that the Krooked 1/4" riser would be perfect on that setup too, between the Thunder turn and the bigger and or softer wheels, that would really make it zing!!!

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Is there really that much demand for a 10 inch thunder? Would of thought most giant shaped board people would be Indy for tradition or already into ace

Back when I rode “the best and fuck the rest” I would have agreed with you. As a distributor that releases 10ish boards on the regular I would say it’s a good idea to have trucks that would fit those boards. Maybe we’re about to see some rereleases a’la Powell Peralta from Real?

Edit: posted same time as Mbrimson, haha!

I’m hyped on 10” trucks, but yeeeesh, the zip zogger is nasty. Way to bloated in the front and weird little tail. The Wish they would just do an unrouted beemer for the 10” zip offering - or offer more beemers.

I was wondering if the 181’s weren’t a response to the 215 shortage? They were scarce for a while, even right before the pandemic. I heard a rumor that there was a panic run on 10”ers when the x games were in Minneapolis in 2019. Issues from moving production? 
The pandemic sports boom is probably pushing demand, too, especially amongst the old guys. Influx of new/returning after a long time away plus the widespread practice of matching axle width to deck size on a few generations with almost exclusively popsicles and now 10” trucks are in demand.
I’m any case, I see more 10” trucks now than ever.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on June 03, 2022, 07:18:00 AM
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Some good photos of the 181 just hit Instagram

Yo these look nice

i need the complete setup..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on June 03, 2022, 11:47:02 AM
Is there really that much demand for a 10 inch thunder? Would of thought most giant shaped board people would be Indy for tradition or already into ace

Weight reduction from the two TANKS of trucks at that size? I've a set of 159 hollows and 161s...the weight difference is insane, especially when you factor in the bigger board. Throw on some small (1/16th if you can find small hard ones) risers with the 161 forged and you're golden.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on June 03, 2022, 11:30:51 PM
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Is there really that much demand for a 10 inch thunder? Would of thought most giant shaped board people would be Indy for tradition or already into ace

Back when I rode “the best and fuck the rest” I would have agreed with you. As a distributor that releases 10ish boards on the regular I would say it’s a good idea to have trucks that would fit those boards. Maybe we’re about to see some rereleases a’la Powell Peralta from Real?

Edit: posted same time as Mbrimson, haha!

Ha yeah I have often posted right after someone else, but didn't see or know until I went back over the thread to re read it all.

Imagine a whole lot more 10" decks, with options from Indy, Ace and Thunder at least covering all bases.  People could even ride Venture 6.1 with Powell Mini Cubic wheels if they really wanted as well, which would cover the width nicely.

Curious to see how many they sell and if there are any axle bending issues with such a wide truck, but that is just me thinking out loud.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on June 04, 2022, 07:23:09 AM
Maybe early 80’s….but even mid 80’s….no one skated 215’s….this is some weird 2022 vanity shit…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on June 04, 2022, 07:37:17 AM
I cross posted this in the questions thread, but figured it would get some love here as well

I’m new to thunders, my last pair was on my first Christmas complete in 1995, they were t-4’s then, and I’ve been enjoying riding 147s for the past couple months.

What are some favorite 8.5” shapes for people on thunders?

I know, 147 on 8.5 seems really mid matched, but I know Ellington and Greco used to run this, and kick flips are easier because of the tippiness

I’m looking for decks Preferably with a tail longer than 6.5 (6.6 or 6.75 would be great) and a wheelbase 14”-14.3

I recently stepped up from a quasi proto 8.25 (tapered to 8” on the back) and the 8.5 feels really cozy and I wanna grab a couple more

Thanks pals!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mulldrifter on June 04, 2022, 09:06:29 AM
i'm riding my zogger with 169, i'm not sure i would prefere 215, mostly because the back isnt that wide.
i think a 9.5 truck would be perfect for that, the new ace 77 probably. but i'm not too willing to buy a truck just for that cruiser setup :)
next step is a 9 inch venture !
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: intendedreceivers on June 04, 2022, 09:11:53 AM
I cross posted this in the questions thread, but figured it would get some love here as well

I’m new to thunders, my last pair was on my first Christmas complete in 1995, they were t-4’s then, and I’ve been enjoying riding 147s for the past couple months.

What are some favorite 8.5” shapes for people on thunders?

I know, 147 on 8.5 seems really mid matched, but I know Ellington and Greco used to run this, and kick flips are easier because of the tippiness

I’m looking for decks Preferably with a tail longer than 6.5 (6.6 or 6.75 would be great) and a wheelbase 14”-14.3

I recently stepped up from a quasi proto 8.25 (tapered to 8” on the back) and the 8.5 feels really cozy and I wanna grab a couple more

Thanks pals!

Quasis tend to be pretty mellow through the middle and have that thin, snappy feeling, but if you’re interested in trying something different, I might suggest a 5Boro. The wood is exceptional and the tail shape feels nice and roomy, concave through the middle is a little more deep. Definitely my personal choice if I had to buy one board for the rest of life.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: lazer69 on June 04, 2022, 09:20:35 AM
How do you keep them trucks from getting locked in on one side ?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: venture5.8 on June 04, 2022, 09:38:33 AM
I am sorry to ask already if this has been answered. The bushings in one of my trucks is starting to get cooked and I am noticing it when skating. I am getting a present for somebody off of ccs and saw they had these bushing options if anybody has ran them in thunders and can provide some help
-do dohs
Thank you in advance!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on June 04, 2022, 09:49:34 AM
I cross posted this in the questions thread, but figured it would get some love here as well

I’m new to thunders, my last pair was on my first Christmas complete in 1995, they were t-4’s then, and I’ve been enjoying riding 147s for the past couple months.

What are some favorite 8.5” shapes for people on thunders?

I know, 147 on 8.5 seems really mid matched, but I know Ellington and Greco used to run this, and kick flips are easier because of the tippiness

I’m looking for decks Preferably with a tail longer than 6.5 (6.6 or 6.75 would be great) and a wheelbase 14”-14.3

I recently stepped up from a quasi proto 8.25 (tapered to 8” on the back) and the 8.5 feels really cozy and I wanna grab a couple more

Thanks pals!

Thunders are very good.
I skate a lot of quasi boards. I like a shorter tail than you do, the crail g053 is excellent, highly recommend (short tail tho, but also why I like it, and wheelbase is too long for what you want, so just cross this out).
Longer tail, try an April maybe? I had the Shane shape with 147s, and hated it (and myself for buying an April).
147s are so sick. I have a hard time skating a wheel above 52, and that ends up limiting how often I skate 147s.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on June 04, 2022, 09:50:36 AM
I am sorry to ask already if this has been answered. The bushings in one of my trucks is starting to get cooked and I am noticing it when skating. I am getting a present for somebody off of ccs and saw they had these bushing options if anybody has ran them in thunders and can provide some help
-do dohs
Thank you in advance!

Xen is the thunder bushing source of info
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on June 04, 2022, 10:25:03 AM
Expand Quote
I cross posted this in the questions thread, but figured it would get some love here as well

I’m new to thunders, my last pair was on my first Christmas complete in 1995, they were t-4’s then, and I’ve been enjoying riding 147s for the past couple months.

What are some favorite 8.5” shapes for people on thunders?

I know, 147 on 8.5 seems really mid matched, but I know Ellington and Greco used to run this, and kick flips are easier because of the tippiness

I’m looking for decks Preferably with a tail longer than 6.5 (6.6 or 6.75 would be great) and a wheelbase 14”-14.3

I recently stepped up from a quasi proto 8.25 (tapered to 8” on the back) and the 8.5 feels really cozy and I wanna grab a couple more

Thanks pals!

Quasis tend to be pretty mellow through the middle and have that thin, snappy feeling, but if you’re interested in trying something different, I might suggest a 5Boro. The wood is exceptional and the tail shape feels nice and roomy, concave through the middle is a little more deep. Definitely my personal choice if I had to buy one board for the rest of life.
Big ups I had one when they were Chapman pressed, I appreciate the reply and I’ll check into it!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on June 04, 2022, 11:38:24 AM
Expand Quote
I cross posted this in the questions thread, but figured it would get some love here as well

I’m new to thunders, my last pair was on my first Christmas complete in 1995, they were t-4’s then, and I’ve been enjoying riding 147s for the past couple months.

What are some favorite 8.5” shapes for people on thunders?

I know, 147 on 8.5 seems really mid matched, but I know Ellington and Greco used to run this, and kick flips are easier because of the tippiness

I’m looking for decks Preferably with a tail longer than 6.5 (6.6 or 6.75 would be great) and a wheelbase 14”-14.3

I recently stepped up from a quasi proto 8.25 (tapered to 8” on the back) and the 8.5 feels really cozy and I wanna grab a couple more

Thanks pals!

Thunders are very good.
I skate a lot of quasi boards. I like a shorter tail than you do, the crail g053 is excellent, highly recommend (short tail tho, but also why I like it, and wheelbase is too long for what you want, so just cross this out).
Longer tail, try an April maybe? I had the Shane shape with 147s, and hated it (and myself for buying an April).
147s are so sick. I have a hard time skating a wheel above 52, and that ends up limiting how often I skate 147s.
Thanks for the reply! I skated the April 8.25 last summer, and broke it in at the huge new park in Des Moines.
I’ll definately look into the crail 8.5 shapes. I skated the 8.25 in the early spring, the one with  the slightly longer tail than nose. Solid deck and I have another on ice for when the time comes.
I have really, really enjoyed the 147s. They are the first 8” trucks I’ve had in a decade. I have 54mm conical a on them, and while I’m getting a little wheel bite, it’s not too bad. I’m on cast plates an inverted kingpin (keeper off eBay) and have been enjoying them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on June 04, 2022, 11:47:17 AM
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I am sorry to ask already if this has been answered. The bushings in one of my trucks is starting to get cooked and I am noticing it when skating. I am getting a present for somebody off of ccs and saw they had these bushing options if anybody has ran them in thunders and can provide some help
-do dohs
Thank you in advance!

Xen is the thunder bushing source of info

@fat philly skater

Can’t go wrong with stock if that’s what you are used too.

That said, I highly recommend getting Venom bottoms, use whatever top you want (I prefer a low top so they are not so tight and can keep the nut from falling off - grewer tip). They're longboard shit but bushings are bushings as far as their purpose; they're also better urethane. You could try the NFGs (they're also taller than stock thunders) but pretty soft...the 90a NFG is mush compared to the 86a Venom.

I run the 86a (they were $5 blemish so worth a try) they're 1mm taller than stock thunders but either sand or compress them down and you're fine.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on June 04, 2022, 12:57:26 PM
I cross posted this in the questions thread, but figured it would get some love here as well

I’m new to thunders, my last pair was on my first Christmas complete in 1995, they were t-4’s then, and I’ve been enjoying riding 147s for the past couple months.

What are some favorite 8.5” shapes for people on thunders?

I know, 147 on 8.5 seems really mid matched, but I know Ellington and Greco used to run this, and kick flips are easier because of the tippiness

I’m looking for decks Preferably with a tail longer than 6.5 (6.6 or 6.75 would be great) and a wheelbase 14”-14.3

I recently stepped up from a quasi proto 8.25 (tapered to 8” on the back) and the 8.5 feels really cozy and I wanna grab a couple more

Thanks pals!

You can go full Ishod and get a Real twin tail. They make them in 8.3 and 8.5. I think the kicks on both are 6.65" or something.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on June 04, 2022, 03:50:35 PM
Expand Quote
I cross posted this in the questions thread, but figured it would get some love here as well

I’m new to thunders, my last pair was on my first Christmas complete in 1995, they were t-4’s then, and I’ve been enjoying riding 147s for the past couple months.

What are some favorite 8.5” shapes for people on thunders?

I know, 147 on 8.5 seems really mid matched, but I know Ellington and Greco used to run this, and kick flips are easier because of the tippiness

I’m looking for decks Preferably with a tail longer than 6.5 (6.6 or 6.75 would be great) and a wheelbase 14”-14.3

I recently stepped up from a quasi proto 8.25 (tapered to 8” on the back) and the 8.5 feels really cozy and I wanna grab a couple more

Thanks pals!

You can go full Ishod and get a Real twin tail. They make them in 8.3 and 8.5. I think the kicks on both are 6.65" or something.
That’s a good idea, have you ever tried one? I haven’t yet. When Paul Schmidt was on the nine club, he measured the degrees of the nose and tail on Robert’s twin tail, and the nose was still steeper than the tail, showing that at that moment the crailtap wood twin tails were not using a symmetrical mold. I also liked Schmidt’s idea that a board is like a jack knife with two distinctly different kicks for different terrain.
That said, I might still cop because of the length of the kicks is in my neighborhood, and I’m a fan of ishod and bbs wood
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: europa1991 on June 04, 2022, 05:40:02 PM
New to the team hollows (and hollow trucks in general been riding team editions for a min) and I’m noticing the turn seems to feel off and I’m getting wheelbite often. Does anyone on here ride them with bones medium bushings? Found a new pair in my house awhile back so I’m curious if they’d make a difference.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on June 05, 2022, 11:00:44 AM
So I think I may be switching back to thunders. I’ve been primarily riding Indy the past couple of years and I love the turn but my tricks have just never felt right, at the very least I struggle with flips and pop.

I just set up a twin tail with a set of Thunders I had tried a couple years ago and it just feels great. I’m old now and the quicker pop point just works so much better for me. Even after years on Indy’s I still ghost pop sometimes, especially if ollieing onto lower ledges, and that’s not an issue with the thunders.

I know some of it may be the pairing of board and trucks, so I need to try the thunders on my usual set up. I got the softest thunder 90du bushings and they feel reasonably good but not as good as Indy. Anyone else have this experience of switching from ace/Indy to thunder and not looking back?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mean salto on June 05, 2022, 11:10:53 AM
So I think I may be switching back to thunders. I’ve been primarily riding Indy the past couple of years and I love the turn but my tricks have just never felt right, at the very least I struggle with flips and pop.

I just set up a twin tail with a set of Thunders I had tried a couple years ago and it just feels great. I’m old now and the quicker pop point just works so much better for me. Even after years on Indy’s I still ghost pop sometimes, especially if ollieing onto lower ledges, and that’s not an issue with the thunders.

I know some of it may be the pairing of board and trucks, so I need to try the thunders on my usual set up. I got the softest thunder 90du bushings and they feel reasonably good but not as good as Indy. Anyone else have this experience of switching from ace/Indy to thunder and not looking back?
Unfortunately not the "and not looking back"part.
I prefer almost everything about thunder to Indy but my manual,nosemanual and even 5-0, nosegrind are much worse on thunders. Never used to be the case then a few years ago got the idea in my head thunders are more for fully pressed or pinched style grinds not so much Manny style even tho like half the team are the most tech skaters going lol. Haven't gone back to Indy for a long while tho so maybe there's so hope
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on June 05, 2022, 11:43:34 AM
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I cross posted this in the questions thread, but figured it would get some love here as well

I’m new to thunders, my last pair was on my first Christmas complete in 1995, they were t-4’s then, and I’ve been enjoying riding 147s for the past couple months.

What are some favorite 8.5” shapes for people on thunders?

I know, 147 on 8.5 seems really mid matched, but I know Ellington and Greco used to run this, and kick flips are easier because of the tippiness

I’m looking for decks Preferably with a tail longer than 6.5 (6.6 or 6.75 would be great) and a wheelbase 14”-14.3

I recently stepped up from a quasi proto 8.25 (tapered to 8” on the back) and the 8.5 feels really cozy and I wanna grab a couple more

Thanks pals!

You can go full Ishod and get a Real twin tail. They make them in 8.3 and 8.5. I think the kicks on both are 6.65" or something.
That’s a good idea, have you ever tried one? I haven’t yet. When Paul Schmidt was on the nine club, he measured the degrees of the nose and tail on Robert’s twin tail, and the nose was still steeper than the tail, showing that at that moment the crailtap wood twin tails were not using a symmetrical mold. I also liked Schmidt’s idea that a board is like a jack knife with two distinctly different kicks for different terrain.
That said, I might still cop because of the length of the kicks is in my neighborhood, and I’m a fan of ishod and bbs wood

Yeah I had 2 twin tail slicks in 8.3. It didn’t negatively impact my skating and DLX twin tails are for sure actual twin. Unless you really need a big nose then I think it’s worth trying. Main benefit is that you can skate it either way and it arguably lasts longer since you use both sides pretty evenly.

Edit: one thing worth mentioning, the slicks are definitely heavier than normal decks, so if weight is an issue, definitely toss on lighter trucks. Not as heavy as the Crail pop secret decks though. The weight didn’t bother me since I had a couple sets of Thunder hollow lights at the time.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on June 05, 2022, 11:50:26 AM
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So I think I may be switching back to thunders. I’ve been primarily riding Indy the past couple of years and I love the turn but my tricks have just never felt right, at the very least I struggle with flips and pop.

I just set up a twin tail with a set of Thunders I had tried a couple years ago and it just feels great. I’m old now and the quicker pop point just works so much better for me. Even after years on Indy’s I still ghost pop sometimes, especially if ollieing onto lower ledges, and that’s not an issue with the thunders.

I know some of it may be the pairing of board and trucks, so I need to try the thunders on my usual set up. I got the softest thunder 90du bushings and they feel reasonably good but not as good as Indy. Anyone else have this experience of switching from ace/Indy to thunder and not looking back?
Unfortunately not the "and not looking back"part.
I prefer almost everything about thunder to Indy but my manual,nosemanual and even 5-0, nosegrind are much worse on thunders. Never used to be the case then a few years ago got the idea in my head thunders are more for fully pressed or pinched style grinds not so much Manny style even tho like half the team are the most tech skaters going lol. Haven't gone back to Indy for a long while tho so maybe there's so hope

Yeah and my manuals aren’t very good on my Indy’s so there’s not much room for them to get worse. Maybe with the thunders I can dedicate some time and practice my super pinched manuals
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on June 05, 2022, 11:53:22 AM
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So I think I may be switching back to thunders. I’ve been primarily riding Indy the past couple of years and I love the turn but my tricks have just never felt right, at the very least I struggle with flips and pop.

I just set up a twin tail with a set of Thunders I had tried a couple years ago and it just feels great. I’m old now and the quicker pop point just works so much better for me. Even after years on Indy’s I still ghost pop sometimes, especially if ollieing onto lower ledges, and that’s not an issue with the thunders.

I know some of it may be the pairing of board and trucks, so I need to try the thunders on my usual set up. I got the softest thunder 90du bushings and they feel reasonably good but not as good as Indy. Anyone else have this experience of switching from ace/Indy to thunder and not looking back?
Unfortunately not the "and not looking back"part.
I prefer almost everything about thunder to Indy but my manual,nosemanual and even 5-0, nosegrind are much worse on thunders. Never used to be the case then a few years ago got the idea in my head thunders are more for fully pressed or pinched style grinds not so much Manny style even tho like half the team are the most tech skaters going lol. Haven't gone back to Indy for a long while tho so maybe there's so hope

I use thunders the most often. Cast 149s for the majority of my skating. I do not skate transitions. Wheel size and wheelbite, on my mind. I have all of the trucks (not really but the amount of trucks I have is dumb), and yes, if I get on ace im shocked at how much more they turn, but…for the skating I do, that turn doesn’t help me. I do like skating ace/indy occasionally, good times, different, and oddly, ace 55 classics work well for me with some flipping, but overall, im far more consistent on thunders: better ollie, waaaaaaaay better kickflip. Less wiggling tho
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fulfillthedream on June 08, 2022, 01:31:21 PM
I was riding these 148s with the orange bushings but i couldn't get the into the right tightness. Got the 95 blue ones and they're working like a charm  :)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ol Nick on June 11, 2022, 09:49:29 AM
I’m not even riding Thunders right now nor am I feeling the itch to do so. I just couldn’t keep looking at those green hangers.

I’ma have to update the pics in my classifieds post. Maybe someone will want em now
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 11, 2022, 10:00:59 AM
I’m not even riding Thunders right now nor am I feeling the itch to do so. I just couldn’t keep looking at those green hangers.

I’ma have to update the pics in my classifieds post. Maybe someone will want em now

They look way better, nice job.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on June 11, 2022, 10:17:16 AM
I’m not even riding Thunders right now nor am I feeling the itch to do so. I just couldn’t keep looking at those green hangers.

I’ma have to update the pics in my classifieds post. Maybe someone will want em now

wow they look so much better
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on June 12, 2022, 01:33:02 AM

They sure do look way cleaner and should make someone happy now.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ol Nick on June 12, 2022, 03:23:00 PM

They sure do look way cleaner and should make someone happy now.
I mean, they’re kinda starting to make me happy. I was tryna trade em for some AF1s but there’s an outside chance I’ll get a pair for my birthday soon in which case I probably just have to keep the Thunders on hand for when the madness comes back.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: skatebruh on June 12, 2022, 04:13:53 PM
I’m not even riding Thunders right now nor am I feeling the itch to do so. I just couldn’t keep looking at those green hangers.

I’ma have to update the pics in my classifieds post. Maybe someone will want em now

You are doing God's work.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 15, 2022, 12:17:55 PM
New to this thread bc I just switched back to thunder after 1 year on venture trucks. I switched to venture bc I just wanted to try them out after my thunder trucks bushings blew out. I recently swapped 95d blue bushing rebuild kit in the thunders and they feel just like my ventures. I barely crank the nut down or else they are too tight. I noticed that this makes the geometry almost identical to the venture trucks bc the wheelbite marks are like 3mm off from each other on the same board. (The pop feel is almost identical as well)
So does the tightness of the truck change the effective wheelbase? I would think that if i had the nuts cranked all the way down, then the wheelbase would go inward. Sorry im way too superstitious about my setup:(

Did you get thunder replacement bushings with a conical bottom?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ol Nick on June 15, 2022, 01:17:41 PM
New to this thread bc I just switched back to thunder after 1 year on venture trucks. I switched to venture bc I just wanted to try them out after my thunder trucks bushings blew out. I recently swapped 95d blue bushing rebuild kit in the thunders and they feel just like my ventures. I barely crank the nut down or else they are too tight. I noticed that this makes the geometry almost identical to the venture trucks bc the wheelbite marks are like 3mm off from each other on the same board. (The pop feel is almost identical as well)
So does the tightness of the truck change the effective wheelbase? I would think that if i had the nuts cranked all the way down, then the wheelbase would go inward. Sorry im way too superstitious about my setup:(
For me, once the bushings are broken in, their height stabilizes until they start blowing out. So once yours are broken in, tightening them will limit the turn but I don’t think it’ll bring your wheelbase in any further than just stepping on the board does. If you start changing the height of the bottom bushing, you can bring the axles down/in or up/out as much as the pivot and hanger will allow. There’s not many anecdotes of people having good experiences with that though. You could use a wedge riser for the same effect without fucking up the truck geometry but, you know, how superstitious are you?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on June 15, 2022, 01:38:12 PM
Just bought a new set of Thunder Lights. Switching over from Indy. That extra wheelbase/quicker pop on Thunder has just been feeling so much better....

Excited to swap them out and be completely wrong. madness strikes again
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: joaqp on June 15, 2022, 06:28:49 PM

Did you get thunder replacement bushings with a conical bottom?
Conical bottom. Here is a link to the exact same ones.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: MC3 on June 15, 2022, 06:35:37 PM
I'm actually kind of digging the pink hangers and the 80s graphics on these. Thinking about the 151s for a cruiser setup.

Tho i am a Thunder fan, I'm wondering if I should go for a more 'cruiser' truck, like an ace or something.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 15, 2022, 06:38:16 PM
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Did you get thunder replacement bushings with a conical bottom?
Conical bottom. Here is a link to the exact same ones.

Stock are 90du usually so maybe the harder bushings are just really affecting you. The lighter you are, the more you would notice the difference.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fooj on June 15, 2022, 07:50:01 PM
Thinking about picking up some of the $10 team 145s on Zumiez to replace the forged plates i have on my 148s.  Does anyone know if the hangers would fit or is the geo different between that big of a gap?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on June 15, 2022, 08:47:06 PM
Thinking about picking up some of the $10 team 145s on Zumiez to replace the forged plates i have on my 148s.  Does anyone know if the hangers would fit or is the geo different between that big of a gap?

This is a great question. I tried the cast plates on my 149s, on my hollow forged 148s, and it looked wrong. Fairly certain the geo on 145 is the same as 147, and then 148 is different, and I even think 149 might be slightly different, but please don’t take my word for it cuz I’m fried.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on June 15, 2022, 09:54:30 PM
I'm actually kind of digging the pink hangers and the 80s graphics on these. Thinking about the 151s for a cruiser setup.

Tho i am a Thunder fan, I'm wondering if I should go for a more 'cruiser' truck, like an ace or something.

Those are pretty sick.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mean salto on June 16, 2022, 01:11:59 AM
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Thinking about picking up some of the $10 team 145s on Zumiez to replace the forged plates i have on my 148s.  Does anyone know if the hangers would fit or is the geo different between that big of a gap?

This is a great question. I tried the cast plates on my 149s, on my hollow forged 148s, and it looked wrong. Fairly certain the geo on 145 is the same as 147, and then 148 is different, and I even think 149 might be slightly different, but please don’t take my word for it cuz I’m fried.
I think older 145 and 147 also had low versions but weren't always marked as low or high. I think thunder discontinued the lows so $10 trucks might be those. Someone with more thunder knowledge probably could tell the difference without having to compare the heights.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 16, 2022, 06:12:20 AM
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Thinking about picking up some of the $10 team 145s on Zumiez to replace the forged plates i have on my 148s.  Does anyone know if the hangers would fit or is the geo different between that big of a gap?

This is a great question. I tried the cast plates on my 149s, on my hollow forged 148s, and it looked wrong. Fairly certain the geo on 145 is the same as 147, and then 148 is different, and I even think 149 might be slightly different, but please don’t take my word for it cuz I’m fried.
I think older 145 and 147 also had low versions but weren't always marked as low or high. I think thunder discontinued the lows so $10 trucks might be those. Someone with more thunder knowledge probably could tell the difference without having to compare the heights.

I believe the height/geo of the 148 and up is different than the 147 and down. @Xen can probably confirm
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 16, 2022, 06:15:23 AM
I'm actually kind of digging the pink hangers and the 80s graphics on these. Thinking about the 151s for a cruiser setup.

Tho i am a Thunder fan, I'm wondering if I should go for a more 'cruiser' truck, like an ace or something.

Really depends on your wheel, bushing, and riser situation. Thunders can be super surfy if you run them loose. use soft bushings/flat washers, and shave your top bushing down if you want more surf. the issue youre gonna run into is wheelbite, compared to other trucks. risers, and smaller more narrow wheels with round edges can help combat this.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fooj on June 16, 2022, 06:38:17 AM
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Thinking about picking up some of the $10 team 145s on Zumiez to replace the forged plates i have on my 148s.  Does anyone know if the hangers would fit or is the geo different between that big of a gap?

This is a great question. I tried the cast plates on my 149s, on my hollow forged 148s, and it looked wrong. Fairly certain the geo on 145 is the same as 147, and then 148 is different, and I even think 149 might be slightly different, but please don’t take my word for it cuz I’m fried.
I think older 145 and 147 also had low versions but weren't always marked as low or high. I think thunder discontinued the lows so $10 trucks might be those. Someone with more thunder knowledge probably could tell the difference without having to compare the heights.

I believe the height/geo of the 148 and up is different than the 147 and down. @Xen can probably confirm
Yeah that would makes sense. Thanks for the feedback
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Hubba Bo-Tep on June 16, 2022, 07:44:46 AM
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Did you get thunder replacement bushings with a conical bottom?
Conical bottom. Here is a link to the exact same ones.

I've got to say, these changed my opinion on Thunders immediately.  I'm digging the turn on them now.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 16, 2022, 08:25:50 AM
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Did you get thunder replacement bushings with a conical bottom?
Conical bottom. Here is a link to the exact same ones.

I've got to say, these changed my opinion on Thunders immediately.  I'm digging the turn on them now.

Coming from indy/ace, and trying out ventures, i can confidently say that the thunder turn is pretty fucking sweet if you tune them for your weight just right. Riptides on thunders make much more of a difference to me, than on indy/ace too. Total gamechanger for thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on June 16, 2022, 09:35:17 AM
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Thinking about picking up some of the $10 team 145s on Zumiez to replace the forged plates i have on my 148s.  Does anyone know if the hangers would fit or is the geo different between that big of a gap?

This is a great question. I tried the cast plates on my 149s, on my hollow forged 148s, and it looked wrong. Fairly certain the geo on 145 is the same as 147, and then 148 is different, and I even think 149 might be slightly different, but please don’t take my word for it cuz I’m fried.
I think older 145 and 147 also had low versions but weren't always marked as low or high. I think thunder discontinued the lows so $10 trucks might be those. Someone with more thunder knowledge probably could tell the difference without having to compare the heights.

I believe the height/geo of the 148 and up is different than the 147 and down. @Xen can probably confirm

I've never noticed anything off when swapping plates/hangers but 147 and below the heights are 1mm lower than 148+ regardless of plate, so it must be the hanger and possibly geo? Maybe all those 147 riders know something we don't ;)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on June 16, 2022, 10:17:24 AM
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Did you get thunder replacement bushings with a conical bottom?
Conical bottom. Here is a link to the exact same ones.

I've got to say, these changed my opinion on Thunders immediately.  I'm digging the turn on them now.

Coming from indy/ace, and trying out ventures, i can confidently say that the thunder turn is pretty fucking sweet if you tune them for your weight just right. Riptides on thunders make much more of a difference to me, than on indy/ace too. Total gamechanger for thunders.

The one thing about thunder I think people have to accept is you may have to run them tighter.  I don’t see too many people on jiggly thunders.  The top end of the turn is still pretty fun though, and you get enough to carve or a swerve out of something.  They are nice and low too which is what a lot of people want. 

I liked the riptides alot too, they felt more smooth and maybe a bit more range?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 16, 2022, 10:28:20 AM

I liked the riptides alot too, they felt more smooth and maybe a bit more range?

Made the turn more consistent and less twitchy for me and maybe a little deeper, at least thats how i perceived it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on June 16, 2022, 02:31:28 PM
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Thinking about picking up some of the $10 team 145s on Zumiez to replace the forged plates i have on my 148s.  Does anyone know if the hangers would fit or is the geo different between that big of a gap?

This is a great question. I tried the cast plates on my 149s, on my hollow forged 148s, and it looked wrong. Fairly certain the geo on 145 is the same as 147, and then 148 is different, and I even think 149 might be slightly different, but please don’t take my word for it cuz I’m fried.
I think older 145 and 147 also had low versions but weren't always marked as low or high. I think thunder discontinued the lows so $10 trucks might be those. Someone with more thunder knowledge probably could tell the difference without having to compare the heights.

I believe the height/geo of the 148 and up is different than the 147 and down. @Xen can probably confirm

I've never noticed anything off when swapping plates/hangers but 147 and below the heights are 1mm lower than 148+ regardless of plate, so it must be the hanger and possibly geo? Maybe all those 147 riders know something we don't ;)

Simple: the small ones up to the 147 have 2mm lower hangers than the 148-149-151 hangers, and then the 161 and new 181 hangers are another 1mm taller. Those differences are all in the hangers and apart from the height, the rest of the geometry is the same on all sizes (angles and wheelbase)

The baseplates are not size specific, they're the same no matter the size of the trucks but forged baseplates are 1mm lower than cast ones (and extend the wheelbase by a hair) and everything can be mixed and matched across all sizes and truck styles.

Exemple, if you take a hanger off a 147 hollow light and install it on the baseplate from a basic 151, it will be the same height as a stock basic or team hollow 147...

Here's a quick reference guide:


143-145-147 (7.125" - 7.62" - 8")
Height with a cast baseplate: 50mm
Height with a forged baseplate: 49mm

148-149-151 (8.25" - 8.5" - 8.75")
Height with a cast baseplate: 52mm
Height with a forged baseplate: 51mm

161-181 (9.125" - 10")
Height with a cast baseplate: 53mm
Height with a forged baseplate: 52mm


It's all here:
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Hubba Bo-Tep on June 17, 2022, 03:13:54 AM
Coming from indy/ace, and trying out ventures, i can confidently say that the thunder turn is pretty fucking sweet if you tune them for your weight just right. Riptides on thunders make much more of a difference to me, than on indy/ace too. Total gamechanger for thunders.

I put riptides in my last pair of Indys and have been thinking about doing the same for my Thunders.  Thanks man, my decision has been made!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on June 17, 2022, 05:32:27 PM
Swapped out my indy's for thunders, immediately started skating better. No ghost pop, felt more consistent. Probably my fault for having multiple set ups with different trucks, but this really helped clarify it for me. Any boards I set up for street/ledge/flip tricks, going with thunder from now on. If I have a slappy or transition board, then I'll run indy.

Now I just need to figure out how to get my thunders a *little* looser, my kingpin nut is basically only on a couple of threads with the 90du bushings which are the softest for thunder afaik. May need to sand them a bit, or start looking at the riptides or even nfg bushings. I don't understand people who think the thunder turn is "better" than indy.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Murge on June 17, 2022, 05:39:49 PM
Swapped out my indy's for thunders, immediately started skating better. No ghost pop, felt more consistent. Probably my fault for having multiple set ups with different trucks, but this really helped clarify it for me. Any boards I set up for street/ledge/flip tricks, going with thunder from now on. If I have a slappy or transition board, then I'll run indy.

Now I just need to figure out how to get my thunders a *little* looser, my kingpin nut is basically only on a couple of threads with the 90du bushings which are the softest for thunder afaik. May need to sand them a bit, or start looking at the riptides or even nfg bushings. I don't understand people who think the thunder turn is "better" than indy.

I had a similar experience. I was weird about trucks marking my wheel base longer and put thunders on a whim immediately flips tricks was more consistent and felt better. Then I took and Indy conical 92a bushing and I still can wheel bite but it’s rare.

Maybe try a conical bottom bushing. I feel I can turn sharp with out wheel biting on it. When I had the stock bottom in I had to tighten a little or I’d bite but with the 92a conical it seems fine.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on June 17, 2022, 06:03:17 PM
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Swapped out my indy's for thunders, immediately started skating better. No ghost pop, felt more consistent. Probably my fault for having multiple set ups with different trucks, but this really helped clarify it for me. Any boards I set up for street/ledge/flip tricks, going with thunder from now on. If I have a slappy or transition board, then I'll run indy.

Now I just need to figure out how to get my thunders a *little* looser, my kingpin nut is basically only on a couple of threads with the 90du bushings which are the softest for thunder afaik. May need to sand them a bit, or start looking at the riptides or even nfg bushings. I don't understand people who think the thunder turn is "better" than indy.

I had a similar experience. I was weird about trucks marking my wheel base longer and put thunders on a whim immediately flips tricks was more consistent and felt better. Then I took and Indy conical 92a bushing and I still can wheel bite but it’s rare.

Maybe try a conical bottom bushing. I feel I can turn sharp with out wheel biting on it. When I had the stock bottom in I had to tighten a little or I’d bite but with the 92a conical it seems fine.

t's so funny because we're talking a couple millimeter difference, but that extra couple mm t takes for my tail to hit the ground on indys absolutely makes a difference. That pop point just feels way more natural/comfortable for me.

That's not a bad idea, I have some indy conicals that maybe i'll swap the bottom. Flat washers are a potential option as well? To be honest I don't want to make too many changes too quick, so I'll just run them as loose as possible for a while, break in the bushings and see if they settle into a nice spot.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on June 17, 2022, 06:33:21 PM
Ishod runs his squiggly loose according to his neinclub. I think he does two tops. I think I remember Gerwer doing the same according to some skate media, cannot remember the source.
But. Thunders will never feel like Indys imo, the turn is just to quick, and maybe shallow is the word I’m looking for. I skate better on thunders, so I’m skating thunders.
Whatchu trying to turn a lot for?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on June 17, 2022, 06:56:34 PM
Ishod runs his squiggly loose according to his neinclub. I think he does two tops. I think I remember Gerwer doing the same according to some skate media, cannot remember the source.
But. Thunders will never feel like Indys imo, the turn is just to quick, and maybe shallow is the word I’m looking for. I skate better on thunders, so I’m skating thunders.
Whatchu trying to turn a lot for?

I just want a bit of swerve. Two tops isn’t a bad idea. I’m not great at skating so having looser trucks helps me cheat out some of my landings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on June 17, 2022, 07:28:24 PM
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Ishod runs his squiggly loose according to his neinclub. I think he does two tops. I think I remember Gerwer doing the same according to some skate media, cannot remember the source.
But. Thunders will never feel like Indys imo, the turn is just to quick, and maybe shallow is the word I’m looking for. I skate better on thunders, so I’m skating thunders.
Whatchu trying to turn a lot for?

I just want a bit of swerve. Two tops isn’t a bad idea. I’m not great at skating so having looser trucks helps me cheat out some of my landings.

I spend more time on here, than I do skating, and the results are very apparent.
Respectfully, my experience has been looser trucks go straight to wheelbite with thunders. I’m also finally understanding that I skate a little bit better with tighter trucks. Just throwing that out there. I see more too loose than too tight.
Now that I’m done being a patronizing jerkwad, some rippers have gotten bones to work in thunders. Short term fix, but could help? Some of the local killers were using riser pads (I think the god Bobby D does this as well). I usually skate smaller wheels with thunders, and have them more inset in relation to deck width (awkwardly put: I go for more deck than axle width, which I’m convinced lends to more turn and less wheelbite). I wax my deck wheel wells sometimes (not very often, but when I think of it I do).
Anyways, thunders are fun as hell, I mean all trucks are fun, skating is fun, but my experience has been that thunders are the most effective for landing tricks, for me, which what I’m currently trying to do.
I bought some super loose clear replacement bushing and just caught savage wheelbites to flying elbows and was over it, I bought the super hard replacement kit, and chickened out.
Lemme know if you get more turn!
Oh hit up @Xen. Has done the work when it comes to bushings. I don’t fuck with that black magic.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on June 17, 2022, 08:38:09 PM
86a Venom Bottoms and flat washers.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on June 17, 2022, 09:13:28 PM
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Ishod runs his squiggly loose according to his neinclub. I think he does two tops. I think I remember Gerwer doing the same according to some skate media, cannot remember the source.
But. Thunders will never feel like Indys imo, the turn is just to quick, and maybe shallow is the word I’m looking for. I skate better on thunders, so I’m skating thunders.
Whatchu trying to turn a lot for?

I just want a bit of swerve. Two tops isn’t a bad idea. I’m not great at skating so having looser trucks helps me cheat out some of my landings.

I spend more time on here, than I do skating, and the results are very apparent.
Respectfully, my experience has been looser trucks go straight to wheelbite with thunders. I’m also finally understanding that I skate a little bit better with tighter trucks. Just throwing that out there. I see more too loose than too tight.
Now that I’m done being a patronizing jerkwad, some rippers have gotten bones to work in thunders. Short term fix, but could help? Some of the local killers were using riser pads (I think the god Bobby D does this as well). I usually skate smaller wheels with thunders, and have them more inset in relation to deck width (awkwardly put: I go for more deck than axle width, which I’m convinced lends to more turn and less wheelbite). I wax my deck wheel wells sometimes (not very often, but when I think of it I do).
Anyways, thunders are fun as hell, I mean all trucks are fun, skating is fun, but my experience has been that thunders are the most effective for landing tricks, for me, which what I’m currently trying to do.
I bought some super loose clear replacement bushing and just caught savage wheelbites to flying elbows and was over it, I bought the super hard replacement kit, and chickened out.
Lemme know if you get more turn!
Oh hit up @Xen. Has done the work when it comes to bushings. I don’t fuck with that black magic.

Not being a jerkwad at all, I appreciate the feedback and the light ribbing. I think it's true a lot of people switch their gear up wanting it to do something it just wasn't designed for. To be clear, I don't want/need my thunders to be wobbly loose, and I know that no matter how loose I get them they won't give the same feeling as ace or indy, which I don't want either.

My experience with stock thunder bushings has been once they're broken in they're firmer than I like and I have to run the kingpin nut basically as loose as possible without falling off. I just want to make a couple of adjustments and see if I can get them set up with a little more give and the kingpin nut closer to flush. @Xen the 86a venom bottom may be the place to start.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on June 17, 2022, 09:24:50 PM
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Ishod runs his squiggly loose according to his neinclub. I think he does two tops. I think I remember Gerwer doing the same according to some skate media, cannot remember the source.
But. Thunders will never feel like Indys imo, the turn is just to quick, and maybe shallow is the word I’m looking for. I skate better on thunders, so I’m skating thunders.
Whatchu trying to turn a lot for?

I just want a bit of swerve. Two tops isn’t a bad idea. I’m not great at skating so having looser trucks helps me cheat out some of my landings.

I spend more time on here, than I do skating, and the results are very apparent.
Respectfully, my experience has been looser trucks go straight to wheelbite with thunders. I’m also finally understanding that I skate a little bit better with tighter trucks. Just throwing that out there. I see more too loose than too tight.
Now that I’m done being a patronizing jerkwad, some rippers have gotten bones to work in thunders. Short term fix, but could help? Some of the local killers were using riser pads (I think the god Bobby D does this as well). I usually skate smaller wheels with thunders, and have them more inset in relation to deck width (awkwardly put: I go for more deck than axle width, which I’m convinced lends to more turn and less wheelbite). I wax my deck wheel wells sometimes (not very often, but when I think of it I do).
Anyways, thunders are fun as hell, I mean all trucks are fun, skating is fun, but my experience has been that thunders are the most effective for landing tricks, for me, which what I’m currently trying to do.
I bought some super loose clear replacement bushing and just caught savage wheelbites to flying elbows and was over it, I bought the super hard replacement kit, and chickened out.
Lemme know if you get more turn!
Oh hit up @Xen. Has done the work when it comes to bushings. I don’t fuck with that black magic.

Not being a jerkwad at all, I appreciate the feedback and the light ribbing. I think it's true a lot of people switch their gear up wanting it to do something it just wasn't designed for. To be clear, I don't want/need my thunders to be wobbly loose, and I know that no matter how loose I get them they won't give the same feeling as ace or indy, which I don't want either.

My experience with stock thunder bushings has been once they're broken in they're firmer than I like and I have to run the kingpin nut basically as loose as possible without falling off. I just want to make a couple of adjustments and see if I can get them set up with a little more give and the kingpin nut closer to flush. @Xen the 86a venom bottom may be the place to start.

Stock thunders, nut flush are too tight for me. I can skate them but need a little more give.

Maybe try a low top first (I run the 86a venom bottom and a 95a low top); they are not wobbly loose but they are looser than stock with the nut flush. The venoms are only 4 duro softer than the stocks, however, they are much better urethane and provide way more rebound; the dual duro combo makes them very snappy.

I've also shaved the stock top down to get the nut flush and net a bit more turn.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on June 18, 2022, 07:08:45 AM
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Ishod runs his squiggly loose according to his neinclub. I think he does two tops. I think I remember Gerwer doing the same according to some skate media, cannot remember the source.
But. Thunders will never feel like Indys imo, the turn is just to quick, and maybe shallow is the word I’m looking for. I skate better on thunders, so I’m skating thunders.
Whatchu trying to turn a lot for?

I just want a bit of swerve. Two tops isn’t a bad idea. I’m not great at skating so having looser trucks helps me cheat out some of my landings.

I spend more time on here, than I do skating, and the results are very apparent.
Respectfully, my experience has been looser trucks go straight to wheelbite with thunders. I’m also finally understanding that I skate a little bit better with tighter trucks. Just throwing that out there. I see more too loose than too tight.
Now that I’m done being a patronizing jerkwad, some rippers have gotten bones to work in thunders. Short term fix, but could help? Some of the local killers were using riser pads (I think the god Bobby D does this as well). I usually skate smaller wheels with thunders, and have them more inset in relation to deck width (awkwardly put: I go for more deck than axle width, which I’m convinced lends to more turn and less wheelbite). I wax my deck wheel wells sometimes (not very often, but when I think of it I do).
Anyways, thunders are fun as hell, I mean all trucks are fun, skating is fun, but my experience has been that thunders are the most effective for landing tricks, for me, which what I’m currently trying to do.
I bought some super loose clear replacement bushing and just caught savage wheelbites to flying elbows and was over it, I bought the super hard replacement kit, and chickened out.
Lemme know if you get more turn!
Oh hit up @Xen. Has done the work when it comes to bushings. I don’t fuck with that black magic.

Not being a jerkwad at all, I appreciate the feedback and the light ribbing. I think it's true a lot of people switch their gear up wanting it to do something it just wasn't designed for. To be clear, I don't want/need my thunders to be wobbly loose, and I know that no matter how loose I get them they won't give the same feeling as ace or indy, which I don't want either.

My experience with stock thunder bushings has been once they're broken in they're firmer than I like and I have to run the kingpin nut basically as loose as possible without falling off. I just want to make a couple of adjustments and see if I can get them set up with a little more give and the kingpin nut closer to flush. @Xen the 86a venom bottom may be the place to start.

Stock thunders, nut flush are too tight for me. I can skate them but need a little more give.

Maybe try a low top first (I run the 86a venom bottom and a 95a low top); they are not wobbly loose but they are looser than stock with the nut flush. The venoms are only 4 duro softer than the stocks, however, they are much better urethane and provide way more rebound; the dual duro combo makes them very snappy.

I've also shaved the stock top down to get the nut flush and net a bit more turn.

What’s the rec on shaving bushings? We talking razor blade or a Belt sander?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dan Gerous on June 18, 2022, 08:15:48 AM
Personally I'd use a fresh new blade, sounds quicker and easier than a belt sander.

Ishod runs his squiggly loose according to his neinclub. I think he does two tops. I think I remember Gerwer doing the same according to some skate media, cannot remember the source.
But. Thunders will never feel like Indys imo, the turn is just to quick, and maybe shallow is the word I’m looking for. I skate better on thunders, so I’m skating thunders.
Whatchu trying to turn a lot for?

Gerwer used old style Venture low top bushings in Thunders, the old ones were lower than the current Venture Lows use I think. He was hoarding new old stock he could find in the DLX warehouse but now they released lower Venture bushing kits for those who can't get stock 90A bushings loose enough, that could be an option, although I'm not sure if stock top bushings of Thunders and Ventures are the same hight... but obviously, just shaving the top bushing is free!


Using a top bushing at the bottom works too but puts everything out of alignement, it lowers the trucks even more (could be a good thing or bad thing depending who you ask), shortens the wheelbase a bit (again, could be a good thing or bad thing depending who you ask) but probably also wears the pivot quicker. I think that's why Ishod uses thin risers, it brings back a similar pop angle to a stock setup... and obviously he doesn't care if his pivot cups blow out more often.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on June 18, 2022, 08:28:27 AM
It’s true that my statement re: super loose thunders isn’t totally accurate there are some….but it’s a category of skaters who are commonly just really good, or heaven forbid can handle their landings…..I’m not one of those people.  If I rode them again, I’d tighten them up…..

The way he described the twin it made me think I could skate better on one too…..nope…..just did a bunch of shuvs…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on June 18, 2022, 03:28:51 PM
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Ishod runs his squiggly loose according to his neinclub. I think he does two tops. I think I remember Gerwer doing the same according to some skate media, cannot remember the source.
But. Thunders will never feel like Indys imo, the turn is just to quick, and maybe shallow is the word I’m looking for. I skate better on thunders, so I’m skating thunders.
Whatchu trying to turn a lot for?

I just want a bit of swerve. Two tops isn’t a bad idea. I’m not great at skating so having looser trucks helps me cheat out some of my landings.

I spend more time on here, than I do skating, and the results are very apparent.
Respectfully, my experience has been looser trucks go straight to wheelbite with thunders. I’m also finally understanding that I skate a little bit better with tighter trucks. Just throwing that out there. I see more too loose than too tight.
Now that I’m done being a patronizing jerkwad, some rippers have gotten bones to work in thunders. Short term fix, but could help? Some of the local killers were using riser pads (I think the god Bobby D does this as well). I usually skate smaller wheels with thunders, and have them more inset in relation to deck width (awkwardly put: I go for more deck than axle width, which I’m convinced lends to more turn and less wheelbite). I wax my deck wheel wells sometimes (not very often, but when I think of it I do).
Anyways, thunders are fun as hell, I mean all trucks are fun, skating is fun, but my experience has been that thunders are the most effective for landing tricks, for me, which what I’m currently trying to do.
I bought some super loose clear replacement bushing and just caught savage wheelbites to flying elbows and was over it, I bought the super hard replacement kit, and chickened out.
Lemme know if you get more turn!
Oh hit up @Xen. Has done the work when it comes to bushings. I don’t fuck with that black magic.

Not being a jerkwad at all, I appreciate the feedback and the light ribbing. I think it's true a lot of people switch their gear up wanting it to do something it just wasn't designed for. To be clear, I don't want/need my thunders to be wobbly loose, and I know that no matter how loose I get them they won't give the same feeling as ace or indy, which I don't want either.

My experience with stock thunder bushings has been once they're broken in they're firmer than I like and I have to run the kingpin nut basically as loose as possible without falling off. I just want to make a couple of adjustments and see if I can get them set up with a little more give and the kingpin nut closer to flush. @Xen the 86a venom bottom may be the place to start.

Stock thunders, nut flush are too tight for me. I can skate them but need a little more give.

Maybe try a low top first (I run the 86a venom bottom and a 95a low top); they are not wobbly loose but they are looser than stock with the nut flush. The venoms are only 4 duro softer than the stocks, however, they are much better urethane and provide way more rebound; the dual duro combo makes them very snappy.

I've also shaved the stock top down to get the nut flush and net a bit more turn.

What’s the rec on shaving bushings? We talking razor blade or a Belt sander?

Rub the crap out of them on old decks, grip does the job, just be sure to rotate as you sand it down for even wear.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: El Freegano on July 30, 2022, 01:47:47 PM
I have ordered 147 lights for super cheap and wonder what is the biggest size wheel you can ride on them? The height is 49 mm and i wonder if it is possible to ride 52 or it is too much wheelbite. This month i got an old secondhand pair of standard 147 (which are my new favourite trucks) and ride them with 52 mm wheels, i  rarely get wheelbites. Have you tried risers on 147 lights and if so how does  it feel? I havent been skating risers for more than 20 years but it might be nessary if i dont want to skate 50 mm wheels. And one last question -  I read that the wb is different for the forged plates and  i wonder if hangers of the different models (standard, lights, hollows) are the same shape and can be switched on the diffentent plates (forged and teams)?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on July 30, 2022, 03:06:14 PM
I have ordered 147 lights for super cheap and wonder what is the biggest size wheel you can ride on them? The height is 49 mm and i wonder if it is possible to ride 52 or it is too much wheelbite. This month i got an old secondhand pair of standard 147 (which are my new favourite trucks) and ride them with 52 mm wheels, i  rarely get wheelbites. Have you tried risers on 147 lights and if so how does  it feel? I havent been skating risers for more than 20 years but it might be nessary if i dont want to skate 50 mm wheels. And one last question -  I read that the wb is different for the forged plates and  i wonder if hangers of the different models (standard, lights, hollows) are the same shape and can be switched on the diffentent plates (forged and teams)?

I don’t skate larger than 52s on the 147s (mine are hollow lights).
I, shamefully, have two setups I use: one has the 147s with 52 conical fulls. I get wheelbite. Like em tho.
Currently, I just like venture 5.2 lo’s more, and just skate them almost all the time. For what that is worth, not much…
I think cromer skates 53s, but in general, people that skate 147s seem to skate 50-52s, and thinner shaped wheels at that
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on July 30, 2022, 09:15:04 PM
I skated 60mm classics on 147’s once when I was younger without any issue. More often than not I’d skate a 52 on 147’s, but I would sometimes size up to 56’s if I was feeling spicy. Always loose and never with risers. Right now I have a Dane Jr set up with old 147 titanium lights and big wheels. It can wheelbite, but so does any other board, so I don’t really think about it. I tried some shock pads last year and hated the feeling
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: brownjenkin on July 30, 2022, 09:18:01 PM
I have ordered 147 lights for super cheap and wonder what is the biggest size wheel you can ride on them? The height is 49 mm and i wonder if it is possible to ride 52 or it is too much wheelbite. This month i got an old secondhand pair of standard 147 (which are my new favourite trucks) and ride them with 52 mm wheels, i  rarely get wheelbites. Have you tried risers on 147 lights and if so how does  it feel? I havent been skating risers for more than 20 years but it might be nessary if i dont want to skate 50 mm wheels. And one last question -  I read that the wb is different for the forged plates and  i wonder if hangers of the different models (standard, lights, hollows) are the same shape and can be switched on the diffentent plates (forged and teams)?

I've noticed a good handful of pros on Thunder have risers on their setups. Guys like Wade can get away with 147 lights with no risers but the man lands everything perfectly

I had a pair of 147 standards that I was getting pretty consistent wheelbite on with 52 mm wheels. I cut some "risers" out of a 1.5 mm silicone rubber sheet and that little bit actually helped quite a bit. Alas, thunders still weren't for me and went back to being an Indy guy
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on July 31, 2022, 03:23:38 AM
I ride 52mm and pretty loose Thunders with 90a bushings, 1/16th shockpads. Got myself a Polar Hjalte deck with wheel wells and all problems with wheel bite disappeared for good.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on July 31, 2022, 05:41:37 AM
55mm Conical on Thunder lights. No issues here ( 150 lbs ).
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Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on July 31, 2022, 09:10:11 AM
Aside from wheelbite reduction, risers help Thunders turn better. an 1/8" riser destabilizes them nicely.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on July 31, 2022, 07:12:46 PM
I’m riding 54mm on 147 cast. I do get wheelbite, but as said above wheel wells can help.
I think Suciu rides 147 with 54mm as well.
I’m skating a 8.5 on the 147s right now, and my kickflips are working great.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 31, 2022, 09:23:20 PM
I rode 54 on 148s just fine. Honestly for me wheelbite is inevitable if I stomp something hard enough off center.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on August 01, 2022, 07:29:53 AM
I mostly run 52s or 53s on my thunders, but I’m a heavier guy so wheelbite is just something I’ve learned to live with. Currently riding a polar with wheel wells and that’s definitely helped a bit  I’ve also just waited to wheelbite through a ply or 2 and then waxed them really good
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on August 01, 2022, 07:32:17 AM
I'm riding 55s on Thunder 149s right now and it's working fine. Unless you skate really tight trucks or weigh 100 pounds, you're probably gonna wheelbite either way.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on August 01, 2022, 08:18:49 AM
I had 56mm classics on my 148s for a bit. had to be careful and a bit more precise, but it worked alright. Classic shape really helps those wanting a larger diameter wheel while not wanting to run risers.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on August 01, 2022, 12:03:13 PM
I had 56mm classics on my 148s for a bit. had to be careful and a bit more precise, but it worked alright. Classic shape really helps those wanting a larger diameter wheel while not wanting to run risers.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: danmasontree on August 01, 2022, 09:05:32 PM
Does anyone know what bushing hardness comes with the 148 Thunder lights? I’m assuming medium but just want to confirm. Getting some truck/bushing madness going on
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 01, 2022, 09:08:34 PM
All Thunder trucks come with 90a bushings. If you live in one of those flyover states that have crusty strip malls then they might feel like 900a in winter.

Does anyone know if the bushings have been reformulated when they changed the logo and packaging. I don't live in a cold area and actually really like Thunder stock bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 01, 2022, 10:00:02 PM
Anyone ride a Baker or similar mellow deck on Thunders? If so, how was it?

I think the most mellow deck I've had them on as a 917 that was super flat and I have forged ti whatever the fucks that were stupid light to begin with. I now have Team standard discount bin edition.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: danmasontree on August 02, 2022, 05:09:25 AM
Anyone ride a Baker or similar mellow deck on Thunders? If so, how was it?

I think the most mellow deck I've had them on as a 917 that was super flat and I have forged ti whatever the fucks that were stupid light to begin with. I now have Team standard discount bin edition.

I rode foundation/toy machine decks for a few years on thunders. Loved it. Went on a blood wizard kick which are pretty mellow as well and love it too
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: danmasontree on August 02, 2022, 05:13:30 AM
All Thunder trucks come with 90a bushings. If you live in one of those flyover states that have crusty strip malls then they might feel like 900a in winter.

Does anyone know if the bushings have been reformulated when they changed the logo and packaging. I don't live in a cold area and actually really like Thunder stock bushings.

I upgraded from 147’s to 148’s and I hated the bushings. They kept getting stuck and wouldn’t break in. Switched to bones bushings but I kinda miss how the Thunder bushings feel. Wondering if maybe I should get hard Thunder bushings since I’m a bigger dude
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on August 02, 2022, 05:33:15 AM
All Thunder trucks come with 90a bushings. If you live in one of those flyover states that have crusty strip malls then they might feel like 900a in winter.

Does anyone know if the bushings have been reformulated when they changed the logo and packaging. I don't live in a cold area and actually really like Thunder stock bushings.

There was a comment section on Instagram a while back when they released the new colors and Thunder confirmed that the bushings are the same formula just new colors.

(Edited because I found the comment/reply)
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Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Thebird on August 02, 2022, 06:02:24 AM
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Anyone ride a Baker or similar mellow deck on Thunders? If so, how was it?

I think the most mellow deck I've had them on as a 917 that was super flat and I have forged ti whatever the fucks that were stupid light to begin with. I now have Team standard discount bin edition.

I rode foundation/toy machine decks for a few years on thunders. Loved it. Went on a blood wizard kick which are pretty mellow as well and love it too

I also would say Toy Machine pairs great with Thunder.  It feels perfect.  On the other hand, I couldn't get a Baker that I tried to ever feel right on the Thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 02, 2022, 04:53:12 PM
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Anyone ride a Baker or similar mellow deck on Thunders? If so, how was it?

I think the most mellow deck I've had them on as a 917 that was super flat and I have forged ti whatever the fucks that were stupid light to begin with. I now have Team standard discount bin edition.

I rode foundation/toy machine decks for a few years on thunders. Loved it. Went on a blood wizard kick which are pretty mellow as well and love it too

I also would say Toy Machine pairs great with Thunder.  It feels perfect.  On the other hand, I couldn't get a Baker that I tried to ever feel right on the Thunders.

Last time I rode an 8.25" baker with 148s, the manual point was sooo heavy, made no sense. Indy's felt great (go figure).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Bold on August 10, 2022, 03:43:11 PM
Got my first thunders recently. Good gawd they're squeaky. Gonna get out the wax and pencil lead after dinner.

I've always used wax on squeaky trucks in the past but I'm going to try one with graphite and see which works better.

Graphite powder didn't do anything so gulf wax had to come to the to the rescue.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Murge on August 10, 2022, 07:31:43 PM
Clicking is due to washers binding and flat washers are the answer right?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on August 10, 2022, 09:14:58 PM
Got my first thunders recently. Good gawd they're squeaky. Gonna get out the wax and pencil lead after dinner.

I've always used wax on squeaky trucks in the past but I'm going to try one with graphite and see which works better.

Graphite powder didn't do anything so gulf wax had to come to the to the rescue.

That’s funny, thunders are the only trucks that haven’t squeaked for me. My Indy’s always squeaked like crazy and my aces squeak AND click
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pops on August 11, 2022, 02:44:34 AM
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Got my first thunders recently. Good gawd they're squeaky. Gonna get out the wax and pencil lead after dinner.

I've always used wax on squeaky trucks in the past but I'm going to try one with graphite and see which works better.

Graphite powder didn't do anything so gulf wax had to come to the to the rescue.

That’s funny, thunders are the only trucks that haven’t squeaked for me. My Indy’s always squeaked like crazy and my aces squeak AND click

I find this kinda funny.  ;D soon we're able to recognize trucks by the sounds the make. Squeak and click, that's Ace!

Anyways, I've been intrested in trying Thundies in years. Are the wooden risers worth it? I'm probably getting 151s and I ride wheel sizes 52 to 56.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on August 11, 2022, 03:18:06 AM
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Got my first thunders recently. Good gawd they're squeaky. Gonna get out the wax and pencil lead after dinner.

I've always used wax on squeaky trucks in the past but I'm going to try one with graphite and see which works better.

Graphite powder didn't do anything so gulf wax had to come to the to the rescue.

That’s funny, thunders are the only trucks that haven’t squeaked for me. My Indy’s always squeaked like crazy and my aces squeak AND click

I find this kinda funny.  ;D soon we're able to recognize trucks by the sounds the make. Squeak and click, that's Ace!

Anyways, I've been intrested in trying Thundies in years. Are the wooden risers worth it? I'm probably getting 151s and I ride wheel sizes 52 to 56.

Lots of people ride Thunders without any risers on that approximate range wheel size, but I find that I need at least a couple of mm extra height just to keep the normal team Thunders at a good height to turn with anything in that range wheel size.  Without I am in constant wheelbite danger, but I am used to slightly taller trucks / more turn, even with the stock bushings.

If you get the risers, you can always take them off if you feel like they are too much, but they definitely work well, given they are the exact size and shape for Thunder trucks.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on August 11, 2022, 06:26:33 AM
Honestly I don't think I've ever had a truck that didn't squeak, even during my brief departure away from Thunders. I only tend to notice if I'm just standing on my board but if I'm rolling the wheels are always louder than the trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on August 11, 2022, 06:39:22 AM
Honestly I don't think I've ever had a truck that didn't squeak, even during my brief departure away from Thunders. I only tend to notice if I'm just standing on my board but if I'm rolling the wheels are always louder than the trucks.

As someone with severe truck madness, squeak alone has driven me to switch trucks. For some reason, my experience is that while all trucks can squeak, thunders squeak in a way that isnt NEARLY as noticeable while riding.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: skatebruh on August 11, 2022, 06:45:27 AM
Put a small bit of wax in your pivot cups and the squeak will go away.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BurgerCop on August 11, 2022, 06:54:08 AM
A drop of dish soap in the pivot cup works pretty well too, mine mostly squeak when it's cold out, been pretty much silent all summer.
I roll 147 hollow light with 50mm bones STF skinny. I ride pretty loose, so I feel like most situations where I wheelbite, I probably would have no matter what brand I was riding.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on August 11, 2022, 07:03:27 AM
Do y'all actually take your trucks off to do that?

Kinda wanna try but I'm afraid I won't get them back how I like and fall into a pit of madness.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: skatebruh on August 11, 2022, 07:04:22 AM
I used a 1/8" riser when I had 147 lights, but now I'm on 148 standards with no riser.

Without the riser I was getting too much wheelbite and the tail hit the ground too quickly for me to get good pop. The riser fixed those problems.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 11, 2022, 07:05:11 AM
Mark the kingpin and nut with a sharpie. Bonus madness points if you put small dots on the bushings so they line up precisely too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 11, 2022, 09:29:06 AM
Would a 147 on an 8.25 board wheelbite less than a 148 because of the angle which the wheel contacts the board?  Or is the truck proportionately smaller so it’s about the same?  Or more? 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BurgerCop on August 11, 2022, 09:42:39 AM
Do y'all actually take your trucks off to do that?

Kinda wanna try but I'm afraid I won't get them back how I like and fall into a pit of madness.

Yeah, it's pretty easy to get them back how you like them. I tighten my truck to where the nut is perfectly flush with the kingpin, so I just go back to that when I reassemble and it's perfect. If you go tighter just count the threads showing and go back to the same. May require a tiny bit of tweaking here and there if you're pretty picky but shouldn't be an issue.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on August 11, 2022, 09:51:09 AM
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Got my first thunders recently. Good gawd they're squeaky. Gonna get out the wax and pencil lead after dinner.

I've always used wax on squeaky trucks in the past but I'm going to try one with graphite and see which works better.

Graphite powder didn't do anything so gulf wax had to come to the to the rescue.

That’s funny, thunders are the only trucks that haven’t squeaked for me. My Indy’s always squeaked like crazy and my aces squeak AND click

I find this kinda funny.  ;D soon we're able to recognize trucks by the sounds the make. Squeak and click, that's Ace!

Anyways, I've been intrested in trying Thundies in years. Are the wooden risers worth it? I'm probably getting 151s and I ride wheel sizes 52 to 56.

I usually run thunders with the forged baseplate, so if I want to un a larger wheel the 3-ply wood risers work great
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on August 11, 2022, 05:41:39 PM
Would a 147 on an 8.25 board wheelbite less than a 148 because of the angle which the wheel contacts the board?  Or is the truck proportionately smaller so it’s about the same?  Or more?
The 147 is going to wheelbite more because the 147 is a lower truck than the 148 and up. As far as width to wheelbite ratio on other brands that maintain the same height across sizes I’m not really sure.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 11, 2022, 06:25:36 PM
Wider trucks can wheel bite easier but they can also push the wheels out to where the concave starts to bend up if you use them on the same size deck. There are a lot of variables to wheel bite. 148s might be higher but on some decks they could wheel bite easier than 147s... time to join the gear madness thread....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: l1ll1ll1 on August 19, 2022, 01:23:12 AM
Since I suck at skating and want to keep being terrible, I just wanted to try out Thunders (Team 147) and really like them so far, the pop is so good, tricks come way easier. But my main problem (apart from getting used to the baseplate thing) is kingpin clearance and I'm not even talking about smiths/feebles. I have to run them reeeeeally lose to get them as turny as I'm used to coming from Indys, but now the kingpin nut even hung up three times doing a 5050 on a shitty curb thats a bit wobly. Any recommendations on how to get them looser, but nut more flush? The Ishod way with two top bushings?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mean salto on August 19, 2022, 01:35:56 AM
Since I suck at skating and want to keep being terrible, I just wanted to try out Thunders (Team 147) and really like them so far, the pop is so good, tricks come way easier. But my main problem (apart from getting used to the baseplate thing) is kingpin clearance and I'm not even talking about smiths/feebles. I have to run them reeeeeally lose to get them as turny as I'm used to coming from Indys, but now the kingpin nut even hung up three times doing a 5050 on a shitty curb thats a bit wobly. Any recommendations on how to get them looser, but nut more flush? The Ishod way with two top bushings?
Used to do the two top bushings before I knew anything and never had a problem but now I know changing the bottom bushing height changes the geometry. I think leave the bottom bushing but try find a smaller top bushing/cut down the too bushing and/or take off the top washer. Could also try finding a smaller kingpin nut but the kingpin itself will still poke up
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on August 19, 2022, 05:50:53 AM
Since I suck at skating and want to keep being terrible, I just wanted to try out Thunders (Team 147) and really like them so far, the pop is so good, tricks come way easier. But my main problem (apart from getting used to the baseplate thing) is kingpin clearance and I'm not even talking about smiths/feebles. I have to run them reeeeeally lose to get them as turny as I'm used to coming from Indys, but now the kingpin nut even hung up three times doing a 5050 on a shitty curb thats a bit wobly. Any recommendations on how to get them looser, but nut more flush? The Ishod way with two top bushings?

I’ve noticed a lot of team riders just take off the bottom washer. Geometry be dammed it doesn’t seem to affect them negatively plus it’s a free experiment!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on August 19, 2022, 05:57:30 AM
I have the kreper inverted kingpins in my 146s and the krux in mu 148s. The newer cast plates accommodate an inverted kingpin nicely, but the 148s are the old style and on these I had to flip the kingpin nut upside down.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Gene_Harrogate on August 19, 2022, 06:03:25 AM
I have the kreper inverted kingpins in my 146s and the krux in mu 148s. The newer cast plates accommodate an inverted kingpin nicely, but the 148s are the old style and on these I had to flip the kingpin nut upside down.
I did the same thing recently with the DLK on my thunders and have tons of clearance now.  Knocking the kingpin out wasn't hard either once I figured out a good method.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 19, 2022, 08:15:44 AM
Are you guys able to ride them loose?

Maybe something to get them looser/turnier is to run more of conical bushing? 

Softer bushings?  Cut your top bushing?

I ran inverted in teams but had to skate them a bit tighter because I didn’t want the nut to pop off, plus thunders are bad for wheelbite.  All the turn is in the top end….not a deep turning truck. .
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Scottboarding on August 19, 2022, 09:53:53 AM
Are you guys able to ride them loose?

Maybe something to get them looser/turnier is to run more of conical bushing? 

Softer bushings?  Cut your top bushing?
A quick and easy experiment you can do is just ditch the washers. Back when I was into really loose trucks that’s what I did. Definitely made wheelbite worse but that’s the price you pay for looser trucks especially on Thunder. Other than that, cutting the bushings or getting different bushings can work. Either two top bushings instead of a top and bottom or softer bushings. Bones soft bushings are super soft but also seem to wear down and crack really quickly.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 19, 2022, 11:03:30 AM
I've said this many times but don't be afraid of risers on Thunders. An 1/8" riser pad destabilizes Thunders nicely, enhances the turn and prevents wheel bite.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Gene_Harrogate on August 19, 2022, 11:11:35 AM
Are you guys able to ride them loose?

Maybe something to get them looser/turnier is to run more of conical bushing? 

Softer bushings?  Cut your top bushing?

I ran inverted in teams but had to skate them a bit tighter because I didn’t want the nut to pop off, plus thunders are bad for wheelbite.  All the turn is in the top end….not a deep turning truck. .
I don't ride them particularly loose. Stock with the nut flush before I switched out the kingpins. Was able to get back to that with the DLK without the kingpin digging in to the board. 

I just like the stock blue bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Curbfiend on August 19, 2022, 11:12:16 AM
I've said this many times but don't be afraid of risers on Thunders. An 1/8" riser pad destabilizes Thunders nicely, enhances the turn and prevents wheel bite.

Agreed. Even with my stock bushings adding risers was the key for unlocking the turn.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 19, 2022, 01:14:10 PM
It’s true and risers are probably the best answer… just seems counter intuitive when most people buy thunders because they are lower….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on August 19, 2022, 06:24:10 PM
It’s true and risers are probably the best answer… just seems counter intuitive when most people buy thunders because they are lower….

I forget who said it, but I recall someone (pro or industry dude maybe) who said something like "You can't make a tall truck lower, but you can always put a riser under a low truck to make it work better for you" which still rings true today.

Some people are so against risers and I totally understand how their board works for them, but if all I had to skate was Thunder team editions on normal size 54 to 56 mm wheels as I did for a while back in the early 00s when I had access to get them cheap through a local distributor, I definitely needed risers on them to be able to skate them how I wanted, even just 2mm made a huge difference to me. 

Most risers do feel a bit chunky or just don't work so well, but getting something that will fit perfectly under the trucks, as was the case with those thin rubber risers, which I had on most trucks back then, it was easy to cut them to size and also match up the baseplate holes.

The couple of setups I have Thunders on now have the same type of rubber risers at about 2mm tall that fit perfectly under the baseplates and everything works well for me, but even just standing on a board without risers, if it has Thunders and stock bushings and I am putting the deck to every wheel a little too often, I feel like I need that small difference to be comfortable.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 19, 2022, 07:15:08 PM
Real Thunder wooden risers. Fit great, feel great, look great. Maybe poke out the tiniest bit but if you care you can lightly sand them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on August 20, 2022, 07:24:37 AM
I'll keep preaching: Thunders + wheel wells = perfect match to avoid wheel bite
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 20, 2022, 07:58:49 AM
I must be the only skater on Earth that doesn't have an issue with wheelbite on Thunders. The turn just works for me. The stock pop feel is great and no desire to make it heavier with a riser. That's why I'm "against" using them they're just not necessary IMO. Maybe if I needed em really loose for carving bowls but Lockwood has zero issue and Brent Atchley seems fine on em.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 20, 2022, 08:21:06 AM
There are always the pro exceptions…but for the most part….

Asking someone who skates thunders how they skate them? : ‘medium’ when you stand on them: tight…. Go and do that with someone who skates Aces…..

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on August 20, 2022, 08:25:12 AM
My thunders still feel a little tight, even with the stock bushings and the kingpin nut nearly off. May try removing the bottom washer, or might try the nfg bushings which everyone said were too soft.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 20, 2022, 09:42:08 AM
There are always the pro exceptions…but for the most part….

Asking someone who skates thunders how they skate them? : ‘medium’ when you stand on them: tight…. Go and do that with someone who skates Aces…..

I've stepped on Ace pro rider decks that were all tighter than my Thunders. My Thunders are looser than my friend that skates Ace.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 20, 2022, 09:43:28 AM
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There are always the pro exceptions…but for the most part….

Asking someone who skates thunders how they skate them? : ‘medium’ when you stand on them: tight…. Go and do that with someone who skates Aces…..

I have stepped on Ace pro rider decks that were all tighter than my Thunders. My Thunders are looser than my friend that skates Ace.

I think it really depends on how you weight your turn. I really lean into it and like to snap my turns or slappies at the end of the arc vs lean in at a consistent rate.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: dmtr on August 20, 2022, 10:05:33 AM
Thunder 147's hollow low on a 8.25" deck with 53 mm wheels ... wheelbite all around.
Will the Real riserpads fix this ? I like to skate medium to tight trucks also , so might put in some Thunder 94A bushings.
Any thoughts or recommendations ? Really enjoy the small trucks though, my other setup has Indy 149's on a 8.5" deck. The weight difference is huge!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 20, 2022, 10:09:03 AM
Thunder 147's hollow low on a 8.25" deck with 53 mm wheels ... wheelbite all around.
Will the Real riserpads fix this ? I like to skate medium to tight trucks also , so might put in some Thunder 94A bushings.
Any thoughts or recommendations ? Really enjoy the small trucks though, my other setup has Indy 149's on a 8.5" deck. The weight difference is huge!

Yes. Risers will likely fix this. (I ride loose 151s and have to use risers with almost any size wheel to avoid wheel bite.)

however, your set-up will take a little getting used to. IMO if you like turning, it will feel better after a few sessions.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 20, 2022, 10:29:51 AM
147 with risers isn't far off Team 148s...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 20, 2022, 10:47:54 AM
I'll keep preaching: Thunders + wheel wells = perfect match to avoid wheel bite

I've said it many times as well. Polars with WW pair wonderfully, especially on the 8.25". Sadly, very few WW boards out there. Polar and Monarch if you want popsicles.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: dmtr on August 20, 2022, 10:57:39 AM
Gonna get more used to the trucks, but Im ordering the pads anyway.
Those polar decks have been on my radar for a while, never rode one though.
Now might be a good time ( excuse ) to try them out!

Thanks for the replies guys.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 20, 2022, 10:59:02 AM
Gonna get more used to the trucks, but Im ordering the pads anyway.
Those polar decks have been on my radar for a while, never rode one though.
Now might be a good time ( excuse ) to try them out!

Thanks for the replies guys.

Even with Indy and ACE wheel wells are great, I mean, they were created for a reason (big wheels back in the stone age) and are fully functional. There was this myth that boards with wheel wells broke easier; that might be true for some people?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: dmtr on August 20, 2022, 11:09:06 AM
The only thing holding me back from buying Polar are the graphics haha
Not many brands are doing those Wheel wells, but its worth a shot for sure! As a carpenter myself  I can't or rather won't believe a board will snap or break easier/faster having those cutaways, so it's certainly not a concern to me.
Zach Dowdy did a YT video about a poler deck a while ago, good time to give it a view!

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 21, 2022, 09:00:02 AM
Black label have some wheel welled boards if that's more your cuppa.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 21, 2022, 12:47:17 PM
If people are wondering about Thunders and carve, just watch Chris Athans in the new GX video. Dude cranks his rear truck and seems to do juuuust. I feel if there was Slap Bingo, "jiggly loose" would be the free space.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 22, 2022, 12:25:57 PM
Anyone still running Bones in Thunders? If so, why? Just curious as I have only fucked with the stock bushings, but have some mediums in my gear bin and noticed people still do this.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on August 22, 2022, 02:07:16 PM
Anyone still running Bones in Thunders? If so, why? Just curious as I have only fucked with the stock bushings, but have some mediums in my gear bin and noticed people still do this.

I’ve never tried it on my board but I did stand on a few boards that had Thunder with Bones bushings and they felt pretty good. More responsive in my opinion. I’m just being stubborn and not changing my stocks until they’re blown.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Scottboarding on August 22, 2022, 03:47:12 PM
Anyone still running Bones in Thunders? If so, why? Just curious as I have only fucked with the stock bushings, but have some mediums in my gear bin and noticed people still do this.
I’ve been riding the Bones Hard bushings in my Thunders for a while. At the time Thunder aftermarket bushings were nowhere to be found so it was the best option for harder bushings. I’m around 190lbs and harder bushings are the only way I can get trucks to a medium-tight level and they’re doing that job quite well.

My only compliant is they make squeaking/popping/creaking noises like crazy. I assumed it was just because they were new and it would go away as I broke them in but that was over a year ago and they’re still making just as much noise as they did the day I got them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: stephop on August 22, 2022, 07:09:56 PM
Anyone still running Bones in Thunders? If so, why? Just curious as I have only fucked with the stock bushings, but have some mediums in my gear bin and noticed people still do this.

Thunder Lows. Bones soft without washers cuz I wouldn't be able to get the bolt fully and like the way they turn. Why? It's the only bushings I have..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on August 22, 2022, 09:00:46 PM
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Anyone still running Bones in Thunders? If so, why? Just curious as I have only fucked with the stock bushings, but have some mediums in my gear bin and noticed people still do this.

Thunder Lows. Bones soft without washers cuz I wouldn't be able to get the bolt fully and like the way they turn. Why? It's the only bushings I have..

You really have thunder lows?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: stephop on August 22, 2022, 09:28:21 PM
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Anyone still running Bones in Thunders? If so, why? Just curious as I have only fucked with the stock bushings, but have some mediums in my gear bin and noticed people still do this.

Thunder Lows. Bones soft without washers cuz I wouldn't be able to get the bolt fully and like the way they turn. Why? It's the only bushings I have..

You really have thunder lows?

I was wrong..haven't bought new trucks forever . They are 147 hi's.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on August 22, 2022, 10:18:27 PM
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Anyone still running Bones in Thunders? If so, why? Just curious as I have only fucked with the stock bushings, but have some mediums in my gear bin and noticed people still do this.

Thunder Lows. Bones soft without washers cuz I wouldn't be able to get the bolt fully and like the way they turn. Why? It's the only bushings I have..

You really have thunder lows?

I was wrong..haven't bought new trucks forever . They are 147 hi's.

Makes more sense. Carry on
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mixed Bag on August 22, 2022, 10:57:21 PM
Hello all,

My first post on this forum.

Searched around but I couldn’t find an answer for my question.  Or I suck at searching, which is a real possibility.

My son who’s about 80lbs is having trouble turning on his new setup which has 147’s on stock (90a?) blue bushings.

We’ve gone out for 4 sessions, and I’m a stickler for proper break in procedure, he hasn’t been doing any drops or any tech.

Just carving and riding fast on flat, and aside from the how to break in bushings lesson I’m not a skate coach.

He still gets on 2 wheels on tight turns far from wheelbite.

Does Thunder make anything softer than 90’s or do I need to get my fat ass on that deck and break them in for him? I’m a bit concerned about that since I ride goofy and he’s regular and my switch game is tragic.

I broke in my black 100’s on my 148 in three sessions, but I weigh 200 and that probably makes break in time faster.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Scottboarding on August 22, 2022, 11:06:14 PM
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thunder doesn’t make anything softer than 90a (as far as I know) so I would recommend the Bones Soft bushings. They’re 81a which should be perfect for him. I ride Bones bushings in my Thunders and they fit and work great. Independent makes some 78a bushings which might be even better but I’ve never tired Indy bushings in Thunders so I can’t speak on performance/compatibility.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on August 23, 2022, 03:12:11 AM
Hello all,

My first post on this forum.

Searched around but I couldn’t find an answer for my question.  Or I suck at searching, which is a real possibility.

My son who’s about 80lbs is having trouble turning on his new setup which has 147’s on stock (90a?) blue bushings.

We’ve gone out for 4 sessions, and I’m a stickler for proper break in procedure, he hasn’t been doing any drops or any tech.

Just carving and riding fast on flat, and aside from the how to break in bushings lesson I’m not a skate coach.

He still gets on 2 wheels on tight turns far from wheelbite.

Does Thunder make anything softer than 90’s or do I need to get my fat ass on that deck and break them in for him? I’m a bit concerned about that since I ride goofy and he’s regular and my switch game is tragic.

I broke in my black 100’s on my 148 in three sessions, but I weigh 200 and that probably makes break in time faster.

Any advice would be appreciated.

If you get a few carvy turns in, see if they loosen up at all (which I am thinking they should a bit) but watch that you don't get wheelbite and thrown off in the process.

No tricks needed, just roll around or even just stand on something like carpet or grass and lean heavy heel to toe to heel to toe, etc for a dozen of each and that should soften up the bushings quite a bit.

The only other thing I have done is cut them down some (cutting the top bushing down to make them lower tops gives way more clearance with the nut in the same place as well as the piece being able to be put back in if needed), but even rubbing the top bushing on grip tape to wear it down a bit should help a whole lot, which I know some others do with their Thunder bushings.

One other thing that is super simple and might actually be best to try first, but I know some people take off the bottom bushing washer and run the trucks as is like that which really does make them way looser.  Others have put on a thin flat top washer, either of which will make everything turn way more and shouldn't affect performance of the trucks and avoids cutting or modifying anything - easy to try and if it doesn't work, just put the washers back on as they were.

They are all the options without having to buy anything new (apart from the flat top washer if you don't have any floating around) and at least trying a few of those can help to work out if the bushings will soften up or make the board easier to ride.

Stance is of no importance either - if the bushings end up leaning to one side, rotate them 90 degrees so they are facing forward / back, and not side to side from where they were.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on August 23, 2022, 05:13:05 AM
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Hello all,

My first post on this forum.

Searched around but I couldn’t find an answer for my question.  Or I suck at searching, which is a real possibility.

My son who’s about 80lbs is having trouble turning on his new setup which has 147’s on stock (90a?) blue bushings.

We’ve gone out for 4 sessions, and I’m a stickler for proper break in procedure, he hasn’t been doing any drops or any tech.

Just carving and riding fast on flat, and aside from the how to break in bushings lesson I’m not a skate coach.

He still gets on 2 wheels on tight turns far from wheelbite.

Does Thunder make anything softer than 90’s or do I need to get my fat ass on that deck and break them in for him? I’m a bit concerned about that since I ride goofy and he’s regular and my switch game is tragic.

I broke in my black 100’s on my 148 in three sessions, but I weigh 200 and that probably makes break in time faster.

Any advice would be appreciated.

If you get a few carvy turns in, see if they loosen up at all (which I am thinking they should a bit) but watch that you don't get wheelbite and thrown off in the process.

No tricks needed, just roll around or even just stand on something like carpet or grass and lean heavy heel to toe to heel to toe, etc for a dozen of each and that should soften up the bushings quite a bit.

The only other thing I have done is cut them down some (cutting the top bushing down to make them lower tops gives way more clearance with the nut in the same place as well as the piece being able to be put back in if needed), but even rubbing the top bushing on grip tape to wear it down a bit should help a whole lot, which I know some others do with their Thunder bushings.

One other thing that is super simple and might actually be best to try first, but I know some people take off the bottom bushing washer and run the trucks as is like that which really does make them way looser.  Others have put on a thin flat top washer, either of which will make everything turn way more and shouldn't affect performance of the trucks and avoids cutting or modifying anything - easy to try and if it doesn't work, just put the washers back on as they were.

They are all the options without having to buy anything new (apart from the flat top washer if you don't have any floating around) and at least trying a few of those can help to work out if the bushings will soften up or make the board easier to ride.

Stance is of no importance either - if the bushings end up leaning to one side, rotate them 90 degrees so they are facing forward / back, and not side to side from where they were.

What Mbrimson said but one thing: if you are the opposite stance and plan on breaking in the bushings for him just turn the board around backwards. Should work the same as rotating the bushings after the fact. I’m really backing the “remove the bottom washer “ technique. I think that’s going to get you the result you’re looking for.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mixed Bag on August 23, 2022, 07:42:58 AM
Thank you to;

Scottboarding, Mbrimson88, and Richard Skidder,

Posting this as I make some coffee on my sons board on a door matt, back to front, leaning back and forth, if that doesn’t do the trick, I’ll remove the lower washer, and then if all else fails it’s off to bones softs.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 23, 2022, 07:43:04 AM
80lbs is half the weight of a light adult. I would look into some of the Riptide bushings that come in soft duros or toss the Indy soft conical or Bones soft in. Personally I would run the stock top washer with Bones. It will bind with the hanger near the wheelbite and potentially save him some slams.

Another thought if you go the Indy conical route you can shave the top bushing down easier. You could just slice 1-2mm off.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on August 23, 2022, 10:18:15 AM
Yo gods anyone try Indy bushings on their Thunders? I usually rock the 95a bushings from the rebuild kit but my shop is out Thunder bushings and only has Indys. I'm struggling in between the 96a and 94a optiions but was more concerned if if they fit ok or not.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: boneless900 on August 23, 2022, 11:16:56 AM
Anyone still running Bones in Thunders? If so, why? Just curious as I have only fucked with the stock bushings, but have some mediums in my gear bin and noticed people still do this.

I'm running bones hard on thunder hollows with a Krux DLK and it's bc the other bushings wouldn't fit the height since I wanted the kingpin nut to be at least flush. I had to shave the top bushing down a couple mm so it could still feel loose to a point but have a solid rebound. I like the hard top bones bushings a lot so I'm gonna stick with that, I'll read up on how @ Xen does their trucks and then just swap to a medium or soft bottom bushing based on their experience and go from there (Indy super softs maybe?)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: notinternetfamous on August 23, 2022, 11:48:37 AM
Yo gods anyone try Indy bushings on their Thunders? I usually rock the 95a bushings from the rebuild kit but my shop is out Thunder bushings and only has Indys. I'm struggling in between the 96a and 94a optiions but was more concerned if if they fit ok or not.
indy bushings should be fine as long as you get the conical shaped ones. avoid the ones with the barrel bottoms as that will decrease the turning responsiveness that Thunder is known for.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 23, 2022, 12:24:21 PM
80lbs is half the weight of a light adult. I would look into some of the Riptide bushings that come in soft duros or toss the Indy soft conical or Bones soft in. Personally I would run the stock top washer with Bones. It will bind with the hanger near the wheelbite and potentially save him some slams.

Another thought if you go the Indy conical route you can shave the top bushing down easier. You could just slice 1-2mm off.
Thank you to;

Scottboarding, Mbrimson88, and Richard Skidder,

Posting this as I make some coffee on my sons board on a door matt, back to front, leaning back and forth, if that doesn’t do the trick, I’ll remove the lower washer, and then if all else fails it’s off to bones softs.

This is the way.

I don't know what your kids/your preferences are, but using anything but thunder bottoms does throw off the geo. That said, I've ridden bones softs (at 175+) in thunder 148s. Wheelbite city but fun and they worked.

Try NFG if they still have some 14mm conicals, they fit and are much softer than thunder stock.

But might just be easier/cheaper to sand the stock too down (I do it with an old deck); Just remember to rotate the bushing to sand it evenly
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 23, 2022, 03:14:20 PM
I’d consider waxing/soaping to get things moving too.  Using a flat washer on top I think would make a difference.  I’ve always found thunders not touched out of the box as kinda loose and then they tighten up but I’m not 80 lbs or skated them recently…..

If you swap out the bushings…get ones that you like just in case they don’t work on his board…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 23, 2022, 04:20:03 PM
Waxing soaping what now?

They’re tight cus the kid is 100lbs, nothing is squeaking…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on August 23, 2022, 04:31:03 PM
I recently had the exact same problem, stock thunders were way too hard for the kid. The soft green mini logos worked great. Glad I found a use for those, bought them for myself but they're stupid soft.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 23, 2022, 05:48:02 PM
Waxing soaping what now?

They’re tight cus the kid is 100lbs, nothing is squeaking…

I just find after I do that stuff runs more smoothly and you get a bit more movement. 

Honestly I think shit’ll just break in and I’m trying to deter dudes from incessantly buying shit.  It’s just not a complaint I hear much….thunders too tight.  Usually it’s guys skating tight thunders saying they skate medium trucks….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 23, 2022, 06:52:30 PM
thunders too tight.  Usually it’s guys skating tight thunders saying they skate medium trucks….

Agree with that for sure. Same vibe when people say "I don't get wheelbite and I ride 800mm wheels" riding their trucks tight AF.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mixed Bag on August 23, 2022, 07:50:22 PM
hey there goodatmeth and skatebruh,

I'll look into the mini logo bushings, if the other plans don't work out.

LebowskisRug,  Riptide site is a good recco also, just need to decipher it all.

I just put wax on the pivot cups, but maybe I'll have a go on the bushings


NFG has 90a half conicals in 14mm, is that what you're suggesting?  with washers?  I do the figure 8 method of sanding so thanks for that advice. 

Sorry all, Im super un tech oriented with skating, but I want my boy to enjoy it, and I see so many kids just not able to turn due to bushings being way too hard.

What I really want out his skating is to have some ability to carve a turn especially before he shin's somebody  ;D

Thank you for all the replies.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 23, 2022, 08:21:15 PM
I've seen some small kids at parks over the last year and all of them have trucks that are clearly jiggling, but when they ride it they have plenty of control it's just what's required to turn. If you call or email Riptide they will definitely recommend the right thing.

Another idea is you can use a top bushing for the bottom as well. A few pros do this and then you don't have to worry as much with all the aftermarket options.

As for Thunders being loose I basically ride mine stock and no one that has ever stepped on my board has classified them as tight, but not up to Slap looseness standards. Probably just fine for most people and I've never felt it has been preventative. Something about the arc of the turn works with how I balance.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 23, 2022, 08:55:47 PM
I think stock thunder is pretty loose for sure.

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thunders too tight.  Usually it’s guys skating tight thunders saying they skate medium trucks….

Agree with that for sure. Same vibe when people say "I don't get wheelbite and I ride 800mm wheels" riding their trucks tight AF.

*cough Ben Degros….

Honestly when I skated thunders I skated them prettty tight too.  If I had to do it all over I’d prolly skate bones hard. 

Might give them a try again when/if they drop the inverted kingpin, they look decent…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on August 23, 2022, 09:46:39 PM
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Yo gods anyone try Indy bushings on their Thunders? I usually rock the 95a bushings from the rebuild kit but my shop is out Thunder bushings and only has Indys. I'm struggling in between the 96a and 94a optiions but was more concerned if if they fit ok or not.
indy bushings should be fine as long as you get the conical shaped ones. avoid the ones with the barrel bottoms as that will decrease the turning responsiveness that Thunder is known for.
Thanks man, Ill give them a try then and Ill report back.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mean salto on August 23, 2022, 10:55:14 PM
I think stock thunder is pretty loose for sure.

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thunders too tight.  Usually it’s guys skating tight thunders saying they skate medium trucks….

Agree with that for sure. Same vibe when people say "I don't get wheelbite and I ride 800mm wheels" riding their trucks tight AF.

*cough Ben Degros….

Honestly when I skated thunders I skated them prettty tight too.  If I had to do it all over I’d prolly skate bones hard. 

Might give them a try again when/if they drop the inverted kingpin, they look decent…
No they ARE medium I just have very strong ankles.....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on August 24, 2022, 04:56:03 AM
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I think stock thunder is pretty loose for sure.

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thunders too tight.  Usually it’s guys skating tight thunders saying they skate medium trucks….

Agree with that for sure. Same vibe when people say "I don't get wheelbite and I ride 800mm wheels" riding their trucks tight AF.

*cough Ben Degros….

Honestly when I skated thunders I skated them prettty tight too.  If I had to do it all over I’d prolly skate bones hard. 

Might give them a try again when/if they drop the inverted kingpin, they look decent…
No they ARE medium I just have very strong ankles.....

Stock tightness for me. What’s the starting size for “800 millimeter wheels”?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 24, 2022, 11:56:34 AM
hey there goodatmeth and skatebruh,


NFG has 90a half conicals in 14mm, is that what you're suggesting?  with washers?  I do the figure 8 method of sanding so thanks for that advice. 

Thank you for all the replies.

Yes, those will work!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: mvdbosch90 on August 28, 2022, 01:34:27 PM
Last week I gave a set of 161 hollow lights a try on my Crailtap Couch shape (a 9.25” 13.875WB shaped deck). I felt like they turn a lot better than when I had the 149 hollow lights on my 8.5” 14.25WB street setup. When I was riding thunders on my street setup, I really liked the light pop feel, but I really didn’t like the steering and switched to Indy 149 titanium as a good balance between steering while still being lightweight. Do other experience that the thunder 161’s steer/turn better than the 149’s? Or could it be that it’s more about the wheelbase? I’m starting to get tempted to give thunder 149’s another try on my 8.5 street setup… Fucking madness…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 28, 2022, 03:59:15 PM
Been having a great time on 151s recently but they are paired with a super short wheelbase at 13 7/8".
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: stephop on August 28, 2022, 06:42:41 PM
I hate not skating for a while then trying to like my trucks. No matter what I always end up going back to really loose because I like the push way better. I like the board moving under my front foot as I push because when it feels tight it feels like total ass..but then actually doing things my confidence level is lower. Such a dilemma...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 28, 2022, 07:30:23 PM
I find that when I push I can briefly unweight my front foot and just put it down on the side I want to turn on. Or just turn my heel. Never had an issue steering with medium trucks. Had to learn this during the Venture Lo era of my youth and I can't remember what videos I saw it in but it was definitely a common tactic.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: l1ll1ll1 on September 11, 2022, 10:30:03 AM
Already posted it here, but the problem came back again...
Running Thunder 147 Teams (and really really like them now) and at the beginning, with my desired looseness, the kingpin nut was catching on at basic 5050s. After some days the bushings loosened up and I was able to tighten them more = problem gone. But today the hangers wore down enough so the nut catched on again and since I dont want to mess with the geometry and pop I'm going through my options... thinking about removing the top washer + putting on Real Risers to not get too much wheelbite, but it'll bring the deck up a lot. Really dont like the life span of Bones Bushings, so any recommendations are welcome. Anyone tried Super Cushs in Thunders?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on September 11, 2022, 11:11:38 AM
Cut the top bushing a tad maybe. Or just get 148s since they're taller and have more clearance. Mine are decently worn and I grind my kingpin sometimes but it doesn't bother me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: l1ll1ll1 on September 11, 2022, 12:12:25 PM
Cut the top bushing a tad maybe. Or just get 148s since they're taller and have more clearance. Mine are decently worn and I grind my kingpin sometimes but it doesn't bother me.

Yeah gonna shave the bushings down a bit tonight and try tomorrow – dont wanna spend another 80 bucks on new trucks, also with the new Thunders on the horizon (?!).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: VCR on September 11, 2022, 12:18:08 PM
Are team hollows not a thing anymore?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: l1ll1ll1 on September 11, 2022, 12:37:20 PM
Are team hollows not a thing anymore?

As of three weeks ago, I couldnt find them anywhere – at least in the EU.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on September 11, 2022, 01:00:24 PM
Are team hollows not a thing anymore?


Thunder/DLX seems to only drop certain trucks in various sizes intermittently
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: VCR on September 11, 2022, 07:56:07 PM
Life saver, thank you!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FGO925 on September 18, 2022, 01:10:14 PM
So which thunders are are y’all riding? Hollow light II? Team hollows??

Also, how would one rock inverted kingpins on this thunders. I assume I would need the team hollows to get the cast plates so they have enough room. Any tips?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on September 18, 2022, 02:14:31 PM
149 ti
148 hollows

Swapping forged / team hollow plates depending on board and mood. Usually 8.3 and up get 149/team plates, 8.25 and lower the 148s and forged.

Team plates for inverted pins if only for ease of pin removal…I’ve done forged with inverted, king nut will dig into the deck some, you could grind it down prior…I just cranked it down and it dug in.  These days I don’t find the IKP worth the dyi hassle + the added weight.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on September 18, 2022, 02:48:31 PM
I’m riding 148 Thunder lights. Forged baseplate, hollow kingpin, solid axle. Standard kingpin hasn’t been an issue for me. I will say this: if you want to mod them the team baseplate is your easiest option. Easiest removal of kingpin ( just like Xen said). Also the team baseplate has the hex shape in the base so you don’t necessarily have to JB Weld if you just want to try it out before committing.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on September 18, 2022, 03:01:40 PM
Could have just been me, and maybe the new set up is easier, but even my teams were not easy to get out.  Of all the trucks I think thunder needs the modded kp because the clearance is not great and there is just less truck…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on September 18, 2022, 05:22:38 PM
I've measured kingpin clearance on brand new Thunders, Royals, Venture cast, Indy Mids, and Forged Hollows and that's actually not true for 148 and above. Thunders have almost as much as a Forged Hollow and more than Royals. I don't recall Venture but I thought it was even with Thunder.

I tightened each kingpin nut so it was level with the top of the kingpin and used an adjustable square with a magnetic digital level on top to get even with the top of the hanger and then digital calipers to measure. For Mids I just measured as they came.

Despite all that effort I measured in SAE like a fuckwad. The difference between the Forged Hollow and a Thunder was 1/32", FH to Royal was 3/32", and Mids were better than Forged Hollow.

The problem is that this all isn't straightforward because you're almost never grinding on the center of the truck the hanger is usually articulated somewhat. Thunder has fairly unique geometry if you compare the hanger yoke to kingpin angle so that influences articulation for certain grinds.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on September 18, 2022, 06:10:29 PM
I will usually say to people (more so to those who can do smith / feeble grinds but anyone really) that the easiest way to check clearance is to sit your board on the edge of a ledge or bench or something (even coping on a ramp / bowl) and drop it to smith and see how much the kingpin touches as it goes from almost level to fully dipped.

It is interesting that some trucks, like Thunder in particular have a lot more kingpin catch in that regard, but that alone is not the be all and end all, more so being down to how the individual skates.  Eg if someone holds their grinds they will never have an issue with kingpin catching, but if someone else always drops their grinds and can't hold them up, then they are always going to catch on the kingpin area.

There are people who can grind anything and everything and their kingpins have minimum grind marks on them, but others who almost destroy and always complain about kingpin clearance on any brand of truck they use.

Just one of those things, but I guess being in the Thunder thread, especially the lower / narrow trucks have a lot less clearance - up to 147, than the wider / taller options - 148 and up.

That is all going by the usual axle / hanger when new type clearance, not when trucks are grinded down to axle either, which is a different story, but I have still used the cut down bushings and angle grinded the kingpin down lower on almost all brands to give the skater a bit more life in their trucks when they were having issues with kingpin catch on normal fifty grinds or whatever.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on September 18, 2022, 09:16:20 PM
Guess I gotta re-enter truck madness if I wanna learn back smiths
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on September 18, 2022, 11:14:09 PM
Guess I gotta re-enter truck madness if I wanna learn back smiths
Just gotta learn how to do them proper my dude.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ImmanuelCunt on September 19, 2022, 02:18:27 PM
Guess I gotta re-enter truck madness if I wanna learn back smiths

Poser grind them down on a rough concrete ledge and it should be no problem. I skate 147s usually and do smiths on rough concrete ledges regularly. I did the krux conversion on a set of 148s once and honestly it did not make a difference for me at least in the state where I usually retire my trucks, except i had to deal with the problems related to inverted kingpins (loosening, messing with epoxy etc.). But admittedly i retired the last set of 147s because the kingpin caught on a 50-50 drop in on a square rail, which otherwise had ton of life but I was just over it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: sacking rails on September 19, 2022, 06:41:34 PM
Guess I gotta re-enter truck madness if I wanna learn back smiths
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mixed Bag on September 21, 2022, 10:04:49 PM
Hey there,

So after some pondering I went with rip tides in  85a APS.

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So from left to right:  riptide 85a upper, stock 90a lower, stock 100 a lower, riptide 85a lower

The riptide lower in my set were taller than the stock lowers so some sanding on an older deck,
and then on a sanding disc sanding directionally in a figure 8 to keep things even.

Eventually got the lower to a stock height, but not the most exciting use of time.

( (

Break in on rip tides much quicker than thunder made bushings, and my boy can now carve a turn after getting used to the initial quickness of the Thunder geometry.

I’m gonna order the nfg’s that Xen suggested as he grows, and then onto some old stock bushings off a set of 145 lows that I have been given.
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He’s still miles from wheelbite,

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Thanks for all the advice and help, very much appreciated
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ImmanuelCunt on September 22, 2022, 02:17:26 AM
Team plates for inverted pins if only for ease of pin removal…I’ve done forged with inverted, king nut will dig into the deck some, you could grind it down prior…I just cranked it down and it dug in.  These days I don’t find the IKP worth the dyi hassle + the added weight.

Prior to the new base plates with the hex recess, there was a little more room width wise in the forged plates.
It narrows towards the center of the plate.
Because of that in the old cast plates one had to reverse the nut (and apply some force) to be able to fit it in , without that it just would not go in completely.
Like Xen said I was also able to fit an old ground down kingpin nut normally in the forged.
The nut already had that incline from smiths/feebles and i just aligned it with the incline towards the board side, so it did not dig into the board.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on September 22, 2022, 03:41:33 AM
Soft bushings so u can tighten the nut alot, then angle grind of the kingpin u dont need = profit?
But yeah... I dont really smith with the whole truck on the ledge, maybe thats why I suck at holding them for long tho
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: commander jameson on September 22, 2022, 04:26:41 AM
Maybe this is not best thread to post this question but does anyone know why there are no Thunder Titaniums in Europe any more?
You can't find them anywhere and it's been like that for quite some time now.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mean salto on September 22, 2022, 04:40:26 AM
Maybe this is not best thread to post this question but does anyone know why there are no Thunder Titaniums in Europe any more?
You can't find them anywhere and it's been like that for quite some time now.
Have to imagine when any product becomes unavailable it's mostly because it's not worth the effort to produce and distribute for the profit or makes.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on September 22, 2022, 04:17:27 PM
Maybe this is not best thread to post this question but does anyone know why there are no Thunder Titaniums in Europe any more?
You can't find them anywhere and it's been like that for quite some time now.

Might be old information and I haven't checked lately, but this is what was going round.

They are only just being made again after the SF Ermico foundry was out of ti axles for a long time during the pandemic, or so it was said, I think in another thread, or maybe earlier in this one, so no ti Thunders or Ventures.  Indy is coming out of China so there were still plenty of ti axles there, but a shortage of titanium in USA caused some issues, like no skateboard trucks.

For some places like USA, there might be a bit of stock (which sells out very quickly), but for other places like AU or EU there are still almost none, if any, as they have all sold to the local market first.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mixed Bag on September 22, 2022, 05:41:34 PM
A good amount of Ti rod (50%) that the US imports comes from Russia.

The other major suppliers are the Ukraine,
Kazakhstan, and Japan.

Given that two major suppliers are at war and Ti is a major component in the aerospace and defense industries,

I would tend to think we won’t see any titanium axles come through unless there are existing stocks somewhere.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FGO925 on September 23, 2022, 12:31:06 PM
Stoked on my team hollows. Truck madness in full effect haha. One setup with ventures, one with Indy’s, main one with these team hollow thunders.

I might be crazy but I usually rock a harder bushing on the bottom, stock on top and I ride my trucks medium loose. Might just be in my head but I feel like it gives the truck stability?

Anyone else rock harder bushings but keep their trucks loose?

Looking for bushings that would work in thunders as well. I’ve been digging the conical bottom bushing but not sure what it really does.

Supercush/bones in thunders? Or something that doesn’t change the geometry I guess?

My experience with bones is that they ride fine but don’t last for shit. I swear I always crack bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fulfillthedream on September 23, 2022, 01:24:21 PM
Stoked on my team hollows. Truck madness in full effect haha. One setup with ventures, one with Indy’s, main one with these team hollow thunders.

I might be crazy but I usually rock a harder bushing on the bottom, stock on top and I ride my trucks medium loose. Might just be in my head but I feel like it gives the truck stability?

Anyone else rock harder bushings but keep their trucks loose?

Looking for bushings that would work in thunders as well. I’ve been digging the conical bottom bushing but not sure what it really does.

Supercush/bones in thunders? Or something that doesn’t change the geometry I guess?

My experience with bones is that they ride fine but don’t last for shit. I swear I always crack bushings.

in my experience the best bushings that work on thunders are the aftermarket ones. although bones would work too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FGO925 on September 23, 2022, 01:40:26 PM
Meaning the Thunder aftermarket ones?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on September 23, 2022, 02:07:55 PM
Bones, some Riptides, Indy conical, and Thunder aftermarket all fit Thunder the best since they use a conical lower bushing. You could ride a cylinder lower, but it will change the dynamic of the trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on September 23, 2022, 04:49:00 PM

Might just be in my head but I feel like it gives the truck stability?

Anyone else rock harder bushings but keep their trucks loose?

Yes I have definitely found this.

I use the Indy 92 duro conical bushings and they are more stable than the 90 stock, which also work well enough in Thunder trucks too when I tried them.

For Thunder if you did want to keep it brand appropriate the rebuild kits or the bushing tubes have the various duro options, including the 94 duro tube or 95 duro rebuild sets.


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: onkalo on September 26, 2022, 05:03:38 AM

Yes I have definitely found this.

I use the Indy 92 duro conical bushings and they are more stable than the 90 stock, which also work well enough in Thunder trucks too when I tried them.

For Thunder if you did want to keep it brand appropriate the rebuild kits or the bushing tubes have the various duro options, including the 94 duro tube or 95 duro rebuild sets.


I had the white (90a, so as soft as stock) bushings, but they felt way softer than the stock ones immediately. Tried boiling the stock orange 90a bushings and they still feel way harder. Has anyone else noticed this, or have I just got a serious case of madness going on?  :D
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FrankRizzo on September 26, 2022, 05:47:50 AM
Thunders work fine with barrel bushings. The boardside bushing is barely conical anyhow.

To keep geometry correct while playing with bushings of lower height I use flat washers under the boarside cupped washer to make up any difference. With a bushing to tall you can eliminate the boardside washer.

So that my 35lb son can turn on his Thunders I use Ace roadside cones as the boardside bottom bushing with a couple of flat washers for height and Indy soft red roadside without any washers on top.

When it comes to bushings, formula, height, shape, durometer, washers, lubrication are all factors to be played with.
I find stock thunders to be very stable with a good turn that can be muscled into. I prefer less stability the more I skate and have been swapping cupped washers for flat ones with stock bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on September 26, 2022, 06:58:00 AM
I had one set of white stock bushings that were super loose feeling and the washers on those trucks were also so soft that after 1 deck they had bent around the washer and there was an imprint on em. I had another set of white stocks that felt pretty normal.

I tried my friends stock 149 for a bit and they came with clear blue bushings and holy shit did they feel tight compared to my whites. I dunno if 149 or what but at the same thread tightness they felt quite stiff.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on September 27, 2022, 01:20:47 PM
The white stock have always been softer feeling, dlx on this forum confirmed they’re the regular 90a but just feel softer…this was years ago tho.

The blue clear stocks are much firmer out of the gate than the whites tho…even the piss yellow and orange clears are that way.

Trying to find the new, Icey blues with decent shipping.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on September 27, 2022, 01:22:38 PM
I've had a similar experience with white and clear blue Thunder bushings. White have always been my preference but blue are just as good when broken in.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on September 27, 2022, 02:03:50 PM
Thanks, I didn't know that was a thing.Will the blues break in to be the same as the whites?

If by Icy Blue you mean the new 94's I have a set I'm not using.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on September 27, 2022, 02:35:34 PM
It’s like the bones conundrum, hards break in to be forever mediums.

I’m riding the stock blues for a minute now and they still feel firmer than the white stocks…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on September 27, 2022, 04:06:24 PM
gotcha. maybe I should use my whites then. This is a new level of unforeseen madness.

I did just put 149 hangers on after 3 years on 148s. It never occurred to me that the narrowest deck I ride (DLX 8.25) still is an 8.38 in reality and I had no real reason to ride 148s.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on September 27, 2022, 04:11:56 PM
Remindied me of the Foy 9C

There's something to it...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: onkalo on September 30, 2022, 12:12:16 PM
Are thunder (and venture) still made in the US? Just curious, have had some minor faults on my recent thunder sets but nothing that i can notice when riding my boards…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on September 30, 2022, 12:17:34 PM
For the most part, yes. Other than the forged plates being made in China. Hangers and cast plates are US and assembled here as well. Hardware is Chinese sourced.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fulfillthedream on September 30, 2022, 08:09:26 PM
For the most part, yes. Other than the forged plates being made in China. Hangers and cast plates are US and assembled here as well. Hardware is Chinese sourced.

afaik thunders and ventures are still made at ermico
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on October 01, 2022, 04:52:08 AM
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For the most part, yes. Other than the forged plates being made in China. Hangers and cast plates are US and assembled here as well. Hardware is Chinese sourced.

afaik thunders and ventures are still made at ermico

For the most part, yes.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: baustin on October 01, 2022, 08:49:30 AM
I’ve never really been one to go down bushing swap rabbit hole, but I have a set of 147s that I just couldn’t get used to the stiffness of and wanted to get a little more surf out of. I know Thunders are not designed to feel surfy, they’re more mechanical and calculated in their turn by design… but I swapped out the bottom bushings in these with new Royal top bushings and wow, they feel so much better to me now. I’m getting a pretty deep and smooth turn for such a low truck, and somehow they don’t even bite that bad while still feeling quite like a Thunder. I guess it’s similar to an Ishod setup but a little less extreme since the Royal top is a good bit taller than the Thunder top. Also as an aside, always pack your pivot cups with wax before putting your trucks back together if you’re not running fancy aftermarket ones, it definitely also aids in freeing up the turn of any stiff feeling truck and I assume also minimizes wear and tear on the pivot cups.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 03, 2022, 04:42:46 PM
I can't find the post (truck setups maybe?) but whoever put two bottom washers under bones on thunders, did it work out long term?

Set mine up like this and it was terribly tight..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 03, 2022, 06:02:50 PM
I think those were Tensors in the setup thread or something. Seems common on r/skateboarding to do things like this.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on October 11, 2022, 12:17:47 PM
anyone know of any 1/16" risers that fit thunders? i only know of the shock pads Ace makes, but I'm assuming those won't fit properly.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 11, 2022, 12:35:42 PM
Your best bet would be to get some clear lexan or plastic, use spray glue to glue to your baseplate (it comes off in the future don't worry, then trim it using a sharp utility knife.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Badandoldskater on October 12, 2022, 02:12:54 PM
I wanna try some thunders, gonna order me the team hollows, what size conical full do you guys recommend? Gonna be mostly the street
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: camel filters on October 12, 2022, 02:19:47 PM
I wanna try some thunders, gonna order me the team hollows, what size conical full do you guys recommend? Gonna be mostly the street
I've always had luck with 54mm conical fulls although a lot of people say thats too much bite. I just wax the shit out of my wheel wells and it's fine. The wheelbite is what provides that sweet crook lock in I'm looking for anyways when I ride thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on October 12, 2022, 03:48:15 PM
I wanna try some thunders, gonna order me the team hollows, what size conical full do you guys recommend? Gonna be mostly the street

I'm currently riding 57mm radials on standard thunders, no problem at all because the deck concave is quite steep.
54mm definitely works, maybe 56 depending on your deck.

Or buy whatever wheels you want and make some wheel wells, it's fun.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Badandoldskater on October 12, 2022, 04:41:31 PM
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I wanna try some thunders, gonna order me the team hollows, what size conical full do you guys recommend? Gonna be mostly the street

I'm currently riding 57mm radials on standard thunders, no problem at all because the deck concave is quite steep.
54mm definitely works, maybe 56 depending on your deck.

Or buy whatever wheels you want and make some wheel wells, it's fun.

I think my board is mellow, can you show me a pick of a your steep deck. Sounds very personal
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on October 12, 2022, 05:01:21 PM
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I wanna try some thunders, gonna order me the team hollows, what size conical full do you guys recommend? Gonna be mostly the street

I'm currently riding 57mm radials on standard thunders, no problem at all because the deck concave is quite steep.
54mm definitely works, maybe 56 depending on your deck.

Or buy whatever wheels you want and make some wheel wells, it's fun.

I think my board is mellow, can you show me a pick of a your steep deck. Sounds very personal

I'm not comfortable with deck pics sorry. Not just showing my curves to anyone online
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on October 13, 2022, 04:45:52 PM
anyone know of any 1/16" risers that fit thunders? i only know of the shock pads Ace makes, but I'm assuming those won't fit properly.

The couple of brands of "shock pads" which are super thin soft rubber risers that I have were very easy to use a blade and lengthen the holes to fit nicely under the offset Thunder baseplates.

Another guy I know just cuts up bike inner tube for risers, which is just the right height for what you want and you can easily trim it to size, as well as having a lot of tube left over if you mess it up the first time.

Depending on where you are or what is close in the way of shops and access, any thin rubber sheeting will work, or even stiff cardboard like header cards for things you buy at the supermarket.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on October 15, 2022, 07:29:56 PM
Your best bet would be to get some clear lexan or plastic, use spray glue to glue to your baseplate (it comes off in the future don't worry, then trim it using a sharp utility knife.

Expand Quote
anyone know of any 1/16" risers that fit thunders? i only know of the shock pads Ace makes, but I'm assuming those won't fit properly.

The couple of brands of "shock pads" which are super thin soft rubber risers that I have were very easy to use a blade and lengthen the holes to fit nicely under the offset Thunder baseplates.

Another guy I know just cuts up bike inner tube for risers, which is just the right height for what you want and you can easily trim it to size, as well as having a lot of tube left over if you mess it up the first time.

Depending on where you are or what is close in the way of shops and access, any thin rubber sheeting will work, or even stiff cardboard like header cards for things you buy at the supermarket.

Thanks you two, informative as always. I was hoping to find something that worked "out of the box" but I guess messing with some rubber isn't the hardest thing. I typically wouldn't even want to use any type of riser since the height of thunders are perfect but the wheelbite is killing me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on October 16, 2022, 01:18:41 AM
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Your best bet would be to get some clear lexan or plastic, use spray glue to glue to your baseplate (it comes off in the future don't worry, then trim it using a sharp utility knife.

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anyone know of any 1/16" risers that fit thunders? i only know of the shock pads Ace makes, but I'm assuming those won't fit properly.

The couple of brands of "shock pads" which are super thin soft rubber risers that I have were very easy to use a blade and lengthen the holes to fit nicely under the offset Thunder baseplates.

Another guy I know just cuts up bike inner tube for risers, which is just the right height for what you want and you can easily trim it to size, as well as having a lot of tube left over if you mess it up the first time.

Depending on where you are or what is close in the way of shops and access, any thin rubber sheeting will work, or even stiff cardboard like header cards for things you buy at the supermarket.

Thanks you two, informative as always. I was hoping to find something that worked "out of the box" but I guess messing with some rubber isn't the hardest thing. I typically wouldn't even want to use any type of riser since the height of thunders are perfect but the wheelbite is killing me.

Get a deck with wheel wells. Perfect combo with Thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Gene_Harrogate on October 20, 2022, 11:07:54 AM
I just got a set of titaniums, would those hangers work with a team baseplate to get some of the height back, or would it mess up the geo?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 20, 2022, 11:13:03 AM
Team plates are 52mm and a +3.125 WB. Forged are 50.5 and a +3.25WB. Hangers can go in both if you are talking 148 and up.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Gene_Harrogate on October 20, 2022, 11:27:19 AM
Team plates are 52mm and a +3.125 WB. Forged are 50.5 and a +3.25WB. Hangers can go in both if you are talking 148 and up.
Yeah, 149s.  That's perfect thanks!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 26, 2022, 09:42:16 AM
Having a kind of annoying experience recently and not sure if I should contact DLX:

After a week or two of skating my top washer bends upwards significantly. I'm tightening them slightly beyond flush, but still no threads showing basically top of kingpin even with top of nyloc. Eventually there is an imprint of the kingpin nut and the trucks get noticeably looser so I then have to tighten a half turn and it gets worse. With the current washers I've had to do a full turn to keep them the same and it's just getting worse.

I got a second set of trucks when I switched to 149 and same thing is happening with those now too. I do a decent amount of slappies but nothing insane. I bought some generic cupped washers but apparently they were slightly too small and destroyed my top bushings.

I've never experienced this with another truck and don't wanna be having to constantly tighten and adjust my shit.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flintstagram on October 26, 2022, 10:11:11 AM
Having a kind of annoying experience recently and not sure if I should contact DLX:

After a week or two of skating my top washer bends upwards significantly. I'm tightening them slightly beyond flush, but still no threads showing basically top of kingpin even with top of nyloc. Eventually there is an imprint of the kingpin nut and the trucks get noticeably looser so I then have to tighten a half turn and it gets worse. With the current washers I've had to do a full turn to keep them the same and it's just getting worse.

I got a second set of trucks when I switched to 149 and same thing is happening with those now too. I do a decent amount of slappies but nothing insane. I bought some generic cupped washers but apparently they were slightly too small and destroyed my top bushings.

I've never experienced this with another truck and don't wanna be having to constantly tighten and adjust my shit.

I’d contact them. If you’re in the US, I would insist they’ll send you some truck rebuild kits if nothing else.

That’s super weird though. I weigh 260lbs and do a fair amount of slappies, and grinds, and an overall hard on stuff as a result of my size, and I’ve never had that shit happen. I used to rock my shit pretty tight, but now I keep them looser, so I would think if it was going to happen I would have encountered it based on the wide variety of setups I’ve had. I rock the 151s, but I’ve had 149s as well and never had washer issues.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on October 26, 2022, 10:25:45 AM
Bought a Twin tail on sale, so I guess I should buy new bushings to break it in even? Or should they not even out anyway?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 26, 2022, 10:28:24 AM
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Having a kind of annoying experience recently and not sure if I should contact DLX:

After a week or two of skating my top washer bends upwards significantly. I'm tightening them slightly beyond flush, but still no threads showing basically top of kingpin even with top of nyloc. Eventually there is an imprint of the kingpin nut and the trucks get noticeably looser so I then have to tighten a half turn and it gets worse. With the current washers I've had to do a full turn to keep them the same and it's just getting worse.

I got a second set of trucks when I switched to 149 and same thing is happening with those now too. I do a decent amount of slappies but nothing insane. I bought some generic cupped washers but apparently they were slightly too small and destroyed my top bushings.

I've never experienced this with another truck and don't wanna be having to constantly tighten and adjust my shit.

I’d contact them. If you’re in the US, I would insist they’ll send you some truck rebuild kits if nothing else.

That’s super weird though. I weigh 260lbs and do a fair amount of slappies, and grinds, and an overall hard on stuff as a result of my size, and I’ve never had that shit happen. I used to rock my shit pretty tight, but now I keep them looser, so I would think if it was going to happen I would have encountered it based on the wide variety of setups I’ve had. I rock the 151s, but I’ve had 149s as well and never had washer issues.

It's super strange. I had a top bushing crack years ago from slappy crooking a lot but that's sorta to be expected and happened to me on Ventures as well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Weezil on October 26, 2022, 11:02:30 AM
that washer thing happened on my last set of ventures, not sure if it happened on my last set of thunders or other trucks. by the time I noticed the trucks were pretty ground down anyway so I just let it be.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 26, 2022, 11:42:41 PM
Bought a Twin tail on sale, so I guess I should buy new bushings to break it in even? Or should they not even out anyway?

You could, or just swap your bushings around (just tops or bottoms); just get them as close as you can to the same tight/looseness, they'll sort themselves out.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 27, 2022, 07:40:40 AM
Unless the bushings are cracked or you ride one truck way different than the other you prob won't notice as long as you just set them up the same. Urethane doesn't have memory properties in practical terms. The bushings would have to be really old and damaged to be drastically different. But a rebuild kit is <$10 if you want to be sure
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lee Ralphs Dear Old Mum on October 27, 2022, 07:44:25 PM
Unless the bushings are cracked or you ride one truck way different than the other you prob won't notice as long as you just set them up the same. Urethane doesn't have memory properties in practical terms. The bushings would have to be really old and damaged to be drastically different. But a rebuild kit is <$10 if you want to be sure

makes sense on paper but I think most skateboarders would agree, back and front trucks end up feeling pretty different.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 28, 2022, 12:04:17 AM
People love placebos and I don't mind spending bucks for new bushings, but seemed like the poster was avoiding that.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Turtle Boy on October 29, 2022, 09:33:57 AM
Just broke my hanger in some 148 hollow light, do you guys know if that is something under warranty? I live in France so I don't know if dlxsf can do something, do you guys have any contact at dlx?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on October 29, 2022, 09:37:35 AM
Just broke my hanger in some 148 hollow light, do you guys know if that is something under warranty? I live in France so I don't know if dlxsf can do something, do you guys have any contact at dlx?

Absolutely, just contact the shop you bought them from. They might switch them out right away or help you with the warranty claim.

Or they don't help you and then you fill out the claim on the thunder website.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Turtle Boy on October 29, 2022, 09:43:35 AM
I bought them more than 2 years ago, in a shop in Paris but don't live here anymore, I contacted deluxe on the thunder site, hope it works out tho...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lee Ralphs Dear Old Mum on October 29, 2022, 09:55:25 AM
Just broke my hanger in some 148 hollow light, do you guys know if that is something under warranty? I live in France so I don't know if dlxsf can do something, do you guys have any contact at dlx?

2 years of skateboarding? Might be best just to suck it up and purchase a new pair...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Turtle Boy on October 29, 2022, 11:06:09 AM
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Just broke my hanger in some 148 hollow light, do you guys know if that is something under warranty? I live in France so I don't know if dlxsf can do something, do you guys have any contact at dlx?

2 years of skateboarding? Might be best just to suck it up and purchase a new pair...
I skate 2 to 3 times a month unless it's summer, so it's not that much (that would be 3 to 4 months of daily skating. The trucks had a lot of life. I contacted deluxe and will see what they say.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on October 29, 2022, 03:02:38 PM
That’s gotta be under warranty. If you don’t hear back try to DM them on Instagram. Thunder usually responds there within a day or two. Best of luck to you!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on October 29, 2022, 07:58:28 PM
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Just broke my hanger in some 148 hollow light, do you guys know if that is something under warranty? I live in France so I don't know if dlxsf can do something, do you guys have any contact at dlx?

2 years of skateboarding? Might be best just to suck it up and purchase a new pair...
I skate 2 to 3 times a month unless it's summer, so it's not that much (that would be 3 to 4 months of daily skating. The trucks had a lot of life. I contacted deluxe and will see what they say.

best of luck getting replacement trucks @Turtle Boy
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Turtle Boy on October 31, 2022, 01:01:27 AM
Thanks guy, I'll keep you guys updated.
I guess being from Europe is going to be a big issue, but it's a weird break, I don't even skate gaps, just flat and ledges and my weight is around 170-175 lbs...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: swellbowed on October 31, 2022, 09:50:12 AM
That’s gotta be under warranty. If you don’t hear back try to DM them on Instagram. Thunder usually responds there within a day or two. Best of luck to you!
[email protected] handles warranty issues, hit him direct if you haven't heard back
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on October 31, 2022, 10:47:37 AM
I feel your pain, it looks like you were having a lot of fun on those 148’s! I hope they get you sorted out.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Turtle Boy on October 31, 2022, 12:08:31 PM
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That’s gotta be under warranty. If you don’t hear back try to DM them on Instagram. Thunder usually responds there within a day or two. Best of luck to you!
[email protected] handles warranty issues, hit him direct if you haven't heard back
thanks! I'll wait for a couple days then hit him up.

I feel your pain, it looks like you were having a lot of fun on those 148’s! I hope they get you sorted out.

Yeah really great trucks, i've put indys from my cruiser set up while I try to sort it up, but the difference in weight is a big issue
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Badandoldskater on November 04, 2022, 07:45:17 PM
So I just got some team hollows and just riding around the rear truck sort of sticks to one side, the bushing doesn't rebound. When I flip the board over the truck is angled, maybe I tightened them too much ? Sorry new to this
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: camel filters on November 04, 2022, 07:48:05 PM
So I just got some team hollows and just riding around the rear truck sort of sticks to one side, the bushing doesn't rebound. When I flip the board over the truck is angled, maybe I tightened them too much ? Sorry new to this
That's just the stock bushing saying hi. For real tho, thunder bushings take forever to break in for me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 05, 2022, 03:18:19 PM
So I just got some team hollows and just riding around the rear truck sort of sticks to one side, the bushing doesn't rebound. When I flip the board over the truck is angled, maybe I tightened them too much ? Sorry new to this

Some wax shavings in the pivot cup should help prevent sticking.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: shpongle on November 07, 2022, 04:17:32 AM
I been riding ace and indy for 4 years now. I never tried thunders. Should i go hollow lights 8.25 trucks like mark suciu?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 07, 2022, 04:48:57 AM
I been riding ace and indy for 4 years now. I never tried thunders. Should i go hollow lights 8.25 trucks like mark suciu?

dont swap unless you really hate your current pop feel, and are ok with a worse turn and grind. If you ride your trucks loose and like 54mm+ wheels, i would not recommend.

Thunders are good trucks, many people's truck of choice, but needless swapping leads to madness, trust me, I've been there.

Indy mids or forged would give you a closer to thunder feel if you're used to standards/hollows, while still being more familiar to you.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lee Ralphs Dear Old Mum on November 07, 2022, 08:27:25 AM
I been riding ace and indy for 4 years now. I never tried thunders. Should i go hollow lights 8.25 trucks like mark suciu?

I can transition between Ace and Thunder easy enough but I ride 8.75" truck mostly. go for it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 07, 2022, 09:26:34 AM
Don't get hollow lights, get a cast variant. Hollow lights are a lot lighter and significantly lower and it'll be more jarring. I like Thunders and I still don't skate those.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on November 07, 2022, 12:01:55 PM
Don't get hollow lights, get a cast variant. Hollow lights are a lot lighter and significantly lower and it'll be more jarring. I like Thunders and I still don't skate those.

If you do get non-cast baseplates then I'd definitely recommend picking up some of those Real 3 ply risers as well. Going from Indy standards to the Thunder hollow light height difference fucked me up and I got smoked from the wheelbite.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 07, 2022, 12:09:12 PM
Thunder standard or “team” are roughly the same weight as an Indy forged hollow so the weight savings will be noticeable if coming from a standard independent. I have the forged plates and although I don’t struggle with wheel bite ( 150 lbs) I still wish they were a little higher just for my own balance reasons. So I second the recommendation for standard cast plates.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on November 09, 2022, 07:33:14 AM
would you say thunder are one of the better trucks if you like tighter trucks?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 09, 2022, 08:34:19 AM
I’d say easily the middle ground between an Indy and a Venture. You can get them fairly tight without having to crank them down though.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 09, 2022, 09:50:08 AM
My buddy runs Bones Hards in his Thunders. I stepped on his board and couldn't really get it to turn at my weight, so yah- they can be fuckin cranked.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on November 09, 2022, 05:49:03 PM
would you say thunder are one of the better trucks if you like tighter trucks?

Yes. but why not just go for Venture at that point.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on November 09, 2022, 06:13:56 PM
would you say thunder are one of the better trucks if you like tighter trucks?

I would say thunders are the best if you like stable trucks. I really like medium to loose trucks. I have the nut on my kingpins nearly hanging off and they’re still super stable at center and they don’t feel loose and surfy the way indy or ace does. I always feel confident setting up for tricks but I can still push into deep turns if I need to
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 10, 2022, 05:03:46 AM
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would you say thunder are one of the better trucks if you like tighter trucks?

Yes. but why not just go for Venture at that point.

Because you prefer a better grind.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: radcunt on November 10, 2022, 06:12:46 AM
I’m setting up an 8.5 Hockey board and after a stable truck to fit it. Mostlynrode indys, moved to aces for the carve but for this set up I want something stable that will help my pop while learning flips etc.

Do I just tighten some Indy Hollows, or try Thunders? Want some light trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on November 10, 2022, 06:15:53 AM
Thunders is the correct answer but I think the Indy’s will do.  Thunders help balance out the steep kicks.  Thunders are lower and lighter so it takes less effort to pop. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 10, 2022, 06:19:27 AM
I’m setting up an 8.5 Hockey board and after a stable truck to fit it. Mostlynrode indys, moved to aces for the carve but for this set up I want something stable that will help my pop while learning flips etc.

Do I just tighten some Indy Hollows, or try Thunders? Want some light trucks.

If you already have indy hollows try them first, because youre used to them. But if you're set on picking up something new, thunders sound like what you're looking for.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on November 10, 2022, 07:12:14 AM
my friends wife hit me up to build him a complete for christmas so i put thunder hi's on. he doesnt like super tight trucks, just in between. I personally am not huge on Low trucks but maybe looking back i should have done Low's. i dont think he will notice the difference, im pretty sure he is coming from Indy's so maybe it will feel better for him to transition. I just wanted to get him something different than Indy's that was still quality. did not want to go to Ace's cause that would have been too loose. Didnt want to go Ventures cause that would be too tight.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: notinternetfamous on November 10, 2022, 08:09:06 AM
my friends wife hit me up to build him a complete for christmas so i put thunder hi's on. he doesnt like super tight trucks, just in between. I personally am not huge on Low trucks but maybe looking back i should have done Low's. i dont think he will notice the difference, im pretty sure he is coming from Indy's so maybe it will feel better for him to transition. I just wanted to get him something different than Indy's that was still quality. did not want to go to Ace's cause that would have been too loose. Didnt want to go Ventures cause that would be too tight.
thunders are great and hope he enjoys them.
just so you know for future reference, thunders doesn't make lows anymore >
compared to other truck brands like indy for example, thunder's standard height is in the mid to low height range
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 10, 2022, 11:22:08 AM
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I’m setting up an 8.5 Hockey board and after a stable truck to fit it. Mostlynrode indys, moved to aces for the carve but for this set up I want something stable that will help my pop while learning flips etc.

Do I just tighten some Indy Hollows, or try Thunders? Want some light trucks.

If you already have indy hollows try them first, because youre used to them. But if you're set on picking up something new, thunders sound like what you're looking for.

Right before I went to Thunder I was on Indy forged hollow and I was using the blue aftermarket Indy bushings. It made them more stable and worked well. You could try that before going straight for new trucks if you’re hyped on your grooves. I ended up getting Thunder for the exact reasons you mentioned and I love them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on November 10, 2022, 12:21:33 PM
I’m setting up an 8.5 Hockey board and after a stable truck to fit it. Mostlynrode indys, moved to aces for the carve but for this set up I want something stable that will help my pop while learning flips etc.

Do I just tighten some Indy Hollows, or try Thunders? Want some light trucks.

as everyone else said, I would give the thunders a shot. The indy's will work but the thunder geo seems to work with the super steep kicks and short WB on FA/Hockey boards.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: bbk on November 10, 2022, 01:35:03 PM
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would you say thunder are one of the better trucks if you like tighter trucks?

Yes. but why not just go for Venture at that point.

Because you prefer a better grind.
Or because you can't pop because of the steep pop angle.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: radcunt on November 10, 2022, 05:02:04 PM
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I’m setting up an 8.5 Hockey board and after a stable truck to fit it. Mostlynrode indys, moved to aces for the carve but for this set up I want something stable that will help my pop while learning flips etc.

Do I just tighten some Indy Hollows, or try Thunders? Want some light trucks.

If you already have indy hollows try them first, because youre used to them. But if you're set on picking up something new, thunders sound like what you're looking for.

Right before I went to Thunder I was on Indy forged hollow and I was using the blue aftermarket Indy bushings. It made them more stable and worked well. You could try that before going straight for new trucks if you’re hyped on your grooves. I ended up getting Thunder for the exact reasons you mentioned and I love them.

All my Indy’s and aces are too wide for an 8.5 so I’ve gotta buy freshies anyway. The kick isn’t too crazy on this hockey but man that nose is a honker!

Thanks for the tips. Might go thunders. Next is what type.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on November 10, 2022, 05:35:48 PM
Even standard thunders are significantly lighter than any Indy or ace. Maybe just start with some
Team Editions or lights and go from there
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: radcunt on November 10, 2022, 06:26:05 PM
Even standard thunders are significantly lighter than any Indy or ace. Maybe just start with some
Team Editions or lights and go from there

Cool thanks. What’s the deal with the team editions?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on November 10, 2022, 06:45:44 PM
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Even standard thunders are significantly lighter than any Indy or ace. Maybe just start with some
Team Editions or lights and go from there

Cool thanks. What’s the deal with the team editions?

Team editions are taller, they have a thicker baseplate. Any lights, hollow lights, titaniums have forged baseplates and are lower. I think that’s the biggest difference but I’m sure someone else knows better than me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on November 10, 2022, 06:48:06 PM
Yah I agree team hollow is my first choice but just raws are a really good value truck I think.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 10, 2022, 09:13:38 PM
Thunder cast are all the same height, forged are all the same height. Team plates are not taller than other cast plates. That page is super inaccurate.

Cast plates 148 and up: 52mm
161 cast: 53mm
147 cast: 50mm

Forged plates make each 1mm lower
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 11, 2022, 04:00:08 AM

I forget who said it, but someone had mentioned before that the "Truck Styles" page would be correct if they actually said it was for 147s only, which was the truck width they used for all their model pics and videos.

The other page in that area actually has everything listed correctly, specifically the width to the heights, as @LebowskisRug  said above which vary as the trucks get wider, they get taller.

I was wondering about the new 181s, but as they have there, same as the 161s at 53mm in height.

To make it very clear, the hangers are the one mold, just the baseplates that are different in height from cast / team to forged:

Cast / team baseplates
143, 145 and 147 at 50mm
148, 149 and 151 at 52mm
161 and 181 at 53mm

Forged baseplates
145 and 147 at 49mm
148, 149 and 151 at 51mm
161 at 52mm

I also found it interesting how they change the bushing colours over the years, as they used to be yellow, then some green, some teal, the 148s specifically orange when they came out, etc.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 11, 2022, 05:26:18 AM

I forget who said it, but someone had mentioned before that the "Truck Styles" page would be correct if they actually said it was for 147s only, which was the truck width they used for all their model pics and videos.

The other page in that area actually has everything listed correctly, specifically the width to the heights, as @LebowskisRug  said above which vary as the trucks get wider, they get taller.

I was wondering about the new 181s, but as they have there, same as the 161s at 53mm in height.

To make it very clear, the hangers are the one mold, just the baseplates that are different in height from cast / team to forged:

Cast / team baseplates
143, 145 and 147 at 50mm
148, 149 and 151 at 52mm
161 and 181 at 53mm

Forged baseplates
145 and 147 at 49mm
148, 149 and 151 at 51mm
161 at 52mm

I also found it interesting how they change the bushing colours over the years, as they used to be yellow, then some green, some teal, the 148s specifically orange when they came out, etc.

Y'all should put this at the top like that awesome Indy thread  8)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on November 11, 2022, 06:54:56 AM
weird, on Thinkempire it lists the 149 specificially as a "HI"
Sounds like it will be great for that hockey board anyway
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 11, 2022, 08:16:23 AM
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I forget who said it, but someone had mentioned before that the "Truck Styles" page would be correct if they actually said it was for 147s only, which was the truck width they used for all their model pics and videos.

The other page in that area actually has everything listed correctly, specifically the width to the heights, as @LebowskisRug  said above which vary as the trucks get wider, they get taller.

I was wondering about the new 181s, but as they have there, same as the 161s at 53mm in height.

To make it very clear, the hangers are the one mold, just the baseplates that are different in height from cast / team to forged:

Cast / team baseplates
143, 145 and 147 at 50mm
148, 149 and 151 at 52mm
161 and 181 at 53mm

Forged baseplates
145 and 147 at 49mm
148, 149 and 151 at 51mm
161 at 52mm

I also found it interesting how they change the bushing colours over the years, as they used to be yellow, then some green, some teal, the 148s specifically orange when they came out, etc.

Y'all should put this at the top like that awesome Indy thread  8)

I am more than happy to add this to the first post. I do need help though. I know how to quote for the purpose of responding ( like this response I’m typing here ), but I don’t know how to quote and post to a different page.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: 708Skater on November 11, 2022, 09:09:38 AM
I’m seeing Thunder 147s for $35 & Thunder lights 147 for $50. I really want lights but is it worth that little more or I’m just wasting my money? Sorry for the amateur question I’ve only rode 139 standards & wanted to switch it up.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fulfillthedream on November 11, 2022, 09:59:59 AM
I’m seeing Thunder 147s for $35 & Thunder lights 147 for $50. I really want lights but is it worth that little more or I’m just wasting my money? Sorry for the amateur question I’ve only rode 139 standards & wanted to switch it up.

In my experience as well as what I've seen on youtube titanium/hollows are a few grams less than standards. Some people swear by hollows. Ive ridden all the thunders and I love the team originals.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 11, 2022, 11:18:28 AM
I would never buy forged plate Thunders again.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 11, 2022, 02:08:03 PM
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I forget who said it, but someone had mentioned before that the "Truck Styles" page would be correct if they actually said it was for 147s only, which was the truck width they used for all their model pics and videos.

The other page in that area actually has everything listed correctly, specifically the width to the heights, as @LebowskisRug  said above which vary as the trucks get wider, they get taller.

I was wondering about the new 181s, but as they have there, same as the 161s at 53mm in height.

To make it very clear, the hangers are the one mold, just the baseplates that are different in height from cast / team to forged:

Cast / team baseplates
143, 145 and 147 at 50mm
148, 149 and 151 at 52mm
161 and 181 at 53mm

Forged baseplates
145 and 147 at 49mm
148, 149 and 151 at 51mm
161 at 52mm

I also found it interesting how they change the bushing colours over the years, as they used to be yellow, then some green, some teal, the 148s specifically orange when they came out, etc.

Y'all should put this at the top like that awesome Indy thread  8)

I am more than happy to add this to the first post. I do need help though. I know how to quote for the purpose of responding ( like this response I’m typing here ), but I don’t know how to quote and post to a different page.

If you are on anything that you can copy, eg computer CTRL + A to select all and then CTRL + C to copy, go back to the post you want to edit and CTRL + V to paste, but if you are on something else, phone or mac, they have different ways of doing things.

I don't need credit or quote on that either - you can just copy the text and paste it in there easily enough to your first post, as half of it came from others and the rest is from the Thunder site.

Sometimes I do wonder how many people would check first post / pages of threads anyway, but it is always good to have the info available.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 11, 2022, 02:17:39 PM
weird, on Thinkempire it lists the 149 specificially as a "HI"
Sounds like it will be great for that hockey board anyway

Thunder used to make both the normal / Hi truck and a low version, so I would imagine some places would still use that, even though now they only have the normal or one version of truck and just have cast / team or forged baseplates as the options, as well as regular or hollow kingpins and axles.

Unless you have seen them or can directly compare, it is hard to get an idea of exactly what they are like, but this screen shot of this video is a good example anyway.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 11, 2022, 05:43:27 PM
Thanks for the info @Mbrimson88
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LewFarrell on November 13, 2022, 05:33:53 AM
Team plates are 52mm and a +3.125 WB. Forged are 50.5 and a +3.25WB. Hangers can go in both if you are talking 148 and up.

Hey Lebowski, I've been mad busy and not on here much just catching up.

I wanted to follow up on the second part of your comment - I know 148+ are higher, but I assumed it was all in the hanger. Are there differences in the baseplate 148+ as well? I always assumed thunder hangers and baseplates were compatible regardless of size like Ventures are.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Bob Loblaw on November 14, 2022, 07:18:30 AM
Sorry if i missed it, but has anyone tried thunder hangars on venture baseplates?
I like how thunders grind, but tailslides on the venture baseplates are the best
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 14, 2022, 10:52:44 AM
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Team plates are 52mm and a +3.125 WB. Forged are 50.5 and a +3.25WB. Hangers can go in both if you are talking 148 and up.

Hey Lebowski, I've been mad busy and not on here much just catching up.

I wanted to follow up on the second part of your comment - I know 148+ are higher, but I assumed it was all in the hanger. Are there differences in the baseplate 148+ as well? I always assumed thunder hangers and baseplates were compatible regardless of size like Ventures are.

Height difference across sizes with the same baseplate is in the hanger. For example: a 147 standard cast will be lower than a 148 cast and you can interchange hangers and baseplates.
A forged base is lower due to thinner material which would make a 147 forged lower than a 147 cast. Again with forged the baseplate is interchangeable with all hanger sizes and the height of the axle will rise with each wider hanger you switch to.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on November 14, 2022, 10:53:11 AM
Sorry if i missed it, but has anyone tried thunder hangars on venture baseplates?
I like how thunders grind, but tailslides on the venture baseplates are the best

It's not an ideal fit but it works fine
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 14, 2022, 11:02:57 AM
I updated the first post with a link directly to Thunder’s size chart. The chart I linked includes height variation for all sizes in cast and forged.
The chart is helpful because it limits confusion and makes for an easier reference. I’m linking it here as well:
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 14, 2022, 11:30:01 AM
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Sorry if i missed it, but has anyone tried thunder hangars on venture baseplates?
I like how thunders grind, but tailslides on the venture baseplates are the best

It's not an ideal fit but it works fine

Ish Cepeda runs them like this, I think some other pros do as well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 14, 2022, 01:18:21 PM
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Team plates are 52mm and a +3.125 WB. Forged are 50.5 and a +3.25WB. Hangers can go in both if you are talking 148 and up.

Hey Lebowski, I've been mad busy and not on here much just catching up.

I wanted to follow up on the second part of your comment - I know 148+ are higher, but I assumed it was all in the hanger. Are there differences in the baseplate 148+ as well? I always assumed thunder hangers and baseplates were compatible regardless of size like Ventures are.

My comment was unclear. 148-151 are the same size, above that and the hangers get taller by 1mm
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 14, 2022, 01:21:27 PM
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Sorry if i missed it, but has anyone tried thunder hangars on venture baseplates?
I like how thunders grind, but tailslides on the venture baseplates are the best

It's not an ideal fit but it works fine

Ish Cepeda runs them like this, I think some other pros do as well.


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: notinternetfamous on November 14, 2022, 02:49:53 PM
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Sorry if i missed it, but has anyone tried thunder hangars on venture baseplates?
I like how thunders grind, but tailslides on the venture baseplates are the best

It's not an ideal fit but it works fine

Ish Cepeda runs them like this, I think some other pros do as well.
i can't imagine any pros doing this lol it seems illegal and i wouldn't want to be caught doing this
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on November 14, 2022, 03:23:39 PM
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Sorry if i missed it, but has anyone tried thunder hangars on venture baseplates?
I like how thunders grind, but tailslides on the venture baseplates are the best

It's not an ideal fit but it works fine

Ish Cepeda runs them like this, I think some other pros do as well.
i can't imagine any pros doing this lol it seems illegal and i wouldn't want to be caught doing this

I remember people saying Lucas Puig used to do that. I tried putting thunder hollow hangars on venture forged baseplates and couldn't quite figure out the bushings. Maybe venture standard plates might fit better, but I'm not gonna bother trying it
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 14, 2022, 08:27:18 PM
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Sorry if i missed it, but has anyone tried thunder hangars on venture baseplates?
I like how thunders grind, but tailslides on the venture baseplates are the best

It's not an ideal fit but it works fine

Ish Cepeda runs them like this, I think some other pros do as well.
i can't imagine any pros doing this lol it seems illegal and i wouldn't want to be caught doing this

I remember people saying Lucas Puig used to do that. I tried putting thunder hollow hangars on venture forged baseplates and couldn't quite figure out the bushings. Maybe venture standard plates might fit better, but I'm not gonna bother trying it

A handful of people do. Deluxe owns both companies so who really cares.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 14, 2022, 09:39:27 PM
Maybe they used to but a cursory perusal of their social media and the setup video above suggest they don't anymore. Maybe for older versions it was a hack that worked when everything was lower? I can't see why anyone would do that. Yah, more baseplate, but I can't see anyone at that level caring or not just grabbing some wax.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 15, 2022, 07:02:28 AM
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Sorry if i missed it, but has anyone tried thunder hangars on venture baseplates?
I like how thunders grind, but tailslides on the venture baseplates are the best

It's not an ideal fit but it works fine

Ish Cepeda runs them like this, I think some other pros do as well.



I'll take that L i guess, it was discussed somewhere else on here. Guess you cant believe everything you read on SLAP, im shocked. Maybe he was at one point or something idk?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on November 15, 2022, 07:26:31 AM
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Sorry if i missed it, but has anyone tried thunder hangars on venture baseplates?
I like how thunders grind, but tailslides on the venture baseplates are the best

It's not an ideal fit but it works fine

Ish Cepeda runs them like this, I think some other pros do as well.



I'll take that L i guess, it was discussed somewhere else on here. Guess you cant believe everything you read on SLAP, im shocked. Maybe he was at one point or something idk?

I remember reading that as well. He and another skater, Johnny something (wears dunks, lots of china footage).
Seems extreme. But then you have Koston drilling the baseplates sooo
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 15, 2022, 07:30:00 AM
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Sorry if i missed it, but has anyone tried thunder hangars on venture baseplates?
I like how thunders grind, but tailslides on the venture baseplates are the best

It's not an ideal fit but it works fine

Ish Cepeda runs them like this, I think some other pros do as well.



I'll take that L i guess, it was discussed somewhere else on here. Guess you cant believe everything you read on SLAP, im shocked. Maybe he was at one point or something idk?

I remember reading that as well. He and another skater, Johnny something (wears dunks, lots of china footage).
Seems extreme. But then you have Koston drilling the baseplates sooo

? ... go on.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on November 15, 2022, 08:04:28 AM
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Sorry if i missed it, but has anyone tried thunder hangars on venture baseplates?
I like how thunders grind, but tailslides on the venture baseplates are the best

It's not an ideal fit but it works fine

Ish Cepeda runs them like this, I think some other pros do as well.



I'll take that L i guess, it was discussed somewhere else on here. Guess you cant believe everything you read on SLAP, im shocked. Maybe he was at one point or something idk?

I remember reading that as well. He and another skater, Johnny something (wears dunks, lots of china footage).
Seems extreme. But then you have Koston drilling the baseplates sooo

? ... go on.

This is on ventures, but if you look at a screenshot of kostons board, the holes in the baseplate for the bolts, are not stock
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on November 15, 2022, 08:38:58 AM
why would you wnat to change the position of the holes on the baseplate?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on November 15, 2022, 08:41:02 AM
why would you wnat to change the position of the holes on the baseplate?

Changes the axle position/wb. I think…?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 15, 2022, 09:25:56 AM
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why would you wnat to change the position of the holes on the baseplate?

Changes the axle position/wb. I think…?

Yea, you could only shorten it though since i doubt there would be room on the baseplate for the bottom bolts to move farther down.


that would basically negate the baseplate slide on ventures though, would deff bring your wheels closer to the edge and cause the drag that many people complain about (and many others have no issue with).

Since it would be easy for him to get a board with whatever WB he likes, I can only assume he likes the wheel drag of thunders on nose/tail slides, but maybe he prefers the kingpin clearance of ventures?

I wonder if he does both trucks or just one?

do not let this spill into the madness or truck setups threads lol.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 15, 2022, 10:30:15 AM
It doesn't negate the slide at all. The plate still sticks out beyond the wheels. The problem with Thunders is that the entire plate is biased toward the front of the deck, but the hanger isn't. Redrilling any other truck doesn't introduce that bias. Plus there is more metal beyond the pivot cup and it angles downwards at a gentler angle/extends further beyond the back bolts. It seems he uses a 1/4" c-c offset which makes them the same WB as an Indy. Seems kinda cool actually.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 15, 2022, 10:34:42 AM
It doesn't negate the slide at all. The plate still sticks out beyond the wheels. The problem with Thunders is that the entire plate is biased toward the front of the deck, but the hanger isn't. Redrilling any other truck doesn't introduce that bias. Plus there is more metal beyond the pivot cup and it angles downwards at a gentler angle/extends further beyond the back bolts. It seems he uses a 1/4" c-c offset which makes them the same WB as an Indy. Seems kinda cool actually.

Yea, true, that makes sense.

He was on indy for a while. seems like he should just ride them again haha
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BurgerCop on November 15, 2022, 10:46:57 AM
I'm on the Thunder hollow lights w/ forged base and I don't feel like I have issues sliding my nose and tail slides?
Is that why people don't like them? I've been riding Thunders exclusively for several years so maybe I'm just used to it?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 15, 2022, 10:49:42 AM
I'm on the Thunder hollow lights w/ forged base and I don't feel like I have issues sliding my nose and tail slides?
Is that why people don't like them? I've been riding Thunders exclusively for several years so maybe I'm just used to it?

Its just a difference in technique. some would say that thunders force you to use proper technique since you're not relying on the baseplate to slide and you actually have to be completely on top of them for them to work well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on November 15, 2022, 11:06:02 AM
I'm on the Thunder hollow lights w/ forged base and I don't feel like I have issues sliding my nose and tail slides?
Is that why people don't like them? I've been riding Thunders exclusively for several years so maybe I'm just used to it?

I've found that there are certain ledges I can't nose/tailslide with ventures but thunders always work without problems. Never the other way around, thunders work even if the ledge has small gaps, chunky pieces or super sharp edges where the venture baseplate gets stuck. Currently on ventures but gonna switch back soon and I'm hyped for the slides again.

I don't really get it because I was easily able to nose/tailslide these same ledges on aces, but always get stuck with my ventures.

(Smooth concrete ledges with ventures is amazing though)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Gene_Harrogate on November 15, 2022, 01:52:50 PM
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Sorry if i missed it, but has anyone tried thunder hangars on venture baseplates?
I like how thunders grind, but tailslides on the venture baseplates are the best

It's not an ideal fit but it works fine

Ish Cepeda runs them like this, I think some other pros do as well.
i can't imagine any pros doing this lol it seems illegal and i wouldn't want to be caught doing this

I remember people saying Lucas Puig used to do that. I tried putting thunder hollow hangars on venture forged baseplates and couldn't quite figure out the bushings. Maybe venture standard plates might fit better, but I'm not gonna bother trying it

A handful of people do. Deluxe owns both companies so who really cares.
I don't know but this revelation and the pair of ventures I have collecting dust on a shelf in my garage is making me think I need to spend some time in the gear madness support thread before I relapse.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: radcunt on November 20, 2022, 02:24:59 AM
I would never buy forged plate Thunders again.
How come?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: skatebruh on November 20, 2022, 07:26:24 AM
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I would never buy forged plate Thunders again.
How come?
Not OP, but my forged 147s gave me way too much wheelbite without risers on 52mm wheels.

It would be fine with 50mm wheels or risers or cast baseplates or even forged 148s because the 148 hangers are taller.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 20, 2022, 08:39:16 AM
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I would never buy forged plate Thunders again.
How come?

I just don't see a point personally. Thunders are already pretty light and I don't want a lower "high" truck. I like to ride 52-53mm wheels and that extra 1 or 1.5Mm is nice even if it's just mental. I don't notice the WB difference much, but it's not a feature I seek out either. If I want a lighter Thunder I can just get hollows.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PrairieSkater on November 20, 2022, 11:20:47 PM
49.78mm does seem very short for a truck. This is why I hopped on this thread before checking out my cart.
But apparently TJ skates the 147s hollow lights in the lastest thunder ad. (Expand photo for truck details)
I guess it works well for some people.( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on November 21, 2022, 04:08:45 AM
49.78mm does seem very short for a truck. This is why I hopped on this thread before checking out my cart.
But apparently TJ skates the 147s hollow lights in the lastest thunder ad. (Expand photo for truck details)
I guess it works well for some people.( (
Ishod skates 147s as well, pretty sure a lot of pros do. I’m on a set right now with a kreper inverted kingpin (cast plates) and they are great.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 21, 2022, 06:46:58 AM
Just because the ad is there doesn't mean it's what he skates necessarily. Sometimes they give a pro a popular truck size to sell more of that size.

Ishod rides 147 with risers and packed with washers in the axle. Basically hacking together a 148, but it works for him.

I'm not saying forged plates are objectively bad nor are hollow trucks, just that for me it's really not an added bonus. My Titanium lights were basically 100g lighter each than an Indy Standard, which adds up to .44lb and isn't insubstantial.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FROTHY on November 21, 2022, 08:01:29 AM
Just so I'm getting this right, Thunder describes their cast baseplates as "team", but often makes pro model trucks with the cast baseplate, right? e.g.:
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 21, 2022, 08:04:14 AM
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PrairieSkater on November 21, 2022, 08:30:10 AM
Maybe. I checked the ads & the riders setup videos and they seem to matchup. I just wanted to make sure about the 147s though.
( ( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on November 21, 2022, 06:03:11 PM
Maybe. I checked the ads & the riders setup videos and they seem to matchup. I just wanted to make sure about the 147s though.
( ( (
I’d say if you are interested, and like 8-8.25 decks, give them a shot. I like 147s a lot on the girl g008 shape (8”)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on November 21, 2022, 06:32:11 PM
Just here to remind the gods that Ishod skates 147s and he skates an 8.38. Use that info as you please.

I personally find it amazing since he skates huge shit whether its street or transition
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 21, 2022, 07:17:01 PM
Just here to remind the gods that Ishod skates 147s and he skates an 8.38. Use that info as you please.

I personally find it amazing since he skates huge shit whether its street or transition

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: munchbox on November 21, 2022, 07:48:23 PM
when you got it you got it
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 21, 2022, 09:24:25 PM
Just here to remind the gods that Ishod skates 147s and he skates an 8.38. Use that info as you please.

I personally find it amazing since he skates huge shit whether its street or transition

Risers and 3-4 washers inside each wheel he's basically on a weird 148.

In his setup video Ish Cepeda said he's riding Jamie Foy's 149 but normally rides 147, Julian Lewis said he rides 148 because they are 8.38, and Suciu thinks he hits his wheel pushing on 149. Pros say a lot of stuff and I often wonder if they know any of the differences between the gear.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: big_kev_215 on November 21, 2022, 10:39:03 PM
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Just here to remind the gods that Ishod skates 147s and he skates an 8.38. Use that info as you please.

I personally find it amazing since he skates huge shit whether its street or transition

Risers and 3-4 washers inside each wheel he's basically on a weird 148.

In his setup video Ish Cepeda said he's riding Jamie Foy's 149 but normally rides 147, Julian Lewis said he rides 148 because they are 8.38, and Suciu thinks he hits his wheel pushing on 149. Pros say a lot of stuff and I often wonder if they know any of the differences between the gear.

Watched a Torey Pudwill setup video the other day where he said he likes wider wheels because having more surface area makes them slide faster…

Thunder has enough varied offerings that you never know what explanation/description you’re going to get from pros I feel like
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on November 21, 2022, 11:40:31 PM
Shane O'Neil rides 147 on a 8.25.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Turtle Boy on November 22, 2022, 01:39:21 AM
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That’s gotta be under warranty. If you don’t hear back try to DM them on Instagram. Thunder usually responds there within a day or two. Best of luck to you!
[email protected] handles warranty issues, hit him direct if you haven't heard back
thanks! I'll wait for a couple days then hit him up.

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I feel your pain, it looks like you were having a lot of fun on those 148’s! I hope they get you sorted out.


Yeah really great trucks, i've put indys from my cruiser set up while I try to sort it up, but the difference in weight is a big issue

I just received the replacement trucks. Cameron at Dlxsf and V7 were really helpful. I have to admit that the DLX customer service is the best I've seen even outside of skateboarding.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 22, 2022, 05:36:53 AM
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Just here to remind the gods that Ishod skates 147s and he skates an 8.38. Use that info as you please.

I personally find it amazing since he skates huge shit whether its street or transition

Risers and 3-4 washers inside each wheel he's basically on a weird 148.

In his setup video Ish Cepeda said he's riding Jamie Foy's 149 but normally rides 147, Julian Lewis said he rides 148 because they are 8.38, and Suciu thinks he hits his wheel pushing on 149. Pros say a lot of stuff and I often wonder if they know any of the differences between the gear.

Watched a Torey Pudwill setup video the other day where he said he likes wider wheels because having more surface area makes them slide faster…

Thunder has enough varied offerings that you never know what explanation/description you’re going to get from pros I feel like

Torey looks like a guy that wouldn't have the strongest grasp on concepts like friction and physics
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on November 22, 2022, 05:55:21 AM
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Just here to remind the gods that Ishod skates 147s and he skates an 8.38. Use that info as you please.

I personally find it amazing since he skates huge shit whether its street or transition

Risers and 3-4 washers inside each wheel he's basically on a weird 148.

In his setup video Ish Cepeda said he's riding Jamie Foy's 149 but normally rides 147, Julian Lewis said he rides 148 because they are 8.38, and Suciu thinks he hits his wheel pushing on 149. Pros say a lot of stuff and I often wonder if they know any of the differences between the gear.

Watched a Torey Pudwill setup video the other day where he said he likes wider wheels because having more surface area makes them slide faster…

Thunder has enough varied offerings that you never know what explanation/description you’re going to get from pros I feel like

Torey looks like a guy that wouldn't have the strongest grasp on concepts like friction and physics

As somewhat of an actual physicist, he's right
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 22, 2022, 06:51:33 AM
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That’s gotta be under warranty. If you don’t hear back try to DM them on Instagram. Thunder usually responds there within a day or two. Best of luck to you!
[email protected] handles warranty issues, hit him direct if you haven't heard back
thanks! I'll wait for a couple days then hit him up.

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I feel your pain, it looks like you were having a lot of fun on those 148’s! I hope they get you sorted out.


Yeah really great trucks, i've put indys from my cruiser set up while I try to sort it up, but the difference in weight is a big issue

I just received the replacement trucks. Cameron at Dlxsf and V7 were really helpful. I have to admit that the DLX customer service is the best I've seen even outside of skateboarding.

I’m glad you got sorted out, I hope to see those in the scrape report soon!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 22, 2022, 07:49:58 PM
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Just here to remind the gods that Ishod skates 147s and he skates an 8.38. Use that info as you please.

I personally find it amazing since he skates huge shit whether its street or transition

Risers and 3-4 washers inside each wheel he's basically on a weird 148.

In his setup video Ish Cepeda said he's riding Jamie Foy's 149 but normally rides 147, Julian Lewis said he rides 148 because they are 8.38, and Suciu thinks he hits his wheel pushing on 149. Pros say a lot of stuff and I often wonder if they know any of the differences between the gear.

Watched a Torey Pudwill setup video the other day where he said he likes wider wheels because having more surface area makes them slide faster…

Thunder has enough varied offerings that you never know what explanation/description you’re going to get from pros I feel like

Torey looks like a guy that wouldn't have the strongest grasp on concepts like friction and physics

As somewhat of an actual physicist, he's right

Well color me wrong then I suppose. I always figured a smaller wheel with very round edges would slide fastest because there would be less friction?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lee Ralphs Dear Old Mum on November 22, 2022, 09:17:35 PM
It can depend on the surface you're sliding.

Also, some wheel nerds posit that a wider contact patch is harder to break into a slide but will slide better once sliding.

Lots of variables.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: froufroufox on November 23, 2022, 03:45:08 AM
sorry for the prolly dumb question but i’m looking at the hollow lights and if i’m getting an 8.125 deck, should i get 147s or 148s?? i mostly skate low impact manuals and ledges. thnx
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on November 23, 2022, 03:56:19 AM
sorry for the prolly dumb question but i’m looking at the hollow lights and if i’m getting an 8.125 deck, should i get 147s or 148s?? i mostly skate low impact manuals and ledges. thnx

It's okay to ask. 147 are 8.0 and 148 are 8.25

Decide if you want slightly wider trucks or slightly wider board and pick. Personally I like my board being slightly wider so I would go 147.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: chillclinton87 on November 23, 2022, 04:07:10 AM
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sorry for the prolly dumb question but i’m looking at the hollow lights and if i’m getting an 8.125 deck, should i get 147s or 148s?? i mostly skate low impact manuals and ledges. thnx

It's okay to ask. 147 are 8.0 and 148 are 8.25

Decide if you want slightly wider trucks or slightly wider board and pick. Personally I like my board being slightly wider so I would go 147.

Been with you on that for the last 12 years until recently....8.125 with 147s was an allround great setup- just changed because i needed change after all them years!

BUT 148s will work on an 8.125 too....same as a lot of guys riding 8.25 boards with 149/ 8.5 wide trucks before the 148/ 8.25 trucks came out from thunder, indy and so on.....

you could also go with the 147s and classic wheels or some with a wider surface- that might feel like less overhang. or just tighten your trucks a bit if it feels too surfy!

Since thunders feel kinda loose stock and are low they can feel a lil unstable at times- at least for me....oh god where am i going with this? Did anybody even ask?

Sorry.... :(
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: froufroufox on November 23, 2022, 04:24:09 AM
thanks for the replies :-) think ima go with the 147s!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on November 23, 2022, 05:27:50 AM
Something else to consider is kingpin clearance. There’s a bit more clearance on the 148 than the 147.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on November 23, 2022, 08:56:33 AM
I tend to buy based on what you plan on skating….if you’re an 8-8.125 guy…147s no question.  If you’re a 8.125 guy but would consider a 8.25, I’d go 148….for a second skating a few years back felt like the 8 was going to be deleted so,I sized up….now they are pretty available again.

I find grinding on wider trucks just feels more comfortable, but smaller trucks feel like they roll over a bit easier. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: camel filters on November 23, 2022, 09:10:17 AM
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sorry for the prolly dumb question but i’m looking at the hollow lights and if i’m getting an 8.125 deck, should i get 147s or 148s?? i mostly skate low impact manuals and ledges. thnx

It's okay to ask. 147 are 8.0 and 148 are 8.25

Decide if you want slightly wider trucks or slightly wider board and pick. Personally I like my board being slightly wider so I would go 147.

Since thunders feel kinda loose stock and are low they can feel a lil unstable at times- at least for me....oh god where am i going with this? Did anybody even ask?

Me and my last pair of "kingpin nuts barely hanging on and still tight af" thunders were wondering if we could live in your reality for a bit.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: bbk on November 23, 2022, 09:19:34 AM
I always take the bottom washer of, then nut flush to make them turn right. I never found thunders loose, but it´s been a couple of years.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on November 23, 2022, 10:47:16 AM
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sorry for the prolly dumb question but i’m looking at the hollow lights and if i’m getting an 8.125 deck, should i get 147s or 148s?? i mostly skate low impact manuals and ledges. thnx

It's okay to ask. 147 are 8.0 and 148 are 8.25

Decide if you want slightly wider trucks or slightly wider board and pick. Personally I like my board being slightly wider so I would go 147.

Since thunders feel kinda loose stock and are low they can feel a lil unstable at times- at least for me....oh god where am i going with this? Did anybody even ask?

Me and my last pair of "kingpin nuts barely hanging on and still tight af" thunders were wondering if we could live in your reality for a bit.

Yeah sometimes I wonder if people just stand on their new trucks for 1min and then decide to switch bushings. Let them break in, they're getting so much harder. Too hard in fact.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on November 23, 2022, 11:51:30 AM
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sorry for the prolly dumb question but i’m looking at the hollow lights and if i’m getting an 8.125 deck, should i get 147s or 148s?? i mostly skate low impact manuals and ledges. thnx

It's okay to ask. 147 are 8.0 and 148 are 8.25

Decide if you want slightly wider trucks or slightly wider board and pick. Personally I like my board being slightly wider so I would go 147.

Since thunders feel kinda loose stock and are low they can feel a lil unstable at times- at least for me....oh god where am i going with this? Did anybody even ask?

Me and my last pair of "kingpin nuts barely hanging on and still tight af" thunders were wondering if we could live in your reality for a bit.

What a wonderful reality that would be, no?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: switchfrontshuv on November 23, 2022, 12:02:01 PM
I fucking hate wheelbite but thunder 149 standard on 1/8 risers and 55+ wheels is such an amazing combo for any type of deck.

The height comes out close to an indy or maybe taller but it doesnt matter since the trucks are so light the pop feel isnt really affected, and the control is so nice on switch tricks compared to any other cast truck (except maybe ventures but I fucking hate their feel now)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on November 24, 2022, 04:02:23 AM
I fucking hate wheelbite but thunder 149 standard on 1/8 risers and 55+ wheels is such an amazing combo for any type of deck.

The height comes out close to an indy or maybe taller but it doesnt matter since the trucks are so light the pop feel isnt really affected, and the control is so nice on switch tricks compared to any other cast truck (except maybe ventures but I fucking hate their feel now)

So true, thunders and risers work so well together. Getting the itch to set my 151s back up on 1/8 risers after running ventures for the past year or so.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on November 24, 2022, 12:42:15 PM
Yo I just want to break the news that titaniums have hit europe again after 2 years of waiting.
Just saw them on (

They're even on sale
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 24, 2022, 07:09:12 PM
When Slap is constantly bragging about loose trucks I just think back to the Busenitz Bunt episode when they ask him what the worst trend is and he reponds: "people who ride their trucks too loose" and rails on weak of a flex that is.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on November 25, 2022, 09:02:37 AM
When Slap is constantly bragging about loose trucks I just think back to the Busenitz Bunt episode when they ask him what the worst trend is and he reponds: "people who ride their trucks too loose" and rails on weak of a flex that is.

Totally agree. It’s for uninteresting skaters. He’s also claimed Daewon as his favorite skater. I dramatically prefer Daewon pre ridiculous trucks.
Anyways. Overly loose trucks are wack.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lee Ralphs Dear Old Mum on November 25, 2022, 09:06:22 AM
Matt Rodriguez "unitnteresting?"
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on November 25, 2022, 10:52:34 AM
Matt Rodriguez "unitnteresting?"

Matt Rodriguez can actually skate well. Trucks that are too loose can be just as bad as trucks that are too tight in the wrong hands. It can hinder your abilities. I personally like to skate my trucks loose. It helps me with pinching grinds and setting up for flip tricks

Thunders used to come looser. I know they say that they still use 90a stock bushings, but something isn’t the same. It’s when they made the switch from the green to the blue bushings. There was a slight tweak in the design around 2014ish if memory serves me right and that might’ve been what changed things. They’re still the best truck imo
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lee Ralphs Dear Old Mum on November 25, 2022, 05:01:59 PM
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Matt Rodriguez "unitnteresting?"

Matt Rodriguez can actually skate well. Trucks that are too loose can be just as bad as trucks that are too tight in the wrong hands. It can hinder your abilities. I personally like to skate my trucks loose. It helps me with pinching grinds and setting up for flip tricks

Exactly. Have your trucks set to a way that's conducive to your style and approach.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 26, 2022, 04:32:52 AM
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Matt Rodriguez "unitnteresting?"

Matt Rodriguez can actually skate well. Trucks that are too loose can be just as bad as trucks that are too tight in the wrong hands. It can hinder your abilities. I personally like to skate my trucks loose. It helps me with pinching grinds and setting up for flip tricks

Thunders used to come looser. I know they say that they still use 90a stock bushings, but something isn’t the same. It’s when they made the switch from the green to the blue bushings. There was a slight tweak in the design around 2014ish if memory serves me right and that might’ve been what changed things. They’re still the best truck imo

Damn, I swear they got looser over recent years. I used to rock mine always with nylock equal to top of kingpin, which was basically stock. Now I rock it prob 1/2 to full turn more, which is not a thread showing. Feel pretty much the same.

Man coming from 50-60 degree weather to Florida for vacation and I'm reminded of the ever changing durometer of Thunder bushings. Was comical to step on my board fresh off the plane.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on November 26, 2022, 05:36:45 AM
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Matt Rodriguez "unitnteresting?"

Matt Rodriguez can actually skate well. Trucks that are too loose can be just as bad as trucks that are too tight in the wrong hands. It can hinder your abilities. I personally like to skate my trucks loose. It helps me with pinching grinds and setting up for flip tricks

Thunders used to come looser. I know they say that they still use 90a stock bushings, but something isn’t the same. It’s when they made the switch from the green to the blue bushings. There was a slight tweak in the design around 2014ish if memory serves me right and that might’ve been what changed things. They’re still the best truck imo

Damn, I swear they got looser over recent years. I used to rock mine always with nylock equal to top of kingpin, which was basically stock. Now I rock it prob 1/2 to full turn more, which is not a thread showing. Feel pretty much the same.

Man coming from 50-60 degree weather to Florida for vacation and I'm reminded of the ever changing durometer of Thunder bushings. Was comical to step on my board fresh off the plane.

Someone other than bones needs to make regular bushings that are more temperature resistant. Without that dumb built in washer
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on November 26, 2022, 06:12:10 AM
Matt Rodriguez "unitnteresting?"

Oh fuck me….look I do like the Matt Rodriguez, and I do like Daewon. I think their shit looks ridiculous. ‘I get high off of it (rattles trucks)’…it is as gimmicky/attention seeking, as it gets. Great skaters both.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lee Ralphs Dear Old Mum on November 26, 2022, 09:09:37 AM
So M Rod rides his trucks that way to 'seek attention?'
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ride it to dust on November 26, 2022, 09:20:23 AM
It’s mad how some pro’s have thier trucks that loose. I always assumed it must be challenging as fuck to be able to skate competently on essentially a wobble board
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on November 26, 2022, 09:32:00 AM
I don’t think they are ever really flexing…that’s just how they ride their trucks….same way Jah stepping on his trucks like he’s trying to end their life…I don’t think he’s saying….tight trucks are TIGHT….he’s just doing him. 

But yes…we tend to really celebrate loose trucks….

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on November 26, 2022, 09:37:18 AM
So M Rod rides his trucks that way to 'seek attention?'

You’ve seen the same video I have. I think someone can like something, and also like the attention. Dude has a lot of flair.
Daewon is a legend, and he absolutely flexes this. Mrod less of a ‘legend’ (still amazing), and if it wasn’t important to Ras Matt, I wouldn’t know about said loose trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lee Ralphs Dear Old Mum on November 26, 2022, 09:58:27 AM
It was a Sac tradition. I don't think impressing you and I has much to do with it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 02, 2022, 05:43:31 PM
Anyone have axle bend issues on Thunders? I noticed when I set my board down only 2-3 out of the 4 wheels touched the ground at once. 149 Team hangers. Not a bushing issue either as my 148 hangers with same plates and bushings don't do this. Took them off and my axles are definitely bent on the front. Only other set of axles I have ever bent were Ti Thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Slugboi22 on December 03, 2022, 03:13:44 PM
Finally made the switch back from ace AF1 55s to Thunder teams. Gonna slap some 1/8th risers underneath them and give ‘em a go tomorrow AM. Hoping the grind is as good as i remember :-)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FrenchSkater on December 05, 2022, 09:48:58 AM
On Taylor Kirby's story.. One more person leaving indy for thunder ?

I wonder why many are leaving Independent when they have always skated for them.. Maybe Independent has warned its skaters that the construction is in China now ?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on December 05, 2022, 09:55:03 AM
On Taylor Kirby's story.. One more person leaving indy for thunder ?

I wonder why many are leaving Independent when they have always skated for them.. Maybe Independent has warned its skaters that the construction is in China now ?

I'd say it probably comes down to their deals with NHS and DLX.

Money is the biggest reason pros change their setups after many years of being on the same thing.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on December 05, 2022, 02:44:56 PM
Anyone have axle bend issues on Thunders? I noticed when I set my board down only 2-3 out of the 4 wheels touched the ground at once. 149 Team hangers. Not a bushing issue either as my 148 hangers with same plates and bushings don't do this. Took them off and my axles are definitely bent on the front. Only other set of axles I have ever bent were Ti Thunders.

Have never bent a hanger in the 17 years I’ve been skating Thunders. It’s definitely possible though just like any other truck. You can try using a pipe as a cheater bar and bending it back in place if you don’t want to give up on that pair

One of the big reasons I switched to Thunders was because I kept having bent and slipped axles on Indys. 1 single truck of the 40+ pairs that I’ve skated has broken prematurely. That was back in 2009
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 05, 2022, 03:52:54 PM
I asked two pros why they switched and they said "The trucks just showed up in my Spitfire box and I tried them and they're great". Also, Kirby skates with Julian Davidson, who skates for Thunder so it coulda been Julian's board.

Prob not worth reading into much. Now, if someone like Reynolds were to switch....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on December 05, 2022, 05:23:44 PM
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On Taylor Kirby's story.. One more person leaving indy for thunder ?

I wonder why many are leaving Independent when they have always skated for them.. Maybe Independent has warned its skaters that the construction is in China now ?

I'd say it probably comes down to their deals with NHS and DLX.

Money is the biggest reason pros change their setups after many years of being on the same thing.

Unless you have a pro truck no one gets paid for skating indys.  I suspect like you said, it's a package deal, they get spits and should they ever loose a board sponsor, automatically get antihero boards. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mean salto on December 05, 2022, 05:39:35 PM
I asked two pros why they switched and they said "The trucks just showed up in my Spitfire box and I tried them and they're great". Also, Kirby skates with Julian Davidson, who skates for Thunder so it coulda been Julian's board.

Prob not worth reading into much. Now, if someone like Reynolds were to switch....
On shinpei uenos insta a while back I think he got surprised to find out he was included in the team lineup when he didn't even know he rode for them
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: sk8_cat on December 06, 2022, 12:28:58 AM
The elephant in the room here is the thunder bushings. Oh man it's been such a shitshow for me - I am a bigger dude that lives in a hot climate so right off the bat the stock bushings are too loose and they would crack within 3 sessions anyway. The onlything I could do was get the aftermarket rebuild kits for 95 and 100 duro, these are kind of shit on the first sessions until they break in as is perfectly normal, then they keep getting looser and looser at a pretty noticable rate let alone the temperature sensitivity and the blowouts. At some point the 100du ones felt like they were loose but just with a pretty slow rebound. Idk at the end of the day the fact that they quickly change their response is the worst bit for me it makes it hard to get used to. Otherwise great trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FrenchSkater on December 06, 2022, 04:05:53 AM
I asked two pros why they switched and they said "The trucks just showed up in my Spitfire box and I tried them and they're great". Also, Kirby skates with Julian Davidson, who skates for Thunder so it coulda been Julian's board.

Prob not worth reading into much. Now, if someone like Reynolds were to switch....

Imagine Reynolds skating for Venture..  :D He already said that he likes these trucks, and we see him being a fan of GX1000, where many ride Venture.. He also skates with Kader, it can influence him haha

A change to venture would be more likely as it's closer to indy in feel and height! The feel on Thunder is totally different..  ;D
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on December 06, 2022, 04:24:58 AM
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I asked two pros why they switched and they said "The trucks just showed up in my Spitfire box and I tried them and they're great". Also, Kirby skates with Julian Davidson, who skates for Thunder so it coulda been Julian's board.

Prob not worth reading into much. Now, if someone like Reynolds were to switch....

Imagine Reynolds skating for Venture..  :D He already said that he likes these trucks, and we see him being a fan of GX1000, where many ride Venture.. He also skates with Kader, it can influence him haha

A change to venture would be more likely as it's closer to indy in feel and height! The feel on Thunder is totally different..  ;D

Reynolds skates his trucks pretty tight so ventures might be doable. And he's more flip/manny/slide focused so the worse grind might not be as big of a deal to him.

His older legs might not do so well with that hefty pop though. OR, it might be exactly what he needs for a second wind!

He def has a bit of madness though, i would be surprised if he swapped
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FrenchSkater on December 06, 2022, 11:48:23 AM
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I asked two pros why they switched and they said "The trucks just showed up in my Spitfire box and I tried them and they're great". Also, Kirby skates with Julian Davidson, who skates for Thunder so it coulda been Julian's board.

Prob not worth reading into much. Now, if someone like Reynolds were to switch....

Imagine Reynolds skating for Venture..  :D He already said that he likes these trucks, and we see him being a fan of GX1000, where many ride Venture.. He also skates with Kader, it can influence him haha

A change to venture would be more likely as it's closer to indy in feel and height! The feel on Thunder is totally different..  ;D

Reynolds skates his trucks pretty tight so ventures might be doable. And he's more flip/manny/slide focused so the worse grind might not be as big of a deal to him.

His older legs might not do so well with that hefty pop though. OR, it might be exactly what he needs for a second wind!

He def has a bit of madness though, i would be surprised if he swapped

Maybe one day .. :D
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fulfillthedream on December 06, 2022, 11:52:32 AM
When Slap is constantly bragging about loose trucks I just think back to the Busenitz Bunt episode when they ask him what the worst trend is and he reponds: "people who ride their trucks too loose" and rails on weak of a flex that is.

lol man everyone clowns me for my truck tightness but i feel they work PERFECT for me as im only 126lbs and most people weigh more than me
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pops on December 06, 2022, 12:01:23 PM
I fucking hate wheelbite but thunder 149 standard on 1/8 risers and 55+ wheels is such an amazing combo for any type of deck.

The height comes out close to an indy or maybe taller but it doesnt matter since the trucks are so light the pop feel isnt really affected, and the control is so nice on switch tricks compared to any other cast truck (except maybe ventures but I fucking hate their feel now)

This makes me curious to hop back on some Thunders. I've been on Aces for couple years and even though I definitely love the classics, I would definitely want to try some 151s with 1/8 risers.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on December 11, 2022, 06:25:27 AM
Thunder hanger/ Venture baseplate mix here plus some “science “:
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on December 11, 2022, 06:46:15 PM

The interesting thing with that pic is it doesn't give an accurate representation of where the axle actually sits on both.

Baseplates are lined up to the bolt holes, not the kingpin and pivot cup, but either way it is still interesting to see things like that side by side.

Lining up Ace, Indy, Thunder and Venture in that order along the axle line really shows how little there is between them, but it is still significant in that even 1 - 2 mm can make such a big difference overall.

Either way I wonder how many people might now try this themselves if they have everything lying around.  Some truck parts pair up better than others, but not everything goes with everything else.

Thanks for posting too.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on December 12, 2022, 05:00:10 AM

The interesting thing with that pic is it doesn't give an accurate representation of where the axle actually sits on both.

Baseplates are lined up to the bolt holes, not the kingpin and pivot cup, but either way it is still interesting to see things like that side by side.

Lining up Ace, Indy, Thunder and Venture in that order along the axle line really shows how little there is between them, but it is still significant in that even 1 - 2 mm can make such a big difference overall.

Either way I wonder how many people might now try this themselves if they have everything lying around.  Some truck parts pair up better than others, but not everything goes with everything else.

Thanks for posting too.

Absolutely. I remembered a discussion about this a few pages back but couldn’t find a way to quote it that would keep the discussion in context. I personally would never mix and match truck brands but to each their own. I figured hey, someone here might find this useful.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: logjammin on December 12, 2022, 06:10:11 AM
I would imagine the pivot nub of the Thunder hanger isn't sitting properly in the Venture plate in order for the yoke to be center, two very different geo's of trucks. But still kinda cool, nonetheless
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on December 12, 2022, 01:33:36 PM

The interesting thing with that pic is it doesn't give an accurate representation of where the axle actually sits on both.

Baseplates are lined up to the bolt holes, not the kingpin and pivot cup, but either way it is still interesting to see things like that side by side.

Lining up Ace, Indy, Thunder and Venture in that order along the axle line really shows how little there is between them, but it is still significant in that even 1 - 2 mm can make such a big difference overall.

Either way I wonder how many people might now try this themselves if they have everything lying around.  Some truck parts pair up better than others, but not everything goes with everything else.

Thanks for posting too.

Yeah, he mentions it but the rality is he was just referencing the ability to lock in with the plate vs. dragging your wheels.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on December 12, 2022, 03:17:42 PM
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The interesting thing with that pic is it doesn't give an accurate representation of where the axle actually sits on both.

Baseplates are lined up to the bolt holes, not the kingpin and pivot cup, but either way it is still interesting to see things like that side by side.

Lining up Ace, Indy, Thunder and Venture in that order along the axle line really shows how little there is between them, but it is still significant in that even 1 - 2 mm can make such a big difference overall.

Either way I wonder how many people might now try this themselves if they have everything lying around.  Some truck parts pair up better than others, but not everything goes with everything else.

Thanks for posting too.


Yeah, he mentions it but the rality is he was just referencing the ability to lock in with the plate vs. dragging your wheels.

That was the first thing I was looking for in the comments - sure enough, right there.

I guess it is more the "Oooohhhh aaaaahhhhh" of the truck world, even some people still sending me things or saying in person that Thunder trucks are faulty or not made right, to which I just smile and nod more often than not.

They still work fine for me on boards I have set up, but I prefer other trucks anyway, so no need to get into that argument again and again.

The difference when measured with other brands was 2mm from axle to end of baseplate, which is so little really, but it sure got some people riled up about the fact that when setup with wheels and sitting flat on a bench, the baseplate didn't touch, yet on a board with concave, when pressed up against anything, the kick firmly down on the ledge / edge the baseplate touches a whole lot.

I know that has already been covered time and time again, but it still seems it doesn't get through to some people.

Sorry.  :)

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on December 12, 2022, 04:56:05 PM
After riding thunders and 53/54mm wheels forever (even before the height revamp on 149s) I've become forever unable to lock in on a baseplate regardless of truck brand; Attempting to do so just sees me bash into shit.

I just end up balanced on the flat of the kick after the fingers of flat regardless of it being a nose or tail.

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Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 12, 2022, 09:06:58 PM
Weird, my thunder plates are super scratched and rounded, but I also put a lot of the kick on the ledge. If the ledge is sticky I just wax the side but normally don't need to. At the same time I do miss having a baseplate to slide on.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on December 12, 2022, 09:08:43 PM
Weird, my thunder plates are super scratched and rounded, but I also put a lot of the kick on the ledge.

Yeah, weird. I don't try and do this mind you, it's just want happens...I do slide long/well like this tho...and back when I was flipping terribly out of shit, I got tons of leverage.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: camel filters on December 13, 2022, 09:23:23 AM
After riding thunders and 53/54mm wheels forever (even before the height revamp on 149s) I've become forever unable to lock in on a baseplate regardless of truck brand; Attempting to do so just sees me bash into shit.

I just end up balanced on the flat of the kick after the fingers of flat regardless of it being a nose or tail.

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Are you doing exclusively nose and tail slides on transition? Because that is the only way I can imagine not touching any baseplate on even not optimal locked slides. I think of getting my head over the tail or nose more if I find i'm not sliding on a good lock. Hope that helps.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on December 13, 2022, 11:02:38 AM
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After riding thunders and 53/54mm wheels forever (even before the height revamp on 149s) I've become forever unable to lock in on a baseplate regardless of truck brand; Attempting to do so just sees me bash into shit.

I just end up balanced on the flat of the kick after the fingers of flat regardless of it being a nose or tail.

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Are you doing exclusively nose and tail slides on transition? Because that is the only way I can imagine not touching any baseplate on even not optimal locked slides. I think of getting my head over the tail or nose more if I find i'm not sliding on a good lock. Hope that helps.

Nope. Slappies or ollie into them.

As noted I have no problem with sliding this way so no need to change what works, thanks tho.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ejazzle on December 13, 2022, 11:59:49 AM
been riding venture lows for 15+ years and just got a set of thunders to try. Any major differences I'm going to notice? Ride an 8" board with 52mm wheels.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on December 13, 2022, 12:01:36 PM
been riding venture lows for 15+ years and just got a set of thunders to try. Any major differences I'm going to notice? Ride an 8" board with 52mm wheels.

They will turn and grind better than the ventures for sure.

Depending on your nose/tailslide technique, the short baseplates may bother you.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: OldCandy on December 13, 2022, 12:17:50 PM
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After riding thunders and 53/54mm wheels forever (even before the height revamp on 149s) I've become forever unable to lock in on a baseplate regardless of truck brand; Attempting to do so just sees me bash into shit.

I just end up balanced on the flat of the kick after the fingers of flat regardless of it being a nose or tail.

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Are you doing exclusively nose and tail slides on transition? Because that is the only way I can imagine not touching any baseplate on even not optimal locked slides. I think of getting my head over the tail or nose more if I find i'm not sliding on a good lock. Hope that helps.

Nope. Slappies or ollie into them.

As noted I have no problem with sliding this way so no need to change what works, thanks tho.

i ride basically your same setup and the only time my baseplate slides is on a super sharp ledge. Curbs and streetledges are all wheel.

i used to hate the lack of baseplate coming from indy but now i really dig the screeching .

deoderant bar on the side of the ledge
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BMCsteve on December 13, 2022, 01:14:19 PM
Recently bought a pair of 161s and was surprised to get less wheel bite than my forged titanium Indy 169s.  This is with 54mm wheels. 

Trying to figure out what was going on, I went to the Thunder site and realized the 161 and 181 are 1mm taller than the 148-151 trucks.

Definitely a nice surprise if anyone is considering going up to the bigger sizes
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on December 13, 2022, 02:23:30 PM
Recently bought a pair of 161s and was surprised to get less wheel bite than my forged titanium Indy 169s.  This is with 54mm wheels. 

Trying to figure out what was going on, I went to the Thunder site and realized the 161 and 181 are 1mm taller than the 148-151 trucks.

Definitely a nice surprise if anyone is considering going up to the bigger sizes

Tightness/bushing color?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 13, 2022, 02:32:49 PM
Recently bought a pair of 161s and was surprised to get less wheel bite than my forged titanium Indy 169s.  This is with 54mm wheels. 

Trying to figure out what was going on, I went to the Thunder site and realized the 161 and 181 are 1mm taller than the 148-151 trucks.

Definitely a nice surprise if anyone is considering going up to the bigger sizes

You don't need to figure out what's going on it's the same for me. No clue why, but I don't question it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: burner on December 15, 2022, 09:42:50 PM

So has the inverted kingpin Thunder been canned? (Not DIY, I mean an actual release by DLX/Thunder).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: intendedreceivers on December 15, 2022, 11:22:52 PM
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Recently bought a pair of 161s and was surprised to get less wheel bite than my forged titanium Indy 169s.  This is with 54mm wheels. 

Trying to figure out what was going on, I went to the Thunder site and realized the 161 and 181 are 1mm taller than the 148-151 trucks.

Definitely a nice surprise if anyone is considering going up to the bigger sizes

Tightness/bushing color?

I’ve been riding 161s on a Beach Bummer with the 56mm Dragons. I have the newer stock orange aftermarket 90A bushings in there, and I’m getting the same experience as other dude. I have them cranked to med/med-loose, nut barely flush. Turn is carvy with quick response, only getting wheelbite on bad misses.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on December 16, 2022, 02:37:30 AM

So has the inverted kingpin Thunder been canned? (Not DIY, I mean an actual release by DLX/Thunder).

Haven't heard or seen anything either way.

A few people had some test versions which may have worked well, or they might still be in R&D phase, but it has been a while hey?!?

From the extra hex underside on the baseplates from a while back now, was it 2019-2020 that those first came out, to not much more for general public, I can see people being curious and having questions.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on December 16, 2022, 06:23:04 AM
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So has the inverted kingpin Thunder been canned? (Not DIY, I mean an actual release by DLX/Thunder).

Haven't heard or seen anything either way.

A few people had some test versions which may have worked well, or they might still be in R&D phase, but it has been a while hey?!?

From the extra hex underside on the baseplates from a while back now, was it 2019-2020 that those first came out, to not much more for general public, I can see people being curious and having questions.

WHAT IF... now stay with me on this one, they're actually doing proper testing? that would be sick.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flatcurber on December 16, 2022, 07:18:41 AM
Yes, the nut sits almost flush but peeks out less than a millimeter. There's no need to dermal the deck, as the wood is soft enough to get indented by it, possibly negating any baseplate movement if your hardware gets loose.

Did you have to hammer the nut into the baseplate at all to keep it snug?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BMCsteve on December 16, 2022, 04:40:52 PM
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Recently bought a pair of 161s and was surprised to get less wheel bite than my forged titanium Indy 169s.  This is with 54mm wheels. 

Trying to figure out what was going on, I went to the Thunder site and realized the 161 and 181 are 1mm taller than the 148-151 trucks.

Definitely a nice surprise if anyone is considering going up to the bigger sizes

Tightness/bushing color?

Nuts flush with the stock clear blue bushings.  no reason to change anything as long as the bushings hold up
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: burner on December 17, 2022, 01:33:45 AM
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So has the inverted kingpin Thunder been canned? (Not DIY, I mean an actual release by DLX/Thunder).

Haven't heard or seen anything either way.

A few people had some test versions which may have worked well, or they might still be in R&D phase, but it has been a while hey?!?

From the extra hex underside on the baseplates from a while back now, was it 2019-2020 that those first came out, to not much more for general public, I can see people being curious and having questions.

WHAT IF... now stay with me on this one, they're actually doing proper testing? that would be sick.

Hehe - let’s hope so. We don’t want another Lurpiv....(I was actually really psyched on Lurpiv, but boy, that would have benefited from a little more time in R&D).

It must be 10yrs+ since Thunder put out anything new, so I’d be excited to see something a little bit different - hopefully there’s still some new ideas in the works.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flintstagram on December 21, 2022, 08:25:36 PM
Maybe I’m in the minority here, but aside from maybe the ikp (if it’s something different than the already existing ikps out with other brands), I don’t really want anything to change with Thunder. The truck works well and does what I want. I don’t have any issues with wheels on ledges and I ride 55s currently. If they scrape on the ledge it’s not stopping my slide, so it must not be too bad.

Plus, every time a company changes something, we all shit all over it. Look at Indy, how many people still want Stage 8s or whatever the fuck, and they moved on from that more than a decade ago?

I don’t see them changing the baseplate without screwing up some other part of the truck or the overall geo. Doesn’t seem worth the trade off.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: burner on December 22, 2022, 01:56:17 AM
Maybe I’m in the minority here, but aside from maybe the ikp (if it’s something different than the already existing ikps out with other brands), I don’t really want anything to change with Thunder. The truck works well and does what I want. I don’t have any issues with wheels on ledges and I ride 55s currently. If they scrape on the ledge it’s not stopping my slide, so it must not be too bad.

Plus, every time a company changes something, we all shit all over it. Look at Indy, how many people still want Stage 8s or whatever the fuck, and they moved on from that more than a decade ago?

I don’t see them changing the baseplate without screwing up some other part of the truck or the overall geo. Doesn’t seem worth the trade off.

Yeah, fair enough. I just want more options, like Venture and Indy (and Ace) - I want options in my favourite brand of high and lo (or mid). In Thunder I skate 145/147, and they’re just too low for some setups. Even 52s is pushing it before pitched landings. And risers don’t fix everything, that’s not for me. I was a Thunder skater growing up, but the closest thing to 90s Thunders geo is Venture Hi. Modern Thunders are really different, tiny baseplate, skinny hanger, they sacrificed a lot for weight reduction, which is cool. I’m glad people a stoked on current Thunders, they’re a great truck, but I just can’t shake off my first Thunder love. Man, nostalgia is a bitch.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 22, 2022, 06:51:01 AM
No they're not. I've skated Thunders and Ventures since about 1998. They have changed the baseplate especially near the hanger yoke, but the geo isn't substantially different and they have the same basic turning characteristics. The absence of true lows is good because they had zero kingpin clearance. The bushings are better as well. I don't think there is a single truck that hasn't improved over the years especially once highs became normal and more sizes were offered.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: burner on December 22, 2022, 08:00:07 AM
No they're not. I've skated Thunders and Ventures since about 1998. They have changed the baseplate especially near the hanger yoke, but the geo isn't substantially different and they have the same basic turning characteristics. The absence of true lows is good because they had zero kingpin clearance. The bushings are better as well. I don't think there is a single truck that hasn't improved over the years especially once highs became normal and more sizes were offered.

Yes, they are. And when I say geo, I’m not just talking about just turning characteristics, I’m talking about the whole thing - height, wheelbase, baseplate, nose/tail slide clearance etc. Yes, the turn is different obviously (but not wildly so), but that’s only one factor. I think because Venture haven’t shrunk their baseplate (despite changing from old to new hole pattern) this is also why they’re similar to the 90s six hole Thunders (before they shrunk it down). I’m too lazy to post pics, but I’m lining up the old and new thunders and venture hi’s right now, and the current Thunders are the odd one out.

Anyway, obviously the current Thunder highs are not highs, at best they’re mids, but at sub 50mm for the 145/147 lights, that’s basically a low truck (and yes I know they had an even lower truck, but that doesn’t make sub 50mm trucks “highs”).

TLDR: I’d love to see a release of actual highs on Thunder, something fresh, a little variety - why not give skaters that are stoked on Thunder more choices than just one bog standard, not hi, not super lo, truck. I’d be saying the same thing if Venture and Indy only came in one basic height.  heck, how many Thunder pros run risers because of this lack of choice of a true high, that’s got to say something. Right?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on December 22, 2022, 01:12:34 PM
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No they're not. I've skated Thunders and Ventures since about 1998. They have changed the baseplate especially near the hanger yoke, but the geo isn't substantially different and they have the same basic turning characteristics. The absence of true lows is good because they had zero kingpin clearance. The bushings are better as well. I don't think there is a single truck that hasn't improved over the years especially once highs became normal and more sizes were offered.

Yes, they are. And when I say geo, I’m not just talking about just turning characteristics, I’m talking about the whole thing - height, wheelbase, baseplate, nose/tail slide clearance etc. Yes, the turn is different obviously (but not wildly so), but that’s only one factor. I think because Venture haven’t shrunk their baseplate (despite changing from old to new hole pattern) this is also why they’re similar to the 90s six hole Thunders (before they shrunk it down). I’m too lazy to post pics, but I’m lining up the old and new thunders and venture hi’s right now, and the current Thunders are the odd one out.

Anyway, obviously the current Thunder highs are not highs, at best they’re mids, but at sub 50mm for the 145/147 lights, that’s basically a low truck (and yes I know they had an even lower truck, but that doesn’t make sub 50mm trucks “highs”).

TLDR: I’d love to see a release of actual highs on Thunder, something fresh, a little variety - why not give skaters that are stoked on Thunder more choices than just one bog standard, not hi, not super lo, truck. I’d be saying the same thing if Venture and Indy only came in one basic height.  heck, how many Thunder pros run risers because of this lack of choice of a true high, that’s got to say something. Right?

I agree that they have changed (venture geo also changed a bit in the street corner to dlx move, imo).
I do not want them higher. I prefer the geo of the 145/147s, to the 148s and up.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flintstagram on December 22, 2022, 03:39:58 PM
Man, nostalgia is a bitch.

Truer words have never been spoken, my friend.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 22, 2022, 04:14:48 PM
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No they're not. I've skated Thunders and Ventures since about 1998. They have changed the baseplate especially near the hanger yoke, but the geo isn't substantially different and they have the same basic turning characteristics. The absence of true lows is good because they had zero kingpin clearance. The bushings are better as well. I don't think there is a single truck that hasn't improved over the years especially once highs became normal and more sizes were offered.

Yes, they are. And when I say geo, I’m not just talking about just turning characteristics, I’m talking about the whole thing - height, wheelbase, baseplate, nose/tail slide clearance etc. Yes, the turn is different obviously (but not wildly so), but that’s only one factor. I think because Venture haven’t shrunk their baseplate (despite changing from old to new hole pattern) this is also why they’re similar to the 90s six hole Thunders (before they shrunk it down). I’m too lazy to post pics, but I’m lining up the old and new thunders and venture hi’s right now, and the current Thunders are the odd one out.

Anyway, obviously the current Thunder highs are not highs, at best they’re mids, but at sub 50mm for the 145/147 lights, that’s basically a low truck (and yes I know they had an even lower truck, but that doesn’t make sub 50mm trucks “highs”).

TLDR: I’d love to see a release of actual highs on Thunder, something fresh, a little variety - why not give skaters that are stoked on Thunder more choices than just one bog standard, not hi, not super lo, truck. I’d be saying the same thing if Venture and Indy only came in one basic height.  heck, how many Thunder pros run risers because of this lack of choice of a true high, that’s got to say something. Right?

Talking to someone that works on Thunder trucks the hanger yoke and kingpin angle have always been the same. They did change from the rounded baseplate, which stuck out slightly more. Unfortunately this doesn't influence geometry, hence why I didn't include it. When Thunder pushed for higher trucks they did change the hanger to accommodate a taller lower bushing and on highs the top bushing got slightly taller. Of course 1:1 this isn't "the same" as a low, but they specifically tuned these variables so the turn was more or less the same twitchy turn.

I actually think Thunders are fine as is sans baseplate. I have no interest in riding a truck over 53mm or whatever Venture high are so the 1mm difference in normal sizes isn't a big deal. I'm not sure another 1-2mm of baseplate would change slides much but I'd take that for sure. A 52mm 147 would be great as it's such a weird in between size.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on December 22, 2022, 04:42:16 PM

I totally get what people are saying, as I have a few sets of the old six hole Thunders (some regular kingpin and some inverted kingpins, which I have posted before), some of the lows, some 149ers and some of the other in between stages before the current ones and they are significantly different in look and feel to skate, regardless of no change to geometry.

The reality is things get discontinued because they didn't sell well enough or someone "fixed" the issues that the main people concerned - their pro riders - brough up with them.

The pro guys have even said it before - you can't make a high truck lower, but you can always make a low truck higher.

Risers are there for a reason, and clearly they do work for Ishod so DLX is not about to change much with their Thunder trucks in that regard, but again everyone is entitled to say whatever they wish.

As far as the current modern market for skate hardgoods, I do think we have pretty much the best in the way of options and quality now compared to any time in the past, no matter what people might prefer or wish they still had back in the day or through the years.

I have had the pleasure (or whatever because I wasn't so stoked really) to be able to skate or even just stand on / look at a lot of boards, be it decks, completes or others from almost all time periods in skating and I gotta say that most boards we skated from the 80s right through were way better in my head than they are in real life.

For anyone who is not happy with whatever you have right now, you can always make your own modifications to make something exactly as you think it should be and skate that instead.

I for one use 2mm hard rubber sheeting that I cut up to fit exactly under the baseplate and is perfect to make current Thunder trucks more manageable for me, as well as give them to anyone who has Thunders in case they want to have that little bit of extra height and it is interesting to hear the responses.

Some people are stoked with the existing height so don't need them, others stoked on the little extra height, especially with no riser sticking out anywhere round the baseplate and no change of truck feel on their board, but less wheelbite.  That is probably the main one, whether they realise it or not, as some people are no where near as in tune with their setup as others who know what every little thing does or can feel and make sense of all the small changes they make to their own boards.

Everyone is different in that regard and I do actually enjoy hearing how people do things, or wish they had things, as I will often go and try something on a board I don't mind messing with just to see what people are talking about.

For my own boards though, once they are set up, nothing changes on them for the life of the board, as I know exactly what works for me in that regard.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: burner on December 22, 2022, 06:47:58 PM

I totally get what people are saying, as I have a few sets of the old six hole Thunders (some regular kingpin and some inverted kingpins, which I have posted before), some of the lows, some 149ers and some of the other in between stages before the current ones and they are significantly different in look and feel to skate, regardless of no change to geometry.

The reality is things get discontinued because they didn't sell well enough or someone "fixed" the issues that the main people concerned - their pro riders - brough up with them.

The pro guys have even said it before - you can't make a high truck lower, but you can always make a low truck higher.

Risers are there for a reason, and clearly they do work for Ishod so DLX is not about to change much with their Thunder trucks in that regard, but again everyone is entitled to say whatever they wish.

As far as the current modern market for skate hardgoods, I do think we have pretty much the best in the way of options and quality now compared to any time in the past, no matter what people might prefer or wish they still had back in the day or through the years.

I have had the pleasure (or whatever because I wasn't so stoked really) to be able to skate or even just stand on / look at a lot of boards, be it decks, completes or others from almost all time periods in skating and I gotta say that most boards we skated from the 80s right through were way better in my head than they are in real life.

For anyone who is not happy with whatever you have right now, you can always make your own modifications to make something exactly as you think it should be and skate that instead.

I for one use 2mm hard rubber sheeting that I cut up to fit exactly under the baseplate and is perfect to make current Thunder trucks more manageable for me, as well as give them to anyone who has Thunders in case they want to have that little bit of extra height and it is interesting to hear the responses.

Some people are stoked with the existing height so don't need them, others stoked on the little extra height, especially with no riser sticking out anywhere round the baseplate and no change of truck feel on their board, but less wheelbite.  That is probably the main one, whether they realise it or not, as some people are no where near as in tune with their setup as others who know what every little thing does or can feel and make sense of all the small changes they make to their own boards.

Everyone is different in that regard and I do actually enjoy hearing how people do things, or wish they had things, as I will often go and try something on a board I don't mind messing with just to see what people are talking about.

For my own boards though, once they are set up, nothing changes on them for the life of the board, as I know exactly what works for me in that regard.

Absolutely, completely agree. It was cool to be stoked on whatever you could get your hands on, back in the day, but there’s no doubt that it’s awesome to have all the high quality product these days at your fingertips (and all the info like your rad woodshop thread just makes everyone way more informed than the old days, which is awesome). I just can’t fuck with risers unless it’s a cruiser, maybe it’s mental as well, but it just a no. Just lifting up the truck hasn’t solved it for me, especially on wider Thunders, I’ll put 1/2” risers under 161, and it just feels so wrong, compared to say Indys or even Venture. Yeah, maybe I need to get into moding or just be thankful with all the rad choices we’ve got, spoiled for choice! ;D

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No they're not. I've skated Thunders and Ventures since about 1998. They have changed the baseplate especially near the hanger yoke, but the geo isn't substantially different and they have the same basic turning characteristics. The absence of true lows is good because they had zero kingpin clearance. The bushings are better as well. I don't think there is a single truck that hasn't improved over the years especially once highs became normal and more sizes were offered.

Yes, they are. And when I say geo, I’m not just talking about just turning characteristics, I’m talking about the whole thing - height, wheelbase, baseplate, nose/tail slide clearance etc. Yes, the turn is different obviously (but not wildly so), but that’s only one factor. I think because Venture haven’t shrunk their baseplate (despite changing from old to new hole pattern) this is also why they’re similar to the 90s six hole Thunders (before they shrunk it down). I’m too lazy to post pics, but I’m lining up the old and new thunders and venture hi’s right now, and the current Thunders are the odd one out.

Anyway, obviously the current Thunder highs are not highs, at best they’re mids, but at sub 50mm for the 145/147 lights, that’s basically a low truck (and yes I know they had an even lower truck, but that doesn’t make sub 50mm trucks “highs”).

TLDR: I’d love to see a release of actual highs on Thunder, something fresh, a little variety - why not give skaters that are stoked on Thunder more choices than just one bog standard, not hi, not super lo, truck. I’d be saying the same thing if Venture and Indy only came in one basic height.  heck, how many Thunder pros run risers because of this lack of choice of a true high, that’s got to say something. Right?

Talking to someone that works on Thunder trucks the hanger yoke and kingpin angle have always been the same. They did change from the rounded baseplate, which stuck out slightly more. Unfortunately this doesn't influence geometry, hence why I didn't include it. When Thunder pushed for higher trucks they did change the hanger to accommodate a taller lower bushing and on highs the top bushing got slightly taller. Of course 1:1 this isn't "the same" as a low, but they specifically tuned these variables so the turn was more or less the same twitchy turn.

I actually think Thunders are fine as is sans baseplate. I have no interest in riding a truck over 53mm or whatever Venture high are so the 1mm difference in normal sizes isn't a big deal. I'm not sure another 1-2mm of baseplate would change slides much but I'd take that for sure. A 52mm 147 would be great as it's such a weird in between size.

Yeah, you’re right with the kingpin/yolk angle, they’ve done a great job there keeping it real. I’m not an expert with the language so when I say geometry, I’m talking about the angles and math of the trucks overall to the board (wheelbase, height etc), but turning which perhaps is what geo means in skate terms, yeah old Thunders do turn more like new Thunders not Ventures.

I skate the hollow or titaniums 145/147 (depends on deck) on the OG/“Team” baseplate, with 50s. It brings out the best in my limited abilities 8). When it’s crusty, and I need 53+, Thunders just don’t work for me, and I reach for the Venture V light his.  Anyway man, just good to shoot the shit, thanks for the feedback, always good to hear opinions and learn, that’s what’s great about slap.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: sweet son of a bitch on December 22, 2022, 06:56:16 PM
👆🏽 why don’t you like bigger wheels & thunders? I just set up thunders w/55mm only took out on one sesh but it felt fine.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 22, 2022, 07:51:34 PM
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I totally get what people are saying, as I have a few sets of the old six hole Thunders (some regular kingpin and some inverted kingpins, which I have posted before), some of the lows, some 149ers and some of the other in between stages before the current ones and they are significantly different in look and feel to skate, regardless of no change to geometry.

The reality is things get discontinued because they didn't sell well enough or someone "fixed" the issues that the main people concerned - their pro riders - brough up with them.

The pro guys have even said it before - you can't make a high truck lower, but you can always make a low truck higher.

Risers are there for a reason, and clearly they do work for Ishod so DLX is not about to change much with their Thunder trucks in that regard, but again everyone is entitled to say whatever they wish.

As far as the current modern market for skate hardgoods, I do think we have pretty much the best in the way of options and quality now compared to any time in the past, no matter what people might prefer or wish they still had back in the day or through the years.

I have had the pleasure (or whatever because I wasn't so stoked really) to be able to skate or even just stand on / look at a lot of boards, be it decks, completes or others from almost all time periods in skating and I gotta say that most boards we skated from the 80s right through were way better in my head than they are in real life.

For anyone who is not happy with whatever you have right now, you can always make your own modifications to make something exactly as you think it should be and skate that instead.

I for one use 2mm hard rubber sheeting that I cut up to fit exactly under the baseplate and is perfect to make current Thunder trucks more manageable for me, as well as give them to anyone who has Thunders in case they want to have that little bit of extra height and it is interesting to hear the responses.

Some people are stoked with the existing height so don't need them, others stoked on the little extra height, especially with no riser sticking out anywhere round the baseplate and no change of truck feel on their board, but less wheelbite.  That is probably the main one, whether they realise it or not, as some people are no where near as in tune with their setup as others who know what every little thing does or can feel and make sense of all the small changes they make to their own boards.

Everyone is different in that regard and I do actually enjoy hearing how people do things, or wish they had things, as I will often go and try something on a board I don't mind messing with just to see what people are talking about.

For my own boards though, once they are set up, nothing changes on them for the life of the board, as I know exactly what works for me in that regard.

Absolutely, completely agree. It was cool to be stoked on whatever you could get your hands on, back in the day, but there’s no doubt that it’s awesome to have all the high quality product these days at your fingertips (and all the info like your rad woodshop thread just makes everyone way more informed than the old days, which is awesome). I just can’t fuck with risers unless it’s a cruiser, maybe it’s mental as well, but it just a no. Just lifting up the truck hasn’t solved it for me, especially on wider Thunders, I’ll put 1/2” risers under 161, and it just feels so wrong, compared to say Indys or even Venture. Yeah, maybe I need to get into moding or just be thankful with all the rad choices we’ve got, spoiled for choice! ;D

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No they're not. I've skated Thunders and Ventures since about 1998. They have changed the baseplate especially near the hanger yoke, but the geo isn't substantially different and they have the same basic turning characteristics. The absence of true lows is good because they had zero kingpin clearance. The bushings are better as well. I don't think there is a single truck that hasn't improved over the years especially once highs became normal and more sizes were offered.

Yes, they are. And when I say geo, I’m not just talking about just turning characteristics, I’m talking about the whole thing - height, wheelbase, baseplate, nose/tail slide clearance etc. Yes, the turn is different obviously (but not wildly so), but that’s only one factor. I think because Venture haven’t shrunk their baseplate (despite changing from old to new hole pattern) this is also why they’re similar to the 90s six hole Thunders (before they shrunk it down). I’m too lazy to post pics, but I’m lining up the old and new thunders and venture hi’s right now, and the current Thunders are the odd one out.

Anyway, obviously the current Thunder highs are not highs, at best they’re mids, but at sub 50mm for the 145/147 lights, that’s basically a low truck (and yes I know they had an even lower truck, but that doesn’t make sub 50mm trucks “highs”).

TLDR: I’d love to see a release of actual highs on Thunder, something fresh, a little variety - why not give skaters that are stoked on Thunder more choices than just one bog standard, not hi, not super lo, truck. I’d be saying the same thing if Venture and Indy only came in one basic height.  heck, how many Thunder pros run risers because of this lack of choice of a true high, that’s got to say something. Right?

Talking to someone that works on Thunder trucks the hanger yoke and kingpin angle have always been the same. They did change from the rounded baseplate, which stuck out slightly more. Unfortunately this doesn't influence geometry, hence why I didn't include it. When Thunder pushed for higher trucks they did change the hanger to accommodate a taller lower bushing and on highs the top bushing got slightly taller. Of course 1:1 this isn't "the same" as a low, but they specifically tuned these variables so the turn was more or less the same twitchy turn.

I actually think Thunders are fine as is sans baseplate. I have no interest in riding a truck over 53mm or whatever Venture high are so the 1mm difference in normal sizes isn't a big deal. I'm not sure another 1-2mm of baseplate would change slides much but I'd take that for sure. A 52mm 147 would be great as it's such a weird in between size.

Yeah, you’re right with the kingpin/yolk angle, they’ve done a great job there keeping it real. I’m not an expert with the language so when I say geometry, I’m talking about the angles and math of the trucks overall to the board (wheelbase, height etc), but turning which perhaps is what geo means in skate terms, yeah old Thunders do turn more like new Thunders not Ventures.

I skate the hollow or titaniums 145/147 (depends on deck) on the OG/“Team” baseplate, with 50s. It brings out the best in my limited abilities 8). When it’s crusty, and I need 53+, Thunders just don’t work for me, and I reach for the Venture V light his.  Anyway man, just good to shoot the shit, thanks for the feedback, always good to hear opinions and learn, that’s what’s great about slap.

I always enjoy casual bullshitting and glad someone else on Slap enjoys Thunders. They get a lot of hate on here/don't seem as popular.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: burner on December 22, 2022, 10:03:46 PM
👆🏽 why don’t you like bigger wheels & thunders? I just set up thunders w/55mm only took out on one sesh but it felt fine.

Whell bite, pitched landings. I’m 6’2”, 200lb, so that’s a factor too ;D. I don’t understand how 55 would work on a 147, just not happening, I’d have to crank it so hard to stop wheel bite, but then my turning is screwed, I like to carvy surfy between tricks (attempts...) and it just ain’t working. And when I’ve tried wider, like I got some 161, it was actually worse. I put 1/4 risers on (then tried 1/2) but that just felt odd because now the wheel is turning below the truck, below the pivot cup, if that makes sense. Yeah, that’s my experience with bigger wheels on Thunders. Glad it works for you though, that’s cool.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: burner on December 22, 2022, 10:40:51 PM

I always enjoy casual bullshitting and glad someone else on Slap enjoys Thunders. They get a lot of hate on here/don't seem as popular.

Yeah man, for sure, I’m not hating on Thunders, and I don’t want to get rid of the current Thunders, I just want more! Just bullshitting of ideas options, like how Venture has the same baseplate but hi/lo hanger, I dream of this for Thunder, so they’d be say 53mm OG baseplate, 52mm forged, that’s the dream. Thunders are my first love, Gino, SJ, Dill, Karma, MJ, Wray etc so they’ll always have my heart. Ima going to give the 147 lights a go on a wider board with 50s, EE style. 8)

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lepanto on December 23, 2022, 05:50:47 AM
You guys should try add one ring on the top of the bushings to avoid the wheelbites… work better than a riser
( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flatcurber on December 23, 2022, 05:57:28 AM
You guys should try add one ring on the top of the bushings to avoid the wheelbites… work better than a riser
( (

This doesn’t affect your kingpin clearance? I love my Thunders but the kingpin clearance on the ti-lights is basically nonexistent. I haven’t really had any grinding issues at least.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 23, 2022, 07:32:26 AM
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I always enjoy casual bullshitting and glad someone else on Slap enjoys Thunders. They get a lot of hate on here/don't seem as popular.

Yeah man, for sure, I’m not hating on Thunders, and I don’t want to get rid of the current Thunders, I just want more! Just bullshitting of ideas options, like how Venture has the same baseplate but hi/lo hanger, I dream of this for Thunder, so they’d be say 53mm OG baseplate, 52mm forged, that’s the dream. Thunders are my first love, Gino, SJ, Dill, Karma, MJ, Wray etc so they’ll always have my heart. Ima going to give the 147 lights a go on a wider board with 50s, EE style. 8)

Gino and Dill were always on Ventures.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: burner on December 23, 2022, 08:19:45 AM
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I always enjoy casual bullshitting and glad someone else on Slap enjoys Thunders. They get a lot of hate on here/don't seem as popular.

Yeah man, for sure, I’m not hating on Thunders, and I don’t want to get rid of the current Thunders, I just want more! Just bullshitting of ideas options, like how Venture has the same baseplate but hi/lo hanger, I dream of this for Thunder, so they’d be say 53mm OG baseplate, 52mm forged, that’s the dream. Thunders are my first love, Gino, SJ, Dill, Karma, MJ, Wray etc so they’ll always have my heart. Ima going to give the 147 lights a go on a wider board with 50s, EE style. 8)

Gino and Dill were always on Ventures.

Dude, are we arguing again!! ;D

No, they weren't. This one I know for sure, benefits of being old as fuck 8). Gino back heeled the Gonz gap on Thunders. He and Dill both skated Thunder's on Black Label and Snuff era.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 23, 2022, 08:40:51 AM
You are correct, I hadn't considered that era, but knew they were on Ventures from ~1996 onwards. Dill was for sure during his Alien days and Gino was from Chocolate Tour on. Hard to find high res versions of those videos. I thought Gino was on Venture in Trilogy as well, but I didn't watch Snuff as much growing up so I definitely didn't remember that.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: sweet son of a bitch on December 23, 2022, 09:44:38 AM
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👆🏽 why don’t you like bigger wheels & thunders? I just set up thunders w/55mm only took out on one sesh but it felt fine.

Whell bite, pitched landings. I’m 6’2”, 200lb, so that’s a factor too ;D. I don’t understand how 55 would work on a 147, just not happening, I’d have to crank it so hard to stop wheel bite, but then my turning is screwed, I like to carvy surfy between tricks (attempts...) and it just ain’t working. And when I’ve tried wider, like I got some 161, it was actually worse. I put 1/4 risers on (then tried 1/2) but that just felt odd because now the wheel is turning below the truck, below the pivot cup, if that makes sense. Yeah, that’s my experience with bigger wheels on Thunders. Glad it works for you though, that’s cool.
I’m 5’8 205 so we’ll see when I take it to transition. I also like em to carve.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lee Ralphs Dear Old Mum on December 23, 2022, 10:23:23 AM
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👆🏽 why don’t you like bigger wheels & thunders? I just set up thunders w/55mm only took out on one sesh but it felt fine.

Whell bite, pitched landings. I’m 6’2”, 200lb, so that’s a factor too ;D. I don’t understand how 55 would work on a 147, just not happening, I’d have to crank it so hard to stop wheel bite, but then my turning is screwed, I like to carvy surfy between tricks (attempts...) and it just ain’t working. And when I’ve tried wider, like I got some 161, it was actually worse. I put 1/4 risers on (then tried 1/2) but that just felt odd because now the wheel is turning below the truck, below the pivot cup, if that makes sense. Yeah, that’s my experience with bigger wheels on Thunders. Glad it works for you though, that’s cool.
I’m 5’8 205 so we’ll see when I take it to transition. I also like em to carve.

200lbs here also. I have ridden 151s on 54mm to 58mm wheels. Always with an 1/8" riser, stock 90a bushings, nut flush.  Bigger wheels on transition where wheel bite isn't as much of an issue as with a horizontal landing. Anyway, wheel bite isn't a huge issue. I certainly get wheel rub marks but it doesn't fuck me up much. Wheel shape and truck width to deck width ratio can also play into reducing wheel bite potential.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: sweet son of a bitch on December 23, 2022, 10:36:47 AM
I tried risers recently but it’s totally through me off. I don’t like added height but also I only tried them on ventures. I always get wheel rub. Also my thunders aren’t broken in. Gonna take a minute.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lepanto on December 23, 2022, 03:33:32 PM
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You guys should try add one ring on the top of the bushings to avoid the wheelbites… work better than a riser
( (

This doesn’t affect your kingpin clearance? I love my Thunders but the kingpin clearance on the ti-lights is basically nonexistent. I haven’t really had any grinding issues at least.

Uh, not sure, probably yes but dont think enought to be a trouble. Anyways the kingping clearance isnt the Thunder stronger point
Since i began useing that ring not even a wheel mark on the table. With out it i get wheel marks on the table even with a raiserpads.. probably it work well but i am not that good to be 100% sure

Also didnt feel any change on the trucks turn..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flatcurber on December 23, 2022, 03:37:50 PM
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You guys should try add one ring on the top of the bushings to avoid the wheelbites… work better than a riser
( (

This doesn’t affect your kingpin clearance? I love my Thunders but the kingpin clearance on the ti-lights is basically nonexistent. I haven’t really had any grinding issues at least.

Uh, not sure, probably yes but dont think enought to be a trouble. Anyways the kingping clearance isnt the Thunder stronger point
Since i began useing that ring not even a wheel mark on the table. With out it i get wheel marks on the table even with a raiserpads.. probably it work well but i am not that good to be 100% sure

Also didnt feel any change on the trucks turn..

Interesting but cool hack. I know people go crazy about kingpin clearance (including me) but I’m starting to learn if you just work through grinding down the kingpin nut naturally you’ll be ok. I definitely get wheel marks with Thunders but never really notice the wheelbite, but I use 94a bushings with the kingpin flush with the nut.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on December 23, 2022, 04:24:53 PM
You guys should try add one ring on the top of the bushings to avoid the wheelbites… work better than a riser
( (

I can hardly turn with the nut flush on stock bushings, let alone adding a thick ass washer to have two; must be tight as fuck which is why there isn't any wheelbite ;)

In before "nah dawg, they're medium loose!". My ass they are...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on December 23, 2022, 05:40:08 PM
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You guys should try add one ring on the top of the bushings to avoid the wheelbites… work better than a riser
( (

This doesn’t affect your kingpin clearance? I love my Thunders but the kingpin clearance on the ti-lights is basically nonexistent. I haven’t really had any grinding issues at least.

Uh, not sure, probably yes but dont think enought to be a trouble. Anyways the kingping clearance isnt the Thunder stronger point
Since i began useing that ring not even a wheel mark on the table. With out it i get wheel marks on the table even with a raiserpads.. probably it work well but i am not that good to be 100% sure

Also didnt feel any change on the trucks turn..

Adding something under the bottom bushing, or even a taller or stiffer bottom bushing definitely has advantages, besides bringing the hanger up higher, more kingpin clearance and a slightly better angle of turn, it does prevent more wheelbite too.

As said, depending on how you like your trucks, it can firm up the bushings a whole lot, which in some cases translates to "too tight" but for the most part, doing this with slightly harder duro bushings with a low head top bushing is what I enjoy on most of my setups - I get a firmer feeling, but can still turn as needed and put wheel to deck on all four, but it prevents the sloppy "no bushing" feeling that you would get with very soft bushings, which leads to more wheelbite issues.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flatcurber on December 24, 2022, 06:12:43 AM
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You guys should try add one ring on the top of the bushings to avoid the wheelbites… work better than a riser
( (

This doesn’t affect your kingpin clearance? I love my Thunders but the kingpin clearance on the ti-lights is basically nonexistent. I haven’t really had any grinding issues at least.

Uh, not sure, probably yes but dont think enought to be a trouble. Anyways the kingping clearance isnt the Thunder stronger point
Since i began useing that ring not even a wheel mark on the table. With out it i get wheel marks on the table even with a raiserpads.. probably it work well but i am not that good to be 100% sure

Also didnt feel any change on the trucks turn..

Adding something under the bottom bushing, or even a taller or stiffer bottom bushing definitely has advantages, besides bringing the hanger up higher, more kingpin clearance and a slightly better angle of turn, it does prevent more wheelbite too.

As said, depending on how you like your trucks, it can firm up the bushings a whole lot, which in some cases translates to "too tight" but for the most part, doing this with slightly harder duro bushings with a low head top bushing is what I enjoy on most of my setups - I get a firmer feeling, but can still turn as needed and put wheel to deck on all four, but it prevents the sloppy "no bushing" feeling that you would get with very soft bushings, which leads to more wheelbite issues.

This is great info, thanks!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on December 24, 2022, 09:41:29 AM
I recently acquired some Indy aftermarket bushings for my Thunders and they are a much taller bushing than the Thunder bushing and I did notice it brought the hanger up a bit and thought that was sick. Its kinda nice since I already have risers and now my trucks are pretty high now.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on December 24, 2022, 10:27:21 AM
I recently acquired some Indy aftermarket bushings for my Thunders and they are a much taller bushing than the Thunder bushing and I did notice it brought the hanger up a bit and thought that was sick. Its kinda nice since I already have risers and now my trucks are pretty high now.

Which ones? They should be 1mm lower than thunders. At least my 90a conical indy bushings are 13mm tall and all thunders 14mm.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on December 24, 2022, 05:06:20 PM
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I recently acquired some Indy aftermarket bushings for my Thunders and they are a much taller bushing than the Thunder bushing and I did notice it brought the hanger up a bit and thought that was sick. Its kinda nice since I already have risers and now my trucks are pretty high now.

Which ones? They should be 1mm lower than thunders. At least my 90a conical indy bushings are 13mm tall and all thunders 14mm.
They are the standard cylinder ones.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on December 25, 2022, 04:44:42 PM

Someone else had mentioned and then I had seen the black ones were definitely taller - 14 or more mm in height.

Not sure about the others, but the most recent white, orange and yellow seemed to be the normal height - 13mm

Some had different looking finishes on them too, but they still seemed to work the same.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on December 25, 2022, 04:57:05 PM

Someone else had mentioned and then I had seen the black ones were definitely taller - 14 or more mm in height.

Not sure about the others, but the most recent white, orange and yellow seemed to be the normal height - 13mm

Some had different looking finishes on them too, but they still seemed to work the same.

My 78a indys were initially above 14mm but compressed and stayed at 13mm after use
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on December 25, 2022, 05:14:17 PM

Someone else had mentioned and then I had seen the black ones were definitely taller - 14 or more mm in height.

Not sure about the others, but the most recent white, orange and yellow seemed to be the normal height - 13mm

Some had different looking finishes on them too, but they still seemed to work the same.
The black ones are the ones I have exactly. When I first set them up I could barely get the nut down and had to take out the washers. Now after skating them for a bit they have mushed down might try to put the washers back in to see what's up
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GroovySinner on December 26, 2022, 05:57:41 PM
The 149 raws with the blue bushings skate pretty good
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lee Ralphs Dear Old Mum on January 14, 2023, 10:00:22 PM
Anyone notice Thunder shifting things up a bit? I have some brand new 151s and the axle sits closer in than on an older pair. Lining up the mounting holes and it looks like they are drilled a few mm off, bringing the newer versions in to a tighter wheelbase. Both are cast plates.

Haven't skated them yet but this is no bad thing in my book. Full disclaimer the older pair are from when 151s first came out, perhaps 2012, 2013...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on January 14, 2023, 10:56:12 PM
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You guys should try add one ring on the top of the bushings to avoid the wheelbites… work better than a riser
( (

I can hardly turn with the nut flush on stock bushings, let alone adding a thick ass washer to have two; must be tight as fuck which is why there isn't any wheelbite ;)

In before "nah dawg, they're medium loose!". My ass they are...

A little late here, but for shits n giggles, I tried throwing a bones flat washer under stock 148 hollow lights and they were definitely medium tight when the kingpin nut was about a couple turns before flush. For reference, I'm like 175 pounds so maybe if you're heavier it will feel more medium loose.

With that being said, I kept the same configuration but removed the top washer (bones flat washer and thunder bottom washer still intact on the bottom) and made the kingpin nut flush. Now it feels a lot looser and responsive and pulls in the overall WB so it's like a team thunder (+3.125 roughly). I had one session on it between breaks from the rain and I like it so far. I threw on radial slims worn down to about 49/50mm and haven't had any bad wheelbite so far.

Not sure if I think it's better than leaving them stock and using risers, but I might run these for a bit n see how I feel.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dong Hanglo on January 15, 2023, 05:10:58 AM
Anyone notice Thunder shifting things up a bit? I have some brand new 151s and the axle sits closer in than on an older pair. Lining up the mounting holes and it looks like they are drilled a few mm off, bringing the newer versions in to a tighter wheelbase. Both are cast plates.

Haven't skated them yet but this is no bad thing in my book. Full disclaimer the older pair are from when 151s first came out, perhaps 2012, 2013...

I’ve been thinking the same about the 161s I got this fall. I haven’t cared enough to thoroughly check.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on January 15, 2023, 11:19:09 PM
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You guys should try add one ring on the top of the bushings to avoid the wheelbites… work better than a riser
( (

I can hardly turn with the nut flush on stock bushings, let alone adding a thick ass washer to have two; must be tight as fuck which is why there isn't any wheelbite ;)

In before "nah dawg, they're medium loose!". My ass they are...

A little late here, but for shits n giggles, I tried throwing a bones flat washer under stock 148 hollow lights and they were definitely medium tight when the kingpin nut was about a couple turns before flush. For reference, I'm like 175 pounds so maybe if you're heavier it will feel more medium loose.

With that being said, I kept the same configuration but removed the top washer (bones flat washer and thunder bottom washer still intact on the bottom) and made the kingpin nut flush. Now it feels a lot looser and responsive and pulls in the overall WB so it's like a team thunder (+3.125 roughly). I had one session on it between breaks from the rain and I like it so far. I threw on radial slims worn down to about 49/50mm and haven't had any bad wheelbite so far.

Not sure if I think it's better than leaving them stock and using risers, but I might run these for a bit n see how I feel.

I use flat washers in thunders all the time, and it works well for me (like it did for you); instead of the bones top, I use a low top (Ace or NFG currently) so two bones washers top and bottom, stock thunder bottom bushings. A low (hard) top (or perhaps the venture low top) is the real deal for thunders, washers aside.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FrenchSkater on February 01, 2023, 12:46:06 AM
Which is better for a short person, 8 size foot, with 8.125 deck, 147 or 148 ?
I skate a LOT of flatground, that's what I prefer !  :-*

I had already tried the 147 a long time ago, I found them quite rigid, too .. "tight", but maybe I had to get used to it because I skated venture for a long time, the feeling is different !

I also wonder if the thunders are better for flat skating or if the venture highs are better..

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: El Freegano on February 01, 2023, 01:40:38 AM
Which is better for a short person, 8 size foot, with 8.125 deck, 147 or 148 ?
I skate a LOT of flatground, that's what I prefer !  :-*

I had already tried the 147 a long time ago, I found them quite rigid, too .. "tight", but maybe I had to get used to it because I skated venture for a long time, the feeling is different !

I also wonder if the thunders are better for flat skating or if the venture highs are better..

keep it with the 147. They are lower, lighter and better for flip tricks. If you are more into grinds you might consider the 148, but putting 2-3 speedrings from the inside on the axel of 147 will make the same grinding surface of the hanger. As for the tight feeling, i have it only in winter when the bushings harden, but i put softer ones for that period.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: radcunt on February 01, 2023, 05:09:42 AM
I got some 149 hi for my 8.5 hockey and I’m Really enjoying the stability and they turn really nice and controlled. Not the cool surfy turn of the aces or Indy’s but way more functional for a non cruiser. Can’t get my head around the pop yet but theres a few factors contributing to that
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: backfliptofiftyfifty on February 01, 2023, 10:40:09 PM
made a huge mistake buying thunder trucks.

been riding indy hollows for a while now, switched to thunders and the kingpin ends up falling right off after every two sessions. i ride my trucks super loose so thats probably why but its super fucking annoying having your truck just fall off your board. maybe i should just ride aces
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on February 01, 2023, 10:46:42 PM
wut now?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: radcunt on February 01, 2023, 10:48:54 PM
made a huge mistake buying thunder trucks.

been riding indy hollows for a while now, switched to thunders and the kingpin ends up falling right off after every two sessions. i ride my trucks super loose so thats probably why but its super fucking annoying having your truck just fall off your board. maybe i should just ride aces

Ride aces or buy loctite.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: richard00800 on February 01, 2023, 10:52:36 PM
made a huge mistake buying thunder trucks.

been riding indy hollows for a while now, switched to thunders and the kingpin ends up falling right off after every two sessions. i ride my trucks super loose so thats probably why but its super fucking annoying having your truck just fall off your board. maybe i should just ride aces

get white 90a bushing kit, they are way looser than the stock ones.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on February 02, 2023, 04:57:03 AM
made a huge mistake buying thunder trucks.

been riding indy hollows for a while now, switched to thunders and the kingpin ends up falling right off after every two sessions. i ride my trucks super loose so thats probably why but its super fucking annoying having your truck just fall off your board. maybe i should just ride aces

Ditch the bottom washer and wax your pivot cups. Should help quite a bit.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 02, 2023, 06:51:13 AM
made a huge mistake buying thunder trucks.

been riding indy hollows for a while now, switched to thunders and the kingpin ends up falling right off after every two sessions. i ride my trucks super loose so thats probably why but its super fucking annoying having your truck just fall off your board. maybe i should just ride aces

Operator error.
Some fine solutions have been posted by more positive folks than I.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: logjammin on February 02, 2023, 07:03:00 AM
My local got some 148 titanium lights and i'm tempted to try them just because they're local and i wouldn't have to order them. They seem stupid light but being addicted to Ace's turn would probably make them a waste of time? Talk me off the ledge.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on February 02, 2023, 07:06:32 AM
made a huge mistake buying thunder trucks.

been riding indy hollows for a while now, switched to thunders and the kingpin ends up falling right off after every two sessions. i ride my trucks super loose so thats probably why but its super fucking annoying having your truck just fall off your board. maybe i should just ride aces

this is a joke right?

theres no way your kingpin is falling off.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on February 02, 2023, 09:03:39 AM
My local got some 148 titanium lights and i'm tempted to try them just because they're local and i wouldn't have to order them. They seem stupid light but being addicted to Ace's turn would probably make them a waste of time? Talk me off the ledge.

To me they are almost polar opposite trucks….doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy them though….

Ace: heavy, deep turning radius, cannot get wheelbite, shrink wheelbase, neutral pop
Thunder: light, shallow turning radius, wheelbite, widen wheelbase, light pop

The turn on a thunder is actually kinda fun because it gives you some turn up front then mellows out.  I don’t think they are great for loose truck guys…..aces are that truck.  Ace is the funnest truck though…hands down. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Pasta Monster on February 02, 2023, 09:11:45 AM
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made a huge mistake buying thunder trucks.

been riding indy hollows for a while now, switched to thunders and the kingpin ends up falling right off after every two sessions. i ride my trucks super loose so thats probably why but its super fucking annoying having your truck just fall off your board. maybe i should just ride aces

this is a joke right?

theres no way your kingpin is falling off.
It’s pretty much impossible unless one sands off material at the base of the kingpin. The kingpin nut probably fell off which happened to me frequently when I switched from Indy to Thunder ten years ago. I switched bushings to a softer duro and put some Lockite on the threaded area before tightening it. If people like their Thunders loose to the point where the nut can be tightened by fingers, Lockite is the only solution. I’ve even had that problem on Indy Stage 10s when I used to ride them obnoxiously loose. It’s probably more of an issue with the user than the gear itself.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: logjammin on February 02, 2023, 09:31:21 AM
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My local got some 148 titanium lights and i'm tempted to try them just because they're local and i wouldn't have to order them. They seem stupid light but being addicted to Ace's turn would probably make them a waste of time? Talk me off the ledge.

To me they are almost polar opposite trucks….doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy them though….

Ace: heavy, deep turning radius, cannot get wheelbite, shrink wheelbase, neutral pop
Thunder: light, shallow turning radius, wheelbite, widen wheelbase, light pop

The turn on a thunder is actually kinda fun because it gives you some turn up front then mellows out.  I don’t think they are great for loose truck guys…..aces are that truck.  Ace is the funnest truck though…hands down.

Perfect response I needed, cheers bruv.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 02, 2023, 04:36:08 PM
made a huge mistake buying thunder trucks.

been riding indy hollows for a while now, switched to thunders and the kingpin ends up falling right off after every two sessions. i ride my trucks super loose so thats probably why but its super fucking annoying having your truck just fall off your board. maybe i should just ride aces

Kingpin nuts fall off if you don't have them down far enough to engage thread.

Bushings can be purchased in softer durometers or even just leave off the bottom washer, or top washer too, if you insist on riding trucks that are almost non resistant in the bushing department.

Maybe even have a look at the Venture loose truck coversion kit, which has stock bushings but a lower head which really just means you can still have the nut nicely on but you get a lot more turn out of them.

I would say cutting down the top Thunder bushing as the cheapest option (free really) which would solve your nut issue, but I guess it is up to you to think and fix your problem, or just try something else like Ace which still could have the same issue if you can't get them loose enough on stock bushings so you leave the kingpin nut almost off there too.

What did you ride for bushings on Indy trucks?

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ish_wav on February 03, 2023, 06:59:29 AM
These replies are ironic because I finally bit the bullet and grabbed some 148 titanium and the kingpin nut will not come off whatsoever. I broke a skate tool on it and stripped it with a regular wrench. Kind of bummed lol.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on February 03, 2023, 07:23:52 AM
These replies are ironic because I finally bit the bullet and grabbed some 148 titanium and the kingpin nut will not come off whatsoever. I broke a skate tool on it and stripped it with a regular wrench. Kind of bummed lol.

Find someone with a grinder and be careful not to fuck up the kingpin
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rosemaryBB on February 03, 2023, 09:47:11 AM

To me they are almost polar opposite trucks….doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy them though….

Ace: heavy, deep turning radius, cannot get wheelbite, shrink wheelbase, neutral pop
Thunder: light, shallow turning radius, wheelbite, widen wheelbase, light pop

The turn on a thunder is actually kinda fun because it gives you some turn up front then mellows out.  I don’t think they are great for loose truck guys…..aces are that truck.  Ace is the funnest truck though…hands down.

You seriously don't get wheelbite on your aces? How???
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 03, 2023, 10:38:38 AM
I really don't get how you all are having such big issues with a 9/16" locknut. I've never heard of either of these issues on any kind of locknut ever let alone something pretty low torque like a kingpin nut.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ish_wav on February 03, 2023, 10:48:49 AM
I really don't get how you all are having such big issues with a 9/16" locknut. I've never heard of either of these issues on any kind of locknut ever let alone something pretty low torque like a kingpin nut.

Trust me, I’m as shocked as you are. In my 18 years of skateboarding, I’ve never had this happen before.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 03, 2023, 10:57:39 AM
Hit up DLX warranty. I had a weird issue with some Spitfires and they sent me 3 new sets.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ish_wav on February 03, 2023, 11:05:44 AM
Hit up DLX warranty. I had a weird issue with some Spitfires and they sent me 3 new sets.

Thanks for the heads up! I sent them an email last night but I’m afraid I voided any warranty with my DIY (not so) ingenuity. My bad Jim Thiebaud!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: swellbowed on February 03, 2023, 12:03:51 PM
These replies are ironic because I finally bit the bullet and grabbed some 148 titanium and the kingpin nut will not come off whatsoever. I broke a skate tool on it and stripped it with a regular wrench. Kind of bummed lol.
DLX should be able to help you out. Here's the warranty guy's direct email if you or anyone else needs it ~ [email protected] ~ Let us know how it goes
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fulfillthedream on February 03, 2023, 12:08:07 PM
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These replies are ironic because I finally bit the bullet and grabbed some 148 titanium and the kingpin nut will not come off whatsoever. I broke a skate tool on it and stripped it with a regular wrench. Kind of bummed lol.
DLX should be able to help you out. Here's the warranty guy's direct email if you or anyone else needs it ~ [email protected] ~ Let us know how it goes

lol fo real? maybe someone pranked you but pouring in some locktite
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: radcunt on February 03, 2023, 01:26:27 PM
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To me they are almost polar opposite trucks….doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy them though….

Ace: heavy, deep turning radius, cannot get wheelbite, shrink wheelbase, neutral pop
Thunder: light, shallow turning radius, wheelbite, widen wheelbase, light pop

The turn on a thunder is actually kinda fun because it gives you some turn up front then mellows out.  I don’t think they are great for loose truck guys…..aces are that truck.  Ace is the funnest truck though…hands down.

You seriously don't get wheelbite on your aces? How???

yeah, my aces are wheel bite city, thunders have been great for wheelbite thus far. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: logjammin on February 03, 2023, 02:29:35 PM
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To me they are almost polar opposite trucks….doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy them though….

Ace: heavy, deep turning radius, cannot get wheelbite, shrink wheelbase, neutral pop
Thunder: light, shallow turning radius, wheelbite, widen wheelbase, light pop

The turn on a thunder is actually kinda fun because it gives you some turn up front then mellows out.  I don’t think they are great for loose truck guys…..aces are that truck.  Ace is the funnest truck though…hands down.

You seriously don't get wheelbite on your aces? How???

yeah, my aces are wheel bite city, thunders have been great for wheelbite thus far.

Any truck will wheelbite especially brand new ones and if you're a bit heftier than the average slim built skater. But idk about this claim, haha. Thunders are well known to wheelbite way worse than Ace's especially without risers.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on February 03, 2023, 02:56:02 PM
By the time you wheelbite on Aces you are almost going backwards…..thunders it’s like 30 degrees and you get ejected…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: switchfrontshuv on February 05, 2023, 08:15:24 AM
By the time you wheelbite on Aces you are almost going backwards…..thunders it’s like 30 degrees and you get ejected…..

i actually have a clip where i wheelbite thunders by just pushing (pushing on left side of the board so i can turn a bit) lol
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on February 05, 2023, 09:55:10 AM
If you look at the contact point on each truck it’s interesting, also he positioning of the truck when it hits….

So yes….Aces you will get marks…but I consider wheelbite when you actually get pitched off your board.  On Ventures I’ve fully landed standing on my front toe side wheel and I just skidded my way to a gentle full stop at a 45 degree angle….

Lots of people can successfully ride thunders though, I think they tighten them up which is a decent way to ride them because you still get some top end turn….risers…or heaven forbid having skill may be helpful too…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on February 05, 2023, 10:15:36 AM
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By the time you wheelbite on Aces you are almost going backwards…..thunders it’s like 30 degrees and you get ejected…..

i actually have a clip where i wheelbite thunders by just pushing (pushing on left side of the board so i can turn a bit) lol

Been there more times than I care to recall.

Front foot steering is the best on ACE IMO.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: switchfrontshuv on February 05, 2023, 05:49:26 PM
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By the time you wheelbite on Aces you are almost going backwards…..thunders it’s like 30 degrees and you get ejected…..

i actually have a clip where i wheelbite thunders by just pushing (pushing on left side of the board so i can turn a bit) lol

Been there more times than I care to recall.

Front foot steering is the best on ACE IMO.

Idk i found venture (ridden loose) front foot steering to be great too because you really dont need too much of the deep turny carve when pushing and they lean so well into a front foot steer
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on February 05, 2023, 06:55:06 PM
Yah….I’ve come to the conclusion venture is the best for me…venture let’s you ride it out and Ace is like some crazy auto pilot where you swerve twice…..I get why people love em though….

Just watched that Chandler Burton part and you can see how that stability works…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 05, 2023, 08:16:05 PM
I actually like the Thunder response. Rarely am I going to straight up wheelbite and the snap back to center is great. Ace just keep turning and don't snap. Venture are obviously forgiving but I find sometimes actually having the board turn a bit when off balance rather than sit in the upper part of the turn where there is the delay actually helps me re center my weight.

It's interesting that on Slap it seems mostly people come into the Thunder thread to say they don't like them, but the other truck threads are mostly just praises. In real life there doesn't seem to be as many detractors. And yes, I note negatives in other brand threads as well and historically love Thunders, but have been riding Ventures lately.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flintstagram on February 06, 2023, 05:15:03 AM
I love my Thunders. 151 teams. I occasionally try other truck brands, but Thunder is it for me. They just work how I want them to. I love the stability. I love the predictable turn. They’re reliable. I don’t seem to have the issue with wheels on ledges that everyone complains about, and I ride 54-56mm wheels routinely.

My only complaint is that I didn’t start skating Thunders sooner. Skated Indys for way too long before making the leap. Really glad I made the change.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on February 06, 2023, 07:57:02 AM
I actually like the Thunder response. Rarely am I going to straight up wheelbite and the snap back to center is great. Ace just keep turning and don't snap. Venture are obviously forgiving but I find sometimes actually having the board turn a bit when off balance rather than sit in the upper part of the turn where there is the delay actually helps me re center my weight.

It's interesting that on Slap it seems mostly people come into the Thunder thread to say they don't like them, but the other truck threads are mostly just praises. In real life there doesn't seem to be as many detractors. And yes, I note negatives in other brand threads as well and historically love Thunders, but have been riding Ventures lately.

All brands have their positives and negatives i get a bit of wheelbite but I've felt really on point since getting on thunders. Especially with crooks and tailslides. I swapped in the 92d conical blue indy bushings because I'm like 6'4 190 and that has me setup great. I get some good turn but the harder bushing means I'm not getting pitched constantly.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: switchfrontshuv on February 06, 2023, 09:09:15 AM
I actually like the Thunder response. Rarely am I going to straight up wheelbite and the snap back to center is great. Ace just keep turning and don't snap. Venture are obviously forgiving but I find sometimes actually having the board turn a bit when off balance rather than sit in the upper part of the turn where there is the delay actually helps me re center my weight.

It's interesting that on Slap it seems mostly people come into the Thunder thread to say they don't like them, but the other truck threads are mostly just praises. In real life there doesn't seem to be as many detractors. And yes, I note negatives in other brand threads as well and historically love Thunders, but have been riding Ventures lately.

thats what i hated about ventures lowkey. if you land with too much weight on either side of one truck the turning accelerates and veers you out whereas with even weight distribution between both trucks the turning is muted
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 06, 2023, 12:47:27 PM
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I actually like the Thunder response. Rarely am I going to straight up wheelbite and the snap back to center is great. Ace just keep turning and don't snap. Venture are obviously forgiving but I find sometimes actually having the board turn a bit when off balance rather than sit in the upper part of the turn where there is the delay actually helps me re center my weight.

It's interesting that on Slap it seems mostly people come into the Thunder thread to say they don't like them, but the other truck threads are mostly just praises. In real life there doesn't seem to be as many detractors. And yes, I note negatives in other brand threads as well and historically love Thunders, but have been riding Ventures lately.

All brands have their positives and negatives i get a bit of wheelbite but I've felt really on point since getting on thunders. Especially with crooks and tailslides. I swapped in the 92d conical blue indy bushings because I'm like 6'4 190 and that has me setup great. I get some good turn but the harder bushing means I'm not getting pitched constantly.

I’m swapped in some bushing because I’m like 5’7” ish 170
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Acid Drop on February 06, 2023, 04:32:20 PM
I really like the forged baseplate with them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on February 06, 2023, 04:57:04 PM
After a brief foray with Ace I’m back to my Thunders. As fun as the Ace turn is I like the stability of Thunder. They turn well enough for what I need and I’m not getting any serious wheelbite with my 54s ( probably 53s by now).
148 forged on 8.12 with 14” wheelbase. Starting to get flip tricks back.
I think stability is often overlooked as a feature.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on February 06, 2023, 05:11:08 PM
Pinch is good on thunders too….I think all 4 brands are great, every one has its pros and cons….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 06, 2023, 08:30:33 PM
After a brief foray with Ace I’m back to my Thunders. As fun as the Ace turn is I like the stability of Thunder. They turn well enough for what I need and I’m not getting any serious wheelbite with my 54s ( probably 53s by now).
148 forged on 8.12 with 14” wheelbase. Starting to get flip tricks back.
I think stability is often overlooked as a feature.

I get my best kickflips using thunders
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sedition on February 08, 2023, 04:43:35 PM
It’s been a while since I’ve tried Thunders (long term Indy rider). Boredom, or madness, has me wanting to try Thunders again. I normally ride forged (or Ti) 144s, so the height/weight difference to 148 Team Hollows isn’t that significant (I often wonder how many people in this thread, who have found the height/weight/pop of Thunders to be superior to Indy, are coming off standard Indys—and what their impression of a comparison between forged/Ti Indy and Thunder would be). I normally ride 53mm Classics on the DLX 8.25/14.38 deck. Might try dropping down to 52mm Classics with Thunders (I ride a good amount of mini ramp, and 52mm starts to feel really slow to me). I’m still debating on Team Hollows, Hollow Lights, or just going for broke with Ti. Ace was to heavy/squirrel for me. Venture was too stiff, with a lesser grind. So, I’m clearly somewhere in the Indy/Thunder camps. 

Coming off Indy, the two biggest drawbacks that I remember from Thunder were (a) they don’t turn as well, and (b) that baseplate issue. Yeah, it’s obvious you can do nose/tail slides on Thunders, but the margin of error seems to be less and/or technique needs to be better. Not sure if I want to re-learn my technique just to try swapping out trucks. As someone else said in this thread, “It’s nice to have trucks that don’t make you think about your trucks.” Thunders often made me think about my trucks when it came to nose/tail slides. The things I remember really liking about Thunders was feeling a bit lower to the ground, the overall stability, and a quick snap. I think the last time I had them, I put stock 90a Indy cylindrical bushing in them. After re-reading this entire thread, it seems clear the conical ones are the much better option—this time around I will give those a try (and after-market Thunders, too). I’m curious to give Thunders another fair shot, and will report back in the near future…once I figure out which ones I am going to end up getting. Enter the Madness...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on February 08, 2023, 05:23:50 PM
@Sedition I switched to Thunder from Indy forged-hollow. I prefer Thunder now. A little wax in the pivot goes a long way with Thunder. Also, patience. It takes a while for them to start to feel loose after the initial firming up of the bushings. You can do a lot of tweaking to get them “surfy” but in the end they are their own truck. I just went full commit and ride them happily for an entire year. I only tried another truck after trying to skate on an 18° day and they were frozen up. I had stock bushings then and I’m still running the stock bushings now. I can recommend teams or team hollows though I’m riding forged with 54mm and no issues with wheelbite (150lbs).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 08, 2023, 05:27:56 PM
It’s been a while since I’ve tried Thunders (long term Indy rider). Boredom, or madness, has me wanting to try Thunders again. I normally ride forged (or Ti) 144s, so the height/weight difference to 148 Team Hollows isn’t that significant (I often wonder how many people in this thread, who have found the height/weight/pop of Thunders to be superior to Indy, are coming off standard Indys—and what their impression of a comparison between forged/Ti Indy and Thunder would be). I normally ride 53mm Classics on the DLX 8.25/14.38 deck. Might try dropping down to 52mm Classics with Thunders (I ride a good amount of mini ramp, and 52mm starts to feel really slow to me). I’m still debating on Team Hollows, Hollow Lights, or just going for broke with Ti. Ace was to heavy/squirrel for me. Venture was too stiff, with a lesser grind. So, I’m clearly somewhere in the Indy/Thunder camps. 

Coming off Indy, the two biggest drawbacks that I remember from Thunder were (a) they don’t turn as well, and (b) that baseplate issue. Yeah, it’s obvious you can do nose/tail slides on Thunders, but the margin of error seems to be less and/or technique needs to be better. Not sure if I want to re-learn my technique just to try swapping out trucks. As someone else said in this thread, “It’s nice to have trucks that don’t make you think about your trucks.” Thunders often made me think about my trucks when it came to nose/tail slides. The things I remember really liking about Thunders was feeling a bit lower to the ground, the overall stability, and a quick snap. I think the last time I had them, I put stock 90a Indy cylindrical bushing in them. After re-reading this entire thread, it seems clear the conical ones are the much better option—this time around I will give those a try (and after-market Thunders, too). I’m curious to give Thunders another fair shot, and will report back in the near future…once I figure out which ones I am going to end up getting. Enter the Madness...

Teams or team cast, imo, would work best for you coming off of Indy’s. The cast baseplate keeps the effective wb closer.
For me, Indy’s turn deeper/‘better’, and grind better, but I do not prefer them to thunders. With thunders I get a significantly nicer pop. Some 148s with say a 53 classic, should go well (I rode 147s and 52 and smaller).
 The turn is different. I’d spend a few sessions on the stock bushings before changing stuff. That’s me tho. When folks change their gear, but then modify the new gear to act like the old gear…why.
Hope it’s fun, I like trying different stuff. Helps shake things up, hone in preferences. To my memory you’ve been pretty steady on setup, sometimes for me, it’s cool to switch it up and see if shit I struggle with gets easier.

As a reference, I think indy had made a great truck, forever. Ticks the most boxes, for the most people. Whenever I ride them, I’m always wanting something else. But I like venture lo’s and shit. So take that with a grain of salt.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 08, 2023, 05:28:04 PM
I also was on Forged Indy before. There is a pop difference for sure but it's not as jarring for me as going from Thunder to Venture or Indy forged to standards. I went for Teams cuz I couldn't find Hollow axles. I would likely be running blues in Indys and use stock Thunder bushings where the top of the nylock is even with the top of the kingpin. I don't need to ride them loose because they're responsive as is.

I ride 52-53 on them and have done as big as 54. I still can slide on the baseplate fine for the most part.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sedition on February 08, 2023, 08:33:10 PM
Well, I ended up getting two sets. Ordered a set of raw 148 TH from my local (with an assortment of bushings), and also snagged a pair of used, but like-new 148 TI off eBay for $45 (no way I could pass that up).   

@ok  Yeah, I absolutely intend to give the stock bushing a fair shot before I start messing around with them. And totally agree, if you are trying to force Product X to skate like Product Y, then just skate Product Y. You have to take things on their own terms. That said, you can certainly seek to reasonably optimize those terms. And yeah, I've tried a few other things here and there, but I have been rock-steady on my set-up for a very long time at this point. The last real "change" was going from 149s to 144s when those first came out (however many years back that was). So, this little jaunt into Thunder Madness will be good for a some variety (if anything, only to prove my Indy assumptions still hold true, and there is merit in that).

@LebowskisRug Yup! I run blues/92a on my Indys. Stock orange/90a are just a tad to soft for me. I can ride those with a few threads showing, but would rather go blue/92 and a flush kingpin nut.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: intendedreceivers on February 09, 2023, 07:44:07 AM
I bought some 145s for a kid board, and the bottom bushing is about 2mm shorter. Is that typical, just something they do on sub-8.0 trucks to give you more turn?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sedition on February 16, 2023, 08:15:22 AM
Anyone have the verified weight (e.g. not sourced from Tactics) of 151 Hollow Lights? Thanks in advance if you do!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 16, 2023, 04:47:31 PM
Anyone have the verified weight (e.g. not sourced from Tactics) of 151 Hollow Lights? Thanks in advance if you do!

I do not.
Had 151 hollow lights with forged plate (on a huffer) and the trucks were very good. It was a time I was into trying wild big setups, and tbh was smitten with ck1’s setup/skating (this must have been 2014 ish). 159s were my favorite Indy’s for quite awhile, followed by 139s, but the 151s worked much better for me. I’m just too much of a baby to skate Indy’s. Or/additionally, when I skate Indy’s I tend to also get big wheels, and I skate like shit on 100 percent of big wheel setups (so I guess not a fair comparison).
How are the 148s treating you?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on February 16, 2023, 05:08:27 PM
Anyone have the verified weight (e.g. not sourced from Tactics) of 151 Hollow Lights? Thanks in advance if you do!

DM Thunder. I asked that question about team Hollow 149s and they messaged me back in less than 24hrs
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sedition on February 16, 2023, 05:41:20 PM
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Anyone have the verified weight (e.g. not sourced from Tactics) of 151 Hollow Lights? Thanks in advance if you do!

I do not.
Had 151 hollow lights with forged plate (on a huffer) and the trucks were very good. It was a time I was into trying wild big setups, and tbh was smitten with ck1’s setup/skating (this must have been 2014 ish). 159s were my favorite Indy’s for quite awhile, followed by 139s, but the 151s worked much better for me. I’m just too much of a baby to skate Indy’s. Or/additionally, when I skate Indy’s I tend to also get big wheels, and I skate like shit on 100 percent of big wheel setups (so I guess not a fair comparison).
How are the 148s treating you?

I have two set-ups. the 8.25 DLX, which is my normal ride. I also have an 8.75 DLX that I take out from time to time. I've got 159 Indys on it. As it's such a big board, it's kind of a tank. I was thinking that throwing Hollow Lights on it might make it a lot less...cumbersome. I was curious to see just how much lighter HLs were compared to my Indy Forged Hollows (e.g. is it worth it). 

As to the 148s...I'm currently dealing with a pulled groin muscle. It's getting better, but def not 100% yet. So, I've been going real low-impact recently (should actually just stay completely off the board for a bit, but yeah, like that is going to happen). As such, I haven't been able to give the 148s a real test yet. I've mostly been skating some smaller transition, and doing slappies (at the moment, ollies really aggravate the muscle pull). That said, I've been impressed with Team Hollows so far. They turn much better than I remember them turning (but that might also be because I kept conical bushings in them this time). Def less surfy than Indys, but they have a nice controlled, and stable turn. Wheelsbase feels a bit longer, even though there is virtually no difference between TH and forged Indys. The one major draw back? Major wheel catch on nose/tail slides. The experiment continues...   
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: camel filters on February 16, 2023, 06:25:59 PM
I put my thunders back on my daily rider and I can say, everything pre trick is great. The stability makes setting up for tricks feel safe and predictable. However, if I’m not landing perfectly, everything after the trick (the landing) feels restrictive and I’m finding myself tic tacking out when I would swerve out with Indy’s or aces. I think I am going back to aces after this current deck dies
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: commander jameson on February 16, 2023, 11:58:02 PM
Anyone have the verified weight (e.g. not sourced from Tactics) of 151 Hollow Lights? Thanks in advance if you do!
According to
they are around 330 grams.
European Skatedeluxe is usually very good with trucks spec like weight unlike deck spec that can be all over the place.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sedition on February 17, 2023, 07:26:46 AM
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Anyone have the verified weight (e.g. not sourced from Tactics) of 151 Hollow Lights? Thanks in advance if you do!
According to
they are around 330 grams.
European Skatedeluxe is usually very good with trucks spec like weight unlike deck spec that can be all over the place.

Thanks. I just crossed-checked their listed weights for Indys against the Indy web site* (which has always been really close to my measurements), and they were certainly within a reasonable margin of error. Suffice to say, I'd bet their listing of HL is pretty damn close to actual. Thanks again.

*Would be nice if Thunder listed all the tech spec on their page like Indy does.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Cthulhu! on February 17, 2023, 09:24:36 AM
My trusty 5.0 lows are done, so I am returning to Thunders for the foreseeable future. A nice change of pace from low Ventures. My beloved 147s...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 17, 2023, 11:19:12 AM
My trusty 5.0 lows are done, so I am returning to Thunders for the foreseeable future. A nice change of pace from low Ventures. My beloved 147s...

147s are my ‘other’ truck, after 5.0 lo/5.2 lo. My current 147s are hollow lights, and I think I’d prefer regular teams, but these work well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: G_Money on February 18, 2023, 07:23:17 AM
What thunders did I just buy?

I ordered what I thought were team 148, but they arrived with orange bushings instead of blue.

Did I get a bushing upgrade? Is this different from the team model?

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Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 18, 2023, 07:45:09 AM
What thunders did I just buy?

I ordered what I thought were team 148, but they arrived with orange bushings instead of blue.

Did I get a bushing upgrade? Is this different from the team model?

( (

how to upload id on facebook (

You got 148 teams, which I’ve only seen with the orange translucent bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on February 18, 2023, 07:49:10 AM
What thunders did I just buy?

I ordered what I thought were team 148, but they arrived with orange bushings instead of blue.

Did I get a bushing upgrade? Is this different from the team model?

( (

how to upload id on facebook (

What made you expect blue bushings? Hollow lights come with blue ones
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: yourbreakfsat on February 18, 2023, 08:15:21 AM
What thunders did I just buy?

I ordered what I thought were team 148, but they arrived with orange bushings instead of blue.

Did I get a bushing upgrade? Is this different from the team model?

( (

how to upload id on facebook (

Thunder 148 standards always come with orange bushings instead of blue. They are the same durometer though.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: G_Money on February 18, 2023, 08:19:09 AM
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What thunders did I just buy?

I ordered what I thought were team 148, but they arrived with orange bushings instead of blue.

Did I get a bushing upgrade? Is this different from the team model?

( (

how to upload id on facebook (

What made you expect blue bushings? Hollow lights come with blue ones

I guess because the other pair I have on my 7.75 say team on the baseplate and have blue bushings.

( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on February 18, 2023, 10:45:42 AM
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What thunders did I just buy?

I ordered what I thought were team 148, but they arrived with orange bushings instead of blue.

Did I get a bushing upgrade? Is this different from the team model?

( (

how to upload id on facebook (

What made you expect blue bushings? Hollow lights come with blue ones

I guess because the other pair I have on my 7.75 say team on the baseplate and have blue bushings.

( (

Yes those are Team Editions. All sizes of the polished teams come with the clear blue bushings with the exception of the 148 which is clear orange.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 18, 2023, 05:41:44 PM
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What thunders did I just buy?

I ordered what I thought were team 148, but they arrived with orange bushings instead of blue.

Did I get a bushing upgrade? Is this different from the team model?


What made you expect blue bushings? Hollow lights come with blue ones

I guess because the other pair I have on my 7.75 say team on the baseplate and have blue bushings.

It is a bit funny and others have asked about it in the shop too, but because the 148 (8.25" width) size was relatively new (from 2017), compared to the other mostly smaller sizes, they gave them translucent orange bushings and never changed.

The other team sizes have had translucent yellow bushings for a long time with the translucent blue ones being the norm now for a few years.

All of those came with black washers, nuts, etc.

Hollow options seem to have translucent blue or more commonly now green bushings with silver washers, nuts, etc.

Any other special editions or pro trucks have whatever the colourway match / riders choose for their own trucks.

All are the same 90 duro, including the plain white ones too, but some people often say they prefer certain colours over others, or the white bushings over the translucent coloured or the other way round.  I have even swapped around some bushings for some people because they just didn't want to ride the colour they came with.  Whatever keeps them happy, I guess.

This was easy enough to get some pics:

Team standard (old)


Team standard (new)


Team 148


Hollow options


Other versions with white bushings


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on February 19, 2023, 05:02:00 AM
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What thunders did I just buy?

I ordered what I thought were team 148, but they arrived with orange bushings instead of blue.

Did I get a bushing upgrade? Is this different from the team model?


What made you expect blue bushings? Hollow lights come with blue ones

I guess because the other pair I have on my 7.75 say team on the baseplate and have blue bushings.


It is a bit funny and others have asked about it in the shop too, but because the 148 (8.25" width) size was relatively new (from 2017), compared to the other mostly smaller sizes, they gave them translucent orange bushings and never changed.

The other team sizes have had translucent yellow bushings for a long time with the translucent blue ones being the norm now for a few years.

All of those came with black washers, nuts, etc.

Hollow options seem to have translucent blue or more commonly now green bushings with silver washers, nuts, etc.

Any other special editions or pro trucks have whatever the colourway match / riders choose for their own trucks.

All are the same 90 duro, including the plain white ones too, but some people often say they prefer certain colours over others, or the white bushings over the translucent coloured or the other way round.  I have even swapped around some bushings for some people because they just didn't want to ride the colour they came with.  Whatever keeps them happy, I guess.

This was easy enough to get some pics:

Team standard (old)


Team standard (new)


Team 148


Hollow options


Other versions with white bushings


All of this is correct but here’s a little more detail on the Lights vs Hollow Lights:

All examples are for polished

Forged baseplate, green or yellow bushing is Thunder Light (solid axle/hollow kingpin)
Forged baseplate, blue bushing is Thunder Hollow Light (hollow kingpin/hollow axle).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 19, 2023, 03:21:59 PM

All of this is correct but here’s a little more detail on the Lights vs Hollow Lights:

All examples are for polished

Forged baseplate, green or yellow bushing is Thunder Light (solid axle/hollow kingpin)
Forged baseplate, blue bushing is Thunder Hollow Light (hollow kingpin/hollow axle).

Nice - always good to have a bit more detail.

Just funny that a few people have been "I don't want green bushings, so can I have the blue bushings in these trucks?" or similar.

The other thing is it just looks wrong to me now to put silver washers and nuts on a normal team Thunder truck, but it also looks weird if there is a black nut on a silver hollow kingpin, so I can see why the forged hollow baseplate options are all full silver washers and nuts too.

Don't even get me started on the different colour metallic rebuild kit hardware options, but I know some people like shiny things so if that is your deal, no worries.

I would take black or silver any day over metallic red or blue washers and nuts.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on February 19, 2023, 04:16:59 PM
Those rebuild kits are so damn ugly!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Plan9Customs on February 19, 2023, 09:09:35 PM
Just heard rumblings from inside DLX that they’re moving production to Mexico in a month or so.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on February 19, 2023, 10:23:12 PM
Does anyone know if the 181’s are restocking anywhere soon?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: radcunt on February 20, 2023, 04:26:37 AM
Been on the thunders for a while now. Took a while to get used to the pop but just need to be a tad more aggressive, and its kinda nice how boring they are to turn as it helps me focus on trying tricks
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on February 20, 2023, 07:49:42 AM
Been on the thunders for a while now. Took a while to get used to the pop but just need to be a tad more aggressive, and its kinda nice how boring they are to turn as it helps me focus on trying tricks

That's what I have to remind myself of when I'm tempted to try going back to Indy. Thunders just feel stable underfoot.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 20, 2023, 07:54:30 AM
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Been on the thunders for a while now. Took a while to get used to the pop but just need to be a tad more aggressive, and its kinda nice how boring they are to turn as it helps me focus on trying tricks

That's what I have to remind myself of when I'm tempted to try going back to Indy. Thunders just feel stable underfoot.

If it’s about landing stuff, thunder works really well for that
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 20, 2023, 08:08:57 AM
Maybe this belongs in the unpopular opinion thread, but as long as a truck isn't tooooo tight or toooo loose it's just not that hard to get used to the turn and figure out how to carve with it. With Venture I lean a lot harder, Indy I use my ankles to adjust the turn more and skate a little more over the bolts, Thunders I try not to land too much in the pockets so I don't compress the truck too fast and wheelbite. Overall I think the Thunder turn is the most balanced for me and I like skating them faster more than other trucks.

If DLX is moving Thunder to Mexico that must mean Ermico is dead or having problems. Considering the hate Indy got for moving overseas I doubt they would do so unless necessary. Hopefully the T2 drop sometime ever.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 20, 2023, 08:30:43 AM
Maybe this belongs in the unpopular opinion thread, but as long as a truck isn't tooooo tight or toooo loose it's just not that hard to get used to the turn and figure out how to carve with it. With Venture I lean a lot harder, Indy I use my ankles to adjust the turn more and skate a little more over the bolts, Thunders I try not to land too much in the pockets so I don't compress the truck too fast and wheelbite. Overall I think the Thunder turn is the most balanced for me and I like skating them faster more than other trucks.

If DLX is moving Thunder to Mexico that must mean Ermico is dead or having problems. Considering the hate Indy got for moving overseas I doubt they would do so unless necessary. Hopefully the T2 drop sometime ever.

I agree on the turning/carving: can get used to most. Obvious exceptions: being pools and/or large wheels. I think there is a reason that my beloved 5.2 lo’s, or 147s, are not the pool weapon of choice.

What become most important to me are the pop characteristics.

I’m always bummed to hear about manufacturing moving away. For a lot of reasons.
The qc of indy certainly did not get worse. (The metal was arguably better in the past).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on February 20, 2023, 10:08:16 AM
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Been on the thunders for a while now. Took a while to get used to the pop but just need to be a tad more aggressive, and its kinda nice how boring they are to turn as it helps me focus on trying tricks

That's what I have to remind myself of when I'm tempted to try going back to Indy. Thunders just feel stable underfoot.

If it’s about landing stuff, thunder works really well for that

All of these statements resonate as they echo my experience with Thunder.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: joaqp on February 20, 2023, 01:57:04 PM
Has anyone tried venture bushings in their thunders? I prefer my trucks to be tight but responsive/rebound.

I’ve tried the 95a replacement thunder bushing kit and they were too stiff.
I recently got a set of 94a thunder bushings which feel like a good tightness but are too mushy and don’t rebound.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on February 20, 2023, 02:44:52 PM
Has anyone tried venture bushings in their thunders? I prefer my trucks to be tight but responsive/rebound.

I’ve tried the 95a replacement thunder bushing kit and they were too stiff.
I recently got a set of 94a thunder bushings which feel like a good tightness but are too mushy and don’t rebound.

That's always been my gripe with thunder bushings mushy/no rebound. You can get some Venom conicals and shave them down, the urethane is lightyears beyond what DLX uses (and chances are the Venture bushings are the same thane).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 20, 2023, 03:27:23 PM
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If DLX is moving Thunder to Mexico that must mean Ermico is dead or having problems. Considering the hate Indy got for moving overseas I doubt they would do so unless necessary. Hopefully the T2 drop sometime ever.

I’m always bummed to hear about manufacturing moving away. For a lot of reasons.
The qc of indy certainly did not get worse. (The metal was arguably better in the past).

I wonder if moving production to Mexico is considered better business practice compared to moving production to China, so would get way less push back from the masses, but the reality is making ends meet with production in USA or other top teir countries is way harder than doing it somewhere else and shipping the product back to the US.

Not a worry to me either way, but I feel like more people would support DLX in that move than the NHS to China move.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on February 20, 2023, 03:49:47 PM
I assume they are moving Ventures too.....maybe there's hope they re-allign the alloy....I swear it's different...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: radcunt on February 20, 2023, 03:56:27 PM
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Been on the thunders for a while now. Took a while to get used to the pop but just need to be a tad more aggressive, and its kinda nice how boring they are to turn as it helps me focus on trying tricks

That's what I have to remind myself of when I'm tempted to try going back to Indy. Thunders just feel stable underfoot.
yeah, I feel way more confident on thunders until it comes to carving a bowl or slappies.  Straight away locking into grinds on transition better, ollies are straighter and crisper, i'm really enjoying them.  I've still got a football Heroin old dude set up with Aces for that shit.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on February 20, 2023, 04:12:21 PM
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If DLX is moving Thunder to Mexico that must mean Ermico is dead or having problems. Considering the hate Indy got for moving overseas I doubt they would do so unless necessary. Hopefully the T2 drop sometime ever.

I’m always bummed to hear about manufacturing moving away. For a lot of reasons.
The qc of indy certainly did not get worse. (The metal was arguably better in the past).

I wonder if moving production to Mexico is considered better business practice compared to moving production to China,

As most big brand decks are made there for sure less whining compared to if they moved to china.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: OhioGuy on February 20, 2023, 07:37:15 PM
Maybe this belongs in the unpopular opinion thread, but as long as a truck isn't tooooo tight or toooo loose it's just not that hard to get used to the turn and figure out how to carve with it. With Venture I lean a lot harder, Indy I use my ankles to adjust the turn more and skate a little more over the bolts, Thunders I try not to land too much in the pockets so I don't compress the truck too fast and wheelbite. Overall I think the Thunder turn is the most balanced for me and I like skating them faster more than other trucks.

If DLX is moving Thunder to Mexico that must mean Ermico is dead or having problems. Considering the hate Indy got for moving overseas I doubt they would do so unless necessary. Hopefully the T2 drop sometime ever.
No I agree, I have a pair of Krux that carve as good as my Indys. The whole, "This truck doesn't turn" thing is BS IMHO. Just gotta tune each one differently and get used to them. Like you see Nora carving around in bowls on her Krux. It's more about the rider than anything. Any pro level stuff is good enough, just gotta be willing to get use to all the nuances of each brand.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 20, 2023, 07:51:03 PM
I assume they are moving Ventures too.....maybe there's hope they re-allign the alloy....I swear it's different...

Because it is different. Has to be. They’ve never been the best grind for me, but now they wear down faster. Imo.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 20, 2023, 08:45:19 PM
Mexico is a NAFTA country, China is not.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on February 20, 2023, 10:19:01 PM
Maybe if they move there will be a re-issues?  No one is pounding their fist on the table, but you’d be surprised how quickly hype can build….Skulls? Lizards? Daggers?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: troy on February 20, 2023, 10:35:36 PM
im running the venture loose truck bushings and a flat bottom washer and its dope!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Micki Free on February 21, 2023, 06:27:01 AM
Speaking of bushings, got some thunder team hollows with the blue baseplate/bolt logo. The bushings are dark blue and feel pretty hard, if i remember correctly they were 99du.

Id hate to order replacements and would rather just go to a shop but the shops near my only carry indy/bones, which i think are different sizes? Any idea if any of these will fit without changing the geometry too much? I ride a medium-loose truck so would like something more in the 90-92 du range i think.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CBP on February 21, 2023, 06:42:37 AM
Speaking of bushings, got some thunder team hollows with the blue baseplate/bolt logo. The bushings are dark blue and feel pretty hard, if i remember correctly they were 99du.

Id hate to order replacements and would rather just go to a shop but the shops near my only carry indy/bones, which i think are different sizes? Any idea if any of these will fit without changing the geometry too much? I ride a medium-loose truck so would like something more in the 90-92 du range i think.

Indy aftermarket’s are good if you use the washers that come with them. Just don’t get the red bushings and they’ll work fine.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: intendedreceivers on February 21, 2023, 06:55:07 AM
Speaking of bushings, got some thunder team hollows with the blue baseplate/bolt logo. The bushings are dark blue and feel pretty hard, if i remember correctly they were 99du.

Id hate to order replacements and would rather just go to a shop but the shops near my only carry indy/bones, which i think are different sizes? Any idea if any of these will fit without changing the geometry too much? I ride a medium-loose truck so would like something more in the 90-92 du range i think.

All Thunders come with 90A bushings, no matter what color they are. They do sell a pack of 100A aftermarket blue bushings, but those would never come stock.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on February 21, 2023, 07:07:09 AM
i skated an 8.62 dlx with a 14.75 wb, forged thunders and risers over the weekend. felt really nice doing tricks on it, especially for the overall size of the setup i was quite surprised.

Still wasnt a huge fan of the turn, but kickflips and tres felt great.

that is all.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 21, 2023, 07:13:37 AM
i skated an 8.62 dlx with a 14.75 wb, forged thunders and risers over the weekend. felt really nice doing tricks on it, especially for the overall size of the setup i was quite surprised.

Still wasnt a huge fan of the turn, but kickflips and tres felt great.

that is all.

The homies board? I fucking love/hate this scenario. Dude shows up to the spot on something interesting, sees me doing some weird perverted eye fucking of the thing, pushes it over in my direction. Try to play it cool as the heart beat rises. Pop a lil nollie, oh that worked better than I thought, I’ll just brick a kickflip real quick, nope bolts. Get some type of verbal confirmation that it was working for me. Grab my board, fall trying to to take a push.
The last time this shit happened a guy had a new deal Siamese twin with thunders that I proceeded to nollie flip on, repeatedly, got back on my board and primo’d…a nollie. Which was a totally new way to fuck up. I’d previously been enjoying the shit out of my complete and landing some of the best kickflips of the last few years. Then I hated it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on February 21, 2023, 07:18:43 AM
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i skated an 8.62 dlx with a 14.75 wb, forged thunders and risers over the weekend. felt really nice doing tricks on it, especially for the overall size of the setup i was quite surprised.

Still wasnt a huge fan of the turn, but kickflips and tres felt great.

that is all.

The homies board? I fucking love/hate this scenario. Dude shows up to the spot on something interesting, sees me doing some weird perverted eye fucking of the thing, pushes it over in my direction. Try to play it cool as the heart beat rises. Pop a lil nollie, oh that worked better than I thought, I’ll just brick a kickflip real quick, nope bolts. Get some type of verbal confirmation that it was working for me. Grab my board, fall trying to to take a push.
The last time this shit happened a guy had a new deal Siamese twin with thunders that I proceeded to nollie flip on, repeatedly, got back on my board and primo’d…a nollie. Which was a totally new way to fuck up. I’d previously been enjoying the shit out of my complete and landing some of the best kickflips of the last few years. Then I hated it.

yea, lol. you summed that up perfectly hahaha. This is the type of shit that will ignite the madness. If i only skated flatground i would consider setting up something similar.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Micki Free on February 21, 2023, 05:04:21 PM
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Speaking of bushings, got some thunder team hollows with the blue baseplate/bolt logo. The bushings are dark blue and feel pretty hard, if i remember correctly they were 99du.

Id hate to order replacements and would rather just go to a shop but the shops near my only carry indy/bones, which i think are different sizes? Any idea if any of these will fit without changing the geometry too much? I ride a medium-loose truck so would like something more in the 90-92 du range i think.

All Thunders come with 90A bushings, no matter what color they are. They do sell a pack of 100A aftermarket blue bushings, but those would never come stock.

Gotcha. On CCS they said 99u, and some other models also say this so thats where I got that info. But maybe its just a typo.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Micki Free on February 21, 2023, 05:05:07 PM
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Speaking of bushings, got some thunder team hollows with the blue baseplate/bolt logo. The bushings are dark blue and feel pretty hard, if i remember correctly they were 99du.

Id hate to order replacements and would rather just go to a shop but the shops near my only carry indy/bones, which i think are different sizes? Any idea if any of these will fit without changing the geometry too much? I ride a medium-loose truck so would like something more in the 90-92 du range i think.

Indy aftermarket’s are good if you use the washers that come with them. Just don’t get the red bushings and they’ll work fine.

Thanks, ill check em out.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: intendedreceivers on February 21, 2023, 05:21:36 PM
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Speaking of bushings, got some thunder team hollows with the blue baseplate/bolt logo. The bushings are dark blue and feel pretty hard, if i remember correctly they were 99du.

Id hate to order replacements and would rather just go to a shop but the shops near my only carry indy/bones, which i think are different sizes? Any idea if any of these will fit without changing the geometry too much? I ride a medium-loose truck so would like something more in the 90-92 du range i think.

All Thunders come with 90A bushings, no matter what color they are. They do sell a pack of 100A aftermarket blue bushings, but those would never come stock.

Gotcha. On CCS they said 99u, and some other models also say this so thats where I got that info. But maybe its just a typo.

Yeah, that seems odd. My gut says it’s just your average “skate retailer not bothering to get their product info correct” situation, but who knows.

Have you ridden them yet to see if they’re actually that hard? Of the big four, DLX bushings do seem to be more prone to firming up due to cold weather/sitting on a warehouse shelf for too long.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Micki Free on February 21, 2023, 06:04:38 PM
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Speaking of bushings, got some thunder team hollows with the blue baseplate/bolt logo. The bushings are dark blue and feel pretty hard, if i remember correctly they were 99du.

Id hate to order replacements and would rather just go to a shop but the shops near my only carry indy/bones, which i think are different sizes? Any idea if any of these will fit without changing the geometry too much? I ride a medium-loose truck so would like something more in the 90-92 du range i think.

All Thunders come with 90A bushings, no matter what color they are. They do sell a pack of 100A aftermarket blue bushings, but those would never come stock.

Gotcha. On CCS they said 99u, and some other models also say this so thats where I got that info. But maybe its just a typo.

Yeah, that seems odd. My gut says it’s just your average “skate retailer not bothering to get their product info correct” situation, but who knows.

Have you ridden them yet to see if they’re actually that hard? Of the big four, DLX bushings do seem to be more prone to firming up due to cold weather/sitting on a warehouse shelf for too long.

Yea Ive seen that in the past on other websites too. Probably just being lazy.

As far as hardness goes your totally right about them being hard in cold weather. Ive only skated this pair for a week or so and they do feel a little harder than others ones ive had on the past, but maybe they just need some more break in time. We’ll see in a couple weeks I guess.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 21, 2023, 09:38:31 PM
I've never had a deck that I didn't enjoy/perform well with Thunders come to think of it, including decks that felt long for me even on Indys.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Pasta Monster on February 27, 2023, 01:57:35 PM
This has bit too much going on but I like the configuration (if that’s the right word).
Today, I learned that I can just buy team hollows instead of swapping out the forged baseplates of the hollow lights with team edition baseplates. I don’t know whether to be happy about that or disappointed in myself for not knowing.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 27, 2023, 03:24:48 PM
This has bit too much going on but I like the configuration (if that’s the right word).
Today, I learned that I can just buy team hollows instead of swapping out the forged baseplates of the hollow lights with team edition baseplates. I don’t know whether to be happy about that or disappointed in myself for not knowing.

35th ave the team hollows in a mercifully plain cw.

Although when I was into cocaine and diesel jeans and not skateboards, this early 2000s fashion look appealed to me. Sadly, when someone my age tries to reprise their old look for irony…it just ends up looking disturbing/melancholic
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on February 27, 2023, 04:49:33 PM
Trung will pull it off any moment now…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Threadz on February 27, 2023, 05:56:59 PM
There's so many configurations regarding light Thunders these days (e.g., lights, hollow lights, titanium lights + the team variants of them all) and there's no information on Thunder's website about how much these trucks actually weigh?

It's seems a bit redundant to market and have several "light" options available if you can't even compare them not only to their counterparts but also to the competition.

And does anyone know if the hollow axels are actually stronger than the solid ones? I remember reading that somewhere on Slap before but never bothered to investigate further.

I should note that I'm a long-term Thunder rider (forged hollow lights mainly) but I've felt inclined lately to try a different/heavier/taller style to spice things up. And it'd be nice to know the differences in weight and strength among the different trucks to know if what you're purchasing is actually justified or not.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on February 27, 2023, 09:31:45 PM
There's so many configurations regarding light Thunders these days (e.g., lights, hollow lights, titanium lights + the team variants of them all) and there's no information on Thunder's website about how much these trucks actually weigh?

It's seems a bit redundant to market and have several "light" options available if you can't even compare them not only to their counterparts but also to the competition.

And does anyone know if the hollow axels are actually stronger than the solid ones? I remember reading that somewhere on Slap before but never bothered to investigate further.

I should note that I'm a long-term Thunder rider (forged hollow lights mainly) but I've felt inclined lately to try a different/heavier/taller style to spice things up. And it'd be nice to know the differences in weight and strength among the different trucks to know if what you're purchasing is actually justified or not.

I think tactics has all that info iirc.
These are 149
Standard 363.5
Standard hollow 343.0
Titanium lights 315.4
Lights 348.6

I usually just go Team Standards.
They're still lighter than all other standard trucks. Only use  hollow axle on on the 149 but still standard baseplates. Anything lighter and it fucks with my flick.

Do it! go standard.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sedition on February 27, 2023, 09:43:21 PM
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There's so many configurations regarding light Thunders these days (e.g., lights, hollow lights, titanium lights + the team variants of them all) and there's no information on Thunder's website about how much these trucks actually weigh?

It's seems a bit redundant to market and have several "light" options available if you can't even compare them not only to their counterparts but also to the competition.

And does anyone know if the hollow axels are actually stronger than the solid ones? I remember reading that somewhere on Slap before but never bothered to investigate further.

I should note that I'm a long-term Thunder rider (forged hollow lights mainly) but I've felt inclined lately to try a different/heavier/taller style to spice things up. And it'd be nice to know the differences in weight and strength among the different trucks to know if what you're purchasing is actually justified or not.

I think tactics has all that info iirc.
These are 149
Standard 363.5
Standard hollow 343.0
Titanium lights 315.4
Lights 348.6

I usually just go Team Standards.
They're still lighter than all other standard trucks. Only use  hollow axle on on the 149 but still standard baseplates. Anything lighter and it fucks with my flick.

Do it! go standard.

Just and FYI: It has long been established that Tactics tech specs are not reliable, at all. Yes, they may be accurate on somethings, but but those are few and far between.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on February 27, 2023, 10:29:57 PM
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There's so many configurations regarding light Thunders these days (e.g., lights, hollow lights, titanium lights + the team variants of them all) and there's no information on Thunder's website about how much these trucks actually weigh?

It's seems a bit redundant to market and have several "light" options available if you can't even compare them not only to their counterparts but also to the competition.

And does anyone know if the hollow axels are actually stronger than the solid ones? I remember reading that somewhere on Slap before but never bothered to investigate further.

I should note that I'm a long-term Thunder rider (forged hollow lights mainly) but I've felt inclined lately to try a different/heavier/taller style to spice things up. And it'd be nice to know the differences in weight and strength among the different trucks to know if what you're purchasing is actually justified or not.

I think tactics has all that info iirc.
These are 149
Standard 363.5
Standard hollow 343.0
Titanium lights 315.4
Lights 348.6

I usually just go Team Standards.
They're still lighter than all other standard trucks. Only use  hollow axle on on the 149 but still standard baseplates. Anything lighter and it fucks with my flick.

Do it! go standard.

Just and FYI: It has long been established that Tactics tech specs are not reliable, at all. Yes, they may be accurate on somethings, but but those are few and far between.

I figured ,

 i think the flow chart goes like this
Thunder standard,lights, team hollows, hollow lights, titanium lights. 

Idk if at some point there was a team titanium. I could swear i had those.
I remember bending titanium venture axles though. They were hella light though and enjoyed them. Kept riding them till i hit axle.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sedition on February 27, 2023, 10:41:19 PM
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There's so many configurations regarding light Thunders these days (e.g., lights, hollow lights, titanium lights + the team variants of them all) and there's no information on Thunder's website about how much these trucks actually weigh?

It's seems a bit redundant to market and have several "light" options available if you can't even compare them not only to their counterparts but also to the competition.

And does anyone know if the hollow axels are actually stronger than the solid ones? I remember reading that somewhere on Slap before but never bothered to investigate further.

I should note that I'm a long-term Thunder rider (forged hollow lights mainly) but I've felt inclined lately to try a different/heavier/taller style to spice things up. And it'd be nice to know the differences in weight and strength among the different trucks to know if what you're purchasing is actually justified or not.

I think tactics has all that info iirc.
These are 149
Standard 363.5
Standard hollow 343.0
Titanium lights 315.4
Lights 348.6

I usually just go Team Standards.
They're still lighter than all other standard trucks. Only use  hollow axle on on the 149 but still standard baseplates. Anything lighter and it fucks with my flick.

Do it! go standard.

Just and FYI: It has long been established that Tactics tech specs are not reliable, at all. Yes, they may be accurate on somethings, but but those are few and far between.

I figured ,

 i think the flow chart goes like this
Thunder standard,lights, team hollows, hollow lights, titanium lights. 

Idk if at some point there was a team titanium. I could swear i had those.
I remember bending titanium venture axles though. They were hella light though and enjoyed them. Kept riding them till i hit axle.

There were indeed Team Titaniums at one time. But, you can make those yourself. Just throw some Ti hangers on some Team Baseplates. I think the flow chart is:

Team Hollows*
Hollow Lights

*These two might be reversed?? (e.g. Do Lights weigh more/less than Team Hollows??)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on February 28, 2023, 03:59:49 AM
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There's so many configurations regarding light Thunders these days (e.g., lights, hollow lights, titanium lights + the team variants of them all) and there's no information on Thunder's website about how much these trucks actually weigh?

It's seems a bit redundant to market and have several "light" options available if you can't even compare them not only to their counterparts but also to the competition.

And does anyone know if the hollow axels are actually stronger than the solid ones? I remember reading that somewhere on Slap before but never bothered to investigate further.

I should note that I'm a long-term Thunder rider (forged hollow lights mainly) but I've felt inclined lately to try a different/heavier/taller style to spice things up. And it'd be nice to know the differences in weight and strength among the different trucks to know if what you're purchasing is actually justified or not.

I think tactics has all that info iirc.
These are 149
Standard 363.5
Standard hollow 343.0
Titanium lights 315.4
Lights 348.6

I usually just go Team Standards.
They're still lighter than all other standard trucks. Only use  hollow axle on on the 149 but still standard baseplates. Anything lighter and it fucks with my flick.

Do it! go standard.

Just and FYI: It has long been established that Tactics tech specs are not reliable, at all. Yes, they may be accurate on somethings, but but those are few and far between.

I figured ,

 i think the flow chart goes like this
Thunder standard,lights, team hollows, hollow lights, titanium lights. 

Idk if at some point there was a team titanium. I could swear i had those.
I remember bending titanium venture axles though. They were hella light though and enjoyed them. Kept riding them till i hit axle.

There were indeed Team Titaniums at one time. But, you can make those yourself. Just throw some Ti hangers on some Team Baseplates. I think the flow chart is:

Team Hollows*
Hollow Lights

*These two might be reversed?? (e.g. Do Lights weigh more/less than Team Hollows??)

@Sedition close, lights and team hollows actually weigh the same!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 28, 2023, 07:45:43 AM
Hollow axles can be stronger because there is more surface area for the heat treatment to penetrate. In reality I dunno if this matters. I some bent my last pair of Thunder 149 standard axles stomping things off center on flat, which was surprising because I'm not that heavy and I've never bent another Thunder axle.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 28, 2023, 09:06:29 AM
Hollow axles can be stronger because there is more surface area for the heat treatment to penetrate. In reality I dunno if this matters. I some bent my last pair of Thunder 149 standard axles stomping things off center on flat, which was surprising because I'm not that heavy and I've never bent another Thunder axle.

In the 90s thunders broke/slipped, for me, since then I’ve had the best experience with their quality
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on February 28, 2023, 10:50:04 AM
Funny, I broke so many Ventures in the late 90's despite being stick figure skinny that my parents lent me money to spend $8 more and get Thunders. Never had an issue with them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 28, 2023, 12:25:34 PM
Funny, I broke so many Ventures in the late 90's despite being stick figure skinny that my parents lent me money to spend $8 more and get Thunders. Never had an issue with them.

TBC I feel all 90s trucks broke. Feather lights would break, in different/interesting ways. Often.

Are baseplates interchangeable on thunders? My hollow light 147s are loooow, and my team 149s and high. Thinking of doing some swapping. I was probably tripping but when I tried before it looked off, and I never set em up.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on February 28, 2023, 01:05:46 PM
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Funny, I broke so many Ventures in the late 90's despite being stick figure skinny that my parents lent me money to spend $8 more and get Thunders. Never had an issue with them.

TBC I feel all 90s trucks broke. Feather lights would break, in different/interesting ways. Often.

Are baseplates interchangeable on thunders? My hollow light 147s are loooow, and my team 149s and high. Thinking of doing some swapping. I was probably tripping but when I tried before it looked off, and I never set em up.

It works for sure!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on February 28, 2023, 02:48:09 PM
Bummed that I just set up some new Thunders (I was about to hit the axle on some 148s and they got taken at a Mexican airport but thats another story) and moved up to 149s which honestly feel awesome, but these are honestly so fucking fire I am bummed I'm no longer on 148s and/or they didn't make 149s. I love Akwasi as a skater and Im stoked that he's gotten a collab so I wouldve loved to be riding these beauties.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on February 28, 2023, 05:48:22 PM
I dig those, but teal bushings against those colors are kinda weak imo.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on March 02, 2023, 09:34:57 AM
Best look at the ikp so far?
( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on March 02, 2023, 10:24:30 AM
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on March 03, 2023, 12:24:15 PM
First time trying risers on Thunders and without any other modifications ( ie: stock bushings/washers etc) I’ve found the truck feel I’ve been looking for. With a 54mm on 148 on 8.125 wheelbite wasn’t an issue for me but I just felt too low with the forged plates (Thunder Light). They feel so much more responsive now.
1/8 Dooks risers are slotted now and fit Thunders perfectly.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 03, 2023, 12:35:53 PM
First time trying risers on Thunders and without any other modifications ( ie: stock bushings/washers etc) I’ve found the truck feel I’ve been looking for. With a 54mm on 148 on 8.125 wheelbite wasn’t an issue for me but I just felt too low with the forged plates (Thunder Light). They feel so much more responsive now.
1/8 Dooks risers are slotted now and fit Thunders perfectly.

I don’t fuck with wheels that big, in part, because I like thunders (and lo ventures). I’ve seen some setups, pros and others, with 56s and such on thunders, wild.
Anyways, I was thinking about this the other day: people worried about breaking in trucks, must not skate thunders. First day with em and I’m not worried (I find this for the venture lo’s as well, but those turn less). Thunders, no mods, great pop. I’m not even sure if I ollie/pop my highest with thunders, probably not, but it is consistent, and I need that.
Turn isn’t juicy like ace/indy, but if I’m trying to land shit, then thunders seem to give me a better chance.
Now I just need to find a deck to match 147s with. I’ve never gotten the best combo.

As an aside, one of my two best sessions of my life, was on thunders. I mean this shit was 20 fuckin years ago, and I can remember some of it (I don’t remember key facts about loved ones so this is noteworthy). What I cannot recall is if they were thunder lows, or HI’s. For sure were 145s (it was a long ass time ago and I was skating e-cues and a 7.5 so yeah). Anyways, the interesting takeaway for me from a nerd perspective is that the geo just works for me: from one of my best days ever, to feeling good whenever I step on them and try a kickflip.

The older I get, the longer these blathering posts get.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on March 03, 2023, 03:45:46 PM
Best look at the ikp so far?
( (

The funny thing with that is they look like stock everything else (black washers on team edition trucks) and just an added inverted kingpin, almost like an afterthought, which looks different to the other test models that Ishod, Ben de G and people had before.

I could be totally wrong on that though, but now that Thunder does have the hex baseplate it would be easy for anyone to hammer out the normal kingpin and put in something else.

So I wonder if he did this himself, or if someone somewhere did it for him, eg in DLX or a shop?

I am not man enough to DM him and ask.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Willie on March 03, 2023, 06:56:58 PM
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Speaking of bushings, got some thunder team hollows with the blue baseplate/bolt logo. The bushings are dark blue and feel pretty hard, if i remember correctly they were 99du.

Id hate to order replacements and would rather just go to a shop but the shops near my only carry indy/bones, which i think are different sizes? Any idea if any of these will fit without changing the geometry too much? I ride a medium-loose truck so would like something more in the 90-92 du range i think.

All Thunders come with 90A bushings, no matter what color they are. They do sell a pack of 100A aftermarket blue bushings, but those would never come stock.

Gotcha. On CCS they said 99u, and some other models also say this so thats where I got that info. But maybe its just a typo.

Yeah, that seems odd. My gut says it’s just your average “skate retailer not bothering to get their product info correct” situation, but who knows.

Have you ridden them yet to see if they’re actually that hard? Of the big four, DLX bushings do seem to be more prone to firming up due to cold weather/sitting on a warehouse shelf for too long.

Yea Ive seen that in the past on other websites too. Probably just being lazy.

As far as hardness goes your totally right about them being hard in cold weather. Ive only skated this pair for a week or so and they do feel a little harder than others ones ive had on the past, but maybe they just need some more break in time. We’ll see in a couple weeks I guess.

I’ve been skating 149 Team Standards and the bushings get so stiff below 45 degrees I basically can’t ride them anymore. Tic tac city. Had to break out my old setup with Ventures.

Never had that problem to the same extent on any other truck.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 03, 2023, 07:11:27 PM
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Speaking of bushings, got some thunder team hollows with the blue baseplate/bolt logo. The bushings are dark blue and feel pretty hard, if i remember correctly they were 99du.

Id hate to order replacements and would rather just go to a shop but the shops near my only carry indy/bones, which i think are different sizes? Any idea if any of these will fit without changing the geometry too much? I ride a medium-loose truck so would like something more in the 90-92 du range i think.

All Thunders come with 90A bushings, no matter what color they are. They do sell a pack of 100A aftermarket blue bushings, but those would never come stock.

Gotcha. On CCS they said 99u, and some other models also say this so thats where I got that info. But maybe its just a typo.

Yeah, that seems odd. My gut says it’s just your average “skate retailer not bothering to get their product info correct” situation, but who knows.

Have you ridden them yet to see if they’re actually that hard? Of the big four, DLX bushings do seem to be more prone to firming up due to cold weather/sitting on a warehouse shelf for too long.

Yea Ive seen that in the past on other websites too. Probably just being lazy.

As far as hardness goes your totally right about them being hard in cold weather. Ive only skated this pair for a week or so and they do feel a little harder than others ones ive had on the past, but maybe they just need some more break in time. We’ll see in a couple weeks I guess.

I’ve been skating 149 Team Standards and the bushings get so stiff below 45 degrees I basically can’t ride them anymore. Tic tac city. Had to break out my old setup with Ventures.

Never had that problem to the same extent on any other truck.

I recall you as one of the very few that claimed venture before the current wave.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on March 04, 2023, 07:05:56 AM
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Best look at the ikp so far?
( (

The funny thing with that is they look like stock everything else (black washers on team edition trucks) and just an added inverted kingpin, almost like an afterthought, which looks different to the other test models that Ishod, Ben de G and people had before.

I could be totally wrong on that though, but now that Thunder does have the hex baseplate it would be easy for anyone to hammer out the normal kingpin and put in something else.

So I wonder if he did this himself, or if someone somewhere did it for him, eg in DLX or a shop?

I am not man enough to DM him and ask.


Look at the shape of the hanger "hole" where the bushings go. I dunno the term for it but Indy's are round and Thunders have an obvious D shape. This hanger is slightly less angular there so you can tell the difference.

The set I saw pics of looks the same there, but the differences are only really obvious from the front looking at the hanger and especially the baseplate near the hanger nub.

Doesn't matter since it seems these are never coming out.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 04, 2023, 07:20:14 AM
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Best look at the ikp so far?
( (

The funny thing with that is they look like stock everything else (black washers on team edition trucks) and just an added inverted kingpin, almost like an afterthought, which looks different to the other test models that Ishod, Ben de G and people had before.

I could be totally wrong on that though, but now that Thunder does have the hex baseplate it would be easy for anyone to hammer out the normal kingpin and put in something else.

So I wonder if he did this himself, or if someone somewhere did it for him, eg in DLX or a shop?

I am not man enough to DM him and ask.


Look at the shape of the hanger "hole" where the bushings go. I dunno the term for it but Indy's are round and Thunders have an obvious D shape. This hanger is slightly less angular there so you can tell the difference.

The set I saw pics of looks the same there, but the differences are only really obvious from the front looking at the hanger and especially the baseplate near the hanger nub.

Doesn't matter since it seems these are never coming out.

The only ikp I would really be interested in is for 147/145. I don’t have a problem with 148s and up.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Willie on March 07, 2023, 07:09:00 AM
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Speaking of bushings, got some thunder team hollows with the blue baseplate/bolt logo. The bushings are dark blue and feel pretty hard, if i remember correctly they were 99du.

Id hate to order replacements and would rather just go to a shop but the shops near my only carry indy/bones, which i think are different sizes? Any idea if any of these will fit without changing the geometry too much? I ride a medium-loose truck so would like something more in the 90-92 du range i think.

All Thunders come with 90A bushings, no matter what color they are. They do sell a pack of 100A aftermarket blue bushings, but those would never come stock.

Gotcha. On CCS they said 99u, and some other models also say this so thats where I got that info. But maybe its just a typo.

Yeah, that seems odd. My gut says it’s just your average “skate retailer not bothering to get their product info correct” situation, but who knows.

Have you ridden them yet to see if they’re actually that hard? Of the big four, DLX bushings do seem to be more prone to firming up due to cold weather/sitting on a warehouse shelf for too long.

Yea Ive seen that in the past on other websites too. Probably just being lazy.

As far as hardness goes your totally right about them being hard in cold weather. Ive only skated this pair for a week or so and they do feel a little harder than others ones ive had on the past, but maybe they just need some more break in time. We’ll see in a couple weeks I guess.

I’ve been skating 149 Team Standards and the bushings get so stiff below 45 degrees I basically can’t ride them anymore. Tic tac city. Had to break out my old setup with Ventures.

Never had that problem to the same extent on any other truck.

I recall you as one of the very few that claimed venture before the current wave.

Haha! Yeah, I definitely didn’t see as many Venture riders back then - especially the 5.2 Highs. The last time I bought a set the shop gave me a discount because they’d been sitting around so long.

Going back to Venture from Thunder is weird. I ghost pop way more on Ventures, manual balance is less forgiving on Ventures, and the turn is a little slower but probably deeper on Venture Highs.

Going back to an 8” setup from 8.5” is strange too. Board feels tiny. I don’t like losing all that truck real estate for grinds on street but everything feels more easily centered and comfortable for transition lip tricks. Flips easier. Everything happens at a faster tempo. Time to try 8.25 again…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Schinken on March 09, 2023, 02:18:37 AM
Anyone else using independent bushings? Few weeks ago I tried to ride thunders again and changed to worn in independent bushings because the stock ones were unrideable due to freezing. With 1/8 riser I get good turn, stable center and overall very lively feeling. Cured my gear madness for almost 2 months now
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on March 10, 2023, 06:32:37 AM
Do Thunder 147s perform much differently than the wider, taller sizes. I have read that the 147s tend to feel a bit tighter than the wider sizes. I’m not necessarily looking for a tighter feeling truck but just curious how much different they are. I know that the standard 147 is lower than the wider sizes but being on forged 148 I don’t see the height being much different. Are these a completely different truck from what I’m used to or basically the same?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 10, 2023, 07:32:46 AM
Do Thunder 147s perform much differently than the wider, taller sizes. I have read that the 147s tend to feel a bit tighter than the wider sizes. I’m not necessarily looking for a tighter feeling truck but just curious how much different they are. I know that the standard 147 is lower than the wider sizes but being on forged 148 I don’t see the height being much different. Are these a completely different truck from what I’m used to or basically the same?

147s, and down, are different. They are shorter, and the difference is noticeable.
Ishod, Wade, Shane, Nyjah, etc, all on the 147s.
Imo the max wheel size is a 52.
They have less kp clearance than the larger sizes.
I have forged 148s, and they are significantly different, to me.
I am a fan. The pop is great. Maybe my favorite truck? I get bummed on the small wheels, and they are not as ‘fun’ cruising around as an ace or something like that, but yeah, kind of their own thing. Closest truck imo would be a 5.2 venture lo
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on March 10, 2023, 08:16:16 AM
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Do Thunder 147s perform much differently than the wider, taller sizes. I have read that the 147s tend to feel a bit tighter than the wider sizes. I’m not necessarily looking for a tighter feeling truck but just curious how much different they are. I know that the standard 147 is lower than the wider sizes but being on forged 148 I don’t see the height being much different. Are these a completely different truck from what I’m used to or basically the same?

147s, and down, are different. They are shorter, and the difference is noticeable.
Ishod, Wade, Shane, Nyjah, etc, all on the 147s.
Imo the max wheel size is a 52.
They have less kp clearance than the larger sizes.
I have forged 148s, and they are significantly different, to me.
I am a fan. The pop is great. Maybe my favorite truck? I get bummed on the small wheels, and they are not as ‘fun’ cruising around as an ace or something like that, but yeah, kind of their own thing. Closest truck imo would be a 5.2 venture lo

Thanks for the info. Looks like I’m gonna stick with my 148s then. On a 8.125 my truck size could go either way but I’m happy with the overall turn and grind clearance with what I’m riding. I’m still open to hear other’s experiences because I know a few folks swear by the 147s though.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on March 10, 2023, 09:01:54 AM
Do Thunder 147s perform much differently than the wider, taller sizes. I have read that the 147s tend to feel a bit tighter than the wider sizes. I’m not necessarily looking for a tighter feeling truck but just curious how much different they are. I know that the standard 147 is lower than the wider sizes but being on forged 148 I don’t see the height being much different. Are these a completely different truck from what I’m used to or basically the same?

Going from forged 148 to team 147: Other than height(1mm), width(6mm) and kingpin clearance(2mm) it's the exact same truck and feels the same.
Those 2mm kingpin clearance are noticeably if you do a lot of smith grinds, but obviously it still works fine
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: modern life is war on March 10, 2023, 11:26:33 AM
What's the best thunder truck set up for skating strictly transition? I am currently skating Indy 149s but I want to buy an American made truck. Ventures apparently suck for transition and I think they are the only other American made option so I'm going to try out thunder.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on March 10, 2023, 11:42:31 AM
What's the best thunder truck set up for skating strictly transition? I am currently skating Indy 149s but I want to buy an American made truck. Ventures apparently suck for transition and I think they are the only other American made option so I'm going to try out thunder.

Only (parts of) the standards are made in USA as far as I know. So just the regular team edition, cheapest ones. Might wanna use 1/8" riser pads to get them to the indy height you're used to
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 10, 2023, 12:36:20 PM
What's the best thunder truck set up for skating strictly transition? I am currently skating Indy 149s but I want to buy an American made truck. Ventures apparently suck for transition and I think they are the only other American made option so I'm going to try out thunder.

Get ventures imo.
I mainly skate thunders and ventures, but I’m fairly nuts and will try anything and then bother people on here about it.
I like that thunder and venture are USA made (regular cast versions). I’ll continue to buy them when they are North America made.
I also really like the characteristics of the trucks.

For transitions: get some 5.8 highs, loose bushing kit, and/or bones bushings, flat top washer, and you’ll be good.
Imo thunders have a quick shallow turn. Some folks use them for halfpipes and that totally makes sense, but if I was trying to carve (I don’t) I’d get the venture HI’s and start tweaking them to be real loose.
The flat top washer means that the venture won’t bind, washer to hanger, as it does with the stock setup. In a way it’s a feature…
Hope that helps
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 10, 2023, 12:39:01 PM
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Do Thunder 147s perform much differently than the wider, taller sizes. I have read that the 147s tend to feel a bit tighter than the wider sizes. I’m not necessarily looking for a tighter feeling truck but just curious how much different they are. I know that the standard 147 is lower than the wider sizes but being on forged 148 I don’t see the height being much different. Are these a completely different truck from what I’m used to or basically the same?

Going from forged 148 to team 147: Other than height(1mm), width(6mm) and kingpin clearance(2mm) it's the exact same truck and feels the same.
Those 2mm kingpin clearance are noticeably if you do a lot of smith grinds, but obviously it still works fine

Hmmm. I guess I am that particular. 147s feel different, undoubtedly, to 148s, for me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on March 10, 2023, 12:41:04 PM
What's the best thunder truck set up for skating strictly transition? I am currently skating Indy 149s but I want to buy an American made truck. Ventures apparently suck for transition and I think they are the only other American made option so I'm going to try out thunder.

151 Teams work great in all kinds of transition. I haven't tried them but I bet the 161s are good also. Little higher so maybe a deeper turn.

As mentioned 1/8" risers really help a Thunder turn in bowls.

 I would not mess with Venture in bowls. The turn is too delayed, which is great for setting up flip tricks but not good for navigating a tight shallow end.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on March 10, 2023, 12:45:48 PM
What's the best thunder truck set up for skating strictly transition? I am currently skating Indy 149s but I want to buy an American made truck. Ventures apparently suck for transition and I think they are the only other American made option so I'm going to try out thunder.

I primarily skate transition on Thunder 149s and it's always worked well for me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on March 10, 2023, 12:52:28 PM
I think skating ventures loose-ish isn’t the worst transition truck either….it’s nice and stable, predictable.  Maybe not the best grind on some skatepark coping. 

Thunder is a good choice as well, gives you a bit of turn but then chills….

If you want to turn….Ace…no comparison
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sila on March 13, 2023, 06:12:36 AM
Any tips on making thunders less twitchy?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on March 13, 2023, 06:48:18 AM
Any tips on making thunders less twitchy?

Cylinder bottom bushing, firmer top bushing with a standard washer should do the trick.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fulfillthedream on March 13, 2023, 01:44:18 PM
i was about to order some ventures online then skated the next day - my thunders worked sooo well and i did some nice long krooked grinds and 5-0's so im pretty set on thunder4life haha
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on March 20, 2023, 07:16:08 AM
is there somewhere that lists the weights of the different trucks please?
is 367g accurate for 149 team?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on March 20, 2023, 12:23:37 PM
is there somewhere that lists the weights of the different trucks please?
is 367g accurate for 149 team?

I know that Tactics measurements can be off at times but I’ve noticed that their Thunder weight measurements are pretty close. Tactics has them around 363.5 grams.

Edited for grammar :D
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on March 20, 2023, 12:32:11 PM
is there somewhere that lists the weights of the different trucks please?
is 367g accurate for 149 team? ( has all the specs
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on March 22, 2023, 06:12:25 AM
close enough, this is perfect, between the 2 i can find all my answers. thanks guys.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FrenchSkater on March 23, 2023, 02:58:38 AM
I intend to switch to 148! I rode 8.00 with 5.25 Venture for a long time, and now for a month I have been riding 8.125 with these Ventures. However, I want to be a little lower and maybe (i say maybe) switch to 8.25 (More insurance to catch up)

I skate a lot a lot of flatground, a few banks and small gaps! I would also like to work on the manuals! Which do you think is better, the standard Thunder 148 or the 148 Lights ?

Note that I am small (5.7), I am 8.00 in shoe size!

And I wouldn't try the 147s in case someone offered them to me! I have ridden with them before, I found them too light and uncontrollable, and also a stiff feeling!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on March 23, 2023, 06:56:58 AM
I have decided my next set of trucks will be Thunder 149s or possibly 148s to replace my Indy 144 titaniums. (leaning toward 149 since its for 8.5" board)

I decided I like the thick cast baseplates better than the forged ones. I am just going to feel the difference of the weights between the hollow vs. non hollow hangars when I get to the skate shop and see what I like better. Probably just going to go with the heavier ones though. 

If the Guy Mariano version is available which is a hollow hanger id possibly cop that, alternatively if the Franky or Chris Athans are available, I would be swayed that way too which are standard hangars.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: chillclinton87 on March 24, 2023, 05:08:01 AM
I intend to switch to 148! I rode 8.00 with 5.25 Venture for a long time, and now for a month I have been riding 8.125 with these Ventures. However, I want to be a little lower and maybe (i say maybe) switch to 8.25 (More insurance to catch up)

I skate a lot a lot of flatground, a few banks and small gaps! I would also like to work on the manuals! Which do you think is better, the standard Thunder 148 or the 148 Lights ?

Note that I am small (5.7), I am 8.00 in shoe size!

And I wouldn't try the 147s in case someone offered them to me! I have ridden with them before, I found them too light and uncontrollable, and also a stiff feeling!

Alright, so i am your size and shoe size to start off.
I was on 8,125 board and 8 inch trucks/ thunder 147 teams (regular baseplate) for the last like 12 years, recently switched to 8.25 board and 148 team thunders. for me the change was that the 148s are like 2mm higher thatn the 147s. so you coming from a higher truck i would say get the Team Baseplate ones instead of the hollow/ forged ones. i always go with the regular ones/ thicker baseplate because less wheelbite!

i really liked the change to the 8,25 board and trucks since it was a small step up but brought me stabiltiy since the wheels are less inward than on the 8,125 boar/8 truck combo!

since i think of thunders as a light truck overall i did not feel my board being heavier, i also feel like them hollow shits feel flimsy sometimes, nbut that's just me, so take that as you will.....

hope that helps
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FrenchSkater on March 25, 2023, 01:44:54 AM
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I intend to switch to 148! I rode 8.00 with 5.25 Venture for a long time, and now for a month I have been riding 8.125 with these Ventures. However, I want to be a little lower and maybe (i say maybe) switch to 8.25 (More insurance to catch up)

I skate a lot a lot of flatground, a few banks and small gaps! I would also like to work on the manuals! Which do you think is better, the standard Thunder 148 or the 148 Lights ?

Note that I am small (5.7), I am 8.00 in shoe size!

And I wouldn't try the 147s in case someone offered them to me! I have ridden with them before, I found them too light and uncontrollable, and also a stiff feeling!

Alright, so i am your size and shoe size to start off.
I was on 8,125 board and 8 inch trucks/ thunder 147 teams (regular baseplate) for the last like 12 years, recently switched to 8.25 board and 148 team thunders. for me the change was that the 148s are like 2mm higher thatn the 147s. so you coming from a higher truck i would say get the Team Baseplate ones instead of the hollow/ forged ones. i always go with the regular ones/ thicker baseplate because less wheelbite!

i really liked the change to the 8,25 board and trucks since it was a small step up but brought me stabiltiy since the wheels are less inward than on the 8,125 boar/8 truck combo!

since i think of thunders as a light truck overall i did not feel my board being heavier, i also feel like them hollow shits feel flimsy sometimes, nbut that's just me, so take that as you will.....

hope that helps

Thank you for that answer ! Indeed this will be a change for me because I have never riding more than 139 trucks! But I would like to have a lot more stability and room to land on my board, especially since at the moment I moved to another city and I live 5 minutes from the skatepark, the weather is better, so I I will probably skate more often than usual (Before I had 40 minutes of roads and I skated once or twice a week), so I would like to try a lot of new things than flat (Manual in particular, ledge, Less scared to redo a few small gaps.. ..) !

And especially to be a little lower because I sometimes have trouble jumping with high ventures.. !

So I would go for the regular ones, I read a lot of reviews saying that for raw trucks, they are already very light and more responsive compared to other trucks !
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Threadz on March 30, 2023, 02:32:06 AM
I was just watching a Thunder Hollow Light truck review on YouTube and came across this comment:

"I’ve found the hollow axle is slower in comparison to the titanium axles. I believe the hollow allowed significant vibration, which in turn absorbed my momentum. That’s been my experience anyhow. I prefer the solid axle LIGHTS over the hollows."

It's been too long since I've skated solid axels myself, so I'm wondering if there's any merit to this? Or if anybody else has had a similar experience?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on March 30, 2023, 05:26:55 AM
I was just watching a Thunder Hollow Light truck review on YouTube and came across this comment:

"I’ve found the hollow axle is slower in comparison to the titanium axles. I believe the hollow allowed significant vibration, which in turn absorbed my momentum. That’s been my experience anyhow. I prefer the solid axle LIGHTS over the hollows."

It's been too long since I've skated solid axels myself, so I'm wondering if there's any merit to this? Or if anybody else has had a similar experience?

Heavier objects are harder to stop once they are in motion.

Idk about the hollow parts vibrating more and the effects on speed that would have.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Turtle Boy on March 30, 2023, 06:01:27 AM
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I was just watching a Thunder Hollow Light truck review on YouTube and came across this comment:

"I’ve found the hollow axle is slower in comparison to the titanium axles. I believe the hollow allowed significant vibration, which in turn absorbed my momentum. That’s been my experience anyhow. I prefer the solid axle LIGHTS over the hollows."

It's been too long since I've skated solid axels myself, so I'm wondering if there's any merit to this? Or if anybody else has had a similar experience?

Heavier objects are harder to stop once they are in motion.

Idk about the hollow parts vibrating more and the effects on speed that would have.

I think this is theoritically true, but in practice there are so many factors that have more impact on your momentum than the hollow parts. I'm pretty positive that having your phone or keys in your pockets, or what you had for lunch has a stronger impact on your skating than the difference of vibration in your axles.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on March 30, 2023, 11:00:04 AM
actually thought it through and i dont really see why i want 8.5" trucks when i already have 2 sets of 8.75" trucks. doesnt really make sense because all i can really ride is 8.5" and 8.6" on a 149 (i dont plan on getting any 8.6's and its also not a popular size) i have 2 sets of trucks for big boards already.

if i buy 148s instead, i can use 8.25", 8.38", and 8.5" boards , which are all pretty popular sizes right now. I like the way that 148s turn too, i think its pretty good in between of turny and tight. as much as i want to have a 149 truck to complete the set, it just doesnt seem practical. i think when my indy 159s are completely unskateable i might consider replacing them with 149s. then i can put my 8.75" board on 149s which seems like it would be pretty sick.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on March 30, 2023, 11:02:06 AM
actually thought it through and i dont really see why i want 8.5" trucks when i already have 2 sets of 8.75" trucks. doesnt really make sense because all i can really ride is 8.5" and 8.6" on a 149 (i dont plan on getting any 8.6's and its also not a popular size) i have 2 sets of trucks for big boards already.

if i buy 148s instead, i can use 8.25", 8.38", and 8.5" boards , which are all pretty popular sizes right now. I like the way that 148s turn too, i think its pretty good in between of turny and tight. as much as i want to have a 149 truck to complete the set, it just doesnt seem practical. i think when my indy 159s are completely unskateable i might consider replacing them with 149s. then i can put my 8.75" board on 149s which seems like it would be pretty sick.

I ride 149s on 8.3

plenty of people ride 149s on 8.25 too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on March 30, 2023, 11:11:40 AM
i am somewhat hot rod curious... maybe afraid to admit it though
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on March 30, 2023, 11:15:39 AM
i am somewhat hot rod curious... maybe afraid to admit it though

i dont even notice any axel poking out with 149s on 8.3/8.38

and only a negligible amount is noticeable on 8.25
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on March 30, 2023, 11:21:06 AM
yeah 1/8" on each side really isnt shit
and i say the same thing to ppl who are like oh i cant believe u magic carpet 8.5 down to 8.25" lol but it acutally lines up pretty damn close.

its a matter of how much i like the turning is what it comes down to. i have never rode a 149 truck so the turning radius will feel in between my 144 and 159 sizes i am used to
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on March 30, 2023, 11:29:49 AM
yeah 1/8" on each side really isnt shit
and i say the same thing to ppl who are like oh i cant believe u magic carpet 8.5 down to 8.25" lol but it acutally lines up pretty damn close.

its a matter of how much i like the turning is what it comes down to. i have never rode a 149 truck so the turning radius will feel in between my 144 and 159 sizes i am used to

Id say try the 149.

I've ridden all of the above and i feel like 149 just works the best in most situations.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LewFarrell on April 03, 2023, 10:57:21 AM
Just picked up some 149 Titanium Lights, the Tactics weights are pretty spot on. 312g on both.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on April 03, 2023, 11:05:02 AM
Just picked up some 149 Titanium Lights, the Tactics weights are pretty spot on. 312g on both.

Best trucks ever made in my opinion. Been (mostly) riding the 148s for 3 years now. Mostly skating metal coping and ledges but I believe this year I'm gonna hit axle. Hope you love them as much as I do
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 03, 2023, 11:56:10 AM
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yeah 1/8" on each side really isnt shit
and i say the same thing to ppl who are like oh i cant believe u magic carpet 8.5 down to 8.25" lol but it acutally lines up pretty damn close.

its a matter of how much i like the turning is what it comes down to. i have never rode a 149 truck so the turning radius will feel in between my 144 and 159 sizes i am used to

Id say try the 149.

I've ridden all of the above and i feel like 149 just works the best in most situations.

I'm the opposite, I've always defaulted to 148/144 and my experience on 149s wasn't very revolutionary or fruitful.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 04, 2023, 10:35:41 AM
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i am somewhat hot rod curious... maybe afraid to admit it though

i dont even notice any axel poking out with 149s on 8.3/8.38

and only a negligible amount is noticeable on 8.25

It’s really imperceptible unless you’re leaning over your board, looking at your axel nuts when you’re riding which is fucking ridiculous.

It really depends on what terrain you’re skating and the tricks that you do, but 149/148 will work just fine in the 8.25~8.5” deck range…imo, if you pop your tricks, truck size will not interfere with your flip trick leverage…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 04, 2023, 01:34:07 PM
You can pad stuff with washers too if you want. From the pro setup videos and Ben D's constant truck madness it seems most people that skate street prefer the narrower option now that it exists and think that there is a scooping and possibly lock in difference but it could just be wanting to see a difference even if it doesn't exist. Even Foy had some rationale in switching down from 151 to 149 on an 8.5. I can pop my 360 flips and most people that I know do and notice a difference between widths on the same size, but its small and you compensate quickly so it's not like you can do a trick on one and not the other or something mind blowing.

I don't see myself wanting to skate a true 8.5 ever so the decision is pretty easy. When I tried 149s I didn't feel more stable, didn't notice much on locking in, and in my mind got more wheelbite somehow. There is a local AM ripper that is sponsored by Thunder, skates transition/bowls on 8.75 and 149s with risers and a friend of mine is old man flow and skates 149 cuz he refuses to switch from the size he has ridden 10 years.

Just go with what roughly matches your desired deck range and don't worry about it you'll figure it out.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 04, 2023, 02:03:54 PM
Boards are commonly 1/8 of an inch wider than the respective truck, so you can size down your board accordingly.  I’m a nut job and even I do it and quite like a 8.125 on 148’s, an 8 would more or less functionally be fine but I’d see the nut and lose my mind…..

Generally speaking magic carpet is easier to roll your board over, hot rod is easier to snag those trucks on grinds….

It’s nuanced shit that there may be smaller mental and functional differences which can vary from person to person…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 04, 2023, 02:24:20 PM
If Bobby Worrest went from hot rodding 149s on an 8.125/8.18 to magic carpeting 5.2s on an 8.38, I think we will all be chill.

I never understood the wheels sticking out thing. I only see them when I turn deep, which is logical since the deck arcs upwards. It's not like I'd notice any more or less and I'm never looking down at my board in a way that I'd see axle nuts.

When my friend was riding 8.38-8.5s on 169s it was very obvious. I've seen Alexis skate in real life and he has the same thing and it is visibly much wider looking and they poke out a tad bit.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 04, 2023, 02:40:28 PM
Boards are commonly 1/8 of an inch wider than the respective truck, so you can size down your board accordingly.  I’m a nut job and even I do it and quite like a 8.125 on 148’s, an 8 would more or less functionally be fine but I’d see the nut and lose my mind…..

Generally speaking magic carpet is easier to roll your board over, hot rod is easier to snag those trucks on grinds….

It’s nuanced shit that there may be smaller mental and functional differences which can vary from person to person…

It's weird, I prefer trucks under board width, EXCEPT on 8.125s where I feel 148s are a better fit but I chalk that up to feeling squirrely on 8" trucks.

Where I really notice a difference is on lower trucks that are narrow vs wider (I prefer wider trucks if they are lower than 53/52mm)...there's something really weird/comfortable about low and wide...8.375 on 149 forged thunders/8.3 ML/149 forged mindys).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on April 04, 2023, 04:40:37 PM
I'm using 151s on a 8.5. Also have 58s and it slows down my flip tricks. Helps me not over rotate my kickflips.
They look cool and feel alright to me.
No risers either. Stock bushings at stock tightness.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 04, 2023, 05:56:56 PM
I’m general, I’m all for magic carpet. It’s been tough, with the wider trucks looking cooler…an example would be Worrest for sure, with the 149s on the 8.12
I’ve tried almost all of the 8.5 trucks over the last 10 years, and for me, I haven’t found a consistent advantage. Other than looks.
I skate slow as hell, and try and do some pretty basic flip tricks, so take that in.
Really, if the ratio is within a half inch, it’ll workout.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FrenchSkater on April 05, 2023, 12:08:08 AM
First session yesterday with my Thunder raws 148! The first time for me that I use wide trucks, I always rode with 139.. Very very strange the first minutes. The first second of the session I said to myself that it's not for me and that I wouldn't be able to skate well with these trucks, but in the end it was positive ! (I tell myself that a lot of short skaters like me, 5.7 or less, ride big sizes and manage to throw their tricks without difficulty)

The tricks are not more difficult, there is just a habit to take.. I m was expecting light trucks, but not really ! On the other hand nothing to say, Thunder always has its unique pop, very "fast", for the 360 ​​flip, it's great  :P ! However, knowing that I ride them on 8.125 and that the size of the trucks in relation to the board is really at the limit that the axles protrude, I think it's easier with an 8.25, where the board will be slightly (very slightly) larger than the trucks ..

To those who have tested both sizes with the 148, what do you think ?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on April 05, 2023, 07:10:19 AM
My friend got a new 8.5" setup with thunder 149 i am going to try and see if i like it. andrew allen hockey - 14.25" wb.

I have a feeling that I personally will end up on the 8.25" truck size though which is what im currently on with 8.5"board. I find 8" trucks super tic-tacky, no matter how loose i put them. 8.75" trucks feel really nice and turny, but it is a bit much sometimes. have to massively cross lock on a rail. when i got on 8.25" it felt really nice and precise but still turny enough.

I have noticed a lot of 8.38" boards have shorter wb than 8.5" boards, and i am finding that i dont really like 14.5" wb. i can skate it though, its the longest i want to go. i have 14.75" and def dont like it. there are 8.5" with 14wb but its way harder to find and i dont wanna be spending mad $ on boards. so anyway thats why i like 8.38" i cant really even tell difference width wise to a 8.5" but they are often much more tucked in.

i like the idea of magic carpeting a lot more than hot rodding - i think the magic carpet looks way better. leo romero and franky some of my favorite skaters.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 05, 2023, 07:10:26 AM
I rode 148 on both a BBS 8.125 and 8.25 and couldn't actually tell the difference and the measurement on both are almost identical except the 8.25 has a 1/16" longer nose and might be narrower but I couldn't tell.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on April 05, 2023, 07:24:12 AM
My friend got a new 8.5" setup with thunder 149 i am going to try and see if i like it. andrew allen hockey - 14.25" wb.

I have a feeling that I personally will end up on the 8.25" truck size though which is what im currently on with 8.5"board. I find 8" trucks super tic-tacky, no matter how loose i put them. 8.75" trucks feel really nice and turny, but it is a bit much sometimes. have to massively cross lock on a rail. when i got on 8.25" it felt really nice and precise but still turny enough.

I have noticed a lot of 8.38" boards have shorter wb than 8.5" boards, and i am finding that i dont really like 14.5" wb. i can skate it though, its the longest i want to go. i have 14.75" and def dont like it. there are 8.5" with 14wb but its way harder to find and i dont wanna be spending mad $ on boards. so anyway thats why i like 8.38" i cant really even tell difference width wise to a 8.5" but they are often much more tucked in.

i like the idea of magic carpeting a lot more than hot rodding - i think the magic carpet looks way better. leo romero and franky some of my favorite skaters.

I could ride either,
I was riding venture low 5.0 on a 7.75 looked a bit weird but skated alright as well.
I could 5050 on narrow trucks better but flip better on monster truck. I do have a hate for 8.25 trucks though. Whether its venture 5.6, indy 144, thunder 148.

I think because those sizes are fairly new it feels weird seeing a 8.25 board not magic carpeting or monster trucking.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: notinternetfamous on April 05, 2023, 08:00:10 AM
To those who have tested both sizes with the 148, what do you think ?
I've ridden 148's on sizes 8.0, 8.125, 8.18, 8.25 with no issues at all. you can make micro adjustments by making the wheels tuck in more if you remove inner washers, etc. if it's really bugging you.

I really like the 147's personally if I were still running Thunders
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sila on April 05, 2023, 08:17:19 AM
It's all about 147 with extra washers for me
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: notinternetfamous on April 05, 2023, 09:09:44 AM
It's all about 147 with extra washers for me
agreed and if you want more height, deluxe has those wooden risers
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 05, 2023, 09:33:54 AM
A 147 with risers and tons to washers is just a 148
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 05, 2023, 12:14:17 PM
A 147 with risers and tons to washers is just a 148

I mean sure. But a 148 cannot be a 147.
I really notice the height difference, and significantly prefer my skating on 147s
148s can easily run a taller wheel, quite a bit more in my experience. I think I had some 56s, in a hot rod situation, on 148s and didn’t get smoked. Which compared to 147s…53 is just me falling down all day
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Crabby_Bastard on April 05, 2023, 10:11:38 PM
A 147 with risers and tons to washers is just a 148

Not at all. 147 and 148 trucks feel/turn differently. I was all about the 147s with extra washers and risers until they made the 148s.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 05, 2023, 10:13:45 PM
How differently do they turn?  Which had more wheelbite…..let’s say while skating an 8.125?  Looser trucks?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 05, 2023, 11:16:13 PM
How differently do they turn?  Which had more wheelbite…..let’s say while skating an 8.125?  Looser trucks?

147s wheelbite more, they are noticeably lower. I like them more, or I like the pop more, but 148s have better kingpin clearance, and less wheelbite prone.
147s are similar to venture lows.
Both good.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 06, 2023, 06:53:39 AM
How would they turn differently? The pivot and kingpin angle are the same. I didn't notice a turn difference when moving up just the WB/height difference really.

I mostly meant the effective dimensions although I'm now second guessing the WB extension.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on April 06, 2023, 08:03:56 AM
because when you go wider you have a wider turning radius
i see what you mean though whne you push out the wheels with washers it is effectively doing the same thing. you also have less meat on the trucks though so grinds would feel a little more tight . and thunders scale the height as well with the width as you know
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 06, 2023, 01:48:55 PM
Yah I didn’t know so I thought I’d ask….I figured maybe tighter turning radius, more twitchy?  Liked the comparison to venture lo’s, hadn’t thought of it.

I guess people skate the 147’s with washers as it’s that much lower….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: brownjenkin on April 06, 2023, 02:48:01 PM
Yah I didn’t know so I thought I’d ask….I figured maybe tighter turning radius, more twitchy?  Liked the comparison to venture lo’s, hadn’t thought of it.

I guess people skate the 147’s with washers as it’s that much lower….

Ben Degros has a nice breakdown of the Thunder 147 vs. Venture Lo 5.2 on his channel that is worth a watch.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 06, 2023, 04:49:58 PM
of course he does!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 06, 2023, 05:20:05 PM
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Yah I didn’t know so I thought I’d ask….I figured maybe tighter turning radius, more twitchy?  Liked the comparison to venture lo’s, hadn’t thought of it.

I guess people skate the 147’s with washers as it’s that much lower….

Ben Degros has a nice breakdown of the Thunder 147 vs. Venture Lo 5.2 on his channel that is worth a watch.

What was his takeaway?

If I was recommending a truck to the masses, 148s: higher, more turn, still good pop.

147s…you gotta kinda be into ‘that’, which is low, maybe 52s/smaller, more twitch. To me, 147s are the classic thunder feel.
I would be very remiss if I did not point out that I am influenced by Wade, Ishod, old MJ footage, rare Gino clips… not my favorites, but I think Shane, Nyjah are on 147s as well. Some hitters.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: runespliffberg on April 06, 2023, 11:24:34 PM
After skating Indy’s for a decade, I decided to see what else is out there. Tried ace for a year, now I’ve been on Thunders for the last year. I’ve been through 2 sets: hollow lights 148’s with the forged plates and now cast regular ass ones for the added height. I take out the bottom washer since I like them loose, stock bushings, and they turn just as well as indy (forged), the regular ones and ace turn deeper because of the added height. Thunders do excel with most grinds, I can sit on them in crooks/feebles/smiths and just go. Yeah the baseplate thing drove me mad at first, but skating these made me learn tailslides way more proper. I used to get wheelbite like a mf, but I got used to the height and can still make sharp turns/swerve without having to tic-tac 95% of the time. Overall thunders are probably my second favorite truck. I liked ace but I fell out of long grinds too often so they’re third on my list. Different strokes for different folks, but I am enjoying Thunders way more than I did when I was younger. I’ll be back to indy forged once these are at their limit though.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ImmanuelCunt on April 07, 2023, 01:34:20 AM
because when you go wider you have a wider turning radius
i see what you mean though whne you push out the wheels with washers it is effectively doing the same thing. you also have less meat on the trucks though so grinds would feel a little more tight . and thunders scale the height as well with the width as you know

I think the major difference is the pivot nub thing is longer on >=148 trucks. The bigger trucks also seem to have a bit more meat on the "wings" which makes sens i guess.
Bushings, kingpin and baseplate seem to be the same. Could this lead to a different angle of the trucks with the same bushing height but a short pivot nub?
Intuitively I feel like it could extend the wheelbase marginally, since the 147 should be "tilted" a bit towards the nose and tail? This is purely speculative but I guess this is what this place is meant for^^

Here are some comparison photos of 149 and 147 hangers.
These are both used trucks but I guess one does still get the general idea and they are ground kinda equally. The 147 is from 2015 (they still had the yellow bushings). The 149 are from around ~2019 i would guess (blue bushings). Were there any changes in the thunder geometry in the last 10-15 years except for the kingpins when they had supply chain issues because of covid? The baseplate got the hexnut recess but otherwise stayed the same?

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on April 07, 2023, 04:16:49 AM
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because when you go wider you have a wider turning radius
i see what you mean though whne you push out the wheels with washers it is effectively doing the same thing. you also have less meat on the trucks though so grinds would feel a little more tight . and thunders scale the height as well with the width as you know

I think the major difference is the pivot nub thing is longer on >=148 trucks. The bigger trucks also seem to have a bit more meat on the "wings" which makes sens i guess.
Bushings, kingpin and baseplate seem to be the same. Could this lead to a different angle of the trucks with the same bushing height but a short pivot nub?
Intuitively I feel like it could extend the wheelbase marginally, since the 147 should be "tilted" a bit towards the nose and tail? This is purely speculative but I guess this is what this place is meant for^^

Here are some comparison photos of 149 and 147 hangers.
These are both used trucks but I guess one does still get the general idea and they are ground kinda equally. The 147 is from 2015 (they still had the yellow bushings). The 149 are from around ~2019 i would guess (blue bushings). Were there any changes in the thunder geometry in the last 10-15 years except for the kingpins when they had supply chain issues because of covid? The baseplate got the hexnut recess but otherwise stayed the same?

Good pics!

I recall someone talking about the way the trucks go up in height, saying that as you said, the baseplate, bushings and everything else besides the hanger are still the same for all, then just the height of the hanger in the upper part of the wider trucks from 148+ being taller than 147s.

This allows the same geometry with the same bushings and everything else, just a bit more kingpin clearance and a bit more overall height.  The wheelbase is more or less the same, although as you said it could be pointed out that the angle is not vertical but if you check, I think it is where the axle is positioned in the taller versions which keeps it the same.

Apart from that, as others said the wider you go the more the turn will change, but as to wheelbite, the wider board will usually have more concave up into the edges which will offset that to some degree.

I was messing around with 149, 151 and 161s the other day on the same board, which was almost too tippy on the 149s, then pretty good on the 151s and a little too wide spread on the 161s for the size that it was - 8.75 DLX standard shape - but I could see how all three versions would work for different people.

Yet to see the really wide 181 trucks that came out to go with the Zip Zoggers 10" decks, but I don't think I am missing out at all there.

On some of the smaller boards I have set up for kids or others to use, the 147s feel quite low and small by comparison, as I am way more used to taller wider trucks on most setups nowdays, but they still worked fine on the 8 to 8.25 boards with various wheels, usually with risers and looser trucks to help the light weight bodies turn more easily as well.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: brownjenkin on April 07, 2023, 08:56:04 AM
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Yah I didn’t know so I thought I’d ask….I figured maybe tighter turning radius, more twitchy?  Liked the comparison to venture lo’s, hadn’t thought of it.

I guess people skate the 147’s with washers as it’s that much lower….

Ben Degros has a nice breakdown of the Thunder 147 vs. Venture Lo 5.2 on his channel that is worth a watch.

What was his takeaway?

If I was recommending a truck to the masses, 148s: higher, more turn, still good pop.

147s…you gotta kinda be into ‘that’, which is low, maybe 52s/smaller, more twitch. To me, 147s are the classic thunder feel.
I would be very remiss if I did not point out that I am influenced by Wade, Ishod, old MJ footage, rare Gino clips… not my favorites, but I think Shane, Nyjah are on 147s as well. Some hitters.

Ben's thoughts in the video:

Venture Lo 5.2:
-great pinch
-decent for manuals
-turn not as bad as is often stated
-"tinny and hard" grind
-was able to ride them relatively loose

Thunder 147:
-excellent for manuals
-had to ride them tighter than the Ventures
-better pop than the Ventures once he got used to them
-good pinch, but Ventures better
-good on transition

Both have shit KP clearance but wasn't an issue once the nuts get ground down.

Verdict: Thunder. But he loved the Ventures as well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FrenchSkater on April 07, 2023, 05:03:17 PM
Little question about the Thunder 148 raws, this is my third session with them, but, i come from the Ventures 5.2 high (on 8.125), and I have a feeling of "rigidity", there is not the soft cushioning that I have with the Ventures .. is normal ? Maybe you should wait for the bushings to soften a little... or for me to loosen them even more.

I have the impression that high trucks above 52 mm are perhaps better for cushioning and shock protection (For the back, knees ..)! Maybe I'm wrong ..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 09, 2023, 01:21:21 PM
Three sessions (how long were they? an hour/2 hour each?) on a new truck vs how many sessions on your old ones?

Give the thunders some time to break in. What color are your thunder bushings? Clear/translucent are stiff out of the bag than the white stock bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 09, 2023, 02:01:35 PM
Another simple thing too is that I've noticed over the past year that Thunders come with the kinpin nut tightened to pretty random levels. Most wouldn't consider Ventures or Venture bushings to feel "soft", so I wonder if yours were also tightened more from the factory?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 09, 2023, 03:19:30 PM
I’ve had a fairly different experience, in that with thunders, I don’t have any break-in time. First day is fine.
Maybe that means they are my truck?

The irony of finding the setup, when I am waaaaay past my pull date
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 09, 2023, 04:25:22 PM
From what I remember the stock bushings overall aren't bad, they just firm up a bit and eventually break down.

Venture hi have more space before wheel bite for sure though. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 09, 2023, 05:27:15 PM
I have no Thunder bushing break in time either.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on April 09, 2023, 06:38:55 PM
I have no Thunder bushing break in time either.
neither do I
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fulfillthedream on April 09, 2023, 08:27:53 PM
A 147 with risers and tons to washers is just a 148

ha i got a new cruiser, 8.25 and had some 147s lying around - i did this and they work so well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 10, 2023, 05:23:23 PM
Regarding Thunder bushings and break-in period: I can definitely enjoy riding them day one. I have noticed that they firm up quite a bit after the first 20 minutes or so and after a few sessions soften back up with a nice responsiveness. But to me they seem to get even better about a month later when they have that mash into the turn feeling and bounce back to center after the carve.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on April 10, 2023, 09:46:45 PM
Regarding Thunder bushings and break-in period: I can definitely enjoy riding them day one. I have noticed that they firm up quite a bit after the first 20 minutes or so and after a few sessions soften back up with a nice responsiveness. But to me they seem to get even better about a month later when they have that mash into the turn feeling and bounce back to center after the carve.

I have always said Thunders have the best stock bushings. Never switched em out and last me forever.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 10, 2023, 10:39:08 PM
Not everyone is crazy about this idea but I liked putting riptide pivots in…..the Indy/ Bennett ones fit fine….

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: YeoWhattup on April 21, 2023, 09:35:02 PM
Ace low bushings in 151s with 1/8 riser pads and 56mm conicals have got to be my new favorite combo
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbacon on April 21, 2023, 10:10:46 PM
did they move manufacturing back to the states? i thought i saw some random post of a truck that had a "made in the usa" tag on it
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Crabby_Bastard on April 22, 2023, 02:03:29 AM
did they move manufacturing back to the states? i thought i saw some random post of a truck that had a "made in the usa" tag on it

They have always poured the hangers and cast base plates in SF.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 22, 2023, 06:05:33 AM
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did they move manufacturing back to the states? i thought i saw some random post of a truck that had a "made in the usa" tag on it

They have always poured the hangers and cast base plates in SF.

With the made in the USA sticker they may be old stock, or an old photo. Though all cast models are poured in the USA the materials are sourced elsewhere including the bushings and hardware, making them not enough to still be labeled as USA made. Also there are rumors of Thunder and Venture moving production to Mexico.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 22, 2023, 06:56:24 AM
I find it interesting that the Thunder thread gets the least attention of any truck thread on here. Are they just that vanilla? So lackluster that they don't deserve accolades? Or so solid that there's not much to discuss?

Every time I try to move away from mine I come back. At this point the lack of baseplate slide can be a bit annoying if the side of a ledge isn't waxed and I've bent 2 axles, and my pop isn't the highest, but that's small details compare to everything else just working really well on em.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 22, 2023, 07:17:46 AM
I find it interesting that the Thunder thread gets the least attention of any truck thread on here. Are they just that vanilla? So lackluster that they don't deserve accolades? Or so solid that there's not much to discuss?

Every time I try to move away from mine I come back. At this point the lack of baseplate slide can be a bit annoying if the side of a ledge isn't waxed and I've bent 2 axles, and my pop isn't the highest, but that's small details compare to everything else just working really well on em.

I go back and forth with a lot of gear, and skate infrequently. And I’m bad. So it doesn’t matter what I use, really. But 147s (and 5.2 lo’s), are going to result with the most tricks landed, for me.
If I was going to recommend a truck I thought would works for most people, the 148s would be that.
No break in time. I’ve not had a qc problem with thunders in the 2000s.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 22, 2023, 07:18:33 AM
marketing and hype is my only explanation......and I think how people skate has changed where they don't necessarily value a lower lighter truck.  anyone that skates thunders, I never try and talk them out of skating them, I think they are great trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: YeoWhattup on April 22, 2023, 07:24:50 AM
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did they move manufacturing back to the states? i thought i saw some random post of a truck that had a "made in the usa" tag on it

They have always poured the hangers and cast base plates in SF.

With the made in the USA sticker they may be old stock, or an old photo. Though all cast models are poured in the USA the materials are sourced elsewhere including the bushings and hardware, making them not enough to still be labeled as USA made. Also there are rumors of Thunder and Venture moving production to Mexico.

Saw some thunders at my local that said made in Mexico on the sticker. Heard the same about spitfire
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 22, 2023, 07:25:13 AM

Thunders aren’t great with gigantic wheels, not slaloming, and maybe bowls aren’t the best, I wouldn’t know.

But for landing trick…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 22, 2023, 08:22:12 AM
Cody Lockwood does great on transition with larger wheels and no risers on Thunders
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 22, 2023, 08:43:01 AM
Cody Lockwood does great on transition with larger wheels and no risers on Thunders

Yeah, but

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: brownjenkin on April 22, 2023, 10:40:14 AM
I find it interesting that the Thunder thread gets the least attention of any truck thread on here. Are they just that vanilla? So lackluster that they don't deserve accolades? Or so solid that there's not much to discuss?

Every time I try to move away from mine I come back. At this point the lack of baseplate slide can be a bit annoying if the side of a ledge isn't waxed and I've bent 2 axles, and my pop isn't the highest, but that's small details compare to everything else just working really well on em.

They might have the most enduring good reputation of all the truck brands among skaters. I think very few people would be bummed to ride for Thunder based on both image and performance.  Aside from the occasional complaints of wheelbite and the baseplate "issue", they're really well loved.

I've tried 147s a couple of times and I just haven't been able to get them to feel right. I'm one of the wheelbite and baseplate issue babies. I'm really tempted to give 148s a go though.

I think they're the best looking truck. I got stoked looking at my setup with them on.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 22, 2023, 04:05:50 PM
I find it interesting that the Thunder thread gets the least attention of any truck thread on here. Are they just that vanilla? So lackluster that they don't deserve accolades? Or so solid that there's not much to discuss?

Every time I try to move away from mine I come back. At this point the lack of baseplate slide can be a bit annoying if the side of a ledge isn't waxed and I've bent 2 axles, and my pop isn't the highest, but that's small details compare to everything else just working really well on em.

It could be that Thunder seems to be the least modified truck of all the mainstays. Meaning less people feel the need to fuck with them a bunch, sometimes the Indy thread can be a bit dizzying because of all swapping of this and that. And I’m not talking shit by the way I’m down for all the nerding out, but at least for me Thunder just works and I can keep it simple.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on April 22, 2023, 04:16:38 PM
Yeah I feel like once you figure out/accept the potential wheelbite situation, they are the most well rounded truck. They turn really well imo, are light, clean design, come in a range of sizes and options, work great with risers also. I am also in the camp of the baseplate “issue” actually being advantageous, I hope they don’t change it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on April 22, 2023, 04:27:15 PM
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did they move manufacturing back to the states? i thought i saw some random post of a truck that had a "made in the usa" tag on it

They have always poured the hangers and cast base plates in SF.

With the made in the USA sticker they may be old stock, or an old photo. Though all cast models are poured in the USA the materials are sourced elsewhere including the bushings and hardware, making them not enough to still be labeled as USA made. Also there are rumors of Thunder and Venture moving production to Mexico.

Saw some thunders at my local that said made in Mexico on the sticker. Heard the same about spitfire

Yes DLX has moved production to Mexico for pretty much everything now.

Spitfire wheels have been made there for a few years, trucks more recently, from other info on here.

Apart from a few minor quality control issues in the last few years with some products, I think everything is ok, no problems, etc, so all good there.

I guess it is just one of those things, Ace always being made in China, Indy moved to China a number of years ago now, Thunder and Venture were the last from Ermico in SF, now to Mexico.  Other truck brands being made in China from the start, or moving production there well over two decades ago.

Heard some people making a fuss of where things are made, but not a worry to me.  Everyone has an opinion and that is ok too.

As to Thunder in particular, I skated them for years, no issues.  I just added a riser, usually thin rubber cut out DIY type thing for the most part and they skated great.  Still have a few boards set up with various size Thunders and have no issues with them either.

Maybe the only thing I would like to see from Thunder are the low top bushings, like the Venture "loose truck" kit that came out not so long ago.  There is definitely a market for that low top with the conical shaped bottom bushings, both for lighter weight / smaller skaters and for people who either want loose trucks, or to tighten them down and have more kingpin clearance after angle grinding off the top of the kingpin, as per most of my own personal setups.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 22, 2023, 06:32:44 PM
Maybe that’s why they haven’t dropped the IKP….transitioning factories….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sedition on April 23, 2023, 02:30:57 AM
I am also in the camp of the baseplate “issue” actually being advantageous...

Bold statement. What "advantage" does the design of Thunder baseplates provide?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on April 23, 2023, 03:26:23 AM
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I am also in the camp of the baseplate “issue” actually being advantageous...

Bold statement. What "advantage" does the design of Thunder baseplates provide?

Well I suppose as it is with most things it’s just what you are used to, but I think my nose and tail slides feel more “locked in” on thunders and stabler if that makes any sense. Also when I skate ventures or ace and am hitting a chunky ledge I find the baseplate can kind of dig in and make for a stuttered slide sometimes. Then again, it’s probably just my rubbish technique.

The one thing I have noticed however, is you have to get into them nice and square, and sometimes particularly with front noses I tend to get thrown off cause I’ve over rotated and the wheels catch. Again technique, but I do find ventures have more margin for error in this way.

All this is to say I prefer thunders probably because that’s the truck I learnt these tricks on and can do them the most consistently with.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: El Freegano on April 23, 2023, 03:27:23 AM
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I am also in the camp of the baseplate “issue” actually being advantageous...

Bold statement. What "advantage" does the design of Thunder baseplates provide?
I have noticed that i slide easier with thunders on really crusty ledges, coz with other trucks sometimes the baseplate kind of get caught beacuse of the cracks. But on smooth ledges and metal i prefer the baseplate slide, coz i can hold it longer.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: brownjenkin on April 23, 2023, 09:27:05 AM
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I am also in the camp of the baseplate “issue” actually being advantageous...

Bold statement. What "advantage" does the design of Thunder baseplates provide?

Well I suppose as it is with most things it’s just what you are used to, but I think my nose and tail slides feel more “locked in” on thunders and stabler if that makes any sense. Also when I skate ventures or ace and am hitting a chunky ledge I find the baseplate can kind of dig in and make for a stuttered slide sometimes. Then again, it’s probably just my rubbish technique.

The one thing I have noticed however, is you have to get into them nice and square, and sometimes particularly with front noses I tend to get thrown off cause I’ve over rotated and the wheels catch. Again technique, but I do find ventures have more margin for error in this way.

All this is to say I prefer thunders probably because that’s the truck I learnt these tricks on and can do them the most consistently with.

Interesting. This makes sense. If you have two points of contact spread apart on the ledge as opposed to a single one in the middle, you do have a wider base of support as you slide.

Definitely hear you about having to get into slides square with Thunders. Riding Indys, I can get in at a sharper angle and have the slide click into place. Especially with 139s on 8.25.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on April 23, 2023, 09:36:19 AM
I slide longer on thunders and I learned to shuv out on them too for back tails. I basically realized you have to almost try to get that screech and power slide and it works perfectly.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sedition on April 23, 2023, 09:51:49 AM
...If you have two points of contact spread apart on the ledge as opposed to a single one in the middle, you do have a wider base of support as you slide.

And also what makes you stick unless using crazy amounts of wax. :)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: brownjenkin on April 23, 2023, 10:04:43 AM
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...If you have two points of contact spread apart on the ledge as opposed to a single one in the middle, you do have a wider base of support as you slide.

And also what makes you stick unless using crazy amounts of wax. :)

Which was exactly the case for me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 23, 2023, 10:25:35 AM
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...If you have two points of contact spread apart on the ledge as opposed to a single one in the middle, you do have a wider base of support as you slide.

And also what makes you stick unless using crazy amounts of wax. :)

I don't use crazy amounts of wax just lean back into the slide more.

The advantage of the baseplate is maybe that it just facilitates the geometry. They have a more slack kingpin angle so that's why the front of the plate towards the middle is longer. If you extended the rear you'd have a massively long plate.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on April 23, 2023, 03:58:31 PM
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...If you have two points of contact spread apart on the ledge as opposed to a single one in the middle, you do have a wider base of support as you slide.

And also what makes you stick unless using crazy amounts of wax. :)

I don't use crazy amounts of wax just lean back into the slide more.

The advantage of the baseplate is maybe that it just facilitates the geometry. They have a more slack kingpin angle so that's why the front of the plate towards the middle is longer. If you extended the rear you'd have a massively long plate.

Yeah I don’t find I need more wax either, just got to put more weight into it.

Yes, the thunder baseplate is nice because the mounting holes are offset equally on the top and bottom of plate making it symmetrical, and smaller. I appreciate the elegance of the design in that regard.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: lamfordie on April 23, 2023, 06:36:16 PM
Tom Asta truck madness
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: brownjenkin on April 23, 2023, 08:00:29 PM
Tom Asta truck madness

Haha yes. I came here to post this.

I do the same thing with putting old bushings into new trucks in the same orientation and I screw the nuts on the kingpin flat side facing in.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on April 23, 2023, 08:26:40 PM
I'm back on Thunders after a few years on Ace AF-1. I liked em but my flip tricks got worse on Ace. I don't really skate bowls but the turning and carving were great. I didn't really see the benefits of Ace really working for the type of skating I'm doing now, so I decided to get back on Thunders. I had the best flat when I skated them and now that I'm older I think the quicker pop will be better for me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 23, 2023, 09:18:54 PM
I'm back on Thunders after a few years on Ace AF-1. I liked em but my flip tricks got worse on Ace. I don't really skate bowls but the turning and carving were great. I didn't really see the benefits of Ace really working for the type of skating I'm doing now, so I decided to get back on Thunders. I had the best flat when I skated them and now that I'm older I think the quicker pop will be better for me.

I feel very similarly. I don’t tend to stick to one setup for long, had some pretty insane madness over the last 10 years and own a lot of trucks. Af1s are fun. If I’m just chasing a toddler around, or they want to ride more board, it’s a good one to grab.
But if I’m trying to hang onto my 5 ish flip tricks, probably gonna be on thunders (and 5.2 lo ventures).
The ease of pop is so nice.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sedition on April 23, 2023, 11:16:14 PM
I am fairly certain I already know the answer to this, but want to confirm with hardcore Thunder nerds. Assume the two following trucks:

-148 Lights / forged / 51mm
-149 Team Hollows / cast / 52mm

Are these hangers/baseplates interchangeable? Which is to say that you could also turn the 148 into a 52mm “team/cast” truck, and the 149 into a 51mm “forged” truck?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: swellbowed on April 24, 2023, 12:07:45 AM
I am fairly certain I already know the answer to this, but want to confirm with hardcore Thunder nerds. Assume the two following trucks:

-148 Lights / forged / 51mm
-149 Team Hollows / cast / 52mm

Are these hangers/baseplates interchangeable? Which is to say that you could also turn the 148 into a 52mm “team/cast” truck, and the 149 into a 51mm “forged” truck?
Confirmed ~ Thunder Hangers/Baseplates are all interchangeable, regardless of hanger size
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 24, 2023, 06:50:59 AM
I am fairly certain I already know the answer to this, but want to confirm with hardcore Thunder nerds. Assume the two following trucks:

-148 Lights / forged / 51mm
-149 Team Hollows / cast / 52mm

Are these hangers/baseplates interchangeable? Which is to say that you could also turn the 148 into a 52mm “team/cast” truck, and the 149 into a 51mm “forged” truck?

Yes I've changed em they are fine. Only weird hangers are 147 and below and I thiiiink 161s
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FrenchSkater on April 24, 2023, 07:07:03 AM
I'm back on Thunders after a few years on Ace AF-1. I liked em but my flip tricks got worse on Ace. I don't really skate bowls but the turning and carving were great. I didn't really see the benefits of Ace really working for the type of skating I'm doing now, so I decided to get back on Thunders. I had the best flat when I skated them and now that I'm older I think the quicker pop will be better for me.

Are you back on 147 or 148 ?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Sedition on April 24, 2023, 08:13:02 AM
Thank for the confirmation @Lebowski and @swellbowed
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 24, 2023, 12:21:49 PM
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Tom Asta truck madness

Haha yes. I came here to post this.

I do the same thing with putting old bushings into new trucks in the same orientation and I screw the nuts on the kingpin flat side facing in.

Everyone here about to adjust their kingpin right now.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on April 24, 2023, 01:51:37 PM
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I'm back on Thunders after a few years on Ace AF-1. I liked em but my flip tricks got worse on Ace. I don't really skate bowls but the turning and carving were great. I didn't really see the benefits of Ace really working for the type of skating I'm doing now, so I decided to get back on Thunders. I had the best flat when I skated them and now that I'm older I think the quicker pop will be better for me.

I feel very similarly. I don’t tend to stick to one setup for long, had some pretty insane madness over the last 10 years and own a lot of trucks. Af1s are fun. If I’m just chasing a toddler around, or they want to ride more board, it’s a good one to grab.
But if I’m trying to hang onto my 5 ish flip tricks, probably gonna be on thunders (and 5.2 lo ventures).
The ease of pop is so nice.

+1, but for me it's not really flip tricks that's a struggle, it's mostly grinds. I love my aces, but I seem to have a hard time locking in crooked grinds and to a lesser extent feebles. Whenever I get into a crooked grind that's the least bit long, I lock out and get into noseslide. I don't have that problem on Thunders, and I feel like while Aces are really fun to skate, I skate much more consistently on Thunders.

Bummer, since I just bought some Hollow AF1 55s and set them up for two sessions before hopping back on Thunders. Only thing with thunders is that I have a hard time getting them loose enough with the stock bushings, and I have no knowledge of bushings in general so I don't want to buy bushings that don't fit. I had some white bushings on an old set of team hollows (don't have them anymore...) and they felt better than the clear blue ones I have on my current standard 149s. My local shop just received some White 90a thunder bushings, might go buy them and see if they're any better.

Otherwise, does anyone have a recommendation on how to get them looser without fucking up the geometry? I know I could just remove the bottom/top washer, but bottom would mess up the geometry (idk if that's a big deal or not, but I don't want to mess anything up either) and removing the top washer would probably mess up the top bushing, I guess.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 24, 2023, 02:45:26 PM
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I'm back on Thunders after a few years on Ace AF-1. I liked em but my flip tricks got worse on Ace. I don't really skate bowls but the turning and carving were great. I didn't really see the benefits of Ace really working for the type of skating I'm doing now, so I decided to get back on Thunders. I had the best flat when I skated them and now that I'm older I think the quicker pop will be better for me.

I feel very similarly. I don’t tend to stick to one setup for long, had some pretty insane madness over the last 10 years and own a lot of trucks. Af1s are fun. If I’m just chasing a toddler around, or they want to ride more board, it’s a good one to grab.
But if I’m trying to hang onto my 5 ish flip tricks, probably gonna be on thunders (and 5.2 lo ventures).
The ease of pop is so nice.

+1, but for me it's not really flip tricks that's a struggle, it's mostly grinds. I love my aces, but I seem to have a hard time locking in crooked grinds and to a lesser extent feebles. Whenever I get into a crooked grind that's the least bit long, I lock out and get into noseslide. I don't have that problem on Thunders, and I feel like while Aces are really fun to skate, I skate much more consistently on Thunders.

Bummer, since I just bought some Hollow AF1 55s and set them up for two sessions before hopping back on Thunders. Only thing with thunders is that I have a hard time getting them loose enough with the stock bushings, and I have no knowledge of bushings in general so I don't want to buy bushings that don't fit. I had some white bushings on an old set of team hollows (don't have them anymore...) and they felt better than the clear blue ones I have on my current standard 149s. My local shop just received some White 90a thunder bushings, might go buy them and see if they're any better.

Otherwise, does anyone have a recommendation on how to get them looser without fucking up the geometry? I know I could just remove the bottom/top washer, but bottom would mess up the geometry (idk if that's a big deal or not, but I don't want to mess anything up either) and removing the top washer would probably mess up the top bushing, I guess.

@Xen is the bushing dude. He’ll get you sorted out.

I do not fuck with bushings, I just rode what’s there. Bones (hards only imo) work in thunders.
I also liked the white bushings, most seem to hate.

I’ve bought a lot of shit, to realize I don’t like it. That’s cool too, in its own way
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 24, 2023, 03:14:00 PM
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I'm back on Thunders after a few years on Ace AF-1. I liked em but my flip tricks got worse on Ace. I don't really skate bowls but the turning and carving were great. I didn't really see the benefits of Ace really working for the type of skating I'm doing now, so I decided to get back on Thunders. I had the best flat when I skated them and now that I'm older I think the quicker pop will be better for me.

I feel very similarly. I don’t tend to stick to one setup for long, had some pretty insane madness over the last 10 years and own a lot of trucks. Af1s are fun. If I’m just chasing a toddler around, or they want to ride more board, it’s a good one to grab.
But if I’m trying to hang onto my 5 ish flip tricks, probably gonna be on thunders (and 5.2 lo ventures).
The ease of pop is so nice.

+1, but for me it's not really flip tricks that's a struggle, it's mostly grinds. I love my aces, but I seem to have a hard time locking in crooked grinds and to a lesser extent feebles. Whenever I get into a crooked grind that's the least bit long, I lock out and get into noseslide. I don't have that problem on Thunders, and I feel like while Aces are really fun to skate, I skate much more consistently on Thunders.

Bummer, since I just bought some Hollow AF1 55s and set them up for two sessions before hopping back on Thunders. Only thing with thunders is that I have a hard time getting them loose enough with the stock bushings, and I have no knowledge of bushings in general so I don't want to buy bushings that don't fit. I had some white bushings on an old set of team hollows (don't have them anymore...) and they felt better than the clear blue ones I have on my current standard 149s. My local shop just received some White 90a thunder bushings, might go buy them and see if they're any better.

Otherwise, does anyone have a recommendation on how to get them looser without fucking up the geometry? I know I could just remove the bottom/top washer, but bottom would mess up the geometry (idk if that's a big deal or not, but I don't want to mess anything up either) and removing the top washer would probably mess up the top bushing, I guess.

Removing a bottom washer will mess with the geometry slightly, but it's not much and it won't be a massive shift. If you have spare bushings you could try the spare tops but cut them down by 1-2mm and put the KP nut on just as much as before or whatever. This compresses the bushings less at center.

An alternative route is buying Bones softs for the bottom. Put the stock top washer on the bottom and Bones washer on top and leave the stock top at first. That should make the turn looser on center and deeper.

From there you get into the world of not-super-common bushing brands and combos.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 24, 2023, 05:20:19 PM
Yeah I’d try something conical with a flat washer….I can’t handle the wheelbite of thunder but lots of people skate them just fine.  I was a strong believer in you need to skate the exact height of bushing, but I’m softening on that stance…I think there will be something for you out there….

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 24, 2023, 05:31:49 PM
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I'm back on Thunders after a few years on Ace AF-1. I liked em but my flip tricks got worse on Ace. I don't really skate bowls but the turning and carving were great. I didn't really see the benefits of Ace really working for the type of skating I'm doing now, so I decided to get back on Thunders. I had the best flat when I skated them and now that I'm older I think the quicker pop will be better for me.

I feel very similarly. I don’t tend to stick to one setup for long, had some pretty insane madness over the last 10 years and own a lot of trucks. Af1s are fun. If I’m just chasing a toddler around, or they want to ride more board, it’s a good one to grab.
But if I’m trying to hang onto my 5 ish flip tricks, probably gonna be on thunders (and 5.2 lo ventures).
The ease of pop is so nice.

+1, but for me it's not really flip tricks that's a struggle, it's mostly grinds. I love my aces, but I seem to have a hard time locking in crooked grinds and to a lesser extent feebles. Whenever I get into a crooked grind that's the least bit long, I lock out and get into noseslide. I don't have that problem on Thunders, and I feel like while Aces are really fun to skate, I skate much more consistently on Thunders.

Bummer, since I just bought some Hollow AF1 55s and set them up for two sessions before hopping back on Thunders. Only thing with thunders is that I have a hard time getting them loose enough with the stock bushings, and I have no knowledge of bushings in general so I don't want to buy bushings that don't fit. I had some white bushings on an old set of team hollows (don't have them anymore...) and they felt better than the clear blue ones I have on my current standard 149s. My local shop just received some White 90a thunder bushings, might go buy them and see if they're any better.

Otherwise, does anyone have a recommendation on how to get them looser without fucking up the geometry? I know I could just remove the bottom/top washer, but bottom would mess up the geometry (idk if that's a big deal or not, but I don't want to mess anything up either) and removing the top washer would probably mess up the top bushing, I guess.

I too love the white Thunder bushings. However, before you go down the rabbit hole of bushing madness, have you waxed the pivot cups yet? It makes a world of difference in my opinion. Take a razor blade and shave an excessive amount in there. It worked wonders for me coming from Indy and I’ve been hooked on Thunder ever since. I do find that the bushings though they firm up initially tend to soften into a nice “bounce back to center “ after about a month of sessions for me at 1-2 sessions per week.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on April 24, 2023, 05:48:17 PM
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I'm back on Thunders after a few years on Ace AF-1. I liked em but my flip tricks got worse on Ace. I don't really skate bowls but the turning and carving were great. I didn't really see the benefits of Ace really working for the type of skating I'm doing now, so I decided to get back on Thunders. I had the best flat when I skated them and now that I'm older I think the quicker pop will be better for me.

I feel very similarly. I don’t tend to stick to one setup for long, had some pretty insane madness over the last 10 years and own a lot of trucks. Af1s are fun. If I’m just chasing a toddler around, or they want to ride more board, it’s a good one to grab.
But if I’m trying to hang onto my 5 ish flip tricks, probably gonna be on thunders (and 5.2 lo ventures).
The ease of pop is so nice.

+1, but for me it's not really flip tricks that's a struggle, it's mostly grinds. I love my aces, but I seem to have a hard time locking in crooked grinds and to a lesser extent feebles. Whenever I get into a crooked grind that's the least bit long, I lock out and get into noseslide. I don't have that problem on Thunders, and I feel like while Aces are really fun to skate, I skate much more consistently on Thunders.

Bummer, since I just bought some Hollow AF1 55s and set them up for two sessions before hopping back on Thunders. Only thing with thunders is that I have a hard time getting them loose enough with the stock bushings, and I have no knowledge of bushings in general so I don't want to buy bushings that don't fit. I had some white bushings on an old set of team hollows (don't have them anymore...) and they felt better than the clear blue ones I have on my current standard 149s. My local shop just received some White 90a thunder bushings, might go buy them and see if they're any better.

Otherwise, does anyone have a recommendation on how to get them looser without fucking up the geometry? I know I could just remove the bottom/top washer, but bottom would mess up the geometry (idk if that's a big deal or not, but I don't want to mess anything up either) and removing the top washer would probably mess up the top bushing, I guess.

I too love the white Thunder bushings. However, before you go down the rabbit hole of bushing madness, have you waxed the pivot cups yet? It makes a world of difference in my opinion. Take a razor blade and shave an excessive amount in there. It worked wonders for me coming from Indy and I’ve been hooked on Thunder ever since. I do find that the bushings though they firm up initially tend to soften into a nice “bounce back to center “ after about a month of sessions for me at 1-2 sessions per week.

Yeah, I always put a bit of wax shavings in my pivot cups and between the washers and bushings too, seems to make them turn smoother and also gets rid of the squeeking too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 24, 2023, 06:15:10 PM
I'd recommend silicon grease over wax
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on April 24, 2023, 07:09:35 PM
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I'm back on Thunders after a few years on Ace AF-1. I liked em but my flip tricks got worse on Ace. I don't really skate bowls but the turning and carving were great. I didn't really see the benefits of Ace really working for the type of skating I'm doing now, so I decided to get back on Thunders. I had the best flat when I skated them and now that I'm older I think the quicker pop will be better for me.

Are you back on 147 or 148 ?

I'm back on 149. I only skate 8.5 trucks
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 24, 2023, 08:07:54 PM
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I'm back on Thunders after a few years on Ace AF-1. I liked em but my flip tricks got worse on Ace. I don't really skate bowls but the turning and carving were great. I didn't really see the benefits of Ace really working for the type of skating I'm doing now, so I decided to get back on Thunders. I had the best flat when I skated them and now that I'm older I think the quicker pop will be better for me.

I feel very similarly. I don’t tend to stick to one setup for long, had some pretty insane madness over the last 10 years and own a lot of trucks. Af1s are fun. If I’m just chasing a toddler around, or they want to ride more board, it’s a good one to grab.
But if I’m trying to hang onto my 5 ish flip tricks, probably gonna be on thunders (and 5.2 lo ventures).
The ease of pop is so nice.

+1, but for me it's not really flip tricks that's a struggle, it's mostly grinds. I love my aces, but I seem to have a hard time locking in crooked grinds and to a lesser extent feebles. Whenever I get into a crooked grind that's the least bit long, I lock out and get into noseslide. I don't have that problem on Thunders, and I feel like while Aces are really fun to skate, I skate much more consistently on Thunders.

Bummer, since I just bought some Hollow AF1 55s and set them up for two sessions before hopping back on Thunders. Only thing with thunders is that I have a hard time getting them loose enough with the stock bushings, and I have no knowledge of bushings in general so I don't want to buy bushings that don't fit. I had some white bushings on an old set of team hollows (don't have them anymore...) and they felt better than the clear blue ones I have on my current standard 149s. My local shop just received some White 90a thunder bushings, might go buy them and see if they're any better.

Otherwise, does anyone have a recommendation on how to get them looser without fucking up the geometry? I know I could just remove the bottom/top washer, but bottom would mess up the geometry (idk if that's a big deal or not, but I don't want to mess anything up either) and removing the top washer would probably mess up the top bushing, I guess.

@Xen is the bushing dude. He’ll get you sorted out.

I do not fuck with bushings, I just rode what’s there. Bones (hards only imo) work in thunders.
I also liked the white bushings, most seem to hate.

I’ve bought a lot of shit, to realize I don’t like it. That’s cool too, in its own way

If you like the stock bushings, shave down the top (like the Venture loose truck conversion kit, which you could also buy and just use the top).

Ace low tops also work great with any truck.

I found the stock whites to be much softer than the stock clears.

I'm riding the 94a ice blues and tighter than usual with + cast plates + 51mm wheels, just to prevent wheelbite aaaaand it's starting to happen more and more as they break in....I'm also using flat sleeved washers so YMMV.

I rode Ti/Forged indys w/ bones med bushings today and skated just fine, but felt the weight....back to royals...tho I might give the venture highs with bones a try...I didn't mind the height of the indys (or the slappys when riding them) as much as I thought I would.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: MetalAnkleMan on April 25, 2023, 07:28:14 AM
Does anyone know how high the 148 hollow lights truck is? Tactics has it listed as 52.3mm but also has the 148 Team edition as 52.3mm. I thought with the forge base plate (hollow lights) its suppose to be lower, anyone got some insight? Tactics also has the Titanium 149 as 49mm high?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 25, 2023, 07:48:44 AM
Does anyone know how high the 148 hollow lights truck is? Tactics has it listed as 52.3mm but also has the 148 Team edition as 52.3mm. I thought with the forge base plate (hollow lights) its suppose to be lower, anyone got some insight? Tactics also has the Titanium 149 as 49mm high?

As posted numerous times in this thread:

TEAM: 52mm
Forged: 51mm
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: notinternetfamous on April 25, 2023, 08:27:21 AM
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Does anyone know how high the 148 hollow lights truck is? Tactics has it listed as 52.3mm but also has the 148 Team edition as 52.3mm. I thought with the forge base plate (hollow lights) its suppose to be lower, anyone got some insight? Tactics also has the Titanium 149 as 49mm high?

As posted numerous times in this thread:

TEAM: 52mm
Forged: 51mm
i think people forget the search engine exists lol
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: MetalAnkleMan on April 25, 2023, 08:54:04 AM
Thank you, I appreciate the help!!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 25, 2023, 11:30:57 AM
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Does anyone know how high the 148 hollow lights truck is? Tactics has it listed as 52.3mm but also has the 148 Team edition as 52.3mm. I thought with the forge base plate (hollow lights) its suppose to be lower, anyone got some insight? Tactics also has the Titanium 149 as 49mm high?

As posted numerous times in this thread:

TEAM: 52mm
Forged: 51mm
i think people forget the search engine exists lol

Literally every thread over two pages...modern attention span..instant gratification without doing the work.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 27, 2023, 08:02:58 PM
Tom Asta truck madness

So I tried something similar on forged plates: ACE (regs) hard top as bottom with an ACE hard low top.

Wheel bite central...even with 2 threads showing...really mushy feeling (especially coming off the 94DU thunder blues).

The regs ACE top is quite a bit shorter than the thunder stocks bottom.

Might try a 96du indy top with the ACE top as bottom (or just go back to the 94 bottoms, with the 96 indy top).

Didn't someone run bones bottoms with 2 bones washer or someshit on here?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 28, 2023, 11:23:04 AM
Said fuck it and threw in bones mediums with the flat bottom washer as my compressed stock bottom was the same height; last ditch effort before grabbing some 8" royals.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 28, 2023, 09:38:13 PM
Said fuck it and threw in bones mediums with the flat bottom washer as my compressed stock bottom was the same height; last ditch effort before grabbing some 8" royals.

8” trucks are the best
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: El Freegano on April 28, 2023, 10:22:41 PM
I like bones med, especially for the winter. Yesterday i put indy blue conical 92, bottoms are same height as thunder stock, the top is 1 mm higher.  On nut flush is perfect for me - stable but the conical shape helps a lot if i want a sharp turn. Before i tried the royal bushings, and although the  bottom is a barrel they were ok but the sharpness of turning was way less.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 29, 2023, 06:55:45 AM
Said fuck it and threw in bones mediums with the flat bottom washer as my compressed stock bottom was the same height; last ditch effort before grabbing some 8" royals.

I might have missed it but what effect are you looking for out of these bushing swaps? I remember you saying you like loose trucks and these are all former bushings so is the idea to run them cranked less and have some swerve but not bottom out?

I don't normally fuck with bushings cuz I feel like I'd end up in a black hole of insanity but it is interesting. I finally tried blues in Indy Forged and was like "why didn't I always do this"
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 29, 2023, 12:13:45 PM
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Said fuck it and threw in bones mediums with the flat bottom washer as my compressed stock bottom was the same height; last ditch effort before grabbing some 8" royals.

I remember you saying you like loose trucks and these are all former bushings so is the idea to run them cranked less and have some swerve but not bottom out?

Yes. But have been sucking it up and riding tighter since I was on Ventures and dropped down to 8.125" 14"WB/147s (only 8" I have).

I was riding the blue 92s barrels in my 144 royals and really enjoyed them...just less wheelbite overall and a bit more turn compared to thunders and same popfeel/weight.

The 94du thunders work fine but the turn is severely limited with them + my weight and cranking them...I can't get middle ground with them, it's either tight or wheel bite.

Bones Med for now until I bounce back to royals once the 8" ultras arrive (and saddling them with ACE bushing).

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 29, 2023, 01:31:36 PM
Makes sense. I tried Indy cast with blues today and was like "why did I never do this before". The turn doesn't feel that limited except near the bottom.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on April 29, 2023, 06:57:34 PM
I been focusing on my health lately and lost enough weight where I finally don’t die by wheelbite on Thunders anymore. Really enjoying Team Hollow 148s with 53 conical fulls, great balance that works on a few different decks I’ve tried lately.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on May 01, 2023, 01:57:29 PM
I been focusing on my health lately and lost enough weight where I finally don’t die by wheelbite on Thunders anymore. Really enjoying Team Hollow 148s with 53 conical fulls, great balance that works on a few different decks I’ve tried lately.

Mods change this guys handle stat
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 01, 2023, 02:02:41 PM
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I been focusing on my health lately and lost enough weight where I finally don’t die by wheelbite on Thunders anymore. Really enjoying Team Hollow 148s with 53 conical fulls, great balance that works on a few different decks I’ve tried lately.

Mods change this guys handle stat

+1 for exFatGuy92
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on May 01, 2023, 07:27:46 PM
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I been focusing on my health lately and lost enough weight where I finally don’t die by wheelbite on Thunders anymore. Really enjoying Team Hollow 148s with 53 conical fulls, great balance that works on a few different decks I’ve tried lately.

Mods change this guys handle stat

+1 for exFatGuy92

Haha didn't even think of that. I still need to drop some pounds though, still fat for the time being!

On a Thunder related note, I was thinking of trying the Real wood risers so I can ride bigger wheels. Anyone know if the universal ones fit Thunders (perfectly)? Or should I get the Thunder specific ones? My local only has the former and my it really really bothers me when risers don't match up perfect.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on May 01, 2023, 07:58:45 PM
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I been focusing on my health lately and lost enough weight where I finally don’t die by wheelbite on Thunders anymore. Really enjoying Team Hollow 148s with 53 conical fulls, great balance that works on a few different decks I’ve tried lately.

Mods change this guys handle stat

+1 for exFatGuy92

Haha didn't even think of that. I still need to drop some pounds though, still fat for the time being!

On a Thunder related note, I was thinking of trying the Real wood risers so I can ride bigger wheels. Anyone know if the universal ones fit Thunders (perfectly)? Or should I get the Thunder specific ones? My local only has the former and my it really really bothers me when risers don't match up perfect.

You’re gonna want the Thunder specific ones. The “Universal “ is an Indy.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 01, 2023, 08:00:34 PM
Agreed. The Thunder ones really fit Thunders perfectly. Universal fit Indy and Ace but not as well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on May 01, 2023, 09:33:22 PM
Thank you both! I’ll have to find a pair online then
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on May 04, 2023, 06:48:52 AM
Do you guys notice a lot of difference between having Lights / Hollow Light / Team Hollow / Team / Titanium?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on May 04, 2023, 06:55:17 AM
Do you guys notice a lot of difference between having Lights / Hollow Light / Team Hollow / Team / Titanium?
No difference between hollow lights and titanium lighs. The hollows really are light enough.
What makes a huge difference for me is putting hollow hangers on a regular team baseplate. It suddenly felt way too light for me, even tough it's heavier. Wheelbase magic. But that's just me, I like a heavy pop feel.
Team standards feel nice though, I guess they're heavy enough to compensate the shorter wheelbase for me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 04, 2023, 07:39:45 AM
I don't notice hollow axles aside from the sound. The hollow forged plates drop a lot of weight. Forged hollow Ti are insanely light. I had them on an 8.25 Quasi with 52 Classics and just picking up my board felt stupid light. Pop feel was really light too but in a hard way to describe. Not like how the short WB and mid-ish height of an AF1 pop fast since the tail hits quicker geometrically speaking. But more like once the board left the ground you get less of a "snap" up to your feet that you can feel.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 04, 2023, 08:03:05 AM
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Do you guys notice a lot of difference between having Lights / Hollow Light / Team Hollow / Team / Titanium?
No difference between hollow lights and titanium lighs. The hollows really are light enough.
What makes a huge difference for me is putting hollow hangers on a regular team baseplate. It suddenly felt way too light for me, even tough it's heavier. Wheelbase magic. But that's just me, I like a heavy pop feel.
Team standards feel nice though, I guess they're heavy enough to compensate the shorter wheelbase for me.

+1 for no difference between hollow vs ti lights, especially at 147/148 - I can feel it with 149s and up, but even then, Hollow lights are soooo damn light, you'd be hard pressed to care (let alone spend the money). FWIW, outside of Tensor Mags, Thunder TI are the lightest you can get and the hollows are lighter than anyone else's hollows.

Ti Hangers on Team baseplates (solid or hollow) is the shit tho, best of everything.

ALL Hollow hangers feel/sound weird then add in thunder forged plates and you get a very tinny rattly sound board (currently riding hollow light 147s with 103a and it's very jarring and tinny/metallic sounding. Doesn't impact performance in anyway.

As an aside, that's one cool thing about the Royal hollows, they feel more like a solid truck (grinding) than an actual hollow.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on May 04, 2023, 08:20:18 AM
pretty wild how Thunder has trucks ranging from $70 (team standards) to $120 (titanium) Maple Syrup dollars (CAD)

I was pretty set on having Cast baseplates but now I feel like maybe Forged wouldnt be that bad. I have rode them lots on Indys and I totally understand that Tinny feeling... not a huge fan of it tbh. but the 1mm lower is kinda cool (not sure id even notice it though)

I think I am narrowed down now to just Team, Light, and Team Hollow. I don't think I want Hollow Lite or Titanium (just way too expensive).

That Chris Athans Team edition with the Blue Cast Plate looks super sick and comes in a 148. My gut instinct is to go for this one.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 04, 2023, 09:44:26 AM
You can't go wrong with Teams IMO. Really great truck. Forged variants are a cool experiment if you want a lower truck/smaller wheels but for me didn't move the needle a ton. Suciu skates them tho and on a fairly large board for their height.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 04, 2023, 10:20:01 AM
I always felt thunders were low and light enough on their own….I put in the Krux IKP on mine too… I liked the cast.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on May 04, 2023, 10:39:12 AM
My experience with the forged plates on Thunder is they just feel too low for me. Especially in any park or transition style setting. I ended up adding risers ( which I’m not a fan of risers in general) which gave me a more comfortable ride height at 54mm from deck to axle which is still a tad higher than I’d like. For some reason the 1mm from forged to standard makes all the difference to me. A team Thunder 148 is 1.5mm lower than an Indy forged. A forged Thunder 148 is 2.5mm lower than a forged Indy.

* edit: I’m using a 1/8 riser which is around 3mm high.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FGO925 on May 04, 2023, 11:36:16 AM
Thunder team hollows are my favorite truck I’ve tried. 148 on an 8.25 works well for me.

I want to try the Ishod setup, with the 147’s on an 8.25 or 8.3 with some extra washers on the wheels. Just for the low height and my own curiosity.

How bad are the forged plates? I know they’re a bit lower, but are they really that bad?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 04, 2023, 12:20:22 PM
He uses a riser to get the truck almost to what you have now.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FGO925 on May 04, 2023, 12:36:41 PM
Actually you are right, risers indeed.

I’m curious why he does this? Still makes me want to try it, with the two top bushings as well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on May 04, 2023, 02:39:16 PM
Actually you are right, risers indeed.

I’m curious why he does this? Still makes me want to try it, with the two top bushings as well.

It is curious that he rides 147s, but then spreads out the wheels, and raises the height (which is the defining characteristic of 147s)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 04, 2023, 03:23:11 PM
8" trucks work great on an 8.25", however, I don't see the advantage of 147s and pushing out the wheels with washers (other than weight)..just ride 148 cast if you don't want magic carpet? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The lower top and bottom, clearly pull in the wheelbase/effect the geometry.

FWIW I've been running bones mediums (provided washer under the bottom bushing) in 147s with no issue at all, probably the best feeling thunders I've ridden in a long time (for the record, ages ago I ran 147 TI, with bones softs on an 8.25" Real SE before they decks hit market)...the shorter bottom does tilt the hanger in, shortening the 'thunder wheelbase'.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on May 04, 2023, 04:10:26 PM
8" trucks work great on an 8.25", however, I don't see the advantage of 147s and pushing out the wheels with washers (other than weight)..just ride 148 cast if you don't want magic carpet? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The lower top and bottom, clearly pull in the wheelbase/effect the geometry.

FWIW I've been running bones mediums (provided washer under the bottom bushing) in 147s with no issue at all, probably the best feeling thunders I've ridden in a long time (for the record, ages ago I ran 147 TI, with bones softs on an 8.25" Real SE before they decks hit market)...the shorter bottom does tilt the hanger in, shortening the 'thunder wheelbase'.

I super agree with 8” trucks on 8.25” boards. I think more than anything I can just stick to 8” trucks and I’m better off, in general.

147s are really excellent. If I replace my bushings it’s going to be bones hards. Thunders turn quick, I love the pop, just need help not wheelbiting as much. And it turns out…I skate better with tighter trucks. Well, some stuff gets more difficult, the tighter I go, but for most of my flatground bs, tighter is better
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on May 04, 2023, 04:23:23 PM
I’m wondering if Ishod was doing this before 148s existed and just doesn’t want to change.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 04, 2023, 05:33:58 PM
I’m wondering if Ishod was doing this before 148s existed and just doesn’t want to change.

If his madness works, don't fix it!

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8" trucks work great on an 8.25", however, I don't see the advantage of 147s and pushing out the wheels with washers (other than weight)..just ride 148 cast if you don't want magic carpet? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The lower top and bottom, clearly pull in the wheelbase/effect the geometry.

FWIW I've been running bones mediums (provided washer under the bottom bushing) in 147s with no issue at all, probably the best feeling thunders I've ridden in a long time (for the record, ages ago I ran 147 TI, with bones softs on an 8.25" Real SE before they decks hit market)...the shorter bottom does tilt the hanger in, shortening the 'thunder wheelbase'.

I super agree with 8” trucks on 8.25” boards. I think more than anything I can just stick to 8” trucks and I’m better off, in general.

147s are really excellent. If I replace my bushings it’s going to be bones hards. Thunders turn quick, I love the pop, just need help not wheelbiting as much. And it turns out…I skate better with tighter trucks. Well, some stuff gets more difficult, the tighter I go, but for most of my flatground bs, tighter is better

Having switched back to an 8.125 and then swapping 148s to 147s (tighter than I usually ride) my game pick up damn fast!

We'll see if there is a big diff going back to 8" royals (only ridden 149/144s) swapping ACE hards, I wouldn't mind lesser wheelbite; even with bones meds in 147s (which if you are on the fence and worried about geo, don't be) I'm still getting pitched now and again...bones hards would be too hard.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 04, 2023, 05:57:24 PM
Actually you are right, risers indeed.

I’m curious why he does this? Still makes me want to try it, with the two top bushings as well.

He said he wanted to grind a rail that was up against a wall and needed his axles in more. 148s were not out yet and 149s too wide. Wanted the pop of the normal truck so he eventually put risers on.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: blueskynoise on May 05, 2023, 09:34:09 AM
8" trucks work great on an 8.25", however, I don't see the advantage of 147s and pushing out the wheels with washers (other than weight)..just ride 148 cast if you don't want magic carpet? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The lower top and bottom, clearly pull in the wheelbase/effect the geometry.

FWIW I've been running bones mediums (provided washer under the bottom bushing) in 147s with no issue at all, probably the best feeling thunders I've ridden in a long time (for the record, ages ago I ran 147 TI, with bones softs on an 8.25" Real SE before they decks hit market)...the shorter bottom does tilt the hanger in, shortening the 'thunder wheelbase'.

You used the Bones flat washer or the stock Thunder washer on bottom? I tried to keep the stock washer on bottom but could barely get the nut on (brand new kingpin). Tried using the stock thunder bushings for 2 weeks but they didn’t agree with me at all. Bones mediums working just fine with the flat washer on top. First set of thunders since probably 2007 and I’m really liking them so far coming off ACE. Trying to limit my number of slams this summer.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 05, 2023, 12:10:18 PM
You could use the stock cupped top washer as the bottom on flat so there isn't as much overhang. My friend has ridden Bones/Thunders for a decade and always does the stock top washer on bottom and Bones washer on top during winter, swaps them around during Summer
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 05, 2023, 11:09:22 PM
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8" trucks work great on an 8.25", however, I don't see the advantage of 147s and pushing out the wheels with washers (other than weight)..just ride 148 cast if you don't want magic carpet? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The lower top and bottom, clearly pull in the wheelbase/effect the geometry.

FWIW I've been running bones mediums (provided washer under the bottom bushing) in 147s with no issue at all, probably the best feeling thunders I've ridden in a long time (for the record, ages ago I ran 147 TI, with bones softs on an 8.25" Real SE before they decks hit market)...the shorter bottom does tilt the hanger in, shortening the 'thunder wheelbase'.

You used the Bones flat washer or the stock Thunder washer on bottom? I tried to keep the stock washer on bottom but could barely get the nut on (brand new kingpin). Tried using the stock thunder bushings for 2 weeks but they didn’t agree with me at all. Bones mediums working just fine with the flat washer on top. First set of thunders since probably 2007 and I’m really liking them so far coming off ACE. Trying to limit my number of slams this summer.

Bones washer.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 11, 2023, 10:34:16 AM
Due to the madness I setup some 149s and figured since the bones were working so well I’d move them over; so I pop these off and lo and behold, I was running two bones tops in one of my trucks (top and bottom in the other).

I couldn’t tell the difference and there was no indication/nothing felt weird or anything.

However, because of the lower bottom bushing, the hanger was pushed forward, this was evident by the pivot pushing hard on the pivot cup and starting to deform the cup, so much so that the plate/pivot cup ‘rim’ was starting to cut into the pivot cup.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 11, 2023, 10:41:35 AM
It might look weird, but reusing the stock top washer as the bottom might help preserve the geo for your cups. That's how my buddy does it and never seems to have issues.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 11, 2023, 11:59:50 AM
Does your buddy run two bones tops?  Because that was the issue…as noted above, I am using the bones washer on the bottom, stock thunder washer isn't much thicker, if at all.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 11, 2023, 12:44:58 PM
Sorry I mis-read. I thought you meant the absence of a bottom washer was causing the issue as well as the 2 tops making it worse. I had assumed even a normal bottom was causing it.

He did try it for a bit cuz of Ishod, but doesn't like his trucks that loose on center.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: notinternetfamous on May 12, 2023, 09:25:06 AM
Sorry I mis-read. I thought you meant the absence of a bottom washer was causing the issue as well as the 2 tops making it worse. I had assumed even a normal bottom was causing it.

He did try it for a bit cuz of Ishod, but doesn't like his trucks that loose on center.
this is exactly what I didn't like about the loose conversion kit for Ventures; but i didn't know how to describe it lol
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 12, 2023, 09:58:56 AM
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Sorry I mis-read. I thought you meant the absence of a bottom washer was causing the issue as well as the 2 tops making it worse. I had assumed even a normal bottom was causing it.

He did try it for a bit cuz of Ishod, but doesn't like his trucks that loose on center.
this is exactly what I didn't like about the loose conversion kit for Ventures; but i didn't know how to describe it lol

Ya it throws me off cuz I expect the board to turn way and being loose on center doesn't make me wheelbite. But listening to Ishod explain his setup it sounds like the washers bind before he bites and he likes that top wiggle.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on May 12, 2023, 10:04:46 AM
How come you guys are changing the stock bushings on Thunders? I think they look and feel sick as fuck!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: notinternetfamous on May 12, 2023, 10:08:29 AM
How come you guys are changing the stock bushings on Thunders? I think they look and feel sick as fuck!
I keep my Thunders 147's stock and totally agree that they feel good; I do run the wooden risers tho which I know defeats the purpose of skating the 147s lol
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on May 12, 2023, 10:18:28 AM
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How come you guys are changing the stock bushings on Thunders? I think they look and feel sick as fuck!
I keep my Thunders 147's stock and totally agree that they feel good; I do run the wooden risers tho which I know defeats the purpose of skating the 147s lol

well it makes it a little more like an indy 139 then and allows you to ride some bigger wheels which is nice
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dong Hanglo on May 17, 2023, 07:00:01 PM
Any experience with shaving the top bushing down in this thread?
I was thinking about 1.5mm to 2mm shorter top bushing will get me the desired looseness without worrying about the kingpin bolt coming off.
What’s a good technique for this kind of bushing surgery? Or just buy short tops?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 17, 2023, 09:07:22 PM
Any experience with shaving the top bushing down in this thread?
I was thinking about 1.5mm to 2mm shorter top bushing will get me the desired looseness without worrying about the kingpin bolt coming off.
What’s a good technique for this kind of bushing surgery? Or just buy short tops?

Yep, plenty, It works fine (I've sanded mine, be sure to rotate and go slow to make it even); after a while I said fuck it and have a number of low tops now (NFG/ACE) if I even feel the need to run thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on May 24, 2023, 06:13:54 AM
Lights vs hollow lights vs titaniums?

how big is the difference?

How does the weight compare to indy titaniums?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on May 24, 2023, 06:17:21 AM
Any experience with shaving the top bushing down in this thread?
I was thinking about 1.5mm to 2mm shorter top bushing will get me the desired looseness without worrying about the kingpin bolt coming off.
What’s a good technique for this kind of bushing surgery? Or just buy short tops?

my friend uses 2 top bushings to get the turning the way he wants it for thunders. that would lower your overall height a bit in there because i think the barrels are slightly taller than the cones.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 24, 2023, 07:46:55 AM
Lights vs hollow lights vs titaniums?

how big is the difference?

How does the weight compare to indy titaniums?

Titanium Lights are right at 300g and Indy Forged Ti are around 330g depending on size. Thunder Hollow Lights range from 325-330 depending on size.

They all feel too light to me personally.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: commander jameson on May 24, 2023, 08:05:31 AM
Lights vs hollow lights vs titaniums?

how big is the difference?

How does the weight compare to indy titaniums?

I skated all three variants of Thunders 147s.
Weights for one truck are :
- Lights, around 315g
- Hollow Lights around 300g
- Titanium Lights around 287g

If you compare them to Indy trucks of the same size and characteristics, Indy trucks are noticeable heavier at first.
After session or two you won't notice difference any more.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on May 24, 2023, 10:04:47 AM
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Lights vs hollow lights vs titaniums?

how big is the difference?

How does the weight compare to indy titaniums?

Titanium Lights are right at 300g and Indy Forged Ti are around 330g depending on size. Thunder Hollow Lights range from 325-330 depending on size.

They all feel too light to me personally.

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Lights vs hollow lights vs titaniums?

how big is the difference?

How does the weight compare to indy titaniums?

I skated all three variants of Thunders 147s.
Weights for one truck are :
- Lights, around 315g
- Hollow Lights around 300g
- Titanium Lights around 287g

If you compare them to Indy trucks of the same size and characteristics, Indy trucks are noticeable heavier at first.
After session or two you won't notice difference any more.

thanks guys
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: yourbreakfsat on May 24, 2023, 03:01:30 PM
Thunder and Venture made in Mexico now.

I know it's been talked about before, but I haven't seen a Made In Mexico sticker on them until now.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on May 24, 2023, 04:22:38 PM
Haven't people always said the forged and/or hollow stuff was made in china? So that would be a pretty sick change from china to mexico.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on May 25, 2023, 03:12:11 AM
Haven't people always said the forged and/or hollow stuff was made in china? So that would be a pretty sick change from china to mexico.

Great point, fully agree with this.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Whicker on May 26, 2023, 06:54:38 PM
Just bought some 148 team hollow raws and they weight about 337g. I couldn't find the weight on these anywhere so figured I would post it here.

Currently on 147 lights and wanted to size up to 8.25"/8.38" boards. Hopefully the height doesn't take too long to get used to.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 26, 2023, 06:59:09 PM
Think I'm going to get some 161s finally. Been feeling Thunder more than Ace since returning to skateboarding after a forced break, which is interesting.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on May 26, 2023, 07:59:57 PM
Just bought some 148 team hollow raws and they weight about 337g. I couldn't find the weight on these anywhere so figured I would post it here.

Currently on 147 lights and wanted to size up to 8.25"/8.38" boards. Hopefully the height doesn't take too long to get used to.

I made the opposite move lol. Went from 148 team hollow on 8.25-8.38 to 147 lights on 8-8.125. Just set them up on a 8.06 true fit
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Whicker on May 26, 2023, 08:23:21 PM
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Just bought some 148 team hollow raws and they weight about 337g. I couldn't find the weight on these anywhere so figured I would post it here.

Currently on 147 lights and wanted to size up to 8.25"/8.38" boards. Hopefully the height doesn't take too long to get used to.

I made the opposite move lol. Went from 148 team hollow on 8.25-8.38 to 147 lights on 8-8.125. Just set them up on a 8.06 true fit

I've been having a harder time finding 8-8.125 BBS decks lately where as 8.25-8.38 is everywhere with some nice graphics and twin tail options too. The extra height helps as well since I like 54mm wheels. What made you switch?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on May 27, 2023, 08:00:30 AM
Think I'm going to get some 161s finally. Been feeling Thunder more than Ace since returning to skateboarding after a forced break, which is interesting.

liking the 161s, hv it currently on the crail couch shape..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on May 27, 2023, 08:07:49 AM
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Just bought some 148 team hollow raws and they weight about 337g. I couldn't find the weight on these anywhere so figured I would post it here.

Currently on 147 lights and wanted to size up to 8.25"/8.38" boards. Hopefully the height doesn't take too long to get used to.

I made the opposite move lol. Went from 148 team hollow on 8.25-8.38 to 147 lights on 8-8.125. Just set them up on a 8.06 true fit

I've been having a harder time finding 8-8.125 BBS decks lately where as 8.25-8.38 is everywhere with some nice graphics and twin tail options too. The extra height helps as well since I like 54mm wheels. What made you switch?

i’ve got both 147s and 148s, like a goofball. i prefer the 147s by a fair bit, BUT if i was the type that just wanted to skate and not mess with my setup, i’d go with 147s
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on May 27, 2023, 08:27:31 AM
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Just bought some 148 team hollow raws and they weight about 337g. I couldn't find the weight on these anywhere so figured I would post it here.

Currently on 147 lights and wanted to size up to 8.25"/8.38" boards. Hopefully the height doesn't take too long to get used to.

I made the opposite move lol. Went from 148 team hollow on 8.25-8.38 to 147 lights on 8-8.125. Just set them up on a 8.06 true fit

I've been having a harder time finding 8-8.125 BBS decks lately where as 8.25-8.38 is everywhere with some nice graphics and twin tail options too. The extra height helps as well since I like 54mm wheels. What made you switch?

My local got an 8.12 black eagle in and I never tried that shape before so I skated that for a few weeks. Then my friend gifted me a 8.06 full se and that ended up feeling really solid. I have a Cardiel 8.25 sitting around if I ever need a bigger deck, but right now everything is working really well on the 8.0s
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: jsettle on May 27, 2023, 08:40:08 AM
never rode Thunders, but for 30 bucks a set with free might be the time to try them out....really good deal.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on May 27, 2023, 10:23:56 AM
never rode Thunders, but for 30 bucks a set with free might be the time to try them out....really good deal.

these are the exact ones i want too... sad i dont live in the US. i would have copped these for sure.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Pasta Monster on June 03, 2023, 12:41:40 PM
How often does DLX release the 181s? I want to be ready for the next Beamer drop, but the largest I've seen has been 161s.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on June 03, 2023, 06:02:21 PM
How often does DLX release the 181s? I want to be ready for the next Beamer drop, but the largest I've seen has been 161s.

Seems a bit limited, so might be best to contact DLX directly if you can't find any around.

When I looked, there are still a few but the search doesn't come up easily.


Where in the world are you / which continent - guessing USA?

I didn't see any there, only EU and other more obscure places.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on June 03, 2023, 10:09:16 PM
One my local shops has them. They are not on the website but I bet if you call them, they'll mail them to you. (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on June 04, 2023, 12:22:37 AM
I have some 181’s myself, but curiosity has made me look for more just in case. I haven’t seen any since the first drop even though the Thunder catalog says they’re being made. Maybe they’re just not being stocked, or are being made in limited quantities
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on June 04, 2023, 12:32:29 AM
Is it just me who's had bad time with Thunder the past years? Turns out my axle is bent. Little over a year old trucks, tho not much used. Last two pairs I broke the kingpin
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Zyth on June 04, 2023, 12:42:46 PM
Is it just me who's had bad time with Thunder the past years? Turns out my axle is bent. Little over a year old trucks, tho not much used. Last two pairs I broke the kingpin
did you bend the hollow axle or standard?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on June 04, 2023, 12:49:46 PM
Standards. Aint got no hollow stuff here... Too risky
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Zyth on June 04, 2023, 01:39:58 PM
Standards. Aint got no hollow stuff here... Too risky
i bent some bryan herman hollows before but that was about 8 years ago, not had any problems since then
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ChuckRamone on June 04, 2023, 02:46:00 PM
Curious what WB Thunder riders around here usually like. Also wondering if anyone has switched from Indys or Aces to Thunders and if they adjusted their usual WB to a shorter one, or if they kept riding the same WB as before.

I usually ride a 14.25 WB with Indys, so trying to figure out if I should stick to that if I try Thunders, or go to a 14 WB.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Scottboarding on June 04, 2023, 03:53:12 PM
Curious what WB Thunder riders around here usually like. Also wondering if anyone has switched from Indys or Aces to Thunders and if they adjusted their usual WB to a shorter one, or if they kept riding the same WB as before.

I usually ride a 14.25 WB with Indys, so trying to figure out if I should stick to that if I try Thunders, or go to a 14 WB.
I ride 14-14.25 with Thunders. I got an Antihero with a 14.5 inch WB and that did not work well with my Thunder standards. I've also found the steepness of the kicks to be a factor (at least with the forged baseplates). During the Black Friday sales I bought a few boards with a 14.25 WB that had pretty steep kicks and I didn't like the boards with the extended WB of the forged baseplates. I just bought some Ace classics for cheap to see if that can alleviate steepness issue so I don't have to sell/give away the boards.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on June 04, 2023, 07:54:40 PM
14 and under. As mentioned elsewhere before, I’m a bit of a weirdo in that I’m more of a transition skater that also skates street
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on June 04, 2023, 08:30:51 PM
I've ridden as low as 14.125 and up to 14.5 just fine with Thunder cast. My normal is 14.38. I don't feel Thunder are as sensitive to wheelbase as a Venture since the pop is lighter to begin with. I think WB is less and less of a factor with many Indy and Thunder variants since they're a close middle ground whereas Ace and Venture are at extreme ends of the spectrum.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on June 05, 2023, 07:24:33 AM
Ended up finally getting my first set
The turning seems a lot tighter than what I am used to, even at the stock setting. But the board feels incredible stable.
my flip tricks feel so good!!! especially heelflips for some reason. they just freaking go!

these are the ones I got:


I love the way it looks! Dark Green baseplate looks so awesome. I actually like the sound the baseplate makes when it scrapes against the curb too. The grind feels very similar to ventures, feels absolutely amazing on crooked grinds. Paired with F4 99a 51mm classic shape wheels feels like i am not losing any speed on my noseslides at all. They are also giving me a little more turn that I need due to having these slightly tighter turning trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on June 05, 2023, 08:49:08 AM
I've ridden as low as 14.125 and up to 14.5 just fine with Thunder cast. My normal is 14.38. I don't feel Thunder are as sensitive to wheelbase as a Venture since the pop is lighter to begin with. I think WB is less and less of a factor with many Indy and Thunder variants since they're a close middle ground whereas Ace and Venture are at extreme ends of the spectrum.

i agree with this.
 thunders just seem to ‘work’ for me, in general. i don’t need to be fussy. or another way, if a setup doesn’t work, when i’m using thunders (can’t think of any off of the top but i’m sure it’s probably happened to me before, probably some ridiculous steep ass fa bullshit), then i know it’s not the trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ChuckRamone on June 05, 2023, 11:18:46 AM
Thanks for the replies everyone. Really useful info. for possibly trying Thunders out
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Allen. on June 05, 2023, 01:00:12 PM
I feel like a fucking idiot but…

I have stripped 3 fucking Thunder kingpins back to back and I genuinely don’t think they should have stripped out. Is this all caused because I use the included washer from my bones bushings or what is going on? As Mugatu once said, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on June 05, 2023, 05:43:57 PM
I feel like a fucking idiot but…

I have stripped 3 fucking Thunder kingpins back to back and I genuinely don’t think they should have stripped out. Is this all caused because I use the included washer from my bones bushings or what is going on? As Mugatu once said, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

Hollow kingpins?

Seen a lot more hollow kingpins have issues, but I know any kingpin can strip for various reasons.

One of the guys I skate with went through a tighter truck phase and he would try to tighten the bones bushings down that would then rebound in such a way that would push the kingpin nut off the kingpin from the forces of doing tricks.

And no it shouldn't be happening, but some things like that example above do have adverse affects on product, that would not usually happen in other situations.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on June 05, 2023, 06:32:23 PM
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I've ridden as low as 14.125 and up to 14.5 just fine with Thunder cast. My normal is 14.38. I don't feel Thunder are as sensitive to wheelbase as a Venture since the pop is lighter to begin with. I think WB is less and less of a factor with many Indy and Thunder variants since they're a close middle ground whereas Ace and Venture are at extreme ends of the spectrum.

i agree with this.
 thunders just seem to ‘work’ for me, in general. i don’t need to be fussy. or another way, if a setup doesn’t work, when i’m using thunders (can’t think of any off of the top but i’m sure it’s probably happened to me before, probably some ridiculous steep ass fa bullshit), then i know it’s not the trucks.

Samsies basically. I was on Venture but made the move back to Thunder alternating between 149 titanium (with cast bp) and 148 team hollows. I've ridden them on everything from a 8.0 full se to a standard DLX 8.38 and they just work. I've been trying to burn through some decks that I no longer want as wall hangers and actually am having a great time on a FA 8.25 with the 149s.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Allen. on June 06, 2023, 04:55:47 AM
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I feel like a fucking idiot but…

I have stripped 3 fucking Thunder kingpins back to back and I genuinely don’t think they should have stripped out. Is this all caused because I use the included washer from my bones bushings or what is going on? As Mugatu once said, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

Hollow kingpins?

Seen a lot more hollow kingpins have issues, but I know any kingpin can strip for various reasons.

One of the guys I skate with went through a tighter truck phase and he would try to tighten the bones bushings down that would then rebound in such a way that would push the kingpin nut off the kingpin from the forces of doing tricks.

And no it shouldn't be happening, but some things like that example above do have adverse affects on product, that would not usually happen in other situations.

Hollow kingpins yes. I skate the hard bushings but I had them basically flush. Took em apart to throw a bones medium and a bones hard together and then it wouldn’t go back on
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 06, 2023, 05:43:38 AM
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I feel like a fucking idiot but…

I have stripped 3 fucking Thunder kingpins back to back and I genuinely don’t think they should have stripped out. Is this all caused because I use the included washer from my bones bushings or what is going on? As Mugatu once said, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

Hollow kingpins?

Seen a lot more hollow kingpins have issues, but I know any kingpin can strip for various reasons.

One of the guys I skate with went through a tighter truck phase and he would try to tighten the bones bushings down that would then rebound in such a way that would push the kingpin nut off the kingpin from the forces of doing tricks.

And no it shouldn't be happening, but some things like that example above do have adverse affects on product, that would not usually happen in other situations.

Hollow kingpins yes. I skate the hard bushings but I had them basically flush. Took em apart to throw a bones medium and a bones hard together and then it wouldn’t go back on

Maybe you cross threaded on accident last time you put your kp nut on?

could easily see that happening if your kp had been ground down a bit already, damaging the top threads.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Allen. on June 06, 2023, 05:59:40 AM
That could have happened for sure. I drove to the closest hardware store from the park and bought a wrench, which somehow bent the nut a little bit too. My alternate theory was that maybe the nuts are being made much much cheaper or with soft aluminum, but, it’s not like it was in the 90’s or 100’s yesterday. I dunno. I’m losing my mind.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 06, 2023, 06:04:15 AM
That could have happened for sure. I drove to the closest hardware store from the park and bought a wrench, which somehow bent the nut a little bit too. My alternate theory was that maybe the nuts are being made much much cheaper or with soft aluminum, but, it’s not like it was in the 90’s or 100’s yesterday. I dunno. I’m losing my mind.

Nah its all good, now you just have an actual reason to buy those new trucks you've been eyeing haha.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on June 06, 2023, 07:07:09 AM
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I feel like a fucking idiot but…

I have stripped 3 fucking Thunder kingpins back to back and I genuinely don’t think they should have stripped out. Is this all caused because I use the included washer from my bones bushings or what is going on? As Mugatu once said, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

Hollow kingpins?

Seen a lot more hollow kingpins have issues, but I know any kingpin can strip for various reasons.

One of the guys I skate with went through a tighter truck phase and he would try to tighten the bones bushings down that would then rebound in such a way that would push the kingpin nut off the kingpin from the forces of doing tricks.

And no it shouldn't be happening, but some things like that example above do have adverse affects on product, that would not usually happen in other situations.

Hollow kingpins yes. I skate the hard bushings but I had them basically flush. Took em apart to throw a bones medium and a bones hard together and then it wouldn’t go back on

Maybe you cross threaded on accident last time you put your kp nut on?

could easily see that happening if your kp had been ground down a bit already, damaging the top threads.

The two things that helped a bit (but not entirely enough to salvage the kingpins after a few of these same occurrences) were to get a decent rethreader for kingpins, more so than just the Ace tool, as that was a bit soft in the metal on hollow kingpins, and a wire brush, to brush out the bits of the nuts that were left in the threads that prevented the new nut or even sometimes the rethreader from getting a lock and doing what they were supposed to do.

After half a dozen kingpin nuts popping off, especially the last one or two, it was give up time on the kingpin and switch out the baseplates entirely, as the first set he tried to remove the kingpins just ended in misery.

Bones hard bushings are good at putting so much pressure on the kingpin nut, whatever the quality of metal it may or may not be, so that it would push it off even half a thread, which then left metal on the kingpin itself and blunted the future efforts to remove and replace the nuts.

That is what we worked out, but still not 100% sure about the whole thing, but he ended up going with other bushings and then not having them half as tight so bones hard bushings work again, but doing the trucks up as tight as he had them meant they were popping the nuts off with enough force and time.

Sorry probably repeating a bit there, but just getting it all out.

Still a bit of a mystery, but at least it is not happening, or not happening as much as he regularly changes out kingpin nuts now as well.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on June 06, 2023, 07:09:10 AM
Lol my friend told me that in his area of Texas, people say using Thunders is "Cheating" because it makes tricks too easy  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 06, 2023, 07:13:12 AM
Lol my friend told me that in his area of Texas, people say using Thunders is "Cheating" because it makes tricks too easy  ;D ;D ;D

thats hilarious
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FGO925 on June 08, 2023, 11:44:25 AM
Got to the axel on my team hollows, towards the end I started getting some axel slip and also blew through bushings and pivot cups like crazy.
Time to go back to just the Thunder standards and see if they will give me less issues. What crazy is I’m not a big slappy guy. Also don’t weigh a ton at 165lbs and down ride loose trucks but I was still breaking bushings and pivot cups every 2 weeks or so.

Anyone ride the riptide bushings? Might give them a shot in hopes they don’t disintegrate like the thunder or bones do. I’ve briefly tried a harder duro bushing on the board side but didn’t feel a noticeable enough difference to keep it like that, but I’m curious if anyone mixes and matches bushings with different duro’s and if they actually can feel it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 08, 2023, 12:07:26 PM
Got to the axel on my team hollows, towards the end I started getting some axel slip and also blew through bushings and pivot cups like crazy.
Time to go back to just the Thunder standards and see if they will give me less issues. What crazy is I’m not a big slappy guy. Also don’t weigh a ton at 165lbs and down ride loose trucks but I was still breaking bushings and pivot cups every 2 weeks or so.

Anyone ride the riptide bushings? Might give them a shot in hopes they don’t disintegrate like the thunder or bones do. I’ve briefly tried a harder duro bushing on the board side but didn’t feel a noticeable enough difference to keep it like that, but I’m curious if anyone mixes and matches bushings with different duro’s and if they actually can feel it.

The durometer scale isnt the most accurate thing from brand to brand.

I got some riptide bushings and they were much harder than indys of a similar duro.

Cant remember exactly which ones though.

I'd try ace hard bushings or indy hards and just cut/sand them to fit.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on June 09, 2023, 07:09:43 AM
I did a comparison between Thunder, Indy, and Ace on like the dryest possible curb in front of my house.

The Thunder will not budge at all.
The indy grinded, but it was sticky.
 The Ace went through basically no problem.

So Ace trucks definintely have a faster grind than anything else. If I put the tiniest bit of wax on it though, the Thunder grinds no problem. I would say when I do lock in on thunders, even on a 5050, it feels a lot more stable than those 2. I locked in a 5050 on a very square curb where both toeside wheels hugged the inside of the curb and it felt like I was just standing on flat. I just sat in that grind all the way until the curb ended like it was nothing.

Its possible the Thunders need to be worked in a bit more but I feel like that type of metal just doesnt grind as fast, and that's ok! you just need to wax it a bit more and it actually feels really awesome and solid.

The noseslide dragging thing kinda bugged me at first but I think it actually makes for a more solid, predictable noseslide!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: TwisT on June 09, 2023, 08:33:30 AM
I did a comparison between Thunder, Indy, and Ace on like the dryest possible curb in front of my house.

The Thunder will not budge at all.
The indy grinded, but it was sticky.
 The Ace went through basically no problem.

So Ace trucks definintely have a faster grind than anything else. If I put the tiniest bit of wax on it though, the Thunder grinds no problem. I would say when I do lock in on thunders, even on a 5050, it feels a lot more stable than those 2. I locked in a 5050 on a very square curb where both toeside wheels hugged the inside of the curb and it felt like I was just standing on flat. I just sat in that grind all the way until the curb ended like it was nothing.

Its possible the Thunders need to be worked in a bit more but I feel like that type of metal just doesnt grind as fast, and that's ok! you just need to wax it a bit more and it actually feels really awesome and solid.

The noseslide dragging thing kinda bugged me at first but I think it actually makes for a more solid, predictable noseslide!

Doesn’t ace notoriously have softer aluminum and are more likely to bend.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 09, 2023, 09:50:13 AM
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I did a comparison between Thunder, Indy, and Ace on like the dryest possible curb in front of my house.

The Thunder will not budge at all.
The indy grinded, but it was sticky.
 The Ace went through basically no problem.

So Ace trucks definintely have a faster grind than anything else. If I put the tiniest bit of wax on it though, the Thunder grinds no problem. I would say when I do lock in on thunders, even on a 5050, it feels a lot more stable than those 2. I locked in a 5050 on a very square curb where both toeside wheels hugged the inside of the curb and it felt like I was just standing on flat. I just sat in that grind all the way until the curb ended like it was nothing.

Its possible the Thunders need to be worked in a bit more but I feel like that type of metal just doesnt grind as fast, and that's ok! you just need to wax it a bit more and it actually feels really awesome and solid.

The noseslide dragging thing kinda bugged me at first but I think it actually makes for a more solid, predictable noseslide!

Doesn’t ace notoriously have softer aluminum and are more likely to bend.

The classics do.

And judging by @rawbertson 's experiences i would guess thats what he was using.

An ace classic would probably grind more on a rougher/rawer curb than other trucks.

But the grind would be slower overall on anything broken in well.

AF1's are similar in hardness to indys/thunders. More comes down to the shape of the hanger at that point.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Allen. on June 09, 2023, 10:03:38 AM
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I feel like a fucking idiot but…

I have stripped 3 fucking Thunder kingpins back to back and I genuinely don’t think they should have stripped out. Is this all caused because I use the included washer from my bones bushings or what is going on? As Mugatu once said, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

Hollow kingpins?

Seen a lot more hollow kingpins have issues, but I know any kingpin can strip for various reasons.

One of the guys I skate with went through a tighter truck phase and he would try to tighten the bones bushings down that would then rebound in such a way that would push the kingpin nut off the kingpin from the forces of doing tricks.

And no it shouldn't be happening, but some things like that example above do have adverse affects on product, that would not usually happen in other situations.

Hollow kingpins yes. I skate the hard bushings but I had them basically flush. Took em apart to throw a bones medium and a bones hard together and then it wouldn’t go back on

Maybe you cross threaded on accident last time you put your kp nut on?

could easily see that happening if your kp had been ground down a bit already, damaging the top threads.

Bones hard bushings are good at putting so much pressure on the kingpin nut, whatever the quality of metal it may or may not be, so that it would push it off even half a thread, which then left metal on the kingpin itself and blunted the future efforts to remove and replace the nuts.

This seems to make the most sense to me at this moment, considering I fucked up one singular Krux Downlow kingpin since posting because the kingpin and the nut were just barely not making contact.

The thing about bones hards sucks because while I’m not like legendary Canadian big guy Rod Ferens big, I am 6’2 and 225, so bones hards set to loose keeps my kingpin from being cranked down, but if I were to use any other bushings, because of my height/weight, my trucks would feel like Matt Rodriguez’s… to me and me alone.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on June 09, 2023, 10:22:47 AM
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Got to the axel on my team hollows, towards the end I started getting some axel slip and also blew through bushings and pivot cups like crazy.
Time to go back to just the Thunder standards and see if they will give me less issues. What crazy is I’m not a big slappy guy. Also don’t weigh a ton at 165lbs and down ride loose trucks but I was still breaking bushings and pivot cups every 2 weeks or so.

Anyone ride the riptide bushings? Might give them a shot in hopes they don’t disintegrate like the thunder or bones do. I’ve briefly tried a harder duro bushing on the board side but didn’t feel a noticeable enough difference to keep it like that, but I’m curious if anyone mixes and matches bushings with different duro’s and if they actually can feel it.

The durometer scale isnt the most accurate thing from brand to brand.

I got some riptide bushings and they were much harder than indys of a similar duro.

Cant remember exactly which ones though.

I'd try ace hard bushings or indy hards and just cut/sand them to fit.

Adding to this a durometer is just a small needle that measures hardness, but it cannot quantify rebound or how much urethane changes over time. With bike tires you will see tires of very similar hardness behave and roll completely different.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: IpathCats on June 09, 2023, 11:13:55 AM
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Got to the axel on my team hollows, towards the end I started getting some axel slip and also blew through bushings and pivot cups like crazy.
Time to go back to just the Thunder standards and see if they will give me less issues. What crazy is I’m not a big slappy guy. Also don’t weigh a ton at 165lbs and down ride loose trucks but I was still breaking bushings and pivot cups every 2 weeks or so.

Anyone ride the riptide bushings? Might give them a shot in hopes they don’t disintegrate like the thunder or bones do. I’ve briefly tried a harder duro bushing on the board side but didn’t feel a noticeable enough difference to keep it like that, but I’m curious if anyone mixes and matches bushings with different duro’s and if they actually can feel it.

The durometer scale isnt the most accurate thing from brand to brand.

I got some riptide bushings and they were much harder than indys of a similar duro.

Cant remember exactly which ones though.

I'd try ace hard bushings or indy hards and just cut/sand them to fit.

Adding to this a durometer is just a small needle that measures hardness, but it cannot quantify rebound or how much urethane changes over time. With bike tires you will see tires of very similar hardness behave and roll completely different.

interesting, good point
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on June 29, 2023, 01:11:16 PM
This has likely already been answered but are Thunder baseplates  the same between sizes and interchangeable?

 Its just the hangers that alter the height, correct?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DRUNK_ASS_WIZARD on June 29, 2023, 01:32:22 PM
This has likely already been answered but are Thunder baseplates  the same between sizes and interchangeable?

 Its just the hangers that alter the height, correct?

Correct.  Only difference should be the 1mm height between cast and forged bases.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Pasta Monster on June 29, 2023, 03:16:18 PM
These should be out in shops soon:
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: YeoWhattup on June 29, 2023, 06:12:08 PM
I put some 148 hollow axles on some team base plates with the solid kingpins and I’m really liking them. I wish they made this style of truck. I usually don’t ride hollow trucks cause I like some weight to my board but this combo feels good and I got them for free from my friend
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on June 29, 2023, 08:19:47 PM
I put some 148 hollow axles on some team base plates with the solid kingpins and I’m really liking them. I wish they made this style of truck. I usually don’t ride hollow trucks cause I like some weight to my board but this combo feels good and I got them for free from my friend

I have something similar setup. 149 titanium hangers on standard baseplates. I like em a lot too. Doesn't sound as tinny when riding and the extra heft is kinda nice. Also not sure if there's anything to support this, but I notice I lock in a lot better on noseslides on standard plates. I actually see wear on my baseplates now.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 01, 2023, 08:56:03 AM
Anyone with inside knowledge know when T2 are dropping? Been patiently waiting for over a year since o saw fairly finished prototypes and really curious to see if the supposed changes solve my few gripes about them.

The baseplate was more like the old style Thunder and looked slightly thicker, not sure if they altered the geo at all.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: YeoWhattup on July 01, 2023, 04:30:56 PM
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I put some 148 hollow axles on some team base plates with the solid kingpins and I’m really liking them. I wish they made this style of truck. I usually don’t ride hollow trucks cause I like some weight to my board but this combo feels good and I got them for free from my friend

I have something similar setup. 149 titanium hangers on standard baseplates. I like em a lot too. Doesn't sound as tinny when riding and the extra heft is kinda nice. Also not sure if there's anything to support this, but I notice I lock in a lot better on noseslides on standard plates. I actually see wear on my baseplates now.

That combo sounds nice, I definitely think the standard plates slide/lock in better too
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lepanto on July 02, 2023, 09:04:56 AM
Bought a set of Thunder Titanium Lights(149) at 40% off price. ;D

Gonna sit them till finish my current hollows
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on July 02, 2023, 09:53:12 AM
Anyone with inside knowledge know when T2 are dropping? Been patiently waiting for over a year since o saw fairly finished prototypes and really curious to see if the supposed changes solve my few gripes about them.

The baseplate was more like the old style Thunder and looked slightly thicker, not sure if they altered the geo at all.

not to say things can't change but i've seen Thunder catalogs up to Fall drop 2 and there is no mention of this.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on July 02, 2023, 02:50:12 PM
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Anyone with inside knowledge know when T2 are dropping? Been patiently waiting for over a year since o saw fairly finished prototypes and really curious to see if the supposed changes solve my few gripes about them.

The baseplate was more like the old style Thunder and looked slightly thicker, not sure if they altered the geo at all.

not to say things can't change but i've seen Thunder catalogs up to Fall drop 2 and there is no mention of this.
I saw (and skated for a morning) some prototypes a year and a half ago and was told they would be out in "6 months". That was a year after I first heard about them. The baseplate thing some people take an issue with was fixed, but the turn didn't really feel the same. They used the same hanger and it felt like a slower arc. Maybe that's why they were prototypes. At this point I'm not going to hold my breath on them coming out anytime soon
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ambiguousclarity on July 03, 2023, 03:03:41 AM
Got to the axel on my team hollows, towards the end I started getting some axel slip and also blew through bushings and pivot cups like crazy.
Time to go back to just the Thunder standards and see if they will give me less issues. What crazy is I’m not a big slappy guy. Also don’t weigh a ton at 165lbs and down ride loose trucks but I was still breaking bushings and pivot cups every 2 weeks or so.

Anyone ride the riptide bushings? Might give them a shot in hopes they don’t disintegrate like the thunder or bones do. I’ve briefly tried a harder duro bushing on the board side but didn’t feel a noticeable enough difference to keep it like that, but I’m curious if anyone mixes and matches bushings with different duro’s and if they actually can feel it.

I mix duro bushings and find it works for me. I use standard/rebuild kit thunder bushings. 90a for the bottom and 100a top. Tend to ride standards, but set up a pair of hollow lights this past week and they feel different. I've switched to a standard baseplate, which has helped somewhat. Not sure why they feel so different.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on July 03, 2023, 09:21:20 AM
These should be out in shops soon:

Usually not a fan of painted trucks but these really speak to me. Something about the texture of the baseplate with the clear bushings that’s doing it for me. Anyone know if that graphic is printed on the hanger or etched similar to the way Mason Silva’s Indy was?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on July 03, 2023, 10:15:10 AM
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Anyone with inside knowledge know when T2 are dropping? Been patiently waiting for over a year since o saw fairly finished prototypes and really curious to see if the supposed changes solve my few gripes about them.

The baseplate was more like the old style Thunder and looked slightly thicker, not sure if they altered the geo at all.

not to say things can't change but i've seen Thunder catalogs up to Fall drop 2 and there is no mention of this.
I saw (and skated for a morning) some prototypes a year and a half ago and was told they would be out in "6 months". That was a year after I first heard about them. The baseplate thing some people take an issue with was fixed, but the turn didn't really feel the same. They used the same hanger and it felt like a slower arc. Maybe that's why they were prototypes. At this point I'm not going to hold my breath on them coming out anytime soon
Did you keep this secret for 1.5 years or did you share it back then? Slap must have gone crazy if you did.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on July 03, 2023, 12:06:07 PM
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Anyone with inside knowledge know when T2 are dropping? Been patiently waiting for over a year since o saw fairly finished prototypes and really curious to see if the supposed changes solve my few gripes about them.

The baseplate was more like the old style Thunder and looked slightly thicker, not sure if they altered the geo at all.

not to say things can't change but i've seen Thunder catalogs up to Fall drop 2 and there is no mention of this.
I saw (and skated for a morning) some prototypes a year and a half ago and was told they would be out in "6 months". That was a year after I first heard about them. The baseplate thing some people take an issue with was fixed, but the turn didn't really feel the same. They used the same hanger and it felt like a slower arc. Maybe that's why they were prototypes. At this point I'm not going to hold my breath on them coming out anytime soon
Did you keep this secret for 1.5 years or did you share it back then? Slap must have gone crazy if you did.
I kept it a secret. Figured enough time has past that no one could get singled out for letting me try them out. Who knows if they’ll ever actually get released. I think that Thunders are already the perfect perfect truck(for me) the way they are. I’d be down to try out the samples again if I could though
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 03, 2023, 12:27:30 PM
Plenty of pros and people were testing 2 variants last year even Ben D had them obviously facing the camera in a video. Kinda weird that since then they disappeared.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on July 03, 2023, 12:37:52 PM
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These should be out in shops soon:

Usually not a fan of painted trucks but these really speak to me. Something about the texture of the baseplate with the clear bushings that’s doing it for me. Anyone know if that graphic is printed on the hanger or etched similar to the way Mason Silva’s Indy was?

Those are fire (and I usually prefer raw/or blk plates w/raw hangers); nice to see SBN get some lovin'
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on July 03, 2023, 12:46:17 PM
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Anyone with inside knowledge know when T2 are dropping? Been patiently waiting for over a year since o saw fairly finished prototypes and really curious to see if the supposed changes solve my few gripes about them.

The baseplate was more like the old style Thunder and looked slightly thicker, not sure if they altered the geo at all.

not to say things can't change but i've seen Thunder catalogs up to Fall drop 2 and there is no mention of this.
I saw (and skated for a morning) some prototypes a year and a half ago and was told they would be out in "6 months". That was a year after I first heard about them. The baseplate thing some people take an issue with was fixed, but the turn didn't really feel the same. They used the same hanger and it felt like a slower arc. Maybe that's why they were prototypes. At this point I'm not going to hold my breath on them coming out anytime soon

I wish they would make Thunders exactly the same, but with extended baseplates. I'm back on Indy right now and that's the only gripe I had with Thunders. This is definitely a skill issue, but I tend to dip my tailslides most of the time, and I can get away with it on Indys because of the baseplate while I stick like crazy on Thunders. Other than that, Thunders are the perfect trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on July 03, 2023, 01:04:44 PM
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Anyone with inside knowledge know when T2 are dropping? Been patiently waiting for over a year since o saw fairly finished prototypes and really curious to see if the supposed changes solve my few gripes about them.

The baseplate was more like the old style Thunder and looked slightly thicker, not sure if they altered the geo at all.

not to say things can't change but i've seen Thunder catalogs up to Fall drop 2 and there is no mention of this.
I saw (and skated for a morning) some prototypes a year and a half ago and was told they would be out in "6 months". That was a year after I first heard about them. The baseplate thing some people take an issue with was fixed, but the turn didn't really feel the same. They used the same hanger and it felt like a slower arc. Maybe that's why they were prototypes. At this point I'm not going to hold my breath on them coming out anytime soon

I wish they would make Thunders exactly the same, but with extended baseplates. I'm back on Indy right now and that's the only gripe I had with Thunders. This is definitely a skill issue, but I tend to dip my tailslides most of the time, and I can get away with it on Indys because of the baseplate while I stick like crazy on Thunders. Other than that, Thunders are the perfect trucks.

More technique than skill? I have no idea why but I don't slide on my plates regardless of truck brand, it's not by choice, it's just how it happens and it's been like that for as long as I can remember. I guess I don't dip, but instead sit 'up' flat on the kick? Maybe it's all those yeas of riding thunders and just adapting over time.

( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: YeoWhattup on July 03, 2023, 08:06:43 PM
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Anyone with inside knowledge know when T2 are dropping? Been patiently waiting for over a year since o saw fairly finished prototypes and really curious to see if the supposed changes solve my few gripes about them.

The baseplate was more like the old style Thunder and looked slightly thicker, not sure if they altered the geo at all.

not to say things can't change but i've seen Thunder catalogs up to Fall drop 2 and there is no mention of this.
I saw (and skated for a morning) some prototypes a year and a half ago and was told they would be out in "6 months". That was a year after I first heard about them. The baseplate thing some people take an issue with was fixed, but the turn didn't really feel the same. They used the same hanger and it felt like a slower arc. Maybe that's why they were prototypes. At this point I'm not going to hold my breath on them coming out anytime soon

I wish they would make Thunders exactly the same, but with extended baseplates. I'm back on Indy right now and that's the only gripe I had with Thunders. This is definitely a skill issue, but I tend to dip my tailslides most of the time, and I can get away with it on Indys because of the baseplate while I stick like crazy on Thunders. Other than that, Thunders are the perfect trucks.

More technique than skill? I have no idea why but I don't slide on my plates regardless of truck brand, it's not by choice, it's just how it happens and it's been like that for as long as I can remember. I guess I don't dip, but instead sit 'up' flat on the kick? Maybe it's all those yeas of riding thunders and just adapting over time.

( (

It’s gotta be technique cause my baseplates get scrapes from slides. My friend who also skates standard thunders gets a lot of wear and tear on his baseplates as well
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 03, 2023, 08:34:48 PM
I scrape my plates on Thunders and sit on the kicks a lot while sliding. If I don't remember that it can be stick city sometimes, but as long as the ledge has wax on the side it's usually not a big deal. Super angled park coping drags the most.

As for the bushing issues I never had any until my current set and they have sucked. The white bushings cracked super fast and washers bent like crazy. DLX said they used a different hardware supplier for a bit and sent washers and bushies. Washers were fine. In a year I've cracked 4 bottoms and 5 tops. Usually it's not a huge deal but if I do a lot of slappies my top bushing on my front truck will just split in 2. A few friends on Thunders have had just as bad of luck with bushings crumbling and that was one of Ben D's complaints in his review.

I got the 94D and hated them. Never got any looser and board did not feel fun to skate or even carve on. At this point if I fuck up another set in probably done with em for a while.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on July 06, 2023, 07:47:47 AM
do the polished thunders have a different metal than the Raw? Mine seem extra "aluminumy" compared to my friends. or whne you grind down is it all the same underneath?

I have the Christie Pits NYC collabo one for reference:

Also, i noticed all the stock bushings are 90 DU. I thought the clear ones seemed softer for some reason than the white ones, but they are all actually the same. Do they all actually feel the same? The clear ones look cooler but maybe they would look like shit with this green baseplate and thats why they went with the white.

also , is thunder finally going to stop using that awful Heart Grenade Logo? seems like are phasing it out in place for the lightning bolt logo that is on the trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on July 06, 2023, 07:55:35 AM
@rawbertson. you used to be able to choose polished or raw in the early aughts and I always felt that the raws would grind better and smoother. Almost like the raw metal felt softer on grinds than polished. Could’ve been placebo but I did think it felt different.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Zyth on July 06, 2023, 08:33:11 AM
@rawbertson. you used to be able to choose polished or raw in the early aughts and I always felt that the raws would grind better and smoother. Almost like the raw metal felt softer on grinds than polished. Could’ve been placebo but I did think it felt different.
the raws actually seem softer and stick more for me when brand new but after they grind down it's the same
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on July 06, 2023, 10:32:07 AM
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@rawbertson. you used to be able to choose polished or raw in the early aughts and I always felt that the raws would grind better and smoother. Almost like the raw metal felt softer on grinds than polished. Could’ve been placebo but I did think it felt different.
the raws actually seem softer and stick more for me when brand new but after they grind down it's the same

yeahi think that is what i am finding too the more i grind them down they seem to be grinding a lot faster and more like my indys/aces
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 06, 2023, 10:43:52 AM
There is no way there is a difference. It is the exact same forging process, polished are just that- polished to make the outer surface smoother. It does not change the structure of the truck a single bit.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dou_02 on July 06, 2023, 09:01:57 PM
I put some 148 hollow axles on some team base plates with the solid kingpins and I’m really liking them. I wish they made this style of truck. I usually don’t ride hollow trucks cause I like some weight to my board but this combo feels good and I got them for free from my friend

Team Hollows are the truck but they're pretty hard to come by.....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on July 07, 2023, 05:27:32 AM
There is no way there is a difference. It is the exact same forging process, polished are just that- polished to make the outer surface smoother. It does not change the structure of the truck a single bit.

How dare you contradict our hearsay with sound and solid logic. I’m sure there’s some pseudo science to back up our outrageous claims :D
You’re probably right but it just “feels “ different.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: apbarbs on July 07, 2023, 06:48:00 AM
why do you say chrystie pits lol
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Zyth on July 07, 2023, 07:21:08 AM
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I put some 148 hollow axles on some team base plates with the solid kingpins and I’m really liking them. I wish they made this style of truck. I usually don’t ride hollow trucks cause I like some weight to my board but this combo feels good and I got them for free from my friend

Team Hollows are the truck but they're pretty hard to come by.....
the guy mariano customs are team hollows and easy to find and you can get them in 148/149 they just look a bit ugly vs raws
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on July 07, 2023, 08:06:58 AM
why do you say chrystie pits lol

i am a moron... because i think there is a skatepark in toronto called "Christie Pits" and i just got them mashed together in my fried harddrive of a brain. 504 Fatal error has occurred.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on July 07, 2023, 08:08:19 AM
There is no way there is a difference. It is the exact same forging process, polished are just that- polished to make the outer surface smoother. It does not change the structure of the truck a single bit.

Great - that is what I was hoping :)
I have polished Ventures and they feel very similar
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: HumbleGenius on July 07, 2023, 08:09:40 AM
Wasn't sure where to post this question, so double posting. Sorry for flooding the boards  ::)

Anyone running REAL wooden risers? I just added these to my setup with Thunders to be able to run big(ger) wheels without getting pitched from wheelbite and I'm really loving it so far.

My question would be how long do they last? Do they last the whole lifetime of the trucks or am I gonna have to swap them for new ones often? I do a lot of noseslides and tailslides so I'd like to know if they blow out I'm gonna get a few spare sets. Otherwise I'd just buy a new set whenever I get new trucks...

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on July 07, 2023, 08:21:11 AM
Wasn't sure where to post this question, so double posting. Sorry for flooding the boards  ::)

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Anyone running REAL wooden risers? I just added these to my setup with Thunders to be able to run big(ger) wheels without getting pitched from wheelbite and I'm really loving it so far.

My question would be how long do they last? Do they last the whole lifetime of the trucks or am I gonna have to swap them for new ones often? I do a lot of noseslides and tailslides so I'd like to know if they blow out I'm gonna get a few spare sets. Otherwise I'd just buy a new set whenever I get new trucks...

They'll last just as long as any other (hard) risers last you. I've skated mine for a few months right when they came out and had them on my cruiser ever since. Still perfectly fine, noseslides didn't blow them out, just wear away a tiny bit without any delamination or something.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: intendedreceivers on July 07, 2023, 08:55:23 AM
Wasn't sure where to post this question, so double posting. Sorry for flooding the boards  ::)

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Anyone running REAL wooden risers? I just added these to my setup with Thunders to be able to run big(ger) wheels without getting pitched from wheelbite and I'm really loving it so far.

My question would be how long do they last? Do they last the whole lifetime of the trucks or am I gonna have to swap them for new ones often? I do a lot of noseslides and tailslides so I'd like to know if they blow out I'm gonna get a few spare sets. Otherwise I'd just buy a new set whenever I get new trucks...


I can’t speak to how long they last, but if you have access to a laser or CNC mill, I have some templates I made for several different baseplates so that you can cut your own out of craft plywood.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DarkPools on July 07, 2023, 05:19:35 PM
I have some polished 151s (just like the ones super cheap in the Z sale section right now incidentally) and I'm tempted to rock them on 8.5 decks. Anyone in here have issues with 151 vs 149 when it comes to flipping or 180s or anything else? I bought them thinking 151 was for 8.5 without double checking the size guide

I'm rocking Indy 149s on my main set up but a second set up  with Thunders to explore them again after nearly 13 years of continuous Indy riding sounds appealing haha
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Zyth on July 07, 2023, 05:44:19 PM
I have some polished 151s (just like the ones super cheap in the Z sale section right now incidentally) and I'm tempted to rock them on 8.5 decks. Anyone in here have issues with 151 vs 149 when it comes to flipping or 180s or anything else? I bought them thinking 151 was for 8.5 without double checking the size guide

I'm rocking Indy 149s on my main set up but a second set up  with Thunders to explore them again after nearly 13 years of continuous Indy riding sounds appealing haha
i always prefer 151s on 8.5s they fit perfectly 149s have a bit of magic carpet on 8.5 depending on what wheels you have, i doubt you would notice much difference with flip tricks just more room for grinds imo
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LewFarrell on July 07, 2023, 07:20:22 PM
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I put some 148 hollow axles on some team base plates with the solid kingpins and I’m really liking them. I wish they made this style of truck. I usually don’t ride hollow trucks cause I like some weight to my board but this combo feels good and I got them for free from my friend

Team Hollows are the truck but they're pretty hard to come by.....
Team hollows have a hollow kingpin which is not what YeoWhattup has. Thunder doesn't make a truck with a solid kingpin and hollow axle. Gotta DIY it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Zyth on July 07, 2023, 07:21:59 PM
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I put some 148 hollow axles on some team base plates with the solid kingpins and I’m really liking them. I wish they made this style of truck. I usually don’t ride hollow trucks cause I like some weight to my board but this combo feels good and I got them for free from my friend

Team Hollows are the truck but they're pretty hard to come by.....
Team hollows have a hollow kingpin which is not what YeoWhattup has. Thunder doesn't make a truck with a solid kingpin and hollow axle. Gotta DIY it.
team baseplate, hollow kingpin and titanium axle is the best combo
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LewFarrell on July 07, 2023, 07:46:40 PM
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I put some 148 hollow axles on some team base plates with the solid kingpins and I’m really liking them. I wish they made this style of truck. I usually don’t ride hollow trucks cause I like some weight to my board but this combo feels good and I got them for free from my friend

Team Hollows are the truck but they're pretty hard to come by.....
Team hollows have a hollow kingpin which is not what YeoWhattup has. Thunder doesn't make a truck with a solid kingpin and hollow axle. Gotta DIY it.
team baseplate, hollow kingpin and titanium axle is the best combo
That's a good one, I skated it a bit over the winter. Now on stock Ti's and have mostly been messing with bushings. Rocked venom 91a conical bottoms for a bit, now back on Ace low barrel bottoms. Also used Royal bottoms and Krux bottoms which are similar to Thunder's stock height.
Always using lower hard tops like thunder or Indy 94+.  Still dialing in a good balance between stability being close to 40 and being able to get "divey" carves while cruising. Royals do this so well but I don't love the pop feel.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DarkPools on July 07, 2023, 11:25:59 PM
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I have some polished 151s (just like the ones super cheap in the Z sale section right now incidentally) and I'm tempted to rock them on 8.5 decks. Anyone in here have issues with 151 vs 149 when it comes to flipping or 180s or anything else? I bought them thinking 151 was for 8.5 without double checking the size guide

I'm rocking Indy 149s on my main set up but a second set up  with Thunders to explore them again after nearly 13 years of continuous Indy riding sounds appealing haha
i always prefer 151s on 8.5s they fit perfectly 149s have a bit of magic carpet on 8.5 depending on what wheels you have, i doubt you would notice much difference with flip tricks just more room for grinds imo

Appreciate the reply! I'm usually on Conical or Conical Full F4 53mm so if it's like you're describing, I think I'll be pleased  to try em out
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flintstagram on July 08, 2023, 03:48:34 PM
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I have some polished 151s (just like the ones super cheap in the Z sale section right now incidentally) and I'm tempted to rock them on 8.5 decks. Anyone in here have issues with 151 vs 149 when it comes to flipping or 180s or anything else? I bought them thinking 151 was for 8.5 without double checking the size guide

I'm rocking Indy 149s on my main set up but a second set up  with Thunders to explore them again after nearly 13 years of continuous Indy riding sounds appealing haha
i always prefer 151s on 8.5s they fit perfectly 149s have a bit of magic carpet on 8.5 depending on what wheels you have, i doubt you would notice much difference with flip tricks just more room for grinds imo

Appreciate the reply! I'm usually on Conical or Conical Full F4 53mm so if it's like you're describing, I think I'll be pleased  to try em out

151s on 8.5 are the jam! I’ve been rocking that setup for probably 5 years now. It’s been my favorite. Stable, plenty of room for grinds, no noticeable difference in flip tricks, and it looks cool, haha. Seriously, I think you’re gonna love it. I skate 54mm f4 conical fulls on that setup
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on July 08, 2023, 05:24:46 PM
i was really into my 151s.
my experience was different tho: grind was nice, and loved the stability for cruising, but any rotational flip tricks (360 flips) were less good. i think this is a me problem. i really like straight flip tricks on wider setups, but struggle mightily with quite a few tricks, once the trucks get larger than 8”, and 8.75”, well, shit.
i’m a baby tho
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dou_02 on July 08, 2023, 09:13:57 PM
I scrape my plates on Thunders and sit on the kicks a lot while sliding. If I don't remember that it can be stick city sometimes, but as long as the ledge has wax on the side it's usually not a big deal. Super angled park coping drags the most.

As for the bushing issues I never had any until my current set and they have sucked. The white bushings cracked super fast and washers bent like crazy. DLX said they used a different hardware supplier for a bit and sent washers and bushies. Washers were fine. In a year I've cracked 4 bottoms and 5 tops. Usually it's not a huge deal but if I do a lot of slappies my top bushing on my front truck will just split in 2. A few friends on Thunders have had just as bad of luck with bushings crumbling and that was one of Ben D's complaints in his review.
I got the 94D and hated them. Never got any looser and board did not feel fun to skate or even carve on. At this point if I fuck up another set in probably done with em for a while.

I've accepted that thunder bushings are just hit or miss for me and I am also  thinking about trying thunders on indy/venture baseplates. I usually prefer Indys for the pop but thunders have a lighter better grind feel and were on my first setup.
My first board had thunders 10 years ago  with the white bushings and they were terrible and cracked. I get better luck with the dyed clear bushings but I always have at least 1 of the top bushings crack within a week. I use indy/venture top bushings to compensate.
I'm trying a new set of 148s with the real wooden risers to compare against my usual indy 144 hollow stds. (same weight)
If the thunders give me wheelbase and sticking issues I will be on indy for good(unless paid).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 08, 2023, 10:04:51 PM
IMO the Indy grind is slightly better, maybe, so I dunno why you'd go down the Frankenstein rabbit hole for that reason.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dou_02 on July 08, 2023, 10:22:43 PM
IMO the Indy grind is slightly better, maybe, so I dunno why you'd go down the Frankenstein rabbit hole for that reason.
Pinch, back side lock in, and switch ghost pop are why. I can't seem to lock into my regular crooks as well as sw crooks on Indys. I constantly find myself slipping out of non rotated crook tricks and it's starting to really frustrate me. Also bs 50s only work right if I go slow on indys.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on July 08, 2023, 10:43:59 PM
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IMO the Indy grind is slightly better, maybe, so I dunno why you'd go down the Frankenstein rabbit hole for that reason.
Pinch, back side lock in, and switch ghost pop are why. I can't seem to lock into my regular crooks as well as sw crooks on Indys. I constantly find myself slipping out of non rotated crook tricks and it's starting to really frustrate me. Also bs 50s only work right if I go slow on indys.

u need to spend more time on those indy. but then again this is a Thunder go Thunder
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: southphillytapwater on July 09, 2023, 02:16:18 PM
Forged Indys have a much better pinch than standards. Same wheelbase as thunders and closer to the height as well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 09, 2023, 05:11:25 PM
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IMO the Indy grind is slightly better, maybe, so I dunno why you'd go down the Frankenstein rabbit hole for that reason.
Pinch, back side lock in, and switch ghost pop are why. I can't seem to lock into my regular crooks as well as sw crooks on Indys. I constantly find myself slipping out of non rotated crook tricks and it's starting to really frustrate me. Also bs 50s only work right if I go slow on indys.

You just need to improve at skateboarding. I used to think there were large differences and this and that but honestly over time I noticed it less and less. I'm not that good and can make both of those trucks, Indy standards, and Ventures pinch the same after about 3 grinds when I figure out the slight differences in weight distribution.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on July 12, 2023, 04:07:09 PM

Another tasteful colorway.
Hopefully this shows up for everyone. For some reason Insta doesn’t show for me on here.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on July 12, 2023, 07:40:26 PM

Another tasteful colorway.
Hopefully this shows up for everyone. For some reason Insta doesn’t show for me on here.

Yes that came up fine.

Sometimes things don't come up, but most of the time they do.  Might be more the connection or the browser.

Either way they do look good.

Something about the coloured baseplate with the raw or polished hanger that always looks nice, or at least nicer to me than a full coloured truck anyway.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on July 13, 2023, 11:08:39 AM
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IMO the Indy grind is slightly better, maybe, so I dunno why you'd go down the Frankenstein rabbit hole for that reason.
Pinch, back side lock in, and switch ghost pop are why. I can't seem to lock into my regular crooks as well as sw crooks on Indys. I constantly find myself slipping out of non rotated crook tricks and it's starting to really frustrate me. Also bs 50s only work right if I go slow on indys.

You just need to improve at skateboarding. I used to think there were large differences and this and that but honestly over time I noticed it less and less. I'm not that good and can make both of those trucks, Indy standards, and Ventures pinch the same after about 3 grinds when I figure out the slight differences in weight distribution.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 13, 2023, 11:30:40 AM
Yah, that was a rude comment but comes from the right place. I definitely overthought specific tricks with specific trucks and over time have realized that there might be minor differences in technique with each truck but one can learn an adapt. It just comes with patience and practice.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on July 13, 2023, 08:53:02 PM
Yah, that was a rude comment but comes from the right place. I definitely overthought specific tricks with specific trucks and over time have realized that there might be minor differences in technique with each truck but one can learn an adapt. It just comes with patience and practice.

i think that is very true.
for tricks i can already do.

there’s some real basic stuff i’ve never learned, and one of those tricks is really sitting on a decent crooked grind, and popping off. pinch, as they say.
i need all the help i can get.
on a long enough time line, i can treflip whatever. maybe not well, but i’ll get a few. specific combos of gear work better, certainly.

not sure if that is sensical
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on July 14, 2023, 06:37:23 AM
Thunder really killing it with the colours lately. IMO best colorways in the truck game.

there is always a way to make the trick work with this or that truck... With thunders it usually just means more wax.

the way my brain works I make the least amount of mistakes on pop with Thunders. I could make some adjustments to make them turn better i suppose (my friend rides 2 top bushings for example...) but I dont really like to mess with it - it seems to be working fine the way it is!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Pbn_jake on July 18, 2023, 08:50:15 AM
Anyone have some 148 team titanium’s?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on July 18, 2023, 10:53:29 AM
To you guys who like to change the bushings...

I am guessing in general most cases, you are going to softer ones to improve the turning?

Don't you lose a lot of the stability when you do that, and also increase the wheelbite factor? I feel like it almost defeats the purpose of what the trucks were intended to do. But of course you still get the geometry / height so your pop would still work...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 18, 2023, 10:59:46 AM
Everyone I know that changes bushings in Thunder goes harder or to Bones.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on July 18, 2023, 11:02:16 AM
lol but they hardly turn in the first place? they want them even tighter?  :o
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on July 18, 2023, 11:12:40 AM
lol but they hardly turn in the first place? they want them even tighter?  :o

I've never had problems turning with harder bushings but I weigh about 190.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on July 18, 2023, 11:14:56 AM
I like the stock bushings in Thunder. I weigh 200lbs. They turn great but I use risers to limit wheelbite and enhance the turn.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BL0B on July 18, 2023, 11:22:20 AM
Anyone have some 148 team titanium’s?

the cast plate titanium’s? i don't think make those anymore or have in a long awhile. team hollows, yeah.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 18, 2023, 11:34:03 AM
lol but they hardly turn in the first place? they want them even tighter?  :o

Considering the number one complaint about Thunders is wheelbite truck looseness is not an issue for many. Also harder bushings tend to last longer. Most I know use Bones medium (harder than stock) or 94A aftermarket Thunder.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Pbn_jake on July 18, 2023, 11:37:48 AM
Everyone I know that changes bushings in Thunder goes harder or to Bones.

That’s what she said
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Pbn_jake on July 18, 2023, 11:39:25 AM
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Anyone have some 148 team titanium’s?

the cast plate titanium’s? i don't think make those anymore or have in a long awhile. team hollows, yeah.

Ye that what I want
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 18, 2023, 12:56:58 PM
Nah the Ti axles are weaker than steel either hollow or regular and don't save much weight. I've bent 2 to axles skating flat and I'm like, not heavy or a stomper.

Best bet is to find ti lite on sale and swap plates, but a team hollow will be lighter and stronger than cast ti
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on July 18, 2023, 06:05:00 PM
To you guys who like to change the bushings...

I am guessing in general most cases, you are going to softer ones to improve the turning?

Don't you lose a lot of the stability when you do that, and also increase the wheelbite factor? I feel like it almost defeats the purpose of what the trucks were intended to do. But of course you still get the geometry / height so your pop would still work...

Most of the time when I have had to change to softer bushings, it is for kids or very light weight skaters who would need softer bushings on any truck.

Others I skate with have used the black rebuild kit - supposedly 100 duro but they still feel like they give a lot more than other 99 to 100 duro bushings once worn in and the adult size and weight bodies who skate them often still have wheelbite, mkore often than not.

I have stock bushings in the trucks I have setup but I also found that from new the bushings are way more mushy and once they firm up after a while, they feel more "normal" to me.

One guy I skate with who uses Thunder among other brands of truck will always switch out the bushings to the 94 or 95 duro rebuild kit or the tube, depending on what he can get his hands on and prefers that sort of stability for his setups, using similar duro bushings on other brand trucks too.

Gotta say though, I always find I need at least a couple of extra mm in height on the Team editions, so I have cut up some 2 mm rubber sheeting and made my own risers, which I find work very well with medium sized wheels - around 54 mm give or take a mm or two - on stock bushings but that is just me.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DarkPools on July 19, 2023, 02:31:30 AM
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To you guys who like to change the bushings...

I am guessing in general most cases, you are going to softer ones to improve the turning?

Don't you lose a lot of the stability when you do that, and also increase the wheelbite factor? I feel like it almost defeats the purpose of what the trucks were intended to do. But of course you still get the geometry / height so your pop would still work...

Most of the time when I have had to change to softer bushings, it is for kids or very light weight skaters who would need softer bushings on any truck.

Others I skate with have used the black rebuild kit - supposedly 100 duro but they still feel like they give a lot more than other 99 to 100 duro bushings once worn in and the adult size and weight bodies who skate them often still have wheelbite, mkore often than not.

I have stock bushings in the trucks I have setup but I also found that from new the bushings are way more mushy and once they firm up after a while, they feel more "normal" to me.

One guy I skate with who uses Thunder among other brands of truck will always switch out the bushings to the 94 or 95 duro rebuild kit or the tube, depending on what he can get his hands on and prefers that sort of stability for his setups, using similar duro bushings on other brand trucks too.

Gotta say though, I always find I need at least a couple of extra mm in height on the Team editions, so I have cut up some 2 mm rubber sheeting and made my own risers, which I find work very well with medium sized wheels - around 54 mm give or take a mm or two - on stock bushings but that is just me.

I got 151s that I wanna set up at some point soon. If the stock bushings don't work and I'm looking for the Thunders to give me turning comparable to my medium loose Indy Hollow standards, what bushings might fill that need?

Should I go slightly harder but keep the nut super loose (1 thread max) or dabble in the slightly looser bushing territory but crank down a thread or two? Obviously I'll try the stock and get a baseline first.

FYI I'm 5'10 and ~ 192lbs. I use the orange conical on Indy.

Appreciate any feedback before plunging back into Thunder after 12+ years
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on July 19, 2023, 06:46:05 AM
Seems like a lot of guys who change the bushings weigh quite a bit more than me. So that seems to make sense now why people would do that. I am only 160 lbs. I just left the tightness how it came which was basically no threads showing on both, just flush. At first it felt pretty tight, but now I am almost 2 months in and the bushings have loosened up a little bit and the turning is a tiny bit better.

I have a few small wheelbite marks on the board but i dont remember ever actually sticking on the wheel upon landing, I am also riding 51mm classics. I put a sticker over one of the spots and I remember hearing it squeak when I pinched a crooked grind once.

I personally love the slightly lower height as well. If I wanted to ride a higher truck that turned more, I would just ride an Indy, Ace, or Slappy - but i dont want to shit on how anyone rides their trucks! You guys do what you feel is right! I think I understand better now why people are making these choices though. I would guess most trucks were probably more designed for someone of my weight or lighter in mind... so thats why I am fine with the stock settings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on July 19, 2023, 07:04:41 AM
I'm 135 pounds and have to ride thunders finger tight in order to turn. Might start shaving the top bushings
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on July 19, 2023, 08:03:23 AM
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To you guys who like to change the bushings...

I am guessing in general most cases, you are going to softer ones to improve the turning?

Don't you lose a lot of the stability when you do that, and also increase the wheelbite factor? I feel like it almost defeats the purpose of what the trucks were intended to do. But of course you still get the geometry / height so your pop would still work...

Most of the time when I have had to change to softer bushings, it is for kids or very light weight skaters who would need softer bushings on any truck.

Others I skate with have used the black rebuild kit - supposedly 100 duro but they still feel like they give a lot more than other 99 to 100 duro bushings once worn in and the adult size and weight bodies who skate them often still have wheelbite, mkore often than not.

I have stock bushings in the trucks I have setup but I also found that from new the bushings are way more mushy and once they firm up after a while, they feel more "normal" to me.

One guy I skate with who uses Thunder among other brands of truck will always switch out the bushings to the 94 or 95 duro rebuild kit or the tube, depending on what he can get his hands on and prefers that sort of stability for his setups, using similar duro bushings on other brand trucks too.

Gotta say though, I always find I need at least a couple of extra mm in height on the Team editions, so I have cut up some 2 mm rubber sheeting and made my own risers, which I find work very well with medium sized wheels - around 54 mm give or take a mm or two - on stock bushings but that is just me.

I got 151s that I wanna set up at some point soon. If the stock bushings don't work and I'm looking for the Thunders to give me turning comparable to my medium loose Indy Hollow standards, what bushings might fill that need?

Should I go slightly harder but keep the nut super loose (1 thread max) or dabble in the slightly looser bushing territory but crank down a thread or two? Obviously I'll try the stock and get a baseline first.

FYI I'm 5'10 and ~ 192lbs. I use the orange conical on Indy.

Appreciate any feedback before plunging back into Thunder after 12+ years

Try them stock. I'm a bit heavier than you and always use stock bushings on my 151s. I add risers to make them turn een deeper and even quicker. I mostly ride Ace but always have a set of 151s hanging around and can go back and fore without too much bother.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 19, 2023, 09:26:16 AM
Seems like a lot of guys who change the bushings weigh quite a bit more than me. So that seems to make sense now why people would do that. I am only 160 lbs. I just left the tightness how it came which was basically no threads showing on both, just flush. At first it felt pretty tight, but now I am almost 2 months in and the bushings have loosened up a little bit and the turning is a tiny bit better.

I have a few small wheelbite marks on the board but i dont remember ever actually sticking on the wheel upon landing, I am also riding 51mm classics. I put a sticker over one of the spots and I remember hearing it squeak when I pinched a crooked grind once.

I personally love the slightly lower height as well. If I wanted to ride a higher truck that turned more, I would just ride an Indy, Ace, or Slappy - but i dont want to shit on how anyone rides their trucks! You guys do what you feel is right! I think I understand better now why people are making these choices though. I would guess most trucks were probably more designed for someone of my weight or lighter in mind... so thats why I am fine with the stock settings.

I am 6 foot 3 and 162. I use stock Thunder bushings and in Indy use blue cylinders. I get plenty of wheelbite on both. One thing to remember is Thunder bushings are notably temp sensitive.

BTW do Indy blue conical fit in Thunders?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on July 19, 2023, 09:56:37 AM
I’m going to surmise there are a gross number of people who all this shit works perfectly for, and they do not come onto message boards…….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on July 19, 2023, 10:04:03 AM
I’m going to surmise there are a gross number of people who all this shit works perfectly for, and they do not come onto message boards…….
Yeah they're basically perfect for everybody with a slightly below to slightly above average body I'd say.
Somehow ace work perfectly for super light children all the way to slightly chunky dudes. Probably the longer kingpin, I'd need an extra thread on thunders.

I'm gonna try to cut ace bushings down to the exact size and shape of thunder bushings. That might be it
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PatrickSkateman on July 19, 2023, 10:19:51 AM

This roster’s going to be a problem this season. ⚡️
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Daydream on July 19, 2023, 11:08:51 AM

This roster’s going to be a problem this season. ⚡️
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: minilogoflow on July 19, 2023, 11:49:08 AM
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Seems like a lot of guys who change the bushings weigh quite a bit more than me. So that seems to make sense now why people would do that. I am only 160 lbs. I just left the tightness how it came which was basically no threads showing on both, just flush. At first it felt pretty tight, but now I am almost 2 months in and the bushings have loosened up a little bit and the turning is a tiny bit better.

I have a few small wheelbite marks on the board but i dont remember ever actually sticking on the wheel upon landing, I am also riding 51mm classics. I put a sticker over one of the spots and I remember hearing it squeak when I pinched a crooked grind once.

I personally love the slightly lower height as well. If I wanted to ride a higher truck that turned more, I would just ride an Indy, Ace, or Slappy - but i dont want to shit on how anyone rides their trucks! You guys do what you feel is right! I think I understand better now why people are making these choices though. I would guess most trucks were probably more designed for someone of my weight or lighter in mind... so thats why I am fine with the stock settings.

I am 6 foot 3 and 162. I use stock Thunder bushings and in Indy use blue cylinders. I get plenty of wheelbite on both. One thing to remember is Thunder bushings are notably temp sensitive.

BTW do Indy blue conical fit in Thunders?

Not the guy you replied to but when I skated thunders I used the Indy blue conicals with no problem. The helped with wheelbite but they didn't feel too different from the stock thunder bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on July 19, 2023, 12:18:30 PM
I think the red rebuild kit 90a bushings are their softest even though DLX claims all stock bushings are 90a. They don’t all feel the same and the trucks have seemed tighter since they started using the blue bushings as their stock bushings. The reds feel the best. Piss yellows are okay too. I don’t use the bottom washer in my front truck, and sometimes don’t use it in my back truck either. I’m also the heaviest dude to chime in so far at 220. I like the soft bushings and wish they’d even make an 88a or softer
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: al_cvbrera on July 19, 2023, 01:14:40 PM
my front pivot cup got torn up somehow, which usually never happens. anyway, looking for a quick fix as i don’t have spare thunder pivot cups, i used a pivot cup from a set of ace af1’s i don’t skate anymore. replaced the front pivot cup with ace pivots. everything is thunder except for the front pivot cup.

had my second day with this quick “modification” and i can definitely say that the turn, even with just one replacement pivot cup, has positively changed. i get deeper turns, bs crooks pinch right into place, etc.

one thing i did find though is that no matter how much i tighten down the bushings, it still has a deeper turn on the front truck compared to if i was still running the thunder pivot cup.

the ace pivot cup fits fairly alright in the baseplate with just a little bit of it sticking out. however, the pivot cup itself is too wide for the thunder hangar and i notice a bit of play/wiggle when i move them with my hands. not a perfect fit, but fits good enough for now.

to my surprise, i actually like it.

just a little bit less stable, but so much more carvy.

on team hollow lights btw, the ones with the cast baseplate.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on July 19, 2023, 04:23:58 PM
my front pivot cup got torn up somehow, which usually never happens. anyway, looking for a quick fix as i don’t have spare thunder pivot cups, i used a pivot cup from a set of ace af1’s i don’t skate anymore. replaced the front pivot cup with ace pivots. everything is thunder except for the front pivot cup.

had my second day with this quick “modification” and i can definitely say that the turn, even with just one replacement pivot cup, has positively changed. i get deeper turns, bs crooks pinch right into place, etc.

one thing i did find though is that no matter how much i tighten down the bushings, it still has a deeper turn on the front truck compared to if i was still running the thunder pivot cup.

the ace pivot cup fits fairly alright in the baseplate with just a little bit of it sticking out. however, the pivot cup itself is too wide for the thunder hangar and i notice a bit of play/wiggle when i move them with my hands. not a perfect fit, but fits good enough for now.

to my surprise, i actually like it.

just a little bit less stable, but so much more carvy.

on team hollow lights btw, the ones with the cast baseplate.

Yo I did the exact same thing yesterday with my front pivot! Went to replace it and found a loose cup in my spares box and didn’t realise it had fallen out of a af1 baseplate I had lying in there. Chucked it in my front 151 teams and, voila! carving around like a madman now. But seriously, noticed a bit more turn, looser for sure, feels like riptides in thunders which I reckon if you run risers gets pretty close to ace levels of carve.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on July 19, 2023, 07:32:17 PM
I'm 135 pounds and have to ride thunders finger tight in order to turn. Might start shaving the top bushings

Yes, keeping the bottom bushing as is and just trimming down the top is really good for getting the kingpin nut on some more while still keeping the truck geometry as it should be.

Some people have used flat top washers as well to make it give a bit more, eg Bones washers, or even just general hardware washers, but if you don't buy anything else and want to make them work as is, just trimming down the top bushing approximately how much more you need the nut on will work well.

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To you guys who like to change the bushings...

I am guessing in general most cases, you are going to softer ones to improve the turning?

Don't you lose a lot of the stability when you do that, and also increase the wheelbite factor? I feel like it almost defeats the purpose of what the trucks were intended to do. But of course you still get the geometry / height so your pop would still work...


Appreciate any feedback before plunging back into Thunder after 12+ years

Try them stock. I'm a bit heavier than you and always use stock bushings on my 151s. I add risers to make them turn een deeper and even quicker. I mostly ride Ace but always have a set of 151s hanging around and can go back and fore without too much bother.

Also agree with this.  I have only changed things up if or when I needed to after trying things stock, then added a mm or two in riser height as I am more used to the Indy 55 mm height, or changed bushings if I had to.

As Tom said, all stock bushings are supposed to be the same, but I don't think all bushings are equal in how they perform, which would lead to some being a preference over others, be it just colour, or as some people, pro or other have said, they prefer or dislike the coloured clear ones, or only the white / opaque ones or whatever.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: al_cvbrera on July 19, 2023, 07:49:28 PM
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my front pivot cup got torn up somehow, which usually never happens. anyway, looking for a quick fix as i don’t have spare thunder pivot cups, i used a pivot cup from a set of ace af1’s i don’t skate anymore. replaced the front pivot cup with ace pivots. everything is thunder except for the front pivot cup.

had my second day with this quick “modification” and i can definitely say that the turn, even with just one replacement pivot cup, has positively changed. i get deeper turns, bs crooks pinch right into place, etc.

one thing i did find though is that no matter how much i tighten down the bushings, it still has a deeper turn on the front truck compared to if i was still running the thunder pivot cup.

the ace pivot cup fits fairly alright in the baseplate with just a little bit of it sticking out. however, the pivot cup itself is too wide for the thunder hangar and i notice a bit of play/wiggle when i move them with my hands. not a perfect fit, but fits good enough for now.

to my surprise, i actually like it.

just a little bit less stable, but so much more carvy.

on team hollow lights btw, the ones with the cast baseplate.

Yo I did the exact same thing yesterday with my front pivot! Went to replace it and found a loose cup in my spares box and didn’t realise it had fallen out of a af1 baseplate I had lying in there. Chucked it in my front 151 teams and, voila! carving around like a madman now. But seriously, noticed a bit more turn, looser for sure, feels like riptides in thunders which I reckon if you run risers gets pretty close to ace levels of carve.

pretty amazing how just switching out one pivot cup, let alone the front truck pivot cup, can really change the feel of the truck. if they feel this different with just one pivot cup switched out, i wonder how much more with both 🤔

the only thing stopping me is i like the stability of thunders, i don’t wanna compromise that too much. oh and potentially warping the actual metal pivot itself on both trucks, too.

only time will tell if they actually do warp the metal. we shall see!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 20, 2023, 09:58:25 AM
Ace cups are squishier so that makes sense same thing happens if you toss a Riptide in, but neither last quite as long as a harder cup.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Bold on July 28, 2023, 05:45:23 AM
What washers are supposed to be on the top of thunders? I have a set of thunders that I got second hand so I have no idea what bushings or washers are on there but I'm getting some washer bite on the hanger from the top washers and that don't seem right.

It also might explain why I like these trucks less than my others. They seem stiff and don't seem to turn very well and maybe that's because they're not able to lean as far as they could if I had the right washer on there, maybe??
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on July 28, 2023, 06:06:21 AM
What washers are supposed to be on the top of thunders? I have a set of thunders that I got second hand so I have no idea what bushings or washers are on there but I'm getting some washer bite on the hanger from the top washers and that don't seem right.

It also might explain why I like these trucks less than my others. They seem stiff and don't seem to turn very well and maybe that's because they're not able to lean as far as they could if I had the right washer on there, maybe??
My stock thunders look the same. It's normal, but I need to pinch really hard to get there (crooks)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 28, 2023, 06:59:26 AM
I mean, you could just loosen the kingpin nut seeing as how you have a couple threads showing. My Thunders have those marks and turn fine
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ggrimmedd on July 28, 2023, 11:44:44 AM
Anyone using thunders for transition? Using 96a bushings, Already tried indys but when you crank them down they stop turning at all, aces with the same bushings feels stable at first but way to surfy going fast. Considering that I want a stable truck that carve a little but above all still stable with harder bushings, does thunder checks that list?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: marcusbutler on July 28, 2023, 11:53:29 AM
Currently riding thunder 147's hollow/forged. I put the bones medium bushings in them and I am done with bones bushings. I don't ride loose or tight. Right in the middle. I'm 150-160 lbs. Every bones bushings i've skated has blown out. Either the bottom piece cracks or the bushing starts to fold over it. I put some indy stocks orange bushings in them and have a decent experience.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on July 28, 2023, 12:11:59 PM
Anyone using thunders for transition? Using 96a bushings, Already tried indys but when you crank them down they stop turning at all, aces with the same bushings feels stable at first but way to surfy going fast. Considering that I want a stable truck that carve a little but above all still stable with harder bushings, does thunder checks that list?

I wouldn't ride harder than stock on Thunders especially when skating round wall transition. A riser pad can help give you more leverage, quickening and deepening the turn.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on July 28, 2023, 01:11:44 PM
Anyone using thunders for transition? Using 96a bushings, Already tried indys but when you crank them down they stop turning at all, aces with the same bushings feels stable at first but way to surfy going fast. Considering that I want a stable truck that carve a little but above all still stable with harder bushings, does thunder checks that list?
That doesn't sound like thunders at all. You might want to try ventures instead.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 28, 2023, 01:21:27 PM
Bledsoe skates Burnside with Thunders as does Cody Lockwood.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BL0B on July 28, 2023, 02:46:28 PM
What washers are supposed to be on the top of thunders? I have a set of thunders that I got second hand so I have no idea what bushings or washers are on there but I'm getting some washer bite on the hanger from the top washers and that don't seem right.

It also might explain why I like these trucks less than my others. They seem stiff and don't seem to turn very well and maybe that's because they're not able to lean as far as they could if I had the right washer on there, maybe??

idk, where to get smaller washers, sorry. i'd try the bones flat washers or find some like them from a hardware store if you're binding like that. i had some 161's i was using flat washers on and really liked them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: YeoWhattup on July 28, 2023, 04:34:40 PM
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Anyone using thunders for transition? Using 96a bushings, Already tried indys but when you crank them down they stop turning at all, aces with the same bushings feels stable at first but way to surfy going fast. Considering that I want a stable truck that carve a little but above all still stable with harder bushings, does thunder checks that list?
That doesn't sound like thunders at all. You might want to try ventures instead.

Ventures are the more stable truck but thunders are pretty  stable, def more stable than Indy’s. Jimmy Wilkins rides Thunders, seems to work for him
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on July 28, 2023, 04:49:20 PM
I’m going to assume Jimmy Wilkins like most vert skaters runs insanely tight trucks….

I do subscribe to your thoughts on Venture being a better option. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on July 28, 2023, 05:10:40 PM
What washers are supposed to be on the top of thunders? I have a set of thunders that I got second hand so I have no idea what bushings or washers are on there but I'm getting some washer bite on the hanger from the top washers and that don't seem right.

It also might explain why I like these trucks less than my others. They seem stiff and don't seem to turn very well and maybe that's because they're not able to lean as far as they could if I had the right washer on there, maybe??

From doing a lot of swap and trade of second hand parts, I notice that however the previous owner set up the trucks, they will have certain things happen from that, eg tightened down bushings are squashed and just don't rebound as well as others, which could be the case here for you.

Even taking everything apart and checking over the bushings, wax the pivot point of the hanger and clean off the bushings, which then will often make things feel way more "normal" to me, especially if a set of trucks doesn't feel like it turns as it should.

Not sure what else you have on hand in the way of other spare parts, but you could swap over washers from some other trucks and try those on the Thunders instead, just as an option.  Like all sets of trucks, the top washer is smaller than the bottom washer.

Most skate shops should have some spare washers too, or at least all the bushing kits have washers with them, be it the Thunder rebuild kit, or Indy bushing kits - those washers especially are very flat, compared to some of the deeper washers that make the sort of contact with the hanger that you are showing in the picture.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: skatebruh on July 28, 2023, 05:28:22 PM
What washers are supposed to be on the top of thunders? I have a set of thunders that I got second hand so I have no idea what bushings or washers are on there but I'm getting some washer bite on the hanger from the top washers and that don't seem right.

It also might explain why I like these trucks less than my others. They seem stiff and don't seem to turn very well and maybe that's because they're not able to lean as far as they could if I had the right washer on there, maybe??

Those might be the stock washers. It's supposed to do that so you get less wheelbite. If you're heavy enough, the washers eventually bend and allow the truck to turn a bit more.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BL0B on July 28, 2023, 10:07:52 PM
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What washers are supposed to be on the top of thunders? I have a set of thunders that I got second hand so I have no idea what bushings or washers are on there but I'm getting some washer bite on the hanger from the top washers and that don't seem right.

It also might explain why I like these trucks less than my others. They seem stiff and don't seem to turn very well and maybe that's because they're not able to lean as far as they could if I had the right washer on there, maybe??


Those might be the stock washers. It's supposed to do that so you get less wheelbite. If you're heavy enough, the washers eventually bend and allow the truck to turn a bit more.

imo, washers are not supposed to do that in the hanger. does it happen, sure (venture & thunder)? but it's not something that is designed into any truck, more of a flaw if anything.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: JugeL on July 28, 2023, 10:30:14 PM
Thunders do that a lot, atleast for me. Never affected my skating to be honest.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Bold on July 29, 2023, 05:38:20 AM

Those might be the stock washers. It's supposed to do that so you get less wheelbite. If you're heavy enough, the washers eventually bend and allow the truck to turn a bit more.

imo, washers are not supposed to do that in the hanger. does it happen, sure (venture & thunder)? but it's not something that is designed into any truck, more of a flaw if anything.

I'm with you on that. I don't think the washer shouldn't be hitting the hanger.
Also I wonder how much the washer bite affects the wheel bite since they happen on opposite sides. The wheel bite side is squishing down on the wheel bite side of the bottom bushing but the washer is biting on the opposite side. The washer bite may prevent some range of motion on the wheelbite side but given enough pressure the bottom bushing on the wheel bite side is just going to squish and wheel bite, isn't it?

Anyway, I think Indy top washers are smaller. I might try some of those on there and see what it feels like.

Still not my favorite trucks.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 29, 2023, 08:52:54 AM
It is by design- Thunder, Venture, Slappy, Theeve, and even Krux do it. It can't not happen and still occasionally does on certain Indy's even.

The shitty part about Thunder and Venture is it does it so hard it kills your shitty bushings
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on July 29, 2023, 08:56:51 AM
LebowskisRug is correct. I think I even remember reading somewhere that Stage 10 had intentional washer bind to reduce wheel bite. I used to enjoy wearing in the yolk and breaking down some clearance.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Bold on July 29, 2023, 11:58:48 AM
It is by design- Thunder, Venture, Slappy, Theeve, and even Krux do it. It can't not happen and still occasionally does on certain Indy's even.

The shitty part about Thunder and Venture is it does it so hard it kills your shitty bushings

Ha. What are your favorite bushings for thunders? Mine aren't completely blown out but they are a bit misshapen and buying some new ones would give me an excuse to go down to the skate shop.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on July 29, 2023, 12:59:49 PM
Unfortunately my favorite are the stock ones
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on July 29, 2023, 01:07:10 PM
I finally managed to hammer the broken kingpins out of my forged plates and put regular mini logo kingpins in. They're a bit longer, which sucks in terms of clearance (still totally ok), but actually feels amazing to be able to ride thunders loose without the nut falling off.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Bold on July 29, 2023, 04:58:37 PM
Unfortunately my favorite are the stock ones
Well, the local shop only had independent 90 durometer double cone bushings so I went with orange independent cone bottom and blue tops sort of like the ace regular bushing setup except for the shape.

I hate how floppy new bushings are.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dou_02 on July 31, 2023, 01:47:46 PM
Thunder std148 on real 1/8 risers (thunder version)

Im honestly very surprised on how well thunder standards feel on wooden risers compared to indy hollow 144 stds.
 I need a 55mm height truck but have never ran thunders with risers even tho they were my first trucks 10 years ago

They turn 90% as well as indys but actually give me much needed precision on a lot of grinds and manuals. I also prefer the way normal trucks sound compared to hollow ones, and the thunders weigh pretty much the same as the hollow indy 144 stds.

This is the first time that thunder bushings haven’t cracked  on me and i’m 6’1 165 ( granted I was pushing 240 at one point)

I’m glad that I don’t have to do any frakensteining on the thunder bushings and can ride them with the nut flush
Before+ After 1 week
Previous 144 shown (rear 1.5 thread, front 1)
L)( ( ( ( ( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Daydream on July 31, 2023, 04:39:35 PM
Thunder std148 on real 1/8 risers (thunder version)

Im honestly very surprised on how well thunder standards feel on wooden risers compared to indy hollow 144 stds.
 I need a 55mm height truck but have never ran thunders with risers even tho they were my first trucks 10 years ago

They turn 90% as well as indys but actually give me much needed precision on a lot of grinds and manuals. I also prefer the way normal trucks sound compared to hollow ones, and the thunders weigh pretty much the same as the hollow indy 144 stds.

This is the first time that thunder bushings haven’t cracked  on me and i’m 6’1 165 ( granted I was pushing 240 at one point)

I’m glad that I don’t have to do any frakensteining on the thunder bushings and can ride them with the nut flush
Before+ After 1 week
Previous 144 shown (rear 1.5 thread, front 1)
L)( ( ( ( (
good stuff. this is always the goal, riding trucks stock bushings, nut flush and finding that nice feel. hso you weighed 165 the whole time on em? Always been curious about thunders with risers, as I weigh more (205 ish)  and the wheelbite thing was real with them. What size wheels?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on August 01, 2023, 05:32:34 AM
Anyone using thunders for transition?

Mitchie Brusco rides Thunder 151s on Mega Ramp + Vert... so that tells me that Thunders are an excellent truck for Stability when it comes to transition skating. I am finding them a lot easier to do mini ramp / quarter pipe skating on personally. For someone who is not as strong on transition.

What you don't see typically is pool / "Park" contest skaters riding Thunders. I don't see any reason it couldn't work for that type of skating, but I feel like those type of skaters want a very surfy feel. most of them are Indy riders because they have the market kinda cornered on that type of skating, but I see Ace riders like Ronnie Sandoval who make the trucks look amazing in park.

Chris Miller, Rick McCrank, Jon Fitzgerald skates Thunders and they all rip transition
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: YMCMB on August 01, 2023, 11:10:08 AM
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Anyone using thunders for transition?

Mitchie Brusco rides Thunder 151s on Mega Ramp + Vert... so that tells me that Thunders are an excellent truck for Stability when it comes to transition skating. I am finding them a lot easier to do mini ramp / quarter pipe skating on personally. For someone who is not as strong on transition.

What you don't see typically is pool / "Park" contest skaters riding Thunders. I don't see any reason it couldn't work for that type of skating, but I feel like those type of skaters want a very surfy feel. most of them are Indy riders because they have the market kinda cornered on that type of skating, but I see Ace riders like Ronnie Sandoval who make the trucks look amazing in park.

Chris Miller, Rick McCrank, Jon Fitzgerald skates Thunders and they all rip transition
Zion and Ishod ride Thunders.
Not saying Ishod is strictly pool or park, but he can ride everything. Zion would be more the candidate I was thinking.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: al_cvbrera on August 01, 2023, 11:22:49 AM
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my front pivot cup got torn up somehow, which usually never happens. anyway, looking for a quick fix as i don’t have spare thunder pivot cups, i used a pivot cup from a set of ace af1’s i don’t skate anymore. replaced the front pivot cup with ace pivots. everything is thunder except for the front pivot cup.

had my second day with this quick “modification” and i can definitely say that the turn, even with just one replacement pivot cup, has positively changed. i get deeper turns, bs crooks pinch right into place, etc.

one thing i did find though is that no matter how much i tighten down the bushings, it still has a deeper turn on the front truck compared to if i was still running the thunder pivot cup.

the ace pivot cup fits fairly alright in the baseplate with just a little bit of it sticking out. however, the pivot cup itself is too wide for the thunder hangar and i notice a bit of play/wiggle when i move them with my hands. not a perfect fit, but fits good enough for now.

to my surprise, i actually like it.

just a little bit less stable, but so much more carvy.

on team hollow lights btw, the ones with the cast baseplate.

Yo I did the exact same thing yesterday with my front pivot! Went to replace it and found a loose cup in my spares box and didn’t realise it had fallen out of a af1 baseplate I had lying in there. Chucked it in my front 151 teams and, voila! carving around like a madman now. But seriously, noticed a bit more turn, looser for sure, feels like riptides in thunders which I reckon if you run risers gets pretty close to ace levels of carve.

pretty amazing how just switching out one pivot cup, let alone the front truck pivot cup, can really change the feel of the truck. if they feel this different with just one pivot cup switched out, i wonder how much more with both 🤔

the only thing stopping me is i like the stability of thunders, i don’t wanna compromise that too much. oh and potentially warping the actual metal pivot itself on both trucks, too.

only time will tell if they actually do warp the metal. we shall see!

update: they’re fine. literally can’t even tell the difference now. prob cause i got used to them. to put it simply: if it works, it works
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on August 01, 2023, 12:33:43 PM
you can get more of a surfy feel by putting rounder edge wheels like classics on as well. the classic fulls would probably be ideal id think or a radial full even.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on August 01, 2023, 01:13:10 PM
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Anyone using thunders for transition?

Mitchie Brusco rides Thunder 151s on Mega Ramp + Vert... so that tells me that Thunders are an excellent truck for Stability when it comes to transition skating. I am finding them a lot easier to do mini ramp / quarter pipe skating on personally. For someone who is not as strong on transition.

What you don't see typically is pool / "Park" contest skaters riding Thunders. I don't see any reason it couldn't work for that type of skating, but I feel like those type of skaters want a very surfy feel. most of them are Indy riders because they have the market kinda cornered on that type of skating, but I see Ace riders like Ronnie Sandoval who make the trucks look amazing in park.

Chris Miller, Rick McCrank, Jon Fitzgerald skates Thunders and they all rip transition
Zion and Ishod ride Thunders.
Not saying Ishod is strictly pool or park, but he can ride everything. Zion would be more the candidate I was thinking.

Chris Miller on Thunder is what made me interested in Thunder to start with. No regrets.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 01, 2023, 01:45:36 PM
you can get more of a surfy feel by putting rounder edge wheels like classics on as well. the classic fulls would probably be ideal id think or a radial full even.

I gotta say one thing I have never noticed from wheels is how surfy they make a turn. How is that even possible?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on August 01, 2023, 02:32:32 PM
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you can get more of a surfy feel by putting rounder edge wheels like classics on as well. the classic fulls would probably be ideal id think or a radial full even.

I gotta say one thing I have never noticed from wheels is how surfy they make a turn. How is that even possible?
The only way I can see this working is that the skinnier the riding surface, the later the wheel bites. Same diameter conical full will bite (a tiny amount) earlier than a classic. Radial full makes no sense though.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fulfillthedream on August 01, 2023, 03:33:09 PM
Bledsoe skates Burnside with Thunders as does Cody Lockwood.

lots of transition/vert dudes skate thunders like elliot sloan, PLG, jimmy wilkins, daniel vargas etc.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 01, 2023, 05:16:23 PM
Zared ripped tensors for years....jussayin....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on August 02, 2023, 07:21:05 AM
I meant the slim Radials! Just something with a little more rounded corner on it though.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: al_cvbrera on August 02, 2023, 07:44:42 AM
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you can get more of a surfy feel by putting rounder edge wheels like classics on as well. the classic fulls would probably be ideal id think or a radial full even.

I gotta say one thing I have never noticed from wheels is how surfy they make a turn. How is that even possible?
it definitely makes an impact. for example, turning with conicals feels more rigid and less free compared to if you rode classics. im guessing it has to do with the contact patch. the wider the contact patch, the lesser the degree of range of motion. the thinner the contact patch, the higher the degree of range of motion. i probably sound a dumbass with the way i’m explaining it. but for me, the choice of wheels definitely makes a difference in how the turn feels
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 02, 2023, 11:53:43 AM
Ya I guess it doesn't add up mentally to me. Even if there is more contact patch turning is from the truck compressing the bushings and rebounding. Barring wheelbite at the end from a shape being wider, the wheel doesn't impact that. It's like saying and F1 car should turn slower because it has wider tires when the steering and suspension make them incredibly reactive.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on August 02, 2023, 02:15:14 PM
Ya I guess it doesn't add up mentally to me. Even if there is more contact patch turning is from the truck compressing the bushings and rebounding. Barring wheelbite at the end from a shape being wider, the wheel doesn't impact that. It's like saying and F1 car should turn slower because it has wider tires when the steering and suspension make them incredibly reactive.
Yeah it doesn't make any sense. Maybe it still feels that way for some other reason, but the turning has to be the same
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: intendedreceivers on August 02, 2023, 05:33:36 PM
I think it’s more like saying an F1 car has very rigid and precise turning *because* of its wide, blocky tires. Thinner tires with a rounder profile, like a normal car, are more floppy and flowy, throwing the weight of the car around a bit more. Obviously suspension plays a part there, but there’s a reason race tires are shaped like that.

All he’s getting at is the square edge and extra width of the fuller-shaped wheels gives you a little more leverage and stability vs. a classic shaped wheel, which effectively makes your trucks narrower due to the outer edge of the riding surfaces being slightly closer to center. Classic-type shapes feel more tippy to me as well. Easier to roll them over onto the shoulder, giving you a little more lean/swerve/movement than a comparable Conical or OG-type shape.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 02, 2023, 08:13:49 PM
That's because the sidewall of a normal tire flexes due to its height, not necessarily its shape. Normal cars also have much softer suspension. The only skateboard parts that are flexible are the bushings and deck, the wheels do not deform and transfer load as a result. It defies physics to say that the wheel shape influences turning other than wheelbite or confidence.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Willie on August 02, 2023, 08:38:10 PM
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Anyone using thunders for transition?

Mitchie Brusco rides Thunder 151s on Mega Ramp + Vert... so that tells me that Thunders are an excellent truck for Stability when it comes to transition skating. I am finding them a lot easier to do mini ramp / quarter pipe skating on personally. For someone who is not as strong on transition.

What you don't see typically is pool / "Park" contest skaters riding Thunders. I don't see any reason it couldn't work for that type of skating, but I feel like those type of skaters want a very surfy feel. most of them are Indy riders because they have the market kinda cornered on that type of skating, but I see Ace riders like Ronnie Sandoval who make the trucks look amazing in park.

Chris Miller, Rick McCrank, Jon Fitzgerald skates Thunders and they all rip transition
Zion and Ishod ride Thunders.
Not saying Ishod is strictly pool or park, but he can ride everything. Zion would be more the candidate I was thinking.

I think the clearance has a lot to do with Thunder not being especially prevalent with transition skaters. If you’re riding bigger wheels it can still be an issue.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dou_02 on August 02, 2023, 08:47:03 PM
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Thunder std148 on real 1/8 risers (thunder version)

Im honestly very surprised on how well thunder standards feel on wooden risers compared to indy hollow 144 stds.
 I need a 55mm height truck but have never ran thunders with risers even tho they were my first trucks 10 years ago

They turn 90% as well as indys but actually give me much needed precision on a lot of grinds and manuals. I also prefer the way normal trucks sound compared to hollow ones, and the thunders weigh pretty much the same as the hollow indy 144 stds.

This is the first time that thunder bushings haven’t cracked  on me and i’m 6’1 165 ( granted I was pushing 240 at one point)

I’m glad that I don’t have to do any frakensteining on the thunder bushings and can ride them with the nut flush
Before+ After 1 week
Previous 144 shown (rear 1.5 thread, front 1)
L)( ( ( ( (
good stuff. this is always the goal, riding trucks stock bushings, nut flush and finding that nice feel. hso you weighed 165 the whole time on em? Always been curious about thunders with risers, as I weigh more (205 ish)  and the wheelbite thing was real with them. What size wheels?
I have been 165-170 the whole time and I ride 54mm spitfire radials
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 02, 2023, 09:08:37 PM
That's because the sidewall of a normal tire flexes due to its height, not necessarily its shape. Normal cars also have much softer suspension. The only skateboard parts that are flexible are the bushings and deck, the wheels do not deform and transfer load as a result. It defies physics to say that the wheel shape influences turning other than wheelbite or confidence.

It seems to me wheel width or more accurately contact patch width will impact how a truck turns. It's the law or moments. The further away from the kingpin the outside edge of the contact patch sits, the more leverage you have. This will also provide a tighter or longer arc depending where it sits.

Really hanger width and wheel width are more relevant than axle width when considering how a truck will turn. It is noticeable if you put on a set of super juice style wide cruisers and then compare the turn with a regular classic style wheel.

You can also factor in how much leverage you'll get from deck width also.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pointandclick on August 02, 2023, 09:12:11 PM
That's because the sidewall of a normal tire flexes due to its height, not necessarily its shape. Normal cars also have much softer suspension. The only skateboard parts that are flexible are the bushings and deck, the wheels do not deform and transfer load as a result. It defies physics to say that the wheel shape influences turning other than wheelbite or confidence.
depending on the durometer/shape wheels can certainly deform.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 02, 2023, 09:16:22 PM
Certainly. But the law of moments still applies. And if you have everything else the same. Same hanger width, same deck width and same durometer wheel it’s pretty easy to feel the difference a  contact patch width can make on a turn.

probably also worth noting than wheel size in height (like a riser) will destabilize a truck, as it gets bigger.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 02, 2023, 09:34:10 PM
I don't see how the law of moments applies unless you're about to break into a slide. Wheel width doesn't impact how the turn initiates unless your trucks are so tight the deck rolls over to the side of the wheel. Wheel weight is so close that the opposing side isn't anchoring you.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 02, 2023, 09:36:29 PM
Your deck width and the outer edge of your wheel contact patch are what you are using to create leverage.

 The further the outside wheel contact edge is  from the kingpin  the wider the turning arc will be.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 02, 2023, 10:08:58 PM
The center of the wheel is the same distance from the center of the deck all else equal regardless of wheel shape.

The arc would be measured to the center of the wheel not the outside or inside for the very reason you mentioned.

Otherwise you could put on a 50mm wide wheel and a 15mm wide wheel and do the same turn without wheelbiting but the radius of the turn isn't going to be wider. The radius is determined by the truck width, how hard you lean, and the deck dimensions. Sure, the contact patch will be wider as will the edges, but the board isn't making bigger turns.

Back to trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on August 03, 2023, 03:56:50 AM
Ya I guess it doesn't add up mentally to me. Even if there is more contact patch turning is from the truck compressing the bushings and rebounding. Barring wheelbite at the end from a shape being wider, the wheel doesn't impact that. It's like saying and F1 car should turn slower because it has wider tires when the steering and suspension make them incredibly reactive.

A better way for me to describe it is like, Thunders already feel really stable to me, so I can use a tippier wheel. i am less scared to use classics on these trucks.

vs. on Aces, I would rather use a fat wheel, because those trucks already feel really turny out the gate. I need a fat wheel to calm it down and make it feel more stable. they already turn good enough so i dont need to go up on the corners of the wheels as badly either.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on August 03, 2023, 03:59:20 AM
I think it’s more like saying an F1 car has very rigid and precise turning *because* of its wide, blocky tires. Thinner tires with a rounder profile, like a normal car, are more floppy and flowy, throwing the weight of the car around a bit more. Obviously suspension plays a part there, but there’s a reason race tires are shaped like that.

All he’s getting at is the square edge and extra width of the fuller-shaped wheels gives you a little more leverage and stability vs. a classic shaped wheel, which effectively makes your trucks narrower due to the outer edge of the riding surfaces being slightly closer to center. Classic-type shapes feel more tippy to me as well. Easier to roll them over onto the shoulder, giving you a little more lean/swerve/movement than a comparable Conical or OG-type shape.

yes!!! exactly
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: moonordie on August 03, 2023, 04:39:09 AM
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Anyone using thunders for transition?

Mitchie Brusco rides Thunder 151s on Mega Ramp + Vert... so that tells me that Thunders are an excellent truck for Stability when it comes to transition skating. I am finding them a lot easier to do mini ramp / quarter pipe skating on personally. For someone who is not as strong on transition.

What you don't see typically is pool / "Park" contest skaters riding Thunders. I don't see any reason it couldn't work for that type of skating, but I feel like those type of skaters want a very surfy feel. most of them are Indy riders because they have the market kinda cornered on that type of skating, but I see Ace riders like Ronnie Sandoval who make the trucks look amazing in park.

Chris Miller, Rick McCrank, Jon Fitzgerald skates Thunders and they all rip transition
Zion and Ishod ride Thunders.
Not saying Ishod is strictly pool or park, but he can ride everything. Zion would be more the candidate I was thinking.

Chris Miller on Thunder is what made me interested in Thunder to start with. No regrets.
Jimmy Wilkins skates them. End of this discussion.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 03, 2023, 06:52:32 AM
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Ya I guess it doesn't add up mentally to me. Even if there is more contact patch turning is from the truck compressing the bushings and rebounding. Barring wheelbite at the end from a shape being wider, the wheel doesn't impact that. It's like saying and F1 car should turn slower because it has wider tires when the steering and suspension make them incredibly reactive.

A better way for me to describe it is like, Thunders already feel really stable to me, so I can use a tippier wheel. i am less scared to use classics on these trucks.

vs. on Aces, I would rather use a fat wheel, because those trucks already feel really turny out the gate. I need a fat wheel to calm it down and make it feel more stable. they already turn good enough so i dont need to go up on the corners of the wheels as badly either.

Yeah, I could be wrong but I've noticed a difference in turn with the same set up with different width wheels. Try it. I'm not sure you can compare the way a car turns with how a skateboard turn is initiated.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on August 03, 2023, 08:05:05 AM
Which wheel diameter leads to the best turning?
Stop making up new physics.

I'm actually gonna try it out tomorrow btw. Bones V3 vs fat worn down 57mm radials.

Edit: Just asked my mechanical engineer friend that skates and it 100% can not change the turning other than the wheelbite limit already discussed. Unless you are coconut wheeling of course.

I'm still interested in how it changes the feeling though
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 03, 2023, 08:40:33 AM
Yah I have a friend that is an engineer on an endurance Motorsports team and his response was "that is absolutely ridiculous"
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 03, 2023, 08:51:28 AM
I'm not an engineer and don't care for cars. I do know that a wider contact patch can make a truck feel very different. Maybe subjective. Try it. Or not.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 03, 2023, 08:55:21 AM
Which wheel diameter leads to the best turning?
Stop making up new physics.

I'm actually gonna try it out tomorrow btw. Bones V3 vs fat worn down 57mm radials.

Edit: Just asked my mechanical engineer friend that skates and it 100% can not change the turning other than the wheelbite limit already discussed. Unless you are coconut wheeling of course.

I'm still interested in how it changes the feeling though

A higher skateboard will turn differently. It's not hard to feel the difference  in this. Diameter of your wheel will impact how stable a truck feels. One of the reasons, along with quicker pop, we all went down to sub 50mm wheels at one point.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ggrimmedd on August 03, 2023, 08:58:48 AM
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Anyone using thunders for transition?

Mitchie Brusco rides Thunder 151s on Mega Ramp + Vert... so that tells me that Thunders are an excellent truck for Stability when it comes to transition skating. I am finding them a lot easier to do mini ramp / quarter pipe skating on personally. For someone who is not as strong on transition.

What you don't see typically is pool / "Park" contest skaters riding Thunders. I don't see any reason it couldn't work for that type of skating, but I feel like those type of skaters want a very surfy feel. most of them are Indy riders because they have the market kinda cornered on that type of skating, but I see Ace riders like Ronnie Sandoval who make the trucks look amazing in park.

Chris Miller, Rick McCrank, Jon Fitzgerald skates Thunders and they all rip transition
Zion and Ishod ride Thunders.
Not saying Ishod is strictly pool or park, but he can ride everything. Zion would be more the candidate I was thinking.

Chris Miller on Thunder is what made me interested in Thunder to start with. No regrets.
Jimmy Wilkins skates them. End of this discussion.

Close case, gonna ditch my aces and try thunders, review not so soon
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 03, 2023, 09:28:19 AM
you can get more of a surfy feel by putting rounder edge wheels like classics on as well. the classic fulls would probably be ideal id think or a radial full even.

Perhaps it is related to "Scrub Radius." I 'm not qualified to explain it properly but apparently, wheel diameter and contact patch can impact "Scrub Radius" and make a turn feel different.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: intendedreceivers on August 03, 2023, 02:06:34 PM
Yah I have a friend that is an engineer on an endurance Motorsports team and his response was "that is absolutely ridiculous"

I think you’re overthinking this getting into physics and numbers and engineer buddies. It’s just a change in how it makes the turn feel; stable and precise vs. tippy and organic. They wouldn’t sell different wheel shapes if they all resulted in the same exact turn.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 03, 2023, 02:45:07 PM
I just have a low tolerance for bullshit and bro science, which this is. There is zero evidence that this could even be possible.

That is not why they sell different wheel shapes at all. Frankly this is getting boring and you're illustrating how little of an understanding you have of how a skateboard actually works.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: intendedreceivers on August 03, 2023, 03:10:07 PM
I just have a low tolerance for bullshit and bro science, which this is. There is zero evidence that this could even be possible.

That is not why they sell different wheel shapes at all. Frankly this is getting boring and you're illustrating how little of an understanding you have of how a skateboard actually works.

You need evidence for the subjective opinion that wheel shape affects the handling and feel of a truck?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on August 03, 2023, 03:36:46 PM
Nobody is arguing that wheels don't change the feel of the board in terms of tippiness, but they simply can not change the actual turning.
I think where our opinions differ is what contributes to "turning".
Can we agree on this?: If you basically attach a piece of chalk to your board (in the center, touching the ground) and do some turns, those chalk lines would be independent of the wheels. Only without wheelbiting of course.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: al_cvbrera on August 03, 2023, 04:19:10 PM
I just have a low tolerance for bullshit and bro science, which this is. There is zero evidence that this could even be possible.

That is not why they sell different wheel shapes at all. Frankly this is getting boring and you're illustrating how little of an understanding you have of how a skateboard actually works.
please enlighten us on precisely why they sell different wheel shapes then, in full detail!

please also illustrate to us your superior understanding of how a skateboard actually works

like holy fuck dude, get over yourself

get off your fucking high horse man

i’m so sirius rn >:( why are people not aligning their views with mine, i know how this works and they don’t  >:((((( i know so because i have a friend thats an engineer in endurance motorsports 😳☝️☝️ >:(((
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 03, 2023, 05:02:28 PM
I just have a low tolerance for bullshit and bro science, which this is. There is zero evidence that this could even be possible.

That is not why they sell different wheel shapes at all. Frankly this is getting boring and you're illustrating how little of an understanding you have of how a skateboard actually works.

The manner in which you try to engage in discussion once again is proving to be very belittling and snarky. What a tone you take when you're done.... I presume you are not this much of a wanker in real life?

Calling other people pedantic is hilarious at this point. I have a "low tolerance" for it  ;D
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: al_cvbrera on August 03, 2023, 05:05:26 PM
@lebowskisrug you called someone Mr. Pedantic before once on this site like a sarcastic asshole when you’re actually a pedant yourself. i’m against smart-shaming, don’t get me wrong. people appreciate educated viewpoints. but when people are just giving their own insight as consumers, just take it as that: insight. there is value in other people’s experiences, whether or not you necessarily agree with them. all i’m trying to say is you’ve consistently been a dick on this site and act like your knowledge is indubitably correct, like your opinion is an undeniable fact. and you get sand in your pants when people don’t agree with you. like whats your deal man? have you not gotten laid in a while or what? are things tough at work and you’re just super stressed out? like whats really going on man? are you ok? stop being so snooty and acting like your shit doesn’t stink dude
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 03, 2023, 05:29:18 PM
Just doing a quick bit of google "bro science" and there is a lot of car talk on how tire width impacts stability, handling and tire wear, or the scrub radius.... completely subjective I concede, but with wider wheels (everything else the same) the way my board turns, feels  different.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: intendedreceivers on August 03, 2023, 06:08:33 PM
Sure. I mean, I think we all get that geometry is geometry and physics are physics, but you’re still adding variables when you change things like wheel shape. You’re changing the effective track width of the board, which affects how much pressure is needed to lean it over and how much lean you get before wheelbite. The extra urethane contact make wide wheels feel very connected to the ground, adding to the stable and precise feel of the turn, while narrow wheels feel more loosely connected to the ground… all the variables working together is “the turning” to me, and it’s much more complex than somehow measuring the radius of the board doing a theoretical perfect U-turn under a precise, consistent load.

Does anyone realistically think of turning with that narrow of a definition? It’s just not indicative of how a skateboard turns or moves in any realistic situation.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 03, 2023, 06:13:37 PM
I agree.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on August 03, 2023, 06:52:23 PM
i love how a boring truck (i’m a fan, but to me they ‘just work’), has a thread that’s got some spice.
i dig lebowski’s strong opinions, it adds to my enjoyment of the site.
my anecdotal experience: a narrower wheel, wheelbites later, allowing more turn. wider wheels, feel more stable, to me, and frustratingly so, when im trying to get the board to flop over and flip.
fortunately, for me, all of this shit is opinions and bro science. skateboarding has always had an almost unhealthy dose of mysticism/gibberish/snake oil tactics, when it comes to the gear. it used to frustrate me a lot, and now i kind of dig it. helps it from turning into ice skating, or pro cycling, or whatever the fuck (this is also how i can like Gino and Wade the best, and not some far more productive/capable youth). so much about skating is opinions and nonsense.
i mean for heavens sake there has been reference to ‘surfy’ etc, which is, to me, thankfully, not some quantifiable metric. i don’t surf.
anyways, carry on, i like reading this stuff.
and when i skate thunders (147s) i prefer smaller spitfire classics.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 03, 2023, 07:21:02 PM
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I just have a low tolerance for bullshit and bro science, which this is. There is zero evidence that this could even be possible.

That is not why they sell different wheel shapes at all. Frankly this is getting boring and you're illustrating how little of an understanding you have of how a skateboard actually works.
please enlighten us on precisely why they sell different wheel shapes then, in full detail!

please also illustrate to us your superior understanding of how a skateboard actually works

like holy fuck dude, get over yourself

get off your fucking high horse man

i’m so sirius rn >:( why are people not aligning their views with mine, i know how this works and they don’t  >:((((( i know so because i have a friend thats an engineer in endurance motorsports 😳☝️☝️ >:(((

The fact that your best insult is "get over yourself" shows that you must be really frustrated at potentially being incorrect about something and it triggers your insecurities. Those insecurities are then used to try and insult me, but frankly dude it's fucking Slap who actually gives a shit?

Larger contact patch smooths out rough terrain and some feel it grips more

Different sidewall shapes lock in differently

Larger and smaller wheels have various effects on pop and speed.

Durometers impact grip and speed

Colors impact people's desired aesthetic

And none of this impacts turning. If it did pro skaters that skated tight transition wouldn't almost universally skate wider, larger wheels.

I think maybe short posts make people think I'm mad or care. I have friends that make claims like this and we banter about it, but it's not serious. It's simply not possible, but if you wanna believe it then go for it. Making up explanations that are borderline ridiculous like wider wheels make you turn at a bigger arc just makes it even more ridiculous and is pretty easy to disprove. I don't take myself or this board seriously or view myself as any sort of authority on any aspect of skateboarding.

To answer your questions that are thinly veiled insults I am doing great on all of your questions and not salty or upset. I just don't agree with what you're saying and pseudo science explanations that can be disproved in a driveway. In general we live in an age where people just make up whatever they want and expect that since it's their opinion no one will question them. I questioned you and you didn't actually provide any sort of explanation that is rooted in the realities of physics or just basic common sense observing skateboards turn.

You can keep getting mad and being insulting but I'm not mad or really feeling anything about posts on a skateboarding message board.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 03, 2023, 07:26:10 PM
Sure. I mean, I think we all get that geometry is geometry and physics are physics, but you’re still adding variables when you change things like wheel shape. You’re changing the effective track width of the board, which affects how much pressure is needed to lean it over and how much lean you get before wheelbite. The extra urethane contact make wide wheels feel very connected to the ground, adding to the stable and precise feel of the turn, while narrow wheels feel more loosely connected to the ground… all the variables working together is “the turning” to me, and it’s much more complex than somehow measuring the radius of the board doing a theoretical perfect U-turn under a precise, consistent load.

Does anyone realistically think of turning with that narrow of a definition? It’s just not indicative of how a skateboard turns or moves in any realistic situation.

Yes myself and others do because what you're describing isn't "surfiness". It doesn't make the board feel looser or tighter and barring wheelbite or breaking into a slide it won't matter. I totally agree that wheelbite and breaking into a slide matter and the outside width is wider, but the center of the wheel is still where it is. If you're talking a conical vs conical full difference in width there won't be anything noticeable for turning, but maybe some for wheelbite and slides. I'll never dispute that or disagree.

What I will disagree with is that it absolutely cannot effect pressure to lean it over. The wheel is not exerting pressure enough to break into a slide and unless the amount of friction change drastically and quickly, the differential in a normal turn wouldn't be noticeable.

And frankly I asked someone much smarter than me that works on things that turn because I thought "maybe I'm wrong, I should get additional opinions" because that's kinda what you do if you're trying to make a case.

At this point I get it y'all hate me and are gunna just sit there and look anything I post so we're not getting anywhere. Wish you the best and I'm not going to derail the thread about tricks further. Maybe take this to the wheels thread where in the past someone like me was able to disprove that wider wheels take more effort to break into slides.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Banned from the room on August 04, 2023, 05:39:09 AM
I would like for Thunder to pull an Indy and reissue blasters and chargers.

I miss that crazy Gothic bushing seats and earring baseplates with the ill gingerbreading (for lack of a better term)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on August 04, 2023, 06:24:19 AM
I think I made the mistake of saying "more surfy" by adding the classics but that was really not the correct word to use there. I see why you guys are getting upset over this. I really just meant "less stable".

I think the art direction for the thunder catalogs and ads has been really good lately. I think Thunder is really killing it in all aspects the last 5 years or so, the seeing the god tier legion of pros that endorse them. Their branding is acttually kind of shit though, I wish they would do more with the thunderbolt or something. the actual font they use on the trucks is pretty cool but they dont print shirts with it.


like this new logo on that dark green shirt actually isnt too bad, but i am not drawn to it either. I would love a shirt that combines the THUNDER font and thunderbolt logo from the baseplate somehow. something iconic like the Venture AWAKE shirt.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on August 04, 2023, 06:30:51 AM
those shirts aren't bad. It's funny because Thunder is absolutely my favorite truck, but I also feel like it's the least "cool" truck company out of the top brands.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on August 04, 2023, 07:46:54 AM
those shirts aren't bad. It's funny because Thunder is absolutely my favorite truck, but I also feel like it's the least "cool" truck company out of the top brands.

The branding is by far the worst. Even the grenade logo which I used to like a little bit looks like a knock off snowboard brand logo
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Kombuch-A-Holic on August 04, 2023, 08:24:54 AM
Explore the distinctions among different skateboard wheel shapes – conical, radial, and classic. Each shape interacts with the road uniquely, impacting how we lean into turns. For instance, a conical shape with a wider outer contact patch offers more stability and predictable turns. On the other hand, classic wheels might feel more nimble but less stable during turns.

A wider wheelbase enhances stability during turns by increasing resistance to sudden direction changes. This is especially noticeable in high-speed carving turns, where a larger moment of inertia leads to smoother, controlled maneuvers. Wheel width greatly influences how easily turns are initiated.

Wheel size matters too. Similar to larger tires affecting F1 car handling, a skateboard wheel's diameter influences turning dynamics. Bigger wheels have broader contact patches, altering pressure distribution and the board's responsiveness to the rider.

The notion that wheel shape affects skateboard turning is grounded in a comparison to motorsports. While skateboarding and F1 racing differ, the principle of optimizing wheel characteristics for specific performance remains consistent.

Our ankles play a crucial role in shaping our skateboarding experience and suspension system. They influence how we navigate the skateboard, impacting turning, stability, and overall maneuverability. The flexibility and adjustments of our ankles during turns affect how we perceive different wheel shapes and sizes.

This personal adaptation, combined with wheel characteristics and other skateboard components, provides a comprehensive understanding of skateboarding dynamics. The collective impact of ankles, wheel shapes, and other factors contributes to the diverse nature of the skateboarding experience.

Maybe LebowskisRug just skates faster and has impressive ankle control. It's all Physics and Science at this point.

Why TF am I even in the thunder thread?

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Kombuch-A-Holic on August 04, 2023, 08:30:57 AM
Expand Quote
those shirts aren't bad. It's funny because Thunder is absolutely my favorite truck, but I also feel like it's the least "cool" truck company out of the top brands.

The branding is by far the worst. Even the grenade logo which I used to like a little bit looks like a knock off snowboard brand logo

One of my oldest friends got that grenade logo tattoo on his neck... We don't talk much, and he's never even skated a pair of Thunder trucks. He does also have a Spitfire tattoo. A true DLX loyal pawn. Lol.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 04, 2023, 10:16:21 AM
I think I made the mistake of saying "more surfy" by adding the classics but that was really not the correct word to use there. I see why you guys are getting upset over this. I really just meant "less stable".

I think the art direction for the thunder catalogs and ads has been really good lately. I think Thunder is really killing it in all aspects the last 5 years or so, the seeing the god tier legion of pros that endorse them. Their branding is acttually kind of shit though, I wish they would do more with the thunderbolt or something. the actual font they use on the trucks is pretty cool but they dont print shirts with it.


like this new logo on that dark green shirt actually isnt too bad, but i am not drawn to it either. I would love a shirt that combines the THUNDER font and thunderbolt logo from the baseplate somehow. something iconic like the Venture AWAKE shirt.

They did a series with Frankie Villani that I actually liked but didn't really plug it. They should do that more like Venture does and slowly fade out the heart grenade
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 04, 2023, 10:18:49 AM
those shirts aren't bad. It's funny because Thunder is absolutely my favorite truck, but I also feel like it's the least "cool" truck company out of the top brands.

I dunno if you follow Ted Barrow much but he rips on Thunder a lot for their aesthetic, corny marketing, and massive team. I feel that a truck is as "cool" as who is riding it so if Ishod or Lucas is ripping on them they're cool to me.

I just hope the T2 has better baseplate slide and bushing quality.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: skateboardingenthusiast on August 04, 2023, 03:47:39 PM
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I just have a low tolerance for bullshit and bro science, which this is. There is zero evidence that this could even be possible.

That is not why they sell different wheel shapes at all. Frankly this is getting boring and you're illustrating how little of an understanding you have of how a skateboard actually works.
please enlighten us on precisely why they sell different wheel shapes then, in full detail!

please also illustrate to us your superior understanding of how a skateboard actually works

like holy fuck dude, get over yourself

get off your fucking high horse man

i’m so sirius rn >:( why are people not aligning their views with mine, i know how this works and they don’t  >:((((( i know so because i have a friend thats an engineer in endurance motorsports 😳☝️☝️ >:(((

The fact that your best insult is "get over yourself" shows that you must be really frustrated at potentially being incorrect about something and it triggers your insecurities. Those insecurities are then used to try and insult me, but frankly dude it's fucking Slap who actually gives a shit?

Larger contact patch smooths out rough terrain and some feel it grips more

Different sidewall shapes lock in differently

Larger and smaller wheels have various effects on pop and speed.

Durometers impact grip and speed

Colors impact people's desired aesthetic

And none of this impacts turning. If it did pro skaters that skated tight transition wouldn't almost universally skate wider, larger wheels.

I think maybe short posts make people think I'm mad or care. I have friends that make claims like this and we banter about it, but it's not serious. It's simply not possible, but if you wanna believe it then go for it. Making up explanations that are borderline ridiculous like wider wheels make you turn at a bigger arc just makes it even more ridiculous and is pretty easy to disprove. I don't take myself or this board seriously or view myself as any sort of authority on any aspect of skateboarding.

To answer your questions that are thinly veiled insults I am doing great on all of your questions and not salty or upset. I just don't agree with what you're saying and pseudo science explanations that can be disproved in a driveway. In general we live in an age where people just make up whatever they want and expect that since it's their opinion no one will question them. I questioned you and you didn't actually provide any sort of explanation that is rooted in the realities of physics or just basic common sense observing skateboards turn.

You can keep getting mad and being insulting but I'm not mad or really feeling anything about posts on a skateboarding message board.
I’m sorry to keep diverting from the intended purpose of this thread, but I find it funny how you think “get over yourself” was that dude’s best insult. You were asked if you haven’t gotten laid in a while and if you “are that much of a wanker in real life”, and were called a pedant after you called someone else Mr. Pedantic yourself (which you kind of deserved to have turned back onto you because you seem like you are one, in all complete honesty). You can say you aren’t mad or feel some type of way, sure… but you definitely seemed like you did when you said your whole shtick about low tolerance and called other people’s viewpoints bullshit.

You also said “I don't take myself or this board seriously or view myself as any sort of authority on any aspect of skateboarding”, and then you also said “Maybe take this to the wheels thread where in the past someone like me was able to disprove”… uhh… someone like you? What’s that supposed to mean?
Very peculiar choice of words you’ve got there for someone who says they have no authority on any aspect on skateboarding.

To add about the wheels discussion so we can finally continue to discuss Thunder trucks, I think you just misinterpreted it when people simply gave their consumer reports about how thinner and smaller wheels vs. wider and bigger wheels change how the truck turns for them. I think they meant thinner wheels make Thunder trucks (which are known to have a stable feeling turn) feel like they have a more agile turn, compared to how wider wheels on Thunders make the turn feel less agile, which I personally agree with.

I would personally go with thinner wheels on Thunder’s, like a Classic shaped wheel. I’ve tried both Classics and Conicals on Thunder’s, and Conicals on them do make them subjectively feel like they have the effect of narrowing the already rigid feeling turn of Thunder trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 04, 2023, 05:56:10 PM
Did you really create an account just to keep a stupid argument going and try to insult me? I can't imagine myself ever caring enough about a message board topic to go and do that. What an epic weirdo.

I've skated Thunders on and off since 1999 on basically every normal shaped wheel 54mm and under and still think wheels are a personal preference. I definitely don't like going too wide if it's 53-54 just because o wheelbite on them more. I think the Classic/Thunder pairing has my favorite feeling pinch and lock in of any combo. I've never found any Thunder to turn rigid myself and quite like the turn regardless of wheel. I might be in the minority that doesn't find them twitchy
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on August 04, 2023, 10:59:35 PM
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those shirts aren't bad. It's funny because Thunder is absolutely my favorite truck, but I also feel like it's the least "cool" truck company out of the top brands.

I dunno if you follow Ted Barrow much but he rips on Thunder a lot for their aesthetic, corny marketing, and massive team. I feel that a truck is as "cool" as who is riding it so if Ishod or Lucas is ripping on them they're cool to me.

I just hope the T2 has better baseplate slide and bushing quality.

he’s not wrong, but indy isn’t exactly cool, neither is ace.
venture is cool.

i’ve skated thunders, off and on, since i started skating again, almost 30 years ago. and i keep coming back, for either/both: the performance (pop) of the truck, and then some of the riders (antwuan, wade, ellington, mj, ishod, lucas, you get it).
i like the stock thunder bushings, they work well for me. it seems somewhat common for people to give some personal stars when talking bushings, i’m short, and weigh 170 (so, fat). the bushings break, but it doesn’t seem to mess anything up, for me. i’m not good tho.
i haven’t seen anything about the t2, will certainly want to try
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 05, 2023, 06:29:53 AM
The T2 has been in testing for like 3 years at this point. Pictures surfaced 1.5 years ago and riders have been spotted with em but there's not many details. The set I have a pic of has a normal kingpin but there's an IKP set. It's hard to tell if the baseplate is longer, but it's more rounded on the wheel side like the old Thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mean salto on August 05, 2023, 07:18:39 AM
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those shirts aren't bad. It's funny because Thunder is absolutely my favorite truck, but I also feel like it's the least "cool" truck company out of the top brands.

I dunno if you follow Ted Barrow much but he rips on Thunder a lot for their aesthetic, corny marketing, and massive team. I feel that a truck is as "cool" as who is riding it so if Ishod or Lucas is ripping on them they're cool to me.

I just hope the T2 has better baseplate slide and bushing quality.

he’s not wrong, but indy isn’t exactly cool, neither is ace.
venture is cool.

Maybe not being "cool" has been kinda good for thunder. Indy was pretty cool from 05-2015 but now it's chat. Venture used to actually be embarassing and now it's top. Thunder just consistently stayed at number 2 for the last 20 years
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 05, 2023, 07:33:02 AM
I make fun of thunder's marketing too but the trucks are is great, IMO it's the truck that forced the other trucks to change their designs to be more modern. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 05, 2023, 08:03:11 AM

Could you expand on that? I wasn't paying much attention to gear before 2018 so I'm not familiar with how things changed from like 2008 until then.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on August 05, 2023, 10:15:04 AM
The T2 has been in testing for like 3 years at this point. Pictures surfaced 1.5 years ago and riders have been spotted with em but there's not many details. The set I have a pic of has a normal kingpin but there's an IKP set. It's hard to tell if the baseplate is longer, but it's more rounded on the wheel side like the old Thunders.

Did these photos of the T2 make it into this thread? If not do you mind posting the photo you have?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dou_02 on August 05, 2023, 11:04:24 AM
148 std on real 1/8risers
My luck ran out after 2 weeks and my top bushing started to crack on both sides.
Nothing worked so i put a indy bushing.( ( ( (
This is the 6th  time with thunders I don’t want to worry about it even with aftermkt. Going back to indy hollow 144 stds for a bit.
Bummed cause thunders are my best percorming truck but i need to be fully comfortable when i skate
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on August 06, 2023, 09:08:45 AM
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those shirts aren't bad. It's funny because Thunder is absolutely my favorite truck, but I also feel like it's the least "cool" truck company out of the top brands.

I dunno if you follow Ted Barrow much but he rips on Thunder a lot for their aesthetic, corny marketing, and massive team. I feel that a truck is as "cool" as who is riding it so if Ishod or Lucas is ripping on them they're cool to me.

I just hope the T2 has better baseplate slide and bushing quality.

Lucas been riding indys.
In the 90s thunders looked fucking weird. I was watching the 411 ny metrospective and one of my favorites does a line in thunders. Loose as fuck and with good style and the ugly ass thunders ruined it for me. Might be cause they were small thunders. So the hanger looked small and chubby.

Matt reason made the extra wide ones with 20 riser pads and 60mm look cool

With that being said, thunders are the best trucks. Biggest complaint everybody has is the baseplate. I dont care about it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 06, 2023, 09:34:39 AM

Could you expand on that? I wasn't paying much attention to gear before 2018 so I'm not familiar with how things changed from like 2008 until then.

I just always think of Ventures always being really low and not turning, Indy's being heavy and early 2000's they had that bad batch where the axels bent.

Thunder's being a lighter truck that was low enough to get technical but the turning radius was stable enough jump down stuff....they still have a bit of of turn that you could skate a bowl.

I have the ole...'well such and such skated them...and he ripped!' but pretty sure Mcrank rode for Royal...skated Thunders. Sick team, sick product....just shit logos.

To me it was a cue for Indy to slim down and eventually for Venture to redesign. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on August 06, 2023, 10:03:53 AM
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Could you expand on that? I wasn't paying much attention to gear before 2018 so I'm not familiar with how things changed from like 2008 until then.

I just always think of Ventures always being really low and not turning, Indy's being heavy and early 2000's they had that bad batch where the axels bent.

Thunder's being a lighter truck that

I have the ole...'well such and such skated them...and he ripped!' but pretty sure Mcrank rode for Royal...skated Thunders. Sick team, sick product....just shit logos.

I always liked the grenade logo. Im in the minority then  ;D
( (

I also like the lighting bolt with no box.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 06, 2023, 10:39:43 AM
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those shirts aren't bad. It's funny because Thunder is absolutely my favorite truck, but I also feel like it's the least "cool" truck company out of the top brands.

I dunno if you follow Ted Barrow much but he rips on Thunder a lot for their aesthetic, corny marketing, and massive team. I feel that a truck is as "cool" as who is riding it so if Ishod or Lucas is ripping on them they're cool to me.

I just hope the T2 has better baseplate slide and bushing quality.

Lucas been riding indys.
In the 90s thunders looked fucking weird. I was watching the 411 ny metrospective and one of my favorites does a line in thunders. Loose as fuck and with good style and the ugly ass thunders ruined it for me. Might be cause they were small thunders. So the hanger looked small and chubby.

Matt reason made the extra wide ones with 20 riser pads and 60mm look cool

With that being said, thunders are the best trucks. Biggest complaint everybody has is the baseplate. I dont care about it.

All I gotta say about Thunder and the old days is: Kenny Reed, Huf, and Marc.

A lot of the old Krux team used to put oval stickers on their Thunders and I know Jerry rode them instead of Royals for the most part. I always thought they looked better than Stage 6-8 Indy's.

Weirdly I remember the old more rounded baseplates sticking out more but maybe that wasn't real.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on August 08, 2023, 08:54:55 AM
( (

This ad was cool, thunder wides do look good. I have a John Cardiel black label Reissue with the 8.75 thunders and looks pretty cool.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 08, 2023, 11:31:50 AM
There’s a ton of people who quietly ride thunders and they are all really good…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Theme For A Jackal on August 09, 2023, 06:54:00 AM
I used to skate Thunders exclusively in the 2000's but I broke several hangers in a row (and I was 5'6" and 150lbs at the time) and I swore off them and switched to Indy which I've rode ever since

I'm tempted to try my hand at some Thunders again though and see how they feel
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on August 09, 2023, 07:31:42 AM
the best part of thunders for me is i can ride a non hollow truck that doesnt weigh 500 lbs
i wonder what it will feel like to drop ~80g off my Egg setup by changing the Aces to Thunders
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 09, 2023, 09:30:33 AM
There’s a ton of people who quietly ride thunders and they are all really good…..

They're gaining more traction again after the Ace/Venture trends at least locally in SD. I've seen a few shop riders/employees on them and talked to one yesterday that was Indy flow and skates mostly big ass transition, parks, gnarly street stuff, and he raves about his Thunder Forged Lights. Another transition/big terrain dude at the park yesterday was on Indy Flow and got so sick of mids that he copped a pair of Team Hollows from the shop bargain bin and was raving about how great they are.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on August 09, 2023, 11:35:37 AM
Speaking of Thunder Lights, I had a bent axle and DLX customer service is still top tier:

( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 09, 2023, 02:12:56 PM
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There’s a ton of people who quietly ride thunders and they are all really good…..

They're gaining more traction again after the Ace/Venture trends at least locally in SD. I've seen a few shop riders/employees on them and talked to one yesterday that was Indy flow and skates mostly big ass transition, parks, gnarly street stuff, and he raves about his Thunder Forged Lights. Another transition/big terrain dude at the park yesterday was on Indy Flow and got so sick of mids that he copped a pair of Team Hollows from the shop bargain bin and was raving about how great they are.

I think my assessment checks out and applies to all things SD....really good skaters.....I"m going to guess that at least 70% of skaters who ride thunders can nollie flip.....ACE: 50.....It's a DLX brand, but I don't really see them claiming SF as hard as the board brands and spitfire....Now I'm dating myself...but if there was a current day's Thunder...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Justinshreds on August 09, 2023, 05:46:32 PM
Speaking of Thunder Lights, I had a bent axle and DLX customer service is still top tier:

( (

Did you just message them through the DLXSF product warranty page? Currently have a bent axle on my trucks that are only a few months old.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 09, 2023, 10:45:47 PM
More reasons to pull the pin and get on thunders! 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on August 10, 2023, 05:04:20 AM
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Speaking of Thunder Lights, I had a bent axle and DLX customer service is still top tier:

( (

Did you just message them through the DLXSF product warranty page? Currently have a bent axle on my trucks that are only a few months old.

Yes, I used the warranty page at They emailed me with a few questions and I sent a few photos. A week later this box of goodies was on my porch.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on August 10, 2023, 07:25:16 AM
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There’s a ton of people who quietly ride thunders and they are all really good…..

They're gaining more traction again after the Ace/Venture trends at least locally in SD. I've seen a few shop riders/employees on them and talked to one yesterday that was Indy flow and skates mostly big ass transition, parks, gnarly street stuff, and he raves about his Thunder Forged Lights. Another transition/big terrain dude at the park yesterday was on Indy Flow and got so sick of mids that he copped a pair of Team Hollows from the shop bargain bin and was raving about how great they are.

I think my assessment checks out and applies to all things SD....really good skaters.....I"m going to guess that at least 70% of skaters who ride thunders can nollie flip.....ACE: 50.....It's a DLX brand, but I don't really see them claiming SF as hard as the board brands and spitfire....Now I'm dating myself...but if there was a current day's Thunder...

my first trucks were TRACKER HAWK's in a bargain bin! Its funny how I have come full circle. They actually do feel a lot like those trucks. I rememeber thinking how great those trucks were at the time but everyone was into Grind King and Destructo in my area and told me they sucked! hahaha
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: brownjenkin on August 10, 2023, 08:27:47 AM
For those of you who have tried both 147s and 148s, is there much difference in feel between them? The height difference comes from the hanger so I was always curious if there was a noticeable change in geometry.

I've tried 147s on a couple of occasions but never kept them on my board long enough to really get used to them. I can go between Indy and Venture without much issue but going to those 147s felt strange. I felt like I couldn't get my board to follow me up so I'd get super sketched out trying to get onto or over things.

I do get tempted by the 148s as you would get more KP clearance and less wheelbite (I assume). I don't ride loose trucks by any means but I also found the 147s to be tight with the stock bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 10, 2023, 08:30:51 AM
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There’s a ton of people who quietly ride thunders and they are all really good…..

They're gaining more traction again after the Ace/Venture trends at least locally in SD. I've seen a few shop riders/employees on them and talked to one yesterday that was Indy flow and skates mostly big ass transition, parks, gnarly street stuff, and he raves about his Thunder Forged Lights. Another transition/big terrain dude at the park yesterday was on Indy Flow and got so sick of mids that he copped a pair of Team Hollows from the shop bargain bin and was raving about how great they are.

I think my assessment checks out and applies to all things SD....really good skaters.....I"m going to guess that at least 70% of skaters who ride thunders can nollie flip.....ACE: 50.....It's a DLX brand, but I don't really see them claiming SF as hard as the board brands and spitfire....Now I'm dating myself...but if there was a current day's Thunder...

my first trucks were TRACKER HAWK's in a bargain bin! Its funny how I have come full circle. They actually do feel a lot like those trucks. I rememeber thinking how great those trucks were at the time but everyone was into Grind King and Destructo in my area and told me they sucked! hahaha

Tracker were garbage. Thunder are not.

I'd love to hear some science behind the percentage of who can do what because of the trucks they ride. This is next level Slap Speculation. Slapulation!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: spacial_profiling on August 10, 2023, 10:56:06 AM
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There’s a ton of people who quietly ride thunders and they are all really good…..

They're gaining more traction again after the Ace/Venture trends at least locally in SD. I've seen a few shop riders/employees on them and talked to one yesterday that was Indy flow and skates mostly big ass transition, parks, gnarly street stuff, and he raves about his Thunder Forged Lights. Another transition/big terrain dude at the park yesterday was on Indy Flow and got so sick of mids that he copped a pair of Team Hollows from the shop bargain bin and was raving about how great they are.

I think my assessment checks out and applies to all things SD....really good skaters.....I"m going to guess that at least 70% of skaters who ride thunders can nollie flip.....ACE: 50.....It's a DLX brand, but I don't really see them claiming SF as hard as the board brands and spitfire....Now I'm dating myself...but if there was a current day's Thunder...

my first trucks were TRACKER HAWK's in a bargain bin! Its funny how I have come full circle. They actually do feel a lot like those trucks. I rememeber thinking how great those trucks were at the time but everyone was into Grind King and Destructo in my area and told me they sucked! hahaha

Tracker were garbage. Thunder are not.

I'd love to hear some science behind the percentage of who can do what because of the trucks they ride. This is next level Slap Speculation. Slapulation!

Trackers were meant for vert/bowl skating. Not the best turn as they didn’t need it as much (albeit better than predecessors minus Bennet; but their trucks fell apart), fast-forward to more regular and nuanced street skating, here comes things that could flick and turn better, although still big, weigh way less than some 9in trackers. Then it went to tight low trucks and small wheels. An era of trying to make the board flip as much as it could = less sensible gear imo. Fast forward to now…

To chime in on the speculation of who attributes which trick ease to what trucks: that shit’s all marketing and ego built into your choice to buy based on the identity the brand markets, and trick selection and style are prob the two biggest buttons pushed when you watch an ad of the right guy skating the right trucks doing the right trick. If you’re letting your trucks dictate how you wanna skate you’re already not having as much fun as you could be. No way anyone telling me Tyshawn is more tech than Tiago (BUT HE RIDES THUNDURZ  :o )
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on August 10, 2023, 11:15:43 AM
Gotta turn to ride a bowl.  And I'd ride Thunders in a bowl long before Trackers.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on August 10, 2023, 12:10:34 PM
For those of you who have tried both 147s and 148s, is there much difference in feel between them? The height difference comes from the hanger so I was always curious if there was a noticeable change in geometry.

I've tried 147s on a couple of occasions but never kept them on my board long enough to really get used to them. I can go between Indy and Venture without much issue but going to those 147s felt strange. I felt like I couldn't get my board to follow me up so I'd get super sketched out trying to get onto or over things.

I do get tempted by the 148s as you would get more KP clearance and less wheelbite (I assume). I don't ride loose trucks by any means but I also found the 147s to be tight with the stock bushings.

I asked this question a while back and the answer I got was that they were the same in terms of feel. In my experience though just from standing on boards in the shop that my customers had built the 147 feels much tighter at “stock setting “ (nut flush on the kingpin) than the 148 which has a looser feel at stock in my opinion. Now my 148 will stiffen up quite a bit during the break-in process but becomes a bit more malleable after some patience which led to a quick, dependable turn that I prefer over most other trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Crabby_Bastard on August 10, 2023, 01:25:55 PM
For those of you who have tried both 147s and 148s, is there much difference in feel between them? The height difference comes from the hanger so I was always curious if there was a noticeable change in geometry.

I've tried 147s on a couple of occasions but never kept them on my board long enough to really get used to them. I can go between Indy and Venture without much issue but going to those 147s felt strange. I felt like I couldn't get my board to follow me up so I'd get super sketched out trying to get onto or over things.

I do get tempted by the 148s as you would get more KP clearance and less wheelbite (I assume). I don't ride loose trucks by any means but I also found the 147s to be tight with the stock bushings.

148s turn better/deeper, less wheel bite, looser, better kingpin clearance. Just an all around better truck IMO unless you like lighter and tighter trucks. Then they can't be beat.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on August 10, 2023, 04:49:10 PM
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There’s a ton of people who quietly ride thunders and they are all really good…..

They're gaining more traction again after the Ace/Venture trends at least locally in SD. I've seen a few shop riders/employees on them and talked to one yesterday that was Indy flow and skates mostly big ass transition, parks, gnarly street stuff, and he raves about his Thunder Forged Lights. Another transition/big terrain dude at the park yesterday was on Indy Flow and got so sick of mids that he copped a pair of Team Hollows from the shop bargain bin and was raving about how great they are.

I think my assessment checks out and applies to all things SD....really good skaters.....I"m going to guess that at least 70% of skaters who ride thunders can nollie flip.....ACE: 50.....It's a DLX brand, but I don't really see them claiming SF as hard as the board brands and spitfire....Now I'm dating myself...but if there was a current day's Thunder...

my first trucks were TRACKER HAWK's in a bargain bin! Its funny how I have come full circle. They actually do feel a lot like those trucks. I rememeber thinking how great those trucks were at the time but everyone was into Grind King and Destructo in my area and told me they sucked! hahaha

Tracker were garbage. Thunder are not.

I'd love to hear some science behind the percentage of who can do what because of the trucks they ride. This is next level Slap Speculation. Slapulation!

Trackers were meant for vert/bowl skating. Not the best turn as they didn’t need it as much (albeit better than predecessors minus Bennet; but their trucks fell apart), fast-forward to more regular and nuanced street skating, here comes things that could flick and turn better, although still big, weigh way less than some 9in trackers. Then it went to tight low trucks and small wheels. An era of trying to make the board flip as much as it could = less sensible gear imo. Fast forward to now…

To chime in on the speculation of who attributes which trick ease to what trucks: that shit’s all marketing and ego built into your choice to buy based on the identity the brand markets, and trick selection and style are prob the two biggest buttons pushed when you watch an ad of the right guy skating the right trucks doing the right trick. If you’re letting your trucks dictate how you wanna skate you’re already not having as much fun as you could be. No way anyone telling me Tyshawn is more tech than Tiago (BUT HE RIDES THUNDURZ  :o )

I'm talking comparatively in the 80's and where they sat in the market.....a good ole six track wasn't a bad truck for what people were skating at the time, and what else was out there from what I recall....

Anyhoo......carry on. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: yourbreakfsat on August 10, 2023, 09:39:40 PM
Bummer, my set of Thunder 161 Standards have axle slip.

I've owned them for about a year but have been skating them for maybe two/three months total, and one truck is more grooved than the rest. Haven't hit axle on any hanger. Should I bother contacting DLX support or just take the L? Their warranty is super vague, and I've had success and failure previously getting issues resolved with them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Marv100 on August 11, 2023, 01:16:44 AM
Hey all, got a quick question. I just bought some second hand 147 lights and was wondering why they don‘t have the „Thunder Lights“ print (not the sticker) on them as seen literally everywhere. Is this maybe an older version or should I worry about them being fake? Doesn‘t look like that but was just curious.. Thanks!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on August 11, 2023, 04:17:55 AM
Bummer, my set of Thunder 161 Standards have axle slip.

I've owned them for about a year but have been skating them for maybe two/three months total, and one truck is more grooved than the rest. Haven't hit axle on any hanger. Should I bother contacting DLX support or just take the L? Their warranty is super vague, and I've had success and failure previously getting issues resolved with them.

Never hurts to ask, cause all they can do is say no, unless you think you might get a bad rep for too many warranties, but if it is a legitimate issue, at least to put it to them to see.

Hey all, got a quick question. I just bought some second hand 147 lights and was wondering why they don‘t have the „Thunder Lights“ print (not the sticker) on them as seen literally everywhere. Is this maybe an older version or should I worry about them being fake? Doesn‘t look like that but was just curious.. Thanks!

I am thinking they might be older stock, given anything second hand could be well before what is the current standard of labels or logos.

Pics always help here too, as some people who are more familiar with counterfeit product could have a look and tell you one way or the other, if you do think there might be questions about them.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: brownjenkin on August 11, 2023, 11:16:09 AM
Thanks for the replies re: 147s vs. 148s

I think the differences might be enough to give Thunder another shot. I'll hold off for a while and see if those T2 versions end up making an appearance at some point.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on August 11, 2023, 12:41:35 PM
Hey all, got a quick question. I just bought some second hand 147 lights and was wondering why they don‘t have the „Thunder Lights“ print (not the sticker) on them as seen literally everywhere. Is this maybe an older version or should I worry about them being fake? Doesn‘t look like that but was just curious.. Thanks!

Lights should have a forged baseplate and a hollow kingpin. As far as I remember they not always had the 'Thunder lights' print on them.  Check out their archive of old ads:

Like this from 2017. Forged baseplate, hollow kingping, no logo print:
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 12, 2023, 03:03:13 PM
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There’s a ton of people who quietly ride thunders and they are all really good…..

They're gaining more traction again after the Ace/Venture trends at least locally in SD. I've seen a few shop riders/employees on them and talked to one yesterday that was Indy flow and skates mostly big ass transition, parks, gnarly street stuff, and he raves about his Thunder Forged Lights. Another transition/big terrain dude at the park yesterday was on Indy Flow and got so sick of mids that he copped a pair of Team Hollows from the shop bargain bin and was raving about how great they are.

LOL how to dump stock that isn’t selling, dump them mids on flow riders 🤪
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 13, 2023, 08:30:42 AM
Ya the dude was like "I super glued the kingpin and this shit still comes loose every 5 minutes"
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 13, 2023, 12:05:33 PM
Ya the dude was like "I super glued the kingpin and this shit still comes loose every 5 minutes"

While it should need to happen, slapping in some locktite is the way to go for all IKPs, just in case (I've never had an issue, but I fux with my trux a lot); from the start I put blue locktite on my slappy trucks; just yesterday I went to snake the flat washers from them and goddamn, that shit was tight AF, almost gave up on one truck.

Having used Superglue, JB weld, epoxy and locktite - superglue just does not work for long on metal that isn't porous.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on August 14, 2023, 10:47:12 AM
personally I find any truck in a 8" width always feels super Tic-Tacky, so going 148 gives you at least some sense of turning imo, while not being so fat that you eat the entire curb when you go for a slap. also not so massive your flip trikcs dont feel like a boat. imo 148 thunder team is the perfect truck for my body! i am 5'11" with short legs, 167 lbs
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: MetalAnkleMan on August 16, 2023, 01:24:27 PM
Blunt slides on rails: Of course its possible... but ive noticed with Thunders it takes a specific rail (ideally a smaller width circle rail) for it to work. Fat rails, my wheels catch too much even with coatings of wax (the solution is to do the blunt more like a ollie over bs tail slide, instead of sitting upright on your wheels. I've noticed with Indys since your sliding on your baseplate for blunts, its not a problem typically with any size of rail. This is starting to create some madness for myself and I feel limited on what tricks I can any of you guys feel like this?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: baustin on August 16, 2023, 07:06:46 PM
Blunt slides on rails: Of course its possible... but ive noticed with Thunders it takes a specific rail (ideally a smaller width circle rail) for it to work. Fat rails, my wheels catch too much even with coatings of wax (the solution is to do the blunt more like a ollie over bs tail slide, instead of sitting upright on your wheels. I've noticed with Indys since your sliding on your baseplate for blunts, its not a problem typically with any size of rail. This is starting to create some madness for myself and I feel limited on what tricks I can any of you guys feel like this?

No… just adjust your technique by leaning back more and don’t be spreading that madness.

I am a chronic truck experimenter like many others here but Thunders are consistently the home base, like no matter what I always know in the back of my head any other truck will ultimately not dethrone Thunders for me when I’m done fucking around fooling myself into thinking I have style skating loose Aces or something.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flintstagram on August 24, 2023, 10:05:12 AM
Forgive me if I’ve asked this before in this thread, but where the hell are all the Thunder 181s at?

Other than a sample pair my local shop has that aren’t for sale, I have yet to find any online or otherwise. Anyone able to point me in the direction of some 10” Thunders?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on August 24, 2023, 11:46:31 AM
Blunt slides on rails: Of course its possible... but ive noticed with Thunders it takes a specific rail (ideally a smaller width circle rail) for it to work. Fat rails, my wheels catch too much even with coatings of wax (the solution is to do the blunt more like a ollie over bs tail slide, instead of sitting upright on your wheels. I've noticed with Indys since your sliding on your baseplate for blunts, its not a problem typically with any size of rail. This is starting to create some madness for myself and I feel limited on what tricks I can any of you guys feel like this?
I wouldn’t worry about it too much because Ishod rides them and so does Foy. I don’t think either of them can’t blunt slide a rail let alone have to look for specific rails to blunt slide.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on August 25, 2023, 12:09:49 AM
Forgive me if I’ve asked this before in this thread, but where the hell are all the Thunder 181s at?

Other than a sample pair my local shop has that aren’t for sale, I have yet to find any online or otherwise. Anyone able to point me in the direction of some 10” Thunders?

I feel like that would be a good one to ask DLXSF.COM directly.

They were around in short supply for a minute but maybe had less interest than they thought, or something happened, but I hadn't seen any more since that initial drop and they have taken them off any product list as well, even though the Thunder Trucks site still has 181 in the Team editions, so there might still be hope for tracking some down.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flintstagram on August 25, 2023, 08:32:05 PM
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Forgive me if I’ve asked this before in this thread, but where the hell are all the Thunder 181s at?

Other than a sample pair my local shop has that aren’t for sale, I have yet to find any online or otherwise. Anyone able to point me in the direction of some 10” Thunders?

I feel like that would be a good one to ask DLXSF.COM directly.

They were around in short supply for a minute but maybe had less interest than they thought, or something happened, but I hadn't seen any more since that initial drop and they have taken them off any product list as well, even though the Thunder Trucks site still has 181 in the Team editions, so there might still be hope for tracking some down.

You sir, are a genius, and I’m an idiot. Got an answer within about three hours of emailing them. They are currently out of production because there is a problem sourcing 10” axles.

So as soon as they solve the problem of where they can get 10” axles, they’ll start making them again. So… eventually, I should be able to get some 181s.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: sionarancsle on August 30, 2023, 03:07:30 AM
how can i get my hands on silver hardware like axle nuts and the top and bottom bushing covers? I really hate this new black design they use for the team trucks..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 30, 2023, 10:03:07 AM
how can i get my hands on silver hardware like axle nuts and the top and bottom bushing covers? I really hate this new black design they use for the team trucks..

uhhh, buy them?

Oooor, let the madness take you and by 3278649812364 pairs of trucks,
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on August 30, 2023, 07:12:00 PM
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how can i get my hands on silver hardware like axle nuts and the top and bottom bushing covers? I really hate this new black design they use for the team trucks..

uhhh, buy them?

Oooor, let the madness take you and by 3278649812364 pairs of trucks,

It's funny cause to me that black hardware option is what Thunder has been doing for a long time and any plain Thunder trucks look "normal" with black nuts and washers.

The other versions, be it lights, or hollow or half the pro versions have silver nuts and washers, so if you are that caught up not wanting black, maybe get those instead, or as stated, buy the other bits separately and keep it full silver and pass the black bits on to someone else who might need them, or leave them at the skate shop when you buy the trucks.

To be fair though, you are not the only one who changes out things like that.  Some people actually want to change in the black hardware on their otherwise silver truck parts, or people use the rebuild kit and make everything go a bit more out there with the blue or red parts, but a simple silver or black set of everything just looks more normal.

I used to have a bit more of that with kids than adults with the average customer being a lot younger in previous shop places I worked.


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on August 30, 2023, 10:38:43 PM
I did exactly that to mine! Black axle nuts is dangerous. Easier to spot silver ones
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 31, 2023, 11:18:43 AM
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how can i get my hands on silver hardware like axle nuts and the top and bottom bushing covers? I really hate this new black design they use for the team trucks..

uhhh, buy them?

Oooor, let the madness take you and by 3278649812364 pairs of trucks,

It's funny cause to me that black hardware option is what Thunder has been doing for a long time and any plain Thunder trucks look "normal" with black nuts and washers.

The other versions, be it lights, or hollow or half the pro versions have silver nuts and washers, so if you are that caught up not wanting black, maybe get those instead, or as stated, buy the other bits separately and keep it full silver and pass the black bits on to someone else who might need them, or leave them at the skate shop when you buy the trucks.

To be fair though, you are not the only one who changes out things like that.  Some people actually want to change in the black hardware on their otherwise silver truck parts, or people use the rebuild kit and make everything go a bit more out there with the blue or red parts, but a simple silver or black set of everything just looks more normal.

I used to have a bit more of that with kids than adults with the average customer being a lot younger in previous shop places I worked.


Unless I’m running a full black out setup or blk wheels at a minimum, blk hardware is the first swap…and silver mounting nuts too, ugh black nuts on silver/raw plates *barf*
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on August 31, 2023, 02:45:55 PM
one thing people should really know before buying these trucks: do not by 7/8" hardware if you are getting the standard cast baseplates. they are VERY thick and you will have to drive the screws very far into the wood to have a secure fit.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on August 31, 2023, 05:37:20 PM
one thing people should really know before buying these trucks: do not by 7/8" hardware if you are getting the standard cast baseplates. they are VERY thick and you will have to drive the screws very far into the wood to have a secure fit.

I've run 7/8 on cast plates (ANY brand cast plates) with zero issues. Not sure what you're on about my dude.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on August 31, 2023, 05:58:57 PM
Ya second that I run 7/8 on all cast plates and never had an issue with normal nuts or low profile.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on August 31, 2023, 07:57:22 PM
7/8 are ok on cast plates..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: YeoWhattup on August 31, 2023, 09:23:46 PM
Running 7/8ths on my cast plates and they are fine
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on August 31, 2023, 11:14:14 PM
one thing people should really know before buying these trucks: do not by 7/8" hardware if you are getting the standard cast baseplates. they are VERY thick and you will have to drive the screws very far into the wood to have a secure fit.

Yes others have lost nuts and bolts quite often by not tightening them down enough.

I am used to putting the heads right down into the wood to get the end of the bolt just nicely through regular nuts, usually more so with smaller heads on the hardware, but quite a few others when setting up their own boards just don't want to or don't know to tighten them down enough so bolts come loose or come off and they have issues.

More than anything I am using the low nuts on 7/8" bolts on most of my own setups (all with cast plates), but some decks are thicker than others too, so with one deck in particular I had to use 1" bolts on it as even the Shortys 7/8" with low nuts didn't fit well.

Generally everything else is thin enough that it works well enough if you sink the hardware into the deck somewhat, which also stops bolts losing their black paint.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flintstagram on September 01, 2023, 08:54:10 AM
one thing people should really know before buying these trucks: do not by 7/8" hardware if you are getting the standard cast baseplates. they are VERY thick and you will have to drive the screws very far into the wood to have a secure fit.

Yeah, I definitely used 1” hardware for a while because I liked the extra security of them, but I’m on 7/8” with cast baseplates with zero issues. It’s all preference. Just make sure your threads are fully engaged on those nuts.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on September 01, 2023, 09:49:54 AM
one thing people should really know before buying these trucks: do not by 7/8" hardware if you are getting the standard cast baseplates. they are VERY thick and you will have to drive the screws very far into the wood to have a secure fit.
Are you riding a retro 9ply darkstar deck?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on September 01, 2023, 01:52:32 PM
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one thing people should really know before buying these trucks: do not by 7/8" hardware if you are getting the standard cast baseplates. they are VERY thick and you will have to drive the screws very far into the wood to have a secure fit.
Are you riding a retro 9ply darkstar deck?

Or something out of south central? REAL Heavyweight?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: hiljentaa on September 02, 2023, 04:14:58 PM
What's the reasonable max classic wheel size with 147s? 52?

Also, how tall are the stock bushings?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on September 02, 2023, 07:25:30 PM
What's the reasonable max classic wheel size with 147s? 52?

Also, how tall are the stock bushings?

From the bushing thread, all the main brands and sizes here:

Thunder stock 90a and aftermarket (same) 90a, 94a, 95a, 98a, 100a
Total  23.5 mm
Top  9.5 mm
Bottom  14 mm

People can still run bigger wheels, but it all comes down to how you have your trucks, or how light you are.

I just fixed a kids board that had 147s and 56 mm wheels and not a single wheelbite mark on the deck.

On the other hand, I could easily feel I was going to max out when I had 54 mm wheels on my 147s back when I skated 8 or 8.1 sized boards, even though I didn't really feel like I was getting thrown off a lot due to wheelbite, but it was always in the back of my mind.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: hiljentaa on September 02, 2023, 07:57:51 PM
Thanks mane. Got some 53 and 51s, maybe I'll try the 53s.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on September 02, 2023, 10:36:19 PM
forged or cast?
tight or loose?

i can wheelbite 51s on 147s, but i’m not good.
big big fan of 147s
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on September 03, 2023, 12:00:59 AM
Does the 147s have substantially lower kingpin clearence than 148 and up? I've got some old 147 hangars, put them on my 148 baseplates, and the kingpin clearence is terrible...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on September 03, 2023, 02:42:30 AM
Does the 147s have substantially lower kingpin clearence than 148 and up? I've got some old 147 hangars, put them on my 148 baseplates, and the kingpin clearence is terrible...
Yes. 2-3mm less
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on September 03, 2023, 05:15:56 PM
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Does the 147s have substantially lower kingpin clearence than 148 and up? I've got some old 147 hangars, put them on my 148 baseplates, and the kingpin clearence is terrible...
Yes. 2-3mm less

I believe they use the same baseplates and kingpins for everything, but the hanger varies, so the 147 is both shorter and lower than 148 and up.

This is one of the reasons a few people I know went up to 148 just to get a slightly taller hanger, some even switched to forged plates so it was not too big a jump but sort of got the best of both worlds, definitely more kingpin clearance, narrow wheels running with one inside washer, or sometimes even no inside washer, they don't feel like such a wide truck, so I am told.

It just comes down to what you prefer and how you want your setup to ride, but for those who want more kingpin clearance, going up to 148s or angle grinding down the kingpin on 147s are the two options to fixing that issue, if it is a problem to you.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on September 06, 2023, 08:35:07 PM
Where can you get Thunder bushings? Are stock ones 90 duro? Mine are finally starting to crumble.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on September 06, 2023, 09:54:58 PM

Where can you get Thunder bushings? Are stock ones 90 duro? Mine are finally starting to crumble.

Yes, stock in any colour are 90 duro, even though some people say the different colours, or the clear vs plain or solid colour (like white) skate differently in them.  I have definitely felt small differences, although that might be more to do with the age of the bushings than anything else.

The aftermarket bushings currently come in lots of options from 90 white or clear orange, 94, 97 and 100 in the plain packs, or the full rebuild kit with nuts and washers in 90 red, as well.

Most shops have them and they are maybe the cheapest of the main brands stock / aftermarket type bushings, but sometimes or some areas might be short on stock, depending on where you are in the world.

From the Thunder site with the current colours, although there are still a lot of the older ones out there too:


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on September 06, 2023, 10:04:06 PM
Where can you get Thunder bushings? Are stock ones 90 duro? Mine are finally starting to crumble.

Stalking your history and if you are in Virginia, this one is in stock - obviously it is a big place and you might not be anywhere near the shop, but you might find the rebuild kits more easy to find than just the stand alone bushing tubes:

This is what I had posted before:

Where can you get Thunder bushings? Are stock ones 90 duro? Mine are finally starting to crumble.

Yes, stock in any colour are 90 duro, even though some people say the different colours, or the clear vs plain or solid colour (like white) skate differently in them.  I have definitely felt small differences, although that might be more to do with the age of the bushings than anything else.

The aftermarket bushings currently come in lots of options from 90 white or clear orange, 94, 97 and 100 in the plain packs, or the full rebuild kit with nuts and washers in 90 red, as well.

Most shops have them and they are maybe the cheapest of the main brands stock / aftermarket type bushings, but sometimes or some areas might be short on stock, depending on where you are in the world.

From the Thunder site with the current colours, although there are still a lot of the older ones out there too:


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on September 06, 2023, 10:10:32 PM
Anyone have any news about the T2? I'll probably be asking monthly for the next several years.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on September 06, 2023, 10:34:21 PM
Anyone have any news about the T2? I'll probably be asking monthly for the next several years.

also interested
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: SupremePizza on September 07, 2023, 12:18:38 PM
Has anyone gone from venture to thunder and prefer thunder? I ride venture 5.6 with the loose truck kit and 56mm classics. I love everything about this combo and want to pick up some 8.5 trucks next. Venture seems like a safe bet but thunder has some pretty nice colorways. I mostly just skate flat ground, ledges and small transition
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on September 07, 2023, 12:33:42 PM
Has anyone gone from venture to thunder and prefer thunder? I ride venture 5.6 with the loose truck kit and 56mm classics. I love everything about this combo and want to pick up some 8.5 trucks next. Venture seems like a safe bet but thunder has some pretty nice colorways. I mostly just skate flat ground, ledges and small transition
Don’t switch if you feel comfortable and nothing is going wrong. I switched bc I wanted a lower truck and my switch heels weren’t working. Plus I can get much more tech on Thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on September 07, 2023, 12:55:20 PM
Has anyone gone from venture to thunder and prefer thunder? I ride venture 5.6 with the loose truck kit and 56mm classics. I love everything about this combo and want to pick up some 8.5 trucks next. Venture seems like a safe bet but thunder has some pretty nice colorways. I mostly just skate flat ground, ledges and small transition

I was on Thunders with 1/8" wooden risers for a while before going back to Indys. I'd recommend getting some risers too if you plan on using 56mm wheels. I was on 54mm and wheelbite was pretty wild before getting the wooden risers.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on September 07, 2023, 01:03:37 PM
Has anyone gone from venture to thunder and prefer thunder? I ride venture 5.6 with the loose truck kit and 56mm classics. I love everything about this combo and want to pick up some 8.5 trucks next. Venture seems like a safe bet but thunder has some pretty nice colorways. I mostly just skate flat ground, ledges and small transition

Yes. I am on V-lights right now and they're great, but I think my overall pop and manual tricks are better on Thunder. The Venture grind is pretty bad at the few curb spots I have skated recently. Thunders can get quite turny compared to Venture so you shouldn't need to do much there but can remove the bottom washer to get em even crazier. They are 1mm lower so you might want to consider risers if your wheelbite is too bad.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PolarJames on September 07, 2023, 05:14:08 PM
Has anyone gone from venture to thunder and prefer thunder? I ride venture 5.6 with the loose truck kit and 56mm classics. I love everything about this combo and want to pick up some 8.5 trucks next. Venture seems like a safe bet but thunder has some pretty nice colorways. I mostly just skate flat ground, ledges and small transition

I had Venture and am getting some Thunders tomorrow so will be able to tell you. I know from having Thunders before that I preferred the turn though. However, I didn't try the Venture soft bushing kit which I should have done or Bones bushings. If you already like the Ventures I wouldn't switch but it's your call. They're both good trucks. Venture doesn't grind quite as nicely I think due to a harder metal but the difference isn't huge.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on September 07, 2023, 06:27:36 PM
Has anyone gone from venture to thunder and prefer thunder? I ride venture 5.6 with the loose truck kit and 56mm classics. I love everything about this combo and want to pick up some 8.5 trucks next. Venture seems like a safe bet but thunder has some pretty nice colorways. I mostly just skate flat ground, ledges and small transition

i go back and forth between these two brands a lot. from strictly an ease of skating perspective, thunders work for me a little better.
but i prefer ventures (lo’s tho, so this isn’t really an apples to apples comparison).

thunders are not rad, for me, on bigger wheels. i’ve skated 56 classics on 148 lights, and 149s, and gotten away with it, but not the best.
if i had to ride big wheels, i would go with venture hi’s over thunders.

if i wanted to stop being a goofball that spends too much time on here whinging about gear crisis type shit, i could probably just skate my 148 lights and call it a day.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on September 07, 2023, 10:41:59 PM
My popping knee is not doing well ans I’ve considered buying thunders….

I think thunder is a great truck, lighter…..the light pop is helpful on some stuff….the grind is better than venture. 

It was the wheelbite and I ground through them quick……

Ben d will swear by them next week…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: scab on September 08, 2023, 01:10:59 AM
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Has anyone gone from venture to thunder and prefer thunder? I ride venture 5.6 with the loose truck kit and 56mm classics. I love everything about this combo and want to pick up some 8.5 trucks next. Venture seems like a safe bet but thunder has some pretty nice colorways. I mostly just skate flat ground, ledges and small transition

i go back and forth between these two brands a lot. from strictly an ease of skating perspective, thunders work for me a little better.
but i prefer ventures (lo’s tho, so this isn’t really an apples to apples comparison).

thunders are not rad, for me, on bigger wheels. i’ve skated 56 classics on 148 lights, and 149s, and gotten away with it, but not the best.
if i had to ride big wheels, i would go with venture hi’s over thunders.

if i wanted to stop being a goofball that spends too much time on here whinging about gear crisis type shit, i could probably just skate my 148 lights and call it a day.

I can go back and forth pretty easily between Thunders and Ventures with barely any adjustment period. I like my Ventures better, but tbh that's probably knowing I'm on Ventures just as much as the actual properties of the truck.

I second the notion that bigger wheels and Thunders don't mesh too well, even with risers. I haven't figured out why that is yet, but it just doesn't work as well for me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on September 08, 2023, 10:35:56 AM
I have chatted with Ben quite a bit on IG and he openly admits that he loves Thunders, especially the forged 148s. He is just on a Venture kick and riding what he enjoys.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Schinken on September 09, 2023, 01:41:06 AM
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Has anyone gone from venture to thunder and prefer thunder? I ride venture 5.6 with the loose truck kit and 56mm classics. I love everything about this combo and want to pick up some 8.5 trucks next. Venture seems like a safe bet but thunder has some pretty nice colorways. I mostly just skate flat ground, ledges and small transition

i go back and forth between these two brands a lot. from strictly an ease of skating perspective, thunders work for me a little better.
but i prefer ventures (lo’s tho, so this isn’t really an apples to apples comparison).

thunders are not rad, for me, on bigger wheels. i’ve skated 56 classics on 148 lights, and 149s, and gotten away with it, but not the best.
if i had to ride big wheels, i would go with venture hi’s over thunders.

if i wanted to stop being a goofball that spends too much time on here whinging about gear crisis type shit, i could probably just skate my 148 lights and call it a day.

I can go back and forth pretty easily between Thunders and Ventures with barely any adjustment period. I like my Ventures better, but tbh that's probably knowing I'm on Ventures just as much as the actual properties of the truck.

I second the notion that bigger wheels and Thunders don't mesh too well, even with risers. I haven't figured out why that is yet, but it just doesn't work as well for me.

After changing the bushings in my thunders to stock 90a indy bushings I can run 56mm without any problems. I think most of the thunder wheelbite issues is due to the design of their stock bushings.  The stock thunder bushings are kind of conical which wheelbite very fast. With barrel style bushings the depth of turn is more restricted.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: PolarJames on September 14, 2023, 10:38:24 AM
Skated my new Thunder 149s last Friday night. Really stoked with them. I skated them with the bushings stock tightness and they tightened during the session to a point where they're perfect. Didn't have to adjust them at all. Loving the Thunder stability and turn. Really nice on transition. Don't think I'll be changing truck brands now. Not sure why I went away from Thunders before.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: onkalo on September 16, 2023, 04:21:52 AM
How bad is the kingpin clearance on 147’s as i’ve heard that their hangers are 2mm lower than 148 and up? Or is the height difference from the baseplate too?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on September 16, 2023, 05:55:49 AM
How bad is the kingpin clearance on 147’s as i’ve heard that their hangers are 2mm lower than 148 and up? Or is the height difference from the baseplate too?

it is a noticeable challenge. the baseplates are the same, the height reduction comes from the hanger.
147s are very similar to venture lo’s. i like them a lot, i’m not good at grinds, and i love the pop, so take it with a grain of salt i guess
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Deadringer on September 16, 2023, 07:19:47 AM
Skated my new Thunder 149s last Friday night. Really stoked with them. I skated them with the bushings stock tightness and they tightened during the session to a point where they're perfect. Didn't have to adjust them at all. Loving the Thunder stability and turn. Really nice on transition. Don't think I'll be changing truck brands now. Not sure why I went away from Thunders before.

I found the same ref the bushings tightening up to make them perfect.

Just moved got some 151s Hollow Lights and they’re my first ever pair of thunders.

So far I’m loving them, tried going back to Indy’s with Bomes bushings and it felt wrong.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on September 16, 2023, 09:57:03 AM
Thunders are a great home base. I often come back to them from other migrations and never really regret doing so.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: hiljentaa on September 16, 2023, 08:02:55 PM
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How bad is the kingpin clearance on 147’s as i’ve heard that their hangers are 2mm lower than 148 and up? Or is the height difference from the baseplate too?

it is a noticeable challenge. the baseplates are the same, the height reduction comes from the hanger.
147s are very similar to venture lo’s. i like them a lot, i’m not good at grinds, and i love the pop, so take it with a grain of salt i guess

Yep, 147s probably have less than a millimeter more clearance over Venture lows
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: YeoWhattup on September 16, 2023, 08:44:25 PM
147s are like if a venture low turned better and you could actually run a wheel above 51mm while having it relatively loose. I setup some 147s on an 8.0 a few weeks ago coming from 148s on an 8.2 and I’m having a good time on em
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on September 16, 2023, 09:22:17 PM
147s are like if a venture low turned better and you could actually run a wheel above 51mm while having it relatively loose. I setup some 147s on an 8.0 a few weeks ago coming from 148s on an 8.2 and I’m having a good time on em

eh….i can maybe run 52s on 147s.
now 148s, i do not understand those shits, they can handle a 56 imo.
i prefer 147s. i’m pretty sure. i like the lower height, the pop. but 148s are more versatile.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on September 17, 2023, 11:52:21 AM
a thunder team is already so light i cant really comprehend why anyone would go lighter
it feels like a damn tech deck  ;D
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: MOE SYZLAK on September 17, 2023, 12:56:51 PM
Really hyped on the Museum collab pack
might have to grab a set to put back for later.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on September 17, 2023, 06:32:16 PM
Are those bushings clear or silver?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: MOE SYZLAK on September 17, 2023, 07:43:17 PM
Are those bushings clear or silver?
DLX says
Clear 90duro
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on September 18, 2023, 03:30:29 AM

( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on September 18, 2023, 10:41:27 AM
those clear bushings look amazing
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Meathook on September 24, 2023, 05:13:44 PM
Just setup some lightly used 147 lights with fresh white 90a bushings to replace some 5.2 lows.  Feels right to be back on them and I’m wondering why I keep leaving in the first place.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on September 24, 2023, 11:36:58 PM
Just setup some lightly used 147 lights with fresh white 90a bushings to replace some 5.2 lows.  Feels right to be back on them and I’m wondering why I keep leaving in the first place.

i go back and forth between 147s and 5.2 lo’s, frequently.
what do you like about 147s more?
i like 5.2 lo’s more, i think. i’ve never done a good comparison, on the same deck.
why do you like more?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Meathook on September 25, 2023, 06:50:12 AM
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Just setup some lightly used 147 lights with fresh white 90a bushings to replace some 5.2 lows.  Feels right to be back on them and I’m wondering why I keep leaving in the first place.

i go back and forth between 147s and 5.2 lo’s, frequently.
what do you like about 147s more?
i like 5.2 lo’s more, i think. i’ve never done a good comparison, on the same deck.
why do you like more?

I’ve been skating them on the same 8” deck and the thunders to me just feel more stable while turning better at the same time.  I feel much more confident bombing a hill on 147’s than the 5.2 lows, not sure why.

Pop and trick wise they are very similar but I think overall I’m just more used to Thunder timing.  The extra 1-2mm of height helps too.  I’m picky about truck height and these seem to be my sweet spot.

Also with the new thunder team baseplate design, I can run a ikp pretty easily so I look forward to doing that to have a low truck with good kp clearance.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on September 25, 2023, 07:16:36 AM
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Just setup some lightly used 147 lights with fresh white 90a bushings to replace some 5.2 lows.  Feels right to be back on them and I’m wondering why I keep leaving in the first place.

i go back and forth between 147s and 5.2 lo’s, frequently.
what do you like about 147s more?
i like 5.2 lo’s more, i think. i’ve never done a good comparison, on the same deck.
why do you like more?

I’ve been skating them on the same 8” deck and the thunders to me just feel more stable while turning better at the same time.  I feel much more confident bombing a hill on 147’s than the 5.2 lows, not sure why.

Pop and trick wise they are very similar but I think overall I’m just more used to Thunder timing.  The extra 1-2mm of height helps too.  I’m picky about truck height and these seem to be my sweet spot.

Also with the new thunder team baseplate design, I can run a ikp pretty easily so I look forward to doing that to have a low truck with good kp clearance.


do you use the same size wheels on both? my biggest drawback with both of these trucks: i’ve never  ‘successfully’ (very relative), ridden larger than 52s.

the kingpin clearance is bad, on both.

pop wise, my kickflips are better with 147s, ollie’s and everything else better with the ventures.

i like 151s, 149s. i don’t like to skate larger boards as much anymore, as the particulars get too precious for me. i have some 148 lights, and those ….trip me out. i’ve been giving them the side eye, like an ex drunk gazing at an unopened bottle on a tall shelf, that is there for ‘decorative’ reasons: the 148s are too big for the 8s and below i like to ride, but those damn things just seem to ‘work’, on whatever. i’ve set them up on wildly different boards, with very different wheels, and no problems.
but i persist in just liking 147s and lo’s.
well now i feel better, thanks
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Meathook on September 25, 2023, 04:22:12 PM
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Just setup some lightly used 147 lights with fresh white 90a bushings to replace some 5.2 lows.  Feels right to be back on them and I’m wondering why I keep leaving in the first place.

i go back and forth between 147s and 5.2 lo’s, frequently.
what do you like about 147s more?
i like 5.2 lo’s more, i think. i’ve never done a good comparison, on the same deck.
why do you like more?

I’ve been skating them on the same 8” deck and the thunders to me just feel more stable while turning better at the same time.  I feel much more confident bombing a hill on 147’s than the 5.2 lows, not sure why.

Pop and trick wise they are very similar but I think overall I’m just more used to Thunder timing.  The extra 1-2mm of height helps too.  I’m picky about truck height and these seem to be my sweet spot.

Also with the new thunder team baseplate design, I can run a ikp pretty easily so I look forward to doing that to have a low truck with good kp clearance.


do you use the same size wheels on both? my biggest drawback with both of these trucks: i’ve never  ‘successfully’ (very relative), ridden larger than 52s.

the kingpin clearance is bad, on both.

pop wise, my kickflips are better with 147s, ollie’s and everything else better with the ventures.

i like 151s, 149s. i don’t like to skate larger boards as much anymore, as the particulars get too precious for me. i have some 148 lights, and those ….trip me out. i’ve been giving them the side eye, like an ex drunk gazing at an unopened bottle on a tall shelf, that is there for ‘decorative’ reasons: the 148s are too big for the 8s and below i like to ride, but those damn things just seem to ‘work’, on whatever. i’ve set them up on wildly different boards, with very different wheels, and no problems.
but i persist in just liking 147s and lo’s.
well now i feel better, thanks

I’ve also tried all the sizes up to 151.  Was on 149 the longest, which I would run 56 classics on w/o risers and somehow be ok.  Did that for years.

Sizing down to >8.25 boards has made me appreciate 8” trucks with a slightly wider board.  It’s what I learned all my tricks on and spent the most time practicing on before sizing up.

53 is what I can max out with 147 and 5.2 low but I ride them a bit tighter.  It hurts me to push Bones product, but x-formula wheels have really made skating smaller wheels a lot more comfortable.

Both great trucks and they look the best.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on September 25, 2023, 04:29:22 PM
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Just setup some lightly used 147 lights with fresh white 90a bushings to replace some 5.2 lows.  Feels right to be back on them and I’m wondering why I keep leaving in the first place.

i go back and forth between 147s and 5.2 lo’s, frequently.
what do you like about 147s more?
i like 5.2 lo’s more, i think. i’ve never done a good comparison, on the same deck.
why do you like more?

I’ve been skating them on the same 8” deck and the thunders to me just feel more stable while turning better at the same time.  I feel much more confident bombing a hill on 147’s than the 5.2 lows, not sure why.

Pop and trick wise they are very similar but I think overall I’m just more used to Thunder timing.  The extra 1-2mm of height helps too.  I’m picky about truck height and these seem to be my sweet spot.

Also with the new thunder team baseplate design, I can run a ikp pretty easily so I look forward to doing that to have a low truck with good kp clearance.


do you use the same size wheels on both? my biggest drawback with both of these trucks: i’ve never  ‘successfully’ (very relative), ridden larger than 52s.

the kingpin clearance is bad, on both.

pop wise, my kickflips are better with 147s, ollie’s and everything else better with the ventures.

i like 151s, 149s. i don’t like to skate larger boards as much anymore, as the particulars get too precious for me. i have some 148 lights, and those ….trip me out. i’ve been giving them the side eye, like an ex drunk gazing at an unopened bottle on a tall shelf, that is there for ‘decorative’ reasons: the 148s are too big for the 8s and below i like to ride, but those damn things just seem to ‘work’, on whatever. i’ve set them up on wildly different boards, with very different wheels, and no problems.
but i persist in just liking 147s and lo’s.
well now i feel better, thanks

I’ve also tried all the sizes up to 151.  Was on 149 the longest, which I would run 56 classics on w/o risers and somehow be ok.  Did that for years.

Sizing down to >8.25 boards has made me appreciate 8” trucks with a slightly wider board.  It’s what I learned all my tricks on and spent the most time practicing on before sizing up.

53 is what I can max out with 147 and 5.2 low but I ride them a bit tighter.  It hurts me to push Bones product, but x-formula wheels have really made skating smaller wheels a lot more comfortable.

Both great trucks and they look the best.

they do look the best (both trucks).

i’ve been slow to try the x-formula, cuz i’m a bit of a follower and they just don’t seem cool. a lot of a follower. some 52s that could roll over wack ground be a hit
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on September 25, 2023, 09:16:02 PM
how do the x formulas help?  just smoother/faster?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on September 26, 2023, 04:20:19 AM
how do the x formulas help?  just smoother/faster?

Interesting in hearing this also from someone who skates 99a f4's

I'm going to be trying 148's with the forged plate and I'm curious.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Meathook on September 26, 2023, 06:16:04 AM
how do the x formulas help?  just smoother/faster?

I’m riding an x99 52mm and speed-wise on normal asphalt or concrete is comparable to the 55-56 FF’s I used to ride, but somehow less rattly.

I was riding 52mm classic 99a right before switching which were barely rolling on some crusty spots I skate.  The x99 even in 52 smooth out the crust so well. 

Since I can’t really go up in wheel size due to 147, they are definitely a game changer if you spend more time out of the skatepark than in it.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on September 26, 2023, 09:49:15 AM
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how do the x formulas help?  just smoother/faster?

I’m riding an x99 52mm and speed-wise on normal asphalt or concrete is comparable to the 55-56 FF’s I used to ride, but somehow less rattly.

I was riding 52mm classic 99a right before switching which were barely rolling on some crusty spots I skate.  The x99 even in 52 smooth out the crust so well. 

Since I can’t really go up in wheel size due to 147, they are definitely a game changer if you spend more time out of the skatepark than in it.

What about powerslides/ Tricks where you're sliding your wheels? Lip/Tailslides/blunts
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on September 26, 2023, 05:18:15 PM
i can understand it....unless you're Vincent Alvarez....small wheels on crust or even just pushing around in the streets doesn't work.  At least with an x formula, it takes the edge off and makes it more manageable. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on September 26, 2023, 06:14:44 PM
i can understand it....unless you're Vincent Alvarez....small wheels on crust or even just pushing around in the streets doesn't work.  At least with an x formula, it takes the edge off and makes it more manageable.

i dunno. i mean for mortals yes, but there’s been a fair amount of folks that have gotten down on smaller wheels, off the top: puleo, eldridge, daewon, ishod, gt, busenitz, wray
first three are in that 50 range, last four were around 52 for more than a minute, and maybe all have since sized up.
pro’s don’t count kinda. but lots and lots of the skating i hold dear, happened on 52 and smaller, and some of it was on some ‘cutty’ looking spots.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on September 26, 2023, 10:42:49 PM
I’m just trying to see and validate other people’s perspectives…….

I’ll stop….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on September 27, 2023, 06:55:55 AM
Any of you guys skate 151s? Most people i see in the wild who use thunders skate smaller sizes, 147-149. I am going to get 151s for my egg setup and i think because they are so wide they will feel like a really nice balance of stability + turning, where some times i find myself wanting just that little bit more carve on the skinny 148 thunders i am using.

was thinking of even dropping down to 149 for the 9.125" egg to shave off more weight but after looking it up it seems like the difference in weight is super negligable, so might as well stick with what works (Franky's setup with the 54mm conical fulls) and get the turning i want. Could always switch to classics for more tilt + shave off more weight but i acutally think i want more weight to help push through crust a bit better too (paired with the conical fulls).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on September 27, 2023, 09:28:30 AM
Any of you guys skate 151s? Most people i see in the wild who use thunders skate smaller sizes, 147-149. I am going to get 151s for my egg setup and i think because they are so wide they will feel like a really nice balance of stability + turning, where some times i find myself wanting just that little bit more carve on the skinny 148 thunders i am using.

was thinking of even dropping down to 149 for the 9.125" egg to shave off more weight but after looking it up it seems like the difference in weight is super negligable, so might as well stick with what works (Franky's setup with the 54mm conical fulls) and get the turning i want. Could always switch to classics for more tilt + shave off more weight but i acutally think i want more weight to help push through crust a bit better too (paired with the conical fulls).

i’ve skated 151s, and they are nice.
i just don’t have any reason to skate trucks that big. it ends up being too gimmicky, for me. they look sick. but the benefits of trucks wider than 8”, aren’t really there for me.
148s/149s are both great trucks. liked them more than any other brand, in those sizes.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on September 27, 2023, 11:06:25 AM
Any of you guys skate 151s? Most people i see in the wild who use thunders skate smaller sizes, 147-149. I am going to get 151s for my egg setup and i think because they are so wide they will feel like a really nice balance of stability + turning, where some times i find myself wanting just that little bit more carve on the skinny 148 thunders i am using.

was thinking of even dropping down to 149 for the 9.125" egg to shave off more weight but after looking it up it seems like the difference in weight is super negligable, so might as well stick with what works (Franky's setup with the 54mm conical fulls) and get the turning i want. Could always switch to classics for more tilt + shave off more weight but i acutally think i want more weight to help push through crust a bit better too (paired with the conical fulls).

Yes. I usually skate Ace but I always have a set of 151s on hand for the reasons you just stated. Its a beautifully balanced truck, width to height to weight. I've skated them on 8.5" popsicles up to the sweatpants shape. I have to use 1/8" risers with them but I think that just  enhances their turn.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ridethegutter on September 27, 2023, 11:35:59 AM
I have some 151 hollow lights on an 8.8 deck. They feel so nice. I did have to swap out the stock clear blue bushings. Those things suck ball sack.

Any of you guys skate 151s? Most people i see in the wild who use thunders skate smaller sizes, 147-149. I am going to get 151s for my egg setup and i think because they are so wide they will feel like a really nice balance of stability + turning, where some times i find myself wanting just that little bit more carve on the skinny 148 thunders i am using.

was thinking of even dropping down to 149 for the 9.125" egg to shave off more weight but after looking it up it seems like the difference in weight is super negligable, so might as well stick with what works (Franky's setup with the 54mm conical fulls) and get the turning i want. Could always switch to classics for more tilt + shave off more weight but i acutally think i want more weight to help push through crust a bit better too (paired with the conical fulls).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on September 27, 2023, 09:12:18 PM
Any of you guys skate 151s? Most people i see in the wild who use thunders skate smaller sizes, 147-149. I am going to get 151s for my egg setup and i think because they are so wide they will feel like a really nice balance of stability + turning, where some times i find myself wanting just that little bit more carve on the skinny 148 thunders i am using.

was thinking of even dropping down to 149 for the 9.125" egg to shave off more weight but after looking it up it seems like the difference in weight is super negligable, so might as well stick with what works (Franky's setup with the 54mm conical fulls) and get the turning i want. Could always switch to classics for more tilt + shave off more weight but i acutally think i want more weight to help push through crust a bit better too (paired with the conical fulls).

I use 149s TIs on the 9" Quasi Egg.. 2 washers on the inside of the wheels for that tiny extra width.. I do hv 151s on Franky primitive egg
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on September 28, 2023, 08:15:50 AM
Expand Quote
Any of you guys skate 151s? Most people i see in the wild who use thunders skate smaller sizes, 147-149. I am going to get 151s for my egg setup and i think because they are so wide they will feel like a really nice balance of stability + turning, where some times i find myself wanting just that little bit more carve on the skinny 148 thunders i am using.

was thinking of even dropping down to 149 for the 9.125" egg to shave off more weight but after looking it up it seems like the difference in weight is super negligable, so might as well stick with what works (Franky's setup with the 54mm conical fulls) and get the turning i want. Could always switch to classics for more tilt + shave off more weight but i acutally think i want more weight to help push through crust a bit better too (paired with the conical fulls).

I use 149s TIs on the 9" Quasi Egg.. 2 washers on the inside of the wheels for that tiny extra width.. I do hv 151s on Franky primitive egg

nice! which one do you like more?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: boofactory on September 28, 2023, 06:15:47 PM
I’ve grinded into both of my kingpins to the point of both the axle nuts getting to that fused point on my 147 hollows. The kingpins are grinding down flush, if anything the kingpin peaks out a few mm past the axle. It’s been catching on some ledge tricks and slappies, throwing me off from time to time lately. What do yo do when your trucks gets to this point?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on September 28, 2023, 07:04:33 PM
I’ve grinded into both of my kingpins to the point of both the axle nuts getting to that fused point on my 147 hollows. The kingpins are grinding down flush, if anything the kingpin peaks out a few mm past the axle. It’s been catching on some ledge tricks and slappies, throwing me off from time to time lately. What do yo do when your trucks gets to this point?

you a lie
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on September 28, 2023, 07:52:25 PM
I’ve grinded into both of my kingpins to the point of both the axle nuts getting to that fused point on my 147 hollows. The kingpins are grinding down flush, if anything the kingpin peaks out a few mm past the axle. It’s been catching on some ledge tricks and slappies, throwing me off from time to time lately. What do yo do when your trucks gets to this point?

I’ve done enough grinds that my kingpin nut has worn away and I’m grinding on just the hollow kingpin for feebles/smiths. Since it’s a harder material it sometimes digs in and doesn’t like to grind. I just put some wax on it and it seems to work just fine
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on September 28, 2023, 11:13:07 PM
I’ve grinded into both of my kingpins to the point of both the axle nuts getting to that fused point on my 147 hollows. The kingpins are grinding down flush, if anything the kingpin peaks out a few mm past the axle. It’s been catching on some ledge tricks and slappies, throwing me off from time to time lately. What do yo do when your trucks gets to this point?

It depends how far you want to go or what you have available to you, but angle grinding down the kingpin is the main thing I would do on a board with the kingpin sticking up too much.

If that means the kingpin nut can't fit on, I would also trim down the top bushing, or get a low bushing to use on trucks that are that far down, so I could still get the nut on nicely, as well as still having the trucks turn / tightness the same as I had it before too.

So tools you would need include an angle grinder and a sharp knife, often a kitchen knife to cut the bushings, which for both you do need a bit of patience and work out how to do it best, otherwise you could make a mess of it and be left with bushings that are cut too much or kingpin that you can't work with.

I have done this many times over and I got fairly used to it, but I would definitely urge caution and go very easy with both, just cutting a single mm from the lower part of the top bushing, as well as using the grinder gently so as not to cook the bushings, which can happen if you are going too hard on the kingpin.

Anyway, that is the best solution I have used that others have tried and had success with, so I can send you clips / links and more info if you need, or see if anyone else can help too, before going down that road.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: boofactory on September 29, 2023, 03:31:25 AM
Thanks for the advice, I have an angle grinder kicking around and might go that route
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: SUPREMENECKPROTECTOR on October 03, 2023, 02:28:31 AM
I have been riding ace classics for the last ten years and want to switch it up. Since i never rode thunders before i want to try out those. Usually i ride 44s with 8.25 -8.5 and hard bushings. Do you guys have any suggestions for me? I enjoy the turn on the aces and do lots of grinds. Are titaniums worth it? Is the extra height on team hollows beneficial for the turn? Kinda overwhelmed over here.

Since the axle of a 44 is 8.35" which thunder should i go with? 148 or 149?

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Meathook on October 03, 2023, 05:22:43 AM
I lean towards wider deck and narrower trucks, so I would go 148 but you won’t notice much of a difference between 148-149.

I wouldn’t go for TI, they’re really really light and coming from ace they may throw you off.  The regular team thunders are going to be a lot lighter than your aces, if you want to shed some weight go for the lights or hollow lights and save the money over Ti.

The turn is not Ace, it is fast and twitchy and not very surfy.  Best to stick with the stock bushings and break them in or get some harder thunder aftermarket’s.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Pasta Monster on October 03, 2023, 05:27:11 AM
I have been riding ace classics for the last ten years and want to switch it up. Since i never rode thunders before i want to try out those. Usually i ride 44s with 8.25 -8.5 and hard bushings. Do you guys have any suggestions for me? I enjoy the turn on the aces and do lots of grinds. Are titaniums worth it? Is the extra height on team hollows beneficial for the turn? Kinda overwhelmed over here.

Since the axle of a 44 is 8.35" which thunder should i go with? 148 or 149?
I would recommend 148 team hollows with some aftermarket bushings. Also, since it lengthens the wheelbase, you may want to try decks with a shorter wheelbase than you normally ride, if flip tricks feel slower on Thunders. Turn is good and they grind better than Ventures (in my opinion).

Someone else can chime in on titaniums. I have at least four sets of Thunders to go through before I try the titaniums. Height is also something I can’t comment on because I use risers on all my boards.

I switched from Indy to Thunder ten years ago because of Busenitz/Gerwer, and being weirded out by the iron cross after watching Nazi documentaries. I keep coming back to Thunder every time I try different brands.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Pbn_jake on October 03, 2023, 05:55:00 AM
I have been riding ace classics for the last ten years and want to switch it up. Since i never rode thunders before i want to try out those. Usually i ride 44s with 8.25 -8.5 and hard bushings. Do you guys have any suggestions for me? I enjoy the turn on the aces and do lots of grinds. Are titaniums worth it? Is the extra height on team hollows beneficial for the turn? Kinda overwhelmed over here.

Since the axle of a 44 is 8.35" which thunder should i go with? 148 or 149?

148 standard with the team plates. Team editions, whatever. I haven’t  fucked with the hollows but going from ace to thunder you’ll likely already notice a change in weight.

I will say I ran ace classic 44s and the hockey/fa 8.38 shape for like 4-5 years, then switched to thunder and could not make that work. But I loved how the thunders skated on every other deck I had and am eagerly waiting to skate this pair of 148s after I blow through these ventures
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flintstagram on October 03, 2023, 11:47:42 AM
Any of you guys skate 151s? Most people i see in the wild who use thunders skate smaller sizes, 147-149. I am going to get 151s for my egg setup and i think because they are so wide they will feel like a really nice balance of stability + turning, where some times i find myself wanting just that little bit more carve on the skinny 148 thunders i am using.

was thinking of even dropping down to 149 for the 9.125" egg to shave off more weight but after looking it up it seems like the difference in weight is super negligable, so might as well stick with what works (Franky's setup with the 54mm conical fulls) and get the turning i want. Could always switch to classics for more tilt + shave off more weight but i acutally think i want more weight to help push through crust a bit better too (paired with the conical fulls).

151 teams are my jam! Best truck ever.

I rock them with no risers and I ride 54-55mm conical full wheels. They’re stable, turn well, and grind great. They perform exactly how I want. I skate an 8.5 popsicle. I love having slightly wider trucks than my board, and on a 9.125 egg, you’ll likely be in the same boat. I fully recommend it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fs1/2cab on October 03, 2023, 01:06:33 PM
I had some 147s way back then. ~10 years ago I think and broke a lot of kingpins back then. Since then I am on Indy 144s Forged Hollows. Sometimes the Indy's feel a bit difficult to pop and get height. Now I am thinking about trying some 148 Thunders. But not sure if they will improve my skating (make the pop feel easier and make me skate like I am 20 again) or if it is all in my head.

Ya all like Forged or Cast Baseplates on Thunders?

Cast would give a bit more area for Nose/Tailslides, but some people say the baseplates are bad for those slides. Which doesn't make sense when I look at Ishod. But he is Ishod and would probably be able to Kickflip Backtail Bigspin out on a Krooked Beamer.
And what's the wheelbase like on Thunders?

Is this already gear madness?

I should get my ass out there and skate instead of asking questions.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 03, 2023, 05:23:34 PM
I had some 147s way back then. ~10 years ago I think and broke a lot of kingpins back then. Since then I am on Indy 144s Forged Hollows. Sometimes the Indy's feel a bit difficult to pop and get height. Now I am thinking about trying some 148 Thunders. But not sure if they will improve my skating (make the pop feel easier and make me skate like I am 20 again) or if it is all in my head.

Ya all like Forged or Cast Baseplates on Thunders?

Cast would give a bit more area for Nose/Tailslides, but some people say the baseplates are bad for those slides. Which doesn't make sense when I look at Ishod. But he is Ishod and would probably be able to Kickflip Backtail Bigspin out on a Krooked Beamer.
And what's the wheelbase like on Thunders?

Is this already gear madness?

I should get my ass out there and skate instead of asking questions.

just getting out and skating is the best.

thunder 148s are really good.
i like both forged and cast baseplate thunders.
less turn, better/more consistent pop, more wheelbite, than indy.

i think if i had to recommend one truck, for most people, 148s would be the one. although thunders have a little less turning radius before wheelbite, so some folks might prefer something else for transition.
148s are great.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on October 03, 2023, 05:38:04 PM
Back on Thunders after 3-4 years on Aces. Skated thunder before ace. I went from the AF-1 Hollows to the Thunder Team Hollows. Here are things I noticed:

- Pinch way better on rails, ledges, transition
- Pop is snappier, quicker. All my flat feels way better.
- Don't mind the wide arcing Thunder turning, I actually quite like it and how it rebounds to center. Stable as fuck, but stil responsive.
- How light they are, flips easier, takes less energy.

As i'm getting older, I think thunders just make more sense. Less cumulative energy usage over the duration of a long session and less effort put into trying to flip a heavy ass set up. I think gifted hater said skate aces just makes things harder for yourself. I'm inclined to agree.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 03, 2023, 06:08:46 PM
I had some 147s way back then. ~10 years ago I think and broke a lot of kingpins back then. Since then I am on Indy 144s Forged Hollows. Sometimes the Indy's feel a bit difficult to pop and get height. Now I am thinking about trying some 148 Thunders. But not sure if they will improve my skating (make the pop feel easier and make me skate like I am 20 again) or if it is all in my head.

Ya all like Forged or Cast Baseplates on Thunders?

Cast would give a bit more area for Nose/Tailslides, but some people say the baseplates are bad for those slides. Which doesn't make sense when I look at Ishod. But he is Ishod and would probably be able to Kickflip Backtail Bigspin out on a Krooked Beamer.
And what's the wheelbase like on Thunders?

Is this already gear madness?

I should get my ass out there and skate instead of asking questions.

Indys are heavier. You can either deal, or you can't.

148 thunders are the bees knees. Forged or Cast is up to your preferred wheels size (forged are 51mm Cast are 52mm - I know, whoopdie fucking doo, 1 mm) and how tight you ride. Forged feel different, and are lighter than, cast. Team Hollows or Hollow Lights are super light too (the Ti versions are insanely light).

Some people have issue with the plates, but that's based on their technique (you either jam the plate into the ledge/slide with wheels or you sit on your tail leveraging the boards fingers of flat, I do the latter; no one on here is good enough to justify either ;) if thunders are good enough for suciu, foy, ishod, o'niel, nygal, they're good enough for us peasants.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 03, 2023, 08:55:53 PM
Thunder 148 go with a great range of decks- widths, wheelbases, kicks- they work on almost anything well. I've had them on 8.1/14.1 up to 8.5/14.5 (lotsa washers), on PS and BBS, and on all sorts of wheels. My plates have tons of slide marks so I make it work somehow. Definitely my home base while I explore other stuff.

A lot of people I know ride their Aces fairly cranked and I just don't get it. They will talk about the turn being great but then tighten them to where they feel more or less like any other truck. I can see the appeal of em but I wouldn't consider them a middle ground truck like a Thunder.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on October 03, 2023, 10:52:39 PM
The main similarity of thunder and ace is neither are Indy’s…….

I just envision how the wheel, truck and tail respond to popping while your foot is in the pocket…..

It would be sick to really slow mo how the truck, wheel, tail respond while popping because I think it makes a difference with the geometry of each truck.  I noticed this on Aces for sure….the truck almost turns when you pop…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fs1/2cab on October 04, 2023, 12:06:52 AM
Thanks ya all so far. Of course I have more questions..

I think I am set on 8.25 Magenta decks (~6.65" Tail with a 14.25" wheelbase) and 52mm Spitfire Conicals.

148 Thunder Lights are 51mm in height, right?
52mm wheels should be fine?
The tail shouldn't be "too short" for these trucks?
What was the wheelbase lengthening of Thunders again? + 3.25"?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on October 04, 2023, 01:06:10 AM
Thanks ya all so far. Of course I have more questions..

I think I am set on 8.25 Magenta decks (~6.65" Tail with a 14.25" wheelbase) and 52mm Spitfire Conicals.

148 Thunder Lights are 51mm in height, right?
52mm wheels should be fine?
The tail shouldn't be "too short" for these trucks?
What was the wheelbase lengthening of Thunders again? + 3.25"?

Lights used the forged plates so yeah 51mm

52mm should be fine. Actually one of the wheel sizes I would recommend with the 51mm height.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on October 04, 2023, 01:28:43 AM
52mm on Thunder lights are fine. As always: how much wheel bite you get depends on how loose you like your trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on October 04, 2023, 01:34:55 AM
Surely depends on your weight, I can easily ride 54mm wheels on thunder lights that are wiggly loose. I only weigh 58 kg /127 lbs.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fs1/2cab on October 04, 2023, 01:50:45 AM
Thanks again. More questions came up.

Lights? Hollow Lights? Titanium? Which one and why?

My Indy Titanium also broke at the axle recently. I was so angry that I threw them in the rubbish can and walked home like Daffy Duck.

I would prefer the 51mm height of Thunders because I know how Indy Forged with 53.5mm feel. These are fine so far but my best skating happened on Thunder 147s, but that was a lifetime ago.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Meathook on October 04, 2023, 05:29:05 AM
Thanks again. More questions came up.

Lights? Hollow Lights? Titanium? Which one and why?

My Indy Titanium also broke at the axle recently. I was so angry that I threw them in the rubbish can and walked home like Daffy Duck.

I would prefer the 51mm height of Thunders because I know how Indy Forged with 53.5mm feel. These are fine so far but my best skating happened on Thunder 147s, but that was a lifetime ago.

Exactly why I’m riding 147s now lol
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 04, 2023, 06:53:47 AM
Thanks again. More questions came up.

Lights? Hollow Lights? Titanium? Which one and why?

My Indy Titanium also broke at the axle recently. I was so angry that I threw them in the rubbish can and walked home like Daffy Duck.

I would prefer the 51mm height of Thunders because I know how Indy Forged with 53.5mm feel. These are fine so far but my best skating happened on Thunder 147s, but that was a lifetime ago.

Teams or Team Hollow. The extra height still makes it a mid, they're already light too, can run a tiny bit bigger wheels if you want. I've gone 54 no problem.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on October 04, 2023, 07:01:57 AM
Yep Thunders already weigh significantly less than Indys and Aces, I find the Team version to be the perfect weight for me. Going to anything hollow / light just feels like a tech deck to me.

I skate a 9"+ Egg with AF1 + 54mm conical fulls and I can ollie the same amount of decks that I can with a 8" board with titaniums and 48mm classics, its moreso i get tired faster doing it on the 50 lb setup.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 04, 2023, 09:06:50 AM
Thanks again. More questions came up.

Lights? Hollow Lights? Titanium? Which one and why?

My Indy Titanium also broke at the axle recently. I was so angry that I threw them in the rubbish can and walked home like Daffy Duck.

I would prefer the 51mm height of Thunders because I know how Indy Forged with 53.5mm feel. These are fine so far but my best skating happened on Thunder 147s, but that was a lifetime ago.

With thunders, I only go Ti when riding bigger boards/wheels (say 8.5 / 54mm wheels and up).

The Hollow lites (axle and pin) are so light as it is. Team Hollows if you want that extra mm and weight. There's also the lites, solid axle forged plate with hollow pin  (sort of of middle ground of the hollow lights and team hollow).

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on October 04, 2023, 09:13:23 AM
Team plates are a good height but I even understand why some run forged and risers……Ben d subscribes to forged bottoms solid tops….i think all the above have an argument….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on October 04, 2023, 09:19:39 AM
Thanks again. More questions came up.

Lights? Hollow Lights? Titanium? Which one and why?

I've got a set-up with 149 Titaniums on an 8.3 deck and one 8.5 with 151 hollow lights. I love them both. It really comes down to psychology. Currently you pay around two dollars for every gram that the Titaniums weigh less than the hollow lights. For me it was worth it when I got the 149s. I just wanted to have the lightest. At least I can't blame it on the trucks if my pop is not high enough.       
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Madam, I'm Adam on October 04, 2023, 09:33:48 AM
Got two quick questions - thinking of copping the hollow light II his.

My preferred board size is anything between 8 - 8.25 / 31.5 - 32.25 / 14 - 14.25 . With mellower kicks and concave.

I skate wheels in the 51-53mm range. I like to skate flat, small ledges, curbs, flatbars.

Do the trucks I'm interested in make sense for my setup? Pretty sure they do but would appreciate another opinion. And are there any bushings anyone could suggest other than the stock bushings?

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 04, 2023, 09:58:34 AM
They would work fine. It's splitting hairs. Forged pop will be a bit faster and lighter, but Thunder are already snappy as it is. Your wheel range works fine on both. I always recommend people go with standards first on a truck then experiment with lighter at least with Thunder and Venture. Indy I almost recommend the opposite. AF1, Indy Forged, Thunder Standard/Team, and Venture cast are all in the 52-53ish height range and unlikely to be too polarizing.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Madam, I'm Adam on October 04, 2023, 10:36:20 AM
They would work fine. It's splitting hairs. Forged pop will be a bit faster and lighter, but Thunder are already snappy as it is. Your wheel range works fine on both. I always recommend people go with standards first on a truck then experiment with lighter at least with Thunder and Venture. Indy I almost recommend the opposite. AF1, Indy Forged, Thunder Standard/Team, and Venture cast are all in the 52-53ish height range and unlikely to be too polarizing.

Thanks LR, gnarred
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on October 04, 2023, 02:46:16 PM
Can confirm that the stock bushings are shit in terms of durability. I've had these trucks since mid February and the bushings are pretty cracked and worn down. For some reason they still skate good which is why I haven't changed them. They always have been shit IMO but the trucks are too good and it is not that noticeable.
( (
( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on October 04, 2023, 02:49:34 PM
I love a fucked up looking bushing that still performs well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on October 05, 2023, 04:39:29 PM
For real, thunder stocks are ass in terms of durability, Admittedly, still kinda like the way they turn. I've also destroyed the pivot cups too. From crooks especially. Riptide bushings are the only ones that have been durable enough to last more than a few months, but they are pricey.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on October 05, 2023, 04:40:15 PM
For real, thunder stocks are ass in terms of durability, Admittedly, still kinda like the way they turn. I've also destroyed the pivot cups too. From crooks especially. Riptide bushings are the only ones that have been durable enough to last more than a few months, but they are pricey.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 05, 2023, 04:59:28 PM
Back on Thunders after 3-4 years on Aces. Skated thunder before ace. I went from the AF-1 Hollows to the Thunder Team Hollows. Here are things I noticed:

- Pinch way better on rails, ledges, transition
- Pop is snappier, quicker. All my flat feels way better.
- Don't mind the wide arcing Thunder turning, I actually quite like it and how it rebounds to center. Stable as fuck, but stil responsive.
- How light they are, flips easier, takes less energy.

As i'm getting older, I think thunders just make more sense. Less cumulative energy usage over the duration of a long session and less effort put into trying to flip a heavy ass set up. I think gifted hater said skate aces just makes things harder for yourself. I'm inclined to agree.

agree with a lot of this.

i had so many different ace setups that i just couldn’t ever get the pop right. the pop leverage with thunders just works best for me.
tbf i had some miracle feeling ace completes, but orettt much only on really short wb’s.
ace does feel like it makes a lot more difficult
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Deadringer on October 08, 2023, 01:54:03 AM
Are 161 Hollow Lights going to be made again? Can only find the team standards in the UK and Europe. :(
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: SUPREMENECKPROTECTOR on October 08, 2023, 02:06:38 AM
Thanks for all the input guys, much appreciated! I ended up ordering 149 Team Editions because of availabilty issues. Lots of old dead stock over here in germany. Maybe interesting for collectors. Will report back once i got a chance to try them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on October 08, 2023, 05:01:57 PM
Are 161 Hollow Lights going to be made again? Can only find the team standards in the UK and Europe. :(

I don't keep track of everything, but there are still some available from what I just saw online and they are on the more recent full catalog, not just the current short one.

Guessing though it depends on the area / country, as to what stock is available, or what local distributors ordered in and then what shops have ordered as well.  Stock could be sitting on distributors shelves, but none in shops easily enough.

Some of the higher end only go up to 149s now though.

Team editions (full range although 181 are currently not being made)

Team hollows to 149.

Ti axle to 149.

Lights to 151.

Hollow lights to 161.

In particular this one / these two with the current sizes in those options:



Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mick on October 08, 2023, 11:28:40 PM
Can confirm that the stock bushings are shit in terms of durability. I've had these trucks since mid February and the bushings are pretty cracked and worn down. For some reason they still skate good which is why I haven't changed them. They always have been shit IMO but the trucks are too good and it is not that noticeable.
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I can tell by your mixed hardware nuts you need to get longer hardware my guy
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 09, 2023, 06:59:34 AM
^^ for real. 7/8" on team plates with risers (what are they btw? they look really slim - only ones I've found like that are the ACE 1/16) is pushing it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on October 09, 2023, 08:02:43 AM
What drugs are Thunder on? Black nuts? Gotta get all the nuts chrome/silver/gray... I have swapped them out on my team editions
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on October 09, 2023, 08:06:24 AM
I think it's on brand....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gsosa on October 09, 2023, 11:01:14 AM
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Can confirm that the stock bushings are shit in terms of durability. I've had these trucks since mid February and the bushings are pretty cracked and worn down. For some reason they still skate good which is why I haven't changed them. They always have been shit IMO but the trucks are too good and it is not that noticeable.
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I can tell by your mixed hardware nuts you need to get longer hardware my guy

Yeah no doubt, Ive lost quite a few bolts due to them loosening up and just flying off and being unable to find them again.
^^ for real. 7/8" on team plates with risers (what are they btw? they look really slim - only ones I've found like that are the ACE 1/16) is pushing it.
They are actually 1 inch  hardware and the risers are the Real wooden risers (the 3 ply ones). I thought 1 inch would do the trick but it's not really the case. It's not THAT bad either just gotta make sure they arent loosening up but I'll for sure get some new hardware soon haha thanks guys!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: baustin on October 09, 2023, 01:27:10 PM
Hardware not long enough = hardware that self loosens = ovalling of baseplate mounting holes

Definitely get some new hardware that fully engages the nylock and thus wont loosen up on you
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: camel filters on October 10, 2023, 07:59:27 AM
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Back on Thunders after 3-4 years on Aces. Skated thunder before ace. I went from the AF-1 Hollows to the Thunder Team Hollows. Here are things I noticed:

- Pinch way better on rails, ledges, transition
- Pop is snappier, quicker. All my flat feels way better.
- Don't mind the wide arcing Thunder turning, I actually quite like it and how it rebounds to center. Stable as fuck, but stil responsive.
- How light they are, flips easier, takes less energy.

As i'm getting older, I think thunders just make more sense. Less cumulative energy usage over the duration of a long session and less effort put into trying to flip a heavy ass set up. I think gifted hater said skate aces just makes things harder for yourself. I'm inclined to agree.

agree with a lot of this.

i had so many different ace setups that i just couldn’t ever get the pop right. the pop leverage with thunders just works best for me.
tbf i had some miracle feeling ace completes, but orettt much only on really short wb’s.
ace does feel like it makes a lot more difficult
It's a bit more nuanced from my experience with both. Thunder's stablility makes starting the trick (popping) alot more reliable. I do find aces easier to finesse a trick if I don't land perfect though. Where I can get away with alot more tricks on aces, with thunders, if my balance is off, I often have to step off and bail a seemingly done deal.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on October 10, 2023, 08:10:35 AM
The 1 thing I do like Aces better for is that i mess up my approaches less often on grinds seemingly becuase the turning is just a tiny bit better. But its not like i am messing up that often on the thunders either, it is a pretty rare thing

it is possible my lines look a little nicer on Aces because there is less tic-tacking etc. but i am so much more consistent on the flip tricks with thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Meathook on October 11, 2023, 06:08:45 AM
Anyone got recc’s for bushings that don’t freeze in the cold like the stock do?  Not TOO worried about messing with geo but ideally something close to stock.  Indy bushings freeze too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 11, 2023, 06:50:00 AM
Bones don't, and don't quote me on this one as I've never ever done it, but I've heard that Tensor bushings fit and don't freeze either. Riptide might make an option that fits and doesn't freeze.

One thing a friend does in the winter is just removes the bottom washer and puts the kingpin nut exactly in the same spot.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: art hellman on October 11, 2023, 08:08:09 AM
Anyone got recc’s for bushings that don’t freeze in the cold like the stock do?  Not TOO worried about messing with geo but ideally something close to stock.  Indy bushings freeze too.

skate through most midwest winters and I've never had the aftermarket (conical) indy bushings freeze up on me. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: JugeL on October 11, 2023, 08:32:34 AM
Any tips on what bushings to use if i wanna keep the geometry the same? I hate the stock ones because they always blow up on me
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: hiljentaa on October 11, 2023, 08:41:56 AM
Any tips on what bushings to use if i wanna keep the geometry the same? I hate the stock ones because they always blow up on me

Indy conicals are very close. Shave down the top bushing a bit and you're there.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 11, 2023, 10:13:26 AM
If you take the stock top washers and use them on the bottom or use the Bones washer bottom stock on top they're also very close.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: El Freegano on October 12, 2023, 03:03:59 AM
I have been with blue indy conicals for half an year and i am very content. Bottoms were the same as stock, tops were a hair longer, but i didnt shave them, just skated a bit tighter in the beginning and later they have compressed a bit and everything became perfect.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 12, 2023, 09:43:14 AM
Any tips on what bushings to use if i wanna keep the geometry the same? I hate the stock ones because they always blow up on me

I've used Venom bushing with great success at different times. They are just a hair taller than thunder bottoms (but compress just fine or you can sand them down); significantly better grade urethane with tons of rebound, even at softer duros (helps with compression) they are better feeling than stock.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: chillclinton87 on October 12, 2023, 10:11:50 AM
the last years i skated through winter outdoors mostly and tried the thunder aftermarket bushings in the usual/ stock duro 90A, they come in red and did not freeze. they are the same hardness as the stock bushings but feel way softer so after the winter you might wanna change back.

that would be worth a try and you wouldn't have to mess with the geometry.

mind it wasn't the coldest winters around here, coldest i skated was until around 0 degrees celsius since my knees are bitchy if it is any colder
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FGO925 on October 12, 2023, 03:03:19 PM
Been skating Indy standards recently and it blew me away how amazing they are for tailslides. The way the baseplate slides on the edge of ledges makes it a breeze to lock in and hold slides to the point where you need way less wax to get through the ledge. I’ve noticed most nose & tailslides with Thunders tend lock in where your wheels are sliding on the edge making it a bit stickier, where you need to “push” through the slide a bit more instead of just sitting on top.

Just some observations lol. Still prefer thunders overall but man I love being so solid/locked in with the Indy baseplate.   
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 12, 2023, 03:07:50 PM
wade’s thunder clip 😮‍💨
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on October 12, 2023, 03:33:50 PM
Wade's knows control
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on October 13, 2023, 08:54:03 AM
Wade's knows control

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 13, 2023, 09:49:40 AM
Been skating Indy standards recently and it blew me away how amazing they are for tailslides. The way the baseplate slides on the edge of ledges makes it a breeze to lock in and hold slides to the point where you need way less wax to get through the ledge. I’ve noticed most nose & tailslides with Thunders tend lock in where your wheels are sliding on the edge making it a bit stickier, where you need to “push” through the slide a bit more instead of just sitting on top.

Just some observations lol. Still prefer thunders overall but man I love being so solid/locked in with the Indy baseplate.

On smooth ledges the baseplate is good, on chunky stuff it can catch. You can never fully win with anything it seems.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 13, 2023, 10:47:10 AM
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Wade's knows control


It's all about technique with them...see, Wade here doesn't worry about his wheels sliding because he (same for me) doesn't lock the plate, but instead, tips back on the kick to leverage the fingers of flat and rest on the flat of the kick.

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Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on October 13, 2023, 11:07:29 AM
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Been skating Indy standards recently and it blew me away how amazing they are for tailslides. The way the baseplate slides on the edge of ledges makes it a breeze to lock in and hold slides to the point where you need way less wax to get through the ledge. I’ve noticed most nose & tailslides with Thunders tend lock in where your wheels are sliding on the edge making it a bit stickier, where you need to “push” through the slide a bit more instead of just sitting on top.

Just some observations lol. Still prefer thunders overall but man I love being so solid/locked in with the Indy baseplate.

On smooth ledges the baseplate is good, on chunky stuff it can catch. You can never fully win with anything it seems.

^ This. Indys on crusty concrete ledges is... meh. Rather have thunder then. Also going down stuff. The more consistent and slower slide def helps here
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 13, 2023, 11:07:54 AM
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Wade's knows control


It's all about technique with them...see, Wade here doesn't worry about his wheels sliding because he (same for me) doesn't lock the plate, but instead, tips back on the kick to leverage the fingers of flat and rest on the flat of the kick.

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is he still on 147s tho?
which primitive shape?
rictas? which ones? they look nice and slim (crispy pop with the slim wheels)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 13, 2023, 07:46:37 PM
My first thought was they look like 149‘s to me
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 13, 2023, 09:23:00 PM
My first thought was they look like 149‘s to me


with the gold board i thought maybe 148s, but some of the other clips i thought i saw 147s (slightly more svelte looking hanger).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: marcusbutler on October 14, 2023, 12:16:25 AM
Any tips on what bushings to use if i wanna keep the geometry the same? I hate the stock ones because they always blow up on me

I put some old ass indy bushings in my thunders after the bones mids blew out on me. It's been 6-7 months and they haven't blown out. Turn or feel didn't change going from one to the other.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on October 14, 2023, 10:51:28 AM
My first thought was they look like 149‘s to me

Def not 149s. I believe he said 147 on nineclub. He does ride small stuff
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DarkPools on October 14, 2023, 12:20:33 PM
Thought Wade was a 148a dude, as that's what those looked like to me
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on October 16, 2023, 06:13:12 AM
Anyone got some advice? I really like the way my thunders pop and skate on flat but on transition they’re kinda messing with me.

For starters, i can’t seem to really find the places I normally pinch my stalls. Like bs 5-0 on the heel. Sometimes I’ll just miss and get my full truck on instead of my heel. Also holding grinds on transition just seems way harder, almost as if I’m too pinched in if that makes sense.

Thinking maybe I need different wheels or different board shape or something.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on October 16, 2023, 06:19:18 AM
Anyone got some advice? I really like the way my thunders pop and skate on flat but on transition they’re kinda messing with me.

For starters, i can’t seem to really find the places I normally pinch my stalls. Like bs 5-0 on the heel. Sometimes I’ll just miss and get my full truck on instead of my heel. Also holding grinds on transition just seems way harder, almost as if I’m too pinched in if that makes sense.

Thinking maybe I need different wheels or different board shape or something.
I have found that truck width and board shape can fuck up bs 5-0s for sure.
Did you ride the exact same setup before or did you change anything else? There really shouldn't be any difference in how you hold a bs 5-0 if only the truck height changed (and a tiny wheelbase difference...). Which trucks did you ride before?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on October 16, 2023, 06:38:44 AM
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Anyone got some advice? I really like the way my thunders pop and skate on flat but on transition they’re kinda messing with me.

For starters, i can’t seem to really find the places I normally pinch my stalls. Like bs 5-0 on the heel. Sometimes I’ll just miss and get my full truck on instead of my heel. Also holding grinds on transition just seems way harder, almost as if I’m too pinched in if that makes sense.

Thinking maybe I need different wheels or different board shape or something.
I have found that truck width and board shape can fuck up bs 5-0s for sure.
Did you ride the exact same setup before or did you change anything else? There really shouldn't be any difference in how you hold a bs 5-0 if only the truck height changed (and a tiny wheelbase difference...). Which trucks did you ride before?

Riding same set up as before. Just changed my trucks. I was riding aces before. My thinking is that the wb change changed the length of my tail? Idk. I was also thinking the 8.5 trucks on 8.38 made the lunch feel off since it was wider than the board?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on October 16, 2023, 07:10:38 AM
Wade rides 8.38 Primitive (14.1825" wb, 6.75"t, 7" n) on Thunder HL 148s with Rictas that are Radial Slim styled wheel like this:
I have taken lots of pictures of his setup he often posts it on instagram and I ride his exact board (spencer uses this shape too) except with Team Thunders + spitfire classics instead.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on October 16, 2023, 07:23:08 AM
as far as the baseplate dragging thing
i have not really noticed it as an issue at all for me. I seem to apply the same amount of wax as i always did. i am also riding a lot skinnier wheels though, so that may also be contributing to the ease of slide
i feel like my noseslides actually have gotten way better, it could just be a technique thing, i feel like i am putting my foot in a more ideal place maybe. but i feel like my noseslides and crooks are looking mint since i got these and i can combo so easily.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 16, 2023, 07:23:38 AM
Wade rides 8.38 Primitive (14.1825" wb, 6.75"t, 7" n) on Thunder HL 148s with Rictas that are Radial Slim styled wheel like this:
I have taken lots of pictures of his setup he often posts it on instagram and I ride his exact board (spencer uses this shape too) except with Team Thunders + spitfire classics instead.

thanks for the info. i appreciate the wade setup responses!

spencer skates indy
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on October 16, 2023, 08:01:13 AM
yep i just meant the board shape 8.38 x 14.1 wb !
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 16, 2023, 01:52:19 PM
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Wade rides 8.38 Primitive (14.1825" wb, 6.75"t, 7" n) on Thunder HL 148s with Rictas that are Radial Slim styled wheel like this:
I have taken lots of pictures of his setup he often posts it on instagram and I ride his exact board (spencer uses this shape too) except with Team Thunders + spitfire classics instead.

thanks for the info. i appreciate the wade setup responses!

spencer skates indy

@ok   Maybe I should swap to my rictas eh? ;)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 16, 2023, 02:07:09 PM
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Wade rides 8.38 Primitive (14.1825" wb, 6.75"t, 7" n) on Thunder HL 148s with Rictas that are Radial Slim styled wheel like this:
I have taken lots of pictures of his setup he often posts it on instagram and I ride his exact board (spencer uses this shape too) except with Team Thunders + spitfire classics instead.

thanks for the info. i appreciate the wade setup responses!

spencer skates indy

@ok   Maybe I should swap to my rictas eh? ;)

i’m about to buy some for serious. you know this. i’ve got some new in the package 54 f4 classics and i’ve realized i’m never going to skate vert.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 16, 2023, 03:26:05 PM
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Wade rides 8.38 Primitive (14.1825" wb, 6.75"t, 7" n) on Thunder HL 148s with Rictas that are Radial Slim styled wheel like this:
I have taken lots of pictures of his setup he often posts it on instagram and I ride his exact board (spencer uses this shape too) except with Team Thunders + spitfire classics instead.

thanks for the info. i appreciate the wade setup responses!

spencer skates indy

@ok   Maybe I should swap to my rictas eh? ;)

i’m about to buy some for serious. you know this. i’ve got some new in the package 54 f4 classics and i’ve realized i’m never going to skate vert.

Set those 54s up on the street with some risers and haul some ass ;)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 16, 2023, 05:05:29 PM
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Wade rides 8.38 Primitive (14.1825" wb, 6.75"t, 7" n) on Thunder HL 148s with Rictas that are Radial Slim styled wheel like this:
I have taken lots of pictures of his setup he often posts it on instagram and I ride his exact board (spencer uses this shape too) except with Team Thunders + spitfire classics instead.

thanks for the info. i appreciate the wade setup responses!

spencer skates indy

@ok   Maybe I should swap to my rictas eh? ;)

i’m about to buy some for serious. you know this. i’ve got some new in the package 54 f4 classics and i’ve realized i’m never going to skate vert.


Set those 54s up on the street with some risers and haul some ass ;)

heeeeeeeeell(ride) no!
this is the thunder thread and me and my 147s are 52 and down.
i don’t need to go fast to look down and pretend like i’m going to land my next nollie flip attempt.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 16, 2023, 06:55:59 PM
I've ran 54 and Thunders just fine, Foy does 55 and no risers.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 16, 2023, 07:24:48 PM
I've ran 54 and Thunders just fine, Foy does 55 and no risers.

yeah but you guys are good.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on October 16, 2023, 11:03:58 PM
Is there a particular wheel shape you all like for thunder?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on October 17, 2023, 04:12:56 AM
Is there a particular wheel shape you all like for thunder?
Insane question.
Only radial slims and classic fulls of course
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mick on October 17, 2023, 04:25:14 AM
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Is there a particular wheel shape you all like for thunder?
Insane question.
Only radial slims and classic fulls of course
Bro said the hardest wheels to purchase
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: roba on October 17, 2023, 04:49:03 AM
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Is there a particular wheel shape you all like for thunder?
Insane question.
Only radial slims and classic fulls of course
Bro said the hardest wheels to purchase

that's the joke
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on October 17, 2023, 06:50:02 AM
I think for Thunders you want skinnier treads to avoid the baseplate drag thing (if that is bothering you)

i prefer the spitfire classic because i am a slappy skater just to give myself more tip but i would say if you are a ledge skater like Wade you
would want the radial / radial slims instead because you probably dont need tip you just want to stay as solid as possible.

i ride 51mm size classic (worn down) and i have virtually zero wheelbite marks sitting on a 52mm height thunder 148 (kingpin sitting flush with nut) everyone says my setup is really fast and it turns well and has a nice weight to it

compared to my friend sitting on mindy Reynolds' at a 51mm height, rocking bones bushings with no bottom washer, and 54mm classics, basically has man made wheel wells at this point.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on October 17, 2023, 07:04:17 AM
I've ran 54 and Thunders just fine, Foy does 55 and no risers.

I've done 55 Classics on Thunders and it was fine. I skate pretty loose trucks too.

As far as preferred wheel shape I don't know how much that has to do with my trucks but I think I skate best on the Classic shape. I've tried the big wide wheels everyone likes and I felt like I just kept missing my truck on grinds, plus it took way more effort to pop and flip. Plus I just think they look nicer.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on October 17, 2023, 08:01:19 AM
Is there a particular wheel shape you all like for thunder?

Conical and conical full 53 baby
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 17, 2023, 08:01:47 AM
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I've ran 54 and Thunders just fine, Foy does 55 and no risers.

I've done 55 Classics on Thunders and it was fine. I skate pretty loose trucks too.

As far as preferred wheel shape I don't know how much that has to do with my trucks but I think I skate best on the Classic shape. I've tried the big wide wheels everyone likes and I felt like I just kept missing my truck on grinds, plus it took way more effort to pop and flip. Plus I just think they look nicer.

on the 148s i’ve skated 56 classics and it was mellow.

the classic shape, and thin wheels in general, look way better to me.
they also make my setup feel more ‘crispy’ and like it had more ‘pop’. which is so dumb to type out. but it’s true for me
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flintstagram on October 22, 2023, 04:54:07 PM
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I've ran 54 and Thunders just fine, Foy does 55 and no risers.

yeah but you guys are good.

I’m on 56 conical fulls at the moment with no risers, and I’m not good, I’m just an idiot.

I generally go for 54-55mm conical fulls. I enjoy my monster truck wheels.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GBLange on October 23, 2023, 08:30:27 PM
54-56 classics / conicals
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Weezil on October 23, 2023, 11:09:32 PM
the new thunders size 148 and up(showing my age calling them new at this point) you can run whatever wheels and it's not really an issue. I did 56s w/ no risers and didn't have wheelbite issues. i also don't like my trucks super loose so I dont really trip about wheelbite.

now 147s, nah you need small wheels or risers or something. those old "149ers" that were like 49mm tall I'd get wheelbite on 52s.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on October 24, 2023, 12:06:27 AM
Thats strange... I ride 148 with 50-51mm wheels (worn down ofc), and I get wheelbite all the time. Dont even ride that loose.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on October 24, 2023, 08:01:58 AM
Thats strange... I ride 148 with 50-51mm wheels (worn down ofc), and I get wheelbite all the time. Dont even ride that loose.

are you on a forged or cast plate?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on October 24, 2023, 11:01:29 AM
I ran the teams on 52’s…..and if I landed too far forward, I’d definitely get pitched…..

What’s insane is we have these conversations and don’t see how we all skate….I’m guessing it’s different….

If you are even talking wheel size, you’re talking wheelbite….no one even brings it up on Aces….

It’s one of the few draw backs, like the baseplates…..still think they are great trucks….

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 24, 2023, 11:34:09 AM
I can get wheelbite on any truck. Its more about whether it stops me in my tracks or I can ride it out. I find it easier to ride out with Thunders/Ventures than Indy/Ace so its whatever
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 24, 2023, 11:51:11 AM
I can get wheelbite on any truck. Its more about whether it stops me in my tracks or I can ride it out. I find it easier to ride out with Thunders/Ventures than Indy/Ace so its whatever

totally agree my sloppiness can get wheelbite no matter what, but thunders are like someone throwing the e-brake. eject. still love em.

ace the wheelbite didn’t seem to stop me. dunno why. maybe by the time it happens in the turning arc….i don’t know what i’m talking about
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Thebird on October 24, 2023, 12:04:45 PM
Doesn't Joey O'Brien ride 147s?  All the clips I see he is on the 8 inch deck.  I wonder what size wheels he rides?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on October 24, 2023, 02:18:58 PM
Doesn't Joey O'Brien ride 147s?  All the clips I see he is on the 8 inch deck.  I wonder what size wheels he rides?

i mean looks like it. he’s so sick. and because i’m a nut job, i like that he skated 8s and thunders. i’d guess 53s?
team plates probably make more sense than the forged i have. but i’d still wheelbite cuz i’m terrible.
former on 147 teams too i think.
again, very good. very very good
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: boofactory on October 24, 2023, 02:35:09 PM
147 hollow light, 1/8th riser, with 58mm radial full 97a is the way. Keep some wax for the wheel bite, tighten up the trucks a little bit, and enjoy
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on October 24, 2023, 05:23:44 PM
oh here we go with trying to backfill our findings with pros who ride them......just as a reference point, they are all really good and getting paid...I fall in neither category....

Zared rode tensors for years!!  they must be good!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 24, 2023, 08:59:17 PM
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Doesn't Joey O'Brien ride 147s?  All the clips I see he is on the 8 inch deck.  I wonder what size wheels he rides?

i mean looks like it. he’s so sick. and because i’m a nut job, i like that he skated 8s and thunders. i’d guess 53s?
team plates probably make more sense than the forged i have. but i’d still wheelbite cuz i’m terrible.
former on 147 teams too i think.
again, very good. very very good

He skates and 8.25-8.375 with 148. Asked him on IG.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Thebird on October 24, 2023, 09:20:29 PM
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Doesn't Joey O'Brien ride 147s?  All the clips I see he is on the 8 inch deck.  I wonder what size wheels he rides?

i mean looks like it. he’s so sick. and because i’m a nut job, i like that he skated 8s and thunders. i’d guess 53s?
team plates probably make more sense than the forged i have. but i’d still wheelbite cuz i’m terrible.
former on 147 teams too i think.
again, very good. very very good

He skates and 8.25-8.375 with 148. Asked him on IG.

Huh.  Maybe he upped it recently.  I recall him skating his yellow and green beetle board and the orange Thrasher Visitor board.  Both of those are 8s.  Either way, he rips.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on October 24, 2023, 09:48:56 PM
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Doesn't Joey O'Brien ride 147s?  All the clips I see he is on the 8 inch deck.  I wonder what size wheels he rides?

i mean looks like it. he’s so sick. and because i’m a nut job, i like that he skated 8s and thunders. i’d guess 53s?
team plates probably make more sense than the forged i have. but i’d still wheelbite cuz i’m terrible.
former on 147 teams too i think.
again, very good. very very good

He skates and 8.25-8.375 with 148. Asked him on IG.

Huh.  Maybe he upped it recently.  I recall him skating his yellow and green beetle board and the orange Thrasher Visitor board.  Both of those are 8s.  Either way, he rips.

You know most riders can get whatever graphics/size combo they want right?

Beetle board is also available in 8.25"
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on October 24, 2023, 10:15:35 PM
Yah Ishod and Bobby only skate twin tails except that they rarely actually skate a graphic that is being sold as one. Baker also custom prints their pro's decks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Thebird on October 25, 2023, 04:13:42 AM
That would actually make sense watching the way he skates.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on October 25, 2023, 11:24:48 AM
Yep Primitive does this too - I saw Franky post an Egg Shape setup with a Wade Graphic, and that has clearly never existed for the general public.

re: wheel bite - i also get it on all truck setups to some degree of course. I am just saying look at the difference in my wheel marks on 1 setup vs another:


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pointandclick on November 07, 2023, 01:35:41 PM
might be an insane ask, but as anyone tried thunder hangers on the new royal baseplates?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LewFarrell on November 07, 2023, 02:16:24 PM
might be an insane ask, but as anyone tried thunder hangers on the new royal baseplates?
Just tried to fit them with royal, thunder and bones bushings. I would say it’s a no-go. Couldn’t get the hanger to not butt up against the kingpin.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pointandclick on November 07, 2023, 04:46:43 PM
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might be an insane ask, but as anyone tried thunder hangers on the new royal baseplates?
Just tried to fit them with royal, thunder and bones bushings. I would say it’s a no-go. Couldn’t get the hanger to not butt up against the kingpin.
thanks for trying. i know its probably a user problem, but since i run 54's on thunders i always feel like i snag the wheels before sliding nose or tail. was hoping this could work.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on November 07, 2023, 06:49:06 PM
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might be an insane ask, but as anyone tried thunder hangers on the new royal baseplates?
Just tried to fit them with royal, thunder and bones bushings. I would say it’s a no-go. Couldn’t get the hanger to not butt up against the kingpin.
thanks for trying. i know its probably a user problem, but since i run 54's on thunders i always feel like i snag the wheels before sliding nose or tail. was hoping this could work.

Shit you not, skated thunder hanger on a venture baseplate and didn't realize it. Be fore i skated the board i switched hangers on the front truck of my venture setup to a thunder just to see if it would look too wimpy. Then i skated for like an hour. Not bad actually. Cant remember if the baseplit slid before the wheels though
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on November 08, 2023, 05:46:05 AM
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might be an insane ask, but as anyone tried thunder hangers on the new royal baseplates?
Just tried to fit them with royal, thunder and bones bushings. I would say it’s a no-go. Couldn’t get the hanger to not butt up against the kingpin.
thanks for trying. i know its probably a user problem, but since i run 54's on thunders i always feel like i snag the wheels before sliding nose or tail. was hoping this could work.

Just wax the side of the ledge/rail
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on November 08, 2023, 02:58:47 PM
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might be an insane ask, but as anyone tried thunder hangers on the new royal baseplates?
Just tried to fit them with royal, thunder and bones bushings. I would say it’s a no-go. Couldn’t get the hanger to not butt up against the kingpin.
thanks for trying. i know its probably a user problem, but since i run 54's on thunders i always feel like i snag the wheels before sliding nose or tail. was hoping this could work.

Shit you not, skated thunder hanger on a venture baseplate and didn't realize it. Be fore i skated the board i switched hangers on the front truck of my venture setup to a thunder just to see if it would look too wimpy. Then i skated for like an hour. Not bad actually. Cant remember if the baseplit slid before the wheels though
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might be an insane ask, but as anyone tried thunder hangers on the new royal baseplates?
Just tried to fit them with royal, thunder and bones bushings. I would say it’s a no-go. Couldn’t get the hanger to not butt up against the kingpin.
thanks for trying. i know its probably a user problem, but since i run 54's on thunders i always feel like i snag the wheels before sliding nose or tail. was hoping this could work.

Shit you not, skated thunder hanger on a venture baseplate and didn't realize it. Be fore i skated the board i switched hangers on the front truck of my venture setup to a thunder just to see if it would look too wimpy. Then i skated for like an hour. Not bad actually. Cant remember if the baseplit slid before the wheels though

Didn’t Puig do that for a while on purpose?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 08, 2023, 03:45:10 PM
From observing Lucas' IG over the years I have only seen him skate bone stock gear when there are closeups of his board. Usually Thunder Team Hollows or Hollow Lights and Classics or Conical Fulls
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on November 08, 2023, 04:20:42 PM

Yup, I'm the socio - when all you do is follow me around the forum, posting almost right after me, every time, to counter (seriously go look at my posts, there you are.... Seek help.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on November 09, 2023, 04:12:59 AM
What bushings are those of you who are in colder climates going to run this winter?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on November 09, 2023, 06:16:18 AM
What bushings are those of you who are in colder climates going to run this winter?

from lebowski and another user: (sorry didnt feel like quoting properly)

Bones don't, and don't quote me on this one as I've never ever done it, but I've heard that Tensor bushings fit and don't freeze either. Riptide might make an option that fits and doesn't freeze.

One thing a friend does in the winter is just removes the bottom washer and puts the kingpin nut exactly in the same spot.


the last years i skated through winter outdoors mostly and tried the thunder aftermarket bushings in the usual/ stock duro 90A, they come in red and did not freeze. they are the same hardness as the stock bushings but feel way softer so after the winter you might wanna change back.

that would be worth a try and you wouldn't have to mess with the geometry.

mind it wasn't the coldest winters around here, coldest i skated was until around 0 degrees celsius since my knees are bitchy if it is any colder
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on November 09, 2023, 07:50:39 AM
What bushings are those of you who are in colder climates going to run this winter?
Ace low bushings work perfectly, if you want the bottom bushing to be the same size, put an extra flat washer underneath.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Paperclip20 on November 09, 2023, 08:04:21 AM
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What bushings are those of you who are in colder climates going to run this winter?
Ace low bushings work perfectly, if you want the bottom bushing to be the same size, put an extra flat washer underneath.

Can confirm on ace low bushings. I use the normal tall ace bushings and just cut the top bushing which gives the same result.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 09, 2023, 09:37:41 AM

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Yup, I'm the socio - when all you do is follow me around the forum, posting almost right after me, every time, to counter (seriously go look at my posts, there you are.... Seek help.

We both post a lot in the same threads get the fuck over it. Just coincidence. It has to do with enjoying chatting about gear and nothing to do with you. If you were to click on my post history you will see far more threads where I respond to other people.  Move on with life.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on November 11, 2023, 06:49:33 AM
Thanks everyone for the freezing bushings tips, last year I rode them in tensors and I think I’ll check out both the ace low and thunder red 90a bushings.
I appreciate it!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 11, 2023, 08:58:17 AM
 My buddy that lives in frigid temps just takes the bottom washer off and tightens the nut back to exactly where it was. He's tried Bones, Riptide, and I think 2 Ace standard tops bottom ace low tops as well and settled on this.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on November 11, 2023, 11:11:51 AM
this is my first winter on the thunders so i'll let you know how it goes... i am just going to run the stock bushings. they were already feeling a little tense yesterday at freezing temps  ;D we'll see if i crack them. maybe i am too light. i am only about 160lbs now.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: lildonut92 on November 14, 2023, 06:56:58 PM
Anyone on a 14inch wheelbase with 147's (normal baseplate)? Typically on boards with short wheelbases and short tails. Currently on venture lows. I like being lower to the ground but I just can't adjust to the pop feel on the ventures.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: notinternetfamous on November 15, 2023, 08:22:35 AM
Anyone on a 14inch wheelbase with 147's (normal baseplate)? Typically on boards with short wheelbases and short tails. Currently on venture lows. I like being lower to the ground but I just can't adjust to the pop feel on the ventures.
this was my go-to setup for a long time before i switched to Ventures.

i also had no issues running 147's on 14.25" wb boards and i liked them a lot w/ the dlx wooden risers if you ever want to experiment with bigger wheels (53mm+). A cheap experiment if you ever considered transitioning to 148's since they're taller, but you get the added bonus of having more kingpin clearance
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on November 16, 2023, 05:12:28 PM
Anyone here running 161s, specifically on 8.75 decks? Thinking about grabbing a pair when I hit axle on my current 151s. Liking the idea of the extra height. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 16, 2023, 09:10:59 PM
Anyone here running 161s, specifically on 8.75 decks? Thinking about grabbing a pair when I hit axle on my current 151s. Liking the idea of the extra height.

Some people like the extra width, but I would say before you decide on anything, take your current 8.75 setup, place it grip down, take off the wheel nuts and pull your wheels out almost 5mm each side and have a good look at your board.

That is where they are going to sit, which does mean the wheels will stick out over the 8.75 size board for me on the 161s, and sit flush on a 9.0" board that I have them on, but you can still skate it easily enough and I have seen people do this.

Depending on where you like the washers (inside or outside or none), how wide the wheels are or other things, you can make them work well enough.

The height alone is nicer, + 1mm to 53mm tall, but I usually lift any Thunders a bit more, coming from Indy standards at 55mm tall, so the board with the 161s on it has 2mm thin rubber risers with 56mm wheels and feels good.  Others ride them exactly as is on whatever size wheel without issues.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dong Hanglo on November 26, 2023, 05:58:05 PM
Found this photo in Thrasher. Looks like the next Thunder is going to be awesome. The baseplate is drilled back for better nose/tail slides. Inverted king pin that’s set at very subtle angle that should make em feel real swervetastic. Can’t wait to see more.
( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: zozu on November 26, 2023, 07:12:30 PM
Found this photo in Thrasher. Looks like the next Thunder is going to be awesome. The baseplate is drilled back for better nose/tail slides. Inverted king pin that’s set at very subtle angle that should make em feel real swervetastic. Can’t wait to see more.

Damn they look very interesting, could just be the photo but they seem taller too.

The wheelbite marks aren't too deep on the board so they probably turn pretty similarly to the current gen, It would be pretty risky to change the Thunder geo drastically unless it was an additional model instead of a replacement (like the Indy Stage 4s).

Ill definitely be grabbing a set once they come out in 2030 lol.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 26, 2023, 11:22:38 PM
I've heard they're slightly taller (maybe 53mm), turn a bit different, feel pretty cool. Maybe Summer 2024 release? It's taking too damn long whenever it is!

I really hope they don't go with an IKP unless they nail it like Royal did. Would hate for an Indy Mid situation in which the idea was cool, but execution was meh.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fs1/2cab on November 27, 2023, 05:01:04 AM
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What bushings are those of you who are in colder climates going to run this winter?
Ace low bushings work perfectly, if you want the bottom bushing to be the same size, put an extra flat washer underneath.

Can confirm on ace low bushings. I use the normal tall ace bushings and just cut the top bushing which gives the same result.

Which side of the top bushing should be cut? I am thinking the smaller top side. That's how I did it with Indy bushings but I am not sure. I would give the Ace Hard bushings a try for my 148s. Seems like there will be snow in the next few weeks here and I want to be prepared when I finally can skate the Ikea parking garage again. Frozen bushings are weird.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 27, 2023, 11:50:05 AM
I'd always cut the top. It's easier to use a wider washer than have the bottom potentially squirm through the hanger hole.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fs1/2cab on November 27, 2023, 01:26:11 PM
I'd always cut the top. It's easier to use a wider washer than have the bottom potentially squirm through the hanger hole.

But a wider washer can cause that clicking (at the hanger)?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 27, 2023, 04:41:37 PM
Found this photo in Thrasher. Looks like the next Thunder is going to be awesome. The baseplate is drilled back for better nose/tail slides. Inverted king pin that’s set at very subtle angle that should make em feel real swervetastic. Can’t wait to see more.
( (

Whose board is that?  Frank or someone else?

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I'd always cut the top. It's easier to use a wider washer than have the bottom potentially squirm through the hanger hole.

But a wider washer can cause that clicking (at the hanger)?

In experimenting with this, yes you can easily cut too much off the bottom, but cutting the top often has some other issues, where using a flat washer could end up best, unless you trim round the top edge some, or rub it back on grip tape or similar.

I got used to only cutting a single mm from the bottom of the top washer, which meant if I needed to, I can still put it back under at any time, eg if the bushings compress a lot, which has happened to some, but it also means the top area is as it was and the normal washer fits on it well.  Others had sanded it down or reshaped the top with a machine or by hand on grip tape, which does work and keeps the bottom profile intact, so there is more than one way to do this, but take time and make sure you don't take too much off it.

Any washer can click if the inside hole is significantly bigger than the kingpin - stock brands, Bones flat washers, etc.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: skatebruh on November 27, 2023, 07:21:02 PM
Found this photo in Thrasher. Looks like the next Thunder is going to be awesome. The baseplate is drilled back for better nose/tail slides. Inverted king pin that’s set at very subtle angle that should make em feel real swervetastic. Can’t wait to see more.
( (
Looks like a Thunder hangar on Independent inverted kingpin baseplates.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: baustin on November 28, 2023, 10:10:24 AM
Really hope Thunder doesn’t change, especially not to become more like an Indy (higher, longer baseplate for “better” slides both of which would probably increase weight). They’re perfect at what they do- being a lower-mid height snappy and light truck that feels good for technical skating. I especially don’t want an IKP, which seem to be unreliable and sucky most of the time truck brands try them. People have been doing smiths and feebles just fine for decades on regular old broken in kingpins, we don’t need ‘em.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on November 28, 2023, 10:13:49 AM
A higher turnier Thunder has me drooling a little.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on November 28, 2023, 11:46:43 AM
Really hope Thunder doesn’t change, especially not to become more like an Indy (higher, longer baseplate for “better” slides both of which would probably increase weight). They’re perfect at what they do- being a lower-mid height snappy and light truck that feels good for technical skating. I especially don’t want an IKP, which seem to be unreliable and sucky most of the time truck brands try them. People have been doing smiths and feebles just fine for decades on regular old broken in kingpins, we don’t need ‘em.

That's my fear; I brought it up in a different thread (?) all 'indy'-like trucks are heavy: ACE/Indy/Slappy - whereas Thunder/Venture/Royal are much, much lighter.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pops on November 28, 2023, 12:11:15 PM
A higher turnier Thunder has me drooling a little.

Wouldn't risers fix the height, tho? And give a bit more turning radius.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on November 28, 2023, 12:34:51 PM
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A higher turnier Thunder has me drooling a little.

Wouldn't risers fix the height, tho? And give a bit more turning radius.

They do, yes. I always use 1/8" risers on Thunders. But they could be even better with slightly modified geometry.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on November 28, 2023, 01:54:54 PM
Really hope Thunder doesn’t change, especially not to become more like an Indy (higher, longer baseplate for “better” slides both of which would probably increase weight). They’re perfect at what they do- being a lower-mid height snappy and light truck that feels good for technical skating. I especially don’t want an IKP, which seem to be unreliable and sucky most of the time truck brands try them. People have been doing smiths and feebles just fine for decades on regular old broken in kingpins, we don’t need ‘em.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on November 28, 2023, 03:12:22 PM
Thunders are great as is. No need to change them tbh. Anyone complaining about the baseplate thing just needs to change their technique.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 28, 2023, 03:49:02 PM
Thunders are great as is. No need to change them tbh. Anyone complaining about the baseplate thing just needs to change their technique.

Yes, I agree.

Also why I think they moved away from the two different heights - when they did have low and hi a while back, just to have the one main truck in cast or forged, but as I ride wider boards, wider trucks from Thunder always work well enough for me too, without feeling like something should be fixed with them.  I do put 2mm rubber risers under them with my usual wheels, just to feel more comfortable for me, but I can also see how people enjoy the height and weight as is, no changes, etc.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on November 28, 2023, 03:54:07 PM
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Found this photo in Thrasher. Looks like the next Thunder is going to be awesome. The baseplate is drilled back for better nose/tail slides. Inverted king pin that’s set at very subtle angle that should make em feel real swervetastic. Can’t wait to see more.
( (
Looks like a Thunder hangar on Independent inverted kingpin baseplates.
Yeah that geometry is super off. Extreme chance of hang up. Sure looks like an indy baseplate
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 28, 2023, 04:25:41 PM
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Found this photo in Thrasher. Looks like the next Thunder is going to be awesome. The baseplate is drilled back for better nose/tail slides. Inverted king pin that’s set at very subtle angle that should make em feel real swervetastic. Can’t wait to see more.
Looks like a Thunder hangar on Independent inverted kingpin baseplates.
Yeah that geometry is super off. Extreme chance of hang up. Sure looks like an indy baseplate

The baseplate on extreme zoom looks like it has THU... so it is Thunder, but as to anything else, I guess we will just wait and see.

Definitely different bolt hole pattern, closer to the inside, which would then push the wheelbase out more, unless the hanger was a bit more pulled in towards the middle too, which could happen if it was taller.

So many curious things hey?!?!?

Also still waiting for anyone to say whose board it was, or even which Thrasher mag or ad or whatever it was in?


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 28, 2023, 04:44:31 PM
The height I heard was a rumor and 53, which is still not tall. Baseplate extension will add weight but not a ton- Thunders save most of the weight in the hanger by not having a barrel or truss like Indy and Venture. I'm not sure it will mitigate wheelbite much, which isn't a problem for me but some here feel it is. IKP I don't care about but maybe slightly more clearance certainly wouldn't hurt. They all sound like positive changes and supposedly skate really well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: skatebruh on November 28, 2023, 04:54:10 PM
The baseplate on extreme zoom looks like it has THU... so it is Thunder, but as to anything else, I guess we will just wait and see.

It's not THU. It's TRU.

( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Pasta Monster on November 28, 2023, 05:25:53 PM
Whose board is it? They look like Independents to me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 28, 2023, 05:32:53 PM
It has a bolt and washer that is thinner and more angular than Indy. Those are definitely the T2 and look similar to pics I have seen prior. You can tell it's not an Indy plate because the area near the pivot cup is curved much like the old Thunder plates whereas Indy are squared off.

Judging by the stickers and deck that looks like Gerwer's board.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on November 28, 2023, 06:14:43 PM
Hey Deluxe dudes,  how about some samples of the new Thunders for the Slap Pals to review proper?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on November 28, 2023, 06:16:13 PM
There was a screengrab of Ben Degros, posted a while ago on here, with the new thunders, it was a much better photo if I am remembering it right
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DarkPools on November 28, 2023, 10:32:58 PM
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The baseplate on extreme zoom looks like it has THU... so it is Thunder, but as to anything else, I guess we will just wait and see.

It's not THU. It's TRU.

( (

The photo above with the mystery Thunders do not have
the oval outline for "TRUCK CO" so it's even less likely those are Indy plates
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: zozu on November 28, 2023, 10:35:19 PM
It has a bolt and washer that is thinner and more angular than Indy. Those are definitely the T2 and look similar to pics I have seen prior. You can tell it's not an Indy plate because the area near the pivot cup is curved much like the old Thunder plates whereas Indy are squared off.

Judging by the stickers and deck that looks like Gerwer's board.

plus the Indy plate text is debossed, whereas Thunder baseplates are embossed like in the photo.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dong Hanglo on November 29, 2023, 04:20:14 AM
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Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: moonordie on November 29, 2023, 04:46:05 AM
Whose board is it? They look like Independents to me.
They look like Aces to me lol
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pops on November 29, 2023, 05:01:49 AM
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A higher turnier Thunder has me drooling a little.

Wouldn't risers fix the height, tho? And give a bit more turning radius.

They do, yes. I always use 1/8" risers on Thunders. But they could be even better with slightly modified geometry.

Yeah, maybe. I dont actually remember how thunders feel since it's been at least 10 years I rode them. I'm definitely interested in getting them. I wonder how would they work in a cruiser setup since I've been on Aces for couple years.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 29, 2023, 06:39:31 AM


Everyone knows that nose!

Mr Frank Gerwer it is.

I had taken comparison pics of the team Thunder beside an Indy baseplate before to upload, but thought it wasn't needed - someone sooner or later would set everyone straight re Thunder trucks, but as said the T2 are different in a few ways.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on November 29, 2023, 09:18:33 AM
Anyone know if the T2 and current thunder hangers/plates will be interchangeable? Then I wish they're just gonna sell the baseplates as well. Got way too many hangers I need to go through
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 29, 2023, 10:00:28 AM
No one really "knows" anything about them yet it is just a few spy pics and second hand info from people that know DLX folks that have been riding/testing them. It sounds as if the geo is different and the hanger looks noticeably different.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on November 29, 2023, 10:20:36 AM
I found the pic of Ben Defeos witht he new thunders.
The photo was originally posted by @Vintagebody
And the thread is here:
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 29, 2023, 10:33:04 AM
Those are not the new Thunders the baseplate is a giveaway.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DERBY on November 29, 2023, 12:24:55 PM
Hey Deluxe dudes,  how about some samples of the new Thunders for the Slap Pals to review proper?

yes please deluxe send some over
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: camel filters on November 29, 2023, 01:10:32 PM
Yes DLX send some samples of your in-testing stage product to a bunch of chatty, fussy, opinionated guys with untested talent on a board who love to complain. No really, DLX, send us some.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on November 29, 2023, 04:29:38 PM
Yes DLX send some samples of your in-testing stage product to a bunch of chatty, fussy, opinionated guys with untested talent on a board who love to complain. No really, DLX, send us some.

Haha. Jim T sent me some 151s to sample when they first came out. Took those trucks down to axle and beyond and they are now on display.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on November 30, 2023, 08:47:01 AM
I am happy with the current version of Thunders as well. Are pros unhappy with them or something?
I hope they don't try to make them more like Indys... the baseplate drag has not been an issue for me at all. I like the way they sit in grinds more than anything else. Then maybe I will have to switch back to Ventures it will be close enough / more what I want anyway.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on November 30, 2023, 09:12:23 AM
I don't think people are necessarily unhappy, but like any product Thunders have some minor flaws that can be easily fixed such as extending the baseplate a bit. I don't think they're going to end up like another Indy especially if it is just working on small details such as the baseplate or fine-tuning the turn.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on November 30, 2023, 09:35:13 AM
Trucks should evolve as skateboarding evolves and sometimes devolves.

Thunders were always a quicker turning. more stable alternative to Indy but were a very different beast when they came out.

Prob too far-fetched but I'd love to see an old Thunder reissue in the spirit of the Indy Stage 4 reissue. Shrewgy from Ace designed two stages of Thunder I believe. There is some rad history there.

Shrewgy on Skull and Bones (
Hi Guys-
Glad to see you're having some fun with Thunder Truck chronology. I designed 2 stages of Thunders during my tenure at Deluxe c.87-91.

I can see from all the pics posted that there are some very early ones w/o Terry Nails earrings embossed on the baseplates. These were available in 2 sizes I beleive a check of any early Thrasher should have an ad for direct mailorder of Thunders from Deluxe or another SF P.O. Box #. They came in raw or black.

The original Thunders were believed to be the same geometry as Stage 2 Indys. Lord Mofo would be helpful in confirming any of this. Of the original baseplates there were lizards, swords, skull and cross bones, skull with top hat ,and daggers, if I am not mistaken.

Eventually a narrow "freestyle" width was added with a flat pedestal across the bushing boss on the hangers, designed by Per Welinder (Eggman-stepford13 posted a pic above this with one of these).

The original baseplates made it into the Stage 2 (X-wing) design as well, which I think only added a fingernail-shaped dimple in the bottom of the baseplate for weight reduction. X-wing Thunders were available in raw, black, blue, red adn white.

These trucks were fully designed by a guy named Andrew Borgy who visited San Francisco from New Zealand. I believe he had cast trucks from scratch there and also brought a very thick teflon type material coper over with him that were produced here, I may even have one of them. Borgy spent a lot of his SF time at Ron Posners' Concrete Jungle skateshop on Waller Street. Borgy has since passed away and he was a forerunner of what we now call "crust punks".

The 3rd stage of Thunder is where my design came in. I simply took the Borgy X-wing and ground off everything I felt a truck did not need to function well. Fausto and Eric seemed so shocked by this because I did it all by hand and without adding any materials to work off of that they fired Brian Ware, whom had been managing Deluxe since its inception within 3 hours of seeing my design! Oh I should have taken note that day of what kind of businessmen they were, but I was oh-so-young and unknowingly naive. My design philosophy was simple, I was riding Indy, they wanted me to ride Thunder and act as the team guy so I changed the truck to suit my tastes. The biggest struggle was the one to stop painting the trucks and allow them to be anodized same as Independents were at the time. The anodized truck shown in the photos here is a color referred to by us as "root beer", we did blue and black also.

The 4th stage or T-4 as it was christened came about during the advent of small, really small wheels. I figured why was all of that clearance necessary with the tiny wheels and wouldn't you be more stable closer to the ground? Once again I broke out the handy die grinder and Dremel tool at my childhood friend Eric Lindorf's parents home workshop and went to town. Once again without any guidance from the braintrust (sic) at Ermico I redesigned the truck without the use of Bondo or any other agent to allow reshaping of the original metal casting.

During this period we would spend plenty of time at the Visalia YMCA Skate Camp where I met Jonas and Jeremy Wray along with their pal Jason Dill. Jonas and Jason turned me onto drilling the front holes of their trucks back 1/4" to keep from dragging the mounting hardware on all of the noseslide variations that were in vogue at hat time. Thunder quickly brought this simple adjustment to market and new boards were double-drilled to accommodate this feature.

Until now, I have stuck only to the story of Thunder Trucks not alluding to the many things in play around the Deluxe offices and Ermico Campus as a whole. To finish my Thunder story factually though I am going to have to mention Venture Trucks at this time. Venture is a highly profitable business for Ermico and had not had any major design revisions since their inception. It was decided by Fausto and Eric that Venture would be the first company to produce and market a "low" truck. They tried to justify this to me by saying that Thunder just released the "6 hole baseplate" and was riding high on that.

Roughly six months after Venture released their "low" truck Thunder was allowed to come out with the T-4 available in "high" and "low" heights.

I hope this all helps rather than confuses the subject.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on November 30, 2023, 11:06:25 PM
Trucks should evolve as skateboarding evolves and sometimes devolves.

Thunders were always a quicker turning. more stable alternative to Indy but were a very different beast when they came out. ..

I always find this sort of thing fascinating.

Thanks for posting.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on December 01, 2023, 08:39:00 AM
Me too. I think I find truck history and evolution more interesting than any other skate component. I have some Stage 2 131s sitting on a shelf for that reason. Would love some anodized Indy Stage 5s and Thunder Blasters.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on December 01, 2023, 04:34:24 PM
I remember getting Stage 1 thunders (and ventures); the skulls and shit (skull and top hat, OG lightning bolt, Sword, Salamander, etc.) and that fucking rad baseplate design (front part below the yoke; very gothic vibe) were so cool.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on December 02, 2023, 08:28:25 AM
I think shrewgy was involved in Ace as well....and he designed the weird pivot on furys......

Wasn't thunder originally marketed as an edgier brand than indy?  it had like bondage girls and Natas or something like that....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on December 02, 2023, 09:32:06 AM
Shrewgy is one of the Ace head honchos. Along with Joey T and Joey P.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on December 02, 2023, 05:08:15 PM
dude is the paul schmitt of trucks....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on December 04, 2023, 10:46:21 AM
I hated my Aces with conical fulls and fucking love them on my Thunders. In the same vein, I hate classics on my Thunders and love them on my Aces.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 04, 2023, 10:52:03 AM
I don't follow this- why is a wheel better or worse on one truck than the other? I don't think I've ever had a specific wheel preference for a specific truck just get used to whatever is on there.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on December 04, 2023, 10:54:22 AM
Because Wheel shape and contact width influences the feel of a turn. We had this convo already and it went south pretty quick with dismissive talk of "My buddy is a race car mechanic."
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on December 04, 2023, 10:59:34 AM
i am finding that thunder is maybe the best truck for slappy possibly... ?
i am slappying stuff i had a hard time on indy's or ace's cause it feels easier to get them up on 2 wheels... i dont know. or maybe i just got better at slappys?
then it got me thinking would ventures be even better in that case?  :P
it might be also cause i have tiny 51mm classics on here but they are really worn down now, i dont think it matters much at this point
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 04, 2023, 12:10:06 PM
Because Wheel shape and contact width influences the feel of a turn. We had this convo already and it went south pretty quick with dismissive talk of "My buddy is a race car mechanic."

You seem really hung up on this for whatever reason. I'd really advise letting it go whether it be the fact that you didn't like my response, don't like me, or don't like that you cannot actually rationalize the idea. It doesn't matter and its time to move on and stop finding ways to bring it up especially since you are not the person I was responding to.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on December 04, 2023, 12:42:14 PM
It remains pretty amusing to me but thank you for the counseling.  Also, its still a topic of convo so I'll keep jumping in, thanks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on December 04, 2023, 02:11:43 PM
Idk to me it seems like they can get out of grinds easier because of the responsive geometry? Conicals on aces made me feel stuck.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 04, 2023, 02:15:15 PM
It remains pretty amusing to me but thank you for the counseling.  Also, its still a topic of convo so I'll keep jumping in, thanks.

Best to let it go. I'm not going to engage in the argument again mostly because its a waste of time, but also because I didn't present my own point well and came off pretty lame and would rather use it as a learning experience and move on then rehash.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on December 04, 2023, 03:02:51 PM
Expand Quote
It remains pretty amusing to me but thank you for the counseling.  Also, its still a topic of convo so I'll keep jumping in, thanks.

Best to let it go. I'm not going to engage in the argument again mostly because its a waste of time, but also because I didn't present my own point well and came off pretty lame and would rather use it as a learning experience and move on then rehash.

Totally respect that.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: notinternetfamous on December 05, 2023, 06:53:01 AM
I don't follow this- why is a wheel better or worse on one truck than the other? I don't think I've ever had a specific wheel preference for a specific truck just get used to whatever is on there.
i prefer classics (52mm) on my Venture set up; i prefer conical fulls or bigger wheels (53mm+) on my Ace set up. I can swap them sure and get used to it, yes, but do I want to? not really. since Ventures have a heavier pop feel, its nicer imo to have a skinny or more nimble shaped wheel.

although when i was on Thunders, i wasn't specific on wheel shapes
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Kombuch-A-Holic on December 05, 2023, 08:03:50 AM
I hated my Aces with conical fulls and fucking love them on my Thunders. In the same vein, I hate classics on my Thunders and love them on my Aces.

Same with me. I love my Conical fulls on Indy but not on Ventures. Classics works best for me on Ventures.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Monolithic Flick on December 06, 2023, 12:53:27 PM
Sorry if stupid question or has been answered already--have not made it through entire thread yet.

I have some Thunder Hollow Lights 149s that I currently ride on a 8.5 quasi deck.  Looking at a 8.75 deck just for giggles and wondering if I really need to upsize the trucks to 151s as well.  I am a crappy old man rider (not like the good older dudes here yet) doing mainly flatground around the hood.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on December 06, 2023, 01:55:07 PM
Is the 8.75 a one off situation or are you going to be moving in that direction long term? Do you currently need new trucks?
I’d probably stick with your current trucks for now. I would skate 147’s on an 8.5 before they made 149’s
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: baustin on December 06, 2023, 02:11:13 PM
I agree, a little magic carpet ain’t bad especially for just skating flat

Edit: stick 2 or 3 speed rings on the inner side of the axle to help minimize the disparity if it gets to you
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Monolithic Flick on December 06, 2023, 02:18:36 PM
Awesome, thank you both.   Great tips. Don't need new trucks now for sure.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BurgerCop on December 07, 2023, 08:04:29 AM
I just switched from Thunder to Venture after skating Thunders for, 20 years?
It was a much easier transition than jumping from Thunder to Indy, the Ventures feel extremely similar in terms of stability, turning and weight.
I made the switch to test out the "baseplate issue" and, I gotta say, my tailslides are definitely sliding a lot easier and farther. I know a lot of that is on my form, but the Ventures seem to be more forgiving.
In terms of grinds it kind of feels like the Ventures might be a bit...harder? Hard to say for certain, especially because I've only skated parks on them so far, but it feels like my grinds are louder and I can feel more vibration coming through the board (I actually really like the feedback so I view this as a positive).

I think the Ventures may have extended the wheelbase a bit, the only difficulty in the transition has been that my flip tricks seem to pop a little different. I think with a few sessions I'll be able to adjust to that pretty easily.

So yeah, so far pretty happy with the transition.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fast_Freddie on December 07, 2023, 08:39:49 AM
Since Thunder no longer makes the Team Titanium (yes they actually did) I put a set of team hollows on my Christmas list to devolve my Titanium lights back to Team Titaniums... I miss the height of the Indy, but refuse to use risers  8)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on December 07, 2023, 09:39:18 AM
I just got a GX 8.5 with some mellow kicks, by far the most mellow board i've had in a while. i've heard good things about the pairings of mellow + thunders so i'm excited to set this bad boy up
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DarkPools on December 07, 2023, 02:57:16 PM
I just got a GX 8.5 with some mellow kicks, by far the most mellow board i've had in a while. i've heard good things about the pairings of mellow + thunders so i'm excited to set this bad boy up

Interestingly I heard the opposite some time ago.  Heard steeper kicks and Thunders worked better, where Venture Hi and Indy are good  on mellow kicks/concave
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on December 07, 2023, 06:39:33 PM
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I just got a GX 8.5 with some mellow kicks, by far the most mellow board i've had in a while. i've heard good things about the pairings of mellow + thunders so i'm excited to set this bad boy up

Interestingly I heard the opposite some time ago.  Heard steeper kicks and Thunders worked better, where Venture Hi and Indy are good  on mellow kicks/concave

From my little brain of skate gear madness (learned mainly though ben degros)

Steep concave and kicks + short wb truck
Mellow concave and kicks + longer wb truck

The qualities of steep kicks work well with a short wb truck and vice versa.

I’ve heard that wide wb truck + steep can make it require too much power to pop and that too mellow and short wb trucks can make it feel like there’s no pop. Bottom line at the end of the day it’s personal preference.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on December 07, 2023, 06:46:22 PM
Since Thunder no longer makes the Team Titanium (yes they actually did) I put a set of team hollows on my Christmas list to devolve my Titanium lights back to Team Titaniums... I miss the height of the Indy, but refuse to use risers  8)

This is the way.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 07, 2023, 08:06:56 PM
Thunders pair well with any kicks. They're probably the most middle ground in every way imaginable. Longer than Ace/Indy but shorter than Venture. Proper mid height. Fairly generic design with no cool wings or thick ass hanger barrels. They rarely are a bad combo with a given deck even if they're not the best. That's why I love em.

If the T2 keeps this theme then we're at near perfection.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: skateboardingenthusiast on December 07, 2023, 08:26:47 PM
Thunders pair well with any kicks. They're probably the most middle ground in every way imaginable. Longer than Ace/Indy but shorter than Venture. Proper mid height. Fairly generic design with no cool wings or thick ass hanger barrels. They rarely are a bad combo with a given deck even if they're not the best. That's why I love em.

If the T2 keeps this theme then we're at near perfection.
Good take. All I’m hoping for with the new Thunder design is a slightly longer baseplate for slides (just enough so the geo isn’t thrown off), a bit of a taller height say at 53.5mm, and more durable bushings. Even with cast plates, they still feel a tad bit low (I ride 148’s). An increase of a couple mills wouldn’t be too drastic of a change, all while still keeping their low to the ground feel.

With that being said, I know the 149 cast plates are 53.5mm tall, while 148 cast plates are 52mm. I suppose I could just get 149 baseplates and rock them with 148 hangars just for the added height. Does Thunder sell baseplates individually?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 07, 2023, 08:32:15 PM
The cast plates are not 53.5 on any Thunder. All cast Thunders use the same plates and are 52mm except the 147, which are lower from the hanger being different.

I love the height, 53 sounds fine as well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on December 07, 2023, 09:09:54 PM
Thunders pair well with any kicks. They're probably the most middle ground in every way imaginable. Longer than Ace/Indy but shorter than Venture. Proper mid height. Fairly generic design with no cool wings or thick ass hanger barrels. They rarely are a bad combo with a given deck even if they're not the best. That's why I love em.

If the T2 keeps this theme then we're at near perfection.

Maybe being on ace for so long corrupted me. Thunders are long to me and probably making me over think it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: skateboardingenthusiast on December 08, 2023, 06:52:09 AM
The cast plates are not 53.5 on any Thunder. All cast Thunders use the same plates and are 52mm except the 147, which are lower from the hanger being different.

I love the height, 53 sounds fine as well.
  My bad, got my info about the baseplate heights from this slap thread:

Checked the Thunder website and it appears only the 161’s (9.125) are the only size that do not come with a 52mm tall plate, with the 161’s coming at 53mm tall.

Also, I’d like to see an update with the bushing washers. The edges of the bushings washers tend to dig into the bushing.

If anyone from Thunder is reading this thread, we’re asking for just a slightly longer baseplate for more baseplate contact on slides, a slight increase in height of the cast baseplates, and updated bushings that don’t crumble and bushing washers with edges that don’t dig and cut into the bushings.

The hangar design is fine as is, although some added metal on the hangar would be nice, as the longevity of the trucks are not as long lasting as competing brands. Pivot cups have crumbled on me before, as well. This is nitpicking, but its worth throwing out there.

If the rumors are true, I hope these requests fall on the right ears!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 08, 2023, 10:46:36 AM
I had some bushing/washer issues and Thunder sent me some more rounded washers that have not bent and do not dig into the sides of the bushings. I think the issue is mostly geometry related as both Venture and Thunder have washers that bind into the hangers.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on December 08, 2023, 02:05:58 PM
Expand Quote
The cast plates are not 53.5 on any Thunder. All cast Thunders use the same plates and are 52mm except the 147, which are lower from the hanger being different.

I love the height, 53 sounds fine as well.
  My bad, got my info about the baseplate heights from this slap thread:

Checked the Thunder website and it appears only the 161’s (9.125) are the only size that do not come with a 52mm tall plate, with the 161’s coming at 53mm tall.

The height difference is all in the hangers, with the baseplates staying the same, either cast or forged (1.5 mm lower than cast) as the two options for baseplates, regardless of hollow or solid kingpins.

143, 145, 147 are all lower hangers
148, 149, 151 are all "normal" at 52 mm tall on cast baseplates, 50.5 mm tall on forged baseplates
161 are taller at 53 mm tall on cast plates, 51.5 tall on forged baseplates

Just to avoid any confusion, as it often gets muddled up.

* Also curious to see what comes of the new design, but I guess we will just have to wait.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: YeoWhattup on December 15, 2023, 09:10:07 PM
Im excited for to see what a new design from thunder. Love the hanger and hope they don’t change at all. I just put risers on my 148s with low ace bushings and they are really nice. Anyone else riding 148s-151s with risers?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on December 15, 2023, 09:16:08 PM
Yeah. 151s with risers is a combo I rocked for a long long time. Loved it. But these days I can't get off my Aces. I'll no doubt be tempted by these new Thunders if and when they are available. A slightly taller, turnier Thunder could be dreamy, especially with a more nose/ tail slide friendly baseplate deign....

Shame they likely won't be made at Ermico in SF....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Micki Free on December 19, 2023, 05:30:30 PM
I think im done with thunder bushings…

I ride pretty loose trucks and theyre great when its warm, but man even when the temp gets below like 50 they just harden up so much for me. I switched them with some bones softs and was able to make the nut and kingpin flush and theyre perfect.

Anyone else with similar experience?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 19, 2023, 08:28:40 PM
Everyone that has ridden Thunders in more than 1 temp range has experienced frozen bushings in the cold or mushy bushings in the heat.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Allen. on December 19, 2023, 08:43:29 PM
Everyone that has skateboarded Thunders in more than 1 temp range has experienced frozen bushings in the cold or mushy bushings in the heat.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on December 19, 2023, 10:05:21 PM
Yeah. 151s with risers is a combo I rocked for a long long time. Loved it.

This is my jam. I’m convinced by the magical properties of this combo and always end up back at it even after long stints sans risers.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Micki Free on December 20, 2023, 06:15:49 AM
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Everyone that has skateboarded Thunders in more than 1 temp range has experienced frozen bushings in the cold or mushy bushings in the heat.

Royal bushings stayed nice and soft for me and it was damn near 30 deg last time i rode em
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on December 20, 2023, 06:19:45 AM
I am not finding the cold to be a problem for the bushings and I live in one of the colder parts of Canada
i will take them to the extreme test in January / February and get back to you, but this time of year has not been a problem for me at all. I'll run my aces with them to compare. I am not leaving my boards in the car anymore this time of year but I was up until we got the first big snow fall.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LebowskisRug on December 20, 2023, 09:45:51 AM
I remember last year I was skating in November and it got to 45-55 in the mornings and I had to loosen my Thunders substantially. We went to Miami over Thanksgiving for a wedding and I forgot about that and threw my board down out of the car to push to skatepark and instantly wheelbit. They felt so comically loose that I couldn't skate them. Tightened them 2-3 full turns. Came back and went out in 45 degree weather again and my board would not turn the wheels would lift first. Its not a big deal, you just have to kinda remember it.

My friend lives in a place that gets super cold and just takes the bottom washer out in the winter. Same exact nut position on the kingpin.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Micki Free on December 20, 2023, 07:40:24 PM
I remember last year I was skating in November and it got to 45-55 in the mornings and I had to loosen my Thunders substantially. We went to Miami over Thanksgiving for a wedding and I forgot about that and threw my board down out of the car to push to skatepark and instantly wheelbit. They felt so comically loose that I couldn't skate them. Tightened them 2-3 full turns. Came back and went out in 45 degree weather again and my board would not turn the wheels would lift first. Its not a big deal, you just have to kinda remember it.

My friend lives in a place that gets super cold and just takes the bottom washer out in the winter. Same exact nut position on the kingpin.

Yea i had a similar experience. I will say the bones softs i put in are actually holding up in the cold pretty well so ill probably stick with those for a little.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: marcusbutler on December 20, 2023, 11:42:17 PM
I think im done with thunder bushings…

I ride pretty loose trucks and theyre great when its warm, but man even when the temp gets below like 50 they just harden up so much for me. I switched them with some bones softs and was able to make the nut and kingpin flush and theyre perfect.

Anyone else with similar experience?

I think after the first session with stock bushings I was over it. Went to bones mediums and the bottom ring kept breaking on me. I threw in some stock indy bushings from a cruiser board. I've been riding the same bushings for over a year now.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: minilogoflow on December 21, 2023, 11:06:11 AM
I just switched back to thunders and I'm looking for some risers that fit. I have some with the slotted holes but those move around after doing nose/tail slides. Besides the Real wood risers are there any other brands that fit exact?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on December 21, 2023, 11:17:09 AM
I just switched back to thunders and I'm looking for some risers that fit. I have some with the slotted holes but those move around after doing nose/tail slides. Besides the Real wood risers are there any other brands that fit exact?
Nope, just use any scissor or knife to easily cut them to fit
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dick Dastardly on December 21, 2023, 02:05:34 PM
Hope they don’t change. I’ve ridden thunders for the last 10 years or so and they are perfect as is. Anyone complaining about the baseplate for tailslides I’m putting it down to skill error.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: camel filters on December 21, 2023, 02:08:08 PM
Expand Quote
I just switched back to thunders and I'm looking for some risers that fit. I have some with the slotted holes but those move around after doing nose/tail slides. Besides the Real wood risers are there any other brands that fit exact?
Nope, just use any scissor or knife to easily cut them to fit
I really want to know what scissors or knife you use to easily cut off 1/8" of plastic. Haven't tried in awhile but I remember it being a sweat inducing affair.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on December 21, 2023, 02:08:19 PM
I just switched back to thunders and I'm looking for some risers that fit. I have some with the slotted holes but those move around after doing nose/tail slides. Besides the Real wood risers are there any other brands that fit exact?

How much height do you want?

I cut up some rubber sheet scraps that is a good 2 mm thick that works great.  Used a hole punch to do the holes too.

The Bones or Mini Logo 1/10" or something like that are good and did fit well under Thunders from what I can recall - even have the slotted holes and are softer, not harder, so they don't move at all.

They do seem harder to get in some areas though.


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: minilogoflow on December 21, 2023, 02:39:09 PM
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I just switched back to thunders and I'm looking for some risers that fit. I have some with the slotted holes but those move around after doing nose/tail slides. Besides the Real wood risers are there any other brands that fit exact?

How much height do you want?

I cut up some rubber sheet scraps that is a good 2 mm thick that works great.  Used a hole punch to do the holes too.

The Bones or Mini Logo 1/10" or something like that are good and did fit well under Thunders from what I can recall - even have the slotted holes and are softer, not harder, so they don't move at all.

They do seem harder to get in some areas though.


I appreciate the input but I just wanted to see if any other brands would fit thunders the way the Indy risers only have holes for Indy instead of the slotted holes. I'm either gonna buy the real 3 ply risers or just diy some with a punch.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on December 21, 2023, 02:50:40 PM

I appreciate the input but I just wanted to see if any other brands would fit thunders the way the Indy risers only have holes for Indy instead of the slotted holes. I'm either gonna buy the real 3 ply risers or just diy some with a punch.

It is kind of funny, even the 1/8" Thunder hard plastic ones just don't quite fit.

I do find the softer ones do not move at all, if that was more your concern from your previous post.

This is what my first version of risers looked like from more than two years ago, not so pretty, but they did the job and I cut them smaller to fit under and not stick out at all.

I have since refined it quite a lot and have the exact specs to make risers for which ever truck brand, with pretty much perfect holes too, but it just took a little trial and error to start with.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: camel filters on January 05, 2024, 09:23:41 AM
( ( ( by  (
Reynolds on thunders? Cound be indy stage 4 but hanger looks slimmer.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on January 05, 2024, 09:38:23 AM
Looks like Thunder to me...could be someone else's board? Hard to imagine The Boss switching off Indy at this point...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on January 05, 2024, 09:51:41 AM
He might be testing some boards, from the last pic. And therefore also testing trucks
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on January 05, 2024, 10:08:32 AM
As a longtime indy rider who has recently converted to thunder, this makes me feel things.

I shouldn't care this much, but I do.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: camel filters on January 05, 2024, 10:17:48 AM
He might be testing some boards, from the last pic. And therefore also testing trucks
I saw some 14 wb decks in that pile from the post. Maybe he's using thunders on those since indy's might inset it too much for him.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on January 05, 2024, 01:32:25 PM
The last couple times I tried my luck with thunders, a big gripe I had was with the bushings, they would just crack/split/crumble way too easily for me.

However, I've had no issues with the bushings in the last two sets I've bought (not yet anyway) and I think this might be because I broke them in differently. Instead of tightening them to feel good from the start, I just adjusted the kingpin nut down to almost flush with the pin, a little above the pin actually. And let the bushings do their thing.

That first sesh was pretty loosely goosey, but they firmed up considerably within an hour of skating. I have the kingpin nut just slightly tighter now, more or less flush and they feel great. On the  previous sets I had issues with I had to have a thread or two showing for them to feel ok.

Starting to think I was just crushing the bushings and not letting them break in properly.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on January 05, 2024, 01:37:49 PM
The stock/90a white bushings always give me trouble, waaaaaay to soft (as noted by dlx ages ago on here), always go for the translucent, even stock; I don't always ride Thunder Trucks, but when I do, it's the 94DU aftermarket ones (with flat top and bottom washers).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: smg1138 on January 05, 2024, 04:08:02 PM
Apologies if this has already been discussed, but is there a projected release date for the new Thunders? An improved baseplate design and 53mm ride height sounds pretty great.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on January 05, 2024, 04:42:18 PM
There is no credible eta, or specs, for a revised thunder; anything posted in this thread about either is all speculation.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on January 05, 2024, 05:34:01 PM
The last couple times I tried my luck with thunders, a big gripe I had was with the bushings, they would just crack/split/crumble way too easily for me.

However, I've had no issues with the bushings in the last two sets I've bought (not yet anyway) and I think this might be because I broke them in differently. Instead of tightening them to feel good from the start, I just adjusted the kingpin nut down to almost flush with the pin, a little above the pin actually. And let the bushings do their thing.

That first sesh was pretty loosely goosey, but they firmed up considerably within an hour of skating. I have the kingpin nut just slightly tighter now, more or less flush and they feel great. On the  previous sets I had issues with I had to have a thread or two showing for them to feel ok.

Starting to think I was just crushing the bushings and not letting them break in properly.

this is the correct way.

in my experience, cranking them right out the gate, leads to splitting.
if someone wants really tight trucks, imo, they start with the hardest bushings they can get.
and then slowly tighten them. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: chillclinton87 on January 07, 2024, 07:38:06 AM
Expand Quote
The last couple times I tried my luck with thunders, a big gripe I had was with the bushings, they would just crack/split/crumble way too easily for me.

However, I've had no issues with the bushings in the last two sets I've bought (not yet anyway) and I think this might be because I broke them in differently. Instead of tightening them to feel good from the start, I just adjusted the kingpin nut down to almost flush with the pin, a little above the pin actually. And let the bushings do their thing.

That first sesh was pretty loosely goosey, but they firmed up considerably within an hour of skating. I have the kingpin nut just slightly tighter now, more or less flush and they feel great. On the  previous sets I had issues with I had to have a thread or two showing for them to feel ok.

Starting to think I was just crushing the bushings and not letting them break in properly.

this is the correct way.

in my experience, cranking them right out the gate, leads to splitting.
if someone wants really tight trucks, imo, they start with the hardest bushings they can get.
and then slowly tighten them.

you guys get it!

i break in my bushings the same way. Eversince i do this i never had issues with my bushings. Just gotta let them get used to being squeezed and so.

also translucent blue ones seem to be the best to me personally. Think foy talks about that in his 9 club interview. could be totally in my head but i feel like they are performing/ lasting the best

red translucent that come in that backup set thunder is doing are super soft compared to the blue ones even though they are both labeled 90a. good thin is that they tend to freeze up less in winter!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on January 07, 2024, 09:13:34 AM
Expand Quote
Expand Quote
The last couple times I tried my luck with thunders, a big gripe I had was with the bushings, they would just crack/split/crumble way too easily for me.

However, I've had no issues with the bushings in the last two sets I've bought (not yet anyway) and I think this might be because I broke them in differently. Instead of tightening them to feel good from the start, I just adjusted the kingpin nut down to almost flush with the pin, a little above the pin actually. And let the bushings do their thing.

That first sesh was pretty loosely goosey, but they firmed up considerably within an hour of skating. I have the kingpin nut just slightly tighter now, more or less flush and they feel great. On the  previous sets I had issues with I had to have a thread or two showing for them to feel ok.

Starting to think I was just crushing the bushings and not letting them break in properly.

this is the correct way.

in my experience, cranking them right out the gate, leads to splitting.
if someone wants really tight trucks, imo, they start with the hardest bushings they can get.
and then slowly tighten them.

you guys get it!

i break in my bushings the same way. Eversince i do this i never had issues with my bushings. Just gotta let them get used to being squeezed and so.

also translucent blue ones seem to be the best to me personally. Think foy talks about that in his 9 club interview. could be totally in my head but i feel like they are performing/ lasting the best

red translucent that come in that backup set thunder is doing are super soft compared to the blue ones even though they are both labeled 90a. good thin is that they tend to freeze up less in winter!

Been skating for over 20 years, can't believe it took me this long to figure out lol.

They should include some ins-truck-tions with a these things

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on January 08, 2024, 09:29:05 AM
Yeah I was gonna say I just ride them basically flush, i kinda end up with the front one slightly looser than the back but its not a huge deal. I havent had any issue with my thunder bushings at all and i skated em in some pretty cold weather. I never found that I needed to tighten these trucks at all because I am used to riding 8.75" indys / Ace at the stock setting.

imo if you want tight, just ride skinny trucks like 8". if you have a wide board it will look like shit if you skate it with tight trucks and it will still feel really turny no matter how hard you tighten it.  There is this guy in my town who rides 8" Ace 33 and he CRANKS them down like crazy, like 5-6 threads at least, maybe more. i dont even see the point in riding aces if you are just going to do that. you might as well just ride ventures or thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on January 08, 2024, 11:05:11 AM
Yeah I was gonna say I just ride them basically flush, i kinda end up with the front one slightly looser than the back but its not a huge deal. I havent had any issue with my thunder bushings at all and i skated em in some pretty cold weather. I never found that I needed to tighten these trucks at all because I am used to riding 8.75" indys / Ace at the stock setting.

imo if you want tight, just ride skinny trucks like 8". if you have a wide board it will look like shit if you skate it with tight trucks and it will still feel really turny no matter how hard you tighten it.  There is this guy in my town who rides 8" Ace 33 and he CRANKS them down like crazy, like 5-6 threads at least, maybe more. i dont even see the point in riding aces if you are just going to do that. you might as well just ride ventures or thunders.

Homie on that Bam Margera setup

scroll down, second slide
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: alcol on January 11, 2024, 07:31:50 AM
I have a set of 5.2 Ventures on ice and have been tempted to set them up. To anyone who switched from thunders to venture, is the transition worth it? I mean, besides getting less wheelbite and the extended baseplate... 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: baustin on January 11, 2024, 10:45:58 AM
I have a set of 5.2 Ventures on ice and have been tempted to set them up. To anyone who switched from thunders to venture, is the transition worth it? I mean, besides getting less wheelbite and the extended baseplate...

I’ve tried swapping to Venture a couple of times… love the added stability but they always feel heavy/clunky to me on flip tricks after a while and i find the difference on slides to be pretty negligible but I only skate wheels 53mm or smaller so YMMV
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on January 11, 2024, 11:33:01 AM
There is no credible eta, or specs, for a revised thunder; anything posted in this thread about either is all speculation.

Just saw the Summer 2024 Drop 1 Thunder catalog and there is no indication of a new remodeled truck... Not that that is definitive...

I've seen catalogs get taken down before, so obviously things could change.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: chillclinton87 on January 11, 2024, 11:41:22 AM
I have a set of 5.2 Ventures on ice and have been tempted to set them up. To anyone who switched from thunders to venture, is the transition worth it? I mean, besides getting less wheelbite and the extended baseplate...

tried the same thing last week after 15 or so years on thunder 147 highs.

ventures felt like i just skated my thunders tighter and they add some hight to it. both these things helped with wheelbite. ended up putting on thunders again and setting them a lil tighter.

ventures are good trucks though so you could like them. as the other homie said: differnece on slides is kinda nonexistent. i thought i'd slide waaaay more on the baseplate on ventures but nah......

mind that i skate 52mm classics so i can't give any more input on wheelbite or the like!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on January 11, 2024, 12:34:54 PM
Expand Quote
There is no credible eta, or specs, for a revised thunder; anything posted in this thread about either is all speculation.

Just saw the Summer 2024 Drop 1 Thunder catalog and there is no indication of a new remodeled truck... Not that that is definitive...

I've seen catalogs get taken down before, so obviously things could change.

Like shoes, pretty sure we'd see some out in the streets/planted photos of them prior to them being in a drop (more than we have already).

I have a set of 5.2 Ventures on ice and have been tempted to set them up. To anyone who switched from thunders to venture, is the transition worth it? I mean, besides getting less wheelbite and the extended baseplate... 

With geo alone, ventures are more stable (plus venture barrel vs thunder conical bottom bushing); but as noted above, you can just tighten the thunders - or get/swap out for harder bushings (I wouldn't swap barrel bushings into thunders, they make them feel like shit).

Depending on how you tail/nose slide you might notice the plate difference. Personally, I don't use the plate to brace, it's not by choice, just how it happens (might be from skating thunders for so long to avoid wheels catching) but I stand flat on the tail (think of when you drop in) just past the fingers of flat, this way there is no wheel or plate friction.

The only sure thing is less wheelbite on ventures, depending on how loose/tight /wheel height you skate.

YMMV but depending on wheelbase I find Ventures have much better/controlled pop.

Venture: Slower initial turn, more lean (not twitchy), more stable (arguably best pop)
Thunder: [Can be a] twitchy turn, and for me after that twitch, it's flop right into wheelbite (I'm also 190lbs+ with 94a Thunder bushings, probably need to go up to 97)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on January 11, 2024, 05:13:05 PM
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I have a set of 5.2 Ventures on ice and have been tempted to set them up. To anyone who switched from thunders to venture, is the transition worth it? I mean, besides getting less wheelbite and the extended baseplate...

I’ve tried swapping to Venture a couple of times… love the added stability but they always feel heavy/clunky to me on flip tricks after a while and i find the difference on slides to be pretty negligible but I only skate wheels 53mm or smaller so YMMV

Yeah I go between 151 thunders and 6.1s. The main advantage of the venture is the kingpin clearance imo. I always end up back on thunders eventually though. I think it is because as stated above, the ventures just feel a bit clunky and basic in comparison to me, I don’t mean in a bad way just less responsive for sure, which can be a good thing. Pop is proper satisfying on ventures though, probably the best ollie.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on January 11, 2024, 05:27:44 PM
i agree with what everyone has chimed in so far, re: thunders to venture.
if you want to skate bigger wheels, ventures may help with that. there are a few pros and the like running 55s on thunders, but that seems wild.
for ventures i prefer the forged baseplate w/the hi’s. was a noticeable difference for me. not sure why.

i could be happy skating a venture or a thunder, almost any day. for me there isn’t a huge adjustment between them, although they are clearly different. both seem to work for the 8 tricks i might try (flatground nonsense).

ventures have always felt a bit ‘cooler’, to me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on January 12, 2024, 03:26:21 AM
Can anybody here skate thunders and ventures on the same deck? Every time I tried ventures on a setup that feels good on thunders, it felt like shit. I have to go with a shorter wb/longer kicks for ventures to feel good.
Other way around as well. If I use thunders on a venture-setup it feels uncontrollably light.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on January 12, 2024, 08:30:47 AM
Expand Quote
Yeah I was gonna say I just ride them basically flush, i kinda end up with the front one slightly looser than the back but its not a huge deal. I havent had any issue with my thunder bushings at all and i skated em in some pretty cold weather. I never found that I needed to tighten these trucks at all because I am used to riding 8.75" indys / Ace at the stock setting.

imo if you want tight, just ride skinny trucks like 8". if you have a wide board it will look like shit if you skate it with tight trucks and it will still feel really turny no matter how hard you tighten it.  There is this guy in my town who rides 8" Ace 33 and he CRANKS them down like crazy, like 5-6 threads at least, maybe more. i dont even see the point in riding aces if you are just going to do that. you might as well just ride ventures or thunders.

Homie on that Bam Margera setup

scroll down, second slide

haha! Amazing!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on January 12, 2024, 10:52:52 AM
Can anybody here skate thunders and ventures on the same deck? Every time I tried ventures on a setup that feels good on thunders, it felt like shit. I have to go with a shorter wb/longer kicks for ventures to feel good.
Other way around as well. If I use thunders on a venture-setup it feels uncontrollably light.

Nope. Like you short WB/long kicks (Primitive shapes, not surprisingly) work well for me...but can make them work on a 14.25"WB

Thunder/indy I can easily swap between however.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: hiljentaa on January 29, 2024, 01:44:30 PM
First session on 147s after skating 5.2 hi V-Lights for the past year or so...

Definitely more turny than Ventures (obviously), but not as drastic of a difference as I expected. I had this notion of the turn quickly falling to wheelbite from other's descriptions, but that's not my experience. Just turns more than a Venture, pretty similar to forged Indy IME.

Still working out the timing difference for popped tricks.

The only ledge I have to skate during winter is an all sheet-metal box by ARC. Seems like it would slide great, but it is sticky as fuck for slides super often because there is too much surface area and dirt and dust embeds into the wax on top.

This ledge is super particular to get it to slide well, and I was definitely noticing my reliance on the longer Venture baseplate to initiate the slide. This is nearly all a technique issue, but this particular spot really highlighted that 'issue'. Near the end of the session I was sliding a lot better by standing on top better.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fs1/2cab on January 30, 2024, 05:31:20 AM
I want to put some Indy Conical blues at the bottom of my 148s Hollow Lights. They also measure 14mm like Thunder bottom bushings. The top bushing is currently a Ace 94 which I cut down like 3mm.

I think Thunders need Conical bottom bushings, if I put Cylinder bushings at the bottom, I would get a less surfy Indy. The Thunder stock bushings feel a bit weird and soft to me, but maybe I should break them in for a few sessions? I am at 157 lbs now and like my trucks a bit more stable but also surfy if I want them too. Problem are all the crazy temperatures here in East Germany across the 4 seasons.

What do the pals think about that?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on January 30, 2024, 05:46:55 AM
I want to put some Indy Conical blues at the bottom of my 148s Hollow Lights. They also measure 14mm like Thunder bottom bushings. The top bushing is currently a Ace 94 which I cut down like 3mm.

I think Thunders need Conical bottom bushings, if I put Cylinder bushings at the bottom, I would get a less surfy Indy. The Thunder stock bushings feel a bit weird and soft to me, but maybe I should break them in for a few sessions? I am at 157 lbs now and like my trucks a bit more stable but also surfy if I want them too. Problem are all the crazy temperatures here in East Germany across the 4 seasons.

What do the pals think about that?

I'd say try to break in the stock bushings by skating them as loose as possible for a sesh or two then tighten as desired. they firm up quite a bit after that.

I will say that thunder bushings seem to be more sensitive to temperature to other bushings so you may need to try something else if your temps affect your bushings too much for your liking. I find a quarter turn is all the adjustment i need to make for my thunders to feel ok from freezing temps to around 70f.

I think indy conicals would be your best other option though as you stated.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fooj on January 30, 2024, 09:57:51 PM
Has anyone else tried aftermarket Indy barrel bushings on your thunders? This is my current combination, with super soft white and it feels pretty similar to stock imo.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on January 31, 2024, 05:30:39 AM
Has anyone else tried aftermarket Indy barrel bushings on your thunders? This is my current combination, with super soft white and it feels pretty similar to stock imo.

I'm not a fan of cylinders in thunders, and white is way too soft for my linking on them as well. I have those bushings in my polarizer though and love them on that setup.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: RT on February 09, 2024, 03:03:40 PM
Wish I'd read this thread before skating my new 147s! I busted the top bushing on the back truck on the first session today. I didn't crank them down, basically a hair past flush. You learn the hard way sometimes I guess. I'm probably gonna order the replacement 94du's.

I will say I skated Thunders for years in the early 2000s and never had a single issue with the old 145s. I never heard anyone complain about their bushings either. I wonder if they've changed.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on February 09, 2024, 10:16:46 PM
Wish I'd read this thread before skating my new 147s! I busted the top bushing on the back truck on the first session today. I didn't crank them down, basically a hair past flush. You learn the hard way sometimes I guess. I'm probably gonna order the replacement 94du's.

I will say I skated Thunders for years in the early 2000s and never had a single issue with the old 145s. I never heard anyone complain about their bushings either. I wonder if they've changed.

Thunder bushings have always cracked or broke faster than any other bushings from my experience but never after a single session. Maybe reach out to DLX customer support and see if they'll send you new ones?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: marcusbutler on February 10, 2024, 12:12:15 AM
I have a set of 5.2 Ventures on ice and have been tempted to set them up. To anyone who switched from thunders to venture, is the transition worth it? I mean, besides getting less wheelbite and the extended baseplate...

Currently I think a month in. Skating the 5.2 hollow erythang/forged. I got used to the turning by now. That is one of the biggest change for me. The other big change is the obvious slower pop. My tre flips are affected. And lots of ghost pop. Almost every session ends with me thinking about going back to thunders. I skate a 14 Wheelbase and it still takes a bit of effort to press my tail.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 10, 2024, 04:08:24 AM
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I have a set of 5.2 Ventures on ice and have been tempted to set them up. To anyone who switched from thunders to venture, is the transition worth it? I mean, besides getting less wheelbite and the extended baseplate...

Currently I think a month in. Skating the 5.2 hollow erythang/forged. I got used to the turning by now. That is one of the biggest change for me. The other big change is the obvious slower pop. My tre flips are affected. And lots of ghost pop. Almost every session ends with me thinking about going back to thunders. I skate a 14 Wheelbase and it still takes a bit of effort to press my tail.

I wonder if a more mellow board, or something with more fingers of flat would work better with those trucks?

Might be going a bit too far down a hole here, but I have definitely felt like some trucks paired better with some decks, so as much as something might have a 14" wb, a more mellow board with longer kicks will make those trucks feel a whole lot better, or at least did for me when I was trying different setups, which as you said, cause some issues with pop and certain tricks worked better than others.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Meathook on February 10, 2024, 08:31:27 AM
Has anyone converted to an ikp in their thunders by just using the kingpin nut bed in the baseplate?  I just put ikps in without any epoxy or grub nut and it seems ok but the kingpin moves a bit.  The nylock is engaged on the nut but I’m a bit nervous about my truck loosening and falling off on it’s own.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: marcusbutler on February 10, 2024, 11:24:10 AM
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I have a set of 5.2 Ventures on ice and have been tempted to set them up. To anyone who switched from thunders to venture, is the transition worth it? I mean, besides getting less wheelbite and the extended baseplate...

Currently I think a month in. Skating the 5.2 hollow erythang/forged. I got used to the turning by now. That is one of the biggest change for me. The other big change is the obvious slower pop. My tre flips are affected. And lots of ghost pop. Almost every session ends with me thinking about going back to thunders. I skate a 14 Wheelbase and it still takes a bit of effort to press my tail.

I wonder if a more mellow board, or something with more fingers of flat would work better with those trucks?

Might be going a bit too far down a hole here, but I have definitely felt like some trucks paired better with some decks, so as much as something might have a 14" wb, a more mellow board with longer kicks will make those trucks feel a whole lot better, or at least did for me when I was trying different setups, which as you said, cause some issues with pop and certain tricks worked better than others.

The set up was thunders and crail wood with a 14WB for the last couple years. Started skating a jacuzzi with ventures. Currently skating a santa cruz. Two boards with steep kicks. Next board in rotation is a crail 8.1. The round of girl boards I've skated have some mellow kicks. Curious to see how this one feels.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: RT on February 10, 2024, 04:52:29 PM
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Wish I'd read this thread before skating my new 147s! I busted the top bushing on the back truck on the first session today. I didn't crank them down, basically a hair past flush. You learn the hard way sometimes I guess. I'm probably gonna order the replacement 94du's.

I will say I skated Thunders for years in the early 2000s and never had a single issue with the old 145s. I never heard anyone complain about their bushings either. I wonder if they've changed.

Thunder bushings have always cracked or broke faster than any other bushings from my experience but never after a single session. Maybe reach out to DLX customer support and see if they'll send you new ones?

I thought about that. I'm hesitant because honestly, this set of 147s was a warranty replacement from a set of trucks that I broke years ago. I found them in a box in the basement with the broken kingpin and thought, what the heck I'm gonna shoot em an email. They sent a new set right away, no questions asked. It feels petty to reach out about the bushings now! Maybe it shouldn't though.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 10, 2024, 06:42:37 PM
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Wish I'd read this thread before skating my new 147s! I busted the top bushing on the back truck on the first session today. I didn't crank them down, basically a hair past flush. You learn the hard way sometimes I guess. I'm probably gonna order the replacement 94du's.

I will say I skated Thunders for years in the early 2000s and never had a single issue with the old 145s. I never heard anyone complain about their bushings either. I wonder if they've changed.

Thunder bushings have always cracked or broke faster than any other bushings from my experience but never after a single session. Maybe reach out to DLX customer support and see if they'll send you new ones?

I thought about that. I'm hesitant because honestly, this set of 147s was a warranty replacement from a set of trucks that I broke years ago. I found them in a box in the basement with the broken kingpin and thought, what the heck I'm gonna shoot em an email. They sent a new set right away, no questions asked. It feels petty to reach out about the bushings now! Maybe it shouldn't though.

Replacing bushings is only a few $$ and there are usually plenty around to get whatever duro you want, 90 (stock), 94, 97, 100 or the rebuild kit in 90, 95 or 100.

Compared to something else like a baseplate, hanger or even kingpin breaking, getting new bushings is usually pretty easy.

Maybe just see what your local shop has first.  Some might even have spare bushings lying around from old trucks too.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on February 10, 2024, 08:00:19 PM
Stock white 90a only...

If anyone wants to send me Stock whites when you go down bushing rabbit holes, I'll be happy to take them off your hands.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on February 11, 2024, 08:19:20 AM
I love the stock bushings. I feel like thunders have the best stock bushings. My favorite are the clear dehydrated piss colored ones and the army green clear.

I been riding the blue stock ones on my thunders for three years (on and off) and they're looking brand new still. I weigh 230 pounds and have the bolt flush on the kingpin.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on February 11, 2024, 01:12:33 PM
Stock white 90a only...

If anyone wants to send me Stock whites when you go down bushing rabbit holes, I'll be happy to take them off your hands.

Is there something to this? I notice all the Thunder pro trucks have white bushings. My Guy Mariano ones also came with white bushings, but ive not skated them yet
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 11, 2024, 03:04:36 PM
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Stock white 90a only...

If anyone wants to send me Stock whites when you go down bushing rabbit holes, I'll be happy to take them off your hands.

Is there something to this? I notice all the Thunder pro trucks have white bushings. My Guy Mariano ones also came with white bushings, but ive not skated them yet

Some people swear by the white ones and others swear by anything but the white ones, but they are available in aftermarket simple packaging too, not just in select trucks.

As to why some pro trucks have them, it is more just down to what the pro wants, I think, or what looks good in them, or something similar. 

In the most recent drop two of three are white, one clear blue, but on older drops, they have other colours too.  Looking back through half a dozen catalogs, there are a lot of white, more than what I recall in the past too.


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on February 11, 2024, 04:21:58 PM
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Stock white 90a only...

If anyone wants to send me Stock whites when you go down bushing rabbit holes, I'll be happy to take them off your hands.

Is there something to this? I notice all the Thunder pro trucks have white bushings. My Guy Mariano ones also came with white bushings, but ive not skated them yet

In my head there is. Honestly though, I have a set of clear blue stock that feel exactly the same as stock white. I could never see myself going harder than stock though.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dkeppel on February 11, 2024, 04:50:55 PM
Hello Slap

I've skated Indys all my life, but have decided on trying some Thunders because my old ass legs struggle flipping my 8.6" deck with standard Indy 159s.

I've got a 8.25" deck on the courier and some 54mm Bones STF V3 wheels.

I thought some 148 Thunder team hollows would be the best to put with this deck and wheel combination, but I can only find one set in my country and it's the most expensive option, I can get hollow lights 20% cheaper but a lot of people talk about wheel bite with Thunders.

I plan to mostly flat ground with this setup and a little bit of park, would it be worth paying for the Thunder Team hollows? I would of thought if I need some more height, there is no harm in using raisers with the hollow lights but maybe I'm missing something about the geometry or physics etc?

Pretty nervous about trying Thunders, Indys have been a part of my life for 20 odd years... kind of feels like I'm thinking of cheating on Indy 🤣

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on February 11, 2024, 05:20:49 PM
Hello Slap

I've skated Indys all my life, but have decided on trying some Thunders because my old ass legs struggle flipping my 8.6" deck with standard Indy 159s.

I've got a 8.25" deck on the courier and some 54mm Bones STF V3 wheels.

I thought some 148 Thunder team hollows would be the best to put with this deck and wheel combination, but I can only find one set in my country and it's the most expensive option, I can get hollow lights 20% cheaper but a lot of people talk about wheel bite with Thunders.

I plan to mostly flat ground with this setup and a little bit of park, would it be worth paying for the Thunder Team hollows? I would of thought if I need some more height, there is no harm in using raisers with the hollow lights but maybe I'm missing something about the geometry or physics etc?

Pretty nervous about trying Thunders, Indys have been a part of my life for 20 odd years... kind of feels like I'm thinking of cheating on Indy 🤣

Honestly, if you're already sizing your whole setup down it's going to be a whole lot lighter already.

You could probably make do with thunder standards if that is your desired height and the team hollows are too expensive.

I think you're right in assuming the forged plates would be a bit too much.

I rode indys for the longest time, standard and forged plates. I've ridden thunder standards and team hollows for a little over a year now and def don't want them any lower/lighter. Team hollows almost feel too light for me in some situations. But that's what I'm on currently.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: hiljentaa on February 11, 2024, 05:40:12 PM
Hello Slap

I've skated Indys all my life, but have decided on trying some Thunders because my old ass legs struggle flipping my 8.6" deck with standard Indy 159s.

I've got a 8.25" deck on the courier and some 54mm Bones STF V3 wheels.

I thought some 148 Thunder team hollows would be the best to put with this deck and wheel combination, but I can only find one set in my country and it's the most expensive option, I can get hollow lights 20% cheaper but a lot of people talk about wheel bite with Thunders.

I plan to mostly flat ground with this setup and a little bit of park, would it be worth paying for the Thunder Team hollows? I would of thought if I need some more height, there is no harm in using raisers with the hollow lights but maybe I'm missing something about the geometry or physics etc?

Pretty nervous about trying Thunders, Indys have been a part of my life for 20 odd years... kind of feels like I'm thinking of cheating on Indy 🤣

Don't go chasing hollows, keep to the standards available everywhere.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 11, 2024, 05:55:04 PM
Hello Slap

I've skated Indys all my life, but have decided on trying some Thunders because my old ass legs struggle flipping my 8.6" deck with standard Indy 159s.

I've got a 8.25" deck on the courier and some 54mm Bones STF V3 wheels.

I thought some 148 Thunder team hollows would be the best to put with this deck and wheel combination, but I can only find one set in my country and it's the most expensive option, I can get hollow lights 20% cheaper but a lot of people talk about wheel bite with Thunders.

I plan to mostly flat ground with this setup and a little bit of park, would it be worth paying for the Thunder Team hollows? I would of thought if I need some more height, there is no harm in using raisers with the hollow lights but maybe I'm missing something about the geometry or physics etc?

Pretty nervous about trying Thunders, Indys have been a part of my life for 20 odd years... kind of feels like I'm thinking of cheating on Indy 🤣

take mine with a large helping of salt: i’m not good, and i’ll find something about every truck that i try, that i like.

i have some thunder 148s that are are the forged baseplate/hollow kingpin, solid axle variant (lights), and they are great. i currently have them setup with some 56 spitfire classics, and yes i get wheelbite, but it is manageable. i also prefer the solid axle, on all trucks. the weight savings in the baseplate, and kingpin, along with the height reduction, is great for me.
 i really like the height of the forged baseplate with the 148s.
i enjoy a lower truck.
i don’t like indys, in part because of the height. i liked older stages of indys that were lower.

now thunder 147s on a forged baseplate are a commitment, those are looooooow.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DarkPools on February 11, 2024, 06:31:00 PM
Expand Quote
Hello Slap

I've skated Indys all my life, but have decided on trying some Thunders because my old ass legs struggle flipping my 8.6" deck with standard Indy 159s.

I've got a 8.25" deck on the courier and some 54mm Bones STF V3 wheels.

I thought some 148 Thunder team hollows would be the best to put with this deck and wheel combination, but I can only find one set in my country and it's the most expensive option, I can get hollow lights 20% cheaper but a lot of people talk about wheel bite with Thunders.

I plan to mostly flat ground with this setup and a little bit of park, would it be worth paying for the Thunder Team hollows? I would of thought if I need some more height, there is no harm in using raisers with the hollow lights but maybe I'm missing something about the geometry or physics etc?

Pretty nervous about trying Thunders, Indys have been a part of my life for 20 odd years... kind of feels like I'm thinking of cheating on Indy 🤣

Don't go chasing hollows, keep to the standards available everywhere.

Trying hollow indys could be the solution, but if you're trying Thunder... 148 cast are still lighter than 159 (and 149) standard indys. Soo, do you enjoy the height on Indy or no? If so, grabbing the hollow lights and some DLX (or some other deluxe truck friendly brand) riser pads can give you the desired height, reudce wheelbite, and even add some weight if the hollow lights were "too light." Personally, hollow light Thunders are too light to me. They're Tech Deck toy light and are not responsive at all.

Hope that helps!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 11, 2024, 08:51:12 PM
Hello Slap

I've skated Indys all my life, but have decided on trying some Thunders because my old ass legs struggle flipping my 8.6" deck with standard Indy 159s.

I've got a 8.25" deck on the courier and some 54mm Bones STF V3 wheels.

I thought some 148 Thunder team hollows would be the best to put with this deck and wheel combination, but I can only find one set in my country and it's the most expensive option, I can get hollow lights 20% cheaper but a lot of people talk about wheel bite with Thunders.

I plan to mostly flat ground with this setup and a little bit of park, would it be worth paying for the Thunder Team hollows? I would of thought if I need some more height, there is no harm in using raisers with the hollow lights but maybe I'm missing something about the geometry or physics etc?

Pretty nervous about trying Thunders, Indys have been a part of my life for 20 odd years... kind of feels like I'm thinking of cheating on Indy 🤣

No harm in using risers.  Actually coming from riding Indy for a long time, I would almost recommend risers on any Thunder trucks no matter what, but that is just me.  Getting used to a lower truck is a funny thing, some people taking to it easily, others wheel bite every other landing, or even just rolling and anticipating having a bit more to lean than you actually do.

Any which way, Thunders are a good truck and as people have said, are lighter even in the most basic team editions than any Indy truck, as well as having a more narrow hanger on 8.25 wide compared to 8.75 wide trucks, so I wouldn't be going for ultra light so much as I would just be getting a decent set of trucks to get me through the testing of something new, again just my own thoughts on it.

Indy standards 55 mm in height, forged baseplates 53.5 mm, then Thunder team 52 and forged baseplate 50.5 mm so that is a significant step down in height no matter what you do, especially with 54 mm wheels.

Any which way, good luck with your new board.  It will feel weird and you might think "Why did I get this?" but give it a few sessions before really making up your mind on anything, including tightening trucks, as the bushings do wear in nicely, it just takes a bit of time.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dkeppel on February 12, 2024, 02:10:27 AM

Honestly, if you're already sizing your whole setup down it's going to be a whole lot lighter already.

You could probably make do with thunder standards if that is your desired height and the team hollows are too expensive.

I think you're right in assuming the forged plates would be a bit too much.

I rode indys for the longest time, standard and forged plates. I've ridden thunder standards and team hollows for a little over a year now and def don't want them any lower/lighter. Team hollows almost feel too light for me in some situations. But that's what I'm on currently.

I've only been on this size deck for about 4 months, before that I had Indy 126 Stage 8's on a 7.75" deck before that I had the same trucks on a 7.5" with raiser pads etc. I had cancer on and off for 5 years and have been cancer free for 2 years but my strength still hasn't returned 100% and might never return 100%.

Which is why I thought I'd be best off getting the Thunder Team Hollows being a bit higher than forged but lighter than a Indy.

Don't go chasing hollows, keep to the standards available everywhere.

I might pick up some Standards, a local shop is selling off all its skateboard stock at the moment and I can get a pair for $41.70. Its the low height that worries me the most of all.

take mine with a large helping of salt: i’m not good, and i’ll find something about every truck that i try, that i like.

i have some thunder 148s that are are the forged baseplate/hollow kingpin, solid axle variant (lights), and they are great. i currently have them setup with some 56 spitfire classics, and yes i get wheelbite, but it is manageable. i also prefer the solid axle, on all trucks. the weight savings in the baseplate, and kingpin, along with the height reduction, is great for me.
 i really like the height of the forged baseplate with the 148s.
i enjoy a lower truck.
i don’t like indys, in part because of the height. i liked older stages of indys that were lower.

now thunder 147s on a forged baseplate are a commitment, those are looooooow.

 :-\ I used to run 1mm Shock pads under my Indys, IDK why I did, it was too tall and I'm embarrassed to admit it took me years to figure out to remove them. The low height concerns me a little with the forged plate, hence wondering if using raisers would matter, feels like you can always bump up the truck a bit higher but you cant lower them.

Trying hollow indys could be the solution, but if you're trying Thunder... 148 cast are still lighter than 159 (and 149) standard indys. Soo, do you enjoy the height on Indy or no? If so, grabbing the hollow lights and some DLX (or some other deluxe truck friendly brand) riser pads can give you the desired height, reudce wheelbite, and even add some weight if the hollow lights were "too light." Personally, hollow light Thunders are too light to me. They're Tech Deck toy light and are not responsive at all.

Hope that helps!

I do like the height of Indy's but not for flipping. Flipping was the one thing I preferred on my friends setups as a teen but I hated feel and turning of their trucks, however no one had Thunders in my group, I tried them once briefly when I borrowed some random guys setup at the park and remember thinking they were the next best thing to Indy.
Indy's would be safe but I would like to try something new, I'm not going to be cruising or carving the bowl with this setup.

I don't like that Tech Deck feel, I remember that's how some of my mates setups felt maybe I should avoid the hollow axle if that's the main cause but as I said above my strength may never return to 100% so I'm trying to save my legs as much strain as much as possible.

No harm in using risers.  Actually coming from riding Indy for a long time, I would almost recommend risers on any Thunder trucks no matter what, but that is just me.  Getting used to a lower truck is a funny thing, some people taking to it easily, others wheel bite every other landing, or even just rolling and anticipating having a bit more to lean than you actually do.

Any which way, Thunders are a good truck and as people have said, are lighter even in the most basic team editions than any Indy truck, as well as having a more narrow hanger on 8.25 wide compared to 8.75 wide trucks, so I wouldn't be going for ultra light so much as I would just be getting a decent set of trucks to get me through the testing of something new, again just my own thoughts on it.

Indy standards 55 mm in height, forged baseplates 53.5 mm, then Thunder team 52 and forged baseplate 50.5 mm so that is a significant step down in height no matter what you do, especially with 54 mm wheels.

Any which way, good luck with your new board.  It will feel weird and you might think "Why did I get this?" but give it a few sessions before really making up your mind on anything, including tightening trucks, as the bushings do wear in nicely, it just takes a bit of time.

It's good to learn raisers aren't going to cause me any issues. The way some people hate on them, I started assuming there was a better reason than just preference to not use them.

So the Standard Thunder would be a little lighter than a Standard Team but lower due to base plate, correct? I can get a pair of Standard Thunders at the moment for $41.70USD which is insanely cheap here in New Zealand, half the usual price, maybe its fate and I should buy them.

Little bit of concern I might regret not spending the extra on lighter Thunders, as I've said above re. my past health issues I want to make sure i'm doing all I can to help make life easier for me. Except going any smaller than 8.25" on the deck width .... As a teen I would of killed for these wider boards, the age of the skinny deck was painful for me, hunting down a 7.75" was nearly impossible, long live the wide deck revolution.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fs1/2cab on February 12, 2024, 02:21:08 AM
I came from Indy Forged Hollows to the Thunder 148 Hollow Lights. Same deck, same wheels as before and I absolutely loved my first session on the Thunders. My ankles didn't hurt as much afterwards and popping tricks felt easier to me. And due to the decreased height I felt more in control with my setup. But I changed the Thunder bushings to Indy 90 bottom and Indy 92 top. I think I leave the bushings now how they are. Conical bushings just feel a bit too loose and wobbly for my fragile ankles. This is just my experience.

*Just read that you beat cancer. Much respect to you and I wish you all the best for your future health mate. 🧡
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on February 12, 2024, 08:08:38 AM
i went from tall, skinny setup to pretty low slightly wider setup and I personally really liked it.
8" Indy on 58mm down to thunder team on 51mm classics - they wear down into the 40s really quick and now it feels pretty dope.
built another setup just like it.

As far as the colour of the bushings its exactly the same... I have these really awesome looking yellow ones in my Foy Team Model I got (they are from last year or year before i believe) and I currently have the Chrystie NYC ones with the white bushings and I cannot tell the difference as far as turn.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fartknocker415 on February 12, 2024, 08:28:54 AM
Coming from Indy and aces, are thunders going to really fuck up my noseslides and tail slides? Is venture the in between?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on February 12, 2024, 08:53:09 AM
I changed the way I did my noseslides a little bit to put more pressure on the nose. most of the ledges/curbs i skate arent perfectly square , and are very well waxed on the vertical side, so has never been an issue for me. I feel like I noseslide better because I am more locked in now. Ventures feel pretty similar to Thunders to me as far as that's concerned.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: marcusbutler on February 12, 2024, 08:53:22 AM
Coming from Indy and aces, are thunders going to really fuck up my noseslides and tail slides? Is venture the in between?

I think I skated an even amount of indy and thunders. Haven't skated aces. Currently riding venture hi's. Thunders are going to stretch your wheelbase. Same with venture but even more. So when you slide on thunders you will get a lot of grab from the wheels. Ventures have a longer baseplate so the wheels stick less. But no matter what truck i'm nose sliding, the ledge is always grabbing some wheel. But I feel adjusting to nose slides and crooks when changing trucks is always easier than trying to adjust tre flips, ollie timing, nollie stuff. Currently dealing with trying to fight myself gettign my tre flips backs on ventures coming from thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dkeppel on February 12, 2024, 03:13:36 PM
I came from Indy Forged Hollows to the Thunder 148 Hollow Lights. Same deck, same wheels as before and I absolutely loved my first session on the Thunders. My ankles didn't hurt as much afterwards and popping tricks felt easier to me. And due to the decreased height I felt more in control with my setup. But I changed the Thunder bushings to Indy 90 bottom and Indy 92 top. I think I leave the bushings now how they are. Conical bushings just feel a bit too loose and wobbly for my fragile ankles. This is just my experience.

*Just read that you beat cancer. Much respect to you and I wish you all the best for your future health mate. 🧡

I pulled the trigger on the Standard Thunders, $41.70USD for a pair was too good of a deal to pass up. If I love them I can upgrade to hollow lights later if I feel the need and build another setup, I have 3 decks makes sense to have 3 sets of trucks, right? ;D

If I hate them I didn't invest much and my daughter or a random kid at the park inherits the Thunders.

Skate gear is crazy expensive here, you pay around $110-130USD for a deck, Indy Hollow Forged/Thunder Teams are around $100-110USD, Bronson G3 bearings are about $40USD, Bones Reds are $30USD, plain MOB grip is $15USD ::) My set of 55mm V5 X99 Bones wheels cost me about $68USD however I love those wheels, 100% worth it IMO.

Thank you, missing some body parts and I can't feel my fingers or toes 100% anymore but I can't complain, I should be dead I somehow beat it three times 8) I would not recommend it, chemotherapy is no joke.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 12, 2024, 03:30:14 PM
Expand Quote
I came from Indy Forged Hollows to the Thunder 148 Hollow Lights. Same deck, same wheels as before and I absolutely loved my first session on the Thunders. My ankles didn't hurt as much afterwards and popping tricks felt easier to me. And due to the decreased height I felt more in control with my setup. But I changed the Thunder bushings to Indy 90 bottom and Indy 92 top. I think I leave the bushings now how they are. Conical bushings just feel a bit too loose and wobbly for my fragile ankles. This is just my experience.

*Just read that you beat cancer. Much respect to you and I wish you all the best for your future health mate. 🧡

I pulled the trigger on the Standard Thunders, $41.70USD for a pair was too good of a deal to pass up. If I love them I can upgrade to hollow lights later if I feel the need and build another setup, I have 3 decks makes sense to have 3 sets of trucks, right? ;D

If I hate them I didn't invest much and my daughter or a random kid at the park inherits the Thunders.

Skate gear is crazy expensive here, you pay around $110-130USD for a deck, Indy Hollow Forged/Thunder Teams are around $100-110USD, Bronson G3 bearings are about $40USD, Bones Reds are $30USD, plain MOB grip is $15USD ::) My set of 55mm V5 X99 Bones wheels cost me about $68USD however I love those wheels, 100% worth it IMO.

Thank you, missing some body parts and I can't feel my fingers or toes 100% anymore but I can't complain, I should be dead I somehow beat it three times 8) I would not recommend it, chemotherapy is no joke.

I have some friends in NZ and they always stock up when over here in AU, but love the prices even more in USA if they get to go on a longer / further away trip.

Just part of the differences in the dollar really, but I do feel like some areas / countries even / people / shops get screwed over more than others with different exchange rates, if it all comes from USA or even from China through USA, or in US dollars.

Good luck with your adventures anyway.  Sometimes even just getting out for a really chilled out roll is enough for me, but you can never take anything for granted, like you could when you were a kid, that's for sure.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on February 12, 2024, 07:51:36 PM

143, 145, 147 are all lower hangers
148, 149, 151 are all "normal" at 52 mm tall on cast baseplates, 50.5 mm tall on forged baseplates
161 are taller at 53 mm tall on cast plates, 51.5 tall on forged baseplates

Sorry to quote an old post but Thunder 151s are now listed as 53mm high on the website and in a Thunder IG post.

Did they mix things up? This is relevant to my madness...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dkeppel on February 12, 2024, 08:08:38 PM
I have some friends in NZ and they always stock up when over here in AU, but love the prices even more in USA if they get to go on a longer / further away trip.

Just part of the differences in the dollar really, but I do feel like some areas / countries even / people / shops get screwed over more than others with different exchange rates, if it all comes from USA or even from China through USA, or in US dollars.

Good luck with your adventures anyway.  Sometimes even just getting out for a really chilled out roll is enough for me, but you can never take anything for granted, like you could when you were a kid, that's for sure.

I had a chat on the phone a few month back with a guy who manages a chain of skate stores.

Apparently everything in the country comes from one AU distributor for the whole country, there is a bunch of additional shipping costs and skating isn't hugely popular, stores end up with a bunch of decks that don't move for ages so they go on clearance at near cost and they build that loss into the price of new model decks.

I've brought a few clearance decks at $30-$50USD off this guys company and if I don't like the shape, they have a free returns policy so it doesn't cost me anything.

I should of ordered those Thunders yesterday. My deck and wheels are on track to arrive tomorrow. People seem to have wildly different preferences with bushings in Thunders, I've never put much thought into it. I suppose I try stock and work from there.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 13, 2024, 03:31:53 AM
Expand Quote

143, 145, 147 are all lower hangers
148, 149, 151 are all "normal" at 52 mm tall on cast baseplates, 50.5 mm tall on forged baseplates
161 are taller at 53 mm tall on cast plates, 51.5 tall on forged baseplates


Sorry to quote an old post but Thunder 151s are now listed as 53mm high on the website and in a Thunder IG post.

Did they mix things up? This is relevant to my madness...

This still has the 151s at 52 mm, then 161 at 53 mm.  I would be stoked if they went up to 53 mm really, but I think they were still the same the last time I checked new stock.

Was it comments on this post?  I think they messed up.  52 mm up to 151, then 53 mm from 161 up is what it has always been.  It is funny though when they say the team baseplates are 1 mm taller, then people think they are getting a taller truck than standards, but it is the same as a standard = team baseplate, just the wording.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 13, 2024, 03:38:16 AM

Comments are pretty funny on this post - looks like a fingerboard - and similar, but I do like the look of that setup.

Noticing the thin risers on it too, which make it look more normal to me, no matter what anyone else says, that's ok.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: mdspb on February 13, 2024, 09:05:52 AM
Expand Quote

143, 145, 147 are all lower hangers
148, 149, 151 are all "normal" at 52 mm tall on cast baseplates, 50.5 mm tall on forged baseplates
161 are taller at 53 mm tall on cast plates, 51.5 tall on forged baseplates


Sorry to quote an old post but Thunder 151s are now listed as 53mm high on the website and in a Thunder IG post.

Did they mix things up? This is relevant to my madness...

You are correct (that was a typo); your numbers are right.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 13, 2024, 02:53:53 PM
Expand Quote
I have some friends in NZ and they always stock up when over here in AU, but love the prices even more in USA if they get to go on a longer / further away trip.

Just part of the differences in the dollar really, but I do feel like some areas / countries even / people / shops get screwed over more than others with different exchange rates, if it all comes from USA or even from China through USA, or in US dollars.

Good luck with your adventures anyway.  Sometimes even just getting out for a really chilled out roll is enough for me, but you can never take anything for granted, like you could when you were a kid, that's for sure.

I had a chat on the phone a few month back with a guy who manages a chain of skate stores.

Apparently everything in the country comes from one AU distributor for the whole country, there is a bunch of additional shipping costs and skating isn't hugely popular, stores end up with a bunch of decks that don't move for ages so they go on clearance at near cost and they build that loss into the price of new model decks.

I've brought a few clearance decks at $30-$50USD off this guys company and if I don't like the shape, they have a free returns policy so it doesn't cost me anything.

I should of ordered those Thunders yesterday. My deck and wheels are on track to arrive tomorrow. People seem to have wildly different preferences with bushings in Thunders, I've never put much thought into it. I suppose I try stock and work from there.

Long time NZ legend Andrew Morrison is most likely the guy being talked about.

Check out his insta, or at least the brand list anyway:

Irrom Dist / Andrew Morrison
New Zealand Skateboard Distribution
Deluxe, Primitive, Baker Boys, Quasi, April, Tum Yeto, GX1000, AWS, Habitat, Top Heavy, Gas Giants

That's a heavy lineup of brands, even just Deluxe and Baker Boys alone would be significant, but anyway, hope you got your hands on some trucks and get to set up that board.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dkeppel on February 15, 2024, 04:41:44 PM
Long time NZ legend Andrew Morrison is most likely the guy being talked about.

Check out his insta, or at least the brand list anyway:

Irrom Dist / Andrew Morrison
New Zealand Skateboard Distribution
Deluxe, Primitive, Baker Boys, Quasi, April, Tum Yeto, GX1000, AWS, Habitat, Top Heavy, Gas Giants

That's a heavy lineup of brands, even just Deluxe and Baker Boys alone would be significant, but anyway, hope you got your hands on some trucks and get your hands on some trucks and get to set up that board.

Oh cool I'll have to check him out, you seem to know your AU/NZ skating scene.

We finally rolling on Thunders in the down under  8) The couriers were delayed and they only arrived an hour ago.

It took every ounce of will power to not setup my new Def 8.25" Deck with the Indys, I don't think I would of lasted another day.

Creature 8.6" with 159 Indy Standards weighing in at 2.63KG
( (

Def 8.25" with Thunder Standards weighing in at 2.41kg
( (

That 220 grams feels substantially lighter, I was a little worried I'd lose some pop with the lower Thunders but nope she feels really nice.

The Thunders turn great, they feel different than the Indy but turn and feel really really nice still, I didnt touch the adjustment and I get a little wheel bite but it hasnt been enough to throw me yet.

However I only got a 20 mins ride around, my only complaint is it feels a little "tippy" I'll give it a few sessions see if I get used to it and then I might play around with bushings, and might also throw a 1mm shock pad under the trucks however the height feels nice.

I think I might prefer a more solid bottom bushing, maybe I'll try the Bones medium bottom bushings I have in a draw or a barrel bushing in the bottom but we will see.

Thanks for your help everyone. Feeling really stoked with this new setup. Wish I had time to go for a proper skate but I have responsibilities haha.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 15, 2024, 04:55:47 PM

Oh cool I'll have to check him out, you seem to know your AU/NZ skating scene.

We finally rolling on Thunders in the down under  8) The couriers were delayed and they only arrived an hour ago.

It took every ounce of will power to not setup my new Dfg 8.25" Deck with the Indys, I don't think I would of lasted another day.

Creature 8.6" with 159 Indy Standards weighing in at 2.63KG

Dfg 8.25" with Thunder Standards weighing in at 2.41kg

That 220 grams feels substantially lighter, I was a little worried I'd lose some pop with the lower Thunders but nope she feels really nice.

The Thunders turn great, they feel different than the Indy but turn and feel really really nice still, I didnt touch the adjustment and I get a little wheel bite but it hasnt been enough to throw me yet.

However I only got a 20 mins ride around, my only complaint is it feels a little "tippy" I'll give it a few sessions see if I get used to it and then I might play around with bushings, and might also throw a 1mm shock pad under the trucks however the height feels nice.

I think I might prefer a more solid bottom bushing, maybe I'll try the Bones medium bottom bushings I have in a draw or a barrel bushing in the bottom but we will see.

Thanks for your help everyone. Feeling really stoked with this new setup. Wish I had time to go for a proper skate but I have responsibilities haha.

Yeah, I have been around for a while, you could say.

Re new setup - it loooks the goods for sure.

Re tippy, put all your axle washers on the inside to bring your wheels out a little more.  Not going to make a huge difference, but it might just make it a touch more balanced for you.  I will often have three washers on the inside of each wheel, just the nut on the outside, to get the wheels out that little bit more on my boards.  The axle nuts have their own chamfered off back so they sit well just hard up against the bearings, usually with a little play, but that is up to you.

Those Thunder bushings do firm up some after a bit, but again, each to their own - see what works and try things til you figure out what is the best for you.

Get it while you can!


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on February 15, 2024, 11:42:32 PM
Anyone else not being able to get a hold of Thunder 94a bushings?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 16, 2024, 03:12:12 AM
Anyone else not being able to get a hold of Thunder 94a bushings?

I guess it comes down to where you are and if shops sell out sooner rather than later.

There are plenty around I would say, especially in distribution warehouses, but as to any shops that have them, I guess you might have to ask some as well, given they might not put up all the small things like bushings in their online inventory.

Where are you?  Guessing USA but I got a million here in AU, as well as some other places which still have them too:



Not sure about this one, but they show in stock.

Then I thought, of all the places that SHOULD have Thunder bushings, DLX store should, and here they are:

Hope that helps.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on February 16, 2024, 04:30:18 AM
Thanks for the links, @Mbrimson88 ! I'm in Europe. None of the big German shops I ususally order from have them for quite some time now, as far as I can tell.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 16, 2024, 03:02:37 PM
Thanks for the links, @Mbrimson88 ! I'm in Europe. None of the big German shops I ususally order from have them for quite some time now, as far as I can tell.

Ha damn of all the places, I don't think I saw any there but it is harder to bring up locations outside of the usual search for shops now - I think location settings actually limit this sort of thing.

Must be the local distro not bringing them in, so maybe message some of the places and ask them, just in case they can order some in the next delivery or whatever.

Doing the search "Thunder bushings 94 Germany" some turn up but are out of stock, eg:

Maybe even hit up DLXSF.COM with a question to see if their local distro has any or can get some out to you via whatever means possible.

Just a thought anyway.

Oddly enough the very hard to get Deluxe bushings in green 94 duro are available, but most people put them in Ventures or other trucks, being cylinder, not conical.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 16, 2024, 03:14:37 PM
Thanks for the links, @Mbrimson88 ! I'm in Europe. None of the big German shops I ususally order from have them for quite some time now, as far as I can tell.

Just cause I am a pain as well, would either of these two work for you?

I have both and they are ok - I don't use all the bright washers or nuts from the rebuild kit, just the bushings and pivot cups, or the Indy bushings in conical, which are pretty good too, but they are not the nice ice blue Thunder bushings, so I could easily see myself and others (or you) saying, yeah but no thanks.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on February 17, 2024, 03:18:05 AM
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Thanks for the links, @Mbrimson88 ! I'm in Europe. None of the big German shops I ususally order from have them for quite some time now, as far as I can tell.

Just cause I am a pain as well, would either of these two work for you?

I have both and they are ok - I don't use all the bright washers or nuts from the rebuild kit, just the bushings and pivot cups, or the Indy bushings in conical, which are pretty good too, but they are not the nice ice blue Thunder bushings, so I could easily see myself and others (or you) saying, yeah but no thanks.

Full on madness, but the rebuild kit bushings indeed look suspiciuos. I've been thinking about them, though. Just couldn't bring myself to pulling the trigger. I mean they look like chalky shit in this pic:

And w.r.t. the Indys: the fatter Thunder cones simply look more promising. Like the best compromise between the stability of barrels and the quickness of cones.

And, yes, I am a total sucker for the ice blue resp. the standard clear blue.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on February 17, 2024, 10:11:55 AM
^^ Bottom bushing comes pre-split, rad!

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fs1/2cab on February 17, 2024, 10:33:42 AM
I recently got a set of the 95 duro bushing kit and they feel and look like plastic instead of some squishy gummy like stuff. Felt way too hard for me personally but I know at least one person who swears on them.

The Pig bushings fit really good in Thunders but those are barrel bottoms and you need a slightly larger washer for those. I will try these when I don't like my current bushing setup. So far Indy 92 top and Indy 90 barrel bottom. The Indy 90 bottom bushings get a little bit harder after a few sessions I think?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on February 17, 2024, 01:05:04 PM
Just had a session on some 151s for the first time in a long time... damn these things grind and pinch so well compared to Ace.... but even with 90a bushings they are way too tight for my tastes and the pop adjustment took a bit of effort. Nose and tail slides were just fine... Great for small wheels and short wheelbase decks.

If the Thunder re-tool is really happening, I might not be able to resist.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 17, 2024, 01:55:09 PM
Just had a session on some 151s for the first time in a long time... damn these things grind and pinch so well compared to Ace.... but even with 90a bushings they are way too tight for my tastes and the pop adjustment took a bit of effort. Nose and tail slides were just fine... Great for small wheels and short wheelbase decks.

If the Thunder re-tool is really happening, I might not be able to resist.

151s on the huffer was my fave.
but. i never huffered with ace.
loved 151s
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on February 17, 2024, 01:59:53 PM
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Just had a session on some 151s for the first time in a long time... damn these things grind and pinch so well compared to Ace.... but even with 90a bushings they are way too tight for my tastes and the pop adjustment took a bit of effort. Nose and tail slides were just fine... Great for small wheels and short wheelbase decks.

If the Thunder re-tool is really happening, I might not be able to resist.

151s on the huffer was my fave.
but. i never huffered with ace.
loved 151s

Have them on a 8.5" Pop secret Chocolate Twin at the moment. Heavy deck, needed light trucks. (Team hollows)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on February 17, 2024, 02:54:40 PM
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Thanks for the links, @Mbrimson88 ! I'm in Europe. None of the big German shops I ususally order from have them for quite some time now, as far as I can tell.

Just cause I am a pain as well, would either of these two work for you?

I have both and they are ok - I don't use all the bright washers or nuts from the rebuild kit, just the bushings and pivot cups, or the Indy bushings in conical, which are pretty good too, but they are not the nice ice blue Thunder bushings, so I could easily see myself and others (or you) saying, yeah but no thanks.


Full on madness, but the rebuild kit bushings indeed look suspiciuos. I've been thinking about them, though. Just couldn't bring myself to pulling the trigger. I mean they look like chalky shit in this pic:

And w.r.t. the Indys: the fatter Thunder cones simply look more promising. Like the best compromise between the stability of barrels and the quickness of cones.

And, yes, I am a total sucker for the ice blue resp. the standard clear blue.

Wow that pic really sucked!

I have seen a few issues with some, but generally from having a lot of them come through my hands, there is nothing wrong with them and they hold up fine.

Message DLX and ask them if anyone has any in country, or if any distro is getting any in for you.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dkeppel on February 17, 2024, 10:57:47 PM
I officially prefer the Thunders for my local park, it's really small and sometimes with the Indys the surfy turns aren't quick enough to adjust myself.

The short base plate hasn't bothered me on tail/nose slides yet, it probably helps my wheel are 103a and that there is steel edging on the high and low ledges.

I think tippy was the wrong word, I feel very stable on this setup, I meant a little twitchy and wanted a stronger rebound but I have managed to find a fix for that too, I modified the Bones Medium bottom bushings I had in my draw, and switched out the top bushing. No more twitchyness and much better rebound.

Its maybe not the best bushing setup if your concerned about how your bushings look, and if you don't have a grinder or similar it might take a while to modify a Bone bushing to fit your Thunders properly. I can't speak of longevity yet I've only had 2 short sessions with them, its too dam hot and there is zero shade on the park.

( (

I'm getting a bit of wheel rub but no bite yet  8) Seems like I had nothing to fear from the Thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Meathook on February 18, 2024, 04:54:08 PM
( (

Kingpin wiggles a bit but I didn’t notice after 1 session.  I put blue loctite on the nut and I marked the top of the kingpin so we’ll see if this loosens up.  Not epoxy, just nut in the baseplate.  90a aftermarket bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on February 21, 2024, 07:31:42 AM
Was an indy/ace guy before getting into thunders.

Recently had a board with a 14.5 wb which just felt too long for thunders so i threw the aces back on it.

I couldnt skate it for shit.

Ace turn was fun but god damn, i couldnt pop anything to save my life.

At this point i consider myself a full thunder convert, aside from cruisers/polarizer.

might end back up on indy/ace once i get old and stop popping my board.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: TwisT on February 21, 2024, 07:46:20 AM
( (

Kingpin wiggles a bit but I didn’t notice after 1 session.  I put blue loctite on the nut and I marked the top of the kingpin so we’ll see if this loosens up.  Not epoxy, just nut in the baseplate.  90a aftermarket bushings.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Scottboarding on February 21, 2024, 08:31:45 AM
Was an indy/ace guy before getting into thunders.

Recently had a board with a 14.5 wb which just felt too long for thunders so i threw the aces back on it.

I couldnt skate it for shit.

Ace turn was fun but god damn, i couldnt pop anything to save my life.

At this point i consider myself a full thunder convert, aside from cruisers/polarizer.

might end back up on indy/ace once i get old and stop popping my board.
I spent the past 6 months or so skating Aces after 3+ years of Thunder. I randomly decided to skate my setup with Thunders that had been sitting untouched and it was crazy how much better I skated on it. Tricks were so much more consistent and popping and landing just felt "right". Even on a board with a 14.5" wheelbase that I expected the Thunders to not work well with felt better than the Aces.

Aces are fun to skate and I'm holding on to them to skate on occasion but I'm back on Thunders full time and won't be changing that probably ever.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on February 21, 2024, 09:54:35 AM
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Was an indy/ace guy before getting into thunders.

Recently had a board with a 14.5 wb which just felt too long for thunders so i threw the aces back on it.

I couldnt skate it for shit.

Ace turn was fun but god damn, i couldnt pop anything to save my life.

At this point i consider myself a full thunder convert, aside from cruisers/polarizer.

might end back up on indy/ace once i get old and stop popping my board.
I spent the past 6 months or so skating Aces after 3+ years of Thunder. I randomly decided to skate my setup with Thunders that had been sitting untouched and it was crazy how much better I skated on it. Tricks were so much more consistent and popping and landing just felt "right". Even on a board with a 14.5" wheelbase that I expected the Thunders to not work well with felt better than the Aces.

Aces are fun to skate and I'm holding on to them to skate on occasion but I'm back on Thunders full time and won't be changing that probably ever.

I'm right there with ya.

I'd recommend trying the indy stage 4's on a cruiser setup if you havent already. I feel like they turn even better than ace.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on February 22, 2024, 07:35:56 PM
I threw some hollow 151 hangers on team baseplates for an 8.5 deck I got for Xmas and noticed the wheelbase was pushed out farther than expected, around +3.4". While not a huge deal, it's more than the +3.125" and +3.25" that I expect from Thunder team and forged baseplates respectively. To be sure, I setup the same deck with 148 Thunder forged hollows and used the same tape measure and got +3.25" as expected.

The hollow hangers have some wear, but the team baseplates (as well as bushings and pivot cups) are fairly new and I'm measuring from center of axel. Anyone know why? Maybe some other factor I'm overlooking?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rob on February 22, 2024, 09:33:11 PM
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Was an indy/ace guy before getting into thunders.

Recently had a board with a 14.5 wb which just felt too long for thunders so i threw the aces back on it.

I couldnt skate it for shit.

Ace turn was fun but god damn, i couldnt pop anything to save my life.

At this point i consider myself a full thunder convert, aside from cruisers/polarizer.

might end back up on indy/ace once i get old and stop popping my board.
I spent the past 6 months or so skating Aces after 3+ years of Thunder. I randomly decided to skate my setup with Thunders that had been sitting untouched and it was crazy how much better I skated on it. Tricks were so much more consistent and popping and landing just felt "right". Even on a board with a 14.5" wheelbase that I expected the Thunders to not work well with felt better than the Aces.

Aces are fun to skate and I'm holding on to them to skate on occasion but I'm back on Thunders full time and won't be changing that probably ever.

I'm right there with ya.

I'd recommend trying the indy stage 4's on a cruiser setup if you havent already. I feel like they turn even better than ace.

They definitely turn better than aces, aces really had us with that quick deep turn but the stage 4 are aces but SMOOTHER

It’s crazy that there is something of an upgrade

I mean it’s always preference in the end but the stage 4 are smoother and more stable from my experience

The thunder rebuild kit is nice though, didn’t realize I needed new pivot cups and they came in the kit and man what a change

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on February 22, 2024, 09:49:10 PM
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Was an indy/ace guy before getting into thunders.

Recently had a board with a 14.5 wb which just felt too long for thunders so i threw the aces back on it.

I couldnt skate it for shit.

Ace turn was fun but god damn, i couldnt pop anything to save my life.

At this point i consider myself a full thunder convert, aside from cruisers/polarizer.

might end back up on indy/ace once i get old and stop popping my board.
I spent the past 6 months or so skating Aces after 3+ years of Thunder. I randomly decided to skate my setup with Thunders that had been sitting untouched and it was crazy how much better I skated on it. Tricks were so much more consistent and popping and landing just felt "right". Even on a board with a 14.5" wheelbase that I expected the Thunders to not work well with felt better than the Aces.

Aces are fun to skate and I'm holding on to them to skate on occasion but I'm back on Thunders full time and won't be changing that probably ever.

I'm right there with ya.

I'd recommend trying the indy stage 4's on a cruiser setup if you havent already. I feel like they turn even better than ace.

They definitely turn better than aces, aces really had us with that quick deep turn but the stage 4 are aces but SMOOTHER

It’s crazy that there is something of an upgrade

I mean it’s always preference in the end but the stage 4 are smoother and more stable from my experience

The thunder rebuild kit is nice though, didn’t realize I needed new pivot cups and they came in the kit and man what a change

I had to the opposite experience with Stage 4s. I think due to the height, I found them unstable on center. Turning radius is super sharp which is a cool, unique experience but for me Ace just feel way better through the whole turn and safer at high speeds in bowls, as they sit a bit lower. Ace are stable on center while the turning arc is still way preferable to me. I really think the Ace turning geometry is going to be really hard to beat. I have some Indy stage 2s and those turn great also but holy shit they are super unpredictable, squirrelly and pop like shit.

Stage 4 are also heavy (not really a concern for me) and have the worst KP clearance. Great trucks, don't get me wrong but for me I''ll continue to rotate between Ace and Thunder as I think they are the best at what they are designed for. Strangely, I can adjust between Ace and Thunder relatively well. I read somewhere the other day that Ace are also pretty close in geometry to the OG Thunders (Stage 1 and 2), so maybe there is something in it, even though they feel so drastically different these days. Probably just my muscle memory being tuned to Ace and Thunder over the last 10 years or so but its almost like Elon Musk has placed a blue tooth connection between my brain and trucks...

Will be keeping my Stage 4s though as they look so damn cool and are fun to set up from time to time.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on February 23, 2024, 12:20:15 AM
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Was an indy/ace guy before getting into thunders.

Recently had a board with a 14.5 wb which just felt too long for thunders so i threw the aces back on it.

I couldnt skate it for shit.

Ace turn was fun but god damn, i couldnt pop anything to save my life.

At this point i consider myself a full thunder convert, aside from cruisers/polarizer.

might end back up on indy/ace once i get old and stop popping my board.
I spent the past 6 months or so skating Aces after 3+ years of Thunder. I randomly decided to skate my setup with Thunders that had been sitting untouched and it was crazy how much better I skated on it. Tricks were so much more consistent and popping and landing just felt "right". Even on a board with a 14.5" wheelbase that I expected the Thunders to not work well with felt better than the Aces.

Aces are fun to skate and I'm holding on to them to skate on occasion but I'm back on Thunders full time and won't be changing that probably ever.

I'm right there with ya.

I'd recommend trying the indy stage 4's on a cruiser setup if you havent already. I feel like they turn even better than ace.

They definitely turn better than aces, aces really had us with that quick deep turn but the stage 4 are aces but SMOOTHER

It’s crazy that there is something of an upgrade

I mean it’s always preference in the end but the stage 4 are smoother and more stable from my experience

The thunder rebuild kit is nice though, didn’t realize I needed new pivot cups and they came in the kit and man what a change

Honestly, I don’t think most put as much thought into pivot cup replacement as they should (not swapping from the get go but replacing due to wear).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on February 23, 2024, 05:39:47 AM
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Was an indy/ace guy before getting into thunders.

Recently had a board with a 14.5 wb which just felt too long for thunders so i threw the aces back on it.

I couldnt skate it for shit.

Ace turn was fun but god damn, i couldnt pop anything to save my life.

At this point i consider myself a full thunder convert, aside from cruisers/polarizer.

might end back up on indy/ace once i get old and stop popping my board.
I spent the past 6 months or so skating Aces after 3+ years of Thunder. I randomly decided to skate my setup with Thunders that had been sitting untouched and it was crazy how much better I skated on it. Tricks were so much more consistent and popping and landing just felt "right". Even on a board with a 14.5" wheelbase that I expected the Thunders to not work well with felt better than the Aces.

Aces are fun to skate and I'm holding on to them to skate on occasion but I'm back on Thunders full time and won't be changing that probably ever.

I'm right there with ya.

I'd recommend trying the indy stage 4's on a cruiser setup if you havent already. I feel like they turn even better than ace.

They definitely turn better than aces, aces really had us with that quick deep turn but the stage 4 are aces but SMOOTHER

It’s crazy that there is something of an upgrade

I mean it’s always preference in the end but the stage 4 are smoother and more stable from my experience

The thunder rebuild kit is nice though, didn’t realize I needed new pivot cups and they came in the kit and man what a change


Honestly, I don’t think most put as much thought into pivot cup replacement as they should (not swapping from the get go but replacing due to wear).

Yea, my first set of riptides showed me what a difference they can make. Though I haven't gotten a set for my thunders yet.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: chillclinton87 on February 24, 2024, 09:53:16 AM
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Was an indy/ace guy before getting into thunders.

Recently had a board with a 14.5 wb which just felt too long for thunders so i threw the aces back on it.

I couldnt skate it for shit.

Ace turn was fun but god damn, i couldnt pop anything to save my life.

At this point i consider myself a full thunder convert, aside from cruisers/polarizer.

might end back up on indy/ace once i get old and stop popping my board.
I spent the past 6 months or so skating Aces after 3+ years of Thunder. I randomly decided to skate my setup with Thunders that had been sitting untouched and it was crazy how much better I skated on it. Tricks were so much more consistent and popping and landing just felt "right". Even on a board with a 14.5" wheelbase that I expected the Thunders to not work well with felt better than the Aces.

Aces are fun to skate and I'm holding on to them to skate on occasion but I'm back on Thunders full time and won't be changing that probably ever.

I'm right there with ya.

I'd recommend trying the indy stage 4's on a cruiser setup if you havent already. I feel like they turn even better than ace.

They definitely turn better than aces, aces really had us with that quick deep turn but the stage 4 are aces but SMOOTHER

It’s crazy that there is something of an upgrade

I mean it’s always preference in the end but the stage 4 are smoother and more stable from my experience

The thunder rebuild kit is nice though, didn’t realize I needed new pivot cups and they came in the kit and man what a change


Honestly, I don’t think most put as much thought into pivot cup replacement as they should (not swapping from the get go but replacing due to wear).

Yea, my first set of riptides showed me what a difference they can make. Though I haven't gotten a set for my thunders yet.

never tried the riptides....yet!

since i usually skate my thunders for a year (and then swith them out for new ones) i end up sith the pivot cup breaking or turning starting to feel weird. couple years back i obsessed over bushings only when the turn don't feel right and some time later realized it was mostly pivot cups broken or rubbed through.
now i usually change them once after 6 months or so. lil wax in the cup and ready to go again, usually works like a charm.

plus it is the cheapest way to make your trucks last and perform. at least for me, don't slappy too much that i break bushings or some other shit and changing pivot cups always makes them feel like new (the good, broken in but new type).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rob on February 24, 2024, 05:25:20 PM
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Was an indy/ace guy before getting into thunders.

Recently had a board with a 14.5 wb which just felt too long for thunders so i threw the aces back on it.

I couldnt skate it for shit.

Ace turn was fun but god damn, i couldnt pop anything to save my life.

At this point i consider myself a full thunder convert, aside from cruisers/polarizer.

might end back up on indy/ace once i get old and stop popping my board.
I spent the past 6 months or so skating Aces after 3+ years of Thunder. I randomly decided to skate my setup with Thunders that had been sitting untouched and it was crazy how much better I skated on it. Tricks were so much more consistent and popping and landing just felt "right". Even on a board with a 14.5" wheelbase that I expected the Thunders to not work well with felt better than the Aces.

Aces are fun to skate and I'm holding on to them to skate on occasion but I'm back on Thunders full time and won't be changing that probably ever.

I'm right there with ya.

I'd recommend trying the indy stage 4's on a cruiser setup if you havent already. I feel like they turn even better than ace.

They definitely turn better than aces, aces really had us with that quick deep turn but the stage 4 are aces but SMOOTHER

It’s crazy that there is something of an upgrade

I mean it’s always preference in the end but the stage 4 are smoother and more stable from my experience

The thunder rebuild kit is nice though, didn’t realize I needed new pivot cups and they came in the kit and man what a change


Honestly, I don’t think most put as much thought into pivot cup replacement as they should (not swapping from the get go but replacing due to wear).

Yea, my first set of riptides showed me what a difference they can make. Though I haven't gotten a set for my thunders yet.

never tried the riptides....yet!

since i usually skate my thunders for a year (and then swith them out for new ones) i end up sith the pivot cup breaking or turning starting to feel weird. couple years back i obsessed over bushings only when the turn don't feel right and some time later realized it was mostly pivot cups broken or rubbed through.
now i usually change them once after 6 months or so. lil wax in the cup and ready to go again, usually works like a charm.

plus it is the cheapest way to make your trucks last and perform. at least for me, don't slappy too much that i break bushings or some other shit and changing pivot cups always makes them feel like new (the good, broken in but new type).

Yeah idk what it was but my trucks were doing the tight squeak and they weren’t feeling as smooth and quick on response

Got the rebuild kit and swapped in the new pivots cups and like you said, felt like new trucks minus the soft loosey squishy break in
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on February 25, 2024, 03:41:48 PM
Curiosity got the better of me and i copped a pair of 161 to replace my dusted 151s. Gotta say I’m glad I did. Sans risers the extra mm seems to hit the sweet spot as I expected, I have had a feeling 53mm height trucks are for me since skating the big ventures. Turn and pinches likes a thunder, gotta break the bushings in a bit but so far so good!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flocke on February 27, 2024, 12:27:23 PM
skated indys 139, 149, 144 for about 15 years, always felt a little unstable and my board was turning to one side no matter which bushings, pivot cups i ran.

Last year i finally gave it a shot and switched to venture hi 5.6 v-hollows cause of the hype in the forum and their stability. Hated the ventures for wheelie-tricks also they felt a little bit clunky to me but of course they where super stable. Super strange i had 2 sets of the 5.6 and after a while there was always the left front wheel in the air when i wasnt standing on the board.

a month ago switched to thunders 148 hollow lights and i have to say i love them! They have the perfect stability, turn great, best pinch. Snap back to center is quick and it makes me feel my board always rides "straight" when i want it to.Didnt notice any lack of slideability yet. I ran them with bones v1 x99 53mm.

In my opinion thunders should deserve a lot more shine here in the forum.

truck madness over !
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Can he read on February 27, 2024, 12:36:11 PM
truck madness over !

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on February 27, 2024, 04:54:42 PM
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truck madness over !


well done. always and forever madness.

for what it is worth (zilch), the 148 lights, are excellent. in general i don’t get hyped on 8.25 trucks, but the thunders are as close to an anti-madness truck as i have had.
of course i rarely skate them, apparently i prefer to just slowly descend into madness….talking to myself, fighting invisible air goblins, both whilst skating painfully slowly and attempting what only i would know to be a nollie flip

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rob on February 27, 2024, 05:29:03 PM
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truck madness over !


well done. always and forever madness.

for what it is worth (zilch), the 148 lights, are excellent. in general i don’t get hyped on 8.25 trucks, but the thunders are as close to an anti-madness truck as i have had.
of course i rarely skate them, apparently i prefer to just slowly descend into madness….talking to myself, fighting invisible air goblins, both whilst skating painfully slowly and attempting what only i would know to be a nollie flip

Same I’m thinking thunder 147 are the best, ishod rides them, busenitz rides them, a lot of the guys we don’t expect actually ride them and I see why

They’re like the better version of mini logos/beginner trucks

And I’m thinking these are the ones, but no…Ride the best? Seeing everyone’s setup with aces, slappy are the new cool core trucks, my nostalgia making me want ventures or krux
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Can he read on February 27, 2024, 06:10:01 PM
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truck madness over !


well done. always and forever madness.

for what it is worth (zilch), the 148 lights, are excellent. in general i don’t get hyped on 8.25 trucks, but the thunders are as close to an anti-madness truck as i have had.
of course i rarely skate them, apparently i prefer to just slowly descend into madness….talking to myself, fighting invisible air goblins, both whilst skating painfully slowly and attempting what only i would know to be a nollie flip

Same I’m thinking thunder 147 are the best, ishod rides them, busenitz rides them, a lot of the guys we don’t expect actually ride them and I see why

They’re like the better version of mini logos/beginner trucks

And I’m thinking these are the ones, but no…Ride the best? Seeing everyone’s setup with aces, slappy are the new cool core trucks, my nostalgia making me want ventures or krux

It’s crazy if people are considering slappy the new cool core trucks when the first move they made outside of releasing their first line was to sign an exclusive deal with zumiez. I stopped riding mine after that because I didn’t like how they responded when I asked if their new colorways would be available anywhere else.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rob on February 27, 2024, 06:27:24 PM
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truck madness over !


well done. always and forever madness.

for what it is worth (zilch), the 148 lights, are excellent. in general i don’t get hyped on 8.25 trucks, but the thunders are as close to an anti-madness truck as i have had.
of course i rarely skate them, apparently i prefer to just slowly descend into madness….talking to myself, fighting invisible air goblins, both whilst skating painfully slowly and attempting what only i would know to be a nollie flip

Same I’m thinking thunder 147 are the best, ishod rides them, busenitz rides them, a lot of the guys we don’t expect actually ride them and I see why

They’re like the better version of mini logos/beginner trucks

And I’m thinking these are the ones, but no…Ride the best? Seeing everyone’s setup with aces, slappy are the new cool core trucks, my nostalgia making me want ventures or krux

It’s crazy if people are considering slappy the new cool core trucks when the first move they made outside of releasing their first line was to sign an exclusive deal with zumiez. I stopped riding mine after that because I didn’t like how they responded when I asked if their new colorways would be available anywhere else.

I had no idea, all I know is anyone who wasn’t riding the og 3 or aces was riding slappy and cause it was Mike Sinclair it was “by skaters for skaters” type deal but exclusive deal with zumiez???

Also Chris Cole rides thunders and he’s the best
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Can he read on February 28, 2024, 10:33:56 AM
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truck madness over !


well done. always and forever madness.

for what it is worth (zilch), the 148 lights, are excellent. in general i don’t get hyped on 8.25 trucks, but the thunders are as close to an anti-madness truck as i have had.
of course i rarely skate them, apparently i prefer to just slowly descend into madness….talking to myself, fighting invisible air goblins, both whilst skating painfully slowly and attempting what only i would know to be a nollie flip

Same I’m thinking thunder 147 are the best, ishod rides them, busenitz rides them, a lot of the guys we don’t expect actually ride them and I see why

They’re like the better version of mini logos/beginner trucks

And I’m thinking these are the ones, but no…Ride the best? Seeing everyone’s setup with aces, slappy are the new cool core trucks, my nostalgia making me want ventures or krux

It’s crazy if people are considering slappy the new cool core trucks when the first move they made outside of releasing their first line was to sign an exclusive deal with zumiez. I stopped riding mine after that because I didn’t like how they responded when I asked if their new colorways would be available anywhere else.

I had no idea, all I know is anyone who wasn’t riding the og 3 or aces was riding slappy and cause it was Mike Sinclair it was “by skaters for skaters” type deal but exclusive deal with zumiez???

Also Chris Cole rides thunders and he’s the best

Yeah it was a whole thing. I was pretty hyped on slappy and Mike was sending me trucks for promoting them etc. but then he did a deal with zumiez and when I asked wtf that was about he kinda gave me the 3rd degree and I abandoned ship. If you wanna sell your gear in zumiez I totally get that, make your money. No disrespect. Surely it’s hard enough to start a new truck brand and survive the first year or two, but to me releasing three exclusive colorways ONLY available at zumiez when you’re only selling standard silver trucks otherwise is pretty wack no matter how you spin it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fooj on February 29, 2024, 08:27:23 PM
my bad if this has been covered but does anyone know what aftermarket pivot cups are compatible with thunders? Cast baseplates if that makes a difference.

Just realized how much variation there could be when i saw how much more pointy Ace classics were compared to AF1 cups
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on March 01, 2024, 02:34:27 AM
my bad if this has been covered but does anyone know what aftermarket pivot cups are compatible with thunders? Cast baseplates if that makes a difference.

Just realized how much variation there could be when i saw how much more pointy Ace classics were compared to AF1 cups

I think Ace are the only odd one out in terms of generic pivot cup shapes, so pretty much any pivot cup for any major brand will work in them.

DLX / Thunder pivot cups are pretty common where I am, as well as Modus, Indy, plus more I just can't think of right this minute, but they all fit well.

As long as they are marketed to any of the usual trucks, either Thunder, Venture, Indy or generic, they will be good.

* I almost forgot, the Thunder rebuild kits also have pivot cups in them, so if places don't have pivot cups on their own, you could always see if they have those, 90 duro, 95 duro and 100 duro bushing optoins.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on March 01, 2024, 12:31:26 PM
I ran riptide ones as well, i know the shape is different, but they riptide ones are pretty cushy, so I think I ran Indy/Bennett.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fooj on March 01, 2024, 03:13:14 PM
Sweet thanks for the help
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: nocomplylover on March 11, 2024, 11:57:15 AM

161 Hollow Lights
Aftermarket 90a Thunder bushings
Real 1/8" wooden riser pads to make up for the shorter height of hollows (I feel zero difference between these pads and normal plastic ones)

I like Thunder because they work. Zero gimmicks and it's perfect for everything.
u r from sj?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on March 16, 2024, 10:44:20 PM
I’m back thunder gang.

97a thunder bushings/bones flat washers (bit thinner so I can get more king nut engagement without cranking them down).

I should have nabbed these sooner; much better than the 94s some how, more responsive but just as stable.

( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 17, 2024, 12:01:23 AM
I’m back thunder gang.

97a thunder bushings/bones flat washers (bit thinner so I can get more king nut engagement without cranking them down).

I should have nabbed these sooner; much better than the 94s some how, more responsive but just as stable.

( (

what size wheels?

i was skating 148 lights this week. they work very well
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on March 17, 2024, 06:03:38 AM
I’m back thunder gang.

97a thunder bushings/bones flat washers (bit thinner so I can get more king nut engagement without cranking them down).

I should have nabbed these sooner; much better than the 94s some how, more responsive but just as stable.

( (

I know the feeling. I was gifted an 8.5 over the holidays and I put some Indy 149 standards on there. Though it was skateable something still wasn’t quite right. I bit the bullet and grabbed some Thunder 149 standards from my local and I gotta say Thunder just feels like home.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on March 17, 2024, 11:49:43 AM
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I’m back thunder gang.

97a thunder bushings/bones flat washers (bit thinner so I can get more king nut engagement without cranking them down).

I should have nabbed these sooner; much better than the 94s some how, more responsive but just as stable.

( (

what size wheels?

i was skating 148 lights this week. they work very well

Coming off Venture 5.6s

148 hollow lites + 103a 50mm stfs v1s (for some hanger room) on an 8.2 with a 14.2 WB

While I still get some wheel bite, it's much much less and I def like the grind more than the ventures + the added nimbleness of the thunder twitch.

We'll see if the bushings firm up or stay the same.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: art hellman on March 20, 2024, 12:05:40 PM
any of you Thunder afficiandos with spare/extra parts... I'm looking for some Thunder hollow kingpin baseplates.  Would prefer cast, but not sure Thunder did/does hollow kingpins in a cast baseplate.

PM me if you can help
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on March 20, 2024, 12:11:39 PM
any of you Thunder afficiandos with spare/extra parts... I'm looking for some Thunder hollow kingpin baseplates.  Would prefer cast, but not sure Thunder did/does hollow kingpins in a cast baseplate.

PM me if you can help
I think team hollows are hollow kingpin but also hollow axles with cast baseplates.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CweamCheeds on March 20, 2024, 12:27:51 PM
Currently skating aces but looking for a more stable and nimble truck. I’ve been thinking about thunders because they’re low and light and have the longer wheelbase. I was wondering if there are particular deck dimensions that work great with thunders, or do they pair well with almost anything? Also, how are they when breaking in?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: wax poetic on March 20, 2024, 12:35:16 PM
Currently skating aces but looking for a more stable and nimble truck. I’ve been thinking about thunders because they’re low and light and have the longer wheelbase. I was wondering if there are particular deck dimensions that work great with thunders, or do they pair well with almost anything? Also, how are they when breaking in?

I always swap the bushings with bones med's and then they are good to go.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on March 20, 2024, 01:07:07 PM
any of you Thunder afficiandos with spare/extra parts... I'm looking for some Thunder hollow kingpin baseplates.  Would prefer cast, but not sure Thunder did/does hollow kingpins in a cast baseplate.

PM me if you can help
I gotchu @art hellman
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FrenchSkater on March 20, 2024, 01:35:00 PM
I'm currently skating 8.125, and after riding Indy Forged Hollows 139s for a few months, I'm going to switch to trucks for 8.25, and obviously thunder is the thing that tempts me the most to switch to wider ones (for responsiveness).

Last year I tried standard 148s but I had 139 ventures next to them and I preferred to use this, and my 8.125 at the time was long.

Currently I have a fairly sharp shape and a short board, it’s Perfect, and I am determined to upgrade to 148s. However; Which one do you recommend, the standard 148 or the V lights ? I don't know if there is much difference, if it affects skating or something else, your preference regarding the sensation of ride, pop..

Thank for advices !
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on March 20, 2024, 02:37:22 PM
Do you slide on your baseplate a lot?
Are you heavy?
What size wheels do you ride?
What is your preferred WB?
How tight do you ride?
What do you skate?

Thunders are more nimble than Venture but Venture are more stable; the tighter you ride the less of a disparity there is between the two in that regard.

Thunders are lighter than the venture equivalent and grind better; I'd give the pinch edge to thunder but only if you aren't riding super tight.

I've been swapping between 5.6 V-lights (indy hard bushings 94a) and Thunder 148 Hollow lights (97a thunder bushings) on an 8.2 with a 14.2"WB.

The thunders, even with the harder bushings, are still a bit more turny than the Ventures but are still stable and I still get more wheelbite on thunders with forged plates riding 52mm wheels than I do on the ventures so I run 50mm wheels on the thunders).

Both are 100% fun to skate but I prefer the stability and pop of ventures along with the longer baseplate (just in case).

Venture hangers look cooler than thunder hangers.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FrenchSkater on March 20, 2024, 02:43:12 PM
Do you slide on your baseplate a lot?
Are you heavy?
What size wheels do you ride?
What is your preferred WB?
How tight do you ride?
What do you skate?

Thunders are more nimble than Venture but Venture are more stable; the tighter you ride the less of a disparity there is between the two in that regard.

Thunders are lighter than the venture equivalent and grind better; I'd give the pinch edge to thunder but only if you aren't riding super tight.

I've been swapping between 5.6 V-lights (indy hard bushings 94a) and Thunder 148 Hollow lights (97a thunder bushings) on an 8.2 with a 14.2"WB.

The thunders, even with the harder bushings, are still a bit more turny than the Ventures but are still stable and I still get more wheelbite on thunders with forged plates riding 52mm wheels than I do on the ventures so I run 50mm wheels on the thunders).

Both are 100% fun to skate but I prefer the stability and pop of ventures along with the longer baseplate (just in case).

Venture hangers look cooler than thunder hangers.

I m 5,7 ft, 8.0 shoes size, and i skate often flatground, ledge, banks and Little gap !

I skate my trucks, neither too tight nor too loose (so medium), and for wheels, 52 mm !
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on March 20, 2024, 06:00:33 PM
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Do you slide on your baseplate a lot?
Are you heavy?
What size wheels do you ride?
What is your preferred WB?
How tight do you ride?
What do you skate?

Thunders are more nimble than Venture but Venture are more stable; the tighter you ride the less of a disparity there is between the two in that regard.

Thunders are lighter than the venture equivalent and grind better; I'd give the pinch edge to thunder but only if you aren't riding super tight.

I've been swapping between 5.6 V-lights (indy hard bushings 94a) and Thunder 148 Hollow lights (97a thunder bushings) on an 8.2 with a 14.2"WB.

The thunders, even with the harder bushings, are still a bit more turny than the Ventures but are still stable and I still get more wheelbite on thunders with forged plates riding 52mm wheels than I do on the ventures so I run 50mm wheels on the thunders).

Both are 100% fun to skate but I prefer the stability and pop of ventures along with the longer baseplate (just in case).

Venture hangers look cooler than thunder hangers.

I m 5,7 ft, 8.0 shoes size, and i skate often flatground, ledge, banks and Little gap !

I skate my trucks, neither too tight nor too loose (so medium), and for wheels, 52 mm !

Well, either would work but flat+ledge+gaps (stable ollies and landings) I say go Venture!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on March 20, 2024, 06:08:20 PM
Currently skating aces but looking for a more stable and nimble truck. I’ve been thinking about thunders because they’re low and light and have the longer wheelbase. I was wondering if there are particular deck dimensions that work great with thunders, or do they pair well with almost anything? Also, how are they when breaking in?

Break in is quick for me. I found that 14 in WB can be really fun, and coming from Aces I was never able to skate 14in wb.  but Thunder is pretty neutral in regards to what WB it can be used with.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on March 20, 2024, 10:25:22 PM
I think they pair well with a lot of boards, wheelbase wise I think 14” but even with something like 14.25 plus they are low and light so your board won’t feel like a vert set up. 

The marketing says otherwise, but thunders are the daintiest truck…..I see some people skating them loose but IMO they are best skated medium/tight. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on March 22, 2024, 11:36:03 AM
I think they pair well with a lot of boards, wheelbase wise I think 14” but even with something like 14.25 plus they are low and light so your board won’t feel like a vert set up. 

The marketing says otherwise, but thunders are the daintiest truck…..I see some people skating them loose but IMO they are best skated medium/tight. 

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on March 23, 2024, 09:49:52 AM
Gilbert Crockett is skating Thunders in his most recent instagram post.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on March 23, 2024, 01:08:58 PM
Gilbert Crockett is skating Thunders in his most recent instagram post.

All hands on deck!

Sound the alarm!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: YeoWhattup on March 23, 2024, 02:51:11 PM
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Gilbert Crockett is skating Thunders in his most recent instagram post.

All hands on deck!

Sound the alarm!

Makes me want some all black team 149s, like when he had that all black venture color way a while back.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 23, 2024, 04:38:51 PM
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Gilbert Crockett is skating Thunders in his most recent instagram post.

All hands on deck!

Sound the alarm!

Makes me want some all black team 149s, like when he had that all black venture color way a while back.

i have his mostly all black colorway, in 5.2 lo’s.

i’m stoked some people are drifting back towards thunder.
if im ever ready to surrender, i’ll just put on these 148 lights i have and stop worrying about the setup.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on March 24, 2024, 01:45:57 AM
Nyjah is skating Thunder too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: HyperBeam on March 24, 2024, 08:33:41 PM
got some 151s for sale. (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on March 25, 2024, 11:42:05 AM
Have 181s been discontinued?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on March 25, 2024, 11:59:05 AM
The rumor is that they couldn’t source enough axles
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: art hellman on March 25, 2024, 01:08:56 PM
The rumor is that they couldn’t source enough axles

Elton has one to spare:
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 25, 2024, 02:03:44 PM
anybody have a favorite deck, for thunder 148s?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on March 25, 2024, 03:12:56 PM
anybody have a favorite deck, for thunder 148s?

DLX True Fit 8.125
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: skatebruh on March 25, 2024, 03:33:27 PM
anybody have a favorite deck, for thunder 148s?
I have a Limo 8.25 which is working really well.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pointandclick on March 25, 2024, 04:33:44 PM
anybody have a favorite deck, for thunder 148s?
dlx 8.28
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on March 25, 2024, 09:19:59 PM
I was going to stay Real True or some Crail board....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Crabby_Bastard on March 26, 2024, 12:30:41 AM
anybody have a favorite deck, for thunder 148s?

DLX 8.5x31.8 slight magic carpet all day.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fs1/2cab on March 26, 2024, 03:42:31 AM
anybody have a favorite deck, for thunder 148s?

Magenta 8.25 with the mellow concave
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on March 26, 2024, 09:32:38 AM
anybody have a favorite deck, for thunder 148s?

I use primitive 8.38” x 14.18 wb (6.75”N / 7”T) on Thunder Team
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on March 26, 2024, 05:02:09 PM
anybody have a favorite deck, for thunder 148s?

Anything 8.125-8.375 with a 14"-14.3"WB didn't specify forged or cast... ;0
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 26, 2024, 06:15:16 PM
thank you everyone!!

yeah, 148 lights, forged plate/solid axle.
right now on a flat ish older 8.125 generic generator shop deck.
before that on the 8.5 ps shape with the 14.25 wb, that tapers significantly towards the tail.
for some reason i’m drawn to: the april 8.25, the 8.06 dlx, the 8.25 dlx with the 14.38 wb….should probably skate something shorter, like the 8.28 dlx.
maybe the madness has been with boards all along. i thought it was trucks. damn it
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on March 26, 2024, 07:46:22 PM
thank you everyone!!

yeah, 148 lights, forged plate/solid axle.
right now on a flat ish older 8.125 generic generator shop deck.
before that on the 8.5 ps shape with the 14.25 wb, that tapers significantly towards the tail.
for some reason i’m drawn to: the april 8.25, the 8.06 dlx, the 8.25 dlx with the 14.38 wb….should probably skate something shorter, like the 8.28 dlx.
maybe the madness has been with boards all along. i thought it was trucks. damn it

I love to hate that 8.28...something about the shape is just right but 'different' than say the other's like a tiny blue eagle - just that damn tiny WB ruins it every time I've skate one (I finally learned my lesson after three...but none on ventures... ;)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on March 26, 2024, 09:59:39 PM
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thank you everyone!!

yeah, 148 lights, forged plate/solid axle.
right now on a flat ish older 8.125 generic generator shop deck.
before that on the 8.5 ps shape with the 14.25 wb, that tapers significantly towards the tail.
for some reason i’m drawn to: the april 8.25, the 8.06 dlx, the 8.25 dlx with the 14.38 wb….should probably skate something shorter, like the 8.28 dlx.
maybe the madness has been with boards all along. i thought it was trucks. damn it

I love to hate that 8.28...something about the shape is just right but 'different' than say the other's like a tiny blue eagle - just that damn tiny WB ruins it every time I've skate one (I finally learned my lesson after three...but none on ventures... ;)

i had a doomsayers 8.28, and im not sure maybe it was a 14 wb….but that board was good enough that i think of it 6-7 years later. as an aside, i’ve had a few that were like that, unreasonably good: al davis headhunters pro model. ps stix, 8.125, super pointy/tapered, lasted forever. good the whole way. also had a b16 baker, and it was someone….i think it was dee ostrander , so not like ‘my guy’ or whatever, but the board was freakishly better. it had a sky blue main color, and then just baker, with his name all small. the weird part was their was this faint baker all over print. board felt noticeably lighter, to several folks, had great pop, lasted too long.
all 3 boards felt like maybe a pro’s board that had slipped thru to gen pop.

thunder 148s with an 8.25 is me trying to give up on setup bullshit.

and then that guy natas spin was sick
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Daniel on March 27, 2024, 09:10:55 AM
I made the thunder switch from Indy two weeks ago when I watched some Brad Cromer footage. I picked up a dlx 8.06 and a set of 147 teams. I remember growing up skating thunder 147s, so this feels right at home. I was skating Indy 139s with baker 8.0 decks. So far the 8.06 dimensions feel perfect for thunders. I’ll give the baker 8.0 a try soon…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Obijuan91 on April 05, 2024, 05:29:44 PM
Just got a second hand pair of thunder polished 149 for a 8.5. Two questions, is the wheelbase on them basically the same as an Indy forged? And secondly, would changing bushings out give them more of a Indy surfy turn? I don’t ride that loose but the turns like, boring. I got em on a 14.5 wb kinda just wanted this board to cruise around/transition lazy days. Thanks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 05, 2024, 05:58:01 PM
Just got a second hand pair of thunder polished 149 for a 8.5. Two questions, is the wheelbase on them basically the same as an Indy forged? And secondly, would changing bushings out give them more of a Indy surfy turn? I don’t ride that loose but the turns like, boring. I got em on a 14.5 wb kinda just wanted this board to cruise around/transition lazy days. Thanks.

i am sorry….i don’t like that ‘surfy’ talk.
i wouldn’t switch the thunder bushings, thunder just doesn’t seem like the best for you

i like the thunder pop, first and foremost, and the quick, almost violent turn, is fun, for me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: YeoWhattup on April 05, 2024, 06:29:52 PM
Just got a second hand pair of thunder polished 149 for a 8.5. Two questions, is the wheelbase on them basically the same as an Indy forged? And secondly, would changing bushings out give them more of a Indy surfy turn? I don’t ride that loose but the turns like, boring. I got em on a 14.5 wb kinda just wanted this board to cruise around/transition lazy days. Thanks.

Idk about wheelbase but I use ace low bushings and real wooden riser pads. Turns great
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on April 06, 2024, 01:55:02 AM
Thunders turn great with softer bushings (like Thunder 90a). Just not as (for lack of a better word) 'wobbly' as Indys or Aces. The turn is bit more delayed / controlled. Might get wheel bite sooner, but that is easily solved with riser pads and/or a deck with wheel wells.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: southphillytapwater on April 06, 2024, 06:10:06 AM
Just got a second hand pair of thunder polished 149 for a 8.5. Two questions, is the wheelbase on them basically the same as an Indy forged? And secondly, would changing bushings out give them more of a Indy surfy turn? I don’t ride that loose but the turns like, boring. I got em on a 14.5 wb kinda just wanted this board to cruise around/transition lazy days. Thanks.
Try replacing the top washer with a Bones flat washer. That will open the turn up a lot.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Obijuan91 on April 06, 2024, 04:04:45 PM
Thanks for the input to everyone, didn’t mean to offend anyone either. I’ll try the flat top washer and if that doesn’t work I got some pig bushings ima throw on em and see how they work. I probably did buy the wrong trucks for what I wanted the board to be tho quite honestly.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dad Board on April 07, 2024, 07:19:52 AM
Trying to ID these tiny thunders I’ve had in my storage. They may either be from around 2007 or 2017. Still says “made in USA” under the baseplate.



Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on April 07, 2024, 08:45:42 AM
Trying to ID these tiny thunders I’ve had in my storage. They may either be from around 2007 or 2017. Still says “made in USA” under the baseplate.



I'd say these are closer to 2007 than 2017 for sure.

Standard thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LeDave on April 09, 2024, 04:10:23 PM
Recent convert from independent to Thunder. Just tried out the new setup today. Ummmmmm. Holy crap! The difference is like riding from the depths of hell onto the clouds of heaven. I’m using independent hard (black) cylindrical bushings on the Thunder Sonora and the response is so rapid and smooth compared to the Independent medium/hard (blue) cylindrical bushings on the Independent Stage 11 before. Wow!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dad Board on April 09, 2024, 04:41:16 PM
Recent convert from independent to Thunder. Just tried out the new setup today. Ummmmmm. Holy crap! The difference is like riding from the depths of hell onto the clouds of heaven. I’m using independent hard (black) cylindrical bushings on the Thunder Sonora and the response is so rapid and smooth compared to the Independent medium/hard (blue) cylindrical bushings on the Independent Stage 11 before. Wow!

Just a friendly heads up, if you’re new to skateboarding and unfamiliar with the way different trucks behave it may be best for you to just leave the stock bushings in, or at the very least order different duro bushings from the same manufacturer instead of Frankensteining Indy bushings into thunders. They have thunder bushing kits in various hardness for about $10.  It fucks with the geometry when you start swapping bushings around especially if they’re not the same height/shape and over time could lead to some wonky geometry that will be affecting you without you noticing it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Obijuan91 on April 09, 2024, 05:58:54 PM
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Recent convert from independent to Thunder. Just tried out the new setup today. Ummmmmm. Holy crap! The difference is like riding from the depths of hell onto the clouds of heaven. I’m using independent hard (black) cylindrical bushings on the Thunder Sonora and the response is so rapid and smooth compared to the Independent medium/hard (blue) cylindrical bushings on the Independent Stage 11 before. Wow!

Just a friendly heads up, if you’re new to skateboarding and unfamiliar with the way different trucks behave it may be best for you to just leave the stock bushings in, or at the very least order different duro bushings from the same manufacturer instead of Frankensteining Indy bushings into thunders. They have thunder bushing kits in various hardness for about $10.  It fucks with the geometry when you start swapping bushings around especially if they’re not the same height/shape and over time could lead to some wonky geometry that will be affecting you without you noticing it.

Will pig bushings mess up geometry?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dad Board on April 09, 2024, 06:31:05 PM
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Recent convert from independent to Thunder. Just tried out the new setup today. Ummmmmm. Holy crap! The difference is like riding from the depths of hell onto the clouds of heaven. I’m using independent hard (black) cylindrical bushings on the Thunder Sonora and the response is so rapid and smooth compared to the Independent medium/hard (blue) cylindrical bushings on the Independent Stage 11 before. Wow!

Just a friendly heads up, if you’re new to skateboarding and unfamiliar with the way different trucks behave it may be best for you to just leave the stock bushings in, or at the very least order different duro bushings from the same manufacturer instead of Frankensteining Indy bushings into thunders. They have thunder bushing kits in various hardness for about $10.  It fucks with the geometry when you start swapping bushings around especially if they’re not the same height/shape and over time could lead to some wonky geometry that will be affecting you without you noticing it.

Will pig bushings mess up geometry?

I have no idea but you should measure the height of whatever bushings you’re replacing and also be aware of the shape e.g conical vs cylinder. Bushings are arguably one of the most key components on a skateboard and can really fuck your game up if you’re not careful
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Meathook on April 09, 2024, 07:22:33 PM
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Recent convert from independent to Thunder. Just tried out the new setup today. Ummmmmm. Holy crap! The difference is like riding from the depths of hell onto the clouds of heaven. I’m using independent hard (black) cylindrical bushings on the Thunder Sonora and the response is so rapid and smooth compared to the Independent medium/hard (blue) cylindrical bushings on the Independent Stage 11 before. Wow!

Just a friendly heads up, if you’re new to skateboarding and unfamiliar with the way different trucks behave it may be best for you to just leave the stock bushings in, or at the very least order different duro bushings from the same manufacturer instead of Frankensteining Indy bushings into thunders. They have thunder bushing kits in various hardness for about $10.  It fucks with the geometry when you start swapping bushings around especially if they’re not the same height/shape and over time could lead to some wonky geometry that will be affecting you without you noticing it.

Will pig bushings mess up geometry?

I have no idea but you should measure the height of whatever bushings you’re replacing and also be aware of the shape e.g conical vs cylinder. Bushings are arguably one of the most key components on a skateboard and can really fuck your game up if you’re not careful

Indy bushings work in thunders.  The Indy top bushing is the slightest bit taller than the Thunder but it does work.  No idea about pig bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LeDave on April 10, 2024, 06:08:26 AM
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Recent convert from independent to Thunder. Just tried out the new setup today. Ummmmmm. Holy crap! The difference is like riding from the depths of hell onto the clouds of heaven. I’m using independent hard (black) cylindrical bushings on the Thunder Sonora and the response is so rapid and smooth compared to the Independent medium/hard (blue) cylindrical bushings on the Independent Stage 11 before. Wow!

Just a friendly heads up, if you’re new to skateboarding and unfamiliar with the way different trucks behave it may be best for you to just leave the stock bushings in, or at the very least order different duro bushings from the same manufacturer instead of Frankensteining Indy bushings into thunders. They have thunder bushing kits in various hardness for about $10.  It fucks with the geometry when you start swapping bushings around especially if they’re not the same height/shape and over time could lead to some wonky geometry that will be affecting you without you noticing it.

Will pig bushings mess up geometry?

I have no idea but you should measure the height of whatever bushings you’re replacing and also be aware of the shape e.g conical vs cylinder. Bushings are arguably one of the most key components on a skateboard and can really fuck your game up if you’re not careful

Good to know. Thanks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Gleefull508 on April 10, 2024, 06:26:48 AM
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Recent convert from independent to Thunder. Just tried out the new setup today. Ummmmmm. Holy crap! The difference is like riding from the depths of hell onto the clouds of heaven. I’m using independent hard (black) cylindrical bushings on the Thunder Sonora and the response is so rapid and smooth compared to the Independent medium/hard (blue) cylindrical bushings on the Independent Stage 11 before. Wow!

Just a friendly heads up, if you’re new to skateboarding and unfamiliar with the way different trucks behave it may be best for you to just leave the stock bushings in, or at the very least order different duro bushings from the same manufacturer instead of Frankensteining Indy bushings into thunders. They have thunder bushing kits in various hardness for about $10.  It fucks with the geometry when you start swapping bushings around especially if they’re not the same height/shape and over time could lead to some wonky geometry that will be affecting you without you noticing it.

Will pig bushings mess up geometry?

I have no idea but you should measure the height of whatever bushings you’re replacing and also be aware of the shape e.g conical vs cylinder. Bushings are arguably one of the most key components on a skateboard and can really fuck your game up if you’re not careful

Good to know. Thanks.

Like that guy said bushings are delicate. I would just keep the stock bushings in the truck and not mess with it. Unless you have a real reason you want to change the bushings like for example you are really good and love super loose trucks or really stiff trucks I wouldn't mess with them. Changing them just for the sake of changing htem is pointless and just gonna mess you up especially if you are a beginner
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LeDave on April 10, 2024, 06:31:50 AM
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Recent convert from independent to Thunder. Just tried out the new setup today. Ummmmmm. Holy crap! The difference is like riding from the depths of hell onto the clouds of heaven. I’m using independent hard (black) cylindrical bushings on the Thunder Sonora and the response is so rapid and smooth compared to the Independent medium/hard (blue) cylindrical bushings on the Independent Stage 11 before. Wow!

Just a friendly heads up, if you’re new to skateboarding and unfamiliar with the way different trucks behave it may be best for you to just leave the stock bushings in, or at the very least order different duro bushings from the same manufacturer instead of Frankensteining Indy bushings into thunders. They have thunder bushing kits in various hardness for about $10.  It fucks with the geometry when you start swapping bushings around especially if they’re not the same height/shape and over time could lead to some wonky geometry that will be affecting you without you noticing it.

Will pig bushings mess up geometry?

I have no idea but you should measure the height of whatever bushings you’re replacing and also be aware of the shape e.g conical vs cylinder. Bushings are arguably one of the most key components on a skateboard and can really fuck your game up if you’re not careful

Good to know. Thanks.

Like that guy said bushings are delicate. I would just keep the stock bushings in the truck and not mess with it. Unless you have a real reason you want to change the bushings like for example you are really good and love super loose trucks or really stiff trucks I wouldn't mess with them. Changing them just for the sake of changing htem is pointless and just gonna mess you up especially if you are a beginner

I gave my stock bushings away when I first got the trucks. Now I don’t want to be rude and ask it back. I’ll just buy the bushings again.  :(
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mean salto on April 10, 2024, 06:45:42 AM
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Trying to ID these tiny thunders I’ve had in my storage. They may either be from around 2007 or 2017. Still says “made in USA” under the baseplate.



I'd say these are closer to 2007 than 2017 for sure.

Standard thunders.
ID as far as what? I have a set of 149s that look like that, have same baseplates and I'm pretty sure they're from 2009. Did you ever have one of those pre made zip zingers? I think the 143 were only on those for a while at first. Or they're just standard 145s
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on April 10, 2024, 07:59:58 AM
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Recent convert from independent to Thunder. Just tried out the new setup today. Ummmmmm. Holy crap! The difference is like riding from the depths of hell onto the clouds of heaven. I’m using independent hard (black) cylindrical bushings on the Thunder Sonora and the response is so rapid and smooth compared to the Independent medium/hard (blue) cylindrical bushings on the Independent Stage 11 before. Wow!

Just a friendly heads up, if you’re new to skateboarding and unfamiliar with the way different trucks behave it may be best for you to just leave the stock bushings in, or at the very least order different duro bushings from the same manufacturer instead of Frankensteining Indy bushings into thunders. They have thunder bushing kits in various hardness for about $10.  It fucks with the geometry when you start swapping bushings around especially if they’re not the same height/shape and over time could lead to some wonky geometry that will be affecting you without you noticing it.

Will pig bushings mess up geometry?

I have no idea but you should measure the height of whatever bushings you’re replacing and also be aware of the shape e.g conical vs cylinder. Bushings are arguably one of the most key components on a skateboard and can really fuck your game up if you’re not careful

Good to know. Thanks.

Like that guy said bushings are delicate. I would just keep the stock bushings in the truck and not mess with it. Unless you have a real reason you want to change the bushings like for example you are really good and love super loose trucks or really stiff trucks I wouldn't mess with them. Changing them just for the sake of changing htem is pointless and just gonna mess you up especially if you are a beginner

I gave my stock bushings away when I first got the trucks. Now I don’t want to be rude and ask it back. I’ll just buy the bushings again.  :(

Personally, I find that thunders are the only truck I enjoy riding completely stock.

Which is a selling point to me.

I have a set of thunder riptides that I haven't used yet because I'm scared to send myself down the madness tunnel when I'm enjoying my standard thunders just fine.

Never thought I'd see the day, a completely stock, standard version of any truck being something I would enjoy riding. As long as I've known about differences in gear I've always tried to get the lightest version of whatever truck I was riding.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mooseknuckle666 on April 10, 2024, 08:40:31 AM
Anyone rode Thunder standards on a 14 inch wheelbase?

I found thunders work for me but I have a lot of 14 inch wheelbase decks because I’m coming off of a venture madness
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 10, 2024, 09:44:48 AM
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Trying to ID these tiny thunders I’ve had in my storage. They may either be from around 2007 or 2017. Still says “made in USA” under the baseplate.



I'd say these are closer to 2007 than 2017 for sure.

Standard thunders.
ID as far as what? I have a set of 149s that look like that, have same baseplates and I'm pretty sure they're from 2009. Did you ever have one of those pre made zip zingers? I think the 143 were only on those for a while at first. Or they're just standard 145s

Thunders came in hi and low for a while and from the photo it’s hard to tell the bushing color. Blue bushings used to signify low and clear yellow for high. Judging by the lack of kingpin clearance I would say those are lows. So 145 Thunder Low Team Edition. Also, they used to come in raw or polished and judging by how rough the casting is on the hangers those are specifically Thunder Low Team Edition 145 Raw.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dad Board on April 10, 2024, 10:58:34 AM
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Trying to ID these tiny thunders I’ve had in my storage. They may either be from around 2007 or 2017. Still says “made in USA” under the baseplate.



I'd say these are closer to 2007 than 2017 for sure.

Standard thunders.
ID as far as what? I have a set of 149s that look like that, have same baseplates and I'm pretty sure they're from 2009. Did you ever have one of those pre made zip zingers? I think the 143 were only on those for a while at first. Or they're just standard 145s

I did have one of those prebuilt zingers but I’m like 99% sure it had black thunders that were even smaller than these. I’m just trying to get a time range on these because they may be from 2007-ish right before I stopped skating for a long ass time. I setup another board around 2017 trying to get back into skating but that didn’t last long and it would take me another 3 years to get fully hooked again. I just thought it would be cool if these trucks were from my younger days. It’s insane how small I used to ride my boards and back then I didn’t even consider truck sizing or wb or much of anything beyond board width, shape & brand.

To the other commenter who mentioned bushing color, they looked to be blue underneath all the grease and decay. I tried riding these as is with this little mini shaped board I setup as a cruiser/fuck around board and they barely even turned so I swapped out the bushings/pivot cups and they’re fine now. Really fun little setup on these
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 10, 2024, 06:10:00 PM
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Trying to ID these tiny thunders I’ve had in my storage. They may either be from around 2007 or 2017. Still says “made in USA” under the baseplate.



I'd say these are closer to 2007 than 2017 for sure.

Standard thunders.
ID as far as what? I have a set of 149s that look like that, have same baseplates and I'm pretty sure they're from 2009. Did you ever have one of those pre made zip zingers? I think the 143 were only on those for a while at first. Or they're just standard 145s

Thunders came in hi and low for a while and from the photo it’s hard to tell the bushing color. Blue bushings used to signify low and clear yellow for high. Judging by the lack of kingpin clearance I would say those are lows. So 145 Thunder Low Team Edition. Also, they used to come in raw or polished and judging by how rough the casting is on the hangers those are specifically Thunder Low Team Edition 145 Raw.

i agree, these look like the lows.
some of my very best skating came on some thunder lows.
the trucks were good, but before i spiral myself out, i’ll chalk it up to being 25 years ago.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 11, 2024, 05:37:44 PM
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Trying to ID these tiny thunders I’ve had in my storage. They may either be from around 2007 or 2017. Still says “made in USA” under the baseplate.



I'd say these are closer to 2007 than 2017 for sure.

Standard thunders.
ID as far as what? I have a set of 149s that look like that, have same baseplates and I'm pretty sure they're from 2009. Did you ever have one of those pre made zip zingers? I think the 143 were only on those for a while at first. Or they're just standard 145s

Thunders came in hi and low for a while and from the photo it’s hard to tell the bushing color. Blue bushings used to signify low and clear yellow for high. Judging by the lack of kingpin clearance I would say those are lows. So 145 Thunder Low Team Edition. Also, they used to come in raw or polished and judging by how rough the casting is on the hangers those are specifically Thunder Low Team Edition 145 Raw.

i agree, these look like the lows.
some of my very best skating came on some thunder lows.
the trucks were good, but before i spiral myself out, i’ll chalk it up to being 25 years ago.

I know *I* chalk that up to 25+ years ago as I was killing in on an 8" Zero Lopez, Tensors with the sliders and darkstar wheels...that setup, wtf...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 11, 2024, 07:28:14 PM
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Trying to ID these tiny thunders I’ve had in my storage. They may either be from around 2007 or 2017. Still says “made in USA” under the baseplate.



I'd say these are closer to 2007 than 2017 for sure.

Standard thunders.
ID as far as what? I have a set of 149s that look like that, have same baseplates and I'm pretty sure they're from 2009. Did you ever have one of those pre made zip zingers? I think the 143 were only on those for a while at first. Or they're just standard 145s

Thunders came in hi and low for a while and from the photo it’s hard to tell the bushing color. Blue bushings used to signify low and clear yellow for high. Judging by the lack of kingpin clearance I would say those are lows. So 145 Thunder Low Team Edition. Also, they used to come in raw or polished and judging by how rough the casting is on the hangers those are specifically Thunder Low Team Edition 145 Raw.

i agree, these look like the lows.
some of my very best skating came on some thunder lows.
the trucks were good, but before i spiral myself out, i’ll chalk it up to being 25 years ago.

I know *I* chalk that up to 25+ years ago as I was killing in on an 8" Zero Lopez, Tensors with the sliders and darkstar wheels...that setup, wtf...

that’s sick you had the good sense to be skating an 8”. darkstar wheels were good at that time, especially in the longevity department.
i had some tensors….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mean salto on April 11, 2024, 08:29:02 PM
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Trying to ID these tiny thunders I’ve had in my storage. They may either be from around 2007 or 2017. Still says “made in USA” under the baseplate.



I'd say these are closer to 2007 than 2017 for sure.

Standard thunders.
ID as far as what? I have a set of 149s that look like that, have same baseplates and I'm pretty sure they're from 2009. Did you ever have one of those pre made zip zingers? I think the 143 were only on those for a while at first. Or they're just standard 145s

Thunders came in hi and low for a while and from the photo it’s hard to tell the bushing color. Blue bushings used to signify low and clear yellow for high. Judging by the lack of kingpin clearance I would say those are lows. So 145 Thunder Low Team Edition. Also, they used to come in raw or polished and judging by how rough the casting is on the hangers those are specifically Thunder Low Team Edition 145 Raw.

i agree, these look like the lows.
some of my very best skating came on some thunder lows.
the trucks were good, but before i spiral myself out, i’ll chalk it up to being 25 years ago.

I know *I* chalk that up to 25+ years ago as I was killing in on an 8" Zero Lopez, Tensors with the sliders and darkstar wheels...that setup, wtf...

that’s sick you had the good sense to be skating an 8”. darkstar wheels were good at that time, especially in the longevity department.
i had some tensors….
25 years ago I had an 8.25 with 7.5 tensor lows with the sliders but it's because I was a dummy who didn't know anything and the guy at the shop also turned out to be a dummy who didn't know anything. I can't say I did my best skating but even now I can't get away from riding trucks way smaller than the deck so it had to have had some effect on me
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on April 11, 2024, 10:16:56 PM
Gotta one up both of you- I removed the slider and carved out wax and put it in its place. All so I could try to basically slappy noseslide this really long curved ledge for this part that I am still filming for to this day.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 11, 2024, 11:17:51 PM
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Trying to ID these tiny thunders I’ve had in my storage. They may either be from around 2007 or 2017. Still says “made in USA” under the baseplate.



I'd say these are closer to 2007 than 2017 for sure.

Standard thunders.
ID as far as what? I have a set of 149s that look like that, have same baseplates and I'm pretty sure they're from 2009. Did you ever have one of those pre made zip zingers? I think the 143 were only on those for a while at first. Or they're just standard 145s

Thunders came in hi and low for a while and from the photo it’s hard to tell the bushing color. Blue bushings used to signify low and clear yellow for high. Judging by the lack of kingpin clearance I would say those are lows. So 145 Thunder Low Team Edition. Also, they used to come in raw or polished and judging by how rough the casting is on the hangers those are specifically Thunder Low Team Edition 145 Raw.

i agree, these look like the lows.
some of my very best skating came on some thunder lows.
the trucks were good, but before i spiral myself out, i’ll chalk it up to being 25 years ago.

I know *I* chalk that up to 25+ years ago as I was killing in on an 8" Zero Lopez, Tensors with the sliders and darkstar wheels...that setup, wtf...

that’s sick you had the good sense to be skating an 8”. darkstar wheels were good at that time, especially in the longevity department.
i had some tensors….

My math is probably off a couple of years...but I could never really skate skinny boards I did try a 7.75 once, indy 129s, fucking hated it...I remember when I got back into it (13+ years ago or so?) I picked up an 8"/139s...instantly hated it and jumped straight to an 8.3 with thunder 149s (the old old low ones; the 149'ers).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: someguy185 on April 11, 2024, 11:49:58 PM
First post on my spiral into the madness...

Back into skating after a 15 year break. Widest board I previously rode was around 7.8.

But, I have been riding the Tom Knox Navigator with some Thunder Team 148's, 53mm spitfires, and really enjoying it (had 2 of these boards in a row). Board is: width: 8.25" with length: 32", wheelbase: 14.375", nose: 6.625". tail: 7" shape is medium concave

I am going to try up sizing to 8.5. I am considering either keeping the same trucks or getting some 149 lights with the forged baseplates. Board is the Tom Knox debut: width: 8.5" with length: 32.18", wheelbase: 14.38", nose, tail, shape is unknown (can't find the details).

What different should I notice between keeping the 148 teams and switching to the 149 lights?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: munchbox on April 12, 2024, 01:05:05 AM
what page is the info for the new thunders on?
thanks in advance
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fasttimes on April 12, 2024, 02:29:50 AM
First post on my spiral into the madness...

Back into skating after a 15 year break. Widest board I previously rode was around 7.8.

But, I have been riding the Tom Knox Navigator with some Thunder Team 148's, 53mm spitfires, and really enjoying it (had 2 of these boards in a row). Board is: width: 8.25" with length: 32", wheelbase: 14.375", nose: 6.625". tail: 7" shape is medium concave

I am going to try up sizing to 8.5. I am considering either keeping the same trucks or getting some 149 lights with the forged baseplates. Board is the Tom Knox debut: width: 8.5" with length: 32.18", wheelbase: 14.38", nose, tail, shape is unknown (can't find the details).

What different should I notice between keeping the 148 teams and switching to the 149 lights?

Both those trucks would work. I would suggest more weight because that is what you grew up with. Super light trucks can hinder you in my opinion. My favorite truck is an INDY stage 8, 136. My friends can't ride my board but I grew up with weight on bolts. In reality, dude buy whatever is cheaper, you quit for 15 years. Your not in this forever.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: someguy185 on April 12, 2024, 04:55:06 AM
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First post on my spiral into the madness...

Back into skating after a 15 year break. Widest board I previously rode was around 7.8.

But, I have been riding the Tom Knox Navigator with some Thunder Team 148's, 53mm spitfires, and really enjoying it (had 2 of these boards in a row). Board is: width: 8.25" with length: 32", wheelbase: 14.375", nose: 6.625". tail: 7" shape is medium concave

I am going to try up sizing to 8.5. I am considering either keeping the same trucks or getting some 149 lights with the forged baseplates. Board is the Tom Knox debut: width: 8.5" with length: 32.18", wheelbase: 14.38", nose, tail, shape is unknown (can't find the details).

What different should I notice between keeping the 148 teams and switching to the 149 lights?

Both those trucks would work. I would suggest more weight because that is what you grew up with. Super light trucks can hinder you in my opinion. My favorite truck is an INDY stage 8, 136. My friends can't ride my board but I grew up with weight on bolts. In reality, dude buy whatever is cheaper, you quit for 15 years. Your not in this forever.

Thanks for the input. The additional context is that I’m pretty light and skate mostly ledges and manuals. Never really got on with Indy’s. I’ll stick with the 148 teams for now and see how I like the wider board.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 12, 2024, 11:13:45 AM
what page is the info for the new thunders on?
thanks in advance

Some new'ish info here? All speculation of course.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Daydream on April 12, 2024, 01:45:18 PM
T2 thunders.. so new geometry and taller potentially? Saw chatter in spitfire f4 thread but figured continue here
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on April 12, 2024, 01:59:50 PM
I added speculation in there. Didn't measure the trucks, but they appear slightly taller and the tester confirmed that the geometry is massively different. Said they are super turny and his kingpin nut was quite cranked. Had brought his board in the shop to find harder bushings that will fit. Thinks that they will offer it as an option and not a replacement for Thunders. FWIW they normally ride Indys and don't care for current Thunders quite as much and found these new T2 (or whatever they will be called) very close to a slightly lower Indy. They honestly sound pretty great but hopefully they're not too tall and don't alter the pop too much because I personally like that about the Thunders I have ridden.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on April 12, 2024, 02:18:32 PM
I added speculation in there. Didn't measure the trucks, but they appear slightly taller and the tester confirmed that the geometry is massively different. Said they are super turny and his kingpin nut was quite cranked. Had brought his board in the shop to find harder bushings that will fit. Thinks that they will offer it as an option and not a replacement for Thunders. FWIW they normally ride Indys and don't care for current Thunders quite as much and found these new T2 (or whatever they will be called) very close to a slightly lower Indy. They honestly sound pretty great but hopefully they're not too tall and don't alter the pop too much because I personally like that about the Thunders I have ridden.
I like how low my Thunder 147 hollow lights are. If the biggest difference is just geometry and height, I think I’ll stick with the regular ones because the geometry is perfect for tech skating.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 12, 2024, 02:32:20 PM
From the mason clips...doesn't have the tell tale hanger look of either an indy or thunder?
( (

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LeDave on April 12, 2024, 02:42:47 PM
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From the mason clips...doesn't have the tell tale hanger look of either an indy or thunder?
( (


That looks like a Indy? I can't tell from the photo, but if there is a crease line through the left to the right, it's a Stage 11.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on April 12, 2024, 03:17:57 PM
It's not a stage 11, it's the new Thunders. You can tell because the old Thunder hanger also has a slight barrel near the wheels where the wings meet the axle area.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 12, 2024, 04:15:51 PM
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I added speculation in there. Didn't measure the trucks, but they appear slightly taller and the tester confirmed that the geometry is massively different. Said they are super turny and his kingpin nut was quite cranked. Had brought his board in the shop to find harder bushings that will fit. Thinks that they will offer it as an option and not a replacement for Thunders. FWIW they normally ride Indys and don't care for current Thunders quite as much and found these new T2 (or whatever they will be called) very close to a slightly lower Indy. They honestly sound pretty great but hopefully they're not too tall and don't alter the pop too much because I personally like that about the Thunders I have ridden.
I like how low my Thunder 147 hollow lights are. If the biggest difference is just geometry and height, I think I’ll stick with the regular ones because the geometry is perfect for tech skating.

what size wheel you skate with the 147 lights?

i like 147s, on the forged baseplate i can barely manage 52s.
i agree they are nice for the tech.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 12, 2024, 04:57:58 PM
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From the mason clips...doesn't have the tell tale hanger look of either an indy or thunder?
( (


That looks like a Indy? I can't tell from the photo, but if there is a crease line through the left to the right, it's a Stage 11.
It's not a stage 11, it's the new Thunders. You can tell because the old Thunder hanger also has a slight barrel near the wheels where the wings meet the axle area.

Could be lighting, but I'm not seeing the indy roll/crease, and the wings near the pivot are straight (kinda like what was mentioned in the spit thread, bit old venture, maybe even old school thunder vibes) VS the below (see that little dip before the pivot).

( (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on April 12, 2024, 05:21:37 PM
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I added speculation in there. Didn't measure the trucks, but they appear slightly taller and the tester confirmed that the geometry is massively different. Said they are super turny and his kingpin nut was quite cranked. Had brought his board in the shop to find harder bushings that will fit. Thinks that they will offer it as an option and not a replacement for Thunders. FWIW they normally ride Indys and don't care for current Thunders quite as much and found these new T2 (or whatever they will be called) very close to a slightly lower Indy. They honestly sound pretty great but hopefully they're not too tall and don't alter the pop too much because I personally like that about the Thunders I have ridden.
I like how low my Thunder 147 hollow lights are. If the biggest difference is just geometry and height, I think I’ll stick with the regular ones because the geometry is perfect for tech skating.

what size wheel you skate with the 147 lights?

i like 147s, on the forged baseplate i can barely manage 52s.
i agree they are nice for the tech.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Democratic Republic Of Mongo on April 12, 2024, 06:49:14 PM
When are these new Thunders coming out?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 12, 2024, 06:53:53 PM
When are these new Thunders coming out?

Uhhh, nobody knows? Could be next drop, could be next year. They sprang the 93s on us (tho we knew they may have existed thanks to Daddy Ben) and these have been cooking for quite some time with screens of the IKP versions and rumors...I don't believe they've even said publicly they're making a new one (and why would you want to damage current sales).

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 12, 2024, 07:13:15 PM
i dont think they figured out the's not happening.....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 12, 2024, 07:20:22 PM
Maybe they’ll just offer one since almost everybody else does right?

The bigger concern is whether they completely replace the current lineup or add this new version as an adjacent option much like ace classics and AF1s
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Cthulhu! on April 12, 2024, 07:53:54 PM
I hope they're not completely replaced
It's time to stock up on all of the 147s I can get my hands on before they're gone forever
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on April 12, 2024, 10:06:52 PM
Maybe they’ll just offer one since almost everybody else does right?

The bigger concern is whether they completely replace the current lineup or add this new version as an adjacent option much like ace classics and AF1s

According to my shop source that had the testers it's not replacing the standards and will be a second model.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on April 13, 2024, 02:58:26 AM
Maybe they’ll just offer one since almost everybody else does right?

The bigger concern is whether they completely replace the current lineup or add this new version as an adjacent option much like ace classics and AF1s

I think there are too many people who like the Thunder as is, so as you said, like Ace with the Classic and AF1, they have the original truck and the new T2 version so people have a choice with what they want.

For any other person wanting to try the new ones, I think they would be selling a lot of them soon enough, but I am guessing they have settled on this design now if so many people have them here and there.

An inverted kingpin can always be added, as per the current Thunder baseplate with the hex area in the underside of the baseplate, which was very interesting to see when they changed to that one a while back now.

Quite a few people have changed to the inverted option since they did that, so maybe the new truck will also have the same option - you can change it if you want to.

I guess though, that is all a wait and see type of thing.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on April 13, 2024, 06:27:37 AM
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Maybe they’ll just offer one since almost everybody else does right?

The bigger concern is whether they completely replace the current lineup or add this new version as an adjacent option much like ace classics and AF1s

According to my shop source that had the testers it's not replacing the standards and will be a second model.
I wonder what the height would be on 147 forged.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dmng on April 13, 2024, 03:09:06 PM
I’ve swapped my aces af1 to thunder hollow light 149 today.
I was worried I was stupidly buying even though the main concern was me being terrible. Turns out I’m still terrible but I actually feel much better, and most of the tricks feel a bit easier and safer. The only thing is grinding on a box is a bit harder, I guess because the trucks feel tighter which makes it less « flexible »

I do miss the nice turn feeling of the aces but the precision (in terms of placement with obstacles / aiming  but also the trucks go back to the center more easily) makes it a no brainer for me. I guess aces are super good for more advanced skaters but at my level… maybe not yet !
I hope the stocks bushings (90d apparently ?) will soften a bit with time but I’m soooo happy about this first session. Sorry for another noob post !
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on April 13, 2024, 07:27:08 PM
I've been flip flopping a bit more between Thunder 151s and Ace AF1 60s recently, and I have to say the thought of some potential middle ground with these "T2s" is getting me pretty damn excited. Good chance, they will be a bit more like existing Thunders than current Aces but still, that will be just fine with me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 13, 2024, 08:51:11 PM
I've been flip flopping a bit more between Thunder 151s and Ace AF1 60s recently, and I have to say the thought of some potential middle ground with these "T2s" is getting me pretty damn excited. Good chance, they will be a bit more like existing Thunders than current Aces but still, that will be just fine with me.

i really enjoyed my 151s (lights). got em when i was huffin.
also enjoyed them on an 8.38 (i’ve enjoyed this combo with indy, venture, and thunder).
ended up giving them to a coworker that had a wack setup. but then i missed them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dmng on April 14, 2024, 03:11:33 PM
Do blue transparent bushings (90duro) loosen up with time ? I skated them like 3 or 4 hours, setup stock on the trucks (flush kingpin) but I find them being a bit stiff and have to tic tac quite a bit.
Should I just wait or slightly unscrew (1/8th or 1/4th turn?) the kingpin ?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on April 14, 2024, 03:29:07 PM
Do blue transparent bushings (90duro) loosen up with time ? I skated them like 3 or 4 hours, setup stock on the trucks (flush kingpin) but I find them being a bit stiff and have to tic tac quite a bit.
Should I just wait or slightly unscrew (1/8th or 1/4th turn?) the kingpin ?

I think any bushings go through a cycle, often at first with a bit of weight on them, they might be squishy, then break in and have more rebound before ending up somewhat compressed and feeling a little more loose as they age.

That said though, for a lighter body, they can feel quite stiff, so really need you or someone heavier to stand on a board and just lean heel toe heel toe heel toe or even stand on it both feet sideways over one truck then the other (toes facing the nose / tail) and have a little workout almost like walking on the spot with your feet not leaving the ground, left right left right, etc so you get those bushings working and soften them up.  Sometimes doing this on carpet, hold a table or something too.

If that doesn't make sense, I can post a pic, but that is the most common way to wear in new bushings nicely if just skating doesn't do the trick for you.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dmng on April 15, 2024, 06:00:44 AM
Thanks Mbrimson88 for all the quality infos !

I’ll try to break them in with your method on top of skating them !

I was thinking about sanding slightly the top bushing off in the future but I used them for only a few hours yet so it might just work better with your solution. I’m not heavy but not lightweight being 70kg for 180cm

 Will keep you posted ! I’m glad I changed from af1 to thunder which really help me feeling more stable

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 15, 2024, 04:21:06 PM
In regards to getting Thunders to turn more fluid, and I don’t want to sound like a broken record here, adding wax to the pivot goes a long way toward opening up the turning radius.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on April 15, 2024, 04:53:02 PM
In regards to getting Thunders to turn more fluid, and I don’t want to sound like a broken record here, adding wax to the pivot goes a long way toward opening up the turning radius.

That doesn't change the turning radius but it def does help loosen things up and its a great tip.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 15, 2024, 05:50:06 PM
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In regards to getting Thunders to turn more fluid, and I don’t want to sound like a broken record here, adding wax to the pivot goes a long way toward opening up the turning radius.

That doesn't change the turning radius but it def does help loosen things up and its a great tip.

before the 2018/19 venture change up, some of the real ones in the greater surrounding area were on thunder 149s, with risers, with the intent of larger wheels, and a different turn.
one of my fave characteristics of thunders is the lower height/pop angle, so i did not try this.

unrelated: i can put the cast baseplate from some team 149s, onto some 147 hollow lights (and vice versa), correct? something about the kp angle looks different.
the 147 hollow lights are low, im heavier and less skilled than ever, and the ground where i am is rough.
i love the way 147s look.
some of my fave skate shit has happened on them (or what i think is 147s), from herman and Ellington, to antwuan, wade,nate jones, huf, quim, mj, some gino moments, gerwer,  pete eldridge, busenitz, lucas, ishod….147s have some heavy hitters behind them: shane, ishod, nyjah.
none of that is happening when i get on them, and 52s seem like the max wheel size.
once upon a time i mentioned in an indy thread that none of my top 5 were indy riders, and a poster that left, unfortunately, chided me, starting to list all of the great indy dudes. no doubt. but that’s not MY top 5**

my top 5 changes, and when larry was larry, it was on indy’s, more or less. stevie had some great footage on indy’s too. but
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: FatGuy92 on April 15, 2024, 06:36:23 PM
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In regards to getting Thunders to turn more fluid, and I don’t want to sound like a broken record here, adding wax to the pivot goes a long way toward opening up the turning radius.

That doesn't change the turning radius but it def does help loosen things up and its a great tip.

before the 2018/19 venture change up, some of the real ones in the greater surrounding area were on thunder 149s, with risers, with the intent of larger wheels, and a different turn.
one of my fave characteristics of thunders is the lower height/pop angle, so i did not try this.

unrelated: i can put the cast baseplate from some team 149s, onto some 147 hollow lights (and vice versa), correct? something about the kp angle looks different.
the 147 hollow lights are low, im heavier and less skilled than ever, and the ground where i am is rough.
i love the way 147s look.
some of my fave skate shit has happened on them (or what i think is 147s), from herman and Ellington, to antwuan, wade,nate jones, huf, quim, mj, some gino moments, gerwer,  pete eldridge, busenitz, lucas, ishod….147s have some heavy hitters behind them: shane, ishod, nyjah.
none of that is happening when i get on them, and 52s seem like the max wheel size.
once upon a time i mentioned in an indy thread that none of my top 5 were indy riders, and a poster that left, unfortunately, chided me, starting to list all of the great indy dudes. no doubt. but that’s not MY top 5**

my top 5 changes, and when larry was larry, it was on indy’s, more or less. stevie had some great footage on indy’s too. but

yup i've personally never had any issues swapping baseplates between 147s and larger sizes. you should be fine
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on April 16, 2024, 06:38:33 AM
so we are having Spitfires for team members who wanted to ride dragons and now we are getting Thunders for team members who want to ride Indys  ;D  They are on top of things at DLX lately! if you cant join em, beat em!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dmng on April 16, 2024, 08:42:59 AM
In regards to getting Thunders to turn more fluid, and I don’t want to sound like a broken record here, adding wax to the pivot goes a long way toward opening up the turning radius.

Thanks for the info ! You put wax shavings inside ?
I’ll try it if it doesn’t unlock progressively :)

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 16, 2024, 08:51:37 AM
I’m not really nuts about thunder’s pivot cups either….maybe an upgrade may make them turn smoother..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on April 16, 2024, 08:52:45 AM
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In regards to getting Thunders to turn more fluid, and I don’t want to sound like a broken record here, adding wax to the pivot goes a long way toward opening up the turning radius.

Thanks for the info ! You put wax shavings inside ?
I’ll try it if it doesn’t unlock progressively :)

best to wax the actual pivot in my experience. it doesn't last but it will aid the break in period.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on April 16, 2024, 09:20:01 AM
use lithium grease. It lasts and works better than wax. Top and bottom of the bushings too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 16, 2024, 09:32:05 AM
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In regards to getting Thunders to turn more fluid, and I don’t want to sound like a broken record here, adding wax to the pivot goes a long way toward opening up the turning radius.

Thanks for the info ! You put wax shavings inside ?
I’ll try it if it doesn’t unlock progressively :)

best to tax the actual pivot in my experience. it doesn't last but it will aid the break in period.

I do both. A fresh blade and some curb candy. Shave as much as you want into the pivot cups, any excess will work its way out. Then I heat up the corner of the curb candy with a lighter and coat the pivot stems. It only takes one session to get it worked in and the excess worked out. Lasts me a good while.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 19, 2024, 04:30:51 PM
I’m not really nuts about thunder’s pivot cups either….maybe an upgrade may make them turn smoother..

DLX cups are just straight hard plastic that aren't even trimmed (vents seem to be worse in this regard), just like the old indys, for sure the lowest grade out there, hell even Royal / krux ship with quality cups (ACE and Indy too these days, 'hand poured' etc..)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Banned from the room on April 19, 2024, 07:02:33 PM
I hope it feels like the old thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 19, 2024, 07:29:58 PM
I hope it feels like the old thunders.

Which ones? Old, OLD thunders or the super low ones from 12 years or so ago (the 149ers).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on April 19, 2024, 07:57:38 PM
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I’m not really nuts about thunder’s pivot cups either….maybe an upgrade may make them turn smoother..

DLX cups are just straight hard plastic that aren't even trimmed (vents seem to be worse in this regard), just like the old indys, for sure the lowest grade out there, hell even Royal / krux ship with quality cups (ACE and Indy too these days, 'hand poured' etc..)

For sure.

All trucks have pros and cons, and personally the stock pivot cups are a def a con on thunders. Possibly the bushings too, but def the pivot cups.

Still great trucks though, not trying to hate. Find myself going back and forth between thunders and indys regularly.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on April 19, 2024, 08:12:45 PM
I bought some Riptides a few years back for my Thunders and honestly preferred stock. I felt it made the turn mushier and not as snappy and have never blown a Thunder cup out. Venture neither. Both DLX trucks have the worst top washer bushing issues. My Venture washers bent around the nut at stock tightness and demolished the top bushings and DLX sent me replacements that have been great. First Venture tops that lasted. Hopefully Thunder gets whatever they're doing with that formula.

I tried to get more T2 details from the shop owner whose pair I saw, but he hasn't said a damn word more except that they're probably his new favorite modern truck.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: RichardBarkley on April 19, 2024, 11:57:38 PM
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Maybe they’ll just offer one since almost everybody else does right?

The bigger concern is whether they completely replace the current lineup or add this new version as an adjacent option much like ace classics and AF1s

According to my shop source that had the testers it's not replacing the standards and will be a second model.

I really hope so.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on April 20, 2024, 06:12:42 AM
I bought some Riptides a few years back for my Thunders and honestly preferred stock. I felt it made the turn mushier and not as snappy and have never blown a Thunder cup out. Venture neither. Both DLX trucks have the worst top washer bushing issues. My Venture washers bent around the nut at stock tightness and demolished the top bushings and DLX sent me replacements that have been great. First Venture tops that lasted. Hopefully Thunder gets whatever they're doing with that formula.

I tried to get more T2 details from the shop owner whose pair I saw, but he hasn't said a damn word more except that they're probably his new favorite modern truck.

Yea, despite the cups visibly starting to go on my thunders, I was always hesitant to try the riptides because I liked how the trucks performed still.

The pivot cups were obviously getting blown out though in ways that didn't happen to me on other trucks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on April 20, 2024, 10:57:37 AM
I bought some Riptides a few years back for my Thunders and honestly preferred stock. I felt it made the turn mushier and not as snappy and have never blown a Thunder cup out. Venture neither. Both DLX trucks have the worst top washer bushing issues. My Venture washers bent around the nut at stock tightness and demolished the top bushings and DLX sent me replacements that have been great. First Venture tops that lasted. Hopefully Thunder gets whatever they're doing with that formula.

I tried to get more T2 details from the shop owner whose pair I saw, but he hasn't said a damn word more except that they're probably his new favorite modern truck.

Not my experience. I love Thunders with Riptides. Perform way better and the turn feels smoother. Way more durable as well. I destroy Thunder bushings and pivot cups doing slappys. It's actually ridiculous how quickly they blow out. Have yet to destroy Riptides. Best part, no more truck squeak too.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on April 20, 2024, 06:40:32 PM
Any time I get new trucks or bushings I take them off and put lithium grease on the hanger, washers (where they touch the baseplate, and the pivot cup and never get squeaks. One of the best things I picked up lurking.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on April 20, 2024, 09:22:31 PM

Through a round about way I came to see this post, not mine but interesting enough to see what the guy did and how it ended up.

He took the front extra piece down a bit as it was too much from this cover pic, but I can see and understand, as per a lot of other comments on here about how Thunder need to have a longer front to their baseplate.

The rest you can make up your own mind about, but worth reading and checking out anyway, hence posting here, originally posted a few weeks ago.

Aluminum Welded Thunder Trucks Baseplate Extension & side Material reduction . Baseplate Extension piece made out of what was previously an aluminum “Skate Stopper” . Baseplate extension is to reduce the friction on your wheels when doing Slides , and to prevent as much sticking on the Ledge , having your wheels spaced out away from the ledge.
Last Photo in the slide shows the Final result , Ended up reducing the extension slightly to get a fine tuned balance of nose/tail to be sitting on the ledge along with the spacing out of the wheels to get the nice skid/slide capabilities of the baseplate, Final Result Worked out Nicely , has good Glide and is a lot of Fun!

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on April 20, 2024, 11:59:31 PM
That's doing it! But seriously, it's fun and good to see people modding their gear.

Related, but on another note: I once saw a cheap complete that had riser pads that would extend the front and cover the pivot cup like a slider Tensor's had.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on April 21, 2024, 08:55:24 AM
That's doing it! But seriously, it's fun and good to see people modding their gear.

Related, but on another note: I once saw a cheap complete that had riser pads that would extend the front and cover the pivot cup like a slider Tensor's had.

That's actually not a bad idea, like a lapper for the front of your baseplates.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: theloniousmonk on April 21, 2024, 11:13:17 AM
Somebody who knows how to 3d print things could make some and set up an online shop to get them out
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on April 21, 2024, 12:50:25 PM

dude you want to talk about sliders check out this homeys
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DinnerDog425 on April 21, 2024, 12:53:24 PM
We're coming full circle back to 2000 era Tensors
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on April 21, 2024, 02:47:03 PM

dude you want to talk about sliders check out this homeys

That guy is the human form of the madness thread.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 21, 2024, 03:22:54 PM
We're coming full circle back to 2000 era Tensors

His wheels are straight carved from potatoes too.

What is up with that bottom washer?

"hahaaaha yess !! Custom Tape Rolls , mad flat side wallz and weight reductions 💥💥💥. Got a home made “death saver” washer under my truck bushings there too 😹😺😺🙏🙏🙏🎉🎉❤️❤️🎊🎊🎊🎊"
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on April 21, 2024, 04:41:50 PM
Louie Barletta's autistic twin brother. I feel bad he doesn't have better friends that can talk him out of these ideas.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on April 21, 2024, 06:46:12 PM

dude you want to talk about sliders check out this homeys

This dude is delightfully insane. Wood screws poking thru the top for extra grip!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 21, 2024, 07:40:10 PM
Proceeds to then showcase that he does not slide any further than anyone riding regular thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dad Board on April 21, 2024, 09:17:42 PM

dude you want to talk about sliders check out this homeys

Anyone watch kids in the hall? Big Scott Thompson character vibes
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: moonordie on April 21, 2024, 11:32:09 PM
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dude you want to talk about sliders check out this homeys

That guy is the human form of the madness thread.
Must be horrible 😅
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on April 22, 2024, 07:40:58 AM
idk i think this guy fuckin rips if you ask me!

i love his setup! hahaha like this is the exact type of person i love to talk about skateboarding gear with. most people round here dont give a fuck! ride the same shit. gotta live a little, take some chances! Riding indy all the time is boring.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LeDave on April 22, 2024, 08:00:43 AM
idk i think this guy fuckin rips if you ask me!

i love his setup! hahaha like this is the exact type of person i love to talk about skateboarding gear with. most people round here dont give a fuck! ride the same shit. gotta live a little, take some chances! Riding indy all the time is boring.

Love your signature bro, thanks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 22, 2024, 09:49:20 AM
My face when I see these modded Thunders:

( (

All kidding aside though whatever makes skateboarding more funnerer for the user is alright with me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 22, 2024, 10:11:20 AM
idk i think this guy fuckin rips if you ask me!

i love his setup! hahaha like this is the exact type of person i love to talk about skateboarding gear with. most people round here dont give a fuck! ride the same shit. gotta live a little, take some chances! Riding indy all the time is boring.

I can't stop looking at his hands.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: crescentfresh on April 22, 2024, 03:10:40 PM
Do blue transparent bushings (90duro) loosen up with time ? I skated them like 3 or 4 hours, setup stock on the trucks (flush kingpin) but I find them being a bit stiff and have to tic tac quite a bit.
Should I just wait or slightly unscrew (1/8th or 1/4th turn?) the kingpin ?

mine we're feeling really stiff recently so i removed the bottom washers (something someone suggested around here) and now they feel much better, similar to bones medium bushings. i've only skated them about an hour so this might result in blown out bottom bushings, but we'll see...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 22, 2024, 11:02:00 PM
Keaten is my homie….I saw him on the weekend on his way to buy grip and we jammed out a bunch. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on April 23, 2024, 05:05:13 AM
Keaten is my homie….I saw him on the weekend on his way to buy grip and we jammed out a bunch.

Tell his gear crazy ass to get up in the mix on here......

Unless he already is 👀
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on April 23, 2024, 06:58:07 AM
I gotta say Thunders with the Real Wood Risers feels pretty slick. It feels like you can turn deeper.
I set up my old Team Thunder 148 with these 57mm OJ Elite wheels and it feels sick as fuck. I dont feel like I am "on risers" it just feels like I am on a higher truck.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 23, 2024, 09:07:55 AM
I always describe the thunder turn as the first 1/4 of the turn is Ace….the next half is venture….the last quarter is wheelbite…..the risers change the last quarter as does tightening your trucks….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: smg1138 on April 23, 2024, 10:53:33 AM
I always describe the thunder turn as the first 1/4 of the turn is Ace….the next half is venture….the last quarter is wheelbite…..the risers change the last quarter as does tightening your trucks….

You just summed up exactly why I don't skate Thunders. Well, that and the poorly designed baseplate.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Obijuan91 on April 23, 2024, 11:41:30 AM
Thunder turn wears out my legs, feels like you really gotta push down to get a solid turn and by the time you pushed deep enough it’s wheelbite. Hate to say it but I do like the pop on them tho. It’s crispy
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dmng on April 23, 2024, 01:50:38 PM
Im still quite surprised about thunder vs ace feeling especially when I read that thunder stocks are soft

I find ace with hard bushings muuuuuch softer than stock thunder. I unscrewed 1/2 of turn of the thunder and they still feel much harder than flushed hard ace. I guess ace and thunder are different groups that don’t communicate so much aha

Actually, how much can you unscrew from flush / stock before the nut starts slipping ?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on April 23, 2024, 01:51:29 PM
I always describe the thunder turn as the first 1/4 of the turn is Ace….the next half is venture….the last quarter is wheelbite…..the risers change the last quarter as does tightening your trucks….

This. I’ve been on some Thunders for a while now but I just can’t get them to where I like them.

Indys are tippy. Aces are carvey and pretty stable at center for me. Thunders though feel like the “center” point is so small. They’re not tippy like Indy’s per say. Thunder turn takes less effort to initiate but can also max out very easily and wheelbite. So it feels unstable. I ride mine medium tight as well on stock bushings. Anytime I don’t land perfectly square bolts I will wheelbite.

Any advice ?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on April 23, 2024, 04:15:12 PM
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I always describe the thunder turn as the first 1/4 of the turn is Ace….the next half is venture….the last quarter is wheelbite…..the risers change the last quarter as does tightening your trucks….

This. I’ve been on some Thunders for a while now but I just can’t get them to where I like them.

Indys are tippy. Aces are carvey and pretty stable at center for me. Thunders though feel like the “center” point is so small. They’re not tippy like Indy’s per say. Thunder turn takes less effort to initiate but can also max out very easily and wheelbite. So it feels unstable. I ride mine medium tight as well on stock bushings. Anytime I don’t land perfectly square bolts I will wheelbite.

Any advice ?

Without instantly jumping down the "try harder bushings" type of reply, I do think that slightly harder bushings can sometimes be a win here, even combinations of them, even though I really don't like to mix and match colours, eg a stock top with a harder bottom or something like that, but I will often trim down slightly harder bushings to get the desired result more so than running softer bushings that might turn nicely, but then wheelbite if I land incorrectly.

Any bushing change can be weird, or make you want to swap back the old ones and be done with it, then just deal with the other issues, but that is one option I have gone with that has worked in the past for me.

Thunder trucks being lower also works nicely for me with very thin risers, usually 2 mm tops, of which I have made my own, but there are a lot of people out there that flatly refuse to put anything in between truck and board and that is quite ok too.  For me though, having that extra couple of mm in height makes things just feel more normal and I can turn more and land a little off without things instantly ending in being thrown off the board, which in most cases is easier than putting wheel wells in every board or riding significantly smaller wheels, which I know some others do as well.

So firmer bushings (often cut down / sanded or otherwise modified), risers, smaller wheels are all options for that situation.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on April 23, 2024, 04:32:53 PM
Im still quite surprised about thunder vs ace feeling especially when I read that thunder stocks are soft

I find ace with hard bushings muuuuuch softer than stock thunder. I unscrewed 1/2 of turn of the thunder and they still feel much harder than flushed hard ace. I guess ace and thunder are different groups that don’t communicate so much aha

Actually, how much can you unscrew from flush / stock before the nut starts slipping ?

If you're on less than perfect ground the rattling will unscrew it a couple of times per session. I always catch it before it unscrews completely ( riding venture lo 5.0) but i kinda like that. It distracts me a bit from the frustration of trying a trick  ;). Feels weird when i dont have to check it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on April 23, 2024, 04:34:19 PM
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I always describe the thunder turn as the first 1/4 of the turn is Ace….the next half is venture….the last quarter is wheelbite…..the risers change the last quarter as does tightening your trucks….

This. I’ve been on some Thunders for a while now but I just can’t get them to where I like them.

Indys are tippy. Aces are carvey and pretty stable at center for me. Thunders though feel like the “center” point is so small. They’re not tippy like Indy’s per say. Thunder turn takes less effort to initiate but can also max out very easily and wheelbite. So it feels unstable. I ride mine medium tight as well on stock bushings. Anytime I don’t land perfectly square bolts I will wheelbite.

Any advice ?

Without instantly jumping down the "try harder bushings" type of reply, I do think that slightly harder bushings can sometimes be a win here, even combinations of them, even though I really don't like to mix and match colours, eg a stock top with a harder bottom or something like that, but I will often trim down slightly harder bushings to get the desired result more so than running softer bushings that might turn nicely, but then wheelbite if I land incorrectly.

Any bushing change can be weird, or make you want to swap back the old ones and be done with it, then just deal with the other issues, but that is one option I have gone with that has worked in the past for me.

Thunder trucks being lower also works nicely for me with very thin risers, usually 2 mm tops, of which I have made my own, but there are a lot of people out there that flatly refuse to put anything in between truck and board and that is quite ok too.  For me though, having that extra couple of mm in height makes things just feel more normal and I can turn more and land a little off without things instantly ending in being thrown off the board, which in most cases is easier than putting wheel wells in every board or riding significantly smaller wheels, which I know some others do as well.

So firmer bushings (often cut down / sanded or otherwise modified), risers, smaller wheels are all options for that situation.

I’d also like to add that a barrel shaped bottom bushing can provide a more stable center even in the same duro. If you were to go a little firmer than stock on the barrel you’d probably prevent some wheelbite situations as well. If you do try this though don’t forget to put a slightly wider bottom washer so it fits properly.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CweamCheeds on April 23, 2024, 04:44:31 PM
Switched from ace af1 55’s like 3 weeks ago to 148’s and it was a game changer. I hated it at first and kept playing around with the kingpin nut and washer situation and felt like I couldn’t get it to what I wanted. Then I put both washers on and set the kingpin nut flush. Told myself it’s better to accept that they’re different and get used to them than trying to make them something they aren’t. After I did that I had the best session I’ve had in a long time. I feel as though it’s boosted my confidence and I should’ve been skating tighter trucks a long time ago. Noseslides are wonky but I just changed my technique and they seem to be working fine. Only problem trick has been with crooks but I attribute that to sizing down my trucks and not knowing where it is under my board. (I ride an 8.38)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 23, 2024, 04:49:44 PM
Switched from ace af1 55’s like 3 weeks ago to 148’s and it was a game changer. I hated it at first and kept playing around with the kingpin nut and washer situation and felt like I couldn’t get it to what I wanted. Then I put both washers on and set the kingpin nut flush. Told myself it’s better to accept that they’re different and get used to them than trying to make them something they aren’t. After I did that I had the best session I’ve had in a long time. I feel as though it’s boosted my confidence and I should’ve been skating tighter trucks a long time ago. Noseslides are wonky but I just changed my technique and they seem to be working fine. Only problem trick has been with crooks but I attribute that to sizing down my trucks and not knowing where it is under my board. (I ride an 8.38)

148s are nice, and i land more tricks using thunders, than i do when i use ace.
frustratingly, sometimes the tricks i land, feel ‘better’ using ace classic 55s, but i finally gave them away to just try and banish that type of feeling
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on April 23, 2024, 06:36:15 PM
I'm just talking turning radius too....the bushings can make a difference in how the trucks perform.  Honestly I think just skating Thunder's tighter is not the worst idea either.  The beginning of the turn will still be there.....  All the trucks have benefits.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lou Strux on April 23, 2024, 07:20:40 PM
  All the trucks have benefits.
Ain’t that the truth, too.
Wishing I could marry the turn of an Ace to the pop feel/timing of a Thunder, and stir in a lickle bit of the Indy grind & I would have my all-porpoise utili-truck.
Those Stage IVs came close, but I want that “infinite turning” capacity of the Ace & the Indy bushings never broke in quite as soft, or generous of turn.  Maybe shaving a mm of the top bush would help, but I haven’t quite been able to replicate the Ace turn outside of Joey’s trucks & frankly, they’re neither my favorite grind, nor pop (though I DID finally figure out how to get my snap back on Ace by being stingy with my rear foot placement.)
Maybe these speculative T2s will be a step towards one or more of these nerdy unfulfilled truck desires.
A lickle taller? A more horizontal sweep for a deeper turn before hitting wheelbite? (Wheelbite is the thing that dragged me away from a lifelong love affair with Thunders.) Perhaps a bit more meat on the baseplate’s pivot housing, as some folks have been begging for for years?
Would gladly put my aluminum budget back into DLX trucks if they could get me closer to my dream truck.
Seems that enough people love the current geo: would be a shame to dump it w/ the bath water, but it ain’t for me at this stage of my riding life.
Seperate, 2nd model seems crazy though.
One thing’s for certain though, those cats are monitoring the market: they’ve got their finger on the proverbial pulse (SLAP included) & when it makes fiscal sense to launch something new, they for sure gonna do it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 23, 2024, 07:58:07 PM
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  All the trucks have benefits.
Ain’t that the truth, too.
Wishing I could marry the turn of an Ace to the pop feel/timing of a Thunder, and stir in a lickle bit of the Indy grind & I would have my all-porpoise utili-truck.
Those Stage IVs came close, but I want that “infinite turning” capacity of the Ace & the Indy bushings never broke in quite as soft, or generous of turn.  Maybe shaving a mm of the top bush would help, but I haven’t quite been able to replicate the Ace turn outside of Joey’s trucks & frankly, they’re neither my favorite grind, nor pop (though I DID finally figure out how to get my snap back on Ace by being stingy with my rear foot placement.)
Maybe these speculative T2s will be a step towards one or more of these nerdy unfulfilled truck desires.
A lickle taller? A more horizontal sweep for a deeper turn before hitting wheelbite? (Wheelbite is the thing that dragged me away from a lifelong love affair with Thunders.) Perhaps a bit more meat on the baseplate’s pivot housing, as some folks have been begging for for years?
Would gladly put my aluminum budget back into DLX trucks if they could get me closer to my dream truck.
Seems that enough people love the current geo: would be a shame to dump it w/ the bath water, but it ain’t for me at this stage of my riding life.
Seperate, 2nd model seems crazy though.
One thing’s for certain though, those cats are monitoring the market: they’ve got their finger on the proverbial pulse (SLAP included) & when it makes fiscal sense to launch something new, they for sure gonna do it.

all the trucks do have benefits. i’d rather ride certain things for certain scenarios, then one for all.

the thunder pop is my favorite part of that truck. the leverage, pop angle, something….not sure what it is, feels good.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on April 23, 2024, 09:47:51 PM
In regards to Thunders not feeling like they turn: the stock bushings are rock hard even though they claim they’re 90a’s. When they switched to the blue ones from the piss yellow ones however long ago they started feeling firmer. I get the translucent red 90a rebuild kits because they’re the softest feeling Thunder bushings. I can ride them loose and they turn how they’re supposed to
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fs1/2cab on April 24, 2024, 02:02:36 AM
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I always describe the thunder turn as the first 1/4 of the turn is Ace….the next half is venture….the last quarter is wheelbite…..the risers change the last quarter as does tightening your trucks….

This. I’ve been on some Thunders for a while now but I just can’t get them to where I like them.

Indys are tippy. Aces are carvey and pretty stable at center for me. Thunders though feel like the “center” point is so small. They’re not tippy like Indy’s per say. Thunder turn takes less effort to initiate but can also max out very easily and wheelbite. So it feels unstable. I ride mine medium tight as well on stock bushings. Anytime I don’t land perfectly square bolts I will wheelbite.

Any advice ?

Without instantly jumping down the "try harder bushings" type of reply, I do think that slightly harder bushings can sometimes be a win here, even combinations of them, even though I really don't like to mix and match colours, eg a stock top with a harder bottom or something like that, but I will often trim down slightly harder bushings to get the desired result more so than running softer bushings that might turn nicely, but then wheelbite if I land incorrectly.

Any bushing change can be weird, or make you want to swap back the old ones and be done with it, then just deal with the other issues, but that is one option I have gone with that has worked in the past for me.

Thunder trucks being lower also works nicely for me with very thin risers, usually 2 mm tops, of which I have made my own, but there are a lot of people out there that flatly refuse to put anything in between truck and board and that is quite ok too.  For me though, having that extra couple of mm in height makes things just feel more normal and I can turn more and land a little off without things instantly ending in being thrown off the board, which in most cases is easier than putting wheel wells in every board or riding significantly smaller wheels, which I know some others do as well.

So firmer bushings (often cut down / sanded or otherwise modified), risers, smaller wheels are all options for that situation.

I’d also like to add that a barrel shaped bottom bushing can provide a more stable center even in the same duro. If you were to go a little firmer than stock on the barrel you’d probably prevent some wheelbite situations as well. If you do try this though don’t forget to put a slightly wider bottom washer so it fits properly.

That's what I did with my 148s but I generally don't like the feeling of conical bushings. Those are Indy stock bottom bushings from an old set I had lying around. Top bushing is a Indy 92 duro where I cut off like 1.5mm of the underside of the top bushing to get the same height as Thunder stock top bushings. I am running that for a few months now and everything feels stable and responsive when I want to take tight turns. It also helps that those bushings are the colors of the Knicks. 😁 Oh and top washer is from Ace and bottom washer is a Indy stock one. No specific reason, that's just what a homie gave me or I had lying around.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dmng on April 24, 2024, 02:49:04 AM
In regards to Thunders not feeling like they turn: the stock bushings are rock hard even though they claim they’re 90a’s. When they switched to the blue ones from the piss yellow ones however long ago they started feeling firmer. I get the translucent red 90a rebuild kits because they’re the softest feeling Thunder bushings. I can ride them loose and they turn how they’re supposed to

Thanks for your message ! Finally it makes sense I’m confused when I read they are very loose and you get wheel bite cos I have 10 times less than on ace hard bushing.
 I’ll try to find those bushings at my locals. They have the orange transparent ones, are they fine as well?

What duro from the thunder line would you compare the ice blue to ?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on April 24, 2024, 06:34:12 AM
In regards to Thunders not feeling like they turn: the stock bushings are rock hard even though they claim they’re 90a’s. When they switched to the blue ones from the piss yellow ones however long ago they started feeling firmer. I get the translucent red 90a rebuild kits because they’re the softest feeling Thunder bushings. I can ride them loose and they turn how they’re supposed to

I would kill for piss yellow or the army green ones. Those were the best colors
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on April 24, 2024, 06:48:25 AM
The thing for me about changing the bushings is once you break it in, doesnt it get ridiculously loose? When I use the normal bushings they start off pretty stiff but after a month of skating them they feel quite loose to me personally. To the point any more is introducing a lot of wheelbite...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on April 24, 2024, 12:56:15 PM
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In regards to Thunders not feeling like they turn: the stock bushings are rock hard even though they claim they’re 90a’s. When they switched to the blue ones from the piss yellow ones however long ago they started feeling firmer. I get the translucent red 90a rebuild kits because they’re the softest feeling Thunder bushings. I can ride them loose and they turn how they’re supposed to

Thanks for your message ! Finally it makes sense I’m confused when I read they are very loose and you get wheel bite cos I have 10 times less than on ace hard bushing.
 I’ll try to find those bushings at my locals. They have the orange transparent ones, are they fine as well?

What duro from the thunder line would you compare the ice blue to ?
I couldn’t tell you an exact durometer but when I tried them a decade and a half ago they felt hard. I weigh a lot more than I used to and the stock bushings still feel hard. I haven’t tried the orange ones since I know the red rebuild kit ones work for me

@Fifty8mm sometimes you can still find the piss yellows. I have a couple sets of them just in case. The rebuild kits are also sometimes hard to find so I always have a few back up sets just in case

@rawbertson. I want them ridiculously loose. It’s what feels right. I need it for pinching and holding grinds and for flip tricks, plus it feels right on transition. I also weigh 210lbs and usually skate 54-56mm wheels, so yeah they have the potential to wheelbite, but it’s not something that I often complain about or even notice tbh
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on April 24, 2024, 01:20:57 PM
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I always describe the thunder turn as the first 1/4 of the turn is Ace….the next half is venture….the last quarter is wheelbite…..the risers change the last quarter as does tightening your trucks….

This. I’ve been on some Thunders for a while now but I just can’t get them to where I like them.

Indys are tippy. Aces are carvey and pretty stable at center for me. Thunders though feel like the “center” point is so small. They’re not tippy like Indy’s per say. Thunder turn takes less effort to initiate but can also max out very easily and wheelbite. So it feels unstable. I ride mine medium tight as well on stock bushings. Anytime I don’t land perfectly square bolts I will wheelbite.

Any advice ?

Without instantly jumping down the "try harder bushings" type of reply, I do think that slightly harder bushings can sometimes be a win here, even combinations of them, even though I really don't like to mix and match colours, eg a stock top with a harder bottom or something like that, but I will often trim down slightly harder bushings to get the desired result more so than running softer bushings that might turn nicely, but then wheelbite if I land incorrectly.

Any bushing change can be weird, or make you want to swap back the old ones and be done with it, then just deal with the other issues, but that is one option I have gone with that has worked in the past for me.

Thunder trucks being lower also works nicely for me with very thin risers, usually 2 mm tops, of which I have made my own, but there are a lot of people out there that flatly refuse to put anything in between truck and board and that is quite ok too.  For me though, having that extra couple of mm in height makes things just feel more normal and I can turn more and land a little off without things instantly ending in being thrown off the board, which in most cases is easier than putting wheel wells in every board or riding significantly smaller wheels, which I know some others do as well.

So firmer bushings (often cut down / sanded or otherwise modified), risers, smaller wheels are all options for that situation.

I’d also like to add that a barrel shaped bottom bushing can provide a more stable center even in the same duro. If you were to go a little firmer than stock on the barrel you’d probably prevent some wheelbite situations as well. If you do try this though don’t forget to put a slightly wider bottom washer so it fits properly.

Thanks for the tips. Very insightful. I don't think I could go smaller then 53mm and don't wanna run risers just yet. Looks like I'm getting to bushing madness now. 8)

Didn't think to run a bottom barrel bushing since it would mess with geo, but fuck it. Anyone have any luck with ace bushings fitting? Seems like Indys fit just fine.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on April 24, 2024, 05:28:18 PM
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In regards to Thunders not feeling like they turn: the stock bushings are rock hard even though they claim they’re 90a’s. When they switched to the blue ones from the piss yellow ones however long ago they started feeling firmer. I get the translucent red 90a rebuild kits because they’re the softest feeling Thunder bushings. I can ride them loose and they turn how they’re supposed to

Thanks for your message ! Finally it makes sense I’m confused when I read they are very loose and you get wheel bite cos I have 10 times less than on ace hard bushing.
 I’ll try to find those bushings at my locals. They have the orange transparent ones, are they fine as well?

What duro from the thunder line would you compare the ice blue to ?
I couldn’t tell you an exact durometer but when I tried them a decade and a half ago they felt hard. I weigh a lot more than I used to and the stock bushings still feel hard. I haven’t tried the orange ones since I know the red rebuild kit ones work for me

@Fifty8mm sometimes you can still find the piss yellows. I have a couple sets of them just in case. The rebuild kits are also sometimes hard to find so I always have a few back up sets just in case

@rawbertson. I want them ridiculously loose. It’s what feels right. I need it for pinching and holding grinds and for flip tricks, plus it feels right on transition. I also weigh 210lbs and usually skate 54-56mm wheels, so yeah they have the potential to wheelbite, but it’s not something that I often complain about or even notice tbh

Great, I like it! Basically: get good!  ;D
I like riding thunders cause it makes flip tricks easier , but your setup makes different tricks easier. I love the way a thunder or venture sits in a crooked grind vs a Indy or ace all day so I can totally see why you would want this now.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DanRar009 on April 27, 2024, 03:05:11 AM
Wanting to see if anybody else has had this happen but yesterday I set up a new deck that had pretty steep kicks with a fuller shaped nose and tail. Would normally never skate a board like this but it was on sale, threw on my go to truck, thunder 149 standards, and it just was not working for me at all. Pop felt very strange and every flip trick felt inaccurate. I always ride mellow boards with mellow kicks, so anybody else skate steep kick boards with thunders and not have the issue I’m talkin about?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on April 27, 2024, 04:00:31 AM

For steep boards, I prefer indy, or very small wheels to compensate for Thunders wheelbase
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on April 27, 2024, 06:52:41 AM
Wanting to see if anybody else has had this happen but yesterday I set up a new deck that had pretty steep kicks with a fuller shaped nose and tail. Would normally never skate a board like this but it was on sale, threw on my go to truck, thunder 149 standards, and it just was not working for me at all. Pop felt very strange and every flip trick felt inaccurate. I always ride mellow boards with mellow kicks, so anybody else skate steep kick boards with thunders and not have the issue I’m talkin about?
Once you get used to it your pops gonna be insane. Steep+thunder is the best. It's a real workout though
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 28, 2024, 02:21:21 PM
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I always describe the thunder turn as the first 1/4 of the turn is Ace….the next half is venture….the last quarter is wheelbite…..the risers change the last quarter as does tightening your trucks….

You just summed up exactly why I don't skate Thunders. Well, that and the poorly designed baseplate.

Same here but wheelbite can be alleviated by swapping for some harder bushings just like with any other truck; I'm 190lbs on avg. and tend to need 94a+ in other trucks (Indy/Slappy/ACE/Royal, i.e, barrel bottom bushings) and 97a/100a aftermarkets in thunders (harder because conical); this idea that 'trucks should just work without needing different bushings' (e.g., Royals) is a weak argument...if it was valid, we'd only have/need 99a wheels.

The baseplate 'issue' doesn't bother me, I don't use it to slide for whatever reason....probably why I suck at nose slides.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DanRar009 on April 28, 2024, 04:08:08 PM
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Wanting to see if anybody else has had this happen but yesterday I set up a new deck that had pretty steep kicks with a fuller shaped nose and tail. Would normally never skate a board like this but it was on sale, threw on my go to truck, thunder 149 standards, and it just was not working for me at all. Pop felt very strange and every flip trick felt inaccurate. I always ride mellow boards with mellow kicks, so anybody else skate steep kick boards with thunders and not have the issue I’m talkin about?
Once you get used to it your pops gonna be insane. Steep+thunder is the best. It's a real workout though

Reporting back and you were right my man. Stopped my bitchin and took the time to get used to the setup and had one of the best sessions I’ve had in a while lol it’s a bit more tiring on the legs but worth it
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on April 28, 2024, 08:28:28 PM
I actually feel Thunders worked for me on basically anything I tried them on. Steep decks can be rough for me on anything with a more hefty pop like Indy's or Ventures, but Thunders being slightly lowered and honestly not too much more stretched than Indy makes it work enough to just suck it up until the next one.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on April 29, 2024, 07:12:57 AM
well just be glad you dont have Aces on that steep board because that would feel REALLY hard to pop. The wheels are closer to the centre so it will take a lot longer for the tail to hit the floor vs the thunders that are pushed out from the centre farther than any other brand.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on April 29, 2024, 10:08:02 AM
well just be glad you dont have Aces on that steep board because that would feel REALLY hard to pop. The wheels are closer to the centre so it will take a lot longer for the tail to hit the floor vs the thunders that are pushed out from the centre farther than any other brand.

yes, but this gives your tail more leverage. and also less to lift off the nose. I find Ace will make a steeper set up a tad mellower feeling.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on April 29, 2024, 11:25:50 AM
Actually if you have Ace's your nose is lower when the tail hits the ground. The arc is longer, but it effectively makes the pop angle mellower. If you were to just take a flat object like a ruler and put a pen under it, then move the pen toward the tail as if you were going from Ace to Venture the tip of the ruler will rise. This is what makes pop delayed and creates more of an aggressive seesaw motion, but can also make the suck up to the rear foot more hefty.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on April 29, 2024, 11:52:12 AM
Law of moments. Front wheels are closer to the middle means less effort to lift the nose.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on April 29, 2024, 12:36:57 PM
Yes, but how is less effort more leverage? We might be confusing terms here: what I mean is if you put Ace's and Ventures on the same deck Ace's will always feel like lighter pop all else equal.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on April 29, 2024, 01:17:12 PM
I see what you’re saying. Agree on Ace in part bc you have more leverage/ less effort but you get less in return. It’s why, again in part, steep board with thunders will give you a more solid return if you put the effort into it.

I’m old and lazy so prefer Ace but Thunders have worked well for me on mellow boards and small wheels.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on April 29, 2024, 01:35:17 PM
I think for me Thunders being 52mm vs Indys at 55 or Ventures being further out and 53.5 makes it more manageable. I'm not a gear expert, but from what I remember reading on here Thunders were only +.125 longer than Indy standard. That is 1/16"/side so the lower height negates the longer wb and makes the tail hit faster. Probably not accurate, but in my head it made sense and somehow seemed to work. There isn't as much delay as the Ventures I am on now, but at the end of the day I've never liked steep decks and especially steep noses.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on April 29, 2024, 03:57:48 PM
interesting ideas listed above.
i have very rarely had a good ace setup, in regards to pop. thunders are good enough with whatever deck i setup, same with venture lo’s. if i hate a deck with those trucks, then its the deck.
i annoyingly repeat myself, but pop is the most important criterion, for me. the previous versions of royals worked well for me, thunders, venture lo’s. i can get used to almost anything, but that’s just because now im just bad at skating, so the results are equal across the board. shitty
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 29, 2024, 04:39:44 PM
I see what you’re saying. Agree on Ace in part bc you have more leverage/ less effort but you get less in return. It’s why, again in part, steep board with thunders will give you a more solid return if you put the effort into it.

I’m old and lazy so prefer Ace but Thunders have worked well for me on mellow boards and small wheels.

Thunder and small wheels are a must for me, especially running forged. 51/50mm minimum
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: big_kev_215 on April 30, 2024, 06:24:56 AM
We’ve reached the point every year or so where I want to make some drastic change to the trucks I’m riding that I’ll probably end up regretting…

Anyone switch from Indy/Ace to Thunder recently?  If so, what did you like about it and what did you hate?

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: moonordie on April 30, 2024, 06:57:04 AM
We’ve reached the point every year or so where I want to make some drastic change to the trucks I’m riding that I’ll probably end up regretting…

Anyone switch from Indy/Ace to Thunder recently?  If so, what did you like about it and what did you hate?
Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to give you some insights
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fs1/2cab on April 30, 2024, 06:59:49 AM
We’ve reached the point every year or so where I want to make some drastic change to the trucks I’m riding that I’ll probably end up regretting…

Anyone switch from Indy/Ace to Thunder recently?  If so, what did you like about it and what did you hate?

Oh mate.. I am not sure if that helps you or your wallet now but you asked. These are my experiences and opinions so far, others might think different. Last October after a small hip surgery I switched from Indy Forged Hollow 144s to Thunder Hollow Light 148s.

I only hated the Thunder bushings but I generally don't like conical bushings. Replaced everything. Indy bottom washer, stock bottom bushing. Ace Top washer, Indy 92a top bushing (cut down 1.5mm), Indy pivot cups.

Absolutely love the Thunder pop. My sessions last a little bit longer now. Not sure if it is because of the lower height, a tiny bit less weight or because of the slightly extended wheelbase. Wheelies feel more stable. Nose- and Tailslides feel the same as before to me. I like the feeling of the wheels dragging against the ledge. I am less scared of slipping out which happened sometimes on Indy's for me. I also would never go higher as 53mm for wheels. But since 53 is an uneven number, I stick with 52mm. Less overall ghost pop and I learned Nollies to fakie on steep banks. And my ankles hurt a little bit less after a long day of skating, which doesn't say much because my ankles are twice as old as me.

* Last September my girl was in the hospital for a few days and I read through every single page in this thread. This helped a lot that I don't go fully insane or lose my shit. She is fine now but those were some really dark days. Thanks to everyone who contributed in this thread.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on April 30, 2024, 07:30:32 AM
I actually like 54 Classics on Thunders. Generally takes a month if they're new to wear down to 52.5 or so and the perfect overall wheel dimensions.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: moonordie on April 30, 2024, 07:33:08 AM
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We’ve reached the point every year or so where I want to make some drastic change to the trucks I’m riding that I’ll probably end up regretting…

Anyone switch from Indy/Ace to Thunder recently?  If so, what did you like about it and what did you hate?

Oh mate.. I am not sure if that helps you or your wallet now but you asked. These are my experiences and opinions so far, others might think different. Last October after a small hip surgery I switched from Indy Forged Hollow 144s to Thunder Hollow Light 148s.

I only hated the Thunder bushings but I generally don't like conical bushings. Replaced everything. Indy bottom washer, stock bottom bushing. Ace Top washer, Indy 92a top bushing (cut down 1.5mm), Indy pivot cups.

Absolutely love the Thunder pop. My sessions last a little bit longer now. Not sure if it is because of the lower height, a tiny bit less weight or because of the slightly extended wheelbase. Wheelies feel more stable. Nose- and Tailslides feel the same as before to me. I like the feeling of the wheels dragging against the ledge. I am less scared of slipping out which happened sometimes on Indy's for me. I also would never go higher as 53mm for wheels. But since 53 is an uneven number, I stick with 52mm. Less overall ghost pop and I learned Nollies to fakie on steep banks. And my ankles hurt a little bit less after a long day of skating, which doesn't say much because my ankles are twice as old as me.

* Last September my girl was in the hospital for a few days and I read through every single page in this thread. This helped a lot that I don't go fully insane or lose my shit. She is fine now but those were some really dark days. Thanks to everyone who contributed in this thread.
Happy that things are good for u and ur girl G
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on April 30, 2024, 12:52:49 PM
We’ve reached the point every year or so where I want to make some drastic change to the trucks I’m riding that I’ll probably end up regretting…

Anyone switch from Indy/Ace to Thunder recently?  If so, what did you like about it and what did you hate?

Pop/snap on thunders is unmatched, but it comes at the cost of a fun, playful, turny setup.

The baseplate "issue" can get annoying at times especially on slappy noseslides and when nose/tail sliding longer than a few feet.  It's not super hard to adjust technique to make them work though. However, as someone who's bounced between the two a lot recently, nose/tail slides are so much easier on indys.

Thunder pinch is great too as others have said.

Personally I prefer the Indy manual point.

I really love riding thunders, they make me feel a bit more precise on my board. But I always end up going back to indys to surf around and have fun.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on April 30, 2024, 12:57:29 PM
I find that I tension the board differently with Indy's, because they are more turny.
This makes me have an easier time with scooping tricks, or just fs/bs flips.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: toe_knee on April 30, 2024, 03:37:44 PM
I keep finding myself coming back to this and the royal thread, when I buy a new complete (with the blessings from my doctor) should I get royals or thunders?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: big_kev_215 on April 30, 2024, 07:26:58 PM
Thanks for the thoughtful and detailed responses everyone! I will update you guys when I have resolved my truck crisis...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on April 30, 2024, 07:55:42 PM
I keep finding myself coming back to this and the royal thread, when I buy a new complete (with the blessings from my doctor) should I get royals or thunders?

Man, super tough call.

Best thing about royals is the lack of downsides some whined (BenD included) about the baseplate design being hard to slide; I've slide mine, slides fine?

Royals are faster turning Ventures. They NEED harder bushings if you find them too soft out of the gate, as they never firm up.

What I like about them the most is they give me the best of each 'camp' , i.e, it's a 52mm stable/quick return to center truck with less twitch / wheelbite than thunder (and better baseplate length if that's a thing for you) but has that venture stability yet turns smoothly like an indy and can be a bit squirrly like ACE (stock bushings); pinch venture/thunder style, grind better than ventures but take some break in time get smooth feeling (like that indy feel). Standards are the same weight as indy ti and ultra lights are damn near the perfect weight, and have a neutral effect on WB (much like an indy). Pop is closer to venture than thunder.

Thunders grind a bit better out of the gate, can be lower (forged) and lighter (ti) if that's your thing, pinch ever so slightly better (that wheelbite coming into play here) and come in more styles/colors.

Hot take: Royals are the smoothest, 'responsive/nimble' truck (i.e., Venture / Thunder camp) and not the twitchiest or carviest (ACE/Indy camp), they make thunder feel very 'simplistic' / less refined somehow, re-inforce that venture turn delay and showcase just how slow (but smooth) Indys can be; last time I stepped on indy TI, I instantly went 'ew gross' slow/sluggish/heavy and made my board sound dead).

FWIW I am currently skating 149 Thunder Ti and enjoying them immensely with my current setup. Light and super twitchy - but with 100a hard bushings to help negate wheelbite...still happens...I just get to a point where the truck just says fuck it and tilts all the way, so they're a pretty rigid turn, not tight.

Was on Ventures for months (that's long for me ;) when I hopped back on thunders and royals I had that "oh, right instant turn vs delayed and have had a tough time skating ventures after (even just dropping the board down and cruising)...Thunder had that 'yeah it's thunders' feel (gotta watch the wheelbite) were I felt like I always had to be 'balancing' to stay center, but as soon as I hopped on the royals they just felt right, just so damn smooth (ACE hard bushings if you want tighter, ACE mediums for a bit more play); I'm currently running the MEDIUM bottom but the HARD top (medium top is softer by 5 duro)

TL:DR I'd say give them a fair shot if you've ridden thunders before and want something different that's very EASY to 'just skate' just expect to have loose as hell trucks with the stock bushings and pick up some ACE bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: toe_knee on May 01, 2024, 05:54:31 AM
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I keep finding myself coming back to this and the royal thread, when I buy a new complete (with the blessings from my doctor) should I get royals or thunders?

Man, super tough call.

Best thing about royals is the lack of downsides some whined (BenD included) about the baseplate design being hard to slide; I've slide mine, slides fine?

Royals are faster turning Ventures. They NEED harder bushings if you find them too soft out of the gate, as they never firm up.

What I like about them the most is they give me the best of each 'camp' , i.e, it's a 52mm stable/quick return to center truck with less twitch / wheelbite than thunder (and better baseplate length if that's a thing for you) but has that venture stability yet turns smoothly like an indy and can be a bit squirrly like ACE (stock bushings); pinch venture/thunder style, grind better than ventures but take some break in time get smooth feeling (like that indy feel). Standards are the same weight as indy ti and ultra lights are damn near the perfect weight and have a neutral effect on WB (much like an indy). Pop is closer to venture than thunder.

Thunders grind a bit getter out of the gate, can be lower (forged) and lighter (ti) if that's your thing, pinch ever so slightly better (that wheelbite coming into play here) and come in more styles/colors.

Hot take: Royals are the smoothest, 'responsive/nimble' truck (i.e., Venture / Thunder camp) and not the twitchiest or carviest (ACE/Indy camp), they make thunder feel very 'simplistic' / less refined somehow, re-inforce that venture turn delay and showcase just how slow (but smooth) Indys can be; last time I stepped on indy TI, I instantly went 'ew gross' slow/sluggish/heavy and made my board sound dead).

FWIW I am currently skating 146 Thunder Ti and enjoying them immensely with my current setup. Light and super twitchy - but with 100a hard bushing to help negate the wheelbite (still happens...I just get to a point where the truck just say fuckit and tilts all the way, so they're pretty rigid turn, not tight.

Was on Ventures for months (that's long for me ;) when I hopped back on thunders and royals I had that "oh, right instant turn vs delayed and have had a tough time skating ventures after (even just dropping the board down and cruising)...Thunder had that 'yeah it's thunders' feel (gotta watch the wheelbite) were I felt like I always to be 'balancing' to stay center, but as soon as I hopped on the royals they just felt right, just so damn smooth (ACE hard bushings if you want tighter, ACE mediums for a bit more play); I'm currently running the MEDIUM bottom but the HARD top (medium top is softer by 5 duro)

TL:DR I'd say give them a fair shot if you've ridden thunders before and want something different that's very EASY to 'just skate' just expect to have loose as hell trucks with the stock bushings and pick up some ACE bushings.

Dude…it never ceases to amaze me, thank you for such a detailed and honest response, with that I’ll prolly go with the new royals and some aftermarket bushings thanks again xen
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on May 01, 2024, 06:36:27 AM
I rode Royals for a bit and that is actually how I remember em
I am actually starting to find indy and ace a bit too turny lol i can handle it but i think I just dont like it / need it
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on May 01, 2024, 08:05:05 AM
I rode Royals for a bit and that is actually how I remember em
I am actually starting to find indy and ace a bit too turny lol i can handle it but i think I just dont like it / need it

Same on that bit of not really needing the turn. I dont really skate bowls and mainly skate parks in a straight line with tighter trucks. So just didnt really make sense with my skating
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: danmasontree on May 01, 2024, 08:25:08 AM
I have 149 lights, my stock bushings are toast. Can anyone recommend new bushings that work well with Thunders? I’m a bigger dude, should I get hard bushings? Never really dove into the bushing madness till now
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on May 01, 2024, 08:37:08 AM
I have 149 lights, my stock bushings are toast. Can anyone recommend new bushings that work well with Thunders? I’m a bigger dude, should I get hard bushings? Never really dove into the bushing madness till now

Thunder make quite a few options for bushings, as per the Thunder site:

You have the option to buy just the tube of bushings, stock being 90 duro, so either the clear orange or the plain white, then the harder options as per the pic there.

If you want to spend a bit more and get the rebuild kit, which has bushings, washers, nuts and pivot cups, 90 stock red, or the harder options as per pic.

Some shops will get the rebuild kit more so than just the bushing tube, so I guess whatever is available, but all of them work well enough, as long as you give them time to break in nicely, even the stiffest bushings, which might take a little longer, but they do break in nicely.

The 94 / 95 duro options are pretty good for a reasonable step up, but if you want a really solid ride, the 97 or even 100s do work and still do turn.  They just take longer to get comfortable with the higher duro options and wear in nicely, as long as you don't go too hard too soon on them.


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Obijuan91 on May 01, 2024, 08:55:54 AM
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I rode Royals for a bit and that is actually how I remember em
I am actually starting to find indy and ace a bit too turny lol i can handle it but i think I just dont like it / need it

Same on that bit of not really needing the turn. I dont really skate bowls and mainly skate parks in a straight line with tighter trucks. So just didnt really make sense with my skating

This right here. as I get older I’m convinced ima get more into transition skating,even tho my local parks practically all street. Really considering switching to some thunders with pig bushings after my current set or royals tho
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 01, 2024, 09:03:39 AM
I rode Royals for a bit and that is actually how I remember em
I am actually starting to find indy and ace a bit too turny lol i can handle it but i think I just dont like it / need it

I'm not riding bowls/hitting parks with transition these days so yeah, no need for that style of truck.

I have 149 lights, my stock bushings are toast. Can anyone recommend new bushings that work well with Thunders? I’m a bigger dude, should I get hard bushings? Never really dove into the bushing madness till now

How heavy? I'm 193-ish and was riding the aftermarket 94s, the newer ice blue ones, and have recently tried the 97a (red rebuild kit) and 100a (black rebuild kit), the 100a feeling the best while curbing wheelbite as best as the trucks will allow; there was a bigger difference from 97 to 100 than 94 to 97.

No clue how the newer aftermarkets hold up against the rebuild kits (or vice versa) as the rebuild kits are for sure old stock.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: danmasontree on May 01, 2024, 09:26:03 AM
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I have 149 lights, my stock bushings are toast. Can anyone recommend new bushings that work well with Thunders? I’m a bigger dude, should I get hard bushings? Never really dove into the bushing madness till now

Thunder make quite a few options for bushings, as per the Thunder site:

You have the option to buy just the tube of bushings, stock being 90 duro, so either the clear orange or the plain white, then the harder options as per the pic there.

If you want to spend a bit more and get the rebuild kit, which has bushings, washers, nuts and pivot cups, 90 stock red, or the harder options as per pic.

Some shops will get the rebuild kit more so than just the bushing tube, so I guess whatever is available, but all of them work well enough, as long as you give them time to break in nicely, even the stiffest bushings, which might take a little longer, but they do break in nicely.

The 94 / 95 duro options are pretty good for a reasonable step up, but if you want a really solid ride, the 97 or even 100s do work and still do turn.  They just take longer to get comfortable with the higher duro options and wear in nicely, as long as you don't go too hard too soon on them.


Thanks for the info.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: danmasontree on May 01, 2024, 09:27:13 AM
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I rode Royals for a bit and that is actually how I remember em
I am actually starting to find indy and ace a bit too turny lol i can handle it but i think I just dont like it / need it

I'm not riding bowls/hitting parks with transition these days so yeah, no need for that style of truck.

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I have 149 lights, my stock bushings are toast. Can anyone recommend new bushings that work well with Thunders? I’m a bigger dude, should I get hard bushings? Never really dove into the bushing madness till now

How heavy? I'm 193-ish and was riding the aftermarket 94s, the newer ice blue ones, and have recently tried the 97a (red rebuild kit) and 100a (black rebuild kit), the 100a feeling the best while curbing wheelbite as best as the trucks will allow; there was a bigger difference from 97 to 100 than 94 to 97.

No clue how the newer aftermarkets hold up against the rebuild kits (or vice versa) as the rebuild kits are for sure old stock.

250ish. Sounds like the 100a would work best. Thanks!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 01, 2024, 09:42:36 AM
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I rode Royals for a bit and that is actually how I remember em
I am actually starting to find indy and ace a bit too turny lol i can handle it but i think I just dont like it / need it

Same on that bit of not really needing the turn. I dont really skate bowls and mainly skate parks in a straight line with tighter trucks. So just didnt really make sense with my skating

This right here. as I get older I’m convinced ima get more into transition skating,even tho my local parks practically all street. Really considering switching to some thunders with pig bushings after my current set or royals tho

Dan Drehobl rode Ventures on transition for years and fucking cranks his Indys. One of my longtime skate buddies rips on big transition and rides Ventures as they come. They're not as responsive as an Ace, but he likes that he can really lean into carves and not worry about bottoming out. I've seen him get pitched plenty of times from wheelbite on Ace, especially in a specific tighter bowl pocket. Also, for years he was trying to do crooks around the corner of a tight bowl and when he was on Ace would kinda flop into the transition. On Ventures he does a nice little push and comes back in perfect.

So it's really in your head. I see plenty of 40+ bowl trolls in full pads on traditional transition setups and they're lucky to hit coping. There's a few local kids on Thunder flow and it's similar to my buddy on Ventures- the stability can be an advantage if you know how to use it and are not riding them prohibitively tight. One kid has 58 radials on Thunder cast with no risers and rocks them super loose and I've got no idea how he hasn't died yet, but it works.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: juniormint on May 01, 2024, 09:44:48 AM
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I rode Royals for a bit and that is actually how I remember em
I am actually starting to find indy and ace a bit too turny lol i can handle it but i think I just dont like it / need it

Same on that bit of not really needing the turn. I dont really skate bowls and mainly skate parks in a straight line with tighter trucks. So just didnt really make sense with my skating

This right here. as I get older I’m convinced ima get more into transition skating,even tho my local parks practically all street. Really considering switching to some thunders with pig bushings after my current set or royals tho

Risers on thunders make them a perfectly capable bowl truck imo. It also doesn’t hinder them in a more street oriented scenario. Worth a shot to just feel how good they are with a bit more height. I’ve been on 161s lately and I think they are 53mm so pretty ideal without risers for me. But my usual 151s on 1/8 risers are so good all round.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tom on May 01, 2024, 01:33:20 PM
Chris Miller rides Thunders in big bowls. His son Zach Miller is also on Thunder and absolutely rips transition. Then you have the best current vert skater, Jimmy Wilkins, riding Thunders. Theyre a fully capable transition skater truck. On the flip side you have John Shanahanz skating vert and bowls with Ventures
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Obijuan91 on May 01, 2024, 08:58:01 PM
Might give in to the urge if I can find some cheap 148s, enjoying my royals rn but the pop on the thunders keeps calling me
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ridethegutter on May 03, 2024, 06:06:34 PM
Does anyone else have trouble with manuals on thunder? I love the pop but my mannies are non existent.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: moonordie on May 03, 2024, 11:53:26 PM
Does anyone else have trouble with manuals on thunder? I love the pop but my mannies are non existent.
Opposite, went from Aces to Thunders and I feel manuals are a little easier.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on May 04, 2024, 02:04:34 AM
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Does anyone else have trouble with manuals on thunder? I love the pop but my mannies are non existent.
Opposite, went from Aces to Thunders and I feel manuals are a little easier.

Same for me. Think it's easier to lock into manuals with Thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pops on May 04, 2024, 02:19:45 AM
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Does anyone else have trouble with manuals on thunder? I love the pop but my mannies are non existent.
Opposite, went from Aces to Thunders and I feel manuals are a little easier.

Same for me. Think it's easier to lock into manuals with Thunders.

I also have harder time doing manuals with Aces. My manual game was on point when I rode Thunders. Now on Stage 4 and much better lock into manuals than Ace.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: ridethegutter on May 04, 2024, 04:24:53 AM
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Does anyone else have trouble with manuals on thunder? I love the pop but my mannies are non existent.
Opposite, went from Aces to Thunders and I feel manuals are a little easier.

Same for me. Think it's easier to lock into manuals with Thunders.

I also have harder time doing manuals with Aces. My manual game was on point when I rode Thunders. Now on Stage 4 and much better lock into manuals than Ace.

My manuals on aces are pretty good. Pop shuvs suck ass though.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 04, 2024, 06:41:14 AM
I think if you know what you're doing ACES are great, you have more control but you don't lock in like thunders.  Venture IMO is better than Thunder but they are pretty similar......
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: flintstagram on May 06, 2024, 12:52:53 AM
Does anyone else have trouble with manuals on thunder? I love the pop but my mannies are non existent.

I can relate. Felt like I had way better manuals on Indys, but Thunders just feel the best to me for everything else, so they’re all I ride now. I feel like after a while you find that sweet balance point.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on May 06, 2024, 01:51:45 AM
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Does anyone else have trouble with manuals on thunder? I love the pop but my mannies are non existent.

I can relate. Felt like I had way better manuals on Indys, but Thunders just feel the best to me for everything else, so they’re all I ride now. I feel like after a while you find that sweet balance point.

Yes totally this.

Every truck is different in the pivot / manual point, as well as pop point and so on.  Getting used to one truck usually means that if you were to jump on another truck, more often than not it would be a little bit different, sometimes easier, sometimes harder.

Maybe the longer the wheelbase, the more likely the manual point will be a little more difficult to hit straight away, feeling way heavier in the lift, but as you get used to the new trucks, everything evens out, to the point where if you had skated them long enough, going back to something shorter like Ace will often end in too light a feeling in the tail for a bit, again until you get used to them.

This can be made easier or harder on some boards too, which is often why some people pair some things together, some trucks with certain decks, eg Thunder or Venture with shorter wheelbases / longer kicks.

That is not to say it is always the way, but there are definitely some nice combinations in there.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on May 06, 2024, 03:54:44 AM
Ive been mostly on Thunders, like 80% of the time. Recently bought some 149s as I stepped up to 8,5 decks.
I find that Indys have much bigger margin for error, larger balance point, but yes they dont "lock in" like Thunders to.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: douchenozzle on May 06, 2024, 07:01:13 AM
Is the wheelbite a bigger issue riding Thunder compared to Indy due to the height difference?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 06, 2024, 07:25:48 AM
Is the wheelbite a bigger issue riding Thunder compared to Indy due to the height difference?

And the turning radius/ truck geometry. Other lower trucks avoid Thunder amounts of wheel bite with a continuous tight arc turn. just a theory....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: tuesday on May 06, 2024, 08:30:37 AM
I've got a set of 'old' (pre size mark on the hanger) 149 Titaniums. I ride them fairly lose with 52mm wheels. On the first deck wheel bite was anoying. But that was never an issue again after I switched to a deck with wheel wells. (Sorry that I keep bringing wheel wells up again in conncetion with Thunders, but they make a difference. And you might have the pleasure to ride a Hjalte deck with wells.)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 06, 2024, 08:37:52 AM
I've got a set of 'old' (pre size mark on the hanger) 149 Titaniums. I ride them fairly lose with 52mm wheels. On the first deck wheel bite was anoying. But that was never an issue again after I switched to a deck with wheel wells. (Sorry that I keep bringing wheel wells up again in conncetion with Thunders, but they make a difference. And you might have the pleasure to ride a Hjalte deck with wells.)

Thunder+wheel wells (if you don't want to deal with risers) is the way; I rode many a polar w/well with thunders until they discontinued the 31.875 825 for the 32" =(
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: moonordie on May 06, 2024, 09:14:31 AM
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I've got a set of 'old' (pre size mark on the hanger) 149 Titaniums. I ride them fairly lose with 52mm wheels. On the first deck wheel bite was anoying. But that was never an issue again after I switched to a deck with wheel wells. (Sorry that I keep bringing wheel wells up again in conncetion with Thunders, but they make a difference. And you might have the pleasure to ride a Hjalte deck with wells.)

Thunder+wheel wells (if you don't want to deal with risers) is the way; I rode many a polar w/well with thunders until they discontinued the 31.875 825 for the 32" =(
Doing the same. Team Hollows + WKND with wheel wells
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 06, 2024, 12:39:40 PM
really dumb question, but do wheel wells alter the pinch at all?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: goodatmeth on May 06, 2024, 01:17:38 PM
really dumb question, but do wheel wells alter the pinch at all?
You can pinch even harder, make that hanger turn 90°
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 06, 2024, 07:47:54 PM
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really dumb question, but do wheel wells alter the pinch at all?
You can pinch even harder, make that hanger turn 90°

Throw in some small ass wheels too, even better pinch with wheel wells.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DERBY on May 07, 2024, 04:57:29 AM
any possible release day for the T2s?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 07, 2024, 08:00:10 AM
any possible release day for the T2s?

are they even a thing yet? all we've heard is a few pros and industry types have had some prototypes.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 07, 2024, 09:56:12 AM
I think it’s been dialed back….
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 07, 2024, 09:57:11 AM
Bummer but not surprising. Would rather they take their time to get them right though.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 07, 2024, 11:17:10 AM
They've had people testing them since 2020, so if 4 years can't get it right nothing will.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 07, 2024, 12:16:09 PM
disagree. truck molds are costly and time-consuming. also F4s took years and they were very worth the wait.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 07, 2024, 12:50:08 PM
They've had the molds for years and the test trucks have been relatively the same. My guess is they went back and forth on smaller details plus the switch from Ermico to Mexico. Maybe its scaling up the test molds and all the QA involved?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DERBY on May 07, 2024, 01:12:56 PM
thanks for the looks yall

hi dlx,

it’d be pretty cool if some folks on slap can give the T2s a test run. folks on this forum would gladly provide feedback. if you want us to keep it in private and off the forums, we can do so too.


Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 07, 2024, 03:54:16 PM
thanks for the looks yall

hi dlx,

it’d be pretty cool if some folks on slap can give the T2s a test run. folks on this forum would gladly provide feedback. if you want us to keep it in private and off the forums, we can do so too.


Now you're talking. Get five sets out to some Pals and we will tell you what's up.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 07, 2024, 04:30:35 PM
disagree. truck molds are costly and time-consuming. also F4s took years and they were very worth the wait.

...and 3 years for (supposedly) for spit 93s (granted it took less time because they new the target).

They've had people testing them since 2020, so if 4 years can't get it right nothing will.

Yeah, Bones took 10yrs with Dragons/x-formula - let's just rush shit to market.

Get TF outta here with that BS.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on May 07, 2024, 05:22:36 PM
There is no rush to get the T2 out, might as well get it right instead of Lurpiving it. I don't think the demand for a T2 is even that high. I'm assuming most skaters don't even know a T2 is on the cards. Cause really, there is nothing wrong with Thunders. The only credible thing people dislike about them is the wheel contact on nose and tailslides, and that can be fixed with form.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: bad joke on May 07, 2024, 05:31:13 PM
when the T2 comes out and all the sk8rs try it

it will be judgment day
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 07, 2024, 06:11:27 PM
I doubt they are even called T2s. Truth be told Thunders are probably only a stage or 2 behind Indy.

But it does seem like they will be an alternative to the current line not a new stage... so who knows....

If I was DLX dude, I'd say they should lean heavy on the Thunder of yore in terms of image and turn. Play up the history a bit but add  kingpin clearance, shave some weight. Call Terry Nails and Shrewgy. Get Chis Cook and Jeff Hartsel ads.

Give Natas a model. Heart Grenade. Pull the pin. Let's go!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 07, 2024, 06:24:17 PM
when the T2 comes out and all the sk8rs try it

it will be judgment day

Usename checks out.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 07, 2024, 06:46:20 PM
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disagree. truck molds are costly and time-consuming. also F4s took years and they were very worth the wait.

...and 3 years for (supposedly) for spit 93s (granted it took less time because they new the target).

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They've had people testing them since 2020, so if 4 years can't get it right nothing will.

Yeah, Bones took 10yrs with Dragons/x-formula - let's just rush shit to market.

Get TF outta here with that BS.

Supposedly the photo has been internally around for longer, just testing for 4 years. The testing for the 93 Spits was less than 4 years, so I'd trust DLX knows what they're doing and can get things out quickly. According to someone at DLX they had the formula for a while before, but the market didn't seem to be there and they were able to rush protos and testing once they saw Bones/Powell succeeding. There's definitely levels of testing (internal protos -> V1 tested by employees and maybe a few team members -> V1.x tested by small group of testers... until you have team riders testing them). I don't know how long Indy Mids were tested for (not long enough apparently), AF1s supposedly had a pretty quick development cycle, and Stage IV would make sense didn't take a ton of time.

Our local shop is one of the biggest in the state/region and the owner had a test pair back in 2021. According to him they seem to be the same as the ones he has now minus the bushings and the general finish. My guess is the delay probably has to do with making a shitload of trucks so there's enough for global distribution on launch and given they switched to a new factory that's probably fairly intensive. Unfortunately he is not extremely technical. You can easily spot them in footage and videos going back to around the same time and lots of team riders have had iterations.

In other questions, I wonder if Ishod will stay on Venture now that they're going to release the 8 hole plates he's riding.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on May 07, 2024, 08:52:29 PM

In other questions, I wonder if Ishod will stay on Venture now that they're going to release the 8 hole plates he's riding.

I copied this to the Venture thread too, just because I think it needs more discussion there.

Please tell me more...

* Imagine if you could get undrilled baseplates and then drill them out yourself at whatever position you wanted.  I got my hands on an undrilled Indy baseplate once (and still have it) but it is an interesting concept.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 07, 2024, 09:36:42 PM
Supposedly the photo has been internally around for longer, just testing for 4 years. The testing for the 93 Spits was less than 4 years, so I'd trust DLX knows what they're doing and can get things out quickly.

They've had people testing them since 2020, so if 4 years can't get it right nothing will.

So which is it dude? Did you take all the pills today, like your supposed to?

In other questions, I wonder if Ishod will stay on Venture now that they're going to release the 8 hole plates he's riding.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 07, 2024, 09:48:13 PM
Ah yah I see how that wording was confusing.

I personally feel 4 years seems long, but you brought up 10 for Dragons and since 93s came out with less dev time I'd assume DLX could push a truck to market faster. Either there's a slowdown from production or something else not related to the design and testing phase. That was my point- the Protos haven't changed since I first saw them and people were first testing them so it's not a matter of iterating on design. If there's still design issues it would be really odd for DLX and they'd never see the light of day so they're probably ramping everything on that side (plus Covid slowdown, factories, etc).

As for someone else that asked I dunno if T2 is the name. There were some pros from a major DLX brand in town relatively recently and only 1 had them. Didn't wanna be a douche and ask and he probably couldn't tell much, but they are notably different looking even from 10 feet away.

8 hole plates just a rumor, but lots of the DLX guys have them and my shop manager said they might be sold aftermarket soon like the Indy replacement plates. He could be wrong, but Ishod and a few others have been spotted on them according to the Venutre thread.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on May 08, 2024, 08:08:04 AM

8 hole plates just a rumor, but lots of the DLX guys have them and my shop manager said they might be sold aftermarket soon like the Indy replacement plates. He could be wrong, but Ishod and a few others have been spotted on them according to the Venutre thread.

Not sure if Koston was the first / main guy to have them for quite a while now, but others had been spotted with the double drilled Venture baseplates too in the last few years.

It does help that someone like Ishod has been skating them too, so that really makes it more of a push.

* That and others (myself included) drilling out Ventures in both 1/4" and 3/8" differences just to see what they are like.  I prefer the 1/4" for what it is worth, usually just on the tail too, whereas those guys have both in to really shorten any longer wheelbases down to a very 90s street 14" or similar feel.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 08, 2024, 08:56:57 AM
Besides a longer baseplate, which is something that could be tweaked, possibly without affecting geo, AND something that doesn't phase pros riding them (but seems to be damn near apocalyptic for forum members) what needs to be changed?

Are they losing market share or something? Are riders secretly riding other trucks because the grass is greener? Genuinely curious what the point is.

If I had to place a bet, they're trying to make the 'light/slim' version of an indy/ace feel with stability (Royal gang, we already know).

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 08, 2024, 09:09:12 AM
Besides a longer baseplate, which is something that could be tweaked, possibly without affecting geo, AND something that doesn't phase pros riding them (but seems to be damn near apocalyptic for forum members) what needs to be changed?

Are they losing market share or something? Are riders secretly riding other trucks because the grass is greener? Genuinely curious what the point is.

If I had to place a bet, they're trying to make the 'light/slim' version of an indy/ace feel with stability (Royal gang, we already know).

Seems it won't be a change but an additional model? And your last sentence is where it should go.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on May 08, 2024, 09:30:42 AM
I don't think my madness riddled, indecisive ass could handle a t2 release any time soon.

What an absolute whirlwind of emotions that would cause me.

I'm exaggerating of course, but not by much.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 08, 2024, 11:32:44 AM
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Besides a longer baseplate, which is something that could be tweaked, possibly without affecting geo, AND something that doesn't phase pros riding them (but seems to be damn near apocalyptic for forum members) what needs to be changed?

Are they losing market share or something? Are riders secretly riding other trucks because the grass is greener? Genuinely curious what the point is.

If I had to place a bet, they're trying to make the 'light/slim' version of an indy/ace feel with stability (Royal gang, we already know).

Seems it won't be a change but an additional model? And your last sentence is where it should go.

From what I gather:
-A tad taller (prob 53ish)
-Turnier, kinda like an Indy-ish but slower
-Baseplate sticks out
-Better KP clearance

If you look at normal Thunders now you can't just drill the baseplate to stick further out (like a Venture) and get it to slide as the issue is its slightly thinner AND the angle of the hanger is such that the wheels do stick out closer to the plate edge. It would also lengthen the WB a bit. So I think they kinda needed to start fresh to solve the problems.

I can't really use drawing software and I'm not any kind of Engineer so maybe I am completely wrong here. When I look at the Thunders I have from the side the kingpin seems less upright and the hanger looks more vertical. You could add 2mm of metal and get a really thick plate, but IDK how much clearance that ads for wheels.

I think what they wanted was a way to corner some of the Indy/Ace market. They probably know enough that people don't love how tall Indys are nor the brand image and Ace seem very polarizing. You're probably right that they're similar to Royals although I've never ridden them it seems like how they are described on here is right in the middle of the 2 existing DLX trucks. Basically a Royal with lower kingpin.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 08, 2024, 11:44:44 AM
More of a 'hook' to the last half of a Thunder turn could help keep them lowish while limiting wheel bite.

I keep the hollow hanger body don't go Stage 4 or Ace on us...

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 08, 2024, 12:14:44 PM
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Besides a longer baseplate, which is something that could be tweaked, possibly without affecting geo, AND something that doesn't phase pros riding them (but seems to be damn near apocalyptic for forum members) what needs to be changed?

Are they losing market share or something? Are riders secretly riding other trucks because the grass is greener? Genuinely curious what the point is.

If I had to place a bet, they're trying to make the 'light/slim' version of an indy/ace feel with stability (Royal gang, we already know).

Seems it won't be a change but an additional model? And your last sentence is where it should go.

All speculation of course, even if they do keep the 'old line' it's still a change, otherwise they wouldn't do it.

ACE classics were fine, right? But they changed the truck for some reason (quality might have been the whole reason, and if you are changing foundries might as well do a revision with new molds).

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Besides a longer baseplate, which is something that could be tweaked, possibly without affecting geo, AND something that doesn't phase pros riding them (but seems to be damn near apocalyptic for forum members) what needs to be changed?

Are they losing market share or something? Are riders secretly riding other trucks because the grass is greener? Genuinely curious what the point is.

If I had to place a bet, they're trying to make the 'light/slim' version of an indy/ace feel with stability (Royal gang, we already know).

Seems it won't be a change but an additional model? And your last sentence is where it should go.

From what I gather:
-A tad taller (prob 53ish)
-Turnier, kinda like an Indy-ish but slower
-Baseplate sticks out
-Better KP clearance

Sooooo Venture cast...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 08, 2024, 12:55:19 PM
From what someone has told me about their set they turn like an Indy Forged and still have a Thunder pop feel. So, I guess a Venture cast with more immediate turn, shorter WB, lighter pop, not sure about kingpin clearance or anything else. Shop owner proclaimed them as his new favorite truck and loves the set he tested so hopefully they aren't terrible or as flawed as many other updates/offerings from major brands. It definitely rekindled my gear nerdery and excitement.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dmng on May 08, 2024, 02:01:04 PM
I’ve just changed the blue bushings out of my hollow light for the red rebuild kit and they can’t both be same 90 duro. The stocks light blue ones feel much harder
  Thanks Tom & slap members!

 I’m curious to ride it tomorrow ! Hopefully I won’t discover wheelbite city 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 08, 2024, 02:22:01 PM
The last thing I'd want is a slower turning thunder (unless it's after the apex where they bite)...but even then...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DinnerDog425 on May 08, 2024, 04:32:50 PM
I’ve just changed the blue bushings out of my hollow light for the red rebuild kit and they can’t both be same 90 duro. The stocks light blue ones feel much harder
  Thanks Tom & slap members!

 I’m curious to ride it tomorrow ! Hopefully I won’t discover wheelbite city
I had the same issue with the black bushings that came with a set of night hollows. Swapped in the orange 90 duro bushings night and day difference.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on May 08, 2024, 10:50:56 PM
Madness got the better of me. I switched up from 149 to 151 on my 8.5 and it skates so much better now. So much more stable. Everything just feels way better. I've only skated 8.5 trucks for the last few years.  Previously didn't want to size up cause of weight, but decided I would try since it would be on hollow lights. Wish I tried this sooner.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: moonordie on May 09, 2024, 12:53:00 AM
Nothing beats trucks bigger than board. Skating 8.25 in 149 and it feels perfect.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: someguy185 on May 09, 2024, 04:21:51 AM
It’s funny, seems to be a lot feedback on Thunder that the trucks aren’t so good but they’ve got such a stacked team.

Just about to ride my 148’s on an 8.38. Upped in size for first time since an 8.25.

Also why are the team hollows so hard to find in raw?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on May 09, 2024, 05:46:43 AM
Madness got the better of me. I switched up from 149 to 151 on my 8.5 and it skates so much better now. So much more stable. Everything just feels way better. I've only skated 8.5 trucks for the last few years.  Previously didn't want to size up cause of weight, but decided I would try since it would be on hollow lights. Wish I tried this sooner.

I've been planning on trying this the next time I set up a board and reading this is validating. I happen to have some standard 151s on a cruiser, and I'm hoping having just a smidge more truck will be beneficial.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 09, 2024, 07:05:54 AM
It’s funny, seems to be a lot feedback on Thunder that the trucks aren’t so good but they’ve got such a stacked team.

Just about to ride my 148’s on an 8.38. Upped in size for first time since an 8.25.

Also why are the team hollows so hard to find in raw?

Where is this feedback? I love Thunders and see tons of happy riders on them. Locally they're tied for most common truck with Indy.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lou Strux on May 09, 2024, 08:53:45 AM
It’s funny, seems to be a lot feedback on Thunder that the trucks aren’t so good…
Wait… What?!?
Thunders are great trucks: pop is my favorite, pinch is fantastic, generally quite light, turn is practically telepathic it’s so quick to initiate.
Their only downside for me is that that same reactive turn is limited by how soon you get into wheelbite territory.
I don’t run risers, generally so at my preferred setting, I’m unable to ride anything above a 53mm wheel w/o getting pitched ass-over-teakettle coming out of anything fakie/switch because I suck & my technique is shit.
But Thunders… really solid trucks.
Just throw some risers under them if you ride ‘em looser & wanna run 54mm or up.
Somehow, after decades spent almost exclusively on Thunders, all of my set ups are now either Indy or Ace.
A tragic, really.
Def going to look into these new “T2” versions if they ever come out.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on May 09, 2024, 09:00:43 AM
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Madness got the better of me. I switched up from 149 to 151 on my 8.5 and it skates so much better now. So much more stable. Everything just feels way better. I've only skated 8.5 trucks for the last few years.  Previously didn't want to size up cause of weight, but decided I would try since it would be on hollow lights. Wish I tried this sooner.

I've been planning on trying this the next time I set up a board and reading this is validating. I happen to have some standard 151s on a cruiser, and I'm hoping having just a smidge more truck will be beneficial.

For what it’s worth I searched a bunch on here to see the consensus on 151 on 8.5 and there was only positive feedback. So definitely worth trying.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: someguy185 on May 09, 2024, 09:34:09 AM
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It’s funny, seems to be a lot feedback on Thunder that the trucks aren’t so good but they’ve got such a stacked team.

Just about to ride my 148’s on an 8.38. Upped in size for first time since an 8.25.

Also why are the team hollows so hard to find in raw?

Where is this feedback? I love Thunders and see tons of happy riders on them. Locally they're tied for most common truck with Indy.

I have seen a fair bit of talk around the base plate length being an issue. Additionally I see the venture thread is about 3 times as long. Seems a lot more interest and discussion going on there.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on May 09, 2024, 09:49:14 AM
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It’s funny, seems to be a lot feedback on Thunder that the trucks aren’t so good but they’ve got such a stacked team.

Just about to ride my 148’s on an 8.38. Upped in size for first time since an 8.25.

Also why are the team hollows so hard to find in raw?

Where is this feedback? I love Thunders and see tons of happy riders on them. Locally they're tied for most common truck with Indy.

I have seen a fair bit of talk around the base plate length being an issue. Additionally I see the venture thread is about 3 times as long. Seems a lot more interest and discussion going on there.
The reason for this. The sole reason for this is Bobby Worrest.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 09, 2024, 10:03:04 AM
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It’s funny, seems to be a lot feedback on Thunder that the trucks aren’t so good…
Wait… What?!?
Thunders are great trucks: pop is my favorite, pinch is fantastic, generally quite light, turn is practically telepathic it’s so quick to initiate.
Their only downside for me is that that same reactive turn is limited by how soon you get into wheelbite territory.

I don’t run risers, generally so at my preferred setting, I’m unable to ride anything above a 53mm wheel w/o getting pitched ass-over-teakettle coming out of anything fakie/switch because I suck & my technique is shit.

It's as if you read my mind. I swear it's the ONLY truck that fucks with me soooo bad coming out fakie/switch (I've mentioned that before and got berated).

Do you run stock? I've been messing around with the 97/100 thunder bushings and they really help while not really feeling 'tight' or restricted...BUT I have to run ~52 mm wheels (cast or forged).

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on May 09, 2024, 10:24:56 AM
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It’s funny, seems to be a lot feedback on Thunder that the trucks aren’t so good but they’ve got such a stacked team.

Just about to ride my 148’s on an 8.38. Upped in size for first time since an 8.25.

Also why are the team hollows so hard to find in raw?

Where is this feedback? I love Thunders and see tons of happy riders on them. Locally they're tied for most common truck with Indy.

I have seen a fair bit of talk around the base plate length being an issue. Additionally I see the venture thread is about 3 times as long. Seems a lot more interest and discussion going on there.
The reason for this. The sole reason for this is Bobby Worrest.

Ha yeah when that Bobby Venture part dropped a while back, it had everyone wanting to switch to Ventures. Myself included.

I think most of the dislike of Thunders comes from the Indy/Ace crowd so I don't take it very seriously since the trucks are just so different. Thunders main issues are wheelbite, stock bushings, and baseplate. Imo the baseplate thing is so overblown. It can be managed with changing technique or harder wheels. I'll die on this hill.

Thunders aren't flawless, but for me it is easy enough to manage the flaws by changing my wheels and bushings. I'm running 97a Thunder bushings with Riptide pivot cups and 53mm conical wheels.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lou Strux on May 09, 2024, 10:49:14 AM
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It’s funny, seems to be a lot feedback on Thunder that the trucks aren’t so good…
Wait… What?!?
Thunders are great trucks: pop is my favorite, pinch is fantastic, generally quite light, turn is practically telepathic it’s so quick to initiate.
Their only downside for me is that that same reactive turn is limited by how soon you get into wheelbite territory.

I don’t run risers, generally so at my preferred setting, I’m unable to ride anything above a 53mm wheel w/o getting pitched ass-over-teakettle coming out of anything fakie/switch because I suck & my technique is shit.


It's as if you read my mind. I swear it's the ONLY truck that fucks with me soooo bad coming out fakie/switch (I've mentioned that before and got berated).

Do you run stock? I've been messing around with the 97/100 thunder bushings and they really help while not really feeling 'tight' or restricted...BUT I have to run ~52 mm wheels (cast or forged).
@Xen, was running stock 90s.
Prolly should’ve put a barrel in there before throwing in the towel.
90 barrel bottom & a 92-94 top might’ve got ‘em where I wanted them.
Gave my last set away to @BartHarleyJarvis a while ago so I may just have to die wondering.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fs1/2cab on May 09, 2024, 10:52:45 AM
I mostly rode Indys. My noseslides were okay, not great but I could do them. Although never really long. Now I am on Thunders and my noseslides are still mediocre. But it feels like, the Thunder baseplates could help me to learn better noseslides someday.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 09, 2024, 11:41:57 AM
I've had stock 90's that feel like marshmallows and other that feel like rocks. The newer clear blue ones seem harder.

I've ran 54's on Thunders for years, medium tight. I don't wheelbite more, but when I do I'm not riding out of it like I can with other trucks. If I didn't currently only own Ventures and want to ride them into the ground I'd likely be on Thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Obijuan91 on May 09, 2024, 01:37:15 PM
I had a thunder itch and I got my hands on my old 147s skated them on a 14 inch wheelbase. Itch gone. Idk why the pop felt better on 149 thunders for some reason but I’m completely over them. Team Indy and Royal. That is all. Thanks.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on May 09, 2024, 03:10:03 PM
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It’s funny, seems to be a lot feedback on Thunder that the trucks aren’t so good…
Wait… What?!?
Thunders are great trucks: pop is my favorite, pinch is fantastic, generally quite light, turn is practically telepathic it’s so quick to initiate.
Their only downside for me is that that same reactive turn is limited by how soon you get into wheelbite territory.

I don’t run risers, generally so at my preferred setting, I’m unable to ride anything above a 53mm wheel w/o getting pitched ass-over-teakettle coming out of anything fakie/switch because I suck & my technique is shit.


It's as if you read my mind. I swear it's the ONLY truck that fucks with me soooo bad coming out fakie/switch (I've mentioned that before and got berated).

Do you run stock? I've been messing around with the 97/100 thunder bushings and they really help while not really feeling 'tight' or restricted...BUT I have to run ~52 mm wheels (cast or forged).
@Xen, was running stock 90s.
Prolly should’ve put a barrel in there before throwing in the towel.
90 barrel bottom & a 92-94 top might’ve got ‘em where I wanted them.
Gave my last set away to @BartHarleyJarvis a while ago so I may just have to die wondering.

I rode them with love @Lou Strux

I actually think they're in the hands of @Gene_Harrogate now.....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lou Strux on May 09, 2024, 03:19:39 PM
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It’s funny, seems to be a lot feedback on Thunder that the trucks aren’t so good…
Wait… What?!?
Thunders are great trucks: pop is my favorite, pinch is fantastic, generally quite light, turn is practically telepathic it’s so quick to initiate.
Their only downside for me is that that same reactive turn is limited by how soon you get into wheelbite territory.

I don’t run risers, generally so at my preferred setting, I’m unable to ride anything above a 53mm wheel w/o getting pitched ass-over-teakettle coming out of anything fakie/switch because I suck & my technique is shit.


It's as if you read my mind. I swear it's the ONLY truck that fucks with me soooo bad coming out fakie/switch (I've mentioned that before and got berated).

Do you run stock? I've been messing around with the 97/100 thunder bushings and they really help while not really feeling 'tight' or restricted...BUT I have to run ~52 mm wheels (cast or forged).
@Xen, was running stock 90s.
Prolly should’ve put a barrel in there before throwing in the towel.
90 barrel bottom & a 92-94 top might’ve got ‘em where I wanted them.
Gave my last set away to @BartHarleyJarvis a while ago so I may just have to die wondering.

I rode them with love @Lou Strux

I actually think they're in the hands of @Gene_Harrogate now.....
Sisterhood of the Traveling Thunders.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: someguy185 on May 11, 2024, 12:14:54 AM
Why are the Team Hollows hard to come by?

I can’t find them in the UK but hollows and hollow lights are everywhere. Looking for a 148 or 149. Are they not a popular truck? Enjoyed the Teams on my 8.25 and was keen to trim a bit of weight sizing up to 8.5.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on May 11, 2024, 01:19:36 AM
Why are the Team Hollows hard to come by?

I can’t find them in the UK but hollows and hollow lights are everywhere. Looking for a 148 or 149. Are they not a popular truck? Enjoyed the Teams on my 8.25 and was keen to trim a bit of weight sizing up to 8.5.

No idea. Hard to come by here in the states too. Currently all 3 of my local shops don’t have them in stock. My guess is that Thunder just has too many options, and team hollows are kind of redundant.

The lights weigh as much as the team hollows and the hollow lights weigh less than them. I would wager the average skate consumer who doesn’t care for numbers would just go for the lightest option if they were after hollows. Not sure though.

Also in my experience I liked my team hollows but, I liked my hollow lights way more.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: moonordie on May 11, 2024, 01:57:24 AM
I feel lucky that I found Team hollows in here :D
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 11, 2024, 06:27:40 AM
After I had team hollows, I’d always just keep the baseplates and buy hollow lights or whatever and swap the hangers. 
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 11, 2024, 09:43:15 AM
After I had team hollows, I’d always just keep the baseplates and buy hollow lights or whatever and swap the hangers. 

Same here, until the mounting holes get wonky....TI TEAM Hollow (kingpin) are my favorite combo...but I flipflop back and forth on forged plates and smaller wheels (low and wide is so comfy).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on May 11, 2024, 05:23:05 PM
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Why are the Team Hollows hard to come by?

I can’t find them in the UK but hollows and hollow lights are everywhere. Looking for a 148 or 149. Are they not a popular truck? Enjoyed the Teams on my 8.25 and was keen to trim a bit of weight sizing up to 8.5.

No idea. Hard to come by here in the states too. Currently all 3 of my local shops don’t have them in stock. My guess is that Thunder just has too many options, and team hollows are kind of redundant.

The lights weigh as much as the team hollows and the hollow lights weigh less than them. I would wager the average skate consumer who doesn’t care for numbers would just go for the lightest option if they were after hollows. Not sure though.

Also in my experience I liked my team hollows but, I liked my hollow lights way more.

I think from a shop perspective, ordering in some (or one set for smaller places) of everything, then the most popular trucks sell out and it might be a while before placing another order, or even then the local distro has sold out of them as well, so I can see that could be why they sell out and are not restocked in some places.

Also the name of them often doesn't come up correctly or shops / listings don't have the right info on them, but they should be in the price bracket between the basic team editions and the forged baseplate options, so a broad search of Thunder trucks and go from there, just in case.

There seem to be a lot of the 149s here in AU, but not other sizes in the basic polished colour, although there are the one off versions of certain colourways with the team baseplate and hollow kingpins - give or take hollow axles as well.

I haven't seen any in person to know if as per the Thunder site, they do have red bushings, but that could be another thing to look for, but not the be all and end all.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Coffee on May 11, 2024, 08:15:30 PM
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It’s funny, seems to be a lot feedback on Thunder that the trucks aren’t so good but they’ve got such a stacked team.

Just about to ride my 148’s on an 8.38. Upped in size for first time since an 8.25.

Also why are the team hollows so hard to find in raw?

Where is this feedback? I love Thunders and see tons of happy riders on them. Locally they're tied for most common truck with Indy.

I have seen a fair bit of talk around the base plate length being an issue. Additionally I see the venture thread is about 3 times as long. Seems a lot more interest and discussion going on there.
The reason for this. The sole reason for this is Bobby Worrest.

That’s no joke, that BW part was sick. Coincidentally it was around that time that I switched to thunders after only riding ventures since the late 90’s. I still have two setups with ventures but they are my backups so I don’t skate them much.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Idk on May 11, 2024, 08:22:34 PM
PJ Ladd has been skating Thunders lately. You can see on his story.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 11, 2024, 09:58:23 PM
PJ Ladd has been skating Thunders lately. You can see on his story.

Saw in a couple weeks ago (in person) riding Vents.  /shrug

(we were the only two people at this spot - and it's mostly flat and curbs; dude's super nice and we all know this, but his flat game is just so insane  :o
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 11, 2024, 11:06:25 PM
I think if you’re a venture low person and are looking at a 2024 alternative, it’s a 147….

Tons of people quietly love their thunders….they just never been marketed well, but they don’t need to.  In the late 90’s into the 2000’s they gained more market share than anyone else…..
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on May 11, 2024, 11:23:58 PM
I think if you’re a venture low person and are looking at a 2024 alternative, it’s a 147….

Tons of people quietly love their thunders….they just never been marketed well, but they don’t need to.  In the late 90’s into the 2000’s they gained more market share than anyone else…..
Why do i feel it was in the 2000s when they became popular. Kids picked them up cause their was 3 or 4 graphic thunders per drop, they were the lightest truck at the time and were cheaper than indys. I would go to any shop here and they would sell you thunders cheaper than indys.

I love thunders, but I'm 230 pounds and when i do flip tricks i tend to lean a lot on the way I'm going to rotate, doing this makes my thunders turn and my fs 180 flips end up looking like 130° flips. Coincidentally my best fs has been on Thunders but i have to make the effort to not lean too much. It's on me not the trucks. I love how they skate though.

Venture lows don't turn as much so i could do the lean thing with out turning my fs flip to 130 fs flip. I don't know if it makes sense.

Also, I noticed thunder base plates dig into the board more than ventures. Easy fix. Just rounding off the baseplate a bit with a file or left over black magic grip ;)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on May 12, 2024, 12:43:33 AM
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PJ Ladd has been skating Thunders lately. You can see on his story.

Saw in a couple weeks ago (in person) riding Vents.  /shrug

(we were the only two people at this spot - and it's mostly flat and curbs; dude's super nice and we all know this, but his flat game is just so insane  :o

Anyone else notice how thunder and venture got rid of their team pages? No longer can see it from the menus on the site, but still accessible if you put /team at the end of the URL
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: RichardBarkley on May 12, 2024, 01:52:40 AM
I think if you’re a venture low person and are looking at a 2024 alternative, it’s a 147….

Tons of people quietly love their thunders….they just never been marketed well, but they don’t need to.  In the late 90’s into the 2000’s they gained more market share than anyone else…..

Me in a nutshell. Love them both but the 147 is the perfect truck.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: GT on May 12, 2024, 04:48:35 AM
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I think if you’re a venture low person and are looking at a 2024 alternative, it’s a 147….

Tons of people quietly love their thunders….they just never been marketed well, but they don’t need to.  In the late 90’s into the 2000’s they gained more market share than anyone else…..

Me in a nutshell. Love them both but the 147 is the perfect truck.

Forged or cast plates??
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Vintagebody on May 12, 2024, 05:03:16 AM
147s doesnt have enough kingpin clearence... 148s is the goldilocks thunder, imo
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: RichardBarkley on May 12, 2024, 06:43:19 AM
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I think if you’re a venture low person and are looking at a 2024 alternative, it’s a 147….

Tons of people quietly love their thunders….they just never been marketed well, but they don’t need to.  In the late 90’s into the 2000’s they gained more market share than anyone else…..

Me in a nutshell. Love them both but the 147 is the perfect truck.

Forged or cast plates??

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Gland Dongzig on May 12, 2024, 08:09:34 AM
Does Thunder make a bushing softer than the stock ones?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: LeDave on May 12, 2024, 08:25:54 AM
Does Thunder make a bushing softer than the stock ones?

A quick Google shows true.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DinnerDog425 on May 12, 2024, 08:43:10 AM
Does Thunder make a bushing softer than the stock ones?
No they do not. 90du is as low as they make which is what they allegedly come with.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 12, 2024, 09:03:43 AM
I've DM'ed PJ a few times and he always responds. He said he's trying out Thunder 147 and 148 lights. I'm not sure if he was actually on the Venture team page or just rode them out of habit. Considering Thunder 147 are lower they probably get him closer to where he wants to be. I've noticed a few Venture Lo pros now riding forged highs so maybe inventory and production is low.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: MC3 on May 12, 2024, 09:09:24 AM
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Does Thunder make a bushing softer than the stock ones?
No they do not. 90du is as low as they make which is what they allegedly come with.

I will also say, that I've put the white 90du bushing in a few sets of thunders and they feel significantly softer than the stock clear/blue bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DinnerDog425 on May 12, 2024, 09:45:57 AM
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Does Thunder make a bushing softer than the stock ones?
No they do not. 90du is as low as they make which is what they allegedly come with.

I will also say, that I've put the white 90du bushing in a few sets of thunders and they feel significantly softer than the stock clear/blue bushings.
I agree, I have felt the same way. It’s why I said allegedly 90du.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Gland Dongzig on May 12, 2024, 10:20:39 AM
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Does Thunder make a bushing softer than the stock ones?
No they do not. 90du is as low as they make which is what they allegedly come with.

Thanks man..i will just sand my stock ones down then.
Also @LeDave I only rely on Slap for accurate information about anything in life. No Google here pal.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 12, 2024, 10:47:09 AM
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Does Thunder make a bushing softer than the stock ones?
No they do not. 90du is as low as they make which is what they allegedly come with.

I will also say, that I've put the white 90du bushing in a few sets of thunders and they feel significantly softer than the stock clear/blue bushings.

Yup - they feel softer - DLX, when they posted here, even said they feel softer for some reason.....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dmng on May 12, 2024, 01:31:47 PM
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Does Thunder make a bushing softer than the stock ones?
No they do not. 90du is as low as they make which is what they allegedly come with.

I will also say, that I've put the white 90du bushing in a few sets of thunders and they feel significantly softer than the stock clear/blue bushings.

Yup - they feel softer - DLX, when they posted here, even said they feel softer for some reason.....

They actually feel so different. I find as much difference from medium ace to hard ace than from red 90d thunder to blue stock thunder 90d. Sorry if my English don’t make any sense
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 12, 2024, 08:36:52 PM
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Does Thunder make a bushing softer than the stock ones?
No they do not. 90du is as low as they make which is what they allegedly come with.

I will also say, that I've put the white 90du bushing in a few sets of thunders and they feel significantly softer than the stock clear/blue bushings.

Yup - they feel softer - DLX, when they posted here, even said they feel softer for some reason.....

They actually feel so different. I find as much difference from medium ace to hard ace than from red 90d thunder to blue stock thunder 90d. Sorry if my English don’t make any sense

You made total sense and your comparison is spot on.

Rode my thunders (Team Hollow 148s) today with the black 100s. Tempted to drop back to the 97s and forged plates just to see....there was a few times I had to jump off because I couldn't front foot steer.

Also tried some stock cast Ventures...that was very short lived.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on May 13, 2024, 12:17:25 PM
Do some Thunder Team models have more / less grind clearance than others? I am on my 2nd set and it feels like my first set was slightly less meaty. They are both 148s.

One difference is first set is raw finish where the 2nd is polished. Doesn’t look like much from the picture but they seem slightly beefier to me. Wish I would have weighed them first

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on May 13, 2024, 03:47:43 PM
Do some Thunder Team models have more / less grind clearance than others? I am on my 2nd set and it feels like my first set was slightly less meaty. They are both 148s.

One difference is first set is raw finish where the 2nd is polished. Doesn’t look like much from the picture but they seem slightly beefier to me. Wish I would have weighed them first

I would think not, but it is much the same as when people get new bushings / new trucks, so to compare them to the older ones, things just feel different and look different, or even skate different as well.

Going back many years, I had some raw versions that did skate differently to the polished trucks, but as to the mold being any different, I don't think so, but who knows?!?

There can definitely be differences in bushings, so even to have the nut down half a turn more, you would have better clearance than the kingpin nut up and off a bit - clearance being the main thing I notice a lot on Thunder trucks, compared to some others, like Venture stock, or Indy after I have cut down the kingpin a bit.

Some good wear on the old set there too!!

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on May 13, 2024, 06:27:33 PM
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Does Thunder make a bushing softer than the stock ones?
No they do not. 90du is as low as they make which is what they allegedly come with.

I will also say, that I've put the white 90du bushing in a few sets of thunders and they feel significantly softer than the stock clear/blue bushings.

Yup - they feel softer - DLX, when they posted here, even said they feel softer for some reason.....

They actually feel so different. I find as much difference from medium ace to hard ace than from red 90d thunder to blue stock thunder 90d. Sorry if my English don’t make any sense

You made total sense and your comparison is spot on.

Rode my thunders (Team Hollow 148s) today with the black 100s. Tempted to drop back to the 97s and forged plates just to see....there was a few times I had to jump off because I couldn't front foot steer.

Also tried some stock cast Ventures...that was very short lived.

I’m on forged 151 and 97 and these feel stable while still getting that Thunder responsiveness.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 13, 2024, 07:31:13 PM
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Does Thunder make a bushing softer than the stock ones?
No they do not. 90du is as low as they make which is what they allegedly come with.

I will also say, that I've put the white 90du bushing in a few sets of thunders and they feel significantly softer than the stock clear/blue bushings.

Yup - they feel softer - DLX, when they posted here, even said they feel softer for some reason.....

They actually feel so different. I find as much difference from medium ace to hard ace than from red 90d thunder to blue stock thunder 90d. Sorry if my English don’t make any sense

You made total sense and your comparison is spot on.

Rode my thunders (Team Hollow 148s) today with the black 100s. Tempted to drop back to the 97s and forged plates just to see....there was a few times I had to jump off because I couldn't front foot steer.

Also tried some stock cast Ventures...that was very short lived.

Dipped back to the 97a bushings, wheelbite everywhere. Back to the black 100a!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 14, 2024, 08:09:30 AM
I don't know how you dudes do it. I can't ride Thunders with anything harder than stock 90as. Please send all white Thunder bushings to:

151 Looser Than Thou St
Portland Oregon 97206
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 14, 2024, 08:27:21 AM
There's a few bowl/transition dudes locally that all switched from Indy to Thunder and put in barrel bottoms. I had never seen this before but they swear by it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 14, 2024, 09:04:05 AM
I don't know how you dudes do it. I can't ride Thunders with anything harder than stock 90as. Please send all white Thunder bushings to:

151 Looser Than Thou St
Portland Oregon 97206

Weight? I'm slowly cutting for summer and down to about 185.8 now (trying to hit 180) down from 193.

My previous comment on the 94/97s being so similar is still how I feel; I could easily skate the 97s, cranked a bit, but when they full break in they'd be too soft. The 100s feel just a bit stiff but workable and as they break in should be right.

There's a few bowl/transition dudes locally that all switched from Indy to Thunder and put in barrel bottoms. I had never seen this before but they swear by it.

I find that makes them feel like shit; they lose a ton of what makes thunder a thunder.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: fs1/2cab on May 14, 2024, 09:57:54 AM
There's a few bowl/transition dudes locally that all switched from Indy to Thunder and put in barrel bottoms. I had never seen this before but they swear by it.

I don't ride that much transition but I do that too. Hella stable but still surfy when I want them to. Don't like the feeling of conical bottom bushings.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 14, 2024, 10:41:17 AM
I think if you’re skating a big bowl, it makes sense the stability has more value than the twitch you’re giving up.  If you’re someone for whatever reason….no judgement….rides medium (tight) trucks…..thunders are your obvious truck of choice….and if you’re one of those people, the barrel may make things even more stable. 

I bet as much as he epitomizes the best bowl skater ever….if you stood on Chris Millers board….thunders….rock.  Just a guess though…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 14, 2024, 10:42:18 AM
Might have to try that. I have some 88a Supercush with barrel bottoms that might work nice on some 151s.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on May 14, 2024, 10:52:45 AM
the way the stock thunder is, i put it to the loosest possible, and it seems like there is no way you could wheelbite riding 52mm wheels unless YOU fucked up. but i understand now why people say the wheelbite bodies you. because when you do pinch it down man it really does pinch. my friend rides 2 top bushings and seems like you get SUPER BODIED when you fuck up, but it makes the turning insane.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 14, 2024, 11:35:35 AM
the way the stock thunder is, i put it to the loosest possible, and it seems like there is no way you could wheelbite riding 52mm wheels unless YOU fucked up. but i understand now why people say the wheelbite bodies you. because when you do pinch it down man it really does pinch. my friend rides 2 top bushings and seems like you get SUPER BODIED when you fuck up, but it makes the turning insane.

Of course wheelbite is on the you think the truck turns by itself....I can go in a straight line on stock, forge thunders (even looser than stock), riding 60mm wheels while carrying your boyfriends mom on my back and never wheelbite...Not sure what you are trying to say...people turn, sometimes with it not being planned, wheel bite happens when you turn...not everyone lands bolts every time...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on May 14, 2024, 11:55:18 AM
It’s the angle which you wheelbite which makes thunders bad for me at least….that said…like any truck, lots of people make them work well without issue…..

Aces you’ll do a figure 8 before you wheelbite and Ventures you’ll be skidding on your wheel at a 45 degree angle…
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 14, 2024, 11:57:27 AM
My level of coordination is not the highest and I am not the smoothest so I do wheelbite often. With Thunders it seems that however I lean and the truck turns I wheelbite less frequently with an Ace, but when I do I'm fucked. Is what it is. There's no perfect truck. What fucks me on Thunder is when the kingpin starts snagging.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on May 15, 2024, 07:42:04 AM
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the way the stock thunder is, i put it to the loosest possible, and it seems like there is no way you could wheelbite riding 52mm wheels unless YOU fucked up.

Of course wheelbite is on the you think the truck turns by itself....

HAHA of course...

the way some people were talking about it was like they couldnt go down a stair set because of the trucks... I think it was actually more directed towards Aces. Pretty sure I read someone say they couldnt bs flip 5 stairs with Aces but could do it on Indys or Thunders or something  ;D

But what I think I was trying to actually say was I think Thunders would be one of the BETTER trucks for NOT wheel biting out of all the options... dont you think? while still offering a pretty decent turn when you need it.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 15, 2024, 12:58:28 PM
Every truck wheeltbites, Thunder are just the quickest to do it. I have to ride cast plates, 100a bushings and 51/50mm wheels AND be super self aware/come off shit perfectly...vs other trucks being more forgiving and the variables are much looser with wheel size / bushings duro.

Stock ACEs can wheelbite just as much, it just takes longer for it to happen when it's gonna happen and more often than not you can turn out before then, kinda like how 'at that moment' if you ride tight trucks you can't turn out and fall off, that's where thunders bite for me.

It sounds gimmicky, but Slappys really do wheelbite less than anything else, bushing duro and wheelsize being equal (they're obviously 1/2mm taller than some of the trucks out there).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: rawbertson. on May 16, 2024, 06:55:32 AM
Ahhh I see what you mean
so because Thunder is so pushed up to the nose / tail it will hit faster. I get it now.
the ace feels so tucked in so it feels like it takes forever by the time you wheelbite

I am getting Slappys next actually cause its the only one I have never had and might be a perfect truck for me
-Don't care about weight
-Don't want them hyper turny
-Want lots of grind clearance
-Want to ride bigger wheels / less wheelbite
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 16, 2024, 09:32:00 AM
Ahhh I see what you mean
so because Thunder is so pushed up to the nose / tail it will hit faster. I get it now.
the ace feels so tucked in so it feels like it takes forever by the time you wheelbite

I am getting Slappys next actually cause its the only one I have never had and might be a perfect truck for me
-Don't care about weight
-Don't want them hyper turny
-Want lots of grind clearance
-Want to ride bigger wheels / less wheelbite

Yep, ACE tuck in so it takes them longer.

Slappy are great if you like that ACE/Indy feel, grab the new forged to save a bit on weight, can't hurt; the grind is amazing. Best out, no joke.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: someguy185 on May 22, 2024, 02:20:28 AM
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Why are the Team Hollows hard to come by?

I can’t find them in the UK but hollows and hollow lights are everywhere. Looking for a 148 or 149. Are they not a popular truck? Enjoyed the Teams on my 8.25 and was keen to trim a bit of weight sizing up to 8.5.

No idea. Hard to come by here in the states too. Currently all 3 of my local shops don’t have them in stock. My guess is that Thunder just has too many options, and team hollows are kind of redundant.

The lights weigh as much as the team hollows and the hollow lights weigh less than them. I would wager the average skate consumer who doesn’t care for numbers would just go for the lightest option if they were after hollows. Not sure though.

Also in my experience I liked my team hollows but, I liked my hollow lights way more.

I think from a shop perspective, ordering in some (or one set for smaller places) of everything, then the most popular trucks sell out and it might be a while before placing another order, or even then the local distro has sold out of them as well, so I can see that could be why they sell out and are not restocked in some places.

Also the name of them often doesn't come up correctly or shops / listings don't have the right info on them, but they should be in the price bracket between the basic team editions and the forged baseplate options, so a broad search of Thunder trucks and go from there, just in case.

There seem to be a lot of the 149s here in AU, but not other sizes in the basic polished colour, although there are the one off versions of certain colourways with the team baseplate and hollow kingpins - give or take hollow axles as well.

I haven't seen any in person to know if as per the Thunder site, they do have red bushings, but that could be another thing to look for, but not the be all and end all.

Looks like they’ve made an effort to differentiate the team hollows. Now raw with black pushing while the rest are all polished. (
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Coffee on May 22, 2024, 08:07:09 AM
Yesterday I blew the front and back bushings out on my 147s. I won’t be able to get to the shop for another week or two so I swapped my trucks out with the ventures I was riding before. I thought it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. I rode venture for 20 years before switching to thunder about 4 years ago. Boy was I wrong. I can’t get the ventures loose enough to turn like my thunders just rolling around in front of my house. I don’t ride super loose on my thunders, maybe one thread showing on the king pin but to get even remotely close on the ventures I had to go finger tight. I was thinking of switching back to venture after this deck because I want to size up to an 8.25 but nope. I’ll just deal with having g to replace the stock thunder bushings occasionally.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Richard Skidder on May 22, 2024, 11:23:15 AM
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Why are the Team Hollows hard to come by?

I can’t find them in the UK but hollows and hollow lights are everywhere. Looking for a 148 or 149. Are they not a popular truck? Enjoyed the Teams on my 8.25 and was keen to trim a bit of weight sizing up to 8.5.

No idea. Hard to come by here in the states too. Currently all 3 of my local shops don’t have them in stock. My guess is that Thunder just has too many options, and team hollows are kind of redundant.

The lights weigh as much as the team hollows and the hollow lights weigh less than them. I would wager the average skate consumer who doesn’t care for numbers would just go for the lightest option if they were after hollows. Not sure though.

Also in my experience I liked my team hollows but, I liked my hollow lights way more.

I think from a shop perspective, ordering in some (or one set for smaller places) of everything, then the most popular trucks sell out and it might be a while before placing another order, or even then the local distro has sold out of them as well, so I can see that could be why they sell out and are not restocked in some places.

Also the name of them often doesn't come up correctly or shops / listings don't have the right info on them, but they should be in the price bracket between the basic team editions and the forged baseplate options, so a broad search of Thunder trucks and go from there, just in case.

There seem to be a lot of the 149s here in AU, but not other sizes in the basic polished colour, although there are the one off versions of certain colourways with the team baseplate and hollow kingpins - give or take hollow axles as well.

I haven't seen any in person to know if as per the Thunder site, they do have red bushings, but that could be another thing to look for, but not the be all and end all.

Looks like they’ve made an effort to differentiate the team hollows. Now raw with black pushing while the rest are all polished. (

Not to derail but that Lt. Blue 8.28 Eagle has my attention! Thanks for sharing
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DanRar009 on May 28, 2024, 07:26:27 AM
Anyone know if dlx warranty covers snapped kingpins? 2nd kingpin that’s broke on a set of thunder team standards on me in the last 9 months
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on May 28, 2024, 07:33:04 AM
Anyone know if dlx warranty covers snapped kingpins? 2nd kingpin that’s broke on a set of thunder team standards on me in the last 9 months

I've heard good things about deluxe warranty program. Reach out to them with pics and see what happens
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on May 28, 2024, 07:50:22 AM
Anyone know if dlx warranty covers snapped kingpins? 2nd kingpin that’s broke on a set of thunder team standards on me in the last 9 months

I've heard good things about deluxe warranty program. Reach out to them with pics and see what happens
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 28, 2024, 08:26:09 AM
Kingpins are cheap and easy to purchase and replace. I'm sure DLX will help you out but it will be simpler and quicker just to get some yourself.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: grafiz on May 28, 2024, 11:01:33 AM
yo I am a new Thunder user, whats the difference between Titanium Lights and Titanium?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 28, 2024, 11:15:56 AM
yo I am a new Thunder user, whats the difference between Titanium Lights and Titanium?


Unless you somehow found a pair of 'Team Titaniums"

Titanium Lights (I, II, III all the same) - Ti axle, forged plate, hollow kingpin
TEAM Titaniums - Ti axle, CAST plate (1mm taller than forged), hollow kingpin
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: grafiz on May 28, 2024, 11:21:37 AM
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yo I am a new Thunder user, whats the difference between Titanium Lights and Titanium?


Unless you somehow found a pair of 'Team Titaniums"

Titanium Lights (I, II, III all the same) - Ti hanger, forged plate, hollow kingpin
TEAM Titaniums - Ti Hanger, CAST plate (1mm taller than forged), hollow kingpin

thanks a bunch bro
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: moonordie on May 28, 2024, 11:57:45 AM
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yo I am a new Thunder user, whats the difference between Titanium Lights and Titanium?


Unless you somehow found a pair of 'Team Titaniums"

Titanium Lights (I, II, III all the same) - Ti hanger, forged plate, hollow kingpin
TEAM Titaniums - Ti Hanger, CAST plate (1mm taller than forged), hollow kingpin
Hanger? Is not only the axle?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 28, 2024, 03:41:22 PM
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yo I am a new Thunder user, whats the difference between Titanium Lights and Titanium?


Unless you somehow found a pair of 'Team Titaniums"

Titanium Lights (I, II, III all the same) - Ti hanger, forged plate, hollow kingpin
TEAM Titaniums - Ti Hanger, CAST plate (1mm taller than forged), hollow kingpin
Hanger? Is not only the axle?

Axle yeah, fixed.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Coffee on May 28, 2024, 08:23:30 PM
Got my replacement 94a bushings in today and put them on. Decided to do a side by side comparison of my setups to see how close I could get things. For reference I’m 185lbs.

Main setup, 8x31.5x14.1 deck, thunder 147 with the 94a bushings, spitfire 52mm F4 OG Classics. I set up a couple rocks in the street in front of my house and just skated figure eights around them until I could adjust my trucks to where I like them. I was able to go full weight heel side on my turns with no wheel bite. I’m aware I’ll have to make more adjustments as the bushings break in but for now they are ideal for me.

Old setup, 8x31.5x14 deck, Venture 5.2 lows, Spitfire 52mm F4, not sure of the shape but they were a Cory Kennedy pro wheel from several years ago. Did the same routine however before I could get the turns as tight as the Thunders I was leaning straight into wheel bite and getting tossed. The turn felt just as stable as the Thunders, it just couldn’t make as tight of turn.

3rd setup not a direct comparison, 8.5x31.5x14 deck, Indy strange 11 standard 149’s, Spitfire 54mm conical fulls. Obviously a taller truck on a wider board but was able to get the same turn radius as the Thunders but it didn’t feel anywhere near as stable. Actually quite the opposite, kind of wobbly.

All of this leads to my decision to go with Thunder 148’s when I size up to and 8.25 deck for my next setup. I was leaning this way anyways but this solidified it. I may take all three setups to the park and try them out there but I doubt anything will change my mind.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 29, 2024, 11:43:30 AM

I may take all three setups to the park and try them out there but I doubt anything will change my mind.

Don't! Just take one with the Thunders you already seem set on; you will never get a feel for any of them by switching back and forth (unless they are identical in everyway but trucks). This is from personal experience.

@ok ;)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on May 29, 2024, 12:14:47 PM
Got my replacement 94a bushings in today and put them on. Decided to do a side by side comparison of my setups to see how close I could get things. For reference I’m 185lbs.

Main setup, 8x31.5x14.1 deck, thunder 147 with the 94a bushings, spitfire 52mm F4 OG Classics. I set up a couple rocks in the street in front of my house and just skated figure eights around them until I could adjust my trucks to where I like them. I was able to go full weight heel side on my turns with no wheel bite. I’m aware I’ll have to make more adjustments as the bushings break in but for now they are ideal for me.

Old setup, 8x31.5x14 deck, Venture 5.2 lows, Spitfire 52mm F4, not sure of the shape but they were a Cory Kennedy pro wheel from several years ago. Did the same routine however before I could get the turns as tight as the Thunders I was leaning straight into wheel bite and getting tossed. The turn felt just as stable as the Thunders, it just couldn’t make as tight of turn.

3rd setup not a direct comparison, 8.5x31.5x14 deck, Indy strange 11 standard 149’s, Spitfire 54mm conical fulls. Obviously a taller truck on a wider board but was able to get the same turn radius as the Thunders but it didn’t feel anywhere near as stable. Actually quite the opposite, kind of wobbly.

All of this leads to my decision to go with Thunder 148’s when I size up to and 8.25 deck for my next setup. I was leaning this way anyways but this solidified it. I may take all three setups to the park and try them out there but I doubt anything will change my mind.

they are all gonna laugh at you!

nah, do you.
my experience on this is that less is more, but that’s a very do as i say, not as i do thing for me to write out here.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 29, 2024, 01:30:38 PM
Best solution that works for me:

(same board/bearings/wheels; equivlent bushing duro depending on truck style that gives the feel you think you are looking for, e.g., for me it's 100a thunder bushings, 94a indy bushings, conicidnetly they are both black).

Take a board with the trucks out for a session, no switching during the session.
Next day/session, do the same thing with different trucks, no switching during the session.

Now the caveat here is the 'session' this isn't rolling around in a parking lot doing mobbed rocket flips (sorry dude) - unless that is all you do -  but actually skating...around, hitting different shit....ollies over shit, ledges, flat, gotta use them in all the situations that you normally skate...again, if you only do a handful of tricks when you and where you skate, then fine, that's how you test them/is the use case.

Each truck can give/has an edge in some capicty based on terrain.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Coffee on May 29, 2024, 03:26:36 PM
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I may take all three setups to the park and try them out there but I doubt anything will change my mind.


Don't! Just take one with the Thunders you already seem set on; you will never get a feel for any of them by switching back and forth (unless they are identical in everyway but trucks). This is from personal experience.

@ok ;)

Ended up not being able to get out today so fuck the Venture setup, I’m just going to keep it around for a back up. I know I like the Thunders so I’m just going to stick with them.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 29, 2024, 03:47:54 PM
By the time a setup feels good you'll switch to the next, struggle with it cuz you aren't used to it, then go to the last one and struggle with it b/c you started adapting your timing for setup 2 and soon enough you'll be fucking annoyed as all shit. Don't do that shit.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on May 29, 2024, 04:08:00 PM
By the time a setup feels good you'll switch to the next, struggle with it cuz you aren't used to it, then go to the last one and struggle with it b/c you started adapting your timing for setup 2 and soon enough you'll be fucking annoyed as all shit. Don't do that shit.

yeah pretty much.

but maaaaaaaaaaaaayyyybeeeeeeeeee
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on May 29, 2024, 06:12:20 PM
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By the time a setup feels good you'll switch to the next, struggle with it cuz you aren't used to it, then go to the last one and struggle with it b/c you started adapting your timing for setup 2 and soon enough you'll be fucking annoyed as all shit. Don't do that shit.

yeah pretty much.

but maaaaaaaaaaaaayyyybeeeeeeeeee

@CarcassToss is correct tho, the more you fuck around (I'm super guilty) the harder it is to re-adapt; I only suggest he try out the same shit with each truck setup to figure out which he likes more. It's pretty easy to do. Better yet do the coin flip, if you hate the result you know your answer (and I swear everyone knows what they're leaning towards).
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on May 29, 2024, 09:17:12 PM
oh totally agree that switching it up is not fruitful.

waaaaay back when, i’d lay off of skating for a short period of time, say a few months, hurt or focusing on the wrong things, come back to it, get a new setup, learn a different trick. i mistakenly thought that these different setups were giving me fresh eyes, a different perspective.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 31, 2024, 09:56:00 AM
A few years back I walked into my local and they had nothing in stock that I would normally want, but I wanted to setup a deck and skate right after. I ended up getting an April that was kinda close to what I normally ride, but terrible graphic. Skated amazing, probably because my underlying setup anxiety was gone. Also lasted a really long time oddly. After that deck I got a Limo that I was like 'fuck yah these dims seem perfect, the team is dope, love the graphic and details' and I skated horribly. Hated every minute on that deck and snapped doing a half cab on flat haha.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: smg1138 on May 31, 2024, 12:02:23 PM
By the time a setup feels good you'll switch to the next, struggle with it cuz you aren't used to it, then go to the last one and struggle with it b/c you started adapting your timing for setup 2 and soon enough you'll be fucking annoyed as all shit. Don't do that shit.

I've been doing the 2 setup thing for a while and it's driving me bonkers. I have an 8.5 for tranny and cruising and an 8 for more technical skating cause I can't flip an 8.5 for shit. Lately I've been trying out an 8.25 as a middle ground and I'm starting to get more used to it. Hoping this will cure my madness.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on May 31, 2024, 03:25:10 PM
I have a transition setup, but I don't have any illusions about it being ideal for non transition stuff and frankly it's a bit extra. I'm not Wade Speyer, just trying to get onto the coping in bigger bowls and have a bit of extra length/stability. It still has Ventures, which the Ace camp would have you believe are not rideable on transition.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: mdspb on May 31, 2024, 03:52:49 PM
Wade rode Ventures, so you might be onto something with that setup.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 31, 2024, 08:17:25 PM
So did other Think ATVS Phil, Drehobl.... Not sure who ever said Venture or Thunder aren't good for transition but if anyone did they'd be wrong...

Again, its just a different approach.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on June 01, 2024, 12:54:59 AM

Are the Thunder IKP finally officially out???

* Maybe just another "Whoops shouldn't have posted those yet" type of thing, but this is here in AU, so I guess they are getting out all over, not just in SF or USA.

( (

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: DinnerDog425 on June 01, 2024, 05:22:50 AM
I haven’t seen them at my shop yet, like you said someone was flowed some by deluxe and it was likely a whoops post.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Rick Trapasso on June 01, 2024, 07:04:55 AM
That's exciting to see them this closely.

Hope they don't loosen on their own like most ikp's

KP clearance is def a weak spot on thunders so this is a welcome change as far as I'm concerned, if it works of course.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on June 01, 2024, 08:32:39 AM
Wade rode Ventures, so you might be onto something with that setup.

Exactly why he was my reference!
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on June 01, 2024, 05:37:20 PM
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Wade rode Ventures, so you might be onto something with that setup.

Exactly why he was my reference!
So did other Think ATVS Phil, Drehobl.... Not sure who ever said Venture or Thunder aren't good for transition but if anyone did they'd be wrong...

Again, its just a different approach.

Those guys mid to late 90s were pretty much what I enjoyed the most of any era of any skating - Wade Speyer, Dan Drehobl, Phil Shao all on Ventures, even Cardiel on Ventures at that time.

It was a pretty special time to me.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Dad Board on June 01, 2024, 06:10:22 PM

Are the Thunder IKP finally officially out???

* Maybe just another "Whoops shouldn't have posted those yet" type of thing, but this is here in AU, so I guess they are getting out all over, not just in SF or USA.

( (

Yeah he definitely wasn’t supposed to post that.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on June 01, 2024, 06:36:25 PM
Please tell me a new color of Thunder bushings means new DLX and Venture bushings.

Also these don't look like the T2...
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on June 01, 2024, 07:14:53 PM
Please tell me a new color of Thunder bushings means new DLX and Venture bushings.

Also these don't look like the T2...

Things take a while to get out here to Australia, so I am guessing these are NOT the newer T2 truck and just the inverted kingpin version of their normal truck, but who knows really.

More than anything it is just good that these products are getting out to team riders all over, be it for testing or at the very least to provide them with the product first, which is what happened with the Spitfire Formula Four wheels back in 2012 before release in 2013, so it was pretty cool to see and skate the new wheels from a team riders' board back then, before they were even available for the general public.

Re bushing colour, I am also guessing with the new model of truck, having a very distinctive and different bushing colour is the main thing to recognising them - of course the inverted kingpin is highly visible, but like with the 148s with the distinctive orange bushings, or the Venture 6.1 trucks when they first came out, with the yellow bushings - both something that was easily seen and different to any current stock out there.

But yes I would be stoked to see and get more DLX bushings too.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Lou Strux on June 01, 2024, 08:09:00 PM
So did other Think ATVS Phil, Drehobl.... Not sure who ever said Venture or Thunder aren't good for transition but if anyone did they'd be wrong...

Again, its just a different approach.
Worth noting, regardless: the Thunders & Ventures we ride today are NOT THE SAME as they were back in those fine gentlemen's era.
Make of that what you will.
I ride all of my trucks everywhere (such as I'm able.)
Do people really NOT ride certain trucks on certain terrain, or... ?
I mean, they all seem to work pretty well for me in most every scenario.
Granted, I prefer MORE turn to less, but I don't recall ever having a bummer session on some other trucks (big 4 only) to the point where, once adjusted to my prefs, they wouldn't perform in a perfectly serviceable manner.
I'm not spinning 900s like Arisa, but I'd wager preference leads over skill when it comes to truck selection.  In other words: them's what do will likely DO on whatever you put under them.
How far off am I on this, PALS?
Don't be bashful; let my uncultured ass have it w/ your opinions.  I need to understand.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on June 01, 2024, 08:54:10 PM
You are correct Lou. Although, you don't see many vert riders these days on Ventures. You used to.

It would be interesting to really take a look at how much Thunder and Venture have changed since their inception.

Also, why I think Thunder should really celebrate its history and come up with slightly higher, turnier truck again.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Fifty8mm on June 02, 2024, 12:21:25 AM
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So did other Think ATVS Phil, Drehobl.... Not sure who ever said Venture or Thunder aren't good for transition but if anyone did they'd be wrong...

Again, its just a different approach.
Worth noting, regardless: the Thunders & Ventures we ride today are NOT THE SAME as they were back in those fine gentlemen's era.
Make of that what you will.
I ride all of my trucks everywhere (such as I'm able.)
Do people really NOT ride certain trucks on certain terrain, or... ?
I mean, they all seem to work pretty well for me in most every scenario.
Granted, I prefer MORE turn to less, but I don't recall ever having a bummer session on some other trucks (big 4 only) to the point where, once adjusted to my prefs, they wouldn't perform in a perfectly serviceable manner.
I'm not spinning 900s like Arisa, but I'd wager preference leads over skill when it comes to truck selection.  In other words: them's what do will likely DO on whatever you put under them.
How far off am I on this, PALS?
Don't be bashful; let my uncultured ass have it w/ your opinions.  I need to understand.
Honestly, I think at my skill level it doesn't matter what I skate, I do PREFER venture lows though. I could skate better on thunders 147s but Venture lows are the coolest looking truck in my eyes. At the end of the day i try to skate what i get hyped on, and what looks cool to me.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on June 02, 2024, 08:43:08 AM
I skated my first Thunders in 1997 and they were not higher or more turny. Highs were rare to find in store at the time and IIRC Indy's were the highest.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: on June 02, 2024, 09:31:27 AM
You can find a ripping transition skater on every brand of truck.  Plus they have all been redesigned considerably over time.  That said, the marketing and how the truck fits into your narrative is totally valid, it's just not consistent to everyone else.

I always think of that Chris Miller part, he's on Thunders and one of my favourite parts ever on transition.  That said, I suspect he's skating them pretty tight.  Mcrank is an ATV GOAT....rode thunders when he was on Royal bonus points.

I'd say on transition, they still give you a rad little bit of carve then stabilize which would work.  I've always hated how Thunders wheelbite but I think it's more impact related, not so much carving around.  If you want to get really turny though, ACEs, Indys.....
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on June 02, 2024, 10:43:16 AM
You are correct Lou. Although, you don't see many vert riders these days on Ventures. You used to.

It would be interesting to really take a look at how much Thunder and Venture have changed since their inception.

Also, why I think Thunder should really celebrate its history and come up with slightly higher, turnier truck again.

Having skating both Thunder and Venture since their inception and many was purley follks wanting a peice of the pie and marketing 'street' trucks. They both turned more traditionally than than they do now (obvioulsy it's tough to remember a feel from decades ago). Hell Ventures were supposed to be a Tracker alternative (and thunder to indy) that was lighter and turned faster (hence the street marketing).

OG thunder plates were so cool, heavy goth architecture vibe+all the skulls and shit.

( (

Ads were super raw/punk rock too. This was the first pool (pool, not bowl and a shitty one) I skated (we used to hitch hike ot it). He's going over the light on a wall that was just straight ass vert in the deep end with minimal (and steep/quick) tranny.


Thunders were the OG hesh truck.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on June 02, 2024, 12:58:39 PM
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You are correct Lou. Although, you don't see many vert riders these days on Ventures. You used to.

It would be interesting to really take a look at how much Thunder and Venture have changed since their inception.

Also, why I think Thunder should really celebrate its history and come up with slightly higher, turnier truck again.

Having skating both Thunder and Venture since their inception and many was purley follks wanting a peice of the pie and marketing 'street' trucks. They both turned more traditionally than than they do now (obvioulsy it's tough to remember a feel from decades ago). Hell Ventures were supposed to be a Tracker alternative (and thunder to indy) that was lighter and turned faster (hence the street marketing).

OG thunder plates were so cool, heavy goth architecture vibe+all the skulls and shit.

( (

Ads were super raw/punk rock too. This was the first pool (pool, not bowl and a shitty one) I skated (we used to hitch hike ot it). He's going over the light on a wall that was just straight ass vert in the deep end with minimal (and steep/quick) tranny.


Thunders were the OG hesh truck.

this is sick
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: gaunting on June 02, 2024, 01:06:38 PM
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So did other Think ATVS Phil, Drehobl.... Not sure who ever said Venture or Thunder aren't good for transition but if anyone did they'd be wrong...

Again, its just a different approach.
Worth noting, regardless: the Thunders & Ventures we ride today are NOT THE SAME as they were back in those fine gentlemen's era.
Make of that what you will.
I ride all of my trucks everywhere (such as I'm able.)
Do people really NOT ride certain trucks on certain terrain, or... ?
I mean, they all seem to work pretty well for me in most every scenario.
Granted, I prefer MORE turn to less, but I don't recall ever having a bummer session on some other trucks (big 4 only) to the point where, once adjusted to my prefs, they wouldn't perform in a perfectly serviceable manner.
I'm not spinning 900s like Arisa, but I'd wager preference leads over skill when it comes to truck selection.  In other words: them's what do will likely DO on whatever you put under them.
How far off am I on this, PALS?
Don't be bashful; let my uncultured ass have it w/ your opinions.  I need to understand.

I definitely agree. when I started skating in 2000, thunder high’s had a good amount of clearance. I dont remember exactly when, but thunder re did their 145 and 147, and didnt really advertise it, until one day a thunder ad with buzentiz was in the new thrasher, and they had pics of the re design. wanna say it was 2006ish?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on June 02, 2024, 01:56:20 PM
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You are correct Lou. Although, you don't see many vert riders these days on Ventures. You used to.

It would be interesting to really take a look at how much Thunder and Venture have changed since their inception.

Also, why I think Thunder should really celebrate its history and come up with slightly higher, turnier truck again.

Having skating both Thunder and Venture since their inception and many was purley follks wanting a peice of the pie and marketing 'street' trucks. They both turned more traditionally than than they do now (obvioulsy it's tough to remember a feel from decades ago). Hell Ventures were supposed to be a Tracker alternative (and thunder to indy) that was lighter and turned faster (hence the street marketing).

OG thunder plates were so cool, heavy goth architecture vibe+all the skulls and shit.

( (

Ads were super raw/punk rock too. This was the first pool (pool, not bowl and a shitty one) I skated (we used to hitch hike ot it). He's going over the light on a wall that was just straight ass vert in the deep end with minimal (and steep/quick) tranny.


Thunders were the OG hesh truck.

Damn this is epic! I remember getting Thunders mostly because Marc Johnson and a lot of riders I liked did too. Gino rode them in Trilogy I think? I loved em and learned almost everything on them. Eventually I skated a lot of Ventures and I'm not sure when it was but I accidentally bought Venturr highs at some point and that's when I finally loosened my trucks past 90's tight.

Weren't Venture originally an Indy alternative? I thought I remember reading somewhere, maybe Feedback Ted posted it, that the first versions had the same geometry and they just put the wing shape in the middle to differentiate them in ads. IIRC their first ad was with Gonz? I'm likely wrong, but I had thought Venture and Thunder were marketed as the street alternatives to Indy, Tracker, and transition trucks.

While we're at it anyone remember Orion? I had quite a few sets of those too because I went through a Kalis worship phase.

Out of curiosity has anyone ever compared the olde Thunder or Venture geo with the new ones? That would be really interesting.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on June 02, 2024, 02:20:12 PM
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Expand Quote
You are correct Lou. Although, you don't see many vert riders these days on Ventures. You used to.

It would be interesting to really take a look at how much Thunder and Venture have changed since their inception.

Also, why I think Thunder should really celebrate its history and come up with slightly higher, turnier truck again.

Having skating both Thunder and Venture since their inception and many was purley follks wanting a peice of the pie and marketing 'street' trucks. They both turned more traditionally than than they do now (obvioulsy it's tough to remember a feel from decades ago). Hell Ventures were supposed to be a Tracker alternative (and thunder to indy) that was lighter and turned faster (hence the street marketing).

OG thunder plates were so cool, heavy goth architecture vibe+all the skulls and shit.

( (

Ads were super raw/punk rock too. This was the first pool (pool, not bowl and a shitty one) I skated (we used to hitch hike ot it). He's going over the light on a wall that was just straight ass vert in the deep end with minimal (and steep/quick) tranny.


Thunders were the OG hesh truck.

Damn this is epic! I remember getting Thunders mostly because Marc Johnson and a lot of riders I liked did too. Gino rode them in Trilogy I think? I loved em and learned almost everything on them. Eventually I skated a lot of Ventures and I'm not sure when it was but I accidentally bought Venturr highs at some point and that's when I finally loosened my trucks past 90's tight.

Weren't Venture originally an Indy alternative? I thought I remember reading somewhere, maybe Feedback Ted posted it, that the first versions had the same geometry and they just put the wing shape in the middle to differentiate them in ads. IIRC their first ad was with Gonz? I'm likely wrong, but I had thought Venture and Thunder were marketed as the street alternatives to Indy, Tracker, and transition trucks.

While we're at it anyone remember Orion? I had quite a few sets of those too because I went through a Kalis worship phase.

Out of curiosity has anyone ever compared the olde Thunder or Venture geo with the new ones? That would be really interesting.

gino was on thunders pre trilogy, and maybe a few clips in there too.
he does a pupecki (maybe switch?) at some point, possibly in af1s and on a board with indy’s. i can’t remember, my mind is fuzzy.
the thunder team always made me want to ride them, way more than indy. lots of dudes, mj, ellington, herman, wade, ishod, nate jones, dennis b, lots of folks.

i had one set of orions, and they were kinda sick. weird time in my life, i want to say very early 2000s. i’d try anything (same as now), and got some orions to go on an aesthetics board. the bushings were kinda fucked, from me cranking them straight away like a kook, and the bushings were small. had to get bones bushings to replace em. off track but there was like three or four skateshops in the city at that time, now there’s one, sorta two.

i’d be very interested in how the trucks, both venture and thunder, have changed over time.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Frank and Fred on June 02, 2024, 04:25:44 PM

Weren't Venture originally an Indy alternative?

Correct. Also several stages of Venture and Thunder were designed by one  the Ace head honchos, Steve "Shrewgy' Ruge.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Skookum on June 02, 2024, 06:34:16 PM
I had to log in just to add my 2 cents.
Ryan Johnson rode thunders and absolutely ripped grass valley pools(and massive handrails). So if a ATV ripper like RJ can ride thunders bolted to a 151 plank and handle the shallows of a swimmer… hesh / fresh don’t matter thunders turn great, grind great and as someone said earlier they may not market to your narrative.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: CarcassToss on June 02, 2024, 07:27:56 PM
Man that's a name I haven't heard in forever. I remember when he got on New Deal, but he faded out equally quick what happened?
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: French manicure on June 02, 2024, 07:37:43 PM
Man that's a name I haven't heard in forever. I remember when he got on New Deal, but he faded out equally quick what happened?

According to two of the comments on his part from the 7 year glitch video he was/is:

"he works at lions den skatepark a few days out of the week and shreds the gnar like no other" (comment from 14 years ago)
"He still rips bro he still in the Fresno I think" (comment from 1 year ago)
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on June 03, 2024, 11:08:39 AM
Got a bit of bushing madness:

Thunder 90a - Too soft
Thunder 92a - Still too soft
Thunder 94a - too hard
Bones Hards - responsive, but too hard still

I've given up on conical style bushings for now, and want to try Independent barrel bushings. I'm pretty sure I read on here that they fit Thunders. Any recommendation on either the 90 or 92? I think the 94s are out of the question. Just want more stability.

Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Ok on June 03, 2024, 12:22:01 PM
Got a bit of bushing madness:

Thunder 90a - Too soft
Thunder 92a - Still too soft
Thunder 94a - too hard
Bones Hards - responsive, but too hard still

I've given up on conical style bushings for now, and want to try Independent barrel bushings. I'm pretty sure I read on here that they fit Thunders. Any recommendation on either the 90 or 92? I think the 94s are out of the question. Just want more stability.

respectfully. nah.

skate the 94a bushings, just break them in. there’s a lot of ways to speed this up, you could sand them down just a touch, and/or compulsively rock back and forth whilst tightening and loosening the kingpin nut, to try and break things in faster.
my experience has been, again and again, that the stock bushings are the stock bushings, for reasons.

or summon our bushing champion, @Xen, and he might be able to get you squared away
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Xen on June 03, 2024, 12:29:03 PM
Expand Quote
Got a bit of bushing madness:

Thunder 90a - Too soft
Thunder 92a - Still too soft
Thunder 94a - too hard
Bones Hards - responsive, but too hard still

I've given up on conical style bushings for now, and want to try Independent barrel bushings. I'm pretty sure I read on here that they fit Thunders. Any recommendation on either the 90 or 92? I think the 94s are out of the question. Just want more stability.

respectfully. nah.

skate the 94a bushings, just break them in. there’s a lot of ways to speed this up, you could sand them down just a touch, and/or compulsively rock back and forth whilst tightening and loosening the kingpin nut, to try and break things in faster.
my experience has been, again and again, that the stock bushings are the stock bushings, for reasons.

or summon our bushing champion, @Xen, and he might be able to get you squared away

Depends on your weight. Like @ok said, break in the 94s, they get soft pretty quick (I found them, and the 97s, too soft @190lbs or so). Problem with thunder bottoms is the height, nothing matches it, everything is shorter.

Sand down the bottom portion of the TOP bushing or buy a set of bushings with a low Hard(er) top and use the thunder bottom low hard top (ACE come to mind).

If you still have the 94s and the Bones hard, suggest using the thunder 94 bottom (with the bones flat washer as bottom washer) and the bones hard top (NO top washer) and see what you get. That bones hard top will compress down to a low real fast giving you a bit more wiggle room with how much you need to tighten the kingpin nut.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: diplodocus on June 03, 2024, 03:29:54 PM
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Got a bit of bushing madness:

Thunder 90a - Too soft
Thunder 92a - Still too soft
Thunder 94a - too hard
Bones Hards - responsive, but too hard still

I've given up on conical style bushings for now, and want to try Independent barrel bushings. I'm pretty sure I read on here that they fit Thunders. Any recommendation on either the 90 or 92? I think the 94s are out of the question. Just want more stability.

respectfully. nah.

skate the 94a bushings, just break them in. there’s a lot of ways to speed this up, you could sand them down just a touch, and/or compulsively rock back and forth whilst tightening and loosening the kingpin nut, to try and break things in faster.
my experience has been, again and again, that the stock bushings are the stock bushings, for reasons.

or summon our bushing champion, @Xen, and he might be able to get you squared away

I've always used stock bushings for this reason but I was getting desperate ha

Anyway thank you and @Xen too. I'm gonna try breaking these in some more and if that doesn't work I'll try the other suggestions.
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Obijuan91 on June 03, 2024, 04:51:07 PM
Did anyone ever figure out who was testing the T2s? Was it axel crysburgh. Just realized he used to be Indy forever and has been on thunders lately
Title: Re: The Thunder Thread
Post by: Mbrimson88 on June 03, 2024, 05:19:14 PM
Did anyone ever figure out who was testing the T2s? Was it axel crysburgh. Just realized he used to be Indy forever and has been on thunders lately

You might be thinking of Mason on either the Real or his own Instagram or other clips, when he had the board set up with those trucks on the 93 duro Spitfire wheels.

I am sure quite a lot of people had them though - others on here said they either had a skate of them, or saw them on boards in shop or similar situations.